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Hearthstone is 100% rigged.. you don't search things like this for other games and find that there are sooo many people thinking the same thing.. its just this game. I Recommend making the game as terrible as possible. If blizzard is going to rig the game against us, then i recommend taking as long as u can on your turns so that your opponents have to sit around waiting the max time each turn and get bored, conceding when its obvious from turns 1-3 the opponent is going to get everything they need to counter your deck so they can't enjoy the match clearly rigged in their favor, and lastly don't give blizzard a penny of your money anymore. Eventually opponents will get sick and bored of this game and blizzard will lose money and we can all be happy knowing that the losers who rigged the game will be losing their jobs.

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about 2 months ago - /u/HS_Celestalon - Direct link

No, these theories are false. Matchmaking doesn't, and has never, considered your deck or your collection.

about 2 months ago - /u/HS_Celestalon - Direct link

Originally posted by Ok_Replacement_8251

Yeah, of course you're gonna say that. No one really expects a Blizzard employee to reveal the hidden mechanics behind the game, designed to squeeze every penny off the customers.

Matchmaking IS rigged, and you know it damn well. We're not a bunch of mindless cretins here, we can actually SEE what's going on in front of our eyes.

If you think we'd just outright lie, then communication is pointless.