11 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
1s sometimes to get the details of a scene
3s just right you have to pretend you're
5s really there if I was here there'd
7s probably be some Little Nerd and shiny
9s armor like this
12s and he'd probably say something like uh
14s sargeras I'm the champion of this world
17s and I'm going to defeat you oh yeah oh
21s yeah you and what army the Army have
23s lied
25s you're gonna be in trouble nobody as
28s handsome as you could be allowed to live
30s oh
31s you think I'm handsome
33s really really handsome it makes us so
36s mad like indescribably angry
40s does somebody have anger issues don't
42s worry I can relate
44s just want to scream sometimes like
50s [Music]
56s I've been there
58s every day is a struggle