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1s hello everyone and welcome back to
3s Hailstone World Championship I'm Raven
6s joining me solo and we've got another
7s match for you it is going to be timing
9s versus yala coming up for this
11s elimination match and a lot on the line
13s we've already said you know goodbye to a
15s player also uh so far and it's uh it's
18s rough we were just speaking about this
19s before we came on now and so it's like
21s it's really rough seeing like okay the
23s players are just knocked out and it's
25s done obviously they all have the same
26s chance you know the same sort of basic
28s double elimination groups to get through
29s but it's you know it's a tough one and I
32s think it just shows that how strong the
34s field is so that like it's unbelievable
37s to see some of these players knocked out
38s yeah we talked about it a little bit as
40s we were wrapping up last time we are on
42s gyala duty this time around it seems um
45s but for either of these players honestly
47s it would be a big shock to see either of
49s them going out early because they are
51s both incredibly consistent high level
54s repeat performers within their
56s perspective uh prospective regions and
59s yala in particular you know I keep
62s saying yala is
64s One World Championship short of an
67s all-timer Hall of Fame career right he's
69s done absolutely everything else that
71s there is to do and but until you reach
73s that absolute Pinnacle until you reach
75s the very top and have that world
76s championship to your name I think it's
77s very hard to put you in the conversation
80s even in a card game where we'll sit
84s there and say well what really matters
86s is consistency right like sure you won
87s the World Championship one year but did
89s you consistently put up the results over
92s and over and over again it's still
94s really hard to defeat the idea that you
97s don't have that trophy in your trophy
99s cabinet at the end of your career right
100s so I think yala does really want to get
103s that final job done yep and checking out
105s the lineups or the the matchups I guess
107s for the first one is going to be a rogue
109s versus Druid here epic game number one
113s atming is going to be bringing that sort
115s of uh this sort of excel
117s uh jackpot Rogue of course and we've
119s seen like I would say a mixture I think
122s this deck always feels difficult to
124s Define as how well it's performing
126s obviously you just have you know your
128s win loss right of course but some games
130s seem so unwinnable and then some games
132s seem unusable it just seems like a
134s really odd deck to try and get a good
136s grasp on because so much of it is
138s reliant on how not only what cards you
141s generate I think that's the easy answer
142s but how well you can build a game plan
145s based on what you may or may not create
148s right it's not even what the actual
150s cards are but it's how you adapt to it
152s we saw
153s um like you know earlier on today right
155s dead draw got a pyroblast on like turn
157s two from it or three and then set up a
161s plan around it and it paid off but a lot
163s of the time that's not necessarily as
164s easy as it sounds so gonna be
166s interesting to see how this deck
168s continues to perform over the weekends
169s it's not like Tim Ming's the only player
172s who's brought it and then on this side
173s we have we get to see once again so how
175s well these 30 cards sort of it's ramp to
179s it but I'd honestly just lean towards
181s volcanic combo Druid at this point
182s because yala has nothing else apart from
185s that combo really
187s yeah it's absolutely right um and I do
189s think the jackpot Rogue Dynamic is
191s interesting I mentioned earlier how much
194s more trusted this deck is in the China
197s region than it is anywhere else and how
199s that's bled through a little bit
200s seemingly to some of the liquid players
202s who have played regularly uh in that
204s Team league bunny Hopper and dead draw
206s who are both representatives in the
207s world championships as well but I also
209s think it's interesting because you'll
211s see the very best players you know we
212s talk a lot about okay you know you open
214s your jackpot you see what the Spells are
215s you know it's not necessarily truly
217s random oh I win or lose based on what
219s this is but you know you see all the
221s star and then you react to it right
222s which is essentially what you were just
223s saying but I think what's overlooked is
227s that the very best players can sometimes
228s be like okay well actually this is a
230s game where I need to look towards a
232s colossal to win me the game early or you
234s know a reconnaissance Minion or whatever
235s else there are lots of different boxes
238s that you can open with the deck it's not
240s just the jackpot spells that do get you
242s rolling so there are you know layers
244s upon layers of different routes through
246s the game like you were talking about out
247s earlier like even the starting point of
250s where that first branch of that route
251s leads to can be different in different
253s matchups and I think navigating that as
256s you said is a very very important skill
258s for these players to have but already
260s now The Mulligans are over we can take a
262s look at how the openings are shaping up
265s y'all are having access to Wild growth
267s and nourish after the Mulligan oh wow
269s the innovate The Aquatic form that's
273s just looking quite good to me so I think
275s in any matchup that's looking like a
277s solid opening and as far as I could see
279s also ah is this the debut or did I miss
282s a game where this happened you did it
284s happened in the last series yeah Derek
286s and Gia have already been through this
288s beer it's old hat by this point yes we
290s get it haha there's a death knight that
293s turned up yeah yeah they did it already
294s not death no I don't know what you're
295s talking about yeah
302s wow that golf draw is insane as well
305s with the uh the spare innovate that's
307s now left hanging around that is the good
309s stuff this is just the hand right like
312s the only thing yala was potentially
314s missing uh because of the lack of Jerry
317s Rigg was the nourish if it was used for
319s ramp then card draw is a question mark
321s not really the case anymore so yala can
324s just maybe even just super fast cycle to
326s this combo and really give her Tim Ming
329s things to think about
334s although oh this is one of your favorite
337s cards wasn't it song
339s RT up
340s party up yeah it was you're a party up
343s fan on day one of release I was I was
346s indeed the uh the potential curve with
348s the was it was a weapon that gave Divine
351s shield on exploration of the weapon or
352s something
354s no rallying blade was the old 3-2 weapon
357s the buff Divine Shield minions I think
360s wasn't it
361s well yeah no no yeah yeah the shield
364s yeah yeah there's so many pounding
365s weapons that stuff with Divine Shields
367s all uh yeah yeah it was the shield I
370s thought like that curve would just be
371s too strong would then you know because
373s Palin's always had this problem where
375s that you you have all the best Buffs in
377s the game but you don't necessarily ever
378s get to stick minions to land those Buffs
380s on and that just felt like a thing that
382s would work pretty well but didn't turn
383s out working uh didn't turn out to work
385s particularly well in the end
388s and though timings got a fairly solid
391s curve right with flipper friends the
393s krabatoa and then party up like that's
396s uh again not the best curve in the world
398s but it's reasonably solid yeah and
401s they're they're good spells as well to
403s cast recursively right I like to just
406s keep coming back over and over again
409s you see you're Direction
412s to the Guff that's the problem isn't it
414s when we're like oh yeah the real deck
416s you need some creative thinking and ways
419s to really get to the end game and y'all
421s is like ramp ramp Guff let's go you're
424s dead
426s drooling everywhere as he throws ramp
429s cards around yeah
431s hmm
439s I'm gonna choose to keep going with the
440s ramp makes sense
448s I don't really like any of these
458s genuine face pop just happened then I
460s was seeing a genuine face palm occur in
463s the wild
468s foreign
479s this is a tough one isn't it at first
480s when I was talking about the the sort of
481s curve with flipper friends suddenly s66
484s doesn't quite cut it when your
486s opponent's on 10 Mana right which is a
489s slight issue that Jim being saving and
490s we've all been there versus druid
492s you would think you'd feel an affinity
494s for the aquatic creatures from Flipper
496s friends given that he is wetty and after
498s all you know that just seems to fit in
500s pretty well that sounds been waiting all
502s day for some of those it's such
504s unfortunate casing and then I don't know
506s what human doesn't read that naturally
508s as wet Ian but I if if you don't if you
512s just automatically see w-e-tn Ming which
514s is what it's supposed to be then I I
517s don't think you're normal
524s just be a funny team name though
526s wouldn't it wet
527s [Laughter]
536s now does geologists keep cycling here
539s like is there any actual I know he has
540s to consider potential secrets and such
542s of course but is there any reason for
545s him to just play any of these minions I
547s think it's fair to say he probably feels
549s under approximately zero pressure right
551s now which is precisely the Salient Point
553s yes it makes the answer to your question
555s no as long as there's going to be no
558s pressure on the other side of the board
559s yeah he's just gonna keep cycling and
561s looking for bran and everything else he
562s needs to be able to get this job done
563s particularly because every minion he
566s plays is suddenly a minion he can't use
569s to proc objection if it comes to that at
571s some point over the course of the game
573s um so holding back minions as resources
574s to be able to do that
579s just as well that you went for uh oh
582s they didn't go should I say for The
584s Aquatic Farm
587s and just to keep going with the cycle
588s but maybe yala doesn't want to give away
591s any potential knowledge of okay well if
593s aquatic form on 10 it means you can just
595s draw any card you want basically and
598s you're probably gonna pick potential
599s combo piece exactly yeah all the big
602s counter for that one five four the Giga
605s fin yeah it's just a Tempo Giga fin
607s really isn't it yeah
612s objection now down on the other side as
614s well so the objection dance does begin
616s we did call this out I believe very
618s early on in the day that you know
619s objection would be a very persistent
622s repetitive talking point throughout the
624s whole tournament it is uh one of the
627s most common disruption cards that we're
628s seeing in people's lineups basically uh
631s Mage and Rogue could generally use
632s objection the Mage secret to be able to
635s uh make everyone's life rather annoying
638s um
639s how unplayable is this Talon as well
642s because timing does run theater and
646s especially in in situations that you
648s mentioned it before right that Druid can
651s hold a lot of cards almost all the time
653s yes does y'all again like
656s ever even care about playing this
659s tailing at this point 13 cards left he's
661s golf has a lot of armor not getting
663s pressure does he just hold on to it
664s because why not at this point but
666s there's also looking at it the other way
668s right he's just ruled out counter spell
671s was a mage secret so there's an argument
673s to say play the Talon for relative
675s confidence that it will get objected at
678s that point because I you absolutely
680s don't want the tailor on the ball
681s because if there's a tailor if you play
682s Talon and your opponent does have the
684s thing in their hand uh does have the
687s theater in their hand they're like food
689s and drink at that point they're gonna
690s kill your tail in an insta slam the
692s theater to try and end the game on the
694s spot at that point so it's a tough call
696s to make because yala still has uh two or
700s three other secrets that haven't been
701s tested for that could have been there
702s from the Mage one but you could have had
704s the just the willful confidence that
706s that was going to be objection and
707s slammed it
711s at least now it's looking like uh timing
714s can actually push a reasonable chunk of
716s damage there's of course 22 armor to hit
718s through but connecting with the full
720s Giga fin is is a small win at least
732s could actually go for the miracle growth
735s again could throw the Jerry rig into the
737s secret but again I imagine actually yala
740s will wait right especially now he has
742s the Jerry rig yes he'll be able to just
744s play the Jerry rig in the combo term and
747s just say well you can only have one
748s objection up yes so there you go the
751s only reason to
753s um you know go ahead and spend Mana
755s early is if you think you're gonna have
756s to do it with an expensive minion right
758s because if you're doing it with a five
759s drop even if you're paying armor for
761s Minions that might end up costing you
763s too much armor and prevent you from
764s doing the full combo if you do it later
766s if you're doing it with a Jerry rig then
767s yeah I think you can probably just hold
770s out and fit that all in in the same
771s combo turn to prevent a new one coming
773s back down again
775s that rope's burning again
781s I'm a tough turn now though for yala to
783s sort of finish up on got to work out I
785s can at least generate a little bit of
786s hand space
789s and maybe go with the planted evidence
791s but it's quickly running out of time
792s just gonna cash in the urban scales
794s which again I don't mind either right
795s get the even scales play the Wild growth
797s just for Extra Man or whatever and just
800s get the cards a little bit more free in
801s your hand to be able to use that hero
803s power next turn
809s eight cards left and essentially nowhere
812s with the combo he still needs all of it
815s which is very irritating
818s this is not 18 cards left so
821s yeah true
823s yeah if only he had 62 Health instead of
825s 52 right that would just be so much
827s better in this position
831s wow these concussions are so strong
834s aren't they it just feels like it's
836s always just Destroyer minion yeah
842s I mean when they when they get
844s discovered and you actually get to like
846s you know mix your own potion yeah yeah
847s yeah they're really really strong like
849s randomly generated ones can be kind of
850s Jank but when you actually get some sort
852s of agency as to what they do like yes
854s they're very very situational useful
856s tools yeah it's pretty much just do what
858s you want to do this turn is is what they
861s end up being
863s foreign
870s suggest you get drawing yeah
875s I was even just looking at what a scale
877s of inyxia potentially blizzard oh would
880s have been great wouldn't it we were all
882s here for the full combo draw that turn
884s um oh
886s well that's likely
890s there we go
892s now you have asked the law you do have
894s eight mana and seven armor
898s which puts you up to 15 which I believe
901s is enough but I don't think it would be
904s immediately lethal with the amount of
906s Health that's currently on board or
907s subjection right
909s true yeah sorry I'm not factoring in the
912s objection Jerry red yeah yeah do you
914s would have 15 I think 13 is the number
915s that you need to start with so you can
917s go Jerry rig for two and still have 13
919s to be able to go down the chain I think
920s that still works but more importantly I
923s don't think that's important because who
925s cares You're Not Dead next turn anyway
927s right so chill and then figure it out
929s next time when you're not roping right
935s we had eight Mana you play the anubra
938s yeah for objection
940s all I see yeah yeah you'd have to go
942s that far yes yes yes once again I object
944s to your point and oh the theater oh
951s oh such a huge deal
954s and it's gone now
957s it's so weird to see full hand 40 elf
961s two Secrets board presence you're
963s winning on board and tianming's behind
965s this game it looks odd but it's true I
968s promise yep
979s now like
982s we talk about this a lot where it's oh
984s you're just gonna hope they don't have
985s it and just play
987s not much of a hope when your opponents
989s drew it they're gonna have three cards
991s left in the deck a million mana and
993s probable card draw in hand as well it's
996s not quite the best situation to close
998s your eyes and hope here for timing yeah
1000s that's the problem right because with
