almost 2 years ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
44s so
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146s so
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371s so
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386s so
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412s so
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498s so
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554s do
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590s [Applause]
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599s do
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607s so
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653s so
654s [Music]
678s do
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704s [Music]
747s so
750s [Music]
789s uh
797s [Music]
827s lobby i told you by the way good job
829s kids for picking the know me i love it
834s [Music]
842s there is no mercy from waterloo here it
846s is a complete massacre flawless victory
849s he is your lobby legends eternal night
852s champion
854s [Music]
860s hello everyone and welcome to lobby
863s legends fire festival day two i'm raven
866s and joining me once again of course is
868s nina and we'll be bringing you all of
870s the action and we'll be crowning our
871s lobby legends fourth champion here and
874s nina we had a bit of a crazy day
876s yesterday a few crazy things happening
878s and most notably no beast lobbies
880s happening but are you ready for day
882s number two i am so ready raven i am
886s super excited to watch these players
887s compete and to see who gets crowned the
890s new lobby legend
893s yeah and it's going to be pretty great
894s we're going to have a lot of action as
895s we'll get into what the format is later
897s on but let's just give a bit of an
898s overview in case you're just joining us
900s for today you may have missed out on
902s what exactly is going on this weekend
904s and we had 16 of the top battlegrounds
907s players across the world uh we have now
909s narrowed that down to eight and one
912s single lobby yesterday uh eight of those
914s players were knocked out over the course
916s of the day and if you missed out make
917s sure to check the vods out uh to catch
919s up on what exactly what happened but for
921s now we've got the final eight and
923s they'll be playing in a slightly
924s different format from yesterday instead
927s of just playing three games within their
929s lobby and then that's the amount they
930s play and that's done they're going to be
932s playing the check format so nina do you
934s want to break down the the major
935s differences from czech format to what
937s we're playing yesterday
939s sure raven so in order to win the
941s tournament the players have to fulfill
943s two requirements first of all they need
946s to get 20 points to check the lobby once
949s they get past that hurdle they have to
952s win a game in order to win the whole
954s tournament
955s so yeah it's going to be really exciting
957s to see what happens because the check
958s format can result in some crazy
961s situations where
962s we can have a winner in four games we
965s also can stretch to
967s many many games where multiple players
970s check the lobby and battle for that
972s crown
973s yeah exactly the correct response and
975s explanation it can be as quick as four
978s it can be as long as more than four
982s right approach since it can be very
984s variable right and we'll see how it pans
986s out and that is the points breakdown
988s it's exactly the same as yesterday so
990s again winner gets seven points which
992s when you're aiming for 20 as quickly as
994s possible puts you a huge step ahead
996s at any given point uh also important
999s just to know as well that multiple
1000s people can get that lobby in check and
1002s once that or once or if that happens
1005s then things get very spicy indeed
1007s because suddenly you've got multiple
1009s players uh fighting for exactly first
1012s place because second effectively means
1014s nothing to them apart from the fact that
1015s they didn't win uh so yeah it's all
1018s gonna be about that first place a little
1019s bit later on in the day but we do have
1021s to get there the winner gonna be taking
1023s home a smooth ten thousand dollars and
1026s like we were sort of saying yesterday
1027s nina we've seen so many players even if
1030s they didn't make it to top 16 and make
1032s it to the pre-qualifiers from their
1034s ladder finishers so the fact that we are
1037s seeing multiple repeat players time and
1039s time again means that that prize pool is
1041s going to stack up pretty quickly indeed
1044s definitely i am looking forward to
1046s watching today the games it's going to
1048s be very exciting
1049s and
1051s who who are you excited to watch today
1054s uh honestly i'm looking at some of the
1055s plays from china like i said i didn't
1057s know too much i'd really seen them play
1059s before but they were very very
1060s impressive yesterday
1062s as we saw for example in this game which
1064s was the first lobby of the day kid five
1067s especially sticking out there as one of
1069s the stronger players just on the sort of
1071s game by game basis we saw a couple of
1074s things happen mainly in the mech form
1076s yesterday is that definitely being the
1078s uh you know the sort of go-to minion
1081s type as if there's mechs in the lobby
1083s you could probably at least try
1085s initially and go for mix if you missed
1087s then yet we saw players have to dip out
1089s and change strategy but overall as you
1091s can see right there kid five winning
1092s game number one and with those mechs and
1095s winning it quite convincingly too yes
1098s that was a very nice test game and we
1100s saw tess being picked twice uh in the
1102s tournament yesterday among six games and
1104s she performed very well in the first
1106s game that had max in whereas in the
1109s second test game she didn't do so well
1112s because everyone was going for different
1113s comps so ted struggled to find the
1116s direction there
1118s yeah tess definitely one of those star
1120s heroes when there is a main comp right
1123s like a cup that's at least decided upon
1125s by people that is the strongest and will
1128s most likely uh have the highest
1129s potential of winning games and this was
1132s the final game of lobby a though and i
1134s believe if memory serves kid five did
1136s not do too well here uh getting that
1139s shift to zerus one of many actually uh
1142s that we saw yesterday from dora but
1144s again kid five put himself in a spot
1146s that was there where even though
1148s obviously didn't want
1149s uh he was still looking good at that
1152s point onwards there honeybot as well was
1154s a highlight for me on that last game he
1156s needed something
1158s he got the bar off and then he just won
1160s pretty much every single bet and
1161s steamrolled from there but then nina we
1163s moved on to the second lobby of the day
1166s uh the second lobby we saw
1169s uh peter babbitt dominating with max
1171s again with grease spots uh we're gonna
1174s see a little pattern here i think and it
1177s was quite interesting because we talked
1178s about xq and he also had two green spots
1181s and uh bitter baby with two grease spots
1183s but the difference between the two is
1185s peter rabbit had the resets for his um
1187s deflectors right and xq and didn't so
1190s even though execute high rolled like
1192s crazy he didn't manage to win that lobby
1195s and i think we're not in
1197s 5.5
1199s that was quite sad so it was very very
1202s close indeed we did also see
1204s unfortunately
1206s dappy actually just have a terrible run
1208s of games and end up going out bottom
1210s place uh one thing i will say though
1212s even though he had a uh
1215s even though he had a rough tournament
1217s this time he made it to top 16 again
1221s which is ridiculous yes and i guess what
1223s i expect him to see in uh to see him in
1225s the next lobby legends too
1227s seeming to make a habit out of this but
1228s nina this is our final top eight one of
1232s these faces is gonna be the champion of
1234s lobby legends fire festival who do you
1237s think it's going to be get your
1238s predictions in now oh
1240s i don't want to jinx them i don't want
1242s to do the the caster curse
1244s but not truly a caster until you that's
1247s the one player that does the worst so
1249s can i pick two
1250s you can pick two you know i'll let you
1252s have two i'm going to pick alucard and
1254s bitter babbitt
1256s our na representatives even though i'm
1258s from the eu
1260s um i'm going to be i think rooting for
1262s other card and peter piper but i'm also
1264s excited to see all the other players
1265s compete especially we have three players
1268s from china and that's huge so we had
1271s three players out of four from china
1272s making to the finals
1274s yeah it's been really impressive overall
1276s and for that reason i'm if i'm also
1278s allowed to pick two i'm gonna look at
1279s mxjf and kid five honestly i think both
1282s of them played very well in their
1284s lobbies yesterday and if they can keep
1286s that up that's the kind of play that can
1288s work because also i believe both of them
1290s actually won games within their lobbies
1293s uh matches yesterday and guess what in
1295s the check format you don't need to just
1297s do well and gain points you need to
1299s actually win a game to actually be
1301s crowned champion so i think that ability
1303s although i completely respect as we
1305s talked a lot about yesterday the ability
1307s to just make sure you gain points every
1310s single game well once you hit 20 gaining
1312s points doesn't matter right yeah it's
1314s all about that win and those plays
1316s specifically looked like they had that
1318s edge on saying yes i will not just gain
1320s points but win this lobby so we're
1323s really looking forward to that to this
1325s so i think we are getting ready to kick
1327s it off now i think the players are in a
1328s test game or at least we missed some of
1330s it if not but then i think for me uh
1332s what's going to be very interesting is
1335s how the the players play as the day goes
1338s on because it could be a shortish sort
1340s of you know four or five games it could
1342s be eight nine who knows and i think just
1345s seeing how the players initially go for
1347s it did they go for max points did they
1349s play a bit risky to try and gain you
1351s know like a first place and propel
1352s themselves
1353s 20 points or did they start no longer
1357s beasts easter in the game and there's
1360s shadow walk a la card it's being offered
1363s shutter work with beasts in in a prize
1365s lobby
1367s he is considering it is he going to do
1369s it with pirates as well not no naga so
1373s there isn't any shell collector in there
1374s for true mean value but yeah he is going
1377s to go for the shoulder walk and
1380s interestingly enough we've got some
1382s spicy heroes as elsewhere we've got the
1384s failing with mx and i'll be honest nina
1388s every time i feel like i watch someone
1390s play failing or i play failing it never
1393s works so i'm yeah so i'm actually
1395s worried about one of my picks in the
1397s form of mx although this one this is
1398s only game one but there are there any
1400s other heroes that are really sticking
1402s out for you
1403s i think the one to watch is of course
1406s alucard on the shadow walk because he's
1408s going to have a pop-off turn i don't
1410s know did we see if he managed to find
1412s alicat um no there was no alicat but
1415s swapping that x wobby is very good dex
1417s will be saves you a lot of money later
1419s on
1420s and we have saito on lich king uh which
1423s is really really good actually in this
1424s lobby because we have mechs and beasts
1427s in and also demons i think
1429s demons are in as well yes yeah and then
1431s kid five on gail wing um which who is
1435s going to probably want to go three and
1437s three and use his hero power
1439s and uh this is also a prize lobby yeah
1442s so a lot of crazy stuff can happen and
1444s we have ticketers riba on tickets when
1447s the double a prize it's gonna be double
1449s prize for him isn't it
1451s also for uh uh satellite is actually
1454s gonna be playing uh silas as well just
1456s in case you didn't pick that up the
1457s finley hero power was silas i believe
1459s okay yeah yeah so just so you're aware
1461s uh but look at this failing actually
1463s from mx with the omega buster and the
1465s annoying module it's not a bad start
1468s yeah that's very nice but the thing is
1470s he can't just hold that module until he
1472s gets to six so he will have to use that
1474s module before he gets that mega buster
1476s right
1477s but um yeah it's a really nice start and
1480s it looks like i look hard missed on
1482s finding alicat again unfortunately he
1485s does find a geo monster which is also
1487s about to cry
1488s but sometimes it can i actually grief
1491s you having uh the germans as the body
1493s cry because your hand can fill out with
1495s germs and you don't get your discovers
1499s yeah that's true actually it's one of
1500s those weird things where
1502s it's the worst of good problems to have
1505s right the uh the sugar what uh hero
1508s power doing so well that your hands full
1510s but it's not full of exactly the things
1512s you want yeah a little bit rough there
1514s you definitely don't want to prioritize
1516s gems over your six drop discovers
1519s um
1521s so yeah we see kid five on
1524s two he's probably just going to play his
1526s lobby and level at this point but he's
1528s still uh holding the card thinking about
1530s something i wonder what because we don't
1532s have a borrower for anything so he
1534s doesn't need to hold and nobody there's
1535s no saving heroes there's no test there's
1537s no reform no scabs
1539s so yeah i wonder what he's thinking yeah
1542s well butterfly already having a triple
1544s on offer with the tipper we did see
1546s tipper feature quite heavily yesterday
1548s right yeah we saw a few players going
1550s for that looks like butterfly's going
1551s again also has the imp and of course on
1554s greybau that is a ton of stats in the
1557s early game but nina
1558s i see another cat oh i see an attic as
1561s well
1563s and alucard is holding his swabi and he
1566s used his remaining gold to hero power
1569s go as far to say an aloo cat
1571s hello cat
1573s are you gonna see
1575s oh i love that
1578s glad someone respects my terrible jokes
1580s i've spent too much time with saul just
1581s telling me i'm stupid
1584s give me time
1586s true
1587s first set of prizes here though and by
1589s set i do mean a set of prizes as of
1591s course uh river is going to get sort of
1593s who goes at it here and that is a ton of
1596s gold deflecto and the replicator
1599s yeah replicating menace
1601s now he was thinking whether to maybe
1603s play it naked or attach it to the
1604s deflector he decides to attach it to
1606s deflector which i think i agree with
1608s because otherwise the deflector is just
1610s a 3-2 right and
1612s it's unlikely you actually even get a
1613s reset because you only have two minions
1616s yeah and it's also just the fact that it
1617s falls off so quickly later on right so
1620s like just take the value now yeah you
1622s might take a couple of damage more than
1624s you would have if you separated it maybe
1627s excuse me but uh i just like stopped
1630s playing for the late game right
1635s uh okay we see alucard took the prize
1638s that discovers a one drop trying to find
1641s another alicat which unfortunately he
1643s failed and he didn't even find oh there
1645s is a swabbie triple
1649s sorbet triple is really really nice
1650s because it saves you
1652s a lot of gold later on
1654s but it makes things so complicated right
1656s it makes
1657s like
1658s uh want to upgrade or how to use your
1661s gold efficiently it's just them the math
1664s is too hard yeah it's sometimes you have
1667s to make the choice between
1669s uh leveling up efficiency uh with your
1672s hero power of course or
1675s whether you want to like maximize
1677s triples on a certain turn right and
1680s things like that you really have to just
1682s sometimes it just works out where you
1683s can do both which is obviously the best
1685s of times but i think you are right it
1687s gets pretty difficult to actually make
1689s an accurate estimate of what's what you
1691s would deem correct right in those
1693s circumstances when you've got like do i
1695s play this now to go
1697s out to get this value even though it
1699s will effectively push the cost of the
1700s tavern level up below zero
1703s in some worlds but yeah a bit tricky but
1705s i'm i am confident alucard is uh all
1707s over this
1708s i think he's still looking for the early
1710s cats because
1711s if he only has one that's only one
1713s triple into six or five
1715s so he's trying to find more alike
1717s staying on one even though it was zero
1719s cost to level last turn
1722s you like the level here from mx because
1724s it would give him the annoying module he
1726s has a target for the annoying module if
1728s he wants it and also his board looks
1731s not great but not terrible either you
1733s know it looks yeah okay
1737s i like it he's at 37 and this is this is
1740s a prize lobby so people will be trying
1742s to high roll and hyper leveling right
1746s oh there's a car
1747s oh he's leveled twice now but did not
1749s manage to find and alicat but it's not
1751s over you can still find an alley cat
1754s because every alley cat adds a triple
1757s to um his hand
1759s that's a discoverer to his hand yeah
1760s when it's said like that it sounds a bit
1762s unfair doesn't it
1763s every alley cat you buy adds a triple
1766s yeah what
1767s pretty much
1769s but you still have to find them and oh
1771s you see satellites moved his shark today
1774s yesterday it was on his belly and today
1776s is on his back yeah it needs a rest
1778s after the havoc of
1779s just you know what wake me up when we're
1781s in check that's what he's saying
1783s you play the first few lobbies i'll help
1785s out later uh luca uh sorry satellite uh
1788s definitely playing game more
1790s like it's gonna sound silly but normal
1792s game so far right he's just been buying
1794s some good stuff obviously has that silas
1796s uh hero power so he wants to be buying
1798s and generating those extra minions
1801s that was a nice turn for gail wing
1803s getting two senseis
1807s yeah i think scaling mex is a
1811s huge right now actually just being able
1812s to stack that much this early in the
1814s game as well yeah normally you you're
1816s relying really on the grease spot right
1818s to actually scale mex but getting some
1820s of the work done now makes it that much
1822s stronger later on
1824s yeah well grease spots are quite a late
1827s game thing but late game scaling if you
1829s can triple into it but yes early sensei
1831s is very nice especially if you find two
1834s and if you have a deflector on your
1835s board
1837s ticking all the boxes satellite now
1839s does have the options of where he wants
1841s to go with this turn but oh
1842s okay okay we so there's about your five
1845s drop for a mama bear
1850s and it looks like we'll be going for
1852s uh a six drop on top of the
1856s because it's going to be really really
1858s cheap
1859s yeah level yeah
1861s okay and a big alley cat as well yeah
1864s the kitty
1865s uh did not find a gas coiler or golden
1868s or any uh beast
1870s i do like the charger pickup though
1872s because it's early enough in the game
1874s that yes you would obviously rather have
1876s better six drops but it still makes an
1879s impact considering it's only turned six
1881s right so just stacking some gems is
1883s going to help out just uh defend it what
1885s is quickly becoming a dwindling life
1887s toll here for harlow card on 21. yeah
1890s he's at 21. he's in a danger zone and
1892s and his discovers weren't great i mean
1894s mama bear is amazing of course
1896s uh and maybe he was trying to find a
1898s brand as well because brown would give
1899s him an extra triple
1902s yeah i really like what butterfly's
1903s doing here actually like letting and i
1905s think this is like the main use of the
1907s card right letting the uh the tippers
1910s stack whilst just leveling behind it
1912s because you've just got so many extra
1914s stats on board it does cost you a gold
1916s every turn of course but he's on there
1918s what's happened to four
1920s and still looks very safe boardwise as
1923s far as i can see that's the beauty of
1924s gravel
1926s oh i like i like to call him grey bay
1930s because he used to be one of my favorite
1931s heroes in the taunt meta
1937s it's one of the characters that just
1939s does good stuff right as long as you can
1941s get those death rattles you just know
1944s it's going to be worthwhile
1949s oh it looks like i look like i managed
1950s to win the previous fight and
1952s there's an argument show which yeah i
1954s was interesting i was just gonna say uh
1956s his alucard now just sat because this
1959s hasn't really gone to plan i would say
1961s but look at this board
1963s i think it doesn't look too bad honestly
1965s that world yeah i mean it's there right
1967s just buy it because it'll oh our first
1970s green spot
1972s and a nice one at that too
1976s yeah pretty good 13 22 on the tipper
1979s butterfly saying nope i want you to
1981s spend all my gold that turn bob you'll
1982s have to wait for the extra cash but yeah
1984s looking very good with the early green
1986s spot kid five though two sensei's out
