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586s hello everyone and welcome to the
588s Hearthstone Masters Tour summer
590s Championship I'm Raven and joining me to
593s kick off today's show is going to be
595s subtle of course Esson welcome how's it
598s going it's been a while since we've had
599s a big standard tournament but it's that
602s time once again how are you feeling it's
604s been a while uh yeah no I'm really
606s looking forward to it it has to be when
609s Masters tours like this are kind of more
610s sparse it feels surreal that this is
613s only like the second Masters Tour event
615s of the year that we're doing at this
616s point but if anything it does kind of
618s get me hyped it makes them special right
620s if they're rare then that does increase
622s the the excitement that comes around
624s when one does appear at least for for me
627s a little bit so I'm really really
628s looking forward to sinking my teeth into
630s some competitive Hearthstone because I
631s haven't been able to do it for quite
632s some time
633s yeah there is a lot to talk about
635s whether that's the players or the new
637s meta we have found ourselves in but
639s first let's just go over the overall
641s structure of what's going to be going on
643s this weekend of course is as you
644s mentioned the second Masters Tour of the
647s Year all leading up to that world
649s championship we're now going to have
651s three Champions by the end of the year
652s of course we're in a master tour summer
654s right now we are going to have fall as
656s well and there's been you know already a
658s lot on the line for these players when
660s all of these you know the grinding that
662s takes place to be able to even to make
664s it to a tournament like this subtle yeah
666s it's a very arduous program this year
669s incredible hard work to even get to
671s these points uh for the players that
673s have made it this far we have a lot of
675s repeat competitors that we did see from
677s the spring version of this tournament as
679s well I believe it's 10 returning players
680s and six new ones so we can see that some
683s of these players that we're seeing some
684s of the repeat names have been putting in
686s the work month after month after month
687s for top Legend finishes very very top
691s Legend finishes we're talking like top
693s five being the prize that you're looking
695s for in terms of a legend finish at the
697s end of the month to make it to this
698s point all with the eventual goal of
701s making it to that world championship and
703s being able to call yourself Hearthstone
705s world champion at the end of the year
706s which is an incredibly exclusive Club
709s yeah in Spring we saw levik claim the
712s champion uh champion title and a book a
715s spot at the world championship
716s guaranteed with that qualifier and now
718s we're gonna
720s see who else is going to join him by the
722s end of the week and I'm super excited
723s we're going to check out the format of
725s this tournament as well and some of you
727s have been watching pretty much any
729s filestone for the baskets will probably
731s recognize it of Conquest uh so we'll do
736s that in just a second but overall subtle
738s uh what what if you think of these uh
741s these players we will check out the
742s groups in a little any specific names
745s that are really sticking out to you yeah
748s I mean like I said we have a lot of
750s returning players we do have a lot of
751s first-time players coming to this
754s tournament for the first time who
755s weren't featured in Spring I think out
757s of those players in particular the one
759s that's going to grab the most headlines
760s is Gabby right Gabby has really been one
763s of the players that has held that mantle
764s of best player in the world for a
767s significant period of time
769s um and now we get to see Gabby sort of
770s re-entering a field like this and kind
772s of putting himself uh to the test
774s against some of this new breed of uh
776s players that are really fighting it out
777s for that top player status so I'm really
779s excited to see Gabby into the field but
781s honestly those those six names that
783s we're seeing like uh insane dred-eye
785s Gabby we've kind of and brenmann as well
787s we've actually seen a decent amount from
789s in the past but there's like brand new
791s names like uh lagrian for example that
793s we've just never really seen or
794s certainly for myself in in competitive
796s Hearthstone and suddenly to be rubbing
799s shoulders with some of the elite that we
800s see here in this tournament like that's
802s a huge step that a player like that will
804s have to make yeah and that's the thing
806s to think about I think over the course
807s of this weekend as we see these players
809s play out there the group stage today at
811s least is that yes there are a lot of
813s names that people before in Hearthstone
814s will know instantly the likes of Gabby
816s and so on but uh there are these newer
819s names are just less common names let's
821s say well they did exactly the same
822s they're the same basic barrier to get
824s here as everyone else so we can check
827s out what the groups look like so far and
830s it's one of those tournaments All I'm
831s gonna say like I always do incredibly
834s stacked I struggle to even say which is
837s the you know quotes hardest group and
839s easiest group because it's just
842s ridiculous isn't it yes they are all
845s stacked groups uh unless you're Gabby
847s who who put out a tweet saying that
850s essentially group a through C has four
852s free players in in them and Group D has
855s three free players and Gabby in it
857s that's the way the Gabby is broken down
859s these groups so far but yeah people have
861s kind of been pointing out Group D as
863s that potential group of death um band
865s face Gabby who is our opening round
866s match-up requam and Hemlock as well
869s that's four fantastic High Caliber
871s players but honestly it's such a tough
873s argument to have because four High
876s Caliber players is what you end up with
878s in every group when the qualifying
880s period to even get to this point is as
882s tough as it is at this point
884s yeah it's incredibly tough to get here
887s and we will be going through uh you know
888s as many matches as we can of course
890s through this group stage uh but as you
892s mentioned so we will be uh starting with
895s that uh Gabby versus mcbanna face so uh
898s who we get to talk about lineups in a
901s minute but even just touching on The
903s Meta Soul which we've not talked about
904s it's a matter at least from what I've
906s been seeing everyone seems to be
908s enjoying in terms of like the the sort
910s of player base slash Pro Player base on
913s a whole yeah I think overall it's been a
915s very well received expansion overall
918s from both a casual perspective now we're
921s going to see what it looks like from a
922s competitive perspective but I think
924s looking at the lineups that have come
926s into this even looking at the lineups
927s between these two players uh we're
929s looking at it seems like a mage mirror
931s in our opening game between Gabby and
934s Banta but that's two different majors
936s and we're seeing that kind of throughout
938s the tournament of different classes
939s being featured in people's lineups and
941s different individual decks being brought
943s within those particular classes and as
946s we see here from Gabby uh the lineup he
949s has gone for is with the Naga Sith major
951s drum Druid Howard Hunter and the nature
953s otk Shaman but you can see some of this
956s resume that Gabby has put together I
959s think the most interesting part of that
960s little player card for Gabby was that he
961s says he enjoys the game more the better
963s he is at it which I think is a a very
965s competitive mindset to have exactly
968s where your your enjoyment of a game is
970s derived purely from beating other people
972s yeah whereas my enjoyment from games how
974s just to not be that case because I'm not
976s good at any game so I have to find Joy
978s somewhere and take a look at this list
980s though it's a bit of a I want to say the
982s word retro subtle in the fact that we've
984s seen the bones of this archetype in the
987s past but it's got a few new sort of
989s Slants on it now with some of the new
990s cards it does yeah going with the Sith
993s package and having a few Tools in there
995s for just to save otk with the flame
997s geezers
998s um being able to represent burn damage
1000s but going with the spike siren package
1002s overall it is a very 50 50 mishmash deck
1005s where sometimes you can feel like you
1006s have a hand with the best part with the
1009s um you know half of two different Decks
1010s that don't necessarily interact with
1012s each other uh the one thing Gabby's done
1013s there which I do kind of like is
1014s squeezed an Arcane intellect back in
1016s there as well because when I was playing
1017s the deck it did occasionally feel a tiny
1020s bit light on card draw but we will move
1022s on to uh banterface here as well who you
1025s can see is putting together a pretty
1026s solid resume for himself as well uh he
1030s is going with the Arcane Hunter he's
1032s going with rainbow Mage instead like the
1034s pure spell school focus version of Mage
1036s as I said even though it looks like
1037s we're going to be kicking things off
1038s with a mage class mirror is two
1040s different decks going up against each
1042s other and then has the miracle Rogue as
1044s well which I think historically uh is
1046s one of banton's all-time favorite decks
1048s so no great surprise to see him going
1050s with that yeah and just to get it out
1052s there now someone has to repeat
1053s ourselves
1055s play profiles you could ignore a little
1058s bit and be there this is a master's tour
1060s appearance if you want but let's dive
1062s into it deck I'm a huge fan of I love
1065s this at the moment maybe put this
1067s exactly can talk about a little bit
1069s later once we get into it but I think
1071s this is a cool archetype for Hunter I'm
1073s really proud that has been actually
1076s getting involved in it
1078s yeah really uh interesting take on kind
1081s of the aggro hunter archetype now like
1083s we are seeing two different hunters in
1085s the current meta game one more
1087s aggressive which is this version which
1089s is focused on Arcane spell damage early
1091s minions mid game pressure and noise and
1094s disruption with Secrets which then
1096s curves through into late game burst
1098s damage either through your buffed up
1100s Arcane spells uh or just large weapon
1103s damage from two of the key cards that
1104s you see highlighted there the starstrunk
1106s bow or the Titan
1108s um in comparison again it's kind of a
1110s similar theme throughout this matchup
1111s Gabby on the other side is playing a
1113s slightly slower version of Hunter than
1115s the 40 card version The Hound Hunter is
1117s as known as with more of the the big
1119s beast Synergy going on and so again it
1122s kind of speaks to the factor of this
1124s expansion which has gone down well with
1126s a lot of people it's just the range of
1128s decks that at least feel somewhat viable
1130s for people to play right for for
1132s multiple classes to have multiple
1134s archetypes that are tournament viable to
1137s the point where someone the best players
1139s in the world are pinning their flag to
1140s that deck to be brought to a tournament
1142s I think is a good sign
1143s um for the the Integrity of an expansion
1145s overall
1146s yeah and I think uh even just not these
1148s decks but do as we talked more about
1150s Titans uh I think the Titans themselves
1153s are going to be very interesting to keep
1155s an eye on because I do think they've hit
1157s that sort of perfect line of being
1160s extremely powerful but not just game
1162s breaking right a lot of the Titans you
1164s play them you get Great Value obviously
1166s I am going to talk about the hunter one
1168s the hunter one light always feels good
1170s to play you can always make active
1172s choices with it and it can get you know
1174s value One Way or Another but it's not
1176s like you see your opponent player Titan
1178s oh I've lost the game it's all over you
1180s know there is ways to fight back and uh
1183s the game keeps very very air sort of
1185s even even though the Titans themselves
1187s are strong but for me I think this is
1189s one of the expansions that the flavor
1191s has really come through the Titans feel
1193s impactful uh pretty much across the
1195s board and even just some of the
1197s legendaries themselves and the newer
1199s cards it feels very thematic but also
1201s not thematic in the the sense that it
1203s can be too focused on that and less
1206s focused on like cards feeling good or
1208s powerful I think it hits that that line
1209s really well yeah and I think bringing
1212s that back around full circle to Gabby
1214s versus banter that we're going to be
1215s looking at I think no Titan embodies
1217s what you were talking about better than
1219s nogannon which is a card which some
1221s people think is not even good enough to
1223s be played in the build of rainbow Mage
1224s that people are running at the moment
1226s others disagree some people think it's
1227s core to the deck and you're stupid yeah
1230s banter is playing it in his version of
1232s the deck uh some people insist that it
1234s doesn't do anything because you play it
1236s Down For the First Time generally your
1237s first ability is enemy cards cost one
1239s more and then it just gets cleared
1240s anyway and it's ended up doing nothing
1241s for the entire game other people are
1243s just like no you play it they can't
1245s clear it because their cards cost too
1246s much mana and then you play the card
1247s reverberations in your decks which just
1249s immediately deletes your opponent the
1251s next turn
1253s um so there is certainly a lot of
1254s discrepancy in terms of power level but
1255s I think that's great the fact that we're
1257s still having these arguments about how
1259s good Titans are and whether they fit in
1262s xdec or wide deck is much rather where
1264s I'd like a cards from an expansion to
1266s land right as opposed to hey we printed
1269s this this brand new expansion defining
1271s mechanic and it's so good that it just
1273s goes in every single deck yeah see the
1275s entire expansion right like I think this
1277s is a really really nice place for the uh
1279s the game to have landed yeah and apart
1281s from the decks we've looked at and
1283s talked about you know at the moment is
1285s there anything else that is has sort of
1287s stuck out to you I know for example
1288s you've had a you've sort of favored
1290s Demon Hunter quite a lot over the past
1292s you know what's a year or so let's say
1294s of expansions like as Demon Hunter felt
1297s good you know it is Rogue looking good
1298s right now is there any of your like
1300s favorites that say aren't you know Mage
1302s and I'm not going to talk about Hunter
1303s because I know it won't be Hunter but uh
1305s that aren't Mage right now anything
1306s really stuck out for you I can't I mean
1308s I can't go much further in the broadcast
1310s without mentioning Shaman really can I
1312s urge nature Shaman has been a deck that
1315s I've enjoyed enormously uh throughout
1317s this expansion and put a little bit of
1319s work into taking the deck that pocket
1322s train was playing and then refining it a
1323s little bit
1324s um uh tweeted a list which pocket train
1326s then adopted and said yep yeah the
1328s changes sort of made make sense it's
1330s slightly better than what I was doing
1332s and now 10 players in this tournament
1334s have uh have brought that deck so you
1336s know I'm pretty happy with that I think
1337s I've done a good thing there well done
1339s if uh if subtle Shaman carries someone
1341s to the World Championships I will be
1343s expecting a personal thank you
1345s yeah and then maybe some copyright
1347s discussions if that becomes the official
1349s name of the deck as well yeah that'd be
1350s great let's get it in there but yeah I
1352s think uh the Shaman deck has been one of
1354s the most interesting because uh even I I
1358s personally don't play tons of Shame and
1359s obviously been playing it for you for
1361s this but I feel like it's a deck that
1363s everyone talks about the big crazy otk
1367s burn Factor but also the deck just rocks
1371s a good curve like you just play a lot of
1373s stuff and I think that is sort of the
1376s underlying power I think if the deck
1377s only had the capabilities to do one or
1380s the other it would be nowhere near as
1382s popular and as strong as it currently
1384s feels I completely agree with you Raven
1388s um for once your analysis of the
1390s situation is spot on I think
1393s the direction the pocket pushed it in in
1395s the direction that I then pushed it
1396s further in is just have as many cards in
1398s the deck as possible that are good to
1399s just play on curve and play for Tempo
1401s and just spend two mana on turn two
1403s three mana on turn three or whatever
1405s when I started talking about like this
1407s is the list this is what you should be
1408s playing I got a lot of pushback from
1409s people saying no no no it's the totem
1412s version like turn five you just play one
1414s Mana it summons four totems you swing
1416s your weapon it summons another totem
1418s you've just got five minions in play for
1421s one mana and you can play
1422s bioluminescence you just otk people for
1424s 40 damage on turn five and I'm like yeah
1427s okay but I also won that game but I won
1430s that game on turn eight it doesn't it
1432s doesn't matter that you did it on turn
1433s five the difference is that in the games
1436s where you don't draw the absolute nuts
1438s your opponent plays a minion and
1440s suddenly you're Druid and totally
1442s incapable of killing anything in the
1444s deck whatsoever
1446s um so I do think for a little while
1447s people got way too distracted by the
1449s ability to deal 60 days or whatever like
1452s it just doesn't matter like yes you'll
1454s save a little bit of time but if you
1456s kill if you're gonna kill your opponent
1457s on turn six with 60 damage there's a
1459s pretty good chance you're gonna kill
1460s them on turn eight with 40 damage right
1462s and how do those two wins enter the book
1465s exactly the same they both count as a
1467s win yeah life coach somewhere it's
1470s smiling
1474s and just speak it because you just
1476s mentioned the class we have a sprinkling
1478s of Druids in this tournament uh we are
1481s getting into game one now so very
1482s briefly so do you think Drew's gonna do
1484s well I actually spoke to pocket train
1487s about Druid a little bit and his opinion
1489s of drude is a lot higher than mine um
1491s normally we align pretty well on these
1493s things so it kind of took me by surprise
1496s um pocket said the Druid was really
1497s really close to just being like the deck
1499s for the tournament for him which
1501s surprised me because I don't have it on
1502s that level at all but we'll see how
1505s things develop uh apologies we do appear
1507s to have missed uh Mulligan and a couple
1509s of the early turns here doesn't seem
1511s like uh banter's been able to get the
1512s weapon down early though which I think
1514s is the biggest deal for him does not
1516s look like Gabby is currently rocking a
1518s spike lash siren in hand Island which is
1519s the biggest deal for him so in terms of
1522s missing an early game which he never
1523s really want to do it does look like
1526s large periods of this has been fairly
1528s inconsequential
1530s damn what do you think with this matchup
1532s specifically with a lot of uh more
1534s minion focused for Gabby or at least a
1536s board focused approach I'm not saying a
1538s Luke Banner face doesn't have impactful
1540s minions but how important are these
1543s Alibis gonna be now I I fear for myself
1547s when I speak about alibiotics it's a
1549s card that a few people are not best
1551s friends with uh but these sort of key to
1554s Banter strategy to surviving against
1555s these potentially big Naga board waves
1558s yeah I mean you would think so right
1559s it's one of the advantages that Sif Mage
1561s like the pure rainbow surf Mage does
1563s have because
1565s um they just naturally get to play Alibi
1566s in the deck so when two players are kind
1568s of racing to combo the other that can be
1570s a big factor but I think perhaps more a
1573s of a key card will be the Creations in
1576s banter's deck because what Naga Mage
1579s does which I think is generally
1581s underrated is it just makes big Boards
1584s out of nowhere and it can do that a
1585s couple of times very quickly if you draw
1587s a siren very quickly so being able to
1589s get a create up to four or five damage
1591s AOE to be able to take down a board like
1593s that when it comes down might just end
1595s up being key which is what you see here
1597s for example I think just zero Mana fell
1599s spell being taken right not because it's
1601s going to have a significant impact on
1602s the game but because it's cheap it's
1604s Mana efficient it can juice the spell
1606s schools and really start to power up
1609s some of the cards because if you are at
1610s a baseline unfamiliar with what this
1612s deck is it has various payoff cards
1615s Elemental inspiration safe wisdom of
1617s norgan which start as weak cards but
1620s suddenly become extremely strong cards
1622s the more different spell schools you
1624s play throughout the game and it's got
1626s the double whammy and something I feel
1628s like a lot of matchups boil down to is
1630s just don't let your opponent stick stuff
1633s right it's very similar in a lot of
1636s these matchups because I do feel like
1637s the game right now is roughly split into
1640s very very minion focused decks and very
1644s very spell focused decks and a lot of
1646s the time if you're the one that's
1647s focusing on the Spells you need to clear
1649s those boards because the likes of like
1650s like the macrogue even this deck uh like
1653s Hound Hunter potentially as well does
1655s kick out just a lot of potentially
1657s aggressive minions and you might have
1659s your fancy combos later on but if they
1661s aren't dealt with then it doesn't really
1662s if the minions aren't dealt with early
1664s it doesn't really matter what you can do
1666s in late game if that late game never
1667s happens but Gabby is gonna still just be
1670s powering on enough minion pressure to
1673s make abandon you know at least think
1675s about how to deal with these and not
1677s necessarily just free play cards like
1679s the norganim for example may not be the
1681s best choice now to just play into
1682s already seven power on board
1689s yeah it's a tough turn for sure because
1692s is it gonna kill with it
1696s possibly you could also just like play a
1699s secret you can still like the value of
1700s just playing it as low thread I think is
1702s underrated anyway right like just be
1704s vaguely disrupted for your opponent I do
1706s kind of like this as well it's going to
1708s lead into because I think you have to
1710s work backwards from next turn here you
1712s really want to just Jam Elemental
1714s inspiration on seven where possible
1716s right because you've Juiced it very
1717s heavily you can see in hand the wisdom
1718s of Morgan and uh costs zero therefore
1721s the elemental inspiration is going to be
1722s very very powerful so you would I would
1724s imagine really just love to jam this
1725s card on curve so I think being as
1728s annoying as possible just causing your
1730s opponent to have a slow turn uh via the
1733s method of throwing out an organ is does
1735s make the most sense here overall I think
1738s as well like something's gonna have to
1740s be done but here's a siren and
1742s everything's about to kick off
1746s sea floor Gateway is a crucial card in
1748s both versions of these decks um the
1750s amalgams that you play in your deck are
1752s mechs for example in Gabby's version he
1754s does have the Creations as well which
1755s are mechs and in mcmahanta's version of
1757s the deck if you discover that through
1759s any method it is just a free tutor for
1761s your creation your big AOE card so it's
1763s a very underrated card do not forget
1765s that you have mechs in your deck when
1767s you discover that card it's very easy to
1769s do
1769s and it Rhymes so it's easy to remember
1771s as well
1777s maybe The Alibi just going down not
1779s really for the protection but more just
1780s to keep the chain going
1782s and this now is the moment where you can
1784s spot the Naga Mage player anyone can do
1787s this up until this point when the Rope
1789s appears that's when you separate the
1791s real Naga Mage players from the casuals
1794s I'm very out of the Casual side of this
1797s I panic when the Rope appears when I'm
1799s playing no damage I panic before the
1801s Rope appears because I still don't know
1804s what to do
1806s hey though the Frozen touch being in
1808s hand although a little bit of expensive
1810s writer this second uh is a good start as
1812s well because that is a card that is for
1814s a long time now sort of become one of
1816s the go-to damage spells for a lot of
1818s different Mages where it's just so much
1821s damage over time as long as you can
1822s weave it in so Gabby does have that to
1824s be able to push but has to uh sustain
1827s this and this Alibi actually will help
1829s out versus these win Furies to stop any
1831s true Shenanigans happen in this term
1833s will interesting sequencing from banter
1836s uh choosing to test the counter spell
1838s with the zero Mana draw two in hand uh
1841s ends up losing them really valuing these
1843s Alibis first and foremost which yep
1844s definitely agree with that valuing the
1846s Alibis uh first and foremost but also
1849s valuing presumably infinitized and
1851s volume up there are other factors there
1853s you could plan your turnout saying okay
1855s well if I play Zero Mana draw two and
1858s it's not counterspell I still get to do
1860s everything I want to do this term
1862s because I've only spent zero Mana at the
1863s start of the turn right whereas
1864s potentially if you try waste one of the
1866s other cards instead and it goes off that
1868s might end up ruining your turn it's also
1871s pretty interesting as well as even
1872s looking at the drown there honestly just
1874s to get rid of the siren and make these
1876s trades a little bit cleaner but one
1878s thing I found with like the this version
1879s of the Mage is even if you I'll say
1882s throw away some cards whether it to
1884s counter spell or not like you can
1887s generate so much stuff or Draw so much
1890s stuff that even if you just throw some
1893s cards out to the void you're still going
1895s to be a position like this where benefit
1896s still has pretty much a full hand to
1899s mess around with right and I think
1901s honestly the concerns of Gabby's sirens
1904s on the other side is somewhat minimal to
1907s Banter at this point because he played
1909s the finale volume up and he hit solid
1911s Alibi so he knows he now has three more
1913s solid Alibis from this point he knows
1915s the solid Alibi that Gabby played
1917s previously is not something that Gabby's
1919s gonna have an easy time playing more of
1921s because this isn't a natural solid Alibi
1922s deck that the air banter is playing
1924s against so in terms of just racing to
1927s the otk I think banter will feel like he
1929s has he has enough ice block effects to
1932s get him over your line no matter what
1934s Gabby does on the other side with the
1935s Sirens
1936s yeah because the Alibis have come early
1938s enough right like make banter's already
1940s over 30 health so it's not like oh well
1943s hang on it's Gabby sticks seven minions
1945s and you know over the course of a few
1948s Alibis it's still pushing some level of
1950s damage but with over 30 it's very very
1953s safe for the for the foreseeable future
1956s now don't get me wrong if you had
1958s infinite time and you start the term
1960s with a spite last siren on the board and
1962s you then Reverb that Spike Lush siren
1964s and you have two infused Frozen touches
1967s and a savara in your hand you might
1970s actually be able to otk your opponent
1972s through a solid Alibi at that point it
1974s might be possible uh but that would be
1977s an incredibly Niche scenario
1982s I'm just looking at this as well there
1984s was the solar eclipse picked up for
1985s mcmaniface earlier on instead of the
1987s drown
1988s um what's the is there any specific
1991s thing that he's looking for out of this
1993s solar I honestly I think the most
1996s specific thing about it that made it get
1999s chosen is it cost two instead of four
2000s right and then it just it juices see if
2004s it juices uh create any Creations that
2006s are remaining Etc it's just easier to
2007s throw out there on any given turn at
2009s some point right which I think is
2010s probably the biggest motivating factor
2013s we're gonna see Reverb on the A8
2020s and another one
2026s now surely it's all it's fire sale well
2030s Moulton roon is looking pretty lethal in
2032s the near future two Mana molten rooms
2034s very spicy
2039s because next turn you can just play an
2040s alibi you can forge the Rune and then at
2042s that point you are one one Mana damage
2044s spell from your deck away from just
2046s killing your opponent so
2051s and there's not too much that Gabby can
2055s really do about this either again
2057s there's tons of value for both players
2059s but when one has kind of ice blocks turn
2063s after turn after turn it gets a little
2065s bit difficult Shadow step picked up
2066s there for Gabby
2068s oh imagine remember I was talking about
2070s like otks with uh two sirens and a
2073s savara and a bunch of Frozen touches you
2075s then step the savara again and get the
2077s Frozen touches back in there oh let's go
2082s step in the Zola what if game one Gabby
2085s does just know TK through a solid Alibi
2088s yeah
2091s more like liquid alibi
2094s like gaseous
2105s God he's going for it
2107s and it's done all one close okay yeah
2113s can be another Inspirations here for
2116s banterface but again it's a
2119s without something to support it it's
2121s like an odd card to play just into a
2123s full Board of minions right so like I
2126s guess it's still fine like this in Alibi
2128s draw a card but it's like even going way
2131s back to the actual ice block days if you
2135s are doing these ice block style plays
2137s but not really progressing the game plan
2139s then it feels like you're just sort of
2141s skipping a turn for both players to an
2143s extent right and that's even less that
2145s you know or I guess more the case with
2147s The Alibi not actually blocking the
2148s damage so right a tricky one like is is
2152s this good enough maybe it has to be good
2154s enough
2154s from it Banner face but it doesn't feel
2156s great to just play loads of minions
2159s maybe there's rush but then solid Alibi
2162s and pass go again and the outcome is
2163s drawing one card
2166s okay let's go for it yep this does
2169s involve not forging the molten Rune
2172s which is the primary concern I would
2174s imagine because you know obviously you
2176s asked a question about the solar eclipse
2178s before the molten Rune appeared
2179s obviously
2180s oh yeah costing too alongside the Sith
2184s is going to be incredibly powerful you
2185s could just set up for that as a
2187s potential win next turn if you wanted to
2190s go for but uh banter choosing to be as
2192s annoying as possible occupy the board as
2194s well
2205s there's that emulation actually in a
2207s gabby town that I did not notice till
2209s now because as you can already imagine
2211s for viewers at home it's pretty tricky
2213s to keep keep track of all of the cards
2216s in this kind of mirror-ish match when uh
2218s there's so many generations going on
2221s they're definitely going to help soften
2223s up these Elementals
2234s I think the interesting thing here as
2236s well because yeah I'm just thinking
2238s about what this matchup looks like on
2240s average and
2242s if my banner face did not hit that many
2245s Alibis right like you can see the danger
2248s that Gabby could present in this matchup
2251s yeah yeah for sure
2253s um again I'm not sure how many resources
2255s got expended um through you know turns
2257s one to three because we did
2258s unfortunately miss that but you could
2260s also argue like banter is well within
2263s his rights to just have an Arcane bolt
2264s or a flame Geezer in his hand now right
2266s and then the game would just kind of be
2267s over in the other direction so this is
2270s kind of a low roll in terms of burst
2271s damage from his position as well
2276s foreign
2283s Mill Gabby's last card here
2287s swap it full of colossal
2299s Banton knots oh yes explosive runes just
2303s as I expected
2307s thing about Banner now is just going
2309s through the hand as you have to do with
2311s a deck like this and be like right if I
2313s play this this turn what does my purse
2316s look like next turn okay if that's not
2317s gonna work what's my birth look like the
2319s turn after and so on so on until we can
2321s make it happen obviously Gabby only on
2323s 25 and 25 is a low number when we talk
2326s about decks like uh this Mage when we
2328s talk about Shaman as well the really
2330s high burst decks the 25 is by no means
2333s safe
2339s at this point
2341s yeah does go with the last Alibi does
2344s Forge the rune
2346s don't we
2349s I believe it will be on seven spell
2353s damage if I've kept track okay my guess
2355s was gonna be six but there we go
2358s I'll Trust you oh sorry once the solar
2361s eclipse is played it'll be on seven
2363s spell damage I believe
2367s Gabby's doing his best to get through
2369s the uh or as much damage through the
2371s artifi as possible but I think until
2373s these run out and because the board
2374s isn't it hasn't had the ability right to
2377s just push seven with a full board or so
2379s you know I pushed like at least some
2381s level of damage
2382s my benefits has got to be feeling at
2384s least fairly confident here yeah I think
2386s at this point Gabby's just fishing for
2388s another generated solid Alibi so that he
2390s can potentially at her next turn against
2392s banter without an alibi up
2394s um which I think the way banterface has
2396s played this so the elemental inspiration
2399s turn on the previous turn right I think
2400s what that was about is to try and bait
2402s any solid Alibi out of his opponent's
2404s hand on a turn that didn't really matter
2406s right like that was essentially just a
2408s free turn
2412s Cold Case picked up
2420s so I'm guessing by Madonna's reaction
2424s what's going on am I stupid
2427s doesn't solar eclipse molten Rune just
2429s win the game here as am I not
2431s understanding how that interaction works
2432s I
2434s I well the way we benefits looked was
2436s that
2439s they look like their way to draw
2440s something specific and weft with the
2442s cold case which show if is after burn
2444s specifically but I was with you for a
2447s minute where I didn't think burn was
2448s needed but now I feel like I'm wrong
2453s interesting
2461s copies just
2464s smoking the shake of the head
2467s that's what kicking this match up with
2468s this air
2469s crazy major is going to do to you
2480s it says plus seven
2489s okay
2491s oh is it because the second one's random
2493s is the second one random though I'm not
2495s sure it is well I I don't
2498s I I didn't think so but that's the only
2500s thing I can think that yeah I I didn't
2503s think it was random but that was the
2505s only thing I could think of that would
2506s make mcmaniface pause right because oh
2508s there's two minions there's no spare
2511s Banner to kill those minions with is
2513s there a world where the first one
2515s obviously hits face whatever and then
2516s the second one can just hit the minion
2518s and and just ruin it but I'm not 100
2520s sure because I've never been in that
2522s position if I'm going to be completely
2523s honest but it was the only thing I could
2525s think of that Banner face paused on
2527s because that as you were building up to
2529s for a few turns the numbers weren't the
2531s difficult bit right just adding that
2533s number that many times equal lethal yes
2536s so that was the only thing I could think
2537s of but either way but Banner face is
2539s going to take the lead in this matchup
2541s and those Alibis really causing Gabby
2544s trouble and uh again we did miss the
2546s first few turns so we do apologize but
2548s it didn't look like Gabby was off to a
2550s very rapid start which uh the deck is
2552s capable of the Naga Mage to get off to a
2554s bit of a quicker start doesn't it yeah
2556s the siren turn came a little bit like I
2558s think if you siren on four with the coin
2560s or on five like if you're able to go
2562s siren one Mana Naga like either naggling
2565s or slitherspoon and then able to put
2566s Posh uh pop off from there to the point
2568s where you're at least making like a 506
2569s minion board
2571s um because you've got a five Health
2572s siren
2579s been that deals five AOE is kind of
2582s tricky at that point and making a
2584s straight up clear on the other side
2585s unlikely so I'd imagine that becomes a
2587s kind of a tough game for the Mage to win
2589s at that point because they have to start
2591s blowing Alibis pretty early
2594s um but yeah interesting late game to say
2596s the least I don't know whether you know
2597s we got a bit lost where the banter got a
2599s little bit lost but to me it started to
2600s make sense
2602s um with that extra turn of the elemental
2603s inspiration that came down alongside The
2605s Alibi yeah that makes sense because you
2607s can kind of buy a free turn to say to
2609s Gabby okay if you've generated a second
2611s Alibi from somewhere you're gonna have
2613s to play it now because you don't know
2615s that I don't have lethal next term right
2617s like oh yeah you fully have to respect
2619s my ability to lethal you the next turn
2621s so I'm getting an alibi out of your hand
2623s this turn and then I can forge the Rune
2625s and then with The Alibi gone I can
2627s potentially try and kill you the turn
2628s afterwards but yeah the the final turn
2631s did not perhaps play out with the uh the
2634s smooth confidence that I was expecting
2635s it to so who knows yeah and I think in
2637s this meta especially because there are a
2639s few Decks that play like this right that
2640s have uh bursty abilities not necessarily
2643s huge otks but you know 10 15 damage out
2646s of nowhere there are Decks that exist
2648s that have that right and I think
2650s once you I'm going to make up an average
2653s here but after turn six
2655s you do have to sit there and start
2657s thinking
2658s my opponent Could Just Kill Me next turn
2660s so what can I do to stop that or at
2662s least do your best to say well if they
2664s don't come in next turn obviously that
2665s chance increases by you know turn by
2667s turn so then what kind of pressure can
2669s you put on what can you do to stop them
2670s doing it against some of these matchups
2673s so uh yeah we will be seeing more Mage
2675s as we go out through over the course of
2676s this weekend so there'll be plenty more
2678s where that came from No Doubt but of
2680s course that was just game one and we
2682s know Conquest is not over till it's over
2684s so Gabby will at some point have to play
2687s that Mage once again if he wants to get
2689s the victory but overall what do we have
2691s left here because I believe it's
2693s mcvanta's uh Rogue is banned out so that
2697s means there is the Hunter and the shaman
2700s left over and uh before we get too much
2702s into any specific matchups because we
2704s don't know what they're going to queue
2705s yet
2706s um did you have any inkling of where
2708s bands I know this is a very generalized
2710s question but was there anything too big
2712s like to something you would expect to be
2714s banned the most this this weekend and I
2717s don't think there's like a meta Terror
2718s it absolutely has to be banned under all
2720s circumstances no I think I think it's a
2723s strategy ban for this tournament like I
2725s think I think some people will have
2727s Druid and I think other people in the
2728s tournament are trying to counter Druid
2730s for example
2731s um so in that sort of situation you
2733s might be looking at a band that creates
2734s your best chance for your Druid to pick
2736s up a win throughout the tournament
2737s throughout that series at some point
2739s right because that's the Crux of that
2741s individual series I think it's much more
2743s of a kind of a flex band situation
2745s players will be coming in with the idea
2747s of like okay if I see nature Shaman I'm
2750s gonna ban nature Shaman if I see aggro
2752s Hunter I'm gonna ban aggro Hunter but
2754s they will have like a a tier list right
2756s there's no hard and fast this debt goes
2759s 100 of the time there will I think
2761s players will have to react more to a
2763s lineup holistically and pick a ban on
2765s the fly in this matter yeah and so for
2767s the noises I just made but whilst I was
2770s 100 listening to what you were saying
2771s I'm also watching this Hunter draw
2773s because it's popping off although the
2774s secret was not great just a 1-5 out of
2777s it there are definitely there cards to
2779s get out of that this hand overall is
2782s looking quite powerful
2785s hey it's a one five with charge though
2786s and it survives explosive trap true the
2789s nuts
2793s hello this is a great setup this is
2795s exactly what uh you want uh with this
2797s deck this is pretty much my favorite
2799s deck of the expansion so far I would
2801s have thought and it's it gives you so
2803s many Flex options especially in this
2805s matchup it's one where you aren't
2807s completely lost because there are AOE
2809s options star power being one of them uh
2812s which are really good for clearing up
2813s those boards full of minions so we'll
2815s see how it benefits uh navigates this
2818s but I imagine pretty soon oh that's
2820s interesting
2822s okay going for the two three on curve I
2824s would have expected to see the uh the
2826s the trinket jackets come out to just
2827s start uh drawing those cards
2832s yeah you also have the potential option
2833s to just try and really disrupt your
2836s opponents uh four with coin turn right
2838s which is the earliest time a spike lash
2840s siren can go off just by going with um
2842s Forge traps and just play two more traps
2844s on that turn to really just shut
2846s everything down that your opponent can
2847s do
2848s I was even thinking that I I was even
2851s wondering is was this an answer or a
2853s setup because star power was drawn was
2856s this a well if Gabby goes by coin then
2860s there's the the beefed up star power
2862s because the one spell damage on star
2863s power is actually very sick it's so big
2865s yeah yes it is like just clear the board
2868s basically it doesn't matter what's on
2870s the board it's two rights it got buffed
2871s in deck on the previous turn as well and
2873s then ah yes sorry of course yes yes
2876s yeah so maybe that's why because
2878s normally I'm very greedy with the two
2880s threes right to just buff as many cards
2882s in hand as possible but it did ensure
2884s that no matter what Gabby did mcbander
2887s could almost certainly just stop out the
2889s board away
2894s look at the aggression
2901s spell
2902s Nago
2906s haven't kept active what's in the savara
2908s explosive trap vast wisdom and something
2911s uh I'll Discover it magic from this turn
2913s okay I thought he played another spell
2914s before
2915s didn't you play alibi
2920s apparently not
2922s I must did something before okay yeah
2925s the the discovery of magic must have
2927s come before The Alibi oh right okay
2929s there was an alibi right I know we saw a
2931s lot of Alibi's last game yeah is this
2934s girl what's the weekend gonna turn into
2936s it's like all I see is alabo
2939s wherever I go I see that card
2943s I've seen Gabby put out a ton of
2945s pressure but this is the problem right
2947s one Gabby's just pretty much dead anyway
2950s so now does have to get that alibi which
2952s was very useful but also just this star
2954s power just kind of laughs at this board
2957s yeah did have the emergency button of
2960s the volcano mancy in hand it's a three
2962s Mana volcano mancy but you know no big
2964s deal right because pretty much infinite
2966s manner the way that term was going right
2968s but you don't generally want to play
2971s your entire siren turn and then panic at
2974s the end of it and go damn I haven't
2975s managed to clear the board I guess I'll
2976s play this volcano Nancy like that's not
2978s really a good thing that you want to end
2980s up fingers crossed yeah yeah exactly
2985s see now I think this is the difference
2988s between my benefits and myself
2990s it's probably working out you know
2991s optimal trades for star power I would
2994s have just ripped it yeah he's just
2996s counting like what's the worst case
2999s scenario right like if the seven hits
3001s the four one and then the six hits the
3003s one one and blow like what's the worst
3005s case scenario if I just literally rip it
3007s right now right the reason why I just
3009s rip it is because you've got one two
3011s three and four attack minions right so
3014s like
3015s I feel like you could almost always make
3016s the trades up after the fact but I think
3018s my benefits is just making sure
3020s everything's clean
3022s ah I'm not gonna go for them instead
3024s gonna go for the ball
3037s was this really
3039s better
3047s I feel like the board just got a lot
3050s weaker
3051s it did to save a star power maybe this
3053s is just okay I'll do it this turn and
3055s then if it goes again
3057s star powered that turn right it's where
3060s matchup knowledge really comes into it
3061s and I will confess I have not played a
3063s great deal of Argus if Mage this season
3066s yeah that's my issue I'll tell you about
3068s a lot of match-ups with this Hunter but
3070s not this one
3072s but I imagine you know seeing The Alibi
3074s come down on the other side you know if
3077s there was no alibi come down right then
3079s suddenly stop how the whole board go
3080s face with everything make sense right
3082s because it you don't waste a bunch of
3084s damage trading into minions because The
3085s Alibi was there maybe banter's just
3087s setting the stall out for a longer game
3089s and saying okay star power double spell
3091s damage buffed star power is just
3093s incredibly good at clearing the board if
3095s it comes down in the future I think also
3097s if you told Banta that his next draw was
3099s speaker stomper he would have protected
3101s that giant board that he had on the
3103s previous one uh so he could just protect
3105s it further with speaker stomper on this
3107s turn but you know can't necessarily play
3109s to uh to the one out off the Topia
3111s though and a bit of tech I do like I
3113s believe it's just a one-off in the
3114s Banner's list and um it's a card that is
3116s one of those you can just drop it in to
3118s work wherever you want basically yeah I
3121s got the student
3123s okay that's just funny
3127s what is that now is it seven five
3132s not a clue
3135s yeah I think it's a seven five
3140s how does it work he says is he Googles
3142s it dies in there it goes into the deck
3144s shuffle a copy of this permanent plus
3147s three plus three oh it's three so it
3149s would be a seven six after dying yes
3151s yeah yeah
3159s press his hair about okay that's done
3161s now yeah this happens yeah this is one
3165s of those weird ones where he hasn't
3166s drawn a lot of the card draw so
3169s um he's not sitting on a lot of this
3172s burn there's the Ricochet shot there's
3174s the Arcane shot but a lot of times this
3176s deep into a game you normally rock in a
3178s fair few burn spells it could maybe have
3179s even just won also no weapons
3182s or the uh all the uh starstrong bow
3184s which is really unfortunate because
3186s again these weapons like carry this deck
3189s they put out so much damage and now band
3191s is a little bit here a little bit
3192s worried yeah
3194s in the days of law the legend of Gabby
3199s would have killed him yeah
3201s well
3203s here we go it's time to see if the
3205s Legends were true and there's not a
3207s relic DH in sight yeah it's so rough
3210s seeing this provider's point of view
3212s where like the managers keeps going and
3215s you're like when's it gonna end there's
3217s a Sith yeah oh I'm so much matter still
3225s what's that sea floor okay yeah that
3228s draws a one-managa now oh and worst
3230s cases it drew creation yeah yeah oh
3234s we're not thinking about clearing Raven
3235s we're we're otk I said worst case yeah
3237s someone's got to think about the worst
3239s case scenario okay won't somebody think
3242s of the minion it's like um it's like
3245s that zombie film
3247s that that person
3249s thank you thank you World War Z that's
3252s it okay because that person whose job it
3254s was to think of well what if this crazy
3256s thing happens I need to be able to fix
3258s it
3259s I'm gonna say dead
3261s Gabby's animations are significantly
3264s ahead of mine but yeah yeah about and
3266s now just the light show just the light
3267s show that's come out of hand recently
3269s we'll be able to do it there you go
3270s Gabby always kills them there is never
3273s any doubt Gabby always kills them
3277s and this is the thing right and it's
3279s something I think Lorinda mentioned
3281s yesterday when we were talking about the
3283s decks the players have brought and
3284s everything and you know just lineups and
3286s what the meta is like and I think
3288s Loretta said like I can't wait but you
3290s know one of the players who brought Naga
3292s Mage to just destroy the you know win
3294s the tournament and then the following
3296s week on ladder when may humans are
3298s trying to play Naga Mage and you know
3301s those wins will not happen because you
3304s have to be extremely confident you have
3306s to the decisions aren't even thought
3308s about I feel like it's just straight
3310s pattern recognition but that's probably
3312s the best phrase I can put to it if like
3314s this card appears it's either yes or no
3316s that decision's already made next and
3318s then all those decisions are almost like
3320s just autopilot pattern recognition and
3322s then Gabby just won that game which I
3323s think not a lot of people would have
3325s thought possible but we knew yeah I
3327s think playing otk's at that higher speed
3330s D6 warlock something that Gabby was
3332s fantastic at doing Naga Mage when you
3334s start with so many cards left in your
3336s deck um I've kind of relate this one by
3338s head is like being really really good at
3340s a rhythm game like if you're incredibly
3341s good at Guitar Hero right and there's
3343s just a million notes flooding down the
3345s fretboard towards you and you're just
3347s like hammering away full combo and the
3348s whole guitar solo absolutely no problem
3350s right and then people are looking at you
3352s going how are you reacting to all of
3354s that like I'm not it's just like it's
3356s just pattern recognition in my head yeah
3358s right like I've done it a million times
3359s before I sort of see a vague shape of
3361s notes in front coming in front of me and
3363s I just know what it is I've been here
3364s before
3366s um it's it's that kind of thing of just
3367s you do something enough times it just
3369s becomes ingrained in muscle memory but
3370s what is very very impactful are the
3374s early game decisions like Gabby's early
3376s discover choices
3378s um rip to vast wisdom early for a
3381s swapped volcano mancy and solid Alibi
3383s both of those cards coming in incredibly
3385s clutch then in sequential turns just
3387s dropping the solid Alibi essentially
3390s just focusing as a Time Warp just to
3392s Skip One turn and then the following
3393s turn that volcano Nancy being able to
3395s clear the board that was left over from
3397s banter on the following turns and
3399s essentially what Gabby's done there is
3400s worked backwards from the like okay on
3403s seven I can play siren and Reverb and
3405s then then we go and then then the world
3407s is my oyster from that point right
3410s um so I just need to map out my turns to
3412s get me to that point and discover
3413s choices that get me to that point and he
3415s did that very very well indeed
3418s now I'm going to go into game number
3420s three all even on this first series of
3422s the day and of the weekend of course I
3424s actually drew it on the top there for
3425s Gabby and my benefits jumping over to
3427s the shame and so this is a bit of a
3430s tricky one I I feel because I feel like
3432s most of the time Shaman has AOE or good
3435s enough answers unless the Druid really
3438s pops off you know like has that dream
3441s setup of just everything going the
3443s double choose ones going off and
3444s creating a mega board but Sheamus
3446s definitely got the ability to clear
3448s waves of Druid tokens which is again
3450s what Druid it's like a it's like a wave
3453s right always comes back in this style of
3457s Druid so we'll see if Gabby's got any
3459s tricks up his sleeve
3461s it's like a wave but unfortunately said
3463s wave is primordial and full of piranhas
3466s um I I like this match up a lot from the
3469s shaman side because you kind of have
3471s triple win condition in this matchup
3473s which feels great like some games you
3475s just play a novice zapper on one and
3477s then you play a Flo Rida on two and then
3479s that discovers feral spirits and you
3480s play feral spirits on three and those
3483s minions just hit the Druid in the face
3484s every turn until the end of the game and
3485s they die yeah and your opponent's
3486s playing like one ones and two twos right
3488s yeah like that that can happen I mean
3490s sometimes they have this hand and
3491s they're playing nothing right like
3492s there's also sometimes they are also
3494s just a druid yeah like let's not forget
3496s yes this car this deck plays some early
3498s game tokens but not a lot not enough to
3501s consistently be able to swarm the board
3504s um and then secondary obviously you have
3505s what people understand to be the primary
3507s win condition of the deck which is just
3509s otk's on a very early turn that's very
3510s possible as well thirdly you can kind of
3513s win the game sometimes by just letting
3515s them do their thing right like they just
3518s make their Board of six eights or
3520s whatever and you go
3526s they're not necessarily able to reload
3529s from that point if they haven't had a
3530s very resource heavy draw
3532s um so I'm a big fan of this matchup from
3534s from the shaman side even though I
3535s believe the stats say that it's a little
3537s bit closer than I'm making out and again
3539s I will caveat other very good players
3542s have much higher opinions of Druid in
3544s this meta than I do so there you go
3555s yeah
3558s tutu we did it
3561s Duff
3563s yeah there is some Topia available for
3565s Gabby so if you can get there it will
3567s help out with those sort of maybe even
3569s there's enough waves that get through
3571s but the problem is just the health right
3573s like it's like yes you let's say drew
3575s can make infinite waves of pressure so
3578s yeah at some point my band is probably
3580s just gonna blow you up so that's gonna
3582s be the big problem here I do just like
3583s Pharaoh's Spirit on curve though
3585s I'm a big fan of just playing stuff
3591s uh just talking about banter's list uh
3593s banter is not going with pure subtle
3596s Shaman uh he has gone down to a single
3598s copy of overdraft and is playing two
3600s copies of carving chisel instead uh
3603s carving chisel not a card that I find to
3605s be particularly effective again it's one
3607s of those cards where if you do if you
3609s draw it on two and then you get to play
3611s flash of lightning on five for example
3614s when you already have lightning reflexes
3615s in your hand then you can otk people on
3617s six with that kind of draw but that's
3619s not to me personally something that I
3621s value is hugely important with the deck
3624s um but banter and gamer RBG who have
3626s been known to prep together in the past
3627s so may have done so again for this
3629s tournament are playing that version
3630s where they've snuck in a second chisel
3632s at the expense of second overdraft which
3634s I will say if I were to lose a card from
3638s from my list second overdraft would be
3640s the first card on my list that I'd come
3642s and what Saul really means is inferior
3645s deck in every way
3651s Gabby now this is this is exactly what
3653s we were talking about earlier right it's
3655s like well yes the Druid you know this
3658s form of Druid doesn't have to pop off
3660s super super early but when it's already
3663s getting beaten up on board now
3666s and there's other stuff for shaming to
3668s do as you mentioned sort of the triple
3670s win condition this is where you feel
3671s yourself in a little bit of trouble
3673s right because it's like well I've got to
3674s clear this board so my board sticks when
3677s can I even do that and I was mentioning
3679s earlier Shaman one of the primary decks
3681s of saying well if you get to turn seven
3683s and you're against the shaman you might
3686s well just die at any given moment
3689s adding furthermore because uh something
3691s I didn't necessarily address at the time
3692s banter kept uh the Titan in this matchup
3695s which I think is largely with the idea
3698s in mind that kind of the games pan out
3700s like this fairly often right you you
3702s curve out you land aboard and if you are
3703s ahead on board throughout the early
3705s turns and you just Jam the Titan on
3707s curve Drew it's not killing that ever
3710s it's not equipped is it no
3712s um there is a command of neptulon that
3714s has appeared in Gabby's hand which might
3715s have something to say about that but
3716s under normal circumstances it's not a
3718s minion that dies when you play it on
3720s curves so that allows you especially if
3722s you have that stick on six like if you
3724s play the Titan on six and then play
3726s flash of lightning with your free spell
3728s for that turn and then the Titan sticks
3731s for the next turn as well they're dead
3733s just forget it there are there's like no
3735s hand that you have at that point that
3737s doesn't kill your opponent so and so do
3739s you think that this um over
3741s um overdraft is just going to be played
3743s kind of no matter what this turn then
3745s because I do agree with bannerface's
3747s first play there where the ancestral
3748s knowledge just was too good not to press
3750s this turn but then suddenly the overload
3753s going into next turn as you mentioned
3755s manifest is already head on board it's
3757s going to end this turn ahead of board it
3758s would be absurd right not to set up the
3761s Titan for turn six
3763s it does look like the most positive line
3764s here yeah banter seems to agree
3768s gets the one Mana back just to be able
3769s to drop a totem on board
3771s totems somewhat threatening still in
3774s this matchup it's one of the things
3776s about the Chisel right where the Chisel
3778s represents what a lot of like fake
3781s pressure I would say overall where
3783s people get scared of the fact that you
3784s have three or four totems on your board
3785s as if you're gonna otk them on turn four
3787s or something without any discounts which
3789s isn't really going to happen but the
3792s threat of extra bodies on board is
3794s always scary in spots like this
3796s great play by Gabby by the way Gabby
3798s without seeing banter's hand knows
3801s exactly what's going on here and now if
3804s banter just plays a Titan on curve Gabby
3807s has already set up to deal with that
3809s situation in a very advantageous way for
3811s him so it's one thing for us to sit here
3814s and go okay this is what banter's plan
3815s is and then banter does that plan it's
3817s another thing entirely for Gabby his
3819s opponent who can't see his hand to also
3822s understand what banter's plan is and
3824s play right
3825s he's such a good sell because it's not
3828s really like the Titans have three
3830s options and none of them really solve
3834s this problem
3836s um I guess it's
3837s could play and just kill the five five
3840s right you can yeah like that is the the
3843s best option if mcbanker wants uh the
3846s time to live
3848s but no I'm just gonna go value
3852s draw three and then how many cards we
3854s have in hand right now nine okay
3856s annoying does have the ability to kill
3858s this off though right now
3860s with the three three
3862s with Turner Tides yeah sure yeah yeah
3865s yeah yeah yeah yeah I think that was
3868s good that was a really good pickup
3869s because that's Best of Both Worlds now
3871s right the Titan's gone down and it says
3873s not likely to die as it can possibly be
3876s oh
3877s oh Banta just says face damage okay
3880s counting on the following turn perhaps
3883s no discounts currently but does have
3885s zapper two lightning reflexes no crashes
3888s in hand currently but okay sure was this
3891s just an assumption that because the
3893s minion is exactly Topia that well it's
3896s probably gonna die anyway next turn so
3897s I'll just push the damage yeah I mean I
3899s think that's fair
3903s it does make a lot of sense actually
3905s when you break it down right because now
3906s suddenly you've kept an extra 3-3 on the
3909s ball that your opponent has to attack
3911s into right like that's an extra minion
3912s that they have to clear or else you're
3914s threatening bioluminescence on the
3915s following term yeah and and push three
3917s right so
3918s and as you well know from our air
3920s testing I also like to just ignore the
3923s board and push face with damage when you
3925s play the deck like this
3929s and this is what I was talking about
3930s where now at this point even if the
3933s Titan goes down and the board's clear
3934s Gabby will not feel safe
3937s not necessarily anyway
3955s foreign
3962s so it's definitely lethal next turn
3966s but how do we feel about lethal outs