1001s Guff in play as well they have the spare
1004s Mana to just cycle the rest of their
1005s deck anyway right and then still be able
1007s to pop off with the combo and
1009s potentially play an additional minion
1011s first to uh break that objection and not
1014s be a drooling Noob like me and make that
1016s mistake I was even trying to think
1018s whether the uh you know like colic does
1021s anything
1022s is that you know like a bit of an odd
1024s one right uh to to
1028s about pretending if he played the queen
1029s of shower but yeah just gonna go with
1031s the maximum stats and
1033s honestly I imagine hope y'all right but
1037s yeah there's the jury being held for the
1039s turn of combo you can't have more than
1041s one version of a secret so there's
1042s objection gone yala does not have to
1045s think about it
1049s oh
1051s who knows what Secrets will
1055s uncovered yeah and as usual this is the
1057s uh preferred uh like
1060s um order right because you get the
1062s double armor from an Uber right yeah and
1064s not only that but you also get to spend
1066s Mana beforehand as well and not just
1069s spend it all on Armor which is something
1071s that you quite often uh when people are
1073s learning the deck you quite often see
1074s them like playing this turnout and they
1076s still have like 11 Mana left you're like
1077s why didn't you spend the manner that you
1079s had first before yeah
1082s yeah even looking at this like the spare
1084s armor to be able to just play that push
1086s into a minion just to make the actual
1087s Health on board as low as possible for
1089s yala I'll be honest I've not counted if
1092s y'all needed to do that but why not I
1095s think it's my answer
1098s and now 32 more to the Dome and that is
1103s gonna be game one going down for yala in
1106s what was really A procession there was
1108s very little resistance put up from Tia
1111s Ming it was always going to have to be
1112s the theater because the pressure just
1114s did not ramp up quickly enough on the
1116s other side and then seeing that theater
1118s just crash into the abyss off the top
1121s would have been an absolute Heartbreaker
1124s for TM Ming in the end and you saw it I
1126s think on his expression I think you saw
1129s um how stressed and emotive he was
1130s throughout through uh throughout most of
1132s that game you know the face Palms early
1134s on the reactions to the some of the the
1136s boxes he was opening just wasn't enough
1139s pressure quickly enough against an
1142s extremely strong ramp draw from yala
1144s while growth into vague Guff like yes
1146s that's yeah very difficult and it's one
1149s of those things isn't it and one of the
1150s big differences when you're against a 30
1152s card style like this as opposed to 40 is
1154s it feels very similar to the position
1156s you used to get into against like Rogue
1158s where it was well if they have like six
1161s seven cards left you know you're getting
1164s comboed next turn right like you know
1166s it's gonna happen so you have to draw an
1169s answer or you assume you've lost the
1172s answer did get drawn it's just yeah mink
1174s had the 10 cards already in hand which
1176s was a shame and that theater got burnt
1178s away so we're gonna be moving on to game
1179s number two it looks like teaming is
1181s going to be on Rogue once again andiala
1184s jumping over to the Demon Hunter and I'm
1187s just gonna say demon is just gonna lose
1188s 100 of the games because I'm trying to
1190s like anti-curse yellow from the last
1193s time we cast and I was so confident
1195s Demon Hunter was going to win then he
1196s lost three times in a row
1198s yes indeed uh immediately got off
1202s broadcast and sort of had a debate with
1204s Lorinda about you know how much exactly
1207s percentage-wise cutting one card draw
1209s card actually reduces the amount of uh
1211s cards that you draw because that's the
1213s kind of thing that both of us like
1215s thinking about it is very much subtle
1217s and Lorinda conversation I'd be like oh
1220s it's about 30 percent
1222s sleeve it's about six I don't know yeah
1225s it's often but yeah I think point being
1228s you know he largely agreed with the
1231s theme that I went for which is you know
1233s it'll impact it and it'll impact it more
1235s than you think because cutting one card
1237s draw shrinks the size of your card draw
1240s snowball significantly uh but it doesn't
1243s prevent you from drawing any card draw
1246s in three straight games one of which was
1248s like four turns in a row reading a hit
1250s card draw you know like that's unfair to
1253s blame on the fact that there is one
1254s prosecutor meltronics in this deck
1257s yeah I think like however much we were
1259s joking about it during that series of
1262s when is it ever going to get played uh
1264s yeah I think that the draws weren't
1266s great but going up against this Rogue
1268s again we've seen this before where as
1271s usual Rogue can sort of find its way
1273s through a match up but as long as the
1276s Demon Hunter doesn't work uh well hang
1278s on I'm doing it again uh no demons is
1280s going to lose uh never mind we'll move
1283s on but seriously look at the opening
1285s hands here already show it well that
1288s might be the first time I was going to
1289s say final showdown like I have ever
1291s named the quest in any cast I've ever
1294s done uh it's normally just the quest
1297s um but yeah having that and uh the
1299s spectral site in good position already
1301s it feels like we're having we've seen
1303s better games from yala than we did in
1305s his early earlier series
1308s I believe though this was the pattern of
1310s the first game as well right I believe
1312s he kept need for greed spectral site as
1315s a three keep in his first game in the
1317s last series right and then just
1318s completely ran out of card draw from
1320s that point but now I feel like you're
1322s cursing yala so I'm removing a
1323s responsibility from my side that's fine
1328s uh he was on the play that game though
1330s so we didn't get to that too and so we
1334s saw the disaster that I guess wasn't
1336s theotar in the previous game so a
1338s different matchup here but what impact
1340s does theater have on Demon Hunter is it
1344s I grew probably not as game-winning as
1346s the Druid matchup but you know what sort
1348s of impact is this going to make to yala
1350s if Tim Min can actually get this off
1351s yeah I think that's fair not as
1354s consistently game-winning as against the
1356s 30 card Druid because you know they have
1359s a large number of Minions that kind of
1361s end it if you steal one
1364s um and also just having the 30 cards
1366s makes it pretty likely that you're going
1367s to hit it most of the time obviously
1368s that likelihood is the same with the 30
1370s card Demon Hunter but they actually have
1373s recovery techniques right like if you if
1375s you steal the Jace they can still make
1379s two eight eights and two nine nines with
1381s a single three Mana card connect with
1383s those and then finish you off with spell
1385s damage fell barrages they can still
1388s discount all of their spell damage to
1390s zero Mana play them all in one turn and
1392s then just kill you from 40 with two fell
1394s barrages anyway even without using Jace
1396s there's still lots of ways that you can
1397s get around it even if you do get your
1399s stuff munched so it helps it absolutely
1402s helps one thing that I personally would
1405s not like to see is Cham Ming going for
1408s the theater when the Curtis Quest reward
1411s is in hand when we get to that point
1412s right right
1413s um because I think that specifically
1415s lowers your odds of hitting anything
1416s relevant because I don't think the
1418s character's Quest will reward is that
1420s relevant that often in most match-ups
1423s see how it goes yeah I mean
1426s perfect thanks get it gone and what just
1430s a small note as well uh hopefully this
1433s will not come into play but one thing
1434s you do have to be wary of if you're
1436s spending a long time on your turns is
1437s y'all is sometimes want to do
1440s is that if you're parking Road quests uh
1443s sorry Rogue secrets
1445s animations happen right so it's one
1448s thing you have to just keep a little eye
1449s on I mean yala was absolutely fine then
1451s but it's just one thing that you know
1453s people could trip on by accident
1456s and uh Bagel agrees if you can
1460s indeed
1467s oh
1472s is playable immediately does have zero
1475s Manor Relic to dump if need be as well
1485s um demons they can just go need for
1487s greed tradable and then dump The Relic
1491s if need be
1492s open up the handspace
1505s oh okay
1512s not too bad at all of course could
1514s always be better
1516s um if it actually could you know could
1518s hit a reduction on a relic but I think
1520s this is looking fine he has the um the
1522s dimensions there with the one cost
1524s location so I suppose that's kind of
1526s like in a reduction on a dimensions
1529s not looking too bad at all
1532s yep just drop the extension leave it up
1534s as a three one I think you're absolutely
1536s fine with that just to make up the board
1537s space
1539s where you followed
1542s is some of the more Awkward turns to
1544s plan from the demon Hunter's perspective
1546s though because you know you play Relic
1549s you could you're debating immediately
1552s whether you want to play doubled up
1554s phantasms but then you also have a
1555s relative dimensions in your hands you're
1557s like okay maybe I don't use the location
1558s this time so I can use the location next
1560s turn but then you have to consider wait
1562s does it take me two turns to get enough
1565s space in my hand to be able to play
1568s relative dimensions right right doubled
1570s up anyway
1572s um so good deal of planning going into
1573s these next couple of turns from Jana
1578s laughs
1580s Raven's favorite cards
1585s um
1586s yeah not looking too bad here for timing
1588s I do feel like he's just gonna be
1590s reliant on this uh theater to at least
1593s not just win the game as we've already
1595s mentioned but just give him some kind of
1597s level of being come up comfortable right
1599s it's like okay if I remove one of the
1602s burn cards then I just know you're not
1605s gonna do it twice right like you just
1607s have that 100 knowledge because you can
1610s point out unless I'm being stupid but
1612s outside of Jace repeating certain cards
1615s there's no way to generate more versions
1617s right in this deck so you just know if
1620s it's gone it's gone
1622s foreign
1629s deciding that he needs to pay no mind to
1633s clearing opposition boards this game
1635s just throwing out both relics of
1637s Extinction for one and two damage each
1642s I mean it was a very strong turn isn't
1645s it like look at the board flip here
1647s there's yes there's a turn between now
1650s and when he will want to use the
1652s location and dimensions if that's what
1654s yala wants to do but I think there's
1656s also a a small chance that you could
1659s actually just go the Phantasm again and
1663s just be like well what if I've just got
1664s huge minions
1665s and then follow up with Dimensions maybe
1667s just a turn or so later
1671s speaking of strong turns you go through
1673s all that effort and then one crabby boy
1675s is all it takes and you're right back at
1678s square one
1687s plenty of spells played on the previous
1688s turn knows that it is not counter spell
1691s no minions played just yet though to
1693s have tested for objection of course we
1695s know that it's Oasis Ally
1698s okay though he's got the uh objection
1700s tester in hand
1703s on the tech
1705s prosecutor absolute meltronics yeah
1712s I think one thing I know we've talked a
1714s lot about this card but I think the
1716s biggest
1718s issue for me so far is just its Mana
1722s cost
1723s it's a lot isn't it it's because yes
1725s it's oh it could be reduced sure but a
1727s two Mana card could be reduced to zero
1729s Mana you know what I mean like you can't
1731s you know that's not really an argument
1733s but I just think it's like four managed
1735s to just throw it out is just so
1737s expensive
1739s uh you okay yeah it's just I don't know
1742s it's just amazing Sesame Street with
1744s Raven if you make a cheap thing and an
1747s expensive thing both cheaper the cheaper
1749s thing is still cheaper yes
1753s tell me there aren't people who would
1755s argue against me with that phrase so
1758s without lying
1760s that the blue would argue with that
1762s wow
1768s but yeah I do like this from yala just
1770s getting the two phantasms out sort of
1772s one after the other and just piling on
1774s pressure because again uh
1777s this this Rogue from Tian Ming is very
1779s strong and very flexible but sometimes
1781s you aren't just given the tools right
1782s sometimes you get removal when you don't
1784s want it sometimes you get pressure when
1786s you need removal
1787s and I like I agree with like 90 of what
1792s you're saying it's just I'm not quite so
1794s convinced on the intention like as I was
1796s saying a couple of turns go right
1798s there's a lot of planning that yala
1800s needs to do over the next couple of
1801s turns about when this location comes
1803s back up and how much hand space you then
1804s have for relic of Dimensions
1807s um you're calling these minions pressure
1808s and it would be pedantic and semantic to
1813s argue with that but hello I'm subtle
1815s nice to meet you I'm going to argue with
1818s that
1819s um I think these are just busy work you
1820s know I think that's largely what
1822s phantasms are in this deck they're just
1824s a very shiny distraction for your
1825s opponent to think are the problem for a
1827s while with you get on while you get on
1830s with the job of you know drawing a bunch
1831s of discounted cards and murdering them
1834s they're both on the elemental there was
1836s quite nice though you'll take a little
1837s bit of extra health and a clean trade
1839s yeah for sure
1847s noises
1849s yo is it the lethal I don't even know at
1853s this point probably not but it's close
1858s That's How Strong the draw was though
1861s the fact I even joked about it being
1863s lethal
1866s I mean it could be right
1869s then how the second Dimensions go
1877s I grow in pain no I don't think so
1881s because it's only Max two more
1882s discounted cards right now right so even
1884s if it's spell damage for a barrage which
1886s is probably the most damage you'll get
1887s that's not immediately lethal right now
1890s I don't think so
1891s if it's lethal without it being lethal
1894s if you know what I mean it feels like it
1896s yala's got six cards left half his hands
1899s cost nothing
1902s interming has one like what does theater
1905s even steal at this point like you know
1907s what what's actually gonna stop you this
1909s is what I mean right like yeah you play
1911s a theater here and probably no matter
1913s what you end up taking your opponent
1915s still has the capacity to murder you on
1917s the following time yeah I weirdly think
1919s the best thing for Toyota is if you play
1921s it on six and they happen to have very
1923s much like yala not been able to play
1925s dimensions and then you just take one
1927s you know I think like that's probably
1929s just the best right as opposed to actual
1931s like combo pieces so to speak yep
1935s okay so it's happened big deal the Jace
1939s has been taken I'm not gonna pretend
1940s that doesn't matter it of course matters
1942s however does it end the game no
1944s absolutely not Jala still has more than
1947s enough capability to put together 27
1949s damage here
1955s yep Chow mein's gonna go
1957s really go for the jugular here with the
1959s theater try and get some spell damage
1961s away from the hand now as well
1963s he's gonna have to wait to do so though
1965s yep
1966s and again it's that that fear of oh this
1969s combo deck's got five cards left in the
1972s deck after the natural draw hmm
1976s how dead am I
1986s now the extra question with Jace gone
1991s unless I mean you can count later faster
1993s than me but there's a world where yala
1995s actually plays kurtress right
1997s to make sure he's getting like the guild
2000s Traders discount yeah and then Curtis
2002s now not die and then just pop off next
2005s turn and just play the whole deck
2007s uh 22 I Believe by the way okay so
2010s you're not quite a question
2013s yeah I believe that's what yala's
2014s obviously was doing and might still be
2016s okay yeah
2018s wait
2020s I'm going right now if he hits Guild
2022s Trader right now it's lethal I believe
2024s yes that is now lethal I'll Trust you in
2028s the Allah it adds six to my previous
2030s count so if my previous count was
2032s correct then this is now lethal
2035s he's the 22.
