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2s foreign
3s [Music]
44s thank you
49s [Music]
80s the reason I asked that as well is I
82s think you're one of the few that really
84s has a wide experience of the world in
87s terms of hearthstone players because you
88s actually have experience playing in the
90s China scene as well which most players
92s don't so I guess just talk to us a
94s little bit about China Team league and
96s what if that experience was uh was like
97s with Team Liquid
99s yeah it was uh it was very enjoyable it
103s was very competitive it was basically us
106s Team Liquid so me bunny Hopper and
108s Frozen
109s were in this league with uh I think like
112s nine other Chinese teams we were the
114s ones sort of Western team
116s and you know obviously China's like
118s known for topping all of the master
120s stores recently so
122s you're basically in a league with like
124s the best Chinese players pretty much so
127s uh yeah it was very good competition
130s and um
132s I luckily was able to win the last
136s season of it this year
138s so I was pretty happy with that but you
140s know it was not easy so you mentioned a
142s little bit earlier you might be just a
144s little bit over the hill is that because
145s of streaming commitments because you're
147s streaming a lot these days I kind of
148s wanted to ask like do you still see
150s yourself as a competitive player first
152s and foremost are you a streamer first
153s and foremost like what are you in
155s Hearthstone I guess is the question
157s uh I'm definitely right now more of a
160s competitor I I'm not really streaming
162s that much at the moment I I started
165s doing it a bit more consistently like
167s 2020 2021
170s and I don't know maybe he got a bit
172s burnt out from having to just
174s stream Hearthstone over and over again
176s um and now now the days like I've been
179s kind of focusing more on just the the
181s competitions
183s um
184s but yeah next year I'm not sure I think
187s it it obviously depends on like what
190s competitive uh opportunities there are
192s but I'm definitely thinking about going
195s back and trying to
197s take streaming a bit more seriously
198s again
200s well good to hear I'm sure people will
202s be very excited for it if that is the
204s case uh that is all I have written down
206s to ask you to draw so unless you have
208s any final words you'd like to give any
210s shout outs thank yous this is your
211s opportunity to do so
213s yeah I mean I guess a shout out Team
216s Liquid for being my team
219s and supporting supporting me and also
222s the best Practice Group in the world
224s Eastern Germany open Group
227s um who I think we have like three
230s three no four four members who were in
233s in Worlds this year
235s so yeah not bad
237s stat yeah if you all could stop winning
239s things so we didn't have to hear about
240s that Practice Group every single time
242s anyone gets on camera that would be
244s ideal but no obviously I kid fantastic
245s Practice Group very well represented at
247s Worlds Of course dead raw thank you for
250s joining me I've been subtle this has
252s been dead draw and this is the world
254s championships have fun everyone
258s thank you
259s [Music]
269s [Music]
277s hi everyone I am joined by huyi so first
280s off UE how are you doing today
284s hello nice uh so first question first
288s real question I suppose uh this world
290s championship is gonna be right at the
292s start of a brand new meta with a brand
295s new class in the game do you think
297s that's an advantage or a disadvantage
299s for you personally
304s um
311s players from China in general have
314s performed very well in the global
317s Masters tours over the last two years or
319s so why do you think that is and do you
322s think China is the strongest competitive
324s region overall
325s foreign
351s so the last time uh World viewers would
354s have seen him on a tournament this big
356s to my memory with Summer championships
358s 2018
359s and he went zero two out of groups uh
362s has he grown as a player since then is
365s he doing anything different this time
366s around
367s foreign
393s foreign
400s [Music]
402s foreign
404s [Music]
410s [Music]
419s in general
421s um does he practice on his own do you
423s have a large Practice Group is it a
425s small group of friends like what is his
426s preparation for this tournament look
428s like
431s foreign
439s [Music]
452s [Music]
473s questions but I would like to give you
475s the opportunity if there's any shout
477s outs he would like to give or anything
478s that he would like the audience to hear
480s the floor is his
482s foreign
497s [Music]
502s [Music]
512s [Music]
519s hello everybody my name is TJ and today
522s I'm joined by xblies a competitor who's
525s going to be competing at the world
526s championship being on December 16th
530s um boss how you doing today buddy hey
532s I'm doing good in India
534s I'm fantastic and that leads me to my
537s first question actually uh you tend to
539s normally play like dark room dark
542s curtains dark clothes does that just
544s help you get into like the mindset for
547s playing Hearthstone is it just a comfort
549s for you yeah it's just comfortable for
551s me so
552s yeah I just like it like this there's
554s nothing around me I can just focus on
556s the game and it's a better for me
558s um so looking forward to the world
560s championship
561s um I mean it's been a long time coming
563s for you right uh honestly I think a lot
566s of people expect you to qualify much
569s sooner than you did but how does it feel
571s now you know a little bit we're ways out
573s from the world championship it's been a
575s long time since you qualified where's
577s your your head at right now in terms of
579s uh looking forward to it are you already
580s excited about it are you are you nervous
582s are you just you know get it started
584s already what are your thoughts right now
587s I'm I'm really happy to be there already
590s and I don't know I don't know how to
592s feel about it I just
594s I just hope I can do well I will try my
597s best and yeah that's it
599s hopefully I can do
601s I can win it it's my goal obviously so
603s we'll see
605s so obviously the players competing there
608s are quite good I would say um it's okay
611s pretty stacked and it's getting more
613s stacked do you care at all about like
616s who you're playing like does it matter
618s like someone let's say in a master's
620s tour you know it's someone who's you've
622s never heard of versus like Fury Hunter
624s for example does it matter who's on the
626s other side
627s not for me my kitchen's nothing for me
630s but obviously it changed the the outcome
632s of the match if my opponent is bad
633s because they will just give me some
635s games maybe
636s but it's better to play against worst
638s opponent but even if it's a good
641s apparent I don't care you don't care
642s yeah
644s and I play my best yeah it's kind of the
647s vibe I get it it doesn't seem like
649s anything uh really affects you too much
651s in terms of like outcomes or whatever do
654s you ever get tilted when you when you're
656s playing in a Hearthstone match like bad
657s outcomes or you know somebody playing a
660s little bit slow if you know what I'm
662s saying
663s like
664s it doesn't really tilt me but I don't
666s know it's
668s on if I lose uh like a big matches on
671s some maybe some some random things
675s like it depends on what what there is on
677s the line right if there's nothing like
678s like against
680s um
681s for example last year against uh in the
683s final against um Connecticut
685s of course I was tilted because I lost my
688s world my world um World ticket
691s yeah sometimes it happened
694s I remember that match very specifically
696s are you talking about the Rogue mirror
698s yeah yeah
700s I remember that game very much so very
703s much so
706s [Music]
715s [Music]
722s what's like your sort of favorite part
725s of of com of I guess just taking a step
728s back playing Hearthstone like what's
729s your favorite part of playing Carson is
731s it just competing and winning is that it
733s or do you like the stuff that happens
734s outside like finding the best decks and
737s finding the best lineups and things like
738s that what's your what's like your
739s favorite part of the whole the whole
741s thing
743s of course competing and winning
745s for sure
746s I don't I'm not really a good like big
748s brother even if I did some some big
750s building sometime
752s or this playoff for example
754s but yeah I don't really like that part
759s I just like this path I just play on
762s ladder and I most part of the time I
764s just take the good decks but I like I
766s really like
767s and it worked so that's perfect
770s so yeah
771s I prefer clearly to compete and win of
773s course
775s who would you say is the talking about
778s deck building who would you say is like
780s the deck builder in Hearthstone that you
783s respect the most like the player that
784s you've like taken the most ideas from or
787s decks from
788s in the scene
789s is just like everyone like there's no
793s really a big like a big dick Builder
795s it's just like uh
797s communicated the deck maybe and like
800s with changes it it becomes a good deck
803s but maybe I think like
808s everybody everybody's asking me like oh
812s you're interviewing Plus
814s you gotta ask them a bunch of questions
815s about Pasco off because they're both at
818s the world championship and they had they
819s had that Infamous match
821s um that was like on front page already
823s for like three days so much debate
826s um we need one we need more drama in
828s Hearts there's not enough
831s more viewers so it's totally good I
834s think exactly for me it's good yeah and
837s for for me it's good too for everybody
838s yeah
841s um so uh would you say he's like your
844s your rival or you know no no
849s um you have a rival like a player that
852s either won you've never been able to
854s beat in a big match or that you always
857s get fired up when you play against
860s no not really I don't have anyone I
862s think so like maybe like
865s Gabby maybe because we like of course
868s we're both friends and you know
869s sometimes we play together and no it's
873s we compete against each other so
876s yeah he wants to be the best I want to
878s be the best always there's always the
880s competition between us I think
883s [Music]
895s [Music]
900s which do you prefer oceans or mountains
903s hey
905s oh uh do you prefer big parties or small
909s gatherings
912s baths or showers
916s interesting everyone prefers baths today
918s uh do you prefer to be a passenger or a
921s driver
925s City or Countryside
927s [Music]
930s work hard or play hard
937s [Music]
939s foreign
941s [Music]
957s [Music]
962s [Music]
976s foreign
978s [Music]
989s Hearthstone Grand Masters world champion
1001s hello everyone and welcome to the
1003s Hearthstone World Championship I'm Raven
1006s and joining me to kick off the day and
1008s kick off the tournament is subtle of
1010s course I welcome my friend how's it
1011s going
1012s it is going great it's been a long road
1015s to get to this point but we are finally
1017s at World Championship time so what we've
1020s been building towards for the whole
1021s years what these players have been
1023s working for for the whole year and
1025s obviously we have a fresh meta shake-up
1028s allegedly thrown in here that the
1030s players had to navigate to get through
1032s to this point so I think this is going
1033s to be a fantastic few days for fans of
1037s top level Hearthstone action yep can't
1040s wait to kick it off at all and but we
1042s are just going to check out an overview
1043s of course and see what's been going on
1044s and what's the plan for this weekend we
1047s do have a forger elimination group
1049s brackets that we're going to go through
1051s and then we're going to have the top
1052s eight in the final single elimination
1054s it's going to be absolutely fantastic
1056s and of course the winner will be crowned
1059s the 2022 World Champion and we will be
1063s playing in that best of five Conquest
1066s format the go-to for competitive Hosta
1068s yeah has been for a very very long time
1071s we uh we flirt with some other formats
1074s but we always come back to Conquest in
1076s the end if you are unfamiliar with
1078s Conquest we won't do the things ah you
1081s know what Conquest is by now this is the
1082s world championship what if this is the
1084s only Hearthstone tournament that you're
1086s uh gonna be ended up watching for the
1088s year in which case here you go Conquest
1090s is essentially you bring a lineup your
1093s opponent gets to ban one and then each
1095s of those decks uh must win to get out of
1099s the series which essentially introduces
1101s a tar a strategy of targeting opponents
1104s decks which is the main go-to method in
1107s conquest of being able to kind of pin
1109s your opponent into a corner you isolate
1111s one of their decks and try and make it
1113s so that it can't win and therefore
1114s increase your chances overall of winning
1116s the series alternatively you just bring
1118s good decks and try and Bully your
1120s opponent out of the tournament yeah it's
1122s going to be very very interesting
1123s overall just to see how this one plays
1125s out because of course we're coming off
1126s the back of the new expansion with a lot
1128s of new cards and some pretty interesting
1130s lineups overall and with the way players
1132s have chosen to approach uh this
1135s tournament but we will of course dig
1137s into all the lineups and all the players
1139s as we move on throughout the weekend
1140s because there's going to be a lot to
1142s talk about not only similarities in the
1145s Dex players have chosen to bring but
1147s also the differences that players have
1149s chosen to bring in their lineups as well
1151s because I think that is going to be a
1153s real sticking point when we start to see
1155s you know the progression through the
1156s groups and see who's doing well who's
1158s falling off a little bit to see where
1160s right did these uh different options
1162s actually pay off or was it correct to
1164s just bring you know what we've likened
1166s to call over the years just the four
1168s best decks for a style of deck
1170s submission so looking forward to check
1172s that out but for now we can look at the
1173s prize pool and see what all the players
1175s are competing for because like we said
1177s biggest Tournament of the year the
1179s Ultimate Prize which is of course the
1181s world champion in title but look at what
1184s all these players get to take home so
1186s yeah and we've talked about this all
1187s year you know even when we've been doing
1189s events that directly qualify through to
1191s the world championship you know we take
1192s the prize pool for getting into a
1195s qualifying position for that event and
1196s then saying hey you can add the bare
1199s minimum of being at world you can add
1200s another 10 grand on top of that just by
1202s being at the world championship there is
1204s an enormous amount of money on the line
1206s here first place taking home a hundred
1208s thousand dollars but I think most
1211s importantly there is a cliche question
1213s that you tend to ask people what matters
1215s the most to you is it is it the prestige
1217s is it the recognition is it the money is
1219s it the trophy the answer you basically
1221s get from any player who is at the level
1225s to be winning a world championship is I
1227s just want to be the world champion
1229s that's what matters I just want that
1232s title everything that comes with it is
1234s just window dressing I just want that
1236s validation of someone telling me I'm the
1239s best player in the world this year yeah
1241s and you know we're going to find out who
1242s is going to be crowned at the world at
1244s Champion later on this weekend of course
1245s but start off we gotta check out the
1248s group see who's gonna be playing it out
1249s over the course of the next few days see
1251s who's made it and how those groups
1253s actually shake out so for group a that
1255s we're going to be starting with we have
1256s XC and dead draw kicking it off for the
1258s first match of the day and then we have
1260s yui and bliers and subtle I know for
1263s example for us dead draw and bli
1265s specifically have been two players that
1266s we're big fans of but how do you place
1268s them in this group
1270s course um you know the European bias
1273s that we have you know also just a
1274s personal bias that I think I have
1276s towards both of these players you might
1278s have as well
1280s um I think they are very well placed I
1282s think dead drawer in particular is a
1284s player to look out for because he might
1286s even be a player that's going a little
1288s bit under the radar these days there was
1290s a time sort of in the first couple of
1292s seasons of grand Masters where dead draw
1295s was the player that people talked about
1297s and you could definitely argue that dead
1299s draw was a player let down by that
1301s initial iteration of the system by not
1304s being promoted to Grand Masters very
1305s quickly as he probably should have done
1307s based on the results he was getting at
1309s that point but I do think Deidre is a
1311s player that requires motivation to
1312s really be at the top level
1314s um and I think right now obviously he's
1316s in the world championships he's going to
1318s have that level of motivation I think a
1320s motivated and engaged dead draw is a
1322s player that is incredibly scary blies is
1325s a player that is always incredibly scary
1328s and then the two Chinese Representatives
1330s C in particular is a player that you
1333s cannot throw enough plaudits at for you
1335s know the amount of overall win rate that
1338s he puts up in competitive matchups
1339s overall he is an absolute monster so I
1342s think honestly we are putting our best
1344s foot forward immediately that group a is
1347s an absolutely monster of a group but
1349s this is the world championship
1350s we move on and then look at the state of
1352s Group B Raven yeah it's
1355s this oh this group looks scary you might
1358s notice will become a theme as we go
1360s through the four groups here we have
1361s Glory a shouty yala TM Ming like another
1367s insane group obviously on the European
1369s side at least yala been one of the most
1372s sort of stable players who's been in
1375s contention of best player in the world
1377s for a long time as journey through Grand
1379s Masters was simply just incredible just
1382s the sheer pillar of consistency of play
1384s uh shouty obviously again one of the
1387s players that has been talked about a lot
1389s is um you know obviously more so in
1391s China but across the world probably one
1393s of the early Chinese players who really
1395s made a huge impact on the world scene as
1398s far as I'm aware and then of course
1399s glory and previous world champion and
1402s Tien Ming as well to round it out I mean
1404s I'm already struggling to be like oh
1407s yeah I think these two players will make
1408s it out like where do we even begin
1410s subtle with these and speaking of yala
1412s as well I was talking about you know
1414s players that might have now gone under
1415s the radar because yala got his work done
1418s so early in the year in terms of
1420s qualifying for the world championship
1421s and then didn't really feature in the
1422s second half of the year because the work
1424s was done like have we Forgot About Dre
1427s at this point like yala is ridiculous
1429s and I don't think anyone has really been
1431s talking about him for the last couple of
1432s months or so as the focus has been more
1434s on players like Fury Hunter and like
1437s Habu gabu who we now see here in uh in
1439s group C
1440s yeah and then check it out we've got
1442s Mighty versus Habu and xmg versus a
1445s possessy and again possessive obviously
1447s current world champion going out there
1448s with xmg in that lower match I think
1451s honestly subtle and this is I mean zero
1454s disrespected but so far this looks like
1457s one of the weaker groups to me and that
1459s is purely because just looking at the
1462s overall caliber I think it's absolutely
1464s fair to say Mighty does seem like a big
1467s underdog not only in this group but just
1469s in words in general and again I honestly
1471s mean zero offense but I mean based on
1473s everyone else's accomplishments so far
1475s even start as we mean to go on but I'm
1477s going to argue with you vociferously
1479s here no I'm not going to disagree with
1480s your assessment that Mighty might be one
1482s of the bigger underdogs in the
1483s tournament however
1484s is probably the player of the year this
1487s year and then possessi is a freaking
1489s world champion like this group is also
1491s absurd I think you are under selling the
1494s level of quality that we have in this
1495s group I agree I'm just saying this is
1497s probably purely because Mighty is just a
1500s newer more of an underdog just not have
1502s as many achievements as you know
1504s multiple world champions we have in this
1506s tournament it's just this naturally
1508s becomes the slightly lesser of the group
1511s I mean watch Mighty just roll this group
1514s 2-0 now nothing would make me happy I'd
1517s love to okay because I think it would be
1518s great but yeah uh that is Group C
1520s they're looking forward to that and
1522s again as you can see just every single
1524s group you see how important every single
1526s match is going to be from you know the
1528s first one we've shown to every single
1530s group going forward from there because
1532s it's yes it's double a limb but even
1534s just a single loss in a tournament this
1537s stacked feels like you are so far behind
1539s then because you your first priority for
1541s all these players is to get out of
1543s groups and then move on from there and
1546s finally so we go on to Group D with
1549s another stacked group of players yes
1551s indeed uh Levick a late arriver in the
1555s run to Worlds showed up through uh Grand
1557s Masters last call and then has made it
1559s to this point in the World Championship
1560s uh Xiao by another long-standing
1564s representative from the China region
1566s lots of History stacked under his belt
1569s good performances throughout the Masters
1570s Tour as well since the China players
1572s have been more commonly integrated in
1574s that in the last year or so and then the
1576s two players that I think you know will
1578s be a very fitting way to round off the
1582s marathon session that we will have in
1584s getting through these opening games in
1586s the groups over the first uh day or so
1587s bunny Hopper versus Pascual uh bunny
1591s Hopper Queen I think to challenge the
1594s idea that he is a Roper these days he
1596s would argue that he has been usurped by
1598s players like pasquar in terms of playing
1600s slowly overall and is very quick to
1602s argue when people accuse him of playing
1604s overly slowly these days but if you are
1606s a fan of let's say considered
1608s Hearthstone then that that final match
1611s up might just be the one for you yeah
1613s I'm definitely looking forward to that
1615s one uh to watching it as a spectator
1618s um because I think it's going to be very
1620s very interesting indeed but yeah that is
1622s all of the groups we've got all this to
1624s play through over the next few days and
1625s I couldn't be more excited because Saul
1628s we're getting ready to kick off the
1629s first match it's gonna be XC versus dead
1631s draw uh what can you tell me about the
1634s lineups here subtle because now we can
1636s start digging into I think one of your
1637s favorite things and talk about
1639s Hearthstone which is lineup construction
1640s and deck Choice it is indeed yeah so
1645s starting with XC he's going to be
1647s running the Boon priest he has the quest
1650s Demon Hunter as far as I'm aware all
1652s demon hunters in this tournament have
1654s gone Quest Demon Hunter there was a
1656s little bit of War early on whether it
1658s was you know Relic Demon Hunter without
1660s Quest whether you had the you know the
1662s weapon and the the fragments of Souls
1664s and all that kind of stuff going on but
1665s I think it is relatively settled science
1667s at this point that the the quest Demon
1669s Hunter is the way to go uh the big point
1672s of disagreement I think overall among
1673s the commons is is everyone's bringing
1675s Rogue which Rogue are you bringing
1678s um XC is going for the graveyard draca
1681s pop-off Miracle version of Rogue overall
1683s and then Druid thrown on top of that as
1686s well which to me this is very much in
1689s the just bring the best decks category I
1691s don't think anything has gone too far
1693s off the wall in this one and then dead
1696s draw on the other side has done
1697s something just a little bit more
1700s targeted in antimatter I would say where
1703s he does have the quest Demon Hunter
1704s because I think you have to I think that
1707s deck's mandatory it's nonsense I love it
1709s but the decade nonsense
1712s um and then he has a ping Mage thrown in
1715s there he has 40 card jackpot Rogue and
1717s then he also has a straight up Quest
1720s priest thrown into the mix as well which
1722s is a deck that we've been seeing a
1726s decent amount of uh thrown around just
1728s kind of sprinkled on top of the
1729s competitive meta for quite some time now
1732s it's a it's a deck that tends to appear
1734s in a few players lineups per tournament
1737s for the very distinct purpose that it
1740s has in certain matchups and those
1741s match-ups change from meta to meta I
1744s think one of the interesting cards in
1745s quest priest now which is really warped
1747s some of the matchups you can deal with
1748s press or with priest in general is
1751s plague spreader and the threat that that
1753s present sorry presents as a combo
1756s disruptor for your opponent and looking
1758s at the way these bands have panned out
1760s there is enough respect for Quest priest
1762s to have picked up a ban in this series
1764s which is not something I would have been
1765s expecting to see an enormous amount of
1767s going into this yeah and we can check
1769s out here the XC uh information here and
1772s it's looking just stronger
1774s look at it it's it's pretty pretty
1777s strong pretty strong uh I do think
1779s though the strength here really for XC
1782s is we know how good player he is and he
1785s is just bringing you know we can talk
1787s about Rogue and we will talk about Rogue
1789s throughout the weekend but for me he is
1791s bringing just the good decks and I think
1793s he has the ability to back that up and I
1795s think that might do him well because
1797s again even though I definitely respect
1798s what dead draw has done I do think that
1800s for example the Ping Mage especially has
1802s a lot of game in this meta and it's just
1805s difficult when you say okay I'll bring
1806s ping Mage and then not bring Druid
1808s because I feel like Druid is so strong
1811s right now it's very very difficult to
1813s make those sacrifices uh but you have to
1816s cut something right Raven it's it's so
1818s fitting for the end of the year we're
1820s gonna fight so much I think Druid is a
1823s massive weak Link in so many of these
1825s lineups you have not been a comboed uh
1829s enough so no I haven't because they're
1831s very often dead before they get to do
1833s that uh boom priest is going to be
1836s kicking things off but yes I do want to
1837s just pay one more piece of attention to
1839s the stats that you saw there from XC I
1841s alluded to it when we were going through
1842s the groups the highest win rate player
1845s in Masters tours with a significant
1847s sample if you are out there and you know
1850s that you played in one Masters Tour and
1852s have a 75 win rate or whatever yeah
1854s we're not counting you we require sample
1856s size
1858s XC is the king of win rate which this
1862s isn't you know a real point it's just
1864s kind of a feels thing but when you have
1866s a 68 Edge over the field of the best
1870s players in the world in Masters tours
1872s why wouldn't you just bring the best
1874s decks and play exactly you know like and
1877s obviously that's kind of nonsense
1878s because we we'd have to break down how
1880s much of that win rate in Masters tours
1882s comes from having like antimatter hard
1883s read counter lineups for example and how
1885s much stuff comes from that but it's it's
1887s just a thing that just seems to feel
1889s right in the mind right where if you are
1891s provably statistically one of the best
1893s players in the world just bring the good
1896s decks and make other people beat you
1899s sorry I was just reading this for next
1901s potential and I just love the way my
1903s brain works only one of three players
1904s with four air plus empty top eights it's
1908s Gabby Habu gabu and five uh an extra
1912s player in there as far as either way
1914s yeah UK boy band five are actually
1916s crushing it in the Masters tours that's
1919s what they did after their music career
1920s went uh away I'll say
1922s um but here for dead draw yes uh we've
1925s talked about dead draw a lot we've
1926s talked about dead draw
1928s um in Grand Masters when he wasn't in
1930s Grand Masters that's the level of which
1932s we have spoken about that draws our
1934s Hearthstone career but kicking it off
1936s here with the fell demon under Quest
1938s fell Demon Hunter edeka I think one
1941s thing we will agree on this weekend Saul
1943s not only powerful but super fun to play
1946s I it's probably the deck I've had the
1948s most just sheer fun playing so far in
1951s this expansion because you just get to
1953s do really cool stuff and you do have to
1955s engage your brain just a little bit to
1957s make it work so I'm definitely
1959s yeah as the self-elected captain of Team
1963s djen I have enjoyed basically every
1966s variation of fell Demon Hunter and of
1970s quest Demon Hunter you know Quest Demon
1971s Hunter when it was ignorth and not
1973s really fell package fell when there was
1975s no quest in there and it was just curve
1976s I'll be aggressive kill him with Jace
1978s kind of stuff I have enjoyed basically
1980s every version of all of those decks this
1983s is my favorite it is so much fun and
1987s just the way the meta pans out right now
1989s is so perfect for just dopamine release
1992s into my brain because you know there's
1995s so there's these things with like Druid
1997s you run into blood death Knights for
1998s example I mean you won't in this
2000s tournament but you run into blood death
2001s notes on on ladder and they're stacking
2004s 70 80 Health from discovered extra
2006s copies of the spell that gives you 10
2007s Health Drew is a stacking armor up to
2009s 80. and then because they're wasting too
2011s much time not pressuring you and
2012s stacking Health you just hit him with
2014s like 140 bird damage first combo on the
2017s final turn that will never not be fun to
2020s me I'm sorry I know that evokes very
2023s powerful reactions from people but to me
2026s that's amazing I can rephrase it to help
2029s out a little bit there's a element of
2031s joy in letting someone think they are
2033s winning for a very long time yes and
2035s then they're dead
2037s which is pretty great but let's kick it
2039s off it's the first game the Hearthstone
2041s at 2022 World Championship dead draw on
2044s the bottom on the Demon Hunter XC on the
2046s top on that boom priest and pretty good
2049s opening here for Dedra I would say
2051s subtle sigil nice and early the relic of
2053s Dimensions just already in hand good to
2055s go for a little bit later on yeah any
2057s opening hand that has sigil in it you're
2059s not going to be wildly upset about uh
2062s lack of tradables right now which are
2064s usually important uh in the early game
2067s most of the time I would argue your
2071s first step of quest completion involves
2072s a tradable because you're limited on
2074s mana and there are not very many ways in
2077s the deck to draw a card for one manner
2078s right you have kale Strikers and uh a
2082s spectral site oh my God I like almost
2084s forgot the name of the most ubiquitous
2086s Demon Hunter card we're off to a great
2088s start Raven oh yeah
2090s um but with Sigil of alacrity I think
2091s once you have that card locked in
2092s because of the amount of Mana that
2094s cheats in terms of
2097s um you know drawing an extra card for
2098s essentially zero mana on a given turn uh
2101s you're usually chilling from that point
2103s in terms of uh hitting a step of quest
2104s completion
2105s and looking pretty good so far of course
2108s the uh the Silver Moon not something you
2110s really want especially uh this early you
2114s could argue it can be good to help push
2115s through some damage if uh that draws
2118s under any big threats but at three man
2119s it's a little bit painful but there's
2121s plenty more spell damage where that came
2123s from so still got plenty of time here
2125s for dead draw XC though is going to get
2127s the switcheroo off and it's such a key
2128s card with this specific version of the
2130s deck or the you know the sort of newer
2132s style of the deck because you just you
2134s need those minions right like you you
2136s need the minions to actually do the Boon
2138s anyway so having that nice and early for
2140s XC is going to pay off quite a lot but
2142s what is the choice here
2144s can I have all three please these oh
2147s that's called cheating
2150s with one hand Maiden in hand
2154s maybe it is just the wig
2156s oh really
2158s yeah okay yeah I think this makes sense
2160s to me you just rely on that one hand
2162s Maiden to draw you the cards you need
2164s and then hope that car draw but gets
2165s more car drawer and you end up getting
2166s to the the other radiant and the other
2168s handmade and if you need them uh go back
2170s down to deadro's hand that relic of
2172s Extinction that was picked up a turn ago
2174s is actually an extremely important draw
2176s in this matchup as well it's kind of two
2178s ways this matchup can go uh Demon Hunter
2181s just goes too fast gets the kill combo
2182s priest dies uh two ways it can go in the
2185s world where the Demon Hunter wins I
2186s should say uh first is you just go
2188s faster you get the combo you kill him
2190s second is you just use all your spell
2192s damage to kill every minion they play
2194s for the entire game which is very very
2196s possible as well because they might get
2198s down you know 2 14 16 20 held minions
2201s Demon Hunter can laugh at that with the
2204s right hand if they have location prop
2206s Juiced up relative Extinction plus some
2208s spell damage uh plus like a fell barrage
2210s for example that's basically any board
2213s you can imagine dead at that point so
2215s you know having that security blanket of
2217s the relative Extinction in hand I think
2219s is very nice deal as well and relic of
2221s phantasms picked up alongside it which
2223s is weirdly despite being you know
2226s potentially and I guess viewed by a lot
2228s of people as one of the most powerful
2230s relics in terms of what it does when you
2232s get it Juiced up is really used just to
2235s juice the other relics a lot of the time
2237s in this deck yeah just to get them up to
2239s reasonable levels I think that's one of
2241s the things I really enjoy about the deck
2243s itself is that the Relic usage I think
2246s is often oversimplified by a lot of
2248s players and like deciding which relics
2251s to use and also how to which ones to
2254s double in certain matchups with the
2255s location of course it gets very
2257s interesting because you really do have
2259s to keep it open where well if you use
2261s the Relic to summon the one ones right
2263s then that's fine if you just need to
2265s ramp the others but then you're just a
2268s relic down that could have summoned you
2270s know something way bigger later on so
2271s yeah and making those decisions is
2273s definitely tricky it's going to be uh
2275s the mark of scorn there for Dad draw and
2279s I do think this is again what can be
2281s tough about this deck is really working
2283s out what resources you can I don't want
2286s to say throw away because that sounds
2288s super negative but what resources you
2290s can use
2292s while still having enough to do later to
2294s actually win because I have run into a
2296s few games where I've used everything
2299s because I've been maybe too defensive
2301s not had enough for a really big combo
2304s and then suddenly you're fatiguing and
2306s you just don't have it with more of the
2308s sustained classes so it's something you
2309s have to keep an eye on but not something
2311s I imagine dead draw will struggle with
2312s too much because he's a little bit
2314s better of a player than I am yeah and
2316s just to get this out of the way nice and
2317s early I would suspect that we are
2320s significantly above a 50 chance that a
2324s player will burn the kertras quest
2326s reward on on purpose this tournament
2330s because it is one wildly unnecessary a
2333s lot of the time if you've hit good
2334s Relative Dimension discounts anyway and
2336s to that point the rim was just making of
2338s hand size just being so annoying to
2340s manage getting rid of that card so it
2342s never goes into your hand in the first
2344s place can actually be very important so
2346s dear people in chat those of you that
2348s are here early when that happens later
2350s and people freak out about it you can
2351s sound sound really smart by explaining
2353s why that was always meant to happen What
2355s subtle really means is you tell them
2357s again so we don't have to repeat them
2360s it's my job for us
2362s meanwhile XC gonna go to the well having
2365s the big pop-off turn here does have the
2367s village available
2373s yeah and how how
2375s think anime dead has like changed the
2379s matchup because this priest deck existed
2381s before this card did and then this card
2383s is you know it's a two of it sounds good
2385s resurrected friendly minion that cost
2386s three or less obviously all the cards
2389s have to have been cut to fit these new
2391s cards in but how much of an impact does
2393s just actually having access to this card
2396s make
2397s [Music]
2398s XC is hang on I will answer your
2401s question but it's probably absolutely
2402s pushed it to the Limit okay
2405s interesting the I'm imagining that that
2408s was just XC roping out at that point I
2410s was very very worried with how late that
2412s the leash came down and then you saw the
2413s bless get pointed and then not end up
2415s getting used that is a colossal resource
2418s being used here from XC early on a
2421s potential huge mistake from someone that
2423s we've been digging up for one of the uh
2425s the best players in the tournament
2427s potentially I think you can see the look
2429s on his face knowing how much that means
2430s going back to your question though Raven
2433s real quick
2434s um it kind of means situations like this
2436s are less impactful right where you know
2438s dead draw can spend a bunch of resources
2440s to clear up this radiant Elemental and
2442s XE is kind of fine with it because he
2444s just has two more of them potentially
2446s Juiced up in his hand ready to go and I
2448s think that was the big debate about why
2451s he took so long on that previous turn
2453s was him deciding is this rating
2455s Elemental bait am I leaving this here
2457s just to die so I can then start rezzing
2459s it over and over again or am I actually
2461s going all in this turn and trying to get
2463s a board that's stuck couldn't decide
2465s decision paralysis kicked in and now
2468s he's in a very rough spot I would say
2469s and it is really tricky to manage right
2472s because anime dad's very very strong you
2474s just keep getting Radiance as you
2475s mentioned right but
2477s it does you don't get like the blesses
2479s back or the bones that you spent on
2482s earlier ones right you just get the
2484s minion so you start to be very wary of
2487s how you commit those resources and I
2488s think XC maybe was too wary and couldn't
2491s decide uh it's a little bit too late
2493s dead does get the dimensions off it has
2496s another one in hand but zero Mana Relic
2499s Vault and zero Mana Guild Trader
2502s you excited subtle
2506s I'm very excited because when you see
2508s the zero obviously that draws it spent
2511s one of his uh spell damage cards even
2513s though it's not actually dead yet which
2514s is very strong
2515s um but zero Mana spell damage in this
2518s deck oof it allows you to do things
2521s is there a lethal out this turn I
2522s suspect there is
2526s I mean that just must be yeah zero Manor
2529s Relic Vault juicy relic of dimensions
2531s and then as long as you hit the Jace for
2533s less than two Mana depending on what
2534s else you draw alongside it
2537s yeah with this with the girl Trader at
2539s zero as well like I just feel like there
2541s has to be if the tutu lives of course
2543s exactly they're just it just has to
2546s exist right one fell barrage already
2548s played as well which will straight up go
2550s face for 12 damage at this point
2560s that's not it though it needed to hit it
2563s off the last two sets of cards so the
2566s first two cards are discounted by four
2568s the second two cards are discounted by
2570s five so even with the additional
2572s discount from the quest step uh Jay's
2574s coming out costing four would not be
2576s discounted enough it came out costing
2577s three it would then get thrown down to
2579s two and would have been playables
2580s yeah and even though it wasn't the big
2583s crazy lethal this turn it it looks
2586s pretty good the draw was still quite
2589s good that's how I'd rate it quite good
2591s because now there's that second Guild
2593s trade unfortunately uh full price for
2595s dead draw unless he wants to cycle it
2597s back but again with just two Mana being
2599s spent on an additional plus four spell
2601s damage in hand
2604s yeah so on he needs nine Mana to be able
2607s to play all of the damage in his hand
2609s right what all of the spell damage in
2611s his hand sorry um and he can throw out
2613s all of his fell spells over the next two
2615s turns to juice that up if that's the
2617s plan that he wants to go for potentially
2622s yeah I mean the fact that the Silver
2624s Moon just isn't dead is must be
2627s terrifying for XC yeah oh does have
2630s silent oh I'm not gonna use it okay
2632s never mind probably just accepting it
2634s it's probably too far gone yeah needs
2636s the card room yeah yeah
2639s oh wow and that is incredibly well
2642s managed from dead drawer as well
2643s opponent on 27 exactly meaning that the
2646s card draw train stops and as a wise man
2650s once told me Raven you never count this
2654s is infinite damage yeah it's this is the
2658s opposite reason as to why I never count
2660s I never count because it's always wrong
2661s you never can't hear because it's just
2664s lethal no matter which way you slice it
2666s it is so much damage so much spell
2669s damage on board and yeah I think this
2671s was a uh very good display subtle for
2674s the rest of the weekend as to what this
2675s Demon Hunter is capable of of course XC
2678s had some missteps it had some trouble
2680s actually getting anything done this game
2682s but look at that from dead draw first
2685s game of the tournament goes to Demon
2687s Hunter and I'll tell you what subtle I
2689s am not too surprised no uh me either I
2693s do think that matchup has a little bit
2695s more mid-game back and forth I think is
2698s actually quite entertaining so in that
2700s sense it's a shame that XE just kind of
2702s got in a bit of a mess through the mid
2704s game because that uh that board should
2707s have come back one once twice three more
2710s times over the course of the game
2712s um if XC had actually been parceling out
2714s his resources more aggressively or that
2716s that first board should have been three
2717s times the size of what it ended up being
2719s yeah one or the other you're doing the
2721s turn and either way that either makes
2723s the draw have the absolute nuts
2725s immediately to be able to deny the board
2727s stay or be able to draw into it quickly
2729s enough before he dies or the other way
2732s where you just keep resurrecting boards
2734s over and over again and just do three or
2736s four medium boards over the course of
2737s the game
2738s requires lots of individual spell damage
2741s draws
2742s um good parceling of resources the
2744s extinction the fell barrage which are
2746s your best removal cards generally
2747s overall against what priest is trying to
2749s do because wide AOE from the unleash is
2752s not generally that good and then you
2756s have to still have enough left at the
2757s end to be able to kill your opponent
2759s potentially when your theories aren't
2761s going to get to connect face through
2762s large talk wanted a lot of very meaty
2765s minutia in that matchup that would have
2767s been very interesting to see but
2769s unfortunately we got the other side of
2770s our Stone which is just you know one
2772s player making a mistake and getting
2773s punished for it yeah and now we've got
2775s to be moving on to a a rogue matchup
2777s across the board here subtle but two
2779s very different Rogues indeed we see the
2781s Draco Rogue here from XC uh one of the
2784s most explosive decks we've seen in
2787s recent history and it was strong God
2789s people were playing a lot of it before
2791s the expansion but with the additions of
2794s the concoctions it's been it's truly
2797s ridiculous how much you can get done in
2800s the very very early turns of the game
2803s with exactly the right hand of course
2804s but what do you make of this Decker
2806s where it sits in the meta right now
2808s because it's about to go up against a
2809s very different style of Rogue I mean
2811s it's nonsense isn't it this deck is very
2814s stupid let's be like this
2817s um I understand why not everyone
2819s believes in it because it's it's wildly
2822s High variance and that's a hard thing to
2826s process properly coming into a
2829s tournament where variants can be the
2830s difference between world champion and
2832s not a world champion right like I am
2834s aware how statistics sticks work and how
2837s the individual Stakes of Any Given game
2839s does not affect how good a deck is on
2841s average I'm just saying there is a
2844s mental trap that is very hard not to
2846s fall into where you don't want to bet
2848s your tournament on the first 10 cards in
2851s your 30 card deck every game right like
2853s you can very justifiably argue that you
2856s are supposed to take that bet because on
2859s average the deck wins more than it
2860s doesn't right and that's probably the
2862s valid way of looking at it but I can
2864s understand the players who haven't
2866s wanted to do it and gone with you know
2869s Decks that just allow you to get a
2871s little more into that meaty minutia of
2874s the game I was talking about earlier
2875s right where you feel like you're making
2878s more decisions with more agency and the
2880s game stretching out a little bit longer
2881s and you feel like you can perhaps
2883s express your skill Edge over people over
2885s a longer period of time I definitely
2887s hope we get more chance to talk about
2889s the emotional sides of odds subtle
2891s because that's something I can
2892s definitely get involved in look if you
2894s just keep losing with it you're going to
2896s win soon that's just how it works
2898s Raven's like finally subtle's talking
2900s about something I can understand
2901s absolute nonsense this is Raven's time
2904s to shine I've been waiting for this for
2906s years
2907s um but here of course had dead dry as I
2909s mentioned it's going to be on a very
2910s different style of road it's going to be
2912s the XL jackpot Rogue and instead of
2914s betting their uh their tournament on the
2916s first 10 cards they're betting them on
2918s all 40 at this point because there's
2920s going to be a lot of them and maybe even
2921s more than 40 actually because this card
2923s likes to generate more stuff it's going
2925s to be I feel like a really weird matchup
2928s that again I don't want to oversimplify
2930s but dead draw either
2933s survives the draca pop-off or he doesn't
2936s and I know that sounds very very stupid
2938s but it's not like dead draw
2940s um Can outrace him in most scenarios
2943s right if if XC does go off early it's
2946s not like a mirror match where you also
2948s have something crazy to do early on try
2949s and push a lot of damage uh this deck
2951s this road deck from dead draw is more
2953s about just having raw value and just out
2956s valuing your opponent
2958s yes as the human suplex machine once
2962s said or many times said beat me if you
2964s can survive if I let you which I think
2967s is a very uh adequate description of how
2969s this Draco Rogue works against most
2971s opponents
2973s opening hand there is a shroud for XC
2977s which always presents options that is a
2980s pretty attractive looking opening hand I
2982s would say overall none of the actual
2984s payoff cards just yet but that shroud of
2986s concealment is pretty much always going
2987s to give you some route through the game
2991s yeah it just stops anything being truly
2994s disastrous in the opening right because
2996s that's the one thing you can fall over
2998s on if you just have a few of those
2999s drawers so don't really go anywhere
3001s maybe like a double prep into nothing is
3004s something that's happened to the best of
3005s us well XC gonna go for Tempo which is
3009s not something you see uh too often in
3012s this in the uh from this tracker deck
3014s but still I'm excited to see where it
3016s goes here because it's not like a dead
3018s draw has tons of reliable ways to even
3020s kill this right
3025s foreign
3031s Destroyer random it looks like obviously
3034s going to reveal the mask at this point
3036s as well
3041s and now this is really the moment where
3043s we get to see exactly what type of game
3046s this is going to be and that is a draca
3049s it's not an incredible pop-off hand uh
3052s there is no mailbox dancer no Shadow
3054s step which are normally the culprits of
3057s doing very very disgusting things very
3058s very early on oh light shower Elemental
3061s though okay as the absolute nuts
3064s Contraband stash already in hand yes
3067s indeed draw which at this point I think
3069s dead normally you want a lot of value
3071s from Contraband but if dead draw says I
3073s get to play a five cost light shower
3075s again I think he's quite okay with this
3081s brought you cards destroy random
3086s thinking about it I suppose does have
3089s the serrated bone spike in hand already
3091s so maybe there was some Merit there just
3093s to make sure just to consider uh summon
3096s three drop for example if you're going
3097s for a big Tempo turn
3099s but I think destroy random just makes
3101s the most sense based on you know even if
3103s you don't use it to kill this light
3105s shower Elemental you know how this works
3107s you will be now seeing light shower
3109s Elementals for the rest of the game so
3111s having destroy a random one of them
3113s seems to make sense
3115s yeah out of the concoctions it does feel
3117s the like by far the most powerful one to
3120s me is like I'll just kill a thing it's
3122s like uh quite quite strong here
3125s we'll see what can
3127s our dead drawers turn no he's just gonna
3130s cycle makes the Contraband a little bit
3131s cheaper which is fine
3133s a tooth is that even worth it here for
3136s dead draw it does defend the health on
3138s the light shower but
3140s I will discover I guess yeah kill it and
3143s go Face seems fine free is a very
3146s relevant breakpoint right it's a big
3148s deal but it looks like dead draw is not
3150s particularly interested in it just gonna
3151s chill for now
3153s they're holding off on the um the
3156s Maestro as well and I think this is
3157s really just reducing the targets for
3159s shenanigans from XC right at least for
3162s the for the immediate future
3167s that's right feel the groove
3171s mailbox start to play with this turn but
3174s I imagine this is now where we stop not
3177s nearly enough Mana to be getting back up
3179s to that Draco without Shadow steps so
3181s this is going to be one more turn of
3183s setup I think for XC and it looks like
3185s the monster turn should come next turn
3187s especially now with a double
3189s stenographer built up as well
3191s a little bit unfortunate here as well
3192s dead right now is double tooth but
3194s nothing apart from his own Elemental to
3196s aim at
3197s um
3200s a tricky it's not all absurd yeah that's
3205s what I'm staring at it thinking well the
3208s Dan the mailbox center kills it anyway
3211s well no I would argue no it doesn't
3213s because if you're if you're feeling that
3215s this is now your opponent's pop-off turn
3217s actually removing stuff from your own
3219s board on your opponent's suspected
3221s pop-off turn is generally to your
3222s benefit right because they don't have
3224s targets to throw their spells out they
3227s don't they're generally just going to go
3228s like stenographer steps stenographer
3230s into it anyway if they don't have
3231s mailbox dances involved so I think there
3233s was some Merit to go for it there if you
3235s really wanted to and pick up and
3236s Discover it especially since you're able
3238s to summon it over and over again from
3239s this point anyway
3243s let's see now the uh ongoing game that
3247s XC plays with this rogue deck is when
3249s will he pop off and it looks like it
3251s might be now draw it too oh okay it's
3255s got Nelly in there as well
3256s oh there's the prep Yeah so basically
3259s you've got the point now you have the
3261s goal for both players XCS hit their draw
3264s in the face many times with the weapon
3266s and create these big stealth minions of
3268s course with the graveyard and dead draw
3270s has to simply survive and even though
3273s the light shower Elemental is very very
3275s good especially to re-summon time and
3277s time again is a light shower Elemental a
3280s couple of times going to be enough for
3283s this turn subtle because
3286s you might need something else absolutely
3288s not
3290s something else is going to be required
3292s which is honestly you know another part
3293s of the reason why I have been looking at
3295s those tooths for some time right to you
3298s you really do want to get on with this
3300s hand Contraband slash and Tess both in
3302s hand you want to get those Juiced up as
3303s rapidly as possible and I don't think
3306s dead draw really has enough to be able
3308s to resist what's happening here at the
3309s moment I was confused for just a second
3312s there because it did look like X it was
3313s like hovering Draco I'm like you can
3315s still play more stuff though that's how
3318s I play Draco just empty the hand but
3320s yeah there we go and I think he was just
3322s considering what happens with the board
3324s space exactly yeah so it does get the
3327s double Shades as well and and and yeah
3329s what is that jaw supposed to do because
3331s XC has ticked all of the boxes right now
3335s first
3337s yeah good recovery from XC I think
3339s important just for xc's well-being and
3342s mental game really to be to get that
3344s turn right turn looked pretty good there
3346s was a trap you could fall into with
3347s board space at the end as you were
3349s mentioning uh but rightly killed one of
3351s his own minions uh killed his
3353s stenographer to make space for the extra
3355s ghost being summoned trap that's very
3357s easy to fall into I often the mistake I
3360s make the most is the reverse of this
3362s where I think I don't have board space
3365s but one of my locations is on he's on
3368s the final charge for example and then
3370s disappears when I press it but in this
3372s situation where they're on double charge
3373s you do need to be very very careful
3374s about how much board space you have as
3377s you can see it's it's the problem as
3379s well because your best minions are the
3381s last ones right so like you could see if
3384s XC just missed a 14-14 this turn how
3387s much of a different game it could
3389s probably be because that then gives
3390s their drawer at least a chance to
3393s survive this now he's gonna use the two
3395s from the phone with the weapon swing and
3397s help him for some to dig him out of this
3399s but
3401s it's too good for now
3407s yeah I was gonna say yeah I think he was
3409s looking at the Contraband but that just
3410s doesn't do it does it there's just way
3413s too much damage XC takes game number two
3415s and uh for now the Draco Rogue getting
3417s the job done and I think pretty
3419s interestingly enough uh two of the
3421s probably most taught about decks in The
3423s Meta right now just gave us two very
3425s quick displays of textbook games and why
3428s people think they're super strong and we
3430s saw the Draco pop off being Nyan
3431s Unstoppable at least for that rogue deck
3434s and we saw the the Demon Hunter get the
3436s job done as well so very strong starts
3438s for both these players so far yeah and
3441s honestly I think if you were to look at
3443s what causes these kind of things to
3444s happen like people do tend to focus on
3446s the idea of like wow you know they can
3447s make like a 13 attack weapon they can
3449s make 14-14 it's like they they look at
3452s the actual payoff cards but for me the
3454s thing that makes these decks work is
3456s like Rogue has shroud of concealment so
3458s they can very consistently get to those
3461s cards that they need Demon Hunter has
3463s such an insane density of high quality
3466s card drawer with spectral sight and
3467s relative dimensions and need for greed
3469s that they can very consistently get to
3471s the end of their deck very quickly
3473s um you know having these insane combo
3475s finishes is fine if you have to work
3477s really really hard to get to those combo
3479s finishes it's just at the moment it is a
3482s little bit too easy for rogue and Demon
3485s Hunter to to execute those things it
3487s seems I think as well for dead draw just
3489s a little bit unfortunate that he hit
3491s just that match up because I do think
3493s that that Rogue is not really built to
3495s beat Draco Rogan anyway shape or form
3497s even to the extent where it's the only
3499s deck I believe that draw in deadro's
3501s lineup that isn't running Viper for
3504s example okay so all the other decks are
3506s running at least one restaurant Viper
3508s and with the price running two and
3511s obviously you know he has the Rogue
3512s matchup but it just isn't really going
3514s to pay off for him but now XC is jumping
3516s over to his Demon Hunter which again
3519s means I'm just naturally going to give
3520s the favor over 2xc draw is going to be
3523s sticking to his Rogue again and it
3526s this jackpot Rogue is difficult to to
3528s discuss
3531s onto well it depends on what they
3534s generate because sometimes you they can
3535s just grab wins when they shouldn't but
3537s in general the deck doesn't
3540s play a fast game most of the time and I
3542s think if you as we've already discussed
3544s if you give this Demon Hunter time even
3546s just a little bit they can probably
3548s burst you out of the game so let's see
3551s at least for me started looking good for
3552s this next one yeah something I do want
3554s to talk about as well uh the both both
3556s of these players have gone for uh is one
3559s chaos strike and two Mark of scorn
3562s essentially the way this deck is built
3565s is you play one roster of Viper you're
3567s playing two of everything else plus
3568s legendaries and you have one spot left
3571s essentially right
3573s um previously that has been one mark of
3575s scorn
3576s um based on the iteration of the deck I
3578s believe mcbanterface was responsible for
3580s after Casey's initial version of the
3583s deck that had uh hero cartridge and a
3585s few other cards in it as well but a lot
3587s of players now are switching the makeup
3589s of the mark of scones and the kale
3590s strike going for one and two obviously
3591s kale strike repeats from Jace Marcus
3594s gone doesn't but in general Mark of
3597s scorn seems like a more flexible card
3599s that can deal more damage when you want
3601s it to because of the spell damage
3603s synergies that you have in the deck
3604s however it also doesn't necessarily
3607s always deal any damage so I do
3611s understand the little tug of war that we
3613s have between those two cards uh
3614s interesting I haven't actually broken it
3616s down seeing how the lists are panning
3618s out from all of the other players and
3619s what that kind of division of decision
3621s is on those individual cards yeah so
3624s it's a really interesting one right
3625s because uh the logic makes sense for
3627s both sides of the argument because I've
3629s played the double chaos strike one a lot
3630s and sometimes you feel very limited by
3632s oh well where can I swing you know like
3635s it's very limiting factor but anyway
3636s we're already a couple of turns in XC
3638s already having his location but not
3640s quite getting hold of the relic of
3642s Dimensions quite yet so that is
3644s definitely what he'll be on the hunt for
3645s it did draw for now pyroblast and a
3648s blood okay
3650s objection please oh that's all I don't
3654s say cringe often I tried to avoid it but
3657s I can't believe you just made that noise
3658s on broadcast is it is it cringe when you
3661s do it ironically because you know it's
3662s cringe is it still cringe I think it's
3665s that bad yeah I think we're at that
3666s point also aren't we at the point in the
3668s cycle we're just saying cringe is crazy
3670s yes and that's why it makes me feel
3672s terrible but right that's how
3674s yeah I feel like you probably
3677s I could give you a half your age I'd
3680s still feel friends of you saying that
3682s never mind now if I was twice my age it
3685s would be awesome again though right yes
3687s yes it would so you know pick one yeah
3691s so Lorinda can say it is basically what
3693s we're talking about yes I think yeah
3695s most things Lorinda says are awesome
3697s because it's Lorinda saying them yes
3701s there's a lot of cycle available with
3703s this double Guild Trader because again
3705s very much like previous iterations of
3707s this style of Demon Hunter if you have
3709s Guild Traders or spell damage in general
3711s you normally want to put them back in
3713s your deck if they're not discounted
3714s because they are quite expensive
3717s all right hear me out what if you just
3719s pyroblast and Dome
3724s uh foreign
3734s yeah this probably seems more sensible
3736s significantly less cool but probably a
3738s much better Hearthstone turn I think
3739s this is strictly incorrect that's
3741s basically four Mana floated
3743s yes think about it yeah true
3749s but now it is it's terrifying to be on
3752s the receiver end of this uh I think for
3755s dead draw because you just you just sat
3756s watching your opponent draw a million
3758s cards and know they're gonna cost
3759s nothing and you just know like any
3761s minute now I'm dead
3764s yeah yeah having been on this spot from
3767s both sides
3768s um as XC I just sat there with this
3770s location up just going okay clear hand
3773s space as much as I can draw cards as
3776s much as I can even though those are two
3777s almost directly incongruent things I
3779s have to try and do both of those and
3781s just hit the relic of Dimension at some
3784s point and then we're away and if you're
3786s dead draw you're just thinking the exact
3788s opposite just pressure as hard as you
3789s can until they draw the relic of
3792s dimensions and then you you're at you as
3793s if you can get a significant amount of
3795s pressure going before that point then
3796s you might be in business
3798s yeah and I found weirdly enough that the
3800s uh as the demons I don't know if you you
3802s do this or maybe I'm just bad but I
3804s found myself like making hand Space by
3806s just chucking the coin away on like a
3808s hero power or something because the coin
3810s a lot of the time just doesn't do enough
3812s of a job then another card that's
3814s produced does yeah I mean that's strange
3816s for a combo deck right like
3819s oh filthy boy did use the location last
3822s turn though yeah he did so he won't be
3824s able to use it immediately he can go
3827s second location coin Dimensions which
3829s would put him down to five cards and
3831s then back up to nine so yeah that's
3832s perfect I'm okay it's gonna end up being
3834s the line this time well going off the
3836s back of what I just said I think this is
3837s a very good use of the coin yeah I know
3839s even something right because a lot of
3841s the time you are throwing it away and I
3843s was gonna say that does happen but
3845s obviously you don't need to do it unless
3846s you are immediately drawing yes
3848s sufficient number of cards to actually
3850s make that worth it because you can
3851s always just you know use the choice
3853s imagine turn one I won't need this coin
3855s exactly yeah Quest coin hero power turn
3858s one The Raven Lines hey come on now
3865s is where someone checks my logs and
3867s realize I've actually done it like yeah
3872s okay so right now XC putting on there
3873s the nice extra sort of what feels like
3875s bonus pressure when you play this Relic
3877s it's just oh two six sixes on the board
3879s brilliant uh and that draw is gonna have
3882s to defend at least in some way
3884s um oh
3886s is this objection getting worse and
3890s worse subtle mainly because does dead
3891s draw like have the time to spend three
3893s mana on it at this point or do you think
3895s it's gonna get trapped out a little bit
3898s um I think it's still fine honestly like
3901s you don't get pressured out of the game
3904s every turn against Demon Hunter right
3906s there's only a very slim number of
3909s things they can do that represent
3910s significant pressure
3912s um and that's being very generous and
3913s including them playing one five Mana
3915s seven seven as significant pressure
3917s right so I I think obviously this is a
3919s problem that needs to be dealt with very
3920s quickly
3921s um and it won't necessarily be objection
3923s now but I do still think objection will
3925s be a relevant factor in this matchup
3927s from this point
3929s okay well High main uh fasarian
3940s okay that drug cleanup a lot yeah a lot
3942s of this cleans this up and gets to drop
3944s the high main at the end of the turn
3946s it's about as good as it was going to
3947s get he's going to end up leaving up a
3948s 6-6 which is you know extra damage you
3951s definitely don't want to take but again
3953s I don't think dead draw can just say oh
3955s I'll clear the board and pass I'll be
3957s fine because he's probably expecting to
3959s die in the very near future
3962s and also am I stupid like was that just
3964s a timing issue because the Rope was
3965s going or did dead draw just not discover
3967s a card for essentially no reason at that
3970s point right uh
3972s didn't he need the discount from Bones
3974s by killing
3977s oh true yeah yeah sorry yeah I'm giving
3980s credit to one of the honorable kills and
3981s not the other one yeah there we go yeah
3987s oh look at the two silver moons at zero
3990s man of soul I know I'm in Hunter's dream
3994s this fell barrage hits for like 30 or
3996s something that's what it feels like
3998s anyway
3999s and and at this point actually just
4001s looking at this hand
4004s is this a cycle for the okay yeah I've
4007s got to ask you is this the cycle for the
4008s guild Trader because the hand looks so
4011s close because yes Guild trade is four
4013s but the other two spell damage is zero
4015s you always do have to just have a quick
4017s look and go hang on a minute
4019s do I actually have lethal and I don't
4021s realize it yeah but I mean it also
4023s doesn't matter right when you so it only
4027s matters against like armored Druid and
4029s blood DK specifically right to really be
4032s holding that much spell damage two like
4035s plus four spell damage total from two
4037s iterations of the silver moons but that
4039s kills renithal decks for free like it it
4043s doesn't matter at that point so I think
4045s you know continuing to card draw and
4046s just getting to the Jace potentially to
4048s the second relic of Dimensions as well
4050s to be able to scam further damage at the
4052s end of the turn is is a big deal
4054s especially when you have a a one
4055s manifold barrage to go alongside all of
4057s that as well like you may very well get
4059s to the point where you just get to cast
4061s that fell barrage for the first time on
4064s the term where you throw down all of
4065s your spell damage that's going to be a
4067s little bit more difficult now the Jace
4068s costs eight and is gonna cost eight
4070s Forever at this point
4072s um but it's certainly a realistic
4073s possibility at the point that XC was in
4075s so yeah I think you absolutely cycle
4077s away the extra control damage it is just
4078s something you have to keep an eye on
4080s because I I've definitely missed lethal
4082s because I just assumed I didn't have it
4084s because like something costs four right
4086s actually a really good point there is a
4090s high Main in play though yeah I didn't
4091s count it definitely if you're playing
4094s this game
4097s because double Fel barrage in hand with
4100s double spell damage yeah you absolutely
4102s have to look at that I don't think it
4104s would have been I'm not going to go back
4105s and count it now because of the high
4107s Main in play that would yeah
4110s okay I'm gonna test the secret
4114s it's the bad news
4117s there is more spell damage where that
4118s came from just not quite yet
4123s really coming down is
4125s it's not just spectral
4132s I also wonder if x is ever worried about
4134s just like dying here and has to make the
4137s choice to clean up the high Main
4139s this was Lethal if it wasn't objection
4142s right I believe
4145s because so look at the market scorn
4147s would have killed the main body of the
4149s high main the unleash would have cleared
4151s the board while dealing oh and then
4154s double monster damaged her face and then
4156s double fell barrage would have been
4157s doing uh 12 damage total each of the
4160s double spell damage so that's an extra
4161s 24 so dead draw would have just died if
4164s that wasn't objection so probably right
4166s for XD to come well I mean counterspell
4168s probably shuts that down as well oh
4170s without going back and reverse
4171s engineering anything but I think it was
4172s worth what XC tried to do in that spot
4176s yeah now look at this though the bounce
4179s on all of these it's going to throw
4181s everything back to hand burn a card
4182s there for XC next turn and also just
4185s more or less without the uh the spell uh
4189s the Spells coming through you know as
4191s far as dead draw can see it sets up
4192s lethal for him right he has the uh the
4194s the Minions on board he's likely to be
4196s able to get some damage through that
4197s glacial Advance as well
4205s ah Galloping savior is the one that I'd
4209s see trolling the opponent the most in
4212s like the weird scenario where they need
4213s their Jace attack damage to go face at
4216s the end of the game and they mess
4217s something up and your horse appears to
4220s block it something like that like
4221s everything else seemed super Irrelevant
4223s in that spot so yeah I like it
4226s all the rare day one match one Demon
4230s Slayer Curtis play
4235s unless you fail to clear up and then I
4237s imagine it's either too manifold barrage
4240s or one man of Hell barrage plus sigil
4241s here
4243s get some of that damage banged I'm just
4245s gonna go Mark instead oh hi Mark
4252s so few cards left
4255s a deck
4258s I was definitely with you on the 1-1
4260s play honestly
4265s so it's still fine there's no necessary
4267s reason to panic here even though both of
4269s those zero Mana spell damages have been
4271s used
4272s um because okay this is the damage by uh
4274s hearing the guild Trader but there are
4276s still two Guild Traders left remaining
4278s in the deck which now kurtius is down
4279s and this is why it was important in this
4281s instance to get the kurtress down right
4283s because if you then if you didn't buy
4286s the curtress and you drew the guild
4287s Traders before the relic of Dimensions
4289s you'd then have to be trading The Guild
4291s Traders back in and trying to hitting
4292s them specifically with the relative
4293s dimensions and that just slows you down
4295s by potentially an extra turn uh whereas
4299s here with the kurchase effect you can
4300s just trade The Guild Traders until they
4302s cost zero anyway and just get that
4304s thrown back in for the double spell
4305s damage that you need and specifically a
4307s problem because the silver moons have
4309s been played out right I think with the
4310s still if you've got the reduced silver
4312s moons then you're generally find but now
4315s XC does know
4317s that that's going to be an objection
4321s um
4323s it's the sigil right
4328s okay I mean that's my second choice the
4330s one thing I was certain of is it was not
4332s the Jace
4334s you had to put an eight Mana Jace back
4336s into your opponent's decorations
4340s yeah I actually assumed it was going to
4341s be the spell damage just because there's
4343s still six cards left you've seen a good
4345s chunk of card draw
4347s um you would have seen the second Relic
4348s by now if they had it so put it in and
4352s hope they don't get to redraw it this
4354s turn okay
4360s again I think dead draws very much on
4362s like survive another turn survive
4364s another turn they're like anything wait
4366s wait wait wait wait if XC plays three
4368s cards this turn he dies
4370s you noticed six ten
4374s oh
4376s he I mean he won't not because if one of
4378s those cards is randomly lifesteal yeah
4381s exactly I mean even as long as he has
4383s Mana left after he does it he could then
4385s just fail barrage to clear one of the
4386s minions but I mean what are the chances
4388s that he even necessarily does that to
4390s play around pyroblast on the other side
4393s through short
4396s objection okay safe
4406s hey
4413s it's gonna be fell I think it's because
4416s that draw is clearly on the point now
4418s where he feels he has to just feel
4420s damaged face and Pyro I don't even think
4424s he can afford to trade into this
4425s characterist is that Madness is this a
4427s Caster Vision hitting me so I draw his
4430s point of view my instinct says go face
4432s here as well yeah
4433s if he clears then the game's gonna be
4436s another turn or so what's the draw for
4439s dead draw right that like right wins him
4441s the game from that point I think it's
4443s just all face and say you know what if
4445s you've got it you've got it I've just
4446s thrown away another damage spell yep two
4449s two tradables and relative dimensions
4451s left in the deck right if at any point
4453s XC hits relative dimensions the game
4455s probably just ends at that point so you
4458s need to cut down the number of terms
4460s that XC has to get to that now also with
4462s only even though the seven damage coming
4464s from the courtress these minions being
4466s alive is actually good defense against
4468s felbraj
4470s oh and here's why you don't put an eight
4473s Mana Jace back into the deck on the
4475s previous turn because now relative
4476s dimensions and Jace cannot be played in
4478s the same turn
4482s hey well that's pretty much the whole
4483s deck
4490s last card is the remaining Guild Trader
4493s yeah but it's not lethal right
4498s am I crazy difficult to work out with
4500s the high meds
4505s is with only the one attack from
4507s curtress the fell barrage is kind of
4510s stuck right
4512s is it not I think it is oh I'm I happily
4516s could be wrong here
4518s if you go chaos right I don't know how
4520s much the other guild Trader costs which
4522s is the caveat in this whether it will
4523s cost two or zero at the point that it's
4525s drawn yeah of course if you go cow
4528s strike you draw the other guild Trader
4529s Guild Trader Guild Trader unleash clears
4531s this whole board that you see right now
4533s and then one fell barrage kill oh no
4535s there's two there's two sport there's
4537s four hyenas yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
4539s oh wait maybe it isn't
4542s okay okay
4545s boss oh
4547s haunts
4550s oh
4551s gets there
4553s oh
4554s insane
4558s I think XC once again just kind of lost
4562s track of things to do it was a very
4566s difficult end board a game State there
4568s especially because of those High Mains
4570s in the board and like I said the by not
4572s trading into curtress and doing the work
4574s for XC basically Deadpool said I'll take
4578s seven so you can't spam Fel barrage me
4580s because it's gonna just mess up the
4582s board and it's going to be a problem and
4584s I can't quickly enough work out exactly
4587s how interactions could have gone there
4589s for XC let's say if you had an hour to
4591s sit and work things out but regardless
4594s XD did not have an hour and I think he
4597s just got caught a little bit into
4599s not being able to just work out an
4601s actual finished play and it just feels
4603s tricky to me to like
4605s I get why but not play with the zero
4608s Trader with the heel to just say I will
4612s not die next turn so exactly this is
4614s what I was gonna lead on to yeah is I
4617s don't necessarily think it was Lethal
4619s anymore because of the four hyenas I was
4621s accounting for two when I said that I
4623s think I probably was I think with four
4624s hyenas it isn't however I think the play
4626s is still just do it and then you know
4630s you'd like do everything
4632s play the chaos strike draw the other
4634s guild Trader go Guild Trader Guild
4636s Trader AOE the board play your fell