3969s this turn I don't think there are any I
3972s think with the flash pickup it's just
3974s not worth it is it just do stuff
3983s I say do stuff probably not
3987s lightning storm
3991s that's fine the one overload is not
3993s going to impact your ability to kill
3994s from 19 with double reflexes in hand I
3999s don't think I yeah my only worry is do
4002s you want to overload when your opponent
4004s has some random stuff at hand right like
4006s that's the and he also knows the
4009s asteroids there right
4010s yep so I guess that's just the one thing
4013s to think about is does someone by the
4015s face want maximum Amanda because these
4017s two minions and he's never dead right
4019s like these two means they're never going
4020s to kill him wow so I'm just wondering if
4021s he wants like maximum I think because
4024s you saw the LA all of the discounted
4026s hand get dumped on the previous turn I
4028s agree with you but solar eclipse plus
4032s things can do some disgusting stuff when
4034s you are leaving minions up on board if
4036s you have a heavily discounted hand but
4038s no all right I'm down
4040s too full
4045s yeah so now Gabby can gain that extra
4047s armor from Master law or uh maybe go for
4050s something else eh I'm just gonna piss a
4053s wave okay yeah make it a little bit more
4055s Awkward okay yeah I think Gabby
4057s understands the assignment here right
4059s like Gabby's dead unless banter needs to
4061s draw something next turn right if if
4063s band is set up to draw something next
4065s turn to win the game then maybe that
4068s stops IT from happening
4070s it actually did burn something good as
4072s well
4074s yeah I don't think it matters though I
4075s think banter just has the hand yeah
4078s comfortably
4081s he's counting damage right now as to
4082s whether he actually ever needs extra
4084s minions from something like command of
4085s neptulon but I think you're better off
4087s just rebuying here with zap
4089s yeah I was gonna say zap's the the
4092s autopilot pick if you if you are uh
4095s unsure
4097s turn the tides I think that's less
4099s consequential feral Spirits as well can
4102s now go feral bio bio bolt crash and then
4106s whatever the additional Discovery is
4108s yeah
4110s like I said like I I don't think these
4113s five fours were necessary because for
4115s the Mana you spent on this five these
4116s five fours you could have just played
4118s the novice zapper instead which is right
4119s same amount of spell damage for example
4121s you could just add a zero Mana cycle on
4123s the zap but it doesn't matter like the
4125s the way to kill people with these this
4127s deck doesn't matter pick a way that
4128s works and then execute it right that's
4130s really the way to look at it yeah simply
4132s deal the damage and uh a bit of a
4134s nothing game there and I don't even mean
4136s that in a negative way but Gabby outside
4139s of threatening the Titan you know
4141s threatening a board with Topia uh we saw
4144s kind of what we described at the
4146s beginning of the match and how we feel
4147s the matchup goes right is well my face
4150s got on board early like the shaman is
4152s kind of built to do and there was just
4154s answers for anything that was needed
4156s right like um even the benefits could
4159s have gone other ways with the Titan
4160s whether it's the AOE or the strictly not
4162s deal the damage to a single big minion
4164s and it's just one of those things where
4166s like the shame is just so flexible in
4168s that kind of matchup that it's very very
4170s hard to beat when uh Gabby on the Druid
4172s was a little bit more of a
4174s one-dimensional plan and we're just you
4176s know having a board focus and trying to
4178s buff those but if you're just not
4180s allowed to stick anything what's Gabby
4182s supposed to do yeah I mean that's it
4184s banto is in control of the tempo of that
4187s game from term one essentially and right
4189s Tempo means a lot of things to a lot of
4191s people but you know the way I like to
4192s view it is who's asking the questions
4194s and who's being forced to provide the
4196s answers and banter was the only person
4198s asking questions in that entire game
4201s right it was here's some minions can you
4203s kill them or are you gonna take 11
4204s damage from them oh you chose to take 11
4206s damage from them option okay here's my
4209s Titan can you deal with this and
4211s generate a board that's so scary that I
4213s can't just set up to otku the next time
4215s oh you couldn't unlucky you died that
4218s that's essentially the way that game
4220s went over the course of a number number
4221s of turns is the banter was just fully in
4223s control throughout and again like it's
4226s the way the deck is put together to do
4228s that to be annoying to your opponent
4230s throughout the early turns by playing
4232s like essentially just an aggro Tempo
4234s board based deck throughout the early
4235s terms and then just oh hey surprise like
4238s even if you didn't manage to take any
4239s any chip damage and get control and
4241s actually regain control of the game
4243s around turn eight or so I now still have
4245s the ability to fall back on an otk so
4247s very very nicely yeah
4250s yeah and uh I think the first display of
4252s many that we'll see from Shaymin across
4255s the board I think we're going to see a
4256s theme over the course of the weekend of
4257s Shaymin really just showing how
4259s adaptable that deck is to what you
4261s actually need to achieve in any given
4263s matchup but we are going to go dive
4265s straight into game number four the Druid
4267s once again for Gabby going up into what
4269s I would say is a slightly better match
4271s up here with the hunter as the last deck
4273s the banner face needs to take away with
4275s but I do say slightly better because
4277s even though the shame is probably king
4280s of just being able to do what we just
4283s saw uh this Hunter is also capable of
4285s not only putting on early game pressure
4287s with the likes of Tremors um but also
4291s click do some AOE clear like do some
4293s removal at least to keep any sort of
4295s early pressure from Gabby down but
4297s awakened Tremors is not a bad start
4300s against especially exactly Druid yep and
4305s Gabby kind of having to get ahead of
4306s this dumping the coin to get a Trion in
4308s play so he doesn't just end up straight
4310s up taking eight from these four four
4311s ones that are going to come down this
4312s turn
4315s oh okay
4318s I love titanforce traps so much that I
4320s Forge it on turn two even when I know I
4323s shouldn't because I'm like would I get
4325s two Secrets now I just I just love it so
4329s I like yeah Forge oh I could have played
4331s something curve to pressure my opponent
4333s nah I'll get those two traps later on
4335s though Forge is a very Raven mechanic
4337s isn't it oh yeah I could just play
4340s sensibly but if I do this it does more
4343s and more is better yeah everyone loves
4347s more stuff okay and especially and to be
4350s fair when you have the starstrong bow in
4354s hand staring at you as well it is more
4356s attractive right like it is achieving a
4359s lot more as well
4364s okay
4369s Forge
4377s you know you want to
4382s you ever realize how broken your brain
4385s is that when someone says the word Forge
4386s it just sounds like a twitch emote and
4388s not a real word to you
4397s Gabby has to do something
4399s pretty strong now does have good options
4401s can you know have some players on board
4403s of course but Banner face had a you know
4405s arguably slow turn but that's the the
4408s difficult thing to handle with
4410s titanforce is yes the hunter has a some
4413s sort of whiffed manner so to speak but
4416s double Secrets is such a pain with the
4419s secret package that exists right now
4421s your Hunter can basically like it feels
4423s like they could basically just pick
4425s which two they want for whatever
4426s situation or match-up they're in and
4428s that's why it's so so strong yep I I
4431s love Hunter seek I think Hunter secrets
4433s are the best secrets and have been so
4434s consistently like not best as in
4436s strongest necessarily but like the most
4439s feeling like your opponent is playing a
4441s trick on you when they when they get yes
4443s right which is how how secrets are sort
4445s of supposed to feel in my head
4447s yeah there are some great combos you can
4450s do with this as well because the
4451s addition of zombies and then some of the
4455s other options like bait zombies zombies
4457s and then bait and switch can get so
4459s silly right that yeah it was your
4462s opponent's turn yet you've cleared some
4465s of their board and you've gained minions
4467s but on your opponent's turn it's like
4469s right seems good catchick of course a
4472s year fan favorite I think for Hunter
4474s enjoyers of of your I guess
4478s yeah purely just because of that golden
4479s art though which is fantastic of course
4481s yeah
4483s also a big fan of the uh wandering
4486s monster bait and switch combination yes
4488s yeah unlucky you are procking this no
4490s matter what you do yeah and you're gonna
4492s and if you're face tanking oh get ready
4494s oh you died unlucky yeah I've done that
4498s many times
4500s praise nature Gabby gonna get some work
4503s done himself but already the Havoc
4506s starts to ensue with a cat chick kitten
4508s yep
4512s and it's something I do think a lot when
4514s I'm playing Hunter on ladder I sit there
4516s and think wow my opponent must be
4518s annoyed because they did a whole turn
4520s and my board improved
4522s I'm afraid the one who's going to be
4525s annoyed this game
4527s is named mcbanterface because the car
4530s draw into the drum circle and then
4533s double discount to make it cost five
4535s with both abilities combined on the next
4538s turn uh yeah good night
4543s it's actually one reason I don't if you
4545s caught it
4547s but one of the reasons why when I was uh
4549s self-prepping for this tournament
4552s um I initially wasn't playing a crack
4554s and Bane list
4556s and one of the other cards I was playing
4558s was the um
4560s oh no
4562s oh no my brain's just gone my brain's
4564s just gone blank no the one Mana spell it
4566s make sure the Spells uh insta kill do
4568s poison
4569s uh sure yeah something spores right yeah
4572s yeah but yeah but that gives you options
4576s with Ricochet but yes uh banter does not
4579s have that card therefore there are zero
4581s options and even if there were it would
4583s have been still quite difficult would
4585s have needed like spores and then like
4586s Ricochet Ricochet to even have a chance
4589s there but still Gabby just like that
4591s fights back and already it's match one
4594s subtle and we're going down to game five
4600s I don't know why I blank because like I
4602s said up until like two days ago I was
4604s playing the list with that a lot
4606s um but still I think this series already
4609s is giving us such a good display of the
4612s meta right you could almost watch this
4614s series and be like and then go to the
4615s ladder and be like yep saw that deck yep
4617s saw that deck saw that deck because it's
4619s giving us a good idea of what's pretty
4621s much going on on ladder that these
4623s players have been using to qualify for
4625s this tournament so we are going to be
4626s going to game five both players evened
4629s up and it means it's gonna be Hunter
4630s once again for mcbanterface and
4634s I've gone blank what's Gabby got left
4640s for Gabby on the other side so
4643s interesting one for sure I think the
4646s aggro hunt I I don't know how I feel
4649s about this because I when I was playing
4651s Shaman felt like the Hound Hunter
4652s matchup was very very easy
4655s um and that was reflected in the stats
4657s that I was getting and then talking to
4658s other players like no Hunter's kind of
4660s annoying they can be awkward they can do
4662s things to really Mess With You by Hunter
4663s do you mean Hollow Hound
4667s well no not some it's the combination of
4669s they're because they're playing 40 cards
4671s they're often playing speaker stomper in
4673s there as well right so they have they
4675s have the ability for fast starts that
4676s can winboard early and pressure you they
4678s have secrets that can be disruptive
4681s um and then if you are forced to go all
4684s in which sometimes you are right
4685s sometimes against an aggro Deck with
4686s Shaman you play an early flash for Tempo
4689s and then you just play your lightning
4691s reflexes and you end with a crash of
4693s thunder on turn four or whatever and
4695s that's never going to get beautiful but
4696s it can swing the board and then you get
4698s in front and you might have dealt 12 18
4700s damage something like that in the
4702s process right and then maybe you can get
4703s there with chip damage that's when
4705s Hollow Hound really comes in as a factor
4707s in situations like that when you've been
4709s forced through Earth yeah but my
4711s perception early was that Shaman did
4712s very well against the mid-rangey Hunter
4714s and then when the more aggressive
4715s Hunters were appearing I was having a
4717s more difficult time but as I've dipped
4720s back into Shaman specifically in
4722s preparation for this tournament my
4724s personal experience has now been the
4726s exact opposite of that so I I don't I
4728s necessarily know where I've all on this
4730s one I was gonna say the way I'm viewing
4733s this as a hunter enjoyer right now of
4735s playing I've ran into this matchup a lot
4737s as you can imagine I feel like how much
4740s I kind of hate to say this is that both
4743s decks basically are trying to do the
4745s same thing it's just that the shaman
4747s does it all a little bit better sure
4751s yeah I mean I can get on board with that
4752s certainly if you draw schooling then uh
4755s yeah it starts to get significantly more
4757s difficult even straight off the bat
4758s banterface going second I think is
4761s there's some great uses for the coin
4763s with this deck but against Shaman you
4765s you want to just get cooking right like
4767s you want to get those minions down
4769s straight away and give uh Gabby as few
4771s opportunities as possible to start
4774s winning on board because I think this
4776s will rely on my banner face getting
4778s ahead on board relying on these
4780s um on these secrets um on the Awakening
4782s Tremors as well but like you said with
4784s the Piranhas it's not what you want to
4786s see if you're a hunter enjoy it right
4787s now yeah having your own speaker stomper
4789s though if banter can go winboard into
4791s speaker stomper and just push a ton of
4793s damage that's probably the biggest win
4794s condition from here uh I do like this
4796s play of uh calling out the 3-4 like yes
4799s getting the ability played nice and
4800s early is of course cool but I think also
4802s just coining the 3-4 generally this deck
4804s the shaman wants to spend three mana on
4807s turn three very consistently they want
4809s to play Pharaoh spirits on turn three
4811s they want to play turn the tides on turn
4813s three they want to play ancestral
4815s knowledge plus Flowrider on turn three
4817s right like some combination of cards
4819s that actually just plays for Tempo or
4821s progresses their game plan in some way
4822s so by putting a minion in play that
4824s would survive all that and kind of
4826s forcing Gabby to do something a little
4827s bit different
4828s um I think banter has just managed to be
4830s slightly annoying on this term which is
4833s a big upside
4834s was that drawn off the top did that make
4837s sure that was so fast we didn't see it
4838s in hand yeah I was gonna say what a draw
4845s but now the big question for me is like
4847s again I'm be prepared this is gonna be
4850s me all weekend like is this just a
4853s secret turn I know the speaker stump is
4855s there but like I feel like the stomper
4857s should be used to back up a board right
4860s and without a board great your opponent
4862s has to deal with the stomper oh no
4866s but is he gonna Forge or is he gonna
4868s play the secrets out of hand that's the
4871s question right I don't think you
4872s necessarily need to go for the Titan
4874s forged right now because I think hat
4875s trick hidden meaning would be a pretty
4877s premium combination of secrets that you
4879s would take in this position anyway right
4880s so see no reason not to just Jam them
4884s yeah I think if you talked about
4887s specific combos of Secrets there are
4890s better options if you could cherry pick
4892s but because you can't it's not worth it
4899s this will unlock and Float a Mana at the
4901s end of the turn because of the way
4903s thorium works so Gabby can choose to
4905s play around hidden meaning here if you
4907s would like to
4909s or just play the two one honestly like
4911s that's an option yeah because that was
4913s because the Secret's played from hand I
4915s think he knows it's hidden right
4918s which sounds like a stupid sentence he
4920s knows but you know you know you know
4922s what I mean he knows which secret it is
4926s here we go
4937s we're gonna see if my banner face is
4938s thinking about Titan or not
4950s oh this is tricky isn't it because bait
4953s and switch feels good oh okay sorry yeah
4955s I didn't know he had to hold the what
4956s the one Mana left for the uh for the yo
4958s manga okay yeah yeah Bane switch is good
4964s Gabby gonna go face look for the
4966s explosive trap first and foremost does
4968s find the explosive trap
4971s and now just lands a clean Titan I
4973s imagine yeah just deal three heal
4978s yeah dealing here looks like the way to
4980s go and ancestral knowledge to draw the
4983s cards yeah good ordering from Gabby nice
4985s and clean
4986s yep again he had I believe that was 100
4989s with full knowledge right there's only
4991s the the pair of Secrets like natural
4992s secrets in the deck of the two that were
4995s played from hand yes there's only two
4996s yes uh two different secrets in banter's
4998s deck so yeah knew what they were
5002s but there's star power
5005s what a card
5008s indeed
5010s the full clear coming out is nice but
5012s banter I think really wanted to just
5013s have some Tempo that turn right like if
5015s you wanted cat trick to go off and not
5016s be able to be cleared he wanted hidden
5018s meaning to go off so he got another
5019s Minion at the start of the turn and then
5021s he wanted to go face with all of those
5022s minions and slam speaker stomper that's
5024s what he wanted to do because that's the
5026s way that that's the route to winning the
5028s game
5029s um he is going to be able to do that
5030s here maybe a turn further down the line
5033s especially as he's just seen the the
5036s trigger from from Gabby the uh the flash
5038s of lightning come out
5050s yeah the problem here is it's slipping
5052s this is the stage where you're in his
5054s Hunter where you just know it's slipping
5055s away
5056s right because although my benefits had
5059s some real some good early pressure
5060s there's been not a lot of card draw
5062s there's no weapons there's no big okay
5066s there's a weapon now good job uh there's
5068s no none of the big spell damage Buffs
5069s you know all that stuff's missing which
5072s means this 30 or 28 health is quite the
5075s way away
5076s I know exactly what's happening here
5078s because I have also done exactly this
5081s while on camera playing a tournament
5083s Gabby right now is saying there is one
5085s there is a single copy of this card in
5088s your deck you absolutely do not have it
5091s in your hand right now uh yeah they uh
5094s they always have it actually yeah
5098s laughs
5101s it's there mate I'm sorry I don't want
5104s to tell you at least it's a one of
5111s I mean it's as good eternism but panda
5113s face is gonna get isn't it get that bow
5115s out start doing some damage
5118s that's the question right is like does
5120s banter want to Ricochet short hero power
5122s and stomper here or does he want to go
5124s with the weapon which leaves some of the
5126s board up on the other side oh yeah
5129s pretty tight call overall but I'm kind
5133s of leaning towards agreement with you
5136s the problem is you you're not playing
5138s the long game versus Shaman right like
5140s this is the window play the stomper
5143s cause this problem yeah there you go
5145s jabby nice on me and then Pile in the
5147s damage because this weapon is 12 damage
5149s over two turns that's a big deal yep
5156s okay zapper is a very nice draw in terms
5160s of so the the premium drawers to draw on
5163s a turn like this firstly flash of
5164s lightning right like you just play it
5166s again this turn so you're ready to go
5168s again next term with the otk setup
5170s that's the best case scenario uh novice
5172s zapper though is about as efficient as
5174s extra spell damage gets in the deck
5176s right one Mana for plus two spell damage
5178s once you land bioluminescence on it
5181s um so it's very high potential that he
5183s might still be able to get things done
5184s next turn
5185s does use a lightning reflexes to find
5189s some answers here which is going to make
5191s life a little bit more difficult for him
5193s on the following term but the extra good
5195s news as well is that having the carving
5196s chisel here is this is one of the
5198s situations where I will admit carving
5200s chisel is a very very good card uh when
5203s you have been disrupted and you're still
5205s trying to achieve lethal right like
5206s lethal without discounts having zero
5208s Mana summon a Minion from a previous
5210s weapon yeah it's very very effective at
5212s being able to do that any freebies are
5214s huge
5216s okay this draw is going to be big for my
5218s face because he must know oh see so this
5222s is going to be something I'm going to
5223s talk about over the weekend not a fan
5225s crack and bin in the deck put it out
5227s there feels clunky a lot of the time
5232s can do it this time but you just get Mr
5234s Hero power right
5235s yeah yeah it doesn't quite work out
5238s it's very close
5240s hmm
5242s and let's be honest though
5244s the battleface doesn't really have a
5246s choice right I think this is just play
5249s it all I guess you can hold one Ricochet
5251s shot
5252s because the first one's confirmed
5258s wait a minute
5262s oh goodness so go do the crack and Bay
5264s in this turn okay yeah I mean you need
5265s to Triple spell to juice the thing right
5267s so yeah I just thought
5269s I don't know what draw stops you doing
5270s cracking Bay next turn but I guess it's
5272s the 3-3 on board is a benefit oh no go
5275s in hero power
5285s okay has Gabby pre-countered this is the
5288s question can I attack a zero attack
5290s minion very nice well joke's on you
5293s thought he could attack a zero attack
5295s minion to get the minion down and play
5297s one man on Zappa three mana on
5300s bioluminescence oh yeah and then he's
5302s pointing at face
5305s foreign
5306s looks good to me yeah it looks like
5309s Gabby he's gonna be the winner of the
5311s first series on stream today the summer
5313s Masters Tour Championship here what a
5316s matchup though so like what a way to
5318s kick off the day and kick off the
5319s tournament we got a good spread of decks
5321s we had some close matchups we had some
5323s overpowering matchups and we've seen a
5326s high number of burst damage potential
5329s coming out of these decks and something
5330s I think we're gonna see over the course
5332s of this weekend but congratulations to
5334s Gabby moving on into the winners bracket
5337s of the group but of course this does
5339s mean that Banner face is by no means out
5342s of the tournament we are playing a
5343s double elimination groups so Banner face
5346s is still going to be knocking around but
5347s he will have to now win the other
5349s matches he has left today to be able to
5351s move on to tomorrow
5352s and a lot of people will look at that
5355s like that just that last game for
5357s example right and say oh it was an otk
5359s you know it's just a combo deck they
5361s just ported cards and comboed and ended
5363s the game right but
5364s turns one through seven both decks were
5368s fighting for the board incredibly
5369s aggressively on every single turn right
5371s and that's why I really like this Shaman
5374s deck because it's a deck that ends with
5376s a really fun interesting cool combo um
5379s for the person doing it to execute I
5381s understand that the people on the
5382s receiving end of it are not having such
5383s a good time
5384s um but in order to get there you have to
5387s compete for board right because if at
5389s any point Gabby had got too greedy and
5391s ignored what was going on on the board
5393s or not sequenced his turn incredibly
5396s well to be able to summon the cat trick
5398s clear the cat-trick summon the wandering
5400s monster summon the uh the hidden meaning
5401s deal with that as well right if that
5403s board had been able to get out of
5405s control on bat on banter side suddenly
5408s banter has three or four minions in play
5410s and then plays the speaker stomper right
5412s and then suddenly we have an entirely
5413s different game apart wasn't Gabby on
5415s three Health at the end of that game
5417s like it's nothing right so that fight
5420s from term one to turn five to turn six
5422s or so as to who is going to dominate the
5423s board early is much much more crucial
5426s um in these Shaman matchups than people
5428s give it credit for I think Gabby did an
5430s excellent job in that last game being
5431s able to get there as well as navigating
5433s through the turn under speaker stomper
5435s conditions extremely well on the
5438s penultimate turn of the game as well
5439s yeah this was just our first match
5442s kicking off the tournament this weekend
5443s there's plenty more coming up we're
5445s gonna go to a quick break while we set
5446s up more HearthStone for you guys so stay
5448s tuned we'll be right back
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5868s thank you
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5921s thank you
5924s hello everyone welcome back to the
5928s Hearthstone Masters Tour summer
5930s Championship we are underway here with
5933s our first day in the group stage I will
5937s be your host for game number two I'm
5940s Dawn or Dragon Rider and joined today by
5944s Lorinda how you doing
5946s I'm doing great what a way to kick it
5948s off with Gabby and banterface there in
5950s that first one I don't know how we're
5951s going to top that all weekend to be
5953s honest but here we are game two of the
5955s weekend saying we can't top it we always
5957s find a way and we're gonna have another
5959s good one for you coming up soon we're
5960s gonna have tansoku versus insane I
5962s believe
5963s yeah absolutely and there are as uh
5967s Raven and saddle mentioned there are
5969s tons of very very good players in this
5972s entire bracket so let's take a look at
5974s these players that we have here in our
5977s group stages and for this group a we do
5981s see uh Wiki and meaty and moving into
5983s that Winners so they won their first
5986s match there will be some elimination
5987s matches as well it's gonna be uh two
5991s wins to get through these groups to get
5993s to day two so gonna be a tough battle
5997s for some of these players but I don't
5999s know how you're feeling about this one I
6000s feel like it's a been a pretty close
6002s Series so far for group a yeah meaty was
6005s nearly reverse swept there he was 2-0
6007s got back to 2-2 but ended up going
6009s through uh Group B here it's just name
6012s after name renwyn versus Casey in the
6014s elimination we are trying to show you an
6016s elimination match here we're not going
6017s to show every single match that we're
6018s going to show you matches where people
6020s get removed so you get to see nearly
6022s everybody at least once uh some of the
6024s o2s will miss but we'll see most players
6026s at least want to join the course of
6027s today and obviously all of the top eight
6029s tomorrow uh but these groups look at
6031s this pocket train dread eye just
6033s cruising through there and now gone and
6036s rulian whose name I probably didn't get
6038s it right but yeah into that elimination
6039s match it's just name after name like you
6041s said they're all good names
6043s but some of the names are just like a
6045s little bit bigger than the others
6046s especially in this group Dawn yeah I
6049s mean honestly Group C and Group D
6051s looking very very stacked and here we
6054s saw Gabby beating mcbanter face in that
6056s very close Series in that first game so
6059s moving into that Winners but what we are
6062s going to be seeing plenty more action
6065s including our next game that you and I
6068s will be covering here Lorinda and that
6069s is going to be as you mentioned Tom
6071s sanku versus insane which uh what do we
6075s have for their dexler and I know you and
6078s I were talking a little bit about this
6080s before we got into this uh call yeah so
6083s insane has got the um fairly aggressive
6086s lineup actually everybody in the
6087s tournament's got a mage of some sort
6089s um mainly going to be the Sith Mage then
6091s we're going to be bringing that Naga
6092s Mage uh insane has got the outcast DH
6094s he's got the shaman and he has the
6097s Arcane secret face whatever you want to
6099s call it the weird Hunter deck that if
6102s you played it it doesn't feel weird but
6104s where does your damage come from you do
6105s 12 damage of your weapon and 18 damage
6107s from
6108s space I don't know where it comes from
6110s from somewhere yes
6112s trying to circle on the other hand has
6114s the the Warlock he has the the Rogue the
6117s Druid and the Mage a little bit off the
6119s wall and yeah look at these stats 2016
6122s has the golden card back more than five
6125s times apparently
6127s yeah and it's a very interesting the
6130s tansanku is one of the two players from
6132s Japan apparently tansanku also means
6135s short-legged person in Japanese which I
6138s don't know I I didn't think the dawn or
6140s Dragon Rider meant that but I think I
6141s fit in there as well here's Square legs
6144s uh but both of the Japanese players
6146s actually both brought uh the same lineup
6149s or very very similar they both brought
6151s the same style of decks and that does
6154s include that warlock that we are seeing
6156s here I know Linda that you are not a fan
6158s of this warlock how do you feel seeing
6161s this here I mean I'm not allowed to say
6164s the words that this invokes in me on
6166s broadcast but this deck is incredibly
6168s powerful when it does its incredible
6170s powerful thing which is player slime on
6172s turn four or turn five and then get a
6174s thing which then gets you another thing
6176s which then gets you loads of things and
6178s you thing them to death or you do
6180s nothing you clear the board three turns
6181s in a row and then you die horribly
6183s um we're not a lot in between to be
6185s honest how do you see it give us a more
6187s um realistic video about it
6189s yeah it has a lot of stat potential a
6193s lot of repetitive boards that can be
6196s difficult for other decks to deal with
6198s but it does feel like it can be a little
6201s bit High rolly sometimes as you
6202s mentioned trying to really get into that
6204s slime
6205s but we do have some other decks on the
6208s other side and as you mentioned fairly
6210s aggressive potentially here so let's
6213s let's look at insane and talk about his
6215s lineup here bringing Outcast DH rainbow
6218s Mage nature Shaman and that secret or
6221s Arcane Hunter a little bit more
6224s aggressive a little bit more bursty
6225s potential I I am personally a huge fan
6229s of the outcast Demon Hunter and this how
6233s it's kind of well positioned to me in
6235s this meta for this tournament
6238s yeah it if you're willing to just not
6242s have
6243s certain things your opponents line up
6244s like Mage which everyone's brought um
6246s the outcast is just pretty meaty it just
6250s there's not a lot to say about this deck
6252s if you've played this deck once or twice
6253s you'll realize it's surprisingly fiddly
6255s and complicated to play optimally but
6258s also sometimes it doesn't matter if you
6259s play optimally you just put some things
6261s on the board and hit them and they die
6263s and then you draw some more cards and
6264s they die again and then you drop
6266s helviria and everyone has rush and gets
6268s really really big and if they'll die
6269s again like you can kill people so many
6270s different ways with this deck um so
6272s quickly but being precise with it is
6274s actually quite hard
6276s yeah there is definitely some
6279s combinations or different play styles
6282s that you can do with the deck I feel
6284s like there is the kind of just go for
6286s the outcast stuff maybe go a little bit
6288s wide on board try to find some answers
6291s from generating those Outcast cards or
6295s there is that building into the kind of
6297s wide board that has a lot of Rush
6299s minions and getting a lot of burst
6300s damage with the health area damage as
6303s you mentioned but it is kind of
6305s interesting to me I just I think it is
6307s pretty well positioned I feel like it
6308s does well into Mage so yeah with all the
6311s of the players bringing Mage it seems it
6314s seems pretty solid here and it can be
6317s pretty aggressive go decently fast which
6319s into things like that warlock that we
6321s saw might prove uh pretty useful
6325s it's gonna be interesting um all the way
6327s through this tournament uh subtle made
6329s the point when I was practicing the
6330s video when I was streaming I think and
6331s he made the point in stream that we
6334s don't really have good data for this set
6336s for this particular tournament from
6338s replay sites because
6340s there's only like 30 or 40 players in
6343s the world capable of playing these decks
6345s really well in these matchups right now
6346s there's so many matchups there's so many
6348s decks that you can play now even all the
6350s way down to it will give Warrior an
6352s example of a deck you can play you might
6354s not do very well with it but you'll bump
6356s into a warrior on ladder if you play
6357s enough Hearthstone it's not it's not
6359s like the zeros across the board we had
6360s at the end of last meta so the numbers
6363s are thin and the number of people
6364s playing them are high and I think we're
6365s going to disagree as casters as players
6367s a lot about matchups until we see over
6370s this weekend how the top players play
6371s them oh absolutely and it's uh also very
6375s interesting I think that saddle was
6376s bringing this up in that first series as
6378s well about the not only the difference
6380s in what people kind of think about
6383s matchups but also in card choices and I
6385s think we're going to see that in some of
6386s these lists throughout the whole weekend
6389s but we're jumping into game number one
6391s here tansanku on this Druid and insane
6394s here bringing in this Hunter for the
6397s first game now it's kind of interesting
6399s as you mentioned that the damage from
6402s this Hunter can kind of just appear out
6404s of nowhere but some of these cards right
6408s now I'm not sure is Ricochet shot going
6412s to be good enough here dealing just one
6414s I I think insane's gonna need to find
6416s something a little bit here too uh
6419s combat some of these trains that are
6420s going to start to come down from tonsaku
6422s there is that for now but you can dig up
6424s the the
6425s um the poison spines I'm gonna be
6427s terrible with the names of all the cards
6429s this time around
6431s um
6431s if he has them in the deck I'm just
6433s having a look and he does not so he
6436s can't there you go
6440s so yes you're right the vehicle shot is
6442s going to do very little here
6444s and that lingering zombie is one that is
6448s a card that we're seeing one of those
6450s differences in as well some of the
6451s Druids that were brought have the
6453s lingering zombie and I believe some of
6455s them don't so that's yet another card
6457s even though it may be not one of the
6459s most powerful cards it's another card
6461s that players seem to kind of be
6462s disagreeing on kind of which direction
6464s they want to bring this through it in
6466s slightly more aggressive with more of
6468s these minions or not but
6471s the Ricochet shot can at least start to
6474s answer that it is going to be a little
6475s bit awkward here though but there needs
6478s to be more triance right that's what
6481s these Druids regardless of which version
6482s are looking for those treants there is
6486s the blossoms that is in hand and now the
6489s Witchwood Apple has just been picked up
6490s so there is a little bit of that
6492s generation there and the seedsman in
6494s hand as well for tonsaku going to be
6496s able to ramp up a little bit more get
6498s closer to that drum circle for either
6501s more uh treats or additional stats and
6505s it's going to kind of depend which route
6506s that he wants to go with that on the
6509s current state of the board when he's
6510s able to play it
6511s yeah he's doing this first um so that he
6514s lowers the chance of hitting face which
6516s isn't a thing that happened straight
6518s away
6520s um it now has decisions to make on the
6522s second one
6523s yeah
6525s it's a little bit unfortunate there
6527s going face first but
6531s is it something he wants to risk with
6533s the second one
6536s I'm trying to find another option
6538s uh
6539s he probably wants to get his cat tricked
6542s down this turn so he's wondering whether
6543s to just Arcane shot and suck it up or go
6545s for the second shot like do you want the
6547s second shot later is the second shot
6548s actually going to be useful later I
6549s think not I think doing two now three
6551s times is probably the best you're gonna
6553s get out of it and then you get to dump
6555s the cat trick on the board so you've got
6556s something on board for the next turn as
6558s well I like this
6561s yeah absolutely being able to just clear
6564s these up as well pretty handy now I
6567s guess looking to potentially make a
6569s trade
6571s you definitely do want to try to keep as
6573s much off the board against the Druid as
6575s possible but
6578s is it necessary at this point or
6586s um well
6589s just just set it up do the thing I mean
6592s yeah the Druid Deck I think one of the
6595s things that maybe put the top players
6596s off we've heard already from subtle that
6598s pocket train was somebody who actually
6600s thought this was very close I think that
6603s it might put the top players off is a
6604s skill ceiling
6606s is is quite low
6610s um and yeah the deck is super good but
6612s there's not a lot of room for movability
6622s this is a really interesting turn here
6625s for insane does he just want to go yeah
6627s it was kind of a choice between do you
6629s just want to go for one four four body
6632s or did you want to play The Far Strider
6634s and buff those up but again keeping
6637s Druid off of the board as much as
6639s possible can definitely go a long way
6641s especially as you mentioned kind of
6644s building up to some of that potential
6645s damage but right now there's really not
6648s a whole lot of damage in hand for insane
6650s and it might just be a delay as much as
6653s possible get to that prison of yogs
6655s around and hope that you get something
6657s good
6658s yeah I mean there's really nothing else
6661s going on here is there
6663s um
6664s the prison is incredibly incredibly um
6668s variable I've noticed
6670s um you often only get the first use out
6672s of it in these situations especially if
6673s something like Druid you're gonna have
6675s four spells and a prayer
6678s um not a lot else can happen here for
6679s him I don't think
6688s oh tracker coming into hand can
6690s certainly draw into something an
6692s Awakening Tremors going to be able to
6695s allow insane to get on the board here
6697s which especially after just seeing
6699s tonsaku drop that seedsman and not going
6702s wide with more bodies than just the
6704s single Minion this seems like a very
6707s good setup here for insane a lot of
6710s pressure
6713s this is a
6716s a lot but it's going to be a lot to get
6719s through as well a lot of the time
6723s a glowing drum circle though
6726s yeah it definitely is a lot of stats
6730s no way of eclipsing it that I can see
6739s yeah not this turn so is that something
6743s is it yeah is it just go for it here on
6746s turn seven or is it stall and try to get
6749s even more value out of it
6751s oh he's so you can see what he wants to
6753s do he just wants to take a million
6756s damage and not die but
6757s Common Sense has prevailed unfortunately
6760s because I wanted to see him take that
6761s and see what happened but yeah it's big
6764s enough isn't it it's a lot of stuff it
6766s is
6771s with Hardy seeing both Ricochet shots
6773s used as well these minions for insane
6777s being at just four uh attack actually
6781s lines up pretty well I think first
6783s hansanku with the minions having sex
6786s Health on his side of the board but yeah
6788s here it is one uh one million going down
6791s one trillion going down in this prison
6792s of yogg-saron coming out we're gonna see
6794s is it going to benefit insane or is it
6798s gonna be a punish
6799s so this makes me laugh every time my
6802s goodness oh no
6806s he was getting well excited there for a
6808s second but yeah
6812s you can't get too excited too quickly
6814s with the with yogg
6816s it's infiniteized open next turn is
6818s there a next turn there's going to be a
6819s next turn right
6821s there's no buff in hand here for
6823s tansokers I can see
6824s oh he's looking for him with the
6826s evidence okay definitely could search
6828s for it here
6834s more potential for discovering into
6836s something these are not the damage that
6839s he's looking for here
6848s still several Mana left after this a r
6852s and lifeblood coming out
6857s again no additional damage
6867s well no additional damage but also
6870s whilst this Hunter can do a lot of
6872s damage at first I don't think 26 is
6874s particularly in its wheelhouse it's got
6876s to clear
6877s yeah is there even a way to clear all of
6882s this from insane right now really gonna
6884s have to try to find something there's
6886s the potential to draw there is the
6888s potential to discover something else
6890s with that infinite size
6892s but is it enough
6896s yeah I used to have anything else is the
6897s other question like he can pick away at
6899s some of the stuff on the board yeah and
6902s draw cards but our cards from his deck
6905s what do you want so a random nonsense
6908s cards what he wants right now
6913s the good removal was in his deck
6917s yeah
6919s well gonna start with the conjured Arrow
6921s clear something and hope to draw into
6923s something else here the other conjured
6925s Arrow
6927s this single Target removal is just not
6929s doing enough to clear up all of this
6931s damage on the board from tonsankou
6933s though right
6934s sunwell time everybody
6939s nothing
6943s yeah that was a very unfortunate
6946s situation for insane but on the other
6949s side of the board that is exactly the
6951s kind of lineup the kind of initial
6955s starts of the game and lead into that
6958s big board in the mid game to close
6960s things out fairly quickly that tonsanka
6963s was absolutely looking for I know subtle
6965s said that he wasn't maybe not a believer
6968s in the Druid as much as some other
6969s players obviously tansaku was there but
6972s the draw is also for insane did not seem
6975s like they were going his way
6977s yeah I think I that deck's gonna be
6980s interesting all weekend to see I think
6981s it's going to be fascinating to see how
6983s unfolds I think Soto said he wasn't a
6984s Believer but I also believe just it
6986s fairness subtle he's willing to defer to
6988s pocket train on such matters if pocket
6989s train says it's really close it's
6991s probably really close
6994s um
6995s we had one at zero in the books and it
6998s did look pretty good there and the
7001s Hunter
7002s what do you make of this Hunter deck it
7004s seems to me to be incredibly stable it
7007s seems to be pretty good but feels like
7009s it's just something slightly missing
7011s sometimes that was one of those games
7012s where it just didn't do anything
7014s yeah it's a interesting
7017s uh type of deck I feel like because
7019s there is that potential but personally I
7022s feel like you have to really have the
7024s decent draws along with it and as we saw
7026s there there I mean the draws just
7028s weren't lining up maybe it was just that
7030s match-up but I feel like I'm a much more
7033s believer in the Hound Hunter style of
7035s Hunter rather than this kind of Arcane
7038s secret Hunter
7040s and I know that some of the players too
7042s for uh like mcbanter face he is uh not
7047s thrilled with his choice of bringing
7049s that Arcane Hunter so I am definitely
7052s very interested to see how it stands out
7054s and oh here's some of the terms that we
7056s saw for insane on that Hunter the not
7060s really being able to buff up the Arts
7062s and spells with those Rika shots just
7064s didn't quite clear enough there from the
7067s board
7069s foreign
7075s spells start thinking oh my goodness
7077s he's gonna get out of this but no he
7079s didn't get out of it and still has that
7082s to go through such is the conquest life
7086s uh 10 seconds lineup by the way was
7088s basically I mean it's banned the shaman
7089s but if you look at the stats against the
7091s shaman I think he he chose to just ban
7095s Shaman every round I think he he rated
7097s Shaman is good all of his decks are
7098s terrible against Shaman so that's
7101s allowed him some versatility against the
7103s field but
7105s Banning Sherman is that where we want to
7107s be that's another thing we have to find
7108s out over the next couple of days
7109s yeah absolutely it's certainly
7112s interesting because also most of the
7114s players did bring Shaman not all of the
7116s players I think what 13 of the 16 have
7119s Shaman uh so that's kind of one of those
7122s are they trying to beat Shaman do they
7125s think that they have enough good
7127s matchups against the shaman that they
7129s don't need to ban it or is it just the
7130s deck that they're gonna say I'm not even
7133s gonna worry about it I'm just gonna ban
7134s that Shaman and try to win against
7136s everything else as you mentioned that's
7137s sometimes the nature of conquest and
7140s especially with having to have four
7141s decks for a lineup I often feel like uh
7144s players are very comfortable with the
7145s first like two or three decks and then
7147s they kind of have to just fill in a
7148s fourth so it could be kind of awkward
7151s for them to decide which deck they will
7154s ban in this situation but we are going
7157s to be getting into game number two here
7159s and there is that warlock lorenza
7161s tansanku bringing in this Warlock and
7164s insane actually switching over with
7166s Conquest the player that loses can
7169s choose to switch decks and it looks like
7171s insane has decided to switch off of that
7173s Hunter and bring in the mage
7175s yeah and he'll be pleased about that and
7177s he'll be pleased about this draw as well
7179s because it's pretty close to the nuts
7182s you want to get on the board as this
7183s Mage sometimes you just don't and the
7186s best way to get on the board is keyboard
7187s coin Cold Case which he has two of cold
7190s cases and that's going to present a lot
7193s of stuff on the other side to have SoCo
7194s with the Slime obviously in his hand
7196s because that's what this deck does it
7198s always has slime in its hand and it
7200s always plays it and it always gets the
7201s nuts
7203s I'm not bitter I was gonna say that that
7206s sounds like a lot of very personal uh
7208s experience there end up maybe not from
7211s from the player who's getting to play
7213s the Slime but yeah as you mentioned that
7215s keyboard into Cold Case very very solid
7219s uh the the big thing about this rainbow
7222s mage deck that a lot of players talk
7224s about is the amount of burst damage
7226s that's possible but the cosmic keyboard
7229s also makes Tempo sometimes potentially
7232s possible as well especially when it is
7234s paired with Cold Case or follow-up
7236s bodies I Arcane Min or Arcane worm and
7240s some other small minions like that
7241s aren't necessarily the kind of tempo and
7244s the kind of bodies that you want to be
7245s pushing damage with but they are there
7249s that can push a little bit of Chip
7251s damage in the early parts of the game
7253s yeah it adds up one Three's A remarkably
7256s annoying shape for a one drop even in
7259s modern Hearthstone you think that by now
7261s it's sort of get out of that but no one
7263s three is still annoying but here we go
7264s this is the
7266s the thing that I always find difficult
7267s with this deck when to deal with a slime
7269s you know deal with the thing that comes
7271s out of the Slime deal the thing that
7272s comes out of the thing that comes out of
7274s the Slime like or just ignore it and let
7276s them worry about it and hit them in the
7277s head
7278s so you see him hovering there over the
7281s the seven drop and that'll be his plan
7283s to get that down while still having some
7285s semblance of a Hearthstone game going on
7289s yeah there is always that debate and
7291s it's always interesting to kind of see
7294s what players want to do because of the
7295s threat of things like shallow grave as
7297s well right it's not only just answering
7299s the slime in the first body but if you
7301s don't answer the Slime is the Warlock
7304s player going to have the potential to
7306s create more bodies with shallow grave or
7308s even reverberation the Slime as well and
7311s create more bodies uh over the the long
7315s term and
7316s there is also really just no answer for
7320s it if he likes for it for killing it so
7323s I do like this decision here to just
7326s kind of draw some cards try to go for
7328s his own game plan here and yeah he is
7330s just completely ignoring this I'm going
7332s to try to push that damage and say even
7335s if you do kill the Slime off you get
7337s some big bodies out on the board I can
7339s just close out the game over the top of
7341s any taunts yeah notice he didn't go for
7344s armor there he could have played the
7345s artificial but he's gone for the bolt so
7347s next turn he has
7349s um no damage from hand he has bolt he
7351s has AOE he has Minions on board that
7353s adds up to easily 11 which is the target
7355s number that's kind of your if you can do
7357s 11 on board you might not be dead yet
7360s um he has The Alibi to hold on for a
7361s turn or two he has the reverberations in
7364s his deck waiting to be drawn which
7366s is the reason that Majors favored in
7368s this matchup you just kill that big
7370s thing and then
7371s it's gone and then they don't have a big
7373s thing anymore and they eventually the
7375s Warlock just runs out of ways to keep
7377s getting stuff back
7378s uh but sometimes they just kill you and
7380s I think that's why this Warlock deck is
7382s popular because people like Decks that
7383s sometimes just kill you
7386s yeah yeah and especially if the Mage
7389s doesn't find an alibi as well those big
7393s stats those big bodies definitely uh can
7396s add up very very quickly it's just what
7399s this deck does yeah there it is
7402s I'm not bitter this deck has never hurt
7404s me personally I swear it just does this
7405s every time
7407s a 100 of the time that's why we showed
7410s it
7412s yeah it's definitely a deck that uh is
7416s kind of a debatable deck whether it is
7418s something that you're able to pull these
7420s things off or is it just not worth even
7424s bringing it like most players right 14
7426s of the 16 did not bring Warlock and I
7428s think uh the consensus is that it's
7431s something that's not worth bringing but
7433s yeah
7434s it's paying off for tonsaku right now
7438s there's a few cards in the history of
7440s hearthstone and there's a few decks as
7442s well that
7444s your own personal experience is so
7446s different from other peoples at times my
7448s mind this is one of mine but also for
7450s the other players for some of the cards
7452s like um
7453s the yoga location for example like
7455s different people have had different
7456s experience of that because the number of
7458s outcomes is so large
7460s and I think that if you've had good
7461s experiences with this Warlock deck you
7462s just don't want to put it down because
7463s the things it does are so powerful when
7466s it does them
7467s yeah and I think sometimes too there is
7469s that little bit of difference between
7471s the kind of like Western and European
7474s views of Dex and The Meta versus some of
7477s the like Asia Pacific style of play as
7480s well because both again both tansanku
7482s and our other Japanese player both
7484s brought the same lineup they both these
7486s were the two players that brought the
7488s Warlock so there could just be a bit of
7490s a difference in the view there as well
7493s I think that's a good call I think that
7495s traditionally
7497s if Europe being the the best region of
7499s the three competing this tournament I
7501s think are easily the best region like
7504s that's not personal preference I'd like
7506s to support the Americans because I cast
7507s with TJ for a million years but
7510s if Europe does have one weakness in its
7512s debt selections I do think there's a
7514s little bit of snobbery around decks like
7516s this warlock like oh I wouldn't play
7517s that because look at it it's a high roll
7519s deck not a lot I think they're very very
7521s objective very mathematically based and
7522s that sort of things but if there is a
7524s thing I think you're sometimes just
7525s avoid stuff like this uh Source we saw
7528s it with token Druid two years ago as
7531s well Europeans weren't playing it APAC
7533s were playing it a lot and it did
7534s incredibly well when they brought it
7537s yeah
7539s well
7540s this is uh very interesting I know
7543s yesterday in some of our prep larinda
7546s you and I were talking about this kind
7548s of difference between on-board damage
7551s versus in hand damage and we're really
7554s seeing that showcased in this match
7555s right now Tom sanku kind of has these
7558s decks right with this Druid honestly
7561s even the mech Rogue that we potentially
7562s will be seeing and the Warlock here that
7566s are very kind of focused on this onboard
7568s damage building up these bodies building
7570s up these big stats and insane on the
7573s other hand has more Decks that are kind
7575s of focused on that from hand damage or
7577s or building up a lot of that damage all
7579s in one turn there is a decent amount of
7583s damage in hand now with this uh Sif kind
7586s of waiting or the uh norganon I know
7590s subtle and Raven were talking about the
7593s maybe discrepancy in uh if players want
7596s to bring organ on or not uh we do see it
7599s here for insane but is the damage in
7603s hand going to minions
7605s something that's going to be enough to
7608s clear this board and then close out the
7610s game in the long run
7612s that's what he's trying to set up he's
7613s he's holding onto this Alibi for dear
7615s life
7616s um obviously if you're not gonna die
7618s then you don't need to Alibi and he's
7620s he's doing the calculations over and
7622s over again it can be really awkward
7624s there's so many ways that the Warlock
7625s could do smallish amounts of damage up
7627s to about 12 I'd normally argue but well
7631s I would argue it's 7 million but 12's
7633s more realistic
7636s and he's going to hold on to his health
7640s gain or his arm again and his Alibis for
7642s dear life and try and find that Sif or
7645s try to Cobble together a lethal somehow
7647s he's gonna need it soon
7650s yeah and this Forge of Wills coming down
7652s here creating just even more stats on
7655s board
7656s so many stats
7660s so many stats yeah
7662s it's a very large number of steps
7665s he is for no particular reason
7672s I think it's also very interesting the
7674s uh The Inquisitor
7678s are inquisitive uh in the mage deck here
7681s can create some board clears and I there
7684s might be potential that insane is
7685s actually just setting up for that trying
7687s to play these different spell schools
7688s use those to kind of clear off some of
7691s these stats but the Warlock certainly
7693s makes it awkward even if there is board
7696s clears because of the death rattles and
7700s the kind of repetitive board states that
7703s even if you clear these
7705s oh there's gonna be more right behind
7707s that as you mentioned earlier with
7708s things like the Slime right you have to
7710s answer the first part and the second
7712s part
7714s and is there enough damage is there
7715s enough Mana to do all of that here in
7718s that inquisitive creation does come down
7719s to close out cleaning up that board
7722s there cleaning up that second half but
7725s also now at this point sargeras here
7728s gonna be able to come down for its
7729s hansanku and just put out yet another
7732s board
7733s it is but this is sort of the beginning
7736s of the end often for the Warlock if the
7738s Mage plays a tight game
7741s where this stuff is annoying this stuff
7743s can definitely kill you yeah it's very
7746s powerful but the Mage now
7750s has a lot more control over what's going
7753s on it knows what's going to happen to it
7755s a lot of the surprises are starting to
7756s eke out
7757s and
7759s getting through that part is often the
7761s the turning point for the Mage I would
7764s make insane a decent favorite from this
7766s point on although again he still hasn't
7767s got actually any sort of semblance of
7768s lethal in hand
7770s yeah and that is definitely something
7773s that feels like the drawers just haven't
7776s maybe lined up exactly for insane yet
7779s again there has been some good draws but
7782s it's just not the the pieces that he
7784s really wants sure being able to play
7786s some of these spell schools has been
7788s great but again as you mentioned now is
7790s this a does he feel like he needs to
7793s play the uh defensive route right now to
7797s stop some of that damage with the solid
7799s Alibi that he's been holding does he
7801s just go for this Elemental inspiration
7803s which we do see him choose to do uh
7806s unfortunately on his side no rush so I'm
7809s not gonna be able to clean up any of
7810s that board there is a single taunt
7812s though so gonna slow down a little bit
7814s of the damage uh but also on the other
7817s side I'm looking at things in hand for
7819s tansanku like that Dark Khan that could
7823s also threaten quite a bit of damage from
7826s the other side as well
7828s yeah one taunt and no rush as you
7831s described there definitely got the
7832s outcome insane was hoping for
7835s um but again that's representing his own
7838s lethal now he has to actually you know
7841s this has to be dealt with it's a lot of
7843s stuff
7844s because with any sort of Chip damage in
7846s hand he just wins the game
7848s so tansoko has got a lot of damage
7850s output available but he's got to not die
7852s at the same time and now things are
7854s getting tough for him
7855s yeah and you know it's really
7858s interesting as well as we've looked
7859s through these deck lists uh this
7862s Elemental inspiration is also something
7864s that some players have in their rage
7867s lists and some don't I've seen a lot of
7869s players even debating about one
7872s elemental inspiration or bringing two
7874s and it can create a lot of pressure and
7878s a lot of board as we saw but if there is
7881s an answer for it on the other side it
7882s feels like you kind of just spent a lot
7885s of Mana to do nothing
7888s yeah
7889s well
7890s monster board once again
7893s inspiration possibly slow there is the
7896s backup plan of The Alibi here and now
7898s insane
7899s with only 14 cards in deck is into
7903s double Alibi fine sift mode and a lot of
7905s weird boxes to open starting with this
7908s planted evidence
7913s well this is an interesting choice here
7915s the volcano mancian fire sale kind of do
7918s the same thing uh the pyroblast would
7921s have been damaged but it's very
7922s expensive
7924s yeah I I did the sharp intake of air
7926s wondering if Instinct could go sort of
7928s bulked you bolt you Alibi then pyro next
7930s turn but there's enough Health gain in
7932s the other deck that that's probably a
7933s terrifying thing to do but just for a
7935s second I was getting excitable
7943s silence is interesting but doesn't feel
7946s like it does enough
7948s uh these these removal pieces just don't
7951s feel like they are quite there
7954s uh it's also kind of interesting as well
7956s considering the fact that the board is
7960s full so if uh insane can kind of just
7964s set up yeah set up the solid Alibi as
7967s you were talking about kind of saved it
7968s for this point set it up now and
7972s there's not really a lot that sunsanku
7975s can do in terms of trying to trade stuff
7978s off I guess one of the three twos can go
7980s into the the elemental on board it's
7982s just going to be re-summoned at the end
7984s of the turn if there is an empty space
7987s but these kind of big bodies that we've
7990s talked about from the Warlock in general
7991s they don't really do much against the
7994s solid alibi
7996s they do not although
7998s yeah they do enough to say that when
7999s you're out of Alibis we are going to
8001s kill you but right that's where we're at
8004s for now
8005s insane's plan now though his outs are
8007s the other Alibi a way to draw an alibi
8009s and if he gets that obviously the safe
8012s available as well in some worlds
8014s if he gets that he does get to get the
8016s metamorphosis and start pinging face as
8018s well
8024s yeah there is
8026s no additional solid Alibi in hand for
8029s insane at the moment either so
8032s this is definitely a lot of pressure a
8035s lot of threat from tonsaku and kind of
8038s putting insane in a very similar spot to
8040s where he just was of you have to kind of
8043s choose between stopping my damage or
8047s going over the top and ending the game
8049s and just in the store yeah you can you
8052s can see insane react to the draw there
8053s really not what he's looking for he