2038s was that the first number you said yep
2041s okay that seems to add up to more than
2043s Tia Ming's health so I'll Trust you
2045s thanks seven three over plenty of damage
2049s and what a great game there for yala
2051s just doing exactly what they needed to
2053s do and you you were right and I think
2055s that displayed there where Tian Ming
2056s just went with the theotar got a good
2059s steal but for me I think that pretty
2062s much showed why that late it probably
2064s just doesn't work but if you do it
2066s earlier you just as much as just kind of
2068s rolling the dice to see if you hit
2070s something good anyway but yala was
2072s already so far ahead of the game had the
2075s room to play Dimensions obviously got
2076s the other dimensions for free anyway and
2079s it just snowballs out of control and I
2081s think this is what I would generally
2083s expect this matchup to look like without
2085s any really wild Rogue Shenanigans coming
2088s out from some of the discovers yeah I
2090s think I've talked about this game
2091s already on stream before but you know
2093s just to give an example for context as
2094s to how much damage this gets this deck
2096s can do even when disrupted
2099s um I played against a blood Death Knight
2101s on like day three or something of the
2103s expansion who I believe got to 70 Max
2106s health
2107s uh theater my Jace and then was just
2109s emote spamming me the entire game and I
2112s just went like location phantasms for
2115s big minions managed to connect with a
2117s couple of the big minions and then did
2119s trip like plus six spell damage double
2121s fell barrage double Unholy uh double
2124s fell uh unleash at the end of the game
2126s and was still lethal through like a 65
2128s Total Health that they had at that point
2129s like it's absurd there's too much damage
2132s you can't Outlast the deck that's not
2134s the plan stop trying to do it it's not
2136s possible
2138s but more Health
2141s hey though y'all is going to be jumping
2143s over to his final deck and he does
2144s actually get to play his priest because
2146s his gadgets and a sort of shark Rogue is
2149s actually going to be banned out for the
2150s series I don't know how much we talked
2151s about a little bit earlier I still
2153s haven't got used to this it catches me
2154s by surprise every time the portrait
2156s comes up
2158s I've been casting yala for ages no I
2160s meant anduin I just don't like looking
2161s at anduin when anduin comes
2165s um
2166s what was I saying oh yeah Rogue bands so
2169s we're going to be on the Boon priest
2170s here and uh hello hello
2177s should I stop interrupting you with
2179s random noises so you should finish your
2181s point would you like that
2186s I knew it
2189s I don't even though I know I'm gonna get
2190s shut down I knew I know the game
2194s yeah what'd you make of this matchup
2196s style the uh the the boom priest the
2198s deck that I think has received at least
2199s a good chunk of bands today
2201s yeah
2203s um certainly a real real problem deck at
2206s high ranks on ladder it's a little
2208s sparser the further you go down so uh
2211s some people watching at home might be
2213s confused as to why we would talk about
2214s this deck as such a Powerhouse when it
2216s might not be something that they
2217s experience an enormous amount of but
2220s um in the hands of a skilled player it
2222s is a wildly oppressive deck and the
2225s pop-offs that it is capable of there
2227s aren't many decks in the game that are
2229s equipped to deal with it as early as
2231s they come out from the deck in the first
2233s place and this is one of those games
2235s where uh reconnaissance uh into
2238s specifically gigafin is something that
2241s we have in fact already seen in this
2243s tournament but can be one of the few
2245s ways that you can really scam back with
2248s the same level of scamming power that
2250s they have against you
2254s the new expansion coming next year scam
2256s Wars
2259s hello
2262s definitely a deck where we're gonna see
2265s yala maximize everything as he's known
2268s to do right because this is a deck where
2270s choosing when to go is so vital to you
2274s winning or losing the game but also I
2277s feel
2278s um so so debatable as well I feel like
2282s every single time we see you know a
2285s great pre uh priest game and I grabbed
2288s let's say I grabbed five six Pros they'd
2291s all probably decide something slightly
2293s different on how to approach the turn or
2295s the game in general
2309s available as well for 10 Ming so it's
2312s gonna be able to put out at least a
2314s decent amount of pressure if he wants to
2316s and again I don't think it's
2318s particularly a matchup where you can
2320s afford to try and Buy around stuff to
2323s make the priest not be able to maybe um
2325s devour as many cards and stuff like that
2328s I don't think you really have that uh
2330s opportunity as Rogue unless you have
2333s created like very specific removal tools
2337s uh you know I think the idea of playing
2338s around devour from priest is like you
2341s know don't play flipper friends for all
2344s the roses for example you know like
2346s don't just make a play that puts a ton
2348s of one ones on them yeah yeah you can't
2350s just not play minions because that's not
2352s gonna work out at all like you need that
2354s pressure unless you are the single most
2357s robust control deck in the entire world
2360s you're gonna need to play minions and
2362s pressure them to get out of the game
2363s alive
2367s foreign
2369s just like Tempo scale of annexia pass
2372s against priests the nuts
2375s we just do the real thing and play the
2377s uh the plague spreaders
2380s the the best minions to play just keep
2382s playing them it'll be fine
2385s I didn't even cast that game and I think
2388s I'm traumatized by it yeah I never want
2390s that to happen ever again it's the worst
2393s thing I've ever seen
2400s I watched Spice World
2406s I was wondering what percentage of their
2408s the lovely viewers are actually old
2410s enough to understand what that is
2413s see there are some pretty good jokes in
2415s splice world I'm not gonna lie it like
2416s is is a nonsense movie but there are
2419s some there are some good bits they're
2421s too young to remember the specific song
2423s okay
2424s this is such a large age God I believe
2427s it was written by a guy who wrote some
2428s episodes of Red Dwarf or something like
2430s that so it does actually have something
2432s it's not a link I imagined existed no I
2434s know yeah it's weird I think that's true
2436s imagine you see me yeah all right I've
2439s done these two things what have you done
2441s Spice World and record
2446s y'all are going to continue to just
2448s cycle here and really power up the hand
2451s and
2453s it's such an interesting deck to watch
2455s yala play because you know he is going
2457s to just min max it whereas I think a lot
2459s of players would have considered going
2461s in or would consider going in earlier
2463s than Yellowwood
2469s yeah much more importantly Lorinda
2470s backing me up that Spice World is in
2472s fact fine that is lorinda's movie review
2479s which is actually pretty positive if you
2481s know Lorena that's actually like almost
2483s like a glowing review there I watched it
2487s and didn't you know the real dark side
2490s of Lorinda and not not the bumbling
2492s genial person he presents us on the
2495s street the character yeah exactly
2499s should we all just stop playing our
2500s characters on stream right now should we
2502s yeah
2504s maybe for finals
2513s always swap characters so
2516s [Laughter]
2518s I want to be TJ just be like oh Lord I
2521s was about to say that why do what does
2524s it say about TJ that aren't ironically
2526s have given the option of who we would
2528s like to pretend to be we both picked TJ
2530s yeah
2538s all right meanwhile in the game of
2540s hearthstone before our very eyes no pile
2543s under pressure but this is the turn Soul
2545s yala said you know what I've got a full
2546s hand and some raging Elementals I'm
2549s gonna do the thing
2550s yeah largely been killing time until it
2554s is time to pop off as have your beloved
2556s casters but now it is the moment to get
2558s serious and make sure you are executing
2561s this properly we have seen a couple of
2564s little fudgings of these kind of turns
2566s throughout the tournament so far and uh
2569s long may it continue I'm sure
2572s yalo is gonna be methodical about it
2574s though as only yala knows how to do
2577s yeah and and to be fair like again we
2580s expect the best from the players who are
2582s here because they are the best players
2584s in the world but
2586s every single card played can have such a
2590s ripple effect on the rest of your turn
2592s in this deck right because the amount of
2594s times I've played something gone oh no
2596s now this costs one more oh no my whole
2599s turn's ruined because I just thought you
2601s just slightly missed sequence someone
2602s it's someone it's something
2609s it's all the blasters animate dead
2611s of course still has that Boon in hand
2615s [Music]
2617s Primo the wave subtle
2620s pretty good card right now for tming
2623s yeah absolutely outrageous especially uh
2627s with already one method in hand to be
2629s able to potentially repeat it as well
2646s things get really interesting when it's
2649s this version of Rogue against identity
2652s theft
2654s you can start journeying into some very
2656s interesting places soon
2659s oh I mean it's entirely possible that
2660s this somehow turns into a plague spread
2662s a mirror again even though neither of
2665s these next players oh oh I was gonna say
2667s not now but potentially wave mirror
2672s I mean also yes
2675s so the problem with this obviously it is
2677s a massive removal of stats from the
2679s board but it's not a kill card and
2681s anytime you pass back to priest when
2682s they have a minion left on the board you
2685s are potentially setting yourself up for
2687s disaster
2688s big deal here though is that the radian
2690s did not die therefore it will not be
2693s reanimated right so that is something to
2696s bear in mind it's not you know what the
2698s new cards in the deck for this expansion
2700s uh will not be able to have its uh true
2702s power level revealed yet interesting
2704s actually that it's called animate dead
2706s and not reanimate dead when normally
2707s reanimate is the word that you would use
2710s for the process that thematically the
2712s card is going for I would imagine right
2715s yes
2716s but is that wrong no no I don't think
2719s either word would be wrong I just think
2721s it's interesting that they went with
2722s anime
2723s I think they had to because it's dead
2730s you know what I mean
2732s honestly no well you're not reanimating
2735s the dead thing because the dead thing
2738s wasn't animated in the first place
2739s because it's dead but isn't that the
2741s commonly used term like the reanimate
2743s I speak quite common as well and you
2747s don't I speak the common dog sir and you
2751s don't you tell me quite often how wrong
2752s I am so yeah
2754s this ah
2759s yeah here we go this is what I like to
2761s see the um the old priest versus Rogue
2764s krabatoa mirror
2786s it is finished
2788s yeah I think y'all is just gonna give it
2790s up there no real way to answer or the
2792s krabatoas just aren't going to be able
2793s to get it done
2795s very very awkward game in the end once
2797s he got hit with the double answers even
2799s the early polymorph jelly ride we were
2802s talking about the anime Deadpool
2804s um the poly jelly goes in there as well
2805s which messed with it to begin with you
2807s know coming back with spell damage not
2808s relevant priest doesn't use the spell
2810s damage so it doesn't end up being
2811s important
2813s um and then just having that primordial
2814s wave that puts Jana in such a difficult
2817s position right because like I said you
2819s pass back with minions on the board and
2820s normally priest would look at that and
2821s go oh amazing like I I get to start the
2823s turn with a five five on my board that
2825s can attack this is amazing I'm gonna do
2826s a million damage but you know if you go
2829s all in again and you start playing more
2830s blesses and all other Buffs that you
2832s have in your hand they just need any
2835s card that replays the the thief cards
2837s throughout the game and then you just
2839s get hit with it again and then you just
2840s your drought starts it just puts you in
2842s such an awkward position once you see
2844s that first generated card that's just
2846s the nuts in the match up it's such a
2849s nightmare to just get into your brain
2850s some kind of consistent plan that
2852s actually beats anything at that point if
2855s it it keeps coming back so yala tried
2857s his best to make something happen with
2859s the identity thefts which are you know
2861s probably the go-to plan B overall if the
2863s the priest is falling short on plan a
2865s but just could not get there in the end
2866s yeah I think realistically after the
2868s primordial wave yala needed to like win
2871s the wave as in like not get a five five
2873s right and you know get something like
2875s big or create a crazy outcome to try and
2878s build off the back of there but it
2879s simply didn't happen uh timing now going
2881s to jump over to that Demon Hunter again
2883s a deck we've taught a ton about today
2886s and we'll no doubt Taco turn about
2888s tomorrow as well yeah but it's going to
2889s be going up against the priest again and
2891s honestly I don't think this is a is this
2895s a matchup we've cast today sort of I
2897s want to say no
2899s I think we did see it once yes
2904s um I believe I can't remember who it was
2905s but I think it was Demon Hunter bottom
2907s and priest top like the reversal of
2908s positions from this okay um because I do
2911s remember talking about how actually like
2913s Demon Hunter is one of the few decks in
