over 1 year ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s a ferocious ghoul attacks power surges
3s as lady liadron a blood elf Paladin
5s fight schools on a frozen lake Blizzard
7s Entertainment presents the Lich King a
9s Hawking armored figure emerges from the
11s fog one ghoul tackles a Templar Paladin
13s as lady liadrin takes down another ghoul
16s the Lich King raises his gleaming sword
18s and launches a blast of ice toward lady
19s laradron forcing her backwards
22s the ice shatters her Shield she summons
24s two Templar paladins who charge the Lich
26s King he slashes down one Paladin then
28s his eyes flash within his Helm rendering
30s the other one lifeless lady liadrin
32s fends off another ice attack her eyes
34s glow with holy power and she flies on
35s glowing wings foreign
39s she reaches up drawing power from the
41s light and slams a holy Hammer at the
43s aggressor he sent sliding backwards then
45s conjures a spell and slams his palm into
47s the ice
51s I see Unholy power swirls through the
53s bodies of dead paladins on the ground
55s and leaving the Adrian is hurled
56s backwards from the corpse explosion as
58s she tries to rise she's inches from the
60s tip of the Lich King's sword ice flares
62s revealing a title new class Death Knight
68s last night character icon on a
70s Hearthstone board
71s would want to learn unleash the undead
79s the Lich King resurrect schools to
81s defeat lady liaton
86s Stone March of the Lich King in icy
88s lettering starts December 6th
90s hearthstone.bizard.com
94s pre-purchase now