4638s barrages put your little bit of damage
4640s to phase and then you get to the point
4643s where your opponent is then just under
4645s 20 I think you have the board with two
4648s three fours in play your opponent's low
4650s on cards low on resources and then you
4652s have just like a normal fell Jace to try
4655s and end the game with after it like you
4657s might not get to play that Jace with any
4658s spell damage but if you do the game
4661s massively ends if you get to play it
4662s with one spell damage the game still
4664s massively ends I think think that was
4666s probably the line that I would go for in
4667s that position that's the thing as well
4669s you've got to think dead drives one card
4671s in hand he's had his whole game what's
4673s the draw that kills two three fours he's
4675s already used scabs so like what does it
4678s but I think XC just just it was a bit
4680s tricky as you know we were discussing
4682s between ourselves and just didn't have
4683s enough time to really consider the the
4686s potential of what he could do there so
4688s tricky one and dead draw grabs a win
4690s which I would argue just shouldn't have
4693s even necessarily existed there but very
4695s very well played they're continuing to
4697s push himself for that pyroblast to pay
4699s off with and now speaking of pyroblast
4701s we're jumping over to Mage here from
4702s dead drawn it's gonna be this pink Mage
4704s going up against the Demon Hunter and
4707s we're talking this a little bit before
4708s the show started because I was just
4709s jamming some ping maid I was like wow
4711s this this deck actually feels good
4713s against everything you would expect or
4715s not everything exaggeration a lot of the
4718s decks you would expect to see coming
4719s into this tournament yeah I think it's
4722s okay I think it's a fine Bring
4726s um I do think it leans quite heavily on
4729s objection to find it some wiggle room in
4731s the match-ups that you would want to
4735s um I've heard someone say I can't
4737s remember who this was apologies for not
4739s giving you credit the like you bring
4741s Mage with objection in it because you
4743s can't guarantee getting objection in
4745s Jackpot Rogue every time right because
4747s otherwise gang objection in Jackpot
4749s Rogue obviously is fantastic because you
4751s then get to jam it over and over and
4752s over and over and over again for the
4754s whole rest of the game and really mess
4756s with uh decks like Quest Demon Hunter
4758s but I do think the objection is doing a
4760s lot of heavy lifting in terms of making
4763s matchups like this which would generally
4766s seem unwinnable because you're too slow
4767s and you don't have enough pressure
4769s giving you just enough disruption to
4772s slow your opponent down for that time
4775s see how it goes deep part of volca
4777s getting a blizzard okay and not
4780s necessarily for blizzard in this matchup
4782s but just for six more armored you know
4784s fine just get it down and go
4786s um but the key here I think for dead
4787s draw will just be to just pile pressure
4790s on make these relative extensions
4794s it doesn't feel good Raven
4797s five Mana unduced draw two cards don't
4801s even complete a quest step oh it's ugly
4803s it's not great yeah although that's the
4806s weird thing about this handy from XC
4808s it's like yes there's relative
4809s extensions because one way you can beat
4811s this Demon Hunter is if you just play
4812s too much stuff and they don't have the
4814s removal yeah then they just die right
4817s and this is one of those games where XC
4820s does clearly have removal but doesn't
4822s air until maybe now have that
4825s progression to actually threaten dead
4827s draw back I mean next he's already on 23
4829s does have the two heels in Hand of
4831s course but again
4833s phantasms came just at the right time I
4837s would say XC needed a playable off the
4839s cycle of the guild Trader so that he
4841s could actually dump it from his hand
4842s like a card that didn't draw cards was
4844s essentially what he wanted to hit off
4846s that cycle from The Guild Trader and I
4847s would say that phantasms was probably
4849s the best one uh XC then identifying the
4852s line being able to juice a little bit
4853s with the relic of Extinction get three
4855s threes instead of two twos and then
4857s using that newly Outcast spectral site
4859s to be able to finally get the quest
4861s rolling oh this is very interesting as
4864s well here from dead draw yeah choosing
4866s to go for the Ping and prioritizing not
4868s only face damage but potential mode
4870s dress value I was initially looking at
4872s just blizzard into gray Sage honestly
4875s but now I think looking at this you can
4877s even set up now for coin Rune of the
4879s archmage parrot which I think is
4881s probably the real goal here now that
4883s we've seen that the uh Rune of the
4885s archimage is reduced to eight which I'll
4887s be honest did not see when I started the
4888s sentence as you said speaking of
4891s pyroblast as you led us into this
4893s potentially last matchup there's two of
4896s them right there in that Rune of the
4898s archmage
4899s oh but does that draw step off this now
4905s with just blizzard
4907s go face for three I love this
4911s I love this like okay again we're
4914s talking about you know emotional
4916s reactions to things right people need to
4919s generally not change the way they play
4921s in high stakes situations
4922s okay okay fine I mean I will take that
4926s compromise I will 100 take that
4929s compromise now
4931s um however you know as I was gonna say I
4933s think a lot of people with the gravity
4935s of the situation could fall into the
4937s Trap of like well blizzard into para is
4940s safe like that definitely means I don't
4942s take any damage in this situation I
4944s clear this board you can't be safe in
4946s this matchup the the relic of phantasms
4949s are a distraction they're a shiny object
4951s that make you think they're the problem
4953s so you get distracted dealing with those
4955s while the Demon Hunter is then free to
4958s draw their whole deck and kill you dead
4959s draw has to go for the throw by going
4962s with the high variance player with the
4963s Rune of the archmage I think recognizing
4965s that in a high stake situation like this
4967s is one of the key skills that you do
4969s need to be able to take over World
4971s Championship
4972s yeah and funnily enough
4974s that that was a very good point so
4976s because as a raven I am distracted by
4978s shiny things yes
4985s just Raven just hoarding a bunch of
4987s phantasms in a nest and just like what
4990s another one why is there a five five a
4992s six six or seven seven and an eight
4994s eight in this weird Nest you've built
4996s Raven oscar but because of the way I am
4997s I've definitely not got them ordered as
4999s a five six seven snake yeah so it's like
5001s an eight a six or four and then just a
5004s random 12 12 in there
5009s okay this one's not looking quite as
5011s good
5012s previous one
5016s been great I don't know what you're
5017s talking about sheep it's been through
5019s some stuff
5020s counter okay
5023s okay I mean
5028s that was garbage
5032s although now what is this mode dress on
5035s I know it's almost certainly not done
5037s but it's getting towards that point it
5041s is yeah but you know there's gonna be a
5043s Reno Jackson reset at some point you
5045s would have to imagine from XC dead draw
5047s can of course play around that you do
5048s have more agency than you perhaps think
5050s you do against the power of healing from
5052s the Demon Hunter because you can just
5053s not play minions and then they find it
5056s significantly more difficult some will
5058s say impossible
5060s uh to heal
5062s Yeah by two yeah but there's a
5064s preventative measure as well
5065s uh preventative measures are quite
5068s difficult against zero managed cases
5070s though
5072s this hand just says just do stuff
5075s let's play cards they'll probably die
5079s that's honestly the approach I take with
5081s this deck I'm like right how many cards
5083s are green if I played them all in
5084s roughly the right order do they die
5086s let's find out
5089s don't give ammo to people that think
5092s that like combo decks are brain dead
5093s raven okay
5095s here already
5098s I never said I win when I do this okay
5100s it's just what I try sometimes you win
5102s sometimes you lose it's just 50 50 in it
5107s now the question for me is is dead draw
5109s gonna just try and Alibi again
5112s I suspect so five cards left in deck
5115s there is an immense chance you are dead
5118s this turn I would say
5121s who's that
5126s this is Garen T lethal right if the more
5131s dress is active well no you'd have to
5133s you'd have to use both no because you
5135s still have ping most Europe the most
5138s your opponent can possibly heal for on
5140s this turn is two
5142s there is no other method of healing in
5144s the deck
5145s well no okay they'd have to play Both of
5148s the unleashes and their Jace
5152s in order to stay alive that also feels
5155s like winning
5163s like what what is XC actually supposed
5166s to do here I know we're saying about you
5168s know the double healed case but is XC
5171s supposed to do that I don't know
5173s absolutely not
5175s scary thing I think for XC is like if
5178s there's any way for another solid Alibi
5180s to come down right because obviously not
5183s literally Frozen but he's getting just
5184s frozen out of this game yeah because you
5187s just can't do anything even though he's
5188s drawn his deck he's got everything for
5190s zero but he can't actually get anything
5192s done which is uh you know horrendous
5195s actually
5197s and then presuming I have not miscounted
5199s on the more dress yeah there it is dead
5201s draw had that locked up solid Alibi as
5204s Raven pointed out a couple of turns ago
5205s great leverage there not only in keeping
5208s dead draw alive but also limiting the
5211s level of healing that was available from
5212s the opponent beautiful little two to
5215s three turn set up there from dead draw
5216s getting the chip damage through not only
5219s with the sequencing on the final turns
5220s but rewind back to what are we talking
5223s about turn four when he went super
5226s aggressive with the location freeze drop
5228s Varden just to play high Tempo get chip
5230s damage in like this is a long-term plan
5232s from dead draw that was executed very
5234s nicely there and I think overall on
5237s balance we we gassed up both of these
5240s players massively before the before this
5243s series started I think it's fair to say
5245s one lived up to that level of hype and
5248s the other didn't and so the result we
5250s are looking at here is largely Fair on
5252s reflection yeah and I think for me my
5255s takeaway for the um
5257s everyone will have different opinions
5259s but I would say that first match in
5261s Worlds must feel the scariest right
5264s because yes you can argue the finals is
5266s the scariest if you get there but that
5268s first this first match not only for you
5270s but on stream of the day of the whole
5272s tournament I think dead draw looks laser
5275s focused and that's something I like to
5277s see there because not only in that game
5279s but the previous games his plan was
5282s clear he played you know just towards
5284s the plan to get the job done and it
5286s really paid off for him it obviously
5287s helped the XC did not look like the form
5290s we expect from him but yeah draw looked
5292s like he's here to play some game song
5295s yeah I'm worth mentioning as well that I
5297s think you know the Chinese players have
5299s a lot on their mind right now as well as
5302s being a potential cross-server issues
5303s that can come in because there was a
5304s couple of plays that looked like they
5306s were rope problems uh specifically from
5309s XC in that position which you know
5310s something that you do have to manage but
5312s your job as a professional player is to
5315s manage difficult things that are going
5317s on and whatever adversity is in front of
5319s you and get over the line I think XC in
5321s that spot will be largely underwhelmed
5324s and disappointed with the performance
5325s that he put in there but dead draw like
5327s I said when he's focused when he's
5329s motivated when he's practicing when he's
5331s on his game he's terrifying and if dead
5334s drawer is not in your list of favorites
5336s for this tournament I strongly suggest
5338s you start reevaluating very quickly make
5341s a new list just cheat and just make a
5342s new list is here and that's what I do
5344s all the time anyway that is it going to
5346s be for the first uh match of the day and
5348s of the tournament we are going to go to
5349s a quick Break by yourself match number
5351s two so don't go anywhere and we'll be
5352s right back
5354s foreign
5356s [Music]
5366s [Music]
5371s dogs dogs
5374s messy or tidy
5379s uh
5380s Heidi
5381s call or text
5384s text a roller coaster or bumper cars
5388s roller coaster
5389s scary movies or funny movies scary
5392s movies
5393s uh snowball fight or water balloon
5395s fights
5396s snowball fight
5400s [Music]
5410s [Music]
5418s but finally I just wanted to ask uh
5421s going into again this very very high
5423s caliber tournament is there any player
5425s in particular that you are perhaps
5427s afraid of uh or also looking forward to
5430s face in the world championships
5433s company
5439s [Music]
5450s um
5460s amazing uh well I wish you the best of
5462s luck and I'll just give you a chance now
5464s to uh uh give any shout outs you want to
5467s or any final messages that you want the
5469s rest of the world to know about XC
5471s before your time in the Championships
5491s awesome you've certainly done that so
5493s far in the Masters tours so we wish you
5496s the best of luck doing so in the world
5497s championships as well
5500s [Music]
5502s foreign
5504s [Music]
5517s [Music]
5521s [Applause]
5523s [Music]
5531s foreign
5533s [Music]
5547s [Music]
5554s welcome back everyone to the 2022
5557s Hearthstone World Championship the day
5559s has barely begun here on Friday so
5562s you're just in time to get down and
5564s watch some spicy Hearthstone action
5566s which is exactly what we got in the
5567s first game of the day XC not necessarily
5570s living up to expectations but deadro
5573s taking the deserved win and now for our
5575s second match of group a we've got Yu Yi
5579s up against X Blazer which I think is as
5583s we're going to be saying a lot over the
5584s course of this weekend I think another
5585s fantastic match absolutely and Dirk I
5589s can so much relate to both of these
5591s players in the sense that I have sort of
5593s taken a step back from casting recently
5595s and these two I feel like did a lot of
5597s their work earlier on in the year and
5600s then took a bit of a break or at least
5601s we haven't seen so much from them but
5604s now they're back in full force for the
5606s world championship yui in particular his
5609s career goes all the way back to 2018
5611s being sort of his banner year as we've
5613s heard from bennage where he had the best
5615s results but it's great to see that he is
5617s still in good form leading up to the
5619s current meta
5621s that's right yeah you really was in his
5623s uh his Prime in 2018 uh which you know I
5627s think for the most of the world it does
5629s feel like it was a pretty steep decline
5631s uh around that point for him in
5633s particular yeah uh he has been
5635s struggling to put up strong results
5636s since then but now qualified through to
5638s the World Championship it's time for him
5640s to come out of pseudo retirement if you
5642s will and really start to put up those
5644s strong results and in terms of the
5647s lineup of both of our players have got
5648s here Gia we do have a double priest ban
5651s uh but it's a little bit more
5653s complicated than that symmetry I think
5655s would suggest that is right we do have
5658s different priests on either side uu with
5660s the control priest which has the plague
5663s spreader which I really feel like is the
5665s card that makes the deck you're just
5667s playing everything around it to surround
5669s that package I guess Shadow word ruin is
5670s the other really good card there in the
5672s meta whereas blice has the Boon priest
5674s but both of those being very strong into
5677s the opposing lineup means that both
5680s players will be left with a rogue Demon
5682s Hunter whereas the last class is a bit
5684s different which is the entire story what
5686s is the fourth class that you're bringing
5688s here for UE it's a Mage and for Blaise
5691s it is a druid but yui gonna start off
5694s with his death rattle Rogue here which
5696s within this one archetype there's
5697s already quite a lot of variety I would
5700s say I have some people going for a
5703s version without the smokescreen package
5705s we have the version with the um
5708s infesting cool and all of these
5711s different types of ways to approach it
5713s but we are seeing a bit more of a
5715s classic spin on things from UE only that
5717s Scourge illusion is coming out as a new
5719s card here that's right yeah like a lot
5721s of these cards as you said were in the
5723s death rattle package beforehand
5725s um and
5726s is he trying to do something specific
5728s here with this mind version of the death
5730s rattle Rogue because I I feel like the
5732s overall power level the couple times
5734s I've seen mine Rogue since the expansion
5735s uh it does feel like it's a little a
5737s little bit lower than what the other two
5739s versions of death rattle Rogue are doing
5740s yeah I do feel like it's not necessarily
5743s in a good position where you expect a
5745s lot of Renault decks slash Decks that
5748s have the capability of healing so I'm
5750s looking at Druid and Demon Hunter where
5752s you have a lot more
5755s um game against Monroe because you can
5758s come back against those damage it's
5760s tough for Mine Road to deal like the
5762s 30-0 unless they're given a lot of time
5764s which both of those decks don't
5765s necessarily allow I have been leading
5768s more towards the Invincible version
5770s which gets on board and just tries to
5773s fight in a way that is very annoying to
5775s their opponents because they uh those
5777s other decks in The Meta you might expect
5779s don't necessarily have too much removal
5782s tools against things that have all these
5784s sticky death rattles but but it could
5787s work out well if he does face into Mages
5790s for example which don't necessarily have
5792s that healing a bit later but it deplies
5795s his lineup I am worried about that death
5796s rattle Rogue
5798s fair enough and Belize here going with
5800s the ramp Druid which I believe already
5802s had some uh Sparks of controversy
5805s disagreeance I suppose you could say
5806s between Raven and subtle at the start
5808s with Raven was
5810s um proclaiming its power in the metagame
5812s uh subtle not necessarily believing it
5814s as much and I've had a bit of a weird
5816s Journey as well uh with this deck over
5819s the the last few days of ladder because
5821s when I was coming into a whole bunch of
5823s Demon Hunter which like the last two
5825s three days has just been absolutely
5826s infesting the ladder I thought okay I'll
5828s switch over to ramp Druid because of the
5830s insane amounts of armor that this deck
5833s can generate now to get out of range of
5835s the burst of this combo Demon Hunter but
5839s I don't know if it's not necessarily
5840s it's because I'm potentially not playing
5842s the deck so well maybe I don't
5843s understand the matchup but it hasn't
5845s been doing what I would guess the deck
5847s is designed to do which is to just be
5849s this impenetrable wall of armor yeah I
5852s think it's a weird sort of balance that
5855s we've ended up on because the Demon
5857s Hunter can if given the right discounts
5860s on their hand get up to the hundreds of
5862s damage in a single turn and that is well
5866s above the full range of armor that the
5868s Druid can gain but that armor can also
5871s be translated into pure damage if you
5873s get that whole anubricant combo going
5876s and it just becomes more of a faster uh
5880s way to kill your opponent now that
5882s Saturdays has gone to endlessly infused
5885s too it's less reliable to close out
5887s games so I feel that's the way to look
5889s at the Druid the armor is your offense
5891s tool not necessarily your defense that
5894s armor can be relevant in other matchups
5896s than Demon Hunter where the damage is a
5898s lot more finite but in the Demon Hunter
5901s matchup in particular I feel like the
5903s Druid needs to be very very careful not
5904s to just let the Armor stock and then
5907s sort of waste that armor and let it get
5909s it uh chipped off early on by the Demon
5912s Hunter and then have no way to then kill
5914s their opponent with the anubricant
5916s astalor combo
5917s indeed here the combo is still very much
5919s there even with the Nerf to dinathrius
5922s you know people thinking that would be a
5923s big hit to Druid which it has been as
5925s like the premiere deck that still uses
5927s dinathrius in this format whether it had
5930s been unnerfed or not but like you say uh
5932s with asteroid more than makes up for
5934s that potential loss in damage and it's
5936s also you know you've got to pay
5939s attention to just the sheer amount of
5940s pressure that can be put forward even
5942s without the combo if you hit the ramp
5944s and then you're hitting zero Mana Crypt
5946s Keepers uh enixia thrown down a
5948s brandtopio these kinds of combos Demon
5951s Hunter uh can struggle because they are
5953s singularly big minions and given that a
5955s lot of the time Demon Hunter against
5957s these slower control decks wants to play
5959s relic of Extinction just to boost up the
5962s other more impactful relics uh the
5964s removal package of Demon Hunter if
5966s you're not careful can become a little
5968s flimsy but of course it's not going to
5971s be against the Demon Hunter quite yet
5972s first of all gonna be up against this
5974s Rogue which is similar I suppose in how
5977s the matchup might go given that it's
5980s just a lot of damage you're having to
5981s overcome but are there any major
5983s differences that you've been looking for
5985s in the game plan for either deck
5987s I would say the Rogue should focus way
5990s more on the burning blade acolyte than
5992s the mine in terms of you don't
5995s necessarily get to choose right it's
5996s more what do you get from your sketchy
5999s information and if you're able to double
6001s up on it with Scrooge Illusionist etc
6003s etc but
6004s um this original death rattle Rogue even
6007s before the inclusion of scourge illusion
6009s has had those two minions right the mine
6011s and the burning leg Acolyte and even at
6014s the time before Druid had all their new
6016s tools the Rogue generally was meant to
6018s go for the board-based game plan which
6020s is getting all those five eight death
6021s throttles out and I think that still
6024s Rings true because Druid also doesn't
6026s necessarily have the greatest removal
6028s until much later in the game as for The
6031s Druids game plan I feel like it's so
6033s hard to say this but it feels like it's
6035s even more reliant on goth now than it
6037s was before don't know how I can say that
6039s because golf was so Central even before
6042s but it really feels like they're playing
6044s such a heavy top end package having to
6046s cut cards like Spirit of the reef to
6048s make room for all these more expensive
6050s armor cards means that you do need to
6053s get above 10 Mana as quickly as possible
6059s yes yeah I'm kind of thinking about that
6061s that early game package as well I'm
6062s wondering it hasn't got any less
6065s consistent really since the last
6066s expansion but I don't know feeling uh
6069s playing a fair few games of Druid this
6070s expansion I just I feel like as you said
6072s the the dead drawers feel a lot worse in
6075s this deck at the moment given how bad
6076s like a Crypt Keeper can be if you don't
6079s hit the uh the requisite armor to be
6081s able to put it down to zero as well uh
6084s so it will be interesting to think about
6086s these decks in the context of the series
6088s The Wider series overall as well I feel
6092s like for blice you should be able to get
6094s a win at some point with this Druid
6096s against the the big spell Mage doesn't
6099s oh sorry the Ping Mage doesn't feel like
6100s it's necessarily Tech to be able to
6101s answer Druid right now there's a fair
6104s few ways to deal with the objection for
6106s example in there as well so uh I want to
6108s say that onus is on New Year here to try
6110s and get a win out of the game true in
6112s terms of momentum as well and perhaps
6115s recognition on the world stage I would
6117s say everybody is expecting more things
6119s from lies lies did qualify most recently
6122s out of the rest of the world players
6124s right from the grand Masters last call
6127s tournament and he has all of these
6130s amazing accolades and back-to-back
6132s Masters Tour wins he's now joined by two
6135s other players and having won more than
6137s one Masters Tour but only Blaise has
6139s done it back to back and he is still
6142s very hungry to get that big win talked
6144s about it in his interview with TJ which
6147s I hope will be featuring later on in the
6150s broadcast and he was streaming as early
6152s as a few hours ago leading up to the
6155s world championship and in both our
6158s players lineups I think there is one
6160s spicy deck here we are seeing some
6162s pretty homogenous classes overall but
6165s the type of Rogue that flies brings is
6167s unique
6169s yes yeah yeah for yi and verbalized it's
6172s very interesting to see the different
6173s bills that they're going for
6175s um and I like to bring up again as we
6177s all know at this point the uh the
6179s back-to-back victory for for Belize as
6182s it does just feel very emblematic of
6184s blies as a player right where it's very
6186s much All or Nothing in or out he's
6188s either playing more Hearthstone in a day
6190s than most people do in a month or he's
6192s just not even touching the game it's
6194s it's all or nothing with flies and when
6197s he does when he is playing a lot he
6199s truly does feel unbeatable as he has
6202s been doing recently even taking the time
6204s to nicely light his background for us
6207s technically I suppose you could say
6209s I appreciate the effort
6213s um very nice opening hand the classic
6216s Jerry rig into wild growth here
6218s guaranteeing himself a nourish to follow
6220s up and get that perfect curve but for
6222s Yugi just having the sketchy information
6224s to begin with is pretty valuable you
6227s don't necessarily want the scourge
6229s Illusionist in hand because I think you
6231s want to draw that from the sketchy but
6233s he tosses it all together here finds
6236s graveyard which is one of the bigger
6237s payoff cards but does he have the engine
6240s to begin with which I thought was the
6242s sketchy that's exactly right and I I
6244s guess this does
6246s spell out pretty nicely the potential
6249s weakness of mine Rogue is that sketchy
6251s is not the 100 always good card that
6254s starts your draw engine that you would
6256s like it to be 50 of the time it just
6258s adds a mind to your hand and Deals four
6259s damage to the opponent which is not a
6261s very good card unless you have that uh
6264s graveyard as well to double down on that
6266s damage uh and so even though in all
6269s other versions of death rattle Rogue I
6270s don't think you consider tossing that
6272s away here it speaks volumes for UE of
6275s the uh uh the swinginess of this deck
6279s the fact that you have to go for the
6280s absolute best possible hand every single
6283s game because it's such a volatile deck
6286s and it's a match-up that leaves no room
6288s for error if you don't hit that early
6291s board presence with the 5 8 from burning
6293s blade acolyte then the Druid will walk
6295s all over you or they will just gain an
6299s insane amount of armor that no mind can
6301s penetrate but lies here has already
6304s gotten the perfect curve right he has
6306s well growth in to nourish into Miracle
6310s growth and can hold on to the coin if
6313s necessary to Pivot to one of these other
6315s plays here doesn't quite have armor
6318s stackers you have to get to keeper
6320s early but I have no doubt that that will
6323s be on the menu sometime soon going to
6326s prep out the snowfall graveyard so he
6329s can activate gone fishing and he is
6331s fishing for a smoke screen more than
6333s anything here and there is
6337s okay now we're talking I mean that was a
6340s ballsy playwright to go for just pretty
6342s much all in playing that smoke screen
6344s with zero death rattles in hand
6346s I would say it's a balls you bring for
6348s this version of death rattle Rogue
6350s overall a lot of people opting for
6352s invincible version because it is more
6355s consistent in what it does but perhaps
6357s the highest of High Rolls is still
6359s available to this version lies hands
6361s together in prayer three cards drawn no
6364s death rattles so far four cards drawn
6366s four cards with no death rattles
6370s that is a bummer for you Yi that's a
6373s disaster he of course has the go again
6375s with a second trickster plus smoke
6379s screen which is not a combination that
6381s you're often seeing and plenty of hand
6382s space he can make as well with the prep
6384s and the backstab so I guess not a
6387s disaster quite yet with one turn left on
6390s the uh the graveyard as well that's
6393s right and it has to be next turn because
6395s after that graveyard expires yes he
6397s still has Shadow shambler to activate an
6399s appellate that he potentially draws but
6401s the difference of one five eight versus
6403s two is just enormous here because two of
6406s them a scale of annexia by itself cannot
6409s clear but you're getting to the point
6411s where Blaise is Comfortably able to coin
6413s out an insatiable Devourer next turn it
6416s does not infused just yet but his
6418s removal potential is getting very scary
6421s that's right like if there is a big
6423s burning blade acolyte turn here for yui
6426s it's not good for blinds but like it
6429s almost is at this point with the fact
6431s that he can go scale into insatiable as
6433s well only tank like 10 damage Max
6436s probably on the following turn and then
6439s just as soon as he gets himself a single
6441s Earth and scales the game just ends on
6443s the spot as I don't think he has a
6445s single answer to such a big insatiable
6447s Devourer if there is an acolyte that is
6450s found here off the smoke screen
6452s oh okay one okay
6455s there it is
6456s that they are entering the hand I'm
6458s confused
6462s yeah so it was The Illusionist first
6464s which got him of course two more death
6465s rattles but no actual acolyte it's
6467s self-bound
6469s which means no death rattles here
6475s there's a weird one but he could play
6477s The Burning blade and then have the
6479s Forsaken Lieutenant transform into it
6481s and then backstab his own guy right
6485s I mean I think he's wondering almost if
6487s you go
6488s I understand is that insane
6493s yeah going for this play
6495s yeah just fit
6496s better Chandler to get those five
6498s eighths on the original copy that but
6500s doesn't end up going for the backstab to
6503s um
6505s mostly because of board space concerns
6509s [Applause]
6513s I mean this is kind of what I mean is if
6515s you're not going for the backstab player
6517s immediately which I think if he'd had a
6518s bit more time you would have ended up on
6520s instead of playing the mine uh I would
6522s rather have a 2-2 mine here than a 2-2
6524s burning blade acolyte because you kind
6526s of just need to kill them with burst now
6528s rather than her board
6531s is true
6534s 16 on the board the graveyard has
6537s expired now so backstabbing his own mind
6540s would only add four damage total
6544s oh my God how much is this you have mine
6547s backstab mine mine
6551s off oh no no he has a Cutlass
6557s isn't it good isn't it lethal okay on
6559s board there's 16 20 I count lethal as
6563s well yeah yeah they're both two zero
6566s twos right neither of them are
6569s oh no that's a four four it's a four
6571s four it's not a zero two yeah yeah
6573s that's the Difference Maker yeah
6576s oh I'm sorry oh
6581s the new version is biting back but he's
6584s still in a great spot because looking at
6586s Blazer's hand yes he can remove some of
6589s this but he doesn't have armor again
6596s man that was close yeah you're right it
6599s needs to be Earth and scales right now
6601s for him to have a chance here
6602s that's not it nope
6609s any other outs
6612s um flies is running chitinus plating
6614s which is a way to gain armor but only
6616s four in the immediacy and it's not
6618s dealing with the board in any way shape
6620s or form
6625s there's goth taunting blies not gonna be
6628s enough here
6630s yeah nothing gonna be good enough here
6631s you can go for the evidence I suppose
6634s but again I can't think of any
6636s individual card that would be good
6638s enough to save you here
6640s neither can I
6642s play things not terrible but yeah
6647s not enough even with 12 arm again it
6650s doesn't come close he knows that you can
6652s tell from his body language after a
6654s certain amount of Mana has been spent he
6656s knows there are no remaining outs for
6658s the lies here
6661s damn what an interesting game right from
6664s the Mulligan there from yui with a
6666s decision I never expected him to make
6668s all the way through uh to well obviously
6671s a pretty impressive mid game with a
6673s double trickster into smoke screen
6674s working up very very nicely for him but
6677s just the not the player I expected at
6679s all from that deck
6681s yeah um just the fact that he didn't go
6684s for the meddling play of keeping a
6686s sketchy like you pointed out it's only
6687s 50 to actually draw The Scourge
6690s Illusionist which is what you would want
6692s in the matchup I would say over mine
6695s um you can go for an all in mind game
6697s plan but it doesn't necessarily account
6699s for armor right the real dream is to get
6701s The Illusionist into the burning blade
6703s and have that board full of five eights
6705s as it happened just two five eights and
6708s a couple of four fours and tutus was
6709s enough to get the job done supplemented
6711s by the damage from the mines but overall
6714s you use like uh entire mindset of going
6717s for the biggest High Rolls in a matchup
6719s that he knows if he just went for a
6721s halfway play he could easily get out
6723s armored made a lot of sense in the end
6726s it did Annie's uh justly rewarded for it
6730s as well with a huge win on the my rogue
6732s that I have to be honest I didn't have
6733s much faith in going into it but looked
6736s very impressive there of course uh with
6738s an above average mid game uh but now
6740s moving on over to the uh the Demon
6742s Hunter which is again the matchup that
6743s we were talking about a fair bit in the
6745s uh the Preamble before the games started
6748s with a super standard list here I guess
6751s the tech decisions you could make is
6753s some people play one mark of Spawn Two
6755s need for greed some people play two Mark
6758s as we see here from uu but against the
6760s Druid it is as I said just much closer
6763s than I originally anticipated and uh
6767s will be interesting to see if he plays
6769s this uh very combo heavy deck any
6771s different to what the standard would be
6773s as well that's right a lot of points to
6775s touch on here the lack of one need for
6778s greed is not a list that I'm super used
6780s to seeing but I can really understand
6782s this reasoning from having played the
6784s deck myself I end up discounting need
6786s for greeds down to zero and then the
6788s number pops up to three because I drew
6790s at that turn from relic of dimensions
6792s and that often feels counter-intuitive
6795s going for double spectral site is
6797s sometimes just a bit more efficient
6798s overall but
6800s um we shall see which list reign supreme
6803s later on and then there is how to play
6806s the matchup as you mentioned here where
6809s it is of course very important to stock
6811s up all of the damage together and hold
6813s on to several spell damage buffers for
6816s the Json as the Demon Hunter but I think
6819s one other thing that you can go for is
6821s using relic of phantasms to develop a
6826s board in the mid game obviously you
6828s don't want to play it for like the first
6830s or second one because one one and two
6833s two is not too threatening at all but if
6835s you can get in a position where you play
6837s Extinction first then getting three
6839s three four four size of phantasms is
6842s enough to supplement the damage against
6844s Duran in my opinion
6846s it's interesting you say that because I
6848s do agree with you that yes situation it
6851s can be very good but I can think of like
6852s at least two maybe even three games or
6854s I've lost because I did exactly that
6857s gave him a big Devourer and then you
6859s just can't answer it you're uh uh fell
6862s barrage has never end up going phase
6864s from there on in as well uh so it's kind
6867s of tough to call because usually going
6869s on board versus Grid is the uh the
6871s recipe for a winning game but I think
6873s it's very tight in this particular
6875s matchup
6876s I guess the Difference Maker is whether
6879s the Druid has ramped to the point where
6881s they can remove it and turn it into a
6883s swing by that point which means that
6885s your opponents have just been better
6887s than mine
6889s in the case of blizzo he hasn't hit the
6891s dream curve that he did last game but
6893s the difference is he has Guff on four
6896s available if he wants to probably on
6898s five he could start with nourish instead
6900s because now
6902s um goth is not giving immediate Mana
6904s upon having been played uh so we shall
6909s see you you hear with the ability to go
6912s spectral sights
6914s you've got to do it right he plays The
6917s Alchemist oh really okay wow so he's
6921s just trying to make hand space because
6923s next turn is coin activate location to
6927s double relic of Dimensions but man I
6930s feel like every spell damage minion is
6932s such a precious resource against Druid
6934s absolutely like I I appreciate that he
6936s will struggle to kill this absolutely
6939s because you know he would much rather
6940s just play nourish on this Tony doesn't
6942s want to mess around with planted
6944s evidence or anything like that to try
6945s and find an answer but the upside of it
6948s is
6949s barely limited as you say clear hand
6951s space I suppose
6954s um but you're not really doing all too
6955s much with that especially as you didn't
6956s play The Relic of extinctions first so
6958s now your Dimensions is a little weaker
6961s but I mean hey I was talking about
6963s unconventional ways of playing from yui
6965s and again I think we can definitively
6967s say we get a a very spicy play coming
6970s down here
6972s that is true if it was just a matter of
6975s clearing handspace I much would have
6976s preferred the relic of Extinction just
6978s to also buff up the relic of Dimensions
6981s later on and I appreciate that it was
6983s never a spectral site if it was going to
6985s be this play on this turn uh but again a
6989s bit floored by the use of The Arcanist
6991s it is however creating quite some
6994s problems for lies because if he wants to
6996s kill it next turn and also play golf it
6998s means he has to forego the ramp hero
7000s power use the original hero power before
7003s playing golf
7004s and I think if I know oblige he's just
7006s gonna say you know what have it go crazy
7008s get your extra four five six damage
7011s whatever it would be and ramp into raid
7013s boss and next year because we've talked
7015s time and again about the importance of
7017s not just relying on Armor as a defensive
7019s mechanism but turning things around he
7022s disagrees however I thought that would
7023s be a ramp up into raid boss and nixia
7025s next turn uh he's going with just a nine
7027s Mana turn instead next turn which is
7030s yeah pretty tough
7032s I think that
7034s um in most circumstances I would have
7036s agreed but just
7038s uh considering the turn previous for
7040s replies where he did put damage into it
7042s I think he could have sort of mapped out
7044s that if he was going to go straight into
7046s raid boss and next year there was no
7047s time to go for the second hero power
7050s sure yeah okay so yeah it did kind of
7053s indicate he was going to kill it by that
7056s point but it means that his uh nine Mana
7059s turn is not so clear for yui though
7063s getting spectral site here means gonna
7066s be very easy Quest progression
7069s oh another really good dimensions and
7071s the location will be off cooldown or you
7073s could just use a second one that's in
7074s hand
7076s um this is a situation though where
7077s relica phantasms is a bit of bait right
7080s because of that insatiable Devourer then
7082s again it's not infused
7085s oh do you really want to play spectral
7088s side here I feel like there's more
7090s important ways to spend your Mana like
7091s first of all I want to trade that Guild
7093s Trader I do not want that in hand I want
7095s to draw it for zero with the phantasms
7097s uh I'd like to play the theory as well
7100s just to get that in the Jace pool I
7103s appreciate that he's completing second
7105s layer of quest here but I don't actually
7107s think that was top of my list of
7109s priorities there if I was him
7112s very interesting the way he approaches
7114s this it could be an angle where he
7116s intentionally wants to play the
7119s creatures Quest reward we keep talking
7120s about it as not being necessary but it's
7122s not as though the card is bad
7124s um he can get that down then trade The
7126s Guild Trader back if he feels it
7128s necessary also he's at a point where
7131s Jace is just at six Mana now
7134s um and that's a good thing maybe that's
7135s not necessary overall
7138s honestly he's left himself flexibility
7140s for this life yeah yeah and I guess he
7142s can do all the things I was talking
7143s about at the start of this term because
7145s with his line now the phantasms costs
7148s four uh instead of five uh the real
7151s concern is obviously just the hand space
7152s at this point and uh if you can you
7155s really don't want to take a turn off
7157s going relic of Dimensions here you want
7159s to be playing that again on this turn
7163s which means that some handspace needs to
7165s be cleared unleash fell a pretty
7168s valuable tool for board clear but maybe
7171s not necessary in the position where he
7173s is against Druid
7175s um
7177s needs to clear four spaces to play relic
7180s of Dimensions so three cards plus that
7183s Relic itself I guess Extinction is one
7185s of them
7186s yeah
7188s oh he's going for fun okay
7192s I thought that would end up as Silver
7194s Moon Arcanist unleash fell and then like
7197s I don't know maybe a extinctions or
7199s maybe a fury and end on press the
7202s location plus phantasms but he is taking
7204s a full turn off it which obviously
7207s develops a tremendous amount of board
7208s which right now blies cannot necessarily
7211s answer very well uh but it does slow him
7213s down a fair bit as well in terms of his
7215s actual lethal combo
7218s there is still the option to play
7219s dimensions and accept over drawing but
7222s at this point it feels like he has
7225s committed to going for the board-based
7227s game plan and with this sort of line I
7230s think it makes a lot of sense to keep
7231s the Silver Moon Arcanist in hand because
7233s that's the supplementary damage to go
7236s with Jace later on because he expects at
7239s least some of this board to get cleared
7241s by a Devourer Nexia scale of annexia and
7244s then the rest of it
7246s um the rest of the damage you need
7247s potentially comes from in one turn
7250s Arcanist uh a niece fell than Jace it's
7254s not that much yet because he doesn't
7256s have Bell garage but he's hoping at
7258s least some of the boards is still stick
7260s it is a pretty juicy clear though all
7262s things considered uh for the lies about
7266s the best he can hope for uh
7268s however even having said that he just
7271s has such strong clears here with the uh
7274s plus four spell damage and then just
7276s double unleash Bell if he wants to uh he
7279s could instead hold on to the zero Mana
7282s Silver Moon Alchemist I suppose to go
7283s with Jace because you do ideally want to
7286s have at least one spell damage card to
7288s go with Jace whenever you play it
7290s right
7291s and he has sacked one of the Arkham
7295s is gonna go for one Unleashed fell and
7298s then this and then that makes the hand
7300s space for dimensions
7303s oh surely that's a trade the archives
7306s first there
7311s oh does hit the other
7314s s is more than enough to end the game
7316s next turn
7320s at least he looks that way to me
7322s yeah he hasn't played any fell barrages
7325s yet uh
7327s so if he trades like one thing now he
7331s can have another shot at getting the
7334s fell barrage and then by next turn he
7336s has eight Mana right so he could
7338s technically still fit one in with all
7340s the zero cost cards and then the Jace
7343s that's true and he can draw like three
7346s but yeah he draws his entire deck uh up
7349s bar one next turn yeah you gotta be
7351s Scrappy with scraps all right Devourer
7355s that puts a big roadblock in the way for
7358s fell garage
7367s all right at this point you don't count
7369s you just believe
7372s this uh
7374s I think this should be enough the first
7375s spell brush I think even kills it
7377s doesn't it as well yeah man choose right
7379s through it
7381s even has chaos straight yep sure okay
7384s yeah
7385s yeah more than enough
7390s damage not having a good time here he's
7393s like really you got zero mana on
7395s everything
7396s it was pretty fortunate to have these
7398s discounts for yui here but it was very
7401s notable how he went for that mid-game
7404s relic of fantastic sort of distract lies
7408s and I actually now I've seen it really
7411s like that line that he was going for I
7413s think I might be whoops maybe missing a
7414s little bit from my approach to this uh
7416s matchup because it's the halfway point
7419s of what we were saying right or I guess
7421s more so it's what you were saying of
7422s that these phantasms can be really good
7424s uh in the middle game and I was saying
7427s they can lose you the game later on when
7428s something like what happened at the end
7430s of the game happened which to be fair in
7433s an alternate universe
7434s supplies could have had Devourer plus
7436s the uh the Earthen scales as well but I
7439s think you made a good judgment call he
7441s has few cards in hand he will struggle
7444s to have specifically those two cards in
7446s a 40 card deck and have the uh infusion
7449s completed on the Devourer as well and so
7452s I think just going for this all-in mid
7454s game plan when he already had Jace for
7456s six Mana already had Silver Moon
7457s Arcanist for zero Mana as well he uh
7460s just showed no real signs of struggling
7462s at any point through that game straight
7464s and even that really early Silver Moon
7467s arcanists taking blaze a turn off of
7470s writing was not to be underestimated I
7472s don't know if you you played it exactly
7474s for that reason maybe you kind of just
7476s say ah hopefully it takes a couple of
7478s hero Powers but it's mainly to clear
7479s hand space for the relic of Dimensions
7481s it was just the sort of Perfect Storm of
7484s events here because I do agree that it's
7486s very situational when you're able to go
7488s for the phantasms like that because I
7490s would argue if you don't have access to
7493s both of your locations before both of
7496s your relic of dimensions then one of
7499s those location charges is going to be
7500s precious to get um doubled up on the
7503s most important Relic which is the card
7505s draw but if he did have access which he
7508s did in that last game then you could use
7510s some of those location charges to build
7511s a board instead using the phantasms but
7514s all that leading up to ue's last deck
7517s which I have sort of gratuitously called
7520s a ping Mage because it has the Ping
7521s package but yeah the cards I've chosen
7524s to highlight here are the Spice in the
7526s deck here he has three new cards all of
7529s which discover slash recast things that
7533s didn't start in the deck and it's a new
7536s spin on playing puzzle box in my opinion
7539s indeed yeah as nurubi and vizier about
7543s as close as death knight is coming to
7545s making an appearance of the World
7546s Championship it's Undead Synergy I guess
7548s which is uh not really apparent here in
7551s the Mage much more so just for
7552s discovering spells and then of course
7554s replay playing them with grand Magister
7557s rommath a name so gratuitously long it's
7560s cut off on the the card list there as
7563s well but it's a cool deck you know it
7565s feels a little bit
7568s I don't know I don't want to say
7570s I guess text is the word I was gonna say
7572s cheap because it's like pretty much all
7574s in on this objection package being
7576s really good and very targety against the
7578s likes of demon and the theater the muted
7580s us as well but it's a it's a cool deck
7583s when you factor in these new cards as
7584s well and it feels like a bit of a
7586s throwback to the Hearthstone decks of
7588s like
7589s 2019 2018 2019 when there was a lot more
7593s discover knocking around priest was
7595s doing all this nonsense discovering 50
7596s cards a turn and major following in
7599s those well-trod footsteps yeah I think
7602s that Mage oh this Mage
7605s um control priest and defrogue to a
7608s certain extent all fall in the same sort
7610s of box for our little worlds matter here
7613s where they have a few Tools in their kit
7616s which are very very good against certain
7617s decks in The Meta namely Boone priest
7620s Joker Rogue and the fell Demon Hunter
7622s all the disruption tools and because you
7625s are kind of locked into these classes to
7628s play the disruption tools you kind of
7630s just think okay what is the most
7632s established deck that I can use to fill
7634s out the rest of the duck slots and thing
7637s Beach happens to be one of those uh
7639s that's why I appreciate UE spin on it
7641s because he has gone for more
7643s unconventional things which we haven't
7646s really seen and it's getting closer to a
7648s whole new archetype to support all of
7651s these disruption tools and you know
7653s because he is running all the Discover
7654s package he is able to get more
7657s objections more types of ways to disrupt
7661s the key minions from bly's remaining
7664s decks and he does have all three
7666s remaining decks very reliant on very
7669s specific minions
7671s and blies as you would expect if you've
7673s known him for more than two minutes is
7675s of course queuing up the Druid once
7677s again here just bashing them all out in
7679s a row he has admittedly been kind of
7681s rolled the first two games his opponent
7683s got close to the perfect draw both times
7686s but his drip draws were not terrible
7689s either right he hit uh the Jerry rig
7692s Plus Wild growth game one he had a
7695s pretty nice nourish Guff uh onnixia
7698s combo in game two just ramping up very
7700s very cleanly as well and it just hasn't
7702s even really looked close so far the the
7705s ramp of Druid is just no longer the
7708s premium form of manatee in the
7710s Hearthstone and doesn't really feel like
7712s it can stack up against all the
7713s reduction and costs that Rogue and Demon
7715s Hunter have access to maybe Mage is a
7718s little bit more Druid speed however
7721s that's right I think that Druid Falls in
7723s a really weird spot in the meadow right
7725s now where it is considered I guess the
7727s fourth of the four best decks here but
7729s it is very very weak to the other three
7732s decks here I guess you can make an
7734s argument for the Feld Demon Hunter
7736s matchup being a bit more 50 50 but you
7740s cannot really argue that it's really
7741s weak against Boone priest and Draka
7744s Rogue because they're able to build such
7745s huge minions in the early game that
7747s Druid doesn't really have an answer for
7750s so it falls in a really strange spot in
7752s the meta where it needs to beat up on
7755s the fourth deck of whatever the opponent
7758s is bringing and in yui's case this
7760s happens to be Mage so if flies can't get
7763s through this that does just spell
7765s disaster
7767s okay what are we looking for in the
7769s starting hand like I guess there's the
7771s classic ping package cards that are good
7775s like uh Wildfire maybe AI or something
7778s but anything in particular that you
7779s think will uh help his case against the
7781s druid
7783s the thing to keep that
7784s that pretty good honestly I could see
7786s the two three drops being kept here to
7788s the sanctum into a vizier kind of looks
7792s nice as long as you has uh opportunity
7795s to trade off those skeletons which are
7797s Undead
7798s um then he can discover a spell and have
7801s it be cheaper gonna go ahead and keep
7803s this no flurry as well which is of
7805s course classically a good curve play I
7807s was just thinking it might be tossed
7808s because it doesn't quite fit the coin
7810s three into three curve
7813s yeah I guess maybe we're looking at the
7815s uh two three given that sanctum is
7817s probably not going to be too valuable at
7819s the start of the game uh but overall
7821s just a very playable hand here for yui
7823s uh you know compared to the other two
7826s decks there's not like an eye-wateringly
7828s powerful hand that you're looking to hit
7829s that instantly wins the game but this is
7832s uh as close as I think you're going to
7833s be getting to that
7835s um even that early Prismatic Elemental
7838s to challenge Jerry Ray Carpenter just
7840s classically good stats on board for this
7843s trade Horn of winter is a very good card
7848s however dunbaldar bunker draws rejection
7853s that is tempting like it's not insane
7857s first Druid but they have cut a lot of
7860s the early package right he's no longer
7863s playing Druid of the reef uh the
7865s cheapest minions in the deck are like
7867s Jerry Riggs sure you wouldn't mind
7868s getting that denied ask the law kind of
7871s hurts and then like Prince renithal is
7874s the best and aside from that there's
7875s some
7876s pretty big Heartbreakers to lose to the
7879s Dumbledore right there are a lot of
7882s there is a lot of redundancy in the
7884s Druid Deck in terms of threats and I
7886s guess you could say Crypt Keeper is a
7888s tossable card uh but just having that
7890s cycle from the dawn Builder I would
7892s value pretty much as well yui is gonna
7895s go horn of Winter though which is not to
7898s be
7899s denied any sort of extra Mana you can
7903s get and it's a good recast from romash
7905s potentially later on
7908s uh but as for Blazer's side the opening
7911s curve is outside of this turn three
7913s looking very very good right he just has
7915s Widow Bloom into nourish into topiar and
7918s topiar I think is the real Difference
7919s Maker in Druid being able to land this
7921s helps you swing back the board and play
7924s what you actually want to play while
7926s also clearing the board rather than just
7928s scrambling to respond every single turn
7930s that's exactly right I think that's the
7933s Difference Maker that forces
7935s UE onto some kind of Magister Dawn grasp
7938s game plan because this handy has here
7940s against an average drift draw it's not
7943s going to win the game on its own but
7944s it's gonna get you in that range you're
7946s going to be doing like 10 15 damage
7949s maybe in early minion pressure and then
7951s you can try and find a uh backup plan
7954s from there this however is not going to
7956s be doing that because topio should be
7958s able to stabilize things very nicely but
7961s a tough choice now actually I could see
7964s all of these honestly
7966s I feel like the objection is still very
7968s valuable at this point because it is
7971s tough to get Crypt Keeper to go to zero
7973s if you have not let the Druid get to a
7975s point where their armor game is very
7977s armored gain is very cheap in terms of
7979s Mana so he is just gonna go for that
7982s fits the curve very nicely thanks to the
7984s discount from vizier
7986s um it is such a nice combo with the
7989s various skeletons that you could
7991s generate as Mage even though you you
7993s missed the 50 50 on the death rattle I
7995s think he's still very solidly in the
7997s lead here and has nice follow-up right
7998s just Cold Case into Wildfire into Don
8001s grass which will recast his code uh his
8003s Wildfire for sure
8006s wow Plies taking a pretty big risk here
8008s on just that not being counter spell if
8011s it had been he would be in some big big
8012s trouble uh could have ended on renithal
8015s to test for
8017s objection but I guess he can still do
8019s that before the the topio on the
8021s following turn as I think always has to
8024s be the play like Topia is your
8026s stabilization tool here as we talked
8027s about right and it's not counterspell I
8030s think it's the next best secret or
8032s arguably even the best in that situation
8034s for you to have taken is objection so
8037s Blaze will have a top of Mind here but
8040s you still chugging along with
8043s um pressure that is not to be scoffed
8045s out really it's the Difference Maker of
8047s renathal that's keeping lies still
8049s pretty stable here but now the topir has
8052s landed and he can finally start to fight
8055s back but uh it's Don grass plan for UE
8058s oh or he can play that AI first to get
8061s it in the pool
8063s oh it's such a clean setup for the Ping
8066s though right because
8068s can he ever play it oh no he won't be
8070s able to even with horn of winter you
8071s won't be able to play the AI uh so I
8074s guess he just needs to hope to hit the
8076s 50 50 on the frost spell being cold case
8078s as horn is just kind of wasted
8088s it's sort of a double field because if
8091s you did hit Horan then you could have
8092s technically pinged first right yeah and
8095s then pinged again after playing
8097s photographs but you Yee everything going
8100s his way here and Blaise is not looking
8105s very happy about it understandably
8108s um
8108s sort of probably feeling a bit
8111s conflicted now his prediction of Druid
8113s struggling is working out but an EU
8115s player is also struggling exactly it
8119s does not compute you always bet with
8121s exploits but you always bet against
8123s Druid in this matter
8126s oh okay that's a
8128s decent draw it's not a nature spell
8130s unfortunately which would be really nice
8132s here innovate is enormous yeah just two
8135s free three threes
8139s thank you
8141s oh that's a lovely spelling oh my
8143s goodness yeah that's tons of juice you
8147s don't man see tons of armor yeah I think
8150s I think so much he's not nature if I
8153s remember correctly but like you said
8154s it's the uh the armor that's the Salient
8156s Factor here
8159s yeah I honestly cannot recall
8163s it is not okay thank you
8167s I mean I I'm sure they have a rigorous
8169s process behind it but it's called
8171s beetlemancy like come on surely that's
8173s nature it's literally just Beetle power
8176s yeah this is um not my jurisdiction
8181s okay crucially Bliss has held on to
8184s Crypt Keeper probably for two reasons
8187s right it is an easy objection fodder and
8191s also it might just be a ping Target to
8193s keep buffing up yui's hero power
8195s depending on whether he can get another
8197s wildfire
8205s whether to start with the suspicious or
8208s the arcane
8211s gonna say I like starting with AI just
8213s because I feel like there's more useful
8215s four drops that you
8216s would rather Play Just Another Cold Case
8220s I guess maybe an apprentice as well
8224s Rune is the most utility for UE but it's
8228s also the most utility for lies
8231s um
8232s given that Blythe doesn't have golf up
8234s yet I feel like that two Mana is
8236s expensive for him to spend so I like the
8238s pick for you you he's in a spot where he
8240s really needs the resources and it's also
8242s buffing up the raw math potentially
8247s yeah those Arcane Defenders did look
8249s nice with romance but if you can go
8250s runed up into a Defenders then that's
8253s obviously just that little bit better
8255s assuming romath knows where to point the
8258s uh the Rune that's the one supplies
8262s he doesn't hesitate to play around
8264s Secrets or choose to not play around
8266s them he doesn't hesitate off of
8268s suspicious
8270s he's just the kind of player that all
8272s these murloc homes type of guessing
8274s cards will not phase ever
8280s [Applause]
8284s all the Wolves killed off by the death
8287s rattles
8288s it is honestly not too bad for blinds I
8291s feel like his health is a big concern
8295s he hasn't seen more dress yet Nora bran
8298s with the Reckless apprentice and that
8300s hero power is dealing five a turn right
8302s now yeah that is true but you need
8306s something impressive to happen here like
8309s a good spell off the Rune door
8310s potentially to be able to cast alongside
8311s the romance because he's slowing down
8313s really heavily here five damage a turn
8315s from the hero power does not outpace
8318s Druid uh in terms of the healing they
8320s can get with dinathrius obviously
8321s Earthen scales being the really big
8323s swing card once that comes online and
8327s these are not really
8330s the kinds of cards you're looking for
8332s you could pick and play blizzard I
8336s suppose to get it in the pool for uh for
8339s Roma but missing out on that hero power
8341s for another turn just feels Dreadful
8343s right I do think he picks the blizzard
8345s but probably just goes Ai and ping to
8348s close out the turn it is not quite Mana
8350s efficient oh shattering glassy is
8353s running double flurry in the deck
8355s sun sets
8365s I have an idea he picks up a wildfire it
8369s can close out the curb pretty nicely
8371s doesn't but that theater
8373s would represent
8375s yeah a wrench in the works for flies
8386s more armor yeah we'll have that
8393s High tennis plating also not a nature
8395s spell
8397s I guess the verdict is insects are not
8399s part of nature yeah Hearthstone rules
8405s they got blathers on the design team
8407s [Laughter]
8416s really conscious of that objection right
8418s turn off to turn
8420s I like it
8422s uh Jerry rig is also not drawing
8424s anything at this point I believe but it
8427s is a more expensive way to counter
8428s objections so
8433s as the Lord picked up for UE and now
8436s he's in a very precarious position where
8438s it's like technically this represents
8440s the damage to get there over several
8442s turns with the pig but it's not
8445s accounting for any armor whatsoever
8448s all right time for the grand match
8450s himself and let's see what this can pull
8452s together
8453s oh yeah coin
8455s oh yeah of course yeah
8458s that's on blizzard uh that was not very
8463s Grand was it yeah
8466s being demoted
8477s we're going the Ping even
8481s think ue's priority is on cycling
8483s towards a more dress
8487s oh
8490s this is a tough choice like with bran
8493s and Aston law in hand and even
8496s dinathrius like I know he can't do that
8498s yet without goth or the anubarak but
8501s oh I was sorely tempted by that brand
8504s that's a really tough choice
8509s I do like the next
8512s game I feel like
8514s what year is a bar dress which annexia
8518s does survive because of all the two ones
8520s protecting her
8525s savara uh
8530s I mean these are some
8532s decent spells to truck in Savannah with
8534s blizzard and objection I suppose just to
8536s keep denying the minions over and over
8543s and what's a safe turn to land survar
8546s right if she were like only two spells
8548s left here you could say blizzard
8549s shattering blast and then you could go
8550s sevara blizzard right away but any turn
8554s that he takes to play savara if there's
8555s not an immediate board freeze after that
8558s you you could easily just die from his
8561s perspective that's true to a dinathrius
8564s I guess it's not super Juiced especially
8567s with the Nerf to it but over a couple
8569s turns of board damage and it flies
8572s everything goth things can get dicey
8577s [Music]
8579s foreign
8582s not a bad card at this point bly's just
8584s needs ways to turn all these expensive
8588s heavy cards in hand into pressure as
8591s soon as he possibly can
8596s innovate because of handspace
8599s annoying
8601s tell no Goff
8606s threatening bored though a new year
8609s again still one more spell needed for
8611s savara and that's a flirty which can
8613s activate her very nicely
8618s so flurry with the location and sevara
8620s is a full board freeze he can leave in a
8623s pink face if he wants to
8626s oh yeah and is is that Weber up we just
8630s try and freeze out stole out the game
8632s and ping face
8634s every turn I'm just trying to think
8636s about big uh you know long term and what
8640s needs to happen for a UE to have a
8642s chance of winning this game
8645s whose objection and has that in the
8648s savara pool instead which I think is
8650s probably a better priority than flurry
8652s because he's scared of the inevitability
8655s right of
8657s um nubricant of the natrios of astalar
8659s there's too many things that he needs to
8662s object
8664s oh yeah I guess that's better I was
8666s thinking like if he needs to win this
8668s game though he kind of needs to play
8669s theater and like steal danathrius maybe
8672s in which case he'd like to have another
8674s flurry to buy himself time but there it
8676s is for Belize right it's one of the
8678s cards he was looking for Guff number one
8680s uh Urban scales number two pretty simply
8688s that suddenly unlocks the potential of
8691s Liza's entire hand
8694s no brand quite yet but might not be
8697s necessary if he can follow up the
8699s denatures with an astalar
8706s I guess he'd also been holding out oh
8708s sorry Holding Out for
8711s Reckless Apprentice right would have
8713s allowed him to honorably kill the uh the
8716s growth
8718s right
8720s I do think this has to be at the Atari
8722s turn though
8724s okay take out the useful cards and try
8727s to give Blaze something unnecessary
8735s oh that is nothing good for you okay
8739s I mean I guess it was literally just
8742s dinathrius right that really made a
8744s difference here maybe yeah yeah
8753s sunsets okay yeah our odds weren't
8757s particularly good to steal away a game
8760s winner here which means that bly's is
8762s looking very solid to get his foot
8765s through the door in this series
8769s wow denying a draw I guess right yeah
8774s he's saying if he hasn't got Earth and
8775s scales now maybe he won't
8777s hit it before the end of the game but
8779s like just hero powering a return uh I
8782s think we'll probably be enough to get
8784s there
8785s lies though because he has hit neither
8788s brand nor a nubricant at this point is
8790s still waiting to cash out on all these
8794s damage here and it's still not available
8796s yeah
8797s and here we go with scales of the
8800s Moonlight guidance as well there's three
8804s of them at least now available for uh to
8806s him and uh above starting Health total
8810s now uh yui is gonna
8813s need a miracle to close this game out
8815s I'm saying
8821s maybe he can exhaust I I don't know I
8824s guess exhausting his opponent came from
8826s stealing danathrius right right
8829s there's not enough objections left here
8831s yeah it's getting to the point where
8834s Blaise doesn't even need the full combo
8836s he can just attack with his board and
8839s then supplement with denatures or
8840s astelor
8844s because it's still a decent
8847s amount of stall for you even though he
8850s gave away the blizzard he's got Alibis
8851s there's another full turn of stall just
8854s in the flurry alone
8859s this has does have to start objecting
8862s though
8865s he had seen both Crypt Lords and both
8868s Jerry Riggs so it becomes quite
8870s expensive now for blice to toss a card
8872s into that
8873s [Music]
8876s yeah just trying to exhaust his opponent
8878s here I think
8882s Noble efforts given Druids vast amounts
8886s of threats yeah
8889s true I will say that this version today
8891s as we said if you steal danathrius and
8894s then maybe ask the law as well with the
8896s the mutinous is exhaustible you can get
8899s there because it doesn't have infinite
8901s threats like some of the Druids of old
8902s did uh but I don't quite think he has
8907s the tools to do so I don't think so
8909s either
8911s and brand bottom six
8914s yeah well we know bran is bottom right
8916s because it was in The Dredge but yeah an
8919s Uber can must be like fourth or fifth
8921s from the bottom which in Druid is the
8923s worst place a card can possibly be
8928s oh my six Mana deal two damage
8933s make some hand space because it's going
8935s Miracle growth next turn you'd have to
8937s expect
8940s no way as I see it to get that honorable
8943s kill
8944s uh but still
8946s tempting to go for the Reckless
8948s Apprentice just to clear off a bit of
8949s damage and maybe try and fit in as the
8952s law for the following turn
8955s it's maybe the best you have access to
8965s I'm not seeing much better
8975s if he is to go for a reckless Plus Cold
8978s Case ping the fact that the 97 stays
8981s alive is
8982s very annoying you don't want to use a
8984s flurry on a singular targets like that
8987s but
8988s it is scary enough that if he does leave
8990s that 9 damage alive he could just die to
8994s a denaturius plus Brandy from his
8996s perspective
8998s It's Gonna Be The Alibi instead
9000s guaranteeing that he can live to see
9002s another turn maybe get a bigger
9004s Apprentice
9006s oh it kind of feels like you've got to
9008s send that damage into the 9-7 uh just
9012s because you I'd have to guess
9013s anticipating to clear with ask the law
9016s on the following turn
9017s [Applause]
9020s foreign
9026s we finally got it and the Aquatic for a
9029s brown as well so the full combo
9030s available nextard I like that Belize
9032s here is deliberately not getting as many
9034s welps as possible he's trying to keep
9036s ports plays clear because he could have
9038s gone scales trade then the miracle
9041s growth uh but he's leaving a couple
9042s board spaces open just so he has as much
9044s chance as possible of going for the full
9047s combo next turn
9050s right
9051s judging Brown up to the top
9056s and
9060s not sure where dinosaurus is right now
9063s but certainly at least 18 right you want
9066s to close it yeah yeah my uh it really
9070s does throw you off doesn't it even just
9072s halving what it would have been before
9073s it's much much more difficult to
9075s estimate it feels like now
9077s yeah I mean before you didn't have to
9079s count or look you just knew it was
9081s Lethal that's true yeah yeah I would say
9083s especially with bran it was actually
9085s Infinity damage hmm
9094s there is another objection in the hand
9098s but supplies I think has deliberately
9101s been keeping the one that's in play in
9103s place so that it could not be replaced
9104s as you sometimes do with ice barrier
9107s back in the day
9109s yeah and it's low-key just kind of good
9111s for blinds actually that his board is
9113s being cleared off here yeah
9116s because now he has full space to go
9119s anything like I guess starfish
9125s and then Brandon yeah yeah yeah yeah
9128s yeah he knows what's up Drew is finally
9131s getting over the line now that's right
9133s so many ways to go about it if you want
9135s a new brick on brand nazrios astal or
9139s whatever this is actually Infinity
9141s damage
9147s going for the stylish play
9151s the 64.
9153s or is it going to be one ask the Lord
9156s into the natrios
9159s I mean thank you
9161s both really
9166s there you go
9170s finally getting on the board here is
9172s Belize with the Druid in
9175s you know as I was saying at the start I
9176s thought the drill would be likely to get
9177s a win at some point I didn't think it
9179s would come a little bit earlier because
9181s I thought it might be in a decent spot
9182s against the Rogue we know it's okay
9184s versus the Druid but against that Mage
9186s it was just pretty clear from the start
9188s Mage is not built in this form to have
9190s any kind of a chance for druid
9193s yeah I would not see so the objections
9196s are decent at stalling but it really is
9199s just that isn't it because the
9201s inevitability of the damage from Druid
9204s coupled with the fact that they have so
9206s much armor to get out of range of what
9208s Mage can normally do means that
9211s um at some point the Mage will just fall
9214s but UE still has two chances to get a
9217s win with it as Blythe still has his own
9219s Rogue and Demon Hunter remaining and
9222s those are ducks where the objection I
9225s would say and solid Alibi are very very
9228s useful
9231s that is probably true yeah I think this
9234s is where things start to get a little
9235s bit tougher for uh belies in terms of
9238s his Druid oh sorry his Demon Hunter list
9241s he has access to uh which I believe he
9244s is going to be lining up now no real
9247s spicy text again one need for great
9249s double scorn and it's just pretty simple
9252s there's very very few minions in the
9254s deck and you kind of need all of them a
9256s cheap restaurant Viper is the best you
9258s can hope for to be able to dispense with
9260s those objections and aside from that
9263s basically just pray that they don't draw
9265s them is the the best chance you have
9267s that's right that Viper is actually
9269s quite useful I would say to proc an
9272s objection it is somewhat difficult for
9275s the D100 to navigate those turns because
9277s sometimes you do need to get things out
9281s of your hand in order to keep drawing
9283s and if you get something out of hand
9284s which is a minion and Proctor objection
9286s then they can replay another objection
9288s so on and so forth and then there's a
9290s double Alibis and potentially even more
9293s discovered by this heavy discover
9295s package from UE that can delay and delay
9299s and delay the Lee Hill turns and then
9301s there's also the fact that the Stephen
9303s Hunter's healing is very contingent on
9305s unleash fell having a wide board to get
9308s lifesteal off of which yui can
9310s conscientiously play around to the point
9313s where maybe the Don grasp and stacked
9317s pings can start to end outpace blinds
9320s but a lot of things need to line up
9321s correctly for the mange
9323s that's true yeah and I I guess that's
9326s what's worth bringing up is that even
9328s though a deck has an obvious intention
9330s to do something uh does not necessarily
9333s mean that it is going to be able to do
9334s that within time and again cute little
9336s text played in competitive Hearthstone
9338s uh that don't actually end up working
9340s out particularly well for the player
9341s employing them in the end and I kind of
9344s have the suspicion not having tested
9346s this Mage deck with objection very much
9348s or at all uh myself the the uh the Demon
9352s Hunter will be able to just get over the
9353s Finish Line uh nonetheless if it gets
9356s any kind of a hand similar to what yui
9358s had against bly's I think you should be
9360s sitting very much pretty
9362s does have the early Relic vault which is
9365s also very nice to start off with it's
9368s the Tale As Old As Time with questline
9370s D1 Hunter right you're not able to
9372s progress Quest on turn two most of the
9375s time so the best usage of your Mana is
9378s if you don't have Relic well just hero
9380s power in turn one then hero power Quest
9381s on turn two but with the Vault you can
9383s get that Nana spent very nicely leading
9385s up into eight Dimensions later on now
9389s we're talking uh looking very very spicy
9392s indeed for flies obviously but for you
9394s sorry you Yi on the other side uh it's
9397s not looking bad either right a lot of
9399s those nice disruption cards ready to go
9401s objection Cold Case hopefully another
9404s cheap spell into savara into replaying
9407s the objection into the mutinous it's uh
9409s it's writing itself
9412s yeah it's as good of a hand as he could
9414s have asked for in terms of disruption
9417s but this first objection it's very much
9420s unblies as to how long he can hold out
9423s for actually procking it because the
9425s fact that Secrets cannot be stacked is
9427s essential to playing around them
9432s kind of good
9434s and bad that he got the guild Trader
9436s there like it's a decent amount to
9438s discount it by by the one but you'd kind
9440s of rather have it in the deck for the
9441s coin Relic uh that you're going to be
9443s employing on this turn but I mean yeah
9446s that says it all this is a wicked round
9449s here for blight yeah real monster of
9453s quest progression and just just cycling
9456s as well let's have to dump a card here
9458s to make some room and oh the phantasms
9462s one to zero yep I was gonna say that is
9464s the least valuable of all of these a
9466s mark of score and if you can
9468s um angle it to go face at some point
9471s that is the best Target for sure and
9473s that's definitely doable when you have
9475s unleash fell to clear up the board first
9478s better
9483s uh oh if not much hey
9487s either of the secrets maybe has utility
9490s to Bluff a counter spell
9493s but that's true is just more consistent
9496s to help him I don't know find a brand if
9499s he feels he can get late enough in the
9501s game to be able to brand mutinous but
9503s something tells me it's not going to go
9504s to turn 10.
