Original Post — Direct link

Source: http://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=pebble&no=2099125&page=1

You cannot adapt any minion that has the "Cannot be targeted by spells or hero powers" keyword. (The OP in the source tested with Crackling Razormaw, Lightfused Stegodon, Volcanosaur on the second adapt and even Vicious Fledgling's unique ability)

Edit: blizzard dev commented to say that they've hot fixed the issue now. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/8otixb/_/e067fb9

External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/CM_Daxxarri - Direct link

Just a quick update: there's already a hotfix in the works for this issue, and we're hoping to roll it out today. I'll update this post once it goes live.

Edit: This hotfix is now live in all regions.