4 months
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | hello there I'm Mitchell loen lead |
3s | designer on Battlegrounds and I'm here |
5s | to tell you about trinkets the latest |
6s | gameplay system coming in season 8 |
9s | trinkets are a unique passive effect |
10s | that are offered for varying amounts of |
12s | gold you'll get a lesser trinket on turn |
14s | six and a greater trinket on turn 9 the |
16s | Lesser trinket Goblin wallet increases |
18s | your maximum gold at the end of each |
20s | turn letting you set up your economy for |
22s | the late game and make some truly spendy |
24s | plays we tried to make trinkets more |
26s | specific than Quest rewards and |
27s | offerings are partially based on your |
29s | hand and board so you're more likely to |
30s | see options that benefit you and take |
32s | your build to the next level for example |
35s | if you've got a large crew of pirates |
37s | you may see designer ey patch a greater |
38s | trinket that lets you make golden |
40s | pirates with just two copies of a minion |
42s | we created a lot of trinkets for |
44s | Battleground season 8 over 100 of them |
47s | the combinations you can make with your |
48s | two trinkets create a ton of variety in |
50s | each of your games we're so excited for |
53s | you to try out this new mechanic and |
54s | other awesome additions when they go |
56s | live on August 20th |