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Just wanted to type some stuff about what Halo has done for me. Feel free to bug off with any hate please. :)

I've been a fan since Halo 3, I'm a 25 year old male, and started playing through H1, H2 and Halo 3 by the time of it's release with a great buddy of mine and played all of the 343 ones since then. This meant the world to me back in the day because my mother had drinking problems and it was a great way for me to release myself from all of that, amongst plenty other things.

The Master Chief has always been my biggest idol and it always seemed wierd to me that a character from a game was my biggest inspiration and idol, but recently I've started realizing that it's not that wierd at all. Because it's Chief. His way of always putting people at ease, quotes and so on is truly inspiring to me. Marines have always felt safe around him and I always tried to adapt that in my real life as well.

When Halo 4 released and he was sad whilst talking to Cortana, his voice, way of interacting in conversations, quotes etc, means the world to me. Especially the latest one: "At the end he was just a soldier. Hoping he'd done the right thing. Questioning his choices." Stabbed me in the heart with a hug, and I will actually tattoo that quote soon but change "soldier" to "human". Or when Cortana asks him "are you okay with this?" To which he responds: "No. Not really" just shows what kind of person he is, and what kind of person I want to be.

Then fast forward to when I was 20. I got arrested and went to prison for 2 years, and through the entire time I felt Chief's "guidance" helped me through all of it. When I was released my gf got me an Xbox and I started replaying and reliving all of the games and the story once again which made me realize this, and eventually helped me quit drugs. To this day I'm still drugfree because I was able to trade drugs for playing Halo and Halo lore.

Halo means more to me than both Bungie and 343 will ever know, but I'm eternally greatful for the universe them both have created for us and me.

Thanks if you made it here. I love you all.


External link β†’
over 1 year ago - /u/Unyshek - Direct link


over 1 year ago - /u/misplacedyank - Direct link
