5 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s anron or Luder anron anron or Cho and
5s Yeti still anron anron or boulderfist
9s ogre boulderfist boulderfist ogre or
12s kazakus boulderfist boulderfist ogre or
15s Grim Patron boulderfist boulderfist ogre
19s or
20s peninger boulderfist boulderfist ogre or
24s cathon boulderfist boulderfist ogre or
27s Nao boulderfist boulderfist ogre or
31s yuron yuron yuron or patches the pirate
34s yuron yuron or Dr boom yuron yon or
39s Deathwing yog all right nice y your
42s favorite minion yeah