about 2 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hi I'm Eric Larsson senior game producer
2s on Hearthstone and I'm here to take you
4s on a tour of new location cards coming
7s in perils in Paradise unlike our usual
10s locations these can reopen early if you
12s meet their condition so you won't have
14s to wait two whole turns to use them
15s again for example druid's hiking trail
18s can be reopened by gaining armor to
20s discover a team of to
22s minions Verizon's Edge reopens when a
25s friendly minion dies so both death
27s knight and warlock tourist decks can
29s leverage their token generation to
31s continuously ping your opponent with
35s damage demon Hunter's new location
38s dangerous Cliffside encourages you to
40s attack with your hero use your hero
42s power to take the dive and summon
44s multiple sets of charging
47s [Music]
49s Pirates visit these new destinations and
52s more when perils in Paradise touches
54s down July 23rd
57s [Music]