9506s yeah I wonder if that was a hand space
9509s concern with the Savar that you're
9510s playing as well but I I think it would
9513s have just about worked out either way
9523s efficient for this turn sure thing
9528s [Music]
9535s this turn usually ends up being the hand
9537s dump turn right in one way or another
9542s that's your precious objection counter
9547s snake
9551s I mean yeah it's true that you say one
9554s and only but I
9556s I want to say if Belize hits a second
9557s zero Mana or I suppose a second cheap
9560s spell damage card in his hand he's kind
9563s of afford to go for like one massive
9566s burst turn with like dispel one of those
9569s minions and then just go second spell
9571s damage plus Jace all in the same turn
9572s which against Mage is probably gonna end
9575s up being lethal very true but it's
9578s really contingent on whether he can
9580s discount another Minion from the second
9581s relic of sure yeah yeah because
9584s currently the way the Mana is stacked
9587s for place if he wants to prop the
9589s objection it has to happen on a separate
9591s turn from the uh big combo turn with the
9595s chase
9596s unless he's procking it with Chris
9598s Wilson which would be funny
9600s it's that useless
9603s I mean Loki if he had a little bit more
9605s Mana you'd consider I think it's a bit
9606s too expensive
9608s oh it's a fantastic overdraw
9611s oh it is gonna go for the creatures wow
9615s okay
9616s oh he is hoping you he doesn't have much
9620s damage in hand which he does not no
9622s wildfires played but there is the
9625s mutinous on curve which has a 50 50 of
9628s chomping Jason even if it misses hits a
9631s spell damage piece right yeah
9636s you would probably then end up having to
9638s trade your
9640s your whole board or maybe not actually
9641s you could still Bluff a visit right or
9645s barrier yeah uh both of which would be
9648s pretty scary for the Demon Hunter
9654s but he has no way of knowing if there is
9657s one of those crucial minions in hand
9659s Jace of course being the biggest of them
9663s you really want to play another
9665s objection like it was expensive for them
9667s to deal with that first one and so maybe
9670s if you're not certain that Jace is in
9672s hand which again you're not you have no
9673s indication one way or the other really
9675s at this point uh objection plus the Cold
9678s Case is the slightly safer way to go
9680s about things
9682s at the same time objection loses utility
9684s post curtress right because now the
9686s Viper costs
9688s one to profit uh so many considerations
9692s for UE here but in the end it looks like
9695s he is going to replace his objection
9698s supplies will also know about for sure
9700s because it came off of savara
9707s again the classic we haven't even seen
9708s the card drawn and it's already been
9710s played there for Xbox mapped out his
9712s entire turn setting up for that relic of
9714s dimensions of course trying to hit the
9717s spell damage the zero amount of snakes
9719s anything just to be able to deal with
9721s this uh objection and get the lethal
9724s through but those are disastrous chords
9727s to discount
9729s that's okay though he just doesn't play
9731s the Viper this turn right holds off yeah
9734s yeah
9735s but at this point
9737s the best that you can hope for or I
9739s guess sorry one of the guild Traders
9742s cost three right so technically if you
9744s hit it with the central plus the
9745s discount from kertras you could get a
9747s zero Mana Guild Trader but realistically
9749s you're looking at one and two Mana Guild
9751s Traders here for the rest of the game uh
9753s which is doable but the man is getting
9755s really tight as the mutinous comes down
9758s and deletes the chase oh for blies this
9762s could not be going worse
9764s a lot of damage he has access to it
9767s technically though with the other guild
9769s Traders still available that's like with
9771s all the spell damage that's true that is
9774s plus six on everything I got it all I
9779s cannot do math enough
9781s but he has to hit off of the score
9784s Mana though
9787s double a leash
9790s that is true okay that's a hit
9795s uh 24 plus eight is it one off
9805s you know what unleash felt always gets
9808s there the next turn I guess there's the
9809s Don grass armor to consider but this
9812s plays around Alibi because he's
9813s literally had one
9817s that's true yeah yeah unless you go
9820s Alibi plus as the law would be
9823s the out there potentially but then you'd
9826s also have to clear a bit because they
9827s just chunk through for the necessary
9828s damage right
9830s uh what can Don graspberry Play No
9834s flurries right
9839s and there's
9840s oh Oasis Ally which is a huge whiff yeah
9846s this has locked
9848s UE out of this one despite his Jace
9850s getting munched up this is the power of
9853s the fell Demon Hunter absolutely
9862s has an AI right
9865s which means he can get Alibi oh wait no
9867s there's no AI in it that's it yeah not
9871s even close man and this is kind of what
9874s I was talking about right the deck did
9876s everything it wanted to do there right
9878s it cost one two three objections was it
9882s or at the very least had the opportunity
9883s to have cast three over the course of
9885s the game with that many being drawn and
9886s generated and a mutant is coming down as
9889s well
9890s but it just still wasn't enough the
9892s burst from the Demon Hunter is too
9893s flexible and too high as well and uh
9896s Belize is equalizing us at two games a
9899s piece in a fantastic game yeah honestly
9902s the fact that the Jay Scott Eden is
9905s making me sort of reconsider the way I
9907s count lethal in this deck overall right
9909s because in your mind you're kind of like
9911s okay set aside the seven Mana because
9913s that's a ton of damage but if you have
9915s seven mana free and that much damage to
9917s begin with then it just goes to show
9920s that Jace itself is a bonus here with
9923s all of the spell damage with all of the
9925s fell barrages if you can make sure all
9927s of that hits face and that's even with a
9929s mutinous on board soaking up a huge Mark
9932s of scorn that is just incredible how
9935s much the Demon Hunter can put forth and
9937s it's really clear why the entire field
9939s is bringing this deck and this archetype
9942s as well uh that leaves us with Blazer's
9945s last deck the jombre Rogue for lack of a
9948s better name because it's not quite full
9951s death throttle it has the sinstone
9953s graveyard in there and also the snowfall
9957s graveyard the location and the aura
9960s effect the Sunstone mainly being an
9963s undead that you can sort of have on
9966s board to get the Invincible Buffs here
9968s but the mask reveler which pulls either
9971s Invincible or neptulon neptulon can be a
9974s win condition in and of itself
9977s yeah it is a brutally powerful date when
9979s it gets to pull off what it's able to do
9981s and the fact that you make room for a
9983s lot of new cards when you compare it to
9986s the other version of death rattle Rogue
9988s with the uh the ghouls in there as well
9990s and the burning blade acolyte is you get
9992s to play
9993s uh ghostly strike Wicked stab tooth and
9997s si7 extortion which may seem like
9999s slightly unoptimal cards in a deck
10002s that's trying to do death rattle Synergy
10004s rather than damage to face but the fact
10006s you get to self-proc your own minions is
10009s so huge in this deck being able to go
10011s Invincible hit it with the uh the wicked
10015s stab hit it with ghostly strike and all
10016s of a sudden that's plus 20 plus 20 if
10019s you have the graveyard down on one of
10020s your minions it's a huge difference when
10023s compared to the other version of the
10024s deck which I feel one of the the biggest
10026s weaknesses of that deck is on the final
10029s turn of your of your snowfall graveyard
10032s uh pop-off turn you're unable to
10035s actually proc the Minions that you're
10036s playing you just play them out and then
10038s nothing happens with them so I do really
10040s like that addition to this deck and it
10042s does lead to some very unexpected lethal
10046s combos when you get invincible online
10047s but it's right so many different
10049s combinations of ways things can pan out
10053s here mainly off the back of scourge
10055s illusion as being pulled by sketchy
10056s information and a lot of doubling that
10058s can happen with the snowfall graveyard
10060s but I will say that the Mage package of
10064s stall and disruption is more effective
10065s against this deck than any other in
10067s places lineup right all the damage
10070s outside of a couple of the Spells comes
10072s from Minions staying on the board and
10075s purely the spell-based damage is not
10077s enough to kill the Mage from the 40
10079s Health plus plus plus a lot of armor
10084s Ah that's patches in the starting hand
10086s though for boys with Invincible being
10089s drawn any minion you draw in this deck
10091s is just bad you want them all to stay uh
10095s in your deck draw them out with sketchy
10096s information and the illusionists and all
10098s that nonsense he's a neptulon drawer
10101s away from being in some very very big
10103s trouble yeah he's looking very
10105s Invincible right now hey
10109s um off of these options for UE the code
10112s of code seems like it would be the
10113s highest utility for UE and also the
10115s lowest purple eyes so I'm interested in
10118s that vengeful Visage could catch
10121s hard though
10123s it's not terrible is it what he goes
10126s fire sale option number three
10129s probably the one that Belize would want
10130s the most as well right
10133s oh wow interesting
10136s if he was just looking for a tradable
10138s reroll because it's not a particularly
10141s good hunt for UE
10143s did he just accidentally play the
10145s Cutlass you never play it there right
10147s that was always a trade I think so to
10151s try and get your sketchy discounted oh
10153s but it's happening slow down man it's
10156s all right
10157s I feel like his reaction is a Grimace I
10161s don't know if that Warren I think that
10162s was a Grimace okay I can't I I mean
10165s nobody can read lies but
10169s if we get momoblies on the line to tell
10172s us that means
10177s but yeah that's a pretty big deal where
10179s I like not being able to play sketchy on
10180s two not being able to bank a Mana with
10182s serrated bone Spike that is really
10185s really bad yeah
10187s and it potentially was one more turn
10189s that you could have drawn something
10193s important that you want to stay in the
10195s deck
10198s there's a reveler though which means
10200s that the neptulon game plan is Alive and
10203s Well potentially
10211s things are starting to slow down a
10214s little bit though for a few of these
10216s fantastic starting few turns
10220s uh like trade and night cloak sanctum is
10225s probably where we're at but we do need
10227s to consider that he doesn't know
10228s Invincible is in hand so just playing
10229s fire sale to deal with this 3-3 is a
10232s very real consideration on this turn
10235s right
10237s I was looking at that
10240s but I think between having objection
10242s done grasp and uh blizzard in hand it
10246s seems like he has enough disruption for
10248s now and he can commit to just having
10250s that location online and he uses it
10251s aggressively though which I did not
10253s expect I thought he was going to save
10255s every charge on that to stall as long as
10257s possible
10263s I kind of almost expected flies to
10267s display this judge Illusionist there to
10270s uh get rid of the objection to set up
10273s for a masked reveler on the following
10274s turn but maybe he wants to do them both
10277s on the same turn so there's no
10279s possibility of a second objection uh
10281s coming in to deny that again
10283s feels like that's always a top priority
10286s yeah
10289s well if we're continuing the theme of
10291s aggression for UE The Reckless
10294s Apprentice looks pretty clean here a
10296s little bit off curve but uh continues to
10300s push push damage and clear the board
10314s tough one though
10316s From yui's perspective it's really tough
10318s because he has to expect a Neptune line
10320s at any point
10322s forward
10324s um if the three one is clear there's
10326s still the location coming off cooldown
10329s for flies so it could still be
10330s Invincible From yui's perspective
10333s oh
10335s but in all of these worlds he doesn't
10337s really have an option to try and get
10339s greedy with the Reckless Apprentice I
10342s feel like it has the best usage right
10344s now to push damage as a 3-5 what a
10347s delightful part
10351s well the rebels at least on the board if
10355s nothing else
10359s and uh guaranteed at this point to get
10363s the neptral on right with both Scourge
10365s illusionists having been drawn as well
10369s I'm not entirely sure if that's good or
10371s bad to be perfectly honest it's honestly
10374s past the point where it's really
10376s threatening right you can continuously
10379s freeze the hands and the main body
10383s I was even just trying to get it out
10386s yep one blizzard away
10391s it was a bit of a
10393s risky play because if it was invincible
10396s you were in some amount of trouble there
10401s I guess it still could have been frozen
10406s with the location
10408s uh oh true yeah good point it didn't
10410s have to be blizzard did it
10414s I mean now it has to be blizzard right
10416s surely yeah for sure
10418s way too clean
10424s wow no
10425s okay killing off the main body like this
10428s fascinating
10431s I guess he's trying to prioritize damage
10433s actually right yeah this is the play
10435s that
10436s pressure is blazed the most which
10438s looking at it again I think it makes a
10440s lot of sense I like the lion yeah it's
10442s kind of sick
10446s oh so frustrating that this River can't
10449s be killed off on this turn for a uh
10451s almost entire board clear
10460s you know it pulls nothing at this point
10468s uh it still gets the natural and right
10469s it's just a copy oh yeah sorry the
10471s original yeah
10474s my bad
10484s uh but it's not great either way is it
10487s can just be instantly Frozen and get the
10490s rest of the damage face as you as his
10492s last turn clearly demonstrated he knows
10494s what his win condition is here which is
10495s to get chip damage so he's wherever
10497s possible
10499s foreign
10510s to push minion damage is really the
10512s Difference Maker here it's putting
10514s blinds on such a short clock
10527s frustration is visible
10532s oh okay that
10535s means
10537s the lizard is no longer a necessity
10539s necessarily on this turn
10544s yeah the 3-3 start line on one of the
10547s stealth minions is very important here
10550s because it survives blizzard and it
10552s allows players to have an invincible
10554s Target right
10557s but if you play the like I think at this
10559s point for Hui you actually have a decent
10562s read on Invincible being in hand right
10565s because you've now seen both Scourge
10567s illusionists so for both revelers it
10569s would be a like a 25 chance for them to
10573s have hit double neptral on back to back
10574s there's a card that's been in hand since
10576s turn one I feel like that's indicating
10578s to you that it's probably Invincible in
10580s which case uh the
10583s play if just going for solid Alibi plus
10586s objection forces them off of going for
10588s uh Invincible for a whole extra turn
10591s definitely see that I feel like he
10594s doesn't even need to Alibi in that case
10597s sure okay yeah fair enough
10604s oh no
10607s oh okay
10612s yeah he's got to do it to play
10613s Invincible next turn
10615s foreign
10627s I don't think so okay
10633s yeah I'm quite clearly hear we're
10635s entering the top deck War right for both
10637s of these players with a big three damage
10638s return for Yugi I even really wanted to
10642s send that face but he he knows there's
10644s an invincible in hand now right like you
10647s kind of just know yeah in which case
10650s this is eight damage you're gonna tank
10651s instead of three I think you gotta ping
10655s it
10657s thing is location is off cool down again
10659s so fly still has a Target but it's not
10662s immediately attacking it's kind of weird
10665s how it pans out that's good
10668s yeah nice draw though
10679s two solid Alibi paying into question
10682s mark
10683s yeah he needs one more step along the
10686s way maybe that's the largest step he
10689s needs yeah he just needs any spell the
10691s red and then he's golden because the
10693s Silver Arrow will get The Alibi back
10695s yeah
10698s foreign
10703s he gets the shadow of demise then it's
10707s 18 which is like theoretically starting
10709s to represent lethal
10713s August will
10716s I think you just take the shipment to
10718s trade it I don't want to mess around
10721s with these like ROM math doesn't know
10723s where to target these spells no but like
10725s it's just a cheap spell so it's the
10727s third Civ RS Bell and you immediately
10729s get your Alibi back I guess yeah fair
10731s enough fair enough
10732s and that's enough right because you can
10735s think it just does it
10738s you're right
10743s oh excruciating for place this is the
10747s most stressed I've ever seen him it's so
10750s close
10754s so what can go wrong for you why would
10757s you save
10759s this Focus will
10761s this one three never gets to attack
10763s phase no
10765s [Music]
10767s foreign
10771s [Music]
10773s so you can comfortably blizzard ping
10776s again next yeah yeah
10795s the fact that he's three pings away
10796s instead of two is so excruciating for
10799s Yugi as well
10802s the old break points
10807s yeah I guess as well for UE who's
10808s actually just holding out for maybe a
10810s better spell on the following turn he
10812s could have got another Alibi because
10814s I don't know reasons maybe there's
10816s something his opponent can pull out of
10817s his hat
10820s great
10822s are we still looking at a past
10824s shadow of demise plus something out for
10827s Blaze if you get and the door of Shadows
10829s is never getting infused right or is it
10831s can he kill it his own thing off it's
10834s really difficult it's like one off right
10836s because if you could get double shadow
10838s of demise into double wicked stuff oh
10841s right yeah yeah
10844s but he can't even kill his own thing off
10846s it's one Health too much so we need to
10849s get like ghostly strikes somehow off the
10851s gut like trade into ghostly strike and
10854s then ghostly trike bone Spike yeah
10856s there's there's some maybe extremely
10858s convoluted series of spells with like a
10860s prep somewhere on along there as well
10863s I don't no
10867s but I don't think this is it
10873s what was in the dredge pool
10877s prep oh man it's so close
10885s oh my God okay that's it it just doesn't
10888s get there he was one Wicked stab off and
10890s that means that after such a back and
10893s forth series plays on the verge of
10896s reverse Sweeping in the end yui takes it
10899s with the mage
10901s yeah I do think they're at the end for
10904s you he was maybe supposed to play the
10906s the Colts oh sorry the solid Alibi
10908s instead of the blizzard I think that
10910s locks out like any outs at all with some
10913s kind of as you said weird uh
10921s but then last turn he drew the the
10923s natural one in his deck uh unless I'm
10926s mistaken but either way it was like one
10928s in a thousand chance that anything even
10929s happens there if that uh for you so I'm
10931s not going to reprimand him too harshly
10933s as uh it ended as it we thought it would
10936s at the start with you getting it too
10938s back to back incredible victories uh on
10942s the uh the Rogue and the Demon Hunter
10943s the Mage I have to say though looking a
10946s little weak maybe it's fair to call it
10949s like a bit more of a hybrid where it's
10951s decent against Rogue and Demon Hunter
10953s rather than an all-out Demon Hunter
10955s counter as we've kind of been touting it
10957s before uh because again there's the
10959s objections in that matchup did look
10961s pretty backbreaking uh for Belize to try
10963s and answer
10964s yeah that is right that Mage is doing
10966s something very specific right it's there
10969s to beat the Draco Rogues the the Boon
10971s priests and not necessarily the Demon
10974s Hunter but it can attempt against those
10976s whereas it's really that tale of the
10979s fourth deck right for bly's that fourth
10980s deck was the Druid which was weak
10983s against the two Decks that the Mages
10984s trying to Target and only happens to be
10986s good against the Mage so the math was
10988s just not quite in Blaze's favor there
10990s but he will have another shot in the
10993s elimination match against XC but before
10995s that Derek we have some brighter news we
10999s have to find out who is going through to
11001s Sunday between dead draw and Yu Ying and
11005s uh it's got to be said well that was a
11006s very tight series there between UE and
11010s x-blies but I did kind of feel like you
11013s maybe deserved the victory like those
11016s first couple games were a bit of a wash
11017s honestly he just drew the perfect hand
11019s uh two games in a row but Blaise you
11022s could like start to feel the tilt a
11024s little bit not trading with his Cutlass
11026s and instead just playing it playing it a
11027s little bit fast even by his standards uh
11030s which is I think nice to see because
11032s between XC and dead draw it was uh
11034s pretty obvious uh that Deadpool was just
11036s playing a little bit better but for you
11037s being an old hand at this at this point
11040s uh very much established within the
11042s competitive Hearthstone scene I'm glad
11044s to see that he has nerves of Steel and
11045s is unfazed by these new wave of
11048s younglings coming along to try and uh
11050s take his glory but as you said we have
11052s our winners bracket match coming up now
11055s so when we come back dead Raw vs for
11058s that first spot in the quarter finals
11061s we'll see you then
11064s [Music]
11070s thank you
11077s [Music]
11080s would you rather fight one horse or 100
11083s ducks
11086s pasta or rice
11088s that's not
11090s Raven or saddle
11093s Totara strawberry ice cream or chocolate
11095s ice cream
11098s five social time or alone time
11103s winter or summer
11106s uh winter
11109s [Music]
11124s [Music]
11126s all right first up oceans or mountains
11130s higher
11132s a big party or a small gathering
11135s shout out
11137s bath or shower
11141s passenger or driver
11143s [Music]
11146s a city or Countryside
11152s and finally work hard or play hard
11158s [Music]
11169s [Music]
11174s thank you
11176s okay first question how many matches has
11180s xmg won in Masters tours is it 40 50 60
11186s or 70.
11189s miltra
11191s 60 is close but unfortunately the
11194s correct answer is 70.
11196s all right question two how many times
11199s has Chiang Ming been in the top 32 of a
11202s Masters Tour is it seven eight nine or
11207s ten
11210s seven is correct congratulations
11213s who did XC beat in the finals of Masters
11217s Tour Madrid was it Aloo temu surrender
11222s Glory or give please
11228s is absolutely correct well done
11231s uh question four uh this one should be
11234s nice and easy uh yui has played 16
11238s Masters tours how many times has he had
11241s a losing record is it one
11244s three five or seven
11248s five is correct well done you don't want
11251s to get your own question wrong good job
11254s uh which player beat gel T twice in the
11257s 2019 World Championship was it Union was
11262s it Jing was it a mega zero or Jason Joe
11266s Treaty of
11268s Jing is the correct answer
11270s who did xiaobai beat in the final of
11274s Masters Tour ironforge was it wyra
11278s flokey baby bear or Maverick
11284s unfortunately that is incorrect it was
11286s Maverick which gives you a final score
11290s of four out of six which is very
11291s impressive Lorinda does like to make
11293s these questions very hard so well done
11296s [Music]
11300s thank you
11315s oh my God
11316s [Music]
11328s [Music]
11334s [Music]
11380s all right
11398s [Music]
11406s [Music]
11412s [Music]
11425s thank you
11427s [Music]
11446s foreign
11449s [Music]
11472s thank you
11480s [Music]
11492s foreign
11497s [Music]
11538s foreign
11550s [Music]
11577s foreign
11581s [Music]
11615s thank you
11621s [Music]
11637s [Music]
11641s [Applause]
11643s [Music]
11646s thank you
11649s [Music]
11671s [Music]
11676s foreign
11678s [Music]
11686s World Championship my name is TG and of
11689s course I'm joined by Neil Lorinda AKA
11692s Lorinda Bond on Flamingo Friday here
11697s at the Hearthstone world championship
11698s and even though Lorinda does not have a
11700s flamingo shirt
11702s he's got a flamingo
11705s I've never done Flamingo Friday TJ so I
11708s figured this is the last cast of the
11710s year and it's the last Friday of the
11711s year I should like Flamingo it up one
11714s time so here we go I'm fitting him I
11716s also have a flamingo right fellow
11719s Flamingo people I don't even know where
11723s you would find that
11725s this was a garage
11729s how long has it been there
11731s very long like very very long it's not
11735s particularly clean flamingo
11737s well you know that just makes me that
11739s much more upset that it's taken this
11741s long for you to participate in Flamingo
11743s Friday leaving me out to dry for many
11747s years and by many years I mean like one
11749s and a half that is many though it feels
11752s like many years as we are here at the
11754s World Championships teacher you stop
11756s messing around with the broadcast so
11758s early I can't it doesn't matter if it's
11760s the world championship or if it's week
11763s two of America's Grand Masters same
11765s thing it's the same everything's the
11767s same me and Neil are the same players
11769s might be different given them if you
11771s make this region but yeah apart from
11772s that
11774s yeah a little bit higher caliber than
11777s America's Grand Masters just a smidge
11779s but we're moving into the winners match
11781s of group a now which is going to be dead
11784s draw versus uh Yugi and um it we
11791s can look at like the the spread of
11794s lineups right and and see a ton of Rogue
11798s a ton of uh priests a ton of Demon
11800s Hunter right
11801s um if you leave out Demon Hunter from
11802s that you look at the Rogues and the
11804s priests they actually actually differ
11806s immensely like immensely immensely uh
11811s even if you look at same archetypes the
11812s way that they're built are different and
11816s um so uh that's kind of what I'm excited
11819s for is to see what variations of those
11822s decks rise up and have success we're
11825s gonna take a look at dedra's control
11826s priest to kick things off this was
11828s banned in dead draw's first series but
11831s obviously going up against a different
11832s lineup with you use it's going to be
11834s left up so this one is uh is quite
11837s interesting I feel like uh plague
11840s spreader has been the card and that's
11843s why it's first in the key cards uh for
11846s uh this text Bryce's popularity
11848s obviously uh control priest has all
11850s these tools to survive but the big thing
11853s is adding in that additional disruption
11855s and with there being a few decks in the
11857s metagame that rely on key minions to win
11859s the game like spreader becomes that high
11862s value
11863s yeah we're in a meter well you only play
11867s three or four things and they're really
11868s really big and they kill your opponent
11870s really quickly so you can just turn
11871s those things into a plague person and
11873s it's just a 4-4 that you can deal with
11875s because your deck's built to deal with
11876s it all the better and that is why a lot
11879s of people have brought this deck along
11881s and with that in mind I think it's why a
11884s lot of people well a handful of people
11886s have brought the Mage because that deals
11888s with that it doesn't care if you give it
11889s before for plague people it just just
11891s gets on with its game plan largely
11893s anyway yeah uh and just it's a really
11896s murdery deck and with that both these
11898s players didn't bring Druid I think they
11900s will be
11903s um facing a lot of Druids and they have
11904s both banned the Mage I did not think the
11906s first match I cast in the winners
11909s bracket of the world championships was
11910s going to be a double Mage band that is
11913s incredibly strange to me that this has
11915s turned up but I understand why
11918s yeah I mean it's
11920s if you take the majors out of the
11922s equation you have sort of this normal
11924s matchup if you leave the Mages in the
11927s equation you all of a sudden have these
11930s matchups that feel almost unwindable
11932s because you have like these super greedy
11934s control style decks
11936s um I feel like we could have seen it
11937s either way right I feel like we could
11939s have seen uh the main double Mage band
11941s or double pre-span with Mage being the
11944s slightest more versatile deck uh in in
11947s those two so Mage is the one that ends
11950s up getting the ax so
11952s um uh should be interesting though we
11954s have the ability to see the control
11957s priest uh mirror happen in this
11962s matchups so weird especially now because
11967s it's not Quest priest even though I
11969s think we do have a quest priest in the
11970s field
11971s um it's it's not Quest priests so
11974s there's not like this inevitable whim
11975s condition uh that can arise there is
11978s like the we'll talk about it more later
11981s right right now we have more plenty of
11983s times let's talk about it yeah which is
11986s uh the the quest fell Demon Hunter
11990s um and
11991s uh who was the first was it Casey Casey
11994s made the the quest uh Casey made this it
11997s was like two cards off
11999s um and Casey this is this is just a deck
12001s he threw together typical case the
12003s absolute genius deck builder threw it
12006s together it had the thing that was
12007s strangest about it that everybody worked
12009s out overnight was like why is this in
12011s here it was just courtress
12013s like it just doesn't do anything in the
12016s day you make a couple of four fours oh
12017s who cares and it very quickly got cut
12019s but obviously you build a Demon Hunter
12021s deck Kirch for this kind of the first
12022s thing you put in there it's an
12023s understandable thing and then the other
12026s thing that happened much more slowly was
12028s uh the deck played the three spell
12030s damages instead of four spell damages
12032s originally and again very quick to his
12035s worked out hang on this deck is just
12036s literally spelled that limitation
12038s Unleashed that's all the deck actually
12040s is so let's let's make sure that we have
12042s four spell damages plus yeah your spell
12045s damage people kept getting turned into
12046s plague people so you needed an extra one
12048s and on ladder sometimes they might get
12051s stolen by Patchwork or something like
12053s that so again an extra one was quite
12055s nice not so relevant here today but hey
12058s I don't have everything
12060s yeah
12061s um before this the question Hunter came
12064s around we did have
12066s uh I say before it's been like a week
12069s back in the olden days back in the olden
12071s days a whole week ago there was the uh
12074s the legendary weapon
12077s um which you know I've forgotten the
12080s name of because I made room for other
12081s knowledge in my Scythe thing
12084s yeah uh that the the Discover shards uh
12087s in your deck where you could discover
12089s one of the minions uh that ran like uh
12091s zymox uh The Arcanist and Jay says the
12095s three minions and it still had sort of a
12097s similar game plan
12099s um but it was
12102s not quite as fast because the discounts
12104s that you get on the spell damage with
12106s the quest variation allow for some
12108s pretty insane uh kill potential
12110s specifically against Decks that have
12112s like no defenses and like other combo
12115s decks like in my games and in many games
12118s that I saw I see it's possible to kill
12120s like Rogues that aren't doing anything
12122s for the first four turns on turn five
12124s with that deck if you get them yeah
12125s right right discounts with Quest
12127s completion because they're not playing
12128s minions they have 30 health and
12130s uh you know you get that argument this
12132s kind of Arcana spell damage so
12135s um let's get into it though uh dead draw
12137s on the priest and you on that uh Quest
12141s fell Demon Hunter yeah and this is
12145s resilient enough that it can usually
12146s well not usually it can it's got a great
12149s chance of bursting the priest down
12151s um if you are careful with your hand if
12153s you don't get your Jace eaten and turned
12155s into a plague person and you can usually
12158s play around that you've got enough stuff
12159s to do that with you should be fine even
12161s if it goes wrong you'll still find a lot
12164s of the time as well because your
12165s opponent has to deal with even the
12167s phantasms here get a bit of Chip damage
12168s in early and the the great burst
12171s Potential from this Demon Hunter
12173s I feel usually gets it done
12176s yeah it can get really messy
12178s um
12179s uh early plague spreaders or if it takes
12182s you a while to pick up the pieces for
12186s the actual burst damage
12188s like the plague spreader Mida
12191s combination with amulet and being able
12195s to resurrect them and like find
12197s additional Midas belts you could have a
12199s board that's just flooded with Midas and
12201s plug spreaders that almost never goes
12204s away right
12206s um it takes a long time to get there
12208s that's usually your game plan against
12209s like the slower other control style
12212s decks but uh it's definitely something
12216s that has to be on the back of your mind
12218s in terms of how fast do I need to go
12221s against this deck well it's fast as it's
12224s freezing right impatient first big
12226s question here for you you do you want to
12228s dimensions for in two terms of time or
12231s do you want to Dimensions next turn and
12233s he actually chooses to go the slower
12235s route which means the dimensions will be
12236s better because he's got the the double
12238s Relic buff
12240s uh something that newer players and I
12242s was a newer player a few days ago with
12244s this deck to wrongly quite often is like
12248s over rate how much relicing you can do
12250s most of your cards cost four or less so
12252s it doesn't really matter if you've only
12254s got one or two Buffs on The Relic plus
12255s the quest uh but you you want those four
12258s Buffs which can be handy for you with
12259s Jace to get your Json a lot quicker
12264s all right spin the coming out
12270s hands looking uh much better
12273s sure find some actual playable minions
12276s spirit guide is a huge one as well huh
12282s this is a tough choice actually
12288s kind of identity theft yeah identity
12291s theft is the most interesting storm bike
12293s aid station could also be very good
12296s um identity theft I feel like it's just
12297s clogging up your hand you can run into
12299s hand space issues especially with the
12300s spirit guide in hand with this deck
12302s because you have a lot of clunky things
12303s that are very situational that you don't
12305s want to just play on the board
12307s and what are you really hoping to steal
12310s to get that's going to help your game
12313s plan
12314s um from the Demon Hunter right like
12316s there's a lot of things that just don't
12318s really do anything or opposite energy
12320s with your deck notably the spell damage
12322s minions uh Jace uh anything Relic wise
12327s it just is useless so I like the the
12330s station here I think it's the the lesser
12333s of the three evils because none of those
12334s were particularly good
12336s talking I'm not particularly good is
12339s going to be only on this radical
12341s Dimensions which isn't you right for
12342s this deck it's kind of often the case
12345s you get a whole bunch of clutter in your
12347s hand like he has now and the relative
12349s dimensions goes off towards you four
12350s cards they will cost zero and you win
12352s the game two turns later but that's
12354s where he's at
12360s gotta work out if he wants to just waste
12362s some card draw here
12364s um to spend that extra Mana like on the
12366s chaos strike I think or if you actually
12367s just want to cycle away things so they
12368s don't get
12370s transformed into bad things and that's
12371s what he's done chance of picking up them
12373s a zero manner as well next turn with the
12375s Relic obviously a big deal
12377s yeah
12378s um basically the only things because you
12381s don't want to see are really not in your
12382s hand are the spell damage Guild Traders
12385s are fine because you can trade them away
12386s before your draw sequence on Quest
12387s completion but Silver Moon Darkness
12389s that's just gonna cost three uh the
12392s remainder of the game so but this is the
12395s reason that the reason there is double
12397s Arcanist these days uh it used to be
12399s actually he's got a little Mark as well
12401s so I'm not quite sure what he's got I
12403s love them these days you saw it well
12405s these days oh there's a need for greed
12408s has been cut here for you is actually
12410s relevant yeah
12413s um you I've seen players run the
12417s uh double need for greed single Mark of
12420s scorn or right full Mark of score and
12423s single need for green yep yeah the
12425s single Mark was where I was at and I
12427s actually didn't like it I think the
12428s single need might be might be actually
12429s smarter the second one does sit in your
12431s hand a heck of a lot
12432s yeah
12434s demons another card I haven't seen that
12437s I thought we might but I've checked I
12438s don't think it's in any of the decks is
12440s the Royal librarian instead of Viper
12442s depending on exactly what you're Banning
12444s I thought somebody might go with hey
12445s let's just play the librarian and
12447s silence some some stupid buff nonsense
12450s yeah
12451s though I feel like Viper I I this deck
12455s can do a lot against Rogue actually I
12457s feel
12458s um you have ridiculous healing and
12461s clears uh possible with the deck
12463s and Viper just fits so nicely in there
12466s so I feel like it's you can leave up
12468s Rogue pretty easily with this deck I'm
12470s not easily never leave a brogue easily
12472s yeah yeah I know what you mean it has
12474s the tools to be able to to deal with
12476s even some of the crazier pop-up turns
12479s from uh the miracle Rogue uh with a
12481s Viper uh tucked into the deck so
12484s all right that you're trying to get some
12487s damage down uh it's so hard to
12492s make any damage but
12495s got to get on with it he'll probably be
12496s dead in three or four turns at the most
12498s so gotta try and get something going
12500s yeah
12505s are you he's just taking the two cards
12516s oh
12518s um
12521s he's actually got kind of about the
12523s worst hand of 10 cards out of 21 that
12527s you could possibly have while zero Mana
12529s Guild Trader is good I mean there's some
12531s good stuff but like everything else in
12534s the deck seems better
12537s like none of the damage spells
12545s yeah I'm not trying to make out he's in
12546s a terrible spot or anything just I think
12547s he could have just had a win guaranteed
12550s with his many cards sometimes he's just
12552s not quite there
12558s foreign
12563s that's kind of something to keep an eye
12566s on all day long as soft let's explain to
12568s me
12577s yeah it's basically all the damage
12580s at the bottom of the deck no more Rolex
12582s left except for one Extinction
12585s both on these Fells both fell barrages
12587s and Jace all at the bottom yep so this
12590s looks like it may be a Curtis play next
12595s turn
12596s it's like a guild Trader just get it in
12599s there for zero yep and that's a good
12602s draw I think because if the plan is to
12604s play cartridge that's the card you cared
12607s the least about Yes actually being
12609s discounted
12610s uh that's left in the deck
12617s and this is just the good old days now
12619s this is this is all right let's turn
12622s seven just decked out everything in this
12624s deck is just free
12629s we've seen this hand a million times
12630s before without that Relic in it the rest
12632s of the hand is basically stuff we know
12635s yeah
12637s it's gonna be a uh one Mana Arcanist
12640s there's gonna be access to a two Mana
12642s Guild Trader a zero minute and a zero
12645s Mana Guild Trader
12647s um so everything's going to be able to
12649s be fit in all the spell damage all the
12652s Spells plus the Jace yeah apart from
12655s this is stupid chaos strike but he's
12657s just gonna cycle now because he's got a
12658s manner
12663s you played a few over here
12665s yeah
12672s infinite damage next time I counted yep
12676s probably need to cycle something to pick
12678s up your your second unleash but whatever
12684s yeah it's gonna be
12685s plus six spell damage
12688s uh actually not guaranteed actually is
12691s guaranteed the rest of the deck would
12692s need for greed
12693s yeah it's a plus six spell damage on
12698s double unleash fell double Fel barrage
12701s and a j Swift dump double Theory double
12705s that might be a mark in there as well
12707s not certain oh Mark isn't fell
12711s have you played once
12714s oh he has one there's no there's nothing
12716s there might be a mark in the deck no
12718s it's gone has it okay yeah
12720s my bad it's just Arcanist and Unleashed
12723s fell left okay this is that's Infinity
12727s minus 11 then unlucky well
12732s potions blast be a week I got it all
12735s right you don't even need the cheats I
12738s was like the place for her dies and
12740s kills the chase it's just a hundred
12743s thousand damage
12745s oh geez all right
12749s like spreader coming in clutch yeah
12755s and hit the Viper also by the way so
12757s would have been fine either way but yeah
12759s that's a nice little showing of the team
12762s that are completely decked out even if
12764s you needed an extra card there had the
12767s free need for greed uh to be able to
12769s completely deck out and um I think the
12772s cap on damage there was
12774s in the in the 90s
12778s uh for that turn because everything was
12780s playable all three spell damage all the
12782s Spells plus the Jace to repeat
12784s everything so it was what 40 would just
12787s with just the the spells that were
12789s played with just the spell damage
12792s and then you would throw in the the
12795s furies and the chaos strikes
12797s uh on top of that
12799s uh the 90s
12801s yeah
12803s back in the 90s DJ
12807s um as opposed to the other version that
12808s does like 144 of course but yep Demon
12811s Hunter doing what Demon Hunter currently
12813s does very well I love it it's
12817s when a good player plays it like that
12818s it's like oh why are we playing this
12819s stupid deck but honestly you know he has
12821s decisions to make there right back on
12823s turn
12824s three decided whether to buff the
12826s dimensions or not by playing the
12829s phantasms with the location
12833s so decisions were made
12834s and I love it I want it to keep going
12836s forever
12839s all right meanwhile jackpot Rogue time
12841s because we have jackpot Rogue
12844s um jackpot Rogue has just gotten a ton
12847s of cool new tools
12850s um in the form
12852s of concoctions
12855s pushing belt
12857s future side
12860s the
12863s oh no that's it there's the ghoul thing
12866s I don't think is in Jackpot Vogue is
12867s mainly in the miracle version which
12869s turns you off yes
12870s I've seen it in in Jackpot Road too but
12874s you have to make some Cuts elsewhere and
12877s there's a lot of cards that you don't
12878s want to talk to me about astalor in this
12882s deck TJ
12883s like it feels like it doesn't really fit
12885s to me whenever I have it played against
12887s me whenever I've played it it just feels
12888s like yeah but why is it any good you
12891s just have an extra spot
12894s for a card that okay
12897s uh uh value right
12901s um I mean you you could do some pretty
12903s crazy things with like or Shadow
12906s step like
12907s it's
12909s everything you want you can get a little
12911s bit of tempo and then you have two big
12913s massive
12915s um burst damage in the later parts of
12918s the game
12920s you do have some form of Manatee in in
12923s Rogue in the jackpot Rogue
12926s specifically like in the later parts of
12928s the game once you get scabs up
12930s where you can do some some fun turns
12933s with that
12935s but it's going to be going up against
12936s the death bottle Rogue and this is not
12941s the one we saw from bly's earlier I
12942s don't know if it's technically death
12944s throttle Rogue but it's this is yeah
12947s this is mine Road really yeah this is
12949s mine Road they're both Rogues that rely
12952s on death rattles but one
12954s has a horse and one has some mines
12958s yeah and then there's the other one that
12960s has the horse and all of this package
12962s but not all the jumper cards
12966s which we'll see later as well
12967s yeah
12969s a lot of ways you can can build this
12970s this type of deck
12972s um this one hasn't changed too much
12974s obviously it's got The scourgeo
12976s Illusionist
12978s um as just an extra death rattle in the
12980s deck that also can fetch your other much
12983s needed death rattles uh gives you more
12985s longevity in a lot of games where uh you
12988s know you tend to have more stuff to play
12992s around with than just this
12994s one-dimensional game plan of I need to
12995s kill my opponent with Minds
12997s um or burning blade acolytes or hits
13000s from a smoke screen with trickster smoke
13003s screen in order to have those death
13005s rattles but you still want to kill your
13007s opponent you can do that multiple ways
13008s by building massive boards with early
13011s burning blade acolytes or by just
13013s straight up burst damage with a bunch of
13015s mines and the snowfall graveyard yeah
13018s and I haven't played it much with the
13019s minds I played it with the ghouls and
13021s the invincibles and stuff but um I think
13023s this I played a lot of old mine Rogue I
13025s think this is going to be good
13026s something about the jackpot Vogue I
13027s noticed earlier today I was having a
13029s look through
13030s um it's about 50 50 in this matchup
13031s again it's hard because we've got stats
13033s on death battle Rogue I mean so there's
13037s there's a whole wide spectrum you've
13038s just explained there but the jackpot
13040s stats have just been going down if you
13042s filter things by since the start of
13043s expansion seven days three days one day
13045s it's almost like the jackpot vocals okay
13047s this is basically the deck we're putting
13049s the potion people and we know what we're
13050s doing basically from day one and as
13054s other decks have evolved and got more
13055s tuned the jackpot Rogue win rate has
13058s gone down against everything across the
13059s board by a few percent uh so it's going
13062s to be interesting to me to see
13064s if it performs in this tournament to be
13067s honest or whether it is just going to
13068s constantly not be the best deck because
13070s people have learned
13072s well of course the other decks have got
13073s so well tuned now more to the point yeah
13078s I think that makes sense right
13080s jackpot Rook is uh
13085s perfectly tuned yeah especially like I
13087s say the tuning for it with the new cards
13089s wasn't hard is it is basically the point
13092s right we've got that one slot I I
13094s brought up with the aster law which
13095s again you might still have that it's not
13097s going to make a big difference if it's
13098s something else
13100s yeah and so the other decks are still
13102s getting better we're seeing we don't
13103s know what death battle Rogue is the best
13105s this tournament might actually teach us
13106s but we know what jackpot Vogue within a
13108s card is the best 40 card jackpot load
13111s it's just this yep
13119s I never mind I thought the trickster was
13122s going in the other hand
13124s whoops I was about to say that's a stick
13127s hand from yui but and it might be yeah
13130s dead draws hand it's still a very good
13131s hand yeah
13134s um
13137s smoke screen thing's really interesting
13139s in all the death battle Rogues like when
13141s it's in there you constantly think this
13143s just never happens it's just no good and
13145s then you actually get it off and you get
13146s one death battle and you're like really
13147s sad but the second you take it out of
13150s the deck you really miss it
13152s no
13154s um it's interesting to see where that
13156s ends up in the building whether
13157s eventually the smoke screen just gets
13158s removed entirely
13161s um as per like jumbo and Co or whether
13164s where the smoke screens are actually
13165s just a good thing
13178s powerful but a lot of things to be able
13182s to do snowball graveyards get you
13183s information
13185s um at the same time also has just the
13187s Shadow shambler with snowfall graveyard
13189s Plus
13192s burning blade acolyte or Scourge
13195s Illusionist at Burning blood Accolade
13196s obviously keeps you
13198s way more power right off the bat yeah I
13200s mean coin graveyard into sketchy into
13204s acolyte was definitely a thing he could
13206s consider there
13207s uh yeah honestly
13210s I think the the sketchy is sort of where
13214s I'm
13216s like does it really fit into the game
13218s plan if your plan is to go for snowfall
13220s graveyard into burning blade acolyte
13221s okay I like that as a more of a
13224s follow-up
13225s uh than anything else
13227s and in general the longer you can
13229s realistically delay your graveyard the
13231s better if you if you do do that play it
13235s sort of expires just as you're drawing
13236s into your potential trickster smoke
13239s screen and you're very sad because if
13241s you played it one turn later you might
13242s have been able to do that that sort of
13243s thing so
13244s putting it off is great obviously you're
13246s against a deck that
13248s kind of likes that extra turn that you
13250s give it so you don't want to mess around
13251s for too long as your your mind Rogue but
13254s you're okay for a turn or two here
13258s look at him
13261s buttons
13264s the urge Illusionist this made all these
13266s new builds possible apart from this
13268s exact one we're looking at now so well
13269s done me but you know yeah it adds some
13272s depth to this one does it make it
13274s possible right because it was this was a
13278s deck that existed
13280s um but it gives it
13283s depth
13287s brought some depth to the broadcast well
13289s done Illusionist thank you
13293s they're sort of at the point now where
13295s kind of wants to be getting on with it
13296s to be fair
13298s yep
13299s you can't give what's we saw the old
13301s mine
13302s yeah
13303s we saw the old mine Rogue in playoffs
13305s dudes at turn four turn five lethals so
13308s you start getting scared about turn five
13310s so yeah puts a lot of damage on the
13312s board yeah
13317s all right there's second mind drawn so
13323s yeah
13324s um
13326s PNG information will now only pull the
13329s uh second uh Illusionist
13333s doesn't feel great to play The Burning
13335s blade acolyte now but it doesn't feel
13338s great to take this damage on the next
13339s turn anyway
13340s because these burning blade acolytes
13342s will get eaten up pretty easily
13345s uh on the board on the other side yeah
13348s the first thing he obviously is counting
13349s here is like so how much damage do I
13351s actually have with these mines and
13352s things we know it's not enough but what
13355s other damage do I need to find here
13356s because having both of them in your hand
13358s with a sketchy like you've just
13359s explained is is a bit awkward it's a lot
13361s of damage taken away from you
13363s yeah
13365s and how do you actually push the extra
13366s damage this is the this is where people
13368s and we'll constantly talk about the
13370s other Rogues each all day long against
13372s each other but this this is where people
13374s with the the horse and the ghouls are in
13377s a better spot yeah
13382s and again you think it's 40 Health if
13383s this gets 30 this would be very close to
13385s just lethal coming in next turn
13389s yeah
13391s I like this play better than just the
13394s burning blade Accolade by itself because
13396s you do
13399s a couple things you put more power in
13400s the board with the second burning blade
13402s acolyte from the copy of The Illusionist
13406s and
13408s secondly you get rid of the potential
13410s that you draw The Illusionist off the
13414s top
13415s basically cutting off sketching
13417s information's ability to draw anything
13418s with the other illusionists in both
13421s Minds already being in hand so
13424s this is some power to get through uh
13426s dead draw has ways to push through it
13429s yeah when backstab asked the lore
13433s oh my goodness it's painful also going
13437s back to what I was talking about with
13438s the graveyard right this is by by
13440s playing that graveyard to turn later you
13442s you know how this next turn coming up
13444s with coin in hand with graveyard now as
13446s it happens it's probably not going to be
13448s enough because dead drawers just doing
13450s things
13451s but you can see how much difference that
13454s delayed graveyard could have made in
13455s different situations yeah
13461s but as it happens lol jackpot Rogue
13464s yeah
13467s um still can pop this Burning blade
13468s acolyte open and
13470s uh defend against these
13473s uh pretty large Minions on the other
13475s side of the board but the rest of the
13477s hand
13478s pretty lackluster
13480s it's got to be counterfeit blade it's
13482s the other real play that makes any sense
13485s oh no oh and the question here is how
13488s does he win like let's say he survives
13490s two or three turns Somehow Here
13493s where's his damage coming from
13500s he's going to save it for another
13501s graveyard into plucking some Minds like
13504s where's where's it coming from yeah
13511s but it's the World Championships you you
13513s make them have it but
13515s yeah if this was louder he'd be next
13517s game
13519s pretty sure yeah still a lot that can be
13522s done even if you're just making like a
13525s giant Board of um
13527s yeah these burning blade acolytes
13530s it still can buy you a lot of time to
13533s find the pieces and does have smoke
13534s screen even though there's not like the
13536s death rattle Synergy that's the big
13538s burst of draw that you would need to try
13540s and activate these mines
13543s and Deadwood does have kind of nothing
13545s going on so maybe some of this connects
13547s face with the minions that changes
13549s things a lot
13551s foreign
13572s again
13577s I feel like we get more than our fair
13579s share of the matches where both players
13581s just draw absolutely dead and we sit
13583s there and just wait for them to tickle
13584s each other to death
13588s this is where the wind comes from yep me
13591s going next on ladder proving that I
13593s shouldn't
13596s yeah what's the draw
13598s Contraband stash
13603s [Music]
13605s wow
13609s oh my teacher this could be 2-0 in a
13612s moment
13614s yeah you get a
13616s mind eater and an aguin
13622s no enough is it
13626s no I mean I mean I mean it might be
13628s looking across the other side of the
13630s board because as it happens you use got
13632s nothing literally going on
13635s yeah but a lot of things that can just
13638s beat the image like their job doesn't
13640s outside of the asteroid the second uh
13644s mid-tier astolore
13646s I don't know the names of each one
13649s um they're like astalor the balanced law
13652s he attacking us Lord he defend or
13655s something
13661s yeah and then the two Mana is
13665s ask a little blood sworn there you go
13668s boom yeah that's right right from the
13670s start I told you
13674s but count to 16.
13678s okay
13680s ah do you have to coin it yeah
13685s okay
13687s worse
13689s and what cards are you looking for here
13693s um I don't know the problem here is that
13695s we're going into the scabs turn
13698s so it's a little awkward like my initial
13701s thought was just go
13703s trade trade Illusionist Illusionist
13706s and just like build this big board but
13709s scabs existing
13712s makes that
13714s not Super Wise I'll play it's just
13718s gonna go smoke screen okay and it draws
13721s cards yeah this will overdraw one I do
13723s believe my hand
13726s and it is the graveyard
13729s [Music]
13732s absolute Festival of nothing all right
13738s uh no chance for lethal here with
13741s astelor the flamebringer
13743s why is there no chance
13745s uh it only deals eight
13747s that eight Mana okay
13750s so little chance then no literally zero
13756s oh let's muddy the waters
13761s literally zero still alive
13766s and just play the tempo
13769s and uh that'll do it he has the damage
13772s from hand
13775s well then saken mine backstab the Mind
13779s exactly 12.
13781s oh that was such an awkward game it
13785s really was
13787s but yeah double back stabs plus the four
13791s and you you wins a game that I think
13794s both players will be surprised he won
13795s with a handy hat and when Deadpool sees
13797s that back he'll realize how unlucky he
13799s was to just get that terrible hand
13801s because you use hand was absolutely
13803s awful there drawing ah yeah his hand was
13806s not bad E's hand was good for the first
13809s five turns and then it got bad okay um
13813s having the the shambler into graveyard
13815s into sketchy information Illusionist
13818s burning blade Accolade it's tough right
13821s yeah dandruff's hand wasn't terrible
13823s either for the beginning they both
13824s fizzled out in the mid game but when
13827s um jackpot Rogue Fizzles it Fizzles like
13831s it does no yeah yeah because it's all
13832s got a couple of weeks two twos four Mana
13835s two twos in your hand uh whereas at
13837s least death row Rogue is like you know
13839s cycling through their deck and uh
13842s dealing damage putting annoying stuff on
13843s the board
13845s um so uh I I'd say that it was pretty
13849s even early on in terms of hand quality
13852s they both got really bad really quickly
13855s but
13856s when like jackpot's bad is much worse
13859s than uh definitely the mine Road's bad
13862s so
13863s um I like how you played it though like
13865s the smoke screen over drawing a card
13867s he needed multiple pieces to win the
13870s game and he knew that he was on a clock
13872s it's of his health total he's at 11
13873s health
13874s so
13876s just look for the multiple pieces now
13878s instead of like trying to dig a little
13880s bit with gone fishing right you're only
13881s drawing one and then the rest of your
13883s turn is really weak though I like the
13886s way that I don't play that but now dead
13889s draw gets a turn on the quest Felder and
13891s the only deck remaining left before you
13893s use the priest and we talked about the
13895s the cut cards you know will it be Mark
13897s will it be um
13898s something else well this time around
13900s it's chaos strike which
13902s I agree is a kind of garbage card and it
13906s it can be awkward sometimes maybe just a
13909s straight replacement for Mark makes
13910s sense but yeah that's an unusual one
13912s that's a guaranteed card draw as opposed
13914s to The Not So guaranteed car draw from
13916s The Mark so an interesting cut there
13918s from Deadpool especially just fell in
13920s its damage
13921s not that you need it very often
13923s you're just going to keep that Flamingo
13926s there the whole time
13928s I mean Are You Gonna Keep wearing for me
13929s and goes the whole time you're right it
13932s is flamingo Friday after all
13934s who am I to argue with that
13937s all right here it is
13939s um
13941s a bit different than what we see from
13944s dead draws priest that we saw in game
13946s one uh a lot of other tools Cool Tools
13951s of the deck like a Switcheroo and yeah a
13955s drown
13958s I haven't seen an egg yet today
13961s oh no eggs
13962s [Music]
13964s oh yeah it drowned an interesting car
13966s because I've been around forever and
13967s it's always looked like it's a card that
13968s should be good
13970s and kind of just hasn't been but maybe
13972s it's found it's
13974s it's place now in the world maybe this
13976s is finally when we're going to get drown
13979s pretty expensive for what
13982s for what it does okay I'll put it down
13986s there we go
13988s cup holders
13990s yes
13993s float for swimming pools and hot tubs
13996s and things and you put your drinks in
13997s there fingers the flamingo sort of
13999s floats and serves you
14002s it's amazing
14004s I need to get one of those I mean I've
14006s never used it it's just sat in the
14008s garage
14010s in your garage
14013s I could see Neil walking through the
14016s store like hmm
14018s I'm sure I could find a use for this
14021s this Flamingo somewhere and then I can't
14023s afford not to buy it four years later I
14026s was shown to be correct
14029s as it appears live to the world well it
14032s was worth the 10 bucks or whatever yeah
14034s I don't eat paid for it
14037s Tony all right but we've seen this from
14040s the other side like you say lots of
14041s texturist differences but it's the same
14043s match-up basically uh Demon Hunter
14048s can't miss a beat but Demon Hunter
14050s doesn't miss a beat is how I sum it up
14052s if it does Miss A Beat he can get into a
14053s lot of trouble here
14055s but in general the deck is built such
14057s that it is pretty smooth sailing yep
14062s also as a reminder this is winner's
14065s match of group a
14067s so the winner will move on to emerge
14071s from the groups
14073s into the quarterfinals on Sunday uh a
14076s big step
14078s towards winning the world being chip is
14081s making it past phase one and the
14083s confidence that you get from doing in a
14087s 2-0 wreck out of the group stage yeah
14090s fantastic and just the rest I I I know
14093s if you qualify the other way you only
14094s play three matches but and again I I
14097s stress this to viewers all the time it's
14099s like oh no not three Hearthstone matches
14101s in a day well that can be 15 games it
14103s can be four or five hours and it's you
14105s know with everything on the line as the
14107s phrase goes it's actually a lot it takes
14109s a lot out of you each match
14111s um there's so much stress so yeah just
14113s getting it out of the way early is a big
14115s deal you on the cusp of doing that
14117s yeah
14120s has seen every tradable card
14124s ah in the uh effectively
14129s in the opening hand the only one
14132s only one he's missing to complete the
14133s set is the rust Rod Viper just imagine
14136s he's all he needs now he's a ball just
14138s put that down kill it off yeah yeah you
14141s go good you've won the game
14150s meanwhile dead Jewel again this deck
14153s usually just gets out of trouble but
14155s living on the edge with his hand as well
14161s as much as Demon Hunter can
14164s oh my goodness
14173s well which one do you think TJ
14180s unlucky
14183s don't want the whirlpool right
14188s because there's nothing to kill and the
14190s drown never gets targeted so you've got
14192s to take whatever the other one is
14195s don't worry we can't see them either
14199s oh you spoiled it
14201s somebody out there was saying well we
14203s can't see the cards why is lavinda
14204s looking at the cards why doesn't Linda
14206s tell us what the third card is
14211s [Laughter]
14214s too quickly
14216s you did this game will catch on TJ you
14218s just play a card if it vanishes and
14220s that's it that's the game
14225s gone
14227s two
14228s Mana two Mana take a break for 10
14232s seconds a random card appears in your
14234s hand
14237s all right light bulb um which is pretty
14239s Grim but
14241s it's better than nothing I guess if
14243s there's a
14245s an Extinction that gets out of hand nice
14248s thing is it phantasms it gets out of
14249s hand but yeah
14251s [Music]
14257s the world championships for goodness
14260s sake deck not now
14268s a couple more Traders
14272s looking for a Viper
14274s did you just like raise his eyes if you
14276s say why is my penetrated seven of his
14278s four cards for the first seven attempts
14280s all right
14282s that all he needs is a minion and he can
14284s draw a card
14293s okay
14294s they're drawers are dimensions away
14305s trade Stone
14307s it's just you know just no don't want
14310s that try again
14315s laughs
14317s oh that's not a bad turn though unlike
14320s you use trading at least with the quest
14322s that achieves something
14324s we're getting like such a a crash course
14327s in in
14329s two of the
14331s new game mechanics that have
14334s been yeah in the past two years
14335s locations and tradables yeah oh theater
14339s is there anything worth stealing no
14341s because Deadpool's draw nothing
14348s just take a peek and I don't know
14353s I mean what do you do
14356s you can identity theft gives you a
14358s little bit of information you can see
14360s what's in the hand
14363s or not oh
14368s uh what would you like to steal here
14370s so he he what's in the hand to see if
14375s there's anything in the hand that
14377s theatar is worth playing next time
14380s it must be identity theft you can all
14382s you also get an idea of what's in the
14384s deck
14385s on the second selection
14388s so to see what's not in the hand if you
14391s see something that's in the deck that
14392s may be worth stealing
14394s so it does take the
14396s Arcanist for the first choice and knows
14398s it's in the hand at full cost and
14403s spell brush
14404s then it Dimensions off the top
14407s it is
14409s yeah I think that three Mana get two
14412s cards that just appear in your hand is
14413s much better than two man I get one card
14415s that appears in your hand by the way
14417s all right so Deadpool now has to just
14419s empty his hand we'll see a lot of weird
14420s play this turn uh to make move for the
14422s dimensions next turn most likely you
14424s might do it this turn actually
14426s ah he's doing it this turn he's doing it
14428s this turn off we go get the six cards
14430s and to do it fills your hand up to a
14433s lovely nine reduced cost stuff try and
14435s draw the other one or some more card
14437s draw and now the deck is doing the thing
14439s that it does
14442s but there is the theater option
14445s um
14448s no really good enough but
14452s gotta try it right yep
14455s uh for where you sat he'll be thinking
14457s that if you're gonna hit the Jace maybe
14459s he can win
14466s it's the second Dimensions it might slow
14469s things down let's have a look and see
14471s there it is
14487s oh it was groceries that actually makes
14489s sense yeah
14494s a full cost Chase just picked up in the
14496s hand
14503s because Jace isn't as terrible as it
14505s sounds it does slow you down a little
14506s but often you don't need it at all and
14509s often you're nine or ten manners should
14513s it go that long and he's under no
14514s pressure at all
14516s after nine or ten money is plenty with
14518s an eight man adjacent everything else is
14520s zero one
14524s um
14525s another happy guilty
14528s now he'll be trying to keep the
14529s expensive Guild Trader in the deck for
14531s when he does cast the second Dimensions
14532s which won't be yet because this time
14534s emptying the hands a little bit more
14537s difficult
14540s I think certainly is
14545s short
14555s within me this is the play that's
14558s obvious when you see it but if you're in
14560s the wrong frame of mind you don't see it
14561s it's just like okay well just dumped my
14563s expensive spell damage thing on the
14565s board to make space
14566s because in your head it's the card that
14567s wins you the game
14569s yeah but this is why we play four of
14571s them now not three so you can just dump
14573s them on the board and get them out your
14574s hand
14575s and maybe do something earlier as well
14577s if you happen to play against a rare
14579s aggro deck
14583s I must consider
14588s and a whole lot of nothing for you
14591s my quest my revenge it's just characters
14597s not not too much car draw
14600s the deck for UE but
14603s it is a 7-7
14606s bigger than a six six for the light
14607s shower Elemental so
14609s all right we do have the phantasms
14612s coming into play
14613s obviously there are many many ways for
14617s you to deal with a board full of
14618s phantasms
14623s testing
14624s didn't want to to vote those
14629s oh geez okay eight cards left
14633s having to get rid of an Unleashed fell
14635s just just to not have it in the hand
14637s that seems unusual
14639s yeah so it's gonna have to rely on the
14642s spell damage and getting spell damage
14644s reduced yeah
14647s and okay spell damage reduced
14652s yep
14656s play the Viper
14662s it's just there it is just just a Viper
14665s on the board
14669s this is really awkward
14672s yeah
14674s so we have
14677s oh geez
14679s ill Trader plus Agnes is going to be
14681s able to be played obraj plus Unleashed
14684s felt
14685s what so I'm trying to work I can kill
14687s his own plates better off and make it
14689s really awkward sorry
14690s you can
14692s because it's reduced cost um
14694s light box lighter you Cathedral it then
14696s you Shadow word
14698s ruined so you can do that and I think he
14700s should do that
14702s or plate spreader light bulb yeah clear
14705s the board kill your plate spreader off
14707s turn all your opposed things into a
14708s plate people
14711s okay so what's The Arcanist but this
14714s might still be lethal we're only looking
14715s at plus two spell damage but it's plus
14718s two spell damage on
14721s Unleashed fell
14723s double unleash felt double fell barrage
14726s not got the Mana for now though right
14727s that was the oh yeah this this is for
14730s tent Mana
14732s so you know if there's a way that you
14735s you can
14736s get one of those amulets back bring it
14739s back to life and kill it again
14746s here you want to use the expensive spell
14748s damage and then unload the Spells he
14752s could also yeah yeah okay he's got the
14755s whirlpool though in your Yee's hand
14758s which would make things incredibly
14759s difficult because there's one of each
14761s thing on the board yeah so you have to
14762s get rid of this
14763s yeah but if you Whirlpool you're just
14765s gonna die to the straight up damage yes
14767s from Chase alone
14769s because it'd be fully Juiced
14773s this is 16. yeah
14777s so in that case you just made the second
14780s Guild Trader then
14782s a blunder potions
14787s but he missed out on two plus two spell
14789s damage on the Unleashed fell
14793s um which would not have been lethal
14796s would have put him down to two
14801s but I think he did realize the whirlpool
14803s would have cut if Whirlpool would have
14805s come out it would cut down a lot and
14807s it's the same if you nearly the same if
14809s you cast these spells but now we have a
14811s Jace that has
14813s um
14815s everything
14817s the last two spells are need for greed
14820s and relic of phantasms so we have double
14822s fell barrage gal strike double Fury
14824s which I believe both were both were cast
14826s around two yet both were cast at rank
14827s two
14830s uh the uh
14832s double unleash fell
14835s the full Suite
14838s and you can only create one of the
14840s minions off as well most likely so
14844s trying to calculate there's any way to
14846s stay alive here but uh clean the scene
14849s into light shower Elemental
14852s not too quickly it doesn't keep you
14854s alive still right yeah because the fails
14856s will go face
14858s because you're on four
14865s um
14871s you're right amidst the Flames I was
14873s hoping that maybe Chase is the last card
14875s I don't know yeah
14878s but instant insta
14881s it was Lethal even if it got the full
14882s light chart Elemental healing I'm pretty
14884s sure
14886s got it close constantly he did cycle
14891s giant dead draw okay
14893s [Music]
14897s well
14899s 2-1 dead drawers back in it and getting
14903s bigger by the look of it like each time
14905s he wins he just gets
14907s larger
14909s yeah it's closer and closer to the
14911s camera
14912s and uh we are oh no I saw a cute Neil is
14918s it cute have they done it they did oh no
14922s I'm gonna coming up next we got control
14924s priest mirror
14927s [Music]
14928s you interrupt this broadcast for your
14930s regularly scheduled intermission
14936s I've seen it a couple of times but not
14937s many
14939s um
14939s just war of a tradition right it's just
14942s going to be who gets the most value out
14943s is there any any Tempo option available
14945s to either player that just wins
14950s I don't see one
14953s now
14955s Whirlpool is going to make it fun as
14956s well
14962s yeah I mean we have some differences on
14964s both sides
14966s um
14967s I think the big one for you you would
14970s probably have to be the call of the
14972s grave
14974s okay but then also doesn't have venomous
14977s scorpion right so it's like
14981s I don't know call of the grave and do
14984s a lot of fun things but so can venomous
14986s Corbett because venomous corporate could
14988s also be called the grave
14993s yes so sure but other than that like
14997s main package of the deck is the same
15000s right it's the plague spreader and Mida
15004s Vida Meda
15006s yep one of those
15009s um
15010s oh there's also a
15013s sister svalna on the side of dead draw
15018s so also it's not the combo it's just
15021s perhaps that's why it's in here like the
15023s combo version of that deck makes sense
15025s but it's a totally different deck this
15026s isn't equipped for that you're talking
15028s about the radiant spawner yeah uh void
15033s thing deck yeah what's it called
15037s don't think I'd even
15038s that's a fun deck though vision of
15041s Darkness that comes from this founder is
15042s just yeah but that is it I mean it's a
15045s bit of value for dead draw in the end
15047s game in the mirror in theory yeah yeah
15049s if you draw it unless it gets stolen by
15051s the guitar which is what replaces it on
15054s the other side from you oh
15058s oh you can't get a vision out of your
15060s hand either so it's always there
15064s uh no but uh sister's phone uh the the
15067s vision is a Battle Cry
15071s so I'm pretty I've never seen it I don't
15074s know the interaction
15076s but I'm pretty sure because it's a
15077s Battle Cry even if you steal
15080s the uh division
15084s you will then the vision will
15086s automatically reappear in your hand
15091s oh in the opponents I don't even know
15093s yes it like if if I'm dead draw I play
15097s sisters falna I get a vision my opponent
15099s plays theater steals division the vision
15101s would then reappear in the hand
15106s got it of dead draw of Deadpool because
15109s it's always and then I think
15114s and then you use would probably only
15117s work once is the implication there
15120s because because it's not the vision of
15123s Darkness doesn't just say discover a
15125s shadow spell the the actual card says
15128s this stays in your hand oh so the Battle
15131s Cry permanently adds a card that
15133s permanently says in your hand anyway so
15135s one of them is redundant just for
15136s clarity maybe I don't know if one of
15138s them's redundant or if the permanent is
15140s attached to one or the other but usually
15141s battle cries that say permanent it
15143s doesn't matter if it gets if it gets
15146s stolen you need mad I see you at
15149s something
15153s let's see what he's mad at
15163s me I was mad like Spurs and Bone collars
15167s yeah this is definite proof that I don't
15169s know much about my matchup because I I
15171s don't know why that's bad
15173s gotta admit
15176s oh Neil this is one of those
15177s opportunities where we get to fly by the
15179s seat of our pants
15181s yeah it's called us casting Hearthstone
15184s yeah I guess resurrecting things isn't
15187s very good early on so it is a waste of
15189s card you're trying to get some Tempo
15190s going and Bone cooler doesn't do that so
15193s sure
15194s I mean whereas going to be hitting you
15196s for one and you're just gonna die in 40
15198s turns
15201s in Bangkok does do that
15206s in a sense
15210s well you're just gonna plop it out there
15211s in a mirror can you afford to that's
15213s what we're gonna find out
15216s foreign
15217s yes
15223s I couldn't see the car geez oh you've
15226s got it surely yep there's the proof that
15230s we're not crazy that is the card that's
15231s gonna take the game all the way to all
15233s the way
15235s and now dead draw can make it so that he
15237s steals as further back when he plays his
15240s in a moment his identity theft
15246s which I don't think is in his deck
15249s though he can't
15255s this is gonna be crazy
15257s so much on the line somebody's going to
15260s go through to the quarters
15267s no signs for Deadpool
15275s the plague people are coming to you so
15276s we could end up with a lot of plague
15277s people in this game
15282s all right so subtle has burned for us
15285s that vision is permanently still owned
15286s by theater thank you
15288s and can be counterspelled and doesn't
15290s add it back into your hand
15293s thank you sotol appreciate it
15299s doesn't make sense with the uh
15302s just having to show at it by the way the
15304s wording of svalna
15309s imagine card games making sense
15315s so I was thinking oh yeah you can just
15318s see a Target steal the real swallow but
15321s if he does that he's he's not gonna have
15324s any hand space for the rest of the game
15326s and he's missed
15329s yep
15331s he could have a Golden Bone cooler
15334s does it have a triple
15347s this film is going to be the highlight
15349s of the day for me I think whatever
15350s happens
15365s I see the theater now all of the
15367s interactions that I thought would be
15368s neat aren't neat anymore knowing that
15371s information
15372s because
15374s if we just went on the text even if you
15377s serve Finley the vision away it would
15380s reappear in your hand right
15383s you draw another one and you get two of
15385s them that are stuck in your hand yeah
15387s and then you get two of them but it is
15390s attached to the actual spell
15393s and not to the uh not to the Battle Cry
15395s so
15398s um
15399s you actually have to cast for it to be
15401s re-added to your hand instead of like
15403s Get rid of it somehow
15405s oh geez it'd be cool if you could just
15409s Finley to what Finley it away and then
15412s it pops back then you brew master the
15415s Finley Finley again
15417s from all into the other one it pops back
15421s this is gonna be silly like how many
15422s bird cards are we going to see this game
15426s oh we're gonna try not to but I think we
15429s might see a few
15431s I mean that is good yeah
15433s having already seen a silence as well
15436s but you only see one silence this game's
15438s going 20 turns so maybe you have to wait
15440s even longer
15442s no theater you're saying death tillage
15444s right
15445s uh yeah the doll does not have it no you
15449s can afford to hold the meter if you want
15461s Whirlpool is so dumb by the way TJ right
15464s now
15468s like it just in this matchup it's going
15470s to be dumb I love it
15476s certainly not good here
15486s what's going on
15490s I'll hit a shark too oh it's so good it
15494s really really is
15500s for now that was like one of the engines
15503s of of the deck right you want to get to
15505s a point where
15506s you're just amuleta amida and then you
15511s handle it two more and then you just
15513s have
15515s to be done your decks keeps popping out
15517s that you can me tell me tutor out of
15519s your deck with spirit guide and all
15521s sorts of things so
15527s I feel like even though it's amazing
15529s it's still a minor Victory we're gonna
15530s see many minor victories on both sides
15535s um guys here we go
15540s had enough
15542s he's gonna dump these stupid vocals now
15544s we see why he didn't want them in his
15545s opening hand right
15547s he's had to dump them really early
15550s by really early I mean turn eight when
15551s most people are dead in this matter
15558s geez
15562s stay with me TJ stay with me
15566s um
15567s the bone collar it's
15570s just been the plague spreader
15573s uh it's fall now
15576s that have died
15586s I feel like we're waiting I might be I
15589s might be completely wrong I often do
15590s have to kill myself yeah I definitely
15594s want the vision like at this point you
15596s don't want it yeah you can't empty it
15599s from your hand it adds a card instead of
15601s removes a card
15603s I I just feel like there's a huge
15606s possibility of this game just going
15608s forever and then it becomes a box
15609s opening contest which we love we love
15611s boxes at a certain point the players
15614s aren't going to even be able to open
15615s boxes
15617s no also too
15620s so you gotta like
15622s open boxes until it's lunch time did you
15625s open boxes on Christmas day before you
15627s eat or do you open them all after or all
15629s before
15631s I do with your Christmas boxes
15635s we've got a lot of Christmas boxes here
15636s yeah like presents like F's yeah
15639s presents gifts oxes Christmas Box yeah I
15642s mean I don't open any
15644s because you don't get any okay oh no my
15648s kids opened them literally
15650s like 5 30 a.m when they wake up there's
15653s the whole lot you just get there there's
15654s dogs and cats and presents and rapping
15657s and kids motorbikes yeah we have you buy
15661s them we have to we have to put like you
15663s know a string across the hallway with a
15666s bell on it that when the kids wake up
15668s and they run out of their rooms we
15669s actually wake up so like we can open
15673s gifts and they're not already all gone
15676s I think that was like a tripwire so the
15678s kid falls over and starts screaming and
15681s there's like oh here's some presents
15682s cheer yourself up yeah
15684s all right play splitter
15686s back on the scene and it's gone looks
15690s very fine though because it's just gonna
15692s hit okay it's the Viper
15694s that's in hand
15696s that's an upgrade
15701s I assume that fatigue isn't a thing here
15703s you don't mind drawing cars they're both
15704s being quite careful not to do that so
15707s maybe it is
15712s oh my
15717s yep gotta go through your entire deck to
15720s see how many are odds episode no it's
15722s gonna dredge
15732s I'm just hoping that the inevitable
15734s outcome of this is everything is just
15736s opening boxes and plague people and
15739s that's it that's the entire game
15745s I want to happen
15752s drown seems pretty good in the mirror
15755s gotta say
15764s you you in the lead 40 to 36 that's
15767s obviously a huge psychological advantage
15770s I think TJ
15774s only 26 more cards I don't know if I've
15776s got 26 more completely wrong phrases but
15779s I can go for it
15784s uninvincible
15787s I mean
15789s doesn't seem ridiculous when you think
15791s about it
15793s it's just it's too expensive it just
15796s gets turned into a plague person right
15797s anyway it doesn't really matter oh geez
15800s this is he doesn't want to play plague
15801s spreader because he doesn't want to come
15803s back he doesn't want to come back on
15804s like the other side yeah it is here we
15807s go
15810s he's gonna get sharded maybe unless he's
15812s trying to bait the shark
15814s and then he's going to be done next turn
15816s after the shard's been baited maybe yeah
15818s but he also wants to get rid of this too
15822s because like so so you can't
15827s somehow take it also they're both sort
15830s of
15831s not getting many minions in hand so any
15834s times you do activate a plague person
15836s you are going to hit something more and
15838s more important as you go oh you're going
15839s to hit absolutely nothing but you know
15842s I know it's Vision time
15846s left hand space for the cards
15850s uh thank goodness we can see the pics
15853s undying allies in the plague spreader I
15856s don't know yeah
15857s I like it
15861s let's make it so you can't get anything
15862s on the board or in your hand huh
15869s more undying eyes
15879s despite the end of this game pretty sure
15886s there we go
15890s I don't think what are like best Shadow
15893s spells to even Discover at this point
15896s time to go into the tank for a moment
15899s or amulets called the grave emulate
15904s um white Shard for burst
15908s I don't know but they gotta play the
15911s madad because the uh uh the reborn
15913s plague spreaders
15915s gonna hit it
15917s um he's gonna be met with The Shard of
15918s the nauru and
15921s from there I don't really know I don't
15923s really know what happens
15926s I'm looking for spells that can do
15929s anything yeah voice Shard might actually
15932s be the end like the
15934s the radiant version eventually kills you
15936s with voice shards but that has that's
15937s built to play the card
15939s yeah did anyone generate a radiant is
15942s that a thing that's possible in any way
15943s here it must be actually drowns it oh
15945s that's way better yeah
15948s now actually gets it
15960s well
15961s I mean identity theft is still a shadow
15964s spell so
15966s something that UE has achieved over the
15969s the last few terms well I've been sort
15971s of half laughing and half paying
15972s attention
15973s is empty his hand of minions so the
15975s opposing plague people are shut down
15978s which means that he is able to
15981s concentrate on using his cars more
15983s efficiently for trying to generate Tempo
15985s trying to do some damage
15986s rather having to constantly worry like
15988s Deadpool had to about shards and stuff
15993s he's automatically empties hand to a
15996s point where he he can use the Visions so
15998s I feel like
16000s you Yi has won the Battle of
16002s decluttering your hand I don't know how
16004s big a battle that is but just looking at
16006s what's going on I feel like he's a
16007s fraction in front here
16016s but I'm reasonably unsure as to what the
16018s super relevant things on this matter
16020s obviously
16022s deal in the middle definitely seemed
16024s huge
16026s oh Witchwood Piper any Beast
16032s behemoth
16040s sure
16050s keep that behemoth
16053s plus one plus one
16058s boom before it gets drowned or exploded
16061s or any of the other million things that
16064s Behemoth die to
16066s in this mirror
16070s perhaps it does just come down to Old
16071s School fatigue and being two cars behind
16073s is bad
16078s too quickly
16082s the door just setting an alarm for an
16084s hour's time to wake him up for game five
16089s two minion was like the best immediate
16091s death rattle just to turn it into a
16093s blade spreader
16099s it's great at some point someone's gonna
16100s whirlpool and they're all just going to
16102s be gone
16108s and that'll be the end of that sad story
16117s how do you win
16120s cards in hand
16122s how long into this game do you think
16124s that they started regretting their deck
16126s bringing decisions like is is 250 000
16129s worthless
16131s foreign
16140s okay
16142s [Music]
16145s I'm gonna get some work done here
16152s drown
16153s because fatigue and you get to steal
16156s something
16157s yeah I get this he's just recursive
16160s drowning things
16165s foreign
16167s I like the plan
16174s yeah
16176s good guy he's just getting better cards
16179s than dead draw he's using the the
16182s Visions just just
16184s take four noob
16186s just points and face
16190s got him
16198s and as you deal with the board
16204s four fours I'm not sure he can Priests
16206s never have any object with four attack
16207s minions right
16210s light bomb in the scene I mean actually
16213s this exactly at this exact second he can
16216s because he's got desperate players very
16217s well now it's fine
16219s it's fine if it is you were you go back
16222s to sleep see that that boy shirt coming
16225s in clutch
16228s damage him to switch it heal him back up
16231s we could get that okay
16234s so he is picking the cheapest spell
16235s nearly every time unless it's something
16237s big like drown to make sure he can
16240s continue cycling through
16243s that's the thing to be aware of
16246s whereas you get dead to his hand it's
16248s through no fault of his own because he's
16249s drawn the expensive stuff but he's got a
16251s handful of expensive stuff
16253s Yugi has been quite fluid in how things
16256s have been going the last few turns
16259s and that's partly because of his his
16261s choice of constantly play The Vision
16263s constantly play the chart the card he
16264s gets from the vision and do the thing he
16267s needs to deal with so this term the
16269s thing he needs to do was deal with some
16270s four fours not all of them just enough
16272s that it doesn't become a problem
16276s yeah so these are going to be stolen so
16279s does that really will die
16281s once it's played
16283s once whatever card is selected is played
16286s I imagine just pick undying allies to
16288s get out of your hand I don't think the
16289s other ones are really worth anything
16292s and then take I don't know illuminate
16298s do you even want another Behemoth like
16314s quickly
16321s welcome to the clouds
16328s do you look how he spells that actually
16330s are for priest
16332s not a huge number
16335s but like shower spells typically
16339s yeah
16341s they're 16.
