6 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

10s damage the classic killed enough
16s [Music]
22s continuing on our road to Worlds the
25s next player to introduce is yarla
28s hailing from the Czech Republic garlic
30s began playing competitively back in
32s early 2015 and while he did have some
35s success early on he really came into his
37s element during the Hearthstone Grand
39s Master System
41s yarla is and with the sun setting of
43s grand Masters will forever be the most
45s winningest player in the format's
47s history over seven seasons of GM he
50s amassed 113 wins maintained over a 60
54s win rate made the semi-final six times
57s and won the league twice
59s in game the best way to sum up yarla's
61s playstyle is patient for the first few
64s years of his career in Grand Masters
65s watching him play was mind-boggling it
68s appeared as if he was refusing to play
70s cards but over time it became clear that
72s this was only because Yara does the
75s absolute bare minimum necessary to win
77s any given game of hearthstone it's the
79s antithesis of flashy play but it works
82s and it really highlights yarlo's vast
84s understanding of the game
86s Viola obviously tends to gravitate
88s towards control decks but he's shown
90s that he'll do whatever is necessary to
91s win exemplified by the fact that he
94s brought a full board-based aggro lineup
96s in the 2022 season 1 finals for Europe
99s GM a decision that ultimately would
102s award yarla's spot in this year's World
104s Championship it's hard to even pinpoint
106s a weakness for yarla every time he plays
108s in high stakes matches he just feels
110s downright hard to beat even when it
113s seems like he's at a huge disadvantage
115s yarla will and should be one of the
118s favorites to win the 2022 World
120s Championship he lost a glory in the
122s world's finals just two years ago and it
124s feels oddly familiar seeing them both
126s back competing again this year in
128s similar form will yala rise up and take
131s his rightful spot on the podium or will
134s he fall just short once again only one
136s way to find out
141s foreign