1988s doing work
1991s i like the scaling this is a passive
1993s scaling every single turn oh oh
1999s at that point there with the the macro
2001s obviously feels like a pickup right but
2004s is the pup bop too late considering
2007s genuinely you're looking for divine
2008s shields is it too late to pick up a
2010s putbot right now
2012s um
2013s i think so i think you can find better
2015s divine shields okay
2017s he's definitely just freezing for the
2018s mackerel
2020s yeah i'm not sure about the the pop bot
2022s i think it is a bit late yeah it's
2024s tricky isn't it because although i
2025s generally agree it is late you just
2027s think but it is just a guaranteed divine
2029s shield right now you know like you think
2032s oh well if i you know roll for something
2034s better like will i even hit it and if
2036s not i'm a divine shield down so
2038s we'll have to see what happens but that
2039s was some gem splitters picking up here
2041s got the triple for beer babbitt in the
2044s shop i imagine that's going to be a
2045s level into triple six next turn looking
2047s to be shaping up very very well fame
2049s right now yes looking juicy i love gem
2052s spitter play
2055s it just fits so well into what
2056s everyone's trying to do with mex right
2058s yeah it's exactly what you want to do
2061s and the fact that you got hold of triple
2063s means that it's not even going to be
2064s taking up much board space either which
2066s is one of the the slight drawbacks you
2068s can have if you have two gem splitters
2070s on board yeah
2072s that's really really nice
2074s and he managed to manage to win the
2076s fight as well
2078s yeah that was a load of jabs as well
2083s oh mx is out
2085s oh
2086s pain oh no it's just failing it's
2088s failing failing again
2090s yeah just keep on failing that was rough
2094s i told you see caster curse works every
2096s time
2099s double again this is so strong actually
2102s i've not actually played tickets since
2103s uh you know the prizes got put back in
2106s yeah and i'm just staring at this i was
2107s like this feels insane i think it's
2109s quite rare as well right because the
2111s prices are only in 25 of the lobbies and
2114s you also have to get uh he offered
2116s tickets he offered tickets yeah yeah
2119s he's thinking about leveling here but he
2121s is at 20 and he's against shadow walk
2124s and shutter work is very scary at this
2127s point
2128s yeah and
2129s he has evolving tavern right so
2132s he wouldn't
2133s wants to play that
2134s not not before he levels there's still
2136s obviously benefits but if he gets
2137s offered a good shot now
2139s he could still think about playing it
2141s right if there's enough there is a bran
2143s which is interesting
2145s brown evolving tavern oh no wait that's
2147s not about to cry ignore me
2151s that would be quite just seven drops
2153s come out somewhere and you're like wait
2154s what happened
2155s too strong
2158s seven drops is just all grease spots
2163s a back flip onto the uh some pirates
2166s and this is very very nice because
2169s he's at 39 hp at tavern six
2173s he has all the time in in the world to
2176s roll and find no else
2180s but
2183s he look it looks like he actually just
2184s rolled into it he leveled and rolled
2186s into it
2189s yeah well he's not tripled anything
2190s right so he only tripled his tavern from
2192s the looks of it well that was the first
2194s green spot right so yeah you're right i
2196s think he did just hit another one jeez
2201s butterfly needs to teach me the tricks
2203s so i can utilize this on ladder just
2205s high roll that's the trick just high
2207s roll because just get green spot idiot
2210s yeah
2211s just find the good cards
2212s it's going up against the prakan though
2214s beat of abby and i do think he is in a
2217s good spot the scaling obviously isn't
2219s quite the same
2221s but for now he's gonna be uh more than
2223s likely doing a ton of damage
2225s yeah and broken is very good in mac
2228s lobbies because he's got a built-in
2231s shield cover
2236s yeah pretty nice that is a good chunk 11
2239s going down there because that's what
2240s we've seen right it's what we saw
2242s yesterday
2242s grease spots absolutely fantastic it's
2245s what you want well you
2247s if you've gone hard for them then the
2249s problem is that without a big board to
2252s back it up
2253s then there is a window where you can
2255s just die and then yeah 11 damage there
2258s we've seen river go down
2261s that road
2263s and the river
2264s yeah wow dropping like flies in game
2268s number one so far
2270s i was really surprised i thought
2272s oh wait ribbit kept his prizes right or
2275s at least kept one of them yeah he kept
2277s it awesome he didn't get the chance to
2278s do the tavern that's a shame yeah well
2280s he didn't find any good taverns to use
2282s it on yeah
2287s already yeah just a shame alaka just get
2290s the triple on the magnum though
2292s he does he doesn't really find um
2295s maybe what he's looking for it's
2297s probably a dark gaze elder
2299s for his argument
2303s these options aren't bad the gas coiler
2305s is really good for scamming and for
2307s reaper is it's always nice to have a big
2309s cleave yeah and he's also against the
2310s ghost so he has he he also doesn't have
2313s a mech right now right
2315s so
2316s i can't i'm not sure what the yeah he
2319s doesn't oh yeah i think the faux reaper
2320s is really nice yeah
2322s now we don't have the only gem
2324s generation we have is from charlie so we
2326s need to find some kind of gem generation
2329s oh
2331s is that like going for the full scam
2334s but the full pirate exodus scam i mean
2336s it's time to be offered right like
2341s [Music]
2347s i like it why not i think at least for
2349s this turn right it's worthwhile
2356s he's going to be getting value only out
2358s of one's uh scallywag though
2359s unfortunately
2362s and then these lobbies oh
2364s two greasepots oh and a hugger
2367s got the divine shield though on the uh
2369s on the poison
2370s not too bad at all
2373s oh
2376s satellite is expressive very expressive
2378s face
2384s oh and uh that's the problem with grebel
2386s as well i think
2387s early on you
2390s oh the fight didn't go as well as i
2391s thought it would
2393s only the uh
2394s the tip gonna actually push one there
2396s but still a win is a win and at this
2398s point when it pretty much everyone's on
2400s six means that the damage being pushed
2402s it's still relevant regardless
2405s it's still on five it looks like
2408s yeah but he is doing again stuff so and
2410s he has a drum generation his jumps
2412s better so he doesn't really okay he
2414s decides to level i was gonna say he
2416s doesn't really need to level
2418s but i guess he's looking for something
2421s oh that the cookie is looking very nice
2428s of course with cookie once you cookie at
2430s minion you can again use the necklace to
2433s swap the stats
2434s off it and for the minion the original
2436s minion to keep it starts
2439s yeah kid five
2441s the omega buster
2443s for reaper in hand as well
2446s best card in the game gonna come down
2448s now to just uh buff something up
2451s for justice oh it's very nice to buff
2454s off your menace buff up
2460s what i play here the foe reaper or the
2463s is he going to sell play for reaper put
2465s the menace oh he's trying to discover
2467s something
2471s you're just utilizing gold here yeah i
2473s think he's just going to play the full
2474s reaper and the mega buster
2476s because um a mega buster is another
2478s reset
2480s and it's always nice to have a cleave
2483s even if it's small if you're playing
2484s against beasts
2486s a cleave is always really nice
2488s yeah and even popping divine shields in
2490s some instances right in the mirror is
2492s just it's just worthwhile i think we saw
2495s our beer babbitt has the hydra on his
2497s board as well so
2499s you have our card he found the pig
2502s so this is really gonna start to stack
2504s up the only slight issue here is
2507s this is basically a stats board yeah and
2510s although he did just pick up the tunnel
2511s blaster of course like just stats alone
2514s unless they're massive
2516s will is not normally enough right yeah
2519s so we'll have to see how it pans out
2520s here
2521s yeah this is looking a bit sketchy
2529s but the voidlord is really nice pick up
2531s against max as well
2536s it does a really good job of soaking the
2538s resets as well these uh hits have been
2541s pretty good oh
2543s my god i spoke too soon
2546s oh it's a big reset yeah
2549s you're learning everything about caster
2551s curse
2554s i need to minimize the damage and we
2556s don't um die so
2559s and to be found
2561s card yeah we did say what about four
2563s turns or so ago
2565s uh that the
2568s that he was on 21 health and he still is
2570s right so he's uh
2572s oh wait he took
2574s 12.
2575s down to 12 now i thought he just ended
2576s up on 21. i was i'm an idiot i was
2578s looking at someone else's board and
2579s thought he stayed on 21. never mind no
2580s no he he lost i think he took the
2582s deflector damage plus oh right sorry
2585s yeah yeah yeah of course nine three plus
2587s three plus six is nine
2589s oh
2590s thank
2591s you but yeah still managing to stick
2594s around even the things that looked a
2595s little bit rough early on
2598s now with these two grease spots and two
2600s hoggers yeah
2602s oh
2603s looking quite promising
2605s oh there's a brand as well i don't know
2606s if we can afford the brand at this point
2608s though oh
2611s triple hoga i wish he could have that
2613s brand back
2617s uh interesting choices
2621s i had to go for the mega buster
2627s i've got too many rolls left let's have
2630s the eliza on offer if he wants to
2633s yeah
2633s i think he's gonna go for the baron
2635s though
2636s uh he's going to end on the ball oh sure
2638s for the buster i don't know though he's
2640s thinking about it
2644s it's quite scary because he doesn't have
2647s a taunt to protect his baron so he can't
2649s just get sniped before he gets valued
2651s right
2654s yeah he like he has a taunt a turn later
2656s right because of the buzz to summon well
2659s yes but obviously
2660s yeah exactly that first attack could be
2663s the difference as is often the case in
2665s battlegrounds right yeah who gets to
2667s attack first can make a really big
2669s difference
2684s i don't know if it's enough though
2685s brokaw's minions are quite big and
2688s there's a big cleave as well
2692s as we can snipe the cleave
2695s [Applause]
2697s okay it hit the smaller it's pretty bad
2700s cleave because it value traded in it it
2702s killed three minions but it survived
2705s arrived
2706s oh this might be oh okay killed the
2708s green spot so that was the six off the
2710s table that's not enough to
2712s oh everyone's still alive
2714s i spoke to i honestly spoke too soon i
2716s was like
2717s this lobby is so fast so it turned nine
2719s and three people dead but it's turned 12
2720s and nobody else has died yeah that was
2723s the thing i think the big thing about
2724s this game so far is there was a clear
2727s strong pack which was these five players
2729s yeah and a much weaker group of players
2732s in the form of air rebate sideshowing mx
2734s in terms of board of course yeah the
2736s strength of play but but yeah i think
2738s that we it was a very clear difference
2740s early on that certain people were very
2742s ahead and certain people were not so
2744s we're starting to see that difference
2745s really kick in right now
2747s look at like the full hand nearly for
2749s satellite a lot of options go for there
2751s same with butterfly now as it's uh your
2753s favorite
2754s prize to just buy everything i can't
2756s decide i'll have one of each yeah the
2759s value the the price that gives the most
2761s value
2763s as if he needs it with a golden hogger
2765s as well
2766s you know what's better than all this
2767s could never have enough all money yeah
2777s always interested on turns like this
2778s which is so high value like how it ends
2781s right because i think that's one of the
2783s the difficult things it's like in
2785s gymnastics right at the moment
2786s butterflies halfway through a triple 1
2788s million spin or whatever but is he going
2791s to stick the landing right is the final
2793s choice going to be good enough yeah i
2795s think he needs to go all in this turn
2797s because he is at five and in danger
2800s danger zone
2807s we're running out of gold
2810s we have run out of gold
2815s good take that zerus
2816s yeah he is going against satellite
2821s yeah i was even looking at the um so i
2823s was looking at the zap but the problem
2825s is satellites got the big baron in play
2828s yeah
2834s oh this is a full-on scan board we even
2836s have a reborn a gas coiler here
2840s but yes he did play the voidlord
2843s actually yeah which i think or the way
2845s to do things yeah yeah it's a good way
2847s to block the uh pirate exotic build the
2850s only way actually at the moment the best
2852s way
2853s he did he did end on the zap as well so
2856s we're just gonna do
2857s something value out of those
2860s scallywags unfortunately
2865s yeah
2866s i'm excited to see what comes out of the
2868s gas crater
2871s a funny feeling that you like opening
2873s boxes
2874s i do you know that's how i got into
2876s hospital in the first place
2880s in a box oh it's opening packs
2882s opening packs is how i got into half
2884s stone
2886s i was like this is so much fun i love
2888s opening stuff
2890s because i've opened enough packs that i
2892s now uh do you find zero enjoyment in the
2895s actual physical part of doing that but
2897s most importantly satellite knocks out
2899s another player huge win there what's
2902s even close to the win
2905s and butterfly is out now we have our top
2908s four bitter barbie on brookhand still at
2910s 32 health
2911s and satellite on silas or thinly into
2914s stylus with 13 health alucard still
2917s holding on with 12 health health on
2921s shutter walk
2922s but this is looking like you said it's
2924s just pure stats isn't it yeah it's just
2926s stuff right there's no fancy tricks
2928s going on alucard's just trying to punch
2930s people and the problem is that isn't
2933s going to work for much longer uh i i
2936s mean
2937s do you have a tunnel blaster in our hand
2940s yeah he's done a good job of it uh i
2942s just it's difficult to look at whether
2944s it lines up well because it's very much
2946s based on you know in some in some boards
2948s how the death rattles go off who attacks
2950s first and so on can make a big
2951s difference so hard to see how good it
2953s will be but be a babbitt i think
2956s regardless of anyone else is looking
2958s great look at that hydra
2960s yeah
2961s huge cleave greasebot divine shields
2963s that have been scaling got the gem
2966s splitter has the hero power to shoot the
2969s lightning to remove the shields of other
2971s players
2973s it's just simply looking good
2976s but unfortunately he looks it looks like
2978s he sold his argum
2980s so he sold his scaling unit
2984s i guess he still has the responses scale
2986s but
2987s the hydra is going to be quite hard to
2989s scale after this
2990s without the argument right
2993s i think he just went all in against
2995s someone to knock them out maybe try to
2996s knock them out
3002s oh he decides to put the cliff first
3006s again satellite everyone's gunning for
3008s you watch out
3010s probably makes sense right just wants to
3012s hit and try try and kill a baron yeah
3016s it doesn't know that byron's divine
3017s shielded
3019s right
3024s but i will happily admit the this uh
3027s the pirate come here is the one i'm by
3029s far the worst at judging if they're
3031s winning any given fight or not oh yeah
3034s the tracker is usually wrong right like
3037s um when you look at tracker trackers so
3039s many times it gets it wrong
3041s right
3042s so
3043s i'll be very impressed if you could do
3044s it in your head
3046s although i will say as we're moving
3048s through time here judging from this it
3050s looks like be a babbitt's doing okay in
3052s this fight so far not even been
3054s scratched it leroy's
3056s never mind it wasn't eight leroys
3061s you don't have a cauldron
3063s that's not enough though
3066s okay the rats will get it done
3071s well actually that baron is pretty big
3075s but i don't oh
3076s no
3078s yo what's bigger that hydra
3082s yeah the hydra is too chunky
3086s and i i think uh satellite might be out
3089s here
3090s yeah what are we looking at
3093s yeah it looks like it because none of
3095s this is gonna die the gem splitter plus
3097s the deflectors alone i think is good
3099s enough here never mind the hydra as well
3101s so yeah there's gonna be satellite
3103s knocked out but a decent fourth place
3106s and i believe that is a fourth place
3108s because everyone else survived yes
3111s alucard's still holding on
3114s went from 12 health to four so he lost
3117s the fight but he did not die
3122s and looks like he managed to get the
3123s achievement on this uh hero as well the
3126s alicat achievement
3128s oh wait is it the alike that needs to be
3130s 6060 or oh i don't know you'll know more
3133s than me about battleground achievements
3135s oh is it sorry
3136s yeah so he got the achievement pog
3140s it's hilarious it's just a 94-94 cat
3148s we like kitties this this cat has been
3150s with him since the beginning he's not
3152s giving it up i love it
3156s yeah the cat had faith in him when no
3157s one else would and now look where it's
3159s taking him all the way
3162s this is looking really nice
3166s gold hoga with um
3170s uh dargah's elder we saw a similar build
3172s yesterday from i think xqn
3175s we had two golden hogas though
3178s yeah slightly stronger that's still the
3180s same idea go ahead and hire one of these
3182s recruits
3189s oh besides wants to keep going the demon
3192s oh okay
3202s that was the problem right you could
3204s very swiftly see towards the end there
3205s was like yeah this last minion is not
3207s going to be good
3209s i think it all depends on where he goes
3213s oh that was a really good hit oh not so
3215s good for
3216s alucard
3217s i think he might be out oh that was a
3220s big hit though yeah die but now there's
3224s only one yeah that's gonna be a game for
3226s the alu card at least but again it's a
3229s great job great good place great results
3232s might even be joint at this point we're
3233s not sure if
3235s kid five is beating the ghost
3238s because i think these top like top
3239s four-ish players were very strong
3242s oh he did manage to survive we haven't
3244s seen kid five's board in a while
3245s actually
3248s oh no you were right you were right
3251s called it you called it i'm a
3253s battlegrounds god
3255s um
3256s yeah huge victory there now peter
3258s babbitt will be very happy i mean i
3260s think he would have been confident that
3262s he would have beat kid5 anyway but if
3264s you don't have to do an extra fight that
3266s sounds good to me so he takes game
3268s number one and again one of those games
3271s where he simply looks stronger than
3272s everyone else
3273s knew his job and did it well but
3275s everyone else very scrappy and i think
3278s the big question there was it very much
3279s felt like there were five players
3281s playing the game and three players not
3283s playing the game right as their three of
3284s them died very very early indeed and
3286s just did not get hold of anything in
3288s particular but was there any standout
3291s moments for you in that game nina i just
3293s really uh liked how bitter baba utilized
3296s burkhan's hero power in this lobby
3298s because brookhand is usually not a
3300s really popular hero but at the moment
3303s with max in the game everyone going for
3304s max he knew how much of an advantage it
3307s would give him to pick brook on and yeah
3309s it's just basically having a ghoul that
3311s doesn't cool yourself and doesn't take
3313s out the board space it's just amazing
3316s yeah it looks really good right i think
3317s it just ticks the box when you're in the
3319s right lobby as you said i also like to
3321s satellites play throughout the game
3323s where he never actually got i think the
3326s direction he wanted in the late game so
3329s he he got offered a couple of pirates
3331s right and he went you know what fine
3333s i'll play this comp and just gain some
3335s points right and i think that's what you
3336s do have to do in this scenario but i do
3339s think we are seeing them
3341s not maximum but close to like uh peak
3344s battlegrounds right now with the sheer
3346s power of these mech boards especially
3348s when the players get to you know either
3350s get their cleave in there as well the
3352s grease spots are down early so that the
3354s scaling is as good as it's going to be
3356s so yeah we'll see if it continues
3359s throughout the day and unfortunately
3360s although beasts were in the lobby they
3362s didn't really make the big impact i
3364s wanted them there were no leapers
3366s knocking around oh but they were which
3368s was the biggest shame these being in the
3370s game gave us a shadow walk
3372s and that giant tabby cat i mean i think
3375s it was worth it
3377s it was worth it but i just like leapers
3379s so i'm hoping for more beast lobbies
3381s today i do think we can manage to at
3383s least squeeze in a couple more but yeah
3385s really really good job for beer babbitt
3387s and again i think just a reminder if
3389s you've joined us a little bit late today
3391s and this is only game one of game
