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3 months ago - /u/MyntCondytion - Direct link

Originally posted by MaleficentPurchase53

I think this is actually supposed to be a Mech and Beast dual tribe. You can see in the expansion announcement video that the minion has those two types as it is being played, just not when the card first appears on screen.

it is not meant to be dual-minion-type, it is intended to have no minion type

if you want the honest answer, it was a Mech/Beast for a while because the original idea of the card is a riff on one of those cymbal-clapping monkeys. it made sense at the time to make it Mech/Beast. but once we went through the art process, this became a Hozen (not Beasts), and the final art came back looking very not-mech-y. so, no minion type!