16343s 16 okay
16354s so are you good uh you go first I'll go
16359s second
16361s a dying allies enemy dead call of the
16363s Grave Shadow words
16367s Survivor the Shadows God
16370s I mean if I'm dying I'm gonna we're
16373s gonna leave the rest of them a mystery
16374s actually I'm pretty sure you've seen all
16376s the other ones the only ones we haven't
16378s seen I think are like grave Diggy and
16380s Shadow are not death I agree with grave
16382s digging I think we might have seen it on
16383s death I'm not certain but yeah nobody's
16385s picking grab digging no what they're
16387s going to do is keep taking drown right
16389s that's what um is going to do take drown
16391s play Drown
16392s and eventually all of my deck is in your
16395s deck
16396s I lose because
16400s not going for that he's going for
16402s actually trying to put an Army on the
16405s board of two damage
16409s I mean
16411s I like the dram play honestly I feel
16413s that eventually you just don't have any
16414s cars left and I do
16419s what happens if both players only have
16421s drowns in their hand
16422s well I I feel like you don't need to
16424s drown minions right now like their
16427s options always going to be there
16429s vision of Darkness yeah it's permanent I
16433s feel like it's simple now and then you
16435s go for the drowns later because there's
16436s going to be a certain point in the game
16437s where he's drawing like a mediocre
16439s minion that he drowned every turn you
16441s know yeah okay but your usual you don't
16444s draw the total garbage you don't draw
16446s drown beetles I understand but having
16448s the drown in your hand might be handy
16452s all right so
16456s now let's see
16465s absolute massive minion by the way
16476s I mean it's pretty good aren't they
16478s let's face it yeah
16485s oh we're going to be opening a box to
16487s see which box we open by the end of the
16488s game with the ambulance though right
16491s now you open the box that tells you
16493s you've got an amulet and then you open
16494s the box in the amulet to see which death
16497s battles you just plop into play
16505s welcome to the club
16511s s you can also hit in the dark
16516s he still hasn't really solved his hand
16519s size issue dead draw he's sort of
16521s getting there
16525s I mean he hasn't solved it either
16527s because every card draws or doesn't do
16531s anything
16532s you can play Shadowood ruin this turn I
16534s wonder if he will just because he can
16543s like an opportunity to play your card
16545s really wastefully
16549s God
16555s the last few things can be really funny
16557s when people got ambulance up to like
16558s seven at the end of the game they just
16560s keep getting back massive boards they
16561s just get whirlpool and
16575s oh yeah he's actually having a spot here
16577s he doesn't want to be in
16580s don't really want to play that Shard
16581s it's it's a relevant card
16585s You'll Play The Desperate pair just to
16586s make space what what's the record for
16589s the longest game ever played in a world
16592s championship I'll let you know in about
16593s two hours
16601s um I
16603s so in the Chinese League the first
16606s season Bernie Hopper played a game
16608s against xhx I want to say I might have
16610s that wrong
16613s it's the Chinese League it was a big big
16615s event
16616s okay all right I I guess we can make it
16619s an honorary world championship match Die
16622s Cast the edited version which only had
16625s the gameplay in it and it was uh three
16628s hours and 30 minutes something like that
16631s for best of five
16632s I'm talking about an individual game an
16635s individual game in the world
16637s championship
16639s you're supposed to know these things let
16641s me just have them on I've only timed
16643s like 37 of all the games in World
16645s Championships ever
16647s the doll uh-huh
16650s but I'm going to guess about sorry I'll
16653s go talk over you immediately
16658s isn't that
16660s hmm well one this is an Illuminator so
16663s it wouldn't even be drawn until next
16664s turn but well the Shadowood ruins that
16667s yes Shadow would ruin
16672s Ed
16675s Oh you mean the plague thing I think
16677s about the Madar
16678s gonna die yeah
16681s like if you can kill it off in the same
16683s turn actually you can kill it off
16684s because uh theft accusation you can uh
16688s it's not an enemy minion the
16689s evacuization is any minion
16692s so you could theft accusation and then
16694s play a spell that was stolen from your
16697s opponent or a card that was stolen from
16699s your opponent but I don't think any of
16701s these cards were stolen from dead draw
16703s that are in yui's hand right now they
16706s just borrowed right
16709s they're his cards
16711s yeah
16712s I didn't steal books from that Library
16714s it's just a long way
16718s overdue
16720s and how soft was on my case about it
16722s okay so the longest World Championship
16723s Game Ever Was Frozen versus
16729s Tom
16730s in 2017 and it was one hour 12 minutes
16734s that was one game I don't know I just
16736s made it up
16738s because whatever the record is this is
16740s frozen and Tom two players not
16743s necessarily known for playing slow
16745s I mean I had to leave the clues there
16748s somewhere
16749s and I'm pretty sure the entire series
16751s was like in a like an hour a little over
16753s an hour and that was with the confetti
16757s killings going off and us and the crew
16760s having to sweep the stage right all
16762s exactly
16763s that is why it came to mind I just made
16766s up the shoulder yeah
16769s exactly what I could do is if you solo
16772s cast this I'll go watch all the other
16773s World Championships that have ever taken
16775s place and I'll come back to the end of
16777s this and I'll tell you the answer
16779s okay
16780s because I'll probably be back in time
16783s okay
16787s all right I'm back
16788s they were great
16790s some great moments like I saw classic
16792s moments also some terrible moments too
16796s well there's some oh yeah there's worse
16798s than yeah
16799s yeah you remember because you just
16801s watched them all yeah oh geez
16805s um
16806s he doesn't really have a way to deal
16809s with any of this stuff
16818s I was like how did the whiskwood Viper
16820s come back but it was from the anime
16822s death
16824s um
16826s yeah he's actually going to do something
16828s now to be fair
16831s keep drowning you know
16834s yeah
16840s the first
16842s attack of the game
16851s establishing 11 damage
16873s that'll draw a card if you play it
16880s yeah he's rolling now he's got the um
16884s the bit between his teeth because he
16886s didn't see the board get cleared last
16887s turn
16889s it take 11. actual amount of damage that
16893s matters
16894s finder
16899s and it's gone
16900s behemoth
16904s the one true minion in the deck
16908s use it wisely
16915s actually it's just going to become a
16917s play person isn't it if he doesn't play
16918s it
16919s that's awkward
16932s is starting to realize what he's got
16934s himself into here
16940s yeah so you have to play the Behemoth so
16941s it doesn't get turned because it is
16942s actually a relevant card
16945s foreign
16958s valuing dumping a card out of his hand
16962s over
16964s um Health game because obviously he gets
16966s the hell came from the behem of sticking
16967s around longer anyway
16968s yeah the lighter Burns nice answer plus
16971s just a card to be empty from the hand
16973s for cheap
16976s um
16980s oh boy
16983s this is really a battle of yui's hand
16985s being more versatile versus Deadpool
16987s just
16989s slowly just trickling damage over the
16992s line at him
16994s I think dead was realized this is um a
16997s powerful attack he has going right now
17002s behemoth
17007s ah
17009s are you good teacher are you good
17013s I'm reaching I don't know just tag me in
17015s man tag me in if you're struggling
17020s I just don't know what to do like
17022s I think they're just doing the right
17024s thing empty their hands yeah Dental just
17026s worked out I think that
17028s are you using a spot of bother and the
17031s choice here really is do you want to
17032s play more minions or keep back a second
17034s wave for buying me the second wave I
17036s mean probably two cards
17038s follow it up because he knows that you
17040s he's struggling to damage he has got him
17042s down to 24 like this is
17044s relevant this is a thing
17048s the big thing it's sort of a
17051s fairly mediocre thing to be honest but
17054s yeah I did the trial though is Thrive
17057s which is another spell drawn like
17061s also will burn a card off next turn but
17063s I don't think that's super
17066s like he will lose in fatigue most likely
17069s the way this is going if he doesn't kill
17070s you you that tends to be how full
17072s control mirrors like traditional control
17074s mirrors which I'm going to call this
17076s have gone right
17077s yeah feel the worst goes for it it
17079s better succeed worst bird would probably
17082s be zyrella
17085s that'd be a bad one yet
17087s media deadra
17090s is there a meter there was it was it
17092s stolen it was stolen right
17093s yeah it's at the bottom of used deck
17096s somewhere
17105s ah light bomb there you go
17111s so not only is that the end of this
17113s attack but it's the end of any attacks
17114s amulet with three on it was you know not
17116s ideal
17117s yeah that's a good card
17120s this one's got five on it
17125s okay good those are good ones
17129s Brown
17131s call
17133s oh amulet okay that's the game plan then
17136s I suppose
17138s I want to drown this
17143s or not
17145s like this every turn he's like I want to
17148s do this no I'm not they're just
17149s yellowing it imagine y'all are playing
17151s this TJ has he brought this and have a
17154s look
17155s fast
17157s though
17159s you brought fast stuff so I didn't
17161s process that why why did y'all bring
17163s that yeah if YOLO bought this deck
17165s imagine you can't find the world
17167s championship playing fast stuff
17170s I know I know
17172s and if you want to check out your
17174s players TJ's made a whole series of
17176s videos about all the players qualifying
17178s for the world championship you've
17179s probably got time to check that series
17180s out before the end of this game
17188s nice free
17192s whatever however much he healed for you
17195s know much earlier in the day where
17196s you're saying that you know the
17197s confidence that comes of going through
17198s the winners match
17200s and I was saying that fatigue becomes a
17202s thing
17203s imagine if you don't win this match and
17206s somehow you have to play a plague person
17208s mirror again at some point today that'll
17211s be fatiguing you want to win this so
17213s much
17214s I was burned down look at me for a
17216s second
17218s ah okay perfect burn actually perfect
17221s you could have been a plague spreader
17224s oh yeah there's a drown
17226s ah
17229s that's a lot of damage it really is yeah
17232s 16 damage is that what it is it has been
17236s cheeky getting this damage in for some
17238s time now
17242s unfortunately
17244s oh that's the first Vision since about
17246s turn six or something for dead draw
17249s let me play one last turn what about
17251s voice Shard got an amulet if you
17253s miscalculates you get a cup of wood
17255s shards in your hand
17256s I just amulets here we go yeah
17260s oh zarella yeah nice don't burn them
17264s remember he burned one ambulance already
17267s I just got three amulets in this
17269s accident a few personalities fine
17272s all right actual difficulties here for
17274s you yeah
17279s kinda
17285s oh my gosh this cirella is gonna be a
17288s mess yeah
17291s um
17293s oh geez okay but the hero power from
17295s zobello might be might be actually quite
17297s scary at this point because he's got so
17299s low
17300s all right so let's there's
17305s um if this board is cleared there would
17307s have been
17312s oh geez
17322s one two three bone collars
17327s my shower Elemental
17330s two separate suspects if these are
17332s cleared it would have been five bone
17334s collars
17335s two separate suspects it's going to make
17337s a full board like
17339s and also turn every move to get you down
17342s to one place
17344s could get you down to one damage
17346s right it's randomly
17352s eight plus five
17359s there's also the cathedral
17362s oh wait okay
17366s all of this
17369s oh yeah
17370s plus one plus one
17379s you didn't need to hit that
17381s did even know what the car did all I had
17384s to do is Attack Base and I would have
17386s killed him
17386s the next one damage
17390s uh we'll see if that one damage comes
17393s back to bite him
17394s all right
17396s it's looking difficult I think we're
17397s getting towards the end of course it's
17398s going to be 2-2 if Deadpool does win
17401s this
17402s we've got to play some Arena
17405s all right we got cyrilla
17408s the height shower uh public spreader uh
17413s leg spreader
17415s like Chow House Full House we'll play
17420s there's been some bone collars displayed
17423s it would be all that's why wouldn't you
17425s have a beetle
17427s there's a bone collar got another plague
17429s sprayer another boat
17430s and spreader there's Madonna
17436s and heal that's a heel all right
17440s did you have a 50 50 lethal lost her is
17443s it 50 50 the hero power or is it always
17445s healing first
17451s you use on 14. Deadpool could have
17454s attacked four
17457s am I going crazy
17460s I need I would need to go back and look
17462s at the board State uh it was the four
17464s Minions on the top right so the one
17465s three the three three the two two two
17466s two two and UE was on 14 and the
17469s cathedral was in play for Deadpool
17479s it's always healed thank you Derek's oh
17481s that's it okay
17493s yeah I mean he was closer to the
17495s cathedral
17496s yeah
17498s he was like 11 or 12 was the cathedral
17506s okay
17512s I love what he's not quite what was
17513s planned like
17515s you're two and a half hours into one
17517s game of hearthstone you're gonna make
17519s mistakes right
17527s 12.
17535s foreign
17541s [Music]
17545s since like turn five
17550s and now it's time apparently
17567s guy to my hand
17569s kind of hoping they do get down to the
17571s last couple of cars in the deck because
17572s I want to see all the interactions with
17574s drown and fragments and opposing minions
17577s and all that stuff going on where you
17580s can actually set things up rest
17583s I don't think we're gonna get there I
17584s think Deadpool is finally going to go
17586s over the line in the next turn or two
17589s I think
17594s Maybe
17599s is this his wishful thinking on my part
17602s TJ they're never finishing this game are
17604s they it's just not going to happen
17616s foreign
17619s it's just not gonna happen
17623s you need so well to write this out that
17626s attack looked pretty promising
17629s oh
17630s I got it
17634s that's massive
17637s I just it's just the image being pushed
17639s yeah it's still buffing the little Orca
17642s guy
17646s uh
17650s it's a 4-7 now
17654s you can't do it which would Piper
17656s attacks
17659s so this was basically like two like both
17663s players approaching this game in a
17665s completely different yes way whereas
17667s dead draw went full Tempo like picked
17671s every Amulet of the undying he could oh
17674s like picked every minion and called the
17677s grave he could yep
17682s and UE went for
17684s like not draw cards then you realize
17687s that he was just gonna die started
17689s drawing cards now we're at parody
17694s yeah except you use now like
17697s constantly
17700s under threat of dying
17705s that was a four
17707s ah no he's not
17712s but he has got no heel
17717s and obviously Deadpool has time that
17719s Health total as a resource comes into
17721s play as an actual phrase not just a
17723s thing casters to say his health total is
17725s a massive resource for dead draw if he
17727s wants to take a turn or two at some
17728s point to to play the Zoella and just
17731s take damage
17733s because he won't take the damage you you
17735s will have to deal with it
17740s looks like dead doors making space so it
17742s looks like he's going to zyella the
17743s pings the five are relevant they'll tie
17745s up you use Mana at very very least as an
17748s ongoing threat he's going for a live
17750s bomb ah
17753s people
17756s it's just every minute before playing
17760s spreaders man oh good
17762s oh okay
17764s um yeah called the grave I don't think
17766s we're in the realm of looking for burst
17768s damage just yet
17772s no something UE has navigated pretty
17774s well
17777s we're getting there
17780s rest easy
17784s it's funny because he's
17787s he's very very got caught with the
17790s plagues unless he wants to like is
17791s Finley's going to end up getting plagued
17792s but you know who cares
17794s he has done a good job of not having his
17797s stuff plaguified whereas dead George
17798s just hasn't cared he's just been making
17800s stuff come back and if he gets plagued
17802s that's life
17810s and now we're reaching the business end
17812s I have no idea who's winning I think
17813s it's dead draw at the moment this has to
17815s be the zirella turn though I think yeah
17821s all right here we go
17830s couldn't even tell you what that minion
17832s is three four the caress of death is not
17835s gentle
17837s wow
17839s uh
17841s uh is a plague person in a minute it
17842s doesn't matter you cannot understand the
17845s purpose it doesn't appear to have an
17848s ability
17853s cast I say TJ right I I'm not too good
17856s on the the names of the the non-meta
17858s cards he is it's okay it's okay Linda I
17860s played three thousand hours of Arena
17863s I'm like oh that's good you can name all
17865s the random cards that just turn up along
17867s the way TJ's like yeah got it all right
17869s the the the one of them's the the one on
17872s the right the bluish one that's the
17874s infused one the one that's shooting Zeds
17876s out of like a rifle that is holding or
17878s something
17880s go
17883s now he's like cutting like clutching
17885s like ah you know okay
17890s the infused one he infuses
17893s cards that are in your deck when he's on
17894s the like you're infuses hit the cards in
17897s your deck when he's on the board
17901s yes but how
17903s that's what we've been wondering since
17905s 24 turns ago yeah and then the other one
17909s yep
17911s excuse me
17913s well Paul all the Blake people no
17917s they're gone forever
17920s bye-bye play people
17922s it's fun knowing you all oh now we got
17924s some hand space
17927s oh the game on right
17931s this is what we protected at the start I
17933s think this is one thing we did get right
17934s is that plague people can get whirlpool
17935s and then stuff would happen
17939s but the safety car has left the track
17941s and now they're going full of speed with
17943s empty hands it's great
17946s identity theft
17950s there's nothing left ah that the the
17952s other one was the legendary the
17954s legendary
17956s um the other three four that give all
17958s your Arcane spells in your deck plus one
17960s spell damage here we go I found it sorry
17966s getting cycled as people get greedy and
17968s greedy you're trying to make their
17969s ambulance better he didn't even hear a
17971s power
17972s nah
17978s it's like boar priest where you forgot
17981s the boards you get the end of your deck
17982s you're like oh I built the deck bro I've
17983s got no Boars in here
17985s don't just keep cycling Samuel I'll find
17987s it
17988s surprised it's not visioning looking for
17991s I think he's gonna go for Monster amulet
17992s I think he's just trying to pump it as
17994s many times as he can before he plays the
17996s amulet
17998s yeah the greed I love it
18001s wait wait wait wait isn't the
18005s is it all amulet they're left uh uh I
18009s don't know probably
18013s because all the Minions broke long long
18017s ago that was a Shard okay just gave up
18021s the ghost it's like I don't can't deal
18024s with all these people
18026s not only is it a new card which is
18027s always an issue but it's a ridiculous
18029s card here we go
18032s they weren't destroyed wherever they
18034s were these ones are back
18039s but not for long
18045s how big said draws four okay nice
18052s I'm looking forward to the bit where
18054s they end up having removed all the
18056s minions and amulets in the game and
18059s they're just down to visions
18061s visions of reaching the world
18063s championship quarterfinal TJ that's what
18065s they're down to here
18070s oh
18078s yeah
18080s why not yeah and now he balls it up with
18086s his own all right there we go get some
18089s Madonna back but now dead draw can drown
18091s it he's also got double Whirlpool left
18093s at some point but yeah drowning it seems
18095s better
18097s yeah Whirlpool still trickle triggers
18099s the death rattle
18101s um and it doesn't get rid of the
18102s fragment
18104s oh
18108s good amulet
18110s their doors remaining deck if he does
18112s win this is the jackpot Rogue by the way
18118s what
18119s oh geez
18123s hang in there TJ's okay it's okay it's
18125s gonna be okay
18128s and he's gonna drown yeah
18132s so what's the math Neil on hitting drown
18135s 16 Shadow spells
18137s uh three in Sixteen it's not that simple
18141s though is it or is it it's easy for one
18143s yeah it is that simple for one it's when
18144s you start saying what's the chance of
18145s hitting it in two it gets messy but for
18147s that it is that simple yeah all right
18149s what are the chance of hitting it over
18150s the next seven turns how many rounds do
18154s we hit over the next seven turns
18156s um
18157s on average if you're casting two per
18159s turn on average
18161s yeah sort of a couple
18163s of every 16 cards so every five cards is
18167s roughly one
18168s every five
18170s looks every five Visions is roughly
18172s wonderful
18176s your mileage may vary because it's
18178s faster and now these are now Blake
18180s spreaders in the hand as well
18187s you've got to look for that drown right
18188s this is this is just a battle to
18190s tame the middle I think this is just a
18192s drown battle
18197s oh oh terrible
18207s [Music]
18211s did start cycling ambulance really early
18213s in this match so he was very aware that
18215s this was the end state I'm sure UE was
18218s too when he wasn't happy with his
18220s opening hand
18221s which by the way his only hand that he
18223s had is basically on the board right now
18230s with the bone callers they're just there
18235s and that's another reason you don't want
18236s in the opening hand isn't it because
18237s they're things that come back so many
18239s times they're bad things to come back
18240s you end up having to play them to make
18242s space
18243s going back to his reaction when he saw
18244s the news opener and you don't want to
18246s keep getting them back because they're
18247s just not a threat they just
18249s pull into bones
18265s no time
18267s yep get in that amulet it's a five
18273s there's the middle
18275s which you've got to get out your hand
18276s otherwise it might turn into a plague
18277s person if you play it it might get
18279s drowned the card that Yugi's holding
18281s yeah do you still dump it you still dump
18283s it you have to jump in Hope yeah you
18285s dump it in Hope and now you get two
18288s looks to find a drown to steal it back
18291s and he's got a bit of a board what are
18293s the odds on two
18294s [Music]
18294s um
18296s it's basically 50 50. it's a little bit
18298s less than 50 50. I think
18305s it's quite a bit less than 50 50
18307s actually yeah I was gonna say that's way
18309s less than 50 50. I would say like maybe
18311s like 25 20 no it's gonna be one that
18313s like what is what is 25. it's only 3 and
18316s 16 right yeah that's not 25 though
18319s that's that's 18 or something right yeah
18322s and 218s is 36 then you take a bit off
18324s so 30 33 32. do your math it is though
18329s it's exactly that it's you double it and
18332s take a bit off that's how it works yeah
18335s drown nope missed
18341s uh
18343s uh call of the grave and hope yeah don't
18346s know what you're looking for but hey
18351s any uh
18356s we can't I I've been calling it
18358s something different like every single
18359s time I know it's been great I need a
18362s Mida Mida I think I think Midas probably
18367s oh Whispers of the deep okay I was like
18370s what just killed it
18373s okay he's taking damage though
18376s like my dad's back but there's a place
18381s person in place you are
18385s you need to steal it it's fine it's good
18390s I think you just hear a power of
18392s Whirlpool now
18394s but then my dad's gone oh it's fine you
18396s get another one it's coming back fine
18398s it's fine it's two amulets at the bottom
18401s of the deck you just keep trading until
18402s you get it and then play it yeah
18405s it's fine until you lose it because it
18407s just gets
18409s stolen
18411s because he does forward turn it is going
18414s to get stolen at some point
18416s can't just keep dodging
18423s like we couldn't we thought we're gonna
18424s Dodge this match up all through the
18426s tournament and it's day one first car so
18428s we're straight in there Brown
18437s yeah because he's gonna need to steal
18439s the midar back at some point right
18440s finish the game
18443s because he knows it doesn't get there on
18445s this iteration most likely
18449s [Applause]
18454s it's everything we hoped for TJ and so
18456s much more and now the cat's come to join
18458s me hello Cat we're still casting it's
18460s fine
18464s shellfish
18466s just keep killing it yeah
18473s what I forgot that card even existed
18477s this I lost to it recently the shellfish
18479s deck that used to exist is still around
18481s in a very bad form where you force your
18483s opponent to draw a million cards
18486s this is nearly lethal
18488s yeah
18491s yes
18493s of the grave and hit another shellfish
18496s Italy
18499s oh my God that's so close teacher your
18502s vision you have you have six Mana left
18504s you call it maybe a five minute left you
18506s get the shellfish then you Shard hero
18509s power
18513s so dead
18517s oh
18520s Julie he can't get there after all the
18522s midar talk he just gets there with a
18523s shellfish
18526s well Paul that's too fatigue
18530s welcome here hi yeah
18533s well you don't die immediately
18536s yeah yeah you do immediately you take
18538s you take three then four
18540s oh my God
18542s is this shellfish just just popped up to
18545s solve this game
18554s it's you you're going through to the
18556s quarterfinals TJ
18559s after being on the back foot for a
18561s million turns
18567s look at the hand sizes look at how he's
18569s managed to get his stuff played more
18571s regularly even though he is completely
18573s gassed out
18577s foreign
18587s wow honestly that's really good
18592s I didn't think he could survive there I
18594s must admit
18597s um discover a shellfish
18599s Discover it
18602s identity theft oh he's gonna take he's
18606s gonna take to get a shellfish back has
18611s he got a plague person in play at the
18612s moment because he could take Whirlpool
18613s as well for later but yeah I think you
18615s should get the shellfish back
18616s foreign
18626s and setting up with Whirlpool to force
18628s Edgewater Court to draw and also he's on
18631s 34 again because all the health he's
18632s been gaining with all the recursive
18633s death battle
18639s it could be a draw it's not going to be
18640s but this could be a draw in some
18641s circumstances where they both get
18643s shellfished at the same time with
18644s whirlpool
18646s then we have to do it all again
18649s as you know you you would win but that's
18651s not the point
18661s none of those are useful no
18665s wait wait
18667s how much fatigue has he taken you can
18669s Shadow her death is on shellfish
18675s it's only on small numbers
18688s absolute prayer
18690s drown
18692s you died
18694s oh is he Auto loaded like he did
18696s scorpion first no surely not ah it's
18699s more likely they discover it from
18706s all right
18710s so any way to find this ghost face it's
18712s definitely lethal uh it's it's
18714s lethalated because you've got the hero
18715s power right three four five he could
18717s just Whirlpool yeah
18722s doing it the correct way just in case
18724s wow after all that
18728s the shellfish is what did him in
18740s unbelievable scene so many ways to play
18743s that last turn right like the the
18746s discovers my initial Instinct was just
18749s to
18750s play your own shellfish and light shower
18753s Elemental
18755s yes yeah because then like if if
18758s anything comes out there was no Shard
18760s left there was no way to discover you
18762s knew that the uh
18764s um
18765s the vision was there so like drowned
18767s would have
18768s uh killed him in that instance but
18770s [Music]
18772s I guess it was only drowned yeah I don't
18774s know like like Charlie mental you just
18776s your opponents who discovers it drowned
18778s and they win if they hit it
18781s so difficult and with venomous scorpid
18784s I probably would have started I don't
18786s know
18787s because the it's the eight percent
18789s chance to hit the drown on the first one
18791s but venomous corporate has a bunch of
18793s hits
18795s because you can hit
18797s like desperate prayer you could hit
18800s Shard of the naaru you could hit
18804s um crown
18806s I mean I may have just started with this
18808s this the Scorpion just uh because that
18811s gives you more information on on like
18813s what's possible for that turn
18816s um it was really really tough though
18818s it's very difficult but a very weird
18820s game on Firestone that was that did
18822s clock in at
18825s exactly an hour
18827s exactly an hour and you Yi that's for
18830s that game not the match right that's
18831s since the start of the game one hour
18834s game of hearthstone and we will see that
18836s matchup again most likely this week
18838s gets it done with a shellfish it's gonna
18841s be done with cars that don't start in
18842s your deck but it's so slow because it's
18845s very hard to discover anything that
18847s actually influences the magic Beyond
18849s drown and even if you don't get the
18850s drown Midas doing four per turn so
18855s it's really just not getting it done
18857s we're going to see iterations on that
18859s I'm out of drinks teacher they've all
18860s gone all for them just absolutely gone
18863s that's how long the game was oh God that
18865s that's a flamingo Friday for you right
18867s that's a flamingo friend I did match up
18870s in a nutshell was that priest mirror I I
18873s don't know what priest mirrors I
18876s I like more this or the infinite boxes
18879s because this is awesome for the boxes
18880s but whatever
18883s we are done
18886s yeah he moves on to court they draw not
18888s out we'll move on to the decider match
18890s to play against the winner of our next
18893s match
18894s uh so coming right up right up after
18897s this we're gonna have the elimination
18899s match between XC and Bly so don't go
18901s anywhere more World Championship right
18903s after this
18907s [Music]
18916s [Music]
18922s hey everyone we're going to be testing
18924s uh our Hearthstone World Championship
18927s finalist xc's uh Hearthstone Esports
18930s statistical knowledge in another edition
18932s of stat attack here uh so we're going to
18936s give you a question with four possible
18938s answers and you have to choose which
18940s answer you think is correct so question
18942s number one how many matches has xmg won
18947s in Masters tours is it 40 50 60 or 70.
18952s uh uh
18956s oh so close 70 you underestimate your
18960s opponent
18961s all right question number two better
18962s luck this time hopefully uh how many
18964s times has Tien Ming been in the top 32
18968s of a Masters Tour seven eight nine or
18971s ten times
18974s oh again you're so close seven is the
18977s right answer in this system okay this
18979s one you have to get right there's no
18981s excuses this time uh question number
18983s three is who did XC yourself beat in the
18986s final of Masters Tour Madrid Ali temu
18989s surrender Glory or give please
18992s out of them
18994s hey congratulations
18997s all right we're at one out of three
18999s let's see if we can keep it going now
19000s with uh one correct answer uh question
19002s four is UE has played 16 Masters tours
19006s in how many did he have a losing record
19010s where he had a lower than 50 win rate
19012s one three five or seven times
19017s correct answer we're on a roll
19020s okay question five which player beat
19023s shouty twice in the 2019 World
19026s Championships was it Union Jing
19030s Omega zero or Jason Joe
19033s team oh instant I thought that was a
19036s hard one but uh congratulations you got
19038s it correct final question who did shall
19040s Buy beat in the final of Masters Tour
19043s ironforge was it wyra flokey baby bear
19046s or Maverick
19048s cheers
19053s correct okay not bad
19057s [Music]
19072s thank you
19075s foreign
19080s [Music]
19085s [Music]
19093s [Music]
19105s and welcome back to the Hearthstone
19107s World Championship just let you know the
19109s year is still 2022 and it is still this
19112s world's just in case you stepped away
19114s for what felt like a lifetime while that
19116s matchup was being played what a series
19118s subtle and one thing I'm glad of is that
19121s at least the players get to have some
19123s form of break before they have to do
19125s anything
19126s um again for that one so a bit of a
19128s crazy one but now we are moving on to XC
19130s versus blies coming right up
19133s yeah and an interesting matchup for sure
19136s uh both of these players kind of had
19138s their struggles from different sides of
19141s the coin obviously that is the nature of
19143s us now being in the lower bracket it
19145s also means that now the stakes have
19147s really ramped up opening matches are
19149s important don't get me wrong you've seen
19151s the disappointment on the face of dead
19152s draw for example after being on the
19154s losing end of that Marathon that we just
19156s saw but now we're in the situation where
19158s it's win or go home you you are you've
19161s had your one life double elimination is
19163s now a cruel mistress and you have to win
19166s out from here to stay in the tournament
19168s XC wecast XC Raven looked shaky
19173s unassured indecisive I'm not exactly
19175s sure what the correct word is in that
19177s situation but it was one of those
19179s whereas bly's it seemed like more of a
19183s lineup issue to me I have some questions
19185s about the Rogue version that he's
19186s playing and as I said to you very early
19188s on I expect to see a number of Druid
19191s beatings throughout the tournament and
19193s that was kind of the story of that
19195s series for blies a couple of Druid
19196s defeats and then Rogue looking a little
19198s bit shaky towards the end so
19200s um you know I think this is a fitting
19202s lower bracket match from the way those
19204s early games have gone if that makes any
19205s sense I'm looking to looking forward to
19207s see where we stand yeah and this is one
19209s of the decks right the priest we saw
19211s earlier on today from XC there was a bit
19214s of a fumble at best I think is is a
19217s speaking of word choices because he
19219s basically just floated a huge turn and
19221s just didn't really do what he needed to
19223s do whether that was because of the Rope
19225s indecision whatever and it cost him
19227s pretty heavily and even though you know
19230s as we go on we can look at Druid more
19231s and more over the the course of the
19233s weekend blies did struggle to get the
19235s Druid through in his previous series and
19238s but if his opponent's going to give him
19240s free Windows right you know to like
19243s steal games from then maybe it's not
19244s going to be as much of a problem so yeah
19246s a lot for these players to get done and
19248s you mentioned unsure about the Rogue so
19251s subtle uh Throwing Shade that
19253s specifically Jamberry music to believe
19255s but do you just want to take us through
19257s uh what what this deck does differently
19260s to say the the regular death rattle
19262s Rogue I'll call it yeah sure so it's
19265s kind of just where the end games end up
19266s where it's a little bit different
19268s obviously there's a lot of pieces that
19270s are the same The Illusionist the sketchy
19272s information the snowfall graveyard
19274s however there is also sinstone graveyard
19277s in the deck which is a little bit
19278s strange and then there's masked reveler
19280s which allows you to play a minion
19282s package that isn't fully reliant on
19283s death rattles and so by using sinstone
19286s graveyard essentially you invest your
19288s two Mana early preferably on turn two
19290s and then you have zero man Undead
19293s minions for the rest of the game which
19294s means if you're able to cheat Invincible
19296s by some method you're always able to
19299s guarantee an undead on the board because
19301s of the minions coming off the sinstone
19302s graveyard being Undead for that purpose
19304s outside of that you also then have these
19306s neptulon High Rolls that you can get off
19308s mask reveler in a lot of situations
19311s um so whereas the slightly older version
19314s of death rattle Rover there's three
19316s versions right and it's all just how
19318s they win the game one is kill you with
19320s mines two is put up massive walls of
19323s taunts uh from the burning blades or
19325s play Leap Froggers with the ghouls
19327s instead and just have the the infinite
19328s uh replicating value and then there's
19330s this one which is a little bit more
19332s Invincible focused
19334s my struggle with this deck is if you do
19337s what bly's did in the first series and
19339s just draw big stupid Undead horsey
19341s patches in your opening hand like this
19344s deck feels like it struggles the most
19346s right to recover from that situation
19348s when you get invincible in your opening
19349s hand and it is one of those things right
19351s because I've played the chunk of the uh
19352s I will call it the more regular death
19354s rattle Rogue you know with the taunts
19356s and everything yeah and Invincible feels
19359s like you know a unusable win condition
19361s when you get to do the thing right
19363s because so many stats death rattle you
19366s know reborn and so on so and so on it
19368s starts to get very very silly and you
19369s just could just win off the back of it
19371s but you are right if it's if you play
19373s Invincible in the Fairway as in pay for
19376s it with eight Mana then it's very very
19378s slow in the current game to really have
19381s a huge impact so I am interested to see
19383s you know if this deck's got legs or if
19385s this is potentially going to be the
19387s sticking point for bliers before we even
19389s talk it's all about the Druid right
19391s because like we have conversations about
19392s Druid tab at some point but there's
19394s first going to be this Rogue
19396s and there it is now it's not I'm not
19399s gonna say that's a good place to have it
19400s but it's at least at the very well whoa
19403s whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold the Dog
19406s and Bone he's just keeping it
19410s can't be a bad drawer if it's already in
19412s your hand
19413s the logic I can get behind
19416s okay fine be like that
19421s oh interesting to see how this one goes
19423s he does have sinstone graveyard does
19424s have the sketch information as well so
19426s let's just ignore Invincible for a
19429s minute and we'll get to that when you
19430s know when it happens but for now the
19433s rest of the hand looks pretty solid as
19435s far as I can see meanwhile XC is just
19437s going to start you know Gathering the
19439s resources as you do with this deck
19447s no Switcheroo no radiant no handmaiden
19451s or anything in hand right now so picking
19453s up anime dead even though it's a very
19454s useful card does seem a little bit
19456s ambitious at this point
19457s I think XC picking up the wig here does
19460s make sense double illuminate now should
19463s hopefully from his perspective get him
19465s to one of those juicy card draws
19468s I still think he does have to be very
19470s card draw focused at the moment yeah
19471s there you go thrive
19474s nope
19483s kind of a tricky one right because
19485s I
19487s doesn't want to have a card stuck in the
19490s hand because that's you just can't
19491s really afford to with this deck
19494s um
19497s is this just coin
19500s oh
19503s the bone Spike instead
19508s yeah I think bone Spike does make the
19510s most sense overall
19512s um they're both kind of Manatee
19514s essentially right stealing the coins
19516s doing the bone Spike and I think the
19517s bone Spike actually affecting the board
19519s at least a little bit is probably to
19521s your benefit yeah I was just wondering
19523s if um
19524s without the radiance and of course you
19526s will want Radiance if you're XC but I'm
19529s just think in two Mana to maybe do
19531s damage and maybe kill a thing you know I
19533s know that helps out if you can kill a
19535s thing with it but until then it might
19537s just sit in the hand for a little bit
19538s too long XC does end up with the sun
19540s well
19541s uh okay
19545s is that aquatic form yes aquatic farmer
19548s predation A4 cost spell and wildfire
19553s lovely stuff I can double confirm but I
19557s think you know there we go yeah with XC
19560s specifically in the business of still
19561s looking for radiant Elementals or
19564s switcheroos to find those radiant
19565s Elementals I think the uh the Aquatic
19568s form is probably by far the most
19569s relevant Choice overall though quickly
19572s and I would say like
19574s depending on how the game State goes
19576s Last Stand
19578s isn't the worst right I it could have
19582s got worse cards
19598s just gonna keep it simple
19601s and the pressure what do you make of
19602s this early sinstone subtle do you like
19604s this as a tutu yeah generally this is
19607s how the deck works you do just use the
19610s first charge as soon as you can more or
19612s less
19613s um and just you know have that little
19614s bit of tempo initially
19616s um because it's not like a draco rope
19618s where you're actually gonna get two
19620s massive pop-offs off yeah with the with
19622s the location you might have one big turn
19626s plus Landon Invincible on it all at the
19628s same time
19629s um if your deck is really coming
19631s together in the right order but
19632s generally when people see this uh play
19633s this deck you will see them uh use that
19635s first location proc extremely liberally
19638s now Revel is going to come out here from
19640s bly's
19644s damage is just starting to stack up
19647s there are uh your things XC can do of
19650s course once this deck can go down pretty
19653s low and then as soon as it gets to pop
19655s off which you know we'll see if XC
19657s decides that if that's going to be now
19658s or not it can get very very silly indeed
19660s and blinds are gonna have to have a lot
19662s of power to push through this
19671s dumping the blast okay
19674s reputation as well which is actually
19676s very nice for zero cost just to get out
19678s the hand
19682s it's kind of funny how much he can still
19684s do he's after having dumped the three
19686s mana on the handmaiden but this is still
19687s a very very strong turn even with that
19689s committed
19691s there's the res now big big deal
19695s the funny question is does uh where does
19698s predation go here
19704s where else would it go chase face face
19710s depends how big he's making the minion
19712s right just killing a 3-3 change much
19715s whereas does face set up like you know
19717s external lethal I think it was worth at
19719s least looking at sure
19722s he's going to end on Boone right oh
19725s okay
19726s wow there was still a lot that could
19728s have gone on there
19733s what a delightful party
19741s this is
19748s such a huge deal oh my like
19756s yeah this is all great
19760s damage bike and wicked stab clean it up
19766s couldn't be allowed should it
19770s that's insane so reverse engineering the
19773s situation is this why Bligh is this part
19775s of the reason why bly's is happy to keep
19777s Invincible is that he really really
19779s really wants to cheat neptulon in every
19781s circumstance so he's actually weirdly
19784s happy to keep various patches in his
19786s hands so that he's able to cheat the
19788s thing in the match up that really
19789s matters
19791s I mean I can definitely see it right
19793s because it just like you said not
19795s guaranteed well
19797s you know helps with the plan and
19799s Invincible man like minus one card
19810s they have to take down that like XC now
19813s is it does have handmaiden so he's put
19814s himself in a spot where that wasn't just
19816s all in right he can still draw you can
19818s still get stuff done but it's
19821s significantly more manageable right than
19824s the the Boon turn was
19828s yeah solitary minion probably not going
19832s to represent lethal on the following
19833s turn so you can even set up some sort of
19835s plan to deal with this over two if you
19837s really want to
19842s oh yeah Blythe has that door of Shadows
19844s um
19845s boosted right so even that's going to be
19847s pretty nice since he is looking like
19849s Blaise has a good amount of Mana to work
19851s with this turn if he wants it
19855s very carefully you're going to trade the
19858s Cutlass do it slowly deliberately and
19862s carefully Blaise there we go
19867s uh
19870s John poorly hasn't it
19874s [Music]
19875s let's just play Scourge out Aussie just
19879s caught is he too worried about silence
19887s then for killer 3-1 and just say you
19888s know what
19889s that Elemental is probably not going to
19891s be able to 27 me but a boon off the top
19894s is not bad at all here for XC and that
19897s is massively accelerated the game plan
19900s remember a blast was already used a boon
19903s was already used this off the top now is
19905s huge
19910s you can see with the stank face from
19912s bly's right now
19914s really really not feeling it
19921s oh
19923s crap monsters beneath you needs
19931s oh exactly not that you need some sort
19933s of like Mast reveler goes off twice
19937s yes natural on twice from both copies
19940s kind of deal and even then I'm not sure
19942s yeah even then the end of the line
19948s weirdly enough
19950s flies needed a very cheap Invincible
19952s that uh yeah yeah
19957s really really big win there for XC yet
19960s after that first clear from blyes with
19962s the neptulon I thought actually was in
19964s major trouble and I still think you know
19967s you can argue with that draw not even if
19969s the draw if he didn't get to Boon that
19971s turn I think things would have looked
19973s way way better for bly's but the the
19975s second Boon straight away really just
19978s escalated that implies just simply
19979s couldn't defend yeah what I will say is
19982s you can see helpfully now as this
19983s flashes up he was down to five cards on
19985s that turn left in Dirk right so he had a
19987s he had a one in five to draw the Boon
19989s and I'm sure some of the other cards
19990s were Cycles tradables whatever else at
19992s that point as well that could have got
19993s him there so
19995s um again this is something I talked
19996s about in the the opening Series is you
19998s know sometimes people look at these
20000s things like wow it's disgusting how can
20002s that be in the game it's the problem is
20004s the consistency that it happens with a
20006s lot of the time because there's so many
20007s decks that can just draw 20 25 cards by
20009s turn seven turn eight on a game in a lot
20011s of situations it just makes these kind
20013s of things very very consistent not to
20015s mention in this case obviously
20016s Switcheroo and dredge effects and
20019s discover effects everything else that
20021s can help you look specifically for those
20023s radiant Elementals and Boons and other
20024s pieces that you need so yep it was a
20027s fortunate draw of the Boon on that turn
20029s but with the small deck size left
20031s remaining you'd have to imagine that XE
20033s was pretty favored to get something from
20035s that point and even then even without
20037s the Boon Blythe still has to find the
20040s out on the following term oh yeah it's a
20042s smaller board that he'll have to deal
20044s with yes but he's still gonna have to
20046s deal with it somehow it looks like bly's
20048s is gonna be sticking to his Rogue doing
20050s the the Bly special which is just Jammer
20052s deck until you win with it and then move
20054s on there it's something we are going to
20055s know and love about Plies those casters
20057s at least and XC is gonna have his Demon
20061s Hunter or his own Rogue left over looks
20063s like he's going to be locking in the
20065s Rogue from what I can see here so this
20067s one again gonna be an interesting one
20069s because on one hand and we have I'll
20072s call it a very loose death rattle Rogue
20074s and then on the other hand we have this
20076s Draco version a much more explosive in
20079s terms of raw damage in the early game
20081s especially when you consider like well
20083s buys isn't playing the taunts because
20085s one thing I've done I've been playing
20086s death row Rogue the other version on
20088s ladder if I were into Draka I'm like
20090s okay and I just make about eight taunts
20093s and they'd concede because there's just
20095s not a lot they can do about unless they
20097s get specific concoctions of course to
20098s help yeah yeah in general it's just like
20101s well this is a perfect counter loads of
20103s huge taunts whereas uh
20106s um bly's isn't really going to have
20107s access to that as an answer well so
20110s Counterpoint though if you do hit cheap
20113s Invincible at some point in the game
20114s because you have that graveyard as an
20116s additional tool in your own deck you can
20118s just put the torn wall up that way right
20120s it's not as safe because like you said
20123s you know snowfall graveyard going off
20126s with the burning blade Acolyte and then
20128s suddenly you end up with four five six
20130s haunts on way across the board you're
20132s still not going to lose to concoction
20133s destroy random minion in that position
20135s right because you don't have too many of
20137s them whereas this version of the deck
20139s you usually just end up with one massive
20142s taunt that's like a 30 30 or something
20144s yeah yeah
20145s um which kill it or lose yes that will
20148s win the game immediately if you don't
20149s hit the out but the outs are there with
20151s the concoction so um yeah one again just
20154s a concern that I do have about this
20157s build of the deck but it looks like
20159s bly's is going to get to play a game
20162s without uh Stupid horsey patches in his
20164s opening hand even though one of those
20166s was by choice
20168s now this one goes both plays cycling
20171s starting to get things cooking and
20173s nothing crazy yet for XC but he does
20175s have that potion belt if he wants to
20177s check it out there which I I think the
20179s addition of all the concoctions is is
20181s huge for this deck right because you can
20183s just start adding so much potential to
20186s every given turn and it gives you extra
20188s value even if you have popped off with
20191s draca right it lets you still progress
20193s the game in other ways
20198s laughs
20200s the solution so it's going to be pretty
20203s nice
20204s um the coin this turn for bliers right
20206s if you're going out first and then take
20208s the risk with the snowfall after
20211s checking my homework by the way oh it's
20214s been cast anyway so yes I was about to
20216s say that draw yellow blue is draw two
20218s cards add card to hand and disco I did
20220s try and commit all of these to memory
20222s before the tournaments horsey patches oh
20225s come on that's just Horsemen yes
20229s bow patch Invincible man yeah something
20232s along those lines that's exactly right
20234s should make a show about that character
20236s um yeah I do like this origin though
20238s from bliers right just check it out what
20240s are the odds that XC is going to kill
20241s this by choice
20243s I would say low-ish and then you just
20246s follow it with the graveyard and try and
20247s get it done after the fact yeah agreed
20251s there's draca but not quite clear X he
20255s wanted it to be
20259s and this is just nightmare time here for
20262s XC right he's not in it I'm not saying
20264s he's in a terrible spot but when you see
20266s that graveyard come down and then
20268s there's just that Illusionist you're
20269s like yeah what then what am I supposed
20272s to do I think snowfall graveyard is one
20275s of the scariest cards in half yes yes am
20277s I against because it's very hard to
20279s process just how screwed you are and
20282s sometimes it's not at all
20284s um but it always feels like you're gonna
20285s get absolutely destroyed in the next
20287s couple of turns
20290s okay
20291s XC has like weirdly the best answer to
20295s this setup from bly's which is make a
20297s big dracker and go face yeah right so
20300s like that's what you want to do and as
20302s we said earlier we can see invincibles
20304s actually in hand here so this um this
20307s means that things are going to be slowed
20309s down a lot more the next he maybe thinks
20311s they are
20316s coin shroud coin oh yeah coin prep
20320s shroud is fine I was gonna say I didn't
20321s I wasn't accounting for the threat if he
20323s shrouds here and misses on mailbox
20325s dancer or he wouldn't have necessarily
20327s been able to go all the way through to
20328s the draca but yeah with the prep
20330s involved obviously that is the case
20331s still had one stenographer left in the
20333s deck as well which is a big deal to pick
20335s up because uh it's a big weapon
20346s I can use the first one to see what
20348s happens oh okay okay
20357s the no access to Invincible for the
20360s foreseeable future is such a pain isn't
20363s it
20365s what a delightful party
20372s extort it right yeah you have to press
20375s counterly so you just absolutely have to
20379s if you have enough to get there yeah
20381s about the best outcome you can hope for
20383s really
20385s and then coin Cutlass actually being
20386s used deliberately this time go face yeah
20389s I think this is the best you can come up
20390s with
20392s just make your opponent need the damage
20395s that's what 12 13 here just showing for
20398s XC yes can he make up the difference
20401s oh symptoms will be severe yeah
20405s depending on what these concoctions do
20406s right with the shadow step as well
20420s like it achieved nothing
20424s it is minus quite a lot of damage in
20427s that spot right hmm
20439s that's summoned three cost right
20442s please
20443s slow down
20447s I want to choose soon
20457s [Applause]
20464s actually desperately trying to figure
20466s out which of these minions you're
20468s actually supposed to kill yeah that does
20470s seem right because now uh right hand
20472s Neptune not really doing anything
20476s but with the kodo mount I do believe
20480s that that is going to be enough to get
20481s there with the wind Fury going through
20483s and flies absolutely manages to steal
20486s one in the end even without that
20488s Invincible being used uh did wonder
20491s whether I was looking at perhaps the
20493s prep on the previous turn as to whether
20494s you needed to like get
20496s um prep bone Spike for example to
20499s actually be able to play the Invincible
20501s on the following turn to stay alive but
20503s Bly is recognized way way better to just
20505s be as aggressive as possible to push for
20508s a counter-lethal of his own instead dump
20510s the prep into doing that
20512s um getting all the tempo on board
20513s damaging his own past reveler as well to
20515s be able to get the counter-lethal set up
20516s and XC did have a lot of concoctions to
20520s roll for plus three damage but I believe
20522s needed two instances of plus three
20525s damage from the concoctions to be able
20526s to get there or of course uh some extra
20528s damage from today yeah really really big
20530s win there for bliers and now he's going
20532s to be jumping over to his Demon Hunter
20534s and honestly like this must feel quite
20536s such a at least from you know the few
20539s matches we've seen today it must feel
20541s like a bit of a safety net right or at
20543s least maybe I feel like that to play
20544s Demon Hunter for a game if you've been
20546s having a rough go of it it's like okay
20548s Rogue struggling a bit Druid struggled
20549s or like pretty Easter struggled a bit
20551s let me just take a break play Demon into
20553s win and then move on because it does
20556s feel like it's still even with everyone
20558s expecting Demon Hunter to be brought it
20561s still feels very strong like in the
20563s previous series Demon Hunter won first
20565s try for both players earlier on that's
20567s been the case as well in I think every
20570s match apart from the first uh hang on
20572s that wasn't true and oh and would you
20574s say the series we cast or the one before
20576s because XC lost on Demon Hunter yeah
20578s yeah sorry yeah yeah it was previous to
20581s this one as in not the one we cast but
20583s only the first series that we cast The
20585s Demon to not just turn up win and leave
20587s okay basically so demons looks like it's
20589s been doing very well even though
20591s everyone pretty much knew that everyone
20593s else was going to submit it so yeah
20595s we'll have to see what's going on here
20596s with Plies and if you can follow suit
20598s here and just get a quick win with the
20599s Demon Hunter XC of course are going to
20601s be sticking on the Rogue once again
20604s yeah just on decklist watch obviously I
20607s was talking about one chaos strike
20609s earlier in some of the lists uh this is
20611s double chaos strike from bly's single
20615s need for greed so need for greed is the
20617s one of essentially as I broke down
20619s before but in case you weren't watching
20620s the initial series uh you play one
20622s Rothrock Viper and that means that one
20625s other card in the deck has to be a
20629s single copy which some people are doing
20631s Marcus gone some people are doing Chaos
20634s strike some people are doing need for
20635s greed um as the main ones that we've
20637s seen so far and I believe there's a
20639s spectral site one of hanging around
20641s somewhere as well so that is the big um
20644s Flex spot I suppose in deck building
20645s with the deck I can definitely see it
20647s with the need for greed because I found
20648s myself running into oh I'm just going to
20651s use this as a Trader bomb you know a lot
20653s of the time so I can definitely
20655s definitely understand that one and so
20657s far though early location going down
20658s there for XC but bly's has got hold of
20661s the dimensions so that's oh both
20663s dimensions because for some reason there
20666s are now only two Dimensions
20668s um but it does mean that you'll still be
20671s looking for the location for himself but
20672s still not a bad start to form my new
20674s relics and I would add that you know
20677s having a card that is a tradable is not
20678s necessarily a bad thing I made this
20680s point earlier as well but quite often if
20682s your first Quest completion it does
20683s happen on turn three it's going to use a
20686s tradable to happen and so even if you do
20689s end up doing that with need for greed
20691s it's fantastic not to mention of course
20692s the times that you just draw need for
20694s greed off the top on turn three and it's
20697s the single best feeling in the world
20698s apart from fell barraging people for
20700s like 24 which is much better
20703s oh okay well this is a game yes it is
20710s a good old-fashioned race what we've got
20713s here yeah I like this as well because
20715s this is still relative dimensions on
20717s five but in a different way like
20720s normally you've already set the location
20721s by now but Plies can just do it all
20723s together anyway
20729s see again not having a uh big crazy
20733s turns we can see you know as early as
20735s turn three maybe even before that you is
20738s possible with this deck but it looks
20740s like he's moving towards a good a
20742s relatively large dracco pop off here
20745s yeah I was going to give him the time
20746s because not only
20748s supplies you know destroying everything
20750s reducing it procking the quest as you
20752s can see now oh this deck has the ability
20755s to just heal and basically delete a
20757s swing of the weapon at least right Relic
20760s Vault the perfect draw to find there as
20763s well one of the very very few cards that
20765s you can just play from your hand for
20768s zero opportunity loss at any point in
20770s the game otherwise you're looking at
20772s using something which might be a little
20775s bit less value than it is in one or two
20777s turns time when you're looking to end
20778s the game hopefully
20781s foreign
20792s that remaining concoction is deal three
20794s damage single copyright uncombined which
20797s is not really achieving a great deal at
20799s the moment
20802s he has to go surely has to go now okay
20804s Shadow step very much helps I was gonna
20807s say until I saw the shadow step I was
20809s staring at the hand thinking
20811s what about if we have one more turn you
20813s know like just wait one more turn but I
20816s do agree now with the shadow step it's a
20818s bit of a no-brainer yeah I think having
20820s seen relative dimensions on the other
20821s side you probably have to go that turn
20823s regardless so you just end up a little
20826s bit like you know I guess the argument
20828s is what's the point in Waiting one turn
20830s to make your dagger five or six bigger
20832s when you have missed one entire turn of
20835s attacking with the dagger you know yes I
20837s guess I was just wondering how much XC
20839s thinks
20841s how much do you judge like the heal
20843s Factor versus the death Factor yeah
20845s right right is your opponent healing
20848s through smaller dagger hits and more of
20850s a problem than them maybe killing you
20853s right it's really tricky
20856s foreign
20861s click the button
20865s good flies
20866s already cleared this whenever Quest
20869s Demon Hunter exists wise is the best
20871s player in the world to watch because he
20874s just does it
20880s it's gone
20885s are you using School
20890s oh you're gonna use score to go face
20892s because this is guaranteed anyway yeah
20894s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
20898s and doesn't matter anyway I mean this is
20902s arguably a million damage to face that's
20904s true yeah I suppose in the grand scheme
20908s of things that's probably better isn't
20910s it
20911s not as fancy but uh fancy enough I would
20914s say there goes the weapon drakka's gone
20916s as well oh there's no Chantix so you can
20919s even try and do a re-roll of the weapon
20920s or anything like that and actually
20922s definitely on the back foot now even
20925s regardless of the fact that Blythe still
20927s has a ton of spells to the cards are
20929s available the g8's just sitting for
20931s whenever relevant if needed
20934s applies looking absolutely fantastic and
20937s that's yeah just to concede wise goes
20939s 2-1 up and I think already this series
20941s even though he's currently only winning
20943s by one game it feels like this Series
20945s has been going much better for bliers in
20948s terms of just you know game to game
20949s gameplay yeah makes sense yeah and I I
20952s was talking about this earlier with um
20956s the classes when they came off the
20957s Blythe series we were just talking
20959s briefly about like bly's really gets hit
20962s hard when he loses incredibly high
20965s stakes matchups right he seems super
20966s nonchalant and aloof a lot of the time
20968s and just jamming games or whatever he
20971s really really really wants to be the
20973s world champion I I cannot emphasize that
20976s enough any time you talk to him he will
20978s make that point clear
20980s um I believe we still we do have an
20981s interview with him in the rotation here
20983s as well where TJ asks him if he gets
20985s tilted during games and his answer's not
20987s like not really by like the outcomes in
20989s the game but if I lose an important
20991s match you know it's not till it just it
20993s bothers me upset me and we've seen those
20996s reactions from him very visibly in the
20998s past as well
21000s not seeing their reactions yeah we
21003s haven't seen them on broadcast we've
21005s then seen them on Twitter after the fact
21007s is generally how things have worked but
21009s then so my worry with blies is whether
21013s that actually affects his mental going
21015s into massive matches like this because
21018s like you were saying when bly's is
21021s relaxed playing Quest Demon Hunter just
21023s jamming cards with seemingly not
21026s thinking that's not what's happening by
21028s the way he is absolutely thinking he's
21029s just thinking very quickly but when he's
21031s in that zone and he's comfortable and
21033s he's just jamming cards he does seem
21034s unbeatable in some occasions but it does
21037s seem that maybe
21039s um when the the pressure really ramps up
21041s that there's that element of second
21042s guessing that creeps into his psyche in
21044s big moments like this so seeing this
21046s performance from him so far which you
21048s know it's not like he's walking through
21049s this series it's very tightly contested
21051s series but it looks like the blies we've
21053s been watching for the the last three or
21055s so years come up through our masters
21056s tours and take Grand Masters by storm in
21059s Europe and I think that bodes well for
21061s him in the rest of the series and as we
21063s look at this now XC has moved over to
21065s his Demon Hunter and as I mentioned
21066s whenever you cue demon onto these
21068s players must just feel like okay I just
21070s fancy a win let's get the Demon Hunter
21072s done but going up against Drury the deck
21075s you talked about from pretty much the
21077s start of today uh what does druid
21079s actually need to do because you spoke
21081s about oh you know Druids on ladder they
21083s just sit back and like I've got loads of
21085s armor and then you can kill them anyway
21087s yeah so does bliers need to play like
21089s aggro ramp Druid is this is this the
21091s suggestion of how to approach this so I
21095s think
21096s um personally for me as a starting point
21098s I would rather be 30 Druid in this
21101s matchup than 40 Druid because what you
21104s can do is just race them to your combo
21105s and quite often get there faster you
21108s know if you just draw a brand in an
21109s ubercon the rest of it likely takes care
21111s of itself and with all the tutor effects
21112s that you do have available and all the
21114s cards draw that you have available you
21115s can sometimes just get there first
21117s the other way to go about it is yeah
21120s just trying to play aggressively as
21122s possible with all the Minions that you
21123s do have and just continuing to occupy
21125s the ball
21126s um because as as mentioned like this
21129s deck the Demon Hunter I mean can do
21134s 120-ish without really having to do
21137s anything particularly fancy
21139s though you're not getting out of range
21141s of that with armor or with blood death
21144s Knights or anything else you have to
21146s counter pressure or you have to disrupt
21148s um so it's you know it's theater
21149s Patchwork mutinous those kind of things
21151s to be able to disrupt or it's massive
21153s amounts of pressure where you can or
21155s it's race them to the combo faster than
21157s they get there which is obviously much
21160s less of a win condition when you have 40
21161s cards in your deck instead of 30 and I
21164s don't particularly think the 10 health
21166s is relevant in this matchup right okay
21168s well let's see how this one goes wise
21170s takes to win here he gets to air save
21172s his tournament life for now let's see
21175s there's a bit of a more of a climb to do
21177s but it's in a very very good matchup
21182s already uh hit some of the more all good
21185s ones right with the Silver Moon already
21186s in hand we'll have to shuffle the uh the
21189s other spell damage which definitely
21190s isn't a big deal of course but just
21192s having to pay three Mana for the Silver
21193s Moon it's a little bit painful it's the
21196s other one for two though oh and Chase
21200s all right finds a relic Vault though
21203s it's something but these are all the
21204s cards you don't want to have in your
21206s opening hand
21207s correct
21208s um but I think one of the iterations one
21212s of the improvements of the deck was to
21213s move more spell damage redundancy in to
21216s play around these kind of situations I
21218s think when it first came out there was
21219s only three spell damage minions total
21220s and then the the second copy of the
21222s Silver Moon came in oh oh okay off the
21226s top with the dimensions and that flies
21228s given the round of applause I think he
21230s understands that that is all another a
21233s bit of a disaster yeah proc in the quest
21236s as well of course I haven't done one of
21239s watch this is your one of update uh XC
21242s is a one-off chaos strike game oh yeah
21244s of course we did this in the previous
21245s game oh well if you're gonna draw your
21247s five on curve I'm gonna draw my five on
21249s curb as well seems just fair to me
21252s um but yeah I I think I can I think one
21254s of chaos strike is probably where I
21257s would end up honestly it just feels like
21259s the least flexible card overall
21262s another happy guilty I'll drill go
21271s I think this is my favorite version of
21273s quest Demon Hunter that we've ever had
21275s you want to know why because I bet you
21278s it's not the same reason
21279s come on
21281s don't have to mess around with adding up
21282s like dodgy Mohawk numbers
21285s just tell me how much spell damage I've
21287s got and and just done well hang on hang
21291s on hang on oh I have to challenge you on
21293s this because the only reason that
21295s matters or that the reason that doesn't
21297s matter is because when you get up to
21299s like plus four plus six fail damage you
21301s just don't count because you assume you
21303s had lethal if you had to actually count
21305s how much damage that was that went face
21307s I'm pretty sure that's harder than Moab
21309s mats
21312s I don't know moaku used to always get me
21314s so how many times have you played a Jace
21317s with this deck and known how much damage
21318s you were going to be
21320s at least once okay fine
21325s and that was because I played one fell
21327s spell yeah exactly I played a chaos
21330s strike
21332s another second relic of Dimensions now
21335s XC just uh looking out a few bits of
21339s damage as well mainly to make hand space
21341s right like throughout the fell barrage
21343s there didn't do it with any spell damage
21346s whatsoever but just knowing Jay still
21348s have it covered a little bit later on it
21350s still has a lot of spell damage to throw
21352s out some of the others innovate
21354s and I get an innovate no okay
21358s so uh though yeah no this tavar is a big
21362s deal
21363s um I'm
21364s barely confident well actually the man
21367s is not yet available
21369s um so we have to kind of take a deep
21370s dive into relic of phantasms in this
21372s matchup now because it's one of the
21374s swingiest cards available uh from both
21377s regards obviously if you're able to get
21379s four massive minions down with like
21381s location relic of phantasms that's the
21383s thing that Druid sucks against
21384s classically right so you you feel like
21387s you're doing massive things but then
21389s Devourer can be a massive counter swing
21391s particularly if they have a ton of Guff
21393s Manner and they're able to go like
21395s Devourer Earth and scales in the same
21397s kind of time that's a thing that you can
21399s potentially lose to
21402s um so the relative merits say bly's was
21405s on 11 plus Mana this turn
21407s I would genuinely consider just double
21409s trading seven seven into the 1010
21410s because I think you're comfortable
21412s winning in every other scenario right
21413s yeah do you yes but since this this is
21418s just a 25 25 it's not necessarily giving
21420s the armor I would hope the XC now has a
21423s plan to be able to deal with this coming
21424s back the other way you can see bly's
21426s prayer hands knows this is the way now
21429s he has to have this thing stick
21432s um and Etsy it is going to cost him a
21433s lot of resources not trading in those
21435s seven sevens like I don't want to end
21437s the argument and say this is fine
21439s because there's no Urban scales X C has
21442s still created a problem for himself
21443s where he has to deal with a 25-25
21450s Evan
21452s Dean still needs to yep it's just lethal
21455s yeah sorry I miscounted yeah that's just
21457s going to be enough XD takes a win on his
21460s Demon Hunter and like I said this will
21462s be a continuing theme as we move on
21465s throughout the weekend I believe which
21466s is Demon Hunter winning games it is very
21470s very good and now it's just going to
21472s come all the way back down to the uh the
21474s Rogue from XC going up against the Druid
21476s once again from bly's so once more in
21479s this situation
21480s um the Druid seems to be the one taking
21483s a lot of hits and of course he applies
21485s his Rogue lost in game one but then it's
21487s been a druid game four and it could be
21490s Druid again game five going up against
21492s this Rogue from XC so all comes Santa's
21495s last game so
21496s yeah and to settle the debate in that
21499s one particular instance xc's plan
21501s obviously spot on in that position I
21503s said you need a plan to deal with a
21504s 25-25 killing your opponent pretty solid
21506s plan in terms of dealing with a 25-25
21509s which is the one last point in the Deep
21511s dive into relic of phantasms in the
21513s matchup that I didn't get to go into is
21516s that sometimes even if they do just go
21517s Devourer and get that huge minion in
21519s play that huge minion then has more
21522s Health than the heroes so all of your
21523s fell barrages and Mark of Mark score and
21525s everything else can just go straight
21527s directly to the face so you can just
21529s ignore it and end the game so XC
21531s absolutely had everything covered uh but
21534s like I said the having those large
21535s minions knocking around on the board can
21537s sometimes be a detriment to you it is
21539s something that you have to keep an eye
21540s on but I think fittingly now we are
21542s going down to the wire on this one and
21545s the honestly nice to see XC uh
21547s definitely put on a better display than
21549s he did earlier this morning
21551s um because this is play in this series
21553s so far has definitely looked a lot
21554s cleaner air than it did in oh one Soul's
21559s making noises I see you have you seen
21561s this opening hand
21567s appliances is quite good isn't it 23 30
21571s 35 Mana in the opening hands uh oh yeah
21575s and look at the opening hand for XC
21577s graveyard dancer Port tracker off the
21580s top
21581s oh no
21585s that is an absolutely
21588s disgusting time for this to happen yeah
21593s is next draw absolutely has to be wild
21597s growth no negotiations and look at the
21601s juice that actually has oh
21603s right
21605s this next draw has to be nourished no
21608s negotiation negotiating with their
21611s Hearthstone
21614s XC though has been drawing tons of cards
21616s got double Sandstone graveyard in hands
21618s got some cheap spells as well oh crap
21621s and the Dragon
21627s foreign
21636s limited time to get anything done right
21638s now
21640s my king as well clicking for a 3-3 okay
21643s I mean
21645s it's some stall
21648s imagine it's going to be used I don't
21650s really see the Merit for just tempos
21652s family Arcanist here yeah and it's like
21655s well if he's not playing it now when is
21657s he playing it because now he suddenly
21658s has coin seven seven you know nine
21661s whatever yes
21664s yeah we have now at least reached the
21666s point in the game where Blaise gets to
21668s play a card every time
21675s now just working out is XC gonna wait
21678s one more turn or is he going now because
21680s what clicking last term was a little
21683s strange if you're gonna go off this turn
21685s unless you can also fit in the second
21687s graveyard alongside everything else yeah
21690s so uh which shows up
21692s perhaps yeah prep serrated
21696s plus the Dragon spell isn't gonna really
21698s be enough for dracker I would say
21700s against Druid so yep uh whether we agree
21702s on how we got here I agree with XC not
21705s popping off this
21711s commit to scale of annexion number one
21713s clear up the Minions on board
21716s [Applause]
21719s he makes some board space for your
21720s opponent so they can have a bigger pop
21722s off this turn very nice of you
21735s okay no step
21738s I think that is the best possible card
21740s for XC to have found
21746s [Applause]
21748s ghostly strikes are getting ridiculous
21760s double devour are both Jews by the way I
21762s was a little bit surprised uh just go
21764s back in time a little bit obviously we
21765s you have minimal time to discuss bly's
21767s life yeah that we saw the snap coin
21771s scale over next year especially after
21772s the Crypt Keeper draw
21774s um because what holding you could have
21776s just you know jammed Crypt Keeper
21777s potentially right and then gone Gale of
21780s annexia to survive through the pop-up
21782s turn right wouldn't be a clear under no
21784s Illusions you'd clear everything on that
21786s note but you might have let the very
21788s least be able to do enough to survive
21789s and then you had coin Devourer at the
21792s turn after that right because you would
21794s have hold on to the coin right hand out
21795s which is something I was certainly
21797s looking at
21799s um lives will have considered all of
21801s these things on his opponent's turn
21802s while they're taking way too long for
21804s his uh his tastes and the King a great
21807s pickup though yeah absolutely huge just
21810s gives bliers you know maybe one extra
21812s turn very interesting as well the XC
21816s goes to not go for the
21819s uh bone Spike to just add a little bit
21821s extra juice to the turn uh for him there
21824s so I did decide to hold on to that in
21826s the previous turn
21831s and now for bly's very generally
21834s speaking he knows what he has to do
21836s right he he's kind of got a very good
21838s idea of the numbers right now because
21840s Drac has been played he's got these two
21843s uh a8s to deal with I think once he gets
21845s over that he should be feeling quite
21847s confident
21848s foreign
21869s valuable going into future terms if an
21872s insatiable Devourer is coming down but I
21873s think he's a lot more interested in just
21874s pushing for the win now than worrying
21877s with about dealing with a Devourer in
21879s the future
21882s supplies now gets to deal with it's over
21885s half of this board
21890s Shields yeah that's definitely what he
21892s wanted to dodge
21898s XC step this
21901s okay
21903s what sorry
21905s you ever stepped the eight eight
21908s to what end
21911s oh wait won't give it stealth right
21914s no stealth comes from the yeah yeah I'm
21916s being yeah I'm being I think I'm being
21918s stupid yeah I'm fine ignore me
21922s that's the one thing XC has to keep in
21924s mind this turn as you mentioned right
21926s like yeah he has the concoction but it's
21928s still gonna put him in a spot where he
21930s still needs more minions to finish the
21932s game right if he makes the the um extra
21935s minions they get devoured well yeah okay
21938s you can kill it but
21941s this might as well be a face-up Devourer
21944s here as well right so I would be amazed
21947s if XC does not position to play around a
21949s nightmare Devourer in this spot because
21951s all of those cards on the left-hand side
21953s have been there since the beginning of
21955s the game do you think he even presses
21957s the graveyard this turn I think so
21959s because you can you can still separate
21961s your two big minions right you have
21963s enough other minions to be able to do
21965s that
21966s it can't get beat Oh Derek is saying it
21968s does get stealth if you Shadow step in
21970s replay oh it does okay
21973s I shouldn't listening
21977s hey though
21980s those steps gonna create even more
21982s coincidence yes
21985s yeah now with the two dancers yeah yeah
21987s yeah this very good sense here
21991s like I said I would have been stunned if
21993s this did not happen because this is one
21995s of the most face-up insatiable devourers
21997s I've ever seen in my life
22003s what's in the turn ends in graveyard's
22005s just not pressed ah what about that
22010s that's it 12 damage left in play dagger
22013s still available bly's can take the
22014s double coin hero power here needed an
22018s Earthen scales exactly off the top of
22021s this turn you would imagine to really
22022s have a chance in this game and this now
22025s leaves XC needing exactly one damage and
22029s that is a two damage weapon of the top
22032s XC is going through and blies off for
22036s the second year in a row has absolute
22040s World Championship heartbreak one step
22042s further this time actually making it to
22044s the dance but then bombing out zero two
22047s on the opening day and as I said as is
22051s he is taking the well he will be taking
22054s the loss hard because he always does and
22056s it comes from the the motivation you
22058s know the burning desire to actually be
22060s the world champion of hearthstone and
22062s now for another year at least that's not
22064s gonna be the case yeah really really
22066s tough one there for players so huge
22068s congratulations to Mexico City managed
22069s to hold on though it of course still has
22071s a lot of work to do to progress but yeah
22074s it applies uh super unfortunate let's
22076s see him go out there so early but one
22079s thing I can say it's always at least he
22081s went out in the right way and that was
22082s with his webcam freezing because he just
22084s got instantly so uh glad to see that at
22088s least as the blinds we all know and love
22090s but yeah huge congratulations taxi and I
22092s will say a I think the difference from
22094s match one the vaccine today to this
22097s match is quite the difference in play
22099s from what we saw earlier on I was
22101s worried after seeing those few games
22103s from XC this morning that he was going
22104s to be shaky in in this match as well but
22107s that is definitely not the case yeah
22110s um I think there was a moment or two in
22113s a couple of the games where it was still
22114s wasn't necessarily mistakes but I still
22117s think there's that element of
22119s indecisiveness I suppose in the way that
22122s he's playing the game maybe that's just
22124s a contrast with the fact that we're
22125s looking at Belize on the other side who
22127s just seems like the most decisive human
22129s at all times and we're just reflecting
22131s with an unfair lens at that point but
22134s um it does seem like he is a little bit
22136s unsure about what he's doing but again
22138s if you then end up at the right decision
22141s in the end that's fine but I do still
22143s still think there is a moment or two
22145s here and there where he's just one
22148s percent sub-optimal and some of the
22149s things that he's doing in these you know
22151s very high PM complex lots of actions per
22154s turn decks and sometimes you can do
22157s something slightly wrong and when you're
22159s doing a ladder game when you do it on
22160s stream or whatever it's like I mean like
22163s I got 90 of that turn right and that's
22165s fine you know like focus on the
22167s important things when you're playing a
22168s championship you need to get those
22170s things a hundred percent right all the
22172s time because that is the level that
22173s we're playing at yeah still a huge
22175s Improvement for him though from a
22176s completely whiffing a whole turn that we
22178s saw earlier today so hopefully that
22180s Trend continues to go upwards for XC and
22183s that was it for this match we've got
22184s plenty more coming up so don't go
22186s anywhere and be right back with some
22187s more Hearthstone World Championship
22190s foreign
22193s [Music]
22199s [Music]
22207s Swiss record combined in the first three
22211s Masters tours of the year was it a 17-7
22216s B 18 and 6 C 19 and 5 or D 20 and 4.