2915s the game that can specifically throw
2917s enough removal at the moment
2920s yeah yeah I remember yeah yeah
2926s oh spectral sight and Relic vault in the
2929s opening is massive that is a fantastic
2933s opening for Ian kill them
2937s stop it uh Silver Moon uh not so great
2941s though because again when you talked
2942s about the potential removal that timing
2945s can do to deal with the big pushes from
2946s yala it would be a lot nicer if the
2949s silver the Silver Moon wasn't three Mana
2952s as that can really uh remove some of the
2954s uh potential damage that's going to be
2955s available unless timing maybe even goes
2958s for like a Tempo play with this not not
2961s next turn specifically but you know just
2963s one says you know what I've got the Mana
2965s I'll play it down how often does it
2967s actually die
2968s yeah I mean it's a possibility
2971s um we will depend heavily I think on
2973s what the draw is off the top from me in
2975s terms of card draw obviously has that
2977s spectral site lined up in good position
2979s um but just as a Counterpoint like I
2981s generally the big pop-offs don't happen
2983s until turn five-ish anyway for the
2986s priests on a on a good-ish draw
2988s um so all of a sudden you know you have
2990s the location down you have one relic of
2992s Extinction in hand already you know all
2994s it takes is one I don't know one man of
2997s Hell barrage that you've hit with the
2999s quest step or whatever and suddenly you
3000s can do a ton of uh incredible removal or
3004s even on you know turn five turn six
3005s coming back the other way
3009s I see
3014s oh
3016s yes needed any tradable yep
3021s and this is what I was talking like this
3023s is that sort of situation that
3026s Demon Hunter even with a reasonable
3028s opening starts to slip right because
3031s like look at the difference between
3033s timing getting a tradable and not it's
3036s so big even though it sounds small
3046s not in the least because it would mean
3047s that fell barrage I was just talking
3048s about would be discounted and lined up
3050s for TM Ming to go with the spell damage
3053s what do you think about sunwell
3056s well in general terms or like this term
3058s it it no sorry in this deck because it's
3061s one of the cards that
3063s it makes sense but does it
3067s yeah no I understand what you mean I
3070s obviously this deck needs plan B's right
3072s and that's kind of what it's about you
3074s can't just get a 25 25 to stick every
3078s game and win the game with it
3080s um so sometimes you need tools to
3081s generate other things to play with
3085s um which somewell is obviously a very
3086s useful card to do that with it also just
3089s has the natural Synergy with uh some of
3092s the cards in the deck like powered
3093s fortitude for example
3095s um so I think it's a reasonable addition
3097s I haven't actually looked at the stats
3099s for it specifically since it's made its
3100s way into the deck but I wouldn't imagine
3102s it's anywhere near the top but I
3104s wouldn't imagine it's like a massive cut
3106s me outlier at the moment right right
3108s either it's just it just definitely was
3109s you know it's jarring to look at right
3111s when you look at that we're so used to
3113s how this deck normally looks and some
3115s well yeah it's the topics oh okay
3119s hey though y'all just gonna make a
3120s little bit of room with the Unleashed
3121s fell
3124s oh boy that's not it either
3128s that's the bad draw don't do that
3131s it's actually like
3133s every awkward because again if Tim Ming
3136s goes for chaos strike to just keep cycle
3138s in well it's one card and then
3142s can't Relic anymore
3145s it's like yeah look at that like oh
3147s that's why I thought it was going to
3149s Relic that's kind of where I was leading
3150s to honestly with what now sorry dude
3152s it's like oh wow that that felt so often
3155s that that was the outcome for chaos
3158s strike that I genuinely thought he was
3160s gonna go Relic this is the scary part
3162s though having played this match up a
3163s good chunk uh mostly from the Demon
3166s Hunter side
3168s um as I climbed up to better ranks and I
3171s was starting to play against like top
3173s 200 style opponents I noticed a very
3176s clear like trigger which if I would use
3179s a location just to juice like relica
3181s phantasms for example to make my
3183s Extinction better they just use that
3186s turn to pop off with whatever they had
3188s in hand at that time right they just
3190s kind of React to what I was doing and
3192s know that they weren't then gonna get
3193s double extinctioned on the next term
3195s which is the scariest thing to be
3197s dealing with
3198s um so I do think
3200s there is a debate to be had about
3202s whether you even just relics for one
3205s ones without even pressing the location
3207s as weird as that would look in that spot
3209s but I think the big takeaway here for
3212s timing is that this is a rough spot to
3214s be in at them oh yeah
3218s I know like
3219s obviously only got two men are available
3221s which means the radiant this turn
3223s wouldn't really cut it but he is getting
3226s very close to saying okay there's my
3228s turn if you can't kill it you lose
3231s pour that so much clear it is but it's
3237s so much nothing else as well
3240s yeah if this hand actually had like a
3243s need for greed or a dimensions in it
3245s then I would we could talk very yeah
3247s yeah about my position in this game
3252s but also it's kind of interesting right
3254s like if you're in Tian Ming shoes right
3257s now he's wearing shoes I don't know if
3259s that's the case but uh do you clear this
3262s how do you clear this do you ignore it
3264s do you let them just have the minions
3266s because they're small do you think
3267s they're gonna stay small like what what
3269s what is the actual play here
3272s do you clear minions can you clear
3274s minions what do you use let's find out I
3277s mean sounds good to me
3281s it's tough right because any removal you
3283s just think that it's two three twos
3287s all the removal can become so much
3290s stronger
3291s yeah no press right yeah no press this
3293s is exactly what I was talking about he
3295s knows that the trigger is there that if
3297s you if you if you put your location on
3299s cooldown they're just gonna dump all
3301s their stats on the board and you will
3303s not be able to answer it with the Relic
3304s coming back the other way
3308s now on the other side he has to make the
3310s decision
3311s how all in is he going to go is this
3314s like a double Boon is this single
3318s um like where can you even go with this
3319s obviously depends on what he draws right
3320s if he can get hold of the uh yeah there
3322s you go the evolution is what I was going
3324s to talk about
3325s [Music]
3328s is that trick isn't it gotta make it
3331s threatening enough for your opponent to
3333s not be able to ignore it
3336s also if you go all in and there is the
3338s answer because that location's just sat
3340s staring at you
3344s I mean name of chicken
3346s it is but in this situation against
3348s Demon Hunter specifically I do think
3351s more is just better yala you're
3353s terrifying me please do things while I
3355s continue this sentence
3357s because you've seen no discounts right
3360s no Quest steps no relative dimensions
3362s you just saw a fell barrage used for
3366s maximum value
3367s yes
3369s I mean that was obviously deliberate
3372s um you've just seen film barrage used
3373s for minimal value with no spell damage
3377s so the more you do the less likely it
3379s then is it's a very it's a fairly binary
3381s situation right where they might have
3383s relative extinctions in hand they might
3385s have two relative extinctions in hand
3386s but straight up the more stats you have
3389s the more likely something is to stick
3390s and the more likely something is to
3391s stick the more likely you are to win so
3393s this is so funny as well because I'm I
3395s I'm not sure but I feel like yala went
3397s okay I just play this out keep the hand
3399s space and they might press it and then
3401s dimensions
3402s right
3404s and it's like oh they didn't
3406s oh I guess I just do do my turn then oh
3410s my opponent's hand is really really bad
3412s oh oh homage yeah
3415s um
3416s yeah yeah I was saying okay well that
3418s was what they had
3419s we go in
3421s indeed
3423s and now so much Mana available because
3426s you actually started the turn with the
3428s Priestess in your hand and didn't have
3429s to go fishing for it
3431s yeah got the police got the wigs
3435s actually you know proc in the um the
3437s Naga as well of course to be able to
3439s help cycle them because sometimes you
3441s find yourself just playing a wig because
3443s you just have to and it's not going to
3444s recycle
3445s oh I'm done
3448s job's done we'll wait five minutes while
3450s this turn finishes oh it's done yeah
3452s Wiggy Wiggy boom boom is gonna
3455s presumably be the end of this term while
3457s we wait for it to catch up with the
3458s bless obviously thrown in there as well
3461s and I do not think these pitiful relics
3466s of Extinction are going to be able to
3467s deal with this board State and I feel
3469s like you lied you told me oh you can
3471s clear huge minions you can't I can see
3473s some huge minion soul and you said they
3476s can't be cleared genuinely look at this
3479s this is like the worst possible hand you
3482s can have in response to this no
3483s discounts one spell damage minion look
3486s how much you can still do
3490s I mean
3493s look I'm not saying it's gonna be
3495s something I'm saying visualize a second
3498s spell damage minion in there as well
3500s yeah
3502s well regardless huge congratulations to
3505s yala as he takes the victory three one
3508s and it stays alive uh in the tournament
3510s as well to defeating Tian Ming and that
3512s was just a rough final game but I think
3514s we've seen that right where that is why
3517s even though I said at the start of the
3519s day or Demon Hunter just is just a win
3520s it's why it's not literally just an auto
3523s winning any given matchup right there
3525s are gaps in the deck especially if you
3527s have some of those awkward draws and
3529s your opponent doesn't right you can keep
3530s up and you start to slip away so really
3532s really good series by yala and honestly
3535s just play I kind of just expect from him
3538s very considered especially with that
3539s priest we saw I think twice that right
3541s where he was really picking his moments
3544s to go in and the time it failed was when
3546s his opponent had the primordial wave
3548s which is understandable yeah I do think
3551s his actual
3552s um timing of of the priest play was
3555s actually very very strong yeah I do
3557s think
3558s genuinely the term previous to the one
3560s where he popped off and eventually won
3562s was genuinely indecisive right it looked
3566s like he was very well I won't I actually
3567s go in more on that turn but what's
3570s important is I think he made what is the
3572s right decision in the end just
3573s recognizing how much bigger he gets in
3576s one turn just by hanging on there and
3578s you saw the the fruits of that labor
3579s with like the the triple 26 26s or
3582s whatever he ended up with in the end
3584s um just by holding on for that one extra
3585s term but I think there was a moment of
3587s indecision in there that's fine as long
3589s as you end up
3590s um making the right play in the end and
3592s I think that is yala 101 right he will
3596s be very considered he'll take all his
3598s options he might be indecisive of
3599s moments but that is y'all are just using
3602s every second of the game that is
3604s available to him and it's something that
3606s we've been distracted by recently with
3609s the likes of Gabby and bly's taking over
3612s in the last couple of seasons of Europe
3614s Grand Masters where suddenly you know
3617s the Vogue Play Star in the Premier
3619s region was just slamming out cards as
3621s quickly as possible and yala's just here
3624s to remind everyone that actually
3625s actually the old life coach style might
3628s just have some Merit to it life coach
3631s um that was a great series and we've got
3633s one more left for you guys today and
3636s it's gonna be a spicy one no matter
3638s which way you look at it because it's
3640s going to be glory versus yala when it
3643s moves on and goes with shouty to
3645s progress loser is just done Saul and
3648s what a pair of players and as well World
3650s Championship rematches yeah right up on
3653s top of all of that that is a disgusting
3655s game to be closing out the day with
3657s can't wait Yep this is just day one but
3659s we've got that one more match left so
3660s stick around and we'll be right back
3662s with Glory versus yellow
3666s foreign
3668s [Music]
3676s [Music]
3683s we're going to test your Hearthstone
3686s stats trivia whether or not you can
3688s answer these five questions correctly
3691s based on uh super Hearthstone Esports
3694s trivia you ready I think so
3697s I believe it I like the uh the
3699s conviction all right question number one
3701s which player has had the most match wins
3704s across all Masters Tour events is it a
3707s hunter Ace B Fury Hunter C Aloo temu or
3712s D bunny Hopper
3714s I think it's Fury Hunter
3717s that is the correct answer of one point
3719s to yala congratulations next question
3721s one that you might have a little bit of
3723s an advantage in yala what was yala's win
3726s percentage across all Grand Master
3728s matches ever was it 55.3
3732s 57.2 60.1 or 64.3 percent I think it's
3737s 60.1
3740s he's two for two he knows himself and he
3742s knows his own Hearthstone
3743s congratulations uh question number three
3745s what was happen gabu's Swiss record in
3748s the second third and fourth Masters
3751s tours of the Year combined
3754s so that's Master stores two three and
3756s four was it twenty and four twenty one
3759s and three twenty two and two or twenty
