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And wow, has it improved so much. Like I left around when they added Firefight, which was super fun, but now seeing some of the coolest maps like the one where you have to board a Covenant ship, I would love more maps like it that tells a short little story. I like that a lot. And PvP is also fun, not my thing, I prefer Firefight, but it is still fun to play. And I am going to be honest, I have no idea why youtubers love to keep saying Halo is dead when Infinite is some of the most fun I have had in Halo in a long while.

Also, I forgot how amazing the lore behind the Entrenched stuff is. It curb stomps both the Tenrai lore and Firewall lore (besides the lore behind the Wendigo armor, so dark, you need to read it). Like please 343, either give me more Entrenched lore, or better yet a spinoff game, which I will be honest, would be awesome to see for all three Fractures. But I will say this again, please, more Entrenched stuff please 343 I am on my knees (metaphorically) begging you.

That is all, I bet it reads like a cracked out monkey wrote this.

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about 2 months ago - /u/Unyshek - Direct link

Welcome back! It's always nice to see people noticing the improvements made over time. I'm really glad to hear you found some new experiences that you could really enjoy :)