David “dog” Caero won out 3-1 in an all-Americas final over Edward “Gallon” Goodwin at Masters Tour Las Vegas. The ‘second-place curse’ that has plagued dog for years seems to have finally been lifted. “It's crazy! I came in expecting to flop out,” dog said. “You never expect to win these things. I've never won anything, so this is cool! It feels awesome.”

Dog’s built his hybrid Freeze Mage deck list (with the help of his teammate Frank “Fr0zen” Zhang) around the strategy of using the recently buffed Luna’s Pocket Galaxy to discount expensive minions such as Kalecgos, Alexstrasza, and Archmage Antonidas. His tertiary deck featured the inclusion of Deranged Doctor, which helped him out of more than one sticky situation.
Deranged Doctor for the save ...but wait, it gets EVEN BETTER! @Liquid_hsdog
— Hearthstone Esports (@HSesports) June 16, 2019
A 2:0 lead now and it's match point with the #MastersTourVegas trophy on the line! pic.twitter.com/b8eGke5RjY
“The reason we added Deranged Doctor was because the way you lose against Warrior isn't through them out-valuing you, usually they just try and hit you in the face,” said dog. “We needed a heal card that was big since we were using Luna's Pocket Galaxy. It was perfect because you can kill it with Conjurer's Calling to get 8 drops, and 8 drops are pretty good!”
Dog’s headed home with over $100,000 in prize money and the Masters Tour Las Vegas Trophy. “Thanks to all my supporters! Thanks so much for watching,” said dog. “Even if you don't watch me, thanks for watching the tournament and thanks for reading this article. All of this stuff helps so much and allows me to play games and do cool things.”

You can find the full playlist of VODs from Masters Tour Las Vegas here.
Masters Tour Las Vegas may be over, but Grandmasters resumes next weekend! 2017 World Champion and Masters Tour Las Vegas semifinalist Chen "tom60229" Wei Lin will take on Dasol “Ryvius” Sim to kick things off in Asia-Pacific when the broadcast goes live at 2 a.m. PT, June 21, on Twitch.tv/PlayHearthstone!