8055s wants to be trying to find the damage to
8057s close out the game Sif with these cheap
8060s spells right now would certainly do it
8062s but uh that's not what happened
8065s could hit the second Alibi and enough
8067s damage to win and then draw the Sip
8068s because the deck's been thinned out it's
8070s not a total disaster yet it might just
8072s be about to become one by the way but
8074s right at this second it's not a total
8076s disaster
8084s he's wondering where the four armor
8085s matters and I think he's come to the
8087s conclusion it doesn't
8089s I feel like I agree with
8098s yeah I think at this point the Mana is
8101s much more important trying to manage how
8104s much Mana he drives
8106s I mean eight cards left in deck
8109s that's Sif still down there but does
8111s find The Alibi
8117s oh he terrifies me how often he ropes as
8119s well by the way so close every time
8122s he's a professional at this lorenza
8124s he'll get there
8126s it has been for many years absolutely
8131s all right
8142s is there any way for
8146s tonsaku to try to
8149s I I'm stretching here try to heal up and
8153s somehow go above the the health uh cap
8157s right
8160s um
8162s do we know how big the Sith is going to
8164s be I know that the
8166s creation was doing six last time we saw
8168s so probably eights up there which is the
8170s 22 needed I wouldn't like to swear to
8172s that but
8174s insane has been collecting cards rather
8176s than playing them with the Holy and the
8177s um
8178s that fell in hand
8180s yeah
8189s tonsankou did try to give himself the
8193s most health possible there usually you
8196s want to see Reverb on kind of key
8198s Minions that you really can't you know
8200s answer any other way or something that's
8203s going to help maybe your own win
8205s condition I've seen players do that uh
8208s like reverberations on their own Sif for
8210s even more damage or something to that
8213s effect but there I think tansanku just
8216s had to kind of go for the reverberations
8217s to try to get a little bit of armor and
8220s hope that that was enough at this point
8223s to say okay I've seen both solid Alibis
8225s you still haven't killed me and I'm just
8228s gonna hope that this is enough at this
8229s point to threaten lethal on your next
8232s turn and you can't kill me what does
8234s double fire sale do here there's there's
8236s um a six six
8238s reborn and playwright that's something
8241s but it clears a lot I'm just not sure if
8244s it clears enough
8245s yeah
8247s and if he takes the star power I don't
8250s think that's enough either in can't play
8253s star power and the fire sale in hand
8255s together at this point either
8267s I guess with the discount he could but I
8270s still don't I I feel like the star power
8272s was a little bit too risky
8279s well just a six one left
8283s wow
8294s okay if Tom sanku goes for
8300s Double Summon
8302s and and hits exactly
8306s the dark on off of both
8309s it's lethal
8311s okay
8313s well
8314s maybe that's his play
8317s I mean maybe you start with one and see
8320s see what you get see what happens
8328s might as well yeah if you get it then
8330s you just go for it yeah
8337s all right he's just gonna make another
8338s big boy I mean he knows the same
8339s struggling like crazy to clear these
8341s boards so one more time yeah
8345s I have lost his stuff
8349s and still no sifter on for insane either
8354s no and this time it looks like the end
8357s does it not unless I'm missing something
8359s immense from the Elementals
8379s yeah I insane is trying to find a way
8382s out I think just as we are here
8385s I I don't see it there's a load of
8388s taunts and four or five rushes I'm not
8390s sure how many intervention needs to be
8391s but it needs to be spectacular like at
8394s least three four five Rush Oh there's a
8395s ping so two four five rushes
8397s one four five taunt that might be enough
8400s for now it might not be too disastrous
8405s it's not good but I mean I guess we yeah
8408s reverberations on the rusher to try to
8411s clear up a couple of things and as you
8413s mentioned the Ping I can clear up the
8416s reverberations but there's no ping if he
8418s goes for inspiration he didn't
8420s let's use the meta again though that's
8422s how this works
8423s right
8427s nice
8428s that's pretty cool
8431s I'd miss that
8432s forgetting you can use the hero power
8434s twice though
8437s but
8438s yeah
8441s that's it
8443s so tanzanco actually getting a win with
8446s that Warlock deck all of those early
8449s stats really paid off in the end and I
8453s think uh one big one big part of that on
8455s the other hand too was that Sif just not
8458s being found for insane really was a
8461s detriment I mean insane played to his
8464s house every time really tried to slow
8466s things down and kind of you know keep
8468s keep the board under control keep the
8471s damage that tells uncle was able to push
8473s to a minimum as much as possible but in
8475s the end it just wasn't quite enough
8477s yeah and that leaves Tom Soca with just
8480s the Rogue remaining now
8483s um his worst deck in the in the matchup
8485s I feel personally
8487s um just because what he's against insane
8488s with the outcasts that can go wide
8490s against it the Mage that can reverberate
8492s a thing and the hunter which is kind of
8496s a race but the hunter sometimes just
8497s makes 4-1 worms and gets there
8500s um so even though it's 2-0 it's not over
8502s by a long shot yet but obviously you
8505s always want to be the person who's 2-0
8507s in front rather than the person who's
8508s two zero behind and all of those
8511s matchups well I'm saying that the Rogue
8513s isn't necessarily favored you've got
8515s three goes at it you're gonna get one
8517s most of the time
8518s yeah yeah it's very true uh we also have
8521s seen as we've been getting fed
8523s information kind of behind the scenes
8525s there have been multiple matches across
8529s our group stages that have started at
8531s this 2-0 and have gone to a game five uh
8535s so it's definitely not out of the realm
8537s of possibility here for insane uh so
8539s definitely can still show up but is
8543s there going to be a way to stop the
8546s potential big huge bodies here from this
8549s Mech Rogue as we jump into game number
8552s three ton sanku as you mentioned on that
8555s Rogue insane now actually switching over
8557s to this Demon Hunter so getting a game
8560s in on all three of his decks even though
8563s he hasn't won any games yet uh but
8566s double uh double Slither spear in hand
8569s seems like a pretty decent start
8572s yeah interesting what he kept there the
8575s I was very interested to see how he's
8576s going to go with that with the security
8577s being good at taking off Divine Shields
8579s and just generally being annoying
8582s um with the legendary ready to just win
8584s the game at a throw but he wanted even
8586s cheaper stuff so that you know we talked
8589s about it already one threes that get
8591s bigger in this case are good and the
8594s chicken is good because it makes more
8595s one ones and just goes wide I'm curious
8598s to see how long the insane just trades
8600s things off the board and
8602s how much he actually just gets a massive
8604s board with double chicken here maybe
8607s he's got a choice already to make a
8608s second Minion or just to make a two five
8610s and see if it sticks
8611s yeah
8613s I don't completely hate the coin Hawk
8616s straighter with the second hog
8617s straighter follow-up
8619s but there I guess that is that potential
8623s for some magnetic and it getting cleared
8625s yeah it's a little slow it is yes
8629s a little slow in this particular game
8633s it is and and that's what you're talking
8636s about right with the is there enough to
8639s pay off there or can he just kind of
8641s head you know hedge the BET say I'm just
8644s gonna go for it and I don't think that
8646s tan sanku is going to be able to clear
8648s this board up but it is very slow and it
8651s also means that there's no clearing of
8654s the mechs on the other side if he goes
8655s for it
8657s yes this was a tough tough call I think
8660s I would have gone the other way so I'm
8662s really really interested to see how this
8663s goes now I think I'd have gone for more
8664s bodies but worse and it was obviously a
8667s tough call if a player have been saying
8668s to caliber I mean he's roped a lot of
8669s turns but he's roping it
8671s yeah
8673s this is the punish I think here for uh
8676s for that play right it's just being able
8679s to get that huge body cleared up and now
8682s if insane goes for the second hawksrider
8685s Rancher she's kind of putting himself in
8686s that same position can't really go for
8688s it with the big Mech on the board and
8690s for tonsanku now that was that was a
8694s huge pretty clear play just being able
8697s to play the play the squirrel magnetize
8700s attack with it get a coin clear up the
8703s thing I mean one play did a lot there
8706s for tonfanku yeah I wonder if insane
8709s just took the view that he loses to that
8712s card anyway like if your opponent goes
8714s clock mistake squirrel it's over maybe
8718s he just said okay if they don't do that
8720s my Hawks dividers on the board is doing
8722s good things he's going to put me in
8723s front if they do do that well I'm
8726s probably in trouble anyway but he's got
8727s this now and suddenly with a flick of
8730s the switch he's in a fantastic position
8733s insane absolutely I mean we thought the
8736s the higher role was going to be the
8737s Warlock deck but how about High rolling
8739s some Outcast cards I I like that a
8742s little bit more
8743s yeah that's the thing
8745s um it is the Warlock deck there by the
8746s way you're never going to convince me
8748s it's not the Warlock this is this is my
8750s drum debate the entire weekend that
8752s Warlock deck no
8754s not even once kids
8759s okay can tensoka recover from this he
8761s has a lot of card drawing hand but you
8763s know currently drawing the right Mech so
8765s why would he use the card draw
8767s yeah I mean so many stats again on these
8771s bodies here now getting to play a gear
8773s shift uh only one card in hand switching
8776s out the other gear shift for another two
8778s cards there and gets to draw uh yet
8781s again so another copper tail snoot
8783s potentially to generate more but I think
8786s at this point it sounds a little bit odd
8788s but to say going into five Mana at the
8791s rate that he's gone I don't know if he
8793s necessarily needs another coin at this
8795s point uh could just start with the from
8797s the scrap Heap try to find something
8799s there but thus the stats again the stats
8802s from the copper tail suit are just
8805s fantastic and this for me is fun
8808s Hearthstone like do you want to start
8809s trading or are you just gonna race him
8811s an insane start in the engine and he is
8813s off he's gone you know what you're gonna
8816s make a massive thing as tansoka's
8818s praying for wind Fury which kind of ends
8820s these sometimes
8821s yeah I think he is at least um but I'm
8823s just gonna hit you I'm gonna make a
8824s massive whiteboard you can never clear
8826s these up and tansoka's got to make a big
8829s wind Fury thing usually to win this race
8832s from here I mean he could make a big
8833s thing that wins the race but
8834s realistically the wind view would be the
8836s thing to end it
8837s oh I mean when Fury in Max wind Fury if
8842s you can find it off of the ignis weapon
8844s when Fury just does a lot that is for
8848s sure and we did see the any storm coil
8851s in the deck earlier but did not come in
8853s hand here krabatoa still a turnout all
8857s right gonna go for that copper tail
8859s Snoop here again a lot of stats
8863s uh it's ridiculous look at it go
8869s why not go ahead give us stealth too
8873s so now insane the onus is on him to put
8875s a lot more damage on the board because
8876s he's probably Dead next turn but if he's
8879s not he has to win the turn after right
8882s ah Rush the stage is good as long as
8886s insane's not dead the next turn right
8889s yeah
8891s that's so cute
8893s russian full expressive there's a word
8896s for it I know there is I just don't know
8897s what the word is
8900s ah
8905s the mind as well this is a losers match
8907s the loser this is out of the tournament
8908s to Owen two
8912s foreign
8925s we'll just seal that up even though it's
8927s not lethal damage at the moment
8930s it's the family thought the crab's
8931s lethal anyway right yeah and you can
8934s just see kind of the devastation on
8936s insane's face there this is absolutely
8938s not the position that he wanted to be in
8940s but the celebration on the other side
8943s there it is the 3-0 Lorinda
8948s looking good and yeah it was very close
8950s to getting through his first match as
8952s well so he'll he'll be fairly confident
8953s going through to tomorrow insane we're
8956s going to see this a lot I'm going to say
8957s it this time and hopefully not too many
8959s other times the players have played
8961s three months of a ladder to get here
8963s insane Krypton at the bottom I think in
8965s the bottom place it might be one above
8967s that I don't want to give him an
8968s injustice but a lot of pressure on the
8970s final day for insane to get into this
8972s tournament and it's absolutely
8974s devastating knowing that
8975s someone of insane's caliber will be
8978s going for it again and three more months
8980s of that pressure it does not stop for
8982s the people who don't win this tournament
8984s and yeah you're not just trying to win
8986s the tournament I said it last time
8987s around you're trying to win three months
8989s of your life at the same time so
8991s yeah we're going to see a lot of
8992s devastated players this weekend
8994s yeah absolutely and you know
8996s unfortunately that is just the name of
8999s the game sometimes but it's it is always
9002s sad to see it especially when as you
9004s mentioned it it does feel like it took
9006s so much work for these players to get to
9009s this point and then to just kind of see
9011s it end so quickly absolutely not what
9014s these players are hoping for but it's
9016s only the second game of our first day
9019s here so there is still a ton more that
9022s we have I don't know how excited you are
9024s for these but that is there's the replay
9030s here
9031s uh yeah even though insane was able to
9034s get on board
9036s I don't know there was just not much he
9039s could do there versus the gigantic Mech
9042s yeah I'm you watch how excited I'm
9044s always excited for these tournaments
9046s that is not an act sometimes I'm not
9048s excited to play on a given day of a
9050s given week and that might give me a
9052s reputation being a little bit sad about
9054s the game or whatever I play seven days a
9056s week it's a lot of playing but when
9058s these big tournaments come around with
9059s these big players with matters we
9060s haven't seen played at high levels
9062s before I'm always up for it and yeah
9065s this was
9066s not the most exciting match ever but
9069s still we're seeing
9070s um tonsoka bringing the Warlock deck
9072s which you know I'm meaning a bit
9075s um but
9076s good to see him getting through there
9077s looks like the lineup's a good one and
9079s again he only lost 3-2 in the first
9081s match as well so it's looking good
9084s yeah absolutely uh it was definitely
9086s very interesting of a series I
9089s personally really liked the uh Mage
9092s versus warlock game I thought that was a
9094s pretty intense game and it was really
9096s cool to kind of see that back and forth
9098s so uh as we you know kind of saw there
9102s was a bit more back and forth I think in
9104s that one than some of the other games
9106s that we certainly have seen uh but it
9108s sounds like we are going to be jumping
9110s into another match
9114s oh excellent I think it's gonna be wreck
9116s van and mcbander face if I heard
9117s correctly and we're going to go into
9118s game four of that I'll try and find out
9120s who is two one up so yeah a little bit
9122s additional content which is good we want
9123s to see as many people as many times as
9125s we can today
9127s and something that I know that
9129s everybody's worked hard on is getting to
9131s try and see all 16 players it'll end up
9133s as 13 or 14 most likely
9136s um but I put a lot of time and they
9138s deserve to be shown so hopefully we get
9140s to see a little bit of this match
9142s so you can find out what the score is
9144s for you absolutely yeah it does look
9146s like it is 2-1 uh in recfam's favor
9149s there and this is from our group d
9155s I'm not sure he's another loser's match
9157s so banterface
9159s on the edge another zero two elimination
9162s [Music]
9164s um one of I'd say possibly the most
9166s prolific streamer now maybe meaty takes
9169s that I think banterface is the most
9170s regular of all of these top players
9173s um incredible patience incredible player
9176s to listen to talk about the game and I
9179s mean I'd like to say I'd love to see him
9181s go through and win it but I don't want
9182s to Rude against Rick van either because
9183s he's another person who puts a lot of
9185s heart and soul into the game as well so
9187s we'll just watch it and see what happens
9189s that's the actual amazing thing we have
9192s going for us
9193s and that's you know that's one of the
9195s tough things when we have these kind of
9197s smaller brackets of players right we
9199s have this High Caliber and it's
9201s difficult sometimes to decide who you
9203s want to root for uh as a Caster I
9205s usually try to stay impartial but if we
9208s do see mcvanter go zero two I definitely
9211s will be a little bit uh bummed out for
9214s sure I would absolutely love to see him
9215s at least try for that you know uh
9219s winners decider match in the bracket and
9222s not just go uh zero two
9224s I don't claim to always be in partial
9226s but I will tell you when I'm not is my
9229s answer to that it's um you know if you
9231s get somebody who I really like versus
9232s somebody I don't know too well there's a
9234s good chance I will let you know that I'm
9236s rooting for one of the players but I
9237s will cast it in partially to the best of
9239s my ability but sometimes I can't help
9241s but have you know a sneaky favorite but
9243s this one
9244s I don't want either of these to go out
9245s there and two and one of them's going to
9248s um there's times for memeing your
9249s favorite players this isn't one of them
9251s this is actually as I just described a
9252s moment ago a horrific time to go out of
9255s this tournament
9256s yeah absolutely uh
9259s well it does sound like we are actually
9263s going to go to a quick break as that
9265s game looks like it actually is ending so
9268s unfortunately we don't get to see that
9270s but we did get to talk about it a little
9272s bit and when we get back from a break we
9275s will keep everyone up to date on our
9277s brackets and how these groups are facing
9280s down so please don't go anywhere we will
9282s be right back
9291s [Music]
9303s thank you
9305s [Music]
9316s thank you
9317s [Music]
9321s [Applause]
9326s [Music]
9352s thank you
9353s [Music]
9389s thank you
9392s stupid
9401s [Music]
9406s [Music]
9420s [Music]
9430s tonight
9432s [Music]
9441s [Music]
9463s it
9466s is
9484s [Music]
9497s [Music]
9507s thank you
9517s [Music]
9527s [Music]
9534s foreign
9540s [Music]
9547s [Music]
9555s [Music]
9575s foreign
9580s [Music]
9597s [Music]
9609s foreign
9611s [Music]
9621s hello everybody and welcome back to the
9623s Masters Tour summer Championship my name
9625s is TJ and I'm joined by the one the only
9627s Neil Lorinda Bond at laurindigames on
9630s Twitter don't forget to follow and learn
9631s how you doing today buddy I'm doing good
9633s I'm doing good
9634s um always am on these tournaments TJ oh
9636s you've got the flamingos I'll have to
9638s sort out in a moment as well uh it's
9639s Flamingo Friday on Saturday but it's
9642s always something to go Friday even if
9643s it's a Saturday day one it's always
9645s Friday and these Fridays always get me
9647s energized I absolutely love to see how
9650s these things pan out especially in
9651s recent years where it's always a new ish
9654s meta to to work with and I mean this
9657s match is what 15 days old and still
9659s evolving people haven't made perfect 30s
9661s for most of these yet I don't think so
9663s yeah let's see how it goes and see we
9665s have perfect 30s by the end of the
9666s weekend
9668s well if they have perfect 30s by the end
9670s of the weekend then maybe for not
9672s because they're good some of these eggs
9674s are gonna change next week
9676s these kinds of I always like to see
9679s these kinds of meta games right we do
9681s have balance changes looming but seeing
9684s sort of these players masteries of the
9687s current meta game before it has the
9689s potential to switch it is always really
9691s cool because
9693s um you know that it it sort of tests
9695s their knowledge and their ability to
9697s play these decks in a vacuum
9699s and I think that's a sign of a good
9701s Hearthstone player
9702s um but we're uh sort of moving along
9705s here with the the tournament today we
9707s kind of have matches going on all over
9709s the place we're picking and choosing
9711s which ones we can jump into based on
9713s which ones are ready for us uh basically
9715s and for the time being so for group a we
9719s do have the uh winners match for group a
9721s you saw there uh media versus Wiki for
9724s Group B you versus gamer RBG redmen got
9727s eliminated by Casey uh down there at the
9730s bottom
9731s so
9733s um maybe this is the tournament of the
9735s rise of the Americas because I'm seeing
9737s a lot of America's names up there in
9739s these winners matches you can't just say
9742s that TJ we've been through this you're
9745s not allowed to say it I was looking at
9747s guys I think no way TJ says it yeah we
9750s go well because I'm I am American no not
9752s many people know this but I definitely
9753s am
9754s yeah we're going to ignore that specific
9757s group right there in the rise of the
9761s Americas storyline with mcbanderface
9763s losing to Requiem being eliminated from
9765s the tournament but
9767s uh you know I I'm I'm feeling it I've
9770s been you know what Neil I've been
9771s casting HearthStone for nine years
9774s that's right nine years
9777s and you know what I've learned
9779s fiber
9786s um is that I've never cursed anything by
9788s saying it out loud in nine years of
9790s casting I'm shooting I've cursed me a
9792s few times maybe under your breath
9795s on broadcast I've never cursed you or
9798s cursed at you
9799s um actually I don't think is that true
9801s that doesn't sound like a thing that's
9803s true TJ well you can't remember either
9806s way but speaking of the rise of the
9808s Americas Neil we got another match
9811s coming up it's pocket train versus dredi
9815s um and this should be a good one
9817s um Jedi obviously has a history with in
9821s America's Hearthstone
9823s um but now that sort of the the Grand
9825s Master System has gone away I feel like
9828s now we're sort of seeing the real Jedi
9830s we're starting to see his work pay off a
9831s little bit more because throughout his
9832s seasons of grand Masters he had some
9834s very good Seasons very some uh like
9837s highlights
9839s um but it feels like the dread eye of
9841s today
9842s is an even better player and pocket
9844s train is
9847s insane yeah an insane Hearthstone player
9850s so this should be a good one yeah we've
9852s done the first and we're now doing the
9853s insane well yeah pocket train all the
9855s way up there um for the year's points
9857s and weak you up there with him I think
9860s but I haven't checked the numbers
9862s um I'm gonna take his word for it he is
9864s very very likely to get to the World
9867s Championships based on points over the
9869s years that's what that means not just
9871s the points of this season
9872s and with that in mind
9875s he's brought the the Naga mage
9878s also refers to pocket train of decks
9881s right
9882s yeah I'd say so and uh you know one of
9885s the slangs we use here uh at the Masters
9887s tours for the Naga Mage is Outcast Demon
9890s Hunter
9891s um it's just just a little slang that we
9893s use for it uh don't worry about it
9897s um but yeah this is a very high skill
9899s cap deck pocket train is known over the
9901s years for playing these very high skill
9903s cap Decks that require
9906s significant practice significant game
9908s knowledge and the ability to think and
9912s act quickly because that's what the
9915s knock Mage is all about
9918s um and I'm kind of I'm I don't know if
9921s I'm happy that it made it come back
9922s against good players playing playing
9924s against a good player on Naga mage
9927s sometimes it feels like you can't even
9928s do anything like you're just sitting
9930s there watching their turns
9932s you know the the full 90 seconds or
9935s whatever it is
9937s and you don't really have anything
9941s I feel like he's younger than Gabby now
9945s he's never taken him in age
9948s well I've learned one thing over the
9950s course of the years is that when you're
9952s a young lad from the English Countryside
9954s you don't age
9956s yep that's true that can confirm right
9959s it's red eye a little bit before we went
9962s into this right TJ um you said that he's
9963s developed a lot more since he was in GM
9965s and I think that what's changed in my
9968s opinion is his breadth of knowledge he's
9970s always been very good but before I
9973s always felt he was a little bit Limited
9974s in his options whereas now I feel that
9975s he can play any
9978s yeah and that I I look back at his time
9983s in Grand Masters quite fondly because
9985s Jedi was one of the players that
9988s um week after week
9989s continued to try and break the metagame
9993s um he never sort of went with the grain
9995s he always went against it
9997s um and that that was you know what won
10002s him a lot of games is just line up
10004s superiority
10005s and I think you're right sort of his
10007s breadth of knowledge of different decks
10008s and different matchups he was able to
10011s get there on deck building and strategy
10015s um but now I feel like he's he's able to
10019s stand up in gameplay as well and that's
10022s a scary thing so
10024s um there we go Flamingo Friday
10026s deals got it on yep found it just dug it
10030s up
10032s Ali got me this for the event she was
10034s like why is everybody's got flamingos
10035s and you haven't I was like well
10037s I don't have flamingos she goes well
10039s here's a hat with flamingos on it wear
10041s it
10042s I mean go Friday
10044s so Bingo Friday it'd probably be easier
10047s to get a shirt
10048s I mean it would be the I have a hat tj8
10052s it has no buttons on it I can't wear it
10053s as a shirt it's
10057s yeah I'm I'm sad at this I've done my
10060s best all right I've tried to fit in and
10063s you've just stopped it happening
10066s I had a flamingo do you remember I
10068s bought the inflatable flamingo in for
10069s you once as well and you just yeah
10074s I don't get it
10076s this is now two separate attempts to fit
10078s in with the flamingo crew and honestly
10081s when I got my Flamenco shirt it was
10083s completely accidental that's how common
10085s Flamingo shirts are is you can just walk
10088s into a store and when you leave even if
10090s you didn't purchase a flamingo shirt if
10092s one was in the store it will be with you
10094s on your person
10097s um and yet you've gone to Great Lengths
10098s to try and fit in by getting things that
10101s are harder to get like an inflatable
10102s Flamingo and a flamingo hat but alas
10106s we've reached this point Neil and
10107s there's no turning back pocket train
10109s versus dread Eye game number one
10112s yeah and I'm excited I'm excited to see
10115s pocket train pilot this deck we saw it
10117s earlier today but this is pocket train
10119s he's he's just good at these decks he's
10122s just gonna pretend it's bore priest and
10124s win that's what he's gonna do on turn
10126s two
10127s because you always win with ball priest
10128s on turn two I remember that clearly
10133s yep
10135s in or around turn two
10139s yeah
10140s we call this a hand TJ
10144s yeah pocket train
10146s also a hand I feel yeah if you have a if
10151s you have a siren Naga Mage has a hand
10153s like that's it
10156s um and they can always make stuff happen
10158s so uh second fast wisdom finds molten
10162s Rune and uh the rewind uh now the molten
10166s Rune I think is just
10168s having a discount on the molten route at
10169s all is fantastic because it doubles up
10171s on the set of spell damage allows you to
10173s find lethals sooner or sooner in the
10175s game
10178s um
10181s you probably hold on to this objection
10183s right just a cheap spell in hand yeah
10185s there's no other cheap spells
10188s I had the pleasure of watching subtle
10190s play test is now good at it was great he
10192s just didn't draw the siren for like 2
10194s 000 games in a row it was the funniest
10196s thing I've ever seen by the way I
10199s recommend drawing your Scion if you want
10200s to win with this now okay
10205s one thing it did show that like joking
10207s aside I mean it is what happened but he
10208s still makes his survive incredible
10210s amounts of time with a deck even with
10212s the bad draws so it definitely has
10213s versatility when you do it but you do
10215s have to eventually draw it
10218s yeah the thing about the rainbow Mage
10220s though is if you let them have Tempo in
10223s any other game and they get in that chip
10224s damage it doesn't matter how powerful
10227s your pop-up turns are because that just
10229s makes their kill with Sif that that much
10232s easier sometimes you don't even need to
10233s sit sometimes if you have enough minion
10235s stick on the board and you get all that
10237s chip damage in just having you know a
10239s couple of Arcane bolts and a moon Rune
10242s on turn Eight is Enough to finish the
10243s game so
10245s um
10246s oh this is actually a tough decision uh
10250s I think blizzard can be quite good uh
10253s for when there's a siren pop-up turn to
10255s block all the nagas from being able to
10257s attack face the next turn
10259s um
10260s uh but already played a frost Bell so it
10263s doesn't really need that for
10265s uh the creation uh it's a couple turns
10268s away oh okay it's the because it's the
10271s infinitized that maxitudes the discount
10272s so Ken played as early as next turn if
10274s anything
10276s just to stop a little bit of the board
10278s and get the uh the keyboard minion
10280s summoned
10282s yeah it's underrated just just getting
10285s the 2-2 just getting the pieces together
10287s come on he's going
10289s Naga spell
10291s your turn
10297s yeah that is down what
10301s you've got to get into the the beat of
10303s the Naga and the spell
10305s I've I learned a long time ago to just
10307s about it just let it happen
10310s I tried not worrying about it and I
10312s ended up going Naga Naga Naga concede
10317s so I have to worry about it
10319s I played Finley's no it's spell
10331s similar but different
10333s yeah Finley has legs being the
10336s difference right
10338s um
10339s ah yeah you're right somebody was
10342s telling me that is a defining quality of
10344s a Naga is no likes
10347s a sushi tail
10348s and this is where the blizzard comes in
10351s I feel
10354s or the creation how many spell schools
10356s are there it's been Frost
10360s uh
10362s first
10367s haven't used a bolt
10369s is it just first
10371s might just be frost actually infinite
10374s eyes hasn't got a school
10378s yeah he's just fast
10385s I mean it's just bumping off the two
10387s five and the four one and just taking it
10389s isn't he
10397s like he knows pocketones hand is just a
10398s collection of cards
10401s from Finley
10404s okay so that's Arcane so now we do have
10406s a yeah I guess this is a better clear I
10408s just wanted the five five nope it's not
10410s going for the creation okay
10420s yeah
10422s suddenly the bullet doesn't do anything
10423s and he still has the blizzard left for
10425s for round two
10434s yeah
10436s I suppose
10444s surprise in my radiance
10448s I explained to the objection there oh he
10450s also we didn't see the secret icon but
10452s he was also worried about a potential
10454s counter spell if he had blizzard got it
10457s um so that was probably the reason why
10460s he went for that play because if he just
10461s blizzards and it's counter spell
10464s what do you do you left a siren on the
10466s board with a full board
10468s yeah yeah you're gonna die he could well
10471s he could have killed the siren with the
10472s minions on board but then he would have
10473s left up everything else
10474s so I think he wanted to play into that
10476s and then after that turn he
10478s uh knew that it was like uh explosive
10481s runes
10483s um or objection and so was able to just
10486s get the nice clear
10487s uh with the creation so now we have four
10490s five
10498s okay not too shabby also as a mark of
10500s the wild with a a win Fury element on
10503s board so
10506s if that's not dealt with starting to
10508s look at a lot of damage Arcane bolt is
10509s now Mana thirsted can find some
10511s additional damage with infinitage the
10514s maxitude
10515s we saw a subtle earlier explaining the
10518s one single signal that Gabby gave well
10520s pocket train just gave that you've only
10522s got one in your deck for this Elemental
10523s inspiration there
10524s because I just checked the dentist
10525s doesn't have the one
10528s yeah
10529s they can get quite bulky if you have the
10532s two of them
10534s a lot of times all you need is one and
10540s it's not like such a key card where you
10542s want to put in two just for the
10544s consistency of draw you know
10546s gotta make cut somewhere
10550s oh I'll just play venathol and you can
10552s play all the cards you want and just
10553s draw what you need anyway
10555s you've considered that
10557s nope
10559s I have
10561s never played a run Club deck in my life
10563s this way best way that's why you're my
10566s friend TJ
10569s uh five that looks good
10572s yup
10575s launched here on Campbell infinites and
10577s Max 2 perhaps
10581s yeah why not anyway
10583s but oops
10585s no boat for sure that makes it easier
10587s not harder that's what we wanted really
10588s all along
10591s yep
10592s we just didn't know it oh
10598s well okay yeah it's just burned I was
10601s like sunwell is very fun especially with
10604s a discount
10606s get a lot of spell schools
10610s it is a lot of spell skills
10614s everyone Choice was just playing some
10615s well though
10618s rumor has it it's not actually that good
10620s usually except remember has it who's
10623s spreading these dirty rumors you know
10625s what I mean
10629s it's just hard certain players they
10630s spread rumors they start off they like
10631s something and then next week you play it
10633s and they say they don't like it sort of
10635s like Flamingo hats you know
10637s yeah you try and fit in but you're
10638s always one week behind trying to catch
10640s up look at me playing my son well ah
10642s that was last week's card you shouldn't
10644s be playing that now you idiot it's like
10645s that doesn't even make any sense because
10647s we've been catching up the whole time
10649s we've never done anything different
10653s oh this is a cool clear
10656s uh actually it's
10660s um
10661s not a clear
10668s at all
10671s in fact it's the same amount of power
10675s I was like oh this is cool fancy play to
10678s get get some damage off the board
10681s no damage off the board
10683s start the turn with eight power ends the
10685s turn with a power that'll be Jedi taking
10687s game number one
10689s um didn't actually need to sip there but
10693s go with a little bit of style laying the
10695s Sip off the top so
10697s uh just not able to get the recurring
10702s uh pop-up turns from pocket trade it's
10705s the first siren was dealt with like the
10707s way that dread eye uh played around the
10709s secrets there
10711s uh that we were slightly confused about
10713s because we couldn't see the secret icon
10716s um later on counter spell and then play
10718s around objection very well to uh sort of
10721s clean things up so nicely done
10724s yeah it takes the one at zero and pocket
10727s China I thought would be unstoppable on
10729s this deck because so far been stopped at
10732s the signal or the junction or what where
10734s the train stop
10736s the buffers the station here
10739s he's at the station yet to pull out of
10741s the station pocket train on this deck
10745s we got there thanks TJ
10746s yeah except your technology changed
10748s halfway through because you're talking
10749s about where they stop but the station is
10752s where they stopped naturally
10754s so in the wild like you you watched
10758s David Attenborough here's the train
10760s naturally stopping at the station yeah
10763s so if if a train naturally stopped at
10765s the station it did its job
10767s so the beginning of the analogy pretty
10770s poor but you brought it home you brought
10773s it home by system by changing the
10775s analogy to it hasn't left the station
10778s yet which as we all know part of a
10780s train's job after it stops the station
10783s was then Philip on passengers and
10785s proceeds to leave the station
10787s so if it doesn't work unnaturally in the
10790s middle of the tracks
10792s actually let's let's put it this way
10794s anywhere but the station
10797s anywhere else is an unnatural train
10800s stoppage okay so this one we're not sure
10802s about at the moment but that felt like
10804s an unnatural train stoppage so it wasn't
10806s at the station yeah Parker train left
10809s the station got about three quarters of
10812s the way to the next station
10814s and then stop destination
10817s station
10819s yep so there we go settled on the
10822s analogy he's gonna we finally worked out
10825s the analogy and they still haven't
10826s finished the Mulligan phase look at us
10827s getting quicker yeah
10831s we've come a long way TJ we've come a
10833s long way
10836s squirrel double squirrel
10838s double one syllable card into clocker oh
10841s my goodness let's get good quick
10844s so pocket Train's hand can get good
10846s quick as well
10850s do you ever want a coin here
10853s um shoot a thing play a thing
10855s I want a big thing I want to coin the
10857s coin the coiler
10862s he didn't like that whatever it was like
10865s sure
10867s oh
10881s kill the thing yeah kill it with your
10883s fiery Mage spells and your fire image
10885s hero power
10886s yep
10893s so my instinct here is always played a
10895s stealth so I'll be interested just goes
10897s a different way
10898s um I think you do go a different way I
10900s think the stealth is important post
10904s Mac right
10907s um because what's the likelihood that
10909s you play a Mech and pocket train deals
10911s with it on that turn
10913s on turn three sure
10916s um
10919s I suppose
10922s I just wanted to get a coin because my
10924s hand is so terrifying
10928s yeah this is tough because ideally
10931s you you'd play another Mac have a chance
10935s to attack with it then stealth it so
10937s you're guaranteed a Mech on the
10938s following turn right
10941s um
10942s so you're guaranteed Max two turns from
10944s now
10946s but it might be more important for Jedi
10947s in this instance to guarantee a Mech for
10949s this turn just because of the fact that
10951s he does have the two snoops
10953s but it's gonna play the bigger squirrel
10955s for health hard to deal with and I this
10958s is sort of the ideal situation yeah
10961s nailed nailed it
10964s get light show yeah Pockets look at him
10967s he knows what he's done
10972s do you hold one in four
10979s something else about Jedi actually he
10980s was always reasonably relaxed but he
10982s looks so much more relaxed these days
10983s than he's on gym like he's
10985s obviously hating it inside I feel like
10988s he's always been like that he just has
10990s this genuine love for the game
10992s and honestly most of the players that
10994s are you know still competing at a high
10995s level have that genuine Love of the Game
10998s true actually because there's
11001s you know still a big big prize pool for
11004s like World Championship world
11005s championship and stuff but throughout
11007s the year less tournaments so you gotta
11011s you gotta have that that love that Joy
11017s you're bringing out the the true Jedi
11019s passion The Passion of all of them in
11020s fact
11021s yeah
11023s I like the left one yeah that's what I'd
11025s have taken too
11029s or bone Spike everything do it just just
11033s dump the things everywhere
11036s I don't know about that
11038s okay
11040s I think you magnetized first and see
11042s what you get oh I want a pet mouse bike
11045s it's so much fun
11052s it's much more difficult to uh recognize
11056s these when they're golden
11058s it is I don't play with golden cards
11060s yeah
11062s please let me I want to do it thanks
11067s ordering worked pretty well there yep
11072s okay pocket trains not enjoying this
11074s moment strangely enough
11081s don't want to see a coolant
11086s but this is a lethal setup
11095s not anymore
11099s just cards
11100s cards what's your cards slinging around
11104s oh here we go
11107s the Reverb
11109s infinite Mana
11112s infinite amount of infinite Tom
11121s we're not even seeing these spells I I
11125s can't wait to try this on that I'm gonna
11126s have such a disaster
11128s look at it go
11130s I feel like he's if I played this many
11132s spells it'd have taken me three turns
11142s middle one
11146s innervate you don't need anymore Mana
11149s infinitizen maxitude just needs a freeze
11153s or something
11156s or an alibi oh vengeful Visage needs um
11160s it doesn't have board space
11163s ah okay
11168s is it it's not lethal what's happened
11172s and it's not a Mech
11174s foreign
11181s he's going to test for counterspell
11184s he's going to be very confused as to
11186s what this secret is unless he rushes it
11189s to a minion first oh no
11192s not objection
11196s he's gonna be so confused okay yeah he's
11199s gonna attack first yeah
11206s the face of someone who thinks they know
11208s what's happening and probably does
11211s yeah he's gonna leave the sirens up or
11214s not I was thinking he's just gonna take
11216s the most power off the board possible
11218s he does have to
11223s okay
11224s I just assumed the position of someone
11227s who's about to have another pop-off turn
11230s yep
11236s I have no idea
11240s how many spell schools have been cast
11242s we have arcane
11244s uh Frost
11246s fire
11247s okay that's it nature
11254s was that five
11256s uh first I came fire nature that's four
11259s I think
11260s oh five damage there's always more than
11262s you think though it's gonna be more than
11263s four oh six damage yeah there you go
11267s yeah perfect clear perfect manualization
11269s perfect clear siren stays on the board
11271s Jedi's got a handful of coins draws a
11274s click Locker
11277s that's not good
11281s he's got three turns
11286s and memorize gone
11298s so it's like krabatoa
11302s yeah or anything with stealth but soon
11305s yeah buddy yeah he has like one turn
11310s I don't think he can afford to stealth
11312s he's he can take this turn and survive
11315s but he's gonna die the next turn with
11318s nothing to defend himself so
11323s meanwhile here's some nagas
11330s can you find a way to get like um an ice
11332s barrier or something here it's the sort
11335s of card he wants right
11340s is that the forge something and get a
11342s copy of it card
11344s I want to say yes but the the elemental
11348s thing
11349s yeah
11353s reduce the cosplay it's on fire no I'm
11356s pretty sure it's whenever when you forge
11357s a card get a copy of it oh okay
11362s there you go yeah this is why I don't
11364s talk it's why TJ knows the cards
11371s Mothership
11377s me might as well just Mothership into
11379s the 4-3
11380s yeah I mean you don't know the player
11382s you might as well find out what's
11386s yeah and then maybe there's no direct
11389s image
11403s needs three damage
11411s uh
11418s give him another turn
11420s I want you to decide a Finley though is
11422s that a Zona that is a Zona right he had
11424s no board space he's a little Finley you
11426s can't play the can't play the fin point
11428s yeah oh my bad
11432s oh
11433s one damage off
11438s all right we got a tied series both
11440s players taking wins with the Mages
11443s pocket train with the Naga major Jedi
11444s with the rainbow Mage start things off
11446s since we got ourselves
11449s a series
11452s dude that was a game that both of them
11455s showing the stress there at the end of
11457s it it looks so like both of them had won
11459s early on in their own ways and then
11462s heated out into a top deck War and the
11465s Rogue doesn't top deck that well like
11466s you say this kamatoa is definitely a way
11468s to win there but yeah well you have like
11471s gear shifts sometimes that can uh get
11474s you out of some
11475s sticky situation let's just top decking
11477s twice that's still top decking
11480s that's still top decking yeah you're
11482s right
11483s you're absolutely right
11487s I guess it allows you to draw something
11488s and stealth but yeah
11492s just need to stealth on its own yeah
11494s honestly that game I always hate like
11498s summon up games by like singular players
11500s but it was on the light show to kill the
11503s first squirrel
11504s uh that would have been a huge snowball
11507s that I don't know if pocket train would
11509s have been able to get away from
11511s but good on um pocket trading for
11513s picking that just to you know not
11515s needing like Target you can
11518s get stealth minions uh damage with that
11520s uh so many use cases even on its first
11524s cast right
11525s still lets you do four damage to some to
11527s stuff
11528s which is exactly what you need to do
11530s against uh neck Rogue it's just kill all
11534s the stuff keep the board clean or at
11535s least deal as much damage to the stuff
11537s as possible to give yourself the
11538s opportunity to kill it in future turns
11540s so
11542s um looking towards these next matches
11546s these next games
11549s um I'm curious to see
11552s how the outcast Demon Hunter is going to
11556s perform across the tournament
11557s because Outcast demon hurts this weird
11559s deck right where
11561s like
11562s it's never on anybody's radar and then
11565s you look at stats on HS replay and it's
11568s like always in the top five win rates in
11570s like the legend and top 1000 Legend
11573s um and I always ask ask the question
11576s like who's playing it
11578s like every time I watch a stream
11579s nobody's playing it nobody's playing
11581s against it every time I've seen 997 of
11585s the top thousand players by watching and
11586s playing streams of your own and
11588s everything and none of them played a
11589s single game of it so where's the other
11591s person who is this another one and none
11593s of them's played a single game against
11594s it and even in my own PL playing like I
11598s I maybe have played against like one
11600s Outcast Demon Hunter
11601s who's playing with it who's winning with
11603s it who's upping this and then who's
11605s convincing everybody to bring it to a
11608s giant master store like yeah uh like you
11611s check the stats it's good it is it beats
11613s nearly everything on stats from the
11616s person who is playing it but nobody
11617s knows who that is because nobody plays
11619s it yep so are there any stats at all if
11622s nobody's playing it but they are because
11624s it's got a sample size that's relevant
11626s maybe the games are so quick that you
11629s don't notice them happen
11632s let's say the age old adage right if a
11635s tree falls in a forest are there any
11637s Outcast Demon Hunter players to hear it
11639s exactly yes there is because that's
11642s where they are they're in the forest in
11645s the forest
11647s playing Demon Hunter against trees yeah
11650s they're they're just they're like
11652s screaming against each other
11659s funnily enough no Outcast Demon Hunter
11662s in this game we got pocket train this
11664s time on the mech Rogue and uh dread is
11666s going to be on the
11668s I don't really like to call it secret
11669s Hunter but that's where we are
11671s arcane
11676s is this a moment where we have to count
11678s the cards in the deck and whichever one
11680s sit if it's yes
11682s if it has cards that say secret on it or
11685s more cards that say Arcane on it yes
11687s that's exactly how we're gonna decide
11688s this I like it also you don't count a
11691s hidden meaning as a secret his meaning
11692s is like two Mana do nothing right that's
11694s how that works no it's a secret all
11697s right so how many cards stay secret on
11698s it
11699s we have one cat trick two hidden
11702s meanings three
11703s two titanforged traps five
11706s two star strong bows that's seven seven
11710s Arcane oh there's way more Arcane one
11712s Arcane shot two Ricochet shots three
11717s two Contra arrows five
11719s two Silver Moon Forest Riders seven
11723s halderon over eight done game over ever
11726s song portal two of them that's ten star
11729s power
11730s 12 that's 12.
11733s so why is it called secret Hunter then
11736s I don't know
11737s it's a good question yeah
11738s exactly
11742s well
11743s urchin spines and Arcane shot looks like
11745s a good combo I understand that combo
11747s but you don't spend all your Mana
11750s play around hidden beanie
11753s I know your own hidden meaning just
11755s making making good habits
11764s um nobody's ever gonna argue me about
11766s that card
11768s if there was like another strong play
11773s then I would consider holding on to
11776s Urgent spines Arcane shot
11779s um but the the alternative is just
11781s hidden meaning pass there's not even
11783s anything good to trade into on the board
11785s of this cat yeah what attack are you
11786s doing here
11788s all right you're I might even be I'm
11790s holding
11791s yeah
11794s seems good
11795s and this is gonna hint because next turn
11798s is almost certainly going to be hidden
11800s beating plus hero power or unless
11802s there's something else drawn
11804s so you need something to sort of buy
11806s yourself some time
11807s uh before star power because star power
11810s is going to clear just about everything
11814s uh that the macro is going to be able to
11816s do on five
11817s so
11824s okay
11828s start weaving
11829s yeah and now I think you attack because
11831s you got star power yeah yeah
11833s great stuff 15 seconds if they can play
11836s around 15 on turn four even as Rogue you
11838s know what they can happen
11843s my logic was flawed because you could
11847s also use the fact that hey I have star
11849s power
11850s to
11852s incentivize not attacking because then
11854s you star power clear the board and then
11856s you get to attack on an empty board
11858s there's not a two in that can trade
11859s across I see okay
11862s sure that actually makes sense sometimes
11865s you're just wrong you know Neil
11866s sometimes sometimes I'm wrong and you
11868s just gotta throw it out there I was
11869s wrong I've never tried that I'm wrong
11871s all the time so it's not sometimes so
11873s I'm just used to it at this point I I
11876s had the right argument but the wrong
11877s conclusion
11879s a bit like the station analogy had the
11882s right idea but it went the wrong way
11883s yeah I went to a station but it was the
11886s wrong one
11890s and now indecision now yeah I think you
11893s just Trading haluron
11900s and I think so too and weave
11906s are we ever killing them but I guess we
11907s are kidding them by them not killing us
11913s yeah the crack and beans still got a
11914s while it's still got two spells left
11916s there's only one spell in hands very
11917s expensive
11919s um
11920s I I don't think just starstrong bow is
11924s worth much here because Pocket Change is
11927s still a 28 life you're not making that
11928s big of a dent if you guys have to hit
11930s the two one maybe which is horrible
11932s looking
11933s of course
11935s yeah exactly that's insane yeah come on
11938s Neil
11938s no that's that's why I'm saying it is
11940s like I think you might have to if you
11941s played it so you just play something
11943s else instead yeah
11950s like star power is kind of interesting
11952s but that's like you're Ace in the Hole
11953s like
11958s oh makes you a good face and just show
11961s you what a lunatic I am
11963s oh he's keeping the 4-2 stealth
11966s okay he's taking a million damage
11970s wow
11975s I thought he was doing save damage not
11976s take more
11985s dreadlock got out of his train and then
11986s jumped in a helicopter and flew away
11992s laughs
11994s that sounds like every movie ever oh my
11998s good luck with that star power now kiddo
12001s it ain't a mess
12003s [Music]
12006s we got links
12008s the missing links TJ ah but it would
12011s have been so good if you just traded off
12013s the 4-2 and then developed Helder on
12017s master and then you'd have two links for
12019s the price of one would have been the
12021s same board
12023s and the missing links joke is funnier
12025s this way though
12029s is it though
12031s I think so yeah because there's now a
12033s missing links
12037s because there would have been two now
12038s there's only one
12041s Fair yeah
12044s it is it is about twenty percent funnier
12049s I think twenty percent of zero is zero
12054s stage that was funnier I used to like
12056s you TJ I used to have my back
12060s it was funny
12067s there he goes it finally attacks
12070s do you think he could have done several
12071s times before
12074s pocket train still had a crisp 28 though
12078s yeah there's some some legs in this one
12080s yet
12083s or Wheels I guess
12086s that's fine
12088s and this is like
12090s the perfect amount of Mana utilization
12093s here gonna be able to end on a gears
12095s nope okay
12099s just kidding
12100s because he doesn't want the hidden
12101s beanie to come out yep
12106s weaving 26. and Kraken being number one
12111s is active I believe
12114s yes
12124s playing cards
12132s is he gonna wait till next turn and play
12133s a lot of cards is that what he's
12134s thinking here no okay good
12140s well kinda
12143s 11. it's just going so slowly but it is
12146s going
12149s yeah
12150s Jedi needs
12155s draw
12157s needs to find the conjured Arrow
12161s yeah need something
12163s I see how ridiculous this is usually the
12165s answer is pretty ridiculous oh
12168s stomper but you can't stomper here
12171s because then you get to give the hidden
12173s meaning and you're not killing anything
12174s on the board the hidden means poor
12176s attack
12182s okay
12185s hold on double plates
12190s right
12200s all right
12203s they're doing such small amounts of
12205s damage each turn but they are slowly
12207s ticking down this is like some old
12208s school grind face that's a lot of damage
12212s it doesn't really help
12225s I mean there's no other choice
12231s yeah
12232s lethal next turn if you get a next turn
12236s spoilers smack smack and weave
12243s smack and weave smack and weave there
12246s you have it Andrea gonna concede
12249s um I feel like his game plan was not
12253s terrible
12255s but
12257s there was a couple plays that I
12260s disagreed with it's entirely possible
12262s that he was on the right track
12265s um because I think that he maybe loses
12267s that game regardless
12270s um but the the big one was the bow hit
12273s into the 4-3 to keep keep his uh cat
12276s stealth took a lot of extra damage for
12279s that
12280s and the 4-2 just ended up trading off
12282s anyway and the alternative play for that
12284s would have given him an extra length
12285s obviously that's results oriented so
12287s those ones are always interesting right
12288s because you called it at the time and
12290s when we watched it play out it played
12292s out badly for him for sure
12293s uh but his drawers weren't conducive to
12296s sort of clearing a board making a board
12298s hitting your opponent with the four
12299s tooth if you're drawn differently and he
12301s did draw just minion after minion in his
12303s belly deck you know suddenly he has a
12305s board with a four two on it and does a
12306s lot of damage to face and he looks like
12308s a genius and this is one of those games
12309s where it's really hard to call based on
12311s all the possibilities
12314s whether he did it right or not but the
12315s way it panned out it definitely looked a
12317s little bit clunky and awkward
12319s yeah
12320s it's very difficult when you draw
12324s that many minions like both crack and
12326s beans with very limited spells
12328s uh no Mass singer like no way to thin
12331s the deck didn't hit conjured Arrow even
12333s after the halder like with like halderon
12336s to be able to draw through the deck more
12338s uh just kind of rough rough draws no
12341s play on any turn felt great right the I
12345s don't think there was a single turn
12345s where dread eye could sit back in his
12347s chair and be like
12349s a solid turn
12351s I'm gonna play weapon hit a 4-3 with it
12353s Levi 4-2 stealth but
12356s and it was we didn't do that to play I
12358s talked about hitting the two one if you
12359s play the weapon we talked about not and
12361s just going face and just doing a load of
12362s damage we there was just so much to
12363s choose from
12365s yeah it was such a weird weird turn
12370s um I'm not saying he did it wrong either
12371s it was just it was just such an awkward
12372s clunky mess of a thing to have to do
12375s yeah
12376s ah pocket train is a zapper Flow Rider
12379s connoisseur
12381s I watch a lot of uh different uh top
12384s level players stream this list and when
12386s offered zapper FlowRider
12389s um some players opt to go right for it
12392s and some players
12394s don't want to touch it with a 10-foot
12395s pole but I feel yeah
12400s um but I feel like a lot of times the
12402s name of the game for this deck is is
12404s tempo this is like Tempo Temple tempo
12406s um because you fall behind you end up
12408s having to like try and do your combo
12411s when you don't have guaranteed just
12413s having Minions on board is such a big
12415s deal
12417s um
12419s I'm a big fan of playing it I I do I'm
12422s expecting a lot who obviously invented
12424s Shaman the entire class with ego Shaman
12427s as I'm going to call it because it's
12428s subtle's ego on the line
12431s put a lot of work into it but
12434s not overloading and using your three
12436s drops efficiently is something I'm doing
12438s more and more and more that when I first
12440s started playing the deck I was just
12441s happy to keep ancestral draw cards on
12443s turn two and subtles like that don't do
12445s it that way and since I started
12446s trying to play cards on turn three a lot
12449s more regularly
12450s the decks worked a lot better for me
12453s and subtle knows all about this deck so
12454s what you know we can't we can't argue
12456s with him this week on that one day
12461s you talked about the tempo TJ here's a
12463s Tempo turn
12466s or setting up the temp Hotel
12473s there's a lot of damage though holy moly
12481s oh yeah
12483s [Music]
12488s who
12492s was talking about earlier with his
12494s Hunter deck like what's done the damage
12495s here your opposed on 15 you haven't
12497s played a Hearthstone card yet it's just
12498s you just got stuff
12501s just cobbled together 15 damage in four
12503s turns wait till the good stuff comes out
12505s in a minute
12507s oh it's gonna crash first that way you
12510s can coin altered chord into the two the
12513s now tutu
12514s uh doesn't have to put the
12517s um all according to a Vine Shield to
12519s actually gets the health from it so
12521s love it love it love it this show is
12523s available because pocket took last
12525s turnout to play The Flash to make this
12526s turn you know super powered yep
12531s something I know I don't do enough even
12533s though I know I should be doing it more
12534s I still can't find the spots to do it
12535s and pocket just ripped it on turn three
12537s into that turn there
12539s yep there's only one overload I believe
12541s so pocket train
12547s um
12547s [Music]
12554s okay
12555s I'm scoring prosperous that was my
12557s initial Instinct but then I was like
12559s can you just go schooling
12562s play the three piranhas but that would
12564s get
12565s pretty ruined by Ricochet shot
12569s on the Titan first
12573s needs to try and get through the stack
12574s doesn't have a contra error in hand so
12576s uh not the the best hand for finishing
12579s out this game oh the thorum it's just a
12581s one overload
12583s it's gonna be able to draw good spot
12585s with that Health game right he's just
12587s dominating the board now
12597s oh it changes
12599s so much
12601s um depending on how how many like Arcane
12604s Buffs you actually have in hand if
12605s alderon's been played how many minions
12607s are on the board too right for Ricochet
12609s shot factors in the percentages
12614s it's a noticeable number though isn't it
12615s it's higher than you first think
12617s yeah
12618s but this turn is going to be all about
12620s getting these Krakens online so I think
12622s we're gonna go cat trick
12626s uh hero power
12633s or a singer because singer hero power oh
12636s yeah 15. you have 15 from hand
12639s yeah
12640s he's been cracking on with it yeah so
12644s needs a
12646s um pocket train we need a taunt totem
12648s here or a Titan
12651s yeah
12653s and he got the Titan
12658s I think he doesn't know what's coming
12660s I think you go Titan Flash and then try
12664s and get their next turn
12668s unless he doesn't think he can die he
12672s probably doesn't think he can
12673s realistically die this was asking the
12675s question a minute ago so what what do
12676s you pitch the number as what do you
12678s expect your opponent to have from hand
12679s you know
12683s oh the cat trick though oh yeah okay now
12686s you definitely don't draw now you
12688s definitely
12690s deal and heal
12695s yeah oh
12698s Jedi
12700s look at his face
12704s the camera can't sit still too bad I
12707s can't sit still I can't sit still
12725s ouch
12728s so
12732s he had so dread I had
12735s seven showing
12737s pocket train was at 15.