22224s foreign
22230s [Music]
22233s well I know it's
22235s was sorry with the four options 17 18 19
22238s 20. correct yeah okay I know it's not 17
22242s because I played with highbreaker at 17
22244s and he was not there
22247s um I think there was one person who had
22249s like 20 but I don't think it was him
22253s it's either 18 or 19 I'm gonna go
22257s 18. so your answer is B eighteen and six
22261s yes
22263s yes
22265s incorrect it was option C 19 and five
22269s your logic was correct you just missed
22271s the 50 50 in the end classic Hearthstone
22273s uh question two how many seasons of
22277s European GM did bunny Hopper have a
22279s negative win rate is it a zero
22283s B one C two
22287s or d three
22290s and
22292s well I
22293s I remember one Bad season he had
22300s uh hearing about that but it's
22302s definitely not
22304s probably not three it's not I don't
22306s think it's zero I think he had at least
22308s one Bad season
22310s but I don't I don't know I think it was
22312s just one I'm gonna go
22314s one
22315s your answer is B one final answer thank
22319s you and you are correct that is one out
22322s of two uh that was season five in total
22325s or 2021 season one if you want to look
22328s at it that way uh number three how many
22331s matches did dead draw win in Masters
22334s tours in 2019 and 2020 combined
22338s is it a 52
22341s B 55 C 58 or D 61.
22352s um
22352s 20 so that's nine Master tutorials
22357s and then
22360s I don't want to like I could probably go
22363s back and map it out in my head but that
22366s would take a bit long
22368s uh
22369s okay I got seven
22373s and then
22374s [Music]
22375s like eight nine okay I got like
22379s 20ish no no like 27ish in the first
22384s oh wait no there's Vegas too Vegas was
22387s terrible okay um I'm just gonna go
22390s see I don't remember what C was I'll
22391s just go see C was 58 you want to go 58
22395s I'll go 58. 58 is absolutely corrected
22399s congratulations no one wants to get the
22402s question about themselves wrong and you
22404s have dodged the bullet congratulations
22405s uh question four which player had the
22408s highest all-time win percentage in APAC
22411s Grand Masters is it a Mighty B surrender
22415s C possessy or D Glory
22420s hmm
22424s Almighty
22425s only played like
22427s I want to say two seasons of GM and he
22431s won one of them
22433s but I feel like the second season was
22435s worse
22437s uh the other three he said possessy
22440s Glory or surrender surrender yes
22444s uh surrender is definitely pretty good
22447s I feel like Posse had maybe some off
22450s Seasons Maybe
22453s uh I'm gonna go surrender
22456s I did like the hot take of the century
22458s thrown in there surrender is pretty good
22460s yeah uh unfortunately the correct answer
22462s is mighty
22465s according to Lorinda only played one
22467s season which I do believe is correct 11
22469s and 4 73.3 win rate overall
22473s uh question number five what is
22477s possesses match win rate in Masters
22480s tours
22481s is it
22482s 57.2 percent
22485s 59.2 percent
22488s 61.2 percent or
22490s 63.2 percent
22493s [Music]
22496s I'm embarrassed to say I have looked at
22498s the uh the Masters Tour win rates quite
22500s a lot just out of
22502s protecting my ego but um
22506s 57 is seems a little low
22511s 63 63 has got to be too high I mean
22515s because I see
22517s he seems like the sort of player he
22520s doesn't
22521s go hard every single tournament you know
22522s for the Master's chores
22526s um
22527s I'm gonna go
22529s 59b
22532s 59.2 percent is
22536s incorrect it was
22538s 61.2 total record of 93 and 59 which I
22543s think gives you a final score of two out
22545s of five dead draw uh I don't know what
22548s the going rate is for a good result on
22550s this quiz so I guess we'll have to just
22551s stay tuned and find out how do you feel
22554s about your performance
22556s sorry possessive
22559s yeah I mean I don't know
22562s I I I feel like I know these pretty well
22565s but I can't remember every stat so it
22567s was all right I mean who can apart from
22569s the render yeah and Lorinda definitely
22571s can't they just have extensive
22572s spreadsheets that's the only reason well
22575s Deborah thank you very much for joining
22577s us for this very silly little mini game
22579s thanks everyone for watching
22581s thanks see ya
22584s [Music]
22604s [Music]
22615s [Music]
22621s [Music]
22643s all right
22662s [Music]
22667s all right
22683s [Music]
22691s [Music]
22697s foreign
22699s [Music]
22731s foreign
22735s [Music]
22764s foreign
22765s [Music]
22802s foreign
22804s [Music]
22828s foreign
22831s [Music]
22840s hello everyone welcome back to the
22842s Hearthstone 2022 World Championship it's
22846s uh day one here and we are almost
22848s halfway through the day slowed down
22850s pretty heavily by a monster of a control
22854s priest mirror and even though we're
22856s gonna get one of the offenders back in
22857s Action here in dead draw thankfully XC
22860s is keeping the pace a little bit quicker
22862s over all uh but this is the decider
22866s match for the group we've already seen
22868s UE go through to the quarterfinals Xbox
22870s devastatingly not making it through with
22873s an O2 score line mainly thanks to that
22875s Druid not really getting the job done
22877s but here for dead draw up against XC
22881s this is uh the last chance for both of
22883s our players it's win or low a win or
22885s lose if you win you're through to the
22886s quartz finals lose and you are out of
22888s here
22889s absolutely and it so happens that this
22892s is a rematch of the very first series we
22895s saw today in which dead draw did take
22897s the victory so XC gotta be shaking in
22899s his boots a little bit but I do think
22901s that XC is showing a lot more confidence
22904s and stability in his play than he did in
22906s the first series we didn't quite provide
22908s that much context he is currently down
22911s with kovid and still playing through
22913s that uh so could explain some of the uh
22917s questionable plays that we saw earlier
22918s on but I think he's really hit his
22920s stride now and dead draw is going to be
22922s facing a whole new level of the same
22925s lineup we did bring up Druid quite a bit
22928s today because it was the struggle point
22930s for Plies I think it's no um question
22933s about it and it's so funny because dead
22936s draw is actually Banning away the Druid
22938s from XC and this is because he is
22941s running this Mage the pig Mage I think
22943s needs to ban away Druid to have the best
22945s shot of actually taking a win but it's
22948s just probably a bit of a relief for xia
22951s if you watched any of bly's results
22954s yes in a way uh as you say it's a very
22957s different game now with both the Mage
22959s here and the priest for dead draw as
22960s well even with the priest uh having been
22963s banned away uh but the Mage as we saw
22966s serving a pretty specific purpose being
22968s uh pretty good against both Demon Hunter
22971s and Rogue I believe is the kind of the
22973s point behind it with objection being the
22976s spicy new tech it's about as spicy as
22978s the decklist maybe you're getting here
22979s uh the world championship when compared
22981s to ladder lists uh but just makes it
22983s very very difficult for demon hunters
22985s and Rogue which have very few very key
22986s minions uh to get on board in the first
22990s place uh but having seen it a couple
22991s times so far it does really just feel
22993s like Demon Hunter is the outlier right
22997s now it's just looking overwhelmingly
23000s powerful uh in terms of being able to
23003s win the good matchups being able to win
23005s the supposedly bad matchups as well uh
23008s would you rate it as the top deck thus
23010s far and if so why is it not being banned
23013s more
23014s I would say Boone priest is my top deck
23017s I guess accounting for all the bands
23019s though we haven't really seen it too
23021s many times Demon Hunter feeling a lot
23023s more dominant because it has just been
23025s left up pretty consistently in taking
23027s wins uh I could see this as a band
23031s although it does not necessarily have
23034s the highest favorability against Boone
23036s priest itself or as spoon priest I think
23038s is good against the entire field it is
23040s more targetable than Demon Hunter but
23042s bringing a lineup that's good against
23044s Boone priest tends to make you weak
23045s against the rest of the field so I still
23048s do have Demon Hunter as my number two
23050s but it is certainly performing very well
23053s in that spot and it is in a good
23056s position versus Mage here so dead draw
23058s going to have to do something creative
23061s to really
23062s um race slash stall against all of this
23065s damage
23067s foreign
23071s slightly scary looking starting hand for
23073s dead draw uh there's some remnants of
23076s synergy here with the obvious upgraded
23078s hero power spending all your manner on
23080s those and then more dress to hopefully
23082s close out the game later on is about the
23085s last couple turns you're gonna have on
23086s average first Demon Hunter so that's not
23088s bad but he really just needs ways to
23091s activate this savara and double solid
23094s alibi
23095s technically does do it but it's not the
23098s cards you'd be looking for at all right
23100s oh need for agreed on three top decked
23104s uh I think we have officially ranked
23106s that as the second best feeling in all
23108s of hearthstone first best feeling still
23110s being a Demon Hunter thing it's all
23113s barrage no wonder this deck is so good
23117s indeed
23120s so with the double solid Alibis and the
23123s sevara theoretically dead draw has a lot
23126s of stall he can go for but it's at the
23128s expense of not doing anything relevant
23130s in the early game these pings are
23132s starting to put away a little bit of
23134s damage and there is not too much healing
23137s for XC if that draw doesn't go wide on
23139s board because of the nature of a new
23141s fell but it still feels like that draw
23144s is doing such a tiny
23146s fraction of the progress that XC is
23149s going through already done with second
23151s step of quest putting forward another
23153s Relic Vault he doesn't have any relics
23156s themselves in hand but the way he's
23158s thinning the deck it's only a matter of
23159s time before he gets to dimensions
23162s yeah that's right it's only the
23163s dimensions that is missing here for XC
23165s to really make this an insta win feeling
23167s kind of a game but I I do just kind of
23170s wonder if this
23172s could ever just get there
23174s for a dead drop because as you say if
23176s there's not like pretty specific
23179s um oh sorry the the boards that are
23181s coming down from the dead don't offer
23183s much healing to XC and being able to use
23186s four turns of solid alibahi in a row
23189s later on into a mordresh
23192s that might be enough it's close I don't
23194s know if it necessarily will maybe you
23196s need a helping hand from another
23197s Wildfire could come from the savara or
23200s like a reckless Apprentice for example
23203s but I actually don't think this is as
23206s bad as it's uh initially appears for
23208s dead wrong
23209s I actually agree which is just so funny
23212s to say given the amount of actions that
23213s either player has taken on their turns
23215s there is right or contrast in terms of
23218s xc's progress on his game plan but the
23220s solid aled by that single card can put a
23223s halt to all of the progress that XC has
23226s made it's just a matter of how deadro
23227s wants to approach the timing I think by
23230s next turn this last thing from that draw
23233s will already activate the Margaret
23234s because he's pinged every single turn
23236s from turn two onward so if that draw can
23239s calculate that he can weave in five
23241s pings alongside board Rush In Due Time
23245s then he's theoretically in a good spot
23251s oh okay blizzard being the only playable
23255s spell from uh Grace H power right now is
23259s not necessarily very useful in this
23261s matchup uh so I don't see that as a
23264s particularly impactful draw it's really
23266s just about whether Deborah wants to take
23268s any turns off of Just pinging
23272s face every single turn because this
23273s could be an ask the law obviously uh
23275s just to get the bigger one in hand for
23277s another burst combo but he wouldn't get
23279s the armor yet until next turn right and
23281s so I guess the question therefore really
23283s becomes is this when you start the solid
23285s Alibi train and dead girl says yeah this
23288s is scary enough at this point he is just
23291s mapping it out right there just being
23293s hollow by this turn I think it's ping
23294s Alibi again next turn and then the
23296s civara is active so enter Nikki goes
23298s sevara Alibi ping
23301s and then XC is at 14 by that point and
23304s then the draw can go ping Alibi again
23307s he's at 12. another ping Alibi he's at
23311s 10 and then more dress
23313s um this is not accounting for any
23315s healing that XC can get because with the
23317s sivara on board there is at least two
23320s Targets for unleash fell uh dead draw
23323s taking a turn off to go for Don grasp
23326s instead which does replay The Alibi and
23328s upgrade the hero power which overall
23331s um speeds up the timer for dungeon right
23334s because now the things are dealing
23335s through your turn and the breakpoint is
23337s three plus more Josh instead of four
23338s plus more dress
23342s man this is a stupid game apart actually
23346s doing some quadruple backflip 10 out of
23349s 10 pommel horse Mega performance here
23352s and deadro just kind of flicking him in
23354s the face every turn until he dies
23361s professional flicking
23365s one of them actually hurts your opponent
23367s and the other just kind of
23369s got some Twirls I guess
23372s yeah exactly upset the one thing the
23374s gymnastics is missing is combat
23375s [Laughter]
23378s cow
23380s Kelly
23382s [Applause]
23385s oh my gosh this is really stupid
23389s this is just not allowed to play the
23391s game you can see it from his forehead
23394s creases here he's like really
23398s oh sorry I forgot the hero power is up
23400s to four not three because of the
23401s Wildfire so yeah he's on a very short
23404s clock here dead draw effectively one
23406s Mana off of lethal next turn
23409s it does have one turn of a minion being
23412s on board right because apart from this
23414s dead draw is really going to try and
23415s limit
23416s that entirely and so there's uh six
23422s potential healing
23424s uh oh sorry five seven available healing
23427s eight with the one face as well yeah so
23431s if he's gonna take all the spell damage
23434s minions but exactly yeah that's the big
23437s expenditure
23438s you know there's two more in hand at
23442s least right
23446s oh and he didn't even have the board
23447s space to play a third
23449s yeah oh that's true
23452s which means that dead drawn now has to
23456s weave in three pins and instead of two
23458s alongside marjash but that is very very
23461s doable given he has two Alibis in hand
23463s and a wildfire
23465s um it is just who pings with this
23466s Wildfire by mistake and he has a Barton
23469s on top of that to lock the board as well
23472s oh
23474s I mean you don't even do that a Demon
23476s Hunter has no way to clear their own
23478s board right nothing in the deck is
23480s targeted
23481s I think it's just a lock I don't think
23483s that oh sorry you can click the location
23485s okay
23489s by there from Deadshot it is just the
23491s safest
23496s so it's four damage ping
23499s let's see in order to get out of range
23501s you have to get healed for
23503s to get up to 19 as it currently stands
23507s uh-huh
23509s which is not doable because if you go
23511s fell barrage plus Jace you heal for
23514s three
23516s oh sorry unleash failed plus Jace you
23519s you heal for three
23524s healing for one here
23528s still gets him out of range of ping more
23531s Josh I guess but then it the more just
23534s short
23536s uh the margin yeah sorry deletes the two
23539s spell damage minions
23541s I guess the spell damage isn't relevant
23543s if you're Perma against assaulted Alibi
23546s but yeah this is just
23548s what's this oh what's this
23552s how is that good how is that Loki like
23554s the best hand he could draw and it's
23556s like the deadest cards in his deck that
23558s was so stupid
23561s it worked it did what it's supposed to
23564s do right that's that's kind of what the
23565s deck is like we focus on the objection
23567s part of it but really it's the solid
23569s Alibi the stall uh and the continual
23572s burst damage face without having to play
23574s any Minions that Demon Hunter really
23575s struggles with
23577s five Alibis including the one played by
23580s Don gross that draw is the most innocent
23582s man in existence
23585s it's true at that point you'd start to
23586s get a bit suspicious when they tell you
23588s five times very pointedly where they
23590s were
23591s [Laughter]
23592s but uh I mean technically it is still
23596s hot on his heels gonna get him next time
23598s with this next accusation with a
23600s different deck hopefully for his sake
23602s because boy that was painful
23607s yeah not a particularly fun one but a
23609s big win there for dead draw I think
23611s because even though we know the point of
23612s the Mage uh theory and practice are two
23614s very different things when you see it in
23616s practice sometimes it does look
23617s absolutely Dreadful and so without
23619s taking a very convincing win with a uh
23622s on unassuming starting hand uh big deal
23628s to avoid dead draw moving on over to the
23630s jackpot Rogue which again I I have to
23632s say I
23634s appreciate what is happening here with
23636s this deck why you would bring it but it
23638s still kind of staggers me that this is
23641s good enough to be played when there's
23643s two other
23645s umbrellas with individual subtypes
23647s underneath of Rogue that are so
23649s breathtakingly powerful in their own
23652s right and somehow this is still good
23654s enough to get played that's right I
23656s think
23659s switch to the lineup overall he's
23661s clearly not bringing the Decks that he
23662s feels our overall highest power level in
23665s a vacuum in The Meta but given that the
23668s meta was relatively predictable heading
23670s into the tournament that there was a
23672s clear set of three best decks um dead
23674s draw decided to go with a counter
23676s strategy here with the Mage to a certain
23678s extent and I think in theory this
23681s jackpot Rogue which does have access to
23683s the gassy Gravedigger to disrupt the
23686s hand in that way and then the perjuries
23688s in there which can find objection
23690s counter spell other very annoying things
23692s for these decks like Boone priest and
23695s Draka Rogue that are very reliant on
23698s very specific minions
23702s all right getting a proper look at Boone
23704s priest we've seen it a little bit but I
23706s can't
23706s remember having been able to cast it
23708s myself and it is a subtly different deck
23712s now I will say the sunwell obviously the
23713s first neutral spell that we're getting
23715s or neutral collectible uh spell added to
23717s Hearthstone is the spicy inclusion uh
23721s but really it's the ability to resurrect
23723s the the radiant Elemental that is really
23725s so uh warping in this deck and I think
23730s animate Dead really will be the
23732s Difference Maker in this one as dead
23734s draw really needs to as is so often the
23737s case with this deck just Cobble together
23739s any kind of an answer to a big board uh
23743s be it through concoctions jackpot tooths
23746s anything at all just to be able to kill
23749s these big Minions that inevitably will
23750s come right XC with a triple keep right
23754s off the bat I completely agree
23756s Switcheroo and hand Maiden very key to
23759s um accumulating enough resources to
23761s really get a big radiant online and then
23764s the village as the cherry on top to make
23767s sure that he can potentially pop off a
23769s turn earlier just needs to find the Boon
23772s now which with a potential curve of coin
23775s Switcheroo into identity theft into
23778s handmaiden means that it'll be active
23781s right away and can get tons of cards in
23783s hand
23784s oh oh my God
23788s a way to answer those big boards
23791s it's the Giga thin
23793s coming out the swamps nice and early and
23796s uh already
23798s the Escape starts to look a lot better
23800s for deadra because that could be with a
23802s couple of Shadow steps along the way
23804s perhaps a single card win condition for
23807s him here I wasn't really dreaming big
23809s enough when I was talking about the ways
23811s that Rogue can scan them like this Kathy
23813s Gravedigger which they run you know it's
23815s to be expected
23817s doesn't have the greatest odds of
23819s hitting objection but we've seen it a
23821s couple times before but Recon into
23823s gigafin now that is a tale as old as the
23826s year itself and it is definitely the
23831s best answer to a boon board actually not
23834s gonna be happy to see that one and I am
23836s a hundred percent sure it's getting
23838s played this game
23840s just
23843s the best expenditure of your manner on
23846s this turn I don't think the immediate
23847s buff was worth deviating away from
23849s perfect expenditure here
23852s now can I exceed you find out that there
23856s is a gigafin in hand potentially from
23858s identity theft but it looks like he's
23860s not gonna go for it just leaving the
23862s radiant out to die which you are fine to
23864s do with animate dead ever since that's
23866s been included in the deck and with both
23868s of them available actually in his mind
23870s has a pop-off turn available right on
23874s turn five but oh my goodness what is
23876s coming on turn six
23879s oh dear I can just feel it like he
23881s starts going all in he plays both anime
23883s dares he plays a bunch of buff spells
23886s and then the identity identity theft
23888s comes in and he sees the gigafen and
23890s he's like oh it's over
23892s the double take
23897s well you can already smell it'd be
23898s completely all in red radiant and then
23901s the two anime dads now he has three
23903s Radiance now every spell in hand is free
23905s now the handmaiden can potentially find
23907s him boon
23909s and he can double play each wig he
23914s doesn't know he doesn't no he lacks
23917s critical information Derek
23922s he has a perjury but that is not quite
23926s good enough it's not an immediate object
23931s stop playing things please think of the
23935s children
23937s doesn't know
23940s yourself I'll kind of wish that he
23942s hadn't thought oh there so he would
23945s maybe think yeah don't go all in this
23947s turn but
23949s this is about to be the gigaist of
23952s gigafins
23953s I'm promoting him to tariffin
23957s yeah this is what Peter fin I kind of
23960s forget what comes after that but it's up
23962s there
23966s oh I can't look I can't look I am a dead
23970s draw fan but even I cannot
23973s withstand the disgustingness of what is
23976s about to come
23978s I mean disgusting is the right word
23980s because if you could even imagine what
23981s it would look like a gigafening all this
23983s it's really disgusting
23989s should we even afford to test for
23991s objection because you can prep bone
23993s Spike play a two drop and then go
23995s gigafid
23996s well it's still perjury he knows it's
23998s not right
24000s oh yeah sorry sorry it's a rogue secret
24002s my bad
24003s yep
24004s um so what is the hesitation kidnap sack
24008s sack yeah I don't even know what happens
24011s then I guess it just deletes it right
24013s the death threat would disappear that's
24014s kind of good hmm
24017s well
24019s yeah it's a tough one for XE because
24022s that was
24023s realistically the only out
24026s right there might have been some jackpot
24028s nonsense you could pull off but for all
24030s intents and purposes that was it and he
24032s hit it yeah
24035s yeah
24037s I I yeah put into brawl I mean I'm only
24040s thinking of other outs to try and make
24042s myself feel less bad for XE but nope not
24044s helping not helping he got scammed and
24048s that's the second game
24052s oh congrats to Mr dead draw two cheesy
24056s games in a row there uh but that's the
24059s kind of decks he's bringing right this
24060s Rogue and this Mage they just hope to
24062s with a bunch of paper clips and bits of
24066s scrap metal or whatever lying around
24068s Cobble together an answer
24070s as uh it's so disgusting Gia has shifted
24074s into the shadow realm no I've blurred
24076s out of existence here
24079s all right ever since I shifted to
24082s um my new setup I have only a small
24085s camera and this camera is not as
24088s Cooperative as the one that I had in the
24091s Philippines
24093s but hopefully I can get everything
24094s together because we still have a series
24097s on our hands here yes Deborah only has
24100s one deck left and yes it's the deck that
24102s has been winning very very often but I
24105s don't think Demon Hunter has a good
24107s matchup against boot priest
24110s uh Fair yeah yeah it's a
24114s bit of a weird one uh because you know
24117s they're both trying to pop off uh as
24119s early as possible but I think for the
24123s Demon Hunter if you know how to approach
24125s it and you just accept that a lot of the
24127s time this is assuming you're able to
24130s Discount some spell damages down to zero
24132s at some point along the way is usually
24133s the Assumption you have to make when
24134s talking about the game plan of this deck
24136s assuming that happens you can just use
24138s all your spell damage and removal in the
24140s early game or damage as removal in the
24142s early game just to clear off any of
24144s these boards that you possibly can and
24146s then when you have one big J spell
24148s damage turn later on that should be
24150s enough to uh to close things out and so
24153s I think as long as dead draw is not too
24155s liberal with his relic of extinctions as
24158s you can sometimes be when you're first
24159s playing this deck and you underestimate
24161s how powerful it is to clear off those
24164s big boards later on I think it's still
24166s got a reasonable shot here of taking the
24167s win versus priest right definitely
24170s winnable but I do think on average oh
24172s actually is not paying Boone priest but
24174s to finish that point I do think on
24176s average the balloon Cruise does their
24178s big pop off one to two turns earlier
24181s than Demon Hunter has access to all of
24183s the uh discounted spell damage and
24185s removal on top of that and one turn is
24189s all the Boon priest needs to stick on
24191s board before they can get lethal with a
24194s bless however XC is going for a change
24197s of pace here taking the mirror first of
24199s course it is Conquest so we'd have to
24201s win with every remaining deck against
24203s Demon Hunter anyway and the mirror is
24206s one where things can get very out of
24209s control very quickly it's quite often
24211s that you don't even need Jace to close
24213s out the game because in the mirror you
24216s are very careful to not go wide on board
24218s you generally don't play phantasms
24221s unless it's in the super early game and
24223s your opponent can't benefit much from
24225s healing but oftentimes in the mid game
24227s it's just a liability because going
24229s wider on board means more lifesteal and
24232s if there's not that lifesteal from the
24234s Unleashed Bell there is damage permanent
24236s in the matchup
24239s exactly right and these early chip
24241s spells can make a big difference because
24243s when you're like 22 Health something
24246s around there you don't really want to
24247s use your big burst turn to heal up but
24250s you can die without Jace even at that
24252s point absolutely and I think that's
24254s something we will maybe see in this game
24256s given the dead draw is getting this
24257s early damage through and he's also
24260s representing a very scary hand with the
24262s Relic Vault the relative dimensions
24264s everything coming up Milhouse right now
24266s for dead draw uh to the point where I
24268s think you even just throw away the relic
24270s of extinctions to uh juice this up uh
24272s from discounting one and two to two and
24274s three
24276s I definitely think about it I don't
24278s think there's a rush to do so on this
24280s turn though because the Turn 4 for dead
24283s draw is very much still up in the air I
24285s don't think he's necessarily interested
24287s in playing spectral side for one draw
24289s and the mark of score and it would not
24291s progress his quest so just weaving in a
24293s hero power here I think makes a lot of
24296s sense
24298s all right
24299s Etsy is gonna go the root of phantasms
24301s and if there is any window in the
24303s matchup to do so I think it's this the
24305s very very early game use it not really
24308s expecting to get much mileage out of the
24310s minions trading but it does juice up
24313s future relics especially now that he's
24315s drawn the second Vault I think he can
24317s use uh that first charge pretty
24319s liberally
24323s I fully agree with their draw just
24325s rifling through his uh draw cards it's
24327s not like by saving them he'd be more
24329s likely to actually complete a layer of
24332s quest later on because after he goes for
24334s relic of Dimensions he should be
24335s relatively easy to churn through those
24337s Quest completions uh without any
24340s difficulty anyway
24342s uh in terms of complete Quest though
24344s this is a bit of a tougher proposition
24346s but XC who would have to trade away the
24349s guild Trader with a coin and the guild
24351s trade is one of the cards you want to
24352s discount anyway so trading it away
24354s defeats a lot of the purpose uh in the
24356s end I agree with him just holding out
24357s for a Dimensions off the top to have a
24359s chance here
24360s extremely rough as well now that the
24363s markup scorn even missed some damage
24365s from drawing The Guild Trader dead draw
24367s will know that as well but oh my
24369s goodness that is a five Mana Jace for
24372s dead draw with a Silverwood Arcanist in
24375s hand uh we did talk about how Jace is
24377s sometimes unnecessary in the match-up
24379s but you still take it when it costs five
24381s and the need for greed at one that draw
24384s only moments away from moving on to
24387s Sunday
24389s oh that's the draw for XC though to pull
24391s him back into this game now we're
24393s talking
24396s would grab himself a cheap Jace of his
24399s own or a Zero costume or two
24402s you I may have spoken too soon
24408s so that means the need for agreed next
24410s turn is gonna cost zero for XP right
24413s which is insane
24417s and the discount not even that necessary
24421s for him anymore it's nice of course but
24422s he just needs to find Fel barrages and
24425s the Unleashed fell here and he very
24427s possibly is looking at lethal
24429s I mean next turn it could happen with
24431s just one or two decent draws
24433s I mean even just a fell barrage is
24436s enough right with two Silver Moon
24437s arcanists
24438s that's 24.
24442s sure yeah yeah
24446s a draw no access to Healing himself here
24452s and to clear the tutu I mean without
24455s taking face damage even requires him to
24457s play a fell barrage which feels rather
24459s expensive but I mean when your opponent
24463s hits the nuts right no break point about
24465s this really really safe so I wouldn't
24468s fault him for just leaving up the tutu
24472s and next turn he's gonna have access to
24476s a lot basically of damage with the
24479s double fell barrage uh like 20 4 30 if
24483s there's nothing on board with a double
24485s Fury as well but it looks like he's
24486s throwing some of that in now maybe
24488s trying to set up for a Jace next turn
24490s with the spell damage plus Bell barrage
24492s okay he's also trying to prevent a fell
24495s barrage on the other side from killing
24497s him if there's too much spell damage but
24499s we can see here that there's Fury for XC
24501s need for Val barrage still very much
24504s lethal if he finds it
24507s oh
24513s and six ten
24517s uh is the amounted to play the chaos
24519s strike 18
24522s a little bit short oh oh yeah I count
24525s like 19 damage here I think he has a
24529s couple more draws he cannot go need for
24530s agreed because that would
24532s um the break point for fell barrage
24534s playability but he can go spectral site
24537s he can go restaurant Viper tradable
24541s I guess your spectral site just to not I
24544s mean I guess it doesn't matter straight
24545s away because you can't redraw the code
24548s oh
24549s he does have to go now he's considering
24551s copping out and going for healing
24553s instead I guess that's a tradeable
24557s one more Mana left to play with if he
24559s takes either spectral or tradable from
24561s the Viper and it would still be details
24564s okay copping out
24568s oh does he smack into it as well that's
24570s so expensive oh my goodness surely he's
24574s but you can see why right he
24577s didn't want to play double spell damage
24579s because of the healing potential on the
24581s other side but with no fell unleash
24584s Fells having been played on the other
24585s side
24587s I
24589s don't know that this is lethal if he
24592s goes arcanus fell barrage and the zero
24594s cost Fury
24596s um he immediately deals for face and
24599s then he will replay two fell barrages
24601s right
24602s which is another 16 and then the fury
24606s itself again I kind of thought that was
24608s Lethal with the two cost silver when
24609s arkanes fell barrage fairy Chase but
24611s might have been miscounting
24614s hmm
24620s you have did he play he played a chaos
24622s strike as well right that's right yeah
24626s [Music]
24628s yeah that kind of
24631s felt like lethal to me too this is one
24633s of those spots that we hope our
24635s co-casters are listening and telling us
24637s that we're not crazy
24644s oh and then he's going for board now I
24647s guess it's a spot where I see
24650s like the lifesteal if it's happening it
24653s might as well be lethal but
24655s yeah see the window is wide open for him
24659s to hold back now if he can get a lethal
24664s I mean he could even just go like what
24666s Silver Moon Guardian oh that's the draw
24668s okay uh
24670s do we need one more spell damage ideally
24673s first to really make this work I thought
24675s he might start with relic of Extinction
24678s this turn
24681s actually no possibility though there
24683s wasn't lethal for xia and if it wasn't
24685s lethal then he knows he's kinda dead the
24688s next turn to Arcanist Chase
24691s sure so I don't know if the line there
24694s that's either
24696s that doesn't feel safe in my book but
24699s okay it's the best he's got there right
24702s at this point yeah like you have to play
24703s Relic here I think to hit
24707s ill Trader
24713s right
24715s but there's no fell barrage remaining so
24717s it's never lethal for Axia uh
24722s left
24725s man it's getting too complicated I mean
24727s I wouldn't even be lethal anyway but
24730s why he's just trading again wow really I
24735s mean he's just trying to get there with
24737s Jace on the next turn but he probably
24739s smell damage remaining in that world and
24741s a five two is left up this is giggle
24745s lethal for deadron now surely
24748s as he goes to Mana Silver Moon Unleashed
24751s fell Fury Jace that always gets there
24755s I'm not counting
24759s does it
24761s doesn't it
24765s you play two felbert I guess if the fell
24768s barrage goes in the wrong order if it's
24770s before the other
24772s um Unleashed fell
24774s from Jace
24776s but he gets to replay two rank two
24780s Furies two unleash Phil two fell barrage
24783s a chaos strike and probably something
24785s else that I'm not thinking of and
24786s there's a 5-2 on board
24788s that's true it is
24790s yeah yeah as long as it doesn't go in
24792s like the worst possible order
24798s maybe even then it's still good I feel
24800s like it might still be good but we shall
24802s see
24804s okay this is the bad order bad order
24808s but yeah it's still another age
24810s [Laughter]
24821s unbelievable 3-0 sweep for Dedra the
24825s Demon Hunter in a
24827s absolute brain melter of a final game
24829s trying to work through all that mental
24831s maths which uh we were clearly
24833s struggling with on me at least uh as uh
24836s he gets it done he's through to the
24837s quarterfinals dead Rod just squeezing
24840s through in the decider match and I gotta
24843s say deservedly so I think he's been
24845s looking absolutely on fire today
24847s so doopy I would like to look back at
24851s the penultimate turn from dead draw if
24853s you could have gotten the lethal one
24854s turn sooner but I don't fault him for
24856s being a bit more careful here this is a
24859s like you said a real brain melter as to
24862s whether the calculations are right or
24864s not and it's really punishing if you do
24866s actually miss out on me though because
24867s your opponent after you've cashed out
24869s all your damage can simply unleash Phil
24871s to heal that all back up and suddenly
24873s you don't have a win condition either
24876s way congratulations to dead draw making
24879s it look very easy with some very
24881s fortunate outcomes in the first two
24883s games not going to lie but um definitely
24887s put in a lot of work to get here and
24889s throughout the day has been playing very
24892s very clean indeed
24894s um also my heart goes out to XC because
24897s it has been a long journey for him as
24899s well this entire matchup between dudra
24901s and XC was just a match between some of
24903s the grades some of the highest win rate
24905s players throughout the entire history of
24907s the mass Master's tour system and for
24910s today dead rain supreme but sure that's
24912s not the last we'll be seeing a vaccine
24915s yeah that's right after we got news that
24917s he uh had you know very unfortunately
24919s got uh contracted covid and it was
24922s looking like he might not be the
24923s absolute tip top of his mental game
24925s especially after that first game where
24927s things were looking a little rough I
24928s think he rallied fantastically that
24930s second game uh second series oh sorry
24932s third series that we saw from him there
24934s up against Deadshot the rematch even
24936s though he was unable to get the victory
24937s I think he played much much better than
24939s what we saw in the first series today so
24940s congratulations to him and uh yeah
24944s congratulations to deadra I guess being
24946s the uh the Salient Point here as we've
24948s all done with group a and we will now
24950s head over to Group B for the second half
24953s of the day here at the 2022 Hearthstone
24956s World Championship we'll be right back
24961s [Music]
24966s thank you
24969s [Music]
24976s hello Glory it's a pleasure to finally
24979s get to talk to you after all these years
24981s and congratulations on another fantastic
24984s year can you tell us what it means to
24987s you to win to get into the third
24989s consecutive World Championships
24992s foreign
25020s foreign
25024s of course you are um when you win this
25027s competition
25028s um would you like to beat possessy in
25030s the finals or is there somebody else you
25031s would like to beat in the finals
25051s how have you kept such a high level of
25053s play for so long
25057s um
25073s [Music]
25091s [Music]
25100s um over that time as well have the other
25102s players have improved players like Abu
25105s gabu are they are they better than they
25107s were two years ago
25117s [Music]
25125s foreign
25139s okay which is the best region outside of
25142s aipac is it China or Europe and you
25145s could say Americas if you want to
25148s um
25155s [Music]
25160s thank you a quick other question as well
25163s uh Japan has been doing very well in
25165s lobby Legends do you play Battlegrounds
25167s yourself
25185s um finally do you have any shout outs
25188s for friends family or play test partners
25191s foreign
25195s [Music]
25214s [Music]
25224s [Music]
25231s welcome back for the second year in a
25234s row uh once again you've had fantastic
25236s results this year are you even better
25239s this year than you were last year
25244s okay and um there are six players from
25247s China qualify for This World
25248s Championship uh which of you is the best
25251s who do we need to look out for
25253s eign
25255s [Music]
25260s excellent thank you and we we know how
25263s well you've done in Masters tours in the
25265s last year uh very consistent results uh
25268s can you tell us a bit about how you've
25269s done in China this year we we see less
25272s of your results over here
25274s foreign
25281s foreign
25294s [Music]
25304s due to these results you've played a lot
25306s of players from outside of China on the
25309s Masters tours
25310s um are there big differences in play
25312s style between the the Chinese community
25314s and the rest of the world
25316s foreign
25327s okay and um of those players which ones
25330s in the world championship are you do you
25333s fear the most do you think is the best
25334s player of the of the non-chinese players
25339s so Glory
25341s foreign
25350s friends family teammates that sort of
25352s thing
25354s all right so I'll do what they're doing
25357s so much
25365s I very much appreciate your time and
25367s personally really glad to speak to you
25369s for the second year running as well
25373s [Music]
25393s [Music]
25401s laughs
25404s [Music]
25410s [Music]
25428s all right
25450s [Music]
25453s you watch with one to play
25465s so
25466s mine
25469s [Music]
25477s [Music]
25483s [Music]
25501s thank you
25506s hello everybody and welcome back to the
25508s Hearthstone World Championship my name
25510s is TJ of Joy by Neil Lorinda Bond AKA
25512s Neil Lorinda Bond and uh time to jump
25515s over to Group B that's right we have one
25517s full group of complete two players going
25520s through to the quarterfinals already you
25523s know and I say already but yeah
25525s all around seven hours later you know
25528s gonna be a long old day and that's great
25531s because that means we get to see lots
25532s and lots of hearts on action bit less of
25534s the priests please but everything else
25535s loving it and here we go with the
25539s players Glory Tian Ming shouty and yala
25542s with that amazing
25544s I'm glad we got to show that out there
25547s and it's going to be a really really
25550s difficult group for me this is by far
25552s the standout group in a tournament full
25555s of standout groups
25557s uh yeah I
25559s we're even trying to justify that there
25561s was a weak group
25563s funny funny funny funny yeah every group
25566s is is stacked you know that's what we
25568s come to see here at the world
25569s championship is the best of the best and
25572s I feel like you know this is one of the
25574s years where where we got it a lot of top
25577s tier players so uh you know speaking of
25580s top tier players what about a player
25582s Neil
25584s who has competed Neil
25587s in the world championship finals Neil
25590s two years in a row trying to make it a
25594s third wow one in 2020
25597s runner-up in 2021
25600s um I mean by that logic he's gonna get
25603s third this year but
25606s it's absolutely
25609s I remember when we used to make a thing
25611s of oh my goodness somebody's made two
25614s tournaments they've made it to World
25615s Championships twice that's still a big
25617s thing if you've done that well done
25618s there's like seven of you or five of you
25620s or something great two finals back to
25623s back and then we basically said goodbye
25625s to Glory at the end of um the the Champs
25629s but there was one spot left because we
25631s qualified twice there was a playoff for
25633s that spot and Glory was like nope you're
25635s just not getting rid of me I'm gonna do
25637s it a third year running and he's done it
25640s with a fantastic win rate across all
25643s formats as well so good for him and he's
25647s here he wants to make it three obviously
25649s he does but really really wants to get
25651s that done again again with that
25653s interview preferably with a win over
25654s possessing in the finals uh but there's
25656s a lot of great players in the way TJ so
25658s it could be quite difficult
25661s it could be
25662s we have uh the Chance in This tournament
25665s for a couple players to actually win
25667s their second world championship
25670s um and they were in the finals last year
25671s I was Glory because Essie so
25675s TJ get to it would be pretty neat to see
25679s that
25680s because it's never happened
25682s right
25683s nope not yet
25685s but it will one day
25688s yeah that day could be today well not
25691s today but Sunday but if it's you know if
25693s we keep going at this rate it'll all be
25695s one continual day you know you know what
25697s I mean so
25698s um but I feel like matches have been
25701s we're sort of taking away to your Ming's
25704s performance here he was also in the
25705s world championship last year out of the
25707s eight people who were there but he
25709s opened the show last year playing it now
25711s get down I believe it was uh didn't do
25713s very well in the groups so we call that
25715s a top eight because there were eight
25716s people and he was one of them so be nice
25720s um it is a way of showing the more
25721s casual views though this person is good
25722s well just competed like top eight there
25724s were eight people there you were top
25725s eight it's a bad result if you were
25727s there but just getting there is
25728s fantastic getting their two years
25730s running
25731s even better and this year has been one
25734s of the top performers in Masters tours
25736s as well uh very much under the radar
25738s because has a lot of sort of six wins
25741s didn't quite make top eight top 16 type
25743s of performances but he is here and he
25746s last year was regarded as a dark horse
25749s for winning it and I think this year
25750s probably kept the same tag actually as
25752s one of those players nobody's going to
25754s be surprised if Tian Ming takes it all
25755s down
25757s I would agree I already showed off the
25760s deck lists
25761s the priest for Glory the Boon priest for
25764s Glory verses no
25766s no the quest fell Demon Hunter yeah that
25770s we've seen quite a bit of and we'll
25772s continue to see quite a bit of as the
25775s weekend
25776s progresses right off the bat good start
25779s for 10 Ming has the quest
25782s and especially now and now every time
25787s it's a good glory right he's got to beat
25790s the Druid or the uh the jackpot Vogue if
25793s he doesn't win this one so queuing into
25796s the Demon Hunter is where he'd want this
25797s piece to be that's why you bring this
25799s priest is largely there's Demon Hunter
25800s deck so yeah nice opening game for him
25803s he's got to get it done though
25806s yep
25808s Glory uh one thing we didn't talk about
25810s just going with the the beat em up
25812s lineup hmm
25814s went uh the uh Draka Rogue
25818s the quest fell DH aggro geruid that's
25822s right aggro Druid yep of course the Boon
25825s priest
25826s um it's the I'm gonna win or lose games
25829s by turn five
25831s I highlighted two in my little grid that
25834s I talk about where I just do a grid of
25836s all the matchups there's two highlighted
25838s for this which is this one which Glory's
25840s got he's got the the priest versus The
25842s Demon Hunter he would want and that
25844s aggro Druid if you can run that into the
25846s ramp do it Ram Druid has no defense
25848s against it anymore it doesn't have the
25850s early Minions that it usually it used to
25851s have to sort of defend against people
25853s hitting your face on turn two and that's
25856s like an open goal for Glory if you can
25858s queue that up so he's halfway to that
25860s achievement if he gets those two matches
25861s those two games he should win the match
25868s but that's the numbers but then we play
25871s the games and it all goes completely
25872s wrong that's where I start falling down
25874s when they actually play the Hearthstone
25877s [Music]
25888s um
25889s needs something here
25891s yeah find the draw for the quest
25894s completion
25895s um does have fault in relative
25897s dimensions yes in hand though
25902s okay spot all right that would be part
25904s of that decision there it's like if I
25906s miss I miss I want to Relic on five and
25909s you know can you try and get away with
25911s it but obviously
25913s missing is is a big deal especially
25915s against this preset because the pre-sec
25917s starts to kick into shape right about
25918s now probably next turn
25922s yep those pickups
25931s I wonder if um this is going to be a
25933s traded chart or a casted Shard okay
25936s Castle shark could make it easy to uh
25939s just get the handmaiden
25942s but
25945s this gets closer to Boone by trading it
25948s away
25949s which is what you're looking for with
25950s these big turns and with Tien Ming
25953s having not even
25954s completed the first portion of the quest
25956s not really drawing too many cards
25959s and you expect just a relic of
25961s Dimensions next turn with
25963s not too many discounts to be quite
25965s honest with you it's just going to be
25967s the quest discount plus obviously the
25969s second Relic discount
25972s uh which is which is fine it's not
25974s catastrophic like you might expect if
25976s you're new to this deck somewhere how
25980s you don't need massive reductions but it
25982s is nice to get one one extra reduction
25984s is yeah popping off oh
25987s oh
25990s oh coin nice sick
25995s and damage with chaos strike
25998s also the draw is the more important
26000s thing here
26001s how quickly he's going through it I know
26004s that a lot of players will be able to do
26005s it this fast but he really is under the
26008s the pressure of the World Championships
26009s taking no chance with the Rope he's just
26011s going
26014s and look how important it was that he
26016s played that all that quickly as well
26017s it's going to matter that he went crazy
26019s quick because the rope's gonna get there
26022s yep and then bless in a boon
26025s and uh yeah Neil
26030s now this is roughly how Tia being
26032s started last year by the way I think I
26034s think he managed to play a mage deck and
26035s ended up having to play snowmen and
26037s things it just went horribly wrong
26039s memory all right we gotta count damage
26042s here
26046s one four
26049s can you preemptively heal like I'd like
26051s to heal with my own leash in advance of
26053s taking 40 next turn
26056s so he if he hits
26060s unleash yep from the first one
26065s nope already done
26068s and then
26069s uh the
26072s Arcanist from the second one it would
26074s have just been dub no I was not nearly
26077s enough like I don't even know what I'm
26078s trying to do here
26080s like deep Nutter could do a lot of
26081s damage but he had no reductions no Quest
26084s completions whatsoever that was the very
26087s first Relic that that was being cast
26088s that game yeah so it wasn't even like
26090s would get a ton of discounts to be able
26092s to have perfect draws there was no
26094s perfect draw that was like 100 win from
26098s that uh from that standpoint so uh yeah
26101s well done to Glory a nicely navigated
26104s early game into uh the pop-up at the
26107s right time all the actions necessary
26109s because he started going before he even
26111s saw that the uh the Boon was there was
26113s already pretty deep in the deck so it
26115s was likely that it was going to hit but
26117s uh got it done regardless so nicely
26120s navigated
26121s Tia Ming said in his interview that
26123s Glory was a player he was probably most
26125s scared of outside of the the really
26127s super obvious names and that's why
26130s exactly why you see it all there that's
26131s glory in a nutshell plays 1921s on turn
26133s five no other player does that just
26135s Glory
26136s uh yeah oh crack the knuckles Big
26139s Stretch oh yeah
26141s ah game easy life that was under the
26143s aggro druid
26145s and uh
26146s [Music]
26148s yeah this one is uh
26150s this is a Tuffy
26152s it's a Tuffy
26154s it depends what he cues into he's
26155s looking to cue into that other Druid
26157s Deck and if he does he's almost 2-0 up
26159s already so I think in this matter as
26162s well trog is so good again suddenly if
26164s you notice how good it is now
26166s I feel like it's always been good
26168s I think it's even better everything's
26170s just the truck hasn't gone away
26174s I mean yeah it's been in decks you're
26176s not good decks obviously it didn't leave
26178s but it I think it's ruined every deck
26181s right now unless you sometimes
26183s because the Buffs come from hand apart
26187s from
26188s one of them
26189s I think there's one spell that Buffs the
26191s rest is all minions you can sometimes
26194s buy yourself Times by filling up the
26195s board and trying to get to the scale to
26197s clear with but yeah ramp to it is
26201s this is so hard yeah I mean there's like
26206s you know so the soil Mark of the wild
26209s fried Fury
26211s also planted evidence
26213s but there's a good amount of spell
26214s buffing that can take place
26218s but
26222s we've got it if the aggregor gets the
26224s trog I think it's almost over from turn
26226s one if they don't get the trog it's
26228s still incredibly hard
26230s yeah because even like astalor you know
26233s it doesn't have the deal damage
26235s Battleground till turn four so yeah
26238s not even like you can have Tempo tools
26241s early on there's
26243s um because of the sort of armor package
26246s with you know Crypt Keepers an ubercon
26251s us plating things like that cut
26256s the cards that used to give you sort of
26258s that early removal like natural causes
26260s was in some Decks that Drew to the
26261s repeats and some decks
26263s I love it aggreg throws away the one
26266s drop because there's 18 one drops in the
26269s deck yeah so you could be greedy that's
26272s a better one drop yeah
26276s this is about the worst hand imaginable
26278s and it's still fine so far yeah well
26280s there's a starfish
26283s cool
26284s starfish can be pretty big deal
26287s yeah I've got to watch it because I will
26289s be incredibly sarcastic about a chance
26291s and Starfish could actually sort things
26293s out here
26297s oh yeah eight armor
26300s boom yep and it's the only time he's
26303s hoping to get to play it because of the
26304s way the noish might pan out and the
26306s starfish might pan out so just get it
26308s played while you've got two manners
26309s chilling
26312s I probably picked Jerry rig but there's
26316s a pretty big argument for all three of
26318s these
26320s um but Jerry Riggs just the most
26322s consistent
26323s artichoke you basically and you get to
26326s pick two yep and there's a trog
26328s en
26330s rig and a car draw so Gore is most
26333s likely going to produce Fury next turn
26334s which will play right into the uh uh the
26337s starfish
26339s yeah so I guess Tian Ming can consider
26343s doing the thing here where he fills the
26345s board up taking a lot of damage like you
26348s expect the first Fury
26350s and then starfishing and just taking
26352s seven the turn after
26353s except you can't starfish because they
26355s can trade into your board
26358s you need a different silence
26364s I think it just might be worth just hero
26367s powering
26368s you can even hear a power of the trog
26370s and that will entice glory to buff it
26372s and then you can
26374s car fish it away next turn
26377s but then your game plan is so good
26382s okay
26389s it's not the thing I was talking about
26392s but this this makes sense right you've
26394s got to do something and you
26397s talks are just so mediocre
26401s if they've got the buff you lose
26408s by the buff specifically I mean Herald
26411s I wouldn't be upset if Gloria just went
26414s wide and just played like
26417s the attack half yeah
26421s the attack half of the Lord I know the
26425s soil
26426s nice
26427s and then thorn thorn gross entries
26435s you can even just leave it as is and
26437s just hero power
26441s it's better I think because if you leave
26443s it as is the trucks will fill up the
26445s other two spots on this option timing
26447s has another issue or something ah yeah
26449s yeah no this is better because this is
26450s enough to get a starfish out and then
26452s you can still roll into fertilizer plus
26455s Pride's Fury
26458s see I mean kind of past a starfish right
26463s I think he has to know it should just
26464s eat you've got 40 health for a reason
26466s right just nourish and take what they've
26468s got and then take what they've got again
26471s and hope they're still alive
26479s and then into Miracle growth into
26481s something else you nourish and hassle
26484s are here
26486s I think so
26489s we'll hear a power
26491s yeah because if you put the minion down
26493s they could trade in the truck and then
26495s they can play The Herald of nature which
26496s just makes your life worse
26500s 25.
26503s yeah you kind of have to hope this
26504s wasn't there to be fair 27.
26511s you really can't
26513s he had to hope the fights Fury wasn't
26514s there I think
26517s you had seven on today if he's on 14
26519s because that doesn't happen
26521s yeah suddenly the games in the balance
26523s in the world's worst matchup he knows
26525s it's the world's worst matchup
26537s because this is yeah
26539s yeah
26540s Devon damage being represented on board
26543s so you can't just hear a power because
26545s the hero passes I would do it in okay
26548s that'll do it with uh yeah just living
26550s Roots but he's gonna go for Derby
26553s Carpenter which will get the still the
26554s soil once again and
26556s fertilizer will end it Gloria I'm 2-0
26559s already
26561s uh with a nice display of why aggro
26565s Druid is here in his lineup it's to beat
26567s up on on lineups like 10 Ming that are
26570s going for sort of that greedy late game
26572s style to kind of match Greek trick read
26575s with some of the other players and
26577s going quick going real quick I'm
26580s laughing at players with lineups like
26582s Chiang Ming which is like 13 of the
26585s people in the tournament his glory just
26587s nailed it
26592s I guess bly's lineup was kind of close
26596s to this not near there now there was
26598s some fast X and plus a lot of sort of he
26600s had the death battle Rogue
26604s all right just the Demon Hunter left
26608s which
26609s it is really powerful but it I think
26612s it's over performed on stream and I'm a
26614s big fan of the deck I think it's a super
26615s strong deck I think it's a super fun
26616s deck to play I think it's really
26618s interesting
26619s but
26620s I think it has over performed on stream
26623s as much as I'd like to say that's just
26624s what it does it's very capable of losing
26627s to these three decks one by one
26629s it can happen
26633s over performed
26635s yeah no that's just how good the deck is
26641s yeah
26643s the deck's super good it's the best deck
26645s in Hearthstone I'm not disagreeing but
26646s it's looked unbeatable
26651s and it is beatable it can lose
26655s that's why only 13 players brought it or
26658s 15 or something
26664s he says left in disgust
26666s disgusted that's disgusting
26670s because though the name is not even
26672s close it isn't even close I do agree
26675s uh the talking point which card do you
26677s leave out out of Mark of scorn
26681s chaos strike
26683s and one other that my brain has just
26685s currently need for greed thanks because
26687s this this is the standard I feel is the
26690s diet for green single mark double chaos
26693s strike yep
26694s um counter-strike's just a really good
26696s terms you play because oftentimes you're
26698s not completing quests on turn two
26700s it was just a nice like little cycle to
26703s something else on turn two right
26707s yeah I do agree
26711s hang on
26712s hang on so I think I saw both hands I
26715s feel like Glory had seven cards in his
26717s hand and Tian Ming had none that would
26718s be a bit unfair
26725s so basically a race for Dimensions
26727s obviously there's there's more Nuance to
26730s it than that but get Dimensions get the
26733s location off you go
26735s he just dumped it yeah I think that's
26738s fine
26740s it Buffs your Dimensions that you know
26742s you need to draw
26744s it's got a lot of draw has a nice Quest
26747s completion next turn with
26749s trade on the rush web rush off by a
26751s spectral site
26752s and because of this the sequence of
26754s draws we'll get the uh
26758s everything reduced yep
26761s so he knows he's in a good spot so
26763s finding that one Mana might not be the
26765s easiest for him so he's choosing to do
26767s it that way
26768s because obviously just getting that
26771s Relic played the one manner can be hard
26773s to end the turn with another sigil too
26778s pretty good
26787s if these cards are good I mean could
26790s already be in trouble because he has the
26792s dimensions but not the location
26799s but that's far from good from Glory he's
26801s gonna have to mess around a bit now
26808s Ming is gonna have a big relative
26811s dimensions in a couple of terms if you
26812s can get the second draw but he might
26813s just choose to cast it for for two cards
26816s depending how it goes probably cycle The
26818s Guild Trader next turn into radical
26820s Extinction
26836s oh it's gonna unload to get the quest
26838s completion on the spec with the spectral
26840s site guys oh yeah
26843s and there's no problem with doing this
26846s it costs you a tiny bit people might be
26848s like oh no but my Jace will be slightly
26850s under performing because blah blah blah
26853s turn four not turn five Fury no one
26855s cares just keep that hand open so you
26857s can draw more cards into it it's
26858s absolutely fine to do this yeah
26862s he has run out of stuff though so he's
26864s in trouble now but yeah yeah but all
26866s right let's take a look at this deck
26868s double Dimensions double need for greed
26873s loads of cycling that is just zero uh
26879s that seems like both spectral sites only
26882s 16 cards left that you've just named
26883s four card draw cards so there's three
26886s cycling cards on top of that that's
26887s seven so that's half of his deck draws
26889s or gets the card he wants or gives him
26891s another go at it yeah what about a geez
26895s yeah not one of those you don't want
26897s that one yeah now you play the phantasms
26899s just to try not to die
26901s yeah
26904s yeah I mean if
26906s Tim mean doesn't pick up healing and
26908s can't clear obviously lessons next turn
26911s no it's not a discounted Jace it just
26914s goes I mean has it all yeah well you
26917s could even clear if he's feeling
26918s uncomfortable I don't think you're
26920s uncomfortable here I know yeah he's he's
26922s fine to just play it up oh my God oh my
26926s God
26927s no way is that just how much is the
26930s lethal now
26931s oh he has he's only got one of those
26933s turn uh I mean next turn
26935s plus six spell damage yeah we need to
26938s count we need to count now
26940s I I mean it's really easy to count well
26943s then count it
26944s okay
26948s 23. before the hero power sleep until
26952s next time he hasn't he hasn't got the
26953s other fail here he hasn't got the Mana
26954s for the foul
26956s lethal next turn
26959s one more minor would be lethal this term
26961s what the heck
26962s at all
26964s oh I see his work he's counted but it's
26967s lethal with this yeah
26971s got it
26975s so even if this Guild Trader on the
26977s board is removed which it very likely
26979s will be you have
26982s uh you still have to manage to do
26984s everything next turn with plus six spell
26986s damage yep
26989s because of your other Silver Moon
26992s yeah and then just double fell barrages
26997s foreign
27005s there you go Glory lose with a Demon
27007s Hunter I told you the deck was you know
27009s capable of losing
27011s me
27016s if he loses twice more he'll lose the
27017s match of course just like I did this to
27021s you the first two games so it's only
27023s fair that you get your turn
27026s and I've still got this deck so I'm all
27028s right yeah
27030s okay two one in double quick time this
27034s is ridiculous it's so different from the
27036s game we cast in the other group which
27037s was just
27038s preaching along just just priesting I
27042s think I like this better
27044s I like this a lot more I've got to admit
27046s just a little bit I do like and I don't
27049s mean the finish I mean the end of those
27050s police games sort of the last eight
27052s turns of those police games are actually
27054s really interesting it's just getting
27055s there that's the problem
27058s well they're actually sort of tried to
27060s steal the last thing from each other at
27061s the end and put it on the bottom of
27063s their own deck by Drowning it I think
27064s that's kind of cool
27066s but the middle game was
27068s less exciting but
27071s Rogue and the Druid remaining and these
27074s are
27075s a different kettle of fish really for
27077s the Demon Hunter the Druid in theory is
27080s supposed to be Druid favored
27082s definitely was at first I'm not sure it
27084s is what do you think
27089s as we go into the road versus Demon
27091s Hunter yeah Druid vs Demon Hunter
27093s I mean it just depends on how so you can
27095s go right
27096s thanks the executors
27099s this one's a little bit interesting too
27102s um
27104s there's so much disruption in the
27106s jackpot Rogue
27108s that sometimes it can feel pretty
27110s difficult
27111s uh like
27113s the sketchy stranger into objection is
27115s annoying because then the objection is
27117s going to keep being recast from
27119s Contraband stash a Gastly Gravedigger is
27123s really annoying because it could throw
27125s back a key piece of
27127s uh of your combo right reset a cost uh
27131s which is a big one if you're holding on
27133s to a discounted spell damage minion
27135s putting it back in the deck can really
27137s limit your abilities
27139s uh to go fast
27142s but if you don't find the disruptions
27143s you're just playing
27146s whatever the game gives you honestly
27149s with jackpot Rogan this is one of those
27151s hands so there's a sketchy stranger
27152s start so sketchy stranger does pick up
27155s objection
27157s with a Contraband stash already in hand
27159s that could be a pretty big deal
27162s really
27168s uh and you've got three turns now to
27170s just draw as many cards as you can and
27172s try and find the relative dimensions
27175s interesting
27178s we've seen enough bone callers for one
27180s day don't pick that place
27184s um boss spells
27187s the thing is the Demon Hunter doesn't
27188s really clatter into your face anymore
27190s like it used to did it used to be the
27191s sort of the last bit of the Jace was all
27194s the chaos strikes and Furies for another
27195s 20 damage but
27197s that's not even it anymore
27202s I'm really Undead's in the deck is there
27204s not yet
27208s if I joke your side I think that's the
27210s point is there might be
27216s because the krabatoa
27217s no they're not undeads
27220s there's no natural undeads I don't think
27225s yeah I don't know my law wound if I look
27227s at things like ashara and the art tells
27228s me they might be Undead until I have to
27230s look closely and I don't know so many
27232s Chara yeah that's a Naga come on
27236s they look Undead though they're like
27238s sort of
27240s plague ridden fish where are you
27242s following yeah it looks like Naga
27247s oh
27249s no objection
27253s it's really the only one that's relevant
27257s counter spell can be annoying sometimes
27258s but
27260s yeah my objection is
27263s oh my
27265s oh my God
27267s oh my goodness has to think about hand
27270s space
27272s it's fine you can have seven cards you
27274s can handle six plus one you draw next
27276s turn you're good
27278s off you guys reduce your costs you play
27281s the sigil you're fine I don't think you
27283s even want to play this digital I think
27284s you want to play the sigil
27286s next turn
27289s uh well for more reductions I'm happy
27292s just to play it honestly
27294s yeah I know here I think you're right I
27296s want to win on six
27298s yeah you right you right
27303s it's the world championship TJ you've
27305s got to kill a return quicker than online
27306s you do get an extra reduction because if
27308s you wait till you're completing Quest
27309s next turn so if you wait until the turn
27310s after that you're not getting in any
27312s additional reduction on on the extra one
27314s yeah
27316s um
27317s metamorphosis flipper friends
27321s perjury
27324s problem with perjury is if you do get
27326s objection it doesn't recast from
27329s anything
27330s I mean
27331s getting it what seems to be about his
27333s only chance right now so we'll start
27335s with one and Hope
27338s oh didn't interesting didn't choose to
27341s cycle the your Trader first here
27346s was an option
27350s it came off the draft so it still
27352s discounted a little bit yeah I'm not
27354s saying it's a mistake but it was
27355s interesting that was his choice to save
27357s the one Mana rather than cycle kill
27358s Trader first
27360s okay ice barrier
27363s cool
27367s stranger
27370s uh-huh that's what he needs objection
27375s yeah
27376s stand
27379s I wonder didn't know you're a lawyer TJ
27383s I am I know all about law
27387s the whole lot just everything about it
27389s yep
27393s tell me anything I'll tell you if it's a
27395s law or not
27396s um
27397s if the batsman goes over the line the
27401s bowler can take the Bales off not a
27404s laugh that's a rule okay
27407s everybody tweet at TJ
27410s Cricket has laws teaching
27414s nope it has rules okay
27422s and tested for objection
27426s how many times have I said objection so
27428s far this game a lot I feel
27430s uh yeah you said objection that's
27432s basically the cast is me going oh yeah
27434s wow you're a good objection
27437s which probably would happen if we did
27439s those two things in a court so that's
27441s reasonable is there anything else you
27443s can say when there's an objection in the
27445s court besides sustained or overruled
27451s that's
27453s overruled
27456s no
27457s yeah that's overruled
27462s okay um I don't know I'm not really a
27464s law sort of person I'm more of a
27467s um a free spirit
27471s yeah I do it my way
27474s do you think I'd be allowed the Flamingo
27476s by the laws of casting
27480s yeah so then I lost the rules
27483s what's the difference
27485s there's none
27488s it's just it's a law it's how important
27491s the person making the rule is right
27494s like the person making the rule is
27496s really important it becomes a law if
27498s it's me making the rule it's just a rule
27502s oh the two making the reward it's a
27505s suggestion
27506s it's a joke okay
27509s uh these eight eights are gonna get
27511s there you've got a lot of damage I mean
27513s so it's just the spell damage in hand oh
27516s no I understand that the normal way of
27517s getting there is also going to get there
27519s don't get me wrong here TJ plus four
27521s spell damage next turn with double
27523s unleash plus fell barrage
27525s that's just next turn and also has a
27528s relic Extinction to throw in there just
27530s in case but plopping your opponent in
27533s the face for 16 million damage along the
27535s way just just speeds it up a bit really
27537s doesn't it yeah so this is uh 16.
