over 1 year ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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994s welcome everyone to Hearthstone at Lobby
996s Legends magic of Azeroth after a
999s stunning day yesterday with plenty of
1002s diverse matches lots of different comps
1005s and fantastic play from all 16 of our
1008s players we've cut the field in half down
1010s to eight to play it down in one lobby
1013s today all the way through until we Crown
1015s our champion and to help us make our way
1019s through the muck and Maya See Clearly
1021s all the action that is going on it's
1023s Lorinda joining me on the casting desk
1025s how did you enjoy yesterday's action my
1028s man it was great I'm absolutely loving
1030s the quest I'm definitely well known for
1032s clearing up all situations by the way
1034s not making the Mercury media thanks for
1036s that
1038s um but yeah yesterday was fantastic
1040s um got a good look at many different
1042s comps I think we're realizing that as of
1045s now there is no sort of dominant comp
1047s you go for from turn one or no dominant
1050s card like green spot or anything you're
1051s just looking for then you win the lobby
1053s if you get it it's looking really good
1055s and it's going to test these players
1057s today and I hope that whoever wins pops
1059s off like kid five does in that intro
1061s because
1062s why wouldn't you yeah exactly hopefully
1065s not at the hands of a LeRoy bug this
1066s time as well uh with that being still a
1069s very impressive Victory uh nonetheless
1071s but take a look at the tournament
1073s overview that we have but we started the
1075s weekend with 16 Battlegrounds players uh
1078s we cut that in half down to eight today
1080s and the big difference of course that
1082s I'm very excited to get to cars for the
1083s first time is the check format that we
1086s are playing here which I think is just
1088s the real secret source that makes uh
1091s these Lobby Legends tournaments pop for
1093s me yeah absolutely I think this time
1095s around
1097s um it's going to be even more important
1098s because you really do have the option to
1101s do things differently if you really need
1103s that win if you don't think you're going
1104s to get it done whatever you have the
1106s choice to take a quest that is maybe too
1109s hard maybe it's a bad MMR Quest but
1111s occasionally we'll pop off and when you
1112s Lobby and there's going to be real
1114s decisions to be made if you've got 20
1116s points do you want to take a sensible
1118s Quest and maybe win the lobby anyway
1120s because of tempo that you get or do you
1121s just want to go you know what if I
1123s complete this really stupidly hard Quest
1125s I will win the lobby and I'm going to
1127s risk it so looking forward to the latter
1129s stages of today when players have to
1131s make those choices
1133s indeed cannot wait to see how the uh the
1136s more
1137s daring temerarious players if I may uh
1140s will do well in the uh the check format
1143s to get those wins because as you say a
1144s lot of our players playing very safe
1145s yesterday taking those third fourth
1147s places which is not going to be enough
1148s today as we need to see those very bold
1151s strategies coming through which like you
1153s say it does feel like it's coming more
1154s from the quests than the uh the minion
1156s types or the Heroes that you are going
1158s for necessarily which for me is a real
1160s breath of uh fresh air really spicing up
1163s the meta game and uh the big thing that
1165s players I think are maybe not talking
1167s about enough or I'm starting to see come
1168s up more and more is that the high armor
1170s Heroes that traditionally weaker heroes
1172s are moving up drastically in the pick
1175s rate because you get easier Quest
1177s completion which is just a lot of the
1178s time far more important but in terms of
1181s what our players are playing for in all
1183s of these lobbies it's not about
1185s finishing in the top half of the lobby
1187s anymore as it was yesterday even though
1188s the point distribution is the same it's
1190s about trying to boost yourself up to
1193s that 20 point threshold and then get
1195s yourself a win taking down the whole
1198s Lobby and so at that point you are
1199s allowed slightly more uh you know like
1202s you said MMR safe strategies right where
1205s you're just trying to get a solid finish
1206s finishing you know Thrift uh four thirds
1210s something like that you do that a few
1211s lobbies in a row and you're very happily
1213s moving up towards 20 points yeah you're
1215s looking to get your 20 points in four
1217s lobbies ideally if you're not there in
1220s five lobbies you are really taking a
1222s risk so somebody will get there in four
1223s average of five points per Lobby so I
1225s want to win a couple of lobbies or
1226s coming first and second make it easy for
1229s themselves but if you're not there they
1230s you give them one chance get there on
1232s Lobby five if you're not there by then
1234s there's just too many people shooting to
1235s get it like somebody's gonna get it by
1237s Lobby six or seven you really have got
1238s to get your skates on to get to those 20
1241s points to have a shot at this money and
1243s it's worth having a shot at it because
1244s the person who gets the win when they
1247s already have 20 points will get that
1249s first place and ten thousand dollars you
1251s can have 30 points but if you keep
1252s coming second you only get second place
1254s overall and that's just how checks gonna
1256s work to make it far more exciting it
1258s means you go out winning the tournament
1260s with somebody who won the lobby which I
1262s think makes it really really interesting
1263s oh yeah definitely makes it more
1265s exciting and the uh the prize pool
1266s creeping up relatively consistently you
1269s know 500 000 each uh uh place but then
1273s uh the big jump that you have up into
1275s first place which we really love to see
1276s because then again that gives you the
1277s extra prize money but probably more
1279s importantly to a lot of our players who
1281s are streamers and content creators in
1283s them in their own right getting that
1284s Victory being able to call themselves a
1286s Lobby Legends champion is worth its
1288s weight in gold to go and gloat uh to all
1290s your adoring fans uh which will be cool
1293s to see for our players who are left in
1295s with a big uh streaming following who
1298s are a few of them always a big fan of
1300s Fairly flat Thrice structures um it's
1303s still pretty different by the time you
1304s get from first down to 16th there's a
1306s massive difference but something that
1307s sort of creeps up slowly on you uh
1309s massive bonus for willing to encourage
1311s people to go after that that check
1312s format prize of course but after that
1314s I'm a big fan of everyone who gets here
1316s gets a decent chunk of money to go home
1318s with because that will give people the
1320s chance to do it again and again and come
1322s back for more so you're kind of that
1324s rather than giving it all to one person
1326s um here's some action from yesterday
1328s some assorted at the moment and the
1331s thing I think we'll see from this having
1332s not seen this video is likely that just
1335s a variety of stuff on offer at the end
1337s of some of these games that's right yeah
1339s we saw Rim go suit at riverpoosa two of
1341s the uh the top Korean streamers taking
1343s down the lobby which I'm sure a lot of
1345s our viewers or well maybe not working
1347s this broadcast but a lot of people
1348s watching logging Legends uh were very
1350s happy to uh to see and like you said the
1354s the Naga strategy taking it down one
1357s time and then kind of like Mech Divine
1361s Shield almost getting there but the
1363s combination of cooked books and mirror
1365s turning out to be a really potent combo
1367s one that I hadn't actually seen working
1369s at that exact uh style before before we
1374s transitioned over to staff of
1375s origination taking down lobby with the
1379s taragosas as well which is such a cool
1381s one to see
1383s and something that we do see overnight
1385s um talking about double Quest combo is
1387s that over overnight before the first
1389s date in atheist was actually made better
1392s so a lot of the things I said didn't
1394s apply where they actually made the first
1396s Quest the same as normal quests which
1398s wasn't the deal uh to start with oh
1400s really yeah dinathus has been buffed um
1404s well it was buffed on Friday night for
1406s the before playing Saturday so some of
1408s those quests did look a bit easy I was
1409s wondering if they put it down and they
1411s had I really should have noticed that
1412s and mentioned it but it wasn't announced
1414s until yesterday evening what they're
1415s doing
1417s it's your phone already I mean I should
1419s have noticed I've got I've got quite a
1420s lot of data on quests and I knew that
1422s janathia's first Quest was harder I just
1424s haven't realized it had come down so I'm
1425s annoyed at myself really as much as
1427s anything yeah me too Lorinda the fact
1429s that you did more work but not more more
1432s work does
1433s uh pathetic in in my estimation truly
1437s embarrassing we'll try harder man but as
1439s we saw that we got a good rundown of all
1441s the victories that were taken down in
1443s the previous lobbies winners of lobbies
1445s not necessarily making it all the way
1447s through though as we did see uh on day
1451s two uh right once we got to that point
1455s um
1456s it was easily fright after taking down
1458s the first Lobby unable to clutch it out
1460s uh as he lost the uh the subsequent two
1462s lobbies which is always a heartbreaker
1463s to see when you take down the first one
1465s and then you're feeling on cloud nine
1466s you're thinking surely this is just
1468s unusable at this point but then
1470s everything quickly tumbles by the
1471s wayside which is the uh the drama that
1473s we love to see no one is ever truly safe
1475s especially as we said in this Czech
1478s format because even if you are in the
1479s last place position with zero points
1481s after five rounds of play it's still
1484s winnable if you just win every Lobby
1486s you're gonna get there eventually you
1487s just have to keep doing so uh which uh
1490s for our more daring players as I said
1492s could be a chance for them to get the
1494s job done uh but with that all said and
1496s done the stage being set Lorinda are
1499s there any strategies that you are hoping
1501s to see today in terms of the uh the
1504s quests or the win conditions that you're
1505s partial to that we maybe didn't see
1507s yesterday uh from these uh Lobby of
1510s players
1512s um strategies no I think we've saw a lot
1514s of things going on that we can expect
1516s think maybe we see some APM go off we
1518s didn't really okay
1520s always exciting to watch somebody just
1522s go through a million cards in a turn
1525s like a Milhouse I don't think we see a
1526s single Galley we explained like that's
1529s right here I would like to see picked
1530s somebody picked a yoga over one in game
1533s one which
1534s for me is an iffy pick I I don't like to
1538s argue with players miles better than me
1539s but that seemed unusual I think the
1543s galley Wicks with Quest is just a really
1545s really good hero because you can
1547s complete so many things you buy a lot of
1549s things at a turn get the death metal
1550s things you need get the taunts you need
1552s whatever you need to do I'd like to see
1554s that happen but I just want to see more
1557s wisdom balls because that one was quite
1558s boring apart from the tox finish it
1560s offers I think yeah wisdom was always a
1562s good one but as we can see here a good
1565s selection of players uh for me I think
1567s the standout for a player that I wasn't
1569s all too familiar with but was very
1570s impressed by was SSA yesterday I really
1573s liked his play style overall and I think
1576s showed a good meta understanding fairly
1579s risky plays uh but always bringing it
1581s back to just decent finishes uh
1583s throughout the weekend whereas of course
1584s there'll be plenty of fam uh fan
1586s favorites as well as we said uh rangosu
1588s River Pusa coming back for a second
1591s attempt at taking down the uh the
1593s victory here now after narrowly missing
1595s out on it last time and then of course
1597s uh a lot of our European fans also
1599s cheering for zixo I'm sure to finally
1602s take down uh one of these big
1604s tournaments again it's been a while for
1605s our boy yeah it really has uh be nice to
1608s see Zig so do well River person just
1609s just to add to that because I did sort
1611s of go on about xqn having done it
1613s yesterday has reached the second stage
1616s at least of every single Lobby Legend So
1618s wow you get top 16 on ladder you get to
1620s the first stage then you play a Lobby
1622s get in the top before you get to the
1624s second stage top four again get to the
1626s finals
1626s um he has reached the top the second
1628s stage of that every single time so top
1631s four the initial Lobby every single time
1633s so he's extremely well versed in lobby
1636s Legends he's played
1637s 43 Lobby Legends lobbies since the start
1641s of it which is possibly the highest it's
1643s one of the it's one of the highest
1644s visual dappy may have played more but
1647s yeah just have your scan through some
1649s really boring stats there for you
1651s um also zigzo has been here before I've
1653s ever posts have been here before as you
1655s mentioned and Alex has been here before
1657s and so he's been here before so four
1658s return players and I think you mentioned
1661s since they say he looked really
1663s comfortable here yesterday he looked
1665s like he's just having a good time seeing
1666s what happened played some Battlegrounds
1668s and that attitude usually gets you a
1670s long way in competitive play because
1671s you're so laid back you're just having
1672s fun
1674s also been told speaking of river peace
1676s that apparently made a golden murloc on
1678s turn one as as Reno in the test game who
1682s knows maybe he'll employ that in the
1685s actual tournament you never know yep
1688s cheers for that subtle
1689s I thought I was giving highly useful
1691s information social's trying to outdo me
1694s for the first time in his career he'll
1696s get there one day
1697s he will indeed but as you're saying uh
1701s we are going to be looking carefully at
1704s the uh the different styles of play of
1707s our competitors the uh the risk versus
1709s reward that we talk about here quite
1711s consistently
1713s um we we've talked a lot about the early
1716s ways that you can go for third places
1718s right where you can just go for these
1719s high Tempo quests that are easy to
1721s complete look for dancing Daryl as much
1723s as possible as well what are the early
1725s indicators that you're looking for in
1727s this meta game that you actually have
1729s the ability to go for a first place what
1731s like signposts along the way indicate
1734s you this could be a Lobby winner
1736s um decent easy Quest or just easy Quest
1739s honestly it doesn't have to be
1740s particularly decent just complete your
1742s quest first get yourself to Tavern six
1744s is is one of the ways to do it
1747s um just have good early roles just have
1749s good hero Quest Synergy like if you're
1753s here on Quest work together there's so
1754s many I'm not gonna list any but there's
1756s so many ways that can turn out
1758s um you look at that and go hang on
1760s yeah I'm fine here let's just not die
1762s for two or three turns I should be able
1763s to Rock It Up or again with with
1765s anything just some good early shops
1767s let's get going and
1769s again getting to tier six isn't that
1771s important in terms of MMR gaining in
1773s terms of doing well but if it's I'm in
1774s check and I want to win the lobby
1776s getting to tier six becomes suddenly a
1778s lot more important you can just what
1780s everyone says is fiddling around on
1781s tiers three and four completing their
1783s Quest you can get to six just start
1784s buying the fail bats and stuff that you
1786s need depending exactly what you need and
1788s I think that's the sign that you are
1790s going to get there if you can just race
1791s ahead not really be scared for a couple
1794s of turns yeah that is fair but it's
1796s interesting right because the the most
1798s ambitious use of your gold generally
1800s like you say is to to level up to six
1803s and start finding these real powerhouse
1804s units uh and taking a bunch of damage
1807s but locking out the game once you hit
1808s that point now it feels like with Quest
1810s that's not necessarily the case anymore
1812s like a lot of the
1815s winning synergistic cards feel a little
1817s bit lower down the tavern here like
1820s obviously Baron rivendare is going to be
1822s coming up very often on Tavern tier five
1824s you then of course have the parrot
1825s that's going to synergize very nicely
1826s without all the way down on three a lot
1828s of the time if you can get stolen gold
1830s to go alongside that or parasol in order
1832s to boost up that Strat with the
1833s trickster as well like these are very
1835s common things that you're seeing and
1837s then you know if you're going beasts
1839s very often five is enough like you say
1841s uh Mex maybe you need to go to Six in
1843s order to get there is like the one time
1845s you're looking to really boost up to six
1846s but murloc spamming poisons that often
1849s doesn't need to be there as well and
1850s given that we're seeing this very common
1852s prevalence of either death rattle
1854s strategies as I was talking about or a
1856s bunch of divine Shields with selflesses
1859s uh glow scales uh amber Guardian in
1862s there as well with taragoza perhaps
1864s there's a lot actually going on I think
1866s on these lower Tavern tips when you are
1868s Lobby which hasn't always been the case
1870s yeah I'm not so sure so yeah I agree
1873s that those things do win lobbies and are
1875s often going to they're not so sure you
1876s always know you're going to in that
1878s situation like you just get there you
1879s start doing your thing and suddenly
1880s you're in front it's like oh wow
1882s um so those people may not get the early
1884s signs they're going to win until the
1886s comp is complete like getting really big
1889s amalgam suddenly you give it some poison
1891s some Divine shielding off you go
1893s uh seems to be seeing fewer levoys over
1896s the last couple of days I think it was
1898s so busy scrambling to make their own
1900s comp and their own big stuff they
1901s haven't got time to counter their
1902s opponents until we get to the last two
1904s then yeah
1907s um
1908s of origination that's something you're
1910s going to win a Lobby that's another big
1912s one yeah but just complete that and off
1914s you go do it yeah get that with taragoza
1917s and you're absolutely laughing but the
1918s the kind of the the trailer bed
1920s breadcrumbs for Leroy becoming less a
1922s little bit less powerful is like you
1925s know players are playing a lot of divine
1927s Shields right so we're seeing a lot of
1929s tunnel blasters knocking around which
1930s makes it a little bit scarier and then
1933s you can obviously counteract that with
1935s the Uther but players are going to six a
1937s little bit less often so Uther becomes
1938s less of a player and so therefore Leroy
1941s stops being as much of a possibility
1942s bearers having several that Leroy would
1945s actually be quite good against all of
1946s these Divine Shield comps but again the
1947s tunnel Blaster uh kind of counteracts
1949s that which is interesting to see
1951s um obviously it's gonna need to be the
1953s case of
1955s uh oh sorry I'm just being told is uh
1958s how the uh the lobby is starting
1961s um
1962s yeah obviously the case of which uh
1963s minion types you're going to be seeing
1965s in the lobby which I'm going to be
1966s keeping a close eye on here because
1968s we've seen the beasts pop up being very
1970s powerful as we expected Mex as well but
1972s still looking for some of these more
1973s support uh minion types that we hope to
1977s see that could come up pretty clutch as
1980s we see here Alex with bran murloc's in
1984s the lobby are we tempted don't know
1986s Silas is so much free stuff so I
1989s realized so much free through has so
1991s much Synergy with beast but beasts
1993s aren't in that'll be a bit of a turn off
1995s I think here pick what you like here I
1997s would probably I think Silas is the safe
1999s pick here I think Zoella might be a bit
2001s more of a gambly pick for me but bran
2003s also very interesting
2005s I mean I'm an if it's the brand gamer I
2007s love murlocs man it's like easily my my
2009s favorite minion type to play but like
2011s you said you play Rogue in standard of
2013s course you love murlocs I get to play
2015s lots of cards that's uh that's what I do
2018s uh as we do see the Silas being picked
2022s in the end dinathrius and murloc homes
2024s insta snap picked as we expected and
2027s with five Ellie's or demons or three
2030s battles by Minions that red hand with
2032s just right in the middle perfectly uh
2035s pushed into frame the seller mental that
2037s looks pretty strong yeah let's do this
2040s you've got to do this like red hand a
2042s little bit difficult sometimes to do
2044s well with but look at this stuff you
2046s can't turn this down
2047s and again seeing the the easier builds
2050s as well coming in for denethius on that
2052s first Quest
2054s um red hand sort of a neutral
2057s quest to a large degree I think it might
2059s be very very slightly tougher than
2060s normal but it's one of the more average
2063s quests and getting that at turn one you
2064s can get that going oh my God it's gonna
2066s be huge
2069s all right let's see if our old Palmer
2072s log homes can solve the mystery going
2076s into turn two it is against AFK so it's
2078s a bit of an easy mystery to solve it not
2081s not one of uh
2083s Doyle's greatest stories I will admit
2088s with no people in it and no corpse like
2091s yeah nobody no one there was no crime my
2095s God
2097s yeah the one kind that Watson actually
2100s oh my he's done it he's done it already
2103s oh my God no shot
2106s as The Spectator tries to Mouse over the
2109s bugs and after his quest there we go
2111s okay he's got it done anyway
2113s yeah the whole murloc homes thing about
2115s this one is which pixel do you click
2118s yeah solve the crime and unlock the
2120s secret passage that tells you what's
2122s going on
2124s anti-synergy of course because redhan
2126s not doing anything this turn oh no I I
2129s hated my red hand doesn't provoke on
2131s turn two although I did actually get the
2133s other day Specter plus red hand so it
2135s puts a card in your hand at the start of
2137s each turn and then Buffs it which was
2139s six energy that felt great because on
2141s the first turn I accidentally didn't
2143s leave a Minion for red hand and then got
2144s uh bailed out anyway uh but here we go
2147s uh AFK finally coming online and double
2151s taragoza does open up some pretty spicy
2156s options are there any staff gamers in
2158s the chat ah the amazing and again says
2162s they say just enjoying himself and I'd
2164s love to see that in all in all
2165s competitive players as long as you're
2166s still playing your best it's so much
2168s easier to play when you're relaxed yeah
2170s I think he might be one of the favorites
2172s to do this
2173s and you know all jokes aside there are
2174s actually a few quests that synergize
2176s with this right we have staff of
2178s origination number one uh the golden uh
2182s stolen gold sorry is huge as well to
2184s Golden these up very nicely
2187s um you can make a lot of stuff work
2189s yeah Tower goes there seems to be an
2191s interesting minion now I think it's got
2193s so many bits and pieces that make it
2195s work compared to what it used to have
2197s you know over time you can build it into
2199s a decent minion in its own right even
2202s without necessarily the huge amount of
2205s help it used to have to get
2207s foreign
2210s [Music]
2215s I'm not really feeling with these you've
2217s got a couple Divine shields in the shop
2220s but you know that's only with uh
2223s selfless that's not got much Synergy
2225s overall
2227s how do you feel about the bribe you're
2229s taking dragons anyway okay yeah he Bales
2231s yeah can't blame him a nice shop overall
2236s you know he gets to buy and sell the
2238s uh Gambler get a couple of uh selfless
2242s heroes in order to give permanent Divine
2244s Shields to the taragosa which is a very
2245s very big deal uh here on Craig
2250s we've got
2253s with go anima bribe yeah you already
2256s have a scallywag which means more
2258s minions are going to be dying a little
2259s bit more quickly
2263s these all look expensive and difficult
2265s relative to what you want at the moment
2268s like I don't know I feel like Devil's in
2269s the details I this is totally coming
2272s from A New Perspective but I think it's
2274s a little bit underrated in what it does
2276s like it can give you some pretty decent
2278s uh consistent buffage right just to keep
2280s up in the mid game even if it doesn't
2282s necessarily give you a strong Direction
2284s uh that you want to be pointing your
2286s overall game plan out no I like Devils
2289s it's just very hard uh by nine is going
2291s to take a while and that's the problem
2293s here I think
2295s um maybe I'm wrong I mean he is here's
2297s on crack he's gonna have a lot of gold
2298s in a couple of terms time when he
2299s chooses to activate so that turn he'll
2302s complete maybe factor that in and maybe
2304s going into his nine gold turn
2308s we'll have a lot going on there
2311s oh zigzo seems to be cobbling together
2313s any old rubbish on Mayo which usually
2316s means there's a triple locked in I don't
2318s think there was actually from what I saw
2320s they had like a couple dragons couple
2321s murlocs bit of this bit of that uh but
2324s yeah nothing really going all too well
2327s right now as we see taking a look
2330s through the quests on our spreadsheet
2332s here
2333s three players on parasol as we see very
2336s often indeed rim gosu on cooked books
2339s that's pretty exciting can lead to some
2342s cool games and River Pusa on Snicker
2345s snacks at the end of your turn two
2347s friendly minions trigger their battle
2348s cries which can end up being pretty
2351s spicy uh zixo does hit that triple that
2354s you were just talking about yeah and he
2355s has also completed obviously you see the
2357s quest there already locked in so has
2359s taken a huge amount of damage
2363s um but should be able to get out of it
2365s like buffing up this swampy on the right
2367s to have some attack and a huge amount of
2370s Health right should be enough for him to
2372s get through a couple of fights but I
2375s think he's working out how far he wants
2376s to go here with this triples he wants to
2379s level here right this is a clean level
2382s if you are any more health
2384s but down at 22 it gets scary oh boy
2387s zixer though is brave if uh nothing else
2390s foolhardy one could say as there's a
2393s real good shot that he ends up below
2394s that threshold of 15 on this turn
2396s relying as you said on the swampy to
2399s keep him alive but he did he did chicken
2401s out of the ultimate play there which was
2403s to lock in the triple and start oh yeah
2406s the madman and just hope to take a six
2408s that's what he wanted to do that's what
2409s everybody wants to do in Battlegrounds
2410s when you see that situation but yeah
2413s deciding to bail and just get on with
2414s his life I think is fair
2416s however because of the quest completion
2418s a little bit earlier it looks like he's
2420s gonna be able to survive this one
2421s comfortably and stabilizing at 22. you
2425s know that gives you one maybe two
2427s unfortunate uh losses against a spiking
2429s opponent which is okay for the moment he
2432s can make this
2433s make this work
2436s okay let's have a look at the poster
2438s first real look
2439s oh two triples okay
2443s he's been weak for a while but you know
2445s he is still at 39 Health he could juice
2448s this for another turn theoretically if
2451s he wants you on 39 yeah
2454s but it's you you're gonna take you're
2456s gonna start taking a lot of damage but
2458s would you ever consider like nothing
2460s this turn and the next turn level sell
2463s the seller mental and then sell the
2466s imprisoner and buy yeah absolutely he's
2469s also on um someone he's got two summon
2471s 12 so he's gonna complete his quest
2472s which is the Battle Cry thing if you can
2475s get a decent Battle Cry off
2477s what Battle Cry he hadn't got any battle
2478s cries in play that was a problem for him
2480s so maybe he needs to slow down meanwhile
2482s zigzo
2483s raise a goal just because he had a
2485s couple dragons uh on the board
2488s or are we taking little Rag and trying
2490s to start scale yeah it's a tough one
2494s um I'm a Little Rock fan but I suspect
2496s razor Clause the pick for a good player
2498s I would take little back here in a
2500s heartbeat and just go for it but that's
2501s why I end up dying a lot
2504s yeah I get it
2508s not something that he's especially happy
2509s to see though is this is just uh you
2511s know a 6A an a at 10. it's fine it'll
2514s hopefully keep him alive for a little
2515s bit longer but it's not the uh the lobby
2517s Buster he was hoping for as River Pusa
2520s doing exactly what we were talking about
2522s I think looking for some six drops here
2524s as he does go up against zixo who is
2527s going to absolutely blast him out of
2530s this game absolutely but this is the
2532s Synergy we're talking about earlier at
2533s the start you've got um gray bell with a
2536s quest of summon more minions like that's
2538s the sort of synergy you're looking for
2539s in your quest it might sound obvious but
2541s it makes such a difference to have that
2543s sort of thing going on so you don't have
2544s to go out of your way to complete your
2546s quest it just sort of happens
2549s um that's the sort of stuff that allows
2550s you to make those aggressive tierings
2552s whereas if your quest is just nothing to
2554s do with your hero you do tend to have to
2555s stay down on three or four and like you
2556s said at the start of the show that's not
2558s a disaster it's just not as good as
2560s being on six because if you get there
2562s naturally that's great
2564s here we go though
2567s all right what are we looking at let's
2568s see some triples man triples all over
2570s the board murloc homes danathrius
2572s everybody hitting those big triples
2574s crack as well okay we're gonna have to
2576s take a tour around the lobby as uh
2578s unfortunately River poos are after
2579s building yourself is the one player
2580s that's taken the longest of all uh to do
2583s anything here we are going to see two
2585s triples here surely you could take 15
2587s this turn who cares all right I'm going
2590s to show us some of the others Alicia San
2592s with oh imp Mama plus golden mind Mark
2596s in hand that's strong that's huge I love
2599s it
2600s it's a bit early for a man tid I don't
2602s see a dragon on the board
2604s I want this mama
2608s my magic Queen sort of is a two-for-one
2611s your big thing or guaranteed to kill
2613s your big thing card right later on you
2615s want to be the person with the big
2617s things at the start of the game you can
2618s pick up a manted later you're on five
2620s you're gonna have no trouble getting to
2621s six and picky up mantis if you get late
2622s on
2623s wow interesting okay
2627s I mean it's already very strong
2629s obviously
2631s that's obviously very very nice with
2633s this galleyway we'll gobble that up now
2636s do you want to freeze this for the cat
2637s go and go
2639s bull Exodia surely not but it was there
2642s I think it's a little too shaky as we
2644s see oh not a bad set of triples right
2647s yeah
2649s not at all but this is the turn he was
2651s fearing but you know whatever really
2652s it's fine very nice Tempo is the big
2656s thing like not necessarily scaling uh
2659s but that's fine uh for River Pusa here
2661s he can just rely on these big minions
2663s start to find battle cries to synergize
2665s uh with this Snicker snacks hero power
2668s uh like uh mind Mark in order to buff
2671s this mama uh I don't know maybe some of
2674s them or something just yeah a jug of
2676s reef Explorer like anything to
2680s start creating some more value as well
2682s as it's a cool 15 to Alex who is the
2685s first player to enter the dangers
2690s uh yeah uh Prime morphine Lookout is
2693s also a really good card to have if you
2694s get the battle Club I just sit there oh
2696s yeah some murlocs every turn get some
2697s free stuff see where that goes later
2701s aragosa his triple they're all getting
2703s so many triples now
2705s oh not great here right
2710s no are we actually looking for obviously
2713s manted
2717s yeah I guess uh nadina would be pretty
2719s good for permanent divide Shield Eliza
2721s yeah like you say for permanent Buffs on
2723s the taragoza like a lot of the time here
2726s you take the genie just for the money
2729s but on 19 Health you haven't got a long
2731s ride for that money to sort of take
2733s effect
2734s yeah these all suck
2737s it feels like it kind of always sucks
2739s now I I rarely feel happy to see it
2742s one thing that Genie's got a little bit
2744s better in some ways because of the buff
2746s to go and also because you can get a rag
2749s on five so it's not like a disaster like
2751s it used to be but yeah I know what you
2752s mean it's not like it was when it first
2754s got released when it was rather good
2757s even though there's some obvious Synergy
2759s here available for SSA with the double
2762s trickster and the golden taragosa it's
2765s all flimsy it might not hit the
2766s terrigosa he might not survive up until
2768s that point he's at 19 health and looks
2770s pretty weak on the board and uh speaking
2773s of pretty weak Alex JP down at 10 Health
2776s looking to stabilize on this turn while
2778s keeping the crackling in hand in order
2781s to get the buff with red hand but he's
2786s up against a pretty sizable board on the
2788s other side
2790s yeah it turns out that denethius is an
2792s absolute like nightmare who knew that
2795s was going to happen after completing
2796s quests on turn two huh
2799s as long as he can kill off pip he's
2801s gonna survive though which he is
2803s guaranteed to okay
2805s one final Lifeline I think he was
2807s expecting should he die to for it all to
2810s just be over but he's got a last chance
2813s does as well taking a full 15 down to
2816s one we now have three players in that
2819s danger zone
2821s yeah this has been a brutal Lobby and
2823s something we've seen today this is a
2824s sample size of one I'm gonna comment on
2826s but I think the players getting more
2828s used to completing quests more naturally
2830s it's giving them time to concentrate on
2832s getting triples and stuff like you're
2833s supposed to
2837s that makes any sense at all where's when
2840s the opening days is like oh how do I
2842s complete my quest God this is an awkward
2843s thing to do now we're just like complete
2845s my quest while steering towards my
2847s triples okay six are going all in on the
2850s murlocs after having missed uh you know
2853s bran uh some of the other more powerful
2855s uh cards to go alongside this but toxin
2858s fantastic card to get off Tad to boost
2861s your
2862s damage quite substantially which is
2864s maybe a little bit lacking at this point
2865s for him and then gold swolving into I
2870s don't know bran uh again as I said worth
2875s noting he's buffed that
2877s um
2877s don't strike at every turn possibly with
2880s one or two exceptions but basically
2881s every turn since he completed exactly
2884s with this in mind you've now got a 41
2886s Health poison minion he he knew this was
2888s coming later that'll be why he did his
2890s exact play
2892s and if you needed to stabilize at one
2894s Health uh mirizon intermounted is a
2897s fantastic way to do so
2901s and keep the moves on there
2904s uh yep for the extra chance uh more
2907s procs get that Divine Shield yeah
2910s you're a person yeah that'll do oh
2914s that's pretty decent what's he against
2916s oh he's against the AFK who was
2918s struggling right
2921s big taragosa though clearly uh says hey
2924s was able to hit some of those tricks to
2926s death rattles on the taragoza all about
2936s win for six so they're absolutely
2938s enormous
2939s yeah and the people on low Health here
2943s surviving I mean they might be able to
2944s turn it around especially zigzo's case
2946s but surviving people those extra points
2947s is massive how does everyone survive no
2951s way
2953s oh this is so sick I mean there's a
2955s clear divide now right between top three
2957s and everyone else where they are just
2958s all in so much danger of dying Rim goes
2961s through one of those players up at the
2963s top uh alongside a river Pusa again
2965s interestingly enough at the top of a
2966s Lobby together getting golden taragoza
2969s as an option is that something on it you
2972s like at this point that's that's the
2974s question right do you want an absolutely
2976s giant Terra goes or were you happy with
2978s the two sort of good car Tower goes you
2980s already had uh because the rest of his
2982s board is one poison amalgam and nothing
2985s else
2987s so
2988s I decided on 27 he's got the time to go
2990s for this
2992s very clutch nadina poison Divine field
2995s amalgam we will happily take
2999s at remedies uh really seeing it like
3003s there's a the obvious anti-defined
3004s Shield Synergy but
3006s yeah see what he choose to do it's not
3009s like he's got much of a board for this
3010s turn
3014s man this cookbook is actually getting
3016s pretty juicy as well he's gonna uh sorry
3018s gonna want to start cycling through
3020s these dragons at some point because this
3022s sparring partner is already a pretty big
3024s upgrade over them yeah I mean any dragon
3026s now with nadina is going to be a big
3028s deal as they get bigger as well
3032s [Music]
3033s it's a real weird one he does have uh
3037s with uh
3039s sorry golden scalawag and more
3041s importantly golden Eliza which is huge
3043s of course but it doesn't look like an
3045s overwhelmingly powerful board right
3048s no it really doesn't
3050s um small poisons are not great early
3053s they obviously find that their poisons
3054s that can get bigger for you but yeah
3057s compared to Craig who's doing the same
3059s thing just better on the other side
3063s oh yeah look at this golden Eliza of his
3066s own
3068s gobbling down on the death rattles a lot
3070s of stats just needs to chew through the
3072s poisons and I guess not activate this
3074s mama too many times
3076s like that perfect
3083s okay and with that said oh we have our
3086s first fatality of the lobby uh yunchang
3089s on murloc homes
3093s zigzo is starting to really get this
3096s board together now
3098s going for man he was also going for
3100s taragoza so many players going for the
3103s the taragoza strats in this lobby but
3104s his was just significantly smaller than
3107s yeah both the rim gosu and
3110s uh Cesar say
3114s adding the health together on this one
3116s poison murloc to sort of just make it
3118s absolutely nutty
3121s kind of a tough choice here without bran
3124s again burgogle is good obviously for
3127s like plus 10 plus 10 or whatever but not
3129s an insta pick without thinking about it
3132s you know yeah
3134s see where this poison goes he's going to
3136s keep it about fine
3139s yeah I guess it is a good poison Target
3140s because the swole fin with poison at
3143s this point is obviously not irrelevant
3145s but much less impactful yeah he he needs
3148s it right now because he's on one Health
3149s I think he'd like to have held on to it
3151s for a bigger Target later you build some
3152s things up with the staff but just
3155s really doesn't have time just needs him
3156s in a couple of fights he could win the
3157s lobby but I don't think he will because
3158s he has got a couple of decent minions
3161s here but
3163s there's a lot of good stuff going on
3165s this Lobby especially if it goes to look
3166s at the state of this
3170s yeah obviously looking to start beefing
3171s up these stats with the cooked book not
3173s sure how big it is but I'm guessing it's
3175s at least like plus 15 plus 16 or so at
3179s this point you can go see one of the
3180s first players we were told
3182s um to
3183s sort of show
3185s multi-server action to the Korean
3187s audience one of the first players to
3188s play Warrior curving career as well and
3191s is expected in a new meta to do well
3194s apparently that's kind of his thing one
3195s of those Innovative players who you know
3198s comes first second seven eighth kind of
3200s xqn style if you like and is also one of
3204s those players who just looks at a new
3205s set and just goes yeah I got this I'll
3207s be fine
3208s one of those players who also put six so
3211s in a pretty scary position all these
3214s Divine Shields just making quick work of
3216s those small poisonouses poisonouses
3219s poison Minions on the other side and try
3221s as he might get so close to finishing
3224s them off but the clutch nadina just too
3226s powerful as Rim goes he sends a second
3229s player out of the lobby in 6-0 to be
3232s joined by
3234s no others it seems everyone else just
3237s holding on in there a very poultry
3239s Health totals yeah that will irritate
3241s zigzo not just because zigzo is easily
3243s irritated but because I think he just
3245s got to the point where he can expect to
3247s sort of finish fourth or fifth with that
3248s you know it stabilized he had decent
3251s stuff going on
3252s and just ran into a tough match but
3255s there's a lot of tough matchups here
3257s and at least on board oh close to making
3261s this work now uh he's got the golden
3264s uh Eliza uh so Tony I guess can be
3269s discarded at this point not really
3271s necessary all too much anymore
3275s without the golden yeah without golden
3278s Baron there's not an obvious
3281s upgrade right now like khadgar is okay
3283s but you'd have to lose some board spaces
3285s to make it work which makes you a lot
3287s flimsier
3291s I mean Tony is a a pirate I guess for
3295s your
3296s yeah yeah yeah
3300s lose the Observer at this point maybe
3304s You observe the overseer don't want to
3306s lose subtle
3308s I've only been getting that long all
3309s weekend and it's never going to stop
3311s being wrong now I mean yours does make
3312s sense it has like seven eyes if there's
3314s one thing it can do it's observed
3317s exactly overseer observe there's not
3319s much difference and overseas is just a
3321s more Sinister sort of Observer right
3324s I can't die
3328s all right well let's see if Alicia's
3329s hands strategy to hold off for the
3331s moment not commit too hard into the full
3333s scallywag scam combo
3337s oh he's gonna need a lot of stats
3339s against all this uh Divine Shield static
3342s on the taragoza
3345s does have time on his side as well
3347s though with 35 health so this car
3349s doesn't look near complete but looking
3351s at his hand he's got nearly a golden
3353s selfless nearly a golden Baron khadgar
3356s waiting to go in the wings
3358s shouldn't take too much damage most
3360s terms because he's got a good enough
3361s board yeah survive
3365s D into Tara goes so yeah we've got it
3369s whoa
3371s and if he's winning already against that
3373s tough board he could end up complete the
3376s full Exodia which I think is pretty much
3377s unbeatable if you do get it as they say
3379s we see they're going out in sixth yep
3382s Taurus had taken it down on dinathrius
3384s once again going for a lot more oil in
3388s on the dragon's comp actually I think
3389s than a lot of the other players still
3391s with of course that Divine Shield of
3393s Tara goes so that every player in this
3395s Lobby feels like they're going for but
3397s with a more of a leaning towards
3400s uh
3401s uh caligor sorry as well yeah in order
3404s to beef up those stats which is going to
3405s be much needed because uh
3409s I just want to know how Alex Howard
3411s alive looking pretty big but now it's
3414s gone okay yeah
3416s um Alex like we saw three turns ago held
3418s that cyclone in hand and must have held
3420s it for a while because it was big on the
3422s left we just saw there and it's just
3424s still alive and you look at that board
3425s compared to all the other things we're
3427s seeing it's like just a ton of garbage
3429s that he's just had to keep together to
3431s get the job done he's doing really well
3433s sneaking his way into fifth place at
3435s least and now he's got the ghost as well
3440s oh son
3443s lacking chance to make much progress
3446s here so just gonna have to do the
3447s old-fashioned Cali build my things up
3449s but I just Spam battle cries pretty soon
3452s yeah agree it's getting some good ones
3455s though you know mirrors on Uther these
3457s actually have positive effects on the
3458s game
3461s this question now is you do you want to
3463s just waste your smoker and maybe even
3464s your toxic just to get some numbers on
3466s the board this turn
3469s the answer is yes he's on eight health
3474s wasting two gold and two great battle
3476s cries just for some extra numbers
3477s because it's so important he doesn't die
3479s here yeah I'm missing out on red hand he
3481s could have sold and bought into uh
3486s the uh Anil and Battle Master but I
3488s guess the the extra stats on this step
3490s more than make up for that it's turned
3493s 13 he's decided that people are going to
3494s start dying and just surviving turn 13.