12740s so eight he's saying you can't deal
12742s eight damage to me he knew that three
12744s cards in the hand were the uh
12747s what are those things called did
12749s jormongers
12751s yeah let's go with that yeah a new three
12754s cards were dormingers he knew that three
12756s of them
12758s he knew one was a secret yep he knew one
12760s was hidden meaning
12762s um so and he knew that if one was
12765s starstrong bow it would cut down to the
12767s amount of power that he already had on
12768s the board right because he had a three
12769s three attack weapon so Star Trek boat
12771s was only like three additional damage
12773s showing uh if that was one of the cards
12775s in his hand
12777s um did not expect the double double
12779s cracking band
12781s um
12784s yeah that's that was a huge risk that he
12787s took and did not pay off
12791s but those are the calculations that you
12793s know some players make like pocket train
12794s and they pay off so often that they they
12797s stick with their instincts a lot of the
12799s time yeah you can kind of see how he got
12801s there when we when we went backwards
12802s there when we see we've eliminated so
12804s many cards in hand actually doing
12805s something
12807s and
12809s Pockets play
12810s s what did he gain from the doing the
12812s play
12814s um he had a better chance to counter
12816s lethal
12818s um if his Titan was dealt with and he
12820s didn't get the overdraws if the Titans
12821s dealt with okay yeah because that was
12823s his second flash so he was hoping to you
12825s know find the hat so would have had the
12828s discounts the next turn was hoping to
12829s find like the lightning bolts
12830s so he could be urging spines and all
12833s that stuff that way yeah or like links
12835s Right double links or something like
12836s that his Titan being cleared he was
12838s worried that let's say he goes for the
12841s healing and the damage and then
12843s um his time gets cleared like with a
12846s star power for instance
12847s uh or double links what have you or Rich
12851s response then he doesn't have the
12854s the card draw necessary to win didn't
12857s have the flash even though if the game
12859s goes on longer and you heal up sometimes
12861s you don't even need the flash to win the
12863s game uh didn't have like bio either so
12866s like I I don't the next turn would have
12869s been like kind of
12871s missing a good chunk of damage yeah
12875s um
12876s so did take the risk and didn't go for
12878s it but
12879s we could see that Jedi
12882s didn't really have a way to deal with
12884s the Titan
12885s unless he started throwing damage yeah
12887s it happens yeah he's gonna stop putting
12888s that damage into the tight and then the
12890s Titans do all the cards already and
12891s Pockets ready to go very good yeah
12894s so can you see how they play this
12896s because all I do in this matchup is try
12897s and find way even if I don't I cry in a
12899s little hex I'm crying a little ball in
12901s the corner I want to see how good
12903s players do this
12904s I I think that's the way
12907s I don't think there's uh another magical
12912s way that you can do it unless you have
12914s like the ultimate star and you just kill
12916s him on like five or six
12919s you just draw like everything you double
12922s flash on four and then
12924s yeah
12926s like he's gonna have the fish option
12927s here especially with only like one one
12929s at some point yeah that's a good totem
12932s to start things off
12943s hmm
12947s so many choices here weirdly
12953s Hardy wants to dagger this one one down
12956s and just preserve my shield
12957s yeah I know that there's a schooling but
12961s yeah
12963s because like this play here gives Parker
12966s train an excuse to Triple fish right
12967s yeah um if you just dagger it down
12971s like pocket train can triple fish but
12973s he's throwing two fish into the click
12976s locker and then you still have the
12978s magnetized Buffs for afterwards but
12979s maybe he just wants to get the fish out
12981s of hand
12982s like get again
12984s the right logic wrong conclusion maybe
12987s that's Jedi's goal is to make sure that
12989s pocket trains plays the fish
12992s uh-huh yeah three cars from hand and you
12995s pass and not doing any cards you haven't
12996s played a fatal Spirits okay
13000s Maybe
13004s okay there's the flashlight name
13010s it's getting close already
13017s do that thing do I do that thing that
13018s you do with the Rogue do the thing
13021s what thing the thing where they have a
13024s 1919 million on turn four or something
13026s or two 1990 Millions on turn five which
13028s you don't do anymore but you know
13030s just do the Rogue things
13035s no matter what deck Rogue is playing
13037s it's like just doing Rogue things
13040s it's actually really really true
13044s it's just it's very generous
13048s so what do we still think I think that's
13050s the main question here
13053s and only mother shipping on five
13055s I think you yeah I want a Mothership on
13057s five so I think you just play
13059s The Spider and then
13062s the oscillator afterwards let me just
13064s leave the three four Stouts that way you
13065s can play into Mothership next turn
13069s um
13070s and as far as this attack goes it's
13072s probably gotta go into the piranha right
13074s I think it says there's another
13075s schooling on the other side a second
13076s load of fish would start to become
13078s painful for you wouldn't it
13083s laughs
13088s ah nope have we killed a single Jedi
13091s play correctly I don't think we have I
13093s don't think I've called ever I don't
13095s think I've called a single dread I
13096s played correctly in his entire
13099s professional career yeah
13101s sometimes even after he's done it yeah
13110s okay
13112s that's scary isn't it when your opponent
13114s gets scoring that can do real big damage
13116s to your board and they just choose not
13117s to because you've got you know Silly
13119s four or four
13121s obviously of course the 404 is
13123s terrifying yeah but I feel like this is
13126s a pretty
13127s reasonable position for pocket train one
13129s cc is the uh
13131s the turn here
13133s so he just has the one oscillator
13136s discount
13142s colors of spark Bots
13145s what about it even my chat were
13147s complaining they were the wrong colors
13148s before they got changed how can how can
13150s a color be wrong
13153s um I mean they're based off of the color
13155s of like the keyword right
13158s I know they're all in white the keywords
13160s no the lifesteal symbol on cards and
13164s weapons is Pink
13166s another one the poisonous symbol on
13169s cards and weapons is green
13173s the taunt symbol doesn't exist anywhere
13175s so symbol for it
13177s but if it did exist it'd be red
13182s why do I find these people Divine Shield
13184s is very paladiny so yellow
13188s uh-huh
13190s I think I'm getting them wrong actually
13193s because I'm just agreeing with your mind
13195s because I don't understand the
13198s discussion so because I was like wait
13200s what color is rush and then I was like
13201s is rush red I think Russia's red because
13204s it's okay
13205s but I'm red because red represents the
13209s angry face then what color is the taunt
13212s I don't know none of these things are
13214s real no you're confusing me
13216s good it's confused me for days I'm glad
13219s somebody else is confused
13224s also isn't Paladin normally pink in I
13227s got told off a listing paladins in
13229s yellow when I used to do the stats
13230s somebody said that they're supposed to
13231s be pink she's always confused me as well
13239s shark that's been made but I want to
13241s talk about the colors of spark box
13242s honestly yeah Mega show it's pretty good
13244s okay red is rushed I was wrong what
13247s color is that I'm out of colors is it
13250s orange is that orange
13255s yeah I don't know anyway they've been
13258s changed to something else from what they
13259s were so whatever they were they're not
13262s they're arbitarily different as this
13263s Mecca shark is doing hundreds wait is
13265s this lethal it's got to be close really
13268s really close
13270s and the horn
13274s okay
13278s oh my God
13293s was there a lethal there with the
13294s switches somewhere ah no
13298s uh he would have had to go if he got the
13300s switches earlier no because the mega
13301s shark had already had the highest attack
13303s right and that was the one thing that
13304s could still attack it was the only thing
13306s that could attack okay all right now
13307s we're looking for counter lethal here or
13309s at least a board clear
13312s lightning reflexes did pick up the
13314s lightning bolt right so still in an
13318s extra uh nature spell in here somewhere
13321s it's very unlikely that it's going to be
13323s lethal
13326s um yeah
13330s but the so I'm saying the leftmost
13332s minion could have attacked if they
13333s managed to get the switch down there but
13334s I'm not sure ah okay
13337s but would it have been enough oh yeah it
13339s would have been yeah it's just huge yeah
13342s instead of the pl instead of the plus
13344s three
13346s um attack
13347s uh
13349s mimarron
13350s thing yeah you use the switch on the one
13353s too all right because the shark's
13354s basically it's basically giving the shot
13355s wind for you when you use the switch
13356s isn't it so yeah and now Pocket Change
13358s is open there's no blades
13360s there's not
13362s so gonna gear shift
13372s why are we here again why is Rogue
13373s trying to do three damage for like the
13374s third game second game but I'd like to
13377s exaggerate there's three is a bigger
13378s number
13384s well
13389s is not dead
13393s what is this with two players just
13395s ironing each other out
13400s is this plus one spell damage on the
13402s board
13404s so it's what a lightning bolt ends it
13410s Flash and feral so Defenders
13414s yeah
13417s if
13421s uh that's enough because you feral
13426s spirits
13427s lightning storm or turn the tides
13430s lightning storm
13431s crash
13433s and then you get the attack to face with
13435s the face plus the fish yep there it is
13438s exact right
13442s the one damage from the fish coming in
13448s Jedi just couldn't get two or three
13450s damage twice with the rug I think it was
13452s three one time and technically two the
13453s other but basic three he was looking for
13455s until the end well also the verse lethal
13457s at the end so
13461s it would have been
13464s um it would have brought it up to uh
13466s what was it at the end was it 10 was it
13468s a 10 attack shark uh 11 I think
13472s but you didn't even miss three so it
13474s would have been eight instead of one
13476s okay so yeah plus three on it instead of
13478s putting the wind fuel or the the switch
13480s on it seven additional damage okay yeah
13483s so yeah
13484s um that was just
13485s Jedi having to fly by the seat of his
13488s pants make it up as he goes
13491s quick reckon clean the station of the
13495s um the parts that were being put in the
13497s hand
13498s um what are they called their mimirons
13499s they're not Parts they're not tools
13503s they're called some gadgets utilities
13505s gadgets there's always something
13508s yeah I don't know look I'm Gonna Keep
13510s guessing word guessing words is far more
13511s fun than knowing words I've done it all
13512s my life and then beyond that even if you
13514s did the exact same play that he had
13516s there was also multiple chances for him
13518s to get just one blades uh for the three
13520s damage
13522s um so it was a mixture it was a a
13525s mixture of making the error at the very
13527s last second and also just not being able
13529s to find the follow-up but pocket train
13531s fantastic recognition of the situation
13535s um even just playing the
13538s uh the three four in between all the uh
13540s nature spells right calculating okay I'm
13543s gonna make up this discount
13545s and I don't know with the turn to touch
13548s draw if he hadn't played that if he
13550s would have had enough Mana no he would
13551s have
13552s uh but regardless still very nice lethal
13555s spot there at the end uh calculating it
13557s for exactly though and pocket train is
13559s going to move on now that was not
13560s uh in elimination match if I'm correct
13565s win his match today
13568s and Jedi gets to play the elimination
13571s decider decider match uh later yeah so
13574s yep the decider match which is a very
13576s stressful situation to be in because you
13578s got to wait all the way to the end of
13579s the day
13580s and then you you win you're in you lose
13582s you go home so uh should be a good one
13584s though
13585s um Jedi seems to have the good decks
13589s and uh I'm excited to see him play later
13591s because this is the rise of the Americas
13593s that's what the expansion should be
13594s called uh but Neil and I are done for
13597s now I believe Neil and I will be on the
13598s last match of the day so
13600s for the three of you that are huge fans
13602s make sure you stick around and tune into
13604s that one but before we jump into our
13607s next match of the day we are gonna have
13608s to go to a quick break so don't go
13610s anywhere plenty more action here from
13611s the master store summer Championship
13612s right after this
13619s together
13626s [Music]
13635s [Music]
13645s [Music]
13652s [Music]
13673s [Music]
13675s foreign
13684s [Music]
13724s [Music]
13730s foreign
13738s foreign
13740s [Music]
13746s [Music]
13751s [Music]
13776s [Music]
13782s [Music]
13798s [Music]
13807s foreign
13809s [Music]
13834s [Music]
13856s [Music]
13876s foreign
13886s [Music]
13918s thank you
13927s [Music]
13936s [Music]
13953s foreign
13955s [Music]
13968s [Applause]
13972s [Music]
13988s hello everyone and welcome back to
13990s massive tour summer Championship I'm
13992s Raven and joining me for this matchup is
13994s going to be Dragon Rider how are you
13996s doing have you been enjoying the matches
13997s so far
13998s I am doing well and uh it's been some
14001s very interesting games uh it seems like
14004s the match that uh we covered before that
14008s I covered before with Lorinda was not as
14011s close necessarily in terms of the score
14013s as some of the other matches have been
14016s so very interesting to kind of see where
14019s these games have all gone in terms of
14021s the back and forth or the score changing
14024s we've had some reverse sweeps throughout
14026s these series as well so it's been very
14028s interesting to see just all over the
14030s place and it even the bands uh you and I
14033s were talking about this right before we
14034s jumped in how the bands have been all
14037s over the place it just feels very
14039s interesting in terms of the kind of meta
14042s the Dax the card choices and how these
14045s games are playing out with these players
14046s as we kind of see where we are at in our
14050s day this group a we will be watching
14053s this winners match for group a here but
14056s there are still plenty of other games
14058s going on as as well
14060s yeah tonsoku been able to fight back
14062s from elimination a little bit earlier on
14064s so they are going to be facing the loser
14066s of ueq and meti that we as you mentioned
14069s is the match we're going to be bringing
14070s you guys for now I've seen a lot of uh
14072s requests to see a meeting match in the
14074s uh in the chat over the course of a
14075s while I've been on my break so we're
14077s happy to deliver that and yeah some of
14079s these matchups have been going pretty
14081s crazy like pretty you know right to the
14083s edge in terms of who's going to win just
14084s like the one that we've just saw a gamer
14087s rvg going up against Casey in the
14089s decider match for Group B as well I know
14092s both players do have a lot of fans but
14094s with you uh taking it for group and
14097s already we it feels like I've blinked
14099s probably because I've only cast one
14100s match so far it was right at the start
14102s of the day before like I've blinked and
14103s we've already seen players eliminated as
14105s we see now where obviously dreadi
14107s dropped down to that just decided match
14109s snag on whereas pocket train gonna be
14111s making it group six years with male band
14115s the last turn of the very last okay
14118s Gabby they're looking as ever in group D
14121s yeah
14127s oh
14135s yeah and yeah definitely uh going to be
14140s some very interesting series here we are
14142s going to be seeing a lot of these
14144s decider matches coming up still today so
14147s we have that for you as well
14151s yep looking forward to getting into this
14153s Matt open meeting especially is that
14156s this double Shaman band uh going out so
14158s it's gonna be pretty interesting to see
14160s it looks like we're starting with a mage
14161s mirror
14165s yeah very interesting there I also want
14169s to talk about the specific card choices
14172s between these two lists as well because
14174s they are both bringing this rainbow Mage
14178s as you can see on the screen here the
14181s drum Druid or tree and Druid secret or
14185s the Arcane Hunter as we've been calling
14188s it nature Shaman which has been banned
14190s out and that rainbow Mage now it's very
14193s interesting as well because uh the week
14197s you actually is not bringing kind of the
14201s same list it's several cards different
14204s than meaty's rainbow Mage which is
14208s fascinating to me again looking at these
14210s different kind of card choices uh not
14213s running the top end of the elemental
14216s inspiration and also does include Finley
14220s so Finley which I know maybe is not a
14223s fan of Finley so but you know up on
14226s screen here we did just want to
14227s highlight that Druid as well potentially
14229s going to be seeing that at some point in
14231s the series here and also slightly
14233s different than other versions we've seen
14235s on stream
14236s yeah I think it's something that's
14238s really fun about the meta right at the
14239s moment obviously we're not too far away
14241s from the the launch of the expansion
14243s right we're not too deep into the meta
14244s as of yet but there's still a lot of
14247s discussion a lot of our disagreement on
14249s exactly how the the decks are built and
14251s it seems like a lot of the choices at
14253s least looking at them now it definitely
14255s doesn't feel like right or wrong even
14257s though a lot of the pro players on
14258s either side will tell you it is but it
14260s feels like well okay you know you see
14262s the merits of this set of cards are
14264s these few changes and you see them out
14265s of the other versions as well some of
14267s the players have brought so it's gonna
14269s be exciting to see as we move on through
14271s this weekend uh which lists sort of look
14273s the best right who actually makes a top
14275s four right and what do those versions of
14278s like Shaymin and of uh that Mage look
14281s like because like I said there's a lot
14283s of disagreement but check it out meaty
14284s of course bringing that macro the
14286s rainbow shaming the outcast Demon Hunter
14288s and then um did I say rainbow shame and
14290s I think I'm a rainbow Mage a mouse look
14292s at the shaman list but uh but yeah
14294s bringing a decent lineup overall the
14296s only true disappointing thing here is
14298s that miti's favorite class is priest
14300s which is something that I do not
14302s appreciate
14304s yeah I hope it's a joke many many people
14307s do not like priests uh what you know
14310s what it's okay though if you don't we're
14311s not seeing any in this tournament but
14313s yeah meaty absolutely not only a
14315s fantastic Hearthstone player but also a
14317s doctor a real life doctor so that is
14320s pretty cool as well to see people who
14323s have these very like well-renowned
14325s professions also being very good at the
14328s game here I I think it's not even not I
14330s think it's just having like a you know
14332s something resembling a full-time job and
14334s putting in the time and effort to
14337s qualify to these tournaments as well is
14339s just super impressive and we take a look
14341s at meaty's macro a deck we've just in
14343s the previous matchup seen it gets so
14346s close but so far to an extent from dread
14349s eye but this list is one that on the
14352s surface is quite simple right A lot of
14355s it if you just look at it at a glance
14356s it's play mix early magnetize them punch
14359s your opponent until they fall over right
14361s but there are a lot of small things you
14363s can do like managing those gadgets and
14366s being able to pull off big turns
14368s managing hand and choosing when and
14370s where to put those magnetic mechs to be
14373s able to you know optimize not only just
14375s damage but actually do you want to go
14377s all in on one minion do you need to
14379s spread you know on the board instead
14380s where do you put these sort of randomly
14382s generated sort of effects right and
14384s keywords and how you place them I think
14387s there's a lot uh a lot involved in that
14389s decision making even though at surface
14391s it feels like Mecca one back on two
14393s mechan three oh my opponent's dead
14395s perfect but there is actually a lot of
14397s decision making when you get to those
14398s tricky turns whether it's managing Mana
14401s or whether it's saying I can pop off so
14404s much there's a ways to do it to win and
14406s there's ways to do it to lose as we have
14407s seen so uh we'll see how that progresses
14410s going forward but what do you make of
14411s the Bands so far because we've seen such
14414s a selection I know we mentioned it
14415s before but did you when prepping for
14417s this tournament did you expect like oh
14419s shame and will be banned almost all the
14422s time or you know this other class will
14424s be banned or did do you expect a bit
14426s more of a a sort of mixed bag based on
14428s what those players were thinking yeah I
14430s actually think that with a special
14432s really the kind of wide range of decks
14434s that we're seeing and as well the
14437s different card choices the players are
14438s bringing I did kind of expect to see a
14440s little bit of a mix of bands maybe not
14442s to the extent that we are seeing but I
14445s don't think that there's necessarily a
14447s kind of clear-cut uh Boogeyman type deck
14450s like we have seen in previous metas or
14453s previous tournaments this is very
14455s flexible and I think we're seeing that
14456s as well in a lot of the car choices and
14458s the lineups uh things like speaker
14460s stomper right players they're bringing
14462s speaker stomper so players aren't you
14465s know and I think that those kind of card
14466s choices as well are also
14469s kind of seen in some of those bands but
14473s we are getting to jump into the game
14475s here and it is going to be as you
14476s mentioned this uh mirror Mage match
14480s first which not completely mirror match
14482s not card for card mirror match but uh
14484s both Mages here and midi on the coin
14488s with this potential coining into a Cold
14490s Case
14492s if both players going to be keeping a
14494s very simple open hands or double cold
14497s cases welcome some options to at least
14499s start behind on some levels of pressure
14501s and know whichever way you know
14503s whoever's this matchup we do know the
14505s other it's going to be pretty explosive
14506s because I feel like it's a lot of
14508s whoever blinks first in terms of either
14511s missed timing or simply not having
14513s access to those solid Alibis to buy that
14515s extra turn I think a lot of it is going
14517s to fall on that unless one player gets
14520s some kind of heavy advantage in the
14522s early game and that's piling on a ton of
14524s pressure for like those massive place so
14528s to speak but you know just a couple of
14530s spells with a little bit of spell damage
14532s thrown into maybe burst the last 10 or
14534s so
14535s yeah absolutely and we did see that
14538s discover option there uh you going for
14541s the uh Discovery trying to find a little
14545s bit more options and the potential there
14548s could have been the potential for
14549s something like deathborn but maybe not
14551s in this mirror match is something that
14553s you want there I like the the cheap
14555s Discovery options set and talking about
14557s Discovery we have another choice on the
14559s other side here rewind definitely
14562s looking pretty good over those other
14564s options
14565s yeah I think there's a moment where you
14567s go okay how fancy can I be or should I
14569s just go for the good card and a lot of
14571s the time even though you might think you
14573s can be cool the good card is the way
14575s forward just the generic this is gonna
14577s do something guaranteed now interest
14579s over
14580s ueq a shot of the narrow available
14584s yeah it looks good to me
14586s yeah
14588s especially being able to fit in some of
14591s these additional spell School archetypes
14593s with that cheap manner allows for a lot
14596s of things especially with Sith sitting
14598s in hand you want to kind of build up
14600s those spell scores and it's talking
14603s about school how about schooling to add
14605s some more minions but nope gonna go for
14607s the Relic as well seems pretty decent as
14611s well just a little bit of additional a
14614s removal as well as that cheap spell to
14616s play
14618s yeah I think although schooling is a
14620s fantastic card I think hand size is a
14622s problem right like it's got to be played
14624s then the hand's gonna be big so you've
14625s got to spend manner on the fish and then
14627s certainly a lot of men have been really
14630s progressing the game plan like even now
14632s schooling would clear off some minions
14635s but is that what you want to do with
14636s your turn in this mirror and they say no
14639s so we're going to see you just try and
14640s clear up some of this with the free
14641s spells and with the Relic and then just
14644s drop a Cold Case themselves
14646s yeah it seems pretty decent as well just
14650s being able to get a little bit out there
14652s play these spells and as you said kind
14654s of clear up hand space that is an issue
14656s with new cards like the volume up these
14658s players want to be playing volume up but
14661s honestly you know there can be hand size
14665s issues and I have also seen some players
14667s deciding if they even want to be running
14669s two volume up uh sometimes because of
14672s that hand size
14679s well
14680s the keyboard coming into hand is pretty
14683s nice here the Mana is slightly awkward
14687s here for weekend deciding maybe if he
14691s wants to go for the keyboard now and
14693s build up some of that Tempo or just go
14697s for drawing more cards but I don't know
14699s if the solid Alibi is something that is
14702s going to be coming into play at this
14703s point in the game
14705s it's really tricky isn't it because
14707s generally speaking solid Alibi is
14711s normally to stop the big otks but if you
14714s leave it too late the damage has been
14716s done right like if yuku just gets hit by
14719s all of this damage then sure you could
14721s sell that by later but you've already
14723s taken like 10 extra or something right
14725s when it could have been reduced a lot
14727s yeah and it's it's really interesting as
14729s well looking at potentially that part of
14731s the game that point in the game if it's
14733s light or even on boards like what media
14736s has here if you wait too long to play
14739s those solid Alibis things like these
14741s skeletons or even the Elementals from
14743s the elemental Inspirations well if you
14746s have five six seven Minions on board
14749s you're still able to push five six seven
14751s damage right even through solid Alibi
14753s and sometimes that's just enough to end
14754s the game depending on how much damage
14756s you've been able to push in the early
14757s parts
14759s okay Reverb being picked up but weirdly
14761s enough are those situations where both
14763s players at least at this second in time
14764s don't really have tons of options of
14766s course ueq now does have options to
14769s discover and generate some more cards
14770s but in general I'm more used to seeing
14772s this match up be like two players with
14775s full hands for the majority of the game
14779s yeah it it definitely does feel a little
14782s weird here we're gonna see that discover
14783s there is
14785s three different spell School types here
14788s for uq to decide between I don't
14793s unleash fell does not feel like it
14795s really does a ton here
14800s but it is cheap
14802s yeah and it's heal right like it's so
14804s it's not a lot of healing but it's
14806s something as a you know because looking
14808s at this now ueq is down on 19 I mean
14811s that's just dead soon right like 19 is
14815s not safe at all uh so it does have to do
14819s something to get a little bit of Health
14820s only pushed up to 22 but it's better
14821s than nothing does get a little card draw
14823s here as well
14826s molten rune
14828s always looks good to me but these are
14830s good options yeah kind of a choice here
14833s between dealing some damage with one of
14836s the either the flame guys there or that
14837s molten Rune or just going yet again for
14840s even more Discovery here discovering
14842s into another uh spell School type that
14845s he hasn't played yet again with that Sif
14848s in hand and now some damage with the
14849s molten ruin and uh flame guys or maybe
14852s just wants to discover something else
14860s well these are good options yeah
14862s obviously the nature effect is not not
14864s that amazing of course in Mage but just
14867s draw a card with the nature spell School
14869s uh I mean these are all looking good but
14873s is it too late for love everlasting
14875s Maybe
14880s I mean the discount on the first spell
14882s is pretty enticing
14884s it's really good I'm just thinking when
14886s it's going to be played because I didn't
14887s catch it then but miti does have the
14890s play basically lined out for next turn
14892s right with elemental so
14895s I'm as meaty played this is what's
14897s really difficult to remember everything
14899s that's played because I was going to say
14900s meaty might have chosen this because it
14902s just is playable this turn and I think I
14905s might have added an extra Elemental for
14908s meaty so that could be something
14910s beneficial to do this turn as opposed to
14912s playing picking a card that is powerful
14914s but you wouldn't play for another like
14915s two turns anyway
14917s oh absolutely
14919s the due process pickup pretty
14922s interesting there but uh how about some
14924s stats
14926s stats are always good I never complain
14929s about stats
14930s these gonna be the otters
14933s yeah I was gonna say probably just to
14935s clear up some of this board and probably
14938s try to soak up some of that damage from
14940s the skeleton instead of having it Go
14942s face which it did
14949s there's inspiration only for four but
14951s double stealth and reborn okay the
14954s double stealth is actually huge that
14956s might well just make umiku have to go
14958s over to an alibi this turn because I
14961s think if you there's no way I can't see
14963s it there's a way to deal with these but
14964s if you're just gonna take eight put
14966s yourself down to twelve
14968s you're not feeling confident are you
14971s no
14976s what other options
14978s do they have for now though
14980s don't have to commit to The Alibi quite
14982s yet
14985s I mean it it is still pretty threatening
14987s though these Minions on board even
14989s though as you said it's only quote
14991s unquote only four but that is that is an
14993s impressive amount of pressure here and
14996s again looking at the kind of differences
14998s in the cards the card choices for their
15001s decks uh Yukio is not playing the
15004s elemental inspirations
15007s so he's not gonna be able to apply that
15009s pressure it's just really tricky because
15011s the double stealth right like that's
15013s just such a pain
15015s it's gonna go Reverb okay
15018s send the easy trades and Elementals
15021s playing that due process as an
15024s additional nature spell but yeah it does
15026s end up going for that solid Alibi there
15030s and this is the position you want to be
15031s in right if you're playing this mirror
15033s you want to be in metis seat right now
15034s because the making your opponent's solid
15037s Alibi first generally gets you ahead as
15040s long as you have your own to play right
15042s obviously if they saw Dollar by first
15044s and then you don't have any at all
15045s that's going to be a bit of a problem
15047s but meet his hand looks very very uh
15049s powerful right now has options of an
15051s organ can also as double solid Alibi
15054s just ready to go and they're not even
15056s particularly needed right now still
15057s sitting at that 30 elf can use this turn
15060s to just clear up the board and basically
15061s ask uq to you know oh threaten me again
15064s you know like you see how many turns in
15066s a row you can actually threaten because
15068s I think metis should be feeling I'll say
15071s safe-ish at 30.
15075s yeah it's kind of an interesting uh meta
15078s and the way that some of these decks
15081s just are are built and the kind of
15082s lineups that we're looking at as well uh
15085s we've talked about it I think across a
15088s lot of our games already today that kind
15090s of difference of on board versus from
15093s hand and even though this Mage is kind
15095s of built to be uh doing all of that
15098s damage from hand this is one of those
15100s cases where yeah maybe midi does
15102s actually feel pretty good here at 30
15104s although in some cases he probably would
15107s not
15109s and we saw that even just the push as
15110s you mentioned earlier through the solid
15112s Alibi is still pushing well I think four
15114s it was and whilst clearing the board
15116s like that's significant because it just
15118s makes each turn easier and easier now
15120s you can forced into the second solid
15123s Alibi and even then like the follow-up
15126s still just doesn't feel great
15131s yeah I'm really interested to see here
15134s if uq wants to go for forging either of
15138s these molten runes this turn to try to
15141s set up for something next turn but
15143s if if there's no lethal from from him
15146s then he's got to worry about the lethal
15149s from the other side yeah I think the
15151s problem here or something I'm not saying
15153s I have a strong decision on this either
15154s way but I feel like if this was draw
15158s and then ping it's like okay but I was
15162s with you where just do you just molten
15164s ruin face with the forge and just say
15166s well there's some damage done hopefully
15168s I can make something happen next to it
15169s because I'm not sure what draws at this
15172s point are realistically gonna make ueq
15175s win the game
15178s yeah and I mean having that solid Alibi
15180s is great sure but as you mentioned it's
15183s the second Alibi now so if there is not
15185s that lethal on the other side there's
15187s also not another solid Alibi to come up
15191s behind that so uh yeah
15194s this is just seven damage with a ping
15197s right which is yeah if you're nearly
15199s half the health that your opponent has
15201s through a solid Alibi which is never bad
15207s that's what I was just about to ask you
15209s yeah I think so uh at this point maybe
15212s midi just has to be asking himself you
15214s know I I have now seen the second Alibi
15217s I feel like I'm in a strong position how
15220s do I lose from here
15221s and maybe just setting that up or
15223s setting up an alibi is
15226s something
15228s yeah there's also there's a couple of
15230s options right like there's this version
15232s where it's oh I'm so far ahead it'll be
15234s fine got hold of objection as well so
15237s that's gonna uh cause some levels of
15239s trouble for ueq but I do think that no
15241s Gunner would be basically like the the
15243s low the effect was was fine as well I
15245s think meti could just choose as long as
15247s you can completely throw can just choose
15249s a path to Victory here because I'm not
15252s sure what
15254s gets ueq here unless I just can't count
15259s but none of these are forged yeah
15262s there's not that much damage loaded up
15266s already that's one mannered down so
15270s there is the board clay with the force
15272s but
15274s it doesn't matter if there's no alibi
15276s right me to say maybe if mete had like
15278s two cards in hand you could be just
15281s thinking okay they don't have anything
15283s right but I feel like with this it's
15285s actually been the board presence because
15287s although ueq's had hold of safe all game
15289s and Meaty hasn't it just doesn't really
15291s matter
15294s yeah
15296s okay
15298s and this is so interesting as well
15300s because I think for the most part we
15304s kind of saw this panning out as uh uq
15307s kind of was ahead in terms of playing
15309s the spell schools and kind of get
15311s getting things rolling and as you can
15313s see over on the kind of right side of
15315s the screen uh also pulled ahead maybe a
15318s bit the last couple couple of turns but
15320s kind of pulled ahead in terms of hard
15321s Advantage but
15324s meaty put on more pressure and I forced
15327s like you said forced those early Alibis
15329s and now just this is kind of it
15338s and now this should just be plenty
15340s available
15343s that's just going to be game with the
15346s reverberations on the null garden and
15348s that was just game one and honestly
15350s taking nothing really away from ueq and
15352s that must have felt great for as a start
15355s for meeting this winners match right and
15357s the winner of this just moves on to
15358s tomorrow and they're done for the day
15360s and game one just went about as smoothly
15362s as it could get meaty wasn't really
15364s pressured in any way there might have
15366s been the moments where I was thinking
15368s okay my opponent's got a lot of cards
15369s how much damage relatively can they do
15371s but without any build up damage right
15374s because we saw very early on ueq was
15376s down to what 20-ish health and that's in
15379s the danger zone then right you just
15380s think okay one or two more turns and I'm
15382s dead and the Alibis just had to come out
15384s thick and fast whereas meti could have
15387s played an alibi whenever he wanted and
15389s never even really needed to he was that
15391s far ahead which is so strange
15392s considering one player just had safe
15395s ready to go at all times and the other
15397s player did not and but still that was a
15399s great game one for meeting one zero so
15402s far uh that was a tricky one of a I
15404s think rough way to start the matchup for
15406s you again
15407s yeah absolutely I I mean especially
15409s considering as you've said things like
15411s stiff already waiting in hand there was
15413s some damage uh it felt like he was kind
15415s of ahead with playing all of the
15418s different spell schools but just really
15419s it felt like it really kind of came down
15422s to a I have to decide between playing my
15425s things and stopping what my opponent is
15427s doing and there just wasn't enough Mana
15430s there wasn't enough resources to do both
15432s at the same time
15434s yeah looking really good for me to got
15436s the Mage out the way and with the shame
15439s and burns uh oh I've lost my list now uh
15442s but meaty still has uh the Rogue I
15445s believe and
15446s um and the Demon Hunter that's it the
15449s team of the A's playing Outcast right
15450s yeah I just couldn't remember the last X
15451s I've just closed all my deck lists which
15453s is great midcast it's a great play to
15456s make yeah but yeah so uh just game one
15458s of course there's still plenty of other
15459s games uh coming up of not only this
15461s match but plenty more matches for the
15463s rest of the day so make sure to stay
15465s tuned to find out who's gonna make it to
15467s tomorrow as we move into game two meaty
15469s gonna be jumping on that MEC Rogue going
15471s back to the Mage once again yeah have
15473s you played much Mech Rogue so far though
15476s uh you know I did kind of early on in
15478s the expansion But ultimately decided
15481s that especially prepping for this
15483s tournament I kind of wanted to focus a
15484s little bit more on like Mage and Shaman
15486s and some of those otk style Decks that I
15489s personally typically don't play a ton of
15492s uh so I kind of focused in that
15494s direction and but you know not only
15496s playing a little bit less we also did
15498s kind of recently have a Nerf to uh one
15502s of the cards that was being played in
15504s Mech Rogue and a lot of people kind of
15506s dropped it as well so it kind of faded
15508s out for a little bit came back in uh
15510s also talking about this Mech Rogue we
15512s see that got pitched in the Mulligan
15515s midi actually that opting to run that
15518s v07 Tron the Voltron Titan which not all
15523s of the macro glists are including
15526s yeah that's what we talked about earlier
15527s just the uh all the players it's such a
15529s great time for a tournament because
15531s everything's still in the mix right like
15533s I imagine prepping for this tournament
15535s as a player must have been one stressful
15538s but two also fun because it does feel
15540s like you can be a pretty experimental
15542s here and we're gonna see an early
15543s mimarron come out and now our Havoc will
15546s no doubt into you
15549s yeah getting that mimarron out early is
15552s so it's just so impressive honestly I
15556s feel like especially because this five
15558s health is is a little bit difficult for
15560s some of these decks to deal with
15562s especially this early and it's gonna be
15564s a little bit of work for uq to try to
15567s actually answer this before midi's able
15569s to start snowballing it
15572s yeah especially with the coolant in
15573s hands like you may take it just do a lot
15576s of absurd things next turn uh just based
15579s off the hand that we are looking at now
15581s never mind how that hand May uh progress
15583s going forward there is going to be the
15584s keyboard into the flame because as well
15586s which is going to help a little bit but
15589s as you mentioned oh there's Voltron as
15591s you mentioned the member on just pretty
15593s much guaranteed to just sit there and be
15595s happy for a turn can really make things
15597s accelerate
15598s especially with the spider in hand as
15600s well
15601s yeah absolutely I mean stealth is is
15604s kind of a big keyword for this rogue
15609s deck as well
15610s um we talked about or heard about wind
15612s Fury right yeah that can be definitely
15615s something uh as we saw in the previous
15617s series kind of at the end being able to
15619s heal up with lifesteal also very
15622s impactful but against Decks that are
15624s trying to play these spells from hand
15625s trying to do other things to Target uh
15628s being able to stealth this big body and
15632s then be able to to do additional things
15633s with it the following turn pretty
15635s important
15637s yeah I think the only thing meat is
15639s missing right now is just uh a few more
15642s minions to be able to play out right
15644s like voltron's a little bit ways away
15645s that's okay the oscillator's something
15647s oh wait no of course the coolant never
15649s mind it's not for you turns away because
15651s considering I talked about the coolant
15653s about 30 seconds ago I quickly just
15655s forgot I existed for a second there yeah
15657s that's a big big deal just being able to
15659s drop that down and now
15661s uq's got to be sweating
15663s yeah and uh this is an interesting
15665s choice for the Titan yeah I think either
15668s choosing the can't be targeted kind of
15671s along the same lines of stealth that we
15673s were just talking about that could be
15674s pretty impactful but also with only one
15677s four Health minion and then face on
15679s board going for a little bit of a buff
15681s and dealing four uh twice also didn't
15684s seem like that bad of an option
15687s yeah I think I like this though because
15688s I feel like if these stick it only gets
15691s worse for ueq right like it just goes
15694s downhill and we saw the uh the rewinder
15697s which is effectively sap uh going out
15699s there to defend them even more because
15701s you've just got to think at this point
15704s what is the plan here for the Mage
15706s player like what is the out because this
15709s just feels like you're trying to Stave
15710s off disaster even though it's already
15712s happened
15713s uh yes absolutely I think the plan is
15716s survive as long as possible and hope it
15719s all comes together but it's feeling a
15722s little dire already it really I think it
15725s pretty much was just roll the perfect
15727s card from a different class right it's
15729s like yeah find a card that deals with
15732s this somehow in any possible way and I
15736s don't
15736s think
15739s it really does anything let's clean the
15741s scene but
15742s it
15744s that's gonna be it's not just too far
15747s away
15748s so expensive too
15752s yeah it goes for it anyways but yeah I
15755s guess it might be I guess at this point
15756s it's just
15758s you've got to go for the long shots
15760s right it's just one of those things
15762s where it's like right I'm in a bad
15764s situation
15765s yeah I'll play as if things are going to
15767s go my way to get out of this situation
15770s yeah also I think this uh this use of
15773s the you know putting something back in
15775s your hand creating another body on board
15777s it's not ideal but it also does mean
15780s that an additional spell school was
15781s played with that being a shadow spell uh
15784s which could be just building up these
15786s inquisitive Creations here to try to
15789s eliminate stuff off the board but I
15791s don't still don't think it's gonna be
15792s enough well I think it's important
15794s because it helps with the Infuse right
15795s because if this gets infused the cleaner
15798s scene then it will kill both minions I
15800s mean unless there's enough magnetized to
15802s put it out of your range but again
15804s meaty's not going to play around the
15805s discovered uh infused going back to the
15810s ueq's just got to do the long shots and
15812s hope they work out right I think that's
15814s what's gonna happen
15818s yeah I mean I guess at this point maybe
15821s like a Shard of the Naru like uh you if
15824s you got last game right right it would
15827s help but still I mean at the rate that
15829s this game has been going would that even
15832s be enough
15836s yeah outside of a very specific you know
15840s killer thing or remover thing card
15843s even the member on now is just it's too
15846s big right it's just it's the stats don't
15849s matter anymore because it is simply too
15851s large
15853s I mean and the the added can't be
15856s targeted is also really helping media at
15860s this point as well
15863s is this still clean the scene though
15867s it probably has to be right so I think
15869s if that one one goes in
15871s it'll kill the um the Voltron and the
15874s three one right
15887s molten Rune okay random spell time yeah
15890s going for those outs
15905s yeah those seem a little slow going for
15908s the the rush and heal but I don't know
15910s if if this is it okay go away find me
15913s something better yeah and that's the
15916s problem right every option ueq's had has
15918s just been like this would be good if I
15921s had 10 more Mana right yeah but not
15924s really been available to to do now and I
15926s think this is just a yeah I said the
15929s beginning of the end I think it's just
15930s the end or very likely to be anyway
15932s yeah I mean I think not having an answer
15935s for for the memorand over multiple turns
15939s from that start just really kind of
15941s started the downfall uh this Finley did
15944s pick up a solid alibi
15947s I guess that is something right
15951s I'm stretching I agree it's something
15954s yes it's a car and there we go yeah not
15957s too much of a surprise there because
15959s again it was looking Grim I think uq
15961s obviously did their best to to fight
15963s back and try and you know if there's
15965s ever a deck that's gonna oh crazy a
15968s little bit Demon Hunter on the way um if
15970s there's ever a deck that's going to
15972s generate you know some
15974s unforeseen circumstance to actually be
15977s able to uh answer cards with like
15979s untargetable or crazy amounts of Health
15981s it's probably going to be made uh
15984s apologies oh there we go I think we
15985s exist now yes there we are apologies
15987s about that we're real we're still here I
15989s know you'd miss us if we went away Chen
15991s um but yeah that was definitely a rough
15993s matchup and suddenly in the blink of an
15995s eye metis 2-0 up uh are we gonna see a
15998s 3-0 because if so this would be um
16000s absolutely brutal honestly to see
16002s because these matchups have been rough
16005s at best for YouTube
16007s you know I I think that if if this is a
16010s 3-0 sweep I feel like I'm just gonna
16012s have to take the blame because both of
16014s the the kids the matches and the series
16017s that I've casted today would have gone
16018s just uh 3-0 even though we have seen
16021s quite a bit of game fours game fives uh
16025s reverse sweeps even and uh yeah uh I'll
16028s just say if it is then cast a curse I'm
16031s so sorry to those players but it's fine
16033s I'm making I'm making notes now if I if
16036s I ever need a shorter work day I will
16039s request a cast with you at all times uh
16041s because it seems like that's how it's
16043s gonna work but yeah I mean we're gonna
16044s watch a replay but really if you blink
16046s you missed it uh it was memorand uh nice
16049s and early there for me too and then the
16051s rest of the story unfolds in that three
16053s second clip of uh yuku getting
16055s absolutely obliterated so we are going
16057s to see miti uh end up with just the uh
16059s the outcast Demon Hunter left uh what
16062s have you made of outcast because
16063s obviously in in recent history there has
16066s been you know Outcast Demon Hunter A
16068s Relic Demon Hunter into very popular
16070s lists but what do you make of outcast in
16072s this meta specifically like what do you
16074s think it it does that makes it worth
16076s bringing for not just meaty but a few
16078s players in this tournament
16080s uh yeah absolutely I I was bringing this
16082s up when lorenda and I were casting
16084s earlier I am a I'm a huge fan of the
16087s outcast DH right now I think it's
16088s actually pretty decent into this meta
16091s and honestly probably a solid like
16093s fourth deck right that's that's one
16094s thing in Conquest we have to see yeah
16096s foreign
16105s uh as you mentioned we're not that far
16108s out from the expansion and kind of these
16109s these otk decks and I think that some of
16113s these players might also be bringing
16114s Outcast DH as the deck that they're
16116s already very familiar with so they don't
16118s really have to relearn four different
16121s decks they can kind of bring in some of
16123s these Decks that they're already
16124s familiar with and maybe just kind of see
16126s how they pair up into some of the other
16128s Decks that maybe are a little bit newer
16130s and that can help especially when you're
16132s going into these matches that you're
16135s really looking to get solid wins if
16138s you're already very comfortable with a
16139s deck that can definitely go a long way
16142s yeah and I think um it's one of those
16144s things where a lot of the decks uh it it
16147s it's something we're probably going to
16148s bring up all weekend but even the Decks
16150s that are doing big bursts in the late
16152s game they want to be winning the early
16154s game right like look at the the Mage
16156s mirror we cast at the start of this
16158s match where both decks want to do big
16160s burst but the deck that got on board
16162s early applied all of the pressure and
16165s suddenly the big burst didn't need to be
16166s so big anymore and I think that's a big
16169s deal with this Outcast Demon Hunter
16170s where it doesn't well okay it does have
16172s options to burst damage but just not
16175s like the the with spells strictly but um
16178s but I think the getting on board and not
16180s letting your opponent get on board early
16182s is something that's very powerful as
16184s we've seen as we step into turn two for
16186s meaty and already there is a flurry of
16188s minions attacking Yuki
16190s yeah and it's very interesting I think
16193s into some matchups as well like you're
16195s saying this early damage well some of
16198s these decks don't really have great ways
16200s to answer those early boards and as we
16203s see here as well uh Yuki has a super
16206s clunky hand as well which is certainly
16208s not helping maybe coining into this cold
16211s case can stall a little bit of this
16213s damage puts a couple Minions on boards
16215s it kind of can test the this Onslaught
16217s from meaty but is it enough to win in
16220s the long run and how how do you keep
16223s going about that I like the lighting
16225s Nash jar as well in hand potentially if
16227s that's followed up behind the cold case
16229s it adds additional armor that can help
16232s and that might just kind of delay the
16234s game long enough for Yuki to find some
16237s of those other answers
