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The newest update for Halo Infinite dropped today and it released the Haunted Helmet from Halo Reach in the exchange for 75,000 points, now I saw that and thought that was a bit much but with the newest update offering spartan points after every match completion, I thought it might be more achievable. So I thought I'd check exactly how achievable*.*

First we'll see how much we can gather without grinding all 75,000 through matchmade games. In the newest Fleetcom operation you can get exactly 15,000 points through the free battle pass, assuming that you don't have any spartan points already that already gets you a small leg up on the journey.

There is some more points you can gather before you get to grinding, which is the challenges; while challenges themselves don't provide points, the daily challenge provides 250 points, meaning that if you play every day for the pass (35 days) you'll gain 8,750 points. If you complete all challenges for the week (All of which only provide XP) you'll gain 1000 points, within this pass we'll get 5 weekly challenge bundles, meaning you get yourself 5,000 points.

8,750 + 5000 + 15,000 = 28,750. Still got a bit to go...

Now the only free way to get the rest of those is by grinding matchmade games and claiming your spartan points after completion, of which you'll need to have completed your two daily challenges first (The aforementioned 250 spartan points one, as well as an XP challenge).

To reach 75,000, we still need 46,250 points, matchmade games provide 100 points per match, meaning that in order to claim those other 46,250 points, you need to play 463 games (462.5 lol).To calculate the time of that, lets say on average a game of Halo Infinite is around 10 minutes (Being generous), that is 4625 hours of play needed to unlock the helmet, of which I will state that the pass only being around 35 days (Exchange resets after), the total hours of the pass being available is 840 hours.

So bar that, there is another slightly funky way to get it, which is by utilising the spartan points given in previous battle passes and of course since they are no longer in circulation, you need to buy them so goodbye free if you didn't get those points already.

Now currently we can get the 3 other passes that provide points for £5 bucks each, all these passes provide the same 15,000 points, combining that with the current Fleetcom pass, that totals to 60,000 spartan points.

Adding the daily bonuses as well as the weekly challenge completion (8,750 + 5000 + 60,000) we're left with 73,750 spartan points (So close ).

Now this means we only need another 1250 points to get to our goal, meaning we only need 13 extra games to finally reach the beloved goal of 75,000 and collect the Haunted Helmet.

You haven't seen your family in weeks, you're malnourished and dehydrated but you finally have it, no one can take that from you.


You could pay $20 in the store to get it.


I have been informed that you can still purchase armour pieces with spartan points after they expire from the exchange, I was not aware of this at the time of writing so it does invalidate some of the aspects regarding time restrictions, the maths still applies however in regards to acquiring the helmet.

Edit 2:

Big miscalculation here, it is not in fact 4625 hours, it is 77 hours. I am bad at maths and made a wrong calculation, my bad.

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7 months ago - /u/misplacedyank - Direct link

the Haunted helmet will still be available in the Exchange after this Operation. you'll be able to find it through the customization menu.

7 months ago - /u/misplacedyank - Direct link

Originally posted by R96-

It'd be nice if the Exchange said this somewhere, otherwise once things rotate out you just have to remember that they're still unlockable through the customization menu, and then you have to go into said menu and look for it.

i don't disagree - will pass the feedback along!

7 months ago - /u/misplacedyank - Direct link

Originally posted by GT_Numble

When I search for the helmet in the customization menu it redirects to its Store Bundle for 1800 coins, no option I see to buy it with SP from customization menu

Haunted is currently still in the Exchange so i'd look there first :)