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I have been loving this game a lot this past weekend. I just finished the newest Operation and I just unlocked the JFO helmet, which was one of my favorites to use in Halo: Reach. I haven't played much Infinite since I beat the campaign about a year or so ago, maybe longer. I had a decent amount of fun, but never did too much of a deep dive into multiplayer.

That all changed this past weekend. I got the Halo itch, so I jumped on MCC and played some Firefight, got the juices flowing, Then did a couple of Halo: CE missions to really work myself into a lather. Then I decided, why not boot up Infinite and see what the latest multiplayer is feeling like. It feels great! So many great maps & modes, with an excellent sandbox. I blew through the latest Operation, and now have my eyes set on the next Battle Pass to play through! I also think I am going to finally try my hand at Ranked modes. I have never played Ranked before in any game, so I am excited to see where I stand. I am also going to do a 100% run through on Campaign again, get all of the collectibles and skulls.

Needless to say I am 100% locked in on Halo Infinite. That and College Football 25 are the only two games in my rotation at the moment! If anyone here plays on Xbox and has any tips for me, or wants to play some matches, lemme know! Would love to get a party goin! Thanks for readin

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7 months ago - /u/misplacedyank - Direct link

i love this πŸ’œ