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almost 5 years ago - /u/LinseyMurdock - Direct link

I agree that we need a break bar tutorial. The reason I didn't push for it to happen with these tutorial achievements (other than being short on the time to do it) was because we were specifically targeting level 1-10 players and break bars aren't relevant at that level.

almost 5 years ago - /u/LinseyMurdock - Direct link

Originally posted by MoXAriApph

Is there a reason you guys were short on time? It wasn't announced until right before it was released (technically teased early due to oopsies)

Also I'd argue Breakbars are very relevant at any level, CC is important in all content and breakbars do show up in lower level content, even if infrequently

We wanted to get a first set of changes out as soon as possible so we could start seeing what would help improve the new players experience as soon as possible and start iterating on that.

I would still argue that break bars and CC are generally not relevant in the level 1-10 content of the core game. I am not arguing that it's not important or that we don't need a tutorial for it, I agree that we absolutely do. It just doesn't meet the bar for required in level 1-10 content.

almost 5 years ago - /u/LinseyMurdock - Direct link

Originally posted by Guildwars1996

Okay obvious question is it possible there will be more changes to the new player experience.

It is possible.

almost 5 years ago - /u/LinseyMurdock - Direct link

Originally posted by Throwawayalt129

I realize you're saying not "generally" needed, but I immediately thought of the champion bandits in Kryta zones and the champions that spawn from awakened incursions. I'd also argue that teaching people about breakbars and cc as early as possible would be better for the state of the game as a whole. There are people at lvl 80 who dont know what breakbars or cc are. If you expect people to migrate from open world to instanced content, you need to teach them the mechanics of instanced content in open world, or they'll get frustrated and quit.

I absolutely, 100% agree that break bars should be better taught, or even taught at all. I will never argue to the contrary. However I also think we should be very careful about how many things like that we should be throwing at new players and I do not think this is required for level 1-10 content.

almost 5 years ago - /u/LinseyMurdock - Direct link

Originally posted by Hastaroth

So it's on the table? :P

We have been fairly open that this is the beginning of us doing some experimentation on how to improve the new player experience.

almost 5 years ago - /u/LinseyMurdock - Direct link

Originally posted by Lon-ami

Please restore all the renown heart vendor items you deleted the last time, specially the crafting recipes!

heh. That was done by folks who are looooooong gone. It does make me sad though. I made a lot of those recipes.

almost 5 years ago - /u/LinseyMurdock - Direct link

Originally posted by Samug

I know it may be too early for that, but starting bosses can be a great introduction to both CC/breakbar and dodges. Just give them a break bar and scatter some rocks/sticks/cogs around. Each of the first instance bosses have a big CC attack, just make it a danger circle like in raids.

In the past we actually removed teaching of that kind for the downed system because we found that throwing mechanic tutorials like that at new players so early is not actually effective and it can be a turn off because there is so much to learn about the game.

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