6 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s By earth, by air, rain and fire,
11s The only things a real troll desires
15s Are to smash, and to mash, and to bash, And maybe mangle
21s Here in Stranglethorn
23s You be warned My Loa’s gonna trash you
26s Say your prayers We’ll Gurubashi-bash you
30s Time for fun, we’re Gonna run you through
36s Too bad for you
37s It’s only once a generation
41s One victor wins the confrontation
45s Standing here, got no fear I’m the best in the arena
50s Man you’ve never seen
52s A hero cut you down to zero
55s Victory is no joke
57s Careful that you don’t...
62s Get your scar, it’s
63s How a star is born
67s Here in Stranglethorn