3497s that's it if you can survive this turn
3498s he'll get so many points for survival
3500s and he also knows what he's against he's
3502s pretty rough yeah yeah try absolutely no
3505s shot
3506s and you know you can respect his play he
3508s knows his opponents are going for the
3509s same kind of thing as him with Divine
3510s Shield of taragoza so he sells his own
3512s wait because it's third place
3515s wow Alex has died to the ghost
3518s after all that survival and limping up
3520s the ladder I thought he clipped into
3522s third Liverpool's is just getting
3524s absolutely murdered by crack who has
3525s gone full Exodia by the way that uh
3527s khadgar was on the board there oh my God
3533s what on Earth that we have large dragons
3536s versus Exodia here
3539s um depends how complete the Exodia is
3541s but my money's usually on Exodia in
3543s these situations all right so counters
3546s to Exodia Lorinda if you're ready to
3550s hear them
3552s void Lord sorry
3554s can counteract the scallywork because
3559s it's
3560s attack is too low so the scallywag will
3563s not die and therefore there is no board
3565s space
3566s correct I like it and these are
3568s particularly large scallions they are
3570s big so they are very countable
3573s uh are there any others that we could
3576s potentially be looking for to counteract
3578s this fine I've got all my default
3580s answers acolyte no longer in the game
3582s um I mean the answer is yes but
3585s springing to mind I can't think what
3586s they are but anything you can give taunt
3588s to that is small
3590s like uh
3592s tunnel Blaster is I mean it's like
3595s roughly the same shape as void load or
3596s is that a bit weirder the utilities that
3598s might blow up the the scallys if you're
3600s not careful which cause a problem yeah
3602s rock thank you in prisoner here we go
3604s Soto's rattling them off for me
3605s appreciate it
3607s um yeah anything anything small and
3608s taunty
3610s all and taunty none of this is small and
3613s taunty just relied on Brawn I like it no
3616s messing around with tech cards let's
3618s punch him in the face as it's just Clash
3620s of the Titans right now whose comp can
3622s make more stats
3624s so no golden Baron is one of the big
3626s deals here
3632s all right no board space going second
3634s for uh Alicia San is a little
3637s unfortunate
3639s oh okay it's taunted it's fine okay this
3643s is nowhere near enough at the moment
3645s needs to get that Golden Bone I say
3647s nowhere near enough it's large it's
3648s close but yeah the poison is going to
3651s wipe things out the large Tower goes is
3652s going to work things out you can take
3654s out Leroy or the poison Divine Shield
3657s but I don't think either is quite
3660s possible man taking a lot of good hits
3662s though yeah the mansions
3666s oh it is close
3669s yeah gets the tie damn yeah
3673s Good Hits more time to find that golden
3675s Baron yeah doing the job there but like
3679s we say it's more time for Rim ghost who
3681s to find the counters right he's just
3682s going to roll straight through for it
3683s there's the imprisonment there's the
3685s molten rock yeah if you want them
3687s they're the the baby versions of the
3689s counter not the full void Lord shabang
3691s that you want
3693s especially as they've positioned in a
3695s way so that their
3700s uh selfless hero goes first so you need
3703s a taunt that gives a taunt to be 100
3705s safe right I mean the taunt he has is
3708s actually big enough to survive one hit
3710s as well at the moment just because those
3711s were so big I think for sorry for
3714s for this galleys to survive hitting it
3716s right oh okay yeah yeah because it's
3720s actually they're like got 10 Health I
3723s think those scallies from memory
3726s I think it's one six and one ten but
3728s yeah yeah it's all about positioning
3731s because if you put the selfless hero
3734s first you can of course attack in if you
3736s go first
3737s and then that takes out the taunt
3740s math time do you want the Divine Shield
3742s or do you want the the khadgar
3745s yeah he's going for super CAD guards
3747s here yeah I respect
3749s I'm now going to try and roll for the
3750s baron if he finds the baron I think he's
3752s in a great spot but if he doesn't maybe
3754s not so much
3756s and now of course the taunt outs aren't
3758s so good because you know both scalley's
3760s got taught nothing else has taunt
3761s they're gonna die anyway now blah blah
3763s blah so suddenly that defense isn't
3765s quite as good
3770s oh no of course the cooked books what am
3772s I talking about the uh the void love
3775s would have been too big anyway yeah oh
3777s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah apologies yeah
3780s I know we're both back in Old School
3782s mode because it's double Cali versus
3783s Exodia like yeah yeah yeah anyway yeah
3786s yeah yeah yeah no that's totally my bad
3788s apologies I know I'm sat here too I
3791s think it's fine because who expects this
3793s today
3796s foreign
3800s the most powerful comp in the game apart
3802s from maybe full-blown leapers
3806s um it's so hard to get this combo when
3809s you get it look how powerful it is like
3811s nothing's standing in the way of this
3813s yep absolutely nothing it's just too
3816s much
3817s and what was interesting here was how
3819s when he was sort of building this comp
3821s he didn't Panic he kept a lot of the
3823s piece in his hand and we saw him beating
3825s I think this exact opponent way when he
3829s sort of wasn't anywhere near having the
3830s full comp Bill he just had he was one of
3833s the cad guards he had a Tony on the
3835s board he had the Eliza he had the the
3836s mountain Queen it's the bits and Bobs
3838s just chilling yeah took his time to
3841s transition slowly into this comp and
3842s yeah now he's just winning the lobby
3846s first run of the day picking up those
3848s seven points yeah love to see it from
3850s Alicia sound relying a lot more for once
3852s it feels like on uh a classic comp like
3856s instead of hodgepodging sewing together
3858s with quests as most players have been
3860s going for which has generally been
3861s strong enough to win new lobbies in this
3863s instance we are just seeing the uh
3866s classic scallywag combo which honestly I
3869s didn't even know if that would hold up
3870s in today's meta game with so many high
3872s Tempo quests knocking them out in the
3873s mid game I think that for me was the
3875s Real Genius of that game plan was being
3878s able to survive all the way through with
3881s uh such clever pickups along the way uh
3883s to survive until that point with the
3885s selfless Heroes being such a key
3886s component yeah very nicely done even at
3889s the end there like you say with a
3890s selfless just not willing to go crazy on
3894s the comp until the very last minute that
3896s mantis Queen doing so much work in the
3898s penultimate fight there and yeah let's
3900s just sound taking a first first of all
3903s the day like it's just great we've
3906s talked about how you don't see many
3907s traditional comps there were two of them
3909s there
3910s yeah exactly that in itself is a Verity
3914s right now I don't think that's a pattern
3916s we'll see com continue
3918s I do think Exodia will win every time we
3920s see it built but I don't think we'll see
3921s it built enough it's like
3923s this is an exceptionally powerful Lobby
3925s and people seem to get their Quest done
3926s exceptionally quickly whether that's
3928s because players are getting better like
3930s this this patch is only five days old or
3932s something or whether it's just because
3934s that's how that Lobby panned out not
3936s quite sure I have to wait and see yeah
3938s just interesting to see as well how
3940s taragosa crazy everyone seemed to go in
3944s that Lobby like obviously some players
3946s were just sort of forced into it we saw
3948s uh AFK and SSA getting double tarragosa
3951s off the Discover sure you're gonna make
3953s that work in some way uh we saw the
3956s dragons from taurusan actually ending up
3958s throwing away a giant taragoza at some
3960s point because he just needed more attack
3962s on the board and the effects of the
3964s atromedes but you know always
3966s interesting to see that the way these
3968s lobbies work out where sometimes you're
3970s just given a bunch of selfless or
3972s nadinas or whatever and taragosa became
3975s a super strong mid-game stabilizer uh
3978s even if players couldn't capitalize on
3980s it to turn it into a win
3982s yeah it does seem to have been something
3984s that certainly you asked me about it
3986s yesterday I was like yeah Tower goes
3987s It's okay but it's looking like more and
3989s more a go-to card for a lot of the
3992s players uh the quest to interact with it
3994s as you mentioned at the start of the
3995s show there's lots of little ways to make
3997s it big rather than make it the
3998s Cornerstone of your
4000s your build you just put it in there and
4002s it builds itself
4004s kind of obvious really when you read the
4005s card
4008s yeah look at this comp now summarize
4011s dude it's just so much stuff
4013s oh beautiful like in the days of say
4016s nagas like a load of 1990s 100 hundreds
4020s being built by this comp wouldn't
4021s necessarily even be enough not every
4024s time but now you don't have opponents
4026s with Bunches of 300 300s anymore it's
4028s just not a thing that happens anymore so
4031s the whole Army of hundred hundreds and
4033s plus some 30 30 smacking into you along
4035s the way that's just enough now to get
4037s things done
4038s would you look at that we end up with a
4040s very interesting breakdown in terms of
4042s points Alish San Rim goes to taking down
4044s first and second place uh Yun Chang zixo
4048s and say interestingly interestingly
4050s enough sorry who I thought was doing
4051s pretty well in that Lobby uh finishing
4053s in eighth seventh and sixth but then
4055s three players all at Four Points with a
4057s pretty harsh drop-off uh down two points
4059s for say so while it is still obviously
4062s as we can say at any point anybody's
4065s game here uh interesting to see how
4067s Cesar say zixo and Yun Chang will start
4070s to turn up the heat and as you say try
4072s to close down that 20 points within five
4074s lobbies now I think is like a reasonable
4077s thing for them to aim for uh even if
4079s it's starting to look a little ambitious
4081s for yunchang at zero points after the
4083s first Lobby and the roller coaster of
4086s emotion Alex went through in that
4088s particular round too like looked like
4089s gonna come eighth gets into the top five
4092s fights the ghost it's like yeah I gotta
4094s get even more up there two people die
4096s and then so do you it's like yeah we'll
4100s offered it a few turns ago he'd be
4101s delighted but nearly scammed his way
4104s into third place from nowhere overall
4105s he'll be happy but yep four points for
4108s Alex and we'll have to wait and see how
4110s this develops after the next couple but
4111s one thing's for sure if you're going to
4113s get to 20 points quickly Alicia sand is
4115s the one who obviously is in position to
4117s do so indeed so let's see whether or not
4120s he can capitalize on that strong
4122s performance in our first lobby with game
4124s number two after this break
4130s [Music]
4144s thank you
4149s [Music]
4155s [Music]
4163s [Music]
4167s foreign
4190s [Music]
4199s all right
4203s [Music]
4218s [Music]
4230s [Music]
4238s [Music]
4256s thank you
4264s [Music]
4271s foreign
4274s [Music]
4280s [Music]
4288s [Music]
4300s foreign
4304s [Music]
4318s [Music]
4325s welcome back everyone to Hearthstone
4326s Lobby Legends magic of Azeroth if you're
4330s joining us now it's a great time to do
4332s so we're right near the start of the
4334s final day here where at the end of
4336s today's action we're gonna have our
4339s winner of Lobby Legends number five
4340s really getting through them at this
4342s point and as you keep talking about
4343s feels like we're getting closer to uh
4346s well firstly seeing a lot of our fan
4347s favorites take a victory which is
4349s something that a lot of players are
4350s hoping for of course with River Pusa and
4353s ramgoso a lot of Korean fans really
4354s hoping for a victory for one of their
4356s favorite streamers but as the year goes
4358s on I feel like we're going to be getting
4359s closer and closer to a repeat Victor at
4362s some point with so many of the same
4363s players qualifying with such consistency
4366s to all these Lobby Legends yeah I'm
4368s excited to see who that's going to be it
4369s won't be today although we do have four
4371s people returning to the the finals
4374s um but obviously you can't win two
4376s without winning one I think the other
4378s person probably in the best spot to do
4381s that just keeps returning time after
4383s time getting close time after time so so
4385s there's a play I think keep an eye I
4387s think in third place at the moment
4389s already as well
4390s oh everyone's in third place because
4392s they all got four points that's right I
4394s remember now it's a long time ago
4396s um so someone to keep on there that'd be
4398s my favorite of these players to get the
4401s the two wins obviously we've got to keep
4403s an eye on previous winners as well but
4406s again xqn who hasn't even made it to
4408s today but made it to yesterday a player
4410s that we're always going to talk about in
4411s terms of can they do it Waterloo player
4414s that's already won once
4416s um not in this one but is a player that
4418s could definitely win it twice and again
4419s we've got many more Lobby Legends still
4421s to come so let's see who gets it done
4423s twice but first of all let's see who
4425s gets it done once Derek um anyone catch
4427s your eye over the two days
4430s otherwise I was talking about the start
4431s I think says to say has been playing
4432s some uh very nice uh uh Battleground
4436s sorry over the last day or two but it
4438s can't be overstated that uh Rim goes to
4442s uh and well I mean also rip of pizza
4443s finishing in in third there as well
4445s really feel like they are consistently
4447s doing well in these lobbies just uh
4450s strong finishes for the most part
4452s throughout and again I really think that
4455s for that Lobby there for Alicia sound it
4457s was just very bold to go for the the
4459s scallywag comp because even though the
4461s shop was kind of telling him to do so
4463s it's still a very very obvious decision
4466s and it lobbies like these as soon as
4469s players get a whiff of the fact that you
4471s are going for such a uh
4474s inflexible comp for the most part right
4477s like very very powerful as we saw but
4479s very counterable if they have the
4481s ability to do so uh you're gonna be in
4483s trouble because they're going to counter
4484s that very effectively whereas in lower
4485s MMR lobbies that might not be the case
4487s so very very bold strategy to go for it
4489s but as we saw because of the cook's
4491s books countering it was in fact not even
4493s a possibility which we eventually
4495s realized uh therefore making the
4497s strategy all the better so just again a
4500s really well played to Alicia Sam
4502s Shadow walk of course it's Shadow walk
4504s being shown to us we know who's
4506s controlling this so it's always going to
4507s be Shadow walk
4509s um yep you've got the nargos you've got
4511s the Pirates you've got the Elementals
4513s makes the shuttle walk go pretty crazy
4516s pretty early but it can go wrong
4520s I'm but glad that we're being shown this
4522s uh next year portrait as well because
4524s yesterday I spent about 10 minutes
4526s trying to figure out what on Earth that
4528s picture was because I had no idea that
4531s that hero skin was Elixir for the
4533s longest time but now I know I'm aware
4536s that apparently dragons can turn into
4538s humans and vice versa because
4541s reasons
4544s all right we've got ourselves a brand
4546s game I'm a happy chappie and uh uh shell
4550s collector right out the gate uh
4552s obviously though no murlocs in this
4554s Lobby which for me is as I mentioned the
4556s previous game where my head is at first
4558s of all with bran uh what are you looking
4560s to do in a Lobby where that isn't a
4561s possibility honestly I don't play Brand
4564s much without murlocs myself but just
4565s gets value in a general like a very
4568s early brand especially as I think battle
4570s crys work well with some of the quests
4572s as well
4574s um just get value just get stuff like
4576s jug is always a card I go to when I hear
4578s the word Battle Cry it's far more
4579s powerful cards than that available but
4581s it's it's just the go-to card right it
4584s just gives you so many stats so quickly
4587s and I think basically just looking to
4589s not necessarily do anything
4592s special
4593s just just get Relentless value uh you
4596s see players
4597s who are building a proper comp just go
4599s for value smogger for instance would be
4601s a card that's often very powerful or um
4605s look out with the murlocs as you know
4607s you've got Network just going through
4609s now Reef Explorer it's just endless
4611s stuff yeah yeah all the mowers ons and
4614s so on but nothing nothing stand out
4617s unless you get to Pirates maybe nothing
4618s stand out crazy powerful just Relentless
4622s small stuff going on
4624s we also have read it for the first oh it
4627s feels like a gallowakes which I know you
4629s are a big fan of it's also the only hero
4632s with uh Zero armor class in this Lobby
4634s which is not something in the previous
4636s matter you're expecting to see all too
4637s often but I feel like the Zero armor
4639s class uh classes being very very popular
4642s and high up the tier list I wonder if
4645s this is going to work against River
4646s poosa given that he just has so much
4647s less Health to work with than the rest
4649s of the field and again we'll have a
4651s slightly Harder Job completing his quest
4654s slightly Harder Job completing his quest
4656s but he's galliwitz
4658s good point it doesn't matter that's my
4661s um
4662s hot take for the tournament if your
4664s Galley Wicks just none of it matters and
4666s he's really not getting the good choices
4667s though right like
4670s had no tokens available limited Battle
4673s Cry value with uh the closest he's got
4675s being the swabby is this just a buy sell
4678s buy I know that's what you're supposed
4680s to do with gallowakes to just buy and
4682s sell and spend all your money at return
4684s but this doesn't feel like it
4686s yeah you can find what something I found
4688s with gallywix is you find a spot to do
4690s it and it's constant adding up numbers
4692s and sort of counting and not making
4694s mistakes which is definitely a weak
4695s point of mind so get to the end there's
4697s a gold left over every time for no
4699s reason
4699s uh but just find a turn where you go
4702s okay this is the turn I'm just going to
4703s sell everything and buy two good minions
4704s or whatever and then the turn after it's
4707s gonna get value you don't have to have a
4708s massive pop-off of those massive
4711s pop-offs are nice uh what you need is to
4713s have one or two turns where you just get
4715s a huge amount of stuff for
4718s for free basically you loan it to Bob
4721s and then buy it all back next turn
4724s ping the anomaly in hand ready for the
4727s quest and this will be game a defining
4729s for everybody but particularly for
4731s gallywix this could be nutty yeah
4733s exactly down uh 34 Health taking a
4736s couple of rough losses already we need
4737s to see a big turnaround here on this
4740s quest uh none of the ones that instantly
4743s synergize with gallyworks spend a lot of
4745s money buy a lot of minions play a lot of
4747s minions all those ones not currently
4749s available and so we're looking at mirror
4752s Shield yeah to just it's specific minion
4755s types but that could work very nicely
4757s with galleywix where you're just buying
4758s and selling a lot shuffling through to
4760s get yourself some powerful minions
4762s yolktastic Tasties is offered for young
4766s Shang but seeing as we're in a
4768s competitive Lobby here it does honestly
4771s feel that refreshing the lobby uh the
4772s tavern that many times is probably a
4775s little expensive a little bit tough yeah
4777s I think that's one of the quest things
4778s that we might see get cheaper over time
4780s as well very hard to get done but
4783s apparently Alex has taken the ad 18
4786s cards to your hand and spin the wheel so
4789s he's taken the York Tasties oh no shot
4797s well
4801s I mean again like parasol has just been
4804s the uh the fallback option of this Lobby
4807s Legends right we've seen very
4808s consistently people taking Paris over
4810s took it last uh game three times players
4812s ended up with it and here as well uh
4815s seemed very possible but deviating away
4818s I think it's a victim Specter that was
4821s the yes it was yeah okay
4826s uh Alex with wheel of Yorkshire right
4830s okay interesting Master Hand he's got a
4834s coin to come from The Collector he's got
4835s an extra Elemental to come so he's gonna
4837s get this on pretty quickly by the look
4838s at it right yeah but just hold him back
4840s for bran as well right now
4847s Mr smart he wins this fight anyway and
4848s then he can openly get double coin
4850s double quest uh progression on the
4852s following turn as well once he gets bran
4854s in hand
4857s okay
4860s that was oh no sorry that is a Battle
4862s Cry there you go okay you're very happy
4863s with that to the honest we haven't
4865s mentioned um because it hasn't happened
4866s almost at all this weekend we haven't
4868s talked about curves much but Alex is on
4870s the old-fashioned Warrior curve here
4872s okay
4873s um because the Brand's staying down to
4874s make sure he completes the brand there's
4876s decent battle cries on one with the yeah
4878s yeah yeah
4879s uh with the shadow walk options
4880s basically
4882s um that's
4886s man this is good uh the level was gonna
4889s cost like minus 15 or something if you
4891s didn't level up there with it the bran
4894s and triple swabby
4896s and he's just kind of turboing this
4898s Quest as well it is halfway there
4900s already yep
4903s a triple as well
4906s especially if you've taken shot if
4908s someone takes a shadow walk here with
4909s this setup this is what um why shoulder
4912s what can be good right
4913s yeah true
4916s it's the same deal you get really really
4918s quickly to the higher levels for no
4921s particular reason yeah you don't get to
4922s cheat anymore with millions of triples
4924s when you get there but this is this is
4925s what you're looking for
4930s things look a little scary interestingly
4932s enough though for Rim gosu despite
4934s picking a classic Tempo hero of alak
4936s here due to a strategy of going three on
4938s three I believe and clearly not catching
4940s up all too much uh in a bit of a rough
4943s spot falling down all the way to last
4945s this place has completed the
4949s Quest though right maybe not actually
4952s that's not I'm sure I still thought I
4954s was looking at I'm going mad ignore me
4957s oh wait what are we doing
4960s chill Alex and now can we reduce this by
4964s four and level again down dude
4972s okay discover bug unfortunately
4977s shot dude this is insane he's gonna have
4980s York Boston yogging all over the place
4983s next turn
4989s Peggy
4992s need another pirate to go with it what's
4994s the other one
4996s another
5002s man this is sick yep bubble Peggy buy
5006s and sell The Gambler okay yeah it's just
5011s kicking off
5016s it's completed let's just spin the wheel
5019s next turn as well this is the disgusting
5022s is he going for a six drop yeah just
5023s just press all the buttons just keep
5025s pressing buttons look at it let's go
5034s sure hey that's not bad as well that'll
5037s do
5038s these peggies are going to be
5040s uncontrollably large very soon that was
5043s an unbelievable turn whereas on the
5045s other side of things it's not looking
5047s all too great for room goes so he ends
5049s up with a few Divine Shields quite a few
5051s actually with obviously the hero power
5053s the double guardian and the crackling
5056s but he really needs to start winning
5058s with it and getting some triples like if
5060s he could get one of these Amber
5061s Guardians to die last then we're
5063s laughing you know at that point he's
5065s really back in this one WG players turn
5067s six what we just watched from Alex there
5069s that's true that's true probably offset
5072s our brain a little bit but yeah he this
5074s is definitely not going well for him go
5075s so he's definitely very weak um but it
5078s is only turn six a little bit of time to
5080s to turn it around okay let's watch this
5082s complete nuttiness all right spin the
5086s wheel
5090s uh okay sure yeah sure we can take a six
5095s drop here
5096s or maybe even a five drop look for
5098s another brand yeah no okay I was
5100s thinking the same because of the um
5102s Overseer in the shop which just kind of
5104s wanted to snaffle up but
5106s you were asking earlier like when are
5108s the signs you're going to win a Lobby
5109s not that you're going to hang on the
5111s signs are and two peggies the wheel of
5113s York and a light Fang on turn six okay
5116s oh okay a thistle could be good we've
5118s got the Synergy with
5119s um
5120s pashmar as well of course uh speedy
5124s unable to see what's happening on this
5126s board but a triple for him gosu is huge
5128s which I believe he got off the Amber
5129s Guardian
5130s uh
5132s I mean murmidon has obvious Synergy with
5134s the hero power right being able to
5136s double the stats and then give it Divine
5138s shield and wind Fury as well but no
5140s immediate way to buff it
5143s really does just lessen that power you
5145s haven't seen the uh right for a little
5148s while on the galley but
5150s that seems like I feel like this is
5153s brave from alakia setting up for a
5154s longer term strategy
5157s he's just then taking
5159s zoa
5163s get some value
5165s wow the shell collector okay
5168s things need to start turning around
5170s Alicia sound as well his quest was
5173s uh six battle cries yeah get a copy of
5176s your High House highest health minion at
5178s the start of combat which is okay but
5180s it's a long way off and he is dying fast
5182s as is Rim gosu who needs this turn
5185s around against an opponent with like all
5188s Divine Shields which when you have the
5191s uh the Wildfire is the last thing that
5193s you want to see yeah if he survives this
5195s he's got the little Rag and some stuff
5197s going to start building up a pretty
5200s tasty board and that's what he was
5202s counting on but will he survive this I
5204s don't know those hits didn't look very
5205s good at the start they look even worse
5207s now yeah even if he'd taken out the
5209s taragoza I think that was just gay oh no
5212s he would have survived at one if he'd
5214s just got the lucky hit on the tarragosa
5215s but that does me the room goes to going
5217s out in eighth if you can believe it in
5222s uh what is a pretty classic uh room cozy
5225s style of play from what I hear yep
5227s second and last so far yeah that's what
5230s we were told to expect check format that
5232s might be pretty good though all right we
5234s have a pizza
5235s he's got the mirror online obviously
5237s which is how he's got all these Divine
5239s Shield minions rocking and rolling and I
5241s think probably just going full Tempo
5243s taking a four here as well yeah like the
5246s decision there was I'm living on three
5249s on turn eight
5250s uh am I staying here for even longer the
5253s answer is yeah I'm staying here
5255s oh recycling wraith on Galley wicks
5259s we tempted by that yeah very tempted
5262s very very tempted by it
5265s a little less Tempo than the other two
5267s options and there is a taragoza so prize
5269s promo Drake stonks go up drastically as
5272s a result
5273s you get so much gold but I think I think
5275s now he's he's strong enough to start
5277s moving up you get so much gold using
5279s recycling weight waste so you can spend
5281s all of your gold on just minions okay is
5283s important um doesn't have anything like
5285s a Nomi or a hogger yet yeah which is a
5288s worry because this Quest
5291s it's fine for a while right the the
5294s mirror Shield but
5297s it it does get worse pretty rapidly yeah
5300s sure if he can get himself a I mean like
5305s I said Nomi would be fantastic but
5306s there's some other synergies that go
5307s decent well alongside it if you can get
5309s major Domo or maybe the
5313s uh shape of reality what's the realities
5318s that's the one yeah yeah it could be
5320s pretty good as well to just get some
5321s immediate stat blockage with all this
5323s Synergy that you have cycling through
5324s the tavern so quickly yeah absolutely
5327s find a Peggy you're all right as well
5330s if there's any left they haven't all
5331s been taken
5333s by Alex the Peggy Thief
5338s or close one gonna need to take out yeah
5341s there you go the jumper that'll do it
5347s now now is the time for Galley to start
5350s moving up right you see some more yolks
5353s okay
5356s sure
5359s oh my Lord oh
5362s my stuff
5365s like he doesn't he's not even taking
5367s jokes because why would you take jugs
5369s with a bran yeah yeah I mean only two
5372s million types I guess he's just trying
5374s to transition hard into nagas yeah
5379s okay you know slowing down a little bit
5382s here I will say like obviously this is
5384s all the remnants of his insane start so
5386s he is in a very very good position of
5388s course uh but you know this kind of turn
5390s he's
5391s I feel like there's room for players to
5394s catch him up in first place right now
5395s like if you look at this this is
5397s probably a winner but not a guaranteed
5400s winner I will say
5402s all right or am I crazy
5404s I mean it's not it's definitely not a
5406s guaranteed winner so you're not crazy
5407s crazy it depends what level you're
5409s putting on that because like he's
5410s winning he's he's currently he is he is
5412s winning but I I still think
5414s if like like this no me galleywix right
5417s here we go come on this is surely
5419s something that can start to fight back
5422s yeah
5423s um he's on a height of Health total
5424s presumably he's going to have a million
5426s goal next turn although Maybe
5428s it's turned he leveled he took a triple
5430s he got the Nomi this may be next term on
5432s the Galley isn't going to be a mega mega
5434s pop-off because there's gold spent on
5436s other stuff last time yeah uh than just
5438s buying selling minions
5441s thinks they're going with his own Peggy
5442s comp in a more traditional manner with
5445s the Ogar to go alongside it but as soon
5449s as he goes up against one of the bigger
5450s players uh it's not going to be able to
5452s stack up at all could be gonna need some
5454s luck to gold in this hogger
5459s oh 50 50 now gets it okay huge really
5464s big turnaround and then also
5467s potentially winning this fight okay
5469s which would be insane yeah oh yeah oh no
5472s he loses but yeah he'll take it that
5475s fight looks horrible it looked like he
5476s wouldn't get the golden hogger and
5478s everything went his way there so now
5480s he's got a chance to to do some catching
5482s up
5483s someone who ain't doing no catching up
5485s is Yun Chang with an eighth and then a
5487s seventh two lobbies in a row is in an
5490s awful situation as it's the muncher to
5494s eat all these stats Leo yes he loses out
5497s on some nice battle cries but you are
5499s happily gonna take that as he gets the
5501s golden Peggy as well yeah now he could
5503s what do you do with it do you take the
5505s amalgam with it but yeah there's no
5507s Pirates right you need like you said the
5508s amalgam
5512s are you just say Okay this Peggy just
5514s lives here as a 44-46 and it's exactly
5516s yeah
5519s uh hogger that's a that's the best
5522s pirate he's gonna get are we supposed to
5524s just go nagas here and ignore the Peggy
5525s is that what I'll just leave it as a
5527s solid minion very possibly is that our
5530s job here
5532s it Buffs your mantids oh but it's so fun
5535s to go hogger though right yeah he is
5540s uh Baron not doing anything right now
5542s and I don't think it scales particularly
5544s well Brand number two probably a little
5546s over ambitious
5548s yeah I'm not sure at what point you
5549s consider selling brand number one
5551s actually
5552s the answer is usually later than I think
5554s whenever I watch anybody I'm like I'll
5555s sell the brand now and they keep it
5557s three more turns
5558s at least wow I didn't expect that I've
5561s got to be honest
5562s I guess he's
5564s he's rolling a lot because there's not
5566s many things he's looking for right now
5570s yeah I guess in terms of the goal you're
5572s spending like you're probably just gonna
5573s triple roll at the end there and the
5575s money you spend on rolling and then
5577s monkey gives you a better chance at
5579s tripling the officer which is the big
5581s thing
5582s this looks like a
5585s set of cards that somebody's put
5586s together to get sixth place with
5591s yeah just hoping to miss the top dogs
5593s Alex and very rapidly uh River booster
5597s is one of the players you really want to
5598s avoid at all cost yeah yeah
5602s if you survive this this might be the
5604s time to face because no one's surviving
5606s him for much longer but I don't think
5608s Tony Sam's gonna survive it
5613s yeah
5615s very close just narrowly dying out exact
5618s lethal there
5620s felt like there was maybe a slim chance
5621s you could have survived that one but he
5623s is going out in sixth place as is what
5626s zixo as well
5628s a seventh into a fifth physics though
5631s and that board was looking at 50 cases
5633s like 20 20 30 30s that he'd put together
5635s with a hogger there of the second game
5637s in a rows because it was right under the
5639s old favorite one more turn me please oh
5642s come on like this is begging for a Peggy
5645s game he's he got offered like three
5647s gamblers and another hog art just pick
5650s it please I'm begging you
5653s this is mine he just wants to see how
5657s goes with this Peggy oh there we go
5660s that's what we've been looking for
5665s now we start Mega popping off
5670s I see I want to see your definition of
5672s Mega popping off after that turn six
5674s where it just popped off everything okay
5677s that was Mega now a giga popping off
5679s with me okay sure
5682s I lose track of the scales sometimes
5685s but it's gonna start Yota popping off or
5689s whatever comes up later on
5692s this is the last term where anyone could
5695s beat
5696s yeah not quite true but rapidly reaching
5699s that point these are 47 47 on there
5701s there's a triple so it is getting there
5703s quickly isn't it and some nice alleys as
5706s well Divine Shield uh the Wildfire as
5709s well pretty big can he make space for
5710s this hogger
5712s so he can he go hogger Peggy everything
5715s else Elementals
5717s Delia 2224 not necessarily immediately
5720s but soon and then right crazy on the
5722s know me no he doesn't want to do it he's
5724s not tempted
5726s although he is tempted and turned it
5728s down yeah I think there's like there
5730s might have been problems with board
5732s space but mainly just like uh it's just
5734s too it's just too much to try and work
5736s through here like you need like you need
5739s to decimate your stats so heavily to
5741s make room to cycle both Pirates and
5743s Elementals you know and it's too late in
5745s the game as well I think it was the
5747s conclusion he reached yes
5749s you know it's still a bit whether he
5751s gets to survive a turn or two more and
5753s if he does survive eternity more he's
5754s scaling so quickly now
5756s that you should be okay although he's
5758s not scaling that quickly you could do
5759s with a second no me but he should find
5761s the chair I was shot at that and uh says
5763s to say hanging on in there with demons
5765s of all things uh against the very
5769s rapidly increasing uh Elementals that we
5771s see uh and of course the nagas from Alex
5774s but for the moment
5775s able to scrape out at least a fourth and
5778s maybe
5780s if he avoids Alex uh he can get a uh a
5784s third as well as hey there you go Alicia
5786s San out of the running on a nixia
5789s again
5794s ah
5797s I don't even know if you
5799s really want that I guess six drops are
5801s still fine because you could get another
5803s a thistle which is still fantastic but
5805s this is mounted just just get things
5807s it's easy and a half yeah it's 31.29 as
5811s well because of the brand it's big yeah
5813s just ate a shop
5817s I love it oh
5819s corrupted murmidon probably not
5824s uh
5827s uh you already have this three targets
5828s have you yeah
5833s okay you can just take the cabin Tempest
5839s three card for your Peggy to not buff
5841s anything with yeah
5843s uh looking for that boy there this is
5846s Sally more than anything else but
5847s missing out on it okay whiffs whiffs
5849s whiffs nothing happening here at all
5851s taunt with your uh manted already
5854s taunted up I don't think offers you much
5856s we're not mad by the way Alex when you
5858s watch this back about this Peggy we're
5859s just disappointed
5865s I I know what he's doing is probably
5867s correct but she is yes come on
5871s yeah you're on stream come on give us a
5873s show nothing about the ten thousand
5875s dollars you're trying to win
5877s you just want to see golden Peggy
5879s popping off
5880s all right it's pretty simple uh I don't
5882s think it says to say as much of a chance
5883s about scaling either player at this
5885s point so it's really just a battle
5886s between narcas and Elementals as I see
5889s it and currently especially with double
5892s manted both
5894s on Shield uh it's definitely looking
5897s good for Alex
5906s but
5908s it all goes back to that crazy
5911s um play he had we saw a shot of what
5913s pass in this Lobby remember
5915s um Alex got the same thing done on brown
5916s but there was a shot of what passed with
5918s the demon now having a Battle Cry there
5919s were four Battle Cry minion types in out
5922s of the five
5923s damn as I say in a pretty miraculous
5927s version squeezing out a second place
5929s which I mean this board is good you know
5932s it's it's not though is that come on but
5935s it's not great yeah it's not a second
5938s place kind of board in lobby Legends is
5940s it
5941s we have seen far better boards than this
5943s come fifth and sixth over this weekend
5946s um
5947s good positioning a good sight of what
5949s he's playing against working out exactly
5951s what he needs to survive each turn must
5952s have played a big part in this
5954s um because he has he's just two minions
5956s that's what he's got yeah and very
5958s luckily dodging Alex for like the last
5960s four or five rounds I'm gonna say or he
5962s would have been Mega dead
5964s apparently he's very close to came close
5966s to losing to the ghost last round as
5968s well really wow yeah
5977s just wave the flag and get out of here
5980s start game exactly I mean I'm not even
5982s gonna ask you what he can hit to stand a
5983s chance because there there is absolutely
5987s he hits Alex just punches opponent in
5989s the straight up punches him that's what
5991s he can hit to have a chance yeah that's
5993s about it he'd probably get disqualified
5995s though yeah I think that might be
5996s against the rules but he's too nicer guy
5999s as well but you know
6001s not technically incorrect okay Baron's
6003s selfless to round this out
6014s yeah
6015s yes absolutely
6021s I love that Peggy made it as well just
6025s as the uh the cheerleader for the team
6027s at this point
6028s yeah could have been so much more
6031s just opted to be the cheerleader
6036s all right that blows up his own board
6044s trying to work out where these shields
6045s could go that can end up scamming this
6047s fight I think it's possible
6051s not now that I think it needs to scam
6052s onto the 71 attack and then have some
6054s good hits
6056s kind of big to be fair this is closer
6060s than I thought it would be yeah
6062s oh is it one hell health no way no way
6067s it wasn't even close
6070s never in doubt Derek told me that's so
6073s easy to fight it
6076s oh man well played Alex and well played
6079s Sesame as well again I've got to say
6081s like that that was a good Scoop of luck
6083s to be able to get that second place but
6085s very impressive because you know at the
6088s start of that it wouldn't have just been
6089s a second place that he would have been
6092s happy with it was like a fifth or a
6094s fourth that he would have been happening
6095s like demons in that position just do not
6098s scale quickly enough to keep up with uh
6101s Galley Wix know me with an insane pop-up
6103s in that early game uh with the bran into
6106s the peggies into nagas into all that
6108s juicy goodness it was very excessively
6111s done by good demons right it wasn't like
6114s even sort of fell back stuff going it
6116s was just literally a couple of uh zoos
6118s and good luck hope it works
6120s um so yeah fantastic hanging on there
6123s identifying that Azul was going to be
6125s enough to to limp up get the point which
6127s is really important at this stage of the
6129s final when you're heading for that 20
6130s points uh but Alex
6133s uh
6134s a great game really like identifying to
6137s sort of play Warrior curve on bran okay
6139s that's not genius levels of play or
6141s anything but realizing that four million
6144s types are inward's gonna allow that
6145s brand to do the thing early then getting
6147s a quest to go along with it and Bam
6150s yep his uh life total tells a pretty
6153s accurate story of what happened that
6154s game he got a great start great finish
6156s and a great end he got given all the
6158s tools he needed but he didn't mess him
6159s up right it wasn't an especially uh
6162s complex way to be going about things but
6165s we'll take those games we will
6167s absolutely take those games once in a
6169s while as Alex now propels himself into a
6172s much better position he was one of the
6174s trio that finished in fourth uh oh sorry
6176s third uh overall uh in the previous
6179s Lobby and now propels himself up I think
6182s into first place or very close to it at
6185s least has to be very close to it yeah
6186s with those four points plus seven being
6188s on 11.
