11 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
1s [Music]
14s hello I'm sargeras and welcome to
18s canvassing the cosmos you may remember
20s me as the Titan who founded the burning
23s Legion
24s yeah that was me
27s if you recall my mission was to destroy
29s the universe and every living being
31s inside it
35s if this is your first time with us I'd
37s like to invite you to grab your paints
39s and your brushes and paint along with me
41s and if you're watching from a world I've
43s conquered previously well you're welcome
48s remember a dead world is a safe world
53s now some people tend toward Mage magenta
56s or Paladin gold but I've always been
58s much more drawn to options like Fel
60s flame green smoldering ashes orange and
63s utter despair of a broken hero black
66s periwinkle's nice too I used to know a
68s pit Lord who was periwinkle
71s oh
73s there he is
76s just keep it nice and easy deliberate
78s yet light and carefree like the burning
81s of civilizations
83s you know I used to think all of creation
86s was one big art project in every world
88s my Legion destroyed
90s was a vibrant new color to add to my
92s masterpiece but these days I've been
95s advised to keep my impulses on the
97s canvas explore a little personal growth
99s with some art therapy Within These
102s borders we can create infinite
104s possibilities we can create True
106s Perfection worthy of uh well
110s me
112s oh come on
117s Archer is therapeutic huh
119s [Laughter]
123s [Music]
131s oh cool no the yellow shirt makes me
133s look like I'm a banana good choice John
136s oh hey
140s welcome back
142s and now it's time to sprinkle in some
143s creatures you know maybe a worgen or a
146s murloc or even a tauren I always like to
149s say it's what's on the inside that
150s counts we'll want to make sure we get
152s the remains just so
155s every little rib yeah
158s the ribs of your victims look at them
161s drying out
163s in the Sun
165s beautiful you know the truth is when I'm
168s not decimating the Universe I have a lot
170s to offer it but my fellow Titans never
173s understood my gifts yeah they betrayed
176s me for my bold ideas
179s for keeping my eye on the big picture
181s for wanting to break things remake
184s things reach my full potential
190s that's okay
193s I still love them I love them
196s in fact just the other day I texted
198s aggramar to see if he wanted to meet up
200s at the tavern grab an ale talk about the
202s good old days
203s you never answered but I'm sure he's
205s just busy you know probably working out
207s or something I mean returning a phone
209s call only takes like two minutes don't
211s let me lecture you on time management or
214s how not to be the kind of thoughtless
216s person who can't pick up a phone or
217s answer a single text or even an
220s anonymous Ama
221s the username Illidan sucks zero zero
224s that's me shabwa
227s and you left me on red
233s [Music]
240s now sometimes to get the details of a
243s scene just right you have to pretend
245s you're really there for example if I was
247s here there'd probably be some little
249s nerd in shiny armor
251s like this
254s [Music]
260s then he'd probably say something like uh
263s sargeras I'm the champion of this world
265s and I'm going to defeat you oh yeah oh
269s yeah you and what army the army of Lies
273s you're gonna be in trouble nobody as
276s handsome as you could be allowed to live
278s oh
279s you think I'm handsome
281s really really handsome it makes us so
284s mad like indescribably angry
288s does somebody have anger issues don't
290s worry I can relate don't you just want
293s to scream sometimes like
298s [Music]
304s I've been there
306s every day is a struggle but feels good
309s to talk about it with a friend though
310s but you don't have any friends you've
313s tried to kill all yours and I'm just a
315s fake one of your imagination
317s don't say that
319s this conversation is unbearably sad
322s just like you enough
330s oh no
332s the hero's dead to the hero's dead
337s [Applause]
340s is what the old me would have said
342s uh
344s I don't even know that guy anymore
347s right
349s new canvas no
353s [Music]
360s welcome back you know in my past I've
362s summoned demons started Wars raised
365s Millions to dust but nothing ever made
367s me feel more accomplished than I do when
370s I get the Hellfire
372s just right that's progress huh
377s there we go oh yeah
380s some happy little flames you know gnomes
382s are beautiful creatures
385s they make my heart just melt
388s just as I've made theirs
390s [Applause]
392s and we're just about
395s finished
398s another painting another great day of
401s personal growth now let's get one for
405s the gram
409s oh
412s seems that amanthul invited the entire
414s Pantheon to The Tavern
416s except for me
418s oh I am calm I am at peace I am on a
423s journey of self-improvement
426s oh and they invited Illidan
431s remember
432s your prizes yeah you're right got it
434s deep breaths in and nope not working
439s okay let's get Back to Basics all right
441s how about I Crush all of them one by one
444s and remind everybody who's always been
446s number one on this team now that sounds
448s therapeutic
450s the real lesson here folks people never
453s change
454s foreign
457s [Music]