3394s x basically because we don't know how
3396s many you're gonna end up needing to be
3397s played uh but beat a baby off to a great
3400s start and yeah a shared 5.5 points i
3403s think alucard will actually be very
3405s happy with that because he was always
3407s losing to beat a baby whereas now
3409s because kid five lost he gained an extra
3411s half point basically but already that
3414s gap is being created mx on zero 1.5 a
3418s piece between sideshow and riba and then
3420s that butterfly and satellite on three
3422s and four respectively there so they're
3424s starting to just step away in game one
3426s but as you can see the graphic is a
3428s little bit wider than yesterday so
3430s there's still plenty of time to fight
3432s back but even after game one we start to
3435s have eyes drawn to those top three
3437s players right if suddenly if any of
3438s those three do well in the next game
3441s we're looking at you know almost a speed
3442s run to those 20 points
3448s but yeah i'm excited to see what happens
3449s next and just because players did badly
3452s in one game doesn't mean anything and
3455s winning a lobby feels really really good
3457s it's a great way to start a tournament
3459s but again it doesn't guarantee anything
3460s right anything can change at this point
3464s game one of many today no doubt but it's
3466s definitely a confidence booster for me
3468s about it but we are gonna be going to a
3471s break while we set up game number two so
3473s don't go anywhere we'll be right back
3474s with some more lobby legends
3477s [Music]
3494s [Music]
3501s [Music]
3550s do
3554s [Music]
3671s [Music]
3675s we're back and getting ready to get into
3677s game number two now we've just seen
3679s babbitt dominate game one and getting
3682s those seven points but there's still
3683s plenty to play for for now uh going to
3686s be going on until a player hits 20
3688s points and then they have to win a lobby
3691s the uh the lobby they hit 20 points on
3693s does not count for the win uh just in
3695s case uh people did not realize i know
3697s check is still a a relatively new format
3700s for a lot of people watching
3701s battlegrounds so uh there you have it
3702s they've got to get 20 points and then
3704s win uh but nina what are you looking for
3707s in this next game you're still there
3709s holding out hope that the caster curse
3710s doesn't work and be above it continues
3712s to dominate is there any particular
3714s comps you're interested in seeing that
3716s maybe we've not seen too much of so far
3718s well like you just told me i shouldn't
3720s talk about it so i don't drink them
3721s anymore so um yeah i'm looking forward
3724s to seeing this game i'm looking forward
3725s to seeing if the shark has moved on
3727s satellites uh cam
3729s and maybe seeing another a fun game
3732s maybe you even get to see your favorite
3733s leapers
3734s yeah i hope so if if we end the day
3738s the mum wins and there's been no leapers
3740s i'm going to request an additional game
3742s give everyone else another chance to be
3744s able to win just to see some leapers go
3746s on so we'll uh we'll have a c
3748s see what that looks like a little bit
3750s later on uh but at this point uh in in
3753s the tournament obviously we're only in
3755s game one but knowing that there's going
3758s to be what a minimum of four games until
3761s everything really starts to kick off at
3763s what point for the players like air beer
3766s baby would you say that you could maybe
3769s start looking for just get some points
3771s kind of games right like oh just get a
3774s top five just scrape a fifth if needed
3776s as opposed to sort of speed running to
3778s 20 would you say
3780s um i think maybe if he gets close to 20
3783s maybe he's like three points away or
3785s something then he just needs a top four
3786s he doesn't need to win uh because it
3789s doesn't matter how many points you get
3791s uh in order to get to the checkpoint as
3793s long as you get there right so even if
3795s you get 25 points 26 points it doesn't
3797s matter because you still need to win a
3799s game after that
3801s yeah it's true it's one of those fun
3803s things that we see where we i think uh i
3805s think when i was casting we saw a player
3806s on something like 18 points at one point
3809s so it's like they just literally have to
3810s just try and bully a couple of people
3813s out of the game and then go okay if i do
3815s better grade but it literally doesn't
3817s matter as long as they can bank those
3819s points so gonna be pretty interesting
3822s overall um are there any sort of uh uh
3825s minion types that we're really looking
3826s at in a non-mech lobby if we do see
3829s non-mechs knocking around and what is
3832s something that's going to be really
3834s the players are going to really be
3835s looking for is there i know we've talked
3837s a lot about mex kind of sitting at top
3839s of the pile but beneath that is
3841s everything kind of even right now in the
3843s meta outside of mex or is there anything
3845s else that really stands above them
3847s i think max and beast really define uh
3850s the lobbies so because they're both
3852s really really strong mid game they they
3855s managed to kill off the
3856s people who are trying to hyrule or
3858s people who are going for murlocs and
3860s without max and beast so without max
3862s we'll be going looking for a lot of
3864s people playing beasts right bummer bears
3866s tokens croc golden um maybe even liber
3870s but you know
3872s and without beast we're probably looking
3874s at a lot of a stat based builds so have
3879s nagas we have maybe big pirates
3882s elementals so people will be going for
3885s poisons in those lobbies to try and
3887s counter them so stefan is a very
3889s defining card as well
3891s very important in poison lobbies and but
3894s without murlocs then anything could
3896s happen
3897s yeah that's that's the interesting thing
3899s right oh ready to go into the game
3900s awesome um that's the thing about
3902s murlocs when they are in which they are
3904s in this
3905s as well
3906s shark has moved oh he's paying attention
3908s now you know what satellite that was not
3910s good enough last game i'm going to help
3912s out but yeah murlocs always throw that
3915s spanner in the works when they're in
3916s game right because then you always have
3919s to be aware of poison potential uh we
3921s are going to see satellite go afk we
3924s have a lich king a pyramid we have a cat
3927s in the lobby uh with kid five sindragosa
3930s uh zuma as well like there's them
3933s there's a lot of heroes that we've not
3935s really seen too much from as well as a
3937s eudora ucyc yes eudora
3941s we have peterborough on eudora we'll
3943s have to keep a close eye on him to see
3945s what his hero power gives him
3948s so looking at this right now we know
3951s what's in we know what's out uh you were
3953s just talking about the two powerhouses
3955s in the meta right now which is beast and
3957s mex they're both gone so is the is this
3960s game gonna be like almost a free-for-all
3963s basically when it comes to our minion
3964s types
3966s i think there's going to be someone
3967s scaling out of control and then everyone
3969s realizing that that's happening and
3971s probably adjusting to it and trying to
3974s convert to poison builds
3977s because murlocs are in which means seven
3979s is in
3981s and we might be seeing more uh poison
3984s versus poison i meant sorry stats versus
3987s poison builds
3988s in here though mx getting that first bet
3991s off with the three gold there on the
3993s barrow love to see it now he's gonna
3995s make the choice as to whether if he
3997s wants to just keep ramping and keep on
3999s betting and he does goes for the level
4001s up gonna click that button again and
4004s this
4005s is an interesting one right because this
4007s is the turn the afk gets the minions
4010s right no no no she doesn't get anything
4011s she has an empty board so it's the
4013s turnout right sorry
4016s always look at the gold five gold in
4019s relation to turn and always get it wrong
4022s so the way you can calculate it until it
4024s gets to ten is uh the gold minus two so
4027s that's the turn
4029s things i should definitely not get wrong
4031s and still do
4033s but yeah that's definitely going to be
4034s an easier one to go for
4036s and it looks like mx is actually going
4038s for the hanimbo curve that we saw
4040s yesterday
4041s with um
4043s viral power leveling how's it going out
4045s there oh let's see uh this covers what
4047s are the threes
4048s bronze warden very nice oh two bronze
4051s wardens
4052s and there's also a dragonid and a khadga
4055s the problem with uh two bronze wardens
4058s is
4059s it gives you a lot of tempo early on but
4061s it's one of the worst minions to triple
4063s just like pop bot
4064s right
4066s because you get weaker when you triple
4067s it
4069s yeah i guess again
4071s yeah
4072s it's insane just casually yeah you know
4074s what yeah tier three will be fine uh but
4077s yeah about the bronze ones like i
4078s definitely agree but i think in this
4080s game because of the minion types that
4082s are available
4083s just having the option to triple is
4086s worth more
4087s right now because uh it's not like he's
4089s gonna be able to get a grease spot right
4090s or anything like that so just having the
4092s option to just triple into six probably
4094s maybe five and go fishing and looked
4097s pretty good to me but those were
4099s definitely solid in air in the afk just
4102s to considering what million types we
4103s have in the game right now yeah very
4105s nice very nice discovers
4108s what's that oh my god a fight was just
4110s an empty board versus empty board
4113s oh
4114s what are these players doing such
4116s griefing baroque
4121s actually hilarious
4123s well i think barros still gets the gold
4125s back since they tied
4127s but
4128s they don't gain any right yeah a return
4130s it's a refund
4135s oh kitty cat with a
4137s bit of triple in the shop
4140s it has the pair to pick up as well not
4142s too bad here from kid five oh tipping
4145s bob two gold
4147s very generous generous tipper
4152s yeah should just give the minions more
4153s stats yeah i know it should give you a
4156s stats depending on how much gold you tip
4158s him right imagine that would be such a
4160s good minion for me because i'd be like
4162s no this turns too hard i'm just going to
4164s pass and just give stats to this one
4165s card i've got
4168s i've seen a lot of triples across the
4170s board right now or at least triples
4171s offered in shops
4173s where things are going to start getting
4174s spicy whether that's in the form of
4176s players just tripling or more likely
4179s just maybe trying to gain a couple of
4180s levels first and then go for that uh big
4183s triple into six but it'll be very
4185s interesting what people even want to
4187s triple into with no naga no mech no
4191s beast like the triple targets become a
4194s lot harder to identify at least for me
4197s um so we have no beast yeah no max no
4201s naga and no elementals right
4203s we still have pirates so holgar hogar is
4206s a thing
4206s we have that's actually a very
4208s interesting lobby for
4210s yeah like what what do you even triple
4212s for like what do you aim for right it's
4214s pretty difficult i guess this hogarth is
4216s seven there is fel bad felbat is really
4219s really nice
4221s um
4223s yeah it's quite a tough lobby for lich
4225s king actually for alucard since there's
4227s no tokens there's
4229s no beast and no max you still work out
4232s with i guess
4233s rewarding a leroy
4235s that's always juicy
4237s yeah i mean he gets work done i think
4239s one good thing for alucard although the
4241s lobby doesn't really help him too much
4243s is i feel like lich king can always make
4246s an impact in like early to mid game yeah
4249s just because of the strength of
4250s basically having an additional minion
4252s right like that's kind of what it does
4254s it's not strictly but kind of so maybe
4256s the hope here is for alucard like well i
4259s can't hit 20 points this game of course
4261s it's only game two
4262s maybe i'm offered lich king this is the
4265s game where i just get try and get four
4266s points right yeah exactly victory yeah
4269s slow and easy wins the race until you
4271s check the lobby and then you have to uh
4274s you have to win
4277s and uh
4279s it's really nice that he has a thorn
4280s caller on board because he helps him
4281s utilize his hero power
4284s and gives him a lot of value
4286s i was just thinking you can also try
4288s triple into uh darkest elder on six
4292s and go that build and go with darkest
4295s elder and hogar again we saw that last
4297s game and i think
4299s one game uh yesterday as well
4302s yeah now that i think about that outside
4304s of like poison sort of scam stuff going
4306s on that feels like probably the most
4309s obvious go-to stat build right it's just
4312s dark
4313s it is a bit sad though because every
4315s single cleave is out we have no furry
4317s bird no hydra
4319s and no wildfire so we have no cleaves in
4322s the game at all
4326s that's pretty rough dude so
4335s [Applause]
4336s yeah on this day we confirmed it is not
4341s zerus perfect still the triple on offer
4345s here for beer babbitt does have or is uh
4347s should i say tavern tier four yep
4350s it's the option to go for it next turn
4353s into six if wanted but again from what
4355s we were talking about
4357s like some of the five options in this
4359s lobby specifically wouldn't be super
4361s terrible either yeah sometimes fives are
4363s nice like sevens are nice hogars are
4365s nice and even again would be uh pretty
4367s nice too
4369s yeah but that golden targos is actually
4372s quite interesting because as long as he
4373s finds one promo drake that's so many
4376s stats
4377s and then if he triples to an adina he
4379s can give it permanent divine shield as
4383s well yeah there's a lot of good things
4385s that can be made to happen here and oh
4387s okay and we were just having a lot of
4390s stuff and got that gem splitter going
4392s for something to do yeah only one divine
4394s shield at the moment didn't manage to
4396s gather the i think you only picked the
4398s gem splitter up now yeah i guess uh not
4400s been able to put any gems on the uh the
4403s pigs as of yet but still the idea is
4405s there it's going to start working i'm
4407s not even sure how big the uh
4409s if it's lucky
4410s if it's lucky he can get two divine
4412s shields even if his bronze warden dies
4414s but starting from next turn he'll be
4416s able to
4417s well not next turn the turn after he'll
4419s be able to
4421s use the gems on both his
4423s tough tasks
4432s oh it looks like it's going to happen
4433s huge yeah yeah that attack was massive
4436s hold it wait wait no no i can still nope
4439s it'll happen you think it'll happen well
4442s i think he's gonna lose
4443s that happened right oh he got sniped
4449s it almost happened almost almost i was
4452s so confident
4453s that's what i get for being so close to
4456s anything yeah
4460s go back to be a babbitt on the uh
4462s terragosa the agum of course as well has
4464s a couple of gems for him too with the
4466s pig
4467s oh
4468s now do you think that's worth the first
4470s drake very nice
4473s he might um i wonder if he's gonna go
4475s for it yeah he's gonna go oh yeah
4476s finally now not even gonna bother with
4477s the freeze okay
4480s gonna forgo the hero power this turn
4482s which again
4483s there's even to an extent arguments that
4485s the hero power just no longer matters
4487s that much i mean it's good to press when
4489s you can but really eudora now is about
4492s the first one right like the first one
4494s and then yeah and then you kind of just
4496s continue on with the game as normal
4499s i think here um citrus may be looking to
4502s triple into a fel bat because he already
4504s has a big trickster on his board
4506s so i felt that would be rina and six
4507s drops would be amazing for him because
4510s he also has a scallywag and tripling2
4512s eliza would give him immediate tempo as
4514s well
4516s but he's thinking the gold is does not
4518s look good gold doesn't really work here
4521s also wants the milk of his doomsayer
4523s yeah it's so awkward because the one
4525s that triples is the one that reduces the
4528s uh the tit the tavern tear down right
4530s yeah so you're not gonna be quite good
4532s enough for now
4533s these aren't great options
4536s but the baron is kind of qui skye the
4539s baron is quite good because trickster
4540s and he can also get extra milk from his
4543s um
4544s scallywag
4546s yeah i think in scenarios like that you
4548s just say well which offering he's gonna
4550s do the most for me now right and then
4552s you just take that approach even if you
4554s plan on probably selling it in the near
4557s future which one gives me the most power
4559s as of this second in time gonna be going
4560s up against uh kid five on the cat
4565s it looks like a lot of people are
4566s playing into the avenge uh this lobby
4569s we have
4571s sindragosa with doomsayer and cat with
4573s the nest matron
4577s oh that's a pear that's nice
4589s we can still get value from that
4590s trickster if we get lucky oh looks like
4593s it's happening but i don't know if it's
4595s enough attack
4597s no it's not enough unfortunately
4601s rough it's going to be a good chunk of
4602s damage coming out there with the four
4604s from the nest matron the cat is wholly
4606s on the cat is playing full tempo to wait
4609s out
4610s their opponents
4612s i think here is mx does have a decent
4616s board
4617s like the the startings of a board are
4619s here especially with that second duo
4621s pickup but
4622s yeah he's in the danger zone though
4624s because he feels like a help it feels
4626s like he's like a turn behind right you
4628s feel like this scaling
4630s er should have been just a little bit
4632s faster does that necrolyte does have a
4633s battle master to try and stabilize
4635s return also definitely not terrible
4638s or not great either
4643s he's thinking about the gems with which
4646s minion to siphon the gems onto
4650s he might decide for the battle master
4652s honestly i can see it because he might
4654s just say you know what i just don't want
4656s eighth
4657s mx did get eight in the previous game as
4660s well so he'll be very much looking to
4663s try and get hold of some points this
4664s game in any way shape or form
4668s oh yeah he is deciding to siphon the
4670s gems onto the bottom as he decides to go
4672s for stats to try and survive
4676s and he probably knows that um the kitty
4678s doesn't have poisons yet so he's not too
4681s scared yet
4682s yeah i mean looking across the board no
4684s one is actually
4686s building
4687s murlocs right so of course you can
4690s always switch into seven later yes as of
4693s now
4694s i think
4695s uh you'd be confident if you looked at
4697s what builds everyone has
4699s uh in-game that you'd be confident that
4701s there's almost certainly no poison
4703s knocking around so yeah i think the
4704s battle master choice is really good and
4707s it's going to massively help out with
4708s these tippers definitely
4710s i think kitty cat is going to be taking
4712s some damage here
4722s there's some good value for kid five on
4724s the cat there because this nest matron
4727s just refuses to die until lunch so it's
4729s pretty sick actually yeah they managed
4731s to do quite a lot of milking yeah it's
4734s very nice
4735s removed quite a lot of damage from the
4736s board too
4738s yeah the only unfortunate thing here is
4740s you know some decent cards but
4742s the cat isn't often
4744s the hero you need value like that on
4747s right you need to be strong on the cat
4749s so you don't die so then you get the
4751s value from the other players
4753s yeah and the cat is at 15. yeah
4757s actually there's four players that are
4759s at 15 or lower so four players are in
4761s danger oh with i see a seven
4765s and there's a triple for amex
4768s oh yeah wait
4769s you also got golden bow two triples yeah
4772s where did that come from okay
4774s now into the fourth
4781s because we don't even have enough
4782s minions to eat in the shop
4785s there's also an ufa the ufa is
4787s interesting and but also a charlie with
4790s a pumbaa on board
4792s so many decisions so many good options
4795s sounds really weird but because mx is in
4797s trouble
4798s is the second fell back worth just
4801s because it's another demon that eats
4803s stuff that he's going to grow for the
4805s scaling hmm he has to go for the charlie
4808s okay okay
4812s i like that i like that because he has
4813s poom but he has um gems in his hands and
4816s he also has a banner board
4819s oh we see kitty cat kid five switching
4821s to
4822s stefan already
4824s have you just merged the hero and the
4826s player now it's kitty cat
4828s good cat
4830s oh yeah we have aloo cat and then the
4833s kitty cat
4835s it's going to be
4836s peter
4837s peter kitty i don't know
4839s everyone's just cat's a theme
4845s [Applause]
4846s [Music]
4848s oh no
4850s yeah
4851s stefan got sniped
4853s i think even if he loses he doesn't take
4854s too much damage here
4856s i mean it doesn't lose i mean doesn't
4858s get knocked out right gonna be what
4861s eleven
4862s eleven
4864s ah nobody is uh dead at this point last
4867s game turned nine
4869s three people were dead
4871s yeah there's a maximum 15 on the pyramid
4874s though for both ways i've taken a huge
4876s chunk of damage oh wait syndrome
4879s is out