6190s um Alicia San
6191s possibly doing just as well then goes to
6194s having the the Vim goes through yeah
6196s there we go yeah there we go damn
6200s and uh interesting as things go down
6202s right like there's uh there's a top and
6205s a bottom like the top six looking all
6207s okay Alex JP and Alicia sound very
6210s possibly uh getting that nice break
6212s point you were talking about of four
6214s lobbies get us in check that is
6216s obviously what they're looking to do
6217s whereas uh zixo and Yoon Chang right now
6222s really they'd be lucky if they got it in
6224s six uh at this point yeah yeah they'd
6226s have to get some big turnarounds to do
6228s so Young Chang only had five points
6230s yesterday after the first two lobbies it
6233s was very seventh place and ended up
6235s winning that Lobby and getting through
6237s to today so uh obviously a player we
6240s don't know much about but from the
6241s results we've seen so I'm gonna say
6242s Obviously like this is a sample size of
6244s five games is enormous but apparently a
6247s player that is more than capable of
6249s having extreme results so a couple of
6252s wins would soon sort out that position
6254s right now but yeah zigzo Young Chang
6257s urgently need to rack up the points but
6258s he also need to not panic yeah you're
6260s not getting done in four who cares like
6262s somebody is okay can't deal with that
6265s just make sure
6266s you're in contention to get a shot at it
6269s in lobby five Lobby six Don't Panic
6271s don't start getting zeros to be first 20
6274s points you don't have to be you just
6276s have to not let the person who gets to
6278s 20 points to win the lobby when they're
6279s there just just take your points along
6281s you'll be okay that's right as the uh
6284s the first portion of today is just that
6285s race to 20 points and with both Alex and
6288s Alicia San over halfway of getting there
6291s the race is really starting to heat up
6294s let's see if either of those two players
6295s can get another good performance to
6297s propel them yet further so that crucial
6299s 20 point threshold after this break
6303s [Music]
6310s thank you
6326s [Music]
6331s [Music]
6339s [Music]
6344s foreign
6351s [Music]
6367s [Music]
6375s all right
6380s [Music]
6394s [Music]
6406s [Music]
6432s thank you
6441s [Music]
6449s thank you
6450s [Music]
6465s [Music]
6476s foreign
6481s [Music]
6500s you're watching Lobby Legends magic of
6502s Azeroth it's day two here of the
6504s tournament the final day and at the end
6506s of the day we will know who is walking
6507s away with ten thousand dollars and that
6509s first place trophy as well hypothetical
6513s trophy I suppose in this instance uh but
6515s the the prestige very much real for all
6518s of our players uh looking to take this
6520s one down and be crowned the uh the
6523s master of a new metagame with these
6525s quests coming in and while yesterday I
6527s feel like they were the real uh defining
6530s aspect interestingly enough in today's
6532s Lobby uh today's two lobbies both
6535s winners felt like they haven't relied on
6537s their Quest or too much you know we've
6539s seen uh the scallywag combo which you
6542s know was not especially dependent on the
6544s I think devil in the details Quest that
6546s they had at the time and then just brand
6548s pop off which again was just purely a
6550s case of picking brand bonds bid and then
6552s getting some good battle cries so it's
6554s interesting to see that while they are
6555s clearly a massively meta warping aspect
6558s there is still room to kind of
6560s not ignore them necessarily but focus
6563s more on a more traditional Battlegrounds
6565s game plan yeah it's hard to know how
6567s much the the yoga Quest helped there for
6571s Alex true yeah going along getting the
6574s time to go at those levels knowing that
6575s York's gonna sort of boost your minions
6577s as you go uh but yeah absolutely you can
6579s still get this done traditional methods
6582s and we are seeing
6583s I feel again this may be sort of
6585s confirmation bias but I feel we're
6587s seeing more triples taken today
6590s um at higher and higher levels than they
6591s have been in the the previous day as
6593s well uh it just seems like players are
6595s realizing that yeah the quest is huge
6598s but we can still play some Battlegrounds
6599s along the way as well it is only day
6601s four of a matter so I'm not surprised
6603s that things are changing that's why I'm
6604s willing to go on a small sample Silas or
6606s galley
6608s I've got to figure the top players take
6609s Silas here really miss the Elise either
6612s but I like Galley here I can't resist
6614s what have we got at the start Ellie's uh
6616s which in these early levels really helps
6618s with Galley of course to start cycling
6620s through
6622s uh but again no murlocs interestingly as
6625s well
6627s do you have Pirates though like with
6629s gallywix that's a really big one right
6630s to hit hogar and start really popping
6632s off
6634s yes good River Pusa yo baby
6639s how this Galley works out zigzag kanishi
6643s is going to be wow interesting to see
6646s how he plays that because it's been
6647s changed recently so this is right the
6649s minion so you sort of add the tier of
6652s the minion so you can't mess around on
6653s tier one and two for long if you want to
6655s get some big stuff but he's there let's
6657s see how he does that is it playable now
6659s because like obviously for the longest
6661s time I was just told never pick rack an
6663s issue but it's you know it's a a
6665s tournament viable pick at this point I'm
6667s the wrong person to ask about
6669s recognition because it's always been one
6670s of my comfort picks oh really yeah
6673s um it's not great you were right to be
6674s told to avoid it but I liked it from
6676s when I first started playing so when you
6678s get those sort of selection of Heroes
6680s you don't want to play you reckon issue
6681s is one of my my very favorite comfort
6683s just get one big minion and hope it goes
6686s away but I think I think it's improved
6687s with the With The Changes now especially
6690s TS3 ts4 where you can add you know four
6693s four to a minion seems reasonable
6696s uh but you do have to get there to get
6698s those minions there's no point buffing
6700s your little things
6702s okay it says it's a insta leveling on
6705s the togwaggle obviously pretty much the
6706s only option you have available to you
6708s whereas Yun Chang is hitting a gorgeous
6711s curve here right with some real premium
6714s minions especially when of course you
6715s factor in the it's Mill House so yeah
6718s the refresher becomes really big what I
6721s want to know what he does here is next
6724s turn
6726s how much stuff he decides to keep in
6728s hand I'm already at the point where I'm
6730s wondering if he should have played this
6731s Elemental but probably should
6733s um I wouldn't mind staying with Mill
6734s House to see how we go about the next
6736s turn going into the quest turn
6739s because Milhouse has got such a powerful
6741s board after two turns here can afford to
6743s buy
6744s three things next turn if he doesn't
6745s want to level and just keep them all in
6747s hand for the quest
6749s that's true yeah yeah good point
6754s I think I have no idea if that's right
6756s or wrong I just want to see how somebody
6757s good goes about it I like where you're
6759s heads are
6762s foreign
6771s if you sell
6774s you could sell double pie swabby and
6776s still Level right uh do that too or you
6779s can oh two people buy and hold four
6781s things in your hand take like three
6783s damage and see what your quest does for
6784s you
6786s I just might be where he's at yeah okay
6790s I'm very on board with this plan like it
6793s it's
6794s unlikely that you end up specifically
6796s with Elementals and Pirates but you know
6798s battle cries this is very easy to
6800s complete now with Swabbies if it does
6802s happen to be play Pirates you're very
6803s happy indeed play minions uh there's a
6806s lot of good ones that can activate here
6808s that make your quest eminently more
6810s completable yeah and again I might not
6812s even have played the the scally but if
6815s he doesn't want to take any damage fair
6816s play I understand damage is is important
6819s it's occurred to us as well so it could
6821s be kind of scary
6823s three on three as well for two of our
6825s competitors obviously togwaggle as is
6827s pretty much the only curve you're ever
6828s really looking to go for but then zixo
6831s on rack and Nishu the obvious Synergy
6833s being there with the hero power uh but a
6836s quick turnaround gonna be needed because
6838s rakane issue obviously does not have the
6840s rapid safety mechanism that hogwaggle
6842s has access to
6848s okay
6850s with Elementals or demons I already see
6853s two elements oh all of the Elementals
6856s and demons in Play Let's Go
6860s oh this is a Nutty talk waggle as well
6863s really really strong to get the uh
6865s Observer as well evil twin as well
6869s for me here but I mean Victory
6871s perspective you're going to sell things
6872s as Galley obviously is good
6876s the evil twin
6878s like I'm not waiting seven turns for
6881s evil twin no shot oh sorry yeah yeah you
6885s can't do that sorry my bad I didn't
6887s realize how what
6890s that does feel a little expensive
6892s doesn't it I've never seen that go
6894s bigger than four my brain just glossed
6895s over it is oh that's fine oh seven
6900s what is this this is
6903s oh my God that's illegal that's two
6907s triples
6910s I mean obviously it kind of hurts as
6912s gallowakes to not be able I sell Buy
6914s sell buy sell and get a million gold but
6919s two triples yeah I just I just want to
6922s do it but obviously he's taking his time
6923s so he doesn't want to do it I just want
6925s to do it and then next turn go crazy
6927s again
6929s you've got triple to the settlemental
6930s and the Barracuda okay this is far more
6933s sensible
6936s can you double level next turn
6939s um so it costs fourth the first part
6941s second part will cost eight
6947s I'm gonna say he could double level but
6950s I haven't counted it you never really
6951s right I am
6953s to get the triple at least one of them
6959s it might I don't know I think you might
6962s have to sell quite a lot of his board
6963s but he might be able to double level and
6964s get the triples let's see
6970s yeah no you just go to the sensible way
6973s makes sense uh you have next turn
6977s one gold over uh but I mean with the
6980s yeah Gambler it's nice yeah he'd have to
6983s sell the whole board to do what I was
6985s thinking and only get one triple so what
6986s he's doing is rather better
6989s just a little bit marginally it's
6991s actually better
6992s okay Milhouse doing Milhouse things
6995s already completed at the quest
7005s okay they're getting two demons he
7006s completed that very quickly actually
7008s which is good to see uh but Milhouse and
7011s demons you know you do have that kind of
7014s synergy now if you can just roll into uh
7016s overseer being obviously the really big
7018s just power Spike card at the moment but
7020s mind muck to cycle through uh and as
7023s soon as you find yourself the Azul right
7026s on Tavern tier five yeah yeah then every
7029s demon you get is just pure money baby
7032s yeah and of course your middle house you
7034s do sort of just have the chance to level
7036s up to six I know it's a little bit more
7037s expensive but it should have the tempo
7039s to do that if he wants to go fail about
7040s hunting May well not need to but
7043s the option exists
7050s close fights all around doesn't really
7051s feel like but anybody's massively power
7054s spiking right now with uh you know
7056s toggle supposed to be king at the tavern
7058s right now uh recently after pressing the
7061s button
7061s uh but yeah against Mill House obviously
7065s it's going to be closer and it does feel
7067s like pretty close here overall
7069s yeah this hobby feels a bit uh it's the
7071s first time we've seen I think the heroes
7074s be
7075s wildly different so we're sitting here
7077s with a lot of
7078s Mana Tempo Heroes with the galley which
7081s The Mill House the togwaggle
7084s all hanging around in there and Curtis
7086s who's you know usually King of the tempo
7088s currently with the most health but
7090s might just get overmatched in this one I
7092s think
7093s okay Alter Ego played two more
7095s Elementals or demons which hey two
7099s pretty good ones in the shop on this
7101s turn uh should you so desire
7104s get one in hand to make another but yeah
7105s you're just thinking press button do
7107s Quest sounds okay
7110s um how about complete Quest then press
7113s button next time and pick up all the
7114s expensive stuff yeah yeah I wasn't
7116s thinking press button I I did miss the
7118s elemental hand though you were correct
7122s yeah you could get a pair oh no sorry a
7124s triple my mistake on the uh the party
7126s Elemental is fantastic
7130s so
7131s does alter ego start on it starts on
7134s even right
7137s couldn't tell you sorry
7141s odd next turn so it starts on even that
7143s shop had five four drops in it I think
7145s he might be trying to find a way where
7146s he can just get them all
7148s dude
7151s [Music]
7154s okay
7156s give me the triple dude
7159s oh that's still good that's still very
7162s good this is silly and the fact he has
7166s four Minions on board to me says he's
7169s got a lot of gold next turn indeed but
7172s he does need to survive until the point
7174s where he can stabilize because this is
7175s very strong but very slow and he is
7177s going to be taking full 15 on this turn
7183s really looking that it's not gonna if
7185s he's got like 16 or 17 gold it's not
7187s going to be that slow
7188s you have 16 or 17. 13. okay oh Ellie's
7192s there's one like it's it's good he can
7194s probably stabilize but he's at 15 Health
7196s one more bad fight and he is
7200s tight it is very tight but I think he'll
7203s be all right they go up so quickly with
7204s double Nomi and
7208s I mean I'm definitely okay to be proved
7212s wrong here
7213s and the other scary thing is he's up
7216s against the other 15 Health player uh in
7219s this round right which is you know you
7221s never want to put these players in a
7223s corner because then they start lashing
7224s out they start running away and start
7226s really fighting back nobody puts this
7229s they say in a corner
7232s date of this though uh these are an
7235s all-even shop yeah he has
7237s an all-even shop so they all got the
7239s buff and oh it's pretty powerful it's
7243s really strong isn't it
7246s the difference here okay going anywhere
7249s he's just in survival mode and that's
7250s going to be bad for River poster because
7252s River piece is exactly if he survives
7259s hey that's a trash shop I mean I I guess
7262s most of them are even which is something
7266s and these minions get so much buff like
7269s look at this selfless it's a 12 11.
7272s except
7273s yeah he set it up perfectly to get the
7275s full scoop the full Heist
7279s and it wants to roll again I think to
7281s find an
7282s uh an Ellie or you know just something
7284s with Divine Shields the the trickster
7287s anything
7288s I think you've got to just bite the
7290s bullet and take the quill ball
7292s okay split the difference yeah gets one
7296s buff all right actually bigger yeah
7298s super important fight here between
7300s gallywicks and uh the togwaggle it looks
7303s at the moment like togwaggle is just
7305s gonna be a little bit too big right will
7307s he kill him that's the question if
7308s rubipusa only takes 14 here he can still
7310s win this Lobby a great first hit with
7313s the wildfires takes six damage off the
7315s board right out the gate
7318s foreign
7324s off he goes cool I think he's got loads
7327s and loads of gold because last turn was
7329s like a buying turn
7331s yes yeah yeah
7334s just just 11.
7337s all right show us the alleys come on
7339s come on not these oh there it is oh
7341s that's the juice right there that looks
7344s getting well excited I am too gonna
7346s admit
7348s making sure he's got a narrow board so
7350s the Buffs are falling on from the rack
7352s of falling on the right things
7356s that's a scam Elemental right there when
7359s you have a board full of alleys and you
7360s still get it off the reef Explorer
7363s not quite massive it'll be okay but one
7368s more roll
7370s uh is there any way you can get the
7371s pirate through that's not right
7373s oh I'm a sensible world and sell coin
7376s buy sell we selling though
7381s rag yeah yeah and finishing on the demon
7385s yeah
7391s technically correct as always surrender
7394s that's what I meant that is all right
7396s okay so yeah good job
7399s you know observer's name God damn it
7403s yep exactly I would never forget the
7405s Observer
7408s talking to the Observer um subtle has
7410s informed just that the last fight was
7411s kind of the two biggest people in the
7413s lobby
7414s it's more like what we're looking at is
7416s this is sort of our vision amongst the
7417s other players yeah oh the the galley
7420s should be safe
7423s then from that point it's it's a real
7425s Lobby winner without murlocs uh so
7427s limited poison potential
7431s River fusa could go all the different uh
7432s all the distance sorry after really
7435s rough fights yeah if if that's what if
7437s that the information we're getting is
7438s correct and it will be because subtle
7440s can see everybody's bored then
7442s as long as he Dodges the immediate
7444s dangers of just getting unlucky
7445s somewhere I think he's well away
7448s well you know what you say that this is
7450s a pretty developerative sized board from
7453s uh who is this room goes to on the
7456s kertras it is and Alicia sun is
7460s developing here with a hogger and a
7462s Peggy and yeah yeah numbers
7468s if you're like wow that's sick
7475s please you can now go above 10 gold
7478s which I always messed up beforehand yeah
7481s exactly
7483s yeah I saw that that build is not a very
7485s big buff and let everyone I know
7487s including me was like no this is huge
7490s because I'm an idiot and this is
7495s all right okay just get it out of here
7498s please just giving you anxiety
7500s I think it's golden right there's
7502s there's four gold Glovers in play
7506s true yeah yeah good point
7510s not how that works Alicia
7515s I'll clean you up
7518s I love catching some waves
7523s yeah he just decided that I can make my
7526s gold grippers bigger with the peggies
7527s than I can by just sitting there with
7529s this um extra gold on the board
7534s decision on this salty looter what you
7536s want to do
7545s what would you lose a 1010 grubber and
7548s not now right you
7550s take this it's just the timing and the
7553s ordering right you're looking for the
7554s second golden grubber
7557s roll first see how you feel at some
7559s point this Levi is just going to be
7560s irritating but it's way too big for now
7562s to get rid of could stick taunt on it as
7565s well as a little tempting
7568s easy
7571s all righty but who plays The Glover
7573s that's it that's like all in or just
7575s hitting the triple straight away or
7576s getting rid of the two Grabbers
7578s which is fine you know like he's still
7580s buffing up his stats pretty nicely okay
7582s typical sorry taking a look at torsan on
7585s Snead we haven't had seen all too much
7587s who
7589s fairly weak like you're looking to get
7592s some obvious demon death rattles to go
7593s with the soul juggler
7595s uh but that's starting to get massively
7597s outscaled thankfully though uh the Vash
7600s on the other side is not too powerful
7603s either actually
7605s yeah it depends exactly how much he's
7607s been able to just need some stuff I
7609s think but yeah this isn't looking great
7610s at all
7619s uh I was gonna scrape through though
7622s didn't survive
7624s yes sorry yeah yeah
7626s my knowledge it came down to a 50 50.
7628s actually that last year it could have
7629s actually done yeah
7631s super clutch as now we see uh River Pusa
7634s winning fight after fight slowly
7636s overtaking everyone who's beside him as
7639s this is just the nuts he hit the golden
7642s Nomi he's got the recycling wraith he's
7645s got all the gold you could ever need
7648s looks like it's taking it down to me it
7651s does look really good like you mentioned
7653s earlier no murlocs
7654s um the problem with beating this with
7656s say Manti queens and leroys is there's
7658s just their smallest thing by the time it
7661s gets to that point in three or four
7662s turns time it's huge yeah it's not like
7665s I get lucky and trade into their big
7667s minion like the the smallest minion is
7669s going to be 8080 or something when this
7671s comes down to the heads up
7673s look at this man this is infinite gold
7676s infinite stats you lose out on a bunch
7678s of rerolls sure but like you don't need
7680s to re-roll you have what you need right
7682s here hasn't completed the quest what a
7685s noob oh really oh yeah what's he got we
7687s should probably be reading out trigger
7689s five friendly death battles for
7692s um playing copy of last minion that died
7694s it just literally is ignoring the quest
7698s completely yep it just doesn't exist
7701s told you Garry weeks is good because you
7703s can complete quest with it
7705s turns out it's just galleywix being good
7707s and nothing to do with quests whatsoever
7709s I mean I can't remember but I'm pretty
7711s sure the other options he's got were
7712s like even worse like
7719s seven turns in a row which I've never
7721s seen and I don't understand how that
7723s happened
7724s all right at least your son's gonna pop
7726s off next turn if there is a next turn
7729s this needs to survive pretty large
7734s pretty large yeah
7736s uh
7738s uh about the same size as this Mill
7741s house but oh the poison taken to hit is
7744s a rough one
7745s couple of nice trades though and this is
7757s I'm
7758s did get that golden gold grubber the
7761s second one by the way
7762s is he going for the full gold grower
7764s complex sometimes you see those
7765s ridiculous boards where they have like
7767s five gold gold Grovers or something just
7769s outscale through that alone so
7772s um with that awful looking Snead's mess
7774s yeah yeah just scaled not hitting
7777s anything powerful
7783s you're supposed to go pirate to this
7785s point by the way hot tip Ah that's where
7787s I've been going wrong
7792s apparently the galley in the togwago had
7794s a rematch in the galleywix this time
7795s just absolutely took it down without any
7798s trouble all right um after this pirate
7800s turn
7801s maybe next turn have a look at zika
7803s because we haven't seen the reckon issue
7804s at all and Zeko's been taking no damage
7806s true yeah I was saying that uh oh wow
7809s another hogger uh zixo might struggle to
7811s re-stabilize after he goes for three on
7813s three but I think he's only lost one
7814s fight since then so clearly he's done a
7816s fantastic job of doing so
7818s yeah there's been so much exciting
7820s action around the around the boards just
7822s haven't had time to knit back and have a
7823s look what's going on there because look
7824s at this we've got crazy Galley crazy
7826s Pirates going on crazy talk like and
7829s stuff earlier and now that he's making
7832s money with each pirate that he buys uh
7835s this is really hitting that point of uh
7838s unstoppability yeah it can actually
7840s catch the galleywix here right because
7842s gallywix is limited on how much you can
7844s do each turn even though it's only just
7845s limited this is unlimited it's unlimited
7848s timer right but that is a pretty big
7851s butt
7852s and starting from a long long way behind
7855s as well of course
7863s bran
7865s not quite don't have the board space I
7868s don't think wow just instant messes on
7870s all the remaining Pirates yeah go down
7873s to the last few seconds I think I think
7874s what I do in the last few seconds of
7876s those turns where you know you're not
7877s going to get many more Buffs is roll a
7878s lot looking for selflessness that's my
7880s personal preference you get after 10
7882s seconds you know you probably get three
7883s or four Buffs you're going to miss a
7884s little bit
7886s um but you can you can roll refresh
7888s really quickly so I just give it a fresh
7889s refresh refresh pick up a selfless or
7891s something
7892s I don't know if that's what he was doing
7893s but that's my strategy in that situation
7896s okay not terrible hits on the health one
7898s hit the strong arm which is obviously
7899s the really bad one but the rest look
7901s small enough in attack to your answer
7904s quite happily
7906s there we go
7908s damn it's gonna be a close one like you
7909s say River Pusa and Alicia sound both
7911s feeling like they have the capability to
7914s win the lobby taking a snapback uh six
7916s so it does look like he was going for a
7919s very strong Tempo mid game comp but not
7922s necessarily one that can outscale the
7924s late game which is a very valid strategy
7926s to go for but one that honestly could
7930s see him losing this round the question
7932s is just whether or not he could scam out
7934s like a fourth or fifth
7936s uh which he absolutely could still do
7938s but he needs to hit one of the weaker uh
7940s Heroes
7941s which sadly he has not done because next
7943s round he is against Alicia's hand who is
7945s going to quite appropriately for uh the
7949s mutinous eat him alive and nice and
7952s apparently we're getting word as whether
7953s he just took 20 from Liverpool so the
7955s fight there you go he is not equipped to
7958s fight these big things but good to have
7960s a look how that developed obviously
7961s rocketed up to the the double rag like
7965s you've just described made it pay off
7967s and is now going to probably die
7969s miserably
7971s um it's turned 12 and only one person's
7974s dead in his Lobby how's that happened
7975s that is crazy credit where it's due as
7978s well uh zixo yes you did get unlucky you
7981s faced the two strongest players in the
7983s lobby one after the other at the worst
7985s possible time that sucks I mean his one
7988s hope here is take 16 and have four other
7991s people three other people die
7995s okay that's that'so's only hope here
7998s let's go with that
8001s meanwhile when ghost who has some cards
8003s yeah
8006s but it's it's obviously it's the the
8008s classic thing you have with these kind
8009s of comps where it's a much higher
8010s starting point than what Alicia sand had
8014s on the mutinous but it's a much slower
8017s scaling composition than the quadruple
8020s hogger or whatever he ends up with at
8021s the end
8022s uh whether or not it could survive
8024s against this is close doesn't look like
8027s it but this trickster could be pretty
8029s big oh no not there though yeah that's
8032s not what you want to see he's got it
8033s everywhere you don't want it to go
8034s giving it wind feeling was good to make
8036s sure it died obviously as it happens it
8038s was dying anyway but it's a good plan
8043s this is gonna be one two short zixo
8046s oh no zexo you poor boy that was so
8052s close
8053s when ghost is hanging on looks like
8055s that's gonna be too much damage as well
8057s oh it's so close yeah 16 is gonna do it
8062s all right three players dead oh no sorry
8064s two players Taurus sounds Rim goes to uh
8067s both Fallen by the Wii uh the Wayside
8069s and now the question is really just can
8072s anyone stand up to River Pusa or Alicia
8075s sound as the two top dogs in this lobby
8077s with River Pusa firmer cement further
8080s cementing himself sorry as probably the
8082s top dog right here like this is just
8084s scaling to absurd levels young Chang's
8087s finally worked out what to do when he
8088s only has nine Health after six turn that
8090s is top the lobby on health totals
8094s everyone else has even less look at this
8097s smoker
8098s absolute smog over smoker my goodness
8103s 250 smoker points
8112s that's another one the giant smoker
8117s absolute state of it
8121s now the order of the day um is a little
8125s bit difficult here for River puso and
8126s certainly it doesn't matter that it's
8128s difficult but
8130s he's got a point where he's golden to
8132s pretty much everything on the board
8133s uh-huh so the plan of goldening
8137s everything on the board to make it
8138s bigger
8139s expires now
8141s you just sell your smoker right make
8143s another gold one yeah
8146s that's the point also has to consider
8149s and there's no right way he's doing it
8150s now but does have to consider every
8152s single turn now
8154s um is this the one that I might lose do
8156s I sell my know me uh-huh sure yeah I
8159s mean I'm looking for you know yeah yeah
8161s no no it's a good good point to bring up
8163s at which point do I still might know me
8165s but no hurry for that
8169s okay the clash of the two weaker players
8171s are too old for weaker players left in
8173s the lobby that
8175s giant ozul is looking like a problem but
8178s the
8179s thumbs it off it's such a clutch here
8182s now we're looking a lot closer the
8184s Divine Shield's gonna be eaten up
8186s hopefully by a void Walker nice
8190s okay those are perfectly decent hits so
8193s far
8194s got the 7071 covered by the other two
8196s minions right by his two big minions
8198s that's a big deal
8200s thank you
8201s yeah just you know how I even hang in
8204s there oh my God that was so clutch and
8207s you're seeing the difference here as
8208s Alex bites out in fifth place
8210s um we're seeing the difference here
8212s between the galleywix who's small
8214s minions are bigger than your board and
8217s somebody who's got like two years olds
8219s yeah
8222s that was just making noises at this
8224s point because everything is so stupid
8225s what else can you do man look at this I
8228s didn't want that 100 Cyclone because it
8230s was too small
8232s I mean if he can get a golden Wildfire
8235s surely that just ends right he can get
8237s another know me if he wants maybe I
8240s don't think he needs it but I don't
8241s think he even want it say void Lord here
8244s for some tech for later I don't think we
8246s care start taking selflessness I don't
8249s think anything outstarts you
8253s 100 smokers buffing things yeah
8256s yeah you've got to start taking uh some
8259s tech for some Divine Shields there I
8261s think now oh yeah I mean like like you
8263s say Alicia can go infinite but this is
8266s this is not outscaling right the time
8269s constraint is just too much yeah I
8271s thought this could catch but
8276s [Music]
8278s um but no it can't
8280s uh but the question right now is not
8282s whether or not he can beat River Pusa
8284s it's whether he can beat yuncha on ill
8287s house which looks a lot more doable
8290s right does but from what I remember Mill
8293s House is things like all 8080s which
8295s cover a lot of these in one for ones
8297s okay let's see how this goes It's all
8299s about where these Divine Shields end up
8301s uh only one on
8310s [Music]
8311s Divine Shield as well
8314s oh yeah no it's not enough is it no no
8321s a good effort by Milhouse he got a lot
8323s further than I thought he would to be
8324s honest managed to uh you know hodge
8327s podge together a really nice bunch of
8328s tech cards with the uh tunnel Blaster
8331s obviously the mounted Queens to get
8332s himself a strong third slash fourth but
8335s now it's River Pusa versus Alicia sound
8337s it's what we predicted long ago Lorinda
8339s the Pirates vs the Ellies in one giant
8342s Clash a pirate comp that now has two
8346s golden Hoggers if you please you wanted
8349s APM this is what you said you were
8351s looking for at the start of today's
8352s action and hopefully you're gonna get it
8355s because Alicia needs to get some hustle
8357s right now I mean they both got it going
8359s but because Galley which is basically I
8360s thought this would catch but um not
8362s quite getting there The Galley which is
8364s gigantic so we are watching this attempt
8366s from Alicia San and obviously he will
8369s know he knows how Galax Works here's
8370s what Kelly which is doing but I don't
8372s know if he's faced gallywix any time
8373s recently so it'd be interesting to see
8376s if he picks up Tech or if he just thinks
8378s you know what if I just keep pressing
8379s buttons I will outstand scale The Galley
8381s Wicks which we can see is an absolute
8384s nonsense but from his side he might be
8387s guessing how big gallywix is and just go
8389s you know what a couple of 200 200s
8391s that'll be fine I'll be ahead yeah uh
8395s good luck with that just good luck with
8397s that golden wildfire that has to just be
8400s too much like there's a gold it deletes
8403s the board on its own there is a 200 191
8407s Leroy on the board though which is
8408s absolutely hilarious but that'll kill
8411s one of the 252 is when it dies and procs
8414s it because he died
8417s absolutely date of this game
8421s again
8424s I mean look he ends the term with like
8425s 20 gold just floating because he just
8428s does not have the time I do think
8429s because they are playing on Europe
8431s server right because the Europe time
8434s zone uh uh Lobby legends that could be
8437s messing up a leaf sound a little bit
8438s really hurts your ability to go quickly
8440s like to be honest it did look like he
8442s was going a little slowly on that pirate
8444s comp compared to what you would expect
8445s to see uh but again we'll blame it down
8448s to server issues or uh latency as Alicia
8452s Zan does take the L as expected and it's
8455s River Pusa with a dominant Galley Wick
8459s strategy I mean you're a writler into
8461s gallowakes is just looking insane yeah
8464s yesterday when I saw somebody take yog
8465s instead of gallywix I just assumed that
8467s I was you know just my MMR wasn't good
8469s enough but yeah that's been my
8471s experience with gallywix through all
8473s expansions
8474s um and didn't do the quest one of my
8476s arguments is that gallywix could do
8478s question really easily but it can't do
8480s line up your minions in the wrong order
8482s seven times
8484s where did that come from yeah I think I
8488s I don't know I think that might be like
8490s an instance of
8492s like unfortunate side effects where it
8494s you know it's a zero Armor Hero right
8497s evil twin I think got made a little bit
8499s tougher and order your minions
8502s got made easier but either way yeah
8505s ordering your minions for seven turns in
8507s a row is absolutely insane for evil twin
8508s there's no way it's worth that as uh hey
8511s what do you know just completely
8512s ignoring your quest not even activating
8514s it for the entire game turns out to be
8516s the winning uh Strat here for
8521s which means that we have a very
8523s interesting dynamic in terms of the
8526s leaderboard right now I believe with
8528s Alicia Sam being in second place
8529s beforehand and a river Pusa being in
8532s third the rich once again get richer as
8535s I believe they're going to pull away yet
8536s further towards the top of the
8537s leaderboard and that crucial 20 point
8540s threshold yeah Liverpool's is going to
8543s be in
8544s very realistic territory um
8547s what 16 points I think he's going to be
8550s on which you know a top four next time
8552s around get him into that
8555s um the check Zone basically oh yeah and
8558s I don't even know if he's in first like
8559s Alicia Sam also will have a lot of
8561s points
8562s though I think they're both going to be
8564s on 16 again we'll wait for the official
8565s standings but watching Hoggers slap into
8568s big things or what
8570s he thinks big things and then you find
8572s out what the really big things are
8574s Yeah hoga's medium things like again as
8577s we said playing on uh uh I think from
8581s Asia on the Europe server yeah that was
8583s a decent enough hoga board it's not the
8585s kind that you would be typically getting
8586s on ladder of course where you can just
8587s start throwing cards like a madman with
8590s uh no latency whatsoever only the word
8593s golden Peggy as well which does slow you
8595s down if you don't find exactly don't get
8597s rolled some more peggies you're not
8598s going to get there too quickly there is
8600s the standings three players capable of
8603s hitting 20 at the end of this next round
8605s and at the bottom there those players
8607s got decisions to make about how hard
8609s they want to push because you can expect
8612s this to go to Lobby six you want to have
8614s 20 points the start of Lobby six if
8616s you're six so I think now just take you
8617s a chance that it doesn't fall in lobbies
8619s four and five
8621s I think that's reasonable yeah you need
8623s like uh am I fearing saying that rack an
8626s issue was deliberately picked there as a
8629s probably not winner but like finished
8630s third or fourth kind of hero just
8632s because you get a lot of immediate Tempo
8634s and to be fair his plan almost got there
8636s I think it was a good plan it's just
8638s because he got those early Rags scaled
8641s very nicely massive Wildfire massive
8643s Divine Shield but then he placed face
8645s the two biggest players in the lobby in
8647s Alicia and riverpoosa one after the
8650s other which is the last thing that you
8651s want to see uh when you get for that
8653s kind of a comp it was turn 11 or turn 10
8655s and he was on 36 35 Health something
8658s like that absolutely fine yeah I'm gonna
8660s get to turn 15 and just come third I'll
8662s be fine and then just take 20 take 20 GG
8665s come seventh don't think he did much
8667s wrong there to be honest uh but that was
8669s a very powerful Lobby we are seeing
8672s these powerful comps come through we had
8674s Exodia managed to get billed earlier
8676s today now we've seen you know power
8678s Galley wax Nomi Galley Wax Power Nomi
8681s and power hogger coming through so
8684s people finding ways to get it done
8686s without the quest at all in the case of
8688s Galax there I want to see if that
8689s continues yeah that's right Quest being
8691s the uh the king of the tavern massively
8693s warping The Meta yesterday but in terms
8696s of the winners obviously they're still
8697s having a massive impact on everyone else
8699s but for the winners being you know
8701s really an afterthought for our players
8703s winning strategies and we'll see if that
8705s will continue in this rapidly evolving
8707s meta game after this break when Lobby
8709s Legends continue
8711s [Music]
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8742s thank you
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8807s all right
8812s [Music]
8821s thank you
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8874s foreign
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9077s [Music]
9097s foreign
9102s foreign
9104s [Music]
9129s foreign
9132s [Music]
9147s thank you
9151s [Music]
9170s foreign
9172s [Music]
9204s foreign
9218s thank you
9223s [Music]
9231s [Music]
9249s foreign
9258s [Music]
9271s [Music]
9286s foreign
9288s [Music]
9298s [Music]
9320s thank you
9323s [Music]
9329s welcome back to Hearthstone Lobby
9332s Legends magic of Azeroth where we are
9335s possibly over the halfway point in this
9338s uh final stage of the tournament once
9342s again we are playing the check format in
9344s this tournament which means the first
9346s requirement for all of our players is to
9349s reach 20 points uh overall in a Lobby if
9352s you finish first you get seven points if
9354s you finish eighth you get zero points
9356s already we have one player on 16 one
9358s player on 17 right up at the top of the
9360s leaderboard so they are both fairly
9362s likely to make it through to that 20
9365s point threshold and from there once you
9367s reach that point the only thing you need
9369s to do easiest thing in the world in
9370s order to win the tournament is win uh
9373s first place is the only way that you can
9375s take down tournaments and so things are
9377s going to really start heating up now
9379s after this Lobby once Alicia and River
9381s Pusa are very uh either at 20 points or
9384s very close to it then the rest of our
9386s players are going to be walking on
9388s eggshells just praying that they can
9390s take down the top dogs and potentially
9392s hard targeting them once it gets into
9395s the games and trying to just beat them
9397s in the early game before they can hit
9399s these kind of first place style
9400s compositions yeah and historically I
9403s remember this is only the fifth Lobby
9404s Legend
9406s um players haven't been very good at
9407s doing that or versus in front has been
9409s sort of been lucky getting a bit of a
9411s start as well don't get me wrong like be
9413s nice just killed everybody the second in
9415s the first Lobby Legends the second he
9416s got to 20 points that was just it but
9419s players haven't been very good at
9420s targeting the leaders targeting the
9422s players who can win the lobby and
9424s because of that I think we've had a five
9426s two sixes and a seven in terms of length
9428s of final and I will be interested to see
9431s if the players at the bottom there sort
9433s of gang up to oh I've got my 20 points
9435s yet if they if they gang up just to take
9437s down the people who in check and try and
9439s sneak their own points Lobby by Lobby
9441s towards their own 20 uh when we get
9444s there but first of all we've got to get
9445s there we have seen people stall on 19
9447s and 19 and a half before and come like
9449s eighth twice in reverting Alucard got
9453s really close they just couldn't get over
9454s to the Trinity for Forever at some point
9457s so not there yet and let's say the
9460s bottom three come first second third now
9462s nobody gets a 20 this leaderboard will
9465s look a lot different going into Lobby
9466s five
9467s yeah it will indeed and again as we say
9469s if you just keep finishing first no
9471s matter where you are you will not be
9473s losing because even if a player has
9475s already reached the 20 point threshold
9477s you can just deny them that you will be
9479s in
9480s uh in with a Chance which makes for some
9482s interesting Dynamics right where it's
9484s not only the players at that 20-point
9485s threshold who will necessarily be uh
9488s going for these super risky strats it's
9490s players like zixo who also need to hit
9493s these first place kind of games in order
9496s to have a chance
9497s of denying their opponent the first
9499s place and getting up to that 20-point
9501s threshold in their own right 6-0 doing
9503s that is going to be going for cookie uh
9506s who is uh kind of interesting hero right
9509s now not I think valued quite so highly
9512s as it once was especially as the the
9514s curve can be a little awkward could be
9517s another three on three game physics
9519s which is one of those risky style
9521s players so as we see genetics here
9523s taking over flurgle which has got a very
9525s high win rate but denatures with the
9527s buff a couple of days ago uh with the
9529s easier quests now coming in or the
9531s normal quests now coming here on turn
9532s one
9533s a lot a big buff that was
9536s hit this thing about to talk about zigzo
9538s for a second
9540s yeah four Battle Cry minions okay I
9542s didn't see the Alley Cat but with that
9543s in there that makes it make a lot more
9546s yeah for Specter yeah they've just made
9547s it nice and straightforward Matthews it
9549s feels like it's even easier than average
9551s but it can't be uh but yeah I quite like
9553s three on three still I don't think most
9556s people do I don't think it's definitely
9557s been solved that it's bad though and
9560s cookie gives you an excuse to do that so
9562s I actually quite like cookie right now
9564s you get that three drop which three
9566s drops are pretty good
9568s um especially if you can get um an over
9569s an overseer or something like that an
9572s observer
9574s um
9574s there's plenty of good threes out there
9576s something we haven't seen much of in all
9578s of our lobbies has been mixed we haven't
9579s seen people sort of getting deflectos
9581s and stuff going on early too much else
9582s going on
9584s as he gets his second bet death battle
9585s his executive Battle Cry here
9588s enough of that so that's going to be an
9590s easy not to freeze in this instance as
9593s half the lobby leveling on two half of
9595s them not it seems like here which is
9599s uh kind of expected uh murloc homes if
9603s you're not going for the level here I
9604s guess you are uh anticipating that you
9607s maybe hit some kind of a double buy
9608s possibility with a couple of coins
9610s available which I I think may not be the
9613s case or at least a good option picked up
9614s on taverns here one uh oh okay yeah just
9618s a good Tavern on both sides here right
9621s Murdoch homes
9623s it's really hard to sort of cast
9625s anything exciting about murloc homes
9627s right you just you get an extra gold
9629s every turn most of the time that's it
9632s almost really nice like powerful Etc
9635s even for a noob like me I was surprised
9637s how often you get it right
9640s especially in the early game it gets a
9642s little bit tougher later on but early
9643s game it's very easy but later on it's
9646s not so important either exactly turns
9648s into an extra roll which is still huge
9650s but not as huge as it is
9652s all right let's see what three zigzo
9654s gets if any we're looking at demon for
9656s the overseer Mech yeah for the uh
9659s reflector reflector bot
9663s and Beast for the famous three drop of
9667s Three rap pack not great is it I don't
9670s even know yeah
9672s all right let's try and hit the overseer
9673s we need to see something big and we end
9676s up with a one two three all demons you
9679s know I suppose technically does have to
9681s be the amalgam but I don't know are you
9684s walking away from this happy you're
9685s gonna tank a lot of damage but it could
9688s be again a first place kind of Minion if
9690s you get some help along the way oh this
9693s is nutty though this is huge because the
9696s last Minion's always going to be a
9698s Battle Cry he's gonna have a lot of
9699s power going on if you can get the Alley
9700s Cat To Die last which
9703s could well happen here could end up with
9704s an early
9705s sort of shutter walk-esque triple note
9707s never mind straight up snipe this is
9710s better he gets a triple now right it's
9711s an insta triple instead yeah either way
9713s it's going to be good
9715s you can go level cell level
9718s triple
9720s oh no sorry that's next turn it's gonna
9722s be two turns away so you might have
9723s taken the past to a little bit of a
9725s beating first
9729s foreign
9735s 's 18 gold
9737s plus you've got a level in the meantime
9740s you might as well take the bribe right
9742s really
9746s I I was kind of looking at red hand
9748s again there is that kind of inherent
9751s Synergy that you have between uh the
9753s Specter and the the red hand as I said
9755s where you don't have to leave anything
9756s in your hand because it puts it into
9759s your hand and then Buffs it at the uh
9762s the start of your turn
9764s foreign
9765s yeah
9768s I mean it was just cheap enough because
9770s you're going to spend so much money
9771s leveling in the next couple of turns
9772s anyway yeah I I do think I quite
9775s consistently undervalue and I'm a bribe
9777s to be fair as is offered here again with
9780s beasts and something what was the other
9782s option I didn't see I didn't quite see
9785s but beast in the shop that's still fine
9797s uh with a bit of a lackluster set of
9801s minions khadgar with limited Synergy
9805s right now and then I wanted to drop and
9807s again the the Kathy also with very
9809s limited Synergy you see on seven dragons
9811s or demons
9813s um evil twin okay
9818s Shield 35 golden mirror Shield okay yeah
9822s that's that's doable
9825s yeah but how good is mirror Shield this
9828s light
9830s I know we've got murlocs for which
9832s hasn't come up all too much you get some
9834s Synergy there like murlocution that's
9836s fine yeah
9839s little balls out though which definitely
9841s works nicely with the Ryan Shields is
9849s having a look around the houses nothing
9853s totally different to the last Lobby
9855s where everybody just had everything
9856s busted by about now it's about where the
9858s last Lobby kicked off this one's much
9860s more of what we've seen most of the
9861s weekend a bit of a grindy Lobby
9863s what's even happening in that shop oh
9866s wow
9867s uh I mean unfortunately this is going on
9870s why there's traffic
9873s well it's uh
9876s pass right but yeah it's great kind of
9881s unfortunately you get specifically the
9882s tabby cats and not the Alley Cats which
9885s would help you to get another gold
9888s uh but it's still okay the question just
9890s really whether you want to go for
9893s three or four drop you can definitely
9895s get away with holding off for another
9896s turn here right
9899s yep
9904s yep and nature as well still on tier two
9906s on seven gold which is fine on tests of
9908s course
9914s uh the quest here for taurusan is play
9917s five battle crime minions and then you
9919s get Snicker snacks to trigger their
9921s battles at the end of each turn which
9924s you know there's some limited Synergy
9926s there already with uh the Alley Cat the
9929s houndmaster which probably is why we saw
9931s him push onto the cow Master instead of
9932s the amalgam
9935s it's going to be weird right though
9936s because triggering the cats at the end
9939s of your term means you're gonna have
9940s four right ones on your board if you're
9942s trying to set up just just a pair let
9943s alone a triple it's going to be pretty
9945s good those could very well be gotten rid
9947s of soon there's one more battle crime
9949s than you needed though okay very very
9951s doable here
9955s I think so looked like he took another
9957s loss there as well right towards the
9960s bottom of the health totals uh at this
9962s point
9966s oh okay tripling into a five drop now
9968s here is uh Yun Chang definitely where
9971s you want to be if you're going for some
9972s Beast Synergy for uh Mama Bear crocolisk
9975s uh
9977s the little baby crush a lot of good
9980s stuff here
9981s has managed to not these and quite a lot
9984s of gold as well which I thought was
9986s gonna be difficult on this hero but by
9987s picking up Relentless cats he's managed
9989s to get the economy these okay well this
9992s is going to help so much
9996s getting that extra gold there to sell
9998s through yeah I didn't realize he'd lost
10000s the previous round that does make a big
10001s difference yeah I didn't realize either
10003s but he is gonna yeah
10005s yeah
10007s I respect it me too I thought he was
10010s gonna take longer than this
10012s um
10013s in time to not be a disaster
10016s we can
10018s that's seven even if you go buy sell
10021s sell sell buy you're still not able to
10022s quite get there so it looks like it's
10024s not going to be until next turn that we
10026s see
10027s uh the quest come online the animal
10029s bribe come online right
10031s um it's the Mirror Mirror Shield oh is
10034s it mirror oh apologies I'm confused
10037s yeah right you are okay
10039s which is a nice stabilizer right there's
10041s a huge amount of tempo immediately
10043s yep yeah I thought he was gonna get it
10045s for another couple of turns but he just
10046s went straight for it
10049s um found a way to get it done in pretty
10050s good time all right zixo walking away
10052s with a bran here though which is again
10055s another one of those potential big
10056s stabilizers even if it's an immediate
10058s big hit to Tempo after it looks like he
10060s got the triple on the amalgam uh but you
10065s know again currently little Synergy not
10067s much that he's going to be able to make
10068s work with it right now as he gets a very
10070s important hit to take out the amalgam
10071s and only take five instead of seven
10073s damage uh on this turn but it needs to
10076s be immediate now physics so he really
10078s cannot afford to lose much more Health
10080s at all yep has got the bribe though so
10083s Synergy aside this is one of those
10085s quests where you just buy and sell stuff
10087s you've got a brand you'll get to the
10089s point where you just buy anything with a
10090s Battle Cry and and sell it and buy buy
10093s Whatever Gets buffed it's not quite as
10095s easy as I'm making it sound by saying it
10097s like that but
10098s you get the point it should be okay to
10101s not have huge Synergy until later on
10104s well there it is finally activates it
10107s with the seventh demon being played that
10108s was a pretty clutch demon to actually
10109s bind with the Mind mark
10115s what choice is now Tad's fantastic here
10119s oh as is the reef
10124s the Explorers are actually ridiculous
10125s Brown look at this the amount of stats
10128s that's going to go into this shop after
10129s he um oh yeah this explores some reefs
10142s to all
10143s another Tad I I think I would have had
10146s it I want to just go yeah agreed yeah
10148s yeah
10152s the state of the more starts from the
10154s swole fins you can just sell those with
10156s the animal bribe this is such a big turn
10158s yeah oh my God look at the stats he's
10161s getting and War lead is really really
10163s good with drive as well because
10164s obviously all of your murlocs are now
10166s buffed when you sell them
10168s now
10172s can you convince me what on the anime
10174s that was strong that was very very
10176s strong and also we get to see the
10178s difference between the servers right
10179s because he was moving at lightning speed
10181s yeah which a lot of the other players
10183s may not have had access to also true
10186s which just makes it all the point of
10188s balancing these the only European by the
10190s way to get through yeah anywhere that
10192s subtle and Raven connection after this
10194s tournament when you need them
10196s oh look at this not even close
10199s absolutely tearing this one apart and
10202s that's occur to us that's an early game
10203s courteous
10207s bam where these
10213s zigzo from electro as well deflector is
10217s the last thing in the shop there will be
10218s quite entertaining but what's going on
10220s with SSA with all this stuff I actually
10222s got so many minions okay just press
10224s Heist yeah uh so he's got a lot of money
10229s to work with
10231s uh dragons or demons to complete the
10233s quest for an evil twin
10236s reckons or demons okay well he has a
10238s couple
10240s you know I see a dragon and an amalgam
10242s yeah an evil twin is good actually for
10244s him evilton is a very nice one
10248s evil twin on Mex and Elementals for me
10251s are found to be really good I'm sure
10253s there's other examples but the the mechs
10254s usually have a Divine Shield
10257s and the Elementals tend to just be large
10260s yeah you're evil twinning a 35-70 rock
10263s or something it's not amazing but it's
10264s fine
10266s and obviously on Max it's nutty he's got
10268s a
10269s get the Buffs in the right places which
10271s is why he's taking his time making sure
10273s the thing he wants to be 25 is actually
10276s the thing he gets 25.
