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I was scrolling through the armory, looking for new attachments after being disappointed from the shop and exchange and realized the Agitator Helmet has a lot of attachments suddenly. The first two and the last one are my favorite lol.

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hey /u/RedCaboose927, could you submit a bug for that last attachment please?

Originally posted by RedCaboose927

Sure thing! Where do I go to do that?

Originally posted by RedCaboose927

A ticket has been submitted!

fab - thank you!

Originally posted by iosiro

only really buggy attachment mentioned

my brothers in halo all attachments will be unlocked for every helmet this is 1000% confirmed

woah nelly, don't read too much into this lol

speaking as a fan, i'd love that (lemme put cat ears everywhere!) but as a dev, this is me trying not to take away the mistake if it's not toooooo broken. (and the last one is objectively Not Correct)