4881s and this is rough saitro was only on 1.5
4884s points coming into game two and that's
4887s going to be a swift zero so he will
4889s remain on 1.5 points going into game
4892s three yeah which is a really rough start
4895s to the day yeah very unfortunate let's
4897s get the nadine you know also tripled is
4900s promo drake so he has golden chroma
4902s drake plus golden terragosa and a razor
4905s gore in the shop
4906s in the on the board as well and he yeah
4908s you're right he managed to triple into
4911s medina which means he's going to be
4913s getting permanent divine shield on his
4915s terragosa
4921s if for me i'll be i'll be greedy and i'd
4924s want to get the bran on board
4926s and get the value of that necrolyte
4929s oh wow
4931s but you have ended this term with a
4932s brand on board
4934s no no no probably just have to sell the
4936s brand after
4937s float a gold
4939s i know
4942s oh another triple on offer with the
4944s bristle back here for kid5
4947s that's already a buff bristle back from
4948s anutha
4950s that's looking pretty good pretty
4952s threatening
4955s in that gray there was it now it's not
4957s amazing to be honest nothing that looks
4959s like it's going to keep him in the game
4961s put it that way
4962s yeah we have a s7 on board still
4965s without poisoning he decides to play the
4967s impalmer in order to help him get poison
4969s on his seven
4971s oh but this board looks very strong
4974s it's getting big right only for health
4976s on the taunted uh uh brunswarden but
4978s still the damage is there
4981s nope
4982s doesn't matter got leeroy
4987s i think there's just too many shields
4990s well um
4992s kid five to deal with
4994s yeah the bristleback let's get some work
4996s done oh
4999s i was the worst hit if he hit anything
5002s else he gets the frenzy right and gets
5004s the shield reset yeah i don't know hit
5006s the one no
5008s true
5009s river river's board is just too strong
5012s because they have the best tribe in the
5014s game
5015s divine shields
5019s oh and the kitty cat is out
5022s yeah that's a rough one for kid five uh
5024s good thing is though although it you
5026s know it sucks to go out seventh it is
5028s one point and also yeah he did go into
5031s this with 5.5 so you know it's one bad
5035s game but he does have points already
5037s it's not like a saitro's position yeah
5039s where he went in with pretty much no
5041s points and came out with no points which
5042s is not where you want to be this is a
5044s really a rough position to be in
5045s definitely
5047s we'll have a look hard with eliza and
5049s two scalawags and a cad guy in the shop
5052s our cards just stuck two builds together
5057s this is a pretty standard build pirates
5059s plus school board and you're here
5061s well not on my uh mmr so this must be a
5065s pro level mmr uh build that only the the
5068s secret pros know about well that's
5071s that's what that's the thing about the
5072s pros right they can just put weird
5074s things together make like this mishmash
5077s board and it still works
5082s we'll see if it works for a card though
5083s he did have to triple the scally
5088s yeah
5089s do not like that but he does need board
5091s space
5096s and he could have hit something really
5097s good i command it it's really really
5099s nice here
5101s it is it's just interesting at that
5102s point where you wonder if the actual
5105s banner ball
5106s was better to just sell than triple in
5109s the scally honestly and i bought it
5110s still quite a lot of stats because of
5112s ground checker right and also yeah
5114s minded
5115s beauty of lich king is that he can hero
5117s power the mountain yeah you get two
5118s guaranteed poisons
5120s and yeah it's definitely a lot of stats
5122s but obviously you'd have a whole extra
5124s scally attacking with eliza on board
5126s right so
5127s just an interesting one but still you
5129s get the triple out of it which is huge
5131s and see if i can take down this but as
5132s you've mentioned a couple of times this
5134s weekend
5135s voidlord only good for one thing but
5138s that one thing is pretty good for
5141s void light is really good in a lot of
5143s situations it's
5148s on the biggest minion going oh
5151s equate might hurt no wait it's looking
5153s really good for alu card actually
5156s yeah
5157s i'll just chill with the bronze one i
5158s think would have liked the eliza to have
5160s lived and the attack gone the other way
5161s right to push max damage but still
5163s butterfly going to be out on the pyramid
5165s as well as be a baby
5170s butterfly out with pyramid as well
5174s we have our top four
5177s and
5178s it's really nice seeing ozumate
5179s performing well in
5181s tournaments it's quite an interesting
5183s hero if you think about it
5185s yeah i like it i actually quite like it
5187s right right whether it's good or not
5188s it's really good for getting top four
5190s yeah
5191s that's that's my expectations in life
5194s not a winner but just don't be last
5199s they're really important as well just
5201s giving an update on how relevant the
5202s placements are for now
5204s ruber was also only on 1.5 points coming
5207s into this so a much more successful game
5210s than saitro has had in game number two
5213s when they came in the same position
5214s satellite
5216s on four points is going to be looking
5218s very good too alucard of course
5220s came second in the last or second third
5223s in the last game now looking to get
5225s minimum top four again so some real big
5228s winners have come out of this game so
5229s far
5230s yeah alucard is being really really
5233s consistent just like he was yesterday
5235s during the
5237s um
5238s initial tournament
5241s yeah he was consistent consistently top
5243s four pretty much
5244s and was the second highest scorer in his
5246s lobby
5252s being automatic is actually pretty hard
5254s to play a around pirate exodus build
5256s unless you you don't leave a spot for
5258s your taunt in the end yeah unless you
5260s just decide to say yeah turn it off and
5262s then play something else
5265s which might be the right call here
5266s actually
5268s no
5275s the ground shaker build is so so strong
5277s in this lobby since there are no beasts
5279s and no mags so there's no tokens
5281s right
5289s and also as we've seen not that much
5291s access to divine shield right
5293s or like again the extra damage is just
5296s always gonna hit i'm not always for most
5298s of the time
5299s yeah the only i think the only divine
5302s shield is bronze warden and also
5304s bristleback knight
5306s yeah then the dina yeah
5308s of course
5309s but yeah there's like very limited
5312s divine shields compared to what we've
5313s become used to which is how many
5316s how many players have seven divine
5317s shields on the board right so
5319s yeah big difference here we do see
5321s alucardo gets to an extent a turn off as
5324s well as satellite is going to get
5325s knocked out on that turn and uh take out
5329s take that fourth place but again uh
5331s getting another fourth place for him
5333s that's two in a row he's going to be
5334s sitting at eight points uh going into
5337s game number three a little bit later on
5338s that's not too bad honestly
5342s slow and steady
5347s oh yeah there's also tough task tough
5348s task is also a divine shield
5352s it's right there in front of me
5354s oh yeah
5355s and because it's golden it has the perma
5357s divine shield
5360s yeah that's a
5361s one easy to forget
5363s about so
5365s necrolytes here for riba
5368s along with some extra gm still just
5370s looking at maximizing stats but is there
5372s an additional minion like what's the
5374s perfect minion for ribber to add to this
5376s board now is there something specific
5378s he's looking for or is it going to be
5380s something like tech kind of options here
5382s yeah he it looks like he's trying to
5384s think about whether to go for 7 or leroy
5386s here
5388s he has a lot of options he's got all the
5390s um holder poisons in the game
5392s in front of him
5394s like a buffet of poison
5397s leroy there is
5399s stefan
5400s yeah
5401s that'll do some damage wow yeah it looks
5403s like she goes jumping over to the to the
5405s tech route right selling off the ground
5406s shaker
5407s pushing the stats over onto divine
5409s shield and saying you know what i'll
5411s take the poisons thank you
5414s makes sense to me especially with the uh
5416s the extra divine shield from the death
5418s rattle
5418s too
5419s this is looking really good because
5421s this is what the device like separates
5424s good players from from like lobby legend
5426s players right they know at this point
5428s there's no point going for more stats i
5431s need to start playing tech cards in
5433s order to beat my opponent that's why he
5436s sold his ground shaker and it's decided
5439s to put in um
5441s the mounted and stefan
5443s yeah and especially the stats all
5445s stacking up here a little bit
5446s unfortunately the second goes down
5449s but still the attack on this ball means
5452s that even this air hundred and six oh it
5454s goes down never mind i was gonna say
5456s there was a solid chance he could
5458s actually take down the devourer but just
5460s simply could not he got sniped and river
5463s gonna be taking nine still in the game
5465s of course but still there was there was
5468s just a good chance he wins that and
5471s he just did not
5473s i look hard now seeing the healthiest
5475s player in the game right now 23 health
5478s not looking too bad at all
5480s well he has the stats and he has a
5481s poison and there's another poison
5484s being offered to him so he's thinking
5486s now
5487s i go for eliza or
5489s planted
5495s tricky one but at this point kind of uh
5497s sort of repeating the conversation you
5499s just had right where like is the extra
5501s poison isn't that just more important
5503s right now
5506s and a second eliza i i think so but i
5508s could easily be wrong
5510s uh last time we checked with amex he was
5512s in quite a precarious position right he
5514s was at 12 health
5515s he didn't have a lot going for him but
5517s he's managed to get top three with this
5519s board
5521s and it's quite impressive actually
5523s yeah really huge especially because mx
5525s just was their last in the past game so
5528s now the you know recovered i think you
5530s can easily say right now and no matter
5532s what place he gets out of top three and
5534s this was a great recovery game for him
5536s and puts him right back in the running
5538s on points right yeah
5540s and we see alucard going for pirate
5543s exodia scam
5559s and now
5563s i'm gonna drop the rabon on the eliza
5565s just in case there's any kind of sniping
5567s happening yeah we're trying to golden
5569s our eliza and this is really good
5571s against uh baroff against amex because
5574s of his giant tones so we're going to get
5577s fed really really well
5579s [Music]
5581s we're going to be getting our golden
5583s eliza
5585s oh yeah there it is
5587s and the pirates will just keep coming
5589s because we have a golden khadgar
5596s so many attacks go through
5613s is that going to be enough
5617s all of these just died to the devourer
5618s right so needed to go left still though
5622s very close very very close yeah but the
5625s fact that alucard that was highest
5626s health means that he's still okay he's
5629s not dead yet and then maybe he gets the
5631s slightly easier fight he's going to be
5633s going up against reba in this next fight
5635s and then mx gets uh gets the day off
5638s right he's going to be going to the back
5640s he's chilling but do you see what's
5642s happening river is playing around the
5643s private exodus by playing small towns
5646s there's a selfless there's a void lord
5648s it's going to be quite hard for alukhar
5651s to get the value from his scallywags
5653s here
5654s yeah and in that case uh do you think he
5656s still leaves up the spot for the hero
5659s power
5661s because then that's not
5663s anymore right
5664s yeah
5665s there's a higher chance
5667s that they actually get to pop off
5669s go ahead and hire one of these recruits
5671s oh i don't know honestly i'm not sure
5675s it's so hard to tell with pirate exodia
5681s i think we definitely we're definitely
5682s selling out of the tony
5686s unless he wants to sell the mandate
5689s no
5690s no we can't sell them i'm controlling oh
5693s he's playing rounds up
5694s [Music]
5699s there's no goal i know i was it was it a
5701s hook
5702s not that bad seven one uh baron
5711s who's total blaster in the game person
5714s be kind of funny
5716s oh eliza's oh
5718s well let's just sit back and watch
5720s because i'm very interested to see how
5722s this goes it might take us 10 minutes
5724s but we'll get there
5727s oh blocked
5730s oh okay
5731s well so far
5733s it's getting blocked everything is
5734s getting blocked
5736s this is a disaster
5740s but we still have we still have
5744s two allies as well it's really
5746s four elizas yeah it depends on when when
5749s if how where the baron dies
5751s oh
5753s oh oh
5754s this is enough this was enough wow how
5757s did that
5758s tiny board of scallywags turn into this
5762s yeah there was just a couple of good
5764s hits that really got the ball rolling
5766s there really rough one there but i do
5768s think river did a good job uh overall
5771s yeah at least uh knowing what to do even
5774s if it didn't actually work in the end
5776s that means our final top two here at
5778s mxjf and that look hard yeah
5782s and we have a max pick up a zap to try
5785s and snipe a luke hearts byron or khadgar
5788s but as we've seen already
5790s aloo card has played the rounds out by
5793s swapping health on his baron
5795s and i think his khadgar is pretty big
5797s too
5799s oh the tunnel blaster
5801s i see a tunnel blaster in his hand
5805s yeah the khadgar's obviously because
5807s it's gold i got it's four four four so
5809s it's going to be bigger than the
5810s scally's right
5811s oh no the scally there's a normal scally
5814s which is a three one
5815s yes oh yeah he has three scally's he has
5818s one golden one that's tonta that's a six
5819s two he has two normal scally's yeah
5822s that's what i mean right the zap will go
5823s for them and not the khadgar before but
5826s the tunnel blaster will kill his baron
5828s that's huge no he saw the he stole the
5831s tunnel
5832s doesn't know about the magical one
5833s health baron
5835s he doesn't know
5838s about to find out
5841s i think quebec is going to kick himself
5843s for selling that tunnel blaster
5846s it's fair though right because if he's
5848s not seen
5850s that the barons won health
5854s the tunnel blaster doesn't really
5856s achieve
5857s right yeah yeah so like unless he's
5859s actually seen it which i don't think he
5861s has it's a very difficult call to make
5864s because tunnel blaster is not a card you
5866s would actually use against that comp
5868s unless you exactly knew about the barren
5870s rock yes yes you're right out there
5875s a la carte is looking very smug here
5878s but they never saw the 7-1 baron coming
5884s oh he's he's zaps are actually helping
5887s him exactly yeah exactly
5891s i'm loving this build from unlu card
5896s yep never-ending stuff hired exodia
5898s for the win here like that little zap
5901s 17-17
5903s what is it going to achieve
5909s we might even get more eliza um if the
5912s calgary doesn't get sniped
5914s yeah just really supported as well
5916s obviously this comp is doing well in
5918s this game but supported by the safety
5921s net that the lich king hero power gives
5923s the uh
5924s the elixir right like here we go
5927s that's the final nail in the coffin
5929s right i'm loving this
5932s now i think the baron alone like more or
5934s less takes on the devourer and with
5935s those alive that is gonna be game number
5937s two going to alucard with mxjf taking
5941s second place a really crazy end game
5944s state and uh something we saw across the
5946s board here was yet again with no mechs
5949s no beasts there's a lot of different
5951s things to play for with some so
5953s we saw i'll try and get my words out
5954s some players go for demons uh as as like
5957s a general option we obviously saw the uh
5960s the exodus pirate come there from
5962s alucard but you know we saw some divine
5964s shields some quill balls so even some
5967s dragons at one point from satellite was
5969s kind of playing a sort of weird dragony
5970s mix so we saw a real bit of everything
5973s in this game and it ended in a bit of a
5974s crazy fashion yeah i loved watching this
5977s game because we saw alucard go from big
5979s stats he had some cool boards with big
5982s stats and he did a very slow transition
5985s into the whole scam pirate exogenous
5987s camcomb and that was really really fun
5989s to watch something we haven't seen yet
5992s in yesterday's games
5993s yeah and just highlighting one of the
5995s really difficult parts about playing the
5997s game at this level is a lot of the time
5999s people talk about transitions from mid
6001s to late game right
6003s and not necessarily from one comp to a
6006s completely different comp in arguably
6009s the late game or at least it's close to
6011s it was it was late oh like yeah so so it
6014s was it's a very different kind of
6015s transition and one that's very very
6017s difficult to pull off but yeah a really
6019s good job from alucard and i believe with
6021s his placement in game one he should be
6024s looking fantastic of course there's
6027s still a chance with the weight check
6028s works alucard could get into check first
6031s and then never win a lobby after that
6033s and it doesn't matter that he was in
6036s check first but again he's doing
6038s everything possible that he can to do
6040s well here and it's paying off
6043s yeah it was so much fun seeing three
6044s gold analyzers pop out of that reborn
6048s and we also saw mx perform really well
6050s this game we actually he was in a really
6053s really uh risky position uh being at 12
6056s health and facing facing a high roller
6058s and then we saw another action i don't
6061s know if he was facing a high roller but
6063s he was in danger of dying and he managed
6065s to salvage the game by getting a battle
6068s master and then tripling it and then
6070s using the devourer to make a huge demon
6072s and that just carried him to top two
6074s yeah which is a big deal as we said
6076s going into this game
6078s in game one mxjf was actually on zero
6081s points because he got eighth and then in
6083s game two made a great recovery and he's
6085s back on track now i actually think he'll
6088s have more points yeah mxjf lost the
6090s first lobby but now he isn't last right
6093s like he's got more points than other
6095s players here which is a huge step
6097s forward we see a lot of players around
6099s that five and a half to six point total
6101s uh but alucard yeah looking great
6105s unfortunately half a point off being
6107s able to actually hit the um the check in
6110s the next game but still he knows that
6113s across the next two games
6115s for him it should feel like a certainty
6118s yes i'm looking forward to uh watch
6120s alucard play his games and yes um when
6123s we were talking about mx yeah he
6126s actually faced a cat who was going for
6127s temple and trying to survive so that's
6129s when he picked up the battle master
6131s and so far looking at the rest of them
6133s of course there is that grouping in the
6135s middle ish of butterfly mx reba kid 5
6138s and to an extent satellite as well but i
6142s beat above it's still looking okay
6143s mainly off the back of his win in game
6145s one
6146s but the big question mark for now is
6148s psytro there's still plenty of time to
6151s catch up but the longer it takes you to
6154s catch up to check the more chances other
6156s players have at just winning that lobby
6159s and of course as an example
6162s if we go into the first lobby after
6164s check where there's one player with the
6166s game in check
6167s it's you know you i think unlikely is a
6170s fair word to use right on that one
6172s player having the lobbying check winning
6173s the game winning the tournament but the
6176s longer that goes on the the chances of
6178s that shoots way up the second you get
6180s two three players in check you start to
6182s get in a really scary spot so saito
6185s really needs to pull something out back
6186s in game number three
6188s yeah of course and anything can still
6190s happen um as i was just reminded by the
6192s rinda the uh alucard in the second lobby
6195s legends he actually managed to win the
6197s very first game but unfortunately he
6200s still came eighth
6201s at the end so it doesn't really matter
6204s like it can perform really really well
6206s uh get the lobby in check and then still
6208s not manage to win a game
6210s yeah it can be really really rough
6212s indeed but that's what makes it fun at
6213s least for us watching
6215s uh but we are gonna go to a quick break
6217s while we set up game number three don't
6218s go anywhere we'll be right back in a bit
6227s [Music]
6245s [Music]
6251s [Music]
6259s [Music]
6286s [Music]
6299s [Music]
6314s [Music]
6326s [Music]
6334s [Music]
6352s [Music]
6360s [Music]
6370s [Music]
6378s hmm
6384s [Music]
6389s so
6401s so
6403s [Music]
6405s [Applause]
6408s [Music]
6416s [Music]
6421s welcome back everyone it's about time
6423s for that game number three of the day
6425s and three of potentially many as we are
6428s moving on through this tournament and we
6430s are going to name a champion a little
6432s bit later on and we do have now players
6434s starting to split in terms of the
