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Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hi I'm Day
3s N Hi D I'm Mark and Welcome to our
6s reaction to cards from the Great Dark
8s Beyond buckle up cuz it's priest o clock
11s oh yeah six Mana 48 Shield of ascara
15s taunt Divine Shield life steel it's also
17s a drainy oh yeah there's a lot of good
19s drainy buffing cards next card is a four
22s Mana 42 mystified touchup battlecry if
25s the combined health of both Heroes is
28s exactly exactly 42 set your hero's
31s Health to
34s 42
36s funny we get the reference we all got
38s the reference I know there's going to be
40s a point in time where I set myself to 42
42s and I go yeah and then what and then
45s what you couldn't possibly lose couldn't
47s possibly oh there's some purple cards on
50s the screen that must mean more luck fell
53s fire thrusters spell burst deal this
56s Minion's attack damage to two random
58s enemy minions and it's a St ship piece
61s Starships I am really interested in
64s pretty cheap reasonably costed pieces
66s that yeah they might not do as much on
68s the turn that they're played but then
70s all of a sudden you have a giant
71s Starship that can smash in for a ton of
72s damage I think the best part about
73s Starship is you can choose when you want
75s to activate it you can choose how much
77s value you want to you know dump into it
78s and then spend the five man to activate
80s it and choose how greedy you will become
83s are are you someone who who favors greed
85s in GRE is good greed is good my man
87s that's what I'm talking about hi I'm day
90s N I like demons and Randomness let me
93s show you my deck so the gist of it comes
96s from some of the fancy schmancy demon
98s based cards we have in the set we have
101s aramon summon every demon you played
103s this game that didn't start in your deck
105s ooh who who could possibly join aramon
108s to make things work well we have kill
110s Jaden replace your deck with an endless
112s portal of demons each turn they gain an
113s additional plus two plus two those
115s didn't start in the deck we also have
118s abduction Ray get a random demon reduces
120s it's cost by two repeatable this turn
123s those are some more random demons to
125s kind of power everything up we have for
127s boing flame battlecry demons that didn't
129s start in your deck cost one less this
131s game value to round out the deck we also
134s have black hole destroy all minions
136s except demons I'm going to be summoning
138s them they'll be random but they will be
140s demons that's kind of it I didn't test
143s this I didn't think much more than
145s generally try to stay low on the curve
147s but all in all I'm proud of myself not
149s just for the deck but for getting
150s through this
153s introduction you can play her Oh I
156s thought you was going to do an
157s introduction I thought oh not playing
160s new deck he's not playing a new deck
161s everybody knows I'm the only one who
163s doesn't know and I'm glad that someone
165s said something to
173s me some some exciting new cards in
177s there you know what I'm going to send
179s this one back I want to get more new
181s stuff I'm going to do a full
183s again all right how's it looking over
186s there it looks amazing uhoh okay all
191s right I emote and pass okay
196s I hit the right click thank you I pass
200s oh
203s boy I'll heal your face and pads this is
208s Esports worthy content thrilling gamep
213s play there it is oh boy get
216s fored permanent reduction absolutely
220s reduced all right let's get some hand
222s buffing going your
225s favorite ah yes
228s zff a classic card can I
233s H I'm just going to pop
236s this going to play this and I'm going
239s toob that oh boy pow and get a demon for
245s [Music]
252s free okay there it
254s [Music]
256s is all right I
259s mean see how we get off here I'm pod
261s racing right now this is
263s incredible all right not the most
265s exciting card this this is just a nice
268s formal combat happening between you and
271s I I'm going to go ahead and administer a
273s little pain to myself here a little bit
277s yeah I'm going to take eight feeling
278s great we're at 52 total you can't go to
281s 42 I know this isn't the first game
284s we've played today okay I know that 42
286s might be coming might not be coming I
289s think it's only arrived once only one
292s time one time maybe a little bit
295s difficult let's see what we get ooh it's
298s a pretty good one oh my God Fury Divine
301s Shield wind oh my God it's an ultimate
304s combination and I now am pleased to
307s announce that I will be playing demons
309s that did not start in my deck the rest
311s of the game oh boy that was a random one
315s too I'm out of cards the portal is open
320s the gates are open so this is an endless
323s portal so I can no longer take any
324s fatigue damage and
330s I can't believe that this is the most
332s recent card that I drew Randomness
335s worked out for me today I'm pleased to
339s announce all right I'm going to try to
341s set up a little little combo
343s here all right little something for next
346s turn see the drani ey just stacking
350s themselves up just making it work this
353s is so
355s disappointing all right but that's okay
357s cuz we have another for Bame a double
362s reduction so I'm going I'm going to pop
365s I'm going to
367s heal draw because I didn't properly
370s compute my costs in
372s advance okay I'm going to do this and
374s I'm going to zero Mana so this is 23 and
377s 23 so that's 46 okay zero mana and
382s everything's getting plus two plus two
385s all right let's see each turn wow let's
387s see how this
388s works a double
392s all right okay so this this triggers the
395s battlecry and death Brattle of all other
396s gr I've played this game quite a couple
399s of them so
