11 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Ahoy there have you ever heard a
3s streamer say I drew patches but didn't
5s quite know what that meant patches the
7s pirate was a legendary neutral Minion
9s from the Mean Streets of gadgets and
11s expansion patches summoned itself for
13s free from your deck when you played
14s another pirate and this effect was
16s powerful because it was both a free body
18s on board and a way to give your jaws
20s more consistency by thinning out your
22s deck but since patches effect only works
25s when he's in your deck drawing him can
27s be a real feel bad moment not the one
30s drop he's looking for patches drawn this
33s is by far the worst deck to have patches
36s in your hand so anytime you draw a card
38s that's more powerful in your deck than
40s in your hand
41s ERG you drew patches