6436s leaderboard and i'm sure after this game
6438s it will continue but some of the key
6440s names really are just going to be keep
6442s an eye on alucard be a baby and
6445s satellite as the main ones if they keep
6447s doing well then we're going to have
6449s players with this lobbying check very
6451s very quickly indeed and then all hell
6454s can break
6455s loosener yeah i'm really looking forward
6457s to it i think this game nobody can check
6459s the lobby yet but starting from next
6461s game there is a very high possibility
6464s that one or two players might be able to
6466s check the lobby yeah and it's something
6469s that really mixes it up and just flips
6471s the game on its head because the players
6473s the ones in check will be going for
6475s absolute all out for first place and
6477s you'll see some really greedy plays uh
6480s probably and then it could be fun and
6482s then the rest of the players though will
6484s be like fighting between themselves
6486s they'll be trying to like
6488s uh
6489s bully the players that have the lobby in
6491s check so obviously they don't just win
6493s the tournament whilst also trying to
6496s bully the other players out so they can
6498s get in check earlier so yeah very very
6500s tricky indeed as we move on to game
6503s number three and look at that what do
6505s you make of this aloo card on reno we
6508s look we have another prize lobby
6509s actually and i really like reno in prize
6512s lobbies
6513s we can hit some insane units and we have
6516s mechs in the game so
6518s we can even golden agree spot
6521s not only mex
6523s and beast mags and beasts so there's
6526s loads of options it's golden mama golden
6530s buster and we have tess and like i
6533s mentioned tess is one of the best heroes
6535s to play if max are in the game but with
6537s beast in there will be i think a
6538s separation of mac players and beast
6541s players so tess will need to get luckier
6544s at who um
6546s he faces
6547s yeah i'm looking at the offerings here
6549s for satellite on finley what are you
6550s liking here there's the malygos tickets
6553s and the uh maleficent yeah i mean ticket
6556s this is nice right because it's a double
6558s prize lobby
6560s yeah
6561s what's up for tickets oh and he decides
6563s to go for tickets except the tavern
6566s tipper
6568s promising the shark has not moved this
6570s uh this game have a good battle yeah
6573s it's staying in concentration mode
6575s is doing well so why move yeah i will
6578s say as well this feels like uh one of
6580s like the ultimate power lobbies as well
6583s with what's on offer right we talked
6584s about mex beast but there's also the
6586s murlocs in there so there's that extra
6588s level of poison involved in the game too
6591s so
6592s this is like as strong as a minion type
6594s offering can be at least if we're
6597s looking at the top end of it and not the
6598s bottom end and i'm also excited to see
6601s bitter babbitt play vanda
6604s it's gonna be really interesting uh
6606s vandas hiropo of course
6608s panda was very very unplayable hero
6611s before
6613s the latest patch with cookie being in
6615s the game vanda is probably one of the
6617s best heroes
6619s because he can just do some insane
6621s interactions
6622s involving um
6625s trickster
6626s terracosa um oh my cars in the game too
6629s and byron oh i think we might be see we
6633s might see peter going for that build
6636s okay well we'll see what happens also
6637s got the uh and nixie in for kid five a
6640s uh hero don't see too often definitely
6643s something you saw a little bit more in
6644s the body meta i think uh but yeah not
6647s too often so far um yeah we've got a
6650s good mix of heroes actually river going
6652s for the three on three
6654s uh with the tickets
6656s and we see beaters trying to grow that
6659s trickster already
6661s which is a really really good way at uh
6664s growing that weaver which is a really
6665s good way to grow your trickster later on
6668s right and because devour because the
6670s demons are in the game devour is also in
6672s the game so using devour you can also
6674s make those
6675s temporary stats permanent
6689s yeah that triple he's thinking it's
6690s definitely a bait
6693s yeah i mean yeah i don't know if this is
6695s true of you know some of the best
6697s players in the world but whenever you
6699s get off of the shop like that even if
6701s you know for a fact it's bait you still
6704s think about it right i think what do you
6706s think about
6707s it you can still stare at it and go i
6709s know this is wrong i know this is wrong
6710s i know this is wrong might not be wrong
6713s no no it's wrong okay it's definitely
6714s wrong yeah and then you just move on but
6716s it's just funny that i think everyone i
6718s know would still just consider it even
6721s though it's an instant no
6723s yeah we have actually mx on arana arana
6725s is a very interesting choice here
6729s um
6730s and mx decided to go three and three
6732s same as ripa
6734s this is a prize turn so we get to see
6736s two prizes for ripa
6738s yeah
6740s tricky
6741s honestly the shop is kind of looking sad
6745s what are you on about there's a leaper
6747s oh that's true
6748s there is a lever i think we're actually
6750s going to see
6753s let's have the gold
6756s i'm sorry that was i couldn't control
6757s that sound
6758s oh and there's a lever again yeah my dog
6761s just came running in actually after you
6763s made that noise
6764s i guess you don't need to buy a whistle
6767s no
6769s oh
6770s take the leaper
6772s make the people happy
6774s i was actually looking at the liver and
6776s that sore lisk
6778s yeah me too i i would have done it one
6780s because i love beasts but also just it
6782s just felt like a clean enough turn
6785s honestly
6787s i guess because he has the gold so he
6790s has the gold from the prize so he
6792s decided to see if he can find something
6794s better
6795s with max
6796s maxine
6798s in the game he can find sensei and
6800s deflectos
6801s yeah and mx i know you were talking
6803s about peter baba's potential on vanda
6806s with some of the funky things you can do
6808s but mx does have the imp and the
6811s terragosa already on his board right now
6814s so he's gonna start trying for some uh
6816s some fun as well
6818s yeah but it's going to be a lot easier
6820s for peter to scale oh yeah because of
6822s his hero power of course of course yeah
6828s also that does mean that saitro has an
6831s option of the triple now right
6834s yes he has his own image too on board
6836s for pizza yep
6843s i think he can hands-free
6845s we see bandar staying very healthy
6847s with the weaver and tricksters i've got
6850s some fresh recruits
6853s he knows he has the option of the triple
6856s he doesn't have to spend the gold he
6857s could spend level and then triple into a
6859s three doesn't feel that powerful
6861s honestly but just depends about where
6863s his mindset is right now he's deciding
6865s to triple
6867s could still level right yeah two or
6869s three drop
6870s into a three drop to try and find my car
6872s maybe
6873s and no more car what is
6878s go for the high roll
6880s do it do it do it he needs it he's on
6883s 1.5 points going into game three
6886s yeah he really needs a winner if there's
6888s ever a moment to trust zerus with your
6890s fate it's now
6894s look at him is that not a trustworthy
6896s face on zerus
6898s uh
6899s i don't know
6901s it looks kind of
6903s grumpy because he's serious he's
6905s concentrating yeah he's concentrating
6907s he's trying to turn into something good
6910s oh yeah 100 the right pick
6913s sideshow there with the prey he's like
6915s please serious it's one time
6919s what would be the ideal
6921s ideal minion to turn into
6926s keep up the momentum
6930s would be really really nice as well
6932s because he says the golden trickster
6934s right
6935s we see another another person mx with
6939s terracotta and
6940s yep
6942s as you said doesn't have the hero power
6945s to help like vandar does yeah also as
6948s well as after sideshow getting a small
6951s win there but a windsor win
6953s i mean when you take a uh zerus and then
6955s win a fight it's always nice yeah
6957s because when you take xeros you kind of
6958s expect to uh lose sight oh
6962s oh early leroy is kind of
6966s um questionable yeah but look at this oh
6970s triples here for alucard
6972s i am
6973s assuming he leveled
6975s that turn to go
6977s uh so then he's gonna potentially even
6980s set up is he gonna go one
6982s maybe one six one five yeah yeah yeah
6984s yeah one and one but he won't be able to
6986s do it next
6988s but it'll fight you might have to go for
6989s two fives
6993s there's a lifeline can go golden life
6995s and a golden croc
7000s but he also knows he's got another
7001s discover doesn't he if he wants to go
7004s next turn and get another five he does
7005s have another roll of the dice so he
7007s wouldn't have to commit the hero power
7008s right now
7010s uh
7011s that's true but
7014s he might be taking a lot of damage here
7017s i guess i'm just thinking it is one turn
7022s to commit to a golden croc like right
7024s now does that really make him win the
7026s win their fight you are a greedy player
7028s aren't you
7030s not normally i'm just saying at this
7031s point if he has another go at it when he
7034s gets offered pretty bad fives like i
7036s don't hate it yeah i think it's it's
7038s definitely okay to see to wait and see
7040s what your other triple is and then
7042s decide what whether you want a hero
7044s power because a golden croc is only
7046s stats at this point he doesn't have any
7047s other beast exactly he's not going to
7049s give him that much tempo except in stats
7052s the sensei high five there with the
7053s stats
7060s two sensei's buffing each other just
7062s feels so good
7063s uh unfortunately the terry gossa got
7065s sniped before he got healed and before
7068s he got any help with it
7071s yeah yeah i imagine here that um
7074s the ababa is going to start looking for
7077s taunts in some respect right just to
7078s defend the terragosa to an extent
7081s give them time torn up the trickster for
7083s example and just try and do something
7084s that way
7086s [Music]
7092s okay well here we go go number two gonna
7094s be into the five
7095s oh oh my god he's at 17 health
7099s run
7103s this offering of six has been terrible
7105s let's be honest oh
7107s there's a primal finn
7109s no more clowns
7112s i think
7114s oh you might just have to strap
7117s the rat the rat maybe this turn
7120s but this turn and then right i'm also
7122s going to freeze the primal fin oh really
7125s oh but then what if it's rat golden croc
7128s yeah i think that's the safe play that's
7131s the play if you want to live and win the
7133s fight
7135s but golden brown
7137s hamilton is maybe how you win the game
7141s but it's so risky at this point because
7142s he's at 17.
7144s yeah
7145s and again alucard doesn't need to win
7148s he just wants a few more points to set
7150s him up that's very true yeah he doesn't
7153s want eight
7154s yeah if he gets like what four points
7156s then
7157s great absolutely fantastic so i think if
7160s he can just work off the back of this uh
7162s beast start now and just bully a few
7164s players out and then because the biggest
7167s problem now is if alucard gets eight
7170s people will most likely overtake him
7173s and then that's gonna mean that he now
7175s needs another two games
7178s what he needs is at least half a point
7180s to give him the chance to put the lobby
7182s in check next turn yeah
7185s okay well it doesn't seem like tess is
7187s that strong
7189s so as long as our croc doesn't get
7190s sniped we should be in a good position
7195s famous last words
7201s oh actually it can still be okay oh wait
7205s it's fine right because neither minion
7207s deals the full amount so then you kill
7209s one and then oh go this is really good
7211s he went
7213s his gamble paid off
7217s yeah so retains the seventeen
7220s no one to see what he does next dead yet
7222s so yeah okay got a little cap
7229s oh gets the great deal one of the best
7232s prizes you can get
7234s upgrade your tavern tier uh reduce the
7236s cost of upgrading your tavern tier by
7238s six gold
7241s oh he has to go for on the house maybe
7244s try to find uh a cephen
7246s level and try to find he
7249s yeah he just wants okay you can go raise
7251s a lot of money
7252s so much money
7255s we can find a marlo this way exactly
7256s that's how that's how we do it
7264s i love playing bran and golden brand it
7266s just feels so good because you get so
7268s much value out of it yeah
7270s you can almost do whatever you want
7271s every turn right
7274s yeah but
7275s yes he's still quite in quite dangerous
7278s zone because of his health
7281s oh
7283s [Music]
7286s seven there it is the seven
7290s having a uh playing murlocs in this
7292s lobby is quite risky right because we
7294s have max we have beast who are both a
7297s lot stronger than murloc's mid game
7302s yes and no right because yes in general
7305s completely agree but if alucard's been
7308s paying attention so many players are on
7310s just big stat tricksters right now that
7314s like the murlocs will actually do pretty
7315s well
7316s like i'm even i'm looking at everyone
7318s else's board and the only like mechs we
7321s have oh we have satellite that's just
7323s found a grease spot i think with two yes
7325s that's a bit late isn't it
7328s and then
7329s and then we have a golden sensei on mx
7331s right another primal fin
7333s well um yeah i was saying that
7336s you know usually it's quite risky to
7338s play murloc but because he has a golden
7340s brand his murlocs can scale really
7342s really fast yep
7343s and yeah look this is satellite right
7345s the first turn of the grease spot yeah
7348s and we see alucard also pick up an
7351s akm to try a trigger poison for his
7353s seven
7356s it looks like we're getting at least one
7358s poison
7360s on the biggest minion
7363s uh
7364s the highest attack minion with the
7366s poison of course
7368s that's okay because isn't it also one of
7370s the highest health minions yeah that's
7372s true we'll probably be keeping this
7373s minion glass half full
7376s oh
7377s i think might be getting no oh no and
7380s i'm taking 12. yes
7383s close
7385s close but not enough yet oh we see citra
7388s still holding on to that series
7392s but there's another one in the shop you
7393s could triple it yeah what's he going to
7395s get from these opponent though
7400s my car
7402s and the dina is looking very very nice
7404s too
7405s i think the one five and the
7409s uh sensei can just get out of here right
7411s now
7413s yeah and there's also the taunt the
7414s aspiring partner in the shop i wonder if
7416s he wants to taunt anything to try and
7418s protect his things
7422s maybe uh taunt the
7424s abode maybe
7426s yeah that's definitely looking okay as
7428s long as you can start scaling those
7430s stats a lot
7431s oh there's so many discoveries and so
7433s many stats i think we golden the primal
7435s finn
7437s it was a golden primal fan
7440s look at the amount of murlocs
7442s this may as well be a hawker turn
7444s oh yeah that minion really needed a
7446s poison
7450s and he also picked up a nightmare
7452s amalgam which is really nice in this
7453s lobby because he can always divine
7455s shielded
7458s and we have a golden seven
7460s another
7470s yeah just pick stuff doesn't matter if
7471s it's not a murloc just pick something
7473s and throw it away that's my approach to
7474s these two
7475s play all your stats and just be as
7477s strong as possible yep
7481s pick up a quick
7484s penguin penguin don't tell them
7489s a selfless hero
7492s and play the
7495s gas coil to try to get procs on your
7497s sevens this is looking really really
7499s good
7501s oh and gets a leroy which is not super
7503s useful here but
7505s it's always nice i think it's always
7506s nice to get right out of your gas coil
7508s yeah i think it's important that you've
7510s got something that just died and then
7511s look poisons as far as the eye can see
7515s that was a really really nice and smooth
7517s turn from alucard
7521s um
7523s yeah the outcome was good there was a
7525s gold still in hand and there was a
7527s triple i think that was intentional you
7529s tip bob for good luck right oh
7531s here we go
7536s oh okay oh
7542s oh no the tunnel the hilarious
7544s interaction you have the blaster
7546s gripping us
7555s good win there for kid five who's just
7558s sat on two scavengers for some reason
7561s uh i think maybe he has nest matron
7564s oh there it is okay okay cool i was just
7566s staring at there was like he's waiting
7567s for a triple
7568s he's waiting for the argus yeah
7572s one day he will return
7574s when the time is right like gandalf on
7577s the hill i want i want to watch arena to
7579s be honest i want to see golden brown
7582s and just those murloc scale out of
7584s control
7586s if something's going on over there i'm
7587s sure we'll be checking it out oh it's
7589s tripled he tripled something
7593s oh we have a triple here
7597s oh
7599s okay plenty of stuff left to do for
7600s alucard this too
7602s oh
7612s golden brown you have to be careful to
7614s leave enough for
7615s hand space in order to get all your
7616s discovers yeah oh god deserves
7622s oh look at that
7624s just a few months ago a few months ago i
7626s would have been so happy to see caligos
7629s in hand but now it's like
7630s this zerus is literally just a mascot at
7633s this point sit on the sidelines and just
7635s keep cheering you can do it whilst
7636s taking different forms you might finish
7638s the game with the azares still in his
7640s hand to be honest possible
7644s but now he has two he has uh two green
7647s spots and two
7649s shielded terragosa's i think
7652s we do see butterfly as well does have
7654s his own grease bar and got a secret up
7657s which i'm always just gonna assume is
7659s ice block but who knows oh no it's not
7661s it's green oh okay
7663s so venom strike i imagine
7666s oh maybe yeah you're right probably
7669s i would be shocked if anyone picks snake
7671s trap put it that way
7675s oh yeah it's way too late for snake trap
7677s oh yeah yeah right yep
7679s the poison
7682s always useful unless goes into a divine
7684s shield
7686s no like oh you sign oh i jinxed it
7690s oh
7692s look at the resets though pretty strong
7695s so far looks like the stats in the
7697s divine shields are going to be enough
7698s still the baby crush that can cause some
7700s issues but
7702s not at this point
7704s too late i said it could
7707s and i'm aware of of caster curse speech
7711s oh ribbit is that down to one hell we
7714s have turned 11 and everyone's still
7715s alive yeah everyone's still up the
7718s shield's still up of course but so many
7720s players will simply die
7723s uh technically what like be a baby
7725s alucard mxa river all died to a lot lost
7729s fight at this point um unless mx wins
7732s the fight cemex is still on four
7734s but i believe
7735s anyone's taventer plus a minion at this
7738s point should be enough to kill the
7741s majority of the lobby
7744s this is not looking good yeah everyone
7747s bought one oh he's got golden brown too
7751s wait this is actually crazy every single
7753s player in this game right now is
7755s susceptible to dying through shield
7757s apart from satellite
7760s oh yeah you're right they're all 15 and
7762s below that's actually really weird
7764s imagine if it was a diablo lobby they
7765s could all die in one yeah diablo just
7767s one shots the lobby
7771s you heard it here first
7773s bring diablo back
7776s oh no no no no no no
7778s no no
7783s look at these
7784s big big murlocs
7787s it definitely could be finding some
7789s divine shields that i did after one
7790s selfless
7792s yeah did he still have it in his hand
7794s he did what his turn wasn't over i think
7796s he was looking at playing it just work
7797s out what all the murlocs to play in
7800s check out butterfly now does have oh
7802s that's a good pickup lich king hero
7804s power this turn for leroy
7807s you will take it
7809s and he has a reset from kangaroos as
7812s well he doesn't really have any like
7814s real resets but because this module will
7816s always die
7817s he's always going to get a reset
7819s from his calendars which is nice
7825s i think now everyone in the bottom seven
7828s are trying to just
7831s not stay as strong as possible and kill
7832s their opponent yes yeah just win the
7835s fight and then you probably gain in some
7836s points this game oh
7839s this is not looking good for butterfly
7843s i don't think he has enough health uh to
7845s deal
7846s with those double tanks where does this
7848s leroy go okay yeah
7851s not bad
7853s good another time to go
7855s just have potential resetting shields as
7857s well
7860s oh oh yeah
7862s it all depends on this leroy
7865s it all depends on the gas coil
7867s i just think it all depends depends on
7869s this gas coil yeah
7871s how many leeroys the gas coiler can get
7873s there we go so far zero
7876s okay
7879s needs a lot of damage coming out of
7881s somewhere
7882s sleepers
7884s i think i don't think
7886s lots of fly can
7888s i don't think neither of them can die to
7890s be honest
7892s yeah at this point
7894s no because it's only 11 yeah yeah wait
7898s wait
7900s hey wince did it
7901s hit five wins
7904s yeah mx
7905s goes down seventh place mx and right now
7909s and river yeah so joint seventh eighth
7911s because they're the two victims and
7912s again something we expect to see and now