3762s three and one
3764s that's gonna be hard one
3766s um that is tough
3768s actually I have no idea
3771s can you repeat actually the scores again
3773s I can indeed 20 wins and four losses 21
3777s wins and three losses 22 wins and two
3780s losses or 23 wins and one loss I think
3784s it's a but yeah
3786s not sure unfortunately you underestimate
3789s your opponent in this instance he didn't
3791s lose four matches he lost two matches
3794s only with a score of 22 and two over
3796s three entire Masters tours which is a
3799s truly mind book that's good yeah yeah it
3802s does uh make you a little bit afraid of
3803s him moving on to another one of the
3805s competitors you're going to be up
3806s against what was dead draw's record
3809s you're gonna have to throw your mind
3810s back quite far here at Masters Tour Las
3813s Vegas was it a 1-4 drop seven and five
3817s eight and four or nine and three
3821s I think it was nine nine and three
3825s unfortunately you went to the exact
3826s wrong end of the spectrum you
3828s overestimated him in this instance it's
3829s dead draw come on we know he's washed
3831s it's one and four drop uh for him at uh
3834s that particular tournament uh and then
3836s the final question uh the spiciest of
3839s hearthstone dramas that we've had in a
3841s very long time how many turns did Pasqua
3844s rope when he played against x-blies in
3847s his last call match zero 25 40 or 65
3853s turns
3854s can give us all of them so maybe 65
3858s . so that's it it was one of the most
3861s excruciating things I've ever had to see
3862s in my life I'm surprised it was only 65
3864s turns he roped him uh but congrats three
3867s out of five we'll see how you compare to
3869s the other competitors when they also
3870s take the stat attack quiz
3874s [Music]
3886s [Music]
3891s Ocean or mountains
3893s pale
3895s big party or small gathering
3900s a bath or a shower
3903s passenger or driver
3907s City or Countryside
3912s work hard or play hard
3914s [Music]
3939s [Music]
3950s [Music]
3956s [Music]
3983s oh my God all right
3996s [Music]
4015s [Music]
4023s [Music]
4029s [Music]
4036s thank you
4041s [Music]
4059s foreign
4060s [Music]
4087s foreign
4089s [Music]
4105s thank you
4106s [Music]
4121s foreign
4125s [Music]
4160s foreign
4167s [Music]
4194s foreign
4198s [Music]
4225s foreign
4231s [Music]
4254s [Music]
4258s [Applause]
4260s [Music]
4263s foreign
4266s [Music]
4286s hello everybody and welcome back to the
4288s Hearthstone World Championship my name
4291s is TJ I'm joined by Neil Lorinda Bond
4292s and Neil we have the pleasure
4296s of having the final shift of the day you
4299s know what
4300s What in in like relay races like in the
4303s Olympics uh-huh
4306s it always put their best runner last
4309s called The Anchor position we are the
4310s anchors yeah we are the anchor
4314s that's right
4315s we're both anchors
4317s and it's for
4321s um undisclosed re I actually don't know
4324s you did the rotation you should know
4328s why they put the fastest runner last
4332s um it's because
4334s why
4335s in the I mean in theory it should make
4337s no difference whatsoever right the four
4339s people run their run and that's the
4341s thing but your best person at doing the
4344s thing is the one who might be able to
4345s find the extra
4347s like the zip
4349s and if they're winning by a long way
4350s they can ease off so they don't hurt
4352s themselves for later rounds
4355s uh
4357s I think it's because
4359s because you have to pass the Baton yeah
4362s you can't run full speed the whole time
4367s yes you can either those the last legs
4370s are faster legs oddly enough because you
4371s start running before you get the pattern
4376s yeah and then the last last one you get
4378s to just Sprint right through the finish
4379s and you get to do that whole head down
4381s arms back thing that's the one and the
4383s thing is with us is we have never
4385s dropped the bottom TJ we are absolutely
4388s solid we've never got it wrong we've
4391s never let the show down we have been
4393s last for two years more accurate is on
4397s last after circulating to tidy up the
4400s mess we never had a baton
4403s we're not even officially entered in the
4405s race
4406s but we still run regardless and win but
4411s don't get the credit
4412s there was a person who did that in the
4414s 50s I think it's the 50s or the 60s
4417s what band foreign
4422s a tiny tiny tiny sum of money to run a
4425s race or to get some sponsored shoes or
4427s something ridiculous and they got banned
4429s a long distance run a really long
4431s distance Runner like marathons and above
4433s and I can't remember the person's name
4435s it's really annoying me and they were
4438s banned from amateur competitions because
4440s that was officially a professional thing
4444s um and so he wasn't allowed to run so he
4446s just turned up at these races and won
4448s them anyway and just didn't collect any
4449s prize money just as an amateur Runner
4451s he's like well I'm banned but this is a
4454s road and I'm going to run on this road
4455s at the same time as your tournament
4456s today because it's a long distance race
4457s and he was really good
4461s no there you go rematch of the 2020
4463s Hearthstone World final and one of the
4467s players won't be reaching the top eight
4472s pretty incredible honestly one that we
4475s have multiple previous world champions
4479s feeding in this world championship
4481s two because
4483s we have even more finalists
4487s Petey players that competed in World
4489s Finals
4490s sorry
4492s point three even crazier
4497s is the fact that
4499s two of the players that played in the
4501s final are playing against each other in
4502s another world championship four that
4505s one's not going to even make it on to
4507s the next stage of the quarterfinal so we
4508s can't have a rematch in the files and
4509s five look at this turn wow I was gonna
4511s say can we talk about battles Glory has
4514s won this Hearthstone game because that
4516s is a mailbox getting right all danced on
4519s right in front of him there
4522s um have you has he dawned on you how
4523s we've talked about this group possibly
4525s being stronger than the other groups
4526s even though they're all strong how many
4528s world championship appearances this
4531s group had between the four of them
4537s um I grew one two
4542s three and Counting this one counting
4545s this tournament as well yes you've got a
4546s four Head Start five six seven
4550s and then
4551s eight nine I think it's ten
4555s did xiaote compete in more than yeah
4558s he's been in two previous ones okay so
4561s this is third okay I was only this group
4563s has 10 world championship appearances
4565s between it wow that's gonna die on turn
4567s four Lori this is his third yellow this
4570s is his second timing this is a second
4572s and then shouty this is his third wow
4574s yeah
4576s the other groups can't compete with that
4578s surely I know Bunny Hop has been like 14
4580s or something but even so
4586s yeah
4588s so we would say oh no this person who
4590s we've respected for many years blah blah
4592s blah is getting knocked out this is why
4594s they're all somebody had to be it's this
4597s crazy crazy group and this is a crazy
4599s crazy game
4600s yeah glory is so 1-0 up here and you
4603s just don't give up as this there's
4604s Extinction and Relic vault in yala's
4607s hand so he's got a chance of sorts he's
4610s got a planet it is a clear great
4614s Relic vault
4616s click it relic of Extinction and then
4619s you have to go into here
4623s and take a million damage anyway oh but
4625s next to now he's got the proper stuff
4630s still awkward though the Mana just
4632s doesn't line up
4634s and doesn't have an extra draw to
4637s complete the quest
4638s doesn't matter line up next turn next
4640s time you can go Silver Moon unleash
4642s Relic and not clicker Vault right
4646s the relic's only dealing two total
4649s damage
4650s but that would deal final damage to the
4652s seven seven
4654s right oh yeah yeah and the spell damage
4656s no there's spell damage right yeah
4659s you might clean that there's no other ah
4661s if there was another Minion on board it
4663s would have to have more than three
4665s Health yeah full health or more
4668s but now he's used a coin so that's not
4670s an option ah well you could go
4674s Arkham Arcanist
4677s Vault Extinction that's that's what
4681s he'll do and then if The Arcanist
4682s doesn't die he gets to fail the turn
4684s after that and part of the Assumption
4687s here is has Glory really got more stuff
4689s in his hand after that first term
4691s because if he has you know go away
4700s oh some good pickups well the good
4702s pickup being
4704s shroud
4706s that's it
4719s demon you gotta kill it and the way to
4722s do that is
4724s Arcanist plus Vault Extinction yep
4729s um we don't have to vote right you can
4731s just Extinction that's why he's done it
4733s this way
4739s no you do have to vote I'm still yeah
4742s you do because because he didn't save
4744s the Unleashed yeah yeah so
4748s if he had done it your way would have
4749s gained uh you know six Health yeah I
4752s like my way honestly according out the
4754s Vault and just just pretending The Vault
4755s didn't exist was kind of what I wanted
4757s to do but now no no that doesn't make
4761s sense I was gonna say now got up by
4764s spinning the Mana up front on the Vault
4767s has a has a chance to hit dimensions on
4771s fire but then the vault's gonna be on
4772s cooldown anyway so nine of those plays
4774s set up for a vault well the way he's
4777s done this though does leave just an
4779s Arcanist in play
4781s which is kind of nice
4784s all right you go
4787s bone Spike
4788s we got location yep
4792s uh you equip the Cutlass
4795s and
4797s we'll see strike
4801s yeah then you and then you hit both
4802s locations
4804s that seems reasonable to me
4806s pretty good
4807s or you can do it the Raven way because
4810s Raven would say this is something she
4812s was like where you get bonus bike then
4813s you press the location then you bone
4815s Spike the other goal that you just made
4817s and then you make one massive ghoul
4820s but why to stop them from Gaining Health
4823s from a leash well you're now you're
4826s making two I know
4829s I I guess he doesn't have to click the
4831s other one
4832s because he sets up lethal without it but
4834s now if there's spell damage plus unleash
4837s that is which there is
4841s not enough
4843s well it's enough to survive
4845s I mean it's enough to not be dead
4848s good talk
4854s go up to 16 with 11 showing demons
4858s and just literally nothing in hand
4862s I guess the guild Trader does have to be
4864s answered
4865s maybe that'll take some heat
4867s Maybe
4873s uh I grow impatient
4879s okay well you know what they say if you
4881s want to take some heat go to the kitchen
4885s yeah that's definitely what they say
4887s goes
4890s stand the heat get in the kitchen
4895s oh he's got to do it there's no other
4897s way to survive
4900s glory is enjoying himself isn't he he's
4902s like well
4904s I've got all the good cards so I'm gonna
4905s be happy
4911s you're very good at these idioms aren't
4912s you TK
4916s always happen
4921s oh yeah he's gonna draw with the excuse
4924s that's one manner to play this basically
4934s and now he just jumps even more nonsense
4936s on the board next turn but is he gonna
4938s just wait and say well actually
4941s if you can't kill the 5-2 or if you have
4943s to barrage then that's fine but he's
4945s already seen one of these two spell
4947s damages
4948s yeah yeah yeah now this basically has to
4952s be Dimensions off the top
4954s and if agreed might do it
4957s a double fell barrage or unleash Plus
4961s Garage yeah uh it'll be a reduced
4964s Arcanist that would also work
4971s yeah reduced Arcanist also works
4976s he's going to try and hit Dimensions
4977s first
4979s fair enough
4980s I thought he's incredible
4983s uh I think this is better this is better
4985s yeah it was Fury next try anyway
4988s hey oh wait
4991s nope dead
4994s well and
4997s no oh hang on
5000s get live alive
5004s why is Jana so much harder to kill than
5006s anybody else
5011s we might have won this game obviously
5015s what a long time ago
5018s we have to give them a chance by sitting
5020s here
5021s yeah so still I'd like to talk to you
5024s about that term that was different but I
5025s probably won't
5033s oh not quite got the
5037s Draco activation
5042s our next turn he's got lethal from hand
5044s so might do nothing here
5047s you can make a huge ghost or he could
5049s just do nothing and do that all next
5050s turn and then just win with a weapon
5053s yep so I think it's better because then
5055s your opponent's got less healing to heal
5057s from one of these has to be dimensions
5061s that's not it but it could be it
5064s meltronics
5065s no
5066s [Music]
5069s okay barrage maldronix
5073s um
5076s and then Glory draws
5078s something that doesn't work
5081s and then he's stuck
5085s yeah
5087s there's nothing that you it would have
5090s to be
5091s what something that costs one Mana
5094s in order to be able to get the mailbox
5096s dancer out
5103s unless he thinks his best chance to win
5105s is to Viper
5108s I grow
5111s or trade the Viper and hit dimensions
5115s he's running out of time I I think it's
5117s got to be
5119s barrage and then
5124s that forth the prosecutor
5128s there we go so most cards are pretty
5132s good here
5134s the short version
5136s yeah one man
5138s oh what is it it's shroud
5142s no it's not because it wasn't in hand oh
5144s no
5147s oh oh no Jana can't understand why he's
5150s not dead he's just expected this to be
5152s some sort of extended beer but he's
5153s actually completely locked out of the
5155s turn
5156s oh yeah
5158s yeah
5161s wins though from here you know like he
5165s can win now he could win he could
5166s absolutely kill George Dimensions he can
5168s win this game
5169s it's
5171s dicks
5173s Plus 8 14 15.
