about 5 years ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s Greetings, fellow archaeologists, and welcome to Uldum.
9s I'm Liv Breeden, the foremost expert
11s on tombology.
13s You must be excited to start your first dig, so let's talk tombs.
17s Tombs are filled with desiccated mummies,
18s ancient plagues and the League of E.V.I.L.
22s We'll get to that one later.
24s Mummies are one of the most prolific threats to any archaeological dig.
27s One minute they're lying on the ground, dead,
30s and the next they're running around, chasing you,
32s going on and on about some ancient curse of the sands.
36s That's because they've got the Reborn keyword.
40s Reborn is a new mechanic for Saviors of Uldum.
42s The first time a minion with Reborn is destroyed,
44s it comes back to life with 1 health remaining.
47s Check out Colossus of the Moon.
49s Oh, boy! This is a huge minion, with both Divine Shield and Reborn.
55s He's the biggest mummy in all of Uldum,
58s and it's going to take a lot to bring him down.
61s When Colossus of the Moon is Reborn,
63s his Divine Shield also comes back,
65s which makes him a particularly stubborn minion.
68s He won't rest until he destroys the one who woke him from his eternal slumber.
73s We should have just let him sleep in.
75s Mummies aren't the only thing in the tombs we need to be aware of.
78s Opening the wrong sarcophagus in your quest for treasure
81s could unleash an ancient plague upon the world,
83s which is exactly what the League of E.V.I.L. wants you to do.
87s Plagues are cards that wreak havoc for both players,
91s paying no heed to who unleashed them.
93s They're indiscriminate and inconsiderate.
95s We'll look at Plague of Wrath.
97s This warrior spell destroys all damaged minions.
99s It's a dangerous journey to the inner sanctum of a tomb,
102s and some of your crew may have been injured along the way.
105s But be careful when you're opening that final burial chamber.
107s Warriors have a lot of ways to deal damage to all minions,
110s so they can take full advantage of Plague of Wrath.
113s Don't forget, the League of E.V.I.L. is here in full force,
116s which means we'll need to keep our eyes open for danger both inside
119s and outside of tombs, like this guy.
122s E.V.I.L. doesn't recruit the most reliable muscle,
126s and Sunstruck Henchman is no exception.
128s He's stronger than most minions of the same Mana cost,
131s but he's far less consistent.
133s Guarding ancient ruins can be so boring,
136s and nobody's going to notice if he takes a nap for a turn or 2.
139s While nefarious creeps are crawling all over Uldum,
143s we can turn the tide for the League of Explorers with your help.
147s Your training is complete and you're ready for adventure.
149s Just keep in mind The 3 "M"s:
151s Mummies,
152s mummies the second time they come around, and memory.
156s As in, you have to remember that mummies come back.
158s Now, let's go save Uldum!
164s Cut!
165s Sweet.
167s Wait, isn't there supposed to be a third training video?
170s They'll be fine.