27542s 26 plus
27546s 12.
27548s that sounds like 38 I'm afraid you never
27550s counted hero power we do need it's a
27553s hero power
27554s nice one
27558s but he doesn't want to count he just
27560s wants to press buttons and that's what I
27561s want to do when I play this deck because
27563s he doesn't know if that's freezing trap
27564s or not
27567s and now it comes out I think that's
27570s exacties
27573s five
27577s in me
27579s I think it's exacties
27585s there you go
27587s I think it's exactes good counting TJ it
27591s is exactly his glory is going to the
27593s winners matching Group B of an absolute
27597s Massacre three of the easiest games of
27600s hearthstone you'll ever see and he lost
27602s one in between just to make it look Fair
27603s he seemed distracted though he was like
27606s fiddling with something over here his
27608s light was a little bit weird so he had
27610s to move it he looks up and he's just
27612s dead on turn five he's like ah whatever
27614s you know it happens comes back the next
27617s game just does the exact same thing but
27619s the Tian Ming instead so uh Glory this
27622s just feels like another day in the
27623s office
27624s seems incredibly relaxed
27627s just kind of playing his cards doing
27630s everything right I think playing around
27632s what he needs to play around I
27634s especially love the aggro Druid game
27637s uh you know the turn where he could have
27639s just gone Pride's fury on this full wide
27641s board and then run into starfish he may
27642s have run out of gas instead decided to
27645s make sure that the board stayed full
27646s used his smaller buff cards and then the
27648s payoff of the Pride's Fury one starfish
27651s was no longer an issue for him I just
27653s think that even though they were
27655s absolute Stomps in the games that he won
27658s he he did what was that he did what was
27661s needed right not every player wins those
27663s games some slight decision making yeah
27666s you know this one we were just talking
27667s about laws and rules yeah because he
27670s just he played around to every secret
27672s possible uh because we had the
27675s information but he didn't and he played
27677s around it quite well
27679s um even just weaving that in through all
27680s of his draw sequences so obviously he
27682s got a little help you know he got the
27684s Relic fault into double phantasms into
27687s double Dimensions that helps
27690s but you got to play well along the way
27691s in order to match that up too so TM is
27693s not out of it yet
27695s that was just the first match uh for
27697s Group B we'll fight off in the
27698s elimination match versus either xiaote
27700s or yard line that's Eleanor by the way
27703s is the um the artist for yala's work uh
27707s on Twitter
27708s um Elven lady if you want to see more of
27710s that sort of art because that was just a
27712s piece of fan art done for Yara that has
27714s ended up in the broadcast through a
27716s little bit of asking and sort of nudging
27718s along the way and it's now on the
27719s broadcast so well done to them very cool
27722s but that amazing piece of yellow warlock
27725s art
27726s yeah is uh uh we need it done for
27730s everybody even though that would be way
27731s too much work isn't it for us
27734s just a clown suit for me and TJ please
27737s yeah yeah or a flamingo suit but
27740s um we're we're cruising along here that
27742s was a nice fast series making up some
27744s time on this uh what's sure to be uh
27746s still a long day we have four matches
27748s left today we gotta finish off Group B
27750s before we move into tomorrow where we're
27752s going to kick off Group C and D uh but
27756s coming up next we do have a good one
27757s it's gonna be shouty versus yarla so
27759s don't go anywhere more World
27761s Championship action
27763s right after this
27764s [Music]
27782s question one which player has had the
27785s most match wins in all Masters Tour
27788s events is it Hunter Ace
27791s Fury Hunter
27793s Aloo temu or bunny Hopper
27798s [Music]
27799s question two what was yala's win
27802s percentage across all Grand Masters
27804s matches ever
27806s was it a
27808s 55.3 percent
27810s B
27811s 57.2 percent
27814s C
27815s 60.1 percent or D
27818s 64.3 percent
27820s C
27822s [Music]
27823s question three what was Habu gabu's
27826s Swiss record in the second third and
27829s fourth Masters tours combined was it a
27832s 20 and 4 B 21 and 3 C 22 and 2 or D 23
27843s and 1.
27846s not this time this one is C 22 and 2.
27851s okay question four what was dead draw's
27853s record at Masters Tour Las Vegas
27857s was it a one and four drop
27860s b seven and five C eight and four D nine
27866s and three
27868s B
27871s it's a he dropped from Vegas and then
27874s had a fantastic year
27876s okay and the final question how many
27879s turns did Pascual rope when he played
27882s against blies in last call
27884s was it a zero B 25
27889s C 40 or D 65.
27895s e
27897s it was 65 well done and that's all thank
27901s you very much for doing this uh Gloria
27904s great to meet you
27906s [Music]
27908s foreign
27910s [Music]
27929s [Music]
27934s [Music]
27939s foreign
27942s [Music]
27955s [Music]
27964s welcome back we are ready for our next
27967s matchup and it is going to be shouty
27968s versus yala subtle truly two of the
27972s greats are going at it in an initial
27974s match already in the group so very very
27977s exciting but what do you make of not
27978s only both the players of course but
27980s they're lineups in general
27982s yeah what more can be said about either
27984s of these players at this point uh xiaoti
27987s is a player that I have been a huge fan
27990s of for a very very long time uh yala is
27995s a terrifying Demi demon who will chill
27998s you to your very Soul jerseys with a
28001s single glance of his piercing green eyes
28003s and is also quite good at Hearthstone um
28006s yala is a player that really it took
28009s Grand Masters for me to really learn how
28013s top tier of a player yala was
28016s um I always knew that yala was fantastic
28017s of course but there was always
28021s um a little bit of doubt in people's
28022s mind I think is whether he was on that
28024s absolute top level you can go all the
28025s way back to like hgg where he kind of
28028s played second fiddle to Stan sifka in a
28031s lot of people's minds and then he came
28033s to Grand Masters and just is the Grand
28037s Master arguably like not not just in
28039s Europe but you know across the world
28042s he's the player that's perhaps stood out
28044s the most in the grand Masters era
28046s without actually winning a world
28049s championship that's the part that kind
28052s of Falls a little bit short for yala up
28053s until this point uh bajelty as I
28055s mentioned player that I've been an
28057s enormous fan of for a enormously long
28059s time at this point
28061s um as soon as xiaoti came along it felt
28063s like the standard of China player that I
28066s was casting when they came over to the
28068s world events that we were seeing when
28070s they started coming to seasonal
28071s championships when that mixed when we
28072s started seeing them in the Masters tours
28074s it felt like xiaote taking over from
28077s like the Omega zero era that came before
28079s that was when China Hearthstone really
28082s hit the map in my mind and made me think
28084s oh my goodness the they actually have
28086s some of the very best players now and I
28088s think xiaoti has been at the Forefront
28091s of that benich described him in his
28093s little dossier to us as the global
28095s ambassador from the China scene which I
28097s think is a really good way of putting it
28099s as well xiaoti is a fantastic player
28102s very nice guy as well and he's really
28105s just when we're talking about Conquest
28106s strategies at the start a player that
28108s tends not to overthink strategies too
28111s much you asked about the lineups
28113s um xiaoti I think has just gone with
28115s Decks that he believes to be the vanilla
28116s strongest the one question mark in that
28119s is that he's gone with jackpot Rogue
28121s which might not be the vanilla strongest
28123s version of Rogue in some people's
28124s opinions but I think it's actually
28126s yala's lineup that's a little bit more
28129s interesting overall slightly out of
28131s character for what he's used to going
28133s for yeah well we will get to that in
28135s just a second of course when we check
28136s out the ramped root from shouty and
28138s notable of course running the Jailer in
28140s there as a top end that's something that
28142s everyone brings in general but now we
28145s are going to look at yala and yeah I
28146s mean just a fantastic player we've
28148s casted a ton of him of course with grand
28151s Masters and just always dangerous I
28154s think there's never he never really
28156s feels like he has a massively off day
28157s and speaking about lineups one thing
28160s that is true about yala is if he likes a
28163s deck he will bring it and probably win
28165s with it we remember remember the
28166s galicron dwarlock days subtle where it
28169s was pretty much only y'all are bringing
28171s it he is very happy to play his own
28173s decks and it doesn't it feels like he
28175s doesn't bring stuff for the fun of it
28177s it's not just because he likes to me he
28179s does have a plan but he has done it time
28181s and time again where he's bringing like
28183s off meta decks and made them work and
28186s that same can be said for this Druid
28188s which even though yes it's ramp Druid it
28191s definitely feels more like combo to it
28192s to me subtle
28193s yeah and I was referring to this at
28196s least in passing earlier when we were
28198s talking about some of the Druid matchups
28200s um and I was arguing that some of the
28201s Druid matchups did just come down to a
28203s race these days in which case you'd
28205s rather have the slim down 30 card
28207s version of the deck and just get to your
28208s combo a lot quicker uh that is what yala
28211s has gone with here which is something
28213s that I do have a great amount of respect
28215s for but if anything
28217s this and the Boon priest that he has are
28220s kind of the two normal decks in the
28222s lineup because yes he has the Demon
28225s Hunter of course but the Demon Hunter
28226s has a prosecutor mailtronics in it which
28229s is uh extremely unusual Tech card to be
28232s thrown in there and then for his Rogue
28234s we talked about bringing Rogue but
28235s perhaps departing from conventional
28237s ladder wisdom as to what the right Rogue
28240s is uh y'all is playing shark Auctioneer
28244s Rogue which is I didn't even put when I
28246s was breaking down like death row Rogue
28248s builds I was saying it's either mine
28249s it's the goals and taunts or it's the uh
28253s the Jamboree version I didn't even
28254s freaking mention sharks and gadgets
28257s version exactly yeah now here we have it
28260s so really really interesting lineup from
28262s yala but as you mentioned he's always
28264s been like this right we haven't pegged
28265s as a control player
28267s um but I think really if you wanted to
28270s categorize what he does in major
28272s tournaments it's line up Edge player
28275s that's what he is right he always goes
28277s for the lineup Edge
28279s um if he thinks that's playing full
28280s control he'll play full control but
28282s we've seen him playing you know eight
28284s weapon destructions or you know 16
28286s weapon destructions across his entire
28288s lineup in various uh matchups in various
28291s tournaments in the past and had great
28293s success with it and this time around I
28294s do think you know all of these weird
28296s decisions that we're talking about are
28297s just y'all are trying to gain a matchup
28299s a lineup hedge in some of the match-ups
28302s and that's really just been a Hallmark
28303s of not only
28304s um playing solid but bringing inventive
28308s lineups to find an edge on the field I'm
28310s looking forward to seeing how this trip
28311s does for yala because Druid you know
28313s we've already talked about a good chunk
28314s today with how you know impressive or
28316s not impressive it's going to be this
28318s weekend but this one actually got got by
28321s this Druid today
28322s um because I was playing I was like okay
28324s I've got time no problem I'm still you
28326s know I'm setting up Combos and then it
28329s was the older anubrican brand uh astelor
28332s astalo yeah I was like oh I am very very
28336s dead now so I'm very excited to see how
28338s this you know performs instead of at my
28341s ladder level but more like when a play
28343s like yala is uh controlling it
28345s especially in a matchup like this
28346s because it feels a little bit dice here
28348s if xiaote can get ahead in terms of just
28351s overall value
28355s not even cool well I guess you're going
28358s coin wall growth while growth nourish
28360s and skipping the seedsman with this hand
28362s I guess it's a little bit confusing
28365s having drawn every piece of ramp in
28367s there as to how exactly you're going to
28368s be parceling that out
28371s also of course you'll be drawing cards
28373s ongoing right so it's like well that can
28375s definitely change the plan as he goes
28381s LT now
28398s best of choices I think if he had some
28401s form of Promise of a minion in the near
28403s future kodo Mount would be a relative
28405s snap pick in that situation but you do
28409s not you really have no idea where your
28410s first minion is coming from so that code
28412s amount might end up taking an enormously
28414s long time to actually end up being
28415s relevant but the rest of the cards just
28417s weren't particularly anything were they
28420s yeah not too great at all shouty can
28423s keep up with this wild growth but after
28425s that you can easily see a direction that
28428s uh yala is gonna at least in the short
28430s term jump ahead if he wants to go for
28432s that nourish but there is just the Goof
28434s available for shout tea and again when
28437s both players are roughly keeping up on
28439s Mana suddenly the player that does have
28442s girth is feeling fantastic because you
28443s can keep up on the only manner but you
28445s can obviously surpass that but also keep
28447s up on card draw as well
28452s oh Miracle craft too
28454s yeah
28462s there's the Jailer for GLT one of the
28465s unique little sprinkles that he does
28468s have in his version of the deck
28470s uh when you of course you are playing
28472s the 40 card version there is a little
28473s bit of discrepancy and disagreement as
28476s to what those last few cards are to
28477s really uh fill out the list that you
28479s need because everything is really built
28481s around the sort of a nubricant Crypt
28484s Keeper package with the armagain then
28486s the combo with the astolore
28488s um it's just really what you throw in to
28490s support that you know some people going
28492s for dinner three years we see theaters
28495s and other various tech cards thrown in
28496s some slots as well just choosing to go
28498s for jailer
28503s okay it does actually drop the last wild
28505s growth in so as expected it was what
28507s growth into season dropped the nourish
28508s but then does actually just choose to
28510s throw the wild growth in which having
28511s not really drawn anything else to do
28513s with that excess Mana does make sense
28514s now at this point
28517s finds himself all the way up to the
28518s lofty Heights of term Manor
28521s and very very quickly I think we're
28524s going to start to see just who has the
28527s clear Edge because I would say this game
28528s has been roughly even of course shouty
28531s having golf is a big deal but are those
28534s 10 extra cards and sort of bigger end
28537s game tools gonna outweigh y'all are just
28540s being able to more consistently get to
28542s uh you know some kind of combo because
28544s right now shouty is just striding ahead
28547s and not only with this golf but even
28549s just with board presence because now
28551s y'all is gonna go for some card draw
28553s Hobie here if he doesn't
28556s I mean he's nearly there already he's
28558s essentially one card away from lethal at
28561s this point with the urban scales that he
28563s has as well to be able to pick up as
28564s much armor as he needs really
28568s and with that in mind I imagine you're
28570s just straight up moonlit guidance
28571s fishing yeah yeah
28585s what what these options even do right
28588s now because it's just waiting
28590s yeah not a lot if you didn't have an
28592s innovate I might argue for the innovate
28594s because the innovate allows you to cheat
28596s some of the armor yeah um by going brown
28599s first and then innovating the eight drop
28601s which basically means that you could do
28602s it from a standing start with Zero armor
28604s which isn't always the case if you need
28605s massive amounts of damage in the in the
28607s early game but he already has one
28610s innovate so that seems a bit excess so
28612s yeah Jerry rig at least gets you a
28614s nourish for more card draw so it seems
28615s like the most logical
28619s you asked whether the extra cards or the
28621s extra Health would be making a
28622s difference here
28623s um not literally so but the fact that
28626s you are playing theater in your deck as
28628s one of those extra cards I actually have
28630s something to say about this situation
28631s because without some kind of disruption
28634s I think you would be about to see just
28637s the benefit of yala's deck being that
28639s much smoother and quicker to hit that
28641s combo
28641s yeah and I wonder like if the hotel
28644s comes down from shout tea and hits
28646s hastilo like
28649s did we just call it a day
28651s pretty much it feels like I'm stuck the
28655s reason I'm paused is I'm trying to look
28656s at y'all's list and be like but how
28658s could he win this and that's the problem
28660s right like with a 30 card version you
28663s aren't running the devourers you aren't
28665s running a Jailer or you know whatever
28666s end game you want extra so yeah that's
28670s gonna be in trouble let's see
28673s oh oh those were actually quite good for
28677s y'all are actually no brand there no as
28678s the law like yeah okay
28681s whatever you want enjoy absolutely huge
28684s outcome in the end wow and in fact
28686s you're asked to live show too whatever
28688s you do really it was actually the coda
28690s man okay I I was considering if it was
28692s just a Devourer because I do think
28693s devourers are going to end up pretty
28696s much useless on both so I guess actually
28698s Devourer is just in this situation
28700s because depending on how many Avengers
28702s were already on it right you might even
28704s just have to double trade these small
28705s minions already yeah that's what I was
28708s gonna say I think like just giving yala
28710s even though it's likely yella has good
28712s stuff to do with this many cards in hand
28714s just giving him an answer to your board
28716s effectively is um maybe not the best
28719s place any contradictions
28723s I like kodo Mount is that much worse of
28726s an answer though is the thing that's the
28728s problem that I have here
28731s work out like Guff
28733s review
28736s and then do stuff I suppose is the plan
28738s here for yala
28740s yeah I just have to be so a little bit
28743s afraid right because just because the
28746s damage is still going to push through
28748s depending on what happens after this
28749s goes
28753s oh okay
28754s well pretty good gift
28757s excellent goofage
28760s so as defensive as possible then without
28762s using any uh of actual important
28765s resources which Yep looks like this Max
28767s Army you can gain kill the eight five
28771s kill the eight five with Dakota Mount
28772s instead but that doesn't gain any armor
28774s so this is ever so slightly more
28775s defensive than that play
28777s all the other really wants to do now is
28779s not die correct
28783s he's like Jayla go
28791s tricky in this scenario and I think it's
28793s um this game at least so far of course
28796s could have gone a different way if
28798s theotar decided to play nice with shouty
28801s um but in not doing so you you really
28803s almost like a stark contrast between the
28806s two decks right like shouty had Goff
28808s earlier but there's so much of shouty's
28810s hand that is the extra 40 card stuff
28813s right double Sensational insatiable
28816s Devourer the Jailer as well in there is
28818s like oh so many cards considering you
28821s know if you just change those three
28823s cards for only three from the core 30 it
28825s would look a little bit beneficiality I
28827s think
28828s that ropes burning and the longer this
28831s turn goes on with nothing happening the
28833s happier yala will be about this
28834s situation I believe and yeah Jayla is
28837s slammed yeah I mean what else is he
28839s actually supposed to do you know to like
28841s reasonably achieve anything right now
28844s so with the excess Mana you can now go
28846s brand first which is fantastic because
28848s you get to cheat a whole like punch of
28850s extra armor from the new cam Battle Cry
28853s and then you just start blasting
28855s all right
28859s foreign
28871s okay minions soaking doing an excellent
28874s job okay that was a lot of stuff being
28876s the minions to be hurt
28879s the problem is they're like
28882s because the minions can't die these
28884s devourers aren't actually
28886s infused getting Juiced yeah which means
28888s yes shouting may not die here I'm not
28892s they may not die here but 14 damages and
28895s lethality so and there's two there's two
28899s more coming like regardless of whether
28900s or not you can play them this term which
28901s you can't you are still getting two more
28904s astolaus into your hand for the
28906s following turns now anyway and of course
28908s the fatigue is going to start ticking at
28910s this point you have an entirely
28911s unplayable Miracle growth in your hand
28913s it's the one thing that never clicked
28916s for me when I saw restalar for the first
28918s time I was like oh okay this card's cool
28919s so okay yeah a brand makes sense I was
28922s like oh yeah brand just gives you two
28923s each time yes I thought more bran about
28926s you know the active effect and not the
28927s give you another card I was like oh wait
28930s this is absurd
28934s like I said theoretically with enough
28936s armor and you know some sort of way to
28938s infinitely generate spells to shoot your
28941s own stuff off your own chords you could
28943s just keep going
28955s on T really thinking about how you can
28957s get this done but
28960s not even sorry
28964s yeah
28965s I mean this is another big there's
28967s another Minion right this can soak from
28969s Master law but even this yeah I was
28971s gonna say how does he just stop dying on
28973s board and there isn't a way shouty just
28975s started to give it a quick try and no no
28977s real time wasted there and yala getting
28979s off to a fantastic start and suddenly
28982s you know the 30 cards all seem to make
28984s sense right when you see it do that yes
28986s it's a one game sample size on stream of
28989s course but it's just like yeah it did
28991s look more Sleek it did look like there
28993s wasn't as much you know uh stuff getting
28995s in the way of this one combo you want to
28997s do definitely weak to theotar as we saw
29000s but if you can dodge that yeah the deck
29002s looks pretty good yeah
29004s um it's it's it's very hit Miss with
29007s theater because Druid is extremely good
29009s at keeping a hand a high hand size all
29012s the time once they start going so you
29014s know it's not like theater is ever
29015s really guaranteed to hit but there are
29018s three specific cards in bran uh
29022s nubricant and the Astor law and you need
29024s all of them um deck doesn't really do
29027s much if anything at all right right
29029s without one of those cards so if you do
29031s lose them you do start to find yourself
29033s in a little bit of trouble certainly if
29035s you're up against a matchup against a
29036s robust deck on the other side right like
29038s if you're playing against some back road
29039s deck that's got theater in it for some
29042s reason yeah you might still be able to
29043s get there with uh you know your one
29045s scale of the next year and just playing
29046s some big minions and whatever else right
29048s but against you know another Druid on
29050s the other side or whatever control deck
29052s you're playing against if you get
29053s theater you're going to be in real real
29054s trouble because the the damage falls off
29056s a cliff when you do not get that full
29058s Brown armor combo going yeah and even
29060s with that though one of the benefits of
29062s the combo is because they are minions
29064s it's a minion based combo and moonlit
29067s guidance is a great Shield right about
29070s that because you end up gaining the
29072s extra minions where it's like well
29073s theaters stealing one you can't steal my
29076s multiple copies of this minion which can
29078s really help out but anyway we could
29080s probably sit and just chat about this
29081s sort of 40 versus 30 for a while
29084s um but we are going to move on to the
29085s next match up and looks like we're
29087s keeping with the mirrors subtle because
29088s it's gonna be Rogue versus Rogue now so
29090s you get to see yala's Rogue in action
29092s going up against shouties uh shouti's
29095s Rogue
29096s um is again just one of the more sort of
29099s jackpot focused you know long distance
29101s Rogues I guess and they're very
29103s interesting that the uh the deck is you
29106s know favored by xiaote and Bunny Hopper
29109s and Detroit you know what I mean is that
29111s kind of style uh it's just I feel like
29113s those players are quite similar in their
29115s approach to the game yeah what's also
29118s interesting across all that is the Team
29122s Liquid China connection right where it
29125s seems like the China scene has really
29127s pushed this jackpot Rogue as the top
29130s competitive version of Rogan has been
29131s doing so for several meta games
29134s um and I'm not sure if it is just a
29135s coincidence that dead raw and Bunny
29137s Hopper two players outside of the China
29139s region who probably have more experience
29141s playing in that scene because of
29144s liquid's involvement in the China Team
29145s league but they're such big fans of the
29148s deck as well I just I think if that is a
29150s coincidence it's a very very interesting
29152s one let's get it that way and and now we
29154s get to look at the the big question mark
29156s right uh of yala's lineup which is this
29160s miracle rug still Draco Rogue arguably
29163s but just to some Basics out there subtle
29166s this road has draca this Rogue would
29169s like a big Draco weapon as other
29172s versions of Draco Rogue do but what is
29175s the difference what is yala gaining from
29177s this build versus I would say like the
29179s standard version of this
29181s so obviously you can look at the key
29184s cards that have been highlighted there
29185s and have a reasonable explanation as to
29189s what is going on this is very very all
29192s in Miracle style uh whereas the other
29195s version of the deck with all the
29197s concoctions and the mailbox dancers and
29198s everything else
29200s um actually has some Tempo plays on the
29203s first couple of turns they can make
29204s small minions to support their large
29205s minions as well this is a much more
29209s hyper focused combo deck version of the
29213s of the deck overall which is super super
29216s focused on just making the absolute
29218s biggest weapons and uh location minions
29222s possible a little bit slower to get
29225s going you know you're not going to see
29226s one of those uh turn one concede type
29230s hands right because it's just not
29232s possible without the mailbox dancer in
29234s the shadow step but in terms of the
29237s power ceiling of it when you get things
29239s lined up I think it's an absolutely
29241s monstrously high potential death
29244s yeah important to note as well as I just
29246s perused to Triple Tre triple check shout
29250s is that close there is no Viper in here
29253s either because I feel like
29254s it really is just players personal
29257s preference whether they're playing
29258s vipers now it feels like there aren't
29260s that many decks that it's standard but
29261s obviously for this tournament and we've
29263s seen a few sprinkled around but yeah
29265s shouty does not have access to Viper
29267s which means if this weapon's made from
29269s yala outside of taunts there's not
29271s really another way he's going to be able
29272s to deal with it
29275s y'all are considering you're actually
29277s going to go for it yala was just panning
29279s out I think what the prep sketchy on one
29282s line looked like
29284s um he can either go prep sketchy on one
29286s and then just location on two or just as
29289s he's gone ahead here and just absolutely
29291s rip it and go straight into the location
29293s immediately which is what he's ended up
29295s doing here
29298s five five
29300s I kind of like this because well guess
29302s what his opening hand didn't have card
29304s draw or like you know if any so it's
29306s like well I may as well attack then make
29309s a thing instead of just pass pass pass
29311s wait for something to happen and it'll
29314s be a little bit more active
29322s yeah but just get baited by Kid that
29325s every time I'm showing kidnap I'm just
29327s like ah you know what in this particular
29329s situation it might not be terrible and
29332s then it's terrible you go every single
29333s time oh wow okay we're nice trap I was
29335s even looking at Oasis Ally we were
29337s talking about uh shouty doesn't have
29338s answers to weapons like water Elemental
29341s is not that bad sure yeah I think it was
29343s between uh ice trap and Oasis hello for
29346s sure um it was my roundabout way of
29348s saying never get baited by kidnapsack
29350s it's it's just not good unless okay
29353s that's a good draw
29356s until the next time yeah and then we'll
29358s discuss it again
29364s options options options here for shouty
29368s only option you
29370s doesn't have right now is clearing this
29373s five five
29375s and what's the option he would really
29376s love to have
29383s not yet snap picked Dreadful but does
29385s end up taking it
29387s and then presumably gleaming to go
29391s alongside it he really needs to actually
29393s start doing something Thief Dreadful
29396s destroyed right before I get names okay
29399s yeah yeah yeah it makes perfect sense
29401s but yeah I agree I think we've seen this
29404s deck archetype it can go forever right
29407s with value but sometimes you draw the
29409s awkward combination of cards where you
29411s actually don't really end up doing
29412s anything for a few turns and in this
29414s meta that normally means you lose
29417s I definitely like the card
29419s yala has essentially just skipped term
29423s one and turn two a five five in a
29425s location has appeared on his board and
29426s he's just got the same hand he started
29428s with again literally his opening hand
29431s right prep sketchy well I know I guess
29433s he didn't have the shark he had yeah
29434s yeah originally yeah
29437s so if his hand was different it would be
29438s exactly the same as it was now that's
29440s right yeah
29442s I mean I still think the play is the
29444s same that was subtle
29447s go again
29449s yeah you do it right perhaps sketchy
29451s Bitcoin coin with this hand I cannot see
29454s why not what else is that like I said
29455s earlier when it you know when we rewind
29457s time is it just passed for a few more
29460s turns I don't think so
29462s you can't now start modify it to rewind
29465s time just to avoid saying turn back time
29468s so I don't start singing power ballads
29470s at you that's not fair
29473s it's one of those tricky ones where do I
29475s want subtle singing parallel not
29478s particularly but what do the viewers
29480s want yeah it's all really massive yeah
29483s exactly
29490s little
29491s bit more awkward and yeah I just got I
29494s just surprised myself so I was like
29496s right what can shouty do wait a minute
29498s why is he only got three men with his
29499s opponent has 13 power on board yes and I
29502s realized what y'all has been doing
29505s oh no
29509s medium bordering on large oof I really
29513s just want the game to break and y'all
29516s just have sketchy information into shark
29518s into location again and shelter is just
29521s like what is going on
29524s uh xiaote head in hands after that
29528s is
29529s Loosely considering all his options in
29532s life right now but I don't think there
29534s are many
29541s I don't even know what but
29544s really digs him out of this as well I
29547s mean we can see that yala's got a whole
29548s lot of not much
29550s you have a push but
29552s it might be a whole lot of enough
29553s because outside of reconnaissance like
29556s what is shouty actually going to do next
29559s what's he even need to draw
29567s oh
29568s painful
29572s got to be Recon right
29576s you would have thought so we need to get
29577s this hand doing something
29580s suddenly the uh
29582s back didn't look so bad did it
29585s oh the sack no it's still bait
29592s and we would talk about it again though
29594s it's like but what if
29608s I'm enjoying how xiaote has just slid
29610s progressively further off the bottom
29612s right of his camera as this game has
29613s gone on
29614s [Music]
29617s but like
29619s in
29622s um
29629s we hope it lives so that he can like
29631s trade Shadow step or something you know
29633s like something really weird but just
29635s something that can happen
29639s ten now this is Peak gameplay by yala
29643s this is exactly the Hearthstone I signed
29646s up for dumb game
29649s it's like one of those matchups in the
29651s single player content where you just
29652s start the game and they just have three
29655s minions
29656s what is this all about it's like old RTS
29659s when they just you start the game
29660s building a little bass up and then that
29662s you don't realize because the fog of War
29664s but they've just got a base already yeah
29667s what's going on the thing now is though
29669s is yala supposed to Triple coin that's
29672s why I'm wondering uh it's certainly not
29676s wrong whether it's optimal I don't know
29680s because then the fast can kill
29684s one right if it's exactly yeah that's
29687s the book oh yeah he's already swung the
29689s dagger hasn't he yeah and he's already
29691s ah I thought there was still a swing
29693s yeah okay okay I mean I still like it
29698s he still got you could just replay the
29699s five fives next right if he really needs
29701s extra time
29705s has to kill the 3-3r
29708s is all shallow step it to kill him 4-2
29712s Ben still has to not die after playing
29714s the five fives again for yala right
29718s y'all are pressing the hero power just
29719s for funsies oh yeah
29722s yeah this is the stat that gets brought
29724s up the the tutu weapon already being
29727s used and then they're only being one
29728s charge left on this dagger those are the
29730s big differences on this turn uh if
29732s neither of those things were true then I
29734s think this would have been a much more
29735s straightforward option for yala right um
29738s but as it stands now he's he's favored
29740s to be in a position where he doesn't
29742s have lethal next turn just based on what
29744s he knows about from the opponent's cards
29746s right but the argument the other way is
29748s like well I mean I just have visible
29750s Minions that could have you know Rush
29752s minions thrown into them and Bone spikes
29754s thrown into right whatever else like how
29756s much more likely is it that they
29758s actually stick around if I keep them up
29759s is this coin bone Spike
29768s and then like ice trap or something
29774s I hate it I just don't know what else I
29777s mean even though we can see it at this
29778s second in time shouty isn't dead
29781s still doesn't want to go down to one
29783s right yeah you can just step coin replay
29785s it though which is the same thing and I
29787s think a little bit more efficient in
29789s terms of resources
29792s I was just thinking about getting the
29793s ice trap up
29794s and if that had any I'll work it
29802s I guess with hero with the hero power it
29804s kind of negates a lot of the ice trap
29805s value
29819s hero powered
29821s bike Spike
29830s as ever though
29831s as we've seen time and time again subtle
29835s will just do what's required to win
29838s no more no less
29840s I do think maybe that rule gets broken
29843s when your opponent's at five though you
29845s should probably go as all in as possible
29847s but what do I know if you don't need to
29849s exactly yeah we do always make this
29852s mistake right we have a little time off
29853s from casting yala and start to think
29856s like surely he's gonna play like
29857s everyone else right no his opponents on
29860s six Health he's got Fireball but does he
29862s need to Fireball
29864s so here's the real argument right is
29867s that what happens if you draw auctioneer
29871s because if you draw Auctioneer you would
29873s like to still have bone spikes available
29875s so that you can Max cycle to a draca and
29879s then play a draca right to actually end
29880s the game immediately
29883s I think the real question is how
29885s relevant is this three three when your
29887s minion has stealth anyway
29889s yeah those step bone Spike bone Spike or
29893s something
29894s it could happen
29901s all right what was the first ah the
29902s first place was Destroy right yeah okay
29904s yeah
29907s does she really like this uh style this
29910s Rogue package of all these little
29912s potions I think it's kind of cool
29916s kid shipment just for the cycle here for
29918s charity
29920s done nothing to write home about
29925s okay some card draw finally fella the uh
29928s minimal possible card draw but card draw
29930s nonetheless
29931s probably starts
29934s the strike
29937s we need the combo right
29940s oh
29942s [Music]
29944s let's play something
29947s Maybe
29952s the aisle is nodding he knows what that
29954s means and there is a nice juicy art
29956s auctioneer and and all signed up now for
29959s y'all are on the following term yeah I
29961s was working on getting this card draw
29962s getting the minions now to try and get
29964s lethal but every single turn he's doing
29966s this he's forcing Sheltie to deal with a
29968s five five stealth or he loses the game
29970s yes so it's like such a a dangerous to
29973s like double prong attack here yeah into
29976s shelter
29977s how does he play this five five again
29983s I love how literally the very first game
29985s after I wasn't sure whether the location
29987s was summon a 5-5 give it stealth or
29989s summon a five five with stealth we now
29991s would like clearly learning which of
29993s those two it is yeah
30007s clearing hand space with the shadow step
30008s I suppose meaning Sprint yeah okay
30014s also chooses the shower a bit
30018s uh and he's dead yeah I don't know what
30023s else is even possible gonna fake out the
30025s Trap but there's no world in which yala
30027s doesn't just push face it's the it's the
30030s first thing you do you don't even think
30033s aim that minion to face see what happens
30035s and then go from there
30039s have you remembered that this is Young
30042s yes that's what I'm saying this is my
30045s approach to any matchup with any deck
30047s aim the minion at face see what happens
30049s and then go from there
30053s oh yeah
30055s oh I'd like you never realize how much
30059s you miss casting out until you cast Yara
30061s again you know
30064s I assumed as the coin comes out to play
30066s oh no
30071s and lethal yeah
30073s the thing is though you can't even argue
30076s right because it is just correct to do
30077s what you did so
30079s great job there for yala two zero up now
30083s against shouty I mean I'll be honest uh
30087s this world is incredibly stacked but
30089s shouty not one of the players if I had
30091s the choice I'd choose to go up you know
30093s up against initially but y'all are doing
30095s a great job at Druid and Rogue now done
30098s and dusted and what have I been saying
30099s all day so the Demon Hunter just feels
30102s like you roll up and just get you in and
30104s leave so I think yala must be feeling
30106s extremely confident right now for sure
30109s yeah I didn't really talk about this uh
30111s you know I talked about how great both
30112s of the players are how much respect I
30114s have for both of them of course but I do
30115s think in terms of opening round matchups
30118s this is possibly the best one in terms
30122s of my perception of the the quality of
30123s the two players you know this is the
30125s this is the city in Liverpool get drawn
30127s against each other in the FA Cup third
30128s round draw kind of thing you know it's
30130s that one match shop where you're like
30132s okay both of these players really wanted
30135s to dodge the other one because they are
30137s two of the very very best players in
30138s this tournament but at the same time as
30141s I was arguing when we were going through
30142s the groups at the start right when you
30144s dared to say that one of the groups was
30147s weaker than any of the others I don't
30148s think there was any easy opening round
30151s match up that you were going to find at
30153s the World Championships but certainly
30156s there are still levels you know not all
30158s players are created equal and if we try
30160s and pretend that everyone is as great as
30162s each other then what we're doing is
30164s stripping how special some of these
30166s players are away from you know and they
30168s do things xiaoti and yala are absolutely
30171s up on that pedestal for all those of you
30173s who did not understand these sports ball
30175s reference don't worry I am with you uh
30178s moving on Quest file Demon Hunter that's
30180s not true don't pretend you're that
30182s ignorant that you don't know that
30183s Liverpool and Manchester City are two
30185s teams that are currently very good at
30187s football you definitely know that are
30189s they yeah
30191s I I don't if you ask me where they are
30194s on the table I would just guess they're
30196s on it I I don't know they map that if
30199s you ask me where they were on a map but
30200s you literally live in one of them I
30202s thought
30203s I thought you were gonna say oh don't
30205s tell me you didn't know City in
30207s Liverpool had a rivalry I thought I was
30208s gonna say I thought everyone had a
30209s rivalry with Liverpool because no one
30212s likes them but moving on Quest fell
30215s Demon Hunter mirrors going on here I was
30218s distracted Again by the the sports ball
30220s talk but I think both of these decks are
30224s almost the same are they actually have
30226s you done your one-off checks all yeah so
30228s yala has the meltronics right which is
30230s oh of course you mentioned
30233s um making his build a little bit
30234s different
30236s um whereas xiaoti is going for well I
30239s believe the OG banterface list which is
30242s one scorn uh two chaos strike and is uh
30247s pretty much agreed upon to be standard
30249s or off until the world's list are
30252s getting submitted
30253s um and then a lot of people
30255s uh have experimented with the form a
30258s little bit going one kale strike or one
30259s need for greed but I would say that
30261s xiaoti is kind of playing the accepted
30262s standard list up until this point yala
30265s has gone a little bit spicy Tech card
30266s with that maltronics which can of course
30268s be uh a little more disruptive to what
30271s some other people are doing uh whether
30274s or not Demon Hunter is a deck that
30275s really needs to worry about that
30277s particularly I'm not sure
30279s um but obviously if you're not familiar
30280s with meltronic um it basically only
30282s allows your opponent to play cards from
30283s Outcast position they can only play left
30285s and right most cards on their next turn
30287s battle crisis a one-off effect you don't
30289s have to worry about the killing the
30291s Minion or anything like that but it's a
30293s weird Tech inclusion for me because as I
30295s say I don't think Demon Hunter needs to
30298s be super worried about you know other
30302s things that other uh decks are doing in
30306s the sense that you know it feels like a
30308s more of a control card where you are
30310s denying them from using their combo
30312s pieces at particular times right that
30314s seems to be what the deck is effective
30316s out it what it would deny from opponents
30318s specifically in yala's spot I think
30320s Still Remains to be seen to some extent
30322s and while the players are just you know
30324s getting their early stuff done with a
30325s fail barrage coming out there from uh
30327s yala in previous matchups of your
30332s previous versions of quest Demon Hunter
30333s we've had Glide to talk about right I
30336s know um I think Derek and Jay are
30338s especially a Glide experts
30340s um but
30342s what what is there to do it's and it's
30345s got something stupid is there anything
30346s that either of them can do to actually
30348s disrupt their opponent other than race
30350s or is this literally just go go go
30352s whoever hits the lethal first just wins
30355s done
30356s uh that is most of it yes but the
30360s literal answer is to is there stuff you
30362s can do to disrupt your opponent is yes
30365s um one of the most weirdly disruptive
30367s cards
30369s um is the relic of phantasms
30371s um because it's such a painful
30373s distraction in a lot of situations
30376s um you can set up spots where your
30378s phantasms come down somewhere in the
30379s like three three to six six range uh off
30382s a volt proc so you have four of them
30384s somewhere in that range and you kind of
30386s demand that your opponent then throws
30389s away one of their Unleashed fails and
30391s some of their spell power in terms of
30393s dealing with it unless they have the
30395s perfect extension clear coming back the
30397s other way and basically that's what this
30399s matchup is is a big matchup of
30400s harassment and when you say race to
30403s which player hits the combo first that's
30405s the part where I'd slide in the big
30407s caveat because I would say more often
30410s than not let's say six times out of ten
30413s this matchup ends without Jace being
30416s played just from straight up like spell
30419s damage fell barrages just are utterly
30422s ending the game so you do have to
30424s disrupt your opponent by having stats on
30427s board to be able to play around that on
30428s the other side but obviously there
30429s aren't that many stats that you play in
30431s your deck that you're able to throw out
30432s so it's a it's a tricky matchup to
30435s navigate for sure it definitely feels
30436s like one where you need a bit of spell
30438s damage and a couple of spells right and
30440s you end the game a lot of the time so
30442s let's see how this one pans out so far
30444s yala does have that spectral sight on
30446s the far left
30449s um uh so he is although he's hand sizes
30451s obviously way way way smaller it does
30454s have some level of card draw available
30455s but is yala actually just gonna throw it
30458s out there because it has to it will
30459s actually stop the relic of Dimensions
30462s right from from xiaote this turn which
30464s is huge he'll literally just stuff been
30466s going location going Relic listen like
30469s you can sit there and think real super
30471s hard about whether you want a fire
30473s opponent to play the coin or whatever
30475s okay fine he does hit it
30477s um but for me it was a four Mana card
30479s you drew it on four and going spectral
30482s site did not guarantee necessarily that
30484s you achieved anything this turn you know
30486s there was a lot of draws you would get
30487s there that would not do the quest
30488s completion
30489s um so for me I would have played it but
30491s I'm not the person who has practiced
30493s with beltronics in my deck and
30494s understands who really for in this
30496s matchup I do think you know having said
30497s well you know why would you worry about
30500s what your opponents are doing
30501s particularly when you're playing this
30502s deck the best answer to that is well
30504s what if my opponents are also playing
30506s this deck in which case then yeah sure
30507s that actually makes some sense
30510s um so yala might be holding on to it for
30512s that regard the reason I laughed so
30514s vociferously when it came out is the the
30516s card this would be in everyone else's
30518s list would be the mark of school right
30520s which would have meant that yala just
30521s went spectral site Market score and Drew
30523s three more cards that turn and it was
30525s Bob Uncle you know
30528s yeah but now
30530s it's actually taking his time thinking
30533s about hand space thinking about if he
30535s can clear enough room to be able to
30536s really go all out planning turns ahead
30539s but
30541s you can get rid of
30543s off right yeah you play three with coin
30546s Relic and dimensions and then you go up
30548s to 10 again you just need a dumpable
30550s card and worst case scenario you already
30552s have a theory yeah you can't you don't
30554s want to play fury this time because it's
30556s still rank one but you can absolutely do
30558s it if you want to
30562s all right just dumping and juicing this
30563s time
30570s and I think y'all is going to get a
30573s whiff of what's going down here because
30575s just double Extinction yes uh dropped
30578s out for shouty there he's like double
30580s Extinction empty the hand a bit and play
30582s a location what's coming next
30589s that's a frustrating sequence of drawers
30594s no tradable inter tradable right
30596s yeah well I only needs one Trader ball
30598s he's on four out of five on the proc
30599s anyway oh sorry so the issue is having
30602s to spend one more manner to complete the
30605s quest step means that now the phantasms
30606s only gets discounted down to two which
30608s means he can't end the turn by just
30610s jamming phantasms which is a little bit
30612s frustrating in that spot but it'll take
30613s it especially now that he's picked up
30615s the dimensions we can actually keep his
30617s location up for the next turn instead of
30620s having it on cooldown from playing the
30621s dimensions uh from playing the phantasms
30623s sorry a little bit frustrating though as
30625s well right where he can't play any of
30628s the other relics beforehand either so he
30631s basically can't do what xiaote just did
30633s whereas dump a couple of relics boost up
30635s this Dimensions he has in hand and get
30637s ready for a really big pop off yala
30639s can't do that because he just won't
30641s quite have the Mana with that uh the
30643s Phantasm has been at two and three and
30646s so it's gonna be a little bit tricky uh
30648s y'all are definitely slipping behind I
30651s would say so far
30653s yeah we'll await the outcome of these
30656s dimensions
30658s it does get to the point around now
30659s where it's difficult for this Relic to I
30663s would guess with right because
30666s that is going to draw so many cards it's
30668s going to reduce them like
30670s down by I would say it almost always
30672s enough to have a large impact on the
30674s game and the fact that shouty is doing
30676s it first is is pretty brutal for yala
30681s noises
30690s oh my that is
30693s significant
30703s is that thinking can you just burn
30705s it's lethal next time if you Fury them
30707s in the face right now it's lethal next
30708s turn if they don't heal
30714s he'd have triple spell damage right for
30716s six Mana
30717s uh triple spell damage is 16 from a fell
30720s barrage and no he'd be a little bit sure
30723s actually and then only seven from the
30725s Unleashed that's only 23 extra I believe
30728s so yeah we'd need one more manner to fit
30730s something else in
30732s could yala actually
30738s mind I was wondering if you could do
30740s something with phantasms you know like
30741s Phantasm and then location Phantasm to
30745s try and do something about having
30746s minions survive so that uh fell barrage
30748s doesn't hit him yeah you just get
30750s unleash blasted yeah yeah that's the
30752s problem yeah they would have to be so
30754s big and they're not going to be
30756s basically
30759s of course it could be miltranic's time
30761s to show him to shine yeah I was gonna
30763s say
30766s is just like oh my card's got zero
30768s anyway okay left right left right coin
30775s see though it would actually be like a
30777s big deal because the spell damage is all
30779s in the middle yeah and there's need for
30781s greed blocking it on the right hand side
30783s and you'd have to pay two Mana for a
30784s fell barrage to get to it as well
30788s discounted Jace but no real source of
30792s super cheap spell damage right now I
30794s only got a two cost in hand
30798s doctor
30809s I think yala may be dead
30813s you can tell this is a hidden cast of
30815s Secret if a player that's good shouty
30819s starts locking in a combo before the
30821s turn's even started on your screen
30823s they've probably won yep so there you go
30826s there's all the damage that shouty is
30827s going to need chatty will not get 3-0
30830s out of this series and stays to fight
30832s back but again I think it's still
30834s important to remind everyone that yeah
30836s shouty gotta win doing okay for now but
30839s yahala still gets to play Demon Hunter
30841s right he can just cue it again and again
30844s and even them with that you know he fell
30846s behind by you know Eternal so there
30849s against yala well that what y'all sorry
30852s against shouty what yala did is still
30854s would be fast too fast for other decks
30857s to keep up with right so I still think
30859s this is a a good position for Yara to be
30862s in here
30863s yeah for sure
30865s um if you're sat there just staring at
30867s Demon Hunter and two wins on your screen
30870s like yeah I think you're feeling pretty
30872s darn good about the state of the series
30874s uh the mirror is largely a coin toss you
30878s know there are small things that you can
30880s do to gain edges
30882s um but you know deck ordering is just
30883s going to have a very very big impact
30885s over the course of this game I think
30886s Demon Hunter up against other decks in
30888s The Meta uh does have a significant
30890s amount more Agency on both sides I would
30893s say so I think yala will still be
30896s looking forward to getting his teeth
30897s sunk into this one even though you know
30899s as predicted one of the players just
30901s puts together some ridiculous spell
30902s damage combo and gets it done
30905s um but somehow I was completely blind to
30907s the second fell barrage in jealousy's
30908s hand when I was counting on the previous
30909s turn as well I was counting you with
30911s triple spell damage one fell barrage but
30912s yes double spell damage double fell
30914s barrage is always more damage than doing
30916s it the other way around I just had zero
30917s manifold barrage blindness so yeah there
30919s you go jlt much above and beyond that
30922s level not making any mistakes and
30923s clutching out at me he's going to be
30925s jumping over to his Druid which is of
30927s course the 40 card ramp Druid that we
30929s talked about a little bit earlier on and
30931s saw him play of course with that Jailer
30933s and again this just feels like unless
30935s something really wild happens that yala
30939s can just sit and just do the Demon
30941s Hunter things right so I think although
30943s the Druid has the ability to win it a
30945s lot of it relies on things going very
30947s right for xiaote and very very very
30949s wrong for yala but I just want to ask
30951s before we dive into the next game so
30953s what did you think about the no
30955s maltronics I mean I know we can see the
30957s hand we can see the impact it would have
30959s made but it's one of those like there
30962s were just reasonable turns like maybe
30964s one two turns that yala could have
30966s played it do you think he was right in
30968s just saying I'm just gonna work to my
30970s combo and we'll just race so the turn
30973s when he drew on curve on turn four I
30976s would have slammed it there honestly and
30978s I I kind of Stand by that one on that
30980s last turn the problem is right and as I
30983s said maltronix is a Battle Cry effect
30985s purely it's not like a live effect that
30988s persists like blade master or something
30990s like that
30992s um so Tre you play it down once and even
30995s if it does perfectly lock out your
30996s opponent's hand that was going to kill
30998s you that then doesn't kill you you
31000s didn't do anything that turn right it's
31003s not like he could do a quest step
31004s completion and play the meltronics at
31006s the same time so then you'd be straight
31008s back in that same position the next turn
31010s and your opponent would just straight up
31011s kill you the next turn right like
31013s essentially if they had lethal in hand
31015s at that point you were dying over two
31016s regardless is the tldr version of that
31019s so shut your eyes and pretend it's not
31021s there I think the question that that
31023s then begs is if that's the situation
31026s again how good a tech inclusion is
31029s maltronics
31031s now
31035s [Music]
31038s yeah and and I think as well this is I I
31042s can't speak for other players of course
31043s but I think at least for me going into
31046s this tournament you do go in with a
31048s certain element of okay my opponent's
31050s Demon Hunter is probably going to get a
31053s win so
31055s just let it happen Tech or prepare for
31057s other matchups in general obviously you
31060s still want to try and win but I think uh
31062s you know maybe we get to see what the
31063s the true power of the tech in a lot of
31065s other matchups over the course this
31067s weekend from yala we'll uh maybe get to
31069s have a look at that but for now we are
31070s ready to go into the next game 2-1 for
31072s yala the winner continues on and the
31075s loser gets dropped down into the um
31078s decider match uh or the decider match
31085s the match right I just realized I think
31087s I'm just making up names but anyway
31089s um
31090s it's different names for different
31092s things too many different names the next
31094s batch uh but most importantly shouty
31096s they're gonna be on Druid and
31100s not the worst opening with Jerry rig and
31102s gov do you think that's something that
31103s xiaote can hold on to
31106s I would imagine so yeah hard to imagine
31109s too much of a faster start than that I
31111s have also heard some arguments I think
31113s more so for the 30 card version of the
31116s deck that you just keep combo pieces as
31118s well like just hold you just hold on to
31120s bran in your opening hand but I think
31122s that's probably a little bit ridiculous
31124s a little bit ambitious in the 40 card
31126s version of the deck but uh who knows I I
31128s this matchup is interesting because you
31131s know I've described I've said my stances
31133s I think this is Demon Hunter favored and
31134s you've kind of gone with me on that but
31136s there was a lot of talk in the sort of
31138s foundational steps of the meta that this
31141s matchup for Demon Hunter is one of the
31143s reasons why Druid exists right and there
31145s are still people who think if they exist
31147s that think this is a good matchup for
31148s Druid I adamantly dispute that
31151s particularly the 40 card version of the
31153s deck overall but it is a weird matchup
31156s because the ones that Druid win you
31159s start to question how this is ever a
31161s winnable matchup right or a Demon Hunter
31163s with the way that it pans out
31165s um so certainly xiaoti will look to do
31168s the aggressive thing as much as possible
31169s here just ramp up start dropping huge
31171s minions because if demon Hunt is a
31173s little bit slow and you do start playing
31175s a huge minion every single turn they do
31178s very quickly crumble under that pressure
31180s but I just think on average the Demon
31182s Hunter just gets the stuff done a little
31183s bit too quick yeah I think um one of the
31186s struggles I've had in this matchup in
31188s the past is when I've gone for ques like
31191s done a bit of a risky Quest completion
31193s attempt as Demon Hunter uh you know or
31196s Quest step completion I mean not the
31198s whole thing and it's whiffed
31200s and then my turn kind of sucks and then
31203s suddenly I feel like I'm a whole turn
31204s behind and then like you know an ubercon
31206s comes down something big starts hitting
31208s the board like right well now I didn't
31210s reduce my hand I've now got to kill this
31213s big thing and I've still got to try and
31214s hit Quest completion at some point as
31216s well so it all starts to stack up a
31218s little bit too much
31226s getting this matchup are these phantasms
31230s just throw them away and they just like
31234s boostable for Dimensions or will yala
31237s want to maybe consider keeping them go
31239s for a hero power this turn maybe a cycle
31241s with a Viper or something like that yeah
31243s we talked about this a lot last series
31245s they're really good right up until the
31247s moment they aren't and they lose you the
31249s game immediately to the insatiable
31251s Devourer scales combo
31254s um I think in this situation for yala
31256s what the Dilemma is is be efficient
31259s spend three mana on the three Mana card
31261s or take the little bit of the gamble
31264s with the quest completion instead
31266s um he's chosen to go with the card draw
31268s you know Derek made this point earlier
31269s and it's one that I absolutely agree
31270s with I think there's kind of a weird
31272s cognitive trap with Quest completion
31274s steps where you save card draw to then
31277s draw cards the next turn and complete a
31279s quest which I think is almost always
31281s nonsense and you should just draw the
31283s cards because that card draw will
31284s replace itself with more card draw
31286s anyway you'll be fine don't worry about
31288s it
31289s um so I think y'all are just choosing to
31290s Value the cycling here but
31293s again if you weren't here for the large
31295s discussion on relic of phantasms before
31296s having mid-ranging minions come down
31299s like four fours five five six sixes
31301s seven sevens in the mid game that
31303s conventionally feels like something
31305s that's very very good to have against
31306s Druid and it feels like against the deck
31308s that can gain so much armor having those
31310s big minions attacking is something that
31312s you're super interested in right um but
31314s they are very counterable because of
31317s insatiable Devourer on the other side
31318s and particularly if they have Guff Manor
31321s or innovate insatiable Devourer into
31323s Earthen scales which can suddenly put a
31325s 25-25 in play and also gain 25 armor for
31329s your opponent which is a one-two punch
31332s swing that you can very rarely recover
31333s from
31335s um so it you really do have to react to
31337s the situation right like if you can get
31340s them down as three threes four fours
31341s early on and actually get to attack with
31343s them a couple of times each that's
31344s usually the dream scenario the difficult
31346s question to answer is whether you play
31348s them as big minions in the late game or
31350s whether you literally just hold the card
31352s in your hand and ignore that they exist
31354s because playing them might just lose you
31355s the game
31356s it's really tricky here and yala you
31359s know taking his time working out what he
31361s wants to do
31362s of the cycle this turn does have the
31365s extinctions to help out with this uh big
31367s whale
31376s a problem right like it's starting to
31378s get to the point you can see where
31380s shouty yeah you know a six six isn't
31382s going to just win in the game but the
31384s the pressure is stacking up golf now as
31386s you said into something a little bit
31388s bigger maybe drawing some cards with the
31389s uh the nourish part but it's going to
31391s start to really power on the pressure
31392s there for shouty
31396s yeah and this is the kind of hand that
31398s well it's the kind of start at least
31400s that can get things done a little bit of
31402s pressure early on continue to back that
31403s up with the ramp and then just start
31405s playing your bombs one after the other
31407s don't give the Demon Hunter breathing
31409s room
31410s um it's kind of you know anti-demon
31412s Hunter 101 if at any point you let them
31415s spend all of their mana on just drawing
31417s cards without paying the price of you
31419s hitting them in the face with a
31421s significant board for doing so you have
31423s failed as a person you should hang your
31425s head in shame you know like that's what
31427s you really need to be doing every single
31428s term wherever possible if you try and
31430s play Slow controlling decks
31434s for their purpose in this matchup you
31438s will lose you have to just play things
31440s and put them on board and threaten to
31441s hit your opponent and that's what xiaoti
31444s has tried to do as much as possible with
31446s the limited options he's had available
31447s to him so far
31449s is this the matchup for the tech
31453s I just don't know the problem is and and
31457s whether it's fair or not if yala skips
31460s playing game matronics again it's going
31462s to be it's going to start to become a
31464s thing isn't it I can already tell I
31466s think it's just
31468s location proc double phantasms and then
31472s Extinction to kill the Orca
31476s because I believe the relic of
31477s Extinction is only currently on two
31479s right so you need to juice the
31480s extinction to three first yeah get the
31484s clear
31489s oh wait could it go the other way around
31492s and just use hero power
31494s you could yeah you can do that if you
31496s want
31498s you want to pay the price of uh
31501s it's healthier when you currently have
31503s the healing in hand there is a ring yeah
31506s you'll be fine
31514s yes it gets three threes and four fours
31516s instead of two twos and three threes at
31518s the price of six health
31521s which is fine yeah reasonable trade
31524s and of course you know going back to the
31526s phantasms dynamic there is a point where
31529s you can just do it for free uh because
31531s you could literally count the maximum
31533s possible Infuse that the uh the
31536s insatiable Devourer can have on it even
31537s if it was in the opening hand right so
31539s up until a point you do know that they
31541s are completely safe
31544s we go coming down here for shouty now
31547s can surpass that 10 Mana but a bit of a
31548s slow turn I think he can afford it right
31551s at this moment just because he knows
31553s Okay small Phantasm no Dimensions have
31555s gone off so far so shouty probably
31557s feeling quite confident especially with
31559s his raid Buster next year
31561s oh is now the time I think now to me
31566s instinctively as a card game player
31568s feels like a good time for a meltronics
31570s however
31571s without a mailtronics in the deck I'd be
31573s playing two five fives this turn and
31574s feeling pretty good about it so I
31576s wouldn't fault him from doing that
31578s either
31582s hmm
31590s oh
31592s never just lost the card in your hand
31594s and go yeah I made a mistake didn't I
31596s yeah someone think of the maltronics
31599s it's gonna get a bad rep from this short
31606s y'all are you teasing us
31609s fish hey it's not gonna become as much
31613s of a thing
31614s yeah breaks up the positioning with the
31617s uh location as well you know the two six
31619s I suppose is arguably the largest minion
31622s there so breaks out with the location
31629s okay
31632s I will never suspect this
31640s to be fair I would say this is better
31643s for yala than a raid boss annexia
31646s yes 100 100 now look how stupid these
31651s devourers look subtle
31661s that's a solid meltronics I think
31666s yeah decent
31670s that he could draw again with goth but
31673s he's sure what he'd be drawing for at
31676s this point with two Mana left so I do
31678s like the ramp
31681s um I mean it's card draw but he really
31683s needed the immediate card draw this turn
31685s it's just gonna start to slip away now I
31688s think
31697s I grow in the problem is at this point
31700s in the game it is not the matchup you
31703s can just drop silver moons and expect
31705s them to live
31706s uh that's the real problem here
31708s otherwise yala could just bat this 99
31710s away without much thought and then just
31712s say okay if they live I win not you know
31714s if I live and get a good trick card draw
31716s next turn maybe there's a chance but
31718s they just never survive right
31723s foreign
31735s into Relic again
31738s it's the only line that I really think
31740s ever does anything but of course we've
31743s discussed at length the inherent risks
31745s towards that but we can still see that
31747s uh neither well I guess most relevantly
31750s the uh Devourer on the far left is still
31753s not infused yet at this point which I
31755s think we'll be giving yala a little bit
31757s more uh
31758s of a safe feeling with this plane
31761s I actually wonder if there was any value
31764s of tempoing out an Arcanist next uh last
31767s that turn then
31769s we put it on like the far left so that
31771s if there is a Devourer it's like one not
31774s infused but also if it is infused it
31777s either eat something small with spell
31778s damage or eats the bigger ones
31780s [Music]
31781s um
31783s and then same with like raid bossanixia
31785s wouldn't clear everything right the
31787s decision would be made between spell
31788s damage and just a higher attack minion
31797s again
31799s double Silver Moon and um fell barrage
31801s is a good amount of damage in itself
31803s right
31825s your friends
31831s go under King instead of just going for
31834s the strawberry bottom next here here the
31836s ray Boss Next here with the other scales
31837s did look pretty attractive but I think
31839s just maximum juice on the insatiable
31841s devourers here and now also preserving
31844s those Urban scales although at this
31846s point you would argue that the
31848s devourer's usefulness has kind of been
31850s used up already
31851s oh
31855s man this hand is ugly okay hang on three
31858s for five
31860s I was looking at if it's ever like
31862s Silverman Silver Moon
31863s our barrage spectral
31865s yes do stuff I think that's the idea I
31868s think it's the only player I think you
31869s have to unlock the spectral site from
31870s the left-hand side of the hand I think
31871s it's the only thing you can reasonably
31872s do this turn yeah and then just say I
31875s don't die and then gaze baby gets there
31880s right like what else is there actually
31882s to do for yala and yeah so that's gonna
31884s be the plan here
31885s it's push 10 as well
31887s to push 10. yeah exactly 16 with the
31890s fell barrage you just have to hope that
31892s now these don't hit the guild Traders if
31895s they do hit the girl Traders you're
31896s gonna need the guild Traders back in the
31897s deck You're Gonna Want relative
31899s dimensions number two and then you're
31900s gonna want zero amount of Guild Traders
31902s and you're just gonna try and go from
31903s there right like that's basically the
31905s plan at this point
31906s but I think yala knows that this is just
31909s not been the game that he needed yeah
31926s yeah I think just Devourer and Earthen
31928s scales just
31930s solves a lot of the problem right like
31933s yes uh shouty would have a
31937s uh well it wouldn't even be that big
31938s actually would it
31940s but yeah what basically what I'm saying
31942s is it never gets the point that we saw
31943s earlier where the fell barrage goes
31946s through and kills right because the
31948s devour is too big the viral wouldn't be
31949s too big you eat double spell damage
31951s minions and you've just seen a foul
31953s barrage anyway and there's Earth and
31955s scales on top which helps a lot
31959s yeah I think the risk of you making a
31961s minion bigger than your health pool is
31962s largely mitigated how bad that you are
31965s putting the other scales on it I was
31966s gonna bring this up you know just enough
31968s Mana to be able to get the full career
31970s with the Sylvanas and the Devourer but
31972s this means you're not gaining armor
31974s which you know presents some potentially
31976s interesting opportunities
31980s oh so yala can always start with chaos
31982s strike right
31983s because of the cost of the Js
31989s everything's so expensive Raven
31992s yeah and you can tell how tricky this
31994s game has been for yala he has eight
31997s cards left and no way to win the game
31999s that is not often the case with this
32000s deck yep
32006s demons demons
32016s both extinctions used as well so no real
32019s opportunity to be able to even play
32020s defensively here clear this board up and
32022s lean back on Jace for the following turn
32024s hope that there's no Urban scales no big
32026s armor burst for your opponent as
32028s unlikely as that is that would be an out
32030s if
32031s only for the fact that the tools aren't
32033s even really in the deck to be able to
32035s clear any of this
32044s let's go Trader double unleash
32049s to at least theoretically stay alive
32051s here
32055s yeah continued problem is just the fact
32058s that we can see that there's Earthen
32059s scales there
32061s and this 16 is still just knocking
32063s around
32080s foreign
32085s that's been used y'all you just hit that
32088s point with the deck like this where
32090s you're like well I don't even have
32091s enough total damage now
32092s I left in the deck to actually do it
32094s fast enough anyway yeah exactly when it
32096s comes down to this point with most
32099s matchups with this deck you're looking
32101s at two things like okay well I'm not
32102s just gonna be able to straight up blow
32104s through my opponent with damage anymore
32105s can I clear the board with like big
32108s relic of extinctions and try and reset
32110s nope y'all let's use them both uh can I
32112s get huge minions of my own from like
32115s location relic of phantasms nope both of
32118s those have gone as well so Daniel is a
32120s big sorry shouties are bigger anyway now
32121s so exactly we're hitting the board so
32124s you're not out uh you're not out beefing
32126s this board
32129s especially now because the amount of air
32131s potential uh damage is soaked
32135s something we probably haven't talked
32136s about enough by the way is this Jailer
32138s inclusion from jlt because it does do a
32141s couple of very useful things in
32142s match-ups that are going to be quite
32143s common for him throughout the tour
32144s throughout throughout the toilet then as
32147s well throughout the little toilet yeah
32149s throughout the tournament we've already
32150s seen the interaction made life
32153s significantly more difficult for yala
32155s with the Invincible minions
32157s um through the astalor combo same deal
32160s with Demon Hunter right you're like look
32161s at how irritating this is you have to
32164s just not be able to get fell barrages to
32166s go face in any situation
32168s um so I do think this is a pretty clutch
32170s Tech inclusion for the dribb which might
32172s just be skewing some of these matchups
32173s in favor you know when I talk about how
32176s um convention my conventional wisdom on
32178s the matchups against generic lateralists
32180s obviously the Jailer will have an impact
32182s on that but honestly although the Jailer
32185s came down at the end it had zero impact
32187s on the outcome of that game that game
32189s was bought and paid for long before the
32192s Jailer hit the board in that situation
32193s yala was just cooked by not really
32196s hitting any card draw and I'm not gonna
32199s hop on about it too much but obviously
32201s he has cut one card draw card for the
32203s meltronics that will have a bigger
32206s impact than you think on how many cards
32209s you draw from the deck because uh card
32212s draw snowballs you know card draws
32213s baguettes more card draw you want to
32215s most combo decks kind of Reach This
32218s critical mass of card draw where you
32220s basically always have card draw
32221s available to you and interrupting that
32224s fine balance can do a lot more damage to
32226s the combo ecosystem than you think it
32229s might do but I think it would be very
32230s harsh to say that yala went what like
32233s four five turns that game without card
32236s draw because he cut one mark of scorn
32238s from the decade that seems like a little
32241s bit of a read Butterfly Effect kind of
32243s description there isn't it yeah exactly
32246s um so I you know it will have an effect
32248s but I think it would be a little bit
32249s brutal to harp on about it that much
32252s um the meltronics kind of did a job in
32254s terms of allowing a board to stake an
32255s attack for one more turn but I don't
32258s think that's necessarily what the
32259s matchup is about unless those Phantasm
32262s minions are like twice the size of what
32264s they want right and then maybe we can
32265s talk about having a real impact and
32267s finally we do get to game number five