5177s okay I'll spray
5181s oh Jesus was close oh Arcanist here we
5184s go
5186s so much stuff but can he heal for enough
5189s to get out of it
5194s oh my
5196s no I still don't think get out of it
5198s maybe it's it's usually Unleashed so
5200s against how much he gains just the three
5204s yeah he's dead
5208s yeah
5209s demons Chase was close
5214s to lethal wasn't it
5216s uh
5218s um no exactly what the spell damage on
5219s the board
5220s I know but even without the spell damage
5222s he had a free Fury so it would have been
5225s six yeah Furies eight from the two fell
5228s barrages so that's 14.
5231s 15 16 on board with the maldronics
5235s Unleashed then would have been
5237s there was only one cast it was a chaos
5240s strike
5242s three off lethal with the chase but
5245s that'll do it so now what can he draw
5249s this time to not get it to not get
5250s lethal
5252s nothing absolutely nothing just pulling
5255s cards around
5256s willy-nilly that's right you get there
5259s you're always just hoping that there was
5261s just that drop it wasn't there but at
5263s that point I don't even know if they're
5264s I guess it was one stenographer still
5266s left in the deck and that was it but
5269s there you have it it was very very hard
5271s to kill to be quite honest with you
5273s but I turned eight that turned one I
5277s don't think anyone gets oh they do but
5278s that's just hilarious
5281s if that Dimensions had been like a turn
5284s earlier and y'all was able to heal a
5286s little bit more
5288s maybe right but unfortunately
5292s not how the cards fall there you have it
5295s Glory one zero up
5297s in the series
5300s that that game amused me honestly
5304s but now it's but we didn't get really
5306s chance to talk because everything went
5307s so quickly when we did our very precise
5309s it was very short intro and everything
5311s just whizzed by
5313s um it's basically a mirror match with
5315s but yala's got the the 30 card ramp
5318s druid
5319s and Glory has the aggro to it so
5323s don't really want to run into that as
5325s the as the vamp to it but basically a
5328s mirror beyond all that and the priests
5329s getting banned again we're seeing
5330s priests getting banned quite a lot today
5332s although not quite enough
5339s why not quite enough what do you gotta
5341s gets priest huh
5342s you know sometimes the games go a little
5345s bit long
5347s out with the boons
5352s Boons the boons are fine
5356s but you know you don't want to risk it
5359s John Tarrant was the name by the way
5361s I've just remembered of the long
5363s distance one I was talking about
5365s who just rocked up and just didn't even
5367s enter just ran alongside the competitors
5370s yeah and basically won them
5372s yeah we you can't win if you don't enter
5374s but he wasn't allowed to enter that's
5376s right he had a tiny career as a Teenage
5378s prize fighter so he earned a tiny amount
5380s of money from prize fighting and that
5382s stopped him for being a amateur an
5385s athletic person he earned 17 pounds
5387s which was like 25 dollars
5391s that was it that was his entire earnings
5394s ooh and because of that he when he was
5397s asked when he joined the Athletics
5398s Association was asking you know have you
5399s ever played sport for money the answer
5401s was yes because he was honest then never
5403s have known there wasn't like Google in
5405s 1950 that I know of I don't remember it
5407s being there so
5408s you know
5410s it was probably googly eyes so he just
5412s turned up and ran
5413s because the Love of the Game
5415s probably googly eyes yes they probably
5417s were between us uh it's the aggro Druid
5420s versus the
5422s he fell again the Felix the quest what
5425s do you want to call this
5430s Quest fell Demon Hunter
5431s yeah
5433s um most sources track the beginning of
5435s googly eyes to a comic strip from the
5437s early 1900s hundreds called Barney
5440s Google and Snuffy Smith so Google did
5443s exist
5445s the Barney Google
5447s and that's it where the googly eyes came
5450s from
5451s got it you have the same Origins
5453s because before Barney Googled there was
5455s just nobody named Google ever before
5457s that this is the first one it's like
5459s it's just Evolution that's how Evolution
5462s Works your name slowly but surely
5464s there's no one ever been called that
5465s name it just it just appears out of the
5467s blue yeah before Barney Google his his
5470s father
5473s yeah googly
5476s his last name was Barney
5479s Barney and like
5484s they've had to change it to googly
5486s meanwhile back at the ranch
5489s girl has got a clear next turn so he
5491s doesn't care what happens here
5494s or does he
5495s Alicia of course he does he always cares
5498s about everything meticulously there's a
5501s Herald of the tour
5503s uh-huh
5504s and there's two of them
5507s two of them yep there's also Pride's
5509s Fury
5510s this is not the kind of hand you want
5511s right
5513s notice that he took a health off the
5514s minion there just you know as an option
5516s some other things you can do and no it's
5518s not the kind of hand you want
5521s foreign
5529s I got the need
5531s for greed
5534s that'll do well that's good stuff oh
5537s that's a lot of cheap good stuff indeed
5547s and next turn just arcanists and play
5549s all your cards and win the game yeah
5553s it's gonna be one all TJ
5558s feel it
5560s yep just uh over expending research it's
5564s not even over expending it looks like
5566s wow it looks like an over expenditure
5569s of resources but it's not because in
5572s this matchup you just want to keep the
5573s board clear every turn you could
5575s possibly do that that Extinction was
5578s gonna be the same yeah that Extinction
5580s was amazing it's like just kill one
5582s minion with it yeah I imagine Glory's
5585s gonna go living Roots plus Herald of
5587s nature you always gonna forego the relic
5589s of dimensions and instead gonna go
5591s Arcanist plus already fell and they
5594s can't kill The Alchemist but they can
5595s but they have to it's just so awkward
5598s for them yep
5601s it's a nice little read on the
5603s restaurant Viper as well he so nearly
5605s made the quickest play ever now he's put
5607s it back down and thought about it
5609s cane search within me and he's back to
5612s 30. he's got card drawn he's got minions
5614s in a minute he'll get a Phantasm has
5616s gone after the dimensions probably
5619s he might even choose to play the
5621s phantasms first just to keep the board
5622s challenged
5624s he's gonna play that with the chaos
5626s strike
5629s [Music]
5643s he's gonna kill it yeah get something on
5646s board yeah this one is over as
5648s Dimensions lined up for next turn as
5650s well as a Reload Glory's got nothing if
5652s this draw isn't perfect and that's not
5655s perfect
5656s I wouldn't even be surprised if we see
5657s it concede even with how big of steaks
5661s this actually is
5663s yep there it is
5666s one all already in a yala match
5670s here we go yarla
5673s put himself on the board you guys had a
5675s lot of close matches today a lot of
5677s close games as well
5679s uh which has been pretty cool to see
5681s but now we got Druid on both sides Demon
5685s Hunter still left for Glory but the
5686s Rogue
5688s uh still left for yarla and it's
5692s basically a mirror if I remember
5693s correctly my note to say it was but I
5695s don't always trust my notes because I
5697s make mistakes in my notes yep it's just
5699s I don't have his cards I know he's
5701s playing the Sharks he is playing the
5702s Sharks yes well
5705s it's not a mirror but high speed
5709s the same thing that's not though it's
5712s not
5715s ghosts are more All In
5718s high intensity
5721s All In Action high intensity High APM
5726s actions
5728s actions upon actions
5731s yeah
5733s and I think in this matchup like you'd
5735s rather have the high intensity stuff
5736s than the medium intensity stuff
5739s yep question I've ever seen not to come
5743s on
5745s maybe we should call things for fun
5747s names like Zoo
5752s now it's Quest failed Demon Hunter how
5754s boring
5757s I mean it's a very apt
5760s description functional
5762s it plays the quest the Demon Hunter
5765s Quest and it has a lot of fell spells
5768s in the deck in fact
5772s two of the main spells in the deck have
5774s fell in the name
5776s and Unleashed fell and fell barrage
5780s actually an even more app description
5782s would be Quest fell Relic
5786s Demon Hunter we could go even further
5789s and I would need to do that I would
5791s still think that that's a fine name for
5793s the deck
5797s what about there you go Miracle road is
5799s that exciting enough for you Miracle's
5801s great that's great yeah it's just a
5803s miracle I mean it's got sharks in it so
5805s yeah whatever but of course that's
5807s fantastic Miracle Rogue Zoo reynad
5810s Hunter
5811s all these things are exciting
5815s so this deck is a little bit different
5818s than the one we saw earlier
5823s but
5825s not and also not the same
5828s it's both it's different and also not
5829s the same I'm not gonna fall into your
5831s trap meal it's not the same
5834s City isn't the same I do agree I'm just
5836s I'm not setting traps I'm I'm quite
5838s happy to agree that this isn't the same
5839s because of the high intensity APM
5843s challenge that is getting loads of coins
5845s and then playing them all and watching
5847s your cards fly into your hand from
5848s Auctioneer and instead of your jacket
5850s I'm making some stupid like nine attack
5852s miserable pathetic weapon it makes like
5855s a 17 attack super weapon and kills you
5858s in two turns instead of three which is
5860s relevant against Demon Hunter
5865s let's see how it works out oh well I
5868s would say
5871s that's the goods right there
5873s unfortunately forsaken Lieutenant is
5878s um
5881s fodder
5883s yeah Extinction fodder
5886s not long for this world hold on Shadow
5889s shambler because of the gone fishing
5890s looking for Auctioneer there's an
5893s Auctioneer
5895s now just needs to dodge the second loan
5900s shark draw next turn yeah because things
5903s go bad if that happens oh yeah
5907s also needs to dodge the Viper
5911s yeah and uh
5913s any point in time or just make a 30
5917s attack weapon
5919s yeah which is very difficult
5923s and not possible if you start on
5928s he has got shark into shamblet into
5931s shark into he's got a lot
5934s going on next turn
5937s a metric lot
5943s what else would you do
5948s that would be
5951s six coins in hand it wouldn't be worth
5953s going off that term yeah you'd go the
5955s next turn yeah yeah and I he also might
5958s want to wait even longer again to try
5961s and get like a location or a big weapon
5965s um
5966s or a bigger weapon and maybe have
5969s something to trade the lieutenant into
5971s yeah or graveyards to get a million
5973s coins and then he can just go off as he
5975s pleases at that point
5979s the other graveyard there's two
5980s graveyards in this day it makes it
5981s really annoying the snowfall graveyard
5983s or the one that you said which is the
5985s location graveyard sinstone graveyard
5992s ah I'm confused lights off Viper's there
5994s what was the location and one's the
5997s double your death Metals yeah I know
6000s okay good it still confused me even
6002s though I already knew
6005s I've got this way of turning people who
6007s understand things don't understand them
6009s after I've spoken about them but people
6011s who don't understand things do
6013s understand yeah
6017s one more turn oh there's a Viper there's
6019s a Viper in hand
6024s but you can you can net some damage but
6027s he would have to rely on
6029s um he needs more Mana to work with this
6033s is six coins
6034s I think the question is here do you want
6036s to shark now or do you want to hold on
6038s for a
6040s death battle doubling graveyard
6046s because if you shark now you can just go
6048s off next turn you can shark and then
6049s place it um
6052s yeah and then next turn you can just go
6061s and then you if you pick up the
6063s graveyard you're still okay because you
6064s get one shark
6066s yes oh that's crazy greedy greedy boy
6072s the chip damage is interesting though
6074s because it's this game of chicken well
6075s I'm going to chip you down to a number
6079s which each time I chip you down far
6081s enough maybe my draca can actually kill
6083s you in one turn 27 no but like 21 19 20.