10278s if there's a demon but I believe he
10281s still needs one more after that uh in
10283s order to actually activate the quest so
10285s he might see him hold off on that
10287s at the moment or maybe you still end up
10289s buying it but uh of course I'm still
10290s trying to keep the rest of your board as
10291s strong as possible in the meantime
10294s uh Harvest Golem kind of tempting to
10296s hold on to just for a guaranteed reset
10298s on the deflectors you do have that with
10301s the death rattled
10303s annoyo module
10308s just getting worried that zeko did take
10310s a a low deflecto sort of mid teens low
10313s teens size I would go for threes to go
10316s for a massive one just just plain
10317s sensibly yeah a strong spot doesn't need
10319s to go crazy similar to what we saw when
10322s he was on animal bribe with Daryl uh
10324s yesterday when
10327s it was just like a sensible kind of
10329s place just mid-tier minions which is
10330s enough to see you through to the late
10331s game which is what he needs to do like
10333s he cannot afford another seventh or
10335s eighth place and have a chance really no
10338s I agree
10339s um but a third or set you know hopefully
10341s a win but a first or second would be
10343s great but even a third or fourth plenty
10344s of points to get him still in there but
10345s like you say towards the bottom end now
10347s yeah a third starts to make it look like
10350s a stability this is just a wipeout by
10354s the way wow just dead
10356s that's Alicia's son so
10359s we're only going to um another Lobby
10362s it's on vibusa and Alex now to try and
10364s get to check otherwise we might be going
10365s to Lobby five with nobody putting the
10368s lobby in check which would be pretty
10370s amazing
10371s double Primal fin offered like I know
10374s you have zero murloc inclinations
10376s whatsoever but that always hurts to pass
10379s up like I can't look at that and uh see
10382s him roll past it
10386s all right nothing absolutely nothing
10390s here for Taurus and who has got a decent
10393s Baseline power level but the scaling is
10396s really not there like double big fernel
10399s Ah that's not question is the end of
10402s turn Battle Cry Quest apparently so at
10405s least this thing will be eating
10406s something from the shop but true double
10408s its stats as well it's pretty big
10411s I think here and again you're on Tessy
10414s you know you don't need to panic but I'm
10416s tempted to try and get to 60 and go
10418s looking for fail bats as quickly as
10419s possible with an overseer on the board
10420s and some fairly big demons already
10422s while I'm on 40 health because that's
10424s going to start going wrong soon either
10426s way
10430s all right six so again trying to
10433s stabilize here getting an activation on
10435s the cookie mind Mark is one of the cards
10438s you would be probably happier to see
10441s obviously you would love to see the
10444s Hydra in the shop as that is one of the
10446s biggest mummies I've ever seen in my
10448s life uh but getting the Hydra in hand is
10452s not really good enough without anima
10454s bribing it
10455s yeah but getting into the shop as you
10457s say the second that's gonna turns up six
10459s is going to get a giant hydrant notice
10461s that not worried about leveling just
10463s doesn't need to like we've seen that for
10465s most of the lobby uh then goes to you
10468s know who who likes to make big boards he
10471s is up there and says to say who is able
10473s to with that togwagon massive Heist we
10475s saw also even though it's just chilling
10477s on four
10482s surprisingly close fight actually I
10484s thought this would be a runaway for the
10485s sick so but
10487s it's
10489s probably a loss now yeah guaranteed
10493s right with the death threat oh damn
10494s close one
10497s yeah he's fined although again yeah it's
10500s okay he can probably take one more loss
10502s in addition to this given that he's
10504s relatively strong and probably won't get
10506s steamrolled
10507s uh but I mean if a room goes through
10510s what even is this like it was a demon's
10512s board before now transitioning over into
10515s failback Lord feel that in hand and uh
10518s in hand he just he just raced to six and
10521s yeah I did you know
10523s what I get on the right way I get there
10525s and if I get to six I'm gonna have
10526s something and fell back trickster it's
10529s all right to me elbowing his quest
10531s finally gets it done to play dragons or
10533s murlocs and Alter Ego is his reward
10536s which is kind of nice with a fail but
10538s it's not that it's not the best of
10539s rewards in general but with the bat it's
10541s gonna be okay
10543s okay I like taking the Primal fins try
10545s and find toxfin misses
10548s uh but Tad could still give him a Hail
10550s Mary for it you never know
10553s uh once another Minion type ideally
10556s restrictions
10562s oh two jokes available should you so
10564s desire
10569s I think I always struggle with compared
10571s to the top players is just exactly
10574s when to take jugs and the answer seems
10577s to be always
10578s yeah I mean in this situation when
10580s you're buffing pretty key minions uh
10582s specifically the Harvest Golem oh it's
10584s gone the faux Reaper sorry which is such
10585s a big difference maker
10591s now this is where the the comp gets
10594s formed exactly what he wants to do he
10596s wants to get his film battle tricks are
10597s down now so he needs to decide what's
10599s getting sold this is the the point just
10601s don't go with the trickster just not
10602s gonna bother
10607s yeah I think the question was whether
10608s you go for like a re-roll there to try
10610s and hit slightly better minions but
10612s these look good enough you know you can
10614s hope for specifically even cost Minions
10616s that have bigger stats but that's far
10619s from guaranteed
10623s gas coiler okay
10628s huge phone Reaper that pickup making all
10631s the difference in despite I mean maybe
10634s the big phone would have been enough but
10635s it's nice for the for future fights if
10637s nothing else as well
10639s yeah see why you didn't want the
10641s trickster it's looking fine anyway
10645s probably too late as well it's turned 10
10648s trickster has stopped with a zero burst
10651s there's no you've got the ultra ego you
10652s haven't got anything huge in the shop
10654s buffing yet I guess
10655s it would have taken a while to get to a
10656s sensible level then you've got to give
10658s it taunt or whatever
10660s yeah Alex with double Divine Shield
10663s taragosa that's nice of course but very
10665s limited Synergy with this
10669s trickster with no parasol uh no parrot
10673s oh
10676s uh Baron rivendare either it's going to
10678s be difficult to scale that into a
10680s winning composition as opposed to just a
10681s high Tempo play whereas say here what on
10684s Earth is happening with this board
10686s golden Reef Explorer with bran this is
10690s infinity value
10692s is but also where is it going well
10695s actually where it's going if there's no
10696s bigger Buster in the shop okay I'm
10697s happier now he's spent a couple of turns
10700s getting to six with the or the board
10703s that would get I was a little bit scared
10704s for a minute like yeah this infinite
10706s value what you're going to do but yeah
10707s with that Omega Buster waiting at the
10708s end of the line it's going to be
10711s absolutely fine to have all this value
10712s uh how does he get four minions
10715s discovered here yeah okay
10720s oh it might be funny what do you want he
10721s wants more Busters
10723s yeah Busters but you'll take uh
10728s a mantid methinks you can use the War
10731s gear here to make sure he gets the thing
10733s he wants to be the biggest as the
10735s biggest of the true twin does that end
10739s up as a Mega Buster no probably not yet
10742s just get triple um
10745s people debris
10748s when else do you get to get three
10752s um death rattled deflectos three
10754s dewberries yeah don't you very often at
10757s all there's enough room for evil twin
10759s though did he forget yeah he he's got
10762s because he does now have a 3-4 micro
10764s mummy instead of a 1914. there's a lot
10767s of things on this board yeah the bus
10770s just kind of just lurking somewhere in
10772s the middle of the board
10774s there
10777s oh it's all right that's fine
10783s meant it all along look your tail from
10785s his face yeah yeah all played Four got
10787s mate oh look at this reset he gets
10790s because thanks to the mummy yeah
10791s absolute setup all right well bailed out
10795s of that one I suppose as he's able to
10797s stay in this game for a turn longer
10799s every single point being a b
10801s difference though remember
10805s as well six are getting some
10808s nice big stats online now as well
10811s don't really matter which you pick here
10814s we're all trash
10816s yep
10819s chance of a giant triple mummy
10822s Amber Guardian number two is very
10824s interesting though
10826s with one already in play one golden
10828s mummy actually yeah that's huge
10830s chooses to sell off the overseer and not
10833s the mama which um
10836s is interesting
10837s but this is more stats in the long run
10843s sure yeah you just set it off and off
10847s you go and get big oh my goodness it's
10849s getting really big my Lord
10855s yeah that can go that can go
10858s and now let's find us aunted
10864s okay yes
10867s gotta be right yeah I was just trying my
10869s brain is now at the stage where anything
10871s that says buff on it my brain's going
10872s can it be done before you sell Omega
10874s Buster no you can't sell things in
10876s combat move on carry on good talk I mean
10879s you have three Mexico wasn't absurd but
10881s I I do think just
10883s the manted
10884s Guardian will give the Divine Shield to
10887s the poisoned
10890s amalgam
10893s that's nice
10895s all these little things that the top
10897s players make sure work hmm I'd just
10900s accidentally have two dragons in play
10902s here or something for no reason
10904s what we're looking for now to really
10905s upgrade this physics so is obviously
10907s annoya module being number one I think
10908s to give Divine Shield to this massive
10910s micro mummy and taunt it as well which
10912s is pretty relevant to guarantee it dies
10914s off for the
10916s reflecto and then I think just the usual
10919s Suite of like uh Leroy's maybe a tunnel
10923s Blaster more mantis as well
10926s this might be dumb right but do you want
10928s to not give this mummy taunt so it can't
10930s be Leeward so easily
10932s oh maybe so huge do you want to actually
10934s now sort of protect its hugeness that's
10937s an interesting point
10939s oh no that poison is a disaster physics
10943s so he's gonna die
10946s oh hit the bat if you can hit the bat as
10948s you like
10949s 50 50. oh
10952s you might have been dead anyway yeah he
10954s was dead no matter what oh man stick so
10957s that's a seventh again he's tilted man
10960s and I mean I can't blame him like Fair
10963s played him these have been some brutal
10965s games and that was some bad luck it
10967s feels like he's tried everything as well
10969s like he had the reckon issue I'm not
10971s gonna die early I'm just gonna come top
10973s four and then runs into the two Lobby
10975s leaders when having a pretty decent
10976s Health total and an okay Tempo board you
10979s know a sort of fifth place looking board
10981s these had a couple of really big high
10983s roll games like the one he just had to
10984s just run into the wrong thing at the
10985s wrong time and yeah he's having a
10988s terrible time of it today
10993s yeah just nothing working in his favor
10996s all right what are we looking to buff in
10998s nice big rat on the other side
11003s big rat real big rap but honestly kind
11006s of a really really big that damn it it's
11009s huge
11011s what a weird situation right there's
11012s nothing that's really working
11016s in your right here like do you give up
11019s some of the stats do you freeze a bad
11020s Tavern
11022s just take the rat and let the rest of
11024s the stats go see what you mean I kind of
11027s want the
11030s leaper because it is the Battle Cry and
11033s you have two calagos on board plus the
11036s the wealth trainer obviously how about
11038s by the leapers sell it sell the
11040s amalgaman hand that you're obviously
11041s hanging on to but right I guess or sell
11044s the 615 and then freeze what's left yeah
11046s I like that oh the freeze at the end I'm
11049s not entirely sure but yeah sure okay was
11052s your only freeze you're not you're not
11053s spending a whole gold freezing this shop
11055s you're spending a third of a gold
11056s freezing his shot
11058s fair enough yeah
11064s if you've gone the other way if you've
11065s just been like two 17 17s or whatever in
11067s the shop maybe you let it go that's
11069s still a lot of stats to waste with a
11070s bribe going on
11072s but yeah you're not wasting stuff
11073s something like that yeah I'm trying to
11075s figure out how much uh wasting a third
11077s of a gold is is uh Beyond me I'm not
11080s used to Imperial money
11083s sorry is that another age joke but yeah
11086s um
11088s it'll be packed soon we'll be okay
11091s um
11093s yeah
11095s oh yes there's two-fifths of a gold
11097s right you're still getting half of a
11099s refresh yes
11101s that farting
11102s the Farthing a bit
11106s all right this time we see the uh the
11110s giant deflector coming through on the
11112s evil twin coming in clutch as it should
11115s be enough to take the win here maybe a
11119s tie on of the death rat would be enough
11120s to character yeah but not a kill uh as
11123s Rim goes who is still just about hanging
11125s on in there uh kind of unclear wow so
11129s we've got you on that thing sorry Doug
11130s talking over you it just kept going
11133s uh I mean taking a look around it's kind
11135s of unclear unlike previous lobbies who
11137s is the clear winner at this point who is
11141s going to be taking down this lobby as no
11142s player has like an obvious Elementals
11145s nagas Exodia obvious combo uh that's
11148s going to be taking them down the game
11149s it's very scrappier much more Quest
11151s dependent as well yeah which makes me
11154s wonder if a person on the den atheist is
11156s going to have just enough to get there
11157s as this pans out because with the bribe
11160s going on and the the one that gives you
11163s a copy of the last minion right
11166s um You should have a lot of value and a
11168s lot of ongoing stats
11169s yeah I mean that's clearly how he's got
11171s two golden amalgams right up until this
11174s point maybe he can get himself a golden
11177s uh caligos but I just feel like almost
11180s every combat the amalgam is going to be
11182s the last thing that dies given they're
11183s so big
11185s uh I'm not saying that he's favored on
11187s anything other than having the best
11189s Quest just having a quick look make sure
11190s there's someone who hasn't got I think
11191s really crazy so Alex is on a red hand as
11193s you can see here which
11196s turn 14 you don't even have time to sort
11198s of get a hydra and hold it in your hand
11201s for three turns and make it huge you're
11202s just a little bit your work here is done
11205s with the red hand I think
11207s this is a social dropping hints
11210s with the twin yeah that's a good Shout
11213s big old twin yeah
11217s hey I mean this is a decent board right
11219s it's not scaling at all but it's a very
11222s high bass line
11224s power level
11227s yes final form isn't it yeah three
11230s million Types on the
11233s right on the mounted Queens as well both
11236s like honestly it feels like a lot of
11237s players are kind of reaching that state
11238s where they're locked into their end game
11240s comp with no real or limited power to
11244s scale beyond that
11245s yeah it's also just had that little
11247s Battle Cry going at 80 83 demon that's
11249s just been sitting there chugging up
11250s every turn like this isn't getting much
11253s bigger for murloc homes or for the tests
11255s either it's just kind of locked in as
11257s yeah poison Divine Shield Leroy nonsense
11261s uh which you know the Poison's probably
11263s going to be being the demons here right
11265s I don't think there's enough stuff on
11266s the other side to stand up against all
11268s this
11269s a little piece of reminder
11271s um only needing to get top four to get
11275s the lobby in check Alex needing to win
11277s the lobby or come second and there we go
11279s there's Alex getting uh
11282s held on this one or asan and Alex going
11285s down damn all right and River
11288s surviving oh one
11289s one man
11291s the 20 point
11293s s that's so sick
11295s um if so can you just flick away and
11297s back again we've got a camera situation
11299s thank you appreciate it
11304s Young Chang
11306s look how he's getting on
11308s let's move a piece of back on now
11311s on basically doing nothing I mean you
11314s could taunt up another one of your
11316s minions I don't really know what it
11317s offers you to be perfectly honest it's
11318s more just a Battle Cry uh you're playing
11321s here to further increase your stats he's
11323s going in on another amalgo all right
11325s let's go come on
11327s the queen just make it easy to get those
11329s Shields yeah exactly with four minion
11331s types in play plus the uh I'm sorry five
11334s now
11335s you must be essentially guaranteed the
11338s uh the Divine Shield
11342s yes
11343s good old stuff with this bribe
11349s look at all stuff stuff
11351s I'm still looking at all these boards
11353s wondering quite how zixo lost every
11355s fight in a row for like four fights
11358s because he was pretty big himself and
11360s nothing's murdery I think he just get
11362s poisons went to the wrong place a couple
11364s of times and so on I mean it was just
11366s lack of divided Shields I think really
11367s in a such a poison heavy Lobby Divine
11370s Shield heavy Lobby he had so much stats
11372s but the losing fight for him he his
11375s mummy got sniped by a tiny poison if
11378s that exactly hadn't happened he would
11380s have been able to stay in the game and
11382s he never thought if as I said
11383s right if he got module or cleave uh to
11387s buff up really big he could have got
11388s there as well yeah
11391s all right now at the end game State
11392s people the Levi's are starting to turn
11394s up as you can see people have
11397s stabilizers it's gonna be pretty big for
11399s Windows here actually remember you've
11400s got six really early with just a whole
11402s comedy of cards
11406s yeah even he's rapidly falling behind
11409s now with this much poison going around
11411s uh demons are not gonna be stacking up
11413s well enough against this even if he does
11415s have like you say a little bit of a
11416s hodgepodge of other stuff going on
11419s it's not going to be standing up as
11421s River Pusa stays in again unable to
11424s knock out his opponent but not going out
11425s quite yet at this point it really
11428s doesn't matter where he finishes from
11430s now on in it's just about trying to deny
11431s the players who are close to him in the
11434s standings right they're all denied
11437s he is going to be on his own putting the
11439s lobby in check whatever happens here
11442s um obviously the points still matter in
11445s terms of who comes second third fourth
11446s through to eighth but the winner will be
11448s the person who wins while the Lobby's in
11450s check so if a person get like a 20 point
11452s a 20 point a five or ten point lead
11454s guarantee that second place give him
11456s even more Comfort to just shoot for the
11459s Moon
11464s okay more Divine oh sorry more poison to
11467s go alongside all this Divine Shield like
11468s this is what you're initially telling me
11470s that I think I missed on the mirror is
11472s that you can specifically go for this of
11475s getting a bunch of divine Shields a
11477s bunch of poisonous which is super strong
11478s of course this you are very very happy
11480s to see however the one scary thing is
11484s that this is very vulnerable to Tech
11486s right because you have a lot of divine
11488s Shields a lot of poison this is very
11490s strong if they find the tunnel Blaster
11492s specifically though the rest of your
11495s minions are just small static Divine
11497s Shields which are really going to be
11498s struggling against uh opposing uh Mex
11502s opposing beasts opposing any death
11504s rattle of any kind because almost all of
11506s these get killed in one hit yeah you can
11509s see what he's doing to mitigate that
11510s though by leaving the selfless in play
11512s uh-huh I wouldn't be surprised if you
11515s take the baron and hold I wouldn't be
11516s surprised to see him put the second
11517s selfless in play or at least put the
11519s bird somewhere weird to try and Trigger
11521s that selfless yeah I do think this is a
11523s weird bird kind of game
11525s there we go on as well is very valuable
11529s it's now so weird
11532s yeah so he's gonna he's placing this for
11534s tunnel Blaster but the birds there in
11536s case there isn't a tunnel Blaster yeah
11538s and he's playing around cleave with that
11540s Baron positioning as well like it's
11543s super funky but I get what he's going
11545s for
11548s okay because he knows he needs to
11549s highball right look he's going to be a
11550s person who's like you're winning the
11551s lobby you go for the high roll
11553s positioning and hope things just keep
11554s hitting the right thing
11556s just remember that this will take the
11557s other piece of over 20 points if he wins
11560s um but you have to win again then when
11562s you're over 20 points it doesn't happen
11564s in one go like sub question right yeah
11570s I think you're gonna say for a second it
11571s was like darts and if he goes over 20 he
11573s goes back down or something which I was
11575s not aware of in the rules
11577s these are so double six to win but yeah
11579s yeah exactly 14 and just goes all the
11583s way back to 501 and starts again
11585s unwinnable now for Young Chang with an
11587s unfortunate end as it really looked like
11590s he was going to be able to get there but
11591s this is the problem right these tiny
11592s Divine Shield minions if you run into
11594s mechs with repeated Divine Shields death
11597s rattles from Beasts it's too much as Rim
11600s goes to and Yoon Chang fall down and
11602s Ripper poosa is looking to potentially
11604s get that first place whereas say
11607s is currently at 12 and a half so he is
11613s with a win looking to sell from looking
11615s to get himself up to
11617s 19.5 points as close as it's possible to
11621s get without being at that threshold
11624s and once again we see say doing it with
11628s like just stuff
11630s it's a phrase I've used a bit too much
11632s but look at this it's got lovely mantis
11634s because of the two amalgams with poison
11636s pretty much the best setup you can get
11637s of nothing if that makes any sense the
11640s best poison setup you get lots of divine
11642s Shields really nicely set up but has
11644s done it all the way with
11646s whatever was available on the given turn
11649s survive one more turn move on improve
11651s move on rather than hey here's a comp
11653s I'm aiming for
11658s whereas on the other side significantly
11660s more in terms of stats a decent amount
11663s of divine shieldage but no
11666s selfless
11668s it's a very similar board isn't it
11669s double Baron amalgam double Manta queen
11672s and the other three cards of your stuff
11674s cleave's big though cleave could be a
11676s big uh Factor here I think yeah we're
11678s moving three shields in one go is is
11680s absolutely massive and even just this uh
11683s mackerel right I always underestimate
11685s how clutch that can be
11688s yeah absolutely
11691s with there being four five minion types
11695s here on the board both of these mantids
11696s are extremely likely to get Divine
11698s Shield
11700s yeah I really favor a river person here
11702s but I think that he's up against a
11703s pretty tough board
11705s just counting Shields it's just not
11707s going to add up in there I don't think
11709s very clutched and thinner as well
11716s yeah that cleave taking out one of the
11718s poison them out because there was such a
11720s big difference that's like two extra
11722s poison hits that he just completely
11723s deleted look at the positioning here as
11726s well so the shields are going to get
11727s cooked on this side now aha
11730s okay good hit for CCC
11738s oh Trading
11740s oh no no that's such a bad hit for
11743s riverpoosa losing the Divine Shield like
11745s that it means we're going to end up in a
11747s High probably gonna lose itself
11753s no shot and SSA with that taking another
11757s victory that I really didn't think he
11758s was gonna do so and I think that smile
11760s implies that he didn't think he was
11762s gonna do it either and he ends up on 19
11765s and a half points Lorinda that is so so
11770s tantalizing that's cruel
11773s he's gonna be in the lobby anyone got
11775s half a point I can borrow I'll pay you
11776s back tomorrow I promise that's half a
11779s point it's all I need
11781s oh man gonna be thinking back what could
11783s I have done to not tie just finish what
11785s like last one more round in previous
11787s lobbies uh as we do have now a very
11790s interesting situation only one player
11792s above that 20 point threshold that says
11794s they say clawing himself I believe into
11796s second place now in uh the best possible
11798s spot to enter their next turn and now
11801s for all of our players it's time to
11804s really start looking for wins rather
11806s than just getting points yeah but also
11808s looking for wins and making sure that
11810s you just make sure to take some damage
11812s along the way
11814s um something that I think I think last
11816s uh Lobby Legends before it players did
11818s it a little bit better but most of the
11819s tournaments we've had they have realized
11822s too late they haven't paid attention to
11825s the leader and they've noticed you still
11828s get to the last three or four players
11829s and you see somebody look at the board
11830s and go oh we've lost but it's too late
11833s by the time you look up you've got to
11834s look up early go hey who's going to beat
11835s us with a person right Tempo him all the
11838s way and playing him next Tempo him
11841s um especially if you do it without
11843s cutting off your own chance to get into
11844s check it's obviously a balancing act
11848s been really interesting to see how this
11849s one will shape out another Lobby there
11851s where it feels like we were
11853s back to the good old quest uh Reliance
11856s there so then a hardcore comp being able
11859s to get the job done and that's generally
11861s what you're going to be seeing like it
11863s feels to be whatever poison is available
11866s and is jumped on
11868s it's the
11870s like it's generally the strongest thing
11872s you could do but it doesn't lead to a
11874s cohesive game plan quite so much so the
11876s quests come in to play a lot more I
11879s don't know if that quite makes sense
11880s whereas with the uh the other way that
11883s you're going about it with
11885s um a strong specific win condition like
11888s Elementals or nagas the quest doesn't
11889s have quite so much Reliance on it uh and
11892s I I gotta say I like these kind of games
11894s where the quests have a big importance
11895s and it's a lot of divine Shield a lot of
11897s poison there's a lot of text you have
11899s access to where you can go for something
11901s like tunnel Blaster but then it's going
11902s to be counteracting your own Divine
11904s Shields which can be very scary you can
11906s go for the cleave as we saw there coming
11907s in super clutch for River Pusa almost
11909s able to give him the win uh it's just
11912s such intricate Dynamics and the smallest
11915s difference can lead to a winner or loss
11917s I feel yeah I think what we're seeing as
11919s well is there's two tiers of Heroes
11922s there's gallywix Mill House cookie a
11925s couple of others that just go okay I
11926s don't necessarily need the quest but
11928s that'd be great thanks
11930s um and then there's all the others which
11931s go okay
11933s I'm gonna have to use a quest so last
11935s Lobby in particular was very heavy in
11937s sort of gold cheating
11939s Heroes
11942s um where we had the lobby where the
11943s quests were ignored whereas this time
11945s around not so much
11948s um at least not on a massive scale
11949s obviously murloc homes does cheat some
11951s gold and so you have to rely on the
11953s quest to to level things up and I wonder
11955s if that will be a thing we see going
11957s forward but there is that leaderboard as
11961s we've talked about worst position fourth
11963s place in those first four lobbies
11965s and Alicia sand the real Heartbreaker of
11968s this lobby with the so close uh a first
11971s a second uh what a fourth as well or a
11974s joint third I suppose uh at the time oh
11977s sorry it wasn't worth uh almost being
11979s able to get through to the uh the
11980s 20-point threshold which is taking a
11982s disastrous last place to end up outside
11985s of it uh with I think Alicia and zixo
11988s ending up the saddest players out of all
11990s of that as that was just another
11992s disastrous Lobby uh for zixo through no
11995s real thought of his own I really liked
11997s the strategy he was going for again it
11999s felt like rack an issue last time and
12001s I'm a bribed this time two back-to-back
12003s strategies that are like you to get a
12005s top four finish but they just didn't he
12007s just got some unlucky hit some unlucky
12009s opponents and just couldn't make it work
12011s because of his lack of divine Shields
12013s yeah and he has to go for wins I know
12015s that's sort of stating the obvious but
12016s the way the numbers work out he needs
12018s two first places just to get the lobby
12021s in check going into Lobby seven and for
12024s scale of the four we've had so far Lobby
12026s Legends only one of them has gone to
12028s Lobby seven at all wow so really is a
12031s case if he needs to win those two now
12034s um stop people from winning it because
12035s he's won them and then get to Lobby
12037s seven with the lobby and check himself
12040s all right with that said and done we are
12042s going to go to a break before we come
12043s back to potentially the final game of
12047s the weekend if we can see River Pusa
12050s taking the win but more likely it's
12052s going to be going for a couple more uh
12054s so don't go anywhere we are reaching at
12056s the finale of Lobby Legends magic of
12059s Azeroth very soon
12060s [Music]
12065s [Music]
12068s thank you
12070s [Music]
12079s [Music]
12082s [Applause]
12085s [Music]
12093s foreign
12103s [Music]
12112s [Music]
12124s foreign
12129s [Music]
12155s foreign
12158s [Music]
12181s [Music]
12195s foreign
12196s [Music]
12246s thank you
12249s [Music]
12260s welcome back everyone to Hearthstone
12261s Battlegrounds Lobby Legends magic of
12265s Azeroth thank you so much for watching
12266s us all throughout the weekend it's been
12269s a pleasure to cast all of these
12271s fantastic players in their struggle to
12274s become the lobby Legend of this
12276s particular tournament uh we're getting
12279s to that point where it could be done
12280s River Pusa again at 20 point threshold
12283s so a win from him specifically first
12285s place only will crown him as our
12288s champion Lorinda as we jump right into
12290s the game which you love to see but you
12292s were hoping for a turnaround right one
12294s of the lower tiered players to claw
12296s their way up perhaps yeah I don't mind
12298s either way I mean I might have one of
12299s the lower tiered players claws their way
12301s right they're back and then I'd like to
12303s see River Pusa win in some ways but yeah
12305s also want to see somebody just go win
12307s win win from the bottom as he had a
12309s choice there between the farm and
12310s zephyrus decided that zephyrus is the
12312s the more High rolly of the two which is
12314s quite a tough choice to make
12318s um the armor may be swinging it that way
12320s obviously you can just get some crazy
12321s things happen with Zephyr sometimes
12324s all right the almost obligatory murloc
12327s and danathrius having been picked
12329s already no surprises there
12333s but what do we have on danathius's Quest
12336s a turn one spend 30 gold is quite a lot
12340s have 12 friendly minions die a little
12342s bit easier I want to say on Tiny
12344s henchmen especially with pirates
12346s available to get the uh scallywag on
12350s turn one mummy is well available for Mex
12354s yeah I wonder if the henchman isn't
12357s yeah you take the henchman don't you
12359s okay takes the goal interesting okay
12361s they're both kind of nasty like you're
12363s describing
12364s um the henchman's the worst reward but
12365s if you're getting it done early because
12367s you started early not because it's
12369s particularly easy to do
12371s the henchmen will be kicking in
12373s right turn five turns six actually have
12375s some value but fair enough it is a
12377s pretty Grim reward a lot of the time how
12380s do we feel as well about picking the
12382s swabby and then playing it on turn one
12385s as opposed to going for a a level and
12387s then playing it afterwards as is I don't
12390s know I feel like the play I usually end
12391s up going for nowadays I usually hold so
12395s I'm going to work that one out never
12397s mind stay low
12402s right right okay because now he is
12405s holding it right because next time he's
12406s got level by
12409s freeze the scallywagon oh sorry the
12411s swabby again
12413s uh or just take a three depending we'll
12415s take a three yeah exactly you have
12417s options
12418s also because he's got to spend 30 gold
12422s right he might take the Naga next turn
12425s as well for the coin as to see what that
12427s goes that's true yeah it could be like
12429s buy coin buys uh the scallywag instead
12434s there are again ways that you can
12435s maneuver this
12438s see what he does he might really need
12440s the the three to appear as well see how
12443s he does this
12444s majority of players going for the level
12445s though uh uh and
12449s you can see River Post of the plane the
12450s way sorry the player that we're keeping
12452s the closest eye on on zephyrus which we
12455s haven't seen all too much of and the one
12456s time we have I think it's performed
12458s pretty poorly uh but looks like it's not
12460s gonna be a three on three or we would
12462s have seen it already the only player
12464s doing so obviously zixo on the togwaggle
12467s uh and wow actually taurusan on murloc
12470s homes also with a three on three
12473s oh he's just going for it Alex is here
12476s love it full hold oh this is greedy
12481s so much available next turn to him
12485s I mean he knows the cookie has gone
12486s three on three right which means you're
12488s gonna be facing a three drop maybe
12490s saying I'm dying anyway oh sorry you're
12493s gonna be facing not a three drop a
12494s discovered minion up to tap and tier
12496s three did a person also holding stuff
12498s obviously he's gonna take maximum like
12500s extreme strategy so not so surprising
12503s here
12504s uh to wins the fight anyway because
12506s everyone's doing the same thing hey
12509s what quest is gonna be crucial perhaps
12511s for the whole tournament what he gets
12513s offered here and how greedy he chooses
12515s to be
12520s okay
12522s stolen gold refreshed ten times that's
12525s doable for sure it's just about how much
12527s you want the stolen gold no beasts in
12530s the lobby which makes that a little
12531s worse probably looking at Specter here
12534s I've got to say
12536s or death battles should be doable Mayhem
12540s yeah again we can't see the shop though
12542s it makes it a little tougher
12546s okay
12547s okay you've got a self-look too that's
12549s enough
12551s and again I'm not a not a particularly
12553s um
12554s Earth shattering
12556s instead of quest they're not when you're
12558s looking to win and win only but nice
12560s enough
12561s okay zix are on a crucial turn with
12563s togwaggle as well ends up on friends we
12567s made along the way
12569s favor uh I didn't see what particular
12572s minion type it would be offered to him
12575s but that is some potential Extra Value
12577s later on not necessarily the highest uh
12579s immediate Tempo quest one that is very
12582s high Tempo is mirror Shield dragons and
12585s mechs you know there's a dragon in the
12587s shop is uh potentially something you
12589s could be looking at because someone 15
12592s minions for friends along the way is
12594s quite a lot so immersion or just bail
12597s out on powerstar but he doesn't wow
12599s friends okay okay let's have a Golem in
12603s play already I guess that's true
12605s catch you in some ways you want Alex
12608s already completing
12611s um
12613s second Quest was the sequesty coin not
12615s the first one attorney discovered it
12617s that's insane so holding back all those
12619s pirates he held everything and exactly
12622s yeah
12623s and it worked out
12624s so I don't think we've actually seen uh
12626s teal tiger sphere is that what it's
12628s called as the uh the one that was
12630s offered there where you get plus one
12633s plus one for each time you've refreshed
12635s the shop uh
12641s it's how I pronounce it it's how we do
12643s it in the South how are we talking to
12644s the South without we just go sphere you
12646s know yeah yeah this is fair uh plus one
12648s plus one for each time the tavern was
12650s refreshed this turn to me I've got to be
12651s honest it feels like one of the ones I'm
12653s less happy to see I just never know
12654s quite how to make it work too well
12658s I took it a lot when like the first day
12661s when I didn't really know what anything
12662s was doing and it's not as bad as maybe
12664s it's got a reputation for because
12666s there's a couple of things are better uh
12668s you just you know you just play the game
12670s and sometimes you just roll four or five
12672s times maybe you find a lease in the shop
12673s and your last things are all nine nines
12675s and ten times sure yeah get some nice
12677s big Divine it's only good for maybe like
12680s two turns if you can't complete it
12681s pretty much instantly you soon get out
12683s tempered okay which is why it's so big
12686s for Alex that he was able to do so
12687s especially because he is on such eight
12689s low Health total at this point really
12691s wants to stabilize and get himself into
12693s that check position
12695s real hodgepodge though for Rim gosu
12697s right now
12700s yeah no direction whatsoever just trying
12703s to get stats on board right now no
12705s chance of a triple or I guess sorry pip
12707s kind of counts as a pair uh in its own
12710s right but limited chance it triples
12713s yeah and still sort of working towards
12717s what
12719s not the greatest because it's the
12720s specter's quest as well which is fine
12722s we've seen it do well before but yeah
12724s still any mediocre if you're this far
12726s behind you want your quest to be
12727s something absolutely nutty I think he
12729s had at the start of your turn get two
12730s random Naga as the the Quest for having
12733s okay friends along the way sorry my bad
12735s yeah yeah which again like could be good
12739s if you get some clutch ones after Tavern
12741s tearing up a lot
12743s uh but far from guaranteed as danathius
12745s falls down yet further 19 Health almost
12748s in the danger zone and an absolutely
12750s pathetic board what are the red hand
12753s this though
12755s probably otherwise otherwise he's dead
12758s yeah I was gonna assume he red-handed
12760s this
12766s all right let's roll into a Divine stuff
12768s and take two cards you know yeah
12772s back like you can go
12776s the boom bar and the iron Sensei is
12779s where the most obvious Synergy is unless
12781s you want to ignore that a little bit and
12784s you could go boom bot plus the
12786s uh the naga in order to just like have
12789s some more nags in play in case you get
12791s uh The Reef Commander but I
12795s feel like it's just iron sensei in the
12797s Boombox it might just be Iron sense
12799s saying pass
12800s hold something in hand I guess the red
12802s hand does uh incentivize you to do so
12805s fair enough
12807s that one big minion should be able to it
12809s shouldn't run into poison this early in
12811s the game with no murlocs in so
12814s should be able to take down most
12815s opposition stuff and not take too much
12817s damage
12819s why should it be patient not taking
12821s damage why aren't people hitting him
12829s but he won that fight going into the
12831s quest tournament right why isn't the
12834s opponent going Max Tempo there to I'm
12837s not saying you shouldn't look after
12837s yourself that's not a criticism just
12839s asking
12840s um one of the options there is going Max
12841s Tempo knowing that River Police has got
12843s to hold and doing seven damage to it all
12846s right otherwise he could just win the
12848s lobby yeah it feels like players are
12850s just too focused on their own game plan
12851s right they don't have enough time to
12853s specifically tailor High temper players
12855s to kill their opponent uh as we see wow
12859s River Pusa the player that we are
12860s keeping an eye on if he wins this
12862s tournament ends and he has crowned the
12864s champion and he has two sets of pairs on
12868s the board Tab and tier four and uh next
12871s turn he can just get himself a six drop
12873s if he wants
12874s yeah and he's gonna want right he would
12877s take a lot of probably
12879s a lot of damage here
12881s I mean he's probably gonna take a lot of
12883s damage here he has a
12885s snail Cavalry but that's it everything
12888s else is almost irrelevant
12892s not quite it's it's turn seven but you
12894s know he's not winning fights with this
12901s uh let me see Yun Chang uh leveling up
12904s there we haven't really seen anything uh
12905s from him so far but he hasn't been
12907s losing fights so far so clearly stumping
12910s working in his favor
12912s at the moment
12919s not looking like a winning board is it I
12921s think he's
12923s absolutely the next couple of turns
12925s crucial there what is zigzo doing with
12928s all this stuff he's doing lots of stuff
12931s if nothing else yeah right there's a lot
12933s going on with 10 seconds to go here he's
12936s waitresses were at the end of the turn
12937s yeah the APM needs to start moving he
12940s gets the button he gets a triple oh my
12942s God it's time to go
12948s yeah fine you can get a six drop next
12951s turn
12957s trying to process all these low numbers
12959s under 2029 at the end it just goes
12962s straight into Divine Shield needs to be
12964s mopping things up really
12966s enjoy your Sixers day
12970s it's like six so can just clutch this
12973s one out 50 50 misses it okay takes
12977s another unfortunate loss
12979s yeah it crashed straight into the Divine
12981s Shield which is the one thing it didn't
12982s need to crash into the large minion but
12984s he's got a really good turn coming up
12986s here he does indeed wow a lot of stuff
12989s popping up there on the left-hand side
12990s of the screen quests going crazy uh
12993s leveling up triples everything going on
12995s now
12996s uh Liverpool took a lot of damage uh we
12998s saw that he'd set himself up with his
12999s efforts to have
13002s um a good turn this turn though
13004s okay things really starting to to happen
13007s for zixo there uh as you're saying
13010s triples Galore here now available as
13012s that was only the first triple uh
13015s offered for riverposer I think gained
13016s the old-fashioned way uh whereas now the
13019s hero power being used
13022s this is nice he hit the gold which he
13025s really needed he's got a chance of
13026s getting another thistle obviously as
13027s well if he levels next turn
13032s or if he just hits another pair he's got
13034s the hero power still ready to go next
13036s turn right yeah but what I'm thinking is
13038s if you hit another this before using the
13040s hero power depending how many he has
13042s left the officer just being super greedy
13045s so I should have specified that no it's
13047s fine I think that was his first one
13050s though because he doesn't have any other
13051s golden minions and it it was a natural
13054s wasn't it the one he sold the gold
13056s Gambler I think so unless he hero
13059s powered at the end of last turn which I
13061s don't think he did
13063s yeah seemed to feel like he sort of was
13066s put the brakes on because time was
13068s running out right uh problem is of
13071s course there's a lot of different
13073s uh nagas here which is good for
13077s a moment to just get uh spellcraft
13079s Synergy uh but you do really want to be
13081s narrowing it down to three I think as
13083s soon as possible uh rather than the full
13085s six it's brand pretty large
13090s oh the hero yeah the minion itself is
13092s not but the yeah yeah so yeah the hero
13095s but because of the minion band
13097s presumably yeah yeah very threatening
13099s minion brand
13102s getting out there all right it's a
13105s balanced diet down down to one more loss
13110s available so it does need to get it done
