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30.4 patch included achievements for older sets and boy did Team 5 cook on these. Many of them could be considered "puzzle" achievements, some feel likely they rely on RNG, and (as far as I can tell) none of them grindy.

I'm not even sure HOW to do a few of them. For example... how will you cast BEEEESSS!!! without the Bees attacking? Can you cast the spell when your board is full?

Edit: As I complete these, I'm going to add some notes on what worked.

Rise of Shadows:

  • Cast Plot Twist and end up with twice as many cards as you started with.

  • Destroy 6 minions with a single Daring Escape.

  • Summon 10 Treants with The Forrest's Aid in one turn.

    • Completed! Guff gave me lots of mana. Animated Broom gave Treants rush. Would have been easier if I owned Floop's Gloop, but I don't.
  • Attack with a single Whirlwind Tempest 4 times in one turn.

  • Add 10 spells to your hand with a single Mana Cyclone's Battlecry.

  • End your turn with 4 different versions of Dr. Boom in play.

  • Have a friendly 0-Cost minion in a Duel! and survive.

    • Completed. Two paths to completion: The easiest way is to build a deck of all spells +4-6 0-Cost minions and then play Duel when the enemy board is full. The 0-Cost minion will survive because an enemy minion isn't summoned. The harder way is to play Footman + Duel!. Footman will make the 0-Cost minion immune. Footman will also be helpful when completing the Warmaul Challenger achievement below.
  • Summon 60 Mana worth of minions with a single Mass Resurrection.

  • Summon a chain of 4 Obvlivitrons off of another Obvlivitron's Deathrattle.

  • Deal 100 damage with a single Hagatha's Scheme.

Saviors of Uldum

  • Cast BEEES!!! without any of the Bees attacking.

    • Completed! First I tried to cast BEEES!!! with a full board, but the game won't let you. Then I tried to cast BEEES!!! with Wild Pyro on the board. But Wild Pyro triggers AFTER you cast a spell. THEN I used Li'Na + Beeees!!!. Li'Na's effect triggers before any of the Bees spawn, thus they cannot attack.
  • Summon 7 of the same Murloc with a single Tip the Scales.

  • Complete Hack the System on the same turn it was played.

  • Destroy both heroes at the same time with Riftcleaver.

  • Summon 30 Locusts in one game.

  • Attack the enemy hero with Highkeeper Ra.

  • End your turn with 7 minions that each have 30-Health or more.

  • Destroy exactly 5, then exactly 2 minions with a single Earthquake.

  • Win a game after casting 4 Puzzble Boxes of Yogg-Saron.

  • Play 8 Combo cards created by Whirlkick Master in one turn.

Descent of Dragons

  • End your turn with 6 of Chenvaala's Snow Elementals in play.

  • Draw a Dragon while not holding one with Breath of Dreams 2 times in one game.

  • Guess correctly with Envoy of Lazul 3 times in one game.

  • Destroy the enemy hero with one of Nithogg's Storm Eggs.

  • End 4 consecurive turns with MORE than 10 cards in hand as a Warlock.

  • Have Deathwing, Mad Aspect survive his Battlecry at exactly 1 health.

  • Have the minion summoned by Sanctuary take no damage for a turn.

  • Win a game after summoning 8 or more Dread Ravens.

  • Summon 12 Waxadreds in one game.

  • Complete Clear the Way with the 4/4 Gryphon summoned by it.

Ashes of Outland

  • Draw (but don't discard) 3 cards that aren't spells with a single Fungal Fortunes.

  • Cast 6 Renews in a single turn.

  • Have Warmaul Challenger survive a battle to death with a poisonous minion.

  • Deal exactly 1024 damage to a Mo'arg Artificer.

  • Spend 8 Mana in a single turn before your 5th turn as a Warlock.

  • Have Imprisoned Observer destroy EVERY enemy minion it saw when entering play.

  • Attack 3 times with the same Akama Prime.

  • Cast 10 librams of Wisdoms on the same minion.

  • End 8 consecutive turns while in Metamorphosis.

  • Draw a Clefthoof with Scavenger's Ingenuity.

  • Summon a 20-Attack Totem with Totemic Reflection.

Scholomance Academy

  • Teach a single Educated Elekk 15 different spells.

  • Draw 10 Soul Fragments in one turn.

  • Add 7 copies of the same minion to your hand with a single Potion of Illusion.

  • Give Speaker Gidra +10/+10 with her Spellburst effect.

  • Summon two Beasts that cost (5) or MORE with Guardian Animals.

  • Using Steeldancer, summon a minion with the same stats as your weapon.

  • Destroy a Failed Student with Disciplinarian Gandling.

  • Deal 10 damage at once with Ras Frostwhisper.

  • Have High Abbess Alura cast the Legendary spell that triggered her Spellburst.

  • Summon a Blood Herald with 30 or more Attack.

  • Summon an 11/11 Student with Ceremonial Maul.

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6 months ago - /u/MyntCondytion - Direct link

oh snap i forgot these went live in this patch

i made all of these :)