6089s do you want to heal huh
6091s do you want to deal with this one
6092s through my weapon what are you gonna do
6095s urola's gut has to
6099s um
6103s he's got to think through all the
6105s possibilities right now like okay what
6107s can my opponent play if my opponent
6109s plays a mean I can trade into I'd
6111s probably go off with forsaken Lieutenant
6112s because I can fit in the two extra coins
6114s even though it costs two Mana
6116s where you're making that back plus oh
6119s geez oh cool she's setting up TJ
6124s well so if he didn't start now
6127s he's not doing it
6129s I think the question is do you play
6130s forsaken lieutenant and rely on maybe
6133s Glory not killing it because then you
6135s might have lethal next turn
6140s with certain pickups
6144s I think Gloria would kill it
6146s I think so too but I think that's part
6149s of the equation here right because it's
6151s a lot of damage weirdly four is a lot of
6153s damage oh this is too much damage no
6155s this dies that's fine
6160s and the shadow sampler okay next turn is
6163s next turn is go taught yep it's go time
6168s Chloe doesn't oh he does have the
6170s unleash but is it just gonna Relic if he
6172s just relics he's on 25
6174s you can't realistically do 25 you can
6177s technically do 25
6180s I don't know actually with the graveyard
6182s maybe he can
6189s I don't think so
6190s it is tough I think I don't think so
6194s I think it's tough
6195s be fair
6198s another happy guilty
6202s he might be able to make
6204s yeah a whole bunch of 12 12s and do 12
6206s damage or something though
6210s in more Real Worlds this is so hard from
6213s Corey's perspective because he doesn't
6215s want to leave up the shark
6217s so the first thing you do next turn if
6219s these minions are left up is you ship
6221s them face and then you start yes
6226s I click the click as fast as you can
6229s yep
6232s and then it might be lethal
6235s and don't let yala fool you just because
6237s he chooses to play slowly when he has a
6239s minute spare to think about something
6240s that doesn't require a minute unless
6242s you're yala he can play as quickly as he
6245s needs to when when time comes I'm
6247s excited I am too I can't I can't even
6251s think about what Gore is going to do oh
6253s he's leaving it up oh
6254s he knows look look at how to set up all
6258s right here we go
6259s Pilots
6263s I'm so excited oh
6273s nobody's clenching
6279s remember that the second shark has got
6281s the um set up he's gonna try and get
6284s graveyard first yeah replace the blame
6288s him don't blame him
6290s keep going
6291s sketchy information uh useless
6301s oh where is it
6304s there it is it is he didn't take it no
6307s he took backstab
6309s and we've been counting by the way this
6310s is a lot of cars I'm gonna say this is
6312s the ninth card plate there you go
6315s the characters
6317s it's like 50th
6322s 11.
6324s data of demise also for the coin
6328s 12 13. I think this is 13 or 14. maybe
6331s he's not going to get there in time on
6332s my
6335s he got it oh
6337s [Music]
6339s you got it he didn't even need to attack
6341s with the shatter shamblers oh
6345s what a beauty oh what a beauty
6350s wanna see how much he did
6354s my hand is too full I'm almost out of
6357s car oh
6361s look at Chloe's just watching like we
6363s are we know the result because he ought
6364s to sat back and he's nodding and he's
6366s happy and if he's lost his game he's the
6367s most 24. oh yeah the 24. oh
6372s and he got that by knowing what he could
6375s do
6376s like low 20s
6378s 24 is probably a little bit higher than
6379s I expected and
6381s teasing a little bit of damage like
6384s playing the 1-3 getting the weapon
6386s equipped waiting a turn sneaking down a
6388s 2-2 saying to Glory come on do you want
6391s to kill these don't you and when Glory
6393s didn't go back to 30 yala knew he had
6395s him amazing love it
6398s yeah that was
6400s very nicely played
6402s um
6402s by yarla
6404s um just for like clarity's sake in
6407s between some of the animations or like
6409s for maximization like you attack with
6412s the two one ones on board right yeah
6415s actually yeah I think so I think so um
6419s maybe have them queued maybe he attacks
6421s attack with those one ones faster than
6423s you can play two cards I think but you
6425s can also attack after if your opponent
6426s doesn't have the skull on them when you
6428s attack with the weapon and then you just
6430s push the face if they at that time you
6431s got no time at that time you got no time
6433s okay the attack with the weapon should
6435s usually be the last thing that you do
6438s uh also he's if he's bringing this he
6440s perhaps he just knew the number perhaps
6441s he knew that was a 24.
6443s there's no
6446s one I mean
6449s look at a ballpark he probably could
6451s have ballparked it yeah he's ballparked
6454s it by playing the two to the first day
6456s he knew how much damage he needed to
6457s chip to have a decent chance right to
6459s play around the Viper but um uh picking
6463s backstab instead of snowfall graveyard I
6465s thought was really cool that's very
6467s clever yeah because that's one man or
6469s less for the same outcome because you're
6472s you're spending uh two Mana total on
6474s forsaken Lieutenant for a total of two
6475s coins which graveyard would have been
6477s exactly the same but yeah um so had uh
6481s you know one extra Mana to work with
6482s that's like you know a quick thinking
6484s type of move there because a lot of
6487s people at the start of that turn say
6488s okay I need graveyard before I play the
6490s second shark the tunnel on it they
6491s picked the graveyard they played the
6492s second shark also named one less Mana
6494s that could have been the Difference
6495s Maker right so
6499s card Druid this this is a bad one for
6502s yala but the 30 card really is the Demon
6504s Hunter we'll talk about in a moment if
6506s it gets there
6507s um very different to 40 cards indeed
6510s because you can actually race them
6516s and he's built to race he's got the
6518s tailing in there as well
6526s oh no matter what number of cards you
6529s have in your Druid you are not a
6531s favorite against people hitting you with
6533s one ones early on
6538s but it could be done
6543s this is just like an impossible matchup
6549s like what what's even the perfect draw
6552s for yarla uh the perfect draw is you
6555s ramp to seven you get welps and your
6557s opponent doesn't have Fury price Fury
6560s right and you clear most of that board
6562s and they don't price for you and then
6563s you start playing the taunt things
6565s because you get some armor on one of the
6566s turns
6567s your Miracle growth taunt thing taunt
6570s thing I can't remember the names of your
6571s car's only played them all week well
6573s it's time thing can't think you're
6575s talking about the the card that uh he
6578s hasn't got
6580s yeah the one that hasn't got it yeah the
6584s one that he doesn't even play in this
6585s yeah yeah the one he's not in his deck
6587s the one the one where it reduces costs
6589s for um it's like a four six taunt or
6590s something yeah it's the the Crypt
6594s boggard and he hasn't got it so it's
6597s fine that's not what it's called I made
6599s that up I
6600s trusted you TJ
6604s the clip Bogut is now the best card ever
6608s would be funny if that was actually what
6609s it was called
6611s Crypt rings a bell though something like
6614s that in there
6615s yeah a lot of Crypt things in uh in
6618s druid
6622s you're making me look and I hate you for
6623s this everything about it Crypt Lord
6625s that's a card
6627s [Applause]
6629s it is called
6632s Chad's going no no the cars no Crypt
6634s Keeper there you go
6636s it actually is Crypt Keeper I knew it
6639s was crib something actually another
6640s second
6641s because keep is a difficult word to
6643s unders to remember for taunt minion
6647s that keeps you from attacking your face
6649s any contradictions
6652s all right so you uh coin interview
6657s aquatic form
6660s anything nourished for crystals I don't
6663s know
6665s and then I hope to then you have six
6669s Mana next turn which is great awkward
6672s amount like I think it was six Mana
6676s oh you aquatic form the goth
6680s okay
6684s or hear me out here
6687s you pass this turn or bump into the two
6690s five hope there's no buff card in their
6693s hand and then next turn you get seven
6696s mana and you can trade into all these
6697s one and two Health minions if they don't
6699s kill you
6701s oh it's interesting you can aquatic form
6703s into the scales
6710s yeah
6714s and he's dead and he's got it yeah
6716s unlucky good plan but he's got it this
6720s is like close game blowout close game
6723s blowout
6725s so the next one's very close game the
6727s next one's a straight race
6729s Druid built for doing the combo really
6732s quickly versus Demon Hunter which we
6736s have seen does a combo really quickly
6739s yep it's a race
6745s two two former World finalists against
6748s each other in this first round
6750s Eliminator basically
6752s yep one shall advance to the
6756s quarterfinals the other
6759s shall retreat
6762s into their bedroom I don't know they're
6765s playing at home no they're not they're
6767s playing that stage down below behind us
6769s yeah
6771s if you look closely you can just see
6774s them moving around yeah it's a
6776s perspective thing it's actually a giant
6778s desk and giant chairs so inside of that
6782s and it's really far away that's why it
6784s looks so small Gloria and we are sat
6787s there
6788s you just can't see it because it's so
6789s see it's just a perspective trick like
6792s it's that that's like a thousand meters
6795s away
6796s um it's just a giant table and giant
6799s chairs and they're they're sat there
6801s yeah we're like right up in the in the
6803s bleachers right at the top of the whole
6805s massive Coliseum that this is taking
6807s part in the fans are baying down below
6810s us
6813s okay it all comes down to this us
6817s 30 card druid
6821s that looks all right oh
6823s [Music]
6824s oh looks alright for both sides throw
6827s away planet evidence you don't need that
6829s yeah you get rid of that
6833s maybe you need it
6834s they're going to work out innovate into
6837s wild growth into Jerry Rigg into nourish
6839s bits how do I want to order all that
6841s because Druid is really annoying to
6843s order
6846s what's the best what's the best curve TJ
6848s you can do this I know you can curved
6850s Druids well you can go coin Jerry rig
6854s into innovate wild growth there you go
6857s yep I like it
6863s I mentioned that to somebody the other
6864s day that TJ is like one of the best
6866s people in the world at working out Druid
6868s curves quickly and you know what they
6869s said
6871s they said that TJ has drawn innovate on
6874s turn one every game since 2014.