7916s pretty much every player is one loss
7920s away from getting knocked out health
7922s between five and thirteen across the
7924s whole lobby yes and it's very very sad
7928s for a river to die that turn because it
7929s was just about to be his double price
7931s turn
7933s oh we have citroen with gold and green
7935s spot
7936s and oh
7937s it's tess it's of course it's tess with
7939s the golden green spot we saw the game we
7942s saw this game yesterday in the very
7944s first game of the day it was i think kid
7947s five playing tests as well and ending up
7949s with the grease but all the ingredients
7951s this is good but the rest of the stats
7954s uh
7956s they're good is what i'll say but
7958s they're not they're not just winning out
7960s off the bat right i need to stare at all
7962s the other boards first golden gas coil
7965s is really really nice
7968s does is that that could be that could be
7969s four leroys
7971s i mean yeah it could i'm just wondering
7973s whether he needs to cleave
7976s the cleave against the giant marlock
7978s person
7980s oh sorry yeah he's against reno next
7981s yeah sorry sorry
7983s yeah i don't know if he has enough stats
7984s to beat um
7986s to beat reno so i think what he needs is
7990s actually maybe he's
7991s yeah his mackerel is really big actually
7993s so maybe it is enough
7995s yeah the problem is is metro's big but
7997s that's it right everything else only
8000s really has high health which doesn't
8001s matter against the murlocs so
8005s it's a tricky one and i do think the gas
8008s coil along with the mackerel are going
8010s to play the most important role here
8012s oh we have a golden aragosa
8016s oh he decides to play nadine here in
8018s order to get resets
8020s for his
8021s targosis instead of playing a mackerel
8024s that's an interesting choice
8027s is that's the goal for scaling
8030s these terragostas ah it's quite a risky
8032s decision because we know how big
8034s the murlocs are
8037s yeah just that seven is looking scary
8040s never mind
8041s yes
8043s 104 health on 132 on
8047s a 35 on the other one
8053s and i'm there's no world right
8056s at this point with what's
8058s with what's alive if saito loses this
8061s fight to any minion he loses his life
8065s is arena on six
8067s yes reno is on six yes so
8070s as long as one minion survives
8072s he'll be knocking cyto out which oh i
8074s guess a token could survive right but i
8077s was on about the minions that are
8078s actually on board at three yeah yeah
8080s yeah yeah yeah yeah that looks like
8082s sideshow is going to be out didn't
8085s really look like he had too much of a
8087s chance there the murloc's just been
8089s simply too strong
8091s and also it looks like we're having more
8092s knockouts here as finley is going to be
8095s able to take out butterfly
8097s so we see only one person getting
8099s knocked oh two people yeah
8101s but i throw out as well
8103s and we see some very very
8106s healthy minions on bit above it
8110s these tanks are trying two golden tanks
8112s are trying but
8115s uh i don't think it's going to be enough
8117s you know what pains me
8119s what there's two minions with over 500
8121s health but they have five and six attack
8124s like this is yeah yeah sorry and the
8127s seven with two attack oh my god
8130s what is going on i don't think he'll be
8132s getting a proc on his seven
8134s unfortunately
8136s because nothing else is dying nothing
8138s these minions not technically have
8139s poison anyway since
8142s they just have infinite health is that
8144s not kind of like poison
8146s poison is when you have a lot of attack
8150s but if you have infinite health you
8151s never die and always win a wonderful
8152s you'll die to poison
8155s we're not talking about that
8159s but this isn't really i'm glad that
8160s peter's going for this build but
8162s unfortunately he cannot face alucard at
8165s this point if he faces a look hard he
8167s won't be able to deal with those
8168s poisonous murlocs and it looks like he
8170s dodges a la carte and faces satellite
8172s instead
8174s yeah and this is huge right so the top
8177s three satellite
8178s be a babbitt alucard in this game would
8181s you like me to read out top three
8183s currently on the leaderboards oh let me
8185s guess alucard bitterbabit and satellite
8188s yes
8189s so these three players are sprinting
8192s towards those 20 points to get the lobby
8195s in check and no one else is doing a good
8197s enough job stopping them
8199s i think it's the thing about tournaments
8202s once you get the momentum
8203s you are just on that winning streak
8205s right and it's it just does well it i
8208s don't know it's just something in the
8209s head once you start winning
8212s you just keep winning whereas if you
8213s start on the losing streak then
8216s i think it's fair to say regardless of
8218s anyone's opinion on the psychological
8220s impact of you know what happens when
8222s you're playing games but
8224s you are likely to do something better
8227s when you feel good than when you feel
8229s bad right regardless of what that is so
8232s if you are doing well you feel good
8235s which means you are likely to do better
8237s than if you were feeling bad about it so
8239s yeah i can definitely get behind that
8241s i've heard all the arguments under the
8242s sun but yeah satellite just stares at
8244s this board is like yeah there is no
8247s different
8249s i mean mechs are nice green spots are
8251s nice but they cannot deal with stats
8253s like that infinite hell thousand health
8255s just on the air the bird alone
8258s peter's probably like i'm never gonna
8259s get poisoned on this stepping it has
8262s poison
8265s as long as it doesn't come up against
8266s poison it has i mean he is about to
8269s right he's about to yeah i i actually
8272s think uh obviously
8274s that's like unfortunate he's going up
8277s against this which you just can't beat
8279s but again all three players here that
8282s are still alive i think will be very
8284s happy right now because all three i mean
8287s they would have preferred the other two
8288s to be worse of course
8290s all three of them are doing the best
8292s that they can realistically do right
8294s they're getting high placements three
8296s games in a row more or less yeah and
8299s they're at the top of the leaderboard
8300s together so it's exactly what you want
8302s to do and they're all going to be
8304s looking to have opportunities to put the
8306s lobby in check from next game
8309s yep
8310s next next game is going to be i think
8312s there's going to be a lot of mind games
8314s going on
8316s all right so we see poison versus
8319s imaginary poison
8323s yeah
8324s it's gonna be an interesting one let's
8325s look at the uh
8327s i would say the favorite board in this
8329s scenario there's even a leroy there for
8331s alucard as well
8333s that he can just drop in uh it's fair to
8336s say
8337s that this brand will say bye bye this
8340s game right
8341s sorry definitely i think because peter
8344s and alucard both one on six one is five
8346s health they'll be trying to
8348s yeah definitely knock each other out and
8352s go all in here
8354s so we'll probably see a murloc on board
8356s he's probably going to end with one of
8358s the small fins and then sell the brand
8360s maybe and play the leroy
8366s yeah looks good and what's interesting
8368s to me
8370s if i remember correctly peter's
8373s trickster is actually taunted
8376s right peter's trickster is taunted so
8379s ah see and he's playing a voidlord
8382s around it so if
8384s alucard plays his lyric first he can
8386s just snipe
8387s his um
8389s trickster
8390s and his my car won't get any value
8393s oh true yeah yeah so he's playing
8395s avoidlord in order to avoid that
8397s he's playing another taunt so he's in
8399s order to avoid lord it's
8402s oh my god
8404s yes
8405s oh and it looks like it worked
8408s it worked but
8411s no it's not going to go down yeah it's
8413s still not enough i think the voidlord
8415s positioning
8417s oh nice nice nice macaw
8419s why does that number say 5.2 okay
8425s [Applause]
8427s it's just enough right again the lower
8429s top yeah okay there's getting some
8431s poison there but it's just not gonna be
8433s enough and it looks like alucard is
8435s gonna take game number three uh
8438s continuing to look great so far in this
8440s tournament uh winning the previous game
8443s winning this game that's how you get to
8445s those 20 points quickly and get that
8447s lobbying check can you even see for
8449s somebody who at least on camera seems
8451s quite subdued you know just quite like
8453s yeah okay you know i'm just playing the
8454s game you saw the smile happen there and
8456s that's when you know that's when you go
8458s inside yeah of course you don't want to
8459s look too smug right because and the
8462s alucard and beta know each other as well
8464s they play against each other on ladder
8466s all the time
8467s so yeah you don't want to be
8468s a bad winner
8470s yeah and and what a game this was and
8472s again i think across like today
8474s yesterday and today so far we have seen
8476s such a huge variety in uh like the way
8480s games can play out we had all eight
8483s players alive for ages this game yeah he
8486s had i think seven out of the eight under
8488s the shield bracket
8490s when the shield was still up which is
8492s very strange but suddenly they started
8495s dropping right suddenly uh very quickly
8498s towards the late game
8499s certain players unlocked the potential
8502s of their builds and certain players did
8503s not they started dropping light flies
8505s but again just to remind everyone the
8507s top three players in the leaderboard
8509s going into this game were the top three
8512s finishers in this game as well so we're
8515s gonna once we get to this leaderboard uh
8516s update we're gonna see quite the gap in
8519s the points
8521s yeah i'm looking forward to i think now
8523s that alucard is only 0.5 points away i
8526s might be wrong let's wait for the
8527s official results but i if i yeah he is
8530s half a point half a point away from
8532s being able to check the lobby so as long
8534s as he doesn't top 8 next turn
8536s he'll be in a position to check the
8538s entire lobby and then that's when the
8540s fun really starts yeah and and that's
8543s the thing though and that's something
8544s where you've just gotta not let it get
8546s in your head of thinking the only thing
8548s that could go wrong here is i get eight
8551s and then you get eight and you're like
8553s why did i say that i wish i'd not even
8555s thought about it because it could happen
8557s right that and that's the thing until
8559s the lobby's in check by you it's not in
8561s check right so
8563s there is a slight fear factor that could
8565s be delayed by a game and we saw from
8567s what can we call in lobby legends 2
8569s where i think a player needed like two
8571s points to put the lobby in check or
8573s three maybe and they got two or one you
8575s know they just got the finish that was
8577s like one point below no and it was
8579s brutally it caused them to have to play
8581s a whole additional game before they
8583s could start going for the win and that
8585s is very very scary indeed but yeah
8587s congratulations to alucardia 19.5
8591s 15.5 from beater babbitt satellite now
8594s did well but because he's not done
8596s exceptional in any of the games so far
8599s he needs exactly a win in this next game
8602s to go through and put the lobby in check
8605s for him but looking to be a babbitt in
8607s alu card yes peterborough with two first
8609s places in a row i mean alucard i look
8611s out of first places in a row and yes we
8614s have three players in the position to
8617s put the rest of the lobby in check
8619s starting from next game so
8621s very exciting
8623s yeah and alucard is again the only thing
8626s that can go wrong for him in game four
8628s is to literally eighth place which feels
8631s obviously i'm gonna think about it stop
8633s trying to jinx
8636s i'm not playing
8637s i mean
8639s uh be
8640s as well has a bit more work to do it's
8642s not like he's guaranteed to put the
8643s lobby in check right he needs a few more
8645s points a little bit more difficult but
8647s very very possible and then the
8649s satellite who needs a seventh for
8650s everyone else they've got at least two
8653s good lobbies worth of games to go
8655s through before they can make it but as
8658s we are now three games in we're gonna
8660s give the players a few minutes to just
8662s relax you know take a little bit of a
8663s break before we get ready sit down and
8666s get into game number four so don't go
8667s anywhere and we'll be back with some
8668s more lobby legends fire festival see you
8671s later
8677s [Music]
8689s [Music]
8695s [Music]
8701s so
8704s [Music]
8887s do
8890s [Music]
8909s so
8920s [Music]
8923s [Applause]
8926s [Music]
8951s so
8953s [Music]
9022s [Music]
9037s [Music]
9073s foreign
9077s [Music]
9113s so
9116s [Music]
9137s so
9141s [Music]
9164s [Music]
9172s [Music]
9178s [Music]
9191s so
9193s [Music]
9218s so
9221s [Music]
9262s so
9266s [Music]
9285s [Music]
9290s time to get into game number four of the
9293s day as the players progress towards that
9296s first point which is putting the lobby
9299s in check nina we've got three players
9301s that are able to do it two that are
9303s likely to do it but the big question is
9306s if alucard just doesn't come eight gets
9309s the lobby in check is he winning the
9311s next game what's your prediction
9314s my prediction i don't want to jinx it
9316s because the players are back since the
9317s beginning are doing really well and
9319s you're trying to make me jinx them
9321s but um i hope all the players do well
9323s and continue to do well and
9327s completely cop out of the question
9328s that's absolutely fine but yeah just a
9331s bit of a recap to be a bit more specific
9333s here we do have alucard beer baby and
9335s satellite who are all able um to get the
9339s lobby in check because i definitely just
9341s looked at the wrong standings and then
9343s we have everyone else needs a
9346s minimum of two more games and then there
9348s are honestly players when we start to
9350s look at mxjf and cytro who need to very
9354s good games to put themselves into that
9356s kind of position so and though those
9358s players still possible as again once you
9361s have the lobby in check you do need to
9363s win it to actually end the tournament uh
9365s but it is an uphill climb and by the
9367s time players like those get into that
9369s check position it's very likely there's
9372s been what two to three players already
9374s have played games whilst being in check
9376s as well so it starts to get very very
9378s difficult indeed but we've seen some
9381s great play especially from alucard uh
9383s obviously just uh making the big plays
9386s in the past two games with that the
9388s pirate comp and then going into the
9390s golden brand
9393s which honestly was a brave play in
9395s itself right alucard could have made a
9398s i don't want to say safer play but you
9400s understand what i mean yes the safer
9401s play by goldening the crocolisk exactly
9404s winning that fight but he decided to
9405s gain points to win the game and he went
9408s for the golden brand
9410s yeah it was it was pretty crazy overall
9412s but we also have a beat of baby i'm a
9414s little bit upset that your predictions
9415s are doing so well and mine aren't uh
9418s you've clearly just you're too good at
9419s this already so we
9421s next time we do a tournament you're not
9423s allowed to predict
9425s but yeah
9426s in my head
9427s they they're both doing a really good
9429s job they're setting up but now uh again
9432s what do you think peter babbitt needs to
9435s do right now he's on
9437s 15.5 points and do you think this will
9440s be uh him trying to play as safe as
9442s possible like at all costs or do you
9445s think if he's got something like a
9447s glimmer of hope here for the big pop off
9449s that you'll actually go for it
9451s uh knowing peter i think if you can win
9453s here will go for the win
9455s because like i did say earlier that it
9457s doesn't matter how many points you get
9459s as long as you check the lobby but
9461s someone has to get second place right
9463s and second place prize it depends the
9465s place the price depends on the placement
9467s so there's quite a big difference
9469s between say second place and like eighth
9471s place prize
9472s oh hundred percent yeah when we're
9474s talking about prize money itself it's
9476s definitely better to be second than
9478s eight 100 you are right and something
9481s we've not really touched on too much so
9482s good job uh checking out the heroes as
9485s we get into game number four let's have
9488s a quick look we've got beta babbitt on
9489s mayev we've got alucard with this choice
9493s in front of him what do you think he's
9495s going oh oh oh okay alucard's saying i
9499s will not be
9500s the first player to die and you know
9503s what i kind of love this pic even though
9505s it's uh you know on paper a relatively
9507s straightforward
9508s boring hero you just have more health
9511s but i think it's absolutely the best
9514s choice for him he's definitely the
9516s safest choice for him because he like we
9518s said earlier he just needs to not top
9520s eight right and patchwork with the armor
9522s and health all adds up to what 62 health
9527s that's a lot to get through and as long
9529s as he just plays full tempo it's it'll
9531s be very very hard to knock him out in
9533s eighth
9534s yeah what do you think of the um pick
9536s from beer babbitt the other play who's
9538s likely to get the lobby in check yeah he
9540s does have a few more points required and
9543s mayev does have the ability to just
9545s completely pop off and win games but
9547s also has the ability to kind of whiff
9549s and just take tons of damage early on
9552s yeah maiev is definitely one of the
9554s riskier heroes to pick um but uh in this
9557s lobby and knowing peter peter playing
9559s maiev i have faith that he's going to do
9561s well
9562s and we have got um close to a repeat of
9565s the previous game
9566s where there's no mechs
9568s no beasts no naga but this time we have
9571s no dragons and i believe it was
9573s elementals that we didn't have in the
9575s previous game so we do have elementals
9578s in the in the lobby now but still yeah
9580s no mechs no bees no naga gives these
9583s players a lot of options as we've seen
9585s before yeah i think we're going to see
9587s some poisonous murlocs again
9590s against big
9591s stats we do have a elementals so maybe
9594s someone will play nomi
9597s yeah the tricky thing with nomi right
9599s now is you have to get it so early
9602s for it to actually be good enough to win
9605s games right you have to get it mega
9608s early literally has to be like powered
9609s up and it's your first triple or first
9611s offering or something unless you're
9613s galiwicz
9614s true yeah that's fair
9621s oh not too bad actually the yasheraz
9623s gave him a double uh a pair right with
9626s the murlocs then
9628s if uh
9630s what did he have
9632s wait am i oh i looked at the wrong thing
9634s never mind never mind i was looking at
9636s one player's board on one screen and
9638s then another players board on the other
9640s and thought they were the same because
9641s they did look similar but yeah that is
9643s not the case but kid five is going to
9645s have the uh the pair of murlocs and the
9648s seller mental so money for days right
9650s now as we are getting very used to
9652s seeing on barrow in this tournament
9654s the players are doing really really well
9656s on tournament it just shows how good
9658s they are at reading the lobby and
9660s reading what their opponents are doing
9661s and waiting until last second to pick
9665s who is going to win the lobby the turn
9667s obviously because
9669s uh these players will be trying to grief
9670s barrow by say leveling last turn last
9673s second leveling um tripling last second
9676s just to confuse the bar of player
9681s peter babbitt already down to 34. kid
9684s five looks like he's gonna be
9688s just shy in this fight one healthy
9691s pyramid doing enough uh with that a
9694s little bit of health on the minions
9695s there so not too bad at all
9697s from them butterfly
9700s oh
9701s cyrus we have a zara's oh he does not
9703s look happy with his choices pick the
9705s mascot
9707s let it sit in hand for ten turns and
9709s then see what happens there is
9712s i oh
9714s he does it
9715s he also has free rerolls oh this is
9717s really really nice
9719s as bryony gets free gold and also money
9722s from the gambler
9725s oh
9727s now i just hope that
9730s just hope that shifter turns into
9732s something
9734s look at all that money
9737s got a triple selloff people on offer got
9739s four coins in hand and izar has already
9742s spent the gold to bet anyway like
9745s this is a pretty nice position to be in
9748s yeah definitely the kid five minutes go
9750s crazy this game
9756s i can't wait until last second
9760s you know i always worry that if i don't
9762s choose it like if i choose it too late
9764s then the lag will prevent it from being
9767s actually chosen
9769s oh this is gonna be a rough one kid five
9771s of obviously focusing on economy for now
9774s but still going to get slapped around
9775s here by um by sidetra
9779s sideshow going for the platform is
9780s interesting choice because
9782s he only has 4.5
9784s points at the moment which means he
9786s needs at least three games in order to
9788s check the lobby
