about 1 month
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | name a beast and Hearthstone direwolf |
2s | correct give me the name of two old Gods |
5s | uh Y and Nao give me the name of two |
8s | other old Gods uh yaj and pass what was |
13s | the iconic legendary Paladin from |
15s | Whispers of the old gods pass okay in |
17s | August 2022 how many classes were |
20s | playable in Hearthstone 10 correct what |
22s | is the highest card cost in Hearthstone |
24s | 100 correct how much does carrian cost |
26s | when drawn by a nidus worm correct what |
29s | type of Teran unit was before turning |
31s | into a zerg pass what are the names of |
33s | the three death KN runes blood Unholy |
35s | and frost correct what game mode was |
38s | released at the same time as cullman's |
39s | Academy duels correct what are the stats |
41s | of an ultralisk in Hearthstone 714 |
44s | incorrect how do you create a Proto Aron |
46s | you have two Templars correct what new |
49s | mechanic appeared in whis Bang's |
50s | Workshop miniaturize correct what do |
52s | Zerg buildings do when they are |
53s | destroyed in Starcraft 2 What class has |
56s | won the most World Championships Rogue |
58s | correct how many different Starship pie |
60s | can be created by starport four five |
62s | what is your favorite Hearthstone card |
64s | uh Shadow step correct what type of unit |
67s | is the Thor it's a minion yeah that's |
70s | correct what animal was the emblem of |
72s | the Year 2023 in Hearthstone F what is |
75s | the maximum number of turns in a |
76s | Hearthstone game 45 90 total 45 for |
80s | that's correct that's correct you you'll |
81s | get the points yep perfect donkey are |
84s | you ready |