about 5 years ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

21s Hello, and welcome.
23s I'm Hadidjah Chamberlin.
24s When we last left off,
26s Arch-Villain Rafaam and his villainous quartet of E.V.I.L. malcontents made off
31s with the magical City of Dalaran.
34s Now, the Year of the Dragon continues.
37s The League of E.V.I.L. has traveled south
39s to unleash the second phase of their plans,
41s but heroes have heard the land's cries for help,
45s and there may yet be a chance for its salvation.
63s The shadows are rising again
66s Darker than they've ever been
68s Where are the heroes?
69s As EVIL descends from the skies
71s Oh, no
72s The world cries out
74s How will we survive?
76s Out of the Hall of Explorers
79s And up from the dusty tombs
81s Here come our heroes
82s They grab their whips and fedoras
85s These legends of the past Know exactly what to do
89s There might be magic monsters
92s Mummies in the markets And ancient mysticism
95s There's surely scorching deserts
98s Adventure and much needed narcissism
102s High stakes, think annihilation
105s Obliteration of civilization
108s Now is the time to be brave
110s E.V.I.L.'s come to enslave
111s But this League's going to save...
115s Uldum
119s Rafaam and his League may be intent
121s on bending Uldum's ancient magics to their E.V.I.L. schemes,
125s but there is hope:
126s The League of Explorers is back!
128s Reno, Elise, Brann,
130s and the esteemed Sir Finley Mrrgglton
133s are returning to Hearthstone,
134s but this time they're not just here
137s for adventure or treasures,
138s they're here to save the world.
141s Of course, no call to adventure,
143s no matter how noble,
145s would be complete without a worthy quest.
147s Any questing druid, for example,
150s who ends 4 turns with unspent Mana
152s will obtain a powerful reward:
154s A Passive Hero Power that gives you both effects of your Choose One cards.
158s The masterminds of E.V.I.L. are also canvassing Uldum for artifacts.
162s Rafaam brings his very...
165s particular set of skills to his fellow warlocks
168s in the form of Supreme Archaeology.
171s All warlocks must do to complete this quest is what they do best: draw cards.
177s A lot of cards.
179s Their reward?
181s The Tome of Origination,
182s giving them a Hero Power that draws a card and reduces its cost.
186s Hopefully you still have a few left.
189s With all this questing going on, you may want a little help.
193s Fortunately, these ruins are crawling with curious adventurers
196s willing to lend their aid.
198s The stakes for our heroes have never been higher.
201s Rafaam is bringing about the end of days,
204s unleashing a series of devastating plagues.
207s Like a Plague of Death.
210s Most plagues just wimp out
212s and settle for disease or pestilence, or whatever,
215s but this one is just straight-up death.
220s Silenced death.
223s The deathiest death.
227s Plagues aren't known for being picky about their targets,
230s and all of the plague cards in the set have a catastrophic effect
234s that impacts both players,
236s so it's good to be the one in control of it.
239s Now, Uldum is a land of ancient magics and many strange denizens,
244s and some of these inhabitants are imbued with the power
246s of Hearthstone's newest mechanic: Reborn.
250s Reborn minions return to life the first time they are destroyed,
254s coming back with 1 health.
256s This Restless Mummy also has Rush,
258s meaning it comes back ready to rush right into another minion.
262s The dead don't stay that way, not in Uldum.
265s Well, I mean,
266s they don't stay that way once.
269s That guy's definitely dead now.
271s If you're here visiting Uldum with slightly more nefarious intentions,
275s Hagatha has created a shaman totem capable of calling in reinforcements,
280s adding a Lackey to your hand
281s at the end of each of your turns.
284s I bet you didn't know a totem could pick sides, but...
287s that one sure did.
288s Uldum is full of plenty of more indifferent citizens as well,
293s happy to work for anyone who makes a compelling enough offer.
297s Jar Dealer is just such a fellow,
299s a neutral minion with a Deathrattle:
301s Add a random 1-Cost minion to your hand.
304s He's also the one to talk to if you ever need a jar.
307s For all your jar needs.
308s Buy, sell, trade.
310s Old jars, new jars, slightly used jars.
314s Now, a land filled with the ruins of the mighty titans wouldn't be complete
319s without relics of unspeakable power.
322s Behold, the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron.
326s Ten random spells.
327s Ten random targets.
329s The cornerstone of any well-planned strategy.
334s And so, the die is cast.
337s E.V.I.L. has set their dark plagues upon the world,
340s and the brave League of Explorers are returning to stop them.
344s Will our heroes triumph and save Azeroth?
347s Or will the plagues that Rafaam has unleashed destroy the world?
353s And then everything just ends
355s and there wouldn't be a third book.
360s Yeah, we're all in really big suspense here.
367s Uldum!