Original Post — Direct link

Got this email last night. It basically said I was banned for dealing in-game Gold.

The account it was sent to, wasn't even remotely related to GW2.

I immediately inspected the link and dat scam revealed itself!


External link β†’
about 11 years ago - /u/ArenaNetSupportTeam - Direct link

Thanks for posting the warning!

We have a big thread on our official forums about this, including tasty (well, ok, not-so-tasty) samples of the phishing attempts. Here's the thread: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/support/account/A-Note-about-Phishing-Emails-1/first#post2074388

If you ever want to send over a potential addition to our "sampler," you can post it here (but kindly remove all the sketchy links first ;) ): https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/support/account/e-Mail-from-ArenaNet-Please-read-merged/first#post1807876

Thanks again. We all need to be careful and cautious with emails.

about 11 years ago - /u/ArenaNetSupportTeam - Direct link

Originally posted by pure_satire

Alright "ArenaNetSupportTeam", if that is your real name. The jig is up! We all know those are links to phishing websites!

Dang, the jig is up. Here I am posting and gasp! sending you to the official forums! Definitely a sketchy act on my part. ;)