about 8 years ago - /u/ArenaNetEvanL - Direct link

Originally posted by GrapeJustice

Evan Lesh ignored and denied it, and other season issues, until the last week of the Season. People told him week 1.

I'm glad they finally listened...but holy kitten did it take so long. Terrible turn around if this is going to be the practice for PvP development going forward.

Taking action against individual accounts is always a last resort. We absolutely have taken feedback into consideration and have built two systems during this season that will help prevent abuse in the future. The minimum games feature we even pushed early in a hotfix to remove some of the accounts from the leaderboard.

about 8 years ago - /u/ArenaNetEvanL - Direct link

Originally posted by grunt221

The thing is people will always cheat, especially when it's for titles only a handful of players will get, and if your not gonna police the game mode then you shouldn't have limited titles and go back to how it was in season 1-4. Also there's no way to really report cheaters as the right click report function is quite useless outside of reporting gold sellers.

If you're in a PvP match, there are options for idle player and match manipulation. These were added not too long ago.