9790s it's not possible to do it in two even
9791s if he gets two first places in a row
9793s yeah
9794s i think
9795s okay though in this one because there
9797s are no mechs there are no beasts so
9800s i think it's fine you uh for boards you
9803s really want the beast for the max to be
9805s in because the it just the interaction
9808s works so well the divine shields with
9810s boards
9810s yeah oh we have two triples now in the
9812s shop
9816s and loads of money in our hands
9820s but level again
9824s no he can't level and bet and he needs
9826s to bet
9828s oh i guess he could if he sells one of
9830s these elementals
9835s avocado is two triples in the shop
9842s he decides to go for one of them now
9846s i like this telling his other pair
9848s telling his uh sentimental pair
9851s i think i saw peggy there
9856s he did level he did level he sold his
9859s other pair and level
9862s yeah
9862s i think
9863s took a gold grabber actually yeah
9866s yeah and i like this from alucard as
9867s well because it's just saying i'm just
9869s not going to be eighth right like he
9872s took one triple now so doesn't want to
9873s take damage from being greedy like take
9876s the triple it's a gold grubber obviously
9879s that's gonna start stacking up some
9880s stats and scaling like yeah just it's a
9882s good play and kid five just took 14
9885s damage was that going all the way down
9888s to uh down to 18 obviously he does have
9891s a very huge amount of money and triple
9894s potential
9896s he get two six drops here
9898s uh looks like he's going for it yeah i
9900s mean it's what he's settled for right so
9902s why not
9906s he there's he's still under the cap so
9908s he's risking he's risking it all
9912s there is a
9913s nosey
9914s well for oh of course nobody's the only
9917s viable option there but
9919s he has to wait two turns
9922s for it to pay out and
9924s you're going to be here in two turns
9925s still
9931s yeah i guess he's just relying on the
9932s fact that he gets another roll the roll
9935s the dice on six's next turn right
9937s because he has the other triple he can't
9939s die as you mentioned now because the
9940s shield's still up and then next turn
9942s he's just saying you know what the other
9944s triple is going to get me there and then
9946s go from there
9949s it looks like butterfly
9951s tripled into a leroy
9954s what's that
9965s yes because there's no gold's on the
9966s board yeah that makes more sense
9968s it went smogger and then leroy
9972s a little a little birdie's telling me
9974s okay
9981s still not terrible again not really game
9983s winning but
9985s not the uh the worst offering at least
9987s it was playable
9995s we see kid5 um i want to see what he
9998s does what his triple is next turn
10004s the other drop what's a droplet triple
10006s and there we go oh there is a whole car
10009s hunger in the shop
10011s and gonna roll the triple first
10014s take a quick look just in case he gets
10016s offered something that really changes
10017s his mind about the hogger oh oh
10020s we have a mounted and we have an imp
10022s mama
10024s i mean he can't surely has to take empty
10026s mama right because the man did
10028s it's good but is it good at this stage
10030s of the game i don't think it's as good
10032s as the imp mama
10034s he is at seven oh
10036s he decides to roll past the
10039s hogar and
10040s instead try to
10042s find temple units
10044s oh this is oh
10046s that was a very quick pick
10048s i'm surprised i didn't pick up the
10050s voidlord honestly
10053s yeah
10055s he's just trying to grow his myth racks
10056s now
10058s and picking up an extra
10060s minion type in the form of duo
10063s oh wow nice offerings from rebecca
10066s they're basically the support tools for
10068s any other direction just go for the hog
10070s of course
10072s i love to see it
10074s i love apm pirates
10077s and they're very exciting to watch i
10078s think yeah i think hogger and and that
10081s kind of pop-off is the uh the go-to fan
10083s favorite battlegrounds thing right
10086s uh maybe second to leapers
10088s true
10089s true yeah are there any good chat spams
10092s about hoggers i don't think so
10094s i have this copy pasta but it's really
10096s really long
10098s oh
10098s okay
10100s we'll save that for another time yeah
10103s oh just check out nina's stream if you
10105s want to see in person get involved
10108s oh nice ad very smooth
10111s it's a shame i don't do it for myself
10113s but yeah this is looking
10115s a little bit rough here of course this
10117s myth racks for kid five
10120s really gonna have to do the heavy
10121s lifting here and one shot one kill into
10124s the uh
10125s the
10126s big
10127s uh big minion on the river's side that
10129s was really rough for him mama it looks
10131s pretty good though
10133s recovery happened oh and ripper has to
10135s take the no diluted damage i think this
10137s is the turn that we get then the nosy
10139s discover right the golden yeah yeah so
10142s let's have a look at what
10144s kid5 has it's praying he's praying when
10146s there is oh oh
10149s at least it's another six drop that's
10150s how to think about it right
10153s it's a six drop okay ignore this one oh
10156s no
10158s there is a fel bat and there's also
10160s oofer yeah
10162s he decides to go for felba because he
10163s already has an imbama
10166s and we need now is a battle master i
10168s think
10172s well we just come back to beat a baby
10174s and there's just triple on a bubble
10176s right now it's just like what happened
10178s how did we get here
10182s oh
10183s he decides to oh i thought he was gonna
10185s decide not to play his seven
10188s also uh hollow card in a bit of a
10190s precarious position right now uh with 26
10194s health he's still fine but you know he's
10197s getting down there alakad is really
10199s hoping that kid five dies this third i
10201s think
10202s i mean there are other players obviously
10203s like the leaderboard order looks weird
10206s because of the higher starting yes
10208s nobody else is in danger of dying
10212s except kid five kid5 is the only one
10218s and you can tell just staring at this
10220s board right this is they just don't die
10222s yeah some stuff
10224s i do i had to have oh he did he did
10226s manage to find a battle master
10231s but he devoured
10233s something that's huge yeah i think it's
10236s going to
10237s definitely
10239s it's going to be something
10241s against kid 5.
10242s yeah
10244s that could decide alucard's fate
10248s yeah i think hit 5 definitely oh it's
10250s hard to close this is close
10254s this is a lot health i'm not devouring
10257s yeah
10258s but it doesn't have a lot of i think
10259s it's still enough though
10261s it's really hard to tell
10263s hey what's up for now and mama getting
10264s older two minions two demons out of her
10267s it's really really nice great value and
10270s yep
10273s oh yeah four
10275s yeah okay well kid five lives to fight
10278s another day alucard
10280s at 17. 17.
10282s oh and ripper at 11 which means and
10285s cytro at 15 so
10287s there's now three players who are in the
10289s danger zone huge fight for peter babbitt
10292s as well because he does need to do well
10294s this game he's doing well this
10296s tournament but he does need to do well
10298s he needs 4.5 points as a minimum he
10302s decides to level
10303s oh he decides the hero power is
10307s well that's what's really nice about
10308s felbat he already had two tricksters on
10310s his board and with felbach that's going
10312s to be a lot of scaling
10314s yeah max
10315s like he's going for the pig root right
10317s now and it looks to be like it's paying
10319s off yeah he's got
10321s the target elder on board getting a lot
10324s of values out of out of these minions
10326s got the reef explorer and the
10328s sellamental
10331s and he's thinking of playing this boar i
10333s think for extra stats
10335s and what is the thing to sell then are
10336s you selling the murloc
10338s the agent the bonker
10342s board space is a huge issue right now
10345s it is
10346s but at what point does he just stop
10348s pressing the hero power
10353s um
10354s not sure unless he's just looking for
10355s something in particular on five
10359s oh i think this works out pretty well
10360s this works out pretty well and he gets
10362s to pick up a pair which is really really
10363s nice he plays this gems before playing
10365s his smaller
10366s minion
10367s no he's not going to write him we've
10369s already transitioned into a poison
10373s don't tell him rippers just decided
10375s right now i know what i'm doing this
10376s game
10379s oh
10380s that's huge
10382s [Music]
10384s the amount of getting
10385s poison uh getting divine shield and
10388s taunt it just
10389s takes care of alucard's two biggest
10391s minions remember yeah this is alucard he
10393s needs to not eight
10395s i mean he can't die this fight anyway
10397s yeah but he does not want to go below 15
10400s for as long as possible
10409s removed a lot of damage there although
10411s below 15 danger zone oh no and nobody is
10414s dead yet
10415s turn 10 everyone is still alive
10419s i can feel that it's gonna happen yeah
10421s no no don't
10423s know i thought i know i wasn't listening
10426s oh thanks
10428s i was looking at the board
10434s hey two peggy's here for psytro just got
10436s a very average amount of stats but very
10438s wide not relying on one particular
10440s minion
10442s but where's the progression path from
10443s here is it just hitting triples for
10445s sights right now
10450s yeah he's kind of a little bit bored
10452s locked right what does he sell he can
10454s sell his pairs and his demons are quite
10456s big maybe he can sell his selfless but
10459s uh so i don't know what he wants to do
10461s maybe he's trying to triple
10464s yeah he definitely can't level
10467s because he's in a danger zone two he is
10469s at 15. he just needs to hit a triple
10472s right like he just needs to roll again
10473s and hit a triple that's it problem
10475s solved easy
10477s yeah i just hit it i mean yeah now
10479s you're getting it
10480s this is how you play battlegrounds just
10483s hit the cards just high roll
10485s and don't face the high roller
10491s what was that oh we have
10495s butterfly tripling his myth rocks that's
10498s huge that's a lot of stats and he has
10500s poisons let's see this is what's
10502s happening we have one big minion and
10504s lots of poisons
10508s this is usually what happens in these
10511s reckless and beastless lobbies
10519s again alucard on the block i think i
10522s look hard if this is the end for alucard
10524s no
10526s [Applause]
10536s wait wait if someone else joins him if
10539s someone else joins him that's half a
10540s point that's
10541s is half a point enough no he's the only
10544s one
10547s oh
10548s no
10549s you jinxed him one thing he did not want
10552s to happen happened oh
10555s disaster
10557s is actually a massive disaster for
10560s alucard he could have been one step
10561s ahead of the game maybe
10563s weirdly enough he played too safe with
10566s the uh with the patches pick
10568s i think everyone i think that's the
10570s thing everyone seems to be playing safe
10572s and the problem is he's playing safe
10574s without a hero power effectively right
10576s so
10577s maybe that was too safe i don't know be
10580s a babbitt holding on for two
10582s on two hell sideshow on three if beer
10585s baby gets knocked out i think a lot a
10587s lot of players can start closing this
10589s gap
10590s yeah that's the thing you think they're
10591s doing it on purpose maybe they're trying
10593s to they're all working together to knock
10595s a look hard and beat her out
10597s so that they can't check the lobby
10599s i mean if the players are able to do
10602s that um then that is definitely
10604s worthwhile and and within the rules in
10606s case anyone is thinking about it
10608s is definitely able i think the the
10611s important factor is you don't do that at
10614s the expense of you getting points
10616s because if if by doing if by pushing
10619s someone out means you end up getting
10621s less points yes well you're still
10622s further behind right so if you can do it
10626s and progress your own game plan well
10629s we have a hogar now with butterfly going
10632s for the dark gates
10633s go to hoga
10641s decides to stick with poison instead
10645s the positioning of that murloc is i
10647s guess yeah he wants it to die because he
10649s wants the poison on his amalgam yeah
10660s how it goes going up against satellite
10662s on the pyramid a lot of stats and a
10664s sprinkle of poison seems to be the order
10666s of the day here
10669s yes i think butterflies just got more
10673s stuff
10675s oh oh get poison on the amalgam
10679s either trade loses the fight there for
10682s uh for satellite so i think yesterday we
10685s saw butterfly playing golden mythrax and
10687s a bunch of poisons to win the second
10690s game of his lobby if oh let's baby out
10693s oh oh
10695s no which helps him a little bit but not
10697s enough now i think no one can get the
10700s lobby in check this light can if he wins
10704s he needs to win
10706s he needs to win in order to check the
10708s lobby
10709s are you saying there's a chance there is
10711s a chance
10713s oh satellite
10715s the shark has moved the shark is
10717s chilling on its side now
10718s the shark can't take it anymore it's too
10720s tense yeah slide down it's scary
10726s i like though it does have a uh turn off
10728s because he's against the ghost and again
10730s i think he's easily powerful enough yeah
10732s the ghost players right now it's always
10734s nice to get a ghost in this at this
10736s point of the game and you can just like
10737s unclench a little bit
10739s yeah and
10743s but he's also on the other hand his
10744s board doesn't particularly look like
10746s it's a game-winning board either yes
10749s which is rough i think yeah
10751s but there are poisons yeah i think
10753s satellite would love to win of course
10755s but i think his main goal is just
10757s getting off points where then he can
10759s sort of coast or try and coast into the
10762s uh the check next game
10771s um not in the top three at the moment
10774s like kit 5 butterfly river and mx
10777s oh no not reba not anymore
10780s kit 5 butterfly nmx if they do really
10783s really well it might be in a position to
10785s check the lobby next game
10789s yeah it's definitely gonna get very very
10791s interesting indeed as the players that
10793s were the furthest ahead have kind of
10795s thrown it away
10801s we see a huge minion i see the huge
10805s devour do you see it 150 health i see it
10808s how do you see a big divine shield
10810s elemental though it's got some work done
10814s it does get the poison
10816s oh it looks like a draw
10820s nobody dies this turn oh wait saturday
10825s oh it dies to the golden mythrax poison
10827s player
10828s butterfly
10830s yeah sideshow now going out in fifth
10833s place
10834s uh means that he is still sort of
10836s falling behind a little bit in points
10838s going to be continuing to try and make
10841s something big happen in the next couple
10842s of games
10845s okay though mx looking pretty strong now
10849s does have that one poison and maybe be
10852s looking at divine shields now or do you
10853s think this is the point to just dip out
10855s and start looking for uh potential
10858s leroys and um
10861s but what do we sell for it ideally we
10864s would have wanted to triple the duo to
10866s clear space on our board
10868s and maybe siphon the gems off some of
10870s these
10871s having the gems off this bristleback
10873s brood so we can sell it maybe
10875s and again and the dark gays
10879s onto a divine shield but now he's
10881s deciding what to sell here
10884s yeah i think again was the only one
10886s there because again is not really doing
10887s much for him he only has
10889s two tribes three three million types on
10891s his board
10895s he gets the free reroll as well got a
10898s decent amount of money to play around
10899s with but i do think leroy has to be
10901s picked up yes definitely
10907s he's trying to survive he decides to
10909s level here and play the leroy
10911s [Music]
10912s let's have that free roll next turn as
10914s well if he wants it to be able to just
10916s dig a little bit deeper in the shop look
10917s for those triples
10921s butterfly on nikki and butterflies
10924s board this positioning is very sketchy
10928s because butterfly has a lot of poisons
10930s keep up the momentum yeah and the
10932s problem is as well there's no small
10933s taunts from it
10942s the positioning of the leroy was
10944s very very good
10946s we're very very bad from amex and the
10949s spoiler voidlord purchase was a great
10952s choice by butterfly of course boyd
10954s walker did soak a
10956s hit that defined shield as well so
10959s really really nice overall and that's
10961s going to be what nine pushed against mx
10964s at jf there pushed him all the way down
10966s to five and again suddenly with kid five
10968s being knocked out by satellite satellite
10971s has a chance
10973s satellite has a chance
10976s he just needs to win this lobby and it's
10977s looking really really nice he has
10980s a big trickster and he has lots of
10982s poisons
10983s and even at this point now with at worst
10986s a third place finish
10987s i mean he gets five points goes up to 18
10990s and he would need two then put the lobby
10993s in you think it's not a lot but
10994s apparently half a point is a lot yeah
10997s well that's the problem right two you
11000s expect to get
11001s because half a point is so silly yeah it
11004s actually goes beyond easy all the way
11006s back round to impossible again
11012s it's really nice for satellite to pick
11014s up leroy here because
11016s although he has a tunnel blaster he can
11017s use his hero power to give some help to
11020s the leroy
11020s and make it survive the tunnel blaster
11025s go ahead
11026s so i think the next thing to go is
11027s probably the fell back i was gonna say
11028s the fell back goes soon right because it
11030s is just it's not even big at this point
11033s right it's just an average sized minion
11035s oh well the fell back is only there to
11037s scale the trickster really yeah it's not
11039s there to scale itself
11041s yeah but that's my point right like um
11043s it's not big enough to even warrant the
11045s scaling on the trickster i feel anyway
11046s yeah well at this point definitely we
11048s need to go all in and put the leroy on
11051s the board
11058s okay well let's see what is going to
11059s happen very likely that one way or
11061s another one of these players goes out if
11063s satellite can hang on
11065s and somehow take down butterfly he will
11067s actually put the lobby to check how was
11069s the flip he won the flip of going first
11072s and killing the leroy
11076s oh
11077s oh oh it looks like a tie
11080s if that had attack had gone anywhere
11083s else the health on that minion would
11085s have been far too much what butterfly
11088s getting damaged fifteen dollars from the
11091s coast hit five is fuming right yeah yeah
11094s i just beat first place when i'm dead
11096s like i deserve half a point for that at
11098s least get me back in the game
11103s that's a big deal because now
11105s like anyone can die this was looking
11108s difficult i think for satellite because
11109s of the health difference between him and
11111s butterfly
11112s but now everyone's one shot basically so
11115s a little yes all i need to do is
11119s knock out mx and beat butterfly next
11121s turn
11122s yeah big buff like this turn right and
11124s then mx next oh yeah yes yes you're
11126s right
11130s and very very tricky indeed butterfly
11133s has a lot of money to play around with
11135s has options there is the uther there
11139s i may wait for this mantid if there's a
11141s space because i think now again this is
11143s just get brown out of here yeah brown
11146s out maintenance and selfless or leroy in
11148s i think at this point
11155s we've seen a lot of poison on everyone's
11157s boards i think it will come down to who
11160s will get a golden selfless first right
11164s whose shield is going to go on the right
11167s target whose shield is going to shield
11168s the leroy
11171s or another selfless
11173s he decides to play the leroy down and
11176s keep the selfless player in his hand
11177s instead
11178s which does make sense because next turn
11181s he wouldn't be bored locked he could
11182s just sell one of the leroys and play the
11184s selfless and hopefully triple the
11185s selfless
11190s where we go there is the big imp and the
11191s tunnel blaster the imp takes the hit
11193s first oh no
11195s [Music]
11196s no
11196s oh
11198s that was rough
11200s yeah oh oh the big
11202s oh wait yeah it's just not enough no no
11206s the satellite is out so nobody gets to
11209s check the lobby this game very very true
11213s but satellite even if this is going to
11214s be a
11215s solo third place i'll just wait till the
11218s updates have happened yeah okay no death
11220s to ghost for mx
11221s points yeah still a lot of points and
11224s now that puts satellite two points away
11227s from putting the lobby in check next
11228s game so we'll be talking about a lot
11230s more players having an impact in the
11232s next game but for now we have to work
11234s out who gains the most points here
11236s between butterfly and mx butterfly
11239s currently on 8.5 points going into this
11241s lobby and mx on 6.5 so both players were
11245s in need of something big happening they