402s far okay so I mean I'm going to I'm
404s obviously going to do
405s this me thank you you got it
410s man happy happy to be doing
414s this not bad God that's like so many
417s effects so I don't have any way to
419s actually
421s do everything I want to do this turn so
423s you know let me actually take a little
425s pain here
426s first power of
429s random oh okay that's not bad so pop
433s like this play this other demon pick
435s this one off oh boy dude we have so many
438s random demons more random so much
441s random okay so this one
444s is this is
447s it land that one
451s all those things go off again oh
453s [Music]
455s yeah um you know what I I just I I just
458s am going to do this some big boys there
460s I'm just going to do this yeah we are we
462s are thick swollen tight right over here
465s man oh yes cuz my pen is just keep
469s getting bigger and their costs are
470s reduced by two which feels good it's
472s just a good feeling moment you know what
474s I'd like another copy of tell me that
477s one no
480s dude okay I'm building the wall okay
485s so all right all right I'll take
488s it I think I took for granted that I
490s would win this game I think that this is
492s actually a bit tricky it's still still
494s up in the
495s air I can't believe that I keep drawing
497s this same card again and again all right
500s let's do some
502s counting whenever you draw a card so I'm
504s immune so let's let's draw a card do I
509s do I do I even want a one one demon with
511s Rush that's pathetic that's that's a
513s real joke so here's what I'm going to do
516s pop play this I'm going to pick that one
519s up oh boy all right there it is good old
522s one Mana
523s [Music]
526s 108 one will
529s do all right let's I want I want all the
531s effects all the effects you have Captain
533s more effects he's just affecting right
536s now so this is turn your turn your
539s Heroes ime this is tough cuz I'm worried
542s about just up and
544s dying but you know what I'm not a
548s coward I will do like this more effect
552s play another one and I I don't actually
555s know cuz it says replace your deck with
557s an endless portal of demons each turn
559s they gain an additional 2 two so if I
562s already have it do each turn they get 44
564s we need a is there a rules lawyer a rule
566s book here AKA are any Hearthstone
568s developers such as the one who's
570s there possibly have an answer is and and
573s so I want you to do this if it gives me
576s plus two plus two twice this if it
579s doesn't and this if no one's ever done
581s it before because we're pioneering new
585s ground I got a thumbs
588s down
591s disaster all right that's so
594s disappointing I why did I set myself up
596s for that I'm going to say hold on like
600s cuz the lights are really bright it is
602s is a thumbs down give me another
605s one okay he did this it's a consolation
609s prize we'll take it we'll find out next
611s turn I guess oh my God all right this
613s could be pretty large I actually need
614s more board space but I can't get it so
617s all right all
619s right don't gain taunt as a random
622s effect that's uh it's pretty
625s large okay wait we have an out
632s they do
635s randomly go hold there okay no the the
638s back and forth game has continued
640s endless portal of demons with plus eight
642s plus 8 oh it keep it keeps the old
644s pluses oh does too plus plus eight get
648s into the portal oh jeez go to the
651s portal dude I have so many portals uh
654s send all their minions into the twisting
655s nether get into The Nether okay
660s okay there it is 10 10 also got some 3
663s tws it's feeling good oh
668s dear I probably should kill
673s that oh my gosh your drain ey are huge I
677s got Rush too let's see what we get
679s here oh my
682s God okay n not the most
686s exciting says the guy with an 10 11 13
690s 14 oh that is you're right that that's
692s absolutely pathetic I understand
695s now go wait
698s not okay okay
702s oh oh and it's golden too
707s [Music]
708s magnificent
710s [Music]
714s huh uh um I tried to lean and I just
718s missed Okay so so I'm going to do
720s this more random that's repeatable oh
724s yeah okay I'm going to do this
727s again that's that's a terrible card do
729s this
730s again that one's that one's
735s okay do this one more time and I have to
737s [Music]
742s stop that good all right so it's this
746s it's this 138 that is an issue so this
749s is what I have to do this is what I have
751s to
755s do am I
757s [Music]
759s dead all right give me another random
762s D it'll be pretty
764s [Music]
766s cheap okay oh
770s boy YOLO
774s tap okay oo
780s no I don't believe it get out there get
783s life steal show it goes back oh my God
788s not like
789s this not like this oh I got to do
794s everything I even got to do everything
797s twice I'm really curious how this
799s [Music]
801s works
803s okay probably doesn't really do anything
805s but I'm really
807s curious you know what
812s okay set me to one stuff all main to Su
814s cost box into your deck yeah what where
816s does it go probably doesn't do anything
821s but dude all right open up there's a
824s realm of demons that just has this has
826s like a cardboard box with stuff banging
828s around in it all right you didn't draw
832s it I didn't darn I have the Opera solo
837s good I actually think that maybe I'm
840s Still Still actually dead here
843s uhoh I
845s mean guess this one gets life
849s steel I
851s mean I mean I have the
854s stuff I can't believe it I'm dead I've
857s died Twi I've died like every turn for
859s the last two turns you go for the YOLO
861s tap yeah I think that seems like the
863s honorable thing to
864s do oh dude I got a legendary I got the
868s one amalgam ban
871s gg gg Mark turns out my huge stuff could
875s not overcome your Huger stuff as it
880s goes and that's Esports