16241s hold on to everything nope
16243s forget everything we just said right
16245s yeah oh look you know what I said it
16248s wasn't through Spells at this detected
16250s burst damage yeah that's it that's the
16253s one million damage being being thrown
16254s out there and
16256s still not looking too good there's some
16259s clear now but the problem is what
16261s happens to the the dark Raven right like
16264s now it's the problem of well you can
16266s clear a bit but not all if you can't
16268s clear all you're dead
16270s mm-hmm yeah and I I think if it hadn't
16274s been exactly that dark Raven there the
16277s uh the pickup of the inquisitive
16279s creation looked pretty good but yeah
16282s yeah not clearing enough ultimately
16286s yeah really tricky as well though
16287s because obviously like how there is
16289s there but matey had glaivetar as well so
16291s yeah there was still plenty obviously
16293s not this level of damage and threat but
16296s there was still damage coming out for
16298s meaty and and Yuki was still uh
16300s clutching for some kind of way to get
16302s some work done here it's gonna be Arcane
16304s bought and then coin creation I guess
16306s yeah I I don't really see any other way
16311s it's something yeah as you mentioned
16314s there's still quite a bit of damage with
16315s things like the glaive tar uh meaty
16318s absolutely could just set that up
16320s at that hero power damage but it's not
16323s enough for lethal this turn but it does
16325s set up a potential two turn lethal
16327s yeah and I'm just staring now trying to
16330s think while the hawk Striders on board
16332s is yeah okay gonna play the Minion and
16334s go into Clive okay I did wonder if miti
16336s was gonna go for the spectral site but I
16338s guess this can always be outcast next
16341s turn uh but with this play as well puts
16343s the most damage in face and now
16346s it's that same issue we sort of saw in
16348s the Mage mirror at the beginning where
16350s is there enough Mana to tick all these
16352s boxes right clear the board and not die
16355s to The Collector uh there is the
16357s artificer now so that is something
16359s especially with the cold case but it
16362s just feels like a delay in the
16364s inevitable at this point
16365s yeah it really does
16369s I
16370s like that's just been the story through
16372s this whole this whole match all of these
16375s games so far the third game
16378s not breaking that pattern midi just
16380s absolutely getting on board or putting
16382s on the pressure every single game and
16386s what a way to go found the lethal yeah
16390s the mental fortitude to be able to
16393s lethal yourself after this series is
16397s absolutely magnificent and I applaud it
16399s because that is the way to go out and to
16402s be able to just do that fair enough but
16404s yeah the meat man taking the match three
16407s zero
16408s that's exactly what you want your day to
16410s look like right if you're playing in a
16412s tournament they're stacked with this
16413s much on the line a world championship
16415s spot is to just say yeah I got into my
16418s winners match and now I just thrilled in
16420s about 10 minutes and then uh yeah I'm
16421s gonna go chill out watch the rest of the
16423s tournament go to bed early get some rest
16424s for the next day uh as meat man now he's
16427s gonna move on like it was another short
16429s and sweet one but any highlights for you
16431s from this very short series done
16434s um yeah I just I I think that overall it
16437s seems like me was able to really just
16438s recognize the lines where he was putting
16440s on the most amount of pressure and that
16443s just seems like something very good to
16444s do in Hearthstone in general but I think
16447s in this meta as well just applying that
16448s pressure and forcing your opponent to
16450s have answers for it and sometimes they
16453s do sometimes they don't and uh oh uq
16456s just did not really have the answers for
16458s it this time around
16459s yeah well that one went past in the
16461s blink of an eye but there's still plenty
16462s more Hearthstone coming up so we're
16464s gonna go to a quick break throughout the
16465s next match so don't go anywhere and
16467s we'll be right back
16485s foreign
16555s foreign
16560s [Music]
16566s [Music]
16578s [Music]
16593s [Music]
16604s [Music]
16611s thank you
16622s [Music]
16626s foreign
16627s [Music]
16636s [Music]
16661s [Music]
16686s beautiful
16701s [Music]
16707s foreign
16724s [Music]
16742s [Music]
16772s foreign
16775s foreign
16783s [Music]
16806s [Music]
16816s [Music]
16824s foreign
16827s [Music]
16856s thank you
16858s Hello everybody welcome back to the
16860s Master's tour summer Championship my
16862s name is TJ I'm joined by saddle my good
16865s pal Long Time Pal solo so how you doing
16870s little buddy I'm feeling much more
16872s comfortable I'm on the correct side TJ
16874s Everything feels normal again I know
16875s which way left is I know which way right
16877s is this is this is fantastic I'm doing
16879s great
16880s um even more so because we've been
16881s watching some some sweet high-level
16883s Hearthstone we've been watching some
16884s sweet high-level Hearthstone that has
16886s also had really silly mistakes in it
16888s which is extra fun like that's the best
16890s kind of hearthstone like not just from
16893s the players as well from the casters
16894s like everyone's everyone's throwing it's
16896s incredible this is the best kind of
16897s hearthstone to watch by far
16900s yeah what what do you think this is a
16902s product of subtle this subpar
16905s Hearthstone is it the lack of oh you
16907s know
16909s I mean first things first don't be
16911s putting words in my mouth I didn't say
16912s subpar this is this is fantastic
16914s genuinely I just think the game's really
16916s hard to play optimally right now which
16917s is why we're seeing like even at this
16919s level
16921s um people are getting into spots where
16923s the the best line isn't necessarily
16925s immediately apparent right and
16927s questionable lines or outright mistakes
16929s are happening I think that's I think
16931s it's a good thing I think that's
16932s something to be celebrated right if
16933s everyone could play the game perfectly
16935s there'd be no point in having this
16936s tournament
16942s [Music]
16944s oh I suppose I see I I paused politely
16946s to allow TJ to respond to my point but
16949s apparently he's having some technical
16950s difficulties so I guess I'll follow up
16952s my own Point instead talk about meaty
16954s doing very well to get out of group a
16955s we'd see uh I'm not sure if we saw you
16957s qualifying through into B
16961s oh I see TJ's having some serious issues
16963s because now we just cut in in the middle
16965s of my sentence responding to the last
16966s thing I said I'll just keep powering
16968s through dear viewers it's fine but we
16970s did uh get gamer rvg losing the
16973s qualifying game uh dropping down to
16975s deciders in group b we will now be
16977s focusing on uh that decider match Casey
16980s and gamer rvg for our broadcast match
16982s that myself and hopefully TJ if he
16985s returns from the depths are going to
16987s bring you
16988s um but certainly very interested in
16990s seeing a gamer rvg play because it looks
16992s like he had a very similar lineup to
16994s what mcbante faces bringing which looks
16996s like a solid lineup all around uh this
16998s one we did follow through uh quite a lot
17000s of we saw pocket train picking up the
17002s big tree over dredi in some real clutch
17006s circumstances a couple of absolute nail
17008s biters back and forth uh pocket train
17011s taking the the risky lines let's say
17013s with the shaman uh getting punished for
17015s it once and then very nearly getting
17017s punished for it a second time but
17020s escaping with by the skin of his team in
17022s the end and then we've seen Gabby Gabby
17024s calling his shot really like Gabby is
17027s Gabby anyone who knows Gabby will be
17029s familiar with the the projected
17031s confidence and the ego and everything
17033s that comes along with Gabby but I think
17035s most importantly Gabby caught his shot
17037s he said everyone in this tournament is
17038s free and so far Gabby has been
17040s absolutely backing that up
17045s testing to okay still nothing are you
17048s there CJ we oh you have no order okay
17051s wonderful
17052s um yeah I think TJ has called to uh
17055s Gabby's called two shot specifically one
17058s being that he was gonna beat everyone
17059s very easily and secondly that he was a
17061s god at Naga Mage which he executed on as
17065s well because we saw that turn that I
17067s called out to Raven like this is where
17069s the Gabby would have killed him meme
17071s comes in and he absolutely did kill them
17073s on that term with the uh the siren
17076s Reverb generate Manor Sif coming down
17079s otk uh turn so Gabby absolutely
17082s threatening to Just Wind the clock back
17084s a year or two and absolutely run away
17086s with this tournament
17088s how we doing TJ
17096s oh I see yeah okay thanks
17101s okay and now all sorts of tech problems
17106s um from my end apologies
17110s because you just talk to yourself
17113s I couldn't hear you on Discord I muted
17116s myself on the Stream
17118s so that I wouldn't say anything and talk
17121s over you and then when I came back and
17123s was finally with you I was muted
17127s uh so you were just laughing to yourself
17129s but yeah
17131s I I feel like we're doing great TJ
17133s honestly I feel like doing great
17135s everything great start precisely is
17136s planned we're doing well great start
17138s yeah
17139s um so
17142s I love now that we have like nature
17145s Shaman and rainbow Mage that you look at
17147s their deckless on these bio pages
17150s and it's like nature rainbow miracle
17155s secrets
17157s is this Hearthstone or a book I'm
17159s reading my three-year-old
17162s oh geez my kids only read like books
17165s about dinosaurs so recently they got
17166s into uh Captain Underpants
17169s which is actually genius writing it's
17173s like a book for kids I think it's
17174s probably like the age age group would be
17176s like probably seven to ten years old
17179s that sounds like something Lorinda says
17181s when he forgets the name of a card
17182s [Laughter]
17185s Captain Underpants nature rainbow
17188s miracle
17191s it's a secret
17193s don't tell anybody about the nature the
17196s rainbows and the Miracles it's a secret
17199s wow I mean honestly this is my favorite
17201s uh fun fact of the day so far Casey
17204s incredibly has once won a game of pasta
17206s that is incredible scenes to be quite
17209s honest
17210s amazing
17214s like I said one favorite classes Rogue
17217s well funnily enough
17218s we're gonna highlight the miracle Rogue
17221s um very odd most players opted for
17224s the uh
17227s macrogue but both players in this series
17230s having the miracle rope
17232s yeah I know something that we've seen a
17234s great deal of so far we have seen our
17236s fair share of macro I think um meaty and
17240s pocket in quick succession I think on
17241s stream both Rock and the the mech Rogue
17243s so we've kind of got used to that so far
17245s but this is kind of just the the Casey
17248s deck right like this is the
17249s quintessential Casey deck he was kind of
17252s responsible for various iterations of
17254s this build step by step and it feels
17256s like some kind of you know concoction
17259s location big ghosts Rogue has been
17262s around ever since those cards appeared
17264s and Casey has largely been responsible
17267s for finding the optimal lists of most of
17269s those variations throughout various
17271s expansions uh particularly because it's
17273s a deck that just continues to survive
17275s the Nerf Hammer right like one card gets
17277s touched then chain like Draka gets
17279s touched okay cool we won't play dracker
17281s anymore location gets changed okay we
17283s just play these other threats so we
17284s don't have to go all in on ghosts
17285s anymore like Casey has really been top
17288s of that list of people who've been
17289s keeping this deck relevant and it is a
17291s real it's the kind of deck where the
17292s people that like it love it right like
17295s they have deep emotional connection with
17297s this deck I think possibly banterface in
17299s like the Q a listed it is is one of his
17302s favorite decks of all time so
17304s um worth highlighting I think since we
17306s haven't really seen it make too much of
17307s an impact on the tournament just yet
17310s yeah there will always be meta games
17312s where just vomiting a ton of stats onto
17314s the board and going all in on on any
17317s given turn is going to be strong right
17320s uh and I I feel like this is one of
17323s those meta games if things start to head
17325s more towards like control decks with
17327s wide removal
17328s maybe it changes maybe Miracle rogue's
17330s not as good anymore
17332s um but for right now at this point in
17334s time I think it is it also has
17336s significant amounts of disruption in the
17340s form of both a double speaker stomper
17341s double Colt neophyte
17344s um so just being able to like
17346s get all this weird chip damage in by
17350s just making your opponent's spells cost
17352s more
17353s is relevant most of the decks in the
17355s metagame are very heavily spell based uh
17359s and so being able to easily fit those
17362s into a lineup I think is uh
17365s is quite good so we'll see how it fares
17367s we're gonna start off with Mage versus
17369s Mage mage
17373s it is funny you kind of forget cult
17375s nearby exists as a card you can actually
17377s put in your deck until Rogue comes along
17379s like there's something about the fact
17380s you get to play shadow step in your deck
17382s that makes cult near fight a very
17383s attractive uh disruption card for Rogues
17385s to play but uh not really any other
17387s classes particularly but we have seen
17389s our fair share of Mage mirrors
17391s throughout the day both in the uh
17394s rainbow vs rainbow form and also rainbow
17396s versus Naga we have seen a significant
17398s amount of as well
17400s um so looking forward to kick this one
17401s off Casey does have a pretty smooth
17403s opening curve no weapon right now for
17406s either player though which is uh kind of
17408s the defining part of the early game
17410s right if one player gets weapon the
17411s other doesn't well we've very clearly
17413s established who the aggro is in the
17415s matchup if that happens
17421s I missed this bunk bed oh man
17425s oh I'd forgotten all about the bunk bed
17428s so much lore just behind one bunk bed
17431s who is it who's hanging out on top it's
17433s fled right it's fled that's up there
17435s just off camera is that right blood's
17436s still up there yeah okay gaming away
17440s it's hard to keep up with with all the
17442s America's law you know like
17444s it's it's vast deep
17449s vast intertwined
17451s full of rainbows made and miracle ropes
17460s soon in there
17462s I did yeah not too many Secrets though
17464s because yeah you and Lorinda will just
17466s blare out everything to the audience so
17468s it's hard to keep a secret under those
17469s circumstances oh tear reality
17474s ghost kind of with the Infinitis the max
17476s dude you hit ice block
17483s it's just Gateway right yeah I was
17485s talking in the earlier series about how
17488s this is a card that can be overlooked
17490s Until you realize but
17492s um with both variations of Mage actually
17495s with all three variations of Mage
17496s because you can play Naga Mage without
17498s the Creations in it as well and then
17500s that still draws a Mech because the
17502s amalgams in the deck are still a Mech
17504s like sometimes it's easy to forget that
17505s you are playing pretty high value met
17507s cards in your Deckers mage
17509s yeah but
17511s this block is so cool what happens with
17515s all of the other cards that aren't ice
17517s block TJ hahaha
17527s I want you to go through and name every
17530s possible card it could be that is an ice
17532s block and explain whether that is good
17534s or bad
17540s why do I get the feeling TJ's about I
17542s don't think
17546s hello
17548s hi yeah sorry you did the thing where
17550s you'd like vanished into the future for
17552s a second and then responded to the thing
17553s I said 20 seconds ago
17559s I'm just gonna assume that TJ's gone
17561s again dear views
17564s Casey dropping the Cold Case
17566s once again no no the player has weapon
17568s which is a good sign for uh if you don't
17571s have weapon the fact your opponent does
17573s not have weapon as well at least gives
17574s you some sort of compensation
17580s gamer probably just responding kind
17587s uh it sounds better now yeah what's up
17589s hello
17591s I think so
17594s if you're responding to what I'm saying
17596s right now say broccoli
17599s perfect we've nailed it
17606s broccoli
17608s I said it later because I was muted
17609s again because I was like but you heard
17611s me when I said it for the first time
17613s that's gonna be the most confusing
17615s possible thing
17618s oh no okay
17622s yeah sometimes in Florida they just make
17624s the internet slower
17625s that makes sense
17627s it's one of the perks so incentivize you
17630s to go outside in the 115 degree heat
17632s indexed heat
17635s yeah it's actually a conspiracy by the
17637s alligators they have to they sabotage
17639s everyone's internet to drive them
17641s outside so they can eat them yep
17645s that's true
17647s their numbers are dwindling so they need
17650s to make a power move quick are they
17652s actually is that is that part real no
17655s idea oh okay
17660s be sad though
17662s they're so iconic
17664s so powerful
17665s go Gators
17674s somewhere in a distant Universe Robert
17676s Wing punches
17688s so it is Jill's ice block
17691s oh were you talking about Firelands
17693s portal I don't think we caught that was
17695s yeah okay yeah we heard that I can't
17699s even name a single card out of the nice
17700s block all I see when I see terriality is
17702s my chance to get ice block oh it's the
17705s ice block card no yeah
17712s I like this by the way I think this is
17714s an underrated play that people don't
17716s necessarily do a lot like that is a nine
17718s Health swing between the two majors as
17720s well as getting another potential spell
17722s School played and a little bit of extra
17723s Tempo on board Plus
17725s some potentially worthwhile cards that
17727s you can play on the following turn as
17728s well I think just straight up Dome them
17730s with a with a Juiced up molten Rune is
17732s something that players don't necessarily
17733s do enough
17735s yeah Casey does play one so that's
17736s something to note
17738s um
17739s some players opt to play two yada yada
17742s but uh he's just playing one but you can
17745s still get there with Arcane bolts and
17748s Flame geysers what have you uh when it
17751s comes to Sif
17752s if that's even needed sometimes you can
17754s just juice them down
17756s but with artificial existing gets a
17759s little bit tougher
17761s so spell schools sufficiently Juiced now
17764s for Casey I think it'll be four four
17767s fives on the following turn uh gamer
17770s would have the initiative to go first
17772s here and not sure what spell schools are
17774s out there's a wisdom in hand so there
17776s looks like three spell schools have been
17777s played based on the cost of wisdom which
17780s certainly would be played here if gamer
17782s has it and I'm sure Casey is hoping that
17784s it isn't I think with every moment this
17786s passes it passes this term without four
17788s or five Elementals appearing on the
17789s board uh Casey is feeling quite a lot
17792s better about his position in this game
17802s [Music]
17803s reality
17809s oh wow okay
17812s going for the Reverb now
17814s um can sometimes be a little bit more
17816s difficult to use
17817s uh in the Mage matchup uh you don't want
17821s to hold on to it too long and he wants
17822s to get the shadow
17824s uh spell school out of the way
17827s and was also counting cards the Abyssal
17830s curse will go away at the beginning of
17832s the next turn so it's fine if he keeps
17834s his hand at 10 cards once the infinites
17837s of Max 2 comes back in the hand because
17838s he'll still get his draw once the
17840s Abyssal curse goes away
17842s yeah I certainly don't blame him you
17844s know doing some finger counting there it
17845s is a little bit counter-intuitive like
17847s playing a finale infinitize actually
17849s adds a card to your hand and then when
17851s you have to compensate for the fake card
17852s that's going away at the start of the
17854s turn as well like nothing wrong with
17856s double checking that making sure you're
17857s getting it right yep
17859s and Casey knows the creation is here
17861s didn't get Divine Shield didn't get
17863s Reborn
17865s um so he knows that it's not long for
17867s this world
17869s but needed to play it anyway
17873s uh only on four as well right the
17874s creation based on the cost of the wisdom
17876s currently uh yeah but isn't it just fire
17880s oh no because it starts on one anyway
17882s right so it'll be five straight up
17886s oh yeah yeah I forget they work it does
17888s start off you can't just impose them
17890s before yeah Shadow Frost
17894s Arcane and
17899s okay just gonna dump get this out of the
17902s hand
17903s objection easy peasy
17908s I used to clean the scene instead okay
17910s sure please clean the scene
17914s gets the holy spell played well it is
17916s useful to do so it makes sense yeah
17919s I didn't think that was clean the scene
17921s I thought it was that five Mana holy
17923s spell that summons a One cost
17925s five five or the opposite
17929s oh the is it the Paladin is it Paladin
17931s code yes
17934s the golden art when it's tucked away in
17936s there they actually look similar
17938s oddly enough
17941s but he hits him with another one I had
17943s the exact same reaction as you but was
17945s it you that when the the gadget started
17947s appearing in Golden from the golden
17948s mimrod I was oh I have no idea no idea
17951s yeah
17954s because they actually look quite a bit
17956s different yeah golden
17958s it's more uh
17960s everything's more blurred together it
17962s feels
17969s oh Taste of Chaos
17975s you sound incredibly excited about that
17977s card TJ it's one of those more cards
17979s yeah
17983s pretty much all finale cards I'm like oh
17985s I guess
17987s oh spin all my mana and then my cards
17989s are yellow oh
17991s I love people cards
17993s oh it's yellow
17999s you gotta do it right yeah
18002s yeah I played
18005s oh more yellow cards are you kidding um
18009s I wouldn't have minded meta there
18014s was for damage but I guess it does not
18016s affect it by spell damage needs
18017s something cheap to dump maybe so I could
18019s start drawing cards
18024s I like how we just haven't even thought
18025s about what Casey's gonna do like
18028s well the last two turns he's had the
18031s ability to play four four fives which
18033s was clearly the best player over
18034s anything else yeah I really need talking
18037s about
18040s ooh
18050s I'm up a handspace might be an issue
18052s until he starts getting these solid
18053s Alibis out of the way because that
18054s Whirlpool is
18056s not doing too much
18058s Elemental inspiration comes down
18061s and has no other good way to deal with
18062s it
18064s which it looks like it might
18070s at least six on the upside of having
18072s found the weapon before being forced to
18074s play Whirlpool so
18079s [Music]
18085s oh he's already mousing over it yep
18089s unbeknownst to gamer rvg reborn was the
18091s uh by far the best one in this situation
18095s [Music]
18114s oh frozen over is interesting
18118s sure yeah
18122s as everyone knows it's the number one
18124s rule of card games that whenever you can
18126s burn any of your opponents cards you
18128s absolutely do that and it's the best
18129s play by far
18130s you have to
18137s said pick strangle thornheart
18140s to resurrect all the beasts that he's
18142s played
18143s yeah I think just took it as a tradable
18145s but then didn't trade it at the end of
18147s the turn I don't know whether that was a
18148s conscious decision or whether that was
18149s just a run out of time kind of do yeah
18152s he's playing around hidden meaning
18155s yep
18157s just getting in the habit mhm
18162s speaker okay so we just saw Whirlpool
18165s killer full Board of the four or five
18166s Elementals right like the four or five
18168s Elementals with the different keywords
18171s are they considered the same minion like
18173s why if one got Shadow stepped back to
18175s hand would it get killed by the
18177s whirlpool I've never seen that
18179s interaction I have no idea
18181s yeah
18183s programs fascinating
18194s time runs out on me that's so weird
18196s looking when you play an un finale felon
18199s flames on so it just looks like nothing
18201s happened at all no it did get rushed
18203s we're good
18215s tough choice does go Alibi in the end I
18217s do think that was an actual
18220s consideration right whether you want
18221s another wave of massive pressure since
18223s your uh your Elemental inspiration is
18226s massively Juiced at this point
18229s chose just to go with the extra copy of
18231s Alibi instead is he gonna Reverb
18235s is there much benefit to I think
18238s honestly the best thing you can do right
18239s now is make your opponent have to kill a
18241s three eight instead of a three one
18245s yeah but it's not like it's not like you
18247s can do two things
18248s okay fine
18250s so right away yes
18254s fine
18264s come on it's always never an organized
18266s before
18267s oh I have Morgan on Plenty TJ
18271s are you in Oregon I don't know where it
18272s was but I had a weird experience where
18274s like I think in my middle or industry
18276s and I gave Lorinda like a mage list very
18279s similar to what Casey and gamer RPG are
18280s playing right now and suddenly like the
18283s whole stream were like oh why is the
18284s Titan in the list the Titan sucks huh
18287s what I got very confused it did feel
18290s like everyone caught the Titan from this
18291s deck for quite a significant amount of
18293s time and then we get back to the Masters
18295s Tour and it's just back in
18300s it can be a little bit clunky
18303s oh yeah for sure but there's some really
18305s cool things you can do with it
18307s um
18310s yeah worth knowing of course the way the
18312s Reverb interaction works like you could
18314s if you want to deal 10 damage to someone
18316s you could just Reverb the Titan first
18319s and then click five damage on each of
18321s them or you can use one ability on the
18324s first Titan Reverb it and then use 10
18326s damage on the new Titan that's just been
18328s summoned which is obviously better
18329s because then you get a whole other first
18331s ability on the first Titan before you do
18333s so so uh Casey taking care of the
18336s mechanics quite nicely in the end
18338s oh oh hello yeah and oh oh
18343s and this still has it's
18345s uh
18346s it's damaged because it was the doubled
18349s one correct
18351s so so we can now just go 10 and 20. yep
18355s but he could have got he could have
18358s gotten Secrets
18361s could have gotten Secrets but this is
18363s lethal anyway so it doesn't really
18364s matter
18365s yeah Fair Point solid solid argument but
18369s could have ended the game with three
18370s secrets so that is true and that is
18374s better
18374s that is
18376s that is better it is much better uh but
18379s yeah game RPG now I'm respecting the uh
18382s the norgannon
18383s uh that was going on from Casey
18386s um because I had to opt for power his
18388s turn would have been pretty bad if all
18390s he had done was just trying to clear
18391s those he could have gone like volcano
18393s empty ping
18395s on one of the norgonons would have
18397s killed cleared the board but then what's
18399s he doing with the rest of his Mana that
18400s turn
18401s he had like triple solid alibi
18405s um and a bunch of other nonsense a bunch
18408s of other stuff that wasn't really doing
18409s anything except for the
18411s Elemental inspiration so yeah I think I
18413s kind of failed to appreciate how deep in
18415s that game we were at that point because
18417s my initial instinct to uh reverbing an
18421s org is like oh you just made it so much
18422s easier to clear right like they can just
18424s play whatever like juice creation and it
18426s clears it anyway like we're at such an
18428s advanced point in the game where gamer
18431s RPG had already used a couple of
18433s generated aoes to deal with the
18435s Elementals right had already used both
18436s Creations to uh clear up boards as well
18440s so it was in a position where actually
18441s that was going to be an annoying board
18443s to clear regardless of Health total like
18446s Ping one and shoot a spell at the other
18448s one is still a majority of your turn at
18450s that point based on what had already
18451s been played in the game so
18453s um I think that play was a lot better
18455s than I initially gave it credit for but
18457s gamer chose to take a somewhat risky
18460s line of saying okay I need to actually
18462s just Jam stuff on the board right now
18464s and then second Reverb ended up being
18465s lethal in the end for Casey but he kind
18467s of pushed the boat out to to get one of
18469s those cheeky lethal setups in
18471s yeah
18473s not bad not bad and yeah you gotta look
18476s at game RPG's hand there if all he had
18478s done is what you said ping and shoot
18480s another Minion
18481s his the rest of his term would have been
18483s what Forge a molten Rune and launch it
18485s face
18486s trade his stranglethorne heart into
18489s something else that he couldn't play you
18491s know this would have ended up floating a
18493s lot of Mana or dumping a lot of burn
18495s spells that he would have needed for
18496s Sith as soon as it was drawn
18498s and also there's like that game of
18499s chicken that goes on at that point in
18501s the game too right
18502s um there's a lot of generated stuff in
18504s the hand there could be discounted burn
18506s damage from both sides who starts the
18509s solid Alibi War when you get deep enough
18511s into the deck where stiff plus spells uh
18514s can kill you from a lot now 40 damage is
18517s really hard but it is what it is
18519s yeah you you have to
18522s um you have to hand track pretty
18524s carefully when you're playing against
18526s Mage specifically and keep track of
18528s particularly discounted generated cards
18531s um because discounted cards from
18533s infinitize for example those can change
18535s the breakpoints for sift damage because
18538s you you can generate extra burn damage
18540s it doesn't really change how much is
18541s possible to play alongside a Sith right
18544s like you can play a safer molten Rune
18546s and then a one Mana spell alongside that
18548s you can replace that one Mana spell with
18551s a different one Mana spell it's still
18552s very similar amount of damage it's only
18554s really if you find something extra from
18555s infinitize where the breakpoints really
18557s go through the roof and that's where
18558s that game of chicken that you were
18559s talking about really comes into play of
18561s using that information as best as you
18563s can
18564s um to get your your solid Alibi timings
18567s just right because if you if you first
18568s Alibi and everyone resolves down then
18570s then you're in trouble
18573s yep unless you factor in that instead of
18575s burn damage from that infinite Tesla
18577s maxitude there was another solid Alibi
18579s that was picked up and then
18581s who knows right
18583s so
18585s um it looks like we are waiting for
18590s there was an admin issue that we're
18591s waiting to have resolved from that first
18594s game so we'll be jumping into game two
18597s uh in a few moments
18599s but
18602s I don't know what do you want to talk
18603s about subtle somebody
18606s uh I want to talk about every Mage card
18608s that can come from terriality TJ and the
18611s relative merits and drawbacks of each of
18613s them is that even something that you
18615s could Google
18618s consumably yeah I mean you could work it
18620s out just from the the online collection
18622s right presumably but yeah but like made
18626s spells from the past so like ambiguous I
18630s guess yeah yeah I get what you mean it's
18632s like well the past also includes
18635s yesterday
18637s so like
18639s past in in this tense Ontario it's not a
18642s keyword I specifically remember playing
18645s a solid Alibi yesterday therefore that
18648s is a card from the past and I wish to
18650s generate it from materiality if I do not
18653s receive one immediately you will be
18655s hearing from my lawyers
18659s uh
18660s evocation that's one of them
18662s [Music]
18666s their reality
18668s you can't it's not a it's a random
18670s effect I guess so you can't get itself
18672s from itself I think I'm just kind of
18674s doing the same thing you are it's like
18675s staring at Casey's deck list and trying
18677s to work out what if anything has gone
18679s wrong here because as far as I can see
18681s everything seemed above board but I'm
18683s obviously not keeping 100 track of what
18685s was going on um but remainder of the
18687s series anyway let's keep this going and
18689s there is the aggro the Arcane Hunter
18691s um which I I believe you and Lorinda got
18693s on board with the name Arcane Hunter
18694s during the previous it just makes more
18696s sense it does make more sense doesn't it
18698s it's like let's call one of the three
18700s Hunter Decks that Play Secrets secret
18702s Hunter no that's not helping anyone
18705s that's not how you name things
18707s um but I am really looking forward to
18709s the road coming out to play in this
18710s series all together because it almost at
18713s this point doesn't feel like a high
18715s level competitive Hearthstone event if
18717s people aren't making 99 ghosts on turn
18718s three you know like that just seems like
18720s something that has to happen at some
18722s point over the course of a tournament
18724s yeah uh
18726s I mean macro kind of does the same thing
18729s yeah sure question mark
18732s like Rogue stick broke decks just kind
18734s of do rogue things where you know they
18737s start to turn with a 2-1 and then you're
18739s either dead or there's like three nine
18741s nines on board
18743s um but we're going to the next game here
18745s uh
18746s Casey is gonna play the Rogue and gamer
18749s RPG is going to be on the mage
18752s mage
18753s and look at this hand what did I say
18755s about nine nines on turn three
18758s I mean
18761s sure all we need is a minion and a step
18764s and we're cooking there's no substance
18767s here
18768s I mean the substance is the thing that
18770s comes out of the sinstone graveyard TJ I
18773s know but this is like if you you know
18775s went to a really nice steak restaurant
18777s and you sat down and they just gave you
18780s like three Stakes
18783s incredible sign me up I know like that
18786s exactly you looked at that hand you're
18788s like oh yes and then if you think about
18791s it like down the road you know in this
18794s instance we're gonna use oh there's a
18796s side of mashed potatoes right there see
18798s yep and now we get a shadow step and we
18801s got some veggies in there so yeah and
18803s then the broccoli's cooking as well and
18805s then the broccoli is cooking yep
18808s and then after it's all done and you've
18810s eaten this glorious meal
18812s the speaker stomper that comes out to
18814s protect it all
18816s that's the dessert
18817s that's the peppercorn sauce slab it all
18819s over the top
18823s this guy stays hungry
18825s [Laughter]
18832s oh there's a minion
18835s next card Shadow step oh I'm lucky okay
18840s what do you mean play sensibly
18843s just assume your next card Shadow step
18845s [Music]
18861s all right back in reality away from
18863s stake based metaphor well it's too late
18866s I'm down the rabbit hole oh okay fine
18871s what are you diving down a rabbit hole
18874s to find rabbits to make steaks out of TJ
18877s you monster
18883s I have no rebuttal
18888s defense rest you're on Earth
18890s the defense rests just like the 15
18893s minutes I rested this delicious steak
18895s for
18899s oh man
18904s you know it's getting close to dinner
18905s time when my analogies start to be food
18907s based instead of boat base
18911s oh yeah here we go
18913s oh come on this looks very much like
18915s Turned four to me oh cool keeps off the
18917s tippity top
18919s all right I mean that is basically the
18921s quality of draw the gamer RPG kind of
18923s needed to uh to stay in this game to be
18925s perfectly honest but oh double
18933s pick yourself up and deposit yourself
18936s directly into the nearest bin
18945s card card card card card
18949s there we go beautiful
18952s oh God I love me some card Rogue mm-hmm
18964s it's a lot of stuff
18970s um
18970s this has already been Frost fire and can
18974s fit in Arcane so this is four it's like
18976s almost
18981s a full clear yeah it's actually pretty
18983s good right
18988s turns out inquisitive creation is also a
18991s heck of a Hearthstone card
18997s okay good draw not for this turn
18999s definitely just five five Tempo this
19001s turn definitely go face
19002s but needed some sort of resource
19004s generation I think potion belt was the
19005s absolute best uh draw in the deck right
19007s because it still has the ghoulish
19009s Alchemist uh Aura discount in play yeah
19012s the door Shadows pretty close pretty
19014s close second
19016s [Music]
19019s this Elemental inspiration is already
19021s pretty Juiced sort of game RBG you can
19023s get through the next turn relatively
19025s unscathed
19028s could have a good follow-up because
19031s probably not expecting too many go uh
19033s too big of ghosts to come out from these
19035s uh next term with only two cards in hand
19037s one of them being or
19039s yeah for sure
19042s still needs to find something to do with
19045s his Mana off this toe that's pretty good
19046s okay yeah Prismatic fills out quite
19048s nicely can just drop the flame Geezer in
19050s there if nothing better is found
19054s lunar lunar eclipse
19058s interesting and it's playable it's also
19061s an extra four or five next turn
19070s and it looks good to me it's actually a
19072s full player with the funkies yeah oh
19075s this is the juice
19078s you idiot you've Fallen directly into my
19081s Trap by infusing my door of Shadows
19083s which will now draw me two potion belts
19085s instead of one
19093s [Laughter]
19096s it has to be potion belt right he just
19098s has to keep digging until it's potion
19100s built oh no
19104s okay okay
19115s double hazy very nice yeah
19123s I mean these are Big ghosts
19132s very big ghost
19136s s
19143s he's still just Elemental inspiration
19145s though what gets me is like he he burned
19148s through so much Mana doing nothing just
19150s to get to the potion belt it felt like
19152s that was a bad thing but the fact all of
19154s the doors just chained into more doors I
19157s changed into Mordor what um does ended
19160s up being good for him because it just
19162s created that insane chain of cards right
19164s it ended up with 11 11's like the Mana
19167s didn't matter because as soon as he got
19168s to potion belt the potion that he
19170s created cost zero anyway from the
19172s ghoulish Alchemist so actually worked
19174s out in a pretty nice way for Casey in
19175s the end yeah perfect Mana utilization as
19178s well
19181s super crisp
19186s ah
19187s it's four right it's four Elementals you
19191s got to do it you gained seven armor
19194s yeah oh it's only three
19203s what so just Frost Arcane and nature
19206s then
19208s fire yeah
19210s wait what
19214s is lunar eclipse a lunar eclipse isn't
19216s uh uh nature right oh it's not nature no
19220s you're right it's arcane
19225s there you go it's either Arcane it's
19228s okay yeah it's okay
19230s whoops
19233s this is what I get for trust in TJ
19234s Sanders
19237s big mistake
19246s oh put your sides juicing
19250s oh my God
19256s Casey's actually pretty close to dying
19260s yeah so much so that had to respect one
19262s of the four fives with the 11 11 right
19264s it's just to take some of the damage off
19266s the board
19267s you know
19271s volume up looking for solid Alibi there
19273s it is
19275s the dream would be solid Alibi and
19278s Reverb here right because then you could
19280s just ship the damage face Alibi this
19283s turn and then you'd have norg Reverb
19285s next time for the test yeah doesn't have
19287s that necessarily guaranteed to turn
19289s setup but does Hit The Alibi which is
19291s the most important piece of the equation
19293s oh
19297s all three of those have their arguments
19305s I think if you're solid alibiing
19309s your minions are probably getting traded
19310s anyway so anti-magic Show Goes Down
19313s Fair yeah you can't fit it in this turn
19315s anyway with The Alibi yeah
19318s so Whirlpool mix uh
19321s a whole lot of sense
19328s [Music]
19337s oh okay
19341s uh can Casey possibly know how it
19343s absurdly clutched that speaker's
19345s photographer is right now nope
19350s it's just the best play though right
19352s like
19353s 100 even if
19356s like he couldn't have anything randomly
19358s generated he knows that there's two
19360s flameel knuckles in hand it's still just
19362s the best play
19363s yep do you double Hawaiian me here also
19367s Whammy
19368s with the cold near pipe nah single huami
19371s only
19374s oh
19376s oh no
19379s how much is it with uh asler 14 15 16 17
19382s 18 19 20 21.
19387s still a lot right still feels quite a
19390s lot like losing you'd still have I guess
19392s Reverb out off the top you can find
19394s Reverb here as well or other sources of
19397s damage nope
19398s take the trainable
19400s and take the tradable yeah for sure
19403s but as it stands right now like Casey
19405s can just go
19406s like ask to oh it doesn't have board
19408s space though actually because you'd want
19410s to play asalo and nearby same turn right
19412s ideally would be your next turn yeah
19417s I think you gotta play the the asler
19420s though
19423s I don't know we say you hate that
19425s because we know he has the whirlpool
19428s true
19439s he thinks he's dead
19445s so he's gonna go the other way around
19447s clear space first and then play the near
19449s fight make sure he's preserving a board
19451s space in case in case of like a third
19453s generated uh Alibi right make sure he
19455s has the board space to be able to play
19456s the Aston Villa next time
19458s yeah
19461s the board gets cleared he's gonna be one
19463s off
19464s [Music]
19467s little
19470s sure is easy peasy
19473s so it wouldn't have mattered whatever
19474s Casey did
19479s as long as we don't screw up our
19481s mechanics here it is inherently possible
19484s but no that looks fine to me
19486s you have to press the wrong button twice
19489s even if you press the wrong button on
19490s the first one you can you can still get
19493s it right on the second one no you can't
19494s if you if you press deal five on the
19496s first one you're cooked right there's
19498s you can't get lethal from there
19501s ah true yeah you're right
19505s so you have a two two out of three
19507s chance
19509s man I pressed the wrong one that's okay
19513s I know like Titan mechanics genuinely
19515s like joking aside they are a thing that
19517s you have to learn though right like
19518s there is a lot going on with Titan
19520s mechanics like essentially a Titan
19523s ability is treated as an attack by the
19524s game and Titans have charge functionally
19527s so when a new Titan appears on the board
19530s it can attack immediately with attack
19533s meaning use one of its abilities but it
19535s does literally have charge now I know
19537s you're making that face at me but it
19539s does literally have charge so because
19541s it's quad Reverb and then charged with
19543s the fourth one yes using all three
19545s abilities yes you absolutely can you can
19547s also so this comes up in macro right
19550s because you can give the Titan wind Fury
19553s using any as the most common version but
19556s you know various other ways as well
19558s um and then if you Reverb it with one
19560s ability left a new Titan appears that
19562s has wind Fury one ability remaining you
19565s can use that one ability and then still
19568s attack face with the newly summoned
19569s Titan as well okay there's all sorts of
19572s cool things you can do with Titans like
19574s you really if you play at this level you
19576s probably are gonna have to dig into
19577s those interactions just so you don't
19578s miss something incredibly Niche when it
19580s comes up in a spot like that
19585s today I learned now I knew the whole
19588s functionally has charge thing did not
19591s know that they actually have charge and
19594s they do they do indeed
19596s yeah because it doesn't say it
19598s no
19600s doesn't say charge saw
19604s I mean the Rogue Titan doesn't even say
19606s tight
19609s yeah it does
19616s tight
19617s if you're from the internet in the early
19619s 2000s it says Titan sure but like uh I
19623s was trying to verbalize how it's spelled
19624s but I can't
19626s is it to one to phone is it a fall to
19630s the a I don't even remember whether it's
19631s a four or not
19632s yeah I think it is to one to four
19636s yeah you're right doesn't say time
19639s anyway
19640s one game to one both Mages have picked
19642s up a victory
19644s um Mage really a deck that is performing
19648s very well in the hands of
19650s very good players overall because if you
19653s actually look at Stats across ladder
19656s even across like high high ranked sample
19658s ladder like top 1000 ladder it doesn't
19661s seem like a very well performing uh very
19663s highly performing deck but then you look
19665s at how many of them you queue into if
19667s you're actually in like genuinely High
19669s Legend right if you're in low double
19671s digits or single digit Legend do you
19673s play against Mage a lot there is a lot
19675s of them up there and a lot of the best
19676s players in the world regard some build
19678s of Mage to be a top three deck in the
19680s game right now and I think you can see
19683s from the way these games pan out there's
19686s so many different choices to be made on
19689s any individual given turn by so many of
19691s these players and yes we've seen a lot
19694s of his solid Alibi like we have seen
19697s that I'm I'm not gonna deny that that
19701s has been a factor I have eyes and I know
19703s the people watching have eyes too but
19705s leading us to those points have been
19708s extremely intricate decisions from a lot
19711s of the players piloting it so I I think
19713s it's a really interesting deck and I do
19714s think that genuinely in terms of like
19717s new archetypes launched into the game by
19719s the new expansion that uh that rainbow
19721s Mage is like right up there in terms of
19723s you know healthy fun archetypes for the
19725s game overall
19727s Casey's certainly not enjoying solid
19729s Alibi no no absolutely not
19733s he won without even having to play one
19734s yeah
19736s because obviously the rational claim
19738s here is that if you make two seven
19741s sevens and eight eighths on turn four
19742s and then Two Eleven elevens two turns
19745s later you should just win the game
19746s automatically and your opponent
19748s shouldn't be allowed to stop that in any
19749s way right like that's that's the
19751s assertion that we're making here that's
19752s I mean that's a fair assumption right
19754s like nothing if I go through all that
19757s work to make two seven sevens
19759s [Music]
19760s you better have the gosh darn respect to
19763s let me kill you with them you best
19764s believe I'm gonna get something out of
19766s it like a wife
19768s I know what that's a problem it's from
19770s something it'll come to me eventually
19771s someone it will I promise it's just this
19775s is a quote that you said
19778s years ago and you're like wow it was
19781s that moment in my life was a lot like a
19783s TV show now that you mention it that was
19786s just my proposal to my wife yeah
19793s fun fact my wife actually proposed to me
19796s [Music]
19797s that is a fun fact look at us bucking
19800s gender roles
19804s thank you thank you thank you
19809s thank you you're welcome I did not I was
19811s the one who proposed
19814s at the top of the uh Tower thingy in Las
19817s Vegas
19819s the tower thingy in Las Vegas I'm not
19822s going with the stratus Stratosphere
19824s Stratosphere oh okay yeah confirmed by
19827s Lorinda the stratosphere apparently
19829s yeah yeah it's all vaguely know of it
19831s but I couldn't even picture it if I had
19832s to
19833s it was supposed you fancy talking about
19835s some Hearthstone TJ
19836s yeah but one sec let me finish this
19838s story okay sure
19840s The Proposal was supposed to be a
19842s surprise
19843s okay
19845s um they have a metal detector before you
19846s can go up to the top of the stratosphere
19850s went through the metal detector oh the
19852s ring Set It Off
19856s and show them what it was
19862s rise was completely ruined
19864s uh did you uh did you get down on one
19867s knee as you presented it to the security
19869s guard on the way in
19871s no I was just like thinking in my head
19873s I'm an idiot why didn't why didn't I
19876s know one even if I'd known that there
19879s was a metal detector I don't think I
19881s would have even thought that the ring
19882s would Set It Off now
19885s uh no no no no I'm on your side no one
19887s plays around that you're not you're not
19888s stupid teacher that's fine specifically
19890s reasonable mistake and then I have such
19892s a fear of authority I could have just
19893s gone oh yeah it's my belt and just
19895s showed them my belt and they would have
19896s been like okay okay that's fine
19899s but I was like they're gonna know that
19901s I'm hiding something else and I don't
19902s want them to think that I'm trying to
19903s sneak something there so I took it out
19906s and showed him
19908s uh my life has been a comedy of errors
19914s all right we can talk about Hearthstone
19916s now
19918s sweet my favorite
19922s we've made it we've made it to the Rogue
19924s mirror I was hoping we'd uh we'd see a
19926s bit of Rogue on Rogue action
19930s it's been a while for sure since I have
19933s dipped my toes in the murky Waters of
19935s Miracle Rogue mirrors
19939s Shadow demise opening hand on coin with
19941s a shadow step ghoulish Alchemist as well
19943s like that is a hand that can go
19946s absolutely wild if a uh if a location is
19950s found if some potion generation is found
19955s Casey on the other hand
19957s not doing a great deal right now
19961s time
19963s well I was going to say time to start
19964s poking but I guess not
19973s oof now already is your hand air in our
19976s Airy enough that you're just going to
19979s double cycle of the ghostly strike I
19982s guess not right because yeah you have
19983s gear shift not particularly used to
19985s playing Miracle Rogue with gear shift in
19987s it
19988s uh did try did you see the like kind of
19990s hybrid list like the the mech Miracle
19993s version of the day that kind of just
19994s played mimeron and the the two Mana
19997s spell for the sparkbots uh alongside
19998s like locations and Shadow steps and all
20000s the other stuff yep yeah I played that
20002s for a little while but nothing uh not
20005s like pure Miracle Rogue just with uh
20008s the draw spells thrown in so I'm not
20010s quite used to being able to use it like
20011s that yeah it's a little clunky
20023s let's play your own foreign
20033s that's not a crazy thought is it
20035s well just be speakers stomper right back
20037s at them
20040s you can belt and it still costs zero
20042s though right like your auras go the the
20044s like the player whose turn is their
20046s auras go last I think
20051s well I think it's the wording of the
20053s card right
20055s possibly yeah no that would make a
20057s difference yeah true it's it's not your
20059s next potion costs XLS it's your next
20061s potion across zero yeah that's bad
20065s but I still like this just because next
20067s time you can Factor the potion belt into
20070s the ghosts exactly you don't want a half
20073s you don't half dump your cheap cards on
20075s this turn right you want to just play
20077s the one expensive card on this turn and
20078s then dump all of your cheat cards next
20080s time
20088s okay time to Giddy Up
20091s let's go yeah
20097s uh he better hit draw here or he's going
20100s to be floating a lot of Manas
20107s funnily enough
20109s how does draw look at that sound
20115s oh in a near fight
20118s okay I didn't quite find the hand to be
20120s able to go for the draw eight line
20123s needed like cheaper minions to dump and
20125s I'm pretty sure if that's possible with
20127s this version of the deck without using a
20129s shadow step before playing the second
20130s draw before
20136s oh well I guess we'll just have to make
20137s do with this turn instead
20142s the triple neophyte
20145s triple Neo fight yeah
20147s extra two two and play 4-4 in play
20153s coin in a one two as well right why not
20155s yep get it in there
20156s get in there and fight buddy
20166s nice
20168s very nice
20171s close
20173s but yeah
20175s real close 19 20 21.
