We're sure cutting it close to make good on the "Insider flighting will begin in June!"
It does sound like the pre-flight has passed so fingers crossed this will get underway this week. I did want to reiterate what I've been saying everywhere - the first flight is going to be SMALL. Like a drop in the bucket small, compared to the vast amount of Halo Insiders we have signed up. The reality is that the vast majority of folks will not get into the first flight and as such I'd expect there to be a good deal of frustration and disappointment. Please just remember this is a marathon, not a sprint (no, we're not porting Marathon to MCC). Getting the first Insider flight out the door is a huge milestone and things should start picking up in scope and pace afterwards. The number of people that get added to future Insider flights will grow over time along with the scope of what's being flighted. The first flight will really be an updated and more polished version of the E3 demo - a single mission of Reach - with the main goal being to validate large scale distribution via Steam and our Insider pipelines.
We are incredibly grateful and humbled by the outpouring of support, excitement, and opt-ins to the Halo Insider program and hope that everyone can hang in there with us on the journey until you're called into action. The team is committed to ensuring that eventually everyone who is a qualified Insider will have an opportunity to participate.