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8 months ago - /u/misplacedyank - Direct link

Originally posted by arnold_117

Do you have the one for Super Fiesta as well ? Spartan with a circle of guns behind ?

got a reference pic?

8 months ago - /u/misplacedyank - Direct link

Originally posted by arnold_117

Yes, this one. Is this High Res, the one in the link ?

remind me tomorrow, i can probably dig it up - just need to make sure i'm good to release it :)

8 months ago - /u/misplacedyank - Direct link

Originally posted by VegetaGG

Are all the halo pictures uploaded somewhere on waypoint? Would love A hi res one of season 5 background without the text

this one i know for a fact is a no.

i can ask around, however, and see what i can dig up, but no promises.

8 months ago - /u/misplacedyank - Direct link

Originally posted by VegetaGG

All good, just thought id ask haha

it's a good ask!

looking into it. feel free to check back in a few weeks or something, won't be immediate and i can't promise i remember to come back and update 😅