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over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Wait is that me in this screenshot?

One thing that isn't implemented yet is challenges - once those come online it should offer another avenue to earn XP / speed things up a bit. Overall I'm told that the total grind time is less than the OG version of Reach (but remember Luke Smith acknowledged he may have messed up a decimal point back then and inadvertently made it too grindy). As for campaign/offline - I believe it's unfortunately a necessity to limit progression to matchmade / online authenticated matches only, otherwise it'd be pointless and folks would just hack and manipulate it. (arguably not that it _really_ matters, it's not like it's a 'premium battlepass') Lastly, one of their main goals for this new system was building something that could span all the titles in the MCC with one unified solution. Not totally sure how it will materialize but when CE launches the same overall system will be used for that season, and so on.

I'm sure the team is continuing to monitor usage and earn rates and of course we're already listening to feedback so there's a good chance we'll see some degree of further tweaks over time.

over 4 years ago - /u/ske7ch343 - Direct link

Originally posted by hotchocletylesbian

This is kinda a shit decision for those of us who bought the game for the campaign. The alure of custom armor is seeing those armor in the cutscenes, but having a custom armor take like 100-200 hours of PvP to even get to like 60 levels deep is a little absurd. I got Reach to play with my girlfriend, someone who's a halo fan but never had the chance to play it originally on the 360, but as someone who doesn't play PvP games as a rule, she's pretty set against it now.

It's especially baffling because this is a free battlepass that doesn't expire when the season ends, and isn't offering any new content that wasn't in the original game, so I just don't see what the profit motive of restricting access. I could understand making later Seasons have gear that are exclusive to online activities since it takes much more resources to make new assets from scratch as opposed to improving the textures of the original models, but having the original Reach armor selection be something that is online exclusive honestly makes Reach on MCC a downgrade for me.

That's good feedback and I know is something the team is aware of / thinking through. I don't have visibility into what, if anything, they may do to help solve for this but will see what I can dig up and will share some info when I get it.