20180s it was just a singular bubbling
20191s I think I just or ghostly strike
20194s to be quite honest with you
20198s okay what if you were lying to me
20203s um
20206s it's a good point
20211s I could have been lying too
20215s 21 wasn't any lethal out
20220s oh it just puts him to one anyway
20222s function like finds near fight though
20224s which is probably better than the dagger
20225s up in the end right but even if he
20226s didn't find the near fight off the draw
20227s you can just dagger up and put your
20228s opponent to one which yeah oh yes
20232s I forgot what Miracle Rogue mirrors feel
20236s like
20238s that's what they feel like yep they feel
20241s just like that
20243s one player gets to have all the fun yep
20248s it's the kind of hand that makes things
20250s happen whenever you have that shadow of
20252s demise and you're on coin you know you
20254s can do some really degenerate things
20256s extremely early right like even if it
20259s does just end up being used as coin that
20261s is pretty often good enough in a lot of
20263s positions if you do find that early
20265s pop-off turn but uh gamer RPG's hand
20268s just kept kept juicing more and more and
20270s more and then hitting draw four off the
20271s potion belt as well was just kind of the
20273s the final insult to uh to Casey in the
20276s end just not really a game that he ever
20278s got to play
20279s yeah pretty rough and now on one game
20283s away from uh potentially
20287s going home
20289s it's been four years since three years
20292s since we've switched to online only
20294s casting and I still haven't found a
20296s replacement phrase
20298s for going home
20299s [Laughter]
20303s he's going home
20304s staying home
20307s the
20309s going
20311s to not play in the tournament anymore
20312s that's it yeah I think we got that
20315s that's it's weird it was if it was that
20316s easy I don't know why you didn't think
20317s of that earlier honestly TJ because
20319s nothing sounds as smooth as going home
20322s no no it's very true
20327s two losses now for the Rogue as well
20329s from Casey we we pointed out as like the
20332s highlighted deck at the start of the
20333s series I I hyped up Casey is you know
20335s one of the best Miracle Rogue players in
20337s the world one of the inner bases of the
20339s deck one of the refiners of the deck but
20342s so far it's just not making things
20343s happen but I don't think that's through
20345s any fault of Casey's right it's been one
20348s very good draw they just got shut down
20349s by side alibis on the other side and
20352s then one just absolute non-game of
20354s hearthstone right I don't think that was
20355s an awful lot that could have been done
20357s to uh to change the timeline in that
20359s Rogue mirror yeah
20362s but we're in a situation where winner
20364s gets to move on to tomorrow and the
20367s loser is going home that's right
20372s the loser goes directly to jail they
20376s they do not pass go they do not collect
20378s two hundred dollars
20380s uh actually they do uh no that's correct
20383s actually yes they do yeah
20385s a little a little bit more than that as
20387s well and it's the loser free parking
20394s and the loser goes away with
20397s significantly less money than they would
20399s have if they had gone on to the next
20401s round and hadn't gone home
20404s that's it that's the one we found it
20410s all right
20416s It's gotta be uh
20418s maybe slightly infuriating to play
20420s against this rogue deck as a shaman
20423s with double speaker stomper double cold
20425s neopite yep but if you're not putting
20429s any pressure on the shaman
20431s none of it matters
20433s and this is I know probably people are
20435s already sick of this at this point but
20437s again this is one of the relative merits
20440s of playing this more Tempo Focus Shaman
20442s list than the version that a lot of
20445s people tried to argue was Stronger like
20447s the much more all-in totem version with
20449s the the one Mana summon four totems and
20451s thing from below and so on is
20454s if your opponent is going to play cult
20456s near fights and speaker Stompers against
20458s you if you're this version of Shaman
20460s they might do that when you already have
20462s a board right and so you can just trade
20464s some of their stuff or you can continue
20466s to be aggressive with the board that you
20467s already have maybe you've opened a
20469s schooling in your hand already so you
20470s just have three fish that you can play
20472s to clear the board potentially you can
20474s just fight much much better for Tempo
20476s whereas the other more all-in combo
20478s versions of the deck like if you just
20480s get speaker stompered with one of those
20481s decks you're you're in trouble your deck
20483s basically does nothing it has it has no
20485s outs against those kind of situations
20486s but you can see already that it's just
20489s kind of playing three twos on curve like
20491s one man of blood fan Raptors and hit you
20495s unlucky
20498s yeah I was gonna say what's the punish
20500s for going base well this exact scenario
20502s is the punishment increase in that
20503s instance because you make the pre-trade
20505s that's not a future side that would have
20508s to be a potion belt which is a much
20509s easier board to deal with
20512s when the turn flops back over so
20515s now gamer RBG is uh back to square one
20518s now with 100 percent less novice zappers
20521s in the deck
20524s yeah and I think uh Lorinda alluded to
20526s this earlier that this is another drum
20529s that I love to bang about this deck
20530s which is you really want to have three
20532s man on turn three because you can do a
20534s lot of powerful things on turn three
20535s with three Mana uh gamer RPG just chose
20538s to go full aggro with the double novice
20540s zapper start chose to push damage early
20542s on as well which again as a game plan
20544s and as I was talking about this on turn
20546s one right like as a game plan against
20548s the double speaker stomper double Colt
20549s near fight deck chip damage early into
20552s just shoot your Spells at face unwarned
20555s at some point right that's not a bad
20556s plan to have overall I don't fault that
20558s necessarily uh it's just the fact that
20560s the because the putricide punish was
20563s there and so devastating gamer RPG is
20565s now so far behind in this game right now
20582s super aggressively fighting for tempo as
20585s well is Casey you see like no no real
20588s thoughts of holding bone Spike for a big
20590s pop-off combo turns or anything like
20592s that just straight off Max Tempo make
20595s sure I'm dominating board because if I'm
20596s dominating board then uh then my
20599s disruption cards are infinitely more
20600s powerful than if I'm not
20603s yeah and threw away speaker stomper and
20605s krabatoa which are to be fair can be two
20609s pretty good cards in the matchup yeah
20611s um in order to just try and find the
20613s even more powerful cards in the matchup
20615s uh like really wanted to look for like a
20617s graveyard in the sense and something to
20618s capitalize on the cheap stuff that he
20620s already has in hand
20622s and that's why I held on to still the
20625s free potion for next turn because he's
20627s got the draw potion so if you use your
20629s Mana drawn to graveyard then you can go
20631s for pop-off turn
20633s which is good into the golgonath
20636s if you make big lads
20641s of an even larger lad there you go you
20645s can't say Lads and not use large as the
20648s uh as the descriptor you can't say big
20650s Lads that doesn't work at all it's large
20653s lads
20654s oh
20656s that's just your manager too
20660s so it's it's it's big boys large Lads
20662s and uh giant gentlemen that's that's
20664s what it is
20668s and ubiquitous units
20674s and unbelievable believably big units
20678s nailed it
20681s and those units are going home
20683s [Laughter]
20699s look crab I told you in the deck stay
20706s you shuffled astalor crab
20712s it's like a revolving door
20718s uh I think this is the worst Shaman hand
20720s I've ever seen
20734s like this hand is so bad you want to
20736s play Golden Earth for draw three and
20738s then try and find like lightning storm
20740s or something
20742s is that the out as opposed to just going
20744s for the straight-off AOE
20747s I don't know yeah if you go for the AOE
20749s you never win the game oh deal 20 you
20751s just take the deal 20 okay
20753s and then just try and protect it with a
20755s lightning bolt
20757s um
20757s uh does gamer even play storm in fact is
20760s a card that uh some people are cutting
20764s yeah one like
20776s now back to square one
20778s Miracles can happen
20784s but this was like flash of lightning
20787s into
20790s ancestral knowledge into like double
20793s reflexes and the next turn you drew like
20796s Barrel spirits
20799s yeah
20800s yeah
20802s I mean yeah if you just drew ancestral
20803s knowledge off the top but ancestral
20804s knowledge just drew double reflexes
20809s no you'd read after draw yeah like yeah
20811s in any order you use ancestral knowledge
20814s and flash of lightning and then end up
20816s with two lightning reflexes in your
20817s hands like there's a couple of different
20818s orders that could happen in and just by
20821s having the two the two reflexes in your
20822s hand you might be able to find lethal
20824s from that point with uh with the one
20826s weapon swing still remaining as well
20838s oh
20842s I don't like it just I don't like it
20845s launching lightning bolts at minions um
20857s even though they're almost played in one
20859s was already in the hand he gear shifts
20861s and acelor and krabatoa come back
20866s oh yes
20870s yes just just quadruple whammy Shadow
20872s set the neophyte play the speaker
20874s stomper press the button
20876s spells cost four more
20881s yeah because with regular cost spells
20884s gamer rvg's turn was incredible this
20886s turn right
20896s this is an absolute Nerf shopping kind
20898s of game it sure is
20905s all right tide series
20908s we've had a couple Go the Distance so
20911s far today
20913s this being one of them it's gonna come
20915s down to Shaman versus Shaman is that
20917s what it is and it's part of the idea
20919s behind this lineup right is uh shaman
20922s it's you're playing Shaman because most
20925s of these players do just believe in the
20927s power of Shaman overall but I think the
20929s players who have brought this version of
20930s Miracle Rogue this is part of the
20932s thinking right it's like this allows me
20933s to not have to ban Shaman because I I
20936s gain one extra positive matchup with
20939s quad disruption Miracle Rogue against
20941s Shaman you know it can be more
20944s competitive than it just looked because
20946s that was a miserable hand from gamer rvg
20950s but certainly this is somewhat close to
20952s the theory of the way this deck is
20954s designed for the tournament
20965s I'm getting the distinct impression that
20966s TJ may have abandoned me as well so I'm
20968s gonna keep talking
20970s um oh is he is he he's here can you hear
20973s me I'm gonna assume not yeah so I it is
20976s going to come down to Sean versus Sharma
20977s which is a scary mirror for sure
20981s um it's
20983s again pretty Tempo based overall I would
20986s say with uh both players fighting for
20988s the board early Whoever has the board
20990s early can tend to threaten more lethal
20993s situations more quickly cause the other
20995s person to be play scared so we will we
20998s will see what it comes down to here
20999s because I don't think we've seen too
21000s many of these just yet
21003s Casey instant full Mulligan gamer RPG
21007s taking a moment before deciding on the
21011s opening hand Casey does find the
21012s schooling the one-off lightning storm
21015s probably
21017s not the tool you want to be having in
21019s your opening hand
21022s sorry if I wasn't responding to you
21024s sorry if I wasn't responding to you so
21026s you're
21027s for some reason I couldn't hear you but
21029s it seems the stream could so oh well I I
21032s definitely blame you anyway oh yeah
21034s because as soon as somebody else came in
21037s to see if it was just me or if it was
21038s you it fixed so now I just look like it
21041s idiot it's all just a giant prank I just
21045s actually have a very convincing robot
21046s voice impression and I was doing that
21048s deliberately until you asked for a
21051s technician to come in and listen to me
21052s and then I stopped doing it immediately
21054s you Sly a little Goose you no
21058s all right you probably talked about this
21060s mirror match I'm sure you did I did too
21063s okay I'm sure it was lovely thanks
21069s for let me actually go far enough to say
21071s a great deal because I got distracted by
21072s The Mulligans but
21074s um this is one of the matchups actually
21076s where early chisel is not a something I
21079s don't mind like again I think chisel was
21081s a pretty overrated card in terms of
21085s multi-functionality right like it kind
21087s of does one thing which is set up boards
21090s for free to use with your combos
21092s sometimes it can be useful against like
21095s Hunter if they play costume singer on
21097s term one right and you can clear up that
21098s that's it can be kind of useful
21099s sometimes but actually in this matchup
21102s the the threat of just a bunch of totems
21105s on the board is kind of annoying for the
21107s other
21108s um Shaman to deal with because they only
21109s really have uh piranhas or turn the
21113s tides that actually interact with that
21115s well from hand otherwise sometimes
21117s they're having to decide whether to like
21118s storm aboard a four totems or just let
21122s the turn pass back to you starting the
21125s term with four totems in play which can
21127s be very very scary right so I do you
21129s think it's kind of an annoying card to
21131s have for your opponent to deal with in
21132s this matchup
21137s chisel is a much better card when you
21139s pair it with
21141s Atomic evidence
21144s TJ careful now and I think totemic
21148s evidence is the better list we got him
21153s you're coming very close to incurring my
21155s wrath
21159s pick him away bailiff
21164s Twitter that the majority of people are
21166s playing in this tournament and all the
21168s responses that goes like oh you're so
21169s far behind why aren't you playing the
21171s totemic evidence list because it sucks
21173s you dummies that's why Jesus
21178s foreign
21191s ERS back into it but if the Piranhas
21194s weren't there if you're not talking to
21196s temic evidence then how are you supposed
21198s to get
21199s so many minions for your bioluminescence
21205s um uh
21206s fish feral Spirits turn the tides
21209s discover stuff
21212s not much spell damage how much spell
21214s damage do you get for one Mana
21217s with fish
21220s zero spell damage
21222s how much if you've opened the fish
21224s already then one yes
21227s see I I threw your bone okay and Arden
21231s assumed that you had spent the one man
21233s what about totemic evidence
21235s uh six
21238s wait what will you play 2-0 Mana thing
21241s from below's at the same time because
21242s you've just made them cost zero by
21244s summoning four totems
21252s I think I've shocked TJ into Silence
21254s with that response
21256s meanwhile Casey just absolutely ripping
21260s his way through a uh bioluminescence
21263s turn of his own
21266s only fine zap off the Discover though
21269s does not get any extra sources of damage
21270s so now does have a little decision to
21272s make
21273s gonna trade the one one
21280s launch the lightning ball I feel like
21281s you
21282s feel like he's lightning bolt do you
21283s know apparently you don't
21292s yeah gamer rvg with a little bit of a
21294s reaction to that turn like surprise me a
21296s little bit as well Casey just went in
21298s very very quickly um there was you know
21300s there's some aspect of the Titan was on
21301s the board on the other side so you're
21303s going to need to commit some amount of
21305s resources to dealing with that anyway if
21307s you're going to commit resources then
21309s committing Resources with spell damage
21310s does kind of make sense
21321s thank you
21336s always little time
21339s gamer rvg
21341s absolutely not pleased with the way this
21343s has panned out though
21346s yeah I'm gonna have to drop the storm
21353s clear up both players having to use
21355s significant resources here to fight back
21357s and forth
21363s huge pickup with the ancestral knowledge
21365s in terms of reload Casey having
21367s committed so many resources on the
21369s previous term
21371s being able to drop the end zone pick up
21373s the ancestral knowledge as well to keep
21374s the hand size High very very very very
21376s very nice gamer RPG now back in the same
21378s position really
21380s that he was in the previous turn just
21382s facing down a board that kind of
21384s represents lethal if it's left up on the
21386s other side but again doesn't want to be
21388s in the position where he's just sinking
21389s burn spells into five fives on the other
21391s side
21398s you didn't even need me so don't worry
21401s I would just slowed you down
21408s I don't
21410s um I was gonna say I don't know if
21411s that's true I think I don't disagree
21413s would be the best way to phrase it
21415s I don't necessarily category
21417s okay he paused just really think about
21419s it he's like maybe I would be maybe I
21422s would yeah maybe actually all of these
21424s other clowns have just been holding me
21425s back this entire time yeah
21428s Maybe
21429s I will say the the moment you chose to
21432s disconnect was very ill-time because I
21434s got distracted by looking over to see if
21436s you were still connected or not and then
21437s missed the start of Casey's pop-off turn
21439s so I can't correctly evaluate whether it
21441s was a good decision or not but here we
21443s are
21459s um
21467s turn the tides
21469s yeah
21471s weird outcome honestly one of the
21472s situations where I think Casey would
21474s have wanted this to be bioluminescence
21476s number two I would imagine is like the
21478s premium Choice with one bio already
21481s being used
21487s because with the ends of discount I
21488s think he can have a still have a very
21490s real star but lethal just using the ends
21492s of discount on the following term
21496s okay well just do that instead that
21498s makes sense
21501s was it just it now no shot
21509s oh 17 yeah
21510s it's exact is it not
21514s 6 12 17 yeah it absolutely is what okay
21517s great recognition from Casey that was
21519s absolutely not on my radar and over the
21522s course of the the two turns absolutely
21524s gets there a little mini pop-off
21526s clearing the Titan gamer rvg reacting
21529s you know very uh very emotionally to the
21532s the turn that Casey had he had a
21534s miserable turn on the backswing trying
21536s to uh clear up the problem and I think
21538s particularly something you do have to
21540s look out for in in Shaman mirrors where
21542s if you can land a Radiance specifically
21545s as a three four uh and have a swing turn
21548s that three four is really annoying to
21551s deal with on the other side right like
21553s yep turn the tides doesn't deal with it
21555s unless both sides go into it lightning
21556s storm doesn't deal with it a single
21558s crash doesn't deal with it so all of a
21560s sudden they're having to just two for
21562s one themselves just on that one card let
21563s alone the rest of your board
21565s um so I think again I didn't necessarily
21567s see the exact point in time so I got
21569s distracted by uh by TJ trolling the
21571s broadcast by uh disconnecting every five
21573s seconds
21574s um but certainly the position that Casey
21576s fought himself into the uh he could
21578s struggle to argue with the end result at
21580s the very least
21581s yeah
21582s to prefer I didn't disconnect it
21583s disconnected from Discord specifically
21586s so I could still watch the games I could
21588s be here literally the only thing I
21590s didn't have access to was hearing you
21594s honestly it sounds like your Hearthstone
21596s viewing experience just increased
21598s significantly yeah I was just sitting
21600s back and enjoying the match
21602s um but yeah Big Win for Casey Casey
21604s we'll move on to play in the top eight
21606s tomorrow you know what's coming game RPG
21611s going home
21613s go in home in the rise of the Americas
21616s continues uh
21618s I was gonna say when did you call it out
21620s like off the round one you were like
21622s rise of the Americas and now what are
21625s fight are qualify as a gabby pocket
21627s train
21629s uh Casey you and one other that I'm
21633s quite recall off the top of my head
21634s right now yeah it's looking like Europe
21637s business as usual honestly from my
21639s perspective
21640s yeah
21642s it's meaty meaty yeah of course thank
21645s you yeah dread I still got a chance so
21647s uh we'll see we'll see if Jedi can do it
21649s to complete the rise of the Americas
21651s because he was the one who I was
21652s referring to when I said that oh but
21654s that does it for uh me and saddle uh for
21657s now I was gonna say for the day for the
21659s day as a pair but for now individually
21662s um we have three deciders left on the
21663s day so three more matches where
21665s someone's gonna go home someone's gonna
21666s move on uh before we jump into those
21668s we're gonna have to go to a quick break
21670s don't go anywhere more Hearthstone to
21672s come right after this
21680s thank you
21713s foreign
21719s [Music]
21726s [Music]
21751s foreign
21766s [Music]
21772s [Music]
21788s [Music]
21799s [Music]
21810s [Music]
21817s thank you
21828s [Music]
21833s [Music]
21844s [Music]
21853s thank you
21867s [Music]
21876s thank you
21879s [Music]
21907s [Music]
21930s [Music]
21941s foreign
21948s foreign
21949s [Music]
21989s [Music]
22010s thank you
22012s foreign
22013s welcome back we are getting ready to go
22016s into our next match of the day and it's
22018s well I was gonna say I'm being joined
22019s I'm actually joining subtle here because
22021s he's not left
22022s um how's it going so far so we've had
22024s some pretty close matchups across the
22026s day we've got a couple of three O's of
22028s course thrown in there as well some
22029s one-sided looking matchups but overall
22031s it does feel like this is as close as it
22034s gets really in terms of just match after
22036s match
22037s yeah I think so I think we've seen uh
22039s some really close series I think we've
22041s seen some series decided by some pretty
22045s overt player mistakes I think we've seen
22047s series decided just by like a lineup
22050s diff right like someone's just got a bad
22052s deck in their lineup and it hasn't
22053s really got there
22054s um and we've seen some games and
22056s therefore some series just you know
22057s decided by luck of the draw like the
22059s Rogue mirror in the previous series that
22061s we just watched right like there's no
22062s point trying to pull the wool over
22063s anyone's eyes with that one but I think
22065s if you have a range of all of those
22066s things happening in the same Hearthstone
22068s tournament you're probably doing okay
22069s right it means that there's a lot of
22070s things for us to talk about a lot of
22072s things for people to focus on and
22074s um I think a lot of agency and decisions
22076s being made for a lot of these players
22077s who are just about making it over the
22079s line as Casey did in that previous
22081s series that we just looked at yeah and
22083s we take a look at the uh the first
22084s finished Group which is Group B here as
22087s you and Casey go through and again we
22089s said we open the day right we open
22091s seeing all these brackets with how they
22093s started we're saying like it's so
22095s stacked as it is going to be for for
22097s this it was that for the last Master's
22099s tour and no doubt the next one as well
22101s but yeah some great players making out
22103s of course we're now going to check out
22105s the next matchup that we are covering
22107s next which is going to be Hemlock versus
22109s wreckvam see who's going to be joining
22111s Gabby making it out of group D so um the
22115s both these excuse me both these players
22117s are bringing it's a bit weird to say
22119s this while feeling someone I mean like
22121s non-standard lineups if standard lineups
22124s are even exist right now but they are
22127s bringing a couple of out there decks
22129s most notably Hemlock with an enraged
22131s warrior in the lineup yeah there's an
22134s enrage Warrior from hemlock there is an
22137s outcast Demon Hunter from wreckfam as
22139s well which you can you can see from the
22141s background will be queued up game number
22143s one
22144s um outside of that we've got some MEC
22145s Rogues thrown in there from uh from
22147s wreckvam as well and we also have a uh
22153s coming out yeah of course you say Naga
22156s major I say hunter it's like oh yeah The
22160s Duality of hearthstone casters you can
22161s tell what we're excited about
22164s um the Naga Sith Mage variant as well
22166s from Wreck van and we have seen I don't
22169s know if we've seen both varieties on
22171s stream but in the tournament there is a
22172s pure Naga Mage and there are Naga Sith
22174s Mages as well alongside the rainbow
22176s Mages that have been making up the
22177s majority of the the Mage play overall
22180s and so far the Naga Sith players have
22185s been bearing fruit right like I don't
22187s know how much of that you want to give
22188s credit to the deck because the two
22191s players I'm about to reference are Gabby
22193s and pocket train it might have very
22195s little to do with which decks they're
22197s playing and quite a lot to do with the
22199s fact that they are Gabby and pocket
22201s train but honestly part of being those
22204s two people is bringing good lineups to
22206s tournaments right and also hitting the
22209s skill cap I think one of the points when
22211s players Ascend to like that best player
22213s in the world level where Gabby and
22214s pocket train have arguably both pushed
22216s to a very points in the last three or
22218s four years of hearthstone part of being
22221s there is that you get to play Decks that
22223s other people don't because they can't so
22226s they just have like a 50 win rate deck
22228s and you have a 65 win rate deck
22231s um and I think perhaps an argosithm age
22233s is one of the Decks that absolutely
22235s falls into that category and what do you
22237s think as we take a look at this in Rage
22239s Warrior from hemlock what do you think
22241s the thought pattern was what does this
22243s deck achieve in this in the sort of
22245s expected matter of this Master's tour
22247s what was going through hammock's mind so
22250s Theory number one Hemlock is just a data
22254s monster or a stats monster because if
22256s you look at online data
22259s um this beats everything genuinely I'm
22263s gonna start killing it now yes that's
22265s one it's one of those decks where like
22267s you know generally people who are trying
22268s to analyze the situation will look at
22270s the data that's being reported like more
22271s people should be playing this because
22273s it's it's showing High win rates against
22274s most of the Decks that people are
22276s currently playing
22277s um I don't think that's necessarily true
22280s like I I'm currently of the opinion that
22283s like online Data Tracking websites are
22285s less useful to competitive play than
22288s they ever have been because I think the
22290s gap between like a top 1000 Legend
22293s player which is the highest kind of
22295s sample size that's being tracked on so
22296s it's like that and
22298s Gabby and pocket train and wreckfam and
22300s Hemlock right like the players that
22302s we're seeing in this tournament I think
22303s that Gap is wider than it's ever been
22305s um but certainly if you were to factor
22307s that into your decision uh in Rage
22310s Warrior would be pretty high on the list
22311s of things that you might end up playing
22312s because it does report very very well
22315s based on that data yeah and Requiem
22317s definitely understood the assignment on
22319s the notes as just promoting his own
22321s twitch stream which is definitely uh the
22324s correct play and we take a look at
22325s Outcast Demon Hunter and I do completely
22327s agree just going on that with a warrior
22329s conversation a bit more is that it's
22331s it's one of those Decks that would be
22333s good for an Old Masters Tour where
22335s there's you know hundreds of players to
22337s get through right whereas maybe for
22339s something this narrow you know we'll
22341s have to see how it performs but Outcast
22343s Demon Hunter I have cast this deck once
22346s today and it lasted about five minutes
22347s if that as meaty just steamrolled the
22350s match up
22351s um what if these this Decker this
22355s Outcast Demon Hunter is it really just
22357s played because it just goes a little bit
22360s quicker than the Decks that are trying
22361s to play for board and do some kind of
22363s big otk combo later on
22366s more or less yeah it's kind of the spot
22369s it finds itself in where
22371s um it is able to win board very
22374s effectively against decks where winning
22377s board early between like turns one to
22379s four is largely what matters right
22381s um but it also has the capability of
22384s just dealing damage from off board in
22386s the right sort of situation as well
22387s right just by sinking glaive tar damage
22390s into the face and and getting over the
22392s line if it's able to be forced off board
22394s in the mid game too so I think it is
22396s very well equipped and this is honestly
22398s it's kind of a similar story to the
22399s enrage Warrior where this is a kind of
22403s an older meta deck that will naturally
22406s skirt under the radar for quite some
22408s time right because people are more
22410s excited about like oh let's put this
22411s Titan in this deck and build a new
22413s Titan's deck and so on and so forth
22415s right so we figure out that macro is
22417s good we figure out that rainbow Mage is
22419s good we figure out that nature Shaman is
22421s good
22421s then I think step two almost is okay now
22424s what old decks can we bring back into
22426s this right here that makes sense in
22430s terms of match-up spread and certainly
22431s if you are looking at a lot of the data
22433s uh in Rage Warrior reports very well and
22435s Outcast Demon Hunter reports very well I
22437s feel like Outcast Demon Hunter always
22439s pops its head round the door at some
22441s point in most meta games like hey has
22444s everyone forgotten about me because you
22446s can you can just play a million damage
22448s by turn three and then hit your opponent
22449s in the face with big weapons like I see
22451s all this fancy stuff that everyone is
22453s doing but can I interest anyone in
22454s playing your cards and going face it
22456s feels like while the sort of new age um
22458s you know like the uh slightly older
22460s Rogue styles with like you know drawing
22462s the whole deck whether it had garot in
22463s it or not it was like feels like that
22465s right where it's like Oh no just playing
22467s a lot of stuff for high value is just
22471s going to be good at least to some extent
22473s and then when you add good players on
22475s top of that of course it's definitely
22476s going to be something and we are going
22478s to be seeing the Demon Hunter kicking it
22480s off in game number one for requiem on
22482s the bottom here Hemlock going to be on
22484s the Mage though and again this is
22486s another matchup where yes Mage has
22488s access to removal but do they have
22491s enough removal early enough to stop sort
22494s of the tide coming in from Air from this
22496s Demon Hunter because we saw at least
22498s again when I cast the uh the meaty game
22500s of meaty playing this it was just
22503s something something
22504s hilarious dead right and it's like that
22507s your Mage has the ability to clear
22509s things like that with the right opening
22511s hands but if some of those tools come a
22513s little bit late it's just not going to
22516s be good enough
22517s yeah I think largely Mage does spot
22521s removal right like outside of
22523s inquisitive creation which is just a two
22525s of in the deck you don't have to draw
22526s them and even if you draw both Outcast
22529s Demon Hunter can generally create more
22530s waves of board than two inquisitive
22532s Creations are going to deal with
22534s especially if they draw a globetard to
22536s stay high on resources outside of that
22539s it's flame Geezer it's an Arcane bolt
22542s it's a Reverb which isn't a particularly
22544s good card in this matchup either right
22545s it's these kind of one for one removal
22548s cards which lose efficiency when they're
22551s facing down you know a hand a discounted
22554s Wayward sagehand that plays an outcasted
22556s security for example like what's your
22559s One Flame Geezer going to do against
22560s that really and also a pretty decent
22563s deck when lined up against potentially
22566s repeat solid Alibis right because you
22568s are doing multi-hits as op to sort of
22571s you know dropping a single big Minion or
22573s two to then sort of just a head put into
22575s that alibi 20 deal one and is a board of
22578s just a lot of different minions than
22581s those hitting against Alibi will not be
22583s as terribly impacted as it would if it
22586s was just like annotate right so that's
22588s another side benefit there a Hemlock
22590s does have access to both Alibis nice and
22593s early and the creation as well but again
22596s it's about getting there and being able
22597s to actually utilize that AOE in the best
22600s way because wrexham's hand is looking
22603s pretty good for the early game enough
22605s pressure and enough value yeah goes coin
22608s Sage to begin with and then holds on to
22610s the face Outsider which I do like uh I
22614s imagine the fierce Outsider is going to
22615s be like a long term held here until
22617s after the glave tar because the discount
22619s hit the glave tower as well so that can
22621s all happen very very quickly and you can
22623s start juicing that super quick uh with
22625s an outcasted Fierce Outsider into a
22628s further discount on some other card
22630s found from military studies for example
22632s yeah
22633s okay gotta go for metamorphs fam like I
22636s was actually looking at the uh the anime
22638s dead there just be like well there's
22640s something on board it's probably gonna
22641s die
22642s is one Mana proc the Shadow and then
22645s just you know bring something back
22647s against this deck okay maybe
22652s the hawkstrider draw has made this
22655s Choice a little trickier I think because
22659s it's now not a hand where you're going
22661s to be able to chain everything from the
22663s left hand side right like other if
22665s you've drawn another cheap card like a
22668s one cost card instead of that horse
22670s rider Rancher you could say okay turn
22672s three I play glave tar then turn four I
22674s play my entire house starting from the
22677s left hand side in sequence right and
22679s then this um Crimson sigil Runner would
22681s end up being outcasted on the far side
22683s as well
22684s um as it is uh recfam is going to be a
22687s little bit blocked by that hawkstrider
22688s Rancher if of course he wants to choose
22691s to go glavtar here because now looking
22693s at it the other way glass half full he
22695s now has the option to just make the
22697s hawkstrider Rancher board instead of
22699s going for the glave tower if he wants to
22700s go that way around yeah that's what I
22702s was looking at as well like with the
22703s sigil being held it's like less of
22705s potential card drawing more just another
22708s thing on board if you can afford it for
22711s breakfast and look again
22714s really tricky discovers because these
22717s are I would say like
22718s you use tick the box that says high
22721s value and do not tick the box that says
22723s immediately useful uh right now with
22726s these discovers unless the fireball's
22728s got enough removal in some circumstances
22730s I guess
22731s for a brief moment and I think some
22734s people are still doing it somewell was
22736s played in this deck hmm
22739s not that I'm advocating for picking it I
22742s think that's a terrible choice I think
22744s putting it in your deck is a terrible
22745s choice but it was a thing well enjoyer
22747s I'm not a sonwell enjoyer now
22751s it took me a while sometimes this is
22753s hard to get a handle on right because
22755s everyone's always like uh like the new
22757s log uh new log the New York location
22761s um you get to turn seven right and like
22763s everyone in Channel immediately you're
22765s like oh Auto yog and every stream is
22767s like oh you have to York here it's
22768s always yogg and you never quite know how
22770s much of that is ironic but it turns out
22771s that a lot of the time though that's
22773s actually true yeah people do that with
22775s sunwell as well right like oh it's
22777s always fun well you have to pick from it
22779s never is that's 100 ironic it's never
22782s Sun world the problem I've had with
22784s someone is that I just never really know
22786s when to play it it always feels like but
22789s I could play it now but then I don't get
22790s this or I could play it then and then uh
22792s it gets really weird I end up just never
22794s playing it when I pick it and then just
22796s sit and regret My Life Choices yeah I
22798s can see the fireball though used as
22800s decent removal for dealing with one of
22803s the the more important threats currently
22805s on the board but still even with this
22807s removal there's still a lot of pressure
22809s going down
22810s it's a lot of damage available here for
22812s requam
22821s so as we were talking sunwell recfan did
22823s choose to go the makerboard route which
22826s has significantly unused his glaive talk
22830s if that is there is such a thing
22833s oh yeah the old unducing
22836s yeah
22838s but now question time right like you if
22840s you play the glaive tower are you gonna
22841s rip the security knowing full well that
22844s that makes their inquisitive creation
22846s quite a lot better if they have it
22849s because on the flip side of that if they
22851s don't have it you are representing so
22853s much damage the following turn yeah and
22857s and with the with the glave tower how
22860s Rick from never wants minions to be
22862s cleared but how upset actually are you
22864s right like if you build it and then they
22866s just play that and you've already got
22867s the gloves guitar equipped like
22869s something has been achieved but yeah I'm
22871s gonna go for the drawer instead
22875s who's hiding now
22878s I think committing yeah just the face
22881s Outsider here is fine I think the
22884s reasoning behind the the draw play here
22886s is yeah obviously you can choose to load
22888s up and draw cards at the glaive tower
22889s but I think red van wants to
22891s specifically try and draw halveria right
22894s wanted as higher chance as possible for
22896s finding that car because it allows for
22899s every board from now on to be extremely
22901s threatening for lethal so now he can
22903s just make this one board this is already
22905s pretty close to threatening lethal if
22906s this gets creationed then he can just
22908s play the security on the following turn
22910s and then that next board is also
22912s representing lethal quite heavily like I
22914s think this is just a very powerful Fear
22916s Factor to have in hand with the health
22917s area the other option was to play secure
22920s and be like but what if they don't have
22922s it yet underrated mindset honestly my
22927s only mindset it's like but what if I
22929s just win because of this yeah there's a
22932s real bell curve in in Hearthstone right
22934s and I don't know if you remember this of
22935s my like times where like Falcone for
22939s example would ask me to like play some
22940s games with him and try and like improve
22942s his his technical side of casting for
22944s example and I point out time and time
22946s again falc's number one problem was he
22949s tries to play around everything all the
22952s time it's just like oh I can't do that
22954s what if they have this card it's like
22955s you're giving them credit for having 32
22958s different cards in their hand at the
22959s same time like this that's not how hard
22961s Stone Works
22962s shot
22965s too much air George C with Leroy's oh
22970s yeah the classic
22973s okay I beam
22974s not really what Rick van was looking for
22976s in this matchup right now
22979s yeah it is more Outcast cards though
22981s which is yeah nothing to be sniffed at
22983s like the fella in drawer itself is
22985s pretty fantastic with this hand
22986s regardless of what it ends up giving as
22989s usual more stuff is good
22991s um
22994s so uh tough crowd your own fella in yeah
22998s on board
23001s it's really tricky now looks like I said
23003s earlier about the Alibis like yes Alibis
23006s will stop Hemlock getting lethaled but
23008s if the board isn't dealt with as well
23010s it's still chipping away and already
23012s Hemlock set in 18 and
23015s I find it difficult in this matter to
23017s cast Mage because they have just so many
23019s random cards in hand at times but none
23022s of this hand yells to me that hemlock's
23025s about to turn this around right like all
23027s of this is still building blocks as far
23029s as I'm concerned
23030s yeah and part of that is just having
23033s double Alibi Creation in the opening
23035s hand for so long right like that feels
23038s great because those are three of the
23039s cards that you would view as being
23041s powerful in the match-up but you'd much
23043s rather draw your cheap minion curve and
23045s your weapon and Cold Case and so on in
23048s the opening turns because then you
23050s manage to elongate the time before you
23052s need Inquisitor create that's the thing
23054s right Alibi yeah if you had the other
23056s stuff you wouldn't need to have Alibi in
23058s your hand in the first three turns of
23060s the game right exactly yeah volcano
23062s mancy definitely gonna help out though
23064s for hemlock that's gonna be an extra
23066s removal I guess
23068s yeah even this fell fire not looking too
23071s bad oh the maxitude has lizards and
23075s finitized yeah blizzard fantastic pickup
23077s any fire sales blizzards anything like
23079s that you can find as extra copies
23081s usually pretty effective
23082s yeah it's one of those tricky things for
23084s wreckfam right this matchup is that you
23086s can't just say okay that's all of their
23088s AOE used
23090s kind of infinite but yeah breakfast
23092s going in
23094s time to start dunking
23097s blizzard is huge though
23103s it's very tricky because already I'm
23106s thinking hang on a minute this doesn't
23107s have to be blizzard this could be
23108s metamorphosis with falfire
23118s yeah that's a pretty good alternative
23120s honestly and it just for me
23123s because so many of them are one ones
23125s it's like you could just keep blizzard
23127s Blizzard's a good card because it kills
23129s one once but also freezes things that
23131s aren't one ones right so I just always
23134s see options to see the value of this
23136s blizzard and think but do you have to
23138s play it when some of the other options
23139s are still very big value
23142s gets you back to infinitized manner as
23144s well to finale that again at the end of
23146s the term which would have been pretty
23147s effective
23149s I guess this still works yeah yeah sure
23152s this is a little Improvement on the same
23154s plan right because it uses as I was
23156s talking about at the start of the game
23158s in this matchup it uses a bad card
23160s Reverb right to do something very
23162s specific that's the biggest minion that
23164s red band's gonna play all game
23167s um so using the Reverb there instead of
23168s the metamorphosis I think it's a nice
23170s little adjustment a little optimization
23171s and then all you have to do is play the
23173s one two and then you're back into that
23175s infinitized finale that I was talking
23177s about before and you know me so I'm an
23179s ideas guy but I'm not necessarily a
23180s refined ideas going
23182s um
23184s I'm not definitely doing it better
23189s just plays it don't need the actual
23191s Outcast effect to go off for it to count
23193s as an outcast car played
23195s get those controls going
23201s I was up to four for some reason I
23202s thought that was at three not bad at all
23209s what kind of turn is this so as I say
23211s just the three on the right here
23221s yeah maximum value I guess because
23223s nothing else really screamed good turn
23225s to me nope agreed oh okay better
23231s it's a nice Improvement but now because
23233s Hemlock was able to hold on to the
23235s Blizzard this isn't as scary as it could
23238s have been
23240s artificial so huge as well
23244s now there's just like legitimate good
23247s turns you know like not even not even
23250s just oh that is surviving it's like it's
23252s actually just good turns here
23254s because this do you think this is worth
23256s the
23257s um infinite tires again because with
23259s blizzard and artificial
23262s it looks like it right yeah it's just
23265s clean because more options to go for
23267s more AOE right or more defensive tools
23269s at least
23270s I guess the issue is if you infinitize
23272s you can't ping the sage you'd have to
23275s throw like the Arcane ball at the stage
23277s instead which Arcane ball is a very
23279s valuable tool to have
23281s is it more valuable than another spell
23283s though
23287s true
23293s oh fabrication okay I guess this is the
23296s uh the tempo option right of like
23298s actually just have a minion on board and
23300s at the end I guess that Hemlock isn't
23302s really faring any bursts or doesn't
23304s necessarily need the artificer down
23306s right now
23315s life sentence over a third Alibi as well
23318s I would like personally I I'd be almost
23320s more tempted to take a poly jelly than
23323s the life sentence in that position just
23326s to try and get some cheeky counter
23327s lethals going back the other way
23329s I do think I agree with the not Alibi
23332s though I think Alibi was a third choice
23334s for me
23339s and now wreck them
23342s probably getting a little bit frustrated
23344s that there's been a more clears than he
23346s would have liked to have seen in this
23348s matchup
23350s and now even though he's got plenty of
23352s Health
23353s the fact that we can see at least that
23355s there's still a blizzard there's still
23357s obviously what's turned out to be a
23360s speller turn from infinite so
23363s still options for hemlock and that
23365s artificer is going to make things a lot
23367s more Awkward
23369s yeah I can't help but feel the the
23372s artificial turn is going to be
23373s absolutely backbreaking when it comes
23375s down here
23378s because henlock Hemlock reading and by
23380s Hemlock reading he's kind of just
23382s increasing the total amount of armor
23384s that he's going to be able to generate
23385s with the artifice all right by being
23387s able to squeeze more and more in yeah
23388s suddenly they're removed as well that's
23390s their what eight armor if he wants it
23392s this turn you know if he needs to do it
23395s right now
23396s oh and now Cold Case has entered the
23399s chat
23411s a little bit off being able to do like I
23414s don't know artificial Cold Case matter
23417s with a ping as well with two pings
23419s technically
23424s time to just use the blizzard
23430s I can't see another decent way to clear
23433s up the board and I think Hemlock should
23436s probably stop being greedy at 14 health
23439s if if the board can't be cleared of
23441s course
23442s yeah unless you want to play Alibi
23444s you're going to have to clear right
23446s because these are Rush Minions on the
23448s other side therefore they murder you if
23451s you hit them up because of how their
23452s area
23455s what's the follow-up with alibi
23458s so I'm I'm trying to work out okay so
23460s going for the artificial now okay sure
23462s so when you use like Alibi well what's
23464s the follow-up maybe Cold Case well if
23466s you're cold casing do you want to use
23467s the artificer but then you're not
23468s artificial with blizzard and you know
23470s you always start to work out well hang
23471s on a minute what is that Maximum Armor
23473s that's achievable
23476s I almost wondered whether that one one
23478s was gonna get life sentenced at the end
23480s of that all like be gone yeah because
23482s either way you spend the three and you
23484s get the three armor right but I think
23486s doing it on metamorphosis particularly
23487s because this is just uh just a hawk
23489s Strider right doesn't have Rush it's not
23491s particularly scary minion by that regard
23496s yeah and also just locks up a pretty
23499s much kill any minion next turn with the
23502s pink right from The Meta now next turn
23504s so not a bad setup whatsoever
23509s but all of a sudden wreckvam has built a
23511s brand new board and still has a hand
23514s entirely full of cards
23516s yeah I was I was just gonna say that oh
23519s you know the cards generated they're not
23522s mind-blowing are they but they don't
23524s need to be do they they just need to be
23526s minions they used to be cards that like
23529s sit on board and cause Hemlock headaches
23534s because now the Blizzard's gone we're
23536s back in the danger zone I would say yep
23539s 12 cards drawn from the opponent One
23541s Creation used already and one generated
23543s answer used already you know that there
23545s is I believe one portal generated card
23547s in hand there could be something else
23549s that causes you a problem and outside of
23551s that really in in the entire rest of
23554s their deck there is one inquisitive
23556s creation that you're worried about and
23557s then the solid Alibis which are annoying
23559s as well
23561s no
23562s the latest love everlasting to the body
23565s oh my God I mean I feel like I know TJ
23569s and I were talking about going to jail a
23570s lot in the previous series but I feel
23572s like if you get offered love everlasting
23573s in this deck and you don't take it that
23575s is that is a directly to jail situation
23582s oh sorry yeah you just Generate random
23584s nature spells and then one of them is is
23586s six roses
23589s throws his birthday soon oh is it yeah
23593s well I'll be tuning into that stream if
23595s it happens it certainly is it's two days
23597s two days this year perfect yeah it makes
23600s sense to uh
23601s classic character has a birthday on the
23604s cool birthday month
23607s made days before a certain other cool
23609s person's birthday
23614s Requiem does get to just fill this board
23616s up once again obviously frustrating to
23619s see the little otters come out to play
23623s but now with four cards in the deck
23626s Hemlock seen the light at the end of the
23628s tunnel I imagine right with this handle
23630s yes artif is a double Cold Case double
23633s Alibi because now suddenly Alibi is back
23635s to being like good again sort of right
23638s because well now there's 21 Health as
23641s opposed to 14 so that's definitely less
23643s of a percentage chunk you're going to
23645s take Through The Alibi yeah I mean at
23647s this point those two Alibis that you
23648s just haven't played the entire game and
23650s have been stuck as dead cards in your
23651s hand are just two things that you can
23653s play while you wait for your opponent to
23654s die to fatigue right because it's
23657s getting to the trace
23661s oh
23664s and if this game goes hemlock's way
23668s I think you'd be very happy as that
23670s being a start to the series because this
23672s feels like a matchup you would much
23674s rather avoid at least in my personal
23676s opinion as you know if I was the mage
23678s [Music]
23680s I don't know I'm not so sure it's not
23682s something I've played a whole bunch yeah
23684s honestly like
23687s I just feel like yes that you generate a
23690s lot of stuff but like that blizzard was
23691s very clutch right like that helped a lot
23694s yes the Alibis have been there but would
23696s the Alibis have actually done much and
23698s yeah
23698s breakfast is done for this game
23703s yeah no I I do wonder about it because I
23705s think if you do get the very minion
23707s based start right like if you if you
23710s have Rec band start and your opponent
23712s misses on inquisitive creation like they
23715s just don't have it by turn six which you
23717s know happens a reasonable percentage of
23719s the time then yeah you're just gonna
23721s you're gonna put them down to eight
23722s health or so by the time you get there
23724s but at the same time like if the Mage
23726s just draws
23727s uh keyboard and Place keyboard on two
23730s don't you just get out tempo'd anyway
23732s like don't they just get more stuff on
23733s board quicker than you at that point
23735s anyway I don't know I'd have to I'd have
23737s to see it play out more often yeah I I'm
23739s just thinking that and maybe I'm I've
23741s got a slightly biased based on like
23743s obviously my play but I'm thinking of
23745s like if you look at the turns three and
23747s four that rexham had just in that one
23749s game right that's all we're going off
23750s this one game we've seen uh if you look
23752s at those turns three and four like would
23755s the rush minions not just outpace like
23758s the the keyboard
23771s yeah yeah
23775s [Music]
23777s fell fire was huge as well sure yeah no
23780s no that's all very fair I think looking
23782s at that board right so in my example
23785s that's a turn where you'd have a weapon
23786s equipped and you'd be playing Cold Case
23788s right which doesn't answer any of the
23790s hawk Strider or Minions on the other
23792s side of the board and they just so yeah
23794s maybe maybe I am overstated just how
23796s quickly Mage can get on board if they do
23798s get weapon and certainly the addition of
23800s a nice little unleash fell to the hand
23802s was was very very clutch but at the same
23805s time I think Mage gets a bad rap for the
23808s random generation right it's like you
23810s can play basically any card in
23812s Hearthstone and your opponent's like oh
23814s there's the one
23816s and like
23817s no I do get to see three options on most
23820s of your brand new cards that are ending
23822s up in my hand you know there's a lot of
23823s good cards in Hearthstone these days and
23825s that's it and that's kind of what I
23826s meant where it was more like you would
23828s not want that match up as the Mage right
23831s or at least I wouldn't as opposed to
23833s it's not terrible matchup but you prefer
23835s so many others maybe and and speaking of
23838s the match I think it just goes very
23840s quickly before we move on though I do
23841s think very quickly you're wrong actually
23843s I've just very quickly just so I have
23846s the last word on this matter
23848s um I do I the reason I think this debate
23851s is happening is because Mage is one of
23853s those decks right like I talked about it
23854s earlier where if on stat tracking it
23857s kind of reports as a deck that's 49
23859s against everything and in the hands of a
23861s top player it's the kind of deck that's
23863s 53 against everything right like it
23866s doesn't really have blowout good and bad
23868s matchups because it's just a Swiss army
23870s knife of a deck sure um and I think in
23872s the hands of good players they just feel
23874s ever so slightly favored in most
23875s match-ups with the deck and in the hand
23877s of mediocre players it's it's kind of
23879s just a 50 kind of deck in in most
23882s scenarios so you know I think debates
23884s like that are just a natural byproduct
23886s of of where the match-up spread is
23888s placed for mage in particular
23890s and just one more thing on that no no
23892s I'm joking yeah yeah we are going to go
23894s into game two though now and Hemlock is
23896s going to be jumping on the warrior I'm
23898s excited to see this because I imagine
23900s like yourself I have not run into tons
23903s of warrior in the past week you know
23905s like in the preparation for this
23907s tournament I've not seen it that much on
23909s ladder so um yeah I'm excited to see
23911s what Hemlock can get done with this
23913s yeah I didn't see any
23918s um for the first week or so the
23920s expansion but then as I dipped back into
23922s stuff this week specifically in
23924s preparation for this tournament I came
23927s up against it a handful of times like it
23929s was a deck that existed that I I wrote
23931s down that people were playing at like
23933s you're not sure
23934s yeah exactly
23937s um and like I said it it kind of does
23938s just fit that timeline of like oh okay
23940s well you know we've had our fun with the
23942s new cards now what happens if we just
23944s put speaker stomper in Old decks right
23946s what are we what are we cooking with
23947s then you know
23949s my request cooking with a very good
23951s opening hand to deal with a deck like
23954s this Warrior the Piranhas are already
23955s there weapons equipped and there's
23958s options after that as well
23960s um with the Titan set and ready to go
23963s and the Titans I feel like obviously the
23965s draw 3 overload is just always a staple
23968s good choice but the other two picks in
23971s this matchup I do feel are strong right
23973s there's options to kill a big thing and
23976s there's options to do the AOE of if
23978s there's a lot of small things and those
23980s two things are what this Warrior kind of
23982s does
23983s yeah I will say like day one people were
23986s kind of messing with some black rock and
23988s roll Warriors right for the first couple
23990s of days of the expansion I have never
23992s used a deal 20 more often than I have in
23994s those like first couple of days behind
23997s the deck since then uh deal 20 has not
23999s been quite as effective overall but you
24002s know certainly it is a tool that you can
24003s put together but I think largely
24006s your goal in this matchup as Shaman is
24009s to end the game before they're 17-17
24013s grandia hits the board right like
24015s ideally you want to get there first
24018s it's looking good so far feral Spirit
24020s available for wreckfum could even uh
24023s drop another fish
24024s behind the taunts right just to push a
24027s little bit extra damage
24031s because again I mean I know I've spoken
24033s to you about this this deck as shame and
24035s deck overall but I even though like oh
24037s well you know the fish could be spell
24039s damage later so yeah it could just be
24041s face damage now though and that that's
24043s how I think about so many things yeah to
24045s this deck it's no really I I I feel you
24048s I think in this specific matchup though
24050s because of the threat of jam session on
24052s the other side
24053s um even if they don't end up getting
24055s used as spell damage like genuinely I
24058s can probably count the amount of times
24059s I've played three fish in
24061s bioluminescence on a lethal turn it on
24063s one hand and I have played hundreds of
24065s games of of combo Shaman right and one
24069s most of them
24071s um but
24072s still they're not just pure dump them on
24076s the board and be aggressive tools right
24077s particularly against Decks that can
24079s fight you on board quite effectively
24081s like uh Warrior is capable of doing
24083s sometimes you would rather have them as
24085s Rush minions to be able to share things
24087s from hand right because you know you can
24089s look at it as you know two piranhas or
24092s three let's say three piranhas right
24094s there's a very similar amount of damage
24096s to turn the tide without overloading you
24099s which on certain turns can be incredibly
24102s crucial right like if you want to clear
24103s something on turn five you'd much rather
24105s use piranhas to do that than turn the
24107s tides to do that because you want to
24109s play you want to slam Titan on six so
24111s you don't want to be overloaded right so
24112s having access to those as a removal tool
24115s is very very premium particularly when
24118s your opponent does have super clutch
24120s like small damage AOE cards they can
24122s throw out like jam session yes the old
24124s saying isn't it printer in the hand it's
24125s worth two on the board that's right yeah
24136s like right now these fish are
24139s extremely nice to be able to deal with
24141s old with old thorry valori over there
24144s yeah I was still looking at
24146s just how just turn the tides as well
24148s again it will overload into Titan which
24151s is the biggest problem
24153s I just don't want to do that you can't
24154s make me
24157s yeah I can't make you because you're not
24159s playing the game not so yeah accurate
24163s accurate statement yeah the prices are
24165s going to be coming in clutch
24170s and I think that's the the real strength
24173s and like why I'm guessing most people
24176s would agree that the shaman Titan is the
24179s overall best is that it is just an
24181s all-round exercise oh there's nothing to
24183s AOA I'll just draw three cards instead
24186s right it's like you have that option of
24188s just saying oh well if there's nothing
24190s active for it to do on board it has the
24192s best option to do which is draw
24194s I'm trying to work out if that's true I
24197s hadn't really thought about it thought
24199s about what whether the shaman Titan is
24202s the best what I guess it is yeah it is
24205s the most like I think the shaman and
24207s Hunter are the most just playable
24210s Titans if I'm they feel very active
24213s every single time it's not like
24215s universally agreed a generic good card
24218s yeah yeah it's not like there are
24221s certain ones where you know the Mage one
24223s right like you don't just play that on
24226s curve all the time right there can be
24229s timings for it so to speak whereas I
24231s feel like these this one and the hunter
24233s is like you do want to be playing those
24236s on curve because they're just always
24237s good
24238s and specifically in Shaman there's
24240s match-ups where like you will keep it
24242s and then plan your entire early game
24244s yeah behind yeah I want to play this
24246s Titan on six right which I think is
24248s because it's never a bad out you can AOE