6877s that's how he knows
6879s [Music]
6887s oh my God both these hands
6891s glorious is a little worse than the
6893s arla's geralis is just I have infinite
6896s Mana
6898s yeah Glory's hand can turn really good
6902s really easily though
6908s don't know who's favored at this point
6909s probably yala
6912s I don't know
6914s but nothing that a location wouldn't
6916s sort out for Glory
6920s oh it's got to be it's got to be out of
6922s favor now
6937s these drawers aren't the best
6940s this is Quest completion though start
6942s with chaos yeah
6944s digital in hand as well and you trade
6948s but if you trade you complete the quest
6950s but you're not discounting anything good
6952s right which is the problem
6954s which will surprise me
6957s another happy guilty
6959s okay
6961s I mean I I like your take here yeah okay
6965s fair enough I like your take here though
6967s which is I like to Discount things that
6969s matter and if it involves sometimes not
6971s discounting them
6973s sometimes not do it
6975s but yeah seven Mana Jace it was
6977s reasonable
6984s all right
6986s growths and beats yeah make Mana with
6990s Guff get more minor draw loads of cards
6993s and win the game
6995s looking for Vault no Vault still another
6997s chance
7001s no Rolex at all
7003s sand is uh starting to look slower by
7006s the second
7013s and again you'll have heard discussions
7015s about your Earthen scales and armor
7016s don't really stop the Demon Hunter but
7018s when you're going really fast if you can
7020s just gain a bunch of armor for one of
7022s the turns sort of halfway through going
7023s really fast it slows the Demon Hunter
7026s down
7027s you have as much health as you want
7028s against no pressure
7030s exerting no pressure but when you're
7032s actually racing towards your own combo
7034s and you've got a lot of Health then the
7035s Demon Hunter has two things to worry
7037s about
7044s wow
7046s didn't even take time out to to buff The
7048s Relic just went for it now he's aware
7050s that this is getting out of hand
7058s yeah this is looking very awkward Yola
7060s also has the ability to double ramp next
7062s turn
7064s use the choose one nourish for crystals
7067s and then and then Guff stuff
7070s you have stuff
7074s oh it's a form
7077s yep get it out of the deck yep
7084s oh it's so close it's so nerve-wracking
7087s it's only day one of three and y'all
7091s also knows that there's a miracle growth
7093s on the bottom yeah so next turn could go
7096s uh aquatic Forum Miracle growth and then
7100s even double Earthen skills on the
7102s Miracle growth
7104s like the four-handed Miracle growth I'm
7106s curious to see what he does because
7107s there's the tail in there as well which
7109s starts to set up actually winning
7110s because he's got none of the combos oh
7111s let me just leave that there
7114s I wonder when they display the market is
7117s like this I start to freak out next turn
7119s TJ next turn's a lot
7122s extra is a lot but that's it the
7124s arcanists survived
7126s but now he's doing what we're talking
7127s about the other way he's he's making
7128s yala just spend manner which is such
7131s annoying thing to have to do
7134s in the perfect world he wanted Italian
7135s here Italian but he might have to take
7137s the miracle growth now for sure he may
7140s have taken it anyway but
7147s for sure nothing's ever for sure with
7149s the island well I have not learned this
7152s what do you I I
7155s unplated evidence what
7161s seaweed strike
7164s wait you could scale solar fires
7169s oh yeah
7171s wait see he did pixie what's happening
7177s sometimes I wish I couldn't see the um
7180s the discovers because what's going on
7187s where's the combo it's just not there
7189s there's only 13 cards left in his whole
7190s deck and he's just not seeing any of it
7194s [Music]
7201s sure
7205s that was that was kind of bizarre that
7208s was a weird sequence of events I
7210s understood why he didn't I sort of
7212s understood why he didn't want to mess
7214s around with the bottom of his deck there
7215s but
7216s the rest of it
7220s got interesting but it worked to clear
7222s the board he's on 21 he figures that he
7225s can't die here Glory's number counting
7228s and it's nowhere near enough yet but
7229s it's not nowhere near it's just not
7231s enough spells
7234s yeah there's been like not that much
7236s stuff cast it's been a cow strike and
7239s the double uh Unleashed fell
7244s both Furies are in hand so for free so
7247s obviously those could fit in
7249s right now it's really not that much
7251s damage
7253s two Mana Guild Trader and seven manager
7255s Jay says to me I want to win on turn
7257s nine
7258s Instinct says here so I want to next
7261s turn go to set everything up and
7263s definitely win on turn nine I just hope
7264s yala doesn't kill me in the meantime but
7267s you're worried if you're clawless
7268s y'all has done so much here
7271s well the problem is that's both
7273s dimensions gone
7276s yeah but he's had 11 cars himself and
7279s doesn't need that much damage like the
7280s furies with the guild tray I know they
7282s don't attack but he's got a fell in his
7283s hand now he's got the guild Trader he's
7285s got stuff The Guild Traders with Juicy
7286s let's just do it next turn
7288s in some worlds but you're always going
7291s to gain
7292s a million absurd amounts of armor here
7294s Yep this is a oh and
7298s this here it comes here comes the stuff
7303s that's 11.
7305s one card from combo 12.
7309s you can even draw
7311s he wants
7314s as long as he doesn't burn
7317s and I want him to read out the plating
7319s as well
7320s yeah I would make the space
7326s yeah just go all the way up because this
7327s is a lot of dimash
7329s so it's only going to be the plus two
7331s spell damage there's no Fel broad
7333s there'll only be one fell barrage in the
7335s pool there's so much stuff on the board
7339s y'all just got five cards left in his
7341s deck because he knows the bottom two
7344s and he just he has two drawers next turn
7346s at least plus moonlit guidance surely
7348s he's got this next turn TJ yeah
7353s foreign
7358s the last cards are duplicates though
7363s Destiny because he's there none of them
7365s are duplicates you're saying that
7366s because that helps your moonlit right
7368s yes
7372s I mean
7376s you know
7377s it's almost certain it depends he's got
7380s two shots at moonlit
7382s he's also got a natural drawer and a
7384s golf draw he's got enough Mana to do
7386s whatever he wants we'd have to worry
7387s about that because of the armor
7389s short he's basically there barring two
7393s moonlit whiffs or barring Glory actually
7397s winning this turn which
7399s no
7411s stack those animations each into his
7414s time
7415s laughs
7419s this must be the way
7424s don't kill the Italian
7429s he's gonna he's just counting his Mana
7431s he's gonna play this to get out the
7432s other one out of his deck and then he's
7434s gonna play the other moonlit to give
7435s himself maximum chance and then still
7437s has time
7438s this must be the way
7441s and it's not there
7443s I think he's still okay
7448s there's only a guild Trader left
7455s and can just use the under King and
7457s trade into it and then there's only one
7459s Guild Trader left and Glory doesn't have
7461s enough damage with only a single spell
7462s damage buff and
7464s garlic doesn't know this but we know
7466s that the guild Trader can't be reducing
7469s cost unless there's a whole full another
7471s turn
7473s there was still another draw also by the
7475s way
7476s he's just looked at all of his deck like
7479s 17 times this way you start checking
7481s your your deck list and make sure you've
7483s actually brought the car to the
7484s tournament
7486s yeah it's literally the last card he
7488s looks at this game
7491s because he's looked at the bottom too I
7493s think
7497s he has it's talented Miracle growth at
7499s the bottom so numericon is the next one
7502s and gory doesn't have a choice but to go
7504s for the cursors because he needs to
7505s discounted spell damage to even have
7507s um a whiff of a chance but yeah so
7510s nubrecon will be the next draw
7513s surprise TJ act surprised okay okay I'm
7516s ready I'm ready I'm ready so candy win
7520s the game all he needs to do is draw a
7522s new car next turn it's a one in three
7525s one in three no other way of getting it
7528s if he misses this oh my God he did sorry
7530s a little too fast oh my God he did it
7534s and Glory uploading like genuinely as
7537s well not um sarcastically
7539s gets revenge for the 2020 World
7543s Championship Finals
7545s and he's going through to the top eight
7547s Glory sends out the well played and yala
7550s uh one of the most deserving players to
7552s win a title who hasn't
7554s One Step Closer at the end of day one
7557s and he pops off what a day together this
7561s has been a real long one our kid the
7564s fire
7566s oh my gosh he didn't hit this game with
7567s like a hundred health
7571s even even after the armor is being used
7573s to some of these minions so
7575s uh crazy yeah well done to your life and
7577s you know what I I kind of like what
7579s Glory did he took a risk and it was very
7582s close to paying off
7584s right uh bringing the fast line up with
7587s aggro druid
7589s um obviously some really great matchups
7591s in the metagame but also some very
7593s terrible ones super polarized matchup
7595s which
7596s a lot of players don't have the guts to
7598s kind of do that right bring these super
7599s polarized decks to such a big tournament
7601s like the world championship but uh Glory
7604s tried to make it work unfortunately fell
7605s barely short but
7607s commendable effort uh from our former
7610s world champion and Gloria gets the best
7612s of him in the rematch from the 2020
7614s World Championship so moves on to the
7616s court finals and as we said at the start
7618s 10 world championship appearances
7620s between the four players in this group
7622s somebody was going to look sort of oh no
7625s how did they lose well they lost because
7627s it was going to happen they all had at
7629s least two appearances in the world
7631s championships absolutely ridiculous
7633s scenes but it is yala who this year I
7637s feel has sort of gone through a little
7638s bit more quietly than all the other
7640s years all the other years I feel like we
7641s talk about him all the year long it's
7643s like Yana's gonna win this year this
7645s time around qualified early and sort of
7647s sat back didn't do great in the Masters
7649s tours and it's turned up ready for
7652s worlds fantastic scenes
7656s yeah
7658s fantastic scene
7660s you're fantastic
7663s fantastic another fantastic scene
7666s dead drop
7668s two players moving on from group a that
7670s we saw earlier on in the day to kick
7672s things off uh highlighted by dead trawl
7678s uh well it was a dead Dragon it was
7680s Digger on you you yeah it was they just
7681s wasted our time East mirror it was like
7683s our 10 minute long Hearthstone game they
7686s got through anyway they just didn't need
7688s to play that game they could have just
7689s flipped a coin because they both had to
7691s fight anyway
7693s idiots honestly yep well played to both
7697s of them obviously it was just a grindy
7698s game that particular one
7701s yeah and and bly's
7703s um maybe one of the favorites uh to win
7706s given the arm also rank one Legend I
7709s think still at the moment reckon Legend
7712s um not able to get it done and XC
7716s unfortunately as well
7719s battling covet real rough to happen
7722s right before the World Championship uh
7725s and even tweeted out that
7727s his brain was hurting I've I've spoken
7730s to a couple of players who have played
7732s with covid like today I've spoken to
7734s them who've played for Kobe in the past
7736s and it's like they're saying you don't
7738s feel that ill you just can't think your
7740s brain is just like clouded up man XE
7743s mimicking that today and
7745s what can you say he's a super player and
7748s super confident play would have been
7750s great to see him at his best but
7752s wasn't to be for him nope
7755s and Group B we just saw the conclusion
7758s of yarla is going to move on alongside
7759s shout out to you and honestly shouty
7762s like if you ask any fans who their uh
7766s you know their favorite to win the World
7768s Championship is they're going to give
7770s you all sorts of names right they're
7771s just going to give you the player that
7772s they watch the most of the player that's
7773s their favorite if you ask any of the pro
7775s players who they think is going to win
7778s the World Championship almost
7779s unanimously they will say shop t uh has
7783s been and it has been that way for like
7785s the last four years right whenever
7787s someone's offered the chance to say
7788s who's the favorite for this tournament
7789s if xiaote is competing many of the pro
7791s players will say shout out say shouty
7793s he's a very difficult player to beat
7797s um and that may seem like oh yeah well
7799s if he's winning obviously he's difficult
7800s to beat no that's not the case like even
7803s when you think you're winning
7806s you think you're so far ahead chop T
7808s finds a way that it's just this weird
7810s thing uh that he's got going for him so
7812s um it also feel all year long when
7815s Chinese players have been winning
7816s Masters tours they say oh who's helped
7817s you they say oh thank you to show T he
7819s helped me build my decks my lineups you
7821s know he came in my house and bought me
7823s pizza and without him I'd never have won
7825s like every single time yeah he cut my
7829s hair that's it right yeah
7831s he he gave me the little hot towel thing
7834s on my neck
7836s they gave me he gave me a foot massage
7839s yeah absolutely magic survey when I fell
7841s over in training like every girl he's
7844s just always there with my parents to the
7846s airport so they could go home
7848s walks my walks my dogs every morning uh
7851s you know just a stand-up guy uh but
7854s here's what we're gonna see tomorrow
7855s we're gonna start things off with Group
7857s C
7858s um in less than 12 hours
7862s pretty crazy uh as Raven said Group C
7865s the weakest Group by far those Ravens
7868s words not mine yeah Raven say that he
7870s plays this group basically all sup and
7872s you shouldn't watch them or something
7873s yep that's a raven's words not ours
7876s including the world champion possession
7880s the reigning world champion the person
7883s who qualified through the summer Champs
7885s and then reached the final of the next
7886s championships as well which allowed the
7889s old world championship qualify taboo
7891s Mighty who just won APAC Grand Masters
7894s at his first attempt and xmg who is we
7897s are reliably informed he's a super
7899s player so
7902s rubbish group yeah and then the last
7905s group
7906s did the second half of the day tomorrow
7909s is going to be Levick shall buy bunny
7912s Hopper and pascoa Pascua
7915s the lone Americas representative at the
7919s world championship
7921s um that's right
7923s uh if you're a fan of America's
7925s Hearthstone as Neil and I fellow
7927s Americans are
7929s and you're going to be rooting for
7930s pascoa to make it out of that group d
7934s and that's a tough quote he's a tough
7936s tough creep oh my God I I think Group B
7941s just because of that number of world
7943s championship appearances is the toughest
7945s group if you have to say one but
7947s everyone in group D will be saying I'm
7949s wrong on that like that that group D is
7951s I wateringly difficult
7954s yeah
7956s oh well Neil we did it uh 12 and a half
7960s hours later we've made it through day
7963s one
7964s the 2022 Hearthstone world championship
7967s and with that I'm out of words Neil so
7970s if you have any words you'd like to say
7972s you can say them now no it was nice to
7975s participate in Flamingo Friday though
7977s the flamingo Flamingo has left the
7978s building I think it's gone back to to
7980s roost or whatever they do in the garage
7981s but um yeah it's been a fantastic day
7985s halfway through the group stages two
7987s more days like this to come can't wait
7990s yep that's right
7992s that's right 11 and a half hours from
7994s now we will return uh with day two of
7997s the Hearthstone World Championship uh so
7999s until then uh thanks everybody for
8001s tuning in today
8003s and we'll see you tomorrow for more
8004s Hearthstone action
8008s [Music]
8024s clothes
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8058s foreign
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8090s foreign
8091s [Music]
8096s [Applause]
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8119s foreign
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8166s thank you
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8188s [Music]
8192s foreign
8194s [Music]
8210s [Music]
8217s drops appearing this time and just like
8219s that xiaomi is up two to zero
8231s [Music]
8232s foreign
8243s Hearthstone Grand Masters world champion
8247s [Music]
8267s thank you
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8280s [Music]
8298s foreign
8307s [Music]