about 5 years ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

12s The shadows are rising again...
16s darker than they've ever been.
18s -Where are the heroes?
19s As evil descends from the skies
21s -Oh no!
22s The world cries out...
24s ...how will we survive?
25s Out of the hall of explorers
28s and out from the dusty tombs.
30s -Here come our heroes!
32s They grab their whips and fedoras..
35s These legends of the past know exactly what to do!
39s There might be magic monsters mummies in the market
43s and ancient mysticism.
45s There's surely scorching deserts
48s adventure, and much needed narcissism.
52s High stakes! Think annihilation.
54s Obliteration of civilization!
58s Now is the time to be brave...
59s evil's come to enslave!
61s But this league's gonna save...
64s ...Uldum!