13112s this turn or we are going to see other
13113s people getting into check
13116s be one of the ways you can stop people
13118s from winning the lobby is to Win It
13120s Yourself is you know oh my God so much
13123s stuff oh I guess it was actually the the
13124s quest that gave him the completion Under
13126s The Gambler at the end of the last time
13127s which does make sense as he gets another
13129s on the pashma here discovered this time
13133s probably gonna end up being a critter
13134s Wrangler for Pure stats but it's no
13136s pairs uh could go for orgazoa I guess on
13140s the triple which is very strong sure
13146s he did press the button they just all
13148s displayed in backwards order I think
13150s yeah yeah right
13151s and he is on tap into six so a thyssa is
13154s available here ends up with another
13155s Critter Wrangler instead another
13157s murmidon offered would you consider
13160s going for that for the Triple uh instead
13162s of just doubling the stats I don't want
13164s to do it for the stats but to stay alive
13166s might be essential here it's got a lot
13168s of um stuff in hand that can buff he
13171s already has one though right I think
13172s yeah
13174s depends what he's up against and how he
13176s feels that's going to go down
13178s this is large what is this
13182s just large stuff what is this it's a
13185s really good question though I'm gonna
13186s listen to you what is this
13189s well I don't know the the name of that
13191s card but the the Twilight
13193s watch or whatever it's called that one
13195s five of them there are five of them yeah
13199s all right let's just see what happens
13201s there are some Dragon fireworks gonna be
13202s going on here
13207s so sick don't even know what this is
13211s or a wind demolished that's what it is
13214s yeah it's just kind of gone that's not
13217s even close is it
13218s no
13220s and the person with a double Wrangler
13223s there
13224s well okay these have high attack it's
13226s kind of close it's definitely not lethal
13228s damage that a leash Santa's taking and
13229s he has some real scaling potential uh
13233s with all of those uh
13235s dragons just buffing up turn after turn
13238s after turn but with River poster
13240s surviving that and those dragons not be
13241s able to do enough now he's gonna start
13245s getting the benefits of all these
13246s goldens in play
13250s but now he's in position where he could
13252s win this Lobby it's definitely possible
13254s from here
13255s they all know a thistle though we really
13257s really want to be rolling into one of
13259s those
13261s or tripling
13264s doesn't want to press the hero power
13265s even though he of course has two uh what
13268s two four Reapers two Wave Riders right
13273s he's actually getting rid of those pairs
13274s to avoid accidents when he does push the
13276s button
13280s something yeah it looks to just be
13283s hoping to Triple into the
13285s professor
13288s very nice keeping the Wave Rider in hand
13290s for as long as possible Right to avoid
13292s buffing it where he doesn't need to
13294s until he has the chance to hit the
13296s second the fissure yeah just really nice
13297s ordering
13300s and now loads of stuff
13301s I'm gonna have a big flying Foy for
13305s death this could be looking at the turn
13306s that could potentially set up the wind
13309s for the whole tournament here because
13310s this was a heck of a turn of
13312s Battlegrounds uh this photo Reaper was a
13314s lot better than I was expecting it to be
13316s it's absolutely huge that's just winning
13318s these fights on its own
13320s yeah to the point where actually he went
13322s you know what 62 attack that's enough
13324s I'm going to buff some other things yeah
13327s and he's gonna start locking people out
13328s here
13330s every single fight
13336s this is hard to stop
13342s no murlocs right people are gonna have
13343s to outstand this
13346s yeah rely on some mantis some leroys
13348s that can start to help but boy oh boy
13352s is this for Reaper just too much like
13354s yeah the board's just kills this yeah
13356s Bam Bam completely deleted yeah bye bye
13361s on down six to go to win the tournament
13363s Derek this seems to have happened so
13366s many times in lobby Legends it really is
13368s looking like it might happen again
13371s just so well played by river Pusa uh you
13373s really love to see it I think a very
13375s liberal use of his hero power not
13377s relying on specifically getting the
13378s manted queen uh is I think exactly what
13381s we wanted to see whereas now you know he
13383s has the double discover of the golden uh
13388s thank you
13388s yeah uh Orca zoa Gorgonzola every turn
13396s gorgonzola's a constructed card down oh
13398s sorry my mistake
13401s if I can tell me what it's called either
13403s I mean what we used to call it but there
13405s we go
13406s um
13411s you really want Elise to try and get
13413s another
13414s I don't think so I think yeah I think
13417s stopping and thinking that question was
13418s a good idea but
13421s just being greedy here I'm gonna sell
13424s for the the pick yep
13427s two more spells in your hands before
13428s your stuff
13431s yeah it's plus a lot plus a lot
13435s then we've got to think what we're
13437s losing orgazova really doesn't want to
13439s go yet when you're so strong
13441s uh so I do respect eventually
13445s probably yeah maybe not I don't know
13448s maybe pashma
13450s maybe pashma got another one at some
13452s point you're going to need that spot to
13454s get Divine shields in as well
13456s but for right now I fully respect
13457s holding on to it he is going to get one
13460s two spells in hand so plenty of hand
13462s space to work with this or and a minion
13463s sorry off of the Specter and we're
13466s looking around the boards now like this
13467s is touriston who is doing quite well
13471s um scaling on the how it goes yeah
13473s nowhere near
13476s what Liverpool is doing yeah exactly
13479s it's still just that uh bow Reaper
13482s that's gonna absolutely shred through
13485s everything going on here yeah or thresh
13488s more appropriately
13491s yeah zap zap and like the minions are
13494s going to survive the attack since the
13496s Divine Shield he's got them covered
13497s pretty much by one or two Health per
13499s time yeah look at this every time it's
13501s just not big enough
13503s and that's oh man I have to go he's just
13506s destroying everybody and killing them as
13508s he goes nobody has a high Health total
13509s apart from six so nobody's got a chance
13511s to respond to this
13513s he is just the Terminator man everyone
13515s that goes up against him just meets them
13518s awesome subtle on the same page
13521s um same stuff but worse right
13524s saying stuff but worse yes in terms of
13527s scaling
13529s uh it's I mean again I'm trying to think
13531s like poison could be enough or maybe a
13533s bit of divine Shield could be enough to
13534s counteract that to an extent but it's
13537s just that faux Reaper man it's gonna
13538s shred his whole board
13541s yeah and zigzag has to be bigger like
13543s when we get to the point where zixo
13544s fights him which isn't yet thankfully
13546s physics so
13547s um Liverpool is scaling fast so zix is
13550s going to have to win on Tech
13553s so yeah like you're talking about Divine
13554s Shields maybe a way to remove them you
13558s can't use a tunnel blast and level the
13559s playing field because you'll lose on
13560s stats alone so he's got to find some
13562s some clever ways to use selflessness
13565s some clever ways to use mountains I
13567s don't think he's going to get there but
13568s he's looking like the only hope at this
13570s point
13571s Alex done a much better job of surviving
13573s than I thought he was going to do to be
13574s honest not because he of his player or
13577s anything but because of the position he
13578s was in it was looking very very dire uh
13580s with uh just a very poultry amount of
13582s Health Quest that didn't seem like they
13584s were working together all too well but
13585s Divine Shields buffing this is a nice
13589s little board that can get him probably
13591s victories against most of the field but
13593s again even if you can reactivate the
13596s Divine shields on these uh deflectos
13599s doesn't feel like it's quite going to be
13601s big enough to be fighting back against
13603s the nagas and the faux Reaper and The
13606s faux Reaper
13610s okay
13612s yeah okay sure
13615s good talks as they say
13617s as we're gonna watch this to say
13618s eliminated from the tournament
13622s explode to the Leroy here but yeah I
13625s mean he scammed himself out of work
13627s before I don't know and we've seen this
13629s pattern throughout Lobby Legends history
13631s as well where yeah
13634s is this constant sort of chain of faces
13637s getting eliminated by the person we know
13639s is going to win we don't know like zixo
13641s could put a hold in if something could
13643s go wrong
13644s um the zephasis is only on 13 so one
13646s loss could lose but we've seen this
13649s we've heard this sort of commentary time
13650s and time again before as well we're like
13651s who's going to stop him can't see it and
13654s this has all the Hallmarks of one of
13656s those games where it just doesn't get
13658s stopped these dragons aren't doing it
13661s this is sand build has been um pretty
13664s comedic all the way through it's very
13667s cool though how big are his minions are
13668s at this point uh yeah okay no it's not
13671s getting it done it's cool though I liked
13673s the idea as another death of Drake comes
13676s down he's always got the triple triple
13677s for a diamond nether Drake
13680s pretty sure that's how it works yeah
13682s absolutely you get a diamond one and it
13683s gets like nine times the stats
13689s um actually it would be really large at
13691s nine times the stats let's face it
13694s where do you go from here as well I
13696s that's a rhetorical question the answer
13698s is you don't like this is your build
13699s this is what you are
13702s this is what you've become
13704s you're just weird dragon build
13707s hey gotta look yourself in the eye and
13709s realize this is uh
13711s this is where it's all come down to
13713s Alicia sand did need to get a top five
13716s finished of each check that's sort of
13718s Taken
13719s um a back seat the way things have gone
13721s because it looks like Liverpool is very
13724s likely to actually take down the whole
13725s tournament so this weird build has done
13727s the job that Alicia San needed it to do
13730s right and so players who have made it
13731s through now Alex has gone high enough
13735s Alicia did good enough uh by making this
13739s point uh say say just got enough being
13742s 19.5 points so there's like four players
13744s who are going to be in check at this
13745s point in the game
13747s but
13748s the game might be over it might be over
13751s exactly we need a champion for all the
13754s remaining players to take down Aruba
13755s Pusa uh and I gotta say right now it
13758s doesn't look like Alicia sand is going
13760s to be our Fable champion
13764s I would say that's a good call Derek
13767s look at the size that's happened to
13769s um Liverpool where we've been away
13772s [Applause]
13773s observing absolutely correct by the way
13775s to be watching the person who's dropped
13777s to beat them this is like David verse
13780s Goliath except if Goliath had like a
13783s plane and a bomb and David still just
13787s had his little sling or whatever like he
13789s was taken off him yeah exactly his hands
13792s behind his back
13794s uh you have come down to the
13797s the main chance I guess here
13800s um yeah
13801s [Music]
13803s the reflectos maybe they can get it done
13805s exactly I think that realistically is
13807s the chances zixo is just not scaling
13809s fast enough we talked about those tech
13811s cards honestly I was kind of talking
13813s very nebulously about like possible kind
13817s of sort of counters they're not really
13818s there right against a giant faux Reaper
13821s of that magnitude and another officer
13824s available which has passed up because he
13826s already has the plumbing golden one so
13828s it's just glow scale instead it really
13830s just needs to be repeat deflectos back
13832s to back to back to back reactivating
13834s refreshing starting again uh and trying
13837s to get enough Divine Shield activations
13841s yeah
13844s look at where River Pizza goes from here
13846s obviously there's a good chance he just
13847s wins but Gathering his own Tech cars to
13849s the corner there look
13851s um his own selfishes another foe VP in
13853s case he needs to take some Divine
13854s Shields off just just Gathering some
13856s pieces
13857s and from where he sat he needs to work
13859s out who the biggest threat is so when to
13861s go in on these right cards
13865s no zixo lost the previous fight
13869s except becoming a little bit more of a
13871s threat with a mounted Queen picked up
13873s obviously a
13875s very kind of monochromatic board right
13877s now with just one minion type overall
13880s it's the problem we highlighted he's
13882s doing the same thing but worse or
13884s started off further behind and worse
13886s right
13888s okay did a lot of work for Liverpool
13890s actually in being ahead that's true this
13893s isn't going to do it
13898s your roadbore ends it dude that's the
13900s Difference Maker
13902s yeah that's the shield Proctor obviously
13904s but even so yeah it's um
13906s probably not enough
13908s probably
13911s I mean he's got one big minion against
13913s this Army of nonsense oh no come on we
13917s haven't got a disconnect issue have we
13920s oh no please tell me Spectators it
13924s doesn't look like it though man River
13925s Pizza looks upset oh no
13938s well we're here to talk about something
13941s Derek what would you like to talk about
13942s nice weather out there today yeah lovely
13945s uh very pleasant morning very temperate
13948s um
13951s does okay does we won't know the ruling
13954s right yeah yeah but like ask we won't
13957s know not the ruling no no I'm not asking
13959s the ruling no no I'm asking what uh is
13962s that the lobby crashed or is
13965s that just I mean the Observer is making
13967s a comment or two in Discord that seems
13969s to imply the lobby has crashed right
13973s I can't get if it works the same way as
13975s the ladder oh
13977s told they can't make it back in
13981s ah well
13985s that sucks dude uh and that is a
13988s heartbreak of a river booster because
13990s like
13991s there's nothing we can do there's
13992s nothing we can say it is what it is but
13995s uh for River Pusa that was a winner
13997s that's just gone down the toilet
14000s yeah
14001s I mean it looks that way the double
14002s deflectos again if you could actually
14004s prove it so when it's gone down the
14005s toilet that's different but the double
14006s deflectos always have that small chance
14008s so
14009s we'll wait and see what the ruling is
14011s going to be
14013s um fantastically played by Liverpool oh
14015s yeah going on in the early game let's
14018s talk about what actually happened in the
14019s game because that's all we can do
14022s um had nothing going on took what looked
14024s like not a particularly exciting route
14026s but did play very aggressively early
14029s held his whole hand going into the quest
14030s which we're seeing more and more people
14032s do now
14034s um where do you stand Derek on the
14036s argument I've been having with sauce all
14038s as to how do you stop the person who is
14041s in check
14042s um within the game
14044s like do you risk your own life to do it
14048s and put some damage in for instance
14050s going into that term wherever police are
14053s held back for the quest
14054s his opponent did the same thing but
14055s could have put maybe seven to ten damage
14057s into him
14058s um but also the other argument is if you
14060s win the lobby doesn't win the lobby
14062s where would where would you play it
14064s I mean it really depends where you are
14065s in the standings right and like
14069s I don't know if it's the right terminal
14070s like crowd psychology like psychology
14072s starts to play into it right where no
14073s one wants to be the one who's going to
14075s be the the bull walk that's just gonna
14077s stand in the way of their opponent from
14079s winning the lobby by just going full
14080s Tempo you know ignoring leveling
14082s ignoring winning the game every time you
14084s go against them you you hope to queue
14086s into them multiple times and you just be
14087s as strong as you can initially if you
14089s were uh who was it a 19.5 Alicia San
14093s right in that game yeah if you're at
14094s that point you're almost guaranteed to
14097s make it and if you go super high Tempo
14099s you're probably not going to finish
14100s eighth anyway you're probably gonna
14102s finish like fifth or something as people
14104s start to outscale you so if you're in
14106s that position I think you could make a
14107s really good argument for just going
14109s ignoring a win in this instance and just
14111s being as threatening as you can in these
14113s early midterms to try and knock out uh
14116s specifically the first Placer but the
14118s problem is of course then you kind of
14120s are doing the same thing as everyone
14122s you're taking everyone down alongside
14125s you so it can be very difficult to
14126s Target uh we are going to go to a break
14128s again we can not apologize enough to
14130s both the viewers and the players of what
14132s has happened to you it absolutely sucks
14133s to see but we'll try and get everything
14135s sorted out and we'll get an official
14136s ruling about what is going on so thank
14138s you for sticking with us and when we
14140s come back uh Lobby Legends magic of
14142s Azeroth will continue
14145s [Music]
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14468s welcome back everyone to Lobby Legends
14471s thank you so much for sticking with us
14472s while we sorted out that problem with
14475s the connectivity issues we're unable to
14477s reconnect to the game which does mean
14479s that the admins have decided on a
14482s complete regame in that instance as the
14484s fairest solution and while we obviously
14488s have to apologize as much as possible to
14490s the players who are up towards the top
14492s and in with a chance of winning that one
14493s uh just gonna have to do it again in
14496s this Lobby it's still anyone's game as
14498s rough as it is uh yeah the best chance
14501s we had and uh I wish of course all I
14503s could better still the best of luck
14504s going into what could be once again the
14507s final Lobby if River booster is able to
14509s clutch out again
14510s yet gonna have to get himself together
14512s do it all again obviously a strong
14515s favorite for that one but rules are
14517s there those will be followed and any
14520s other way would be a bad precedent to
14521s set so here we are following the rules
14523s and yep he's just gonna get himself
14525s together he's pooped he could do it once
14526s he's proved he can do it twice because
14527s he won a Lobby earlier today as well I
14530s just have to do it one more time still
14532s the only person with the lobbying check
14533s still gets that free shot at everybody
14536s so uh let's see how he copes with this
14540s going forwards uh the rest of the lobby
14542s also have to cope with it like
14544s grab the chance they've been given
14546s basically and try and try and make sure
14549s they stop him this time so there's a
14552s chance he just runs all over it again so
14553s we just have to wait and see what is
14555s offered from turn one onwards indeed we
14558s did of course see zephyrus being very
14561s powerful there for River Pusa
14563s specifically with the Naga Synergy to go
14565s alongside it but I think the one at the
14567s time we've seen zephyrus so far this
14568s weekend it fell pretty flat uh
14571s comparatively uh compared to that very
14574s very nice game we saw that from River
14575s Pusser I wonder do you value the uh
14579s zephyrus especially highly right now as
14581s a hero because I used to absolutely love
14583s zephyrus it was one of my favorite
14585s Heroes to hit because for what you know
14587s for whatever reason for me at that rank
14588s like just getting these consistent
14590s triples was so strong so consistent uh
14592s in boosting up your game plan but it
14595s does feel like in the wake of quests and
14596s stuff generally there's more powerful
14598s things going on most of the time
14601s yeah I think it's the top half here
14603s where maybe even the top sort of 20 hero
14605s uh it's definitely not the nuts or
14607s anything
14608s um but in a situation where you want to
14609s High Roll it's got to have one of the
14612s highest high roll potentials because you
14614s just get the right triple on your five
14616s in particular like with um hogger or
14618s Nomi or your right chip on your sixes
14620s for a multitude of things and you
14622s haven't had to waste your hero Powers
14624s getting there you get two of them you
14626s get the triple banged in off you go yeah
14629s it's it's a really good high roll it's
14630s also just a steady hero for the reasons
14632s you just gave you just consistent
14634s triples and we are seeing the longer
14637s this tournament goes the more we're
14639s seeing of this meta slowly but surely
14641s people are getting more time to get
14644s their triples they're they're picking
14646s the quests that suit them better they're
14647s picking quests that finish more quickly
14649s and getting on with the rest of the game
14651s almost just treating the quest like like
14653s a hurdle in the way that you have to get
14654s over and with things like Zephyrs making
14657s nice triples time May well come I think
14660s we might see it just get slowly stronger
14662s and stronger as The Meta goes on
14664s so for everyone who is here freshly
14666s joining us after all the drama tweets
14668s have gone live uh we have a reminder of
14671s where the leaderboard is at here with
14673s rupapoosa the only player who has put
14674s the lobby in check and the format is
14677s that check format it's a race to 20
14679s points and once you reach that threshold
14681s of 20 points in order to win the
14683s tournament you need specifically a first
14686s place you have to win the lobby and then
14688s you are crowned the champion uh says to
14691s say Obviously unable to get there and
14693s with the way it works if you win while
14695s under 20 points say say uh Alicia or
14698s Alex win the lobby that's not enough to
14700s win you have to first get 20 points then
14702s win the lottery it doesn't uh carry over
14703s if you are under at that point so again
14706s currently only riverposer who can do so
14708s but three players underneath him who
14711s could get into check which
14712s coincidentally before we had to regain
14714s that previous Lobby they were all
14715s guaranteed to do so to get into that 20
14718s point threshold so hopefully they also
14721s are able to get a Repeat Performance uh
14724s after we go to this next game
14727s yep so they would have been in check and
14730s the other four would not have been
14731s anywhere close again
14734s the point we keep making is if you no
14736s matter where your understandings on the
14737s Sunday in lobby Legends if you win every
14740s Lobby from whatever point you start at
14741s you can't lose the tournament you will
14743s win the tournament because you stop
14744s anybody else from winning which stops
14746s going in check so even in the worst case
14749s here
14750s will have to win three lobbies in a row
14752s which is not ridiculous like all of
14754s these players have won three lobbies in
14755s a row multiple multiple times on ladder
14757s against strong opponents so it sounds
14760s like oh yeah but is that gonna happen
14761s well yeah you know even even I've won
14764s three lobbies in a row although not
14765s against these people but sure you can do
14768s that it's it's a a level to be in but
14771s especially the ones that aren't sick so
14772s from all the players down who only need
14775s a first and a third say to get into
14777s check it really is still wide open at
14779s this point
14780s and it's interesting to talk about
14781s specifically getting firstses rather
14784s than getting seconds or thirds because I
14785s feel like in all my sessions where I hit
14787s a good streak and I'm getting good MMR
14790s gain even then I'm rarely winning I I
14793s think when I was worse I was winning
14795s more but I was gaining less MMR overall
14798s uh whereas now I'm kind of consistently
14800s trying to just Salvage these games that
14801s aren't winnable uh going less
14803s consistently for these big High Rolls uh
14806s which is a uh you know very specific
14808s skill to be able to get good at to know
14810s when you should be able to go uh
14815s sorry to when you should go for the uh
14818s the first place first just a second
14819s third fourth and how to transition into
14822s that and I think that's really for me
14823s the next skill to be picking up on is
14825s I'm like getting better at salvaging
14827s these games that are clearly not going
14828s too well but transitioning that into a
14830s first place when you're having a decent
14832s game it's very tough to master no I
14834s agree I think that's the hardest thing I
14835s mean Miami Mars not too bad
14838s um but I find it goes in in levels right
14840s so you start off like you say you first
14841s start playing you lose a load then you
14843s just start beating everybody yeah and
14845s then you start losing you're like what
14846s am I doing wrong are you good enough to
14847s know oh actually I'm taking too many
14849s chances and then you start doing what
14851s you're doing now second third third
14853s second fourth and then you go through
14856s another phase where you start winning
14857s again that boosts you up to like the
14859s next level of players and they start
14860s murdering you because you've you're
14863s taking too many risks and it's just a
14864s repeat process then you get back into
14865s that second third fourth keep going but
14868s to be able to switch between the two
14869s things
14870s In the Heat of the Moment that's tough
14873s like most of it is Instinct bases like
14875s you know you're going a little bit too
14876s risky or whatever but these people
14878s actually calculating okay this is the
14880s risk I'm taking we saw a river person of
14882s that last game
14883s just took a whole bunch of damage early
14885s on went to five went for the win and got
14889s a really powerful board out of that
14891s strategy so they're so good at it and
14894s most of it is from not only being
14896s instinctively and genetically good at
14899s the game but also just practice and get
14901s Instinct and then the meta changes and
14904s you see every streamer on new meta day
14906s like I don't understand it I keep coming
14908s last it's because I further instincts
14910s completely out of whack
14912s all right just because you didn't love
14913s us enough already we're gonna have to go
14915s to another quick break while we get our
14917s players connectivity issues sorted out
14919s apologies once again but when we come
14921s back there will be some more fantastic
14923s Battlegrounds actions so thank you so
14925s much for watching and for sticking with
14926s us through all of this uh when we come
14928s back lobby Legends magic of Azeroth
14930s shall resume
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15431s thank you
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15496s foreign
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15526s foreign
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15552s thank you
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15563s foreign
15564s [Music]
15592s foreign
15595s [Music]
15606s we are back everyone with Hearthstone
15608s Lobby Legends apologies once again we're
15611s sorting out all kinds of stuff going on
15613s it's all kicking off here at Magic of
15615s Azeroth we needed to sort out uh
15617s disputes and connectivity issues and all
15619s that stuff but we've been told the game
15621s has begun already so we are here the
15625s regame decision is final we're going in
15627s once again and uh praying that this one
15630s ends a little better than the last one
15632s and of course once again good luck to
15633s all of our players as riverpoosa the
15635s only player to put the lobby in check is
15637s looking for that win to end the
15638s tournament and take home the trophy
15645s put in the bank for later
15649s all right Gambler you are happy with uh
15654s oh
15655s at least I don't have to buy yeah okay
15658s okay fair enough fair enough well I
15660s don't like Elise as a card because it's
15662s eight gold for a
15664s um a triple you get to four get a free a
15668s lease and then you can triple into a six
15669s to turn after that seems a bit better
15671s true true
15674s foreign
15677s to be
15678s um
15679s you know aggressive in the lobby try and
15681s get that first place
15685s Alex one of those players looking to get
15687s the lobby in to check
15691s eating what top four I'm just re-lining
15694s my brain yeah and these are top four
15695s basically to get right yes self
15699s trying to line ourselves back up okay
15701s Alex walking away with triple Piggy
15706s oh wait with this Quest this isn't but
15709s yeah I understand yeah oh okay take all
15711s the you just take all of the stuff and
15713s complete your quest
15715s that seems much better
15719s amazing
15722s uh so what was the reward sorry that he
15724s gets if he uh completes that I gotta
15726s admit I didn't see I'm just gonna say
15727s Okay
15728s realigning my brain slightly yeah yeah
15731s all good
15732s uh some new Heroes as well that we
15734s haven't seen all too much of we've got a
15736s muckler in the mix we have
15739s uh or ticketus that we don't see all too
15742s much of uh anymore either
15745s ourselves some Rewards or some Dark Moon
15749s Fair tickets which is pretty cool
15752s yeah we really don't see much anymore
15754s but it is I believe now
15756s um like the highest amateur yeah 10
15758s armor so the quests will be
15761s pretty easy to complete at that level
15765s and people are getting bananas so is
15767s using the Berkeley Hill power as well
15768s she's just helping Alex complete this
15770s Quest we're gonna find out now what it
15772s is up turn three
15777s you're not supposed to have red hand on
15779s turn three Alex behave this is
15781s disgusting what a sick start I mean like
15784s good recognition as well to not be
15785s baited into the triple which is
15786s something that I uh feel myself I'm a
15789s little bit uh you know overly looking
15791s into a little too much
15793s I think you'd have seen this one though
15795s if you just had the question in front of
15796s you honestly
15798s and I guess the other question like all
15800s these cards and I might complete the
15801s other Quest immediately depending what
15802s he gets next turn Brew yeah yeah uh
15805s playing a lot of cards
15810s yeah it's so sick taking a bit of damage
15813s right now as uh murloc homes still very
15817s much in the lead taking advantage of
15819s this uh High money start as uh well Alex
15822s has actually taken a lot of damage down
15823s to 28 uh on turn four is super scary but
15826s this is where you turn it all around
15827s yeah let's see what the second Quest is
15830s here or let's not going to
15833s of course we're not going to yeah thanks
15836s that's that's the one the observer's got
15839s too good at finding the hitbox on uh
15841s yeah they just turned it off it's like
15843s nope okay zixo with
15848s Diamond 10 minions I don't think there's
15850s any Death Rows to go alongside that do
15852s have a harvest Golem in the shop of
15854s course which helps drastically with
15855s stolen gold and you know stolen gold
15858s does have Synergy with just the
15860s born of nazoth on the board that's
15862s already a pretty significant Tempo
15864s upgrade once you do hit it
15870s who's he's getting this from yeah no
15871s idea doesn't get his coin
15876s I believe Pusa has got um Gotta Lose two
15879s fights to get red hand thank you to sort
15881s of for that update
15887s rubbish quests
15889s yeah
15891s the kids why not
15894s hmm
15897s okay settlemental pretty good just for a
15899s little bit of extra money a bit more
15901s activation on all these alleys with some
15903s pretty sick Synergy actually with all
15904s the Elementals going on not something
15905s you see all too often nowadays
15909s tell you what you do see off no Derek if
15911s I'm playing salty looter oh yeah what is
15915s that buy nine minions to trigger the
15916s battle cries twice with Snicker snacks a
15918s little expensive it feels uh but if
15921s you're cycling through Pirates then
15923s that's not a bad way to go at all yeah
15925s and leave it on the board at the end and
15926s get like plus nine plus nine on two
15929s Pirates twice or something if you get
15930s the buff oh probably not gonna happen
15933s but might be really juicy at some point
15935s and being on correct
15939s huh
15943s yay the leveling curve meaning that it's
15945s not possible to
15947s uh level and buy here but that's fine as
15950s you have the option for I don't know
15953s what divine shielding your uh
15956s uh tough Tusk is that something we're
15957s interested for an immediate Tempo here
15959s or do we want to just hard roll into a
15960s Mech for this Sensei yeah it's a tough
15963s one right you've also got the option if
15965s you really want to of just using your
15966s hero power earlier than you normally
15968s would with this hero because this
15971s interesting looking shop it's certainly
15972s not where my mind would be at but the
15974s length of time he's thinking about it is
15976s making me wonder if that's on his mind
15979s potential play
15981s and now you just double buy and move on
15982s with your life right yeah I guess you're
15984s just unmagnetizing the Menace it's not
15986s bad is it
15988s yeah yeah it's fine
15993s yeah if I've been a terrible shop I've
15995s been interested to see what happened but
15996s it wasn't a terrible shot this is
15998s absolutely fine
16003s oh my God look at all these cards he has
16006s what is happening
16011s ridiculous got his seven minions because
16013s most of them is handled already he gets
16015s stealth oh my
16018s and we saw this earlier with zigzag
16020s actually with this question with a big
16021s murloc uh the plan here just give one of
16025s your murlocs a huge amount of Health
16026s maybe around with the two of them and
16029s put some Poise on it later for the late
16030s game so you've got a big poison minion
16032s that's hard to kill I like the sound of
16034s that
16037s and also with all these blood gems he
16039s has there's so many different uh tools
16041s you have later on you can just like
16044s infinitely buffer bristle back turn off
16046s to turn off to turn gaining yourself a
16048s whole bunch of stats of course if you
16050s hit ground Shaker or agum you're getting
16052s so many extra stats alongside there and
16054s that is much more likely to happen when
16056s you insta hit a triple scallywag shortly
16059s afterwards as well
16062s okay here's that combo we talked about
16063s right at the start remember with the um
16066s the Elise uh-huh with the um
16070s the Eliza I'll go get my elisas and
16072s Elias it's all mixed up again but yeah
16074s release into the Eliza next turn gets
16076s another triple uh with a load of gold
16079s available as well because the Gambler on
16081s board so we'll take a lot of damage here
16085s um but next turn can make what seems to
16087s be a giant Eliza because he's gonna have
16089s double red hand on it as well yeah
16092s apparently that works
16094s so yeah
16101s oh Rim goes through presumably not
16103s having lost the previous fight or this
16106s would be a pretty easy tollen
16109s uh still interesting to look at just
16111s because the I mean like from the
16112s glimpses we're getting at the rest of
16113s these meetings it doesn't look like
16114s either uh or kangels is having much
16117s Synergy right now and he can quite
16119s happily lose this fight right get five
16122s gold for it or win it yeah yeah yeah
16124s kind of bit of insurance
16127s foreign
16131s before he starts getting proper prizes
16138s I guess
16154s might not go quite the way he wanted a
16156s lot of really bad trades that are still
16157s going to be able to either take no
16159s damage or just sneak the fight maybe
16160s yeah just sneaks it
16162s I think so going to be able to complete
16164s his quest sorry next turn of to summon
16165s 10 minions which is golden stolen gold
16169s uh very big deal uh for him especially
16171s as I believe he still had that uh
16175s uh juicy looking spawn of nazoth as well
16178s moving on over to the Discover options I
16180s believe for Alicia San
16183s okay double Discover right on galewing
16186s yeah yeah complete this Quest at least
16188s this sounds gonna be really really
16190s terrifying here
16192s and it looks like you can complete this
16194s Quest while also getting triple
16199s bristle back but the problem is this is
16201s the kind of board that I feel like once
16203s a six in order to get the real uh big
16207s time blood gem activated in stone he
16210s needs this in stone to get that six so
16212s he gets two sixes
16213s ah true yeah sure how far away he is
16216s yeah he needs one more Mech or whatever
16217s that was the trip or the next turn he
16220s can go for two sixes or with Peter sixes
16222s yeah this is nutty
16226s who just Spends His gold on I don't know
16228s Wildfire like just to spend your money
16230s yeah
16231s yeah looking like a really powerful
16234s popular term for release your next turn
16236s and honestly not a bad turn right now
16237s like these bristlebacks are really going
16239s to be carrying them through the mid game
16240s quite handsomely
16242s the mid game being precisely that one
16244s turn because you get straight into the
16245s end game next with some nonsense
16250s is in trouble so right exactly it's
16253s worth mentioning that I believe his
16255s quest was to lose or tied to combat so
16257s he's deliberately been falling down in
16258s the health total a little bit just to
16260s get the uh the red hand online but now
16264s it's quite obviously the time to turn
16266s that around now
16268s yeah he has got like a 23 attacker um
16271s Eliza to play next turn so yeah true
16274s true
16276s but I'm looking forward to this Alicia
16278s Sam pop-off turn this is going to be
16279s absolutely ridiculous
16281s like sinstone it's absolutely crazy when
16284s it gets going because super spy was out
16286s of control you start getting more
16288s triples so you get more stuff
16291s all right I believe that was a win for
16292s Ripper Pusa and a much needed one at
16295s that so let's see how this can all come
16297s together
16298s or Alicia Sam
16301s You Can level sell by I mean the world's
16306s your oyster how you want to go about it
16308s as long as you get that double discover
16309s and get a six you're laughing
16313s I love seeing Stones so much especially
16315s on something like going where it just it
16318s just goes so stupid now
16322s all right grease spot with a couple
16324s Divine Shields probably where my head is
16327s at two of them working super nicely
16329s together
16330s yep
16333s it's the first two of many
16336s oh I was kind of hoping that we'd get to
16339s see at some point the uh the Double
16341s theater or theater at all really yeah I
16344s think it's a cool card even if right now
16346s it doesn't seem to be at the uh
16349s competitive power level for most of our
16351s players uh double light Fang now for
16355s Rupa Pusa but only two minion types to
16358s go alongside it it really is just this
16361s enormous Elisa as you were talking about
16363s that's carrying him through for the
16364s moment this means he's gonna buy the
16366s little bag because he's playing
16368s um both these light fangs and just go
16370s okay let's see what happens and you
16371s possibly freeze yeah
16373s because you've got the um refreshing
16376s Elemental plus two other LEDs in shop
16378s and just see if like thank you see if
16380s little I can carry you
16382s I mean the question was just really if
16383s you play the little rag right or save it
16385s in your hand but I guess you get plus 12
16387s plus 12 and nothing on the board or like
16389s plus four plus four on it and
16391s immediately a 10 10 in play uh which I
16393s agree the health is uh your life total
16395s is more important right now
16398s absolutely and it's gonna work out
16400s because this should be a pretty easy win
16402s for River booster again zixo who despite
16405s having a very robust start to the game
16407s uh it's starting to take a lot of damage
16409s this is another full 15 on this turn
16410s that he's gonna have to chew up
16413s yeah I've seen this a lot today from
16414s zigzo to be fair
16416s um
16417s good Tempo starts and getting overtaken
16422s Alex back on this nonsense of a start
16426s yeah reality now right
16430s combo of mackerel plus the annoya module
16433s is that still something you're looking
16435s to do because I know it was very strong
16437s during Greece Sports Glory Days oh where
16439s you just line everything up in a long
16441s right I haven't seen it recently but I
16443s don't see any reason why it wouldn't be
16445s decent like yeah fine let's just feel
16447s like it's fallen off a bit doesn't it
16450s yeah but then it's harder to get to the
16453s metals it's hard to mess around for so
16455s long but yeah it looks like he's
16457s definitely gonna have a look at it
16461s okay zix are starting to fall down in
16464s the health totals but starting to climb
16466s up in the power level as well of course
16468s with a bunch of Ellie's being played a
16470s master of reality is a major Domo a
16473s golden to get into six as well
16475s oh Buster oh actually everything but he
16478s has got the gold on size right with
16480s Buster and true Alan available so my
16484s instinct was oh my goodness Buster but
16485s yeah looking again there's some good
16487s stuff there a real max either right to
16489s synergize with the Buster is it still
16491s worth it
16493s they can't die this term because still
16495s in damage cap correct I mean golden
16499s Buster and golden Baron is so much just
16501s next turn you buy every make sure yeah
16503s yeah yeah okay that makes sense to me
16506s like even like the One Drops right pop
16508s bot just kind of becomes the nuts after
16509s that Loki yeah
16512s instapix on the the murloc homes with
16515s very little time available I thought it
16517s was the next shop just for a second
16519s there but it's not it's his opponent
16520s it's fine I'm gonna get a bunch of uh
16523s Ellie's though off of this
16526s uh Genie as well which is sick
16532s so much money for next turn oh look at
16533s that bunch of cold
16536s oh
16538s slow down
16540s oh my you can see how zix has been
16542s staying alive in this one
16544s that tempo's been coming from uh I mean
16548s you say staying alive he should be able
16551s to get out of this I mean obviously as
16552s you say getting out with his life but
16554s just managing to tie exactly as well is
16557s so clutch physics so to again stay above
16560s that 15 Health break point as does River
16562s Pusa you know he was having a rough
16564s start losing game after game but his
16566s strategy of getting the red hand after
16568s losing or tying two fights is working
16570s well he's still at a stable Health total
16573s right now unlike three of his
16575s competitors but if anyone thinks that
16577s turn 10 know me is playable just look
16578s what zigzo is doing here he started the
16580s turn with six Elementals in hand and
16582s still can't play a Nomi so you know chat
16586s okay don't do it not even once
16588s oh la la this is a lot of stats we're
16591s talking about now you've got to start
16593s looking at it hasn't he you ditched the
16595s Buster
16598s I think you do
16602s everything else is just really strong
16604s like yeah wow okay okay
16608s interesting oh
16611s let's find another major Domo and again
16612s it doesn't have to be in play while all
16614s these pop-ups are going on right
16617s you're full wow
16619s foreign
16627s this is such a sick way to go about it
16630s right where you're popping off but
16631s you're also transitioning over to Max at
16633s the same time but the Ellie's just don't
16635s stop coming dude he needs to go fast now
16638s he needs Mex now he's ditching away from
16640s the Ellies as much as possible but he's
16642s just not finding them
16645s yeah you gave yourself every chance
16647s nothing super hard but
16649s okay
16654s not a bad Turn All Things Considered
16656s physics so with double buster one of
16658s them golden golden Baron as well
16662s I'm still trying to process exactly how
16664s he got there just using the elemental
16666s reel yeah cycle through for free arm
16669s with a free refresh and has got himself
16672s a comp
16673s yeah and I think quite obviously here
16675s for six are just the correct choice
16676s right to not move away from the Omega
16678s Buster I was getting dazzled by the
16681s Synergy of the uh the Elementals but he
16683s didn't let it go to his head and instead
