12 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s oh cool no the yellow shirt makes me
3s look like I'm a banana good choice John
6s oh hey
11s welcome back
12s and now it's time to sprinkle in some
14s creatures you know maybe a worgen or a
16s murloc or even a tauren I always like to
19s say it's what's on the inside that
20s counts we'll want to make sure we get
22s the remains just so
25s every little rib yeah
28s the ribs of your victims drying out in
32s the sun you know the truth is when I'm
35s not decimating the Universe I have a lot
37s to offer it but my fellow Titans never
40s understood my gifts yeah they betrayed
43s me for my bold ideas
46s for keeping my eye on the big picture
48s for wanting to break things remake
51s things reach my full potential
58s that's okay