11248s got it yeah he's going to get that one
11249s extra point
11252s oh the player golden selfless
11255s there's a lyric triple
11259s do we go for it the leroy's the cell
11261s right now right
11263s he's thinking about it
11265s or is it oh like does that max no
11267s not max though what am i talking about
11269s um
11270s minded
11272s no the uh 99.99 i've just oh the frost
11275s the myth
11277s yeah does the myth racks go because
11280s mythrax is really really nice here
11282s because it can value trade with max's
11286s duos
11289s you see his
11290s his duo is big but they're not big
11292s enough so the myth rocks can actually
11294s kill a duo and stay alive to kill
11295s something else
11303s ah
11304s that selfless is still going to go on
11306s that leroy
11308s i'm calling it yeah i mean that's the
11311s the slight fair isn't it but something
11313s you do have to
11314s run with if you're going to do position
11315s like this there is a huge bristleback
11317s night now on and you can see again the
11319s players um favoring the divine shield
11322s right oh
11323s oh no okay
11326s oh okay that worked out for both yeah
11328s that worked pretty well oh
11332s [Music]
11335s oh no yeah
11337s oh no
11338s oh it looks like a win for mx
11342s yeah huge win mx had a has definitely
11345s struggled so far today with a 0.6 point
11349s 0.5 point
11351s game so this first place is huge
11355s again still got a lot of work to do if
11357s you want to get in check in the next
11358s game uh but seven points when you really
11361s needed it right you know on the way back
11363s at this point so uh what crazy game
11366s alucard eighth
11368s beer babbitt seventh
11370s it's almost like i called it um it is
11373s crazy like what are the odds i don't
11375s know but it must be rough there for
11377s alucard especially because like i said
11380s there was one single position
11382s that he did not want to be and guess
11385s where he ended up yes i was very very
11388s very unfortunate for alucard he just
11390s needed half a point
11392s and he chose the safest hero there he
11395s made all the right decisions and he
11397s still got punished
11398s and that's what can happen in the rng
11401s heavy game
11402s there's nothing you can do
11404s a little bit rough but it does mean that
11407s unless he gets eighth again
11410s he will get the lobby in check next next
11413s game i have faith
11415s i believe you had faith last game look
11417s where that got us um but yeah really
11419s still in a good position because i think
11421s most importantly for alucard is no one
11424s else put the lobby in check i think if
11426s alucard whiffed it and got eight like he
11428s did and beat it baby like one
11431s and suddenly
11432s you know alucard's like thrown away that
11434s and someone else gained from it right
11436s yes at least now he can still kind of
11439s keep up but really crazy game and a lot
11441s of uh shenanigans going on mainly off
11444s the back they're being beasts and mechs
11446s and not in this game and we see just how
11448s scrappy and how varied boards can look
11451s up until the point where the players
11453s have to decide am i staying with my
11455s build or am i then going to transition
11458s into poison or you know the endgame tech
11460s with leroy and such so
11462s very very interesting overall we
11463s definitely saw a lot of poisons at the
11465s end a lot of leroys some tunnel blasters
11468s a lot of tech cars and golden selfless a
11471s lot of tech cards to
11473s just you know one-up your opponent a
11475s little bit
11476s yeah and the second you make those
11478s decisions incorrectly you do get burnt
11480s for it in the late game as we saw there
11482s were so many players at so many points
11484s that were pretty much on the line of if
11486s i lose or whoever this fight
11488s knocks the other player out there so
11490s yeah really good job for mx again look
11492s in a reasonable position and you'd say
11495s what 6.5 uh to go through so again
11498s unlikely he gets the lobbying check for
11501s himself next turn and next game sorry
11503s but the rest will fly
11506s six people six people that can check the
11508s lobby next turn next game yep
11511s uh so butterfly available to do it
11514s as an okayish chance beer babbitt
11517s satellite and alucard have a good chance
11521s at getting the lobby in check and also
11522s because of how the numbers have panned
11524s out now
11524s there's a decent chance that two out of
11527s the three players actually hit it
11528s because obviously as you were completely
11530s right and i understand there are six
11532s people who can put the lobby in check
11534s they can't all do it no no no they can't
11536s all do you're right
11539s i think there's a chance that uh two out
11541s of the three top players could make it
11543s because again alucard could go seventh
11545s and he would make it and then satellite
11547s or uh peter babbitt could get whatever
11550s basically a few points and still get in
11552s so i do think we are moving very quickly
11555s to the stage where players will have
11557s that lobbying check and then everything
11558s is to play for but we do have at least
11562s one game before we start having players
11564s in check and that's gonna be game number
11566s five we're gonna go to a quick break
11567s while we set that one up so don't go
11569s anywhere and we'll be right back
11570s in a bit
11577s [Music]
11594s [Music]
11600s [Music]
11608s [Music]
11628s so
11636s [Music]
11638s so
11649s [Music]
11663s [Music]
11675s [Music]
11683s [Music]
11697s so
11702s [Music]
11710s [Music]
11719s [Music]
11734s [Music]
11750s [Music]
11754s so
11758s [Music]
11766s [Music]
11770s we are back it's game number five time
11773s as players are edging ever closer to
11776s getting that lobby in check at the
11778s moment we have three players who are
11782s looking very likely to be able to get
11784s the job done in the form of alucard
11787s again surely it won't happen twice
11789s satellite on 18 points and beater
11791s babbitt on 17 so basically the players
11794s need three two and half a point in
11796s reverse order there to be able to make
11798s it through but there are still other
11799s players butterfly 14.5 so basically
11803s needing the 5.5 points very doable if
11805s you have a decent game and then a little
11808s bit harder with mxjf and kid 5 both
11810s rocking 13.5 points so far so uh they
11813s would need a very good game to make it
11816s through but you are right like there's a
11818s chance we see multiple players put the
11820s lobby in check and again the fear factor
11822s of being
11824s you know more than one player with the
11826s lobby in check going into game six you
11828s think oh well those odds of someone
11829s winning just doubled right like the odds
11831s of me not winning the tournament doubled
11833s at that point so definitely definitely
11835s scary for the players so again players
11837s to keep a big eye on will be the alucard
11839s satellite and beta baby trio to see what
11843s they can do and nina as we get into game
11846s five
11846s take us through those players hero
11848s choices right now
11849s i have satellite on a panda beauty
11852s puppet on alestraza that's a very bold
11855s choice especially alesstraza is usually
11857s a hyrule or die kind of hero and it's
11860s very very risky especially since arrow
11863s um bitter baby doesn't need that many
11865s points to make it through right he only
11867s needs three points
11869s to check the lobby so it's a very
11871s interesting uh choice to me and we have
11874s we have a saitra on shadow walk with
11877s beasts in the game
11879s and there's alicat
11882s it's there oh that's that's a really
11884s good poker face on him he heard he was
11887s not excited was his expression did not
11889s change
11890s yeah we have beasts and naga so
11894s shell collectors are available as well
11896s just for that extra economy boost
11898s from the sugar walk potentially too
11901s we also have um alucard who again needs
11905s to just not completely mess up uh on the
11908s malygos and the hero i think is just a
11910s very steady hero right the hero power
11912s it's not mind-blowing but it's good and
11915s it's fine and uh it might just be enough
11918s this game yeah
11921s oh we see satellite just sell his minion
11924s and not play it so it doesn't
11927s feed the test
11928s i wasn't watching his first turn makes
11931s you stronger
11933s yeah i'm not sure what he's
11934s yeah oh wait he had the galactron he had
11937s galakron's hero power so he decided to
11942s sell his assembly relaxer and hero power
11945s one drop to get a two drop and this is a
11948s huge turn too
11950s he is pretty much guaranteed gems for
11953s the next few turns
11955s yeah and i would say
11957s close to guaranteed just winning the
11959s fights as well right not only the gem
11961s proc but that's a pretty big minion
11963s going into the next turn or so so he
11965s should be feeling pretty confident and
11966s that's without factoring in the
11968s additional hero powers he'll discover
11970s right which means that you can really
11972s back that up yes
11974s it would have been nice to see the
11975s opponent's reaction to seeing that big
11977s minion on turn two
11979s yeah what has happened here and then you
11980s realize what hero you played against and
11982s you're like ah shenanigans
11986s i've seen a pretty big demon opening
11988s here for kid five right double trickster
11991s as well
11992s yeah
11993s we see butterfly on tess actually in the
11995s necklace lobbies i'm kind of thinking
11998s butterfly my struggle and oh
12001s my
12003s days this is the best outcome you can
12006s outcome you can get on
12008s shuttlework
12009s that's cats because this this is three
12012s triples into six drops guaranteed
12016s but you can just level now and buy the
12018s alley cat
12019s and hold it in your hand
12021s saito one of the players at the bottom
12024s of the leaderboard right now if there's
12026s ever a game for it it's this one right
12028s needs to recover and need something to
12029s happen he decides to not
12032s level i thought you might go for the
12034s drift curve here but
12036s huh
12037s what is the g curve
12039s the chief curve is um
12043s on turn one you buy a minion on turn two
12045s you buy another minion and you try to
12047s roll for a token and on turn three which
12050s is five gold
12051s you want to
12052s buy a minion and
12054s level to tier two
12056s so but you might need like either a
12059s swabbie to level or selling a token or
12063s maybe using the coin you got from your
12065s shell collector
12066s and then
12068s there's actually two versions of it now
12069s there is like the normal gift curve and
12071s extend the gift curve the uh the longer
12073s jif curve is when you actually stay on
12075s tier two on six gold and buy two minions
12077s and then you just level next turn by
12079s selling something
12081s um but usually you level oh my god oh
12085s sorry what another cat oh
12088s that do you want to triple that
12092s no wait
12095s yeah
12097s no
12098s the curve is a bit funny what do we do
12101s now we have no minions on our board
12104s we want to get our six drops right so we
12107s need to
12108s hyper level now but
12113s level up has to be pressed at some point
12115s soon right like he needs to make up some
12116s time here yeah
12119s it works out pretty well if your hero
12121s powers
12122s um
12124s only this turn gold wise it works out
12125s well if your hero powers levels and buys
12128s but
12128s every turn after that he'll be wasting
12130s at least one gold
12133s so he decides to stay
12136s oh no
12139s he decides to level and buy a sun bacon
12141s relaxer
12143s don't tell the others hey well there's
12144s some bacon
12146s has to do a lot of work here
12148s oh i tried its best
12152s it's kind of cruel putting a little
12153s one-two against a huge trickster
12156s he was too relaxed
12158s taking nine damage now a little bit
12160s rough there for sideshow this is very
12163s sketchy because he's at 25 health and
12165s he's only on heaven three he's like look
12168s some bacon
12170s i know you didn't have a fun time in the
12171s last fight but i'm putting you back in
12174s it's like no not again just sell me i'll
12175s give you some gems
12178s again
12179s he is really really hoping to take nine
12183s damage or less there so he still has the
12185s cap to protect him
12186s right
12187s in the meantime though alucard again
12189s player must be uh feeling a little bit
12191s upset about the previous game let's be
12193s honest it's looking good 42 health
12195s malygos decent board
12198s a pair on board as well a second pair if
12200s he really wants it to
12201s um
12202s oh he's got triple and looks like he's
12204s going for a warrior curve this
12206s this game so he needs a double level now
12208s he was he needs to sell something to
12209s level and discover his full drop
12213s and maybe he's holding to try
12216s or he's greeting for a higher tier
12219s discover
12221s i guess we're 42 right is it 42. it's
12224s okay i i guess there are a lot of good
12227s tier 5 minions there is mama bear
12234s yeah
12236s well funnily enough he is going against
12238s uh ribber who's bored he's very weak
12240s from what i can see yeah
12242s so
12243s like this actually paid off right
12246s yeah i think maybe no damage yeah he
12248s read the lobby he read the lobby really
12250s really well he knows his opponent is
12252s also greeting so
12254s he is holding that triple in his hand
12260s there'll be a babbitt taking some damage
12262s here on that alexstrasza going down
12265s under the barrier the leveling turn
12270s he might honestly try
12273s to kill saito this turn
12277s so that statue doesn't get his discovery
12279s besides going for five jobs
12281s there is so much going on across the
12283s game right now i feel sorry for lorinda
12286s to try and keep up because everyone's
12288s doing stuff uh butterflies managed to
12290s get a uh croc uh with sidetraws
12294s obviously popping off on screen now uh
12297s what else has been going on across the
12298s board satellites committing to a triple
12300s as well there's all sorts of things
12303s happening but obviously
12304s very important now to check out sideshow
12306s not only is he popping off with shoulda
12308s work but also he is the one who needs to
12311s survive he's going for six drops
12314s he's going for two six drops
12316s there's that darkest elder
12319s oh this is so risky because
12322s you know bobby a bit of a bit level two
12324s five
12327s he found the kaligos found a kaligos and
12330s a bronze warden it looks like
12333s okay i mean that looks like a board that
12335s will at least not take a ton of damage
12337s straight away alucard ended up with a
12340s light frank as well
12342s you can turn this one let's go in nuts
12347s this doesn't look great
12349s oh
12351s so hard to call i think
12356s i think citroen is winning this but i
12358s it's really hard to call it
12360s depending on the hits
12362s it's cytro buff the cat he did right
12366s there
12369s did he
12370s well how's the cat got 16 or 10
12374s there wasn't there's an uther on board
12376s oh must be
12379s i was just surprised he bought the the
12381s cat over anything else
12387s we have amex with two pairs
12390s looks like he took another shift to
12392s series and it's turned into a hydra
12395s and there's a oh yes very nice pickup
12397s ground shaker in the shop
12399s so that's immediately a lot of a lot of
12401s attack on his board yeah i was even
12403s looking at whether he wants to keep like
12404s actually play the hydra there didn't
12406s seem so terrible uh ribbon now i believe
12409s that was an atheist
12410s uh just played out on board so pretty
12413s big deal can start going with that naga
12415s scaling here uh at the moment there's
12417s nothing that's giving him spells though
12420s so that's the the next fact it does have
12422s a lot in hand of course but not really
12423s any naga not really any good spells to
12425s go for
12426s of your demo yeah those options those
12429s tier uh six discovers discoveries were
12431s not great i think maybe he was hoping
12433s for another thesis again golden is a
12435s hero power or maybe an orgasm
12439s to try and get the nagas going
12445s it's okay
12446s it looks like he's just going to buy a
12448s naga right like just something that gets
12451s the job done for now with the theta
12453s because he needs to just not die 22
12455s although safe with the shield up not
12458s safe in the very very near future so
12460s exactly even though this is not very
12462s nice it's not super optimal because
12464s again look what was bought but it's good
12466s enough
12472s richness is actually going for tricks to
12473s build again
12476s we've seen quite a lot of trickster uh
12478s gamers this tournament i think
12480s especially with murlocs are out
12484s it's a really really nice option to go
12485s for only one poison in the game and
12488s leroy of course
12490s oh hi on the croc
12495s butterfly is tess so he can still
12499s shudders whole board if he wants to
12502s let's see if he decides to do that
12505s it's definitely better than what he has
12507s on his board that's for sure
12509s kind of right i guess it depends
12512s because it will cost a lot of gold and
12513s remember saito didn't really pop off
12516s with the sugar right got the two agums
12520s got two arguments
12522s yeah
12523s like
12524s the position the butterflies is much
12526s better than shadow was because he gets
12528s to pick up this dark gaze straight away
12530s early on he gets to actually get a few
12533s gems
12534s from him
12537s whereas
12538s i think saito discovered the targets
12540s pretty late and didn't get any value out
12542s of
12543s that turn
12546s that naga
12548s that glow scale is looking pretty nice
12550s to me
12550s yeah does he dip out of one of these
12552s beasts at this point i think the tavern
12554s tipper needs to go
12557s and i'm thinking
12558s i wonder if he is going to go for that
12562s bronze warden or not
12567s or just stay with the tarik he decides
12569s to go for the bronze warden ah but
12570s there's also the
12572s necro lie the necrolyte is a lot of
12575s stats especially because he has brown's
12576s blessing
12578s yeah
12579s i was surprised he went out of the
12581s terracotta just because he already had
12583s it there and he could have given it
12585s permanent divine shield as well uh
12589s no
12591s oh no sorry no sorry okay only get it
12594s from
12595s combat something if he gets divine
12596s shield in combat he can yeah yeah you're
12598s right right unfortunately he can't keep
12599s the glow skills divine shield
12603s and is this going to be our first dragon
12605s game
12607s of the tournament
12608s i as in an actual dragon comp and not
12611s just one of those like mashed together
12613s comes with something else yes i think it
12615s is maybe not too much of a surprise with
12617s our first alex straza but yeah
12620s it's getting work done again like being
12622s a babbitt with just needing a decent
12625s finish to really help himself out it
12627s just has a lot of stats right now and at
12628s this point in the game a lot of stats is
12631s often good enough right yeah this is
12632s looking pretty good especially if he
12634s levels and finds latina or another
12636s kaligos
12639s i'm excited to watch this game
12644s amount of damage being pushed out as
12646s well look at that
12647s they're suddenly all the way down to 12.
12652s mx on the angels
12653s as well four four players in the danger
12656s zone ribow with 15 health butterfly with
12659s 12 saturn 10 and mx with only three
12663s but alucard is dripping with sweat now
12665s he's on 17. he's like okay someone die
12668s there's four of you in the range of
12670s death
12671s die
12672s oh
12673s we have a golden again with another
12676s darkest two targets
12677s elders and another duo
12680s what do you even put on your board at
12682s this point
12683s there's no enough war space
12685s clear some space for demise
12697s it's the i think the cap consideration
12700s for the battle master no no no
12702s gems he still has he has bran's blessing
12705s as well actually in his hand
12707s the cat is so big you can't really sell
12709s it it might have to sell
12712s oh this is difficult difficult decision
12719s we just need to triple the duo just
12720s triple duo easy
12722s yeah just just get the card you want
12724s with just yeah just just find just hit
12731s it looks like he's deciding to just
12733s sit
12735s and risk it
12738s i'm deciding he's going to be strong
12740s enough don't tell me
12748s right he made the right decision because
12751s alucard is not looking very strong and
12753s unfortunately that help up went onto the
12756s light fan oh no
12759s it's gonna happen again no
12765s disaster
12767s one light fancy only about 50 more
12769s attacks oh it's a good thing there is a
12772s damage cap
12774s but there isn't is anyone going to get
12776s knocked out oh yes butterfly is out
12779s butterflies
12782s is definitely going to be able to check
12783s the lobby next next game oh
12787s i can only imagine how alucard was
12790s feeling when he realized he was getting
12792s put into like dumpster levels of hell
12794s and at one point obviously he's looked
12797s and people are still alive and he's like
12798s oh no but no yeah it's gonna be
12801s butterfly going out
12805s we have devil cali
12806s peter is giving us what we want he's
12809s giving us dragons
12815s oh just one cali
12817s i love that