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I've tried to play some matches today, but I keep getting a message that says "There was a problem with the dedicated server. Please try again."

What does this triangle with the ! mean? My internet is working fine right now, and I don't have any XBOX suspensions. I also verified integrity of game files (I play this through steam). Is this an outage that I should report to Waypoint?

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about 1 month ago - /u/Unyshek - Direct link

Thanks for the post and comments everyone  - confirming that the team is taking a look.

Edit: It looks like things are trending back to normal now. Please let us know if you're still seeing any issues!

about 1 month ago - /u/Unyshek - Direct link

Originally posted by UltimateAv8or

I do apologize if this is not where things like this should be posted. I'm still fairly new to Halo Waypoint, so I wasn't sure if this was already reported or not. But thank you for taking the time to read and respond!

We keep an eye and ear on everything, but the best way to report things is going to be on the Halo Support site! https://aka.ms/HaloSupport