16685s just relying on the mechs here which
16687s with the kangels as well has to be
16689s enough to take a win what is not enough
16691s though is taurusan on its Pirates comp
16693s that looked so close to stabilizing gold
16696s Peggy double uh
16699s double hogar as well but unable to get
16702s the job done as 60 tears this one down
16706s yeah huge amount of damage going in
16708s there into Alex as well which is
16710s somebody who needs to get a top four
16714s that was a fantastic little
16718s River Pusa trying to get it done
16723s not gigantic right
16726s okay
16728s obviously no no me no major Domo no
16732s master of reality so he is relying very
16733s much just on the rag effect itself which
16736s is not scaling at the speed I think you
16739s need not enough to win the lobby as well
16742s which is all that River fusa cares about
16744s it's it's first or eighth it makes no
16745s difference or sorry second or eighth
16747s makes no difference to him first is all
16749s he cares about
16750s yeah second does push other people down
16752s stops them getting in check but you're
16754s absolutely right yeah if there's a
16755s choice between you know you just want a
16757s coin flip for first or eighth you'll
16759s take that every day of the week
16761s but yeah he had a long pause there I
16763s think just sort of trying to work out
16764s where do I go from here because this is
16766s quite nice and it's it's a stage you
16769s talk about a lot and I always agree with
16770s you on where you've done the thing
16772s you're looking pretty powerful but you
16774s know that people are going to start
16775s going past you what do you do and it's
16777s going to be interesting to see what he
16778s does and so what are we freezing for
16780s here
16782s the taunt
16785s not sure thing yeah a bit of a kind of
16788s fuse in one but triple available on the
16790s mackerel
16791s I would uh insta buy that and drop a
16794s thousand MMR yeah I've gone quite happy
16796s to have two big macros getting Divine
16799s Shields not one for now
16805s um especially with the green spot right
16806s it's gonna buff them over and over again
16808s as a pair
16810s so they'll both get Divine Shield
16812s they're both losers on Shield they both
16813s get Divine Shield oh yeah yeah
16815s no no trust me that was a
16817s tongue-in-cheek I know I have to explain
16818s people who haven't met you
16822s I know you know with the drop MMR
16824s comments yeah
16828s my Acer big wits betraying me as always
16833s get a really good look at how big
16835s zigzo's stuff actually is going to be
16837s here
16838s also being quite large uh the taunt
16841s going by means that Baron could die here
16844s which would be pretty terrible does not
16846s happen there's nobody a Megabus to go
16848s down uh a bit even now I think it's just
16850s a pretty runaway victory for uh for zexo
16854s who's looking very strong we haven't
16855s seen Buster be a big player so far in
16857s this tournament but now it's finally
16859s getting to that point where it could be
16860s as Alicia San Bites the Dust
16864s still I believe though good enough
16867s to get into check right he just needed
16870s half a point and he did get that half
16872s point and he's got half a point yeah
16877s you're talking about the buses um
16879s they're one of the things I highlighted
16880s at the start of the tournament I thought
16881s was still strong independently I'm
16884s amazed we've seen no leapers but have we
16885s only seen beasts in like two or three
16887s lobbies all weekend if you haven't been
16889s commentating on beasts at all agreed
16892s they've been banned a whole bunch
16898s looking at a potential reset there
16899s deciding not to take it
16903s given that he has three resets with the
16904s Busters and the
16907s the kangos anyway
16919s interesting we rolled past the doggo is
16921s obviously hard looking for exactly one
16922s thing here
16929s there's one thing
16931s is that
16933s necessary though like isn't that kind of
16935s worse immediately
16938s it could be I like it personally
16940s um because it's it makes space but maybe
16942s for one turn you just freeze but I mean
16945s you say it makes space but then that
16947s implies there's something better to slot
16949s in than a regular
16951s Omega Buster right
16953s because currently you have a golden and
16955s a regular yeah yeah
16959s well I think a regular one is better
16961s than pretty much anything else just
16962s slotting it
16964s yeah that's fair
16966s oh
16967s okay uh looking at either the
16972s amalgam I guess the candle being very
16974s spicy as well to add into this board if
16977s you can get golden candle or just
16978s another one to slot in actually and just
16980s keep repeating these Busters over and
16981s over and over yeah
16983s yes I I do make big mistakes with mechs
16987s at the end game sometimes there's
16988s probably one you just highlighted for me
16989s so yeah
16991s okay big game hit for River Pusa looking
16994s like it might be a little bit too much
16996s but getting the clutch here on the furry
16999s but does potentially keep his chances
17002s alive
17004s needs to avoid these one ones into Eliza
17008s hey Mr poison that's what we needed to
17011s not see yeah close close fight and
17015s riverpoos are staying in things for the
17017s moment but looking like his momentum is
17019s slowing down drastically as uh speaking
17021s of drasticness we need to see something
17024s very drastic from him if he wants to
17026s take that first place yeah absolutely
17028s looks like another top four finish for
17030s him though which would be every single
17033s game so far
17034s um and again he's come through every
17036s qualifying stage in every Lobby Legends
17039s he's got through the first qualifying
17040s stage so his top four rate must be
17043s absolutely relentless
17046s let's see how zixo plans to use this
17049s means that he took
17051s he won that second can goes yeah it
17054s makes sense to me
17056s Michael Busters over and over again
17059s plus five plus five eh I think we're
17062s doing stronger stuff at this point in
17064s the game
17065s yeah this is what I think he wants as
17066s well as a taunt to put here so now he
17068s can get rid of the genie at last yeah
17070s you're absolutely right that's huge
17073s um
17073s casually triple settlementals for no
17076s reason
17077s sure but what but now maybe you'd take
17081s the Buster right because now you can
17084s taunt it up
17085s oh Reaper would you ever consider that
17088s yeah absolutely
17094s if he takes it yes very but that's easy
17096s enough
17099s and 13 grease but surely too slow
17103s yeah even with a mackerel definitely
17105s what I would think
17112s I guess there's no hurry to make the
17114s decision yeah
17117s foreign
17131s oh very nice just slowly powering up
17134s more and more and these kangels you know
17136s even with bran oh sorry with the baron
17138s and it being very unlikely you're gonna
17139s get the full value just getting one
17141s maybe if you're lucky too golden oh
17144s sorry uh two
17146s Busters is so so clutch to keep the bus
17150s rolling on all the previous micro Bots
17153s that are left behind as well it just
17154s keeps going and going and going
17157s but that does mean the first one lived
17159s so you're only going to be getting a
17160s buster and microbot back which is a big
17162s difference
17166s okay still
17168s still big for sure didn't get the golden
17171s one back either of course yeah yeah
17180s looking for a clutch here on the Omega
17183s Blaster which is huge to get that while
17186s the baron is still active now I think
17188s it's just too much stats for uh for Alex
17191s to be standing up against
17194s yeah I think that means Alex has got
17195s enough points um with this fourth place
17197s I think so yeah oh and we're falling
17201s alongside him what happened there
17216s it's just 60 say left
17219s yep just two players left in this whole
17220s thing to say with a bunch of uh the
17224s reflectos which again should not
17226s underestimate as I'm constantly reminded
17228s yeah but limited refreshes uh I guess
17232s with both of them having what looks like
17235s the menaces as a death rattle they can
17238s reset each other
17241s but even then I want to say this looks
17243s like not quite enough stuff given that
17247s zixo has his own repeating Divine
17248s Shields with the macros and the
17251s seemingly infinite wave of Omega Busters
17256s yeah he even has the
17258s um phobia in hand as well that he took
17261s just to hold on to I think
17264s if he needs to switch because he's
17265s losing it so has that option available
17267s to him as well
17269s I think he even needs it
17274s 26 damage means it might go two fights
17277s that does make a difference
17291s all right what are we looking at there
17296s what pop button I guess Menace that can
17298s be used as just another resetter on the
17301s defilectos
17305s oh and I guess the neck the necro is
17307s pretty big as well right to steal these
17309s gems from the ground shaker on Twitter a
17312s lot of gems up there next turn a lot of
17314s switching around this could be all right
17318s let's see it doesn't die here very often
17321s uh yeah 26 probably a little bit too
17324s much but again these buses coming back
17326s and back and back again and again
17328s that could be enough there's another
17330s golden one right there there's another
17331s golden one right there
17333s yeah okay
17335s obviously there's not room for two to be
17337s summoned at a time but just any golden
17339s Busters
17340s first yeah yeah I feel kind of busted
17343s exactly
17347s all right that's a reset on the Divine
17349s Shield as well
17350s and you can see how it says they say
17352s tried right sorry cut yours again like
17356s zap and everything trying to take down
17358s what he could do but oh yeah
17363s it was a very good effort but from zixo
17367s uh
17368s uh 26 no he lived yeah is it like 21
17374s damage or something
17376s uh but uh overall a a good effort uh by
17379s say say like you said he did the best
17382s with what he was offered but zixo
17384s getting the ideal like the archetypal
17386s stolen gold board right is this or it's
17388s beasts that you're looking to hit and it
17391s was just such a clever realization that
17392s this was his end game even when he was
17395s offered All The Shining jewels of a
17397s perfect Elemental uh kind of comp where
17400s you're just cycling through with
17401s recycling rate you had a little rag you
17403s had major Domo you had master of
17405s realities you had everything offered you
17407s even know me if you wanted it in the
17409s shop but he kept his eyes straight
17411s stepped forward on the Met comp which is
17413s exactly what he should have done and
17414s ended up now in a vastly superior
17417s situation one that says to say needs
17420s some serious text to come back ahead of
17422s uh and I'm struggling to think what
17425s those would be this zap right now has
17427s proven to just not be good enough given
17430s that all it's targeting is the kangels
17434s maybe if he can go first and snipe off
17436s those candles before any mechs die that
17439s would be good enough
17440s yeah I don't know he needs to make these
17442s deflectos gigantic for one thing but you
17446s know sure you can make one gigantic
17448s deflector but it's not going to be set
17449s 17 times like it needs to okay going to
17452s go make a gigantic foamy but instead
17455s that makes more sense to me you can
17457s still have your splitter now it's work
17458s here is done
17460s this is the last fight uh-huh dude maybe
17463s have to beat zigzo twice but it beat him
17465s once first and we'll worry about how to
17466s beat him twice after that because B Team
17468s wanted it's really tough here
17470s I don't know I don't know how he gets
17471s there
17472s see how he's trying
17473s this is not bad he's got some pig stats
17477s here again if he goes first Snipes off
17479s both the uh the kangos
17486s oh but the small deflecto still plays
17488s around that doesn't it yeah because you
17490s only get to snipe off one of them still
17492s a big deal though to be able to get rid
17493s of that must be said
17496s okay
17497s [Applause]
17499s Yep this is going to do a lot of work as
17501s well
17506s all right and that's all the Busters
17508s we're going to be seeing so the amount
17509s of stats available to uh zexo
17514s apart from guaranteed to be enough to
17515s take this one down right the
17516s reactivation on the Divine Shields might
17518s have to be enough I thought he could get
17520s under the 65 I thought he would be
17522s bigger than that but
17524s he didn't die
17526s he couldn't huge hit now
17529s he's gonna get one more Divine shield on
17532s his Buster but it attacks first which
17535s means it's not able to do so and we end
17538s up in a tie no shot dude yes they should
17542s say not panicking as well keeping the um
17544s Splitter on the board but did only get
17546s the three
17547s gems this time around
17550s wow though amazed how that got so close
17560s I mean I I'm trying to think now about
17562s like any weird combos you can pull off
17565s because you almost want a smaller taunt
17568s so that you can
17570s let the Omega Buster golden Omega Buster
17573s attack it doesn't die and then no matter
17575s what your zap gets to kill off the
17580s three one of the kangor's a turn earlier
17584s uh before the Buster goes off
17587s uh that is of course unless you double
17588s hit the
17591s uh
17592s the deflector which is also three attack
17594s 25 of the time
17597s uh but basically it's just whether or
17599s not this mummy is worth the reset on the
17601s deflectos which it probably is more so
17603s than denying the Buster but there's a
17605s lot going on here basically there's a
17607s lot of different texts you can do to try
17608s and deny the death rattles kill off the
17610s kangars before the uh mechs are dying
17612s off
17613s yeah on zigzo's side can he find
17616s something to like make himself even
17619s worse so this zap doesn't
17622s do anything dangerous to him we'll just
17624s keep flipping until he gets to go first
17626s and then should be okay
17628s but he doesn't know if if CC say he's
17630s gonna do all the things you just said to
17631s try and keep the uh Buster alive so
17634s quite a lot going on here
17640s I didn't feel like much improved this
17642s time around though have a look what zigs
17644s I managed to do
17647s I know he's managed to get the second
17648s there we go and the silly two four
17650s murloc to get rid of the um zap yep
17653s absolutely
17655s really well played by Zig so
17661s and now with all these Busters going off
17663s turn after turn that's going to be a
17665s reset on the deflector no it's not
17667s because of the cleave being a pretty big
17668s difference but I think even then with
17671s golden Buster guaranteed
17674s probably this is too big
17676s I think so yeah the flow roof is gonna
17679s have to do some serious work not now
17682s it's not no that's there we go even I
17684s can see this one now
17688s well played by say to say a nice uh uh
17692s series of plays that felt like he gave
17693s him a chance ifixo hadn't found that uh
17696s poisoned to attack murloc then maybe
17698s there was some opportunities for Cesar
17702s said to close out but not gonna be the
17703s case as zixo gets his first real
17706s turnaround of the tournament after a
17708s disastrous start to the first four games
17711s of the day we end up with a win for him
17714s and him actually being in the running
17716s now still not at uh check I think he
17720s still needs to actually win another
17721s Lobby straight up in order to get into
17723s check but it's a start it's the first
17725s step on the journey to turning it around
17727s yeah I was saying that oh we've all won
17729s three in a row that's what zigzo needs
17730s to do right now
17732s two now he just needs to win two lobbies
17734s in a row to be the lobby Legends
17736s champion
17737s which somehow doesn't sound that
17739s difficult it obviously it is you're
17740s playing against a lot of the best
17741s players in the world but it's just two
17743s lobbies
17774s [Music]
17800s stolen gold from six so that I haven't
17802s seen work that way on the big stage yet
17804s which is cool to see and just the
17806s Classic uh
17809s the classic deflector bot sorry from say
17811s say which really just continued to
17813s outperform what you would expect from
17815s such a low tier minion I'm just happy to
17817s see some mix up there I say we'll see
17819s some mechs and we didn't and I'm like
17821s okay got it wrong again Lorinda but here
17823s we are Mets as a standalone
17826s are probably still the best okay mix or
17829s beasts are the best um tribe I think
17832s right now
17834s um but the aluminum types all acting
17835s really well with the quests
17843s or just so for the players who made it
17846s into check now is the uh the really
17849s important thing right with Alicia San
17852s managing to do so stay safe as well I
17855s believe managing to get into that uh
17858s Tech position with a second place finish
17861s and Alex JP I think as well also just
17864s managing to do so with the joint third
17866s fourth so we have oh no sorry Alicia
17867s sand just so say say it was on 19 and a
17871s half I thought this apologies apologies
17873s yeah that's my bad
17876s um so three players there
17878s again
17879s yeah go ahead now those those golden
17882s sort of shadings they're the players
17884s that can win on that occasion and win
17886s the lobby the five lower players still
17889s looking to get to 20 and taurusan after
17892s not a bad start top four first Lobby uh
17896s really needs to just win every Lobby
17898s from here wanting to get it done to stop
17900s everybody else because even if toy son
17902s wins Lobby six
17904s basically everyone's gonna have check
17906s going by then give or take a couple of
17908s people so the only way to stop them from
17910s Winnie would be to then win Lobby seven
17912s get yourself in check that way and then
17914s win Lobby eight to win the lobby
17916s is he just went through in a row that's
17918s what we've got to do just went three in
17919s a row yeah every time you just have to
17921s win one game and then you just have to
17922s do that twice more and yeah you're
17925s perfectly fine uh but that is US done
17927s with the fifth game of play three
17929s players now in check and zixo getting
17930s the win means that the uh the glimmers
17933s of Hope are perhaps starting to show for
17936s our one European player in the Runnings
17938s here at Lobby Legends magic of Azeroth
17941s when we come back we will continue with
17942s the tournament and see whether one of
17944s our three players with the lobby in
17946s check can take the win
17953s [Music]
17956s thank you
17958s [Music]
17966s [Music]
17980s foreign
17982s [Music]
18000s [Music]
18011s foreign
18016s [Music]
18042s foreign
18045s [Music]
18069s [Music]
18084s [Music]
18098s all right
18104s foreign
18108s foreign
18110s [Music]
18135s foreign
18136s [Music]
18146s welcome back everyone to Hearthstone
18148s Lobby Legends magic of Azeroth we've had
18150s five games now in our fifth Lobby
18152s Legends of the year and in our sixth one
18154s there's a chance it could all be
18156s finishing a pretty good chance as we are
18158s in the check format once a player
18160s reaches 20 points uh with first place
18163s getting you seven points eighth place
18165s getting you zero points uh once you hit
18167s that threshold of 20 points you need to
18168s win uh in order to close out the
18170s tournament as we keep saying type and a
18172s again and with three of our competitors
18174s at that threshold being River Pusa and
18177s Alex all are in with a shot of closing
18181s this one down and for River pupusa you
18184s know as much as it hurts as he was so
18186s close to clutching that win the rules of
18187s the rules as you said and this one feels
18190s like it's just slowly starting to ebb
18192s away from him as uh he's still as likely
18196s as anyone else of any of the other three
18198s players to take the win but you you
18200s start to feel cursed at a point like
18202s this I think
18203s nah he's got it he has his worst finish
18206s today has been four I believe in place
18208s he's been fourth third first second 3.5
18213s it's fine he's fine he'll get it we'll
18215s get it done
18217s um the three players who've got the
18219s lobby in check River as they say
18220s and Alex have all played on the twitch
18224s stages of the event before the other one
18226s in his final who has being zigzo uh
18229s who's sort of marching up the standings
18230s now
18232s um so I don't know if that means
18233s anything if it's just coincidence but
18235s the three people have had the prior
18236s experience of playing on stream are the
18239s ones who are going
18240s noticeably the best as well with a large
18244s points discrepancy between them and yeah
18246s there's only two or three players even
18248s possible to get into check if they don't
18250s win this time so not quite Scenic like
18252s this before with three runaway players
18255s indeed yeah uh but we have seen again
18259s the in situations like this we always
18261s talk about how the winning players who
18264s are in check who put the lobby in check
18266s need to go for winning strats obviously
18269s they need to get a first place or
18270s essentially whatever else happens
18271s doesn't really matter however the
18273s players underneath them are kind of also
18275s incentivized to do so or things can
18277s really start to go oh zexo here on
18280s dinathrius does need to get a first
18282s place exactly in order to put the lobby
18285s in check very interestingly
18287s snap picked enough of this and see what
18289s he ends up getting here oh yes Alex Alex
18291s chance of winning the tournament
18292s outright of course
18294s um a player that's familiar to us as
18296s well not just from Lobby Legends but
18297s we've seen him do reasonably well at
18299s Masters tours as well
18302s as they say on AFK which is a hero that
18304s I quite like
18306s um really again the three on three
18308s argument goes on but you know afk's
18311s three on three in her own way
18314s yeah with uh demons in the pool you're
18316s very happy to go for it then to get the
18318s overseer for the uh very very good
18320s outcome you know uh dragons for the
18323s bronze one there's quite a few good
18325s options
18327s uh five Battle Cry minions whatever it
18329s is is looking very tempting as there are
18332s three in the shop right now for zixo
18335s which I think pushes you on to devils in
18337s the details like these are kind of
18339s roughly equivalent in terms of tempo
18342s maybe the devils and the details being
18343s slightly higher in fact uh but uh Battle
18346s Cry very easy to do here for zixo yeah
18350s with that shop I think the Devils we
18352s don't see Devils very often because the
18355s difficulty of completing it versus the
18356s reward doesn't balance very well or
18358s hasn't been doing uh but this looks
18361s perfect right he's gonna get it online
18362s very quickly uh get some numbers on the
18365s board start eating some minions and
18367s should get
18368s very good Tempo going into his second
18370s Quest
18371s and yeah we've seen denatures when he
18373s gets these starts where the first Quest
18375s is resolved quickly which is equivalent
18377s to having your hero power early game
18379s yeah then your second Quest can carry
18381s you through because you're a long way
18381s ahead
18383s 13 times for a zig Zone
18386s I mean nice easy turn right buy coin
18388s coin buy you've got three of your five
18390s battle cries already gone then and oh
18394s okay
18395s sure you can hold but you still buy you
18398s still get the quest completion yeah
18399s that's exactly what you can say about
18401s playing it Derek yeah exactly you left
18403s that up to zigzo
18405s as next turn you know and haven't tier
18407s one still got a good few battle cries
18408s that you can look at and a two Mana hero
18410s power so zigzo a player hates floating
18412s gold in these early turns will be happy
18413s with potential 100 uh gold utilization
18417s heading into turn three
18419s heading into the Tog waggle turn in a
18421s couple of turns
18429s usually
18438s okay no real thoughts here as again your
18441s togas so you go for the button on turn
18444s four
18446s yeah
18449s so just yapping you um
18452s nutty stuff going on
18455s um okay so obviously you're buying
18458s probably the swabby uh but you don't
18461s necessarily have to play once again who
18463s are you up against AFK okay and this is
18465s the bad turn to play against AFK right
18466s but they're going to be playing both
18467s their three drops so if you did want to
18469s deny the damage you're going to be
18471s taking you want to be playing them both
18472s and damage you are going to be taking
18475s with bronze Warden and the Cyclone as
18478s well this is a fantastic start for CSA
18481s yeah and also somehow is on 46 Health
18485s still
18486s oh yeah true there's AFK
18490s wow
18491s I guess everyone perfectly happy with
18493s not dealing damage if it means you get
18495s easier Quest completion yeah interesting
18503s like normally they say okay you're
18504s forced into playing your stuff with that
18506s High Health you can have an actual
18507s choice
18508s all right what six are going to get is
18509s the other part of this all righty
18517s 18 cards to your hand a little bit
18519s tricky to do
18522s even with freshers you could do that
18524s next turn he'd instantly get three
18528s what would he get back actually true
18531s if he just spends next turn pressing
18533s refresh loses the whole term against the
18535s snacks he would get two coins
18540s um
18541s or a coin plus a swabby activation yeah
18545s I doubt he'll do that but it's kind of
18547s tempting
18551s he's already got himself devil in the
18552s details to start munching these minions
18554s up gets himself a really nice minion to
18557s be a munchin uh with the crackling
18559s Cyclone I think I'm taking that over the
18561s juggler though uh right with no demon
18564s energy
18565s think so too
18569s I guess as well technically it was worth
18571s a look but I don't don't think he wants
18574s the strong arm on the board for when he
18577s completes the quest
18579s there yeah yeah that's true
18581s be good if you're just cycling through
18583s Pirates that's like pumping out a lot of
18584s stats not necessarily guaranteed to do
18587s so as Alicia San man I mean talk about
18590s leveling here right omu pause double uh
18594s swabby with the Snicker snacks on board
18596s he is gonna be rocketing up the tavern
18599s tears yeah it has completed
18601s um
18603s the quest too yeah
18607s those Swabbies are gonna be going every
18608s single turn it's nuts
18610s love it on omu exactly it's nuts I know
18615s you were just going through it one thing
18616s at a time because my poor yeah cope with
18618s speed anymore yeah
18620s absolutely flying
18629s um
18630s I'll keep pressing buttons
18633s the level you go to six gold you can
18636s double buy but these minions all suck
18639s do they
18641s I see he's gonna go because of the quest
18642s he is going to play the demon
18646s uh yeah sure right you would rather yeah
18648s you'd probably rather The Temper
18649s munching a minion every turn so now you
18651s probably sell one of the swampy Swabbies
18653s and Coin and just buy yourself a nice
18655s little dragon
18657s probably having the pair is still nice
18659s and you have like a two out of three
18661s chance to still eat a minion and if you
18663s don't like it's not
18665s arable you still get no sure reasonable
18667s enough uh Activation so I think I'm
18670s selling the the droplet here yeah there
18672s you go
18676s uh as to what you buy that's less
18677s obvious though yeah I mean I would buy
18680s salty here but I think like I said a
18682s good player buys bronze Warden
18686s just a bit of a salty looter
18690s yeah Alex JP with parasol to try and
18693s keep him alive in these early turns but
18695s a very weak Mill House for what you
18697s would expect at this point in the game
18698s right
18700s yeah does is holding that gold and so
18704s presumably has been spending on leveling
18706s yeah it feels that way it's like more
18709s old school Milhouse than recent because
18712s stop leveling quite early on your house
18714s a lot of the time now I think
18717s maybe unable to tie this
18720s uh but not too devastating of the loss
18723s taking seven means he's still well out
18725s of the danger zone for now
18728s let's have a Tuesday on it's about to go
18730s to four
18731s three up to four so we can take a five
18735s take a five take two fives oh yeah look
18738s at this sell the what the swabby right
18741s well yeah looking for The Usual Suspects
18744s no me's brands
18746s Hoggers
18749s one
18754s didn't hit the second hogger yeah
18756s there's not two we've got to take the
18758s middle card here I think
18762s I think I like right card a little bit
18764s more
18764s [Music]
18766s yeah he's not sure
18776s okay the skills are not bad there's
18778s three I think yeah are beefing up
18780s Hoggers uh Health Divine shield and
18782s stealth like uh Silent Night from back
18786s in the day do you remember that card
18788s no
18790s yeah it didn't really play it was just I
18793s think it was the three Mana tutu with
18794s Divine shield and stealth and it was
18795s like Silent Night like with ah with a K
18798s yeah yeah
18801s I learned all my jokes from blizzard
18803s flavor Texas
18806s explains a lot exactly is where they
18809s come from and what's this dog Michael
18810s doing
18812s uh okay that's why it's fine it's turns
18814s things I think it was like turn nine and
18816s this was garbage but everyone's had
18818s faster and faster start so the game has
18820s gone and people got used to what's the
18822s quest uh sorry so it's Rim goes to play
18825s bath five Battle Cry minions and Alter
18828s Ego so each uh even 10 minions have plus
18831s six plus six then it swaps each turn so
18833s opponent just completing the parasol
18835s that's you know reasonable time to be
18837s clean the parasol usually you'd like
18839s that to turn earlier if you can uh but
18841s still yeah the fact that this uh Alter
18844s Ego still hasn't been completed needs to
18846s be remedied Pronto for Rim goes to
18850s yeah because it's it's not particularly
18852s great as a quest largely because later
18855s on it's pretty rubbish early on you know
18857s you get something out of it six is okay
18860s like you say needs to get on with it
18861s let's just say with a chance here what
18865s I've been greedy for six but it's
18867s brought too small
18868s okay branjamin looking pretty good
18876s interesting that you know as a player
18879s who has the lobbying check he's played
18881s this very differently to be how we've
18882s seen some people do it before he hasn't
18885s actually
18886s at every stage where he could have done
18887s something crazy like even on turn four
18889s where he could have just kept all the
18890s cards in his hand for instance
18892s he hasn't been willing to take the
18894s damage or play it differently he's just
18896s playing well and letting himself win the
18898s lobby by playing good battlegrounds
18902s the EXO here with a real weird board
18904s uh with what was it Snicker snacks and
18907s the
18909s uh I'm sorry and the devil's in the
18912s details yeah uh which was giving him
18914s some pretty good vowel cries those
18915s smoggers they can Target themselves
18918s unfortunately which is a bit of a
18919s downside of that instance but if you can
18920s hit the Divine Shields that was a huge
18923s amount of very nice stats that you're
18925s gaining talking of gaining nice stats
18927s with a person now he's got the fell back
18930s he's got some demons he's got a tower
18931s goes are getting buffed with three
18932s dragons both sides every turn this is
18936s big this is tempo that will get him to
18939s six and give him a chance yeah the smile
18940s on his face is all right here we go
18942s again then
18943s thank you fancy his chances here
18946s yeah stealth pashmar is not to be
18948s sniffed out either with
18950s um just a lot of extra you know you're
18952s getting to a point where you can get
18953s Divine Shield wind Fury very nice Buffs
18957s yeah I'm curious to see how he goes from
18958s here
18960s um because he wants to presumably keep
18963s getting this Tower goes a big obviously
18965s tripling the promo would be nice but
18966s also which demons he settles on uh one
18969s of the problems we fail about is you
18970s don't really want seven demons it looks
18972s great but I really want three or four
18974s big focused ones and leave some utility
18977s open for the rest of your board
18985s okay so you still got the Snicker snacks
18987s the Battle Cry is working alongside it
18989s being a little weirder uh at this point
18992s the demons are okay to just keep gaining
18994s a bunch of a few stats every turn but
18995s you're looking for something a little
18996s more impressive now maybe guaranteeing
18999s the strong arm to go off because with
19002s the number of pirates you can buy with
19003s another Peggy as well you really like
19006s that Battle Cry to go off for just like
19008s a plus five plus five at the end of your
19010s turn
19015s making a weird turn in that particular
19020s way
19022s the other person not really getting
19024s anything in progress today let's have a
19025s look how Alicia sounds going to do this
19030s overseer with
19033s two demons eating things obviously makes
19035s a lot of sense yeah it does
19038s ended up ditching the strong arm
19040s interestingly which not where my head
19042s would have been at
19044s he takes a swabby
19047s what's this snacks
19052s it's pretty nice right
19054s double Chomp to end the turn
19060s these overseas are so good
19062s they really are how strong they are
19065s for yunchen though they're gonna have to
19067s be pretty strong because he's the first
19068s player down in that danger zone and he's
19070s bet himself a pretty formidable opponent
19073s on these demons the piggybacking's gonna
19077s have to be rather appropriately
19078s piggybacking him to Victor
19080s yeah he is not getting there there don't
19084s think here
19086s close damage always adds up more from
19090s the Snipes than I expect oh he's got it
19091s yeah nice
19093s very close but he's able to stay alive
19095s for one more round sending Alicia sun
19098s down into the danger zone and Alicia
19101s sign is one of the players who is just
19104s outside of the check point so he needs a
19107s sixth or better in order to be able to
19109s put the lobby in check so it really just
19111s needs any Tempo he can possibly get does
19113s it need to win just needs sixth at bare
19116s minimum
19117s a minute ago was saying CeCe say it's
19119s hardly taking any damage look how that
19120s Health total has come right down a
19122s couple of fights and says to say really
19125s lack of Direction has been a problem for
19127s the last few turns
19129s now we're getting somewhere though with
19130s our world first theater coming into play
19134s which you truly love to see in terms of
19137s what you sell though it's kind of tough
19139s yep so your biggest minions here yeah
19142s but that's another Minion type right to
19144s go with the theater that you really want
19145s to be juicing up as much as possible I
19147s think it's the 4-4 overseer like it's
19149s good but it's not game endingly powerful
19153s right it's
19154s it depends yeah he agrees
19159s what other murmidon another moment on no
19163s way that's what you do all right now we
19165s want to buff this now we want to buff
19167s this
19168s I'm not the Theo as well oh my god oh
19172s he's going for he's gone full meme he's
19174s lost it
19177s this is strong it is this is a lot of
19180s stats he's getting buddy
19190s oh look at this it's getting plus four
19192s plus four with every minion you play
19193s that triples it doesn't double that
19196s triples on the stats now as long as you
19198s don't die this is oh it's the wrong
19201s shape
19202s it's the wrong side but it hits the
19204s level it's dead look at his happy little
19206s face
19208s having a great time that was disgusting
19213s absolutely disgusting to the naga it was
19216s the exact right size to kill it but
19218s instead of just piled straight into the
19220s Leroy
19222s who is that as his opponent is that room
19225s goes to I mean that was disastrous for
19227s him oh my Lord
19231s [Music]
19233s see exactly nine I believe for Yin Chang
19235s and River Pusa playing alongside him oh
19238s no it's all going wrong
19241s from being in a position where he was so
19243s close to winning it the demons just not
19245s managing to scale up quite enough
19248s I didn't see you played against him
19250s there but uh zigzoo has that 42-41
19253s Cyclone that went piling into the wrong
19255s place last fight I bet he was very happy
19257s to see that
19259s oh yeah I'm sure he was very amused yeah
19264s does have just jugs on the board with
19266s Buffs available for his
19268s his version of sneakers I feel like we
19270s haven't seen Snicker snacks now
19271s everyone's got
19273s oh man there's a lot going on in this
19276s game topologo with some very nice stats
19279s gold and Peggy as well or Godzilla
19281s that's more cards in hand bran if you
19284s want it is more cards in hand with uh a
19287s shell collector and a mirrors on as well
19290s just keep clicking man yeah for later uh
19294s yeah it's fine
19296s knows what Secrets Press buttons
19302s and wish you on your own server
19304s yeah pretty much this is not easy to do
19307s from across the globe
19310s you should reach out all the way over
19313s and yeah
19315s oh my God smoker but there's no
19320s oh but he sells it again it's too much
19322s man icon
19324s he doesn't know what to do dude I don't
19326s play him this is just cards just cards
19329s yeah
19332s nothing up yeah and it looks big enough
19335s right there was a 50 50 divide shield on
19338s the other side there's a hundred Health
19339s one on this side
19342s yeah the zigzo is suddenly looking
19343s incredibly small actually here
19351s yeah look at all this static zexo cannot
19353s stand up against this and unless he can
19354s take out the baron he might be dying to
19357s this as well
19359s yeah the chaunt saves him there so he's
19362s gonna live just another round
19365s um but in a way it doesn't matter to six
19366s so if he doesn't win this Lobby he's not
19368s gonna have check for the next time I
19370s guess there's a world where he gets
19371s checked the time after but come on
19375s with Yoon Chan going out as well Alicia
19377s San even down at two health I think is
19379s Happy his job is done say say though
19381s here on the golden theater come on
19383s Country Roads Take me home as this is
19387s absolute filth what is happening dude
19390s there is this is just gonna be a golden
19393s strong show for no reason at all no
19396s reason golden and it's um a neutral card
19400s the theater
19403s yeah that's neutral just keep playing
19406s YouTube stuff and your three cards are
19409s getting bigger
19413s that's neutral
19419s worked it out yeah I think you might
19422s have oh my and honestly is this going to
19425s be big enough like it's pretty large but
19426s is it actually that it's hilarious but
19428s is it actually really that big well you
19430s get 160 160
19434s I think so the rest of his minions are
19436s not nothing you know this theater it's
19438s buffing up the rest of them very very
19440s rapidly I mean the question to be asked
19442s is whether or not he should sell one of
19443s these leroys for a different minion type
19446s which I think if it was gonna happen it
19447s would have happened a couple turns ago
19449s or one turn ago now it feels a little
19452s late and you'd rather just have a LeRoy
19453s than a big minion you're gonna see how
19455s it matches up now
19457s um yeah so the theory would be the
19459s league always trade one for one with the
19461s opponent's medium or big stuff and then
19462s you're bigger than their remaining stuff
19464s with your heart silly birthday you've
19467s got a theater on the board that's just
19468s 12 12 doing nothing apart from being
19471s your engine but in the fighting it's
19473s losing so destroy the Divine Shields you
19476s know if you can get Divine shield on
19478s your own
19480s uh mounted there's a chance here I think
19484s for
19486s JP yeah there's a lot going on here
19489s that's not oh that's not the hit you
19491s needed oh what's that oh my I think this
19495s one's spiraling at control yep he's done
19497s so
19499s magnetic Leroy's yeah there you go
19502s that's the one
19504s dude the murmidon is the most weird
19507s messed up tea party in the world but it
19509s turns out murmured on an overseer a
19511s dragon they're just the guests that
19514s theater needed walk into a bar yeah
19516s Department says we've only got tea
19520s they were like all right well we'll
19522s chill out here for the day then so what
19524s is that three players down six so biting
19526s the dust unable to get that first place
19528s he's so crucially needed Alex as one of
19530s the other players put in the lobby in
19532s check means that River booster Alex both
19533s out say the only player with the lobby
19537s in check currently still in the running
19539s to take the win and I've got to be
19541s honest currently right now I think he
19543s might be able to do it I think he might
19545s as well have him go through in the world
19547s where it's not over after this needs a
19549s top two
19550s can help himself by winning the lobby
19553s and simultaneously preventing stay safe
19555s and winning the lobby and getting
19556s himself into check for the next round
19557s and this is what he's working with
19561s some stuff it's just that one ursul
19565s that's giving him a glimmer of hope but
19567s it's not much of a glimmer is it
19570s [Music]
19574s I think it's two 70s 70s with a bunch of
19576s 30 30 and 40 40s I I agree with you I
19579s don't think he's enough but it
19581s it's one of those things where actually
19584s at some point it might be that you trade
19586s two for one with your bad stuff and your
19588s good stuff goes one for one and you're
19589s okay right and I guess to be fair
19592s does have a his minions are smaller but
19595s he has more of them and they're all a
19596s kind of reasonable size
19598s yeah it's gonna be I think he's I think
19600s he's a big Underdog especially as his
19601s big thing has his own has taunt which
19603s just gets leroyed out of existence but
19607s you know the 12 12s and stuff get picked
19609s off without being a threat oh and that's
19611s big if he survives this turn because
19613s they'll have a massive sylamental
19615s then on the other side we've kind of
19618s been not focusing on Torah sound all too
19620s much who has just been slowly but surely
19621s juicing up his taragosas uh with the
19625s sideshows as well
19628s or the prize promo Drake sorry
19631s uh are they big enough the tower goes
19633s there's again
19634s how do you make it so that if your big
19636s thing dies to leave or you're okay
19638s that's the problem here there isn't as a
19640s backup big thing oh that's not the hit
19642s for Leroy I think it is big enough right
19643s this Divine Shields oh oh this tarragosa
19646s is absolutely enormous oh it's so close
19649s actually I think he's got it that's the
19651s hit's got it yeah he's not doing their
19653s jobs
19654s oh man everybody else in the lobby
19657s cheering for Taurus and right now to be
19660s able to take down stay say because it's
19662s gonna pretty much come down to this like
19663s you say I don't think a room goes to has
19665s got enough to stand up against either of
19666s these players and it's just whether
19668s taurusan can hold say say away from
19671s taking the win
19672s boom goes through double trip he's got
19674s he's made to Triple the refreshing he's
19676s triple the settlemental this is some big
19677s stuff that's true especially it's
19679s actually true yeah he's absolutely huge
19682s the problem before was he had one big
19684s minion it was taunted he was getting
19685s killed by Leroy right now he's got the
19687s settlement on somewhere in between times
19689s as well as a sedimental he's found him
19691s refreshing he is large as well now
19694s large and in charge
19698s well what he doesn't have any amalgams
19701s though
19702s uh I guess you could pick one up oh he
19704s has one in hand okay
19706s yeah play that card good luck
19708s yeah I mean Target fell back but then
19711s you have to lose an extra minion Target
19713s Leroy yeah
19716s oh this um Elementor has been doing some
19719s work to get the size of these things up
19721s to 45.50 through this game yeah for real
19723s you kind of just think about milking
19726s like back in the day you know people
19727s were always complaining about the uh the
19729s golden dazzling and avenge being too
19730s strong and you know I know it's gotten a
19732s lot weaker since then but you can't
19734s underestimate it's still strong
19736s yeah he must have just been crazily
19739s milky like that's where the damage came
19741s from under 13.