24250s and heal or you can draw cards oh both
24253s of those things are great yeah
24259s yeah there's jam session now can I help
24261s clear up a lot of this
24263s yep jam session and the uh Champion here
24267s which is uh the other method of small
24268s AOE that I didn't refer to specifically
24270s previously
24271s and I think again smart recognition
24274s right was it it was you and I Casting
24275s again right which uh sorry you and me
24277s casting I very rarely make that mistake
24279s I think it was I and you I I a new
24282s casting yeah thank you
24284s um which uh was it just uh yeah exactly
24290s loads the big minions into the Titan
24292s turn specifically so it's like okay you
24294s didn't overload you kind of played a
24296s slightly strange looking term where you
24298s dumped all the cards that didn't say
24299s overload on them from your hand that
24301s smells a lot like Titan to me well if
24303s you want to play Titan here you're gonna
24305s have to pay 10 for the privilege
24309s yeah
24311s that is not something I imagine rexham
24314s wants to do
24321s [Music]
24324s oh there is of course the side benefit
24327s as well or the you know extra benefit of
24330s it isn't just the Titan right you do get
24332s a spell on top of this which is again
24335s just another reason why I think the
24337s shaman Titans just overall the best
24340s yeah it's just slightly irritating
24342s honestly that
24344s um
24346s the there's no flash of lightning in
24348s hand right because if you showed me a a
24351s flash there I would quite happily slam
24354s the Titan press draw three and then play
24357s flash
24358s card and say have your ten I I honestly
24361s could not care less about your 10 damage
24363s because I intend to kill you next turn
24365s um without that little trickier overall
24369s I do like this though because it still
24371s needs to be dealt with it's effectively
24373s cleared the board and yeah there's still
24375s some some uh burst potential in Requiem
24379s sand
24380s yeah absolutely
24382s and the draw three next turn right you
24385s can still just if it lives try and set
24388s it up next turn but it's a big if a lot
24390s of the time for sure yeah still lacking
24393s a couple of crucial card draw pieces
24395s really to be able to tie this together
24397s didn't draw off the Titan of course as
24400s discussed
24402s um and then honestly like like Mr
24404s worldwide would probably be the draw
24405s here to go with this hand just to maybe
24407s tutor out a a flash or an ancestral
24410s knowledge something like that
24418s coin gonna be thrown out
24421s is there any are there any Rifts in the
24423s bin does this actually do anything I
24425s don't think so
24429s still though decent board there for him
24432s locked in managed to get rid of the
24433s Titan so no true because I think it'd be
24436s fair to say that Hemlock would imagine
24437s they were very dead if that Titan did
24440s not die that turn right because like
24442s draw three overload go is a little bit
24444s scary so be able to clear that up as
24447s well as producing a board or a
24449s significant board as well so not bad at
24452s all
24453s but 15 is by no means safe Titan or not
24462s oh
24465s is it
24467s is it altered here
24475s unclear
24476s had two lethal outs though right uh bolt
24480s or crash were both lethal of this uh oh
24484s yes it'll get cheap enough wouldn't it
24485s yeah yep
24487s you either goes bolt bolt and then the
24489s crash that is in hand costs one or you
24492s would go wait no it would so if you got
24494s second crash here you'd play one ball
24496s you'd then have to pay two for this
24497s crash and then the new crash that you
24499s discovered would still cost once that
24501s that way around doesn't work
24505s so close but maybe so far
24508s Hemlock needs to do something big here
24515s and the problem here as well for hemlock
24518s is the um
24521s the stomper doesn't
24524s maybe it does with the overload
24526s something doesn't really
24529s feel like it does much right because say
24532s one spell away from a good time for
24533s breakfast
24536s yeah you can draw Crash or discover into
24540s crash off the top right and have uh ways
24543s of doing that so so is this like
24546s stumper
24547s hero power and then Rev
24553s to low Tempo turn though isn't it
24565s it's not pressing
24569s okay not gonna bother with this dumper
24571s yeah I think yeah that's why I was
24573s trying to work out I was like well you
24575s have to press it up all right because
24577s you know right like if there were a
24580s three damage spell in hand right like a
24582s bolt or an overdraft or something like
24584s that you died on the previous turn right
24586s so you know one of the cards you're it's
24588s currently being held is not a source of
24590s three damage Therefore your opponent
24592s would have to draw multiple copies of
24595s three damage in the same turn to be able
24597s to kill you from this position
24599s speaking of which
24602s and now the stomp is there as a backup
24604s next turn right to try and solidify the
24606s board
24613s so how do you do this
24618s yeah just kill the one for
24621s in the school
24630s yeah all could you see overdraft of that
24632s Discovery and you're like oh yeah I'm so
24634s overloaded overdraft is the nuts if
24636s there's one more damage than a lightning
24638s bolt would have been
24648s do you like the totem over just using
24651s the manual to get the schooling out the
24653s way
24655s I think so because it currently lives on
24659s board
24661s right and you're in the weird Niche
24663s scenario where you're trying to have
24665s things to stick I guess I was wondering
24668s if you drew Biola bioluminescence right
24670s and you've already spent one manner on
24672s creating the fish first does that change
24674s yeah that's the argument right because
24677s this way you've already spent two mana
24679s on having a minion on board already
24680s right which could potentially live based
24682s on what you're looking at on the other
24684s side and it costs you two Mana to get
24686s your first minion in play from the
24688s schooling as well right so it's it's
24690s quite similar either way
24697s I guess as well there's like options for
24700s taunt
24701s right which would then defend you three
24703s one potentially
24705s um true yep
24716s weirdly of course like
24719s could make the argument of like well you
24721s hold on to schooling because it's just
24723s another nature spell you can cast to get
24724s discounts but no it isn't for some
24726s reason you spend them
24728s because you spend it anyway no it
24730s literally just isn't a nature spell oh
24732s right sure sorry yeah yeah I was
24735s thinking of where you spend the manner
24737s which reduces the same amount so it
24739s doesn't actually change anything but
24740s yeah you're right it's not even an age
24742s spell it would be nonsense anyway yes
24744s but yeah it's just that it's just that
24746s weird position where it's like the spell
24747s that summons a bunch of fish to your
24750s side does not have anything to do with
24751s nature apparently it strikes
24754s minion
24757s I don't know about it tell me I don't
24760s think so I'm not that I can recall
24762s wait when did Rexall become the Arbiter
24764s of nature I'm very confused got all the
24766s other animals
24768s all the other animals yes he has all
24770s them don't didn't remember a fish
24773s okay
24775s isn't leoka fish no no it's
24780s it's a wyvern I know
24783s why
24788s yeah I thought that about a certain
24789s classic Hearthstone as well but still
24792s eight nine years later people don't
24794s accept it just say Shaman like a normal
24797s person that's all it takes no I think
24799s viewers would be upset if that happened
24801s yeah maybe
24808s foreign
24811s suddenly is it
24824s to us at 14 if the trade happens but no
24827s remori is there so yeah that is plenty
24831s isn't it yeah yep wow okay Hemlock
24833s getting the win with the warrior getting
24835s it done and they're looking pretty good
24839s the the very both games now have been so
24843s close right like rec room in game one
24845s with the outcast Demon Hunter was pretty
24848s much just one stuck board away from just
24850s obliterating Hemlock with haveria and
24853s then in this one what three damage off
24855s and there were lethal outs on that turn
24857s that Requiem went for missed and then
24860s Hemlock managed to stabilize reverse the
24863s pressure bang 2-0 so far this could be a
24866s a surprising 3-0 but made up of very
24870s close game so far
24872s yeah and I think absolutely right to go
24875s for it in the position he did right
24878s because recognize there were lethal outs
24879s there with uh double lightning bolt
24881s discover I'm not sure if there are other
24882s combinations that did it that may have
24884s been the only one which does make it you
24886s know quite a low percentage out there's
24887s 12 total nature spells that you can
24890s discover there are 13 in total but you
24892s can't hit another copy of lightning
24893s reflexes from lightning reflexes
24895s um making it 12 so hitting uh lightning
24898s bolt twice in a row if that is the
24900s specific out is quite unlikely but at
24901s the same time the hand had bricked at
24904s that point
24905s there was no right yeah there was no
24907s ancestral knowledge there was no Flow
24909s Rider like what were you supposed to do
24911s so you opened the lightning reflexes
24913s because sometimes you hit flash of
24916s lightning right and then you just play
24917s that as your card draw try and start
24919s cycling through at that point and get
24921s the hand going and the problem is the
24922s turn after if you wait well yeah you've
24924s got one more card but they've probably
24926s got more armor because they know that
24929s they don't want to drop Health right
24930s it's not like a surprise oh they're
24932s shaming I didn't expect them to burst me
24934s right it's it's what the deck does so
24936s yeah I think it was just uh it was a
24938s good effort from rec room I think the uh
24940s the attempt was 100 correct it does mean
24943s now a Hemlock just has a hunter left
24946s um and it is going to be the uh the sort
24948s of Beast Hunter
24950s um and not the Arcane hunter that we've
24951s been seeing uh I don't know actually is
24953s it 50 50 what is it uh oh sorry it's
24956s nowhere near 50 50. I happen to be
24958s looking at the part of the deck lists
24959s that just has it Beast Hunters on but
24962s yeah eight Arcane hunters and uh three B
24964s centers I believe
24966s um so definitely the Lesser broad
24968s archetype but I do think both decks and
24971s it's something that obviously I'm
24972s enjoying about the meta is both decks
24975s have Merit I don't think one is just
24977s strictly way better than the other they
24979s do just play differently and attempt
24981s different things so
24982s um I'm looking forward to seeing this
24983s one because I think I've only cast
24984s Arcane Hunter today
24986s yes same I think so Gabby is playing 40
24990s Hunter and except I think it may have
24992s been banned in The Gabby series that we
24995s see yeah Gabby Hemlock and goo I think
24997s yeah okay man two of those players have
24999s already qualified yeah yeah for sure and
25001s I think
25002s um I think 40 Hunter is a a deck that
25005s doesn't necessarily get a great deal of
25007s respect from top players right like you
25012s know this feeling right when there is a
25013s hunter deck that just spit everyone or
25016s trashes exactly like it's including you
25019s including me absolutely like for some
25022s reason like outright Agro Face Hunter
25025s like I imagine Arcane hunter gets more
25028s respect as like a skill cap deck than
25030s this deck does right from top players
25032s there's something about just outright
25034s going face and weaving in damage that
25036s you know players respects as a thing
25038s that takes
25039s um skill to do whereas spend manner on
25042s beasts hit opponent in head when bored
25045s is stuck hunter that tends to be
25047s disregarded by top players the community
25049s just doesn't respect honest honorable
25051s work right that's the problem I'm just
25055s gonna play some beasts and I'm gonna get
25056s you all right what's what's wrong with
25058s that that's a very simple honest plan
25059s yeah people hate it's gonna I'm just
25062s gonna summon my fish and then we're all
25064s gonna March towards your face
25069s you will not see a fish in this deck
25072s from hemlock I'm just telling you I
25073s don't think there is one
25075s noted to uh message the design team make
25079s sure the fish gets snuck into hunter in
25080s the next set well I've already I've
25082s already could tell you what the design
25084s could be
25085s gone a 4-2 charging puffer fish called
25089s Puffer
25091s there you go free design blizzard what
25094s do you want from me
25096s uh this is a big fan
25101s I'm still waiting for my placeholder but
25104s that's the best design I've ever thought
25105s of where Improvement you know you're the
25108s ideas guy I'm iterating on the idea
25110s right so it is it's literally just a
25112s three Mana minion that is a 4-2 with
25115s charge but it's called Always Puffer
25118s that's also that's fine that's fine and
25120s then that's it as well you could add the
25122s placeholder as a hunter card and that's
25124s another fish card
25135s you guys the blizzard know me we've met
25138s just send me an email I'll send you all
25140s my ideas we've met
25142s me in blizzard we've met
25145s and that right there is the problem they
25148s have indeed met you oh yeah I forgot
25150s about that okay well moving on fish are
25153s Making Waves here
25155s but knowing the way Hemlock wants is
25156s this board is pretty much cleared up by
25158s the piranhas
25168s so though plenty more threats available
25171s from hemlock
25176s must remember there's a secret in play
25179s yeah we got gut earlier didn't we we did
25181s yeah we got big time here
25187s but now the ultimate play
25191s coin Enzo yeah this is one of those as
25194s literally anyone not being exactly the
25197s player coining into you do not want to
25199s see because you're like oh my points
25201s burn cards are all cheaper now hmm
25204s hey at the very least you got a 3-3 with
25206s charge out of it and you're shipping
25208s five damage face already it's not a bad
25210s spot to be in
25213s honestly
25215s it's kind of a good looking Stomper
25219s I was so I was looking at star power but
25222s the more I looked at the hand I was like
25223s wait why spend money killing it when you
25226s can spend money killing your opponent
25227s it's like stomp a banana go why kill
25231s minion when go face do trick yeah
25233s exactly
25241s so let's let's actually evaluate this
25243s right like instead of killing a five
25245s five you add a four four and a banana to
25248s the board right so you're adding a five
25249s five to the board and you're leaving a
25250s five five up
25252s the your payoff for that is your
25254s opponent pretty much gets to do nothing
25257s on the following right right in the
25259s ideal scenario where they don't have
25261s specific things in hand they haven't
25263s opened a schooling which is always one
25265s thing to look at right if they've just
25266s played a schooling and held the fish in
25268s hand certainly your speaker's dumper
25269s gets less good yeah and it's not they
25271s can tighten next turn to clue
25275s yep true
25278s this is very similar though right
25280s it's along the same lines it's kind of
25281s letting them play the turn but it puts
25283s you know about five damage worth of
25284s stuff in play and leaves the five five
25286s up
25290s the only weird thing is stomper next
25293s turn then does plane to Titan turn right
25296s which
25298s is the only like off timing yes thing if
25301s we but there are other options a star
25302s power uh banana next turn potentially
25305s there's obviously the card they're gonna
25307s draw uh but it's just that stomper
25309s timing then is a little bit off
25315s but no AOE
25318s there's AOE you can zero mount a bolt
25321s crash if you want to right like close
25322s the board
25323s oh but that ball could go face
25330s personally I don't play as if lightning
25332s Balkan Target minions
25335s but yes I mean seriously they're exactly
25337s yes
25339s so you have the Thorium in your hand
25341s right so one of the things you do have
25342s to look out for with hands like this are
25344s so you've just played a flash right so
25346s you can think about next turn just
25348s dumping your entire hand come hell or
25350s high water and then you open your light
25352s you open your lightning reflexes you
25353s play your lightning bolts you play like
25355s a feral Spirits or something from the
25357s lightning reflexes and then you go from
25358s there
25359s um and then if it whiffs then you have
25361s the Thor in the next turn to refill your
25363s hand and draw a whole bunch of cards as
25365s it stands hemlock's one two punch has
25368s worked out perfectly here right yeah you
25371s can see it Rec van wreck valve just
25373s saying it over and over stomper give me
25375s the stomper come on I know you've got it
25377s stomp on me I'm afraid yeah you are you
25380s are absolutely getting stomped on my
25382s friend yeah I am
25386s I am so surprised
25389s that wreckfam was okay just getting
25391s absolutely smacked this turn
25395s I I mean if there's no stomper in hand
25398s right the way Rick van has played this
25400s if in his two discovers from lightning
25402s reflexes he finds a bioluminescence this
25406s is lethal pretty often
25409s and if it isn't then he can make the
25412s play I Was describing before right where
25414s the ball gets cleared he might be still
25415s hanging around with maybe five to eight
25417s health right at the end of it all
25419s potentially and then he can use the
25421s thorum to to reload so it just yeah it
25424s just takes the risk exactly yeah red
25426s band knows he went all in against no
25428s speaker stomper and if speaker stomper
25429s is there he loses the game that's the
25431s decision he made he has to be okay with
25433s his choices he does not currently look
25435s like a man that is okay with his choices
25437s but it's it's where he's gonna have to
25440s live because it's the the choice he made
25442s this game
25447s and there's just nothing he can do about
25451s it now
25453s [Music]
25455s still not true though is it ah I don't
25457s know
25459s I just I I okay I see
25462s a turn that can be played now and not
25465s strictly die but
25468s it feels like breakfast dead
25476s it was a surprising pitch so
25479s I I don't know I felt like this game was
25481s still kind of low-key winnable
25483s what
25492s okay let me let me just deal with what
25494s recfam's actually doing
25497s and then I'll go back to where my head
25498s was at this is all I'm gonna say this is
25501s gonna be hamlock's draw next to him
25504s okay sure
25510s sorry I've done that thing I'm terrible
25511s at this where I've immediately now
25513s deleted the board state from my brain
25515s but theoretically a legal Hearthstone
25517s play on that turn was bolt one full
25520s health minion bolt another full health
25522s Minion Play Crash of Thunder to clear
25524s the board right like that worked yes
25527s you can also do that with Radiance
25529s because Radiance costs three and
25531s Radiance is discounting three nature
25533s spells on that turn
25534s right
25538s yes I want to say with this but I'm also
25541s losing my mental grip on the board stuff
25542s sure yeah you know absolutely yeah but
25544s we're doing weird hypothetical things if
25546s that is all accurate you then clear the
25548s board you have a three four and a zero
25550s two stuck against a two or three card
25552s Hunter on the other side that could
25554s potentially be doing nothing and you
25556s have the thorum to be able to draw cards
25558s afterwards
25559s you are then 100 reliant on exactly your
25563s second copy of lightning reflexes
25565s finding you the cards that you
25566s eventually need to kill your opponent
25567s with because you've spent all of the
25570s other cards that kill your opponent yeah
25573s um so maybe with that in mind wreck
25575s Van's line of just looking for zaps
25577s specifically from the lightning reflexes
25579s uh was a better way of going
25582s um because you can see as well like Rick
25583s van missed he hit one zap and then
25585s missed on the other one and he's still
25586s in a position where he didn't
25587s necessarily die immediately right which
25590s is right something at the very least
25591s this probably is going to be all of the
25593s overload and unlock right I imagine this
25596s turn
25598s because uh on one Health now is not the
25601s time to be greedy
25603s yeah now you have to either miraculously
25607s kill your opponent or discover altered
25610s chord
25612s oh
25614s but there will be enough Mana altered
25619s uh it doesn't hit it needed lighting
25620s reflexes yes that was good ordering
25622s right he needed to hold down you want
25623s bolt to overload again after the unlock
25626s happened to then be able to a go fishing
25630s with the flow Rider and then B uh
25632s actually be overloaded for the discount
25634s when he eventually discovered the
25635s altered chord yeah smart choices from
25638s Rec from uh not a surprise coming from a
25640s play of his caliber but unfortunately
25642s this match was not it in Hemlock just
25646s strides to Victory with a 3-0 win and
25649s the last game not quite as on a knife's
25652s edge as the uh the previous two but um
25655s but yeah really really good victory
25658s there ever Hemlock and the lineup
25660s getting it done uh so the uh the XL sort
25663s of the the Beast Hunter getting work
25665s done the enrage Warrior getting the work
25668s done and obviously yes the Mage pretty
25670s common deck but just about holding on
25672s versus that uh that out uh Outcast Demon
25676s Hunter so even though uh what score wise
25679s one-sided series I think a very exciting
25681s series for the future of this tournament
25683s because Hemlock is now looking good to
25686s move on to tomorrow and we're gonna see
25688s more and rage Warrior more of this beat
25690s Hunter and see how that's going
25692s yeah breaks up some of the uh the Europe
25694s dominance as well which you know for the
25696s the sake of variety is uh is worth
25699s seeing so yeah I think good series
25701s overall obviously bad if you're a
25703s wreckfam fan um I think the last time I
25704s got to cast wreck Batman tournament he
25706s put in an incredible performance I was
25708s super impressed with him I was really
25709s glowing about the the way he played
25711s afterwards I don't think that was much
25714s different in terms of the decisions he
25716s actually made on the board It's just
25718s sometimes things pan out that way
25720s um it was some weird matchups and some
25723s kind of very interesting Niche draws in
25726s those matchups as well on the other side
25728s and I think when you put in all of this
25730s work and you get to this point and then
25732s you look at a board State and you
25735s evaluate my best plan here is just to go
25737s all in and say my opponent doesn't have
25739s speaker stomper and then they have the
25741s speaker stomper which is such a
25744s heartbreaker to run into after the long
25746s Winding Road it takes two to get to this
25748s point but sometimes that is the life of
25750s a professional card game player it is
25753s what it is uh we do still have some more
25756s matches coming up for you before we
25757s close out the day a little bit later on
25759s but for now we're going to jump to a
25760s quick break while we start the next one
25761s so don't go anywhere and we'll be right
25763s back
25765s foreign
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25839s foreign
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25896s thank you
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25908s foreign
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25986s [Applause]
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26001s thank you
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26064s thank you
26070s foreign
26101s thank you
26108s [Applause]
26109s [Music]
26119s hello everyone welcome back to the
26121s Hearthstone master store summer
26122s Championship we are starting to wind
26125s down to our last few matches for the day
26127s and to bring you our second to last
26129s match is myself Don and joined by
26132s Lorinda how you doing how you feeling
26134s going into this almost last match almost
26137s last match still hyped up still riding
26140s the adrenaline of the Masters Tour and
26142s there's still plenty to go I think it's
26144s helped a little bit by the fact this
26145s meta has been significantly faster I
26148s think than I had expected uh there's a
26151s lot of debate would it be really slow
26152s would it be really fast it's not really
26154s fast because Mage is a deck but it's
26156s been pretty quick today and that always
26158s helps keep it rolling through the day I
26160s can't wait to see this one
26161s yeah and there has been several uh 3-0
26164s matches as well that we've seen on
26166s stream throughout the day as well so
26168s that certainly uh can contribute and one
26170s of those that we just saw was that
26173s Hemlock versus wreck van match uh
26176s previously we did see Hemlock taking
26179s that 3-0 over recfam so Hemlock gonna be
26182s joining that top eight for tomorrow
26186s yeah good to see Hemlock on cam as well
26188s one of those players that um yeah we see
26190s from the other side a lot from like the
26193s regular streamers like banterface in
26195s particular but we don't get to see him
26196s play much so good to see him going
26198s through group C though we're going to
26199s concentrate on our pocket train
26201s racing through there on the tracks out
26204s of a station or something I don't know
26205s how that went in the end we got there me
26206s and TJ check the Bots
26208s um but now it's gonna be dredi and nagon
26210s for the other slots from a group C Jedi
26213s the American hope we're hoping as
26216s American casters Dawn me you and TJ the
26219s Americans
26220s that's right American victory as neutral
26222s casters it's gonna be fine yeah totally
26225s neutral no bias whatsoever but yeah we
26228s are we are interested to see if it is
26231s going to be the America's player going
26232s through but yeah we are going to be
26234s seeing this and uh not only are we gonna
26237s be seeing them play some similar attacks
26240s that looks like the first match actually
26241s might be a rogue mirror match but we
26244s have to talk about these players a
26245s little bit and talk about uh some of
26247s these Decks that they're bringing
26248s larinda walk us through what these
26251s players have like so Negan who worth
26255s noting tamsoko who's playing in the
26257s final game of the day final match of the
26259s day later it's got the same lineup so
26261s you get it twice in a row now you're
26263s going to brought the Warlock which is
26264s going to be interesting the the Thaddeus
26266s lock that everybody loves including me
26269s um the macrogue the Mage and the the
26272s Trent Druid so
26275s he's he's going to be bringing that so
26276s his hands circulator but dread eye as
26278s you see here with the outcast the
26280s rainbow Mage the macrogue and the secret
26283s Hunter the Arcane Hunters I prefer to
26285s call it personally but I'm a fussy old
26286s man so who cares
26288s um yeah red eye has gone from strength
26290s to strength I feel Dawn since um his
26292s grandmaster's appearance I think he's
26293s much more rounded player now
26296s yeah absolutely
26297s absolutely had wonderful success
26300s at previous tournaments and so far
26302s looking pretty good if he can get
26304s through this match and make it to day
26306s two for our tournament this weekend here
26309s is uh doretta's macrogue that we will be
26312s seeing in game number one and one thing
26315s that I want to point out in this
26316s decklist specifically uh is this double
26319s Scourge Illusionist and double
26322s Mothership uh we haven't seen that in a
26325s lot of the other macros
26327s yeah interesting it's a way of making
26329s sure you keep mix on the board which is
26331s a thing they tend to favor the eight
26333s drop don't they the seven drop that
26335s makes the eight drop which I can never
26336s remember the name of colossal eight drop
26338s maker man magnetic person that's what
26341s it's called
26343s um but yeah Mothership a little bit
26344s cheaper so you can actually cast it if
26345s you draw it at some point which seems
26348s like a sensible move so yeah looking
26349s forward to seeing how this one pans out
26350s for him so far obviously both these
26353s players are one and one so it's panning
26354s out kind of 50 50ish by the sounds of it
26359s yeah and as you mentioned Negan on the
26362s other side there getting ready for this
26364s series uh with that I I don't know I
26368s almost want to just call it like this
26369s Japanese lineup because as you mentioned
26371s both of our Japanese players have
26373s brought this lineup here that you see on
26375s screen that drum Druid the rainbow Mage
26377s that Thaddeus Warlock and macrogue and
26381s we did get to see uh one of these
26385s warlocks earlier which
26387s built up a big board of stats uh is it
26391s gonna be able to do it again with things
26392s like that slime and forged wheels
26395s I mean the answer is yes because it does
26397s it every time it has never failed in the
26400s history of hearthstone just to do that
26402s thing turn three Forge turn four make
26404s two seven sevens turn five slime turn
26406s six 15 fatties it's the same every game
26408s that's how it works
26410s some of that isn't even possible but you
26412s know it still happens anyway
26414s I'm not bitter this deck has not hurt
26417s no yeah I couldn't tell couldn't tell at
26420s all uh absolutely not the reason I asked
26423s you that question of course not not to
26426s project a little bit there uh yeah well
26429s okay so overall the match up here how do
26432s you feel about these uh in this matchup
26435s we did see uh the outcast Demon Hunter
26438s being banned from dread eyes lineup and
26441s the rainbow Mage is banned on the other
26443s side so how do you feel going into some
26446s of these matchups do you think that
26447s dread eyes three remaining decks outside
26449s of that Outcast stage are going to be
26450s able to kind of go fast enough be able
26453s to get underneath things like this
26455s Warlock
26456s so just looking now yeah it looks like
26458s the Jedi's Rogue is really well placed
26461s and naegon's Rogue is kind of badly
26464s placed so maybe the Rogue mirror if
26466s nagon can snatch that would be a pivotal
26468s thing we're going straight into that
26469s Rogue mirror now if he loses that Rogue
26471s mirror
26472s it's not all over these are these are
26474s numbers that sort of 60 40s and 55 45s
26477s it's not like oh no they're all 80 20s
26479s but if if I think if nagon loses this
26481s Rogue mirror he is in a really tough
26482s spot to get out of this matchup so it
26484s could be a very important game number
26485s one
26486s yeah absolutely and I think maybe not as
26490s important for this uh game number one in
26493s Conquest as it might be in something
26495s like Last Hero standing but you know in
26497s Conquest you're gonna have to get a win
26499s with each of the three decks anyways so
26501s even if they win game number one they're
26503s gonna have to get a a win with the Rogue
26505s at some point during the series so we
26507s see them yeah that's kind of what I mean
26509s though I feel that Jedi's Rogue will get
26511s a win in this series whereas Nikon's
26513s might struggle Just a Touch so because
26517s the way the bands have worked out just
26518s looking at my little graph that I do
26520s each game so if no one does lose it his
26523s Rogue might sort of get stuck in the mud
26524s a bit that's what I think it's important
26526s but you are right like it's not a big
26528s deal he does get a chance of getting out
26530s there even so
26532s yeah okay well we did see the Mulligan
26535s there and they both do end up getting a
26538s one drop or multiple one drops in the
26540s beginning here so at least they kind of
26542s have that initial bit of burst damage to
26544s be able to get on board uh the free
26546s frequency oscillator is here for Jedi
26549s are also very interesting leading into
26551s getting these potential uh bigger Max
26555s slightly earlier like this mimarron and
26558s this is kind of interesting here as well
26559s does dredi want to go ahead and just
26561s play that second frequency oscillator
26563s and then follow up with that mirror on
26565s next turn if he does it's kind of
26568s dumping almost everything from hand
26569s already I think he's planning what do I
26572s want to do with his Mothership so when
26574s do I want to play the second door slide
26575s do I want to play memorandum and
26576s oscillator next turn
26579s um or do I want to maybe even dagger
26581s next turn and set up a turn for
26582s Mothership
26583s with the coin so that's that's what that
26586s was about but yeah get stuff on the
26587s board have more things than your
26589s opponent has things when you're the
26591s Rogue versus the Rogue and
26593s eventually if one of your things sticks
26595s one of those doesn't then you make big
26597s thing win game
26599s yeah yeah that is definitely kind of
26602s been the story in some of these games
26603s for sure uh that the memorand I just
26608s think is gonna be so strong here and
26610s being able to use this bone Spike to
26612s clear something up be able to get this
26614s memory out and now the copper tail Snoop
26618s coming into hand as well gonna be able
26619s to add an additional coin to get that
26622s Mother Ship down a little bit earlier as
26623s well if there's not really something
26625s beneficial in next turns draw
26629s yeah uh this this sticking is
26634s it's hard to say it's game winning but
26636s it's so game defining it's absolutely
26638s huge just just sticking one of these on
26640s the board
26642s um yeah with those two five stats
26645s ouch
26646s oh Negan probably trying to help for
26649s some sort of poison
26652s magnetic there just to be able to start
26654s clearing off the opponent's minions but
26656s uh unfortunately not there so tredai
26659s going to be able to start this this
26662s snowball this Cascade and if there is
26664s not an answer from the other side it
26667s could be absolutely game winning
26673s yeah it's just
26676s does it stick I think it just stays
26679s there
26679s four five six uh maybe not yeah
26686s maybe there is Rush so if there's enough
26688s magnetic stats
26691s it could get cleared Jedi I think maybe
26694s considering that with uh his really
26697s thinking about wanting to coin something
26699s out here
26700s find something else
26705s Divine Shield
26711s yep it makes a massive difference of
26714s course when
26716s you've only got the one Rush spark bot
26718s and you want to put two things in the
26719s system I have to tank seven at the very
26721s least if I can even get enough to deal
26722s with it here what sparkbox copper tail
26724s is that even enough with a hero power
26726s going face and the bone spot you're
26728s still a man is short right
26730s what about the invento
26733s four then you don't get the coin
26737s it sticks another turn the game's so in
26740s trouble
26745s I mean that was an incredible pickup for
26747s dread I I there was a couple of good
26748s results as well I think stealth was
26750s probably the ultimate uh best answer
26752s that he could have found there but
26754s Divine Shield definitely doesn't hurt uh
26757s but yeah there can be a lot of stats
26759s here but it's
26761s it's gonna have to be a little bit more
26763s than this and as you said taking seven
26765s damage to try to clear that Divine
26767s Shield does not feel great either
26772s yeah we have seen like the Rogue
26776s especially the Jedi version I think
26777s especially anyway but in general if it
26780s runs out of stuff on board does struggle
26781s to do the last bit of damage so taking
26783s the seven
26784s maybe not a total disaster like don't
26788s get me wrong I'm not a big fan of taking
26789s seven to just remove a Divine Shield
26791s that might come back but
26793s maybe it's just not as horrific As It
26796s Seems
26798s I'm I'm clutching at straws I think
26801s really but hey I can try oh my god well
26804s just uh make it stop
26807s laughs
26808s uh yeah
26810s yeah this is uh looking pretty favorite
26813s here for Jedi at this point talk about
26816s that Divine Shield yeah and Megan
26818s actually just gonna go ahead and say
26821s that it's over now not even spend any
26823s more thought on that just no more turns
26825s it's over right there so tonight quickly
26828s taking down that first game
26830s yeah absolutely just stuck into the
26833s moment we said it when the two fire came
26834s down like it's not over but it could be
26836s and
26837s it didn't get removed and it didn't even
26839s need to generate stuff because you know
26840s any just making another seven seven
26843s it's one of those games that happens
26844s sometimes in mirrors for all of
26846s hearthstone's existence especially aggro
26848s ones but yeah the Rogue one when it gets
26849s out of control no point messing around
26853s ouch
26855s yeah uh this has been the case for some
26858s of these matchups today and you know I
26861s don't know if it's a curse on the player
26862s who ends up not doing well or if I'm
26864s like a good luck charm maybe to the
26866s players who end up winning but so far uh
26869s the casted games that I have been able
26871s to do on stream uh have ended in a 3-0
26874s so I don't know if we're gonna see that
26876s again in this one but that was a pretty
26879s brutal quick beat down there from dredi
26882s I mean I'm not paid by the hour you can
26884s stay if we're going to get 15-minute
26886s matches all day long you can come back
26887s next time for sure absolutely bring Dawn
26889s back everybody because I like this 15
26891s minute stuff it's great
26893s um that's right as I said at the start
26895s of the show that's a big deal that that
26897s Rogue getting taken down because now
26899s nogon has to
26901s mashups that I consider unfavorable to
26904s come which there's many pinches of salt
26906s in there things that I consider
26907s unfavorable might not be
26909s um hsvp also considers them in favor but
26911s also they're still 55 to lose not 80 so
26915s it's not over I just think it's a big
26917s deal that Jedi's
26918s got that one out of the way and
26921s I think he's in a very strong spot to
26922s get to day two
26924s yeah well he's gonna have to get a win
26927s with this Arcane Hunter and his uh
26930s rainbow Mage to get there so what do you
26934s think he wants to bring in next does it
26937s does it matter I know in Conquest there
26938s is always that debate of just randomized
26941s but well I guess we're gonna see it now
26943s it does look like it is going to be that
26944s Arcane Hunter yeah it doesn't matter but
26948s you know people have preferences what
26950s they want to do some players used to
26951s just run it back every time which is
26952s actually a weakness like then it does
26954s matter if you know they're always going
26955s to run it back then it actually is a
26957s relevant Factor but yeah just just play
26959s what you feel like you just smash
26960s someone in the face for four turns do it
26962s again
26963s that's how he feels that's what he's
26964s gonna do
26966s on the other side yeah the Warlock
26970s I know it's not your favorite but uh if
26973s it gets a win we won't have to see it
26974s again
26975s I mean to some degree right this is I
26978s absolutely dislike playing against this
26980s particular deck because it's done me
26981s irreparable damage but
26984s it's if it wins bring it I've never ever
26987s criticize anyone for wanting to win a
26988s Hearthstone game my goodness absolutely
26990s I mean especially with the stakes that
26992s these players are playing for at this
26994s point you know trying to get into day
26996s number two an increase in the price pool
26999s and working towards that grand finalist
27002s win at the end of tomorrow to qualify
27005s for the World Championship but it's you
27008s know still quite a few games to get
27010s there at this point uh not out of the
27013s realm of possibility but gonna have to
27015s get through something the thing that I
27017s noticed right now about negan's hand
27018s though is that there is not a slime yet
27020s some of the other pieces right the
27022s Thaddeus the shallow grave just coming
27024s in hand but no slime just yet they will
27028s be I have faith
27034s it'll be there it'll turn up
27037s all right I think the order of event is
27039s draw the um the location now oh my
27042s goodness he doesn't know what he's doing
27045s then make a seven seven and then do all
27046s the slime
27048s come on now you gone this isn't a script
27051s meanwhile Jedi this is the script how
27053s how do I just instantly I think what
27056s five spells there
27057s four spells oh my goodness
27060s yeah and you know even without this buff
27063s without damage one thing that I'm really
27065s looking at for Jedi here is the urchin
27068s spines in hand not all of the Arcane
27071s Hunters are running urchin spines dread
27073s eyes list does and it is in hand so if
27076s that slime does show up next turn on
27078s turn five or even potentially on turn
27080s six then dreadi could potentially have
27083s that urchin spines the Ricochet shot
27085s some of these other damage spells to
27087s actually be able to answer those big
27090s bodies
27094s probably not actually
27098s noga must know something's coming though
27099s obviously the urchin spine is now a
27101s little bit telegraphed there's two four
27103s fours ready to go what are they doing
27105s why aren't they killing your seven seven
27106s tell you what because it knows it
27108s doesn't matter because there's no
27109s location in hand
27110s yeah yeah okay
27112s clear these up
27114s but also clear them up and it's kind of
27117s miss a go right
27120s it's buying himself time to tap a game
27122s most likely here
27128s can't really do much else and really is
27132s looking for that slime I mean the
27135s Warlock deck is built around pulling
27137s those out right cheating out these Mana
27140s big minions to get those out early and
27144s honestly I I think with playing the top
27146s deck reverberations and just doing a
27148s hero power here on turn five tretta has
27151s to recognize that there is no slime here
27153s right yeah absolutely that was pretty
27156s evident
27158s yeah and because of that he's decided to
27160s start forcing damage because look at
27162s this damage he's pushing now it's it's
27164s chunky right it's five but next turn is
27166s another eight without even playing a
27167s card
27168s here it is oh yeah he knows how the deck
27172s works now he's remembered it took him a
27174s moment
27176s as you mentioned though there is that
27179s push from dredi with potential follow-up
27183s damage so is this too late is it too
27187s late for the Slime here waiting until
27189s next time with the shallow grave yeah
27191s shallow gray with the Slime it's never
27193s too
27203s Symphony of sins is interesting but I
27206s definitely don't think it's coming down
27208s here and it doesn't pull the Thaddeus
27210s the Slime actually ends up pulling out
27211s that dark on but that is still pretty
27214s fantastic it's a lot of uh damage on the
27217s board but also damage that's just going
27219s to start hitting face immediately at the
27221s end of every turn for Negan just take 12
27223s for no reason there you go Bam Bam take
27225s time I'll heal away to full as well
27226s that's all right that's perfectly Fair
27228s we're good with this
27230s yeah and the thing here too is this uh
27233s this reanimator in hand for Negan as
27236s well you've got the dark on that's going
27239s to come back with reborn since it will
27242s have been the only Undead that has died
27244s so even if Jedi goes and clears these he
27248s really does want to clear these because
27250s there is 24 damage uh that is facing
27253s down right now so definitely has to
27255s clear them otherwise he's just dead he's
27257s gonna do a million cards right
27261s very close to a million yeah
27267s okay
27272s that was a turn from dread eye to be
27274s fair like it looked like he was out of
27275s this and then just double arrow and off
27277s you go
27279s yeah I I really like the uh the play
27282s there by Jedi just going in on hey I can
27285s clear this and draw a bunch of cards
27287s let's do it but also picking up some
27289s more important uh pieces as well
27291s potential damage with that bow or if
27295s dread I can't manage to find a lethal
27297s and push damage there is things like the
27300s uh
27301s removal with the star power
27306s dr6 is so tempting because you know
27308s you've got quite a bit more steel to
27310s come but
27311s it is it's a long way off actually I
27314s think you just do it but you've got to
27316s think about it
27317s oh Jedi does only have 10 cards in deck
27319s I guess you've got to look at that for a
27321s moment I don't think it matters but
27323s you've got about these consider can you
27324s get there and just meal them out
27330s yeah it's also one of those things where
27332s yes it is tempting to maybe just remove
27334s those but as dread I did just draw a
27337s bunch of cards if you're going for that
27339s option and not clearing and you're
27341s leaving dread eye with all of those
27343s cards in hand just you know give it at
27346s least a little bit of thought is there
27347s potential for a punish if he goes that
27350s route right
27352s well we're gonna see if they can get the
27354s fatigue damage done there's no you're
27356s not trying to remove anything in
27357s particular you're just literally trying
27358s to say I'm going to outlast you here
27360s yeah what and again with that uh Dark
27364s Khan being the only Undead that's died
27366s and the three animators sitting in hand
27367s waiting there is potential for nagon to
27371s just heal some of that back up anyways
27373s after some of this damage is taken so it
27375s doesn't seem like the worst option at
27377s all
27378s I can't keep getting away with this
27381s these cracking beans though they've been
27383s dealing so much damage they're putting
27385s in work in these lists yeah we saw it
27388s earlier where Jedi caught out pocket
27389s train where pocket trainers thought
27391s calculated the maximum reasonable damage
27393s and then just took miles more than that
27397s um
27415s it's
27418s yeah putting maximum attack on the board
27420s I think this makes sense right well
27422s there's no taunts in the way yeah
27426s and even if there is again that star
27429s power in hand
27431s does
27432s do a lot against a single large minion
27435s as long as the if if it's flash Behemoth
27438s let's say as long as the death rattle
27439s doesn't end up pulling another taunt
27441s minion
27443s that star power looking pretty nice to
27445s be able to just clear up and and lead
27449s the way for Jedi's minions and that boat
27452s to just clean up and end the game yeah
27454s there's a lot going on here right 15
27456s Health four jungle three chunky minions
27461s removal of all kinds
27464s yeah direct damage in hand as well
27467s negan's got to stop all of this the best
27470s he can and
27472s this is um
27473s the sign of a good player from dreadi
27475s like all these players look easy when
27476s you see them played by somebody else but
27478s here's managed to just make so many
27481s threats from so many sources here
27484s absolutely and it's also really tough
27487s for Negan as well because there's just
27490s this this I feel like is one of the
27492s downsides to this Warlock deck where oh
27495s yeah sometimes you actually can get
27498s these huge boards you get these stats
27500s even able to get the the Slime and
27503s shallow grave down but just when you get
27506s to this point where you can't answer
27508s everything there's a million damage here
27511s right this is just lethal I think yeah
27519s before
27526s has he miscounted something here I'm
27528s wondering
27529s he did it very fast and then stopped
27532s yeah
27534s I think we're Mana off do you think the
27537s Arcane shot did four with the spell
27538s damage
27539s or did he think he had 10 Mana
27542s to play both spell damage I'm not sure
27544s what's happening here
27545s yeah I mean he could go for both of the
27547s spell damage and go for the Ricochet
27549s guarantee
27551s yeah it's not guaranteed for lethal it
27554s is the chance for lethal yeah one made a
27558s short to be able to squeeze in the hero
27559s power too yeah I think there's no kind
27561s yeah
27562s he's got a hit it seems like I can't
27565s tell by his reaction no it hit all
27567s minions
27568s it hit the minions Neil didn't hit face
27572s try again
27575s oh my
27579s oh no he went for it though I I respect
27582s it I respect the just going for it yes
27584s if you hit it it's done it's instant 75
27588s and then more on top because he's not
27590s lost yet
27592s yeah
27593s but something happened at the start of
27595s his turn yeah
27598s I think he'd calculated then that the
27600s Ricochet was Lethal and forgot there
27602s might be three minions there and then
27603s realized that maybe he's not lethal
27604s anymore
27608s okay what how does Megan answer this now
27611s though uh yeah
27615s I mean at this point a hero power and
27618s just two damage off of pretty much
27622s anything at this point is it's gonna be
27624s lethal he knows I mean he'll know the
27626s last two cars the deck unfortunately we
27628s don't know that but he'll know what two
27629s cards are there's no he knows there's no
27630s damage in hand because it would have
27632s been played last turn
27634s so yeah deal with the board and
27637s you know those last two cards maybe
27639s you've got a 50 50 maybe you know you've
27640s run them out of stuff
27650s I don't think there's any damage or
27652s direct damage I should say I don't think
27654s there's any direct damage left in
27655s treadise okay
27657s this is a star power my goodness
27661s yeah
27663s pretty fantastic
27666s 36 points of damage for five little Mana
27681s okay
27683s any six sixes for massive healing
27693s [Music]
27696s don't press the button
27698s not enough still is it
27702s well no
27709s uh I mean
27712s they're I guess if Negan goes for the
27716s reanimator
27717s and Forge of Wills
27719s sure we'll heal up to eight
27724s and then the forge of whales can create
27727s a rusher that does something yeah
27730s brushes there's still things on the
27732s board without hero power right yeah so
27734s yeah
27738s just gonna have to be the a new oh
27742s yeah unfortunately this doesn't actually
27744s create a copy of the minion itself right
27747s this is just what you need separate yeah
27750s a separate men in here but it's just
27752s gonna be
27753s uh pretty close these imps do have
27756s taunts but that's star power in hand or
27760s the links are enough to just clear those
27763s up pretty easily without really even
27765s trying
27766s yep two zero bang bang bang down to one
27770s deck already
27771s welcome to Dawn everybody
27774s yeah I I don't know how I manage this uh
27778s I have dodged casting a single Shaman
27781s game all day and all of the series have
27783s been incredibly fast uh three of us so
27786s far we're only a 2-0 for this one but
27789s okay 2-0 in dread eyes favor has just
27793s his mage deck correct just the mage deck
27796s correct yeah
27799s um which will slow things down a bit
27801s most likely he's got to play into the
27803s Druid which is not a good matchup for
27806s the majors I understand it I think the
27807s Druid just makes that massive board and
27809s the major can sort of not interfere with
27811s it enough and then you just die to it
27814s um the Rogue where the Mage is favored I
27816s think personally and then the Warlock
27819s where I think the Mages is pretty strong
27821s be favored if played by a strong player
27824s um certainly not favorite if I play it
27825s but hey warlock's fine right
27829s um well we did see it lose there at
27831s least so you know yeah it can lose it
27834s can lose uh not to me
27839s you're not gonna convince me that the
27841s Warlock deck doesn't draw the nuts every
27842s time even though it just didn't and we
27844s saw the evidence on screen I'm going to
27846s blank that out we
27848s okay
27851s it is Mage and as you mentioned up
27854s against all three of these other decks
27855s all right I want to ask you do you think
27858s this is going to end in a 3-0 or are we
27861s at least gonna see a three one
27863s three one he'll cue the Druid to get one
27865s on the board that's what I would do
27867s three one all right
27868s all right
27869s I like it you know
27872s uh mirror with the Mages as well right
27875s uh no excuse me no no no no no no it's
27878s banned just a warlock on the road so so
27881s yeah conventional wisdom has always been
27883s uq your best deck here you should be the
27887s Druid if he does which he's done
27890s um just to sort of put pressure on your
27891s opponent on the scoreboard what I have
27894s seen the very best players the fury
27896s Hunters the pocket trains do in these
27898s tournaments in this spot
27899s is Q their worst match up first
27903s um not so much in a knockout stage but
27905s especially if there's more to come
27906s tomorrow like the end of a master's tour
27908s so they can go to bed a little bit
27909s different here because you've got to
27910s play all three anyway but if they're
27911s going to lose three nil they're going to
27913s lose their hard matchup they just want
27914s to find out go to bed and play day two
27916s [Music]
27917s different courses but yeah
27920s there's also the thinking too if they
27921s bring in the worst uh the worst matchup
27924s that they have and they win
27926s that could potentially just lead into
27928s them building momentum and their
27929s matchups get better from there as well
27931s so with Conquest it definitely is really
27933s interesting to see how these players
27935s kind of line up and especially once it
27937s gets to kind of that match point
27940s and in the series right well are they
27943s going to are they not going to but as
27946s you said the Druid here coming in and I
27950s like the looks of the start of this so
27952s far I'm going to be able to start
27954s pushing a little damage build up a
27956s little bit of Trance on the board has
27958s the seedsman now in hand to be able to
27961s start ramping towards that drum circle
27963s there there's some things in hand here
27965s for nagan that can start moving him in a
27968s good direction yeah gonna have to though
27970s no way of double circling yet obviously
27972s that will come about pretty soon it
27974s usually does
27975s no card draw to speak of
27978s um if you don't count the seedsman which
27980s depends how you see that I guess
27983s uh which would Apple pickup is pretty
27986s good here as well
27988s right could just play which would Apple
27990s maybe one of those trains plus the
27992s forest blossoms and go as wide as you
27994s can on board
27996s just start applying pressure as much as
27998s possible for straight eye to have the
28000s answers
28002s yeah just do this
28005s today's ready with the cold case I think
28008s yeah
28010s oh sorry the clear my bad yep in the
28012s Cold Case next turn
28013s yeah
28017s my brain had already cleared the board
28020s yeah that potential could be as well why
28023s we saw Negan actually go for just both
28025s of the trends from the Witchwood Apple
28027s instead of also committing that Forest
28029s blossoms for in Azure body
28035s oh the keyboard or
28040s [Music]
28043s yeah that's that's keyboard for you
28045s right even when it looks like it's not
28046s keyboard it's always keyboard it's
28048s always keyboard like you look at it you
28051s go oh my this is awkward and the answer
28053s is make it not awkward then noob
28057s yeah the answer is well we'll embrace
28059s the awkward and just take it anyways
28061s because yeah it turns out extra bodies
28064s on board are very good especially in a
28066s matchup like this where the Giroud wants
28068s to be getting on the board
28073s an objection pickup as well pretty nice
28077s here in this matchup
28079s interesting choice here yeah
28081s obviously keeping The Druids minions off
28083s the board with drum cell killing the
28085s deck makes sense but also the damage you
28086s know the pressure is I think he could
28088s consider he's quite a long way ahead on
28089s board
28090s yeah this makes sense
28096s hmm
28097s the summer flower child pickup is pretty
28100s interesting could just go for it next
28102s turn looks like he's going to drop Plus
28104s discounts pretty good but okay gonna go
28107s for the Embrace of nature instead here
28112s okay he's good to go
28114s that's all right
28118s you love a double choose one effect drum
28122s circle
28124s yeah exactly and what I'm trying to do
28126s whilst watching and casting these
28127s players is look for spots where they
28130s don't just do the obvious play with this
28131s deck like uh get a drum circle there's a
28134s situation earlier where player delayed
28135s it a turn to try and get
28137s extra Buffs down on it and that sort of
28139s thing until I try and get the um the
28141s solar eclipse on it
28143s um but I'm looking for spots where I
28145s would just wear play green card is not
28147s the right play
28149s yeah absolutely uh it's also pretty
28152s interesting because the uh
28155s the Embrace of nature is the way that
28158s these decks are built it's a pretty
28160s specific draw right so it's not just oh
28164s I'm gonna choose or play this and the
28167s choose one card I get is gonna be one of
28170s five or six or seven like we might have
28173s seen in other variants it is very very
28175s specific the way that these decks are
28177s built and you know looking at these deck
28180s lists it is uh drum circle and what
28185s usually
28187s uh
28189s I'm drawing a blank on the name of the
28190s card but I I'm your worst I'm the worst
28192s for that don't don't do that yeah
28196s what does the card do and I'll tell you
28197s what it should be called
28199s well I don't I don't even think that
28203s eventually
28205s right looking at it I'm sorry I always
28207s blank on card names I'm the worst to
28209s bail you out
28210s foreign
28211s I'll find it
28213s while we look at this impressive
28215s treatment board and how Jedi is going to
28218s maneuver this turn
28220s [Music]
28224s hmm
28232s yeah how do you sort this out
28239s I mean you're not clearing this ever but
28241s can you clear enough without losing
28242s enough resources you're still in the
28243s game
28246s it's lifebinders gift by the way there
28248s lorenza got it okay yeah but I do not
28252s see lifebinders gift at all in Megan's
28255s list so yeah actually going for that uh
28259s Embrace of nature was it looks like a
28261s guarantee to draw the jump Circle
28265s kind of like that in some ways obviously
28268s it's very hard to do
28269s to know having not played it of course
28272s it's a really important card you're
28274s missing out of your deck
28288s so much
28296s all right
28299s okay so cultivation let's go yeah
28305s nicely done yeah
28308s all right
28310s it's on the board it's on the board
28312s we're in the yeah
28315s well done broke in the curse
28319s the better now that's right that's right
28325s is that what happens now there were a
28328s lot of reverse sweeps I think early in
28330s those group stages but I don't know it's
28333s kind of interesting I do feel like some
28335s of these players lineups and even in
28338s some of the discussions I've seen there
28340s definitely are lineups and strategies
28342s that are trying to basically soft target
28344s Mage so I I don't think it's impossible
28347s for it to be a reverse sweep here
28350s um but I do think uh that as you said
28354s earlier that the Druid was definitely
28356s the best shot to get there are the other
28358s ones going to be quite as good I don't
28360s know
28362s yeah I feel not I'm sure not they might
28365s play well like the Rogue can just win on
28367s like turn four if there's no
28369s reverberations the game just ends
28371s um and look like it always wins but I
28374s think they're both tough matchups here
28376s for Negan I think that Jedi won't be too
28378s concerned yet he loses the next one then
28380s sure you get concerned because two 60
28382s shots will go to one 60 shot ah yeah you
28385s start to feel a lot less confident but
28387s he'll be comfortable right now
28389s right yeah and uh this is really
28391s interesting here we're gonna see the
28393s Warlock getting played again for Negan
28397s here uh versus this Mage for dredi as
28400s we've mentioned see if Negan can sneak
28404s in a win here with the Warlock and I did
28406s see a slime I did see slime looks like
28409s he's got the hang of it now
28411s that's right and the coin as well
28413s and the symphony and yeah
28416s yeah but yeah at this point no one dead
28420s so looking for ways in Jedi's hand to
28422s remove 11 11 so that's kind of how I
28424s plan this out which is a little bit too
28426s negative but at my level planning this
28428s out is how do I kill the 11 11s means I
28431s get on board enough it means I get my
28433s Reverb in my hand and it usually means
28435s I've got extra damage left over that I
28437s don't need because it's the worst case
28439s scenario facing in early 11 11. usually
28441s you don't necessarily needle yeah
28443s oh and there is the Reverb being picked
28446s up for Jedi both of these classes the
28448s the reverberations is a dual class card
28451s and it is a mage warlock card so both of
28453s these players are running the
28454s reverberations in their lists here but
28457s as of right now there still is nothing
28460s here for the slime
28463s so far there's no 11 11 that's uh
28467s potentially going to be coming out which
28469s does make things really awkward because
28470s if you can't find those pieces to be
28474s able to really kind of cheat out those