32270s here and it is gonna be the Rogue for
32272s Shell t on the top against this Demon
32274s Hunter of course now I feel like I've
32276s cursed y'all to an extent saying how
32277s easy a win would this Demon Hunter would
32279s be but
32281s I'll say it again uh I think versus this
32283s Rogue uh it's pretty slow it does have a
32287s little bit of um potential to mess with
32291s yala especially with the secret
32292s generation I think is the biggest deal
32294s here in the matchup right just causing
32296s headaches for yala's turns whether it's
32298s um potentially making counter spells
32300s objections whatever
32303s um for the Rogue here but I do think
32304s y'all again unless things go badly wrong
32308s should be okay
32310s is this a full keep from yalo wouldn't
32312s surprise me
32314s um just keeping need for greed as a
32316s tradable just forget that that's a card
32317s just look at the tradable icon because
32319s you have spectral site as well it opens
32322s it up right exactly you're guaranteed
32323s now on turn three to get Quest
32324s completion by uh going tradable into
32327s spectral site spectral guarantee slide
32329s over to the far left hand this is kind
32331s of been settled science with Quest Demon
32334s Hunter for several iterations of it so
32337s far the spectral site plus tradable is
32339s just a keep
32349s looking good for yala and I think that's
32352s where um I always struggle a little bit
32354s with the various versions of jackpot
32356s Rogue because a lot of the time I look
32358s at the hand like this and go
32360s I really hope this jackpot's good you
32363s know what I mean oh you just look at it
32365s and go this chatbot waves I'm probably
32368s going to lose I'm not saying that's all
32370s it is at all before um you know adding a
32373s bunny Hopper comes for me or something
32374s but um but I'm just saying like when you
32377s look at the hand in general it can be
32379s really tricky to form a game plan until
32381s you see the outcomes of those cards
32386s foreign
32393s setup for y'all are going to be very
32395s nice indeed to at least get you know
32396s stage one done
32398s our team meanwhile
32403s I think just presses the trigger on the
32405s jackpot there's nothing to really pay
32406s off yet but again I think just seeing
32409s the game plan feels a little bit more
32411s worth than using the two drop the other
32413s argument is if he plays the two now he
32415s can actually just play the secret out
32417s next turn right you know let's say it's
32418s a mage secret for example
32423s time grows short yeah and I think in
32425s general just a 2-2 is a relatively
32428s significant amount of tempo wow okay
32431s again real creative with the shadow just
32434s dumping it into a coin going with
32435s private eye instead did you say Tempo
32438s song yeah
32441s [Music]
32447s regardless
32451s it's always showing up
32453s the benefit of the the Rogue secrets
32457s it's outside of minions like with spells
32460s they're actually just you still just do
32461s your thing anyway right and the road
32463s gets a benefit as opposed to stopping
32465s you so yala knows he was safe to do the
32468s turn regardless gets rewarded with a
32470s relic of Dimensions at four right now
32472s which is gonna look mighty fine
32476s does get the objection though
32479s is a huge deal
32486s that's what maltronics is for you just
32489s throw it into the objection
32491s there you go solved yep
32513s he really yeah
32515s and thought about how it's going to
32516s spend this manner think about maybe
32517s cycling the weapon but I imagine this is
32519s just a two drop right is this a too
32522s crazy to think about
32526s yeah I think so last time I thought it
32528s was a 2-2 uh xiaoti found a much better
32530s player with the double coin private eye
32532s though Jody thing was very smart I think
32534s it was impacted as well by the keep we
32536s were talking about right like
32538s xiaoti saw a three keep and then
32542s location wasn't played on two right
32544s right yeah yeah you can basically like
32546s nail down what your opponent's doing the
32548s next term which is spending all their
32550s Mana so on non-tradable plus spectral
32552s site like a large period of the time uh
32555s so going with the the secret play kind
32557s of guaranteed that you uh not only got a
32560s slightly bigger minion on board that
32561s could attack but you were also then uh
32563s getting the benefit off from your
32564s secrets Relic Vault now picked up fine
32568s on the order and he would love but it's
32570s there yep better than nothing I was even
32572s wondering whether he ever takes a turn
32575s to go Phantasm
32577s but again it was kind of like what
32579s you're saying right if you just don't
32580s draw the cards then you're not going to
32582s get the card draw so I did decide to
32585s just go for it this turn location's
32587s natural world though
32589s El barrage
32591s taking the damage
32593s yeah I think with a full-cost silver
32597s moon and an unleash in hand
32599s um so one of the ways I look at
32600s Resources with the Stoke particularly
32602s the spell damage minions anything that
32603s costs full is Expendable right like
32606s you're perfectly happy using a
32607s three-cost silver moon to AOE and clear
32610s it's the zero cost uh cards that are
32613s much more valuable particularly when you
32615s already have eight Mana J's because
32616s eight Mana Jace and three Mana
32617s Silvermoon don't go together right so
32619s that Silver Moon is now entirely
32621s Expendable you can just throw it away
32623s for some healing in a couple of turns
32624s time yeah Sol's greater shopping on
32627s their sale days because he's always
32628s ready for a discount yep anything that's
32630s full price Expendable get rid of it
32635s been playing HearthStone for far too
32637s long to pay full price for anything
32639s that's just not what this game's about
32644s we've got fell fire in the hole and
32647s question mark what's the other car uh
32649s deep breath ah yes okay
32658s are you
32668s yeah not the best for shelter right not
32670s really cards he's looking for
32674s not really the impactful ones you want
32676s our jackpot anyway
32684s s right it's exactly for what you're
32686s talking about yeah well I don't think
32688s this was ever put in the deck of the
32689s intention of doing this but certainly
32691s with the way the hand pans out you know
32692s I'm talking about how Expendable the
32693s Silver Moon is to be able to heal up in
32695s a couple of turns time you do have to
32697s break through that objection first to
32699s even get to that point so yep the fact
32701s this curves out very nicely now with the
32703s relic of phantasms as well
32705s makes it all the better I actually think
32708s in I don't want to say not care
32712s but I I'm just gonna say I think
32714s geologist doesn't care at all about how
32716s many cards shout he has
32719s I it's not like he's ever going to
32722s choose to play around that by doing
32728s Shadow step at a demon or something like
32731s bring a 3-3 back
32734s oh it's okay right you said uh anything
32736s full cost is Expendable that Jace that
32739s uh Alchemist yes yep that's fine
32741s Expendable throw into objection it's
32743s fine yeah
32747s so now yeah now very likely that three
32749s Mana Silvermoon is gonna have to get
32752s used as the uh objection proc which
32755s means yala is now going to have to rely
32756s on these minions to be able to clear up
32758s this board and then by extension if
32760s xiaoti then follows that thought process
32762s through as well
32764s then defending this board with his life
32766s is of utmost importance right now like
32769s continuing to get these minions to
32770s attack
32773s that's the problem right like how does
32774s he do that
32779s uh uh
32782s pretty good right
32783s yeah oh it's up to five okay yeah sorry
32786s yeah I just didn't even really
32788s I didn't really click that it was
32790s dealing five yeah my bad that's very
32791s good and for other spells with the two
32793s Shadow steps drawn recently
32796s and that's a great use of a card that I
32798s would say is quite bad on average in
32800s this rogue deck right you never like oh
32802s deep breath yes like you really want
32805s more proactive things in general but
32807s that yeah like you said is it retaining
32808s this board maybe forcing yala to commit
32811s with no other minions this Unleashed
32814s fail is there not as cool as it was
32824s but there's just
32827s a fan I mean y'all can try it first and
32830s then can just still trade hero power
32832s fell barrage right if he wants to
32835s ah demon feel a bit risky yeah I'll use
32837s the extinction if he wants to really
32839s just bet on a zero manifold barrage
32841s doing a million damage to face
32846s merits either way
32856s if you don't mind because this way he
32858s can take the value trade as well right
32860s because they're pretty warm yep
32862s yeah I don't mind this at all
32867s and again it's not like you're expecting
32869s consistent pressure minions from this
32871s rogue deck right it's like oh they're
32873s gonna play even more minions it's like
32875s they might do because of generated cards
32877s there is still a mystery card in hand I
32879s think as far as yell as aware yeah still
32882s you're not expecting it oh this is just
32884s a really good minion uh shouty does have
32886s krabatoa though which
32889s is pretty good as it has been since it's
32893s been a card gravitor on six never a bad
32896s play
32898s as I mentioned I like xiaote big fan but
32900s this is an unacceptable amount of time
32903s to not have a crevator on the board when
32905s you have the opportunity to put a crap
32906s turtle on the board
32908s I'm gonna choose to believe
32910s just making yala think about what the
32913s generated card is
32915s that's what I'm going with excuse yeah
32918s this is just insane right it's pressure
32920s again multiple minions even the one's a
32923s claw but really just pushing four and
32925s then probably up maybe four again if
32928s worst two like it's just a significant
32930s amount of Health when you've seen that
32931s the uh the silver moons have been
32933s objected to and isn't now available for
32936s the Unleashed spell
32939s I think quite a few people objects
32944s card
32945s yeah oh
32949s owner's broken out
32951s yeah we're gonna we're going to you live
32953s from the hustle world championship and
32954s we have a game
32958s never mind
32962s cancel cancel
32965s how did that just hit nothing oh no it
32968s actually may as well have hit nothing
32971s right zero spell damage is a disaster
32974s yep yala
32981s hmm
32984s yeah yeah you can't do anything right
32985s he's not going to get any reductions on
32988s anything whatsoever wow what a nightmare
32993s I mean he can clear this but if he does
32995s like what is the actual cost of clearing
32998s this subtle
33000s oh I don't even want to look
33003s unleash fell with no spell damage it's a
33005s crime
33007s foreign
33020s might as well deal with the problem
33027s genuinely one of the worst relic of
33030s Dimensions I've ever seen in my life
33039s that's for objection
33046s uh all of the objections came from the
33049s Rogue secret though right so I don't
33051s think oh
33052s it was counter spell was the one he
33054s picked
33055s oh it was counter spelling that's
33057s correct yeah no no you might be right
33059s you might be right I take it all back I
33061s forgot that the counter spelling hand
33064s was the was there from the lady right
33069s sketchy sketchy stranger not shady
33071s stranger same thing
33079s otherwise heck yeah sign me up
33083s I'll fire in the whole I think that's
33085s the first time ever I've seen that card
33086s played
33088s it's not bad like people often bring it
33091s up as like one of the really bad spells
33093s you can get from jackpot stuff but it
33095s says enemies on it and that includes
33097s face and it's not symmetrical there was
33100s a thing that just casts for free over
33102s and over again over the course of the
33104s game I don't think it's the worst thing
33105s to have honestly
33108s a little bounce on the estelor as well
33111s one card off
33118s okay
33122s never reason to chase right
33128s I guess notification
33131s doesn't matter it's it's just a seven
33134s seven
33135s well no you getting this Guild Trader
33139s down to zero will actually be relevant
33141s because he has eight and two with his
33143s other two minions so getting a zero Mana
33144s girl Trader is actually somewhat
33146s relevant in this spot so I think you now
33147s have to start trading The Guild Trader
33149s away
33153s oh it just feels so slow doesn't it
33158s Allen knows he's taking two minimum
33161s three with the dagger if obviously shout
33163s he wants to spend
33165s short
33168s trade that back hope you get the guild
33170s Trader back and then you can put it back
33171s in again
33182s that works right yeah fine
33185s hey God
33188s yeah it has to spend money on the fury
33190s have with that not being the guild
33192s Trader might as well get that in there
33196s but that relative dimensions draw on
33197s that one crucial turn has made this a
33199s lot closer than it was looking three or
33202s four turns ago
33210s hmm
33213s LT does have options here you can I was
33216s gonna say he has two Cutlass anyway so
33219s you can always start with a cycle if he
33221s feels he can get stuff done with seven
33222s Mana
33226s oh potion
33228s that's lethal if he gets three damage
33230s right
33237s there it is three damage on the right
33239s hand side
33241s which means after law for two weapon
33244s swing to two concoction for three is
33247s gonna be the seven damage required to
33249s get your LT over the line and I think
33252s that was just in time because given the
33255s uh the freedom of the city for one more
33257s turn I think yala would be stabilizing
33260s uh with the spell damage that was
33262s available with the second uh with the
33264s second unleash and then the turn after
33267s that rolling into spell power Jace fully
33270s Juiced zero Mana four attack Fury two
33273s foul barrages already played all the
33275s spell damage spells thrown in there as
33277s well probably would have been enough for
33279s that to to to take it down for yala so
33281s very very timely set up from Xiao team
33284s we didn't really pay too much attention
33285s to it on the previous turn where he just
33287s sort of set up a bunch of damage and we
33290s kind of glossed over it so we're focused
33291s on what yala was doing on the following
33292s turn but going like Astor law Shadow
33294s step for example to just be able to set
33297s up maximum burst damage combo on the
33299s following turn I think was a good spot
33302s for xiaoti to understand that he really
33304s needed to get on with it it's no good
33305s him sticking minions minions don't do
33308s anything they can get cleared very
33309s easily by the Demon Hunter and every
33311s minion you play is potentially the plus
33313s three Health that your opponent can then
33315s heal up as well so I think xiaote just
33317s going straight up damage in Shadow steps
33318s is a very very smart way of going about
33320s that it's really good as well because
33322s obviously like this isn't crazy for
33324s shouty we know how good he is but he was
33326s like he didn't think about stepping or
33328s trying to work out steps for the game
33330s five armor because he knows it's not
33332s going to do anything didn't worry about
33334s he knew he wasn't going to realistically
33335s get to the final ask the law to do the
33337s shadow set with burst damage over the
33339s course for a few turns it was like no
33340s two damage seems small but it might be
33343s enough and otherwise like I've said a
33345s million times to you if you're ending
33347s your game with Shadow steps in hand
33349s something went wrong somewhere right so
33351s just utilizing them putting as much
33352s damage out as possible and yeah it
33354s worked out for shouty and what a
33356s comeback there subtle because I thought
33358s yala was just home free after winning
33360s the first two games with Druid and Rogue
33362s and only having demon onto the left but
33364s it does look like Demon Hunter can
33365s struggle as we know it can so there you
33368s have your winners match coming up soon
33369s going to be glory versus shout tea see
33372s who makes it out of group b in the
33374s Winner's side and then that of course
33375s means Tian Ming and yala are going to be
33378s playing it out in that elimination match
33379s it's it's scary to even discuss this
33382s very similar to bly's right to just be
33384s like oh why is an elimination match he's
33386s gone oh y'all is an elimination match
33389s but that's just the level of tournament
33390s we have it's crazy to see anyone go uh
33393s what feels like this early in the
33394s tournament yes and it would be a tough
33397s one to lose yala of course I think yala
33400s is right up there with players that are
33402s just missing a world championship from
33404s their resume but you know not everyone
33405s can win a world championship if they
33407s could it wouldn't be special and we
33409s wouldn't be making such a big deal about
33410s this every time it comes around uh there
33413s truly can only be one and all of these
33415s players are here on Merit they will put
33417s in the shift throughout the entire year
33419s to go through enormous fields to
33421s slightly smaller fields to small fields
33423s to now the smallest Elite field that
33426s they find themselves in and yeah players
33428s the quality of yala and xiaoti one of
33431s them has to lose in the first round
33432s that's just the quality of field that we
33434s are dealing with and now we find
33436s ourselves in the situation where yala
33438s could very possibly be going zero two
33440s out of this tournament which would be an
33442s outrageous outcome yeah we are going to
33445s be going to a break while we just give
33446s shouty a minute because we do have Glory
33449s versus shouty coming up next again the
33451s winner is going to be moving on to
33452s Sunday so a huge huge match getting
33455s ready to go we're gonna go to a break
33456s we'll be back
33459s foreign
33460s [Music]
33467s [Music]
33476s I'm joined today in preparation for the
33479s world championships by Xiao T xiaoti
33482s first off how are you and also I just
33484s want to let you know that I'm a big fan
33485s of yours I'm very excited uh
33494s you've now qualified for three out of
33497s the last four World Championships that's
33500s an incredible record do you view
33502s yourself as one of the world's best
33504s players now
33526s you are a player that many people from
33530s the European Americans regions that I
33532s speak to specifically do have picked as
33535s one of the best players in the world so
33537s I'm just wondering if that goes the
33538s other way are there any players from
33540s those regions or the APAC region that
33542s you really look up to and admire
33544s Channel
33553s viewers
33561s um
33572s obviously as a regular of the World
33574s Championships you now have a lot of
33576s experience in high pressure situations
33579s you mentioned earlier you weren't
33581s necessarily happy with your world
33582s championship performances up to this
33584s point do you think the experience of the
33587s high pressure situations will help you
33589s do better this time around
33591s Saturday
33604s I want to ask a little bit about his
33607s interests outside of hearthstone uh I
33609s know when we spoke before he said that
33611s basketball was his number one passion
33613s number one activity does he still play
33615s basketball
33629s okay I mean fair enough priorities are
33632s priorities
33635s [Music]
33638s foreign
33639s [Music]
33646s [Music]
33652s what is your practice schedule like how
33656s often do you like specifically prepare
33658s for tournaments as opposed to just
33660s playing games on ladder do you have
33662s specific people that you like to
33664s practice with
33664s [Music]
33665s um
33676s players from the Chinese region have
33678s been performing extremely well in
33681s Masters tours over the last couple of
33683s years why do you think that is and do
33686s you think China is overall the strongest
33688s competitive region
33689s foreign
33690s [Music]
33706s [Music]
33722s but the floor is yours if you want to
33724s give any shout outs or any final words
33726s that you would like the audience to hear
33729s foreign
33749s [Music]
33758s [Music]
33766s but speaking of the people who are
33768s helping you the people in the the back
33770s lines propelling you forward uh recently
33773s we've sent a lot of players from these
33775s big established practice groups doing
33777s very very well having a lot of success
33779s in tournaments uh but am I right in
33781s saying that your style of practice is a
33783s little bit different to that you don't
33785s necessarily have quite the number of
33787s people uh working alongside you and if
33790s not can you talk about what your
33791s practice regimen is leading up to a big
33794s tournament I'm pretty close with the
33796s Slovakian player yojo he has always some
33799s cool control ideas he's like right now
33802s with control Paladin
33804s so I think hunters and him they will
33807s help me for World Championship then
33810s maybe some other people's I always
33812s the inferior Hunter before a master's
33815s tour and some other people at the end my
33817s entrees usually I think for this one
33820s maybe you Derek if you if you wanna you
33823s can also help
33824s um but the direction is like play a
33827s bunch of pleasure then closer to
33829s tournament looks at look up some stats
33832s has replay stats play some more lighter
33834s then start practicing in
33837s in Friendly challenges and yeah just try
33840s to figure out the
33842s meta game and bring the good decks with
33845s good text yeah I mean we all know that
33847s you're referring to the time when I
33849s joined your Practice Group it was you
33850s some other terrible players I forget the
33853s name of and I've single-handedly boosted
33855s you to second place and exactly yeah
33858s exactly we're all very familiar with it
33860s but then the main thing that I did want
33862s to talk about with you which is a very
33864s unique story in uh well competitive
33868s Esports of any kind is a player who
33870s finishes in second place at the biggest
33872s Tournament of the year which is clearly
33874s an incredible feat to have accomplished
33877s uh but I could also understand how
33880s finishing second place when you're so
33882s close to that Victory would
33883s understandably be a pretty Bittersweet
33886s moment so how do you frame that
33888s performance that you had at the 2020
33890s World Championship finishing in second
33891s place to glory and how has it changed
33894s from now uh as to when it happened and
33897s it was very fresh
33898s uh like right now I definitely think
33901s about it as a big achievement
33904s even though back back then for like I
33906s don't know maybe even a year I was super
33908s sad about it
33910s um actually I think I I should be able
33913s to win the finals if I played better
33915s there were like two games I didn't play
33918s them
33919s that well
33920s um
33921s with some different lines maybe I could
33923s have won
33924s um I think yeah that was just super
33928s super hard to handle after the loss but
33931s looking back at it like second place at
33934s World Championship if I
33936s if I was looking at me like I don't know
33939s four years ago when I started playing
33940s Hearthstone if this was what I'm gonna
33942s achieve I would take it you know so
33945s definitely amazing achievement but yeah
33949s it's not the it's not the trophy
33951s so maybe this year I can
33954s bring it back and hopefully win but it's
33957s gonna be I think way harder than two
33959s years ago it's more people there 16
33962s players
33963s um I think there are stronger stronger
33965s players right now than there were two
33967s years ago
33969s so yeah I think it's gonna be super hard
33971s but we'll see what's gonna happen
33976s [Music]
33986s [Music]
33992s a few couple months ago now at this
33995s point uh you and he were talking about
33997s uh running quite a lot and making me
33999s feel very unathletic by comparison
34004s um and I know that you when you were
34006s talking about it you do run some pretty
34007s long distances fairly regularly how does
34010s that fit into your your mental state
34013s when playing Hearthstone and what other
34014s mechanisms do you have for achieving
34016s such a calm style of play when you're
34019s competing
34020s [Music]
34021s um I think this definitely helps me I
34023s started
34024s running like I don't know like
34027s maybe even eight years ago but
34029s uh last two three years I started
34031s tracking uh the distances and stuff so
34035s yeah I mean this year I'm at like
34037s I think 1 200 kilometers or whatever
34041s running a lot so that definitely helps
34044s me I think it helped me even for the
34046s like Contra matches in Hearthstone
34047s really yeah
34050s it's just the stamina but yeah this
34052s comes from my treason Hearthstone in the
34054s past they actually sometimes just went
34056s into the you know the draw like the turn
34058s limit Alexander
34061s control voluminous so yeah I was used to
34064s that to that um
34066s lately the matches don't go that long I
34069s think yeah
34071s yeah maybe if something's gonna happen
34073s then matter is Gonna Change I think I
34075s will be ready for this again yeah thanks
34078s to the uh the design team we can now say
34079s that Hearthstone is more interesting
34080s than running which uh we'll uh we'll
34083s take it based on those Elysian and
34085s mirrors uh but thank you so much uh for
34088s answering all those questions and we
34089s wish you all the best of luck at the
34092s World Championships thank you
34095s [Music]
34098s foreign
34099s [Music]
34113s [Music]
34116s [Applause]
34119s [Music]
34127s foreign
34128s [Music]
34140s to the winners bracket match in group b
34144s here at the 2022 Hearthstone World
34146s Championships and we've got a couple of
34149s repeat performers at Hearthstone World
34152s Championships in said winners bracket
34155s match in glory and Shout tea uh Gloria
34158s player who obviously you and I have had
34160s plenty of experience to cast and it's
34164s been our pleasure to do so uh but shouty
34166s despite having made it as we said to the
34167s world championship stage a couple a few
34169s times at this point actually uh we
34172s obviously don't get to cast quite so
34173s much and it feels like in Masters tours
34175s as of late we haven't been seeing quite
34177s so much of it that's right it felt like
34179s a bit earlier this year where he really
34181s made a splash or was it even last year
34182s when he won the empty can't quite
34184s remember it's all starting to blend
34186s together because as bench put it
34188s everywhere is the year of xiaote he is
34190s so consistent always doing at least
34193s decently in the Masters Tour circuit and
34196s put some out great results because he's
34198s always just bringing what he sees as the
34200s best four decks as far as I can remember
34203s his assessment of what's the best pardex
34205s has always been consistent outside of
34207s one Master's tour where I think he had a
34209s priest that nobody really expected but
34212s he does just tend to play these decks
34214s very very consistently and gets the edge
34217s on the field that way whereas on Glory's
34219s side he has a bit more of a brave take
34222s on the lineup with some aggro decks in
34224s here
34225s yeah taking things a little bit more uh
34229s out of left field which is cool to see
34231s again we don't have that much difference
34233s in terms of classes but Dex we are
34236s getting a little bit of uh daring Daring
34240s Do instead but to start things off it is
34243s just a very much standard uh Quest sorry
34247s Quest felt even hunter from Glory which
34250s we saw but actually the struggle deck
34251s for yala with some pretty disastrous
34254s draws in the previous series is but it's
34257s the kind of deck That Glory should be
34259s doing well with it's just uh seems like
34261s the Japanese players overall are blessed
34264s when it comes to Demon Hunter oh yes I
34267s still remember the final game of last
34270s year's World Championship which had the
34272s Demon Hunter mirror and all the
34274s tradables to get the clutch outcome here
34278s and that could still ring true finding
34280s relic of Dimensions at the most
34283s opportune moment is definitely an
34285s important aspect of the deck here
34288s um it's the rest of Glory's lineup that
34290s really intrigues me though he does have
34293s that aggro Druid which seemed to just
34295s have a complete walk in the park in his
34297s previous series when you get the goods
34299s with that deck it does seem nigh on
34301s Unstoppable but I'm still a bit confused
34304s as to how it's that good in the current
34306s meta because I don't think it's great
34308s against Boon priest very weak to Shadow
34311s or devour I don't think it's that great
34313s against Demon Hunter very weak to
34314s unleash fell and then uh there are the
34318s miracle Rogues out there that have a lot
34321s of early removal if they get the current
34323s hand together but somehow it's been
34325s working out for Glory so far we'll see
34328s it a bit later though because the Druid
34329s of this first game is shouties which is
34332s your regular ramp Druid with the
34334s nubricon package there although it does
34336s also have the Jailer slotted at the top
34338s which is a very greedy approach to the
34340s duck which I don't think will be
34342s particularly good against Glory sign up
34345s yeah I very much doubt we're going to
34347s see that coming down at all unless it's
34349s a disgustingly powerful ramp start for
34351s shouty which would probably seal the
34353s deal anyway it can admittedly
34356s be good against Demon Hunter if you do
34359s get it down because it just means that
34361s fell barrage is never going to be going
34363s face unless they're so low that they're
34366s lower than the health of their minions
34367s and they've won the game anyway at that
34368s point
34370s um but it's just one of those top end
34371s cards that conceal the deal well and
34374s truly uh against the Demon Hunter but an
34377s interesting talking point already here
34378s for glories it looks like mid Mulligan
34381s uh he head on to the guild uh held on to
34383s Guild Trader and I've heard from uh Pro
34386s players and streamers differing opinions
34388s still after all these months and years
34392s it feels like on Quest Demon Hunter in
34394s one form or another on whether or not
34396s you should keep these tradable cards
34398s yeah a while ago we did also see bly's
34401s keep restaurant Viper I believe just to
34403s make sure that there is some form of
34405s cycle in the deck to start progressing
34406s the quest I would say it's more
34408s contentious on this iteration of fell
34411s Demon Hunter than previous ones because
34412s this version is less dependent on
34414s actually completing the quest because
34418s um you are just kind of using these
34420s first couple layers of the quest line to
34422s get reductions which with tradables
34425s starting with them in hand is actually
34427s pretty nice if you are thinking about
34429s reductions as the main way our main
34431s priority because it means that when you
34434s put them in the deck you're less likely
34436s to you know get one out of the deck and
34438s get that having the reduction because
34440s outside of Guild Trader in the late game
34442s reductions on the minions is not super
34444s important here you'd rather get it on
34446s spells Relic Vault and just keep the
34449s card draw a train rolling
34453s I start on the other side though Sheltie
34455s with the gorgeous curve of uh coin Bloom
34460s nourish as well and I mean hey that ramp
34462s into Jailer plan that I was talking
34464s about actually looking kind of real at
34466s this point uh with a theater
34468s full uh fully up at six Mana now uh
34471s looking like a pretty nice play along
34473s the way as well uh Glory just missing
34476s out though on that one last key tradable
34479s here and keeping the Viper feeling a lot
34482s worse now
34483s that's right
34485s um I was wondering if he was going to
34486s hold on to those two tradeables after or
34489s at least one of the tradables after
34490s having seen the chaos strike because it
34494s could kind of say maybe there's a better
34495s chance of progressing the quest on the
34497s next turn but again not the end of the
34499s world if he doesn't get major discounts
34502s right away it's more important just to
34504s have this cycle overall as for shouty
34507s here it does look pretty straightforward
34510s to go coin Widow Bloom into nourish but
34512s there is the option to play nourish
34514s right now with this innervate draw just
34516s not a huge fan because I don't think
34518s there's much he does with the extra two
34520s Mana he gets from it foreign
34523s [Music]
34527s theater on the following term be it with
34529s the innovate or if he had gone as you
34531s said coin Vape ramp uh uh nourish on
34534s this turn and that's just a good option
34536s to have because he might feel like if a
34539s relic Vault comes down he wants to slam
34541s theater just to hit relic of Dimensions
34544s which is I think actually a pretty
34545s crucial combo piece not even just card
34548s draw because you need it to Discount
34549s those spell damage cards uh but if we
34553s don't get any indication that it is
34555s they're probably just the standard plan
34556s of ramp then theater and hey honestly
34560s maybe just the Jailer on curve it's not
34562s ridiculous yeah I think it is very
34565s viable because demon Hunters removal is
34568s completely contingent on the minions
34570s being damageable uh shouty still has
34573s plenty of Health to work with as well
34574s and he's seen glorious had a bit of a
34576s rough time completing the quest so far
34578s Glory gonna start with the chaos strike
34581s here hits relic of phantasms his first
34584s Relic it is really not amazing and
34587s conscientiously leaves up this Widow
34590s Bloom seedsman to later represent some
34592s lifesteal I think with Unleashed fell
34594s but he knows he's in trouble because
34597s he's certain that there's a nourish for
34599s shouty in hand right now and that's just
34600s gonna make uh shouti's curve completely
34603s smooth in the coming turns
34607s okay digging for goth not found so
34611s oh and how does the Mana work out here
34614s ramp up to eight means the anixia
34618s being the next draw on the top of your
34620s deck is not quite playable yet and so
34622s therefore maybe under King just to have
34626s a decent playable card uh on the turn
34630s after nourish right
34633s if the line is to actually rush out the
34635s Jailer the under King looks kind of
34637s appealing on the turn following trailer
34639s because you can play that alongside
34641s Crypt Keeper that's quite a lot of stats
34643s moving forward but I'm not necessarily
34646s sure if shouty is going over Jailer yet
34648s and I don't think he is either it's
34650s still
34651s um open the sort of game plan he could
34654s go for at the moment there's still a
34655s miracle growth
34657s for the next turn
34659s meanwhile for Glory
34663s uh still not much
34667s yeah it's just one of those games like
34669s the one thing I think we can argue about
34670s here is uh as to whether or not he
34672s should have held off on trying to
34674s complete stage one of the Quest for
34676s another turn uh quite clearly in this
34678s instance it wouldn't have made a
34679s difference either way because the next
34681s three or four cars in his deck were not
34682s card draw uh in any form at all
34685s um but he might have had a slightly
34688s higher ability to reduce the cost of
34690s some of these cards in hand uh given
34692s that two Mana is a much more common card
34695s draw cost in this deck with a spectral
34699s site and uh chaos strike in there as
34702s well
34703s as well as the mark of school
34706s here's the big Crossroads for xiaotein
34708s now he can choose to overdraw to keep
34710s the innervate and deliberately played
34712s Jailer as soon as possible and if
34714s there's any hand to support it I think
34716s it's this it's full of minions and
34718s threats agreed he could easily set up a
34720s two-turn lethal
34722s um after the Jailer hits the board he
34725s doesn't quite have that much armor again
34728s there is kindness plating plus uh under
34731s King though which is I think enough for
34735s this stage of the game especially having
34736s seen Glory not get any discounts still
34738s no relic of Dimensions no Relic Vault
34741s either and there's asador stage two
34745s which shouty can gain armor from I don't
34747s think he has to be scared of fatigue
34750s I agree yeah and it's enough armor to be
34752s able to play the double Crypt Keeper as
34755s well which while it will no longer taunt
34758s your opponent given how the interaction
34759s between invincibility and taunt works it
34762s will just represent a little bit more
34763s damage and essentially set up to turn
34765s lethal after the Jailer does come down
34770s so funny that we are going to see a
34773s Jailer game right after talking about
34774s it's probably not going into Glory's
34776s lineup but every so often the stars
34779s align for Glory though another happy one
34782s treatable one chance to find Dimensions
34784s here that is the wrong one
34789s so I like
34791s uh plus Dimensions is only six right
34794s because oh no sorry it's one has been
34796s played so it'll be two two three three
34800s so if he's lucky and everything hits the
34802s 10 10. oh yeah
34806s that's a rough bird
34808s not a big deal though for this game plan
34810s agreed
34814s this one's pretty nice and simple now
34816s everything goes face and you set up 100
34819s lethal on the following turn
34822s I don't think healing out of range is an
34824s option either
34826s unable to damage the minions so only
34828s gets lifesteal off of the hero damage
34830s not significant at all or you're gonna
34832s go digging with this relic of Dimensions
34836s gets a removal that is now useless can
34839s go again with relative dimensions
34842s true yeah you can just toss away the
34844s extinction I suppose yeah just improve
34847s Relic
34850s I got at all
34854s um I don't know what you can get though
34855s like double spell damage Plus
34859s fell or double fell yeah I mean
34862s literally just to stay alive more so
34863s than even kill his opponent
34866s yeah quite clearly not even close to
34868s being enough as uh shouty in the one
34870s game plan we predicted not happening
34872s that's it correct uh Sheltie does manage
34875s to come away the winner in game one with
34878s just a uh a pretty perfect Druid game
34881s plan where as soon as I stopped poo
34882s pooing it it just looks better and
34884s better and better and uh
34887s I think uh I'm well I'm a little
34889s surprised and it's a big win for xiaote
34891s honestly to get that against an aggro
34892s lineup on his Druid I completely agree I
34895s think it's it's probably makes sense for
34898s my prediction track record that the one
34900s thing we say is not going to happen
34902s happens perfectly didn't look hard
34904s either uh but as you said it's a big
34907s deal for the match-up implications as a
34910s whole because I felt like Glory's best
34912s shot with his own aggro Druid was
34914s against shouti's rap Druid now I don't
34916s know if Glory even has a good matchup
34918s remaining for that deck which I
34921s um was pretty surprised to see him bring
34923s in the first place
34925s yeah I'm
34927s I I like to think that for Demon Hunter
34930s vs aggro Jared my win rate on ladder is
34934s not incredible mainly because I'm
34936s Mulligan for ramp through it and then if
34939s you get hit with agritude and you've
34941s just thrown away your Unleashed fell
34942s throwing all your spell damage or
34943s whatever it can be a very very rough
34944s match up I would like to think that as
34946s you say once you know what the deck is
34948s you can Mulligan accordingly you should
34950s be in a very reasonable spot against the
34953s aggro Druid even if first of all uh we
34956s are going to be seeing the uh the mirror
34958s here with a single Mark of score double
34961s need for greed list for Sheltie
34964s and the mirror is a very fickle matchup
34967s indeed it a lot of it does not occur on
34970s the board itself but it's more
34971s accumulating resources how greedy can
34974s you get with all of your discounted
34976s cards and can you put together a 30-0
34979s combo from hand it's not necessarily 30
34981s but generally speaking both players have
34984s access to killing the other even without
34986s Jace because with the right discounts on
34988s your spell damage minions slash fell
34990s barrages you can easily deal upwards of
34993s 20 damage in the mid game
34997s be curious to see how the play is kind
34999s of deal with the matters on the board
35002s though specifically as you say because I
35004s absolutely agree that most of the time
35005s it is just about building up those combo
35007s pieces uh but when that doesn't align
35010s you can sometimes try and if the hand
35014s allows you to get a big board with the
35016s relic of phantasms and hope to distract
35020s their big
35022s um fell barrages from being able to go
35024s face and instead going into minions if
35026s you can get up to six six seven seven
35028s then it becomes very difficult to and uh
35030s to clear with spell damage plus unleash
35033s fell and as it's currently looking it's
35037s more likely Glory he'll be going for
35038s some kind of a plan B there as Sheltie
35041s has the nuts already even almost this
35044s small hand yes indeed
35046s doesn't get more perfect than this
35051s yeah the board-based game plan as you
35054s mentioned is one that is very
35056s situational but we did see it come into
35058s play slightly in the dead draw versus XC
35062s match up a while ago where
35065s um having enough of a board if you
35068s haven't damaged your opponent too much
35070s is not that big of a problem because I
35072s feel like the liability of going for the
35074s board-based game plan is if you've
35076s invested any damage prior they can heal
35078s it back up very easily with unleash fell
35080s but if you haven't then it forces your
35083s opponent to then invest some of their
35085s damage into killing minions instead
35088s glorious and coming together much better
35090s though with the cards off the top uh as
35093s compared to the ones actually in hand as
35094s he gets uh the Vault plus the sigil
35097s meaning he can guarantee Quest
35098s completion stage one next turn hoping to
35101s hit for turn five uh or I guess turn
35104s four off the sigil if he's very lucky
35106s the relic of Dimensions uh the real
35108s question for shouty is whether or not
35110s you button plus relic of phantasms on
35114s this term because it delays coin
35117s Dimensions because you really want to
35119s combo that with the location but it does
35121s Juice It Up quite nicely for a turn five
35123s play
35124s I do think it's just the phantasms
35127s without the button for two reasons I
35129s think the dimensions being delayed even
35131s a turn
35132s oh okay shouty disagrees but my thought
35135s process was uh Dimensions being delayed
35138s even a turn has a lot of bigger
35141s implications because if the First
35143s Dimension pulls another dimension or any
35145s card draw honestly you would like to
35146s just continue rolling with that turn
35148s after turn and second the one extra
35151s discount I felt like is not super
35154s relevant on the majority of shouti's
35157s deck
35158s um most of the cards cost two or less
35160s already
35164s Glory Within
35166s is greeting it out a little bit more
35169s which I can also see
35171s um he has like chaos strike and Sigil of
35174s alacrity to fill out the turn four
35175s nicely
35181s huh
35184s but there's the obvious play for Glory
35187s which is to use an Unleashed fell
35190s plus the the level one relic of
35192s extinctions which would give you a full
35193s board clear
35195s I don't think you're necessarily going
35197s to get a better time for relic of
35199s Extinction uh it's more just about the
35201s fact that you have to use fell barrage
35203s which does kind of hurt or unleash fell
35205s sorry which does hurt a little oh he got
35208s the perfect clear
35209s it's all right man
35213s yeah I think Glory's thought process was
35216s even if he left a little bit of the
35218s board up it's okay yeah
35221s [Music]
35222s I just don't know how I feel about
35224s pressing the location on that turn
35225s because obviously you have double relic
35228s of phantasms in hand
35230s but I unless I have to press the the
35233s location I always like to leave the
35235s possibility open of just High rolling
35237s and hitting the dimensions uh off the
35239s top on the following turn because it's
35241s such a brittle match-up you it spikes so
35244s heavily on individual drawers that just
35247s leaving yourself open with the
35248s possibility of doing so could just
35250s instantly win you the game which is a
35252s huge upside obviously
35254s and on top of that the way that Glory's
35256s hand has shaped up it looks like he has
35258s to go all in on the board-based game
35260s right so even saving a button press for
35263s one of their like a phantasms on the
35265s following turn seemed also pretty
35267s reasonable to me but Gloria is heavily
35270s valuing the Unleashed spells for later
35273s on which is also very understandable
35276s because this card can swing the board if
35278s shouty has a similar hand
35282s that however is one of the best draws
35285s available for Glory on this turn
35287s absolutely
35290s slows down a lot after that though
35292s doesn't it
35299s the kind of hand that's like
35302s tantalizingly close especially if you
35304s get one spell damage you're gonna be
35306s like
35307s six or seven damage off lethal probably
35309s if these minions can attack face as well
35311s but that's just not enough they heal
35313s right back up to 30 afterwards
35316s and then all for shouty this is where
35319s things kick into overdrive
35323s okay that chase being the last discount
35325s is enormous
35328s quite funny though that all the rest of
35330s the cards he drew
35332s effectively draw cards so don't get them
35334s back down to nine cards in hand which
35338s would mean he has to use
35340s coin uh here in order to deny the
35344s overdraw which you really don't want to
35346s do I
35348s I mean probably use it still world where
35352s he accepts the overdraw yeah because I
35357s mean next turn he has Silver Moon
35359s Arcanist plus Anish fell
35363s plus that will
35365s um clear the board and then Mark of scar
35367s in most instances will deal five damage
35370s phase chaos strike seven total and then
35373s Chase to replay quite a lot I don't know
35375s if that's lethal just yet I think he
35377s lacks a fell barrage but depending on
35379s what he draws from sigil slash the mark
35382s of scorn and the chaos strike there
35385s could be a very early kill coming
35390s meanwhile for Glory oh no
35394s thank you presses the button for
35396s phantasms here just goes all in on the
35398s board because the hand is not doing
35400s anything else
35401s agreed you just need to make your
35403s opponent's life difficult on this turn
35406s as much as possible light hope that they
35408s only have one spell damage
35410s card in Hand by some miracle or they
35413s don't have the Unleashed spell of course
35415s is the other possibility and then you
35417s can just chip in 10 or so damage and you
35419s draw spell damage off the top to close
35421s out the game
35427s as it stands Glory isn't too far from
35429s lethal himself I think he's five off if
35431s he had one source of spell damage it was
35434s a completely different story
35437s holding on to the last location prop
35439s though
35441s and granted that for health breakpoint
35443s is already a big deal survives one of
35446s the spell damage givers plus unleash
35448s fell
35450s yeah either way you're making a pretty
35452s big risk right this way you're saying I
35454s might win through board okay that's a
35458s bit of a rough burn you might win
35460s through board but you're not necessarily
35461s all in and you're praying that they
35463s don't have the removal to deal with this
35465s still
35466s but you're also praying pretty heavily
35468s on hitting exactly relative dimensions
35470s off the top to pull you back into the
35472s game
35474s say shouty is one manner off of a
35476s guaranteed easy lethal
35479s um because then you could play J skilled
35481s Trader uh sorry Guild Trader Arcanist
35484s Anish Phil and Jace right and then Mark
35487s of scoring at the end which I think
35488s would have been the kill here but
35491s a bit off here has found the fell
35493s barrage now though
35496s he hasn't played any fell barrages as of
35499s yet though right
35504s we're having enough time
35507s oh man still a lot of damage good Lord
35510s and a lot of healing because Glory was
35512s kind of forced to come into board there
35514s yeah
35516s and there is no way out for Glory on the
35519s next turn unless he gets a lethal
35521s himself was that a Dimensions yes
35528s oh
35530s oh my goodness
35534s arrested kind of whiffs to be honest but
35538s you can still go spectral maybe the
35540s awkward part is you can't Outcast the
35542s spectral without first playing
35543s Extinction and he wants these Minions on
35545s the board to give him healing from
35547s Michelle
35549s I guess he could go Guild Trader
35552s unleash fell first and then just throw
35554s away the relic of extinctions actually
35557s yeah
35559s feels weird but that healing is
35561s absolutely crucial who knows if it'll be
35563s enough though because Guild Trader fell
35565s barrage Jace with an Unleashed fell in
35568s the pool and a chaos strike and some
35570s other things for shouty that's looking
35572s pretty lethal to me
35580s I mean was he think he had top deck
35582s Chase is there any way you can play
35583s enough fell spells that can be lethal I
35586s don't think so because he's haven't
35588s played enough of them yet
35595s all right shouty has had time to do his
35597s counting I'm sure he knows goes for this
35600s actually there's the other fell barrage
35602s to make sure if he wasn't already
35605s has to be racial now just in the blink
35607s of the eye he is on Match Point it feels
35611s like so many times we've seen today
35613s players get up to a 2-0 lead but we've
35616s seen more than one reverse sweep here so
35618s shouty still has to be a bit careful
35621s indeed yeah uh We've uh well he did it
35624s to his opponent in the previous series
35626s up against yala so he knows how possible
35628s it is to do so uh kind of emblematic of
35632s how that match up often goes for me
35635s while I absolutely adore this new build
35637s of Demon Hunter I think it's such a
35639s fascinating combo combo hybrid kind of
35643s deck com bro yeah that's what they call
35645s me sure
35648s um yeah well that's what I call myself
35650s um I think it's such a fascinating deck
35652s the mirror is just a bit miserable to
35654s play through perfectly honestly just
35655s hoping to draw better than your opponent
35657s and there's some amount of expression
35658s that you have in how you utilize your
35660s damage for removal versus damage to face
35662s and there's certain rules you need to
35664s learn for the matchup but I think it's
35666s mainly just down to who can draw better
35668s which for shouty was absolutely the case
35670s there moving on to just the Rogue left
35672s over though for him which could be a bit
35676s of a problem deck I guess against aggro
35679s how are we feeling about Rogue versus
35680s agronism
35681s yeah because it's specifically the
35684s jackpot Rogue for shout tea I feel like
35686s it has less of a removal package than
35688s we're used to seeing from the Draka
35690s Rogue and it's a really tough one to
35694s quantify because most of the time when I
35696s see this in a lineup I'm like that's got
35698s to be the weakling right the stack is
35700s not consistent but somehow it
35702s consistently generates something useful
35704s given that it casts such a wide net of
35707s generation effects at some point it's
35710s not unlikely that you find something
35711s that is good against aggro
35714s um not likely to be able to take down
35717s Demon Hunter in my opinion because that
35719s is a form of anger that is mostly from
35721s hand damage but against the aggro Druid
35725s from Glory later on
35727s um shouty has a couple of things that he
35729s can generate any form of AOE we saw fell
35733s fire in the whole a while ago that is
35735s not too bad whatsoever but it's more a
35737s question of whether you can get through
35739s the early game safely if it is that
35741s aggregious Where the wild puddles are
35744s then VPS
35746s absolutely yeah that's why the deck will
35748s really Shine the concoctions I do think
35752s are still pretty fantastic ways to
35755s stabilize the game a little bit more uh
35758s towards the start just having Destroyer
35760s minion can be very powerful as well but
35763s first of all it's going to be up against
35764s the Demon Hunter so it's less against
35766s less about the removal sorry and more
35768s about finding some of these disruptive
35771s tools like ghastly Gravedigger and the
35774s very specific interaction where trading
35778s a card into your deck means it keeps any
35780s reductions in costs shuffling it in does
35783s not however uh as so you can reset
35786s spells or minions costs back up to full
35789s but for Glory he's gonna be giving
35792s shouty a taste of his own millionaire as
35794s he gets card for card the hand his
35796s opponent had in the previous game
35799s insta full keep nothing better than that
35802s absolutely or as for shouty it's only
35805s the Cutlass that looks appealing to keep
35808s here and even then without a guaranteed
35810s spell it's not amazing but you know
35812s anything that you can keep to Discount
35815s the wild Paul Knows Why while he is
35817s still under the Maestra disguise you
35819s would not turn your nose up at
35823s you never consider a genre as like a
35826s potential Hyrule kind of card just to
35829s get say the uh the perfect Leviathan
35833s oh colossal sorry
35836s yeah
35838s um shouty is of that mindset I wasn't
35841s sure what colossal was particularly
35843s useful against Demon Hunter but
35846s um it is one of like a colossals in
35849s general are just one of the best cards
35850s to continuously replay from your stashes
35853s slash test effects so
35856s um reasonable for shouty here he hits a
35858s jackpot but not a nice discount on it so
35861s funny we have finally seen a death
35863s knight in the tournament
35865s laughs
35867s enjoy it while you can this is the
35870s closest that you're going to come to
35871s seeing it Go and press the hero power
35873s for the boys one time
35875s the ghouls for the course
35878s I wonder what happens to the course
35880s counter after he transforms back into
35882s Rogue I don't know actually
35885s oh
35889s uh uh that's terrible isn't it
35895s I mean it seems somewhat appropriate
35896s that they are
35898s aligned in his hand but uh like you say
35901s it is complete and utter garbage oh my
35905s God
35906s the star is aligned for Glory
35909s indeed
35914s oh man like it's just if it was the old
35917s version where it brings them both
35919s down to it affects both players then
35922s maybe it would be playable to disrupt
35925s their combo somehow you're terrible
35927s right right yeah they're just dimensions
35930s and everything called zero I guess so
35932s yeah fatty the way yeah or a quest
35934s progression if it's that late in the
35936s game still
35938s hmm
35940s interesting all right let's go again
35942s come on two more
35946s come on big money this time
35949s Sigil of and a relic of his own
35954s yeah
35955s are there any big
35957s demon colossal zillag
35960s I guess but then you just play it for
35962s one right off of the Year Azure instead
35965s of for the full fight The Relic is
35967s interesting though because that's a
35968s great card to continuously replay from
35970s stash if you have the handspace but that
35972s hand space is a scarce commodity given
35975s that shout is generated eight Mana piles
35978s of useless garbage
35983s whereas glories have really could not be
35987s much better to be perfectly honest the
35989s only consideration is whether you want
35991s to go for a smaller Quest completion on
35994s this turn with Mark of scorn and Ross
35996s rot Viper then go with stage two
35998s completion guaranteed with location plus
36001s the dimensions on the following turn
36002s that is where he ends up and I uh I
36006s think I like it I I think having drawn
36009s the Silver Moon Arcanist especially and
36011s the fell barrage makes it an even more
36013s enticing Prospect right and also kind of
36016s left him the possibility of having drawn
36018s another Relic beforehand
36021s um Extinction he could have just thrown
36022s out instead of Vault if it had been
36024s drawn for example to buff up the
36027s dimensions a bit more on the next turn
36029s doesn't get it but he's still in an
36031s amazing position whereas Xiao tea I mean
36034s could play a relic of his own
36039s uh-huh
36042s and then over draw unless he hits a one
36045s Mana card that doesn't draw another card
36049s well tunnel I believe yeah true
36058s [Music]
36061s a disaster
36064s I know this deck is good but every time
36067s I see it I struggle to see how it's even
36069s remotely playable foreign
36073s oh my goodness
36075s where is this double relic of dimensions
36080s next turn gets even more discounts he's
36083s discussing you spell damage minions
36085s those are pretty good for greed is like
36088s free next turn
36093s uh I think
36095s dude but still very very uh cheap
36098s comparatively
36100s and Loki I mean like how much damage is
36102s this if he gets a uh
36104s unleash fell off the top it's like
36108s 30 damage basically yeah
36111s right now it's 24.
36116s B paints
36121s is it ever made just to Bluff objection
36125s the barrier I don't know
36128s after a minion deals three or more
36130s damage destroy it would that destroy
36132s Chase
36133s thing I guess it would
36135s I think so yeah it doesn't do anything
36138s but uh I'm just curious should destroy
36141s juice after Jace destroys you yeah yeah
36143s quite funny
36149s he does end up taking the ice barrier if
36152s for blood value if nothing else
36156s over draws again
36159s and then yeah it just goes with the horn
36161s and hopes to hit the replaying cards I
36163s suppose
36170s pick your poison I see
36173s seriously
36176s another I think positions looks very
36178s tempting but how does he create some
36180s hand space
36181s yeah exactly I'm feeling another
36183s Dimensions turn so eight right now you
36185s need to play one more card and then
36187s location plus relics so I think Guild
36189s Trader would be a fine card to play
36197s situations for you gladly overdraw
36199s courtress
36200s oh yeah yeah absolutely
36208s phantasms to top it off my goodness
36214s grow short
36216s okay so not enough Mana to play the
36218s other spell damage as well makes this a
36221s little tougher
36222s uh than just the super easy turn it
36224s would be otherwise it's fine Extinction
36227s phantasms call it a day oh
36231s yeah
36234s meanwhile shouty overdraws
36237s has only seven Mana to work with
36240s and
36243s no realistic outs that I can think of
36246s well that's a bad overdraw as well uh so
36249s we're looking uh in terms of outs
36251s geekafin uh puts him back on board
36256s but not especially well neptulon uh does
36259s the same thing uh but again
36263s not to a degree where he's uh gonna be
36265s winning this game
36270s yeah the board is the least of his
36272s problems
36273s right I'm gonna start with the bone
36276s Spike
36280s okay
36283s it's cute it makes Glory over draw yeah
36290s oh it's just a tiny bit of Mana short
36292s and being able to go for the uh
36296s uh horn play the
36299s colossal and test on the following turn
36302s uh but he's starting to make something
36304s happen uh I guess is the the headline
36306s here
36309s so for Glory
36312s a bit awkward because the most dumpable
36314s cards are the discounted ones but this
36316s is his last discounted spell damage I'm
36318s gonna go for the two cost need for
36320s agreed now and hoping to hit big the
36322s Unleashed fellas already a pretty good
36324s outcome and he has double fell barrage
36328s well still no other Unleashed fell
36335s the important part is he just doesn't
36336s overdraw Jace right there is damage
36338s permanence in most cases against
36341s um jackpot Rogue
36344s let's find that he's dishing out the
36346s damage sort of piecemeal like this
36348s replaying a huge board and if somehow
36352s shouty can deal with this based off of a
36354s jackpot spell of some sort then there's
36357s still the J Summer and the deck to close
36358s things out
36366s tricks the alignment what a draw
36373s n oh
36378s big ick
36382s um are there outs are there out I cannot
36385s think of any looking through the
36387s deckless
36392s both jackpots have been used right
36397s [Music]
36399s yeah and Shout Out demise doesn't even
36401s work that way it doesn't just become the
36403s last spell you played looking for Giga
36406s Finn but doesn't have Mana even if he
36408s got it yeah there we go
36411s saw another death knight card
36415s that's a cool it's cool and I caught it
36417s all I know
36419s all right Glory getting himself on the
36422s board here Demon Hunter taking a win
36425s eventually is no big surprise here but
36428s it is more of a story of this aggro
36430s Druid I continue to bang this drum I
36433s feel like that duck is not in a great
36435s position but if it is gonna take a win
36438s um in shouti's lineup if not the rap
36441s Druid I guess this jackpot Rogue is the
36444s next best candidate
36448s feels that way yeah
36450s it's a deck that's a little low on these
36453s early game pop-off turns that they don't
36455s have to be big but they just have to
36457s like kill a lot of stuff and that's why
36460s you know against aggro Druid even if you
36462s didn't have draca or graveyard just
36466s going for like a big scribbling
36467s stenographer double serrated bone Spike
36470s player concoction whatever it may be a
36473s play like that is often just good enough
36474s because all you have to do is clear the
36476s board first aggro Druid and then you win
36478s the game they have essentially no uh
36480s backup after you've won the board in any
36483s capacity whatsoever and that is
36486s something that I believe the
36489s brenithal version of Rogue struggles to
36492s do a little bit more primarily that does
36495s come in the form of null which we
36497s haven't seen all too much of today but
36499s is of course just a very real draw that
36501s you can hit to close out the game
36503s incredibly quickly uh versus Agri Druid
36506s right it's also not too bad to hit a
36509s Cutlass and play it out if that's your
36511s best answer to an iron deep trog or a
36513s peasant because any one of these One
36515s Drops sticking around and then
36517s potentially becoming a target for Mark
36519s of the wild which then activates crooked
36521s cook it all snowballs out of control
36523s very quickly right from turn one when
36526s we're talking about aggro Druids so
36529s um I can see concoctions also coming in
36531s clutch for shouty potentially astalar
36535s even if it has manothers dealing to
36538s damage is not the worst thing any form
36541s of removal would be a welcome sight but
36543s in most instances I feel like glory is
36546s in a very good spot the mass board buff
36549s uh that aggraduate has access to in
36552s either the herald of nature Pride's Fury
36554s is truly what makes the deck a real
36556s contender in the meta and he just needs
36559s to make sure he hits a decent curve
36561s leading up into those
36564s well speaking of a decent curve it's
36566s kind of hard to know what that
36569s constitutes anymore in agritude because
36572s the deck just curves so low like most of
36575s the deck is one course minions and so
36577s what are the real power Spike cards that
36578s you'd be looking for against Rogue for
36581s the drill
36583s yeah um situationally either Druid of
36587s the wreath or drug just sticking one of
36589s those early you could also make the
36590s argument for peasant if you're going
36592s first but I think the Rogue is not too
36595s sad to coin dagger because they have a
36597s bunch of two drops to follow up so I
36599s would put peasant a bit lower on the
36600s priority list and if either that trog or
36604s Druid of the reef sticks then being able
36606s to buff it then gets it out of range of
36609s uh Cutlass out of the range of wild Paul
36613s Newell sometimes and then that's where
36615s the Druid starts to get out of control
36620s oh
36624s promising hand for shouty yeah now we're
36626s talking
36628s oh that's not bad either
36631s just another coin that's a lot more Mana
36633s to use what is it
36636s oh double peasant though is a
36638s backbreaker for shouty at the moment
36640s doesn't have a way to get past this
36642s taunt yeah that's sick
36646s oh I mean there you go talk about use
36649s for the coin
36650s straight away coin coin private eye is
36653s uh well definitely catching my eye
36660s and so he would get a perjury and a
36662s double cross
36667s which is plenty of tempo
36671s um
36673s you would unveil himself as Rogue so the
36675s null cannot continue to get discounts so
36678s I wonder if that is better than just
36680s playing the no of this turn to actually
36682s remove some damage from the board
36684s good point
36686s very close
36688s if you go for this line with the private
36690s eye you can follow up with null plus
36691s perjury next turn which is just the
36694s pretty good way to clear off both the
36697s one three and hopefully one of the uh
36700s The Peasants as well very clean
36704s uh
36708s okay
36712s I hope buff immediately presented
36718s not quite but if Glory wants he can just
36720s go wide here
36726s [Music]
36729s let him have the two cards they're
36732s already ahead on value anyway he's just
36735s trying his best to stick this wide board
36740s job's done
36744s exactly that Hunter secret any hunter
36747s secret is so juicy
36753s no longer uh
36755s flame Ward is that the Mage card no
36758s that's not in standard yeah yeah I know
36760s just
36763s what a card it was
36765s shouty makes the decision to go for
36767s counter spell instead which does have
36769s guaranteed disruption value against
36771s Glory at some point the explosive I mean
36774s the ice trap even if it was bluffing
36776s explosive I think Glory was in a
36778s position where like he can't really
36779s afford to play around the bluff you
36782s would go in anyway and then ends up not
36785s working out too well for shouty but what
36787s does look pretty nice here is uh
36791s actually several plays the gravedigger
36794s to shuffle back a potential Heights Fury
36796s would have been amazing
36800s yeah I think because he's got the
36803s counter spell set up I do prefer going
36805s with this line of well trying to find
36807s exactly explosive trap I suppose ideally
36809s which he does find and also managing to
36812s get the null down as well
36818s Laurie now aware of the secrets
36821s but he is falling behind on board no um
36823s Herald of nature here I think forces him
36827s onto Mark of the wild to create a taunt
36829s and protect the rest of his board
36833s yeah
36835s pretty nice with the sidekick as well
36837s right just to Juice It Up even further
36841s alternatively he could put sidekick on a
36843s peasants so it value trades us the
36846s sketchy stranger
36853s oh it's about even actually isn't it I
36855s guess
36857s like in that case would you ever just
36858s say I'll stick it on the
36861s uh this little this big because then I
36863s get to send two damage
36868s um hey I don't know it's really
36870s dependent on what shouty has generated
36873s right somehow my default instinct is the
36877s same as glories here which is just take
36879s value trades wherever you can
36886s oh this trap though
36889s it's the play isn't it it has to be like
36893s they might have Pride's Fury in hand in
36896s which case you're very sad but if they
36899s don't you're very very happy
36901s if it's specifically Pride Fury he's
36903s scared of there is the alternate play of
36905s perjury ghastly Shuffle it back
36909s but
36910s the explosive seems
36912s like it's immediately saving him more
36915s Health in any case but the Pride's Fury
36918s and I guess Herald of nature
36920s you could consider going explosive plus
36924s dagger which gets you the benefit of
36927s denying them one card I suppose of the
36929s peasant
36930s um and also just kind of bluffing that
36933s it's not explosive in a way
36936s the big deal actually denying the draw
36938s because yeah peasants in the world of
36941s explosive are Glory's only source of
36943s resources now because you can't really
36945s send damage face for a crooked cook to
36947s activate
36949s okay
36952s chances at Pride's Fury
36956s he's like okay it's not ice
36960s this ain't it
36964s centuries protect the peasant another
36966s turn I guess
36968s ah
36973s maybe unless you just wait
36976s because if it's explosive you
36979s you don't lose but your chances just
36982s absolutely plummet yeah Gloria's
36985s stressed out
36988s no he goes for it and there it is shouty
36992s is back in
36996s the resources are not all out for Glory
36999s yet the you gotta be strong represents
37003s quite a pain for a shouty to deal with
37005s indeed
37009s oh no
37015s so bone Spike double cross ghastly
37020s yeah that's definitely where my heads
37022s are
37027s Swift scale tricksters are just very
37029s dead in hand for shouty at the moment
37030s but somehow he is still managing to pull
37033s back here
37035s foreign
37041s that's that crooked cook back
37046s okay
37056s also so valuable for shouty to know the
37059s entire contents of Glory's hand at the
37061s moment he knows exactly what to play
37062s around for the near future yeah
37067s fertilizer is quite scary and actually
37069s even New Growth if he is preparing for a
37072s top deck Herald slash Pride's Fury world
37075s but outside of exactly that I feel like
37077s denying the most Resources by shuffling
37079s the cook back is the way to go but now
37082s is the time for Glory to go all in yeah
37085s minion minion buff trade away I suppose
37089s Bend all but one of your Mana it's it's
37092s a good turn for this point in the game
37094s for eye graduate it's about the best you
37096s can hope for
37097s and I was kind of interested in one
37100s minion and then double attack
37104s and then you don't have to trade because
37106s your taunts have three attacks I don't
37108s know three yeah
37110s oh that drives me
37112s nothing to shuffle back
37117s opponent's hand is too dead
37118s unfortunately
37120s and Glory will never even get in a spot
37123s where he can spend all his Mana for the
37125s double cross right
37128s foreign
37131s yeah
37136s oh disgusting
37139s what a weird outcome
37141s super weird
37142s and obviously sorry the moment that
37147s shouty runs into a test or a Contraband
37149s stash that's exclusive trap replayed so
37152s he just needs to survive until then
37159s Glory praying for a miracle which I
37161s guess is like quicker and quicker
37162s becoming
37164s planted evidence to hit one of the big
37168s Druid spells because every other deck
37171s every other top deck is individually
37173s incredibly low value yep
37176s value trade and protectors 2-2 or to
37179s push face here
37185s gonna say I was inclined to actually
37186s take the train
37189s set up two turn this way that's true
37192s even if they value trade you is removed
37195s ah another Hunter Secret
37200s well I mean
37201s it's actually it might have to be
37203s freezing yeah
37205s okay that's a good draw it is
37208s there we go uh-huh
37213s uh
37215s is that too greedy oh It's gotta be
37217s gleaming
37219s it just has to be like as soon as you
37221s draw jackpot surely the game ends
37227s unless you get double alignment again
37231s the thing is he needs to survive
37238s okay
37244s the freezing is still relevant though
37247s yeah very much
37250s there we go that's the draw
37254s oh Scourge oh playable but command is
37259s pretty good on the next turn
37264s Jerry earring got to sow the soil but
37268s there is still a hunter secret for Glory
37270s to consider
37272s I think it gets a guaranteed Roots at
37274s this point oh does oh yeah yeah so the
37278s soils are gone okay
37280s which is probably a bit better at this
37282s point
37283s uh-huh it represents damage uh-huh
37288s oh is he gonna activate the double cross
37293s I feel like it's hero power
37296s plus one two three yeah I think so like
37300s the two one ones instead
37306s but you need to weave in the hero power
37311s and then what is this grasping Roots
37313s going face instead of into the
37316s NFL uh-huh but I don't know if it's this
37319s turn
37321s because this sets up like if he draws
37322s the other living Roots double roots hero
37325s power lethal even if the board gets
37327s cleared
37329s oh my gosh
37332s let's do it you have that at all
37336s oh I mean oh it can still happen
37341s the other Trickster
37345s pretty good right my death
37348s he started this game it's just the magic
37355s [Applause]
37357s any taunts
37360s good
37366s and life steal oh my gosh
37370s that's it
37373s yeah no coming back from that as death
37376s knight comes as close as it's gonna come
37378s to winning a game of hearthstone at the
37381s 2022 Hearthstone world championship and
37383s more importantly Sheltie is through to
37386s the quarterfinals of said World
37388s Championship taking down previous world
37391s champion Glory who's gonna have to fight
37393s out in the decider match later on today
37395s but so far for Sheltie he's a lineup you
37399s know we can raise questions as uh this
37402s Druid and the Rogue are very much
37404s debatable choices but a couple of wobbly
37407s bits aside his decks are looking decent
37409s and his play is looking spot on
37411s absolutely shouty always known for
37414s pristine play very considered taking his
37417s time and finding the best lines every
37420s single turn even if the lineup isn't the
37422s most creative or Innovative he just
37424s knows all of the decks inside and out
37427s whereas for Glory a bit of a
37430s heartbreaker there can't say it's
37432s completely unexpected though to see agar
37435s Druid come down in this fashion it when
37438s the deck doesn't hit its good matchups
37440s it really just seems like it flounders
37442s but Glory will still have a second
37444s chance in the decider match later on
37448s today as we find out who is joining
37450s shout tea through to Sunday from Group B
37454s indeed yeah a couple more matches yet to
37457s play before we find out who that will be
37462s um but I guess in that series it kind of
37464s was just over as soon as the Druid won
37467s specialty in game one like after that
37469s point it was such an uphill climb uh for
37472s Glory which I think is really going to
37474s be his best shot through the lower
37476s bracket or in the decider match I should
37478s say is taking down any Druids uh that
37480s come along as this aggro does not feel
37483s especially well positioned I will say
37486s it's going to be in a tough spot to get
37487s it done uh but we'll see whether or not
37489s he can do so a little bit later on
37491s because first of all we have the uh
37493s elimination match as okay here we can
37496s see Sheltie going through in first
37498s position and uh Tien Ming versus yala in
37502s the elimination match first oh man I
37505s know it's been said so many times but
37507s it's just insane to lose players this
37509s good this early in the tournament it
37511s feels sacrilegious that is just how the
37514s cookie crumble at the world championship
37516s left and right somebody has got to go
37519s down and somebody
37520s um is just going to be one of the best
37522s players in the world you did mention a
37525s while ago that the death knight was the
37528s closest we would see it winning a game
37531s but I don't know Derek there's still
37533s some potential if yarla has anything to
37535s say about it with that
37538s um awesome little player icon so we'll
37541s see shortly between Ken Ming and yarla
37543s who is going to be facing Glory still a
37546s lot of hearthstone to play out today
37548s that's right and while that's all from
37551s Gia and myself today uh two more matches
37554s yet to come so after this short break
37556s Tian Ming vs yala for the elimination
37559s match of Group B
37564s [Music]
37572s [Music]
37579s all right gel T let's put that big brain
37581s to the test uh your first question is
37584s how many matches has xmg won in Masters
37588s tours is it 40 50 60 or 70.
37594s uh 50.
37597s 50 is incorrect the correct answer is
37600s 70. believe it or not
37602s uh question number two how many times
37605s has Chiang Ming been in the top 32 of a
37609s Masters Tour is it seven eight nine or
37613s ten
37615s uh Saturn
37617s seven is correct well done question
37621s three who did XC beat in the finals of
37625s Masters Tour Madrid was it
37629s yeah absolutely correct yep option A
37632s anatomu no need to go on uh question
37635s four Yu Yi has played 16 Masters tours
37639s how many times did he have a negative
37642s record is it one
37644s three five or seven
37649s oh five
37651s five is absolutely right nine times with
37655s a winning record two even and five
37657s losing what um uh question five this
37660s should be the easy one for you uh which
37663s player beat gel T twice in the 2019
37667s World Championships
37672s well I'm gonna give you the four options
37674s I have because that's not one of them
37675s 2019 World Championships you Ying jing a
37680s mega zero or Jason Joe
37682s uh chain it is Jing yeah I think we'll
37686s give you that one but we might need a
37687s ruling on it
37689s and finally question six who did xiaobai
37694s beat in the final of Masters Tour
37697s ironforge
37699s um
37700s Maverick is correct absolutely right
37703s that is five out of six if we're giving
37706s that one to you which is the best record
37708s I've had of any of these that I have
37710s done so xiaoti congratulations yes
37716s [Music]
37718s foreign
37720s [Music]
37738s [Music]
37744s [Music]
37749s foreign
37753s [Music]
37764s World Championship I'm Raven joining me
37766s solo and we've got another match for you
37768s it is going to be timing versus yala
37770s coming up for this elimination match and
37773s a lot on the line we've already said you
37774s know goodbye to a player also uh so far
37777s and it's uh it's rough we were just
37779s speaking about this before we came on
37780s now and so it's like it's really rough
37782s seeing like okay the players are just
37784s knocked out and it's done obviously they
37786s all have the same chance you know the
37787s same sort of basic double elimination
37789s groups to get through but it's you know
37791s it's a tough one and I think it just
37792s shows that how strong the field is so
37795s that like it's unbelievable to see some
37797s of these players knocked out yeah we
37800s talked about it a little bit as we were
37801s wrapping up last time we are on gyala
37803s duty this time around it seems um but
37806s for either of these players honestly it
37807s would be a big shock to see either of
37809s them going out early because they are
37811s both incredibly consistent high level
37814s repeat performers within their
37816s perspective uh prospective regions and
37820s yala in particular you know I keep
37822s saying yala is One World Championship
37826s short of an all-timer Hall of Fame
37828s career right he's done absolutely
37830s everything else that there is to do but
37833s until you reach that absolute Pinnacle
37834s until you reach the very top and have
37836s that world championship to your name I
37837s think it's very hard to put you in the
37840s conversation even in a card game where
37843s we'll sit there and say well what really
37845s matters is consistency right like sure
37847s you won the World Championship one year
37849s but did you consistently put up the
37851s results over and over and over again
37853s it's still really hard to defeat the
37856s idea that you don't have that trophy in
37858s your trophy cabinet at the end of your
37860s career right so I think yala does really
37862s want to get that final job done yep I'm
37865s checking out the lineups or the matchups
37867s I guess for the first one it's going to
37869s be a rogue versus Druid here epic game
37872s number one atming is going to be
37874s bringing that sort of this sort of excel
37877s uh jackpot Rogue of course and we've
37879s seen like I would say a mixture I think
37882s this deck always feels difficult to
37885s Define as how well it's performing
37886s obviously you just have you know your
37888s win loss right of course but some games
37890s seem so unwinnable and then some games
37892s seem unusable it just seems like a
37895s really odd deck to try and get a good
37896s grasp on because so much of it is
37898s reliant on how not only what cards you
37901s generate I think that's the easy answer
37903s but how well you can build a game plan
37905s based on what you may or may not create
37908s right it's not even what the actual
37910s cards are but it's how you adapt to it
37912s we saw
37913s um like you know earlier on today right
37915s dead draw got a pyroblast on like turn
37917s two from it or three and then set up a
37921s plan around it and it paid off but a lot
37923s of the time that's not necessarily as
37925s easy as it sounds so gonna be
37927s interesting to see how this deck
37928s continues to perform over the weekend
37929s it's not like Tim Ming's the only player
37932s who's brought it and then on this side
37934s we have we get to see once again so how
37936s well these 30 cards sort of it's ramp to
37939s it but I'd honestly just lean towards
37941s what I call it combo Druid at this point
37943s because yala has nothing else apart from
37946s that combo really
37947s yeah it's absolutely right um and I do
37950s think the jackpot Rogue Dynamic is
37952s interesting I mentioned earlier how much
37955s more trusted this deck is in the China
37957s region than it is anywhere else and how
37959s that's bled through a little bit
37961s seemingly to some of the liquid players
37962s who have played regularly uh in that
37965s Team league bunny Hopper and dead draw
37966s who are both representatives in the
37967s world championships as well but I also
37969s think it's interesting because you'll
37971s see the very best players you know we
37973s talk a lot about okay you know you open
37974s your jackpot you see what the Spells are
37976s um you know it's not necessarily truly
37977s random as well I win or lose based on
37979s what this is but you know you you see
37981s all the star and then you react to it
37982s right which is essentially what you were
37983s just saying but I think what's
37986s overlooked is that the very best players
37988s can sometimes be like okay well actually
37989s this is a game where I need to look
37991s towards a colossal to win me the game
37993s early or you know a reconnaissance
37995s Minion or whatever else there are lots
37997s of different boxes that you can open
37999s with the deck it's not just the jackpot
38001s spells that do get you rolling so there
38003s are you know layers upon layers of
38005s different routes through the game like
38007s you were talking about earlier like even
38009s the starting point of where that first
38011s branch of that route leads to can be
38013s different in different matchups yeah and
38015s I think navigating that as you said is a
38017s very very important skill for these
38019s players to have so already now The
38021s Mulligans are over we can take a look at
38023s how the openings are shaping up y'all
38026s are having access to Wild growth and
38028s nourish after the Mulligan oh wow the
38030s innovate The Aquatic form that's just
38033s looking quite good to me so I think in
38035s any matchup that's looking like a solid
38037s opening and as far as I could see
38040s also ah is this the debut or did I miss
38043s a game where this happened you did it
38045s happened in the last series yeah Derek
38046s and G have already been through this
38048s beer it's old hat by this point yes we
38051s get it haha there's a death knight that
38053s turned up yeah yeah they did it already
38054s not death no I don't know what you're
38056s talking about yeah
38062s that golf draw is insane as well with
38066s the uh the spare innovate that's now
38067s left hanging around that is the good
38069s stuff this is just the hand right like
38072s the only thing yala was potentially
38075s missing uh because of the lack of Jerry
38077s Rigg was the nourish if it was used for
38079s ramp then card draw is a question mark
38082s not really the case anymore so y'all can
38085s just maybe even just super fast cycle to
38087s this combo and really give her Tim Ming
38089s things to think about
38095s although oh this is uh it was one of
38097s your favorite cards wasn't it song
38099s RT up
38101s party up yeah it was you're a party up
38103s fan on day one of release I was I was
38106s indeed the uh the potential curve with
38108s the was it was a weapon that gave Divine
38111s shield on exploration of the weapon or
38113s something
38114s no rallying blade was the old 3-2 weapon
38118s the buff Divine Shield minions I think
38120s was that a shield well yeah no no yeah
38123s yeah the shield yeah yeah there's so
38125s many pounding weapons that stuff with
38127s Divine Shields all uh yeah yeah it was
38129s the shield I thought like that curve
38131s would just be too strong would then you
38133s know because Palin's always had this
38135s problem where that you you have all the
38137s best Buffs in the game but you don't
38138s necessarily ever get to stick minions to
38140s land those Buffs on and that just felt
38141s like a thing that would work pretty well
38143s but didn't turn out working uh didn't
38145s turn out to work particularly well in
38146s the end
38148s and though timings got a fairly solid
38151s curve right with flipper friends the
38153s krabatoa and then party up like that's
38157s uh again not the best curve in the world
38159s but it's reasonably solid yeah and
38161s they're they're good spells as well to
38163s cast recursively right like to just keep
38166s coming back over and over again
38170s you see you're good reaction to the Guff
38173s that's the problem isn't it when we're
38175s like ah yeah the real deck you need some
38177s creative thinking and ways to really get
38180s to the end game and y'all is like ramp
38182s ramp Guff let's go you did so it's all
38186s just drooling everywhere as he throws
38189s ramp cards around you
38191s hmm
38199s I'm gonna choose to keep going with the
38200s ramp makes sense
38208s I don't really like any of these
38218s genuine face pop just happened then I
38221s would love seeing a genuine face palm
38222s occur in the wild
38228s foreign
38239s isn't it at first when I was talking
38241s about the the sort of curve with flipper
38243s friends suddenly s66 doesn't quite cut
38246s it when your opponent's on 10 Mana right
38248s which is a slight issue that Jim being
38250s Savvy now we've all been there versus
38252s druid
38253s you would think you'd feel an affinity
38254s for the aquatic creatures from Flipper
38256s friends given that he is wetty and after
38258s all you know that just seems to fit in
38261s pretty well that sounds been waiting all
38262s day for some of those it's such
38264s unfortunate casing and then I don't know
38266s what human doesn't read that naturally
38269s as wet Ian but I if if you don't if you
38272s just automatically see w-e-tn Ming which
38275s is what it's supposed to be then I I
38277s don't think you're normal
38284s just be a funny team name though
38286s wouldn't it wet wet
38296s now does geologists keep cycling here
38299s like is there any actual I know he has
38301s to consider potential secrets and such
38303s of course but is there any reason for
38305s him to just play any of these minions I
38308s think it's fair to say Pro feels under
38309s approximately zero pressure right now
38312s which is precisely the Salient Point yes
38314s it makes the answer to your question no
38316s as long as there's going to be no
38318s pressure on the other side of the board
38319s yeah he's just gonna keep cycling and
38321s looking for bran and everything else he
38322s needs to be able to get this job done
38324s particularly because every minion he
38327s plays is suddenly a minion he can't use
38329s to proc objection if it comes to that at
38331s some point over the course of the game
38333s um so holding back minions as resources
38335s to be able to do that
38339s just as well that you went for uh oh
38342s didn't go should I say for The Aquatic
38344s Farm
38347s and just to keep going with the cycle
38349s but maybe yala doesn't want to give away
38351s any potential knowledge of okay well if
38354s aquatic form on 10 it means you can just
38355s draw any card you want basically and
38358s you're probably gonna pick potential
38360s combo piece exactly yeah or the big
38362s County for that one five four the Giga
38365s fin yeah it's just a Tempo gigapoon
38367s really isn't it yeah
38372s objection now down on the other side as
38374s well so the objection dance does begin
38376s we did call this out I believe very
38378s early on in the day that you know
38380s objection would be a very persistent
38383s repetitive talking point throughout the
38385s whole tournament it is uh one of the
38387s most common disruption cards that we're
38389s seeing in people's lineups basically uh
38391s Mage and Roe could generally use
38393s objection the Mage secret to be able to
38396s uh make everyone's life rather annoying
38399s um
38399s how unplayable is this Talon as well
38403s because timing does run theater and
38406s especially in in situations that you
38409s mentioned it before right that Druid can
38411s hold a lot of cards almost all the time
38414s again like
38417s ever even care about playing this
38419s tailing at this point 13 cards left he's
38421s golf has a lot of armor not getting
38423s pressure does he just hold on to it
38425s because why not at this point but he's
38427s also looking at it the other way right
38428s he's just ruled out counterspell was a
38431s mage secret so there's an argument to
38433s say play the Talon for relative
38436s confidence that it will get objected at
38438s that point because I you abs
38441s olutely tailing on the ball because if
38442s there's a Taylor if you play Talon and
38443s your opponent does have the thing in
38445s their hand uh does have the theater in
38447s their hand they're just like food and
38450s drink at that point they're gonna kill
38451s your tail in an insta slam the theater
38453s to try and end the game on the spot at
38455s that point so it's a tough call to make
38457s because yala still has uh two or three
38460s other secrets that haven't been tested
38462s for that could have been there from the
38463s Mage one but you could have had the just
38465s the willful confidence that that was
38467s going to be objection and slammed it
38471s at least now it's looking like a timing
38475s can actually push a reasonable chunk of
38476s damage this of course 22 armor to hit
38478s through but connecting with the full
38480s gigafin is is a small win at least
38492s could actually go for the miracle growth
38495s again could throw the Jerry rig into the
38497s secret but again I imagine actually yala
38500s will wait right especially now he has
38502s the Jerry rig yes he'll be able to just
38505s play the Jerry rig in the combo term and
38507s just say well you can only have one
38508s objection oh yes so there you go the
38511s only reason to
38513s um you know go ahead and spend Mana
38515s early is if you think you're gonna have
38516s to do it with an expensive minion right
38518s because if you're doing it with a five
38519s drop even if you're paying armor for
38522s Minions that might end up costing you
38523s too much armor and prevent you from
38525s doing the full combo if you do it later
38526s if you're doing it with a Jerry rig then
38528s yeah I think you can probably just hold
38530s out and fit that all in in the same
38531s combo turn to prevent a new one coming
38533s back down again
38536s that rope's burning again
38542s a tough turn now though for yala to sort
38544s of finish up I've got to work out I can
38546s at least generate a little bit of hand
38547s space
38549s and maybe go with the planted evidence
38551s but it's quickly running out of time
38552s just gonna cash in the urban scales
38554s which again I don't mind either right
38556s get the even scales play the Wild growth
38558s just for Extra Man or whatever and just
38560s get the cards a little bit more free in
38562s your hand to be able to use that hero
38563s power next turn
38569s eight cards left and essentially nowhere
38573s with the combo he still needs all of it
38575s which is very irritating
38579s this is not 18 cards left so
38582s yeah true
38583s yeah if only he had 62 Health instead of
38586s 52 right that would just be so much
38587s better in this position
38591s wow these concussions are so strong
38594s aren't they it just feels like it's
38597s always just Destroyer minion yeah
38603s when they when they get discovered and
38605s you actually get to like you know mix
38606s your own potion yeah yeah yeah they're
38608s really really strong like randomly
38609s generated ones can be kind of Jank but
38611s when you actually get some sort of
38612s agency as to what they do like yes
38614s they're very very situationally useful
38616s tools yeah it's pretty much just do what
38618s you want to do this turn is is what they
38621s end up being
38623s foreign
38630s suggest you get drawing
38632s yeah
38634s I was even just looking at what a scale
38637s of inyxia potentially was on oh would
38640s have been great wouldn't it we were all
38642s here for this full combo draw that turn
38644s um
38645s oh oh
38646s well that's likely
38650s there we go
38652s now you have asked the law you do have
38655s eight mana and seven armor
38658s puts you up to 15 which I believe is
38662s enough but I don't think it would be
38664s immediately lethal with the amount of
38666s Health that's currently on board or
38668s subjection right
38670s true yeah sorry I'm not factoring in the
38672s objection Jerry red yeah yeah do you
38674s would have 15 I think 13 is the number
38676s that you need to start with so you can
38677s go Jerry rig for two and still have 13
38679s to be able to go down the chain I think
38681s that still works but more importantly I
38684s don't think that's important because who
38686s cares You're Not Dead next turn anyway
38687s right so chill and then figure it out
38690s next time when you're not roping right
38696s we had eight Mana you play the anubra
38698s yeah for objection
38700s oh I see yeah yeah you'd have to go that
38702s far yes yes yes once again I object to
38705s your point and oh the theater oh
38711s oh such a huge deal
38714s and it's gone now that's attending
38717s casting and it's so weird to see full
38720s hand 40 elf two Secrets board presence
38723s you're winning on board and tianming's
38725s behind this game it looks odd but it's
38728s true I promise yep
38739s now like
38742s we talk about this a lot where it's oh
38745s you're just gonna hope they don't have
38746s it and just play
38748s not much of a hope when your opponent's
38750s Druid they're gonna have three cards
38751s left in the deck a million mana and
38754s probable card draw in hand as well not
38757s quite the best situation to close your
38759s eyes and hope here for timing yeah
38760s that's the problem right because with
38762s Guff in play as well they have the spare
38764s Mana to just cycle the rest of their
38766s deck anyway right and then still be able
38768s to pop off with the combo and
38769s potentially play an additional minion
38771s first to uh break that objection and not
38775s be a drooling Noob like me and make that
38777s mistake I was even trying to think
38778s whether the uh you know like colic does
38781s anything
38783s is that you know like a bit of an odd
38785s one right uh to to
38788s about pretending if you played the queen
38790s of shower but yeah just gonna go with
38792s the maximum stats and
38794s honestly I imagine hope y'all right but
38798s yeah there's the jury being held for the
38799s turn of combo you can't have more than
38801s one version of a secret so there's
38803s objection gone yala does not have to
38805s think about it
38809s hello
38811s who knows what Secrets will uncover as
38815s our husks break yeah and as usual this
38817s is the uh preferred uh like
38821s um order right because you get the
38822s double armor from an Uber right yeah and
38824s not only that but you also get to spend
38827s Mana beforehand as well and not just
38829s spend it all on Armor which is something
38831s that you quite often uh when people are
38833s learning the deck you quite often see
38834s them like playing this turnout and they
38836s still have like 11 Mana left they're
38837s like why didn't you spend the matter
38839s that you had first before yeah
38843s yeah even looking at this like the spare
38845s armor to be able to just play that push
38846s into a minion just to make the actual
38848s Health on board as low as possible for
38850s yala I'll be honest I've not counted if
38852s y'all needed to do that but why not I
38855s think it's my answer
38859s and now 32 more to the Dome and that is
38863s gonna be game one going down for yala in
38866s what was really A procession there was
38869s very little resistance put up from
38870s chiaming it was always going to have to
38873s be the theater because the pressure just
38874s did not ramp up quickly enough on the
38876s other side and then seeing that theater
38879s just crash into the abyss off the top
38881s would have been an absolute Heartbreaker
38884s for Tien Ming in the end and you saw it
38886s I think on his expression I think you
38888s saw
38889s um how stressed and emotive he was
38891s throughout through uh throughout most of
38892s that game you know the face Palms early
38895s on the reactions to the some of the the
38897s boxes he was opening just wasn't enough
38900s pressure quickly enough against an
38902s extremely strong ramp draw from yala
38905s while growth into Vape Guff like yes
38906s yeah very difficult and it's one of
38909s those things isn't it and one of the big
38910s differences when you're against a 30
38912s card style like this as opposed to 40 is
38915s it feels very similar to the position
38917s you used to get into against like Road
38919s where it was well if they have like six
38921s seven cards left you know you're getting
38924s comboed next turn right like you know
38927s it's gonna happen so you have to draw an
38930s answer or you assume you've lost the
38932s answer did get drawn it's just tear mink
38934s had the 10 cards already in hand which
38936s was a shame and that theater got burnt
38938s away so we're gonna be moving on to game
38940s number two it looks like teaming is
38941s going to be on Rogue once again andiala
38944s jumping over to the Demon Hunter and I'm
38947s just gonna say demon is just gonna lose
38949s 100 of the games because I'm trying to
38951s like anti-curse yellow from the last
38953s time we cast and I was so confident
38955s Demon Hunter was going to win then he
38957s lost three times in a row
38958s yes
38960s indeed uh immediately got off broadcast
38963s and sort of had a debate with Lorinda
38965s about you know how much exactly
38967s percentage-wise cutting one card draw
38969s card actually reduces the amount of uh
38972s cards that you draw because that's the
38974s kind of thing that both of us like
38975s thinking about it is very much subtle
38977s and Lorinda conversation I'd be like oh
38980s it's about 30 percent
38982s and then just leave it's about six I
38985s don't know yeah it's often but yeah I
38988s think point being you know he largely
38990s agreed with the theme that I went for
38993s which is you know it'll impact it and
38994s it'll impact it more than you think
38996s because cutting one card draw shrinks
38999s the size of your card draw snowball
39001s significantly uh but it doesn't prevent
39004s you from drawing any card draw in three
39007s straight games one of which was like
39009s four turns in a row reading a hit card
39011s draw you know like that's unfair to
39013s blame on the fact that there is one
39014s prosecutor meltronics in this deck
39017s yeah I think like however much we were
39020s joking about it during that series of
39022s when is it ever going to get played uh
39024s yeah I think that the draws weren't
39026s great but going up against this Rogue
39028s again we've seen this before where as
39031s usual Road can sort of find its way
39033s through a match up but as long as the
39036s Demon Hunter doesn't work uh hang on I'm
39038s doing it again and not demons is going
39040s to lose uh never mind we'll move on but
39044s seriously look at the opening hands here
39045s already show it well that might be the
39048s first time I was going to say final
39050s showdown like I have ever named the
39052s quest in any cast I've ever done uh it's
39055s normally just the quest
39057s um but yeah having that and uh the
39059s spectral site in good position already
39061s it feels like we're having we've seen
39064s better games from yala than we did in
39066s his early earlier series
39068s I believe though this was the pattern of
39071s the first game as well right I believe
39073s he kept need for greed spectral site as
39076s a three keep in his first game in the
39077s last series right and then just
39078s completely ran out of card draw from
39080s that point but now I feel like you're
39082s cursing yala so I'm removing a
39084s responsibility from my side that's fine
39089s uh he was on the play that game though
39090s so we didn't get to that too and so we
39094s saw the disaster that I guess wasn't
39096s theotar in a previous game so a
39099s different matchup here but what impact
39101s does theota have on Demon Hunter is it
39104s probably not as game-winning as the
39106s Druid matchup but you know what sort of
39109s impact is this going to make to yala if
39110s tianming can actually get this off yeah
39112s I think that's fair not as consistently
39115s game-winning as against the 30 card
39117s Druid because you know they have a large
39120s number of Minions that kind of end it if
39123s you steal one
39124s um and also just having the 30 cards
39126s makes it pretty likely that you're gonna
39127s hit it most of the time obviously that
39128s likelihood is the same with the 30 card
39131s Demon Hunter but they actually have
39133s recovery techniques right like if you if
39136s you steal the Jace they can still make
39139s 288 and 299s with a single three Mana
39142s card connect with those and then finish
39144s you off with spell damage fell barrages
39146s they can still discount all of their
39150s spell damage to zero Mana play them all
39151s in one turn and then just kill you from
39153s 40 with two fell barrages anyway even
39155s without using Jace there's still lots of
39157s ways that you can get around it even if
39159s you do get your stuff munched so it
39161s helps it absolutely helps one thing that
39164s I personally would not like to see is
39167s Cham Ming going for the theater when the
39170s Curtis Quest reward is in hand when we
39172s get to that point right right
39174s um because I think that specifically
39175s lowers your odds of hitting anything
39177s relevant because I don't think the
39178s Curtis Quest will reward is that
39180s relevant that often in most match-ups
39184s see how it goes yeah I mean
39187s perfect thanks get it gone
39190s um what just a small note as well
39192s hopefully this will not come into play
39194s but one thing you do have to be wary of
39196s if you're spending a long time on
39197s YouTube turns as yala is sometimes want
39199s to do
39200s is that if you're procking Rogue quests
39202s uh sorry Rogue Secrets animations happen
39206s right so it's one thing you have to just
39209s keep a little eye on I mean yala was
39211s absolutely fine then but it's just one
39212s thing that you know people could trip on
39214s by accident
39216s and a bagel agrees if you can
39220s indeed
39226s oh
39232s is playable immediately does have zero
39235s Manor Relic to dump if need be as well
39246s I can just go need for greed tradable
39249s and then dump The Relic if need be
39252s open up the handspace
39266s oh okay
39270s okay
39272s not too bad at all of course could
39275s always be better
39277s um if it actually could you know could
39278s hit a reduction on a relic but I think
39280s this is looking fine he has the um the
39283s dimensions there with the one cost
39284s location so I suppose that's kind of
39286s like in a reduction on a dimensions
39290s not looking too bad at all
39293s yep just drop the extension leave it up
39295s as a three one I think you're absolutely
39296s fine with that just to make up the board
39298s space
39299s where you followed
39302s is some of the more Awkward turns to
39304s plan from the demon Hunter's perspective
39306s though because you know you play Relic
39309s you could you're debating immediately
39312s whether you want to play doubled up
39314s phantasms but then you also have a
39316s relative dimensions in your hands you're
39317s like okay maybe I don't use the location
39319s this time so I can use the location next
39321s turn but then you have to consider wait
39323s does it take me two turns to get enough
39325s space in my hand to be able to play
39328s relic of Dimensions right right doubled
39330s up anyway
39332s um so good deal of planning going into
39334s these next couple of turns from Jalen
39339s foreign
39340s 's favorite cards
39345s um
39346s yeah not looking too bad here for timing
39348s I do feel like he's just gonna be
39350s reliant on this uh theater to at least
39353s not just win the game as we've already
39355s mentioned but just give him some kind of
39357s level of being come over comfortable
39359s right it's like okay if I remove one of
39362s the burn cards then I just know you're
39365s not gonna do it twice right like you
39368s just have that 100 knowledge because uh
39370s you can point out unless I'm being
39371s stupid but outside of Jace repeating
39374s certain cards there's no way to generate
39377s more versions right in this deck so you
39380s just know if it's gone it's gone
39383s foreign
39390s that he needs to pay no mind to clearing
39394s opposition boards this game just
39396s throwing out both relics of Extinction
39398s for one and two damage each
39402s I mean it was a very strong turn isn't
39406s it like look at the board flip here
39407s there's yes there's a turn between now
39410s and when he will want to use the
39412s location and dimensions if that's what
39414s yala wants to do but I think there's
39416s also a a small chance that you could
39419s actually just go the Phantasm again and
39423s just be like well what if I've just got
39424s huge minions
39426s and then follow up with Dimensions maybe
39428s just a turn or so later
39431s speaking of strong turns you go through
39433s all that effort and then one crabby boy
39435s is all it takes and you're right back at
39438s square one
39447s plenty of spells played on the previous
39449s turn knows that it is not counter spell
39451s no minions played just yet though to
39453s have tested for objection of course we
39455s know that it's Oasis Ally
39458s okay though he's got the uh objection
39460s tester in hand
39463s got the tech
39465s prosecutor absolute male trannex yeah
39472s I think one thing I know we've talked a
39474s lot about this card but I think the
39476s biggest
39478s issue for me so far is just its Mana
39482s cost
39483s it's a lot isn't it it's because yes
39486s it's oh it could be reduced sure but a
39488s two Mana card could be reduced to zero
39490s Mana you know what I mean like you can't
39491s you know it's not really an argument but
39493s I just think it's like four managed to
39495s just throw it out is just so expensive
39499s yes you okay yeah it's just I don't know
39502s it's just amazing Sesame Street with
39504s Raven if you make a cheap thing and an
39507s expensive thing both cheaper the cheaper
39510s thing is still cheaper yes
39513s tell me there aren't people who would
39515s argue against me with that phrase so
39518s without lying
39520s that people would argue with that
39523s [Music]
39529s but yeah I do like this from yala just
39530s getting the two phantasms out sort of
39532s one after the other and just piling on
39534s pressure because again uh
39537s is this Rogue from Tian Ming is very
39539s strong and very flexible but sometimes
39541s you aren't just given the tools right
39543s sometimes you get removal when you don't
39544s want it sometimes you get pressure when
39546s you need removal
39547s and I like I agree with like 90 of what
39552s you're saying it's just I'm not quite so
39554s convinced on the intention like as I was
39557s saying a couple of turns go right
39558s there's a lot of planning that yala
39560s needs to do over the next couple of
39561s turns about when this location comes
39563s back up and how much hand space you then
39565s have for relative dimensions
39567s um you're calling these minions pressure
39569s and it would be pedantic and semantic to
39573s argue with that but hello I'm subtle
39576s nice to meet you I'm going to argue with
39578s that
39579s um I think these are just busy work you
39581s know I think that's largely what
39582s phantasms are in this deck they're just
39584s a very shiny distraction for your
39585s opponent to think are the problem for a
39588s while with you get on while you get on
39590s with the job of you know drawing a bunch
39591s of discounted cards and murdering them
39594s I brought from the elemental there was
39596s quite nice though you'll take a little
39597s bit of extra health and a clean trade
39599s yeah for sure
39608s noises
39609s oh is it the lethal I don't even know at
39613s this point probably not but it's close
39618s That's How Strong the draw was though
39621s the fact I even joked about it being
39623s lethal
39626s I mean it could be right
39629s and then now the second Dimensions go
39638s I grow in pain no I don't think so
39641s because it's only Max two more
39643s discounted cards right now right so even
39644s if it's spell damage Federal barrage
39646s which is probably the most damage you'll
39647s get that's not immediately lethal right
39650s now I don't think so
39652s and if it's lethal without it being
39653s lethal if you know what I mean it feels
39656s like it yala's got six cards left half
39659s his hands cost nothing
39663s timing has one like what does theater
39665s even steal at this point like you know
39667s what what's actually going to stop here
39669s this is what I mean right like yeah you
39671s play a theater here and probably no
39673s matter what you end up taking your
39674s opponent still has the capacity to
39677s murder you on the following term yeah I
39679s weirdly think the best thing for theater
39680s is if you play it on six and they happen
39682s to have very much like yala not been
39685s able to play dimensions and then you
39687s just take one you know I think that
39689s that's probably just the best right as
39690s opposed to actual like combo pieces so
39693s to speak yep
39695s okay so this has happened big deal the
39699s Jace has been taken I'm not gonna
39700s pretend that doesn't matter it of course
39702s matters however does it end the game no
39704s absolutely not Jala still has more than
39707s enough capability to put together 27
39709s damage here
39715s yep timing's gonna go
39717s really go for the jugular here with the
39719s theater try and get some spell damage
39721s away from the hand now as well
39723s he's gonna have to wait to do so though
39725s yep
39726s and again it's that that fear of oh this
39730s combo deck's got five cards left in the
39732s deck after the natural draw hmm
39736s how dead am I
39747s now the extra question with bass gone
39751s unless I mean you can count lethal
39753s faster than me but there's a world where
39755s yellow actually plays Curtis right
39757s to make sure he's getting like the guild
39760s Traders discount yeah and then Curtis
39762s now not die and then just pop off next
39765s turn and just play the whole deck
39768s uh 22 I Believe by the way okay so
39770s you're not quite a question
39773s yeah I believe that's what yala's
39775s obviously was doing and might still be
39777s okay yeah
39778s wait
39779s oh going right now if he hits skill
39782s Trader right now it's lethal I believe
39784s yes that is now lethal
39787s I'll trust you and yala it adds six to
39790s my previous count so if my previous
39792s count was correct then this is now
39793s lethal
39796s he's the 22.
39799s was that the first number you said yep
39801s okay that seems to add up to more than
39804s tming's health so I'll Trust you thanks
39806s seven three over plenty of damage and
39810s what a great game there for yala just
39812s doing exactly what he needed to do and
39814s you you were right and I think that
39815s displayed there were Tian Ming just went
39818s with the theotar got a good steal but
39820s for me I think that pretty much showed
39823s why that late it probably just doesn't
39825s work but if you do it earlier you just
39828s as much as just kind of rolling the dice
39829s to see if you hit something good anyway
39831s but yala was already so far ahead of the
39834s game had the room to play Dimensions
39836s obviously got the other dimensions for
39838s free anyway and it just snowballs out of
39840s control and I think this is what I would
39843s generally expect this matchup to look
39845s like without any really wild Rogue
39847s Shenanigans coming out from some of the
39849s discovers yeah I think I've talked about
39851s this game already on stream before but
39853s you know just to give an example for
39854s context as to how much damage this gets
39856s this deck can do even when disrupted I
39859s played against a blood Death Knight on
39861s like day three or something of the
39863s expansion who I believe got to 70 Max
39866s health
39867s uh theater my Jace and then was just
39870s emote spamming me the entire game and I
39872s just went like location
39874s phantasms for big minions managed to
39877s connect with a couple of the big minions
39878s and then did trip like plus six spell
39881s damage double fell barrage double Unholy
39883s uh double fell uh unleash at the end of
39886s the game and was still lethal through
39888s like a 65 Total Health that they had at
39890s that point like it's absurd there's too
39891s much damage you can't Outlast the deck
39894s that's not the plan stop trying to do it
39896s it's not possible
39898s but more Health
39901s hey though y'all is going to be jumping
39903s over to his final deck and he does
39905s actually get to play his priest because
39907s his gadgets are in a sort of shark Rogue
39909s is actually going to be banned out for
39910s the series I don't know how much we
39912s talked about a little bit earlier I
39913s still haven't got used to this it
39914s catches me by surprise every time the
39916s portrait comes up
39918s I've been casting yala for ages no I
39920s meant anduin I just don't like looking
39922s at anduin when anduin comes I'm talking
39923s about y'all
39925s um
39927s what was I saying oh yeah Rogue bands so
39929s we're going to be on the Boon priest
39930s here and uh hello hello
39938s should I stop interrupting you with
39940s random noises so you should finish your
39941s point would you like that
39945s there we go I knew it I was
39950s I don't even know I know I'm gonna get
39951s shut down I knew I know the game
39954s yeah what'd you make of this matchup
39956s Saul the uh the the boom priest the deck
39958s that I think has received at least a
39960s good chunk of bands today
39962s yeah
39963s um certainly a real real problem deck at
39966s high ranks on ladder it's a little
39968s sparser the further you go down so some
39972s people watching at home might be
39973s confused as to why we would talk about
39974s this deck as such a Powerhouse when it
39976s might not be something that they
39977s experience an enormous amount of but
39980s um in the hands of a skilled player it
39982s is a wildly oppressive deck and the
39985s pop-offs that it is capable of there
39988s aren't many decks in the game that are
39990s equipped to deal with it as early as
39992s they come out from the deck in the first
39993s place and this is one of those games
39996s where uh reconnaissance uh into
39999s specifically gigafin is something that
40001s we have in fact already seen in this
40003s tournament but can be one of the few
40005s ways that you can really scam back with
40008s the same level of scamming power that
40010s they have against you
40014s the new expansion coming next year scam
40016s Wars
40020s hello
40023s definitely a deck where we're gonna see
40025s yala maximize everything as he's known
40028s to do right because this is a deck where
40030s choosing when to go is so vital to you
40035s winning or losing the game but also I
40037s feel
40038s um uh what's so debatable as well I feel
40042s like every single time we see you know a
40045s great pre uh priest game and I grabbed
40048s let's say I grabbed five six Pros they'd
40051s all probably decide something slightly
40053s different on how to approach the turn or
40055s the game in general
40070s available as well for Tien Ming so he's
40072s gonna be able to put out at least a
40074s decent amount of pressure if he wants to
40076s and again I don't think it's
40079s particularly a matchup where you can
40081s afford to try and buy around stuff to
40084s make the priest not be able to maybe um
40086s devour as many cards and stuff like that
40089s I don't think you really have that uh
40091s opportunity as Rogue unless you have
40093s created like very specific removal tools
40097s uh you know I think the idea of playing
40098s around devour from priest is like you
40102s know don't play flipper friends for all
40104s the roses for example you know like
40106s don't just make a play that puts a ton
40108s of one ones on them yeah yeah you can't
40110s just not play minions because that's not
40112s gonna work out at all like you need that
40114s pressure unless you are the single most
40117s robust control deck in the entire world
40120s you're gonna need to play minions and
40122s pressure them to get out of the game
40123s alive
40127s foreign
40129s just like Tempo scale of annexia pass
40132s against priests the nuts
40135s we just do the real thing and play the
40137s uh the plague spreaders
40140s the the best minions to play just keep
40143s playing them it'll be fine
40146s I didn't even cast that game and I think
40148s I'm traumatized by it I never want that
40151s to happen ever again it's the worst
40153s thing I've ever seen
40161s I watched Spice World
40166s I was wondering what percentage of uh
40168s the lovely viewers are actually old
40170s enough to understand what that is
40173s ironically there are some pretty good
40175s jokes in splice world I'm not gonna lie
40176s it like it is it's a nonsense movie but
40179s there are some there are some good bits
40181s they're too young to remember the
40182s specific song okay
40185s this is such a large age God I believe
40187s it was written by a guy who wrote some
40189s episodes of Red Dwarf or something like
40190s that so it does actually have something
40192s it's not a link I imagined existed no I
40194s know yeah it's weird I think that's true
40197s imagine you see me yeah right I've done
40200s these two things what have you done
40201s Spice World and red pork
40206s y'all are going to continue to just
40208s cycle here and really power up the hand
40211s and
40214s just such an interesting deck to watch
40215s yala play because you know he is going
40217s to just min max it whereas I think a lot
40219s of players would have considered going
40221s in or would consider going in earlier
40223s than Yellowwood
40229s yeah much more importantly Lorinda
40230s backing me up that Spice World is in
40232s fact fine that is lorinda's movie review
40239s which is actually pretty positive if you
40241s know Larissa that's actually like almost
40244s like a glowing review there I watched it
40247s and didn't you know the real dark side
40250s of Lorinda and not not the bumbling
40253s genial person he presents as on the
40256s street it's a character yeah exactly
40259s should we all just stop playing our
40261s characters on stream right now
40263s yeah
40264s maybe for finals
40273s always swap characters sort of
40276s [Laughter]
40278s I want to be TJ just be like oh look I
40282s was about to say that why do what does
40284s it say about TJ that aren't ironically
40286s have given the option of who we would
40288s like to pretend to be we both pick TJ
40298s all right meanwhile in the game of
40301s hearthstone before our very eyes no pile
40304s on the pressure but this is the turn
40305s Soul yala said you know what I've got a
40307s full hand and some raging Elementals I'm
40309s gonna do the thing
40312s largely been killing time until it is
40314s time to pop off as have your beloved
40316s casters but now it is the moment to get
40319s serious and make sure you are executing
40321s this properly we have seen a couple of
40324s little fudgings of these kind of turns
40326s throughout the tournament so far and uh
40329s long may it continue I'm sure
40332s yalo is gonna be methodical about it
40334s though as only yala knows how to do
40338s yeah and and to be fair like again we
40341s expect the best from the players who are
40342s here because they are the best players
40344s in the world but
40346s every single card played can have such a
40350s ripple effect on the rest of your turn
40352s in this deck right because the amount of
40354s times I've played something gone oh no
40356s now this costs one more oh no my whole
40359s turn ruined because I just let you just
40361s slightly Miss sequence someone that's
40363s someone that's something
40369s okay so the blast let's animate dead of
40372s course still has that Boon in hand
40375s [Music]
40377s primordial wave subtle
40381s pretty good card right now 40 I mean
40383s yeah absolutely outrageous especially uh
40387s with already one method in hand to be
40389s able to potentially repeat it as well
40406s things get really interesting when it's
40409s this version of Rogue against identity
40412s theft
40414s I could start journeying into some very
40417s interesting places soon
40419s oh I mean it's entirely possible that
40421s this somehow turns into a plague spread
40423s a bit a mirror again even though neither
40425s of these next players oh oh I was gonna
40427s say not now but the gym module wave
40430s mirror
40432s I mean also yes
40435s so the problem with this obviously it is
40437s a massive removal of stats from the
40439s board but it's not a kill card and
40441s anytime you pass back to priests when
40443s they have a minion left on the board you
40446s are potentially setting yourself up for
40447s disaster
40448s big deal here though is that the radiant
40451s did not die therefore it will not be
40454s reanimated right so that is something to
40457s bear in mind it's not you know what the
40459s new cards in the deck for this expansion
40460s uh will not be able to have its uh true
40462s power level revealed yet interesting
40464s actually that it's called animate dead
40466s and not reanimate dead when normally
40468s reanimate is the word that you would use
40470s for the process that thematically the
40472s card is going for I would imagine right
40475s yes
40477s but is that wrong no no I don't think I
40480s the word would be wrong I just think
40481s it's interesting that they went with
40482s anime
40483s I think they had to because it's dead
40490s you know what I mean
40492s honestly no well you're not reanimating
40496s the dead thing because the dead thing
40498s wasn't animated in the first place
40499s because it's dead but isn't that the
40501s commonly used term like the reanimation
40504s I speak quite common as well and you
40507s don't I speak the common dog sir and you
40511s don't you tell me quite often how wrong
40513s I am so yeah
40515s this ah
40519s yeah here we go this is what I like to
40521s see the um the old priest versus Rogue
40524s krabatoa mirror
40546s it is finished
40548s yeah I think y'all is just going to give
40550s it up there no real way to answer or the
40552s krabatoas just aren't going to be able
40554s to get it done
40555s very very awkward game in the end once
40558s he got hit with the double answers even
40559s the early polymorph jelly ride we were
40562s talking about the anime Deadpool
40564s um the poly jelly goes in there as well
40566s which messed with it to begin with you
40567s know coming back with spell damage not
40569s relevant priest doesn't use the spell
40570s damage so it doesn't end up being
40571s important
40573s um and then just having that primordial
40574s wave that puts yala in such a difficult
40577s position right because like I said you
40579s pass back with minions on the board and
40580s normally priest would look at that and
40582s go oh amazing like I I get to start the
40584s term with a five five on my board that
40585s can attack this is amazing I'm gonna do
40587s a million damage but you know if you go
40589s all in again and you start playing more
40591s blesses and all other Buffs that you
40592s have in your hand they just need any
40595s card that replays the the thief cards
40598s throughout the game and then you just
40599s get hit with it again and then you just
40601s you drought stuff it just puts you in
40602s such an awkward position once you see
40604s that first generated card that's just
40606s the nuts in the match up it's such a
40609s nightmare to just get into your brain
40611s some kind of consistent plan that
40613s actually beats anything at that point if
40615s it keeps coming back so yala tried his
40618s best to make something happen with the
40619s identity thefts which are you know
40621s probably the go-to plan B overall if the
40624s the priest is falling short on plan a
40625s but just could not get there in the end
40626s yeah I think realistically after the
40628s primordial wave yala needed to like win
40631s the wave as in like not get a five five
40634s right and you know get something like
40635s big or create a crazy outcome to try and
40638s build off the back of there but it
40640s simply didn't happen uh timing now going
40641s to jump over to that Demon Hunter again
40644s a deck we've taught a ton about today
40646s and we'll no doubt Taco Time about
40648s tomorrow as well yeah but it's going to
40650s be going up against the priest again and
40652s honestly I don't think this is um is
40655s this a matchup we've cast today subtle I
40657s want to say no
40659s I think we did see it once yes
40664s um I believe I can't remember who it was
40665s but I think it was Demon Hunter bottom
40667s and priest top like the reversal of
40669s positions from this okay
40670s um because I do remember talking about
40672s how actually like Demon Hunter is one of
40674s the few decks in the game that can
40676s specifically throw enough removal at the
40679s moment
40679s yeah yeah I remember yeah yeah
40686s oh spectral sight and Relic vault in the
40690s opening is massive that is a fantastic
40693s opening for Ian
40695s kill them
40697s stop it uh Silver Moon uh not so great
40701s though because again when you talked
40702s about the potential removal that timing
40705s can do to deal with the big pushes from
40707s yala it would be a lot nicer if the
40709s silver the Silver Moon wasn't three Mana
40712s as that can really uh remove some of the
40714s uh potential damage that's going to be
40716s available unless timing maybe even goes
40718s for like a Tempo play with this not not
40721s next turn specifically but you know just
40724s one says you know what I've got the Mana
40725s I'll play it down how often does it
40727s actually die
40729s yeah I mean it's a possibility
40731s um we will depend heavily I think on
40733s what the draw is off the top from yeah
40735s me in terms of card draw obviously has
40737s that spectral site lined up in good
40738s position
40739s um but just as a Counterpoint like I
40741s generally the big pop-offs don't happen
40743s until turn five-ish anyway for the
40746s priests on a on a good-ish draw
40749s um so all of a sudden you know you have
40750s the location down you have one relative
40752s Extinction in hand already you know all
40755s it takes is one I don't know one man of
40758s Hell barrage that you've hit with the
40759s quest step or whatever and suddenly you
40761s can do a ton of uh incredible removal or
40764s even on you know turn five turn six
40766s coming back the other way
40769s I see
40774s oh
40776s yes needed any tradable yep
40781s and this is what I was talking like this
40783s is that sort of situation that
40786s Demon Hunter even with a reasonable
40788s opening starts to slip right because
40791s like look at the difference between
40793s timing getting a tradable and not it's
40796s so big even though it sounds small
40806s not in the least because it would mean
40808s that fell barrage I was just talking
40809s about would be discounted and lined up
40811s for TM Ming to go with the spell damage
40814s what do you think about sunwell
40816s well in general terms or like this term
40819s it it no sorry in this deck because it's
40821s one of the cards that
40823s it makes sense but does it
40827s yeah no I understand what you mean I
40830s obviously this deck needs plan B's right
40832s and that's kind of what it's about you
40834s can't just get a 25 25 to stick every
40838s game and win the game with it
40840s um so sometimes you need tools to
40842s generate other things to play with
40845s um which some well is obviously a very
40846s useful card to do that with it also just
40849s has the natural Synergy with uh some of
40852s the cards in the deck like power word
40853s fortitude for example
40855s um so I think it's a reasonable addition
40857s I haven't actually looked at the stats
40859s for it specifically since it's made its
40861s way into the deck but I wouldn't imagine
40863s it's anywhere near the top but I
40864s wouldn't imagine it's like a massive cut
40866s me outlier at the bottom right right
40868s either it's just it just definitely was
40870s you know it's jarring to look at right
40872s when you look at that we're so used to
40873s how this deck normally looks and some
40875s well yeah it's the top it's like oh okay
40879s hey though y'all just gonna make a
40881s little bit of room with the Unleashed
40882s fell
40884s oh boy that's not it either
40888s it's the bad draw don't do that
40892s it's actually like
40894s every awkward because again if timing
40897s goes for chaos strike to just keep
40898s cycling well it's one card and then
40903s can't Relic anymore
40905s it's like yeah look at that like oh
40907s that's what I thought he was going to
40909s Relic that's kind of where I was leading
40911s to honestly without somebody did it's
40913s like oh wow that that felt so often that
40916s that was the outcome for chaos strike
40919s that I genuinely thought he was gonna go
40920s Relic this is the scary part though
40922s having played this match up a good chunk
40924s uh mostly from the Demon Hunter side
40928s um as I climbed up to better ranks and I
40931s was starting to play against like top
40933s 200 style opponents I noticed a very
40936s clear like trigger which if I would use
40939s a location just to juice like relic of
40942s phantasms for example to make my
40943s Extinction better they just use that
40946s turn to pop off with whatever they had
40948s in hand at that time right they just
40950s kind of React to what I was doing and
40952s know that they weren't then gonna get
40954s double extinctioned on the next term
40955s which is the scariest thing to be
40957s dealing with
40959s um so I do think
40960s there is a debate to be had about
40962s whether you even just relics for one
40965s ones without even pressing the location
40967s as weird as that would look in that spot
40970s but I think the big takeaway here for
40972s timing is that this is a rough spot to
40974s be in at them oh yeah
40978s I know like
40980s obviously only got two men are available
40982s which means the radiant this turn
40983s wouldn't really cut it but he is getting
40986s very close to saying okay there's my
40989s turn if you can't kill it you lose
40992s pour that so much clear it is but it's
40997s so much nothing else as well
41001s yeah if this hand actually had like a
41003s need for greed or a dimensions in it
41005s then well we could talk very yeah yeah
41007s about my position in this game
41012s but also it's kind of interesting right
41014s like if you're in Tian Ming shoes right
41017s now if he's wearing shoes I don't know
41019s if that's the case but uh do you clear
41022s this how do you clear this do you ignore
41024s it do you let them just have the minions
41026s because they're small do you think
41028s they're gonna stay small like what what
41029s what is the actual play here
41033s do you clear minions can you clear
41034s minions what do you use let's find out I
41037s mean sounds good to me
41041s it's tough right because any removal you
41043s just think that it's two three twos
41047s all the removal can become so much
41050s stronger
41051s yeah no press right yeah no press this
41054s is exactly what I was talking about he
41055s knows that the trigger is there that if
41057s you if you if you put your location on
41060s cooldown they're just gonna dump all
41061s their stats on the board and you will
41063s not be able to answer it with the Relic
41065s coming back the other way
41069s now on the other side he has to make the
41071s decision
41072s how all in is he going to go is this
41074s like a double Boon is this single
41078s um like where can you even go with this
41079s obviously depends on what he draws right
41081s if he can get hold of the uh yeah there
41083s you go the evolution is what I was going
41084s to talk about
41085s [Music]
41088s it's that trick isn't it gotta make it
41091s threatening enough for your opponent to
41093s not be able to ignore it
41096s also if you go all in and there is the
41099s answer because that location's just sat
41101s staring at you
41104s I mean name of chicken
41106s it is but in this situation against
41109s Demon Hunter specifically I do think
41111s more is just better yala you're
41113s terrifying me please do things while I
41115s continue this sentence
41118s because you've seen no discounts right
41121s no Quest steps no relative dimensions
41123s you just saw a fell back uh fell barrage
41125s used for maximum value
41128s yes
41129s I mean that was obviously deliberate
41132s um you've just seen fell barrage used
41134s for minimal value with no spell damage
41137s so the more you do the less likely it
41140s then is it's a very it's a fairly binary
41142s situation right where they might have
41144s relative extinctions in hand they might
41145s have two relative extinctions in hand
41147s but straight up the more stats you have
41149s the more likely something is to stick
41150s and the more likely something is to
41151s stick the more likely you are to win so
41153s this is so funny as well because I'm I
41156s I'm not sure but I feel like yala went
41158s okay I just play this out keep the hand
41159s space and they might press it and then
41162s dimensions
41163s right and it's like oh they they didn't
41167s oh I guess I just do do my turn then oh
41170s my opponent's hand is really really bad
41172s oh oh homage yeah
41175s um
41176s yeah yeah I was saying okay well that
41178s was what they had
41179s we go in
41181s indeed
41184s and now so much Mana available because
41186s you actually started the turn with the
41188s Priestess in your hand and didn't have
41190s to go fishing for it
41191s yeah got the police got the wigs
41195s actually you know proc in the um the
41197s Naga as well of course to be able to
41199s help cycle them because sometimes you
41202s find yourself just playing a wig because
41203s you just have to and it's not going to
41205s recycle
41206s Bob's done
41208s job's done we'll wait five minutes while
41211s this turn finishes oh it's done yeah
41213s Wiggy Wiggy boom boom is gonna
41215s presumably be the end of this term while
41217s we wait for it to catch up with the
41219s bless obviously thrown in there as well
41221s and I do not think these pitiful relics
41226s of Extinction are going to be able to
41228s deal with this board State and I feel
41229s like you lied you told me oh you can
41231s clear huge minions you can't I can see
41234s some huge minion soul and you said they
41236s can't be cleared genuinely look at this
41239s this is like the worst possible hand you
41242s can have in response to this no
41244s discounts one spell damage minion look
41246s how much you can still do
41251s I mean
41253s look I'm not saying it's going to be I'm
41256s saying visualize a second spell damage
41259s minion in there as well okay yeah well
41263s regardless huge congratulations to yala
41266s as he takes the victory three one and it
41269s stays alive uh in the tournament as well
41271s to defeating Tian Ming and that was just
41273s a rough final game but I think we've
41275s seen that right where that is why even
41278s though I said at the start of the day or
41279s Demon Hunter just is just a win it's why
41281s it's not literally just an auto winning
41283s any given matchup right there are gaps
41286s in the deck especially if you have some
41288s of those awkward draws and your opponent
41289s doesn't right you can keep up and you
41291s start slip away so really really good
41293s series by yala and honestly just play I
41297s kind of just expect from him very
41298s considered especially with that priest
41300s we saw I think twice that right where he
41303s was really picking his moments to go in
41305s and the time it failed was when his
41307s opponent had the primary audio wave
41309s which is understandable yeah you think
41311s his actual
41312s um timing of of the priest play was
41315s actually very very strong
41319s either turned previous to the one where
41321s he popped off and eventually won was
41323s genuinely indecisive right it looked
41326s like he was very well I won't actually
41328s go in more on that turn but what's
41330s important is I think he made what is the
41332s right decision in the end just
41333s recognizing how much bigger he gets in
41336s one turn just by hanging on there and
41338s you saw the the fruits of that labor
41340s with like the the triple 26 26s or
41342s whatever he ended up with in the end
41344s um just by holding on for that one extra
41346s term but I think there was a moment of
41347s indecision in there that's fine as long
41349s as you end up
41351s um making the right play in the end and
41352s I think that is yala 101 right he will
41356s be very considered he'll he'll take all
41358s his options he might be indecisive at
41360s moments but that is y'all are just using
41362s every second of the game that is
41364s available to him and it's something that
41366s we've been distracted by recently with
41369s the likes of Gabby and bly's taking over
41372s in the last couple of seasons of Europe
41374s Grand Masters where suddenly you know
41377s the the Vogue play style in the premiere
41379s region was just slamming out cards as
41381s quickly as possible and yala is just
41384s here to remind everyone that actually
41385s actually the old life coach style might
41388s just have some Merit to it life coach
41391s um that was a great series and we've got
41393s one more left for you guys today and
41396s it's gonna be a spicy one no matter
41398s which way you look at it because it's
41400s going to be glory versus yala winner
41403s moves on and goes with shout tea to
41405s progress loser is just done Saul and
41408s what a pair of players and as well World
41411s Championship rematches yeah right up on
41413s top of all of that that is a disgusting
41415s game to be closing out the day with
41417s can't we Yep this is just day one but
41419s we've got that one more match left so
41421s stick around and we'll be right back
41422s with Glory versus yellow
41426s foreign
41429s [Music]
41436s [Music]
41444s we're going to test your Hearthstone
41446s stats trivia whether or not you can
41449s answer these five questions correctly
41451s based on uh super Hearthstone Esports
41454s trivia you ready I think so
41457s I believe it I like the uh the
41459s conviction all right question number one
41462s which player has had the most match wins
41464s across all Masters Tour events is it a
41468s hunter Ace B Fury Hunter C Aloo temu or
41473s D bunny Hopper
41474s I think it's Fury Hunter
41477s that is the correct answer of one point
41479s to yala congratulations next question
41482s one that you might have a little bit of
41483s an advantage in yala what was yala's win
41487s percentage across all Grand Master
41488s matches ever was it 55.3
41492s 57.2 60.1 or 64.3 well I think it's 60.1
41500s he's two for two he knows himself and he
41503s knows his own Hearthstone
41504s congratulations uh question number three
41506s what was Habu gabu's Swiss record in the
41509s second third and fourth Masters tours of
41512s the Year combined
41515s so that's Masters tours two three and
41516s four was it twenty and four twenty one
41519s and three twenty two and two or twenty
41522s three and one
41524s that's gonna be a hard one
41526s um that is tough
41528s actually I have no idea
41531s can you repeat actually the scores again
41533s I can indeed 20 wins and four losses 21
41537s wins and three losses 22 wins and two
41540s losses or 23 wins and one loss I think
41544s it's a but yeah no clue
41547s not sure unfortunately you underestimate
41550s your opponent in this instance he didn't
41551s lose four matches he lost two matches
41554s only with a score of 22 and two over
41557s three entire Masters tours which is a
41559s truly mindfulness yeah yeah it does uh
41563s make you a little bit afraid of him
41564s moving on to another one of the
41565s competitors you're going to be up
41566s against what was dead draw's record
41569s you're gonna have to throw your mind
41571s back quite far here at Masters Tour Las
41573s Vegas was it a 1-4 drop seven and five
41577s eight and four or nine and three
41581s I think it was nine nine and three
41585s unfortunately you went to the exact
41587s wrong end of the spectrum you
41588s overestimated him in this instance it's
41590s dead drill come on we know he's washed
41592s it's one and four drop uh for him at uh
41595s that particular tournament uh and then
41597s the final question uh the spiciest of
41600s hearthstone dramas that we've had in a
41601s very long time how many turns did Pasqua
41605s rope when he played against x-blies in
41607s his last call match zero 25 40 or 65
41613s turns
41614s can give us all of them so maybe 65
41619s . it was one of the most excruciating
41622s things I've ever had to see in my life
41623s I'm surprised it was only 65 turns he
41625s roped him uh but congrats three out of
41628s five we'll see how you compare to the
41629s other competitors when they also take
41631s the stat attack quiz
41634s [Music]
41646s [Music]
41651s Ocean or mountains
41654s pale
41655s big party or small gathering
41660s a bath or a shower
41664s passenger or driver
41667s City or Countryside
41672s work hard or play hard
41674s [Music]
41699s [Music]
41710s [Music]
41716s [Music]
41746s thank you
41753s thank you
41757s [Music]
41773s my
41775s [Music]
41783s [Music]
41789s [Music]
41795s foreign
41801s [Music]
41849s thank you
41857s [Music]
41879s thank you
41882s [Music]
41918s thank you
41920s foreign
41927s [Music]
41928s foreign
41930s [Music]
41959s foreign
41960s [Music]
42001s thank you
42006s [Music]
42014s [Music]
42018s [Applause]
42020s [Music]
42026s foreign
42028s [Music]
42046s hello everybody and welcome back to the
42048s Hearthstone World Championship my name
42051s is TJ I'm joined by Neil Lorinda Bond
42053s and Neil we have the pleasure
42056s of having the final shift of the day you
42059s know what
42060s What in in like relay races like in the
42064s Olympics uh-huh
42066s it always put their best runner lasts
42069s called The Anchor position we are the
42071s anchors yep we are the anchor
42074s that's right
42075s we're both anchors
42077s and it's for
42081s um undisclosed re I actually don't know
42085s you did the rotation you should know
42089s why they put the fastest runner last
42092s um it's because
42094s why
42095s in the I mean in theory it should make
42097s no difference whatsoever right the four
42099s people run their run and that's the
42101s thing but your best person at doing the
42104s thing is the one who might be able to
42105s find the extra
42107s like the zip
42109s and if they're winning by a long way
42111s they can ease off so they don't hurt
42113s themselves for later rounds
42115s uh
42117s I think it's because
42120s because you have to pass the Baton yeah
42123s you can't run full speed the whole time
42128s yes you can either those the last legs
42130s are faster legs oddly enough because you
42132s start running before you get to the
42133s battle
42136s yeah and then the last last one you get
42138s to just Sprint right through the finish
42140s and you get to do that whole head down
42141s arms back thing that's the one and the
42143s thing is with us is we have never
42145s dropped the bottom TJ we are absolutely
42148s solid we've never got it wrong we've
42151s never let the show down we have been
42154s last for two years more accurate is on
42157s last after circulated to tidy up the
42160s mess we never had a baton
42163s we're not even officially entered in the
42166s race
42167s but we still run regardless and win but
42171s don't get the credit
42173s there was a person who did that in the
42174s 50s I think it was the 50s or the 60s
42177s what band foreign
42183s a tiny tiny tiny sum of money to run a
42185s race or to get some spotted shoes or
42187s something ridiculous and they got banned
42189s a long distance run a really long
42191s distance Runner like marathons and above
42194s and I can't remember the person's name
42196s it's really annoying me and they were
42198s banned from amateur competitions because
42200s that was officially a professional thing
42205s um and so he wasn't allowed to run so he
42206s just turned up at these races and won
42208s them anyway and just didn't collect any
42210s prize money just as an amateur Runner
42212s he's like well I'm banned but this is a
42214s road and I'm going to run on this road
42215s at the same time as your tournament
42216s today because it's a long distance race
42218s and he was really good
42221s there you go rematch of the 2020
42224s Hearthstone World final and one of the
42227s players won't be reaching the top eight
42232s pretty incredible honestly one that we
42235s have multiple previous world champions
42239s feeding in this world championship
42241s two because
42243s we have even more finalists
42248s Petey players that competed in World
42249s Finals
42251s sorry
42252s point three even crazier
42257s is the fact that
42260s two of the players that played in the
42261s final are playing against each other in
42263s another world championship four that
42265s one's not going to even make it on to
42267s the next stage of the quarterfinal so we
42268s can't have a rematch in the finals and
42270s five look at this turn wow I was gonna
42272s say can we talk about battles Glory has
42274s won this Hearthstone game because that
42277s is a mailbox getting right old danced on
42280s right in front of him there
42282s um have you has he dawned on you how
42284s we've talked about this group possibly
42285s being stronger than the other groups
42287s even though they're all strong how many
42289s world championship appearances this
42291s group had between the four of them
42297s um I grew one two
42302s three and Counting this one counting
42305s this tournament as well yes you've got a
42307s four Head Start five six seven
42310s and then
42311s eight nine I think it's ten
42316s did xiaote compete in more than yeah
42319s he's been in two previous ones okay so
42321s this is third okay I was only this group
42323s has 10 world championship appearances
42325s between it wow that's gonna die on turn
42328s four Lori this is his third yarlo this
42330s is his second timing this is a second
42332s and then shouty this is his third wow
42334s yeah
42336s the other groups can't compete with that
42338s surely I know Bunny Hop has been like 14
42340s or something but even so
42347s yeah
42348s so we would say oh no this person who
42350s we've respected for many years blah blah
42352s blah is getting knocked out this is why
42354s they're all somebody had to be it's this
42357s crazy crazy group and this is a crazy
42359s crazy game
42360s yeah glory is so 1-0 up here and you
42363s just don't give up as this there's
42365s Extinction and Relic vault in yala's
42367s hand
42368s so he's got a chance of sorts he's got a
42370s planet it is a clear right
42374s you've got Relic vault
42376s click it relic of Extinction and then
42380s you have to go into here
42384s and take a million damage anyway oh but
42386s next to now he's got the proper stuff
42390s it's still awkward though the managers
42392s doesn't line up
42395s and doesn't have an extra draw to
42397s complete the quest
42399s doesn't matter line up next turn next
42400s time you can go Silver Moon unleash
42403s Relic and not clicker Vault right
42406s the relic's only dealing two total
42409s damage
42410s but that would deal final image to the
42412s seven seven
42414s right
42415s oh yeah yeah and the spell damage no the
42417s spell damage right yeah
42419s you might clear that there's no other ah
42422s if there was another Minion on board if
42423s it would have to have more than three
42425s Health yeah full health or more
42428s but now he's used a coin so that's not
42430s an option ah well you could go
42434s Arkham Arcanist
42437s Vault Extinction that's that's what
42441s he'll do and then if The Arcanist
42442s doesn't die he gets to fail the turn
42444s after that and part of the Assumption
42447s here is has Glory really got more stuff
42450s in his hand after that first term
42451s because if he has you know go away
42460s oh some good pickups well the good
42463s pickup being
42465s shroud
42467s that's it
42479s demon you gotta kill it and the way to
42482s do that is
42484s Arcanist plus Vault Extinction yep
42489s um we don't have to vote right you can
42492s just Extinction that's why he's done it
42494s this way
42500s no you do have to vote yeah you do
42502s because because he didn't save the
42504s Unleashed yeah yeah so
42508s if he had any your way would have gained
42510s uh you know six Health on the front yeah
42513s I like my way honestly cutting out the
42514s Vault and just just pretending The Vault
42516s didn't exist was kind of what I wanted
42517s to do but now no no that doesn't make
42521s sense I was gonna say now got up by
42525s spinning the Mana up front on the Vault
42527s has a has a chance to hit dimensions on
42531s five but then the ball is going to be on
42533s cooldown anyway so nine of those plays
42535s set up for a vault well the way he's
42537s done this though does leave just an
42539s Arcanist in play
42542s which is kind of nice
42544s all right you go
42547s bone Spike
42549s you got location yep
42553s uh you equip the Cutlass
42556s and
42557s we'll see strike
42561s yeah then you and then you hit both
42563s locations
42564s that seems reasonable to me
42566s it's pretty good
42568s or you can do it the Raven way because
42571s Raven will say this is something sure
42572s it's like where you get bonus bike then
42573s you press the location then you bone
42575s Spike the other Gore that you just made
42577s and then you make one massive ghoul
42581s but why to stop them from Gaining Health
42584s from a leash well you're now you're
42586s making two I know
42589s I I guess he doesn't have to cook the
42591s other one because he sets up lethal
42593s without it but now if there's spell
42595s damage plus unleash that is which there
42600s is
42601s not enough
42603s well it's enough to survive
42606s I mean it's enough to not be dead
42609s good talk
42614s up to 16 with 11 showing demons
42619s and just literally nothing in hand
42622s I guess the guild Trader does have to be
42624s answered
42625s maybe that'll take some heat
42627s Maybe
42633s uh I grow impatient
42639s okay well you know what they say if you
42642s want to take some heat go to the kitchen
42645s yeah that's definitely what they say
42647s goes
42650s stand the heat get in the kitchen
42655s oh he's got to do it there's no other
42657s way to survive
42660s glory is enjoying himself isn't he he's
42662s like well
42664s I've got all the good cards so I'm going
42665s to be happy
42671s you're very good at these idioms aren't
42673s you TJ
42676s always happen
42682s oh yeah he's gonna draw with the excuse
42684s us one minute playlist basically
42694s now he just dumps even more nonsense on
42697s the board next turn but is he gonna just
42699s wait and say well actually
42701s if you can't kill the 5-2 or if you have
42704s to barrage then that's fine but he's
42705s already seen one of these two spell
42707s damages
42708s yeah yeah yeah now this basically has to
42712s be Dimensions off the top
42714s need for greed might do it
42717s double fell barrage or unleash Plus
42721s Garage yeah uh it'll be a reduced
42725s Arcanist that would also work
42731s yeah reduced Arcanist also works
42736s he's going to try and hit Dimensions
42738s first
42739s fair enough
42740s I thought he's incredible
42744s uh I think this is better this is better
42746s yeah it was Fury next draw anyway
42750s wait
42751s nope dead
42755s well
42756s and
42758s no oh hang on
42760s okay live alive
42764s why is Jana so much harder to kill than
42766s anybody else
42772s I mean I'd have won this game obviously
42774s yeah
42775s I won a long time ago
42779s we have to give them a chance by sitting
42780s here
42782s yeah so still I'd like to talk to you
42784s about that term that was different but I
42786s probably won't
42794s oh not quite got the Draco activation
42802s oh but next turn he's got lethal from
42804s hand so it might do nothing here
42807s you can make a huge ghost or he could
42809s just do nothing and do that all next
42810s turn and then just win with a weapon
42813s yep so I think it's better because then
42815s your opponent's got less healing to heal
42817s from one of these has to be dimensions
42821s that's not it but it could be it
42824s no dronex no
42830s okay barrage maldronics
42832s hmm
42836s and then Glory draws
42839s something that doesn't work
42841s and then he's stuck
42845s yeah
42847s yeah there's nothing that you it would
42850s have to be
42852s what something that costs one Mana
42855s in order to be able to get the mailbox
42856s dancer out
42863s unless he thinks his best chance to win
42865s is to Viper
42869s I grew
42871s trait or trade the Viper and hit
42874s dimensions
42875s he's running out of time I I think it's
42877s got to be
42879s barrage and then
42884s get forth the prosecutor
42886s [Music]
42889s there we go so most cards are pretty
42892s good here
42894s is the short version
42896s yeah one man
42898s what is it it's