19745s [Music]
19747s far away Darren
19750s probably so you've got a choice now do
19752s you want to play a Rock so your
19753s opponent's leave always have you know a
19755s lesser Target to hit or do you want to
19757s play a selfless because it's a selfless
19761s oh man if you can Chomp up some of these
19762s big alleys as well
19764s oh no he missed he missed on the one
19767s Ellie oh no he got it sorry because
19768s they're all three eight sorry my mistake
19769s mostly
19774s um
19776s ouch
19777s or a terrible hit for the Leroy though
19784s this is just a big old-fashioned minion
19786s crashing into each other this Bish bash
19789s Bosh man is this gonna end up a draw no
19793s close but not quite not gonna die though
19796s one HP at the end of it that's the real
19799s problem now for both players up against
19801s taurusan on the dragons is figuring out
19803s how to remove the Divine Shields and not
19806s have them and be immediately reapplied
19808s by nadina which is a very very difficult
19810s task to do because you know it's at four
19812s Health it's not dying to the
19815s tunnel Blaster itself and of course
19817s tunnel Blaster having torn innately
19819s means it's very difficult to make it not
19821s die for a couple turns before the nadina
19823s does
19824s yeah it's nicely set up for Towson
19828s um it's also nicely set up for say to
19830s have to struggle to win this one Health
19832s means that Vim goes kind of gets a free
19835s shot of the person trying to win the
19836s lobby before tourism gets to the the
19839s more likely to succeed shot
19842s leaving his opponent over just to give a
19844s free swing of his enemy it's like yeah
19847s sure let's just put there's a tunnel
19851s blaster
19852s I'm not certain if it's good but it's
19854s definitely a tempting option
19858s yeah it depends how much he knows about
19860s the opposing board I assume they all
19862s know each other at this point I feel
19863s like we've had three players for a long
19864s time since disagreement
19873s not getting anywhere yet this turn
19874s obviously very difficult without murlocs
19877s into
19878s do anything exciting your Malcolm and
19880s even more difficult without mixing
19881s because you can't even give it a shield
19886s yeah just relying pretty purely on Raw
19888s prawn alone
19891s yeah I'd like to see something end up
19893s with a shield uh these big or out of
19895s like a fail battle or one of the 48
19897s attack things or something at the moment
19899s Lee was just going straight in here
19902s okay Leroy's cancel each other out
19904s there's a big start and then you start
19907s from there oh I don't know man like if
19911s the Leroy can take out the Azul but the
19914s Divine Shield denies that and then it
19917s dies to that instead meaning the room
19918s goes who is gonna be able to take this
19920s one down
19924s massive Elementals apparently he had
19926s even more light spawns that we didn't
19928s see earlier
19930s um gets it they say out of there and we
19934s are going to go to a game number seven
19936s but first we've got to finish game
19938s number six and find out what's gonna
19941s happen tourist and still won't be in
19943s check even if he wins this but as many
19945s points as possible to try and scrape
19947s their next Lobby maybe right and Wim
19949s goes who does need a top two which he
19952s has achieved so we're gonna have another
19953s player in check alongside Alicia San as
19957s well who will also have check going next
19959s turn all right so over half the lobby
19962s gonna be in check next turn as right now
19965s what can make this better uh for Taurus
19969s and how can he upgrade his stats here
19972s um kind of can't
19974s uh it's more about what text you want to
19977s put in there to try and
19979s beat what your opponent's putting in
19980s front of you how hard do you want to
19983s refresh these shields you haven't seen a
19985s LeRoy on the other side you can see
19987s maybe there's one uh
19990s they might have done but you know
19992s there's very little Divine Shield Edge
19994s so tunnel Blaster goes down in value
19996s quite heavily
19998s but if you can get a manted I think
20001s you'd leap at that chance
20003s actually the options like play a glow
20005s scale or something ridiculous just to
20007s put another taunty out there I don't
20008s think that works though
20011s hey it does choose to Puff the stats
20013s which is a reasonable difference
20018s and ends on that to take out the Leroy
20020s yeah okay
20021s your
20023s he's just the one big minion but it is a
20025s big minion that should get sealed
20026s several times yeah exactly
20030s and it's other reasonable mid you know
20032s like a 70-70 uh well two seven seventies
20035s I like
20038s they're making a difference
20040s um
20044s that would have been very different
20050s not able to get it done the Ellie's
20052s climbing up I didn't think they'd be
20053s they'd be climbing quickly enough but
20054s just getting a bunch of triples yeah it
20056s really racks it up doesn't it yeah yeah
20058s they're not that great on their own as
20060s 60 60s but the second you triple one and
20062s get 180 180 sure suddenly they're huge
20070s it's kind of it now though right that's
20072s kind of where he's at
20076s will you make some fiddling around work
20080s that's tempting obviously in the form of
20083s the mantid
20084s sure as is the Wildfire actually
20088s um
20088s probably less good than a LeRoy at this
20093s point in the game where there's so many
20094s Divine Shields that can obviously
20096s dampen the power of the Wildfire heavily
20100s and where are you selling like your your
20102s zap's dealing with one of their levoys
20104s or their nadina
20106s up your taunted Leroy's dealing with
20108s their Leroy your other Levi is trying to
20110s deal with their big how it goes there
20117s taking out on the zap
20121s what's that
20123s that is still very important you know
20126s it's not all poisons and leroys right
20128s especially this one with the Divine
20129s Shields sort of coming and going on both
20131s sides yeah yeah
20136s trying to cycle through as quick as
20138s possible more allies being found to get
20141s the refresher going again
20145s it's just eating everything just go go
20148s ending on mounted all right
20150s almost certainly the last fight of the
20152s game coming in here with uh like you say
20154s both players having achieved what they
20156s want to do but Taurus and trying to get
20159s that one extra point to getting closer
20161s to check and make his life easier and a
20163s potential Who games time
20167s wow he goes to game eight that would be
20169s the first time ever but the way today is
20172s panning out I would not be surprised at
20174s the slightest ever game week today okay
20176s that's the big minion dead before
20177s another Divine Shield is applied and
20180s with all of that said and done that is
20181s quite handsomely gonna be enough for a
20184s rim Goku to close it out and take the
20186s win here for the uh the first time for
20190s him starting off with a second and then
20192s a bunch of bad results in a row into
20194s another or into the first time for him
20196s here first which means every Lobby so
20199s now I think we've had a different winner
20201s no single repeat winner uh any point
20204s along today's action which is very very
20207s interesting to see and an instance of
20209s yet another different style of comp
20211s coming into play this time relying very
20213s heavily on the taragosas as we've seen
20215s but those nadinas placed so gorgeously
20218s to be uh so important but in the end
20220s falling to the alleys yeah and they just
20224s were big enough those triples again
20225s we've talked about it Quarters off guard
20227s a little bit looked a little bit small
20229s and suddenly hang on there's 250 150s
20231s extra on the board you can't Leroy all
20233s of them
20235s um and stay safe for the longest time
20237s there did look like he had a chance of
20239s taking that Lobby down
20240s but those Elementals really really got
20244s big right at the end of the triples and
20246s just got there and the mind game is kind
20249s of weird here right they reached a a bit
20252s of a standoff where this is what I can
20254s do and my minions are so big that if I
20257s take one out and put it in a Levi it
20259s just makes me worse so
20261s the tech options are quite low at the
20264s end though I think although there's
20265s always more Tech options if you think
20268s foreign
20271s a very cool game the demon and Ellie
20275s Synergy something that used to be more
20277s of a player I think with obviously you
20279s know no me or dazzling to back up but
20281s buff up the stats and then the demon
20284s Synergy to eat them and we're thinking
20286s of even with more of the demon eating
20288s effects right with the Mind muck and the
20291s picky eater I feel like I'm seeing that
20292s less and less as time goes on with
20294s Ellie's most of the time being a little
20296s too fiddly to make work
20300s yeah I'm just sort of looking at how
20304s things are panning out just waiting to
20305s see the standings but I believe we're
20307s going to have five players with a Lobby
20309s in check now going into game number
20312s seven that means there's three players
20314s who are still looking to take it into a
20316s game number eight
20318s and that would be absolutely nutty that
20320s would be a Lobby a legend record if we
20323s get to a game number eight and looking
20325s at this now here is on screen
20327s Dixon Young Chang trying to get
20331s themselves into check meanwhile since
20333s they say has got over 30 points what is
20336s happening
20338s he's just been taking it by storm like
20340s after a bad start you know getting sixth
20343s place but then it's just been Bam Bam
20344s Bam Bam Bam top four every single time
20346s if not better uh and taken us by storm I
20349s mean I was saying at the start of the
20350s day I really like the way that he has
20352s been playing and uh even though you know
20355s River pews are coming very close to
20356s taking the win of his own earlier on
20359s um it does mean the states to say for me
20362s is still the favorite uh to take a win
20364s given that he has been going for these
20366s risky strats to get him closer and
20368s closer to that point uh but now that Rim
20370s gosu has entered the uh The Fray at this
20374s point in the series uh I do think he's
20376s got a very good chance of getting there
20377s himself right with a very aggressive
20380s style of play first or eight for a lot
20382s of the time and like we say it really is
20384s first or eight and no in between yeah we
20387s were told that at the start of the day
20388s watch out for him ghost's style we've
20390s looked at it so first and second an
20394s eighth yeah a six point five a five
20396s point five and one middle of the pack
20398s finish yeah it's pretty accurate just
20400s all in you know lose or burst a win or
20402s bust style lose or bust is my style uh
20405s style to the game and that's what you
20408s need in this check so a chance now for
20411s him to just use his style to win the
20413s tournament coming up soon
20415s indeed yep so we are gonna go to a break
20418s probably
20419s for the last time uh in this tournament
20422s as there are five players now with the
20424s lobby in check but who knows it could be
20426s a Lobby Legends first of going the full
20428s eight games so do not go anywhere very
20432s likely the final game of the tournament
20434s coming up after this
20436s [Music]
20459s thank you
20464s [Music]
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20480s foreign
20499s [Music]
20508s all right
20512s [Music]
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20559s foreign
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20591s thank you
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20613s foreign
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20619s [Applause]
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20643s [Music]
20652s all right
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20676s [Music]
20688s [Music]
20694s [Music]
20697s thank you
20703s [Music]
20724s foreign
20725s [Music]
20757s foreign
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20799s foreign
20801s [Music]
20848s thank you
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20869s foreign
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20932s thank you
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20936s foreign
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20951s thank you
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20985s thank you
20987s foreign
20992s [Music]
21028s thank you
21031s [Music]
21054s welcome back to Hearthstone Lobby
21056s Legends magic oh Azeroth in what is
21059s probably the last game of the tournament
21061s the check format again wants them again
21063s oh sorry means that we are never sure if
21066s the tournament is gonna be ending until
21068s all eight players are in check until
21070s they reach that 20-point threshold five
21073s of our players have now reached that
21074s point which of course means uh likely to
21078s be finishing here right Lorinda
21080s five in eight chance so depends on your
21083s definition of likely but obviously
21084s that's a decent definition of likely
21086s sort of yeah more than half so it's
21088s likely but not a lot more than a half so
21091s it's not really likely yeah I like it
21093s Doug I think he shows a good word for
21095s this intro proud of you thanks uh once
21098s again those players at the top I don't
21099s know if we can show the standings or if
21102s we're ready to go into game uh but
21103s either way the players at the top of the
21105s leaderboard says
21108s uh Alex rimgosu and Alicia San with zixo
21113s who is firmly at the bottom of the
21114s stance for the whole uh start of the day
21117s is starting to claw things back with uh
21120s a first place and then what a fourth
21124s place as well to back that up or a fifth
21126s place to go alongside that which is not
21128s amazing but obviously means that if one
21130s of these other players can win like for
21132s example example zixo himself two wins in
21135s a row and he's your lobby Champion uh
21138s but having said that nobody has won this
21141s Lobby more than once uh taurusan and
21143s yunchang the two players in bottom place
21145s are the two players to have not won at
21147s all uh but we still don't have any
21149s repeat Victors yet which is very
21151s interesting yeah very strange situation
21153s to be in actually but also means that
21155s you know the person who does win two
21156s lobbies will likely be the one who who
21159s wins the event which would be kind of
21160s nice way to finish
21162s um and that goes for the players who
21163s haven't got the lobby in check too
21164s they're going to need to win it a to
21166s stop it from going out to another game
21168s uh to ending here sorry and B
21172s I was gonna cut myself off because Daryl
21174s is not the pick
21175s Daryl's not the pick why because you've
21178s got to win the lobby and Dell always
21179s comes third you gotta take your door I
21181s think
21183s oh it's a tough one
21185s Ray bow another one of those like Tempo
21187s Heroes that doesn't win
21189s yeah he's taking the all right
21195s damn maybe relying on getting the the
21198s bribe as the quest then you can win I
21200s guess
21202s yeah or I mean you know you don't have
21204s to necessarily go all in on the Daryl
21205s part of Daryl all the way through you
21207s can just use it very liberally to buy
21209s you time in the early game and use that
21211s potentially to level very aggressively
21213s as the game develops too
21216s yeah let's have a look um okay the
21218s always denethius
21222s lightfang enforcer mask
21226s 45 deaths now
21231s do I take the Hench when I was going for
21233s the 45 deaths okay
21236s all right fair enough and I just feel
21238s like feeling enforcement double end of
21239s turn effect what
21241s okay sure
21243s I think we have her as well our burst
21247s non-murlock Holmes Lobby I feel like
21249s we've had it every single time uh
21251s because it just feels like a snap pick
21253s but this time somebody passed it up
21255s right
21256s yeah must have done because it's in
21258s every Lobby that's the that's the
21259s current promotion with murloc homes and
21262s enough fish and heavy Lobby so yeah
21264s Alex taking a gamble I've liked Alex's
21267s approach to everything from constructed
21269s and Battlegrounds I didn't see what Alex
21271s had to choose from but chenvala is one
21274s of the ultimate if I High Roll you ain't
21276s stopping me Heroes that's true starting
21279s off with a settlemental as well nice
21282s yeah as you can see as well on the left
21284s there everyone with a golden names uh
21289s oh and so just had a look sorry oh he's
21291s in check but yeah like you say uh it
21294s looked like the player who passed up
21296s murloc homes who has been like the
21298s number one picked hero every time it's
21300s been offered bust it up for shenvala he
21303s was like not even that good right not
21305s that good but very extreme uh you know
21310s when it High Rolls which isn't that it's
21312s not like it's garbage and never does it
21314s it's just when when you don't get a good
21315s start with Chevella it's just rubbish
21317s well you do get a good start it's a
21319s super good hero you can get really
21320s Advanced States really fast with it on
21322s on some games
21324s yeah and I mean Elementals are the kind
21326s of Minion type that win lobbies right
21328s they they take it down all the way uh as
21331s they say ah I do hope we get to see him
21333s at some point it's been one of my
21334s favorite players to watch uh on Clay
21336s helmets so far uh very expressive very
21338s joyful a lot of the time as well and
21340s he's got himself a good enough start
21341s here uh with two imprisoners two
21345s droplets
21346s it's a nice high Tempo beginning to uh
21349s as you say a very high Tempo Hero at the
21351s start in cartridge
21355s yep
21356s um just setting up like everyone else
21359s sort of going into that turn six with
21360s station says being one of the players
21362s who doesn't hold things in hand I think
21364s that's been pretty constant for him just
21365s happy to
21366s you know get on with it and for the sake
21368s of a quest that might be played one more
21370s minion he'd rather have the two health
21372s or the three Health that menu might cost
21373s you
21374s that may still prove to be correct
21376s although he's in the minority at the
21377s moment of people doing that
21380s REM goes who's skipping out on the hero
21383s power oh because it's talk about yeah
21384s yeah okay that makes perfect sense you
21386s know you're very unlikely and I think if
21388s he'd been keeping track of the task but
21389s he could uh figure out that there was no
21391s chance of him getting anything most of
21393s the time
21395s and so here we go into the quest turn
21398s such an important point for all of our
21400s players as zixo is looking to get
21401s himself into check at this point just
21404s needs a decent enough finish and I don't
21408s know animal bribe could be that thing
21410s you're not buying the minions right
21412s you're putting them in your hand I
21414s believe
21418s low impact I mean if those are both
21421s Ellie's or beasts in the middle then
21423s you're looking at that a lot more
21424s heavily there is of course the leap
21426s Frogger there
21429s I think bright I think because weirdly
21431s even though zigzo only needs to get four
21433s points to get him to check he needs to
21435s win the lobby to stop all the people
21436s who've got the lobby and check from
21438s winning so he's kind of playing that way
21440s himself anyway
21443s okay buy seven minions probably the
21445s easiest to complete out of these but
21447s tiny henchmen a little underwhelming you
21450s have a Divine shield in the form of Pop
21451s bot which would incentivize me a little
21453s bit more
21454s um we haven't seen managerie Mayhem I
21456s think once is it just not worth
21458s considering for you so you spend more
21462s gold because you're Daryl right that's
21464s true
21471s like look at it the other way in a way
21472s so he's gone for the henchman but how
21474s often is your devil stuff going to be on
21476s the board to to stay Hench
21479s that was looking quite nice though two
21481s pop bots in the shop you can definitely
21482s start dancing on those and look to see
21484s you through in a very solid mid game
21488s uh whereas Alicia sound I'd have to
21490s guess is just gonna start the level
21491s train here and get himself a five
21494s baby a six drop if he wants to be
21498s uh taking the damage I mean it's not
21500s absurd right it's just a clean level
21501s every turn I just imagine when playing
21504s jaundice in the olden days but throw
21507s quests in there oh my God it would have
21510s been oh no my little brain could not
21512s keep up
21514s yeah okay as well as learning the game
21517s when Chinese was absolutely nutty and I
21519s couldn't I couldn't Jam this
21522s well this isn't taking lots of damage
21524s yeah he cannot Jan this but uh
21528s Alex is going to drown this damage right
21530s in his opponent's face
21532s I like it
21536s managed to get it on broadcast in a
21538s relatively peachy way uh but the quest
21541s completed here I think for Alex Wright
21543s with mechs or battle cries whatever that
21545s was yeah battle cries being uh completed
21547s which gives him red and okay another
21551s Ellie and a nice one to buff as well
21553s with the big taunt Factor
21555s just refusing to pay to level
21560s just
21562s I was bored on tap and tier 2 and I'll
21564s die on tabatier too
21568s yep
21572s a little bit hand active so you should
21574s be able to do the thing that he's there
21577s to do Kimberly I just play Elementals go
21580s up levels repeat release fan ending on
21583s Tavern tier five and it's gonna take an
21585s absolutely bludgeoning uh over the next
21588s couple of turns but that's fine he's got
21590s the stabilization tools he needs with uh
21592s the Synergy between bran and jaundice I
21596s mean even just in this shop right you
21598s have amazing and a decent Target for it
21600s in the form of the trickster as well and
21603s then do it again yeah
21604s again
21606s gain and again
21609s how do you always laughs on my accent
21611s when I say again instead of again
21613s really RDU laughs at my accent how bad
21617s of an English personally
21620s oh what's your tongue you're speaking
21622s about the Rap God himself right there
21627s okay John is not actually taking that
21630s much damage as it turns out here really
21632s getting away with the fact that they ran
21634s into in gosu yeah really dodged a bullet
21637s who's been holding back on all his cards
21639s here transitioning over to rim goesu we
21642s can see what Tavern tier 4 available oh
21645s sorry
21646s tier 4 minion available after leveling
21648s to three with the imprisoner but you
21651s know at 32 health I don't think it's
21653s ridiculous to try and choose this up to
21655s a Tavern tier five theoretically right
21659s that makes sense it comes out as well
21661s that last turn obviously against
21664s um the farm putting a brand down when
21666s they're in check as well it's probably
21667s not necessarily ideal if you're going to
21669s take damage and just play your two four
21671s you might as well take the extra damage
21674s um but the van got missed so yeah true
21676s actually good point
21678s big deal
21685s Alex just cruising through
21688s yeah but
21691s yeah he he just needs to hit more
21693s Ellie's right like he's clearly doubling
21695s down on this strategy which is fine but
21697s he needs to be hitting it and right now
21698s he is not as uh
21702s Alicia son
21703s kind of isn't either what happened on
21707s this turn was it a level
21709s um that was the did it eat the trickster
21712s because I thought the term was going to
21713s be take tricks to take the dry eat the
21716s thing
21717s I don't know what happened here did he
21719s play this and eat the trickster or
21720s something
21722s I don't know but this is not how I was
21723s expecting this board to look
21725s no
21728s yeah interesting
21730s or the muncher swaps it backboard again
21732s okay yeah yeah sure so just doubling
21734s down on this instead with bran it's big
21736s but it's nowhere near big enough to beat
21739s a Daryl which means it's gonna be
21742s what 10 or so damage being chunked here
21745s yeah there's this is what you talked
21747s about earlier the the difference between
21750s playing aggressively and trying to win
21753s and just like losing horribly and I'm
21755s not saying he's going to lose horribly
21757s just yet but it's looking that way it is
21759s kind of looking that way right you can
21761s swap and re-buy picky eater okay after
21765s getting an overseer as well enough
21768s though like he's dead in two turns isn't
21771s he said
21772s get better rapidly it does Quest
21775s completion Gonna Save him
21778s I don't know okay holding back on the
21781s Battle Cry for now makes sense you can
21782s get yourself a buffed up permanently
21784s Divine shielded taragosa as well now
21788s this is big this is a massive upgrade on
21789s this tone you get a 99 Divine Shield
21791s that's gonna stick around and you have
21794s the overseer for future turns that's
21796s going to massively improve your picky
21797s eater as well your muncher
21801s yes
21803s all right
21805s uh with double overseer
21810s not a lot to do with it not like huge
21813s Synergy going with that overseer yet
21815s obviously you want usually to eat but I
21817s think he did take the bribe if I
21819s remember correctly he's checking yes he
21820s did the double overseer racing to
21824s complete bribe and then things will go
21825s pretty nutty
21827s if he can survive long enough this has
21828s been zigzo's day really can you survive
21830s long enough
21832s for your your strategy to kick in the
21835s physics so it's stubborn not play okay
21838s so these summon effects are very very
21839s big alongside the khadgar as well
21842s boss
21854s okay
21856s we've seen Curtis a few times today and
21858s it really feels like the hero power just
21860s doesn't keep up with other people's
21861s quests I don't know if we've seen it you
21864s get like one turn of oh this Curtis
21865s looks big and then you never see them
21867s again until they die a few times later
21869s that may just be a small sample size
21871s thing but that does seem to be the
21873s pattern of purpose right now yeah it's
21875s feeling that way isn't it
21877s uh the dinathrius with uh who is
21882s Demetrius Taurus Fang enforcer and end
21884s of a turn effects figure twice 45
21887s friendly minions need to die which he
21889s has just done yeah and you know it's one
21892s of the better ones to get like you're
21893s also offered bannable right A lot of the
21895s time he took that one turn one
21898s that's his first Quest that we weren't
21900s sure about so let's see if it pays off
21901s for him yeah it does need to start
21903s stabilizing him right now of course
21905s being thoroughly in the danger zone
21906s alongside Alicia sand and what end of
21909s turn effects else do we have
21912s nothing right now nothing hasn't offered
21915s neither whenever I see this and there's
21917s stuff in there
21919s um
21921s the dragon my name is my plane is just
21923s melted but yeah
21925s uh whenever I see it then
21929s oh there you go I just feel like the
21930s design team have seen something we
21932s haven't about these end of turn effects
21934s that could be right
21935s uh in play testing someone in the design
21938s team has broken this and they're being
21940s very very careful about it because
21942s whenever I've seen it in play it's not
21944s seen particularly good yet
21946s ah you really want the Amber Guardian
21948s but there's just no dragons to go
21949s alongside it and you know even if you
21951s could afford to buy one you're not
21952s getting the double effect of uh well
21955s sorry you'd give pluses
21957s oh sorry the razor goal yeah that's a
21959s big one too it's all five uh so I think
21962s you end up passing this up as he does in
21964s the end at the end of your turn give
21966s your dragons plus one attack that's not
21968s good enough either
21970s I wonder if we just end up discovering
21974s I'll probably just roll Again The Refuge
21976s might not be worth it
21980s a little Hydra
21985s you've got Elemental a beast
21988s and demons and half a Mech okay I have
21990s to do it's good it's a lot of stats like
21993s this is what plus 16 plus 16 or
21995s something on this turn from this uh
21996s light van it is strong but it needs to
21999s be really strong
22001s yeah and why is that I think Elemental
22004s should probably be out of his hand as
22005s well so he gets the guaranteed red hand
22007s buff on the thing was like a red hand in
22009s hand
22009s uh losing track of all of that see for
22012s Taurus sound I don't think so I think it
22013s was Smoking Gun okay that's fine so I'm
22015s crazy then Nick's gonna be finally he
22017s gets that other Hydra to play
22020s okay important match here for Alicia
22022s sand obviously has the lobby in check so
22024s wants to get a win as we're playing very
22025s risky to be able to get there and this
22027s feels kind of like that threshold if he
22029s can survive here and see it through then
22031s he is in with a real shot of taking down
22033s the lobby yeah for the moment he needs
22037s to survive and he has done so for now
22039s yeah absolutely those toe goes is just
22041s starting to look sensible as poisson
22044s takes
22047s I seem a bit ambitious right from turn
22050s one honestly but again I'm not going to
22052s criticize anybody for being ambitious in
22054s check format that's oh yeah you're going
22056s to get some weird things that look bad
22058s because you're trying to win lobbies
22060s yeah pretty rough game and so Taurus and
22062s does need either zixo or Yun Chang to
22065s win now and then to basically win two
22068s lobbies back to back uh to be able to
22070s get there which is not over but
22072s monumentally unlikely at this point in
22075s the game especially as Alex looks to be
22077s in a really good spot we haven't checked
22078s in on him in a while but he's still at
22080s full health he's at Tavern tier five
22083s stuff's happening if he can find himself
22085s the powerful Ellie synergizes or just
22088s any strong late game prompt really this
22090s is salvageable
22091s you can say once again with a bribe the
22093s last couple of times we've seen him over
22095s the last couple of days he's picked
22096s bribe more than anybody yeah
22099s um and failed to hit like the Divine
22101s Shields
22102s um and exciting Minions that you need to
22105s hit for it to work but maybe this time
22108s he started off with a big Cyclone it's
22110s only turned nine that's a huge cyclone
22112s in fact for turn nine maybe this time he
22114s gets the required stuff
22118s what do we have here bran plus alley cat
22121s oh my God this is such a weird comp 2019
22125s again or something yeah this is old
22127s school man a Battle Master to go
22129s alongside with the Brian at a relatively
22131s low life total rat pack too hey this is
22134s strong this is stuff
22140s should be enough it's it's not ginormous
22142s but it's all right
22145s oh that is pretty ginormous though on
22147s the other side look at all this yeah
22149s this is my concern right it's not that
22152s um Alicia isn't strong it's just that
22154s some of these things
22156s just don't
22157s you you see the the Synergy here and it
22160s looks good and you just see the raw
22161s power that some of the other players
22162s have got just doesn't come close to zixo
22165s is way too big
22166s the animal arrived is coming it's so
22168s clutch for in pretty much every time we
22170s see it and that's just lethal
22173s bam
22174s oh my goodness because you're like
22176s Alicia sand the first player who had the
22178s lobby in check taking the L and he's
22181s gonna have to hope again that either
22183s zixo or Yan Chang can take the win and
22186s right now hey zixo could do it
22189s it looks like could be in with a Chance
22193s yeah look at these coins
22196s that's so much gold every turn we could
22199s be going to a game eight which would be
22201s a new Lobby Legends record if we make it
22206s but it's going to be zigzo Yun Chan to
22208s get there
22209s Alex has actually lost a fight
22211s um in the last round let's have a quick
22213s look at what Young Chang is doing still
22216s how does he transfer this into a good
22218s thing Alex meanwhile oh he's going okay
22222s bran golden recycling as well look at
22226s what is happening here this looks like a
22228s Lobby winner to me
22231s about hip hop and tier six oh yeah
22235s so you can sure this race what zigzo is
22240s doing not yet but a second little rag or
22242s a multitude of other helpful things will
22245s definitely help him gain ground yeah it
22247s just needs to try and Dodge six so for
22249s the moment
22254s he's on 34 so if he has the accident who
22257s runs into six so he's big enough to not
22258s take a massive loss that's true so
22261s should be okay
22264s keep rolling I don't think about Sally
22266s is worth it oh decision oh it's too late
22270s for no meat but I agree wow
22274s it he's freezing while he's thinking
22276s honestly I think he'll probably keep it
22278s first but those are mounted in there as
22280s well look so that's true yeah yeah and
22281s the meant it is okay you have two
22283s different minion types which is
22285s fine for the moment
22288s uh whereas Rim goes to we haven't seen
22289s in a little while a weird kind of semi
22291s Beast comp right now with a what a
22294s smattering of Elementals a smattering of
22296s just a big demon that he has left over
22297s yeah from his previous previous efforts
22300s this just feels like a Hail Mary attempt
22302s to try and survive to me cards I found
22304s under the sofa
22307s quite right stuff I had left
22314s all right what a good height I might
22315s clean this all up
22317s needs to take out the taunt first and
22319s then right down the middle please and
22320s we're looking at a possibility
22323s of course okay every time
22326s well I said he's gonna win damn close
22328s one but actually managing to get the win
22330s there it's an okay loss for Alex because
22333s he's still a healthy total but now it
22335s means like two losses in a row for Alex
22337s and he's probably out of the running as
22340s say say also taking the loss here more
22344s of our players in check starting to lose
22346s as both Yoon Chang and zixo hanging on
22349s in there keeps the dream alive for the
22351s rest of our players who are out of this
22352s Lobby
22353s a person refusing to die on the devil
22358s very devil looking board though isn't it
22360s it doesn't look like it's gonna threaten
22363s winning the lobby yeah Maybe
22368s yeah I agree it doesn't look like a
22369s winner right now
22373s and this was the problem with the choice
22374s for me but again maybe he's just
22376s gambling on High rolling the quest
22377s rather than High rolling a particularly
22378s bad hero
22380s so if he gets the bribe with the devil
22382s then he can just win the lobby so maybe
22383s that's what he was going for
22387s oh my he's definitely catching up Alex's
22390s but he's definitely behind
22395s oh yeah there's the book as well
22396s available on devil so
22400s a fair point
22409s Alex
22412s trying to work out how he wants to make
22413s these Manti Queens workout
22419s now right to start juicing it more and
22421s more but in the end just ends on double
22423s poison just wants to survive zixo is one
22426s heck of an opponent to be up against
22427s because these stats are enormous
22431s yeah
22432s a part of me wonders if he should just
22434s lose to Zig Zone wait for the next game
22436s but I think he's big enough that he
22437s could win this Lobby himself so he's got
22439s to go for it that's a guaranteed taunt
22441s on the Azul which is a monster of a
22444s first hit
22446s that's not bad either yeah going into
22448s the device Shield is really not what you
22450s want to see it's just a question of
22451s whether he can survive and I think
22453s that's enough to keep him in this game
22455s for one more round yeah let's go have a
22458s look at some yog action
22461s boy it is I was told what was coming
22465s you haven't seen much of the wheel of
22467s York
22474s all right spin it baby
22480s wheel me up
22483s aha okay it's a lot of Buffets yes it's
22489s not good it ends up pretty poorly with
22491s the Divine Shield
22493s and the uh the trickster getting pretty
22495s small I just ruined his board yeah it
22499s was kind of terrible your giveth and
22502s taketh away
22504s meanwhile
22506s that's just still going another Azul
22511s and he has space
22514s so just laughing like yogg it just
22516s turned his board into absolute garbage
22519s uh
22523s Rim goes to as well losing I can't
22525s remember if we covered that as now half
22527s the remaining Lobby
22528s other non-check players
22531s yeah it's looking like he's not big
22533s enough
22535s such an interesting balance right we
22537s have two players on Tavern tier six one
22539s on four and River boosters staying on
22541s three with the Daryl and uh currently
22543s winning which is of course to be
22545s suspected but like turn 11 12 13 am I
22549s generally right and that's where Daryl
22551s starts to fall off because the scaling
22553s catches up maybe even a little earlier
22555s actually sort of 10 11 12 but
22559s I mean he's going to be better at Dale
22560s than I am so explain to going a bit
22563s further yeah
22567s I think so still sort of
22570s story of his day is large here but
22572s there's definitely
22574s still not enough Divine Shields and
22576s poisons and things going on here
22579s aha
22582s okay nice little board a little bit of
22584s synergy between the
22588s uh the tricksters and the taragosa of
22592s course I wanted to say get through this
22593s one minion
22595s just that one the rest we don't mind
22597s okay you're gonna ever this is all on
22600s the left dies in this fight because I
22601s don't no it's not even close right
22604s it's just not close
22607s and animal bribe is Blossom
22611s your convert I'm a big convert I mean it
22614s helps when you have what one golden
22616s overseer and a regular overseer as well
22618s but still this is really big
22621s but it's kind of why it's good right you
22623s know you can take the overseas yeah yeah
22624s it takes a while to build up so you know
22626s you're looking for them
22629s oh there's a parrot that's golden right
22632s okay now we need to see leveling into
22635s triple trickster into Baron okay come on
22642s uh oh and the Rattler as well actually
22644s right that's reborn on your parrot this
22646s is sick
22647s yeah I mean you know you're not winning
22648s this Lobby unless something nutty
22650s happens and this looks like the start of
22651s something nutty so
22653s yeah happen it
22654s uh-huh
22659s is the start of cheating your way to
22661s winning this Lobby I think
22662s sure yeah I don't think the rest are
22664s doing anything
22668s all right attempt number two let's do it
22669s Baron
22671s he did lose though so that's an active
22673s till tolerance
22676s gold
22683s yeah I'm not really sure what you're
22685s even looking for
22686s uh at this point I think you need to
22688s tear up and hope you don't die use your
22690s exactly uh there's not much for you on
22692s for
22693s Alex just not going big enough fast
22698s enough
22699s yeah I even zigzo that's looking good
22701s right now that's right it's not enough
22703s is it given that he had to a guest ditch
22706s gar and never found dazzling never found
22710s no me uh major Domo master of realities
22714s whether or not he found them he didn't
22715s go for them and he's left with the board
22717s that's just like a solid third fourth
22719s place kind of board the two players in
22722s Czech are fighting off now and they are
22724s the two who have got the the not so good
22726s boards and Young Chang and zigza are
22730s fighting it out to try and win the lobby
22732s he stopped whoever wins this semi-final
22734s from getting through that's how it feels
22737s okay so I don't want to call this one
22739s over actually necessarily because the
22740s attack is not that high on uh River
22745s pussy's board and if we can get some key
22747s hits with the poison
22750s yeah he's he's winning now right Divine
22754s Shield just does it yeah damn
22756s is that lethal Hill as well
22762s damn you're right
22764s oh huge Reba future going down 26 noob
22774s until of the people without the gold
22777s next to their name
22779s didn't want a golden Battle Master with
22782s brown on board surely that's good right
22787s maybe it's not maybe the stats are just
22789s too big on the other side
22791s what is happening here
22795s oh it's time to consider cashing in
22797s that's what's happening here two Divine
22799s Shields
22800s is
22804s apparently not it's time to hide from
22807s Leroy's
22813s I mean go again like you can just sell
22816s your Azul if you hit irel that's fine
22819s you buy it
22820s get it Belle silver tunnel Blaster as
22825s well because you probably aren't going
22826s to be making use of that Tech yeah
22829s oh my God look at these minions yeah
22835s now is a reset I guess on the deflector
22838s would be a nice immediate cheap big buff
22840s to his power level definitely yeah
22842s that'd be really good actually
22846s the big one first yeah I thought this
22847s might be different just in case there's
22848s a LeRoy hiding with taunt put something
22850s else first that's that's nice
22853s yeah I like it it's just hiding your
22855s your game winning Cyclone away from most
22859s of the tech options and you really don't
22861s care about this um
22864s tunnel honestly because you're so huge
22867s that if you get a fair fight going on
22869s which this now is yeah I'm lucky
22872s that's Alex out Derek we're gonna get a
22874s game at number eight no shot man both
22878s players who didn't have the game in
22880s check taking it down it's a world's
22882s first in lobby Legends no rest for the
22884s wicked as we're gonna be going all the
22886s way to game eight no matter what and uh
22889s in terms of how this shakes things up so
22892s needs to win players guaranteed qualify
22895s Oh no you're right yeah
22899s needs to win to get into check otherwise
22901s he'll be on 19.
22903s oh poor boy
22906s It's Time Lucky
22912s we're gonna need some real help from
22913s yogg because right now it's not doing it
22917s [Laughter]
22925s sorry
22926s I'm done dude I'm done
22930s apparently
22932s dude like Yin Chang just rocks up to the
22935s bar pulls out a Glock and shoots Bob in
22937s the face like that was just
22939s [Laughter]
22942s hilarious man that's brilliant
22945s the other yolk we saw just scrambled his
22948s board into a total mess
22955s amazing scenes
22958s I mean that's the perfect end right
22960s because you're not really winning at
22961s this point against all the stats that
22962s zixo has so uh we'll take that we'll
22965s take that as an entertaining end
22967s yeah
22969s glamo
22971s ah
22975s sorry keep nothing but laugh
22978s this is how it ends down you're on your
22980s own
22982s York has broken me
22985s uh triple mounted I mean it's kind of
22988s good here right because you can get more
22990s likely to buy in Shield but maybe you'd
22992s just rather have two of them even if
22993s they don't have the right Shield yeah
22994s probably
22995s all right the infinite coins come back
22997s I'm guessing for the last time because
23000s look at these bad boys over on the
23002s left-hand side all throughout the board
23004s physics a massive Divine Shield massive
23007s stats uh you know even if a cyclone just
23010s Chomps into this uh mantid both times
23013s it's not gonna make a difference yeah
23015s and again the positioning from zixer
23016s there we saw him sort of agonizing
23018s around it a couple of times turn to go
23020s making sure that his his biggest cyclone
23022s doesn't die totally in vain although it
23025s should be as close fight as it happens
23028s it's gonna be close
23030s go on York
23032s come on yogas let's let's do it again
23038s give us the rod of roasting one more
23039s time
23048s a York really is garbage later on isn't
23050s it oh well plus three plus three
23052s dominions in the shop
23054s on turn 16.
