about 5 years ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s Welcome, recruits.
6s I'm Alec Dawson,
7s and today I'm here to teach you
9s what it takes to be part of
10s the League of Explorers.
12s We need all the help we can get, because it's time to save Uldum.
17s First thing's first:
19s being an Explorer can be dangerous.
20s The League of E.V.I.L. has already stolen Dalaran,
24s but now they're unleashing plagues in Uldum,
26s and they keep shuffling bombs into our decks.
29s Luckily, Uldum is stocked with ancient treasures
32s that may give us a chance.
34s We've already sent some of our best Explorers
36s to retrieve these powerful artifacts,
39s but we need you to go out into the field, too.
43s Here's your quest: Raid the Sky Temple.
46s That may seem like a lot of spells,
49s but you'll get there faster than you think.
52s Once we complete our quest,
54s we'll get the Hero Power Ascendant Scroll,
56s which adds a mage spell to our hand
58s and reduces the cost by 2.
60s Ascendant Scroll allows us to load up on cheap spells,
63s or cards like Archmage Antonidas.
66s Because if there's a way to defeat evil,
69s it's fireballs to the face.
71s Make no mistake, though,
73s the League of E.V.I.L. has been levelling up, too.
76s E.V.I.L. was powerful in Dalaran,
78s but now they've discovered something even more nefarious: teamwork.
83s Here's Weaponized Wasp,
85s one of Hagatha's new secret weapons,
88s the laser on its head courtesy of Blastmaster Boom.
93s Weaponized Wasp plays well in aggressive Lackey decks
96s that look to take board control early.
99s In Saviors of Uldum,
101s expect to see Lackey build-arounds
103s in shaman, and warlock.
106s But don't worry, we also have a secret weapon.
109s BEEEES!!!
111s No, really, one of our junior Explorers found a bee-controlling device
115s deep in Khartut’s Tomb.
117s It took us a few days to decipher the instructions,
120s but it's quite the powerful tool.
123s Here they come now, its BEEEES!!!
126s A new druid spell.
129s This efficient removal spell
130s excels in token-based druid decks.
134s Need some extra pings for Knife Juggler?
136s BEEEES!!!
137s Need some extra bodies for Soul of the Forest?
140s BEEEES!!!
141s Need anything at all?
143s BEEEES!!!
145s All right, that's all we have for today, Explorer.
148s We've got one more training session to go
150s before you'll be ready for the dangers of the desert.
153s So sit tight, and I'll see you out there in Saviors of Uldum.