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over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by thornierlamb

There is a clear increase in delay with unlocked fps compared to locked fps. Something must be wierd with the engine at higher fps.

Cool, thanks for this. The team is definitely aware of a known issue where enabling uncapped framerate does introduce additional input delay. For players experiencing issues, we do suggest disabling/returning to 60FPS. Pursing variable frame rate support and non-standard FOVs were always known to be a risky proposition and results will definitely vary given the underlying foundation of the title (content and systems authored for a specific FOV and specific frame rate).

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by ZizWing

Your wording here scares me a little. Can we expect you guys to attempt a fix for this in the future (I say attempt due to possible engine limitations like you mentioned), or is this something we'll have to live with? This would seriously dampen my interest in playing multiplayer at the very least.

Anyway thank you for being so vocal about all these issues these last few months, it really shows how much effort is going into this release.

This issue is definitely being looked into. I'm seeing a lot of folks just jumping to conclusions that this is somehow being 'brushed off' - which it's not. We've made dedicated threads here on Reddit to get more info. Getting to the bottom of this is a big priority. The team has found that uncapped FR is introducing a frame or two of extra input latency, so the suggestion is for folks to try disabling that and see how it feels. Is that the ONLY culprit? Hard to say, but it is a constant with most every report we've received. It's a tricky issue since we have a lot of vocal folks on reddit and social (and no way of knowing how many are actually playing/speaking from first hand vs. just piling on - I have to believe a lot of noise is the latter) and many folks here in the studio haven't personally experienced this (including 343's "pro team" which is all former Halo pros who are very sensitive and aware of these types of things). Further, the amount of actual tickets filed on the Halo Support site are quite low - certainly compared to the anecdotal noise and feedback here and on social. The team is painfully aware of this feedback and is continuing to investigate what could be going on. As part of this, we plan to announce today that the flight is being extended and a patch/update is being worked on to hopefully include fixes for a number of current issues.

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by SPARTAN-G013

Yeah, unfortunately for PC gaming, 60fps isn’t the standard anymore. I don’t even own a PC, but I’m planning on getting one before Infinite. This is extremely disappointing if 60fps is the highest PC players can go while having an actual good gameplay experience.

Uncapped and FOV sliders were always a goal but given the state of the game and how old the code is and how it was never natively built to do this, the team always knew it could have mixed results and unforeseen consequences. It's definitely still something they're working through.

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by ChieftaiNZ

You do realise the input lag is prevalent, even when locked at 60 FPS right?

5 years ago MCC was originally released and its issues were brushed off for years, seeing this comment as brought me right back to 2014-2016 and its beyond disappointing.

I'm really curious how that post was interpreted as 'brushing off' this issue? I'm asking folks to try disabling uncapped and see if that helps the situation. It's one of many areas the team is working through.

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by Hoenirson

There are multiple reports that the input delay is present even when limiting to 60 fps. I hope you can find a solution that isn't simply to recommend players to limit their framerate. PC gamers aren't keen to limit their framerate to 60 fps in online shooters EVEN if there is no input lag.

It'll be a bad way to introduce the MCC to PC and it'll discourage PC gamers to buy subsequent MCC releases. You guys have to bring Halo back to PC with a bang. Do it right, please. I'm confident you can. I'd rather wait another year for a great release than get a shoddy version right now.

I didn't say this was the solution. It's currently one known contributing factor. And, despite all the noise here and on twitter, the amount of actual tickets being filed for mouse input by people actually in the flight is quite low. This doesn't help the team quantify and understand the scope of the issue. Meanwhile, other players are saying "it feels great." It's somewhat challening to wade through the subjective feedback and noise, but it's currently a top priority with the team and they are continuing to investigate.

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by GhostlyPixel

Seems to be a lot of issues with unlocked FPS, another which I’ve been having is the game soft-crashing. They’ve definitely got things to look at.

There are numerous known issues pertaining to locks and crashes - I'm told a lot of these are already addressed (keep in mind the flight build is several weeks old by this point). Hopefully you've been able to file a support ticket regarding your specific issue?

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by 77Mynameislol77

Uncapped framerates should not increase input lag, something must has gone very wrong somewhere.

You should seriously consider implementing raw input, it will (mostly) fix both the input lag for capped, AND uncapped framerate.

FWIW I'm told that Reach PC is using raw input...

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by Stone-J

Any news on how long it's being extended?

At least a week, potentially longer, will really depend when the patch is ready and when it gets out the door and then how much time we need with that in the wild / how well it addresses some of these issues...

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by Terg500

Just wanting to say thank you.

I can see you guys are taking this port very seriously so I'm very hopeful for the final release. I just hope you can get the server issues figured out before then that are plaguing the console version as well. Out of 20 games I have been on 1 or 2 EU servers.

For sure the team is taking the whole thing seriously. Server latency-related reports are also a top priority for the team and a number of things have been happening behind the scenes as they keep working on this. As for matching NA most of the time, I do think that's largely due to the vast majority of the flight population being in NA. But we know this is a longstanding pain point for players outside of NA and it's something the team isn't giving up on. I do believe eventually (potentially post launch) there will also be a manual option to just select a server of your choice (though you'd likely be opting to wait longer for a match). The mouse issues being reported by players are also a top priority. It's been interesting seeing some of the work-arounds and solutions some players have been trying and reading that some have seemingly dramatically changed how mouse feels. Heck, some players even thought we stealth patched the game because it 'felt so much better!' (nothing has been patched yet). Point being it's just a slippery issue - and while the team does indeed know of a few factors that seem to be contributing and they're already working on it - there are also just nuances and different feelings coming from different players. This is why we flight though - to identify and work through exactly these types of areas sooner rather than later.

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by Arrrash

Any chance you are going to send out more invites?

Possibly - still TBD at this point.

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by dragon-mom

I personally haven't noticed the aim issues that much but I just wanted to say I absolutely love how you all are handling this. :)

Good to hear! Appreciate you taking the time to play in the flight and share feedback.

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by wwm0nkey

I am hoping this means you are looking into getting rid of the input delay still.

All of the issues being reported around mouse input/latency/'feel' are absoutely still being investigated and worked on.