23060s who was it whose body gave you the spin
23062s wheel of Yorkshire oh was it just yogs
23063s around I of course it was yeah yeah
23065s oddly enough yeah I couldn't remember to
23067s add some energy with the hero power if
23069s it was just the hero but yeah that was
23071s so it wasn't yoga actually
23074s I am actually confused now I was it not
23078s it has to be probably it was right my
23080s brains just wheel of Yorks are on
23082s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's his wheel
23087s amazing
23090s ah
23097s all right I mean there's not much zixo
23099s can do right
23101s um end on an amalgam
23103s maybe I'll get some small taunty thing
23105s in the way just to make sure you don't
23107s get levoyed I keep on about that but
23108s that's sort of thing I don't think he
23110s cares he's seen no problem his things
23113s are just too big
23115s yeah nice 50 50 the end as well to get
23117s the stats but I think zixo knows as we
23120s all do
23121s probably didn't matter the only way this
23123s could possibly go wrong is if it's like
23125s perfect back to back conveyor belt uh
23129s hit into something else hit into a
23131s poison hitting something else hit into a
23132s poison uh as I mean hey the tunnel
23135s Blaster helps for sure to get rid of the
23137s Divine Shields but even then the stats
23140s are just too big right
23142s uh-huh I think so although
23145s although
23147s although yeah
23151s yeah just man that was close again
23154s exact it's exactly six dude that was
23157s close and it was huge as well that means
23159s Young Chang does not put the lobby in
23160s check you know what that means
23162s it means he's gonna win the next game
23165s what that means
23167s game number eight and still two players
23170s if they win it will take us to a game
23172s number nine
23175s yeah that's right two players out six so
23177s somehow managing to claw his way in
23179s despite where was he at like a couple
23181s games ago he was dead last right yeah uh
23185s with six points like quite far lost
23187s actually but then was able to get a
23189s first
23190s a
23192s uh oh then like a fourth but then a
23194s first again here really turning it
23196s around and getting us thoroughly in to
23199s and anyone can take a situation as six
23201s of our eight players now have the
23204s possibility to win the game next turn
23206s and I want to say
23207s surely Lorinda this is the time to do it
23210s especially as you know you don't want to
23212s put too fine a point in it but the
23213s players who are at the bottom of the
23214s lobby they have you know they haven't
23217s been doing very well it would be
23219s unlikely to see a miraculous turnaround
23221s from them and suddenly start playing out
23223s of their mind and just taking down lobby
23224s after Lobby to win back to back for the
23226s victory or they've been saving their
23229s energy for this moment
23232s this is their time
23236s so game eight is coming up so taurusan
23240s who's had you know just been chilling
23242s did come second a Lobby or two ago
23245s um wins it
23247s and Yun Chang comes last and doesn't get
23250s the lobby in check and then Young Chang
23252s Wins Game nine then we go into the game
23254s ten where the winner takes off
23257s oh it's possible and you and I Collapse
23261s in a heap in the corner crying and
23263s laughing all at the same time yeah
23265s exactly when we reach hour 10 I'm
23267s thinking that it might be a little bit
23268s too much to be carrying on with him
23270s after we break the graphics as well as
23272s well as the casters uh but a cool game
23275s uh very cool to see anima bribe finally
23277s doing what zixo always knew it could
23279s break so we've seen a couple times where
23280s he's picked it and in the mid game
23282s around turn like 9 10 maybe 11. he just
23286s gets an unlucky fight or he's going for
23287s these big Buffs and he's hitting minions
23288s without Divine shield and just gets torn
23291s apart by poison murlocs or the mounted
23294s Queens which are just going to be
23296s running through
23297s all your minions if they don't have to
23299s buy and shield but here look at this
23300s five minions Divine Shields massive
23301s stats no one can stand up to it
23305s and again like you said earlier like you
23306s said a minute ago he's been trying to do
23308s this for a while really not been picking
23309s up the things for quite been getting
23310s these massive numbers but not with the
23312s Shields and showing there why you need
23315s the shields as well because despite the
23317s fact you've got massive numbers you know
23318s people can take you down with a poison
23320s they can do certain things to slow you
23322s down they can one for one you believe
23323s always as we see the ever Under Pressure
23326s graphic
23329s cool struggle
23332s yeah can only take one more we need to
23334s see a win next Lobby uh as
23339s looking at how this is shaping out for
23341s Yun Chang he just needs anything other
23343s than eighth or I guess like drawn eighth
23347s uh and he will be
23349s able to put the lobby in check whereas
23352s for Taurus and after another eighth
23354s place that's his third one so far uh he
23357s needs a really good performance right
23358s he's third at least purse in check and
23361s you know realistically if he's gonna
23362s have a chance he needs to win uh in
23365s order to stop an opponent from just
23366s ending the tournament right there so for
23368s both of those players looking like he
23369s needs to be essentially back-to-back
23371s victories for there to be a chance and
23373s for everyone else just a single win and
23375s they're able to do it which for me you
23377s know I would be happy with any of our
23378s players winning but there's two that
23380s stand out to me in particular with River
23382s Pusa being so close to getting the win
23384s but having it snatched away from him in
23386s a very upsetting manner
23388s but uh zixo going from Zero to Hero
23391s having a terrible start but turning
23393s things around after being in last place
23395s after Lobby four is uh such a cool story
23398s we love to see these turnarounds from
23399s all of our players and uh we wish them
23402s all the best of luck but as I'm saying
23403s this again when we come back from this
23406s break it will be Lobby eight which
23408s should be the last lobby of the
23411s tournament but a couple of our players
23412s down at the bottom of the leaderboard
23414s might have something to say about it so
23416s we'll see how it will conclude after
23417s this
23423s [Music]
23427s thank you
23428s [Music]
23437s [Music]
23440s [Applause]
23443s [Music]
23451s foreign
23453s [Music]
23470s [Music]
23482s foreign
23487s [Music]
23512s foreign
23516s [Music]
23539s [Music]
23550s foreign
23554s [Music]
23584s foreign
23588s [Music]
23613s thank you
23617s hello everybody for once again probably
23621s the final time no definitives nothing
23623s for certain here in lobby Legends as I
23625s play as well know but as we've said many
23628s times six of our eight players have now
23630s put the lobby in check and need a win to
23632s end the tournament and uh I don't know
23636s like I said basically the players down
23639s at the bottom it feels unlikely they're
23641s gonna be able to get a win at this point
23642s given they haven't got one so far but
23644s with their backs against the walls the
23646s players who don't have the lobby in
23647s check this might be their time to
23649s finally get the job done hey Lorinda
23652s they both had a second place in their
23654s last two lobbies sure one each so they
23656s could both do they're in the final of
23658s Lobby Legends of course they can do it
23659s but they can both do it uh but it does
23661s feel like the momentum if such a thing
23663s even exists of
23665s this Marathon as it has become now is
23668s with zigzo who has won two of the last
23670s three lobbies now and to be honest
23672s despite the fact he had very few points
23674s before that looked strong even in the
23676s games that he did badly in because two
23678s or three games were very much take one
23681s less damage and maybe win the lobby even
23683s before uh this run so he's looking at a
23686s good spot but way at the Top If you look
23689s at the points total it says he stays up
23690s to 32 and a half points now like that's
23694s more points than everybody got put
23695s together yesterday it's not quiet but
23697s it's getting there yeah after just twice
23699s the number of games how impressive uh
23701s for him to have done so uh but you're
23703s right he is getting to a truly
23704s ridiculous level uh of points and is
23707s just looking for that one win and we've
23709s seen players go for drastic strategies
23711s already in order to do so we've talked
23713s time and again about the quests that
23714s players are doing but there seems to be
23716s a bit of a debate amongst the players
23718s about what type of Heroes to go for
23720s because we saw on the one side for River
23723s poster I think it was going for Daryl on
23725s the previous game which is as you laid
23727s out at the start a quintessentially
23729s third place hero you're gonna gain MMR
23732s but you're probably not going to win any
23733s lobbies with it uh which was a pick that
23736s we were a little surprised by whereas
23738s Alex JP passing up on murloc homes who
23741s has been like the most insta-picked hero
23743s that we've seen pretty much so far this
23745s tournament you know helps from the fact
23746s that it is guaranteed to be seen every
23748s game but I don't think it's ever been
23749s passed up up until this point
23751s uh passing out for shenvala which is
23754s clearly just hoping for one of these
23756s massive spikes uh that you can get uh
23759s with that kind of a hero and it didn't
23761s work out for him but the more I think
23763s about it the more I respect the strategy
23765s that he was going for yeah absolutely
23767s there is money at stake for sort of
23769s second place through to date and it
23771s scales quite slowly but yeah you're at
23774s the top end there with a lot of points
23775s already if you're Alex or river poster
23777s or SSC you're going to get sort of top
23779s four come what may and so I think just
23783s look at the heroes and go which one is
23785s most likely to come first place not
23787s which one is the best hero for MMR and
23791s that devil pick is a hard one because
23793s there is a couple of quests that really
23794s help you with Daryl so you're not trying
23796s to High Roll the game you're trying to
23798s High Roll the quest uh I'm interested if
23801s that made a a dent in the thinking
23804s though if you just wanted a solid hero
23805s try and take it to a win but we saw
23807s without the appropriate Quest it just
23809s fell apart as devil there so
23811s you just know what master was going into
23813s that but we are into game number eight
23815s six players can win the tournament this
23817s time around two cannot and zigzo has a
23821s chance of taking George with what is in
23823s the lobby I can't see on the top right
23824s yeah I mean we've got no quill balls
23826s which is a bit of a hurter but you know
23829s Max murlocs Energy any Synergy there
23832s with like poisonous or grease bot
23834s anymore I mean back in the day when
23836s zigzo used to stream a lot he would
23839s literally just take George murlocs every
23841s single time and win every single time
23842s with it he was like his build obviously
23844s things have changed that doesn't work so
23846s well anymore and it's taking a great bow
23848s interestingly here
23851s all right well uh no demons but I guess
23853s the the power of demon Graver has been
23855s nerfed drastically uh with uh
23859s the Imp that summons him whatever that
23861s one was called going by the wayside
23862s beasts being in the the pool and Mex as
23864s well being definitely the most important
23866s one as we are offered a turn one
23869s wondrous wisdom ball I mean it's in the
23872s name right the wondrous symbol 18 cards
23875s to hand isn't even that bad either
23877s uh unwizable is great you're trying to
23880s win as well and wisdom balls sometimes
23882s just throws up unusable shops oh boo
23888s no no no no no get away from it subtle
23892s anything else
23894s I thought it was refusing thank you
23898s oh okay Sarah in the lobby you haven't
23901s seen many of them but stats say across
23904s the games that the series we played
23905s since this patch across various tracking
23907s sites that the series actually super
23909s super good still
23911s right and that was something that
23912s confused me because at first I thought
23914s my deck tracker was maybe keeping up
23915s with the last patch when you of course
23917s had the chroma Wings right that would
23920s instantly like give you a massive power
23922s Spike at the start of the game with you
23923s Sarah but now those have been nerfed
23926s pretty heavily I think it's fair to say
23927s down to only giving plus attack uh what
23930s is yasera doing why is it worth it to
23933s have uh this much you know Dragon Age in
23936s the early game I think it's presumably
23939s and again I haven't been dealt a Serial
23940s once in the 60 or 70 games I've played
23942s since the patch came out okay um so I
23945s haven't had a chance to witness it
23946s properly but it's just a Synergy in
23948s dragons when you're guaranteed repeated
23949s dragons is just powerful enough right
23952s taragoza is obviously really good right
23954s now
23955s um you can make it how it goes to work
23957s without a promo Drake so if you miss
23960s it's not a disaster and obviously you
23963s know Calor Gas nadina are still decent
23965s throwing some quests where you're going
23967s okay um get the Divine Shield plus three
23970s plus three whatever it's called Amber
23971s Guardian oh yeah that works you know
23974s you've got a lot of good stuff going on
23975s there and you're guaranteed pretty much
23977s to find it and given that we saw Alex
23979s pass up a guaranteed triple it does feel
23982s like we're heading towards most likely
23984s the leveling here right I don't think
23986s there's uh anything else that would be
23989s more enticing than a triple would have
23991s been on the previous turn and like you
23993s say we want to find Tariq and Amber
23996s Guardian
23999s yeah just tell you what he's seen here
24000s that's made him stop for a moment
24005s probably nothing probably just making
24007s sure he's got his head in order
24010s Act basically as well on
24015s uh Dawn grasp as well which is
24018s interesting to see I think the last time
24020s we saw that was maybe we saw it once
24022s today but I remember xqn playing it and
24024s having a bit of a rough time yesterday
24028s uh but leveling to three on three it
24030s makes sense right you instantly want to
24032s find the the more powerful minions to
24033s Triple up
24035s yeah the tough party of dawn grass is
24037s always knowing when to turn triples down
24040s you turn down more triples than you
24041s think you should for sure I just don't
24043s know how many more
24048s fantastic and then as to how to off this
24051s up
24052s what do you think in bribe
24054s I mean look at them sorry yeah I'm
24057s thinking bribe but
24060s is there any Synergy between red hand
24062s and uh and uh sorry and you're Sarah
24064s because you're going to be refreshing to
24066s look for those key dragons quite
24067s frequently yeah I think so I think Vibes
24069s just too good but yeah that's that was
24071s also crossing my mind
24073s or golden minions Max in the pool we've
24077s seen that work once right for zixo could
24080s work again a Smoking Gun added uh for a
24083s hero that's already going to be having a
24085s lot of reborn death rattle effects that
24087s was very tempting yeah smoking go and
24089s then just go for it right just just let
24091s exactly yeah and then play questless for
24093s the end of the game okay very
24095s importantly probably not a Lobby winning
24097s Quest The Smoking Gun it's more just a
24099s uh again an MMR Quest that you're
24101s looking to get a good second you can win
24104s by getting to six right like you're
24105s saying they're like crew yeah it's not
24106s like Devil where you've got to keep
24108s doing the thing on tier three so you're
24109s not progressing you could just use the
24111s gun to
24112s pick up one or two minions and off you
24114s go
24117s okay wow looking for the double level on
24119s seven gold it looks like four Yoon Chang
24121s and he's been picking up a lot of coins
24123s along the way thanks to Shell collectors
24126s repeatedly
24128s these are four drops probably I noticed
24130s people yeah
24132s and not very good ones unless there's a
24135s Mech obviously in play
24138s oh okay there is turns out we'll have a
24142s 680 voice you'll make that's fine
24145s oh fantastic you know you you would
24146s obviously like a uh a milker of some
24149s kind perhaps to start actually looking
24151s towards winning the lobby
24154s it's got the biggest snow
24159s yeah always
24167s and
24170s oh double parrot
24172s so tempting but nothing to go with it no
24175s beasts oh there are beasts in play okay
24177s because oh it's a power it's a beast oh
24178s my goodness somebody stopped me right
24181s it's been a long day we get in there
24183s there's a regular tarry goes off the
24185s hero power is offered and this is what
24188s you're talking about right Amber
24190s Guardian to just go Bish bash Bosh one
24192s after the other uh double
24195s paragosa double divine shieldage
24201s okay
24205s that's a decent enough start obviously
24207s here it's just going to be constant
24208s ticking up of the turret goes
24211s yeah it's what we're supposed to witness
24213s a promo Drake away from things getting
24214s really exciting over there right still
24217s deciding about these parrots
24222s let's buy one
24224s and just buy any old junk and freeze
24226s give you a very good chance of getting
24228s the golden palette yeah that's the any
24229s old junk
24231s yeah I can respect this like para is
24234s a little bit more limited utility again
24236s because as I said there's no
24239s demons in the game to go with the
24240s trickster however just beasts alone you
24243s can be hitting some very nice outcomes
24245s with in the late game goldrin or the
24249s crocolisk something of that ilk
24252s he will be stippling into a five if he
24254s does roll no other golden so he'll level
24259s um by pallet number two and then the
24262s turn after he'll be able to triple it to
24263s a five where there's Mama Bear there's
24264s Crocs he
24266s it's got the Synergy but
24269s has he got time
24272s he's getting beaten up here
24282s there we go
24287s and take a four which is much worse than
24291s a five for beasts yeah he's good really
24292s is yeah I guess just too afraid of dying
24295s or bad I think if it's uh you know a
24299s first or eighth kind of game as it is
24300s here again
24302s might have been a little tempted to take
24303s the five in general I think that's what
24305s he was setting up for and that's why he
24307s thought for so long about it but he's
24309s taking so much damage he's so weak that
24311s like you can't get first if you're dead
24313s no matter how aggressive you're playing
24315s to try and get it no that's true he drew
24317s the Line in the Sand and said you know
24319s what we've gone past the part we're
24321s playing aggressive actually is sensible
24322s anymore and he's against a very a very
24324s scary opponent uh in zixo on the other
24326s side for sure
24329s and now he's got a bunch of rubbish to
24331s look at on this discover
24334s oh okay well if they're not expand Fury
24338s the parrot that's not bad
24340s there's a lot of divine Shields
24346s yep divide Shield your boy he wants to
24349s be all right it's the best he had
24350s available so it's it's something it can
24352s get good fast with a good next turn
24362s where's Alicia standing here with
24366s hoping that that's the last minion to
24368s die okay I think that does now give him
24370s a guaranteed triple on the
24374s chroma wing
24376s heading into potentially Tavern tier six
24379s if he wants it or sorry leveling into
24381s five and then taking a six drop and is
24384s it a healthy life total without much
24386s real Direction right now I like it yeah
24389s I like it he's just 14 somebody so he
24391s feels like he's in a decent place
24394s he's not tempting here tempting enough
24397s anymore so much weaker with the recent
24400s Nerfs and only I guess technically two
24403s Divine Shields but even with the
24407s mackerel and the deflector but it's
24409s still not worth it and settles on the
24412s orgazord ending up with hey a pretty
24414s decent selection and a board that's
24416s going to round out very nicely yeah the
24418s thing that organizer does really well is
24420s not just draw you constant value for the
24422s rest of the game but is an instant board
24424s Phil
24426s um so it takes that and he'd be able to
24429s go to Six next turn look for some Naga
24431s action
24433s Yan Chang's still looking to get enough
24435s points to get into check
24438s the very early selection of very good
24441s hero cards you can turn everything to 15
24443s 15s because he's jaundice
24448s well I'm using over the next two or
24450s three turns
24461s your value or Divine Shield dog I
24463s understand the problem here
24466s foreign
24469s oh my God okay we're seeing a lot of
24472s cycling back and forth here
24478s okay it gets a good car to a triple here
24481s yeah that's true there's if you can end
24484s on the Uther you're very happy with that
24486s potentially looking to tank a lot of
24488s damage first of all as I believe murloc
24490s homes is quite a bit stronger
24496s yep
24498s just crashes into the Divine shield no
24500s like that one the dragon Divine shield
24502s and then he'll be in a world of trouble
24503s as it is he's gonna take so much damage
24505s he's high
24507s tier minions
24510s even that like it doesn't look a lot
24511s there's 11. yeah it's quite a lot it's
24514s pretty scary stays above just the 15
24517s damage breakpoint though which is an
24519s enormous difference uh for Yoon Chang to
24521s have a chance uh again he doesn't need
24523s anything spectacular uh in this
24526s tournament he just needs to not come
24528s eighth exactly oh sorry not in this
24530s tournament in this round
24532s um he needs to not come eighth but if he
24534s doesn't win he needs Taurus and to win
24536s for him to not just have the tournament
24538s end right there so realistically for Yun
24540s Chang I guess this does need to end up
24542s being a win yeah yeah you can't rely on
24545s tourists on doing it for you obviously
24547s tourists own the same boat with yancheng
24551s spite out leaves the spiteful zigzo
24554s still hasn't taken any damage at all
24555s this game yeah it's been Tempo King man
24559s but then he's been like that we've seen
24560s that in multiple lobbies earlier in the
24562s tournament where zigzag has been at the
24564s top of the leaderboard then just goes
24565s Bam Bam zero
24568s I have indeed as uh oh actually a couple
24571s players I didn't realize dropping down
24572s Into the Danger Zone in Alex and say say
24575s finally taking a look back at zixo who
24578s you kind of start to wonder how he
24579s hasn't taken any damage so far because
24581s it doesn't look that powerful really
24583s does not no
24586s looks like you might be about to start
24588s getting powerful but this um this CAD
24590s guy almost been doing a heck of a lot of
24592s work just making random stuff with the
24594s with a bronze Warden up here
24598s yeah I mean it's it's good right and you
24599s have golden with the cadgar as well I
24601s guess to summon a bunch more stuff
24606s oh yeah I get it but
24610s going on here now this is
24612s make it's not really the makings of a
24614s winning composite it's the makings of a
24616s get to six and hope I find a winning
24617s comp for sure that's fine I mean now
24621s that's what you pick gray Bell for you
24623s know it's not a winning hero but like
24624s you say you you temper your way through
24626s to being able to lose a couple fights in
24627s the late game
24632s a lot of money coming in as well oh wow
24638s [Music]
24640s I think they're starting to feel it man
24641s he I'm imagined to be honest maybe he
24644s didn't give up but would have been
24645s feeling like there was no real chance
24647s for him to win but now he's got up to
24648s that crucial 20-point threshold it
24651s starts to bite all that much more when
24654s you do end up taking these bad beats
24655s yeah although he's been here a million
24658s times before in various tournaments
24661s you should be able to handle it by now
24663s oh and then the crush ends up taking the
24665s hit instead of attacking that was close
24667s that was definitely winnable for him
24672s more players started to take loses and
24675s into that losses sorry and end to that
24677s danger zone uh with Rim gosu falling
24679s down as well as dinathri has taken
24681s another loss we're seeing real polarity
24684s with dinathrius where it's either really
24686s good or just feeling like it's dying
24688s super fast
24689s yeah and I think that's how it was he
24691s originally and it's still like that a
24693s bit but the quests now are so much more
24694s consistent with the Buffett and atheist
24696s that um in general we are seeing it
24699s we're just winning lobbies a lot more
24700s but maybe it's still tough sometimes and
24703s goes through leveling to six I think and
24705s then getting a triple on danathius as
24707s well when you're at nine Health it's
24708s incredibly bold
24711s eat it though
24713s yeah I mean I respect it you're like
24715s you're all in or you're all out you're
24717s either winning or you are dying and if
24719s you die whatever you know if you finish
24721s second or eight it's the same thing
24725s pretty silly turn
24728s oh
24730s now he's in please let me survive please
24733s let me survive
24735s uh what do you even spell one of the
24739s Roots no okay yeah that makes sense I
24742s suppose
24743s where do you position stuff
24745s you really want this officer to die last
24747s I think that's the quest he's on so
24751s uh yes correct if you could maneuver it
24756s and right in a cage to buff up this uh
24759s faux Reaper let's go let's see if we can
24762s get it done he's got some real powerful
24764s units
24765s and his opponent is kind of medium
24769s strong right now actually this is here
24772s is about to lift off right it's not big
24776s yet but it's just turning that corner
24778s yeah it is actually isn't it it's like
24780s this turn where it's really starting to
24782s go insane yeah it's too much isn't it
24787s yeah can he survive
24789s holy rice
24791s oh my
24794s keeps him alive might even win the fight
24795s or Frogger as well hit the Leroy 50 50.
24799s no oh my God he actually nearly had it
24803s he still is though okay well that was
24806s absolutely ridiculous scam
24809s that was such a scam okay Matt if Grim
24813s goes you can win it now that would be so
24815s it was the last thing to die yeah yeah
24818s that's not bad either
24824s golden oath sure yeah okay you have a 30
24828s 30
24830s something whoever yeah
24834s probably a 30 cleave
24837s yeah yeah I think so but then like none
24839s of these are permanent cards right so
24841s theater can be your in-between where you
24843s just cycle through the yeah who said the
24846s Leroy if you want to kind of agree with
24848s that as well
24850s other org
24857s oh you're gonna get this turned he's on
24860s two Health dude he's strong Wave Rider
24863s with Divine oh sorry with win theory on
24865s the foe Reaper as well is not so
24868s just need some Divine seals if he stays
24870s alive with the orgazoas he will get
24872s those over time
24876s just makes a guest appearance
24881s bells and orgas are okay yeah I guess
24883s you want to end on Leroy for just max
24885s power
24887s yeah because he's still gonna not die
24889s right like yes he's super powerful he's
24892s a super good spot but his actual numbers
24893s on the board outside of this cleave and
24897s the one taunt they're not huge so yeah
24900s got to spend the end of each term making
24902s sure you're okay to win this fight and
24903s then go back to being crazy for the rest
24905s of your first two thirds of every turn
24909s all right this is going to be his
24910s opponent and an opponent he could be by
24914s the looks of it as long as his fur
24916s Reaper doesn't just sack into a minion
24918s it dies too straight away or gets sniped
24919s off by that chroma wing with win Fury
24922s slapped on it it's just gonna be tearing
24924s through this board yeah double metal
24926s going on now but even so
24930s like they're pretty small things over
24932s here
24933s clutch fight and I mean Leroy could just
24935s deal with the macro right out the gate
24937s okay A bit of an unfortunate mess it's
24941s tiny
24944s that's so big oh those two Leroy's for
24948s him ghosts who might actually be the
24950s difference between winning or not like
24951s he's a real Contender now double
24953s Professor discovering murlocs thankfully
24957s for his opponent not killing him because
24958s the damage cap is still just about in
24961s play but surely someone has to die here
24963s as I believe Taurus and in another
24966s eighth place disaster for our player in
24970s the bottom of the leaderboard means that
24973s for uh Yun Chang now it is very simple
24976s he's in the same boat as everyone else
24977s where it has to be a win here or it's
24980s all over one way or the other and we
24983s haven't gone through this for about six
24985s hours so just quickly go through who Rim
24987s gozu is
24989s um was the first Korean Battleground
24991s screamer to play competitively across
24993s other servers
24995s um introduced The Warrior curve to
24996s Korean players and he is one of those
24998s players
24999s um the gifted players always call them
25001s who are great at new Patches at new
25004s cards putting things together early on
25006s but does have that whole come first or
25010s to lose attitude right from the start
25012s and that seems to be shooting this chick
25013s format and he's in a position where he
25015s just win the tournament with that style
25018s of play right now
25020s ends up with another rat in the cage as
25022s well which is fantastic with that giant
25024s faux Reaper
25029s misses on the assistant but Orchestra is
25032s a very reasonable backup
25035s cycling through that slot now with all
25037s gazellers and just seeing what he can
25039s find to put in there yeah done now I
25041s gave the rundown because you know he's
25043s looking in Prime position we might not
25044s get another chance but it's not over
25051s missing out on the Divine Shield hurts
25053s that would have been uh pretty much
25054s guaranteed win against whoever you're up
25056s against this is still very likely to win
25058s because I mean just look at the blooming
25059s stats on all these cards it's only turn
25061s 11. like this is that's true end game
25064s comp as well right oh this is a huge
25067s hybrid I'm just not gonna touch anything
25070s uh Divine Shield win Fury Hydra yeah
25074s you're right they're just too big on the
25075s other side aren't they he's got his own
25077s Levi so that's the chance I guess I
25079s guess the Hydra hits the right places
25080s and the Levi gets to kill off the
25084s um the cleave on the other side then the
25086s numbers are quite level Maybe
25092s you see who's going to scale faster if
25094s Yun Chang loses this fight even if he
25095s survives he's never outscaling it for
25097s the rest of the game
25100s sad first hit you wanted to lose the
25102s Divine Shield there
25105s it's the end of the Hydra yeah wind Fury
25107s not mattering is this the end of the
25109s cleave it is
25113s yeah that doesn't matter but I did The
25115s Shield I think it matters enough he's
25119s fine the 100 402 Stones alone here at
25121s the very least question is just if Yun
25124s Changs up dying here because he needs to
25127s chew through these high uh static
25129s minions
25130s think that's the Difference Maker but it
25132s makes it summons back alongside it is
25135s that enough
25136s not quite not because
25138s not the bot the other way around and um
25141s he would have been dead all right not
25143s fearing the reaper in this instance and
25145s still a contender right he's definitely
25149s uh oh ailing slower but still keeping up
25153s just about as Alex falls by the wayside
25155s oh no can we take a look at it so
25158s there's a hundred hundred something that
25160s just lost in that fight thank you
25162s though it's leapers oh if leapers takes
25165s down tournament he's finally got leapers
25168s let's go
25170s remember there's Golds on the left Golds
25172s on the right and just leapers in the
25174s middle
25178s so he's looking for Reborn right uh as
25181s the big one
25183s another rat instead of the mama bear
25185s yeah that'll do yep
25188s and then you just start leaping
25191s gonna leap
25194s leap into victory
25197s because of the
25200s uh sorry because of the buff on his
25205s Baron uh he doesn't need to be too
25207s afraid of Zap right as that will just it
25209s wouldn't be great it would be bad for
25211s him because it would kill off the rats
25215s if he goes so if he goes first against a
25217s big zap it might go wrong because all
25218s the right beasts will get buffed and
25220s then the big zap would kill off the
25222s Baron that way
25224s quite a long hypothetical though
25233s meanwhile him goes to we've actually got
25235s a match here because William ghost is
25236s getting incredibly large yeah damn this
25239s photo Reaper of his own is not to be
25240s sniffed at
25242s uh the Nadine are actually doing
25245s completely nothing now though I did not
25247s realize at the time and uh very clutch
25250s tunnel Blaster as well in order to
25252s delete some Divine Shields next turn
25254s though apparently yeah Nadine is just a
25256s blocker right now okay let's see how the
25257s leapers go
25259s but he could spam some leapers for is
25261s that'd be great much appreciated
25270s so much stuff those just kind of look
25273s big enough doesn't it even without the
25274s leapers effect like just the cauldron
25276s alone is so much stats
25283s right leap leap leap leap
25289s oh look at all oh
25290s hydro's doing its job and it's still not
25293s done enough I don't think
25295s yeah I agree this is way too big now
25302s and that's the end of another player
25305s looks that way
25307s a couple of players going down Yoon
25309s Chang and River Pusa I believe which
25312s means this is
25313s finally guaranteed the last game of the
25317s tournament with both players who didn't
25319s have the lobby in check Falling by the
25320s wayside Rim goes to Alicia or zekso
25323s looking to take it all down
25328s yeah and zixo looking to be though that
25331s looked like a bad lineup for zixo that
25334s last game like he got cleaved twice
25336s everything died in a bad order and he
25338s still won
25339s it feels like there's a great spot here
25341s but we have seen there's some pretty big
25344s stuff on the other side of both of these
25345s players
25348s knobby game eight new record for this
25352s tournament that's right literally as
25354s much as the uh the graphics could fit in
25356s there is
25358s I mean an upgrade but not much of one
25362s right the extra stats not making a huge
25364s difference
25368s yeah the taunt the important part here
25373s um where do you want to taunt things
25375s obviously having your second leaper
25378s adds an extra layer of leakage
25382s man it's just insane like when you
25384s consider how much stats that gold ring
25386s when it was golden was offering the fact
25389s that leaper ends up being more most
25391s likely it really just speaks to how
25392s powerful this comp is right really
25395s absolutely yeah as well
25397s um with a snake in the shop as well the
25399s reborn
25400s ready if 60 survives this one looks like
25403s it's a complete the comp next turn
25407s and this does kind of feel like the one
25409s final chance that zixo has
25412s before he just runs away with the game
25413s the one time he can lose yeah these are
25416s both being a cleave basically three
25418s Cleaves go into this look
25421s okay so this is a big deal let's leave
25423s one
25425s that is big but he's taunts in the way
25427s we now need to hit the baron he misses
25430s and there's now gonna be a taunt in the
25432s way for the second wind Fury
25437s [Applause]
25439s foreign
25441s needs to survive smallest minion and it
25444s is gonna die to the zap which does make
25447s things more interesting now
25449s I think I think it's not I think that's
25451s it right I think um yeah it's not even
25453s close yeah yeah that's it damn such sick
25456s positioning on the zap right like it's
25458s so rarely on not just slapping zap in
25460s the first position putting it third was
25463s the exact Difference Maker because
25464s otherwise it was just rushing into the
25467s the rats the the leapers whatever
25469s whereas that was the perfect slot to put
25472s it in
25473s in order to get the exact snipe you need
25475s and that means now is six so dead it's
25478s really close is
25481s he dead no
25482s no oh my God
25484s no chance to react there with the reborn
25487s that was in the shop ready to go and
25489s that positioning as you highlighted
25491s there Derek just putting the six nine
25493s the the little cleave up first just to
25495s do the the job that yeah so yeah it's
25498s set up to happen and then make you think
25501s it's the wind Fury in the correct place
25502s on the second one beautiful
25506s yeah fantastic play there by room goes
25508s to and you know if he does end up
25510s winning that'll be the play that does it
25511s because this is the the last one at this
25514s point one way or the other you know
25516s unless we somehow end up with a tie
25517s which I find very unlikely I think this
25520s is going to be the final round and looks
25522s like the scaling for Rim goes who is
25524s probably a little too high as we see
25526s it's a bit of golden theater game uh on
25530s the other side for Alicia sandwich we
25531s haven't even been able to see all too
25533s much of uh big Divine Shields the
25535s ability to reapply a couple of those
25537s Divine Shields with the chroma wing and
25540s nadina
25541s but against all that cleave on the other
25544s side
25544s I don't know if I'm crazy but I don't
25546s see it stacking up no I'm trying to get
25549s through where you'll go through the way
25550s in my head where you can get this mecco
25552s to come back to life like five times you
25554s need it needs to do so much work you
25556s can't it can't be there in the
25558s positioning right
25560s um it needs to reshield so many times
25564s to do the damage required
25567s and there's only one of them as well
25569s like double Metals away sometimes just
25571s scamming people a little bit but only
25572s having the one means things are going to
25573s happen in a linear fashion
25576s I've been wrong many times before but I
25579s don't see it
25583s all right here we go final battle
25586s of the tournament what it all comes down
25589s to crowning our champion right now
25592s there goes the mechool
25596s okay Divine Shields gone again
25599s big cleave does reapply oh no sorry the
25602s Nadine is surviving means there's no
25603s Divine Shield reapplication quite yet at
25605s the moment it's looking like a runaway
25607s victory for rimkosu absolutely he's
25610s going to take it down Derek yeah it's
25612s too much man too much
25616s too much from here all over we've been
25619s closer he's going to be the champion
25623s surviving on two health I could not be
25625s more appropriate for the tournament
25626s right on uh dinathrius to take it all
25630s down in the end no uh one of the most
25633s commonly picked Heroes this tournament
25635s and it has been the bane of so many of
25637s our players existence taking these big
25639s quests but unable to get them completed
25641s as a room goes to a big first place for
25644s him there and a big first place for him
25646s overall as he's the champion of uh the
25649s lobby Legends magic of Azeroth as the
25652s question to nathrius with a real magic
25654s all along yeah the player who likes to
25657s come first or last with a hero that
25659s likes to come first or last couldn't be
25661s a more appropriate win for this um
25663s latest expansion great to see it done
25666s it's been a very eventful tournament but
25669s I've been going through not the best of
25671s starts but showed us what he could do
25672s from about Lobby three or four onwards I
25675s think it was I've lost track of the
25677s stats now unfortunately but there they
25679s are but yeah just just got it going
25681s towards the end
25684s oh wasn't even in check for the longest
25687s time
25690s yeah exactly it took a while to get
25692s there at that point and then what like
25694s three
25695s three thick oh no it was like four games
25697s where it was in check because we have
25698s Reaper boosters only with it in check
25700s and then three players then five then
25702s six uh where it finally ended up ending
25705s it so it was like four separate games
25706s all with it in check and our players
25709s managing to uh to crawl through
25712s uh in a gauntlet of an event very very
25715s well played uh by all of them
25718s yeah absolutely and great to see it go
25721s down with sort of the sort of comp we've
25723s come become accustomed to seeing at the
25725s end um huge win Fury Cleaves
25729s um in one side we've got leapers in that
25730s top three and just stuff doing all the
25736s different stuff going on with different
25737s builds different Heroes different quests
25740s and a lot of Versatility that's the word
25742s I'm looking for after 20 000 words
25743s versus across the board for everybody
25747s and and the final battle was reminiscent
25751s of that
25753s yeah as we can see some of the big
25755s players fall in by the wayside that
25757s brutal loss there for zixo who I really
25759s think if you've been able to survive
25760s that could have gone all the distance
25763s um those leapers really getting there
25766s like you said the reborn coming on next
25767s turn as well
25769s in my head the zigzo is probably going
25772s to win there I realized dream ghost you
25774s could win that's why I gave the whole
25775s sort of been go-to run down halfway
25777s through the lobby but once XO had set up
25780s the the leapers it can always go wrong
25783s but it seemed quite unlikely that the
25785s baron was going to get sniped but Vim
25787s goes who made it happen like you you
25788s pointed out in the running and it was
25790s fantastic spot he put that zap in third
25792s place he put the little cleave first and
25795s the big cleave second and most people
25797s lose that fight even with the same board
25800s but his positioning meant he got rid of
25802s the baron and when you get rid of the
25804s baron against leapers that's all you've
25805s got to do the rest of the comp is is
25806s garbage basically
25809s and there we have it only one player at
25811s the end of it all finishing out of the
25813s check position as Yun Chang uh pulled it
25815s together at the end in a very uh
25817s respectable performance ending on 22
25819s points uh zixo and rim goes who ending
25823s up the only players with repeat
25824s victories as uh I do want to give a big
25827s hand to zixo as well who managed to not
25829s let a terrible start to the day tilt him
25831s too much and uh you know despite any
25834s other complications as well able to turn
25835s things around and very narrowly miss out
25838s on the victory but of course our biggest
25840s congratulations to uh room go soon for
25843s taking it all down
25844s as you say player you highlights at the
25846s start of the day Play Always enjoying
25848s watching as well
25849s um doing incredibly well to get second
25851s place remember poster once again in the
25853s action in the thick of it the second
25855s final day the Second Sunday for River
25857s Pusa has qualified through round one of
25861s every Lobby Legend
25863s um a player I'm sure we will see a lot
25865s more of making a strong stake for being
25866s one of the best tournament Players out
25869s there
25869s and Alex who we've seen at Masters tours
25872s who we've seen in other Lobby Legends
25874s taking down that fourth place uh we're
25877s seeing him perform incredibly high level
25880s at both formats simultaneously and I
25883s don't think there's any other players
25884s can really say that at the moment
25886s the four uh Rim goesu uh
25890s is this I know you're saying that uh
25892s Reaper has been a repeat performer in uh
25895s these Lobby Legends
25897s uh is he one of the players that we've
25899s seen a whole bunch of times before
25901s getting through in these ladder finishes
25903s for me even ghost is the first time that
25905s Vim ghost has got through on my stuff
25906s okay wow long it could be a different
25908s name being used but as far as I'm aware
25911s um it was his first Lobby Legend like
25913s qualification okay pretty cool uh and uh
25917s of course congratulations to him for
25919s doing so I believe we have him standing
25921s by to get a few words about his victory
25925s uh so I'm gonna ask Rim gosu can you
25927s hear me
25930s oh I can hear it
25932s oh fantastic uh congratulations uh very
25936s well played today uh how are you feeling
25938s about your win
25940s oh very exciting
25944s very exciting and
25947s um
25948s I'm happy
25951s as you should be I think that was very
25953s well played uh that was a hard last game
25956s it looked like zixo with the leapers
25959s might be able to win uh but you had a
25962s very very well played game uh how did
25965s you uh did you know that zixo had the
25968s leapers and what did you do to play
25970s around that a little bit
25972s yeah I think 62 has a broke so i oh
25980s I just I decided to Japan
25985s people
25988s okay yeah yeah make sense
25992s uh so far as well uh with the way this
25995s tournament has been going uh and The
25997s Meta has been going how have you been
25999s enjoying quests uh being introduced into
26001s the game
26005s um
26007s goes to go to
26013s Village
26015s we become
26016s and
26019s nagas and Rippers
26022s so so very very good and
26026s foreign
26033s so I'm putting
26035s yeah so I I win
26039s you win you did win congratulations
26041s again uh do you want anything
26045s good job good job buddy
26047s um uh anything here okay thank you your
26049s fans of your stream perhaps
26053s oh
26055s thank you Paul watching my streaming and
26059s oh I love it I love your pants
26065s foreign
26075s well played
26082s all right back we go I mean we
26084s appreciate very much uh him giving us a
26086s few words there absolutely and and I win
26090s sums it all up for me yeah there it is
26092s get many more viewers of that stream
26094s going forward with the the playstyle
26095s he's shown over the last few days as
26098s well with you know the very aggressive
26100s play the very exciting play to watch
26102s none of this third plays nonsense just
26104s win it or go home and on this occasion
26107s he won it he won it he did do it indeed
26110s and in spectacular fashion I think as
26112s well that's that placement is something
26113s that obviously as a a lonely Noob at my
26116s MMR is not going to be popping up all
26118s too much but the exact kind of play that
26119s comes with only tremendous amount of
26121s experience and great in-depth knowledge
26123s of how Battlegrounds is working and with
26127s that said and done Neil at the end of a
26129s marathon session here going the full
26131s eight games almost looking like it might
26133s go longer at the end of it as well we've
26135s reached
26136s um the conclusion of our tournament
26138s how's it been for you my friend I have
26142s thoroughly enjoyed nearly all of it it
26145s was absolutely amazing to watch
26148s um watching a new meta unfold watching a
26150s diverse meta unfold lots of things going
26152s on uh I've been lucky enough to observe
26155s took three of the other Lobby Legends
26157s and I enjoyed those for what they were
26159s as well but those matters were not so
26161s diverse as this a very different styles
26164s where you had to be incredibly precise
26166s with doing the same as everyone else but
26168s doing it better which is also enjoyable
26170s in its own way but watching this
26172s absolute craziness four days into a new
26175s meta where nobody knew what was
26176s happening nobody really seemed to solve
26179s anything that it was evolving for our
26182s eyes yeah I had a great time don't I
26183s have Come Away with a lot more questions
26186s than answers uh yeah this tournament uh
26189s but I think for me like you say it's
26190s just a fantastic event like uh The Meta
26193s game right now I'm really enjoying it
26195s quests open up so many different
26196s opportunities you have to think much
26198s more laterally about your win conditions
26200s instead of for the most part going all
26201s in not one particular minion type of
26203s composition which makes for much more
26205s Dynamic games which we love to see I
26207s think unless I'm mistaken though that we
26209s are all done with uh this tournament in
26213s lobby Legend So I will say thank you so
26216s much every single one of you for
26218s watching make it all possible and uh I
26221s hope we did you proud uh as a mostly
26223s standard Noob coming on over to the
26225s Battlegrounds and giving it the best
26226s I've got it was a lot of fun indeed so
26229s we will see you next time for more Lobby
26231s uh Lobby Legends to come later this
26233s month I believe right towards the end of
26236s September which will be very cool to see
26238s so thank you once again for watching and
26241s we'll see you then
26244s [Music]
26253s [Music]
26257s thank you
26262s [Music]
26275s [Music]
26279s foreign
26284s [Music]
26294s [Music]
26303s [Music]
26313s [Music]
26322s [Music]
26323s foreign
26326s [Music]
26341s [Music]
26351s [Music]
26361s [Music]
26364s foreign
26371s [Music]
26390s [Music]
26394s foreign
26398s [Music]
26414s [Music]
26430s [Music]
26432s oh
26435s [Music]
26444s [Music]
26452s [Music]
26474s thank you