28475s big minions to be able to kind of lean
28478s into that mechanic of your deck it
28481s starts to feel like you have to either
28482s let the deck kind of fall apart or you
28486s have to find a different game plan and
28488s maybe Symphony of sins is that other
28490s game plan at the moment but I don't it
28493s feels like a bit of a stretch 7-7 Rush
28496s man to buy yourself a bit of time
28498s seems okay yeah if things go wrong yeah
28500s you might be right coin symphony is
28502s pretty good too
28506s oh yeah
28508s yeah just just do that just do what they
28511s always do yeah yeah who needs to worry
28514s about that when you can just draw the
28516s Thaddeus on on the turn you need it
28519s absolutely fantastic there
28521s but but yeah exactly
28524s tread eye has answers
28527s there's reverberations is that something
28530s that dread I wants to look at here or is
28534s it more of just an approach of trying to
28536s clear an answer and save that
28538s reverberations for something later
28541s yeah I think you just do it but he'll
28544s know better
28546s um this is also I mean I haven't got the
28548s bone Spike and other things but this is
28549s why you put every point of damage you
28551s can get on the board these little one
28552s twos and one threes were played um the
28556s expense of some other cards some draw or
28558s whatever
28559s um didn't infinitize for instance
28561s like getting these little things on the
28564s board is so huge if he hadn't had that
28566s bone Spike he wouldn't be able to put
28567s all three one twos in for three damage
28569s for instance and then Reverb and ping
28571s you know they matter a lot these These
28575s Little Things
28577s they do they look very unassuming but
28580s they really can add up and work really
28582s well with the things that the major is
28584s already trying to do right uh
28592s yeah just just if your opponent takes a
28594s turn to defile this board say they they
28596s say they can't which they can as it
28598s happens
28599s what's the rest of their turn as a
28601s warlock for three money if they defile
28603s this
28604s tap pass like
28606s it's just not a good Hearthstone turn
28608s for them so there's some reverberations
28612s the the reverber can we go into like a a
28616s little bit of uh
28618s Dream Within A Dream type uh Theory here
28621s is this reverberations on the
28623s reverberated
28624s and I'm gonna make that a word
28627s that is okay perfect I like it good spot
28630s yeah absolutely
28633s again as you mentioned now okay there's
28635s two Mana maybe sargeras comes down this
28638s Forge of Wills is still active so can
28641s definitely uh create a maybe an 11 11
28644s that has Rush here but then I guess that
28649s kind of means maybe using the Mortal
28650s coil to clean up as well
28654s or take your chance on this Symphony
28656s because you think that if you hit you
28657s win
28659s or if you miss you lose anyway or
28660s whatever with the bottle coil it was
28662s tough one it was a tough one
28665s yeah they feel like a lot of moving
28667s parts that turn
28670s like with all my memes aside this is the
28672s sort of turn that will be the difference
28674s between somebody playing warlock on
28676s ladder and somebody playing at this
28677s level like he's put a lot of
28680s like you say moving Parts into this he's
28682s had to process all of those and do what
28683s he can and he's end up with a nice board
28684s and a clear board out of it
28688s it's a really interesting
28691s uh sequence of events for that turn as
28692s well right because there were a lot of
28694s choices use that Forge of Wills to make
28697s an 11-11 rusher and kind of clean stuff
28701s up in you know in a different way with
28704s like the Mortal coil and kind of clean
28705s up after that or going for a play like
28709s what Negan did which was yeah I'm just
28712s gonna use this Thaddeus that I have
28714s copied for this turn alone and then I'm
28718s going to be able to create a full board
28720s that has to be answered at the end of
28722s the turn so we finally after like ages
28726s found the counter to reverberations and
28728s it's reverberations
28730s that's how you stop it you just do it
28733s back straight at him
28735s that's right
28739s oh
28740s okay this is this is also very
28742s interesting here
28743s the reanimator can definitely just bring
28748s back Thaddeus but okay
28752s is that the line here or
28755s does Negan need to try to do something
28757s because he's sitting at 17 Health now
28760s it's going into turn seven
28762s uh which could be the elemental
28764s inspiration but also there has been some
28767s spell schools played at this point
28769s looking at potentially facing down some
28772s damage and 17 doesn't necessarily feel
28777s like you're safe against mage
28779s so the I don't like about this Warlock
28781s deck is a you know to play with not
28782s against because I'm moan about playing
28784s against it enough he's just on nine
28785s cards and none of them do anything it's
28788s like
28789s feel feel hard done buying this
28791s situation making space on his own board
28792s and in his hand here this is cool
28795s yeah and healing up a little bit as well
28797s uh definitely I'm not gonna count out
28800s any of that healing at this point
28803s he timed out there though yeah didn't
28806s get to attack and clear off that minion
28808s I'm not sure if that's
28810s going to make a difference though at
28813s this point but maybe it will
28816s it's possible
28823s I mean it's always yeah it's always more
28826s than you more problem than you imagine
28828s if you leave up a minion that shouldn't
28830s be there
28834s foreign
28840s maybe that doesn't matter but you don't
28841s want to take too many extra threes over
28843s the course of a game like 10 extra
28844s threes and you're dead
28849s like this is the second or third
28851s discovered uh solar eclipse that we've
28854s seen on stream today
28856s that just really kind of put in a lot of
28859s work and doing uh solar eclipse into
28862s that star power to clear up a very large
28865s board means that dreadi can save things
28868s like the solid Alibis for future turns
28871s yeah let's not give Mage solar eclipse
28873s anytime soon that would be that would be
28875s nice thanks yes
28879s right off the top
28887s and the negatives use the most basic car
28889s back by the way I respect that
28894s well that's the strategy right you gotta
28896s you gotta use the basic card back so
28897s that nobody knows your skill level
28899s exactly
28901s right obviously in the 16 player
28903s tournament where they spent months and
28905s months qualifying for and had to be at
28907s the very top
28908s they're they're gonna be fooled by that
28910s you tricked you oh I'm actually quite
28912s good
28914s who'da thought
28916s who'd have thought the 16 best players
28918s over the regions over a three-month
28920s period were reasonable at Hearthstone
28924s well to red eye has done a really
28927s impressive job this game of being able
28930s to find board clears and answer these
28932s repetitive big bodies that Negan has
28935s been putting out absolutely
28941s has to get rid of one of these
28943s It's gotta be the armor vendor just get
28945s rid of the armor vendor
28948s seems like it unless he feels like he
28950s needs the fall
28954s what's he doing with the rest of his
28956s turn
28957s it's just not a good enough card is it
28959s unless he's really got four Mana he
28960s wants to spend on something
28964s yeah that break point of Mana seems
28969s pretty lacking right now maybe it's the
28972s movement of sloth maybe he just gets rid
28974s of the sloth yeah okay yeah
28978s it's the Thaddeus
28981s all right
28985s see tread eyes shaking his head there
28988s just nodding yeah
28992s doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you
28994s put stats on the board if you have big
28995s bodies Jedi
28998s kept the boards at Bay long enough to be
29001s able to do exactly what this major wants
29004s to do and that is build up some damage
29007s after playing multiple spell schools and
29009s just get there with over-the-top damage
29011s from hand
29012s 14 damage moon beam of all things yeah
29016s he can't believe he sees the funny side
29018s in fact he was laughing at one of his
29020s losses earlier as well he just sees the
29021s funny side of hearthstone things
29023s um
29024s sort of known for that these days I
29025s think but yeah winning with a Moonbeam
29027s looked pretty convincing in that Victory
29030s as well over all over the match and
29032s another quick one for you Don
29034s yeah absolutely well I don't know I feel
29036s like in that game the uh kind of stars
29039s of where the MVPs of the cards were
29042s those discovered nature spells of all
29044s things uh there was absolutely multiple
29047s nature spells and even in some other
29049s series earlier I think a lot of the
29052s nature spells were absolutely putting in
29054s a lot of work and helping the Mage kind
29056s of stall that extra turn that they may
29059s have needed or in some cases we saw like
29062s otters come out on the board earlier to
29063s kind of create an awkward wide board
29066s that was you know maybe not the most
29069s threatening but it was creating some
29070s Tempo on board it was creating a threat
29073s of some extra damage along with the
29074s potential damage so I don't know that
29077s was that was kind of cool to see all
29078s those nature spells kind of come
29080s together
29081s yep it says if you give a class
29083s something you can't normally do
29085s then it fills in the gaps of things it
29087s can't normally do and that's what you're
29089s describing there I feel so you know
29091s credit to spell schools actually working
29093s as intended I think that
29094s [Music]
29096s but I don't know about you Lorinda but I
29098s am very excited to see dreadi winning
29101s that series moving into our day number
29104s two he will join the rest of the players
29106s that have already made it to tomorrow
29108s and we still have one more player to
29112s find out who will be joining our seven
29114s players already qualified for tomorrow
29117s are you ready to find out who that is I
29119s am ready Dawn you're gonna throw us out
29121s so we can find out who it is that is yep
29123s but before we do that yeah we have to
29126s take a quick break so we can set that
29128s match up before you all find out who
29130s ends up getting there so don't go
29132s anywhere we'll be right back for our
29133s summer championship
29134s [Music]
29152s [Music]
29173s [Music]
29194s [Music]
29209s foreign
29211s [Music]
29245s [Music]
29250s [Music]
29261s [Music]
29266s [Music]
29272s [Music]
29275s foreign
29297s [Music]
29302s [Music]
29313s [Music]
29319s [Music]
29330s [Music]
29339s thank you
29352s foreign
29355s [Music]
29377s [Music]
29407s [Music]
29439s thank you
29448s [Music]
29457s [Music]
29463s thank you
29464s [Music]
29489s [Music]
29489s [Applause]
29490s [Music]
29499s hello everybody and welcome back to the
29501s Hearthstone Masters Tour summer
29502s Championship my name is TJ I'm joined by
29504s Neil AKA
29507s Lorinda aka the Randy games on Twitter
29510s all in there I don't know how you doing
29512s bud
29513s nice to meet you
29517s funny you ask yeah
29521s yeah I don't know Neil I've just been
29523s hanging out casting but we got another
29525s uh decider match coming up next and I
29529s don't know about you but I'm dying to
29530s see how this one ends
29532s meet to TJ me too
29535s um let's see how it goes let's have a
29536s look at the players and the lineups and
29538s the brackets and all those good things
29540s and then we'll we'll get into this game
29542s TJ but there's Group B that we finished
29544s ages ago
29547s I just want to remind us that it's done
29550s we saw you and Casey move on from Group
29553s B
29554s uh close one between Casey and gamer rvg
29557s uh right there at the uh right there at
29560s the end so oh we saw pocket train and
29563s Dread I move on from Group C
29565s just saw Jedi right now actually
29567s literally right this second
29571s went ahead and got it done so now we're
29574s gonna move on to
29576s nope it's not Group D either
29578s we're just going through the groups that
29580s we're not doing Gabby Hemlock uh moving
29583s on and then last but not least
29588s there it
29590s isoku gonna be facing off each other for
29592s the last spot in the top eight
29596s yep and this is gonna be good TJ we've
29599s got more warlock action which we know is
29601s something that I absolutely adore and
29604s weak you honestly like the best player
29607s in the world on ladder over the last
29609s several months pocket train might have
29610s something to say about that but Wiki is
29612s just knocking out those ranked ones over
29614s and over again so
29616s I think I think he's got a good claim to
29618s it even though most people won't have
29619s heard of him much
29623s uh yeah well neither have we apparently
29626s because
29628s it's just a dark foreboding figure so I
29631s think the players wrote their own uh
29632s profile so he's saying here this is a
29634s joke this one is smiley face the middle
29636s one because he's only played in one
29637s tournament really in Esports and he came
29639s top 16 out of the 16 that played so this
29642s is this week you giving you something to
29644s to giggle about basically
29647s oh yeah
29649s it's got to be a blank space there where
29651s the picture should be
29653s but yep fitting his name in it at least
29657s Q
29659s going to highlight the nature Shaman
29661s from weq I feel like this one is um
29664s pretty standard from what we've seen uh
29666s with the double turn the tides it's more
29668s tempo
29669s oriented version
29672s um
29672s so I I will refuse to call it saddle
29676s Shaman or fuse shaman
29680s ego Shaman is this is this the one
29682s though
29684s soy sauce
29688s I'm trying to summon him
29690s just look like my mixed mistake there TJ
29693s I don't know what's going on
29695s wow
29697s if I was the one who built this nature
29699s Shaman you know I could show you
29701s incredible things you absolutely could
29703s TJ
29704s but you weren't so we need a subtle to
29706s show us those things
29708s um
29709s which I don't know where he is actually
29713s but he loves the fact that he made this
29715s deck
29717s and everybody copied it
29719s yeah
29720s all right tonsoku's up next tansoku
29724s means short-legged person in Japanese
29727s fun fact I knew that fact already
29729s because it was one of the first
29730s questions that we used to ask players
29731s back when they used to come to
29732s championships
29737s I remember this a few times actually I
29740s would say many times
29742s um I think it's four plus times now uh
29745s one of my favorite people on the planet
29747s not just Hearthstone players just people
29748s on the planet
29751s um and we're highlighting you signed his
29753s his phone because we've never heard this
29755s story before I think you should I did
29756s yeah
29758s never heard before stories
29763s I was a big fan of him he was a big fan
29765s of me
29766s I signed his phone I don't know if
29767s that's a fair trade he didn't sign my
29769s phone but I had a case of my phone
29772s I changed cases it wouldn't have been
29774s there anymore I signed his actual phone
29776s besides actual phone so he's still got
29778s that phone like he's still he's this big
29781s and he's texting like this
29783s like yeah phones people by like carrying
29786s it around
29787s yeah and if oh man you know if you saw
29790s that signature on that phone
29792s it'll leave you Breathless
29796s absolutely um you've told me about it
29798s many times but now my part of the intro
29801s is over and into the playing because DJ
29805s I love the players but you love the game
29807s so you bring this one in
29812s at the top
29814s that's not weak you
29817s guys behind these guys
29821s good guys it's been Jedi all along
29827s is the gun reveal he's been playing he's
29829s been playing twice what happens if they
29832s meet together in the final he's giving
29834s two dread eyes just how does that even
29837s work
29840s ah
29842s oh God
29847s only got one face to look at though here
29850s TJ we've only got the one
29852s [Music]
29855s well these are not particularly good a
29858s discounted polymorph jellyfish is
29860s interesting however
29864s um but where does it fit in oh this what
29866s am I talking about
29867s this is Naga Mage and watch a rainbow
29869s Mage all day this is not a mage
29871s of ashara not too shabby
29875s though
29880s Star Tower
29882s sure
29884s like a discount star power just be able
29885s to
29887s a bada bing bada boom turn four
29889s clear the board
29892s well
29894s you obviously understanding the urgency
29896s of this situation here because the Naga
29898s Mage if it gets on board it's gonna be
29900s difficult for the hunter to clear enough
29901s stuff
29905s [Music]
29908s but threatening to hit the for eight is
29910s obviously the perfect start you can't
29912s just go pinging these away it just gets
29914s Beyond you so I wonder if he plays the
29915s crush kill here to see what he hits
29917s yeah
29919s that's what I'm thinking
29924s you could go for a vast wisdom vast
29926s wisdom see would be fine you got two of
29928s them so you hit so if you find siren you
29930s know you still have cheap another cheap
29932s spell to be able to get going
29935s um
29939s or is he gonna he's gonna ping okay
29944s taking his time feels that you can
29947s contend with this
29959s that he's confident there's a lot of
29962s damage output out there
29967s this is real awkward for tonsoku to be
29971s quite Frank
29973s quite Frank is that like just somebody
29976s who is really quiet just watch his
29978s Hearthstone a lot
29980s yeah
29981s actually there was a quiet Frank who um
29984s any videos was a competitive personal
29987s player Frank in a box uh the player I
29990s see yeah I remember yeah remember Frank
29992s yeah
29994s good guy
29997s very quiet though
29999s that's why I quite Frank so you want to
30001s be quite Frank is that is what's going
30003s on
30005s ah it was a hypothetical if if I was
30008s quite Frank
30010s or to be quite Frank
30012s okay
30015s but to be loud Frank no that's different
30017s different story altogether don't want to
30019s be loud Frank
30021s IE I mean
30023s if you're gonna be frank you'd be quite
30024s Frank
30026s because loud Frank's got no friends
30028s because he's loud
30030s yeah
30032s exactly it's gonna ping again
30036s are you are you actually watching the
30037s Hearthstone damn it I should be doing
30038s the same thing
30039s [Music]
30046s but I mean you'll come back each time
30048s you leave
30049s yeah I'm done absolutely
30052s you can tell me when it's over though TJ
30054s if you want
30061s just chipping away
30063s still no siren
30067s and I mean the longer we go without
30070s tonsoku finding a siren the
30073s more Wiki's gonna have the chance to
30075s just go over the top
30077s of whatever's on the board with direct
30079s damage I mean Kraken being is is active
30084s um
30085s plus the additional spell damage from
30088s everything in the hand
30090s yeah okay so shooting star is
30095s something wish we would have had that
30097s earlier but hey it is what it is
30101s full ones are so annoying aren't they
30103s it's just so Mana efficient dealing with
30105s one of them is okay but constantly
30107s dealing with them is just annoying
30112s and stopping tan soccer from being able
30114s to do what he wants to do
30122s he starts Revenue what's happening here
30123s are you the same person
30127s even he hates that he's had to Ping
30129s every turn he's just weaving he's beat
30131s him with three cards
30136s [Music]
30137s well
30140s this has been my experience with this
30141s deck no you just did nothing at that
30143s died
30146s unless your pocket train or yeah
30148s whatever
30154s it's just a nightmare dressed like a
30156s Daydream TJ it just every time it looks
30159s great doesn't work
30164s deep
30168s okay he stuck a minion I repeat hey
30175s we can just draw a million cards now
30179s or basically win the Hearthstone
30184s it's got to be like siren off the top
30186s right now huh
30188s I think so yeah
30200s um that's not a Simon
30207s womp womp computer says no
30212s all right
30214s and any outs in the savara is a Gifts of
30218s ashara
30220s a vast wisdom
30223s and something else
30229s okay Reverb
30231s he is
30238s up with
30241s other cards I don't know
30244s [Music]
30246s I still need to play around hidden
30248s meaning so it really only has four Mana
30250s to work with still a hidden meeting up
30251s on the other side you can't afford to
30253s take an extra
30256s on average
30257s 2.2 damage is that what it is I don't
30260s know sounds about like can we just play
30262s the quest cool I think we might be
30263s desperate enough now but hansoka
30265s obviously trying to be needs to kill the
30267s the second one though so it needs to
30268s finish
30271s and then just hope for siren right
30273s that's it and hope that the pop-off is
30276s enough
30277s that's assuming this isn't enough and
30280s that's enough yeah each of these
30281s ricochets is two plus the six from the
30284s bow and
30286s that'll do it
30288s takes game number one in
30291s uh I won't say the easiest game of his
30293s life but townsoka just didn't have the
30295s hand to put up that much of a fight
30298s uh which is unfortunate because you see
30300s a lot especially in these uh Ice Age
30302s situations you want to see
30305s you want to see some tough football
30307s matches
30309s just occasionally I want to see somebody
30312s have the experience that I have with a
30315s deck and that was the occasional one
30317s that's us you know he's a very good
30319s player but it made me feel like I'm
30321s playing the deck the same as the good
30323s players where I go ping ping ping I'm
30324s dead okay with that
30327s so I want you what you took away from
30330s this game is well if if he does it it
30333s loses then it's okay if I do the same
30335s thing and lose yeah
30337s exactly okay
30340s but I don't want to see that all the
30341s time I agree with you high level player
30342s you don't you don't want that to happen
30343s to somebody really but it's nice just to
30345s see it occasionally just that little
30346s tiny bit of positive reinforcement
30349s because I'm known for being a positive
30350s person teach
30352s that's itself
30355s every time I watch your stream you're
30358s like was that correct that wasn't
30360s correct
30362s you win the game what do you mean was
30363s she this dream wasn't correct or what I
30365s said wasn't correct
30366s that's what you say every time you make
30368s a play was that correct that wasn't
30370s correct
30371s and then you win the game of hearthstone
30372s you're like I didn't play that game of
30374s hearthstone well and you lose the game
30375s of person you're like I definitely
30377s didn't play that game of hearthstone
30378s well and then saddles in your chat and
30380s he's saying Neil you really didn't play
30382s that horse game well yeah you think
30384s played it badly Neil but let me tell you
30387s it was much worse than that
30389s yeah you're like oh man I probably had
30391s three misplays well
30393s actually
30394s it's my solid voice actually
30398s you made seven and a half plays
30400s incorrectly yeah but I can make the bad
30402s guys good for a weekend so just have me
30404s on for two days and we'll be fine teach
30407s that's what he would say
30409s Fair Point that seems like exactly
30411s something that Sarah would say
30413s uh but we Q has got the hunter out of
30415s the way
30416s and left in the lineup is the Mage and
30419s the druid
30421s I feel like druid's been I don't want to
30423s say it's cleaning up today Drew's just
30425s being Druid Druid is one of those decks
30427s where you know you're playing against a
30430s deck that can't clear your board
30432s you win you playing again you're playing
30434s against the deck
30435s that uh make that puts Minions on the
30439s board between turns one and five you die
30443s um
30446s this 200 would have been
30447s surprising if nobody bought Drew I feel
30449s like the right amount of Druid is here
30451s it's
30452s played it's also supposed to be sort of
30455s like you're saying it's Druid some
30456s people bring it it's fine but a lot of
30459s Druid I don't think it's quite powerful
30460s enough from asking around especially
30462s pocket train but yeah yeah it can do
30465s very powerful things
30467s but it's limited on how quickly it can
30471s do those things
30473s um and that's the real issue and it's
30475s got limited removal so it kind of gets
30477s run over and hear the game
30480s um
30482s but you know let's go let's go with this
30484s anyway
30487s you see unless there is a druid on the
30490s board no just say we're talking about
30491s Druid as if it's not turned two in a
30493s rogue versus Mage game because that's
30495s how we cast it's great yeah no casting
30498s hypotheticals
30500s is doing well
30503s personally yeah
30505s I
30506s I never miss my chance to finish a point
30508s I don't care what's happening
30510s that's why I don't cast World
30512s Championship Finals
30514s everybody casts World Championship
30515s Finals these days because the winning
30518s moment
30520s but I had a train of thought that was
30522s from two turns prior
30524s uh-huh and I gotta finish it
30527s just like this moment right now
30531s we still have not acknowledged it
30534s however he's playing it back in shock
30538s I was making a point and then you gave a
30541s rebuttal and I'm not gonna let that sit
30543s on the table so okay
30548s well just just continue then
30551s no that's it
30553s you sure
30554s I'm sure
30556s so we can go we can we can cast this
30558s game
30559s I don't know if I want to anymore you've
30561s taught me how I was enjoying casting
30562s this game but now
30565s I should do it
30567s you give it you give rush to his biggest
30569s thing
30570s yeah reverbed off the face of the planet
30572s weak you drew the cold case with the
30575s keyboard online
30578s tonsoku might be dunzo
30582s yeah you make those big minions
30586s tansoka and if it goes wrong
30590s you've got to tell us where it's over if
30591s the high was worth the pain because that
30593s was a lot of damage
30600s couldn't have said it better myself
30602s I don't think you could
30609s it's like where are all these minions
30611s coming from
30613s it's Amaze they don't play minions
30618s not to laugh this is yeah the the weapon
30620s in maze just feels incredibly unfair
30622s when it goes to into stuff two three
30625s four
30627s this has been the ideal curve
30632s if that Reverb if the uh the Drone or
30635s the spark the spark
30638s bot
30640s was anything other than Rush tansoku
30643s main wouldn't have been in that bad of a
30644s situation right yes
30647s um put on his biggest minion that's
30648s what's allowed the Reverb to trade back
30650s over otherwise it would have just
30652s allowed him to hang out with one damage
30655s and didn't even know it would have died
30656s to one damage from weak U he would have
30658s gotten enough out of it before it
30659s inevitably died so
30663s and macro does not play well from behind
30666s so this is going to be uh
30671s quite a difficult situation to
30674s navigate out of
30677s let's turn four a lot of game left to
30679s play but it's not looking good
30682s yeah the Mage on board hasn't even
30684s started using its tools I suppose it
30686s used Aviva but it hasn't used all of its
30687s tools yet to actually
30690s start winning the games just manage to
30692s dominate the board which it does
30694s sometimes in this exact setup obviously
30700s I want to make a 4-4 and then just flame
30702s geezer
30704s so I want to do just volume up don't
30706s care about the um why do you and Sarah
30708s both call it geezers
30710s they are cases
30713s Diamond geysers
30715s it's a card we need to make
30718s instead of golden ones just get diamond
30720s ones
30722s like I've I've been willing to accept
30724s Shaman all these years uh-huh
30728s I will not accept Keyser
30731s you won't accept Giza
30733s no hmm
30737s what would you call it a geyser
30743s why would it be a geyser
30749s that doesn't rhyme with tweezer
30754s because that's why we call it a geyser
30758s the rhyming
30761s all right what gets tansuku out of this
30765s is it MC blink Tron perhaps
30769s ah
30771s no
30773s is it
30774s Henry the mild man of janitor
30780s could be
30782s gorilla bot
30786s yeah try again
30792s yeah who knows it's
30795s I mean he doesn't I don't you don't so
30797s it's a good spot for weq here M.C
30799s blintron could be used to get rid of a
30802s keyboard
30806s all right
30813s which I think is important
30819s true yeah that's a fair point actually
30821s it's when you said yeah might get him
30823s out I guess that makes sense
30825s that's like the highest upside
30828s um
30829s take the one extra damage not sure about
30831s it
30833s I don't know if that'll matter too much
30834s in this scenario but getting rid of
30837s keyboard to block some Tempo and maybe
30839s sticking a big board later on in the
30840s game could be
30841s pretty impactful
30844s we'll see out of these options
30846s um
30849s I mean you can just rip the video right
30851s now yeah
30853s but obviously go for the Phoenix Circle
30856s instead both were spell schools that
30858s he'd not played yet are they fellow holy
30862s I like the imps against Rogue as well
30863s the Rogue doesn't remove them except and
30865s they hit Divine Shield they just
30867s generally annoying
30869s I always talk about having lots of
30870s minions against Rogue as well so at some
30872s point here you can just even start
30873s raising racing
30876s do you leave space
30879s you feel your bored
30883s [Music]
30897s yeah just yeah yep these are these are
30902s hearthstone cards
30904s so flame
30908s might have to be kravatoa just just
30910s clear up multiple things on the board at
30912s once
30914s [Music]
30914s um
30915s player behemoth
30920s I don't know we don't want to be
30922s clearing things with it with a rogue we
30924s should be making things
30929s oh it's horrible isn't it he's just
30931s accepted that he's turned his garbage
30933s and he has to do this I don't mind this
30935s oh hello
30938s spideys
30943s I'm worried about imminent death
30945s we could use God everything a solid
30948s albums for these stealthies
30952s molten Rune can just forge it and start
30955s launching face next turn six seven eight
30958s nine ten damage on board
30960s it's quite close actually
30964s yeah
30966s so what's Town circus plan here
30968s how does he even try and win this when
30971s he doesn't get into blizzard is the
30972s answer but he doesn't know it's two
30974s pretty big stealthy things next turn and
30977s then tries to win the game on the back
30979s of him
30980s the lifesteal
30982s um
30983s sparkbot
30985s could
30986s be quite useful here
30988s so that's one thing to keep in mind
30990s especially with any
30994s but okay with the wind Fury and lots and
30997s lots of Lifestyle okay yeah
30999s back up but I mean
31002s it's a blizzard in hand
31005s these imps have done some work haven't
31007s they my goodness
31012s yeah this is five six seven eleven this
31015s is a lethal setup if tonsok was not able
31017s to clear stuff bone Spike does allow for
31020s some cleanup
31022s but Wiki just has the answer to
31024s everything it feels I mean Blizzard's
31026s pretty much the answer to everything
31030s so what can he do
31034s lifesteal spider serrated
31037s any I think you
31041s if only that was Rush
31043s I feel like you might hold on to the
31046s lifesteal
31047s yeah
31050s um
31053s or not
31057s so he's decided he thinks he's got to do
31059s it
31062s and I just use the uni to gain some
31064s health
31064s yeah
31067s it's not ideal but yeah
31073s this feels like a play to at least try
31074s and win in the world where your opponent
31076s has no hand
31078s yeah no I like this
31080s because if you just go all in on like
31082s two big stealthers
31084s uh and then trying any next turn for a
31086s bigger Health swing
31088s you open yourself up to
31090s like counter play whereas getting the
31092s any out right now
31094s lets Tom soku gain this little buffer of
31096s Life still hold on to the stealth
31098s magnetic in hand
31100s to try and maybe not to come back for a
31103s win later on
31105s so that I feel like this is the best
31109s best situation that he could hope to be
31111s in
31112s and does have the the little stealth
31114s scooter
31116s with live Steel on the left side uh-huh
31121s I mean the blizzard here doesn't
31123s actually kill anything obviously it will
31125s with the trades but doesn't actually
31126s kill anything you know and costs the
31128s turn so
31130s considering that tamsoko is basically
31132s the aggro deck here he's at least found
31134s a way to fight into
31136s I know Dreamland where he might win
31139s it's not particularly optimistic for him
31141s but
31142s oh
31145s I thought it was gonna be parablast
31150s I take home blast way too often it just
31152s sits in my hand the whole game
31153s desperately try and win
31155s well
31164s [Music]
31172s I want to give reborn to a spooter
31176s that seems a good idea
31180s I want to not die next turn
31183s what about if you
31189s Reborn the UN stealth winfury scooter
31194s okay
31198s kravitel
31200s yeah I like it actually and then you've
31202s got coins and blingers and
31205s start with cooking
31207s yeah you start with click Locker anyway
31208s because I don't want this to just be
31209s able to be pinged off
31213s this work this okay this works too
31216s sure this is actually better so you've
31218s got one big minion and it's gonna be
31220s forever or it's just gonna go down in
31222s flames but either way
31224s he's setting up a chance to try and win
31225s the game
31229s and Wiki did Shuffle the solid Alibis
31232s back into the deck
31243s indeed he did
31251s so is it like a million o'clock
31254s in APAC right now and 10 circles are
31256s starting to
31258s show signs of that I think
31261s I'm gaming hours right now
31265s in Japan
31266s only if your Starbucks lovers like
31268s that's just the only time it works
31272s well yeah because it's 9 A.M it's the
31274s morning
31274s [Music]
31277s if you've been up all night
31280s yeah but come on
31283s we can do it because we're young and
31285s we're Reckless
31287s we'll take this way too far we always
31289s will TJ we always have done
31292s oh deathborn what a throwback
31296s go back to six weeks ago
31299s throwback
31301s Sunday
31302s what a throwback
31304s this is a full Board of skellies
31310s but how much damage is this
31314s [Music]
31317s not quite enough
31321s [Music]
31322s you look like my next mistake
31327s I made this mistake all the time TJ
31331s thinking I've got lethal over two turns
31332s and just doesn't get there
31335s but I know you've heard about me anyway
31340s I hope you made this mistake though this
31342s one right there this specific mistake
31345s no yeah that one probably not
31347s no that one that mistake
31350s no I've not made that mistake or that
31352s joke ever
31354s there's probably a pastor out there for
31357s it I'm sure there is in fact if I know
31358s there is
31371s okay gotta kill the artificer that's uh
31376s step one
31379s and question mark question mark question
31382s mark step three profit
31388s all right
31389s got him down to eight
31395s is he gonna do this
31397s nah
31400s says Reverb
31404s ain't enough damage in the world
31412s um okay sure does emcee
31422s yeah okay you can see it's yeah I forgot
31425s about the life seal even though he just
31427s gained a bunch of life I was like just
31429s the Reverb alone even if it didn't have
31431s life steel would probably have been
31432s enough
31433s security spot in the game
31436s especially with the volume up to try and
31437s find the solid Alibis but
31439s tonsoku
31441s against the ropes now
31443s down 2-0 in this final decider match
31448s it's just down to the Druid left in the
31451s lineup so
31453s I mean I feel like out of I want all the
31456s decks in the tournament druid's probably
31458s the one with the most weak spots
31461s for instance
31463s okay
31464s yeah I'd say so you have to hope that
31467s the Rogue has pretty much nothing
31470s and then get the ideal start
31475s yeah like the other two though like
31477s disciples age four
31479s and then double innervate into drums
31483s on five
31485s yeah and then you're probably dead
31487s because it's turn five and you get to
31489s row you haven't done anything to them
31491s all game yeah you gotta have like plant
31493s like your opening hand is double planted
31496s evidence natural causes
31500s okay
31502s all right I want to see that I want to
31503s see it happen and then you draw into
31506s disciple you clear their thing with
31508s Planet evidence
31510s then you're drawn to innovate you clear
31511s their thing with Nature's natural causes
31515s drums and you
31518s clear their thing with
31520s Planet evidence then they play it then
31523s they play a thing you can't deal with it
31524s but you play your disciple
31526s uh-huh okay then they go really big with
31528s that thing but it's okay because you
31530s integrate innervate trumps
31532s uh
31533s and then and then your cultivations are
31536s super cheap by that point because
31540s man are you clearing stuff
31542s and summoning trians
31544s happening
31547s all right there's some of those cards
31548s you just talked about definitely
31553s evidence
31557s what about topiar the shrubegazor uh-huh
31562s great for those turn sevens where you're
31564s just alive against those Rogue decks
31567s yep
31569s not bad not bad
31571s that's okay is desperately wanting to
31574s keep this prep bone Spike it's so good
31575s but your opponent has to actually play
31577s something which they do
31580s yeah they play some trains earlier okay
31582s it keeps everything but the bond Spike
31584s of course
31586s keeps for the pit stop prep
31589s stop popping the peas
31595s I can't pop anything all right all my
31598s letters are so soft the ones that I can
31600s actually say
31602s which isn't many
31606s oh
31608s there's only one letter that you can't
31610s say
31611s yeah
31612s and you can actually say the letter
31615s yeah
31617s I just can't
31618s say it
31622s I could say them all oh man I'm clever I
31625s can say all letters you just have to
31627s give me time
31628s no pressure I noticed I noticed a small
31630s mistake here from tonsoku
31637s he didn't choose it though
31639s every time
31644s ah TJ
31650s I don't know this is pretty close to uh
31655s the scenario I was talking about
31657s let's get in there
31662s but here's a two minor four six Gadget
31665s maker
31669s which seems strong at this point
31671s I would like to add if it lives is the
31674s game just over oh my god with Snoop into
31677s coin coin automatic uh oh my goodness
31681s I've answered my question
31683s so close
31685s they've only kept the planet evidence
31687s yeah
31690s that's how that works
31698s you go
31700s lunar solar seedlings
31705s yep
31710s foreign
31711s the most difficult fiendish Circle ever
31716s that's been that is difficulty I love it
31720s [Laughter]
31725s I mean what else can he do
31728s uh hero power pass I don't know
31731s seedlings pass
31733s okay
31736s you take the floor
31739s to just help them kill you
31741s no okay
31745s and this thing ain't going anywhere
31748s no
31750s oh yeah
31753s you know where it's going it's going
31754s face that's where it's going probably
31756s twice
31757s looking for wind Fury
31761s nobody knows
31762s [Laughter]
31768s let's just be honest here no one knows
31770s what the colors are anymore
31773s blue it's Reborn
31775s orange is taunt thank you
31779s and orange but the slightly less Orange
31783s oh
31785s coolant
31790s his Divine Shield
31792s um this is
31795s oh yeah
31797s horn
31805s he's screaming and crying about the
31807s perfect storm this turn oh my it's just
31809s all over 11. like you're saying he had
31812s some good stuff but it's
31814s he appears to be just dying on turn four
31821s all right this is innovate
31823s nope okay there's the planet evidence
31826s but something to really do here
31828s so TJ's dream scenario kinda came true
31831s in that he drew one of the cards
31838s I just realized that was tattoo three
31841s yep
31844s that's okay now looking like he's gonna
31846s get back into this match just saying to
31848s himself I can make all these tables turn
31851s yeah get it to three two just win one at
31853s a time like the fury Hunter ways that's
31855s how few until you win tournaments just
31856s one game at a time
31860s so anyway you can get a peaceful Piper
31862s and discover a starfish
31866s probably
31869s there's usually a way if there's a
31871s question of can they do that blah blah
31873s blah blah blah the answer is almost
31874s always yes in Hearthstone these days
31877s would have been had to happen this turn
31879s for zero Mana
31894s well
31899s it's got to be a lethal here with the
31901s right hiccups right
31903s nah
31906s I don't think so okay
31910s even if you want second spark bot in
31912s both of your
31914s gadgets
31916s were blades deal three damage still be
31919s be one off one off okay
31930s actually if you hit coolant
31934s on the first one and then magnetize the
31936s spider
31938s yeah
31940s and then blades blades from the other
31942s two
31943s because you get the coin when you attack
31946s oh do you know that while minion has
31949s stealth it cannot taunt wow
31953s oh the interview was off the top there
31955s was disciple jumps and intervene in hand
31957s I was so close if only kept the planet
31959s evidence
31960s what a game
31962s celebrates or tries to he's a little bit
31965s focused at the moment
31967s yeah all right so the Druid left for Wii
31971s Q
31974s um tonsoku has
31979s um
31980s not Vogue
31982s I've got it here he's got the Mage and
31984s the Warlock
31987s yeah
31989s I was looking at the wrong list because
31990s I was looking at a uh
31993s not a Naga mage
31995s yeah the Warlock and
31997s Naga mage
32000s so two two Decks that have significant
32002s pop-off potential
32005s pop-up potential
32008s it's popular
32010s he's popping the mic
32014s oh I have uh
32018s actually a decent amount of faith in the
32020s Warlock
32022s okay because it can cheat out so much
32024s stuff
32025s um
32026s but the Mage I I worry for a ton Soco in
32029s the Mage because Mage can beat itself
32031s sometimes that's not the kind of
32033s situation
32034s you want to beat it we'll be in we saw
32036s it earlier
32037s but he's gonna go with the Warlock first
32040s hand is meh a big old meh
32046s um a Rose Garden filled with thorns
32047s let's do it you think
32050s uh
32051s yes
32052s it's a thorn Garden Thorn yeah plenty of
32056s filled with
32059s filled with thorns oof
32063s nothing to do nothing to do
32070s tansoku not a bad opening has the uh
32073s Forge of wills and slime just needs to
32076s find
32078s something for this slime to get rid of
32081s and then get back
32083s [Music]
32086s okay probably a forge
32088s yeah a couple of forges going so
32092s forging hope and then supplies maybe oh
32095s there we go oh there we go he knows how
32099s the game works yeah so you probably
32102s forged this turn and then you supplies
32106s next turn
32109s you could just go Forge Forge into Forge
32113s I think you do and then just do the
32116s thing on turn five yeah
32119s just just thing them on five
32122s yeah
32126s breathless with a nasty scar one way or
32128s the other you'll find out if you're
32129s winning the Hearthstone game or not
32143s see the ties me Captain
32145s all right
32147s [Music]
32152s interesting to see how deliberate Wiki
32154s plays he's have you seen weekly in
32156s people's chats
32158s yeah he went from like really quiet new
32162s person into LOL I'm better than all of
32165s you in about five minutes
32167s he fits in well with the the top player
32170s community he competes with Gabby for
32172s haha you made a mistake so I was kind of
32174s supposed to see how how sort of
32176s deliberate he is when he plays
32178s I feel like he's earned that
32180s I think he has yeah it's not a criticism
32182s I'm glad he does it it
32184s the top players this year sort of all
32186s mucking in together to create sort of
32188s they're a little Community because
32190s they're looking out for each other as
32191s well as competing with each other
32192s because it's such a grind
32194s and yeah he's fit right in
32197s welding
32201s Wing world and Wing welding could be
32204s incredibly clutch
32207s now there's a card name I can say
32211s Wing welding yeah sounds like something
32213s I'd say for many things in fact but yeah
32216s but what if there was a card called ring
32219s welding I know I've been so much trouble
32223s as it is that gets me in trouble
32225s sometimes but
32228s okay very deliberately put all your
32231s thoughts and thought into making sure
32232s you said that correctly I have to power
32234s into that one yeah just otherwise I get
32235s so much trouble just Bear Down be like
32242s all right
32247s and then we're looking at a reduction
32248s here
32250s reduction see I can do that one yeah
32254s and then next thing is slime into
32257s double
32259s location and off you go
32262s well
32263s there's a problem with that
32266s mm-hmm
32273s never mind that's not I see no problem
32279s so what if he has the wing welding next
32281s turn
32283s huh
32285s I see no problems ever
32288s okay
32289s I'll tell you I'm insane but I don't
32291s this is how it is no it doesn't because
32293s he can just go
32295s off slime then play sargeras and then
32297s nether eat nether
32300s whatever it's called chompom
32304s oh yeah I don't know the ability I don't
32306s know what the ability is called
32308s [Music]
32312s into The Nether
32315s I mean no I I'm terrible into the it
32319s might it's something the nether right
32322s everything's a never
32324s yeah
32327s going with another drum circle here
32329s probably because it already has double
32331s drum circle that are both forged
32334s for the double choose one effect
32336s the third one could be the deci the
32339s disciples
32341s um choose one
32353s okay
32358s it's a lot
32366s internet it might be into The Nether
32371s oh no it's even
32375s yeah he killed it first so it swapped to
32378s even
32381s this is smart
32384s so now it's gonna have to what get rid
32385s of the sargeras
32388s foreign yes
32401s don't think you need shallow grave
32402s anymore I don't think he'd he possessed
32404s that's a little snort that I made which
32406s is meant to be a bit of casting which
32407s just came out as a snort but hey I tried
32414s push the 11.
32422s set it up as 33 for next turn
32425s how that works
32428s it never gets there but you can try
32443s it's pretty brutal though good playback
32445s though
32452s yeah nicely worked out by Weeki
32456s now we got another Circle coming in hot
32459s yep
32461s and this one's um
32464s this one's a good one
32470s just about tidy this up though
32474s nearly
32478s problem is
32484s okay okay maybe isn't a problem
32487s okay so Excursion
32491s we're supplying
32499s um
32502s I'll give you this time sure
32510s he doesn't like that hand okay
32515s I guess we get some one Mana things
32517s don't we yeah let's have a new hand of
32518s one man of things
32522s it's just the same cards
32528s Symphony of sixes
32532s and then next time we double giant the
32534s seven seven if we clear up this turn
32541s didn't get the damage probably the it's
32544s probably demon nope
32550s just bump some things then next turn
32552s make some seven sevens or 13 13s in some
32555s worlds
32556s yep
32558s that reanimator in hand is going to be
32560s pretty good
32565s because now they're having that turn but
32567s it seems okay that was going to be a
32569s weak turn from week
32571s you you yeah nicely done TJ nicely done
32576s they're both kind of out of stuff but
32577s the Warlock
32581s eyes
32583s no Titan warlock this could take a while
32586s I don't think you shrub because there
32587s yet you need more nature spells to
32589s capitalize no I mean in the long run
32591s though like yeah there's not a lot
32594s he's got to fit the disciple in I think
32596s here
32598s yeah
32599s let's get that 15th drum circle into
32601s play
32607s I mean this is nearly lethal it's a lot
32610s is it lethal is there any way you can
32612s lethal it no
32615s you sure is there no weird defile
32618s there's always a weird defile right
32620s uh actually you put the four four in you
32622s make a rush four four then you put the
32624s finish the four four into the four six
32626s you've got a one a two a three he could
32628s just make four Thirty and thirteens I
32631s think it's lethal then
32633s where does he get the extra two damage
32637s with the defile you can set up a one two
32641s and you can kill the other four six with
32643s a minion
32646s yeah I know but he's only got 18 damage
32647s on the board you can't attack oh I see
32650s okay then I can't count yeah that's
32652s that's the problem he could have just
32653s made two 13-13 rushers and put him in
32656s and that's a much easier way to get the
32657s taunt just make your final go face
32660s honestly which has happened here
32663s wouldn't that be broken
32665s make this giant board nothing matters we
32668s could call it unleash fell
32674s oh this actually is lethal
32677s because the only one dead left in the
32678s deck right oh no there was a second
32680s Behemoth wasn't there
32681s oh never mind
32685s because it didn't summon it
32687s that's so good
32689s I thought I would summon it wait what
32692s I don't think he thought the same
32695s the the order he needs to because the
32696s board was full when he did it it didn't
32699s do the thing and I go nutty
32703s I know you should oh no no no because
32706s all right I I said it see right logic
32709s different conclusion the way the card's
32711s worded is trigger the death rattle the
32714s death rattle was what summoned the
32716s tractor right
32719s so then when the Behemoth died it didn't
32721s summon anything
32725s right
32726s you see what I'm saying yeah so it did
32728s the thing and then it died
32731s that works but there was no board space
32734s because the behem is still alive and
32736s then kill it and then there was no
32738s undeads left to pull
32740s understood that's unfortunate he thought
32742s the same as me possibly just
32747s just it doesn't matter he won anywhere
32749s there's no one didn't know this weird
32750s Niche interaction at nine o'clock in the
32752s morning having played Hearthstone all
32753s night I'm gonna fall on the floor now
32756s yep
32757s um but we have one more game left to go
32760s uh all the way to game five oh my Series
32762s today I've been the game five
32764s uh hang in there TJ one more one more
32767s just one more
32769s I'm hanging in there tonsoko on the Mage
32771s we get on the Druid once again
32774s cantatsoku sweep the Druid it's it's
32777s gonna need a better hand than he had
32779s last time that's for dancer there's a
32781s siren
32784s yeah
32788s uh that's yeah how do you cast this
32791s there's the siren okay yep I agree TJ
32793s there is the siren that's it that's the
32795s cast there she is
32799s Simon gets Druid seems like a good card
32801s to have
32804s to intellect
32807s yep
32810s that's a full keep right there if you're
32812s weak you you're like oh no
32815s oh no
32821s kind of want a quarter for him here
32824s shh
32826s next turn
32829s look for the 4G card
32832s Planet evidence
32834s there you go
32840s it's gonna be
32848s the suspense is kill
32849s and me and me
32851s that one is the left-hand one
32853s oh plot of sins
32857s oh
32861s yep keeping this other spear because
32862s that's the uh
32864s Naga
32865s yep that's the fuel
32867s the nag and the Naga spell Naga chain
32869s one drop
32877s he's gonna just keep everything and gone
32879s crazy on turn four or five
32885s probably gonna be turn four
32887s yeah you're only two slogans the old
32889s Druids do you because they
32891s they do a thing or two
32893s yep
32899s life finders gift card I was trying to
32902s remember the name of earlier for Dawn
32904s who did remember it unlike me
32906s oh infinite has the maxitude is just
32909s ideal
32911s it's just good stuff Frozen touch let's
32914s do it yeah
32916s what does he need like he doesn't need
32919s anything really does he just needs not
32920s to whiff on a knuckle or two and there's
32921s a full board in Argus coming
32923s he's got enough card draw enough cheap
32926s stuff
32927s just needed not to go horribly wrong
32931s oh my goodness
32933s [Music]
32939s trouble oh this is weird
32942s I kind of want to just infinitize the
32945s maxitude
32948s okay
32949s we're just gonna keep out of full hand
32953s I think he's happy with his hand right
32954s what can you burn you don't really want
32957s to burn your second siren maybe I yeah
32959s who cares tonsoku sat up
32963s the sign of someone who's going off
32974s big haste
32977s I think I want to just plot a sins right
32978s now right
32982s nope
32984s if this draws drums then he can live
32986s binder's gift and then have that for
32988s next turn
32990s okay
32993s gotta do it
32996s on your marks get set
33000s no because
33003s we can ruin my setup
33010s he's waiting to go
33013s he was doing the thing I think he'd make
33015s the one once I think you make the one
33016s ones
33018s while yeah I think you should see so you
33020s have stuff on the board that tonsoku has
33022s to pay attention to yeah because they're
33024s gonna get drum buffed
33026s no no no no seedlings okay and you know
33030s it's coming because he's played no cards
33031s right it's not certain giveaway but it
33033s is fairly suspicious
33038s here we go
33046s just watch the magic happen
33052s foreign
33054s spear is perfect in this situation
33056s because you want to be netting more Mana
33058s than you're spending right so you want
33060s one cost spells
33062s and one cost now goes
33067s oh no there's three no
33074s however will he survive now
33085s he runs out on me
33090s do that thing do the things do all the
33092s things that's it keep making things
33095s finish off by copying the thing
33103s want some more stuff no okay I can get
33107s what I would call Safe yeah
33110s you know that and did one damage
33116s every time gets me every time
33122s [Music]
33128s okay I gotta get through it
33131s shh
33135s okay
33137s the best way to do that is start playing
33139s Noggins and spells
33141s but also you've got to make space but
33142s you can make space right because you can
33143s just crash your minions in so
33146s he's got a girl he's taking way too long
33155s he's gonna set up for a fire sale to
33157s clear everything looks like it
33162s weak you doesn't look impressed
33177s and now he's just making sure he doesn't
33179s mess it up because if you mess this up
33180s you lose immediately
33184s so it makes sense to sort of take your
33185s time just a moment here you've got to
33186s make sure you get enough for the fire
33188s sale
33190s do something silly early in the morning
33197s nice
33205s nice but not much stuff left but there
33209s is there isn't a um
33211s Survivor that's full I guess
33213s yep and then for the size to reload a
33215s bit as well
33216s will savara have uh coin one man of
33220s Frozen touch I think
33222s no an infinitized it's been there for a
33225s while hasn't it it has been there for a
33227s while yeah
33231s not sure then
33234s meanwhile on the other side
33236s a lot of sin was the foresight to take
33240s plot Ascent we didn't see the other
33241s options so they could have been terrible
33242s but the foresight to take partisans is
33244s actually
33245s really nice
33247s yeah Magic Madness Heaven and sins
33251s they are
33254s and I think that might be game over
33258s it's looking that way
33261s because weiku's got the drums to buff
33263s these up and finish it off and tonsoka
33266s just doesn't have anything
33269s and it just looked like Tom Circa had a
33271s really good hand here living but it just
33273s turns out that four or five fives
33276s yeah if if there is a coin in the savara
33278s which I don't remember if it was in the
33280s hand early enough
33281s it's avara coin treasure guard
33284s but then you're stranding this siren
33285s without a naga in hand
33288s as soon as you're just dead anyway
33297s this was the other one okay
33299s he's dead to a single buff so I think he
33301s got a coin treasure guard here
33303s makes sense to me gotta not die like as
33305s much as you want to do other things with
33306s this deck not dying is the first part of
33309s that
33310s yep still dies though pretty sure
33315s yeah it's 28.
33317s solar eclipse and drums each one gets to
33320s attack
33321s twice
33323s yep
33325s so three no 27 is it exact exact yeah
33328s it's three nines
33331s he knows it's not counterspell because
33332s he played the seedlings and then the
33334s drums into it in the previous turn no
33336s new no new information has been
33337s presented
33345s so he's just 27 and see what happens
33349s went on 27. I guess he hasn't checked
33351s for ice barrier yeah exactly
33354s like oh no it'll be us very all right
33357s there you have it weak you takes the
33359s series three to two
33362s very good navigation of that Druid match
33365s the plot of sin coming in clutch there
33367s at the end and uh we will move on to day
33371s two to the top eight and unfortunately
33373s tonsoku is out right here always makes
33375s me sad when tonsoka loses in a
33377s tournament which it feels like we've
33379s seen happen over and over again because
33380s he's in every tournament yeah that we've
33382s broadcast for the last two years
33383s basically
33386s um but uh Wiki did get better from today
33389s took him up some tries on the druid
33391s but
33393s I mean he was firing in all cylinders
33395s with the deck It's just sometimes that
33396s deck has some pretty poor matchups and
33398s those matchups just happen to be
33400s in the lineup for uh for tonsoku this is
33403s really important for week you like it's
33405s his first season as a sort of a big
33407s Hearthstone player he he memes a little
33409s bit in his own bio saying you know top
33412s 16 last time LOL basically but that was
33414s last place
33416s um and I think he is a player who can
33418s win Worlds this year
33419s but I think he might need this
33421s experience just when you hear him talk
33422s he's a bit nervous at times when he's
33424s not being a cocky Gabby mode type player
33426s and I think every game that he wins
33428s every match that he wins along the way
33430s here even if he doesn't qualify he's
33431s going to qualify for worlds on points
33432s barring
33434s unforeseen happenings
33436s um unlikely happening so every match he
33439s plays in his tournaments every match he
33440s gets through every day he gets through
33441s he's just experience towards worlds for
33443s him I think and of course he would love
33445s to win and take six months a bit more
33446s easily but
33448s I think it's a big deal that we queue is
33450s going through here
33452s yeah something to make way for the new
33453s guard
33455s there you have it the top eight
33457s y Casey pocket train Hemlock Q weq Gabby
33460s and dredi
33462s I always want to say wow look at that
33465s top eight because wow look at that top
33467s eight but I think when you start with 16
33469s players who are all wow style players
33471s it's like it's always going to happen
33472s right but this does look like
33475s a very powerful topic yeah I'm looking
33479s forward to that first match
33484s yep and then the last match too
33487s the uh the the prince of European
33489s Hearthstone versus uh the America
33493s the entire America's region
33496s oh
33498s oh geez and when you was coming from
33501s like the second match of the day you
33503s could just say it's dread eye on nobody
33504s this time around because everything else
33506s the wheels are coming off game rvg was
33508s so close was not close at all
33512s [Music]
33513s uh but uh yeah it should be a fantastic
33517s day tomorrow I'm honestly
33520s really looking forward to it I think you
33522s know
33523s I wasn't entirely sure coming into this
33525s meta game how things would go like if
33528s we'd have like this homogenization of
33530s decks and whatnot
33531s but we've seen a lot of variety in terms
33535s of uh lineups which very cool to see
33539s especially given that we have balance
33540s changes on the horizon
33542s it's cool to see that we're not just
33543s seeing the same four decks dominate over
33545s and over again
33546s no absolutely it's a breath of fresh air
33549s um parts of the matter haven't been for
33550s my personal taste I thought watching was
33552s gonna be a big difference yeah there's
33553s so much in this matter I absolutely love
33555s it I've Loved today so much there's all
33558s the decks seem viable even you know
33559s there's even a warrior out there did
33562s they get through
33563s I'm not sure but even Warrior got into
33565s this tournament so
33567s yeah I think just missing Paladin but
33569s paladins had
33571s many many many tournaments in a row so I
33574s don't mind
33577s tell the time to shine let's head it's
33578s time to shine as have we kneel that's
33580s how we let's have time to shine
33582s it's coming to an end right now as we
33584s are done for the day so tomorrow we will
33586s return with the top eight we're gonna
33588s start at the same time we'll be here in
33590s the same place I know this is a global
33592s tournament but I'm not going to try and
33593s do the global time zone so we start at
33595s 9am Pacific Time or noon uh eastern time
33599s and uh yeah we have a full day of our
33602s top eight ahead of us and at the end of
33604s tomorrow we will Crown our Masters Tour
33606s summer Champion so it should be a fun
33607s one but that's it from us so for myself
33609s from Neil from the other Casters in the
33611s entire broadcast crew here thanks for
33613s watching and we'll see you tomorrow for
33614s more Hearthstone action
33617s thank you
33620s [Music]
33637s [Music]
33650s thank you
33655s [Music]
33667s [Music]
33674s thank you
33688s [Music]
33697s foreign
33698s [Music]
33710s foreign
33711s [Music]
33726s [Music]
33730s thank you