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8 months ago - /u/Cgsongbird - Direct link

Originally posted by ColdSnapSP

That isn't the point being made.

The point made was that Cora overhyped Warrior for this calendar year, however on an organic level, it flopped twice and took several buffs to their cards (upwards of half each of their meta decks) as well as nerfs to other decks for it to happen.

This is followed by a claim that constructed anomalies are not intended to significantly change the direction of the game, yet on release there are numerous situations where the direction of the game would be irrefutably changed for better or worse.

When on two occasions, a representative of the game, makes statements that end up being contrary to the message, it makes us concerned at the legitimacy of their future comments.

OK, this is getting out of hand now. I said Warrior had a lot to look forward to this year. I was excited about upcoming cards, and I tweeted about that excitement. It's a meme now, but it wasn't me being deceptive. I had just played games with Odyn that day, and he was a cool card.

This tweet was me trying to reassure people who were unhappy. Clearly, it did more harm than good, and I deleted it when people became vocal. This was also tweeted after I initially acknowledged the concerns and said we have actions that we can take to fix things if people don't like the system.

I understand being upset. I understand wanting to find someone to blame. But I never intended to mislead anybody, and if people don't like the system, then we'll fix it. It's really that simple.

8 months ago - /u/Cgsongbird - Direct link

Originally posted by MrVilliams

People read & share your Tweets as if you're running for president of the universe. I'm hoping you don't stop being human on social media because a bunch of negative Andy's screenshot you on the regular

Oh no I actually lost that election. ;)

8 months ago - /u/Cgsongbird - Direct link

Originally posted by tacocatz92

Post it , want to see what is all about

If it was the first tweet, it was something along the lines of "We're trying something new, we hope it's fun, if it's not then we'll fix it." There was some exasperation sprinkled in there as well.

Then I chatted with Casie a bit about Hearthstone being 10 years old, acknowledged some people's concerns about friendly matches, said Anomalies aren't in Duels, tweeted the tweet that this whole thread was about, and I can't remember much after that.