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So this first image is Kelly dressed in her Mark VI Gen-3 that she received in Halo: Shadows of Reach. Note that she has those light/sensors atop her helmet.

The second image shows her helmet in Halo Infinite with those sensors attached...but you have to equip a faceplate that makes her helmet have a blockier jaw and completely changes the visor to be as it was in Halo 5 with that swoop curve.

So we cannot equip Kelly's helmet as she truly has it.

Also I noticed that the helmet has a crack in the default visor on the bottom right and you can put on a forehead attachment even though there is no mounting plate in Image 3.

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Originally posted by MilkMan0096

I totally agree. u/misplacedyank, I know this is totally out of your hands and probably low priority, but if you could pass this sentiment along to it would be greatly appreciated.

On a similar note, are there any plans to release the unreleased rebreather attachment for the Cavallino helmet? That would also be nice to get at some point.

thanks for the tag - i can def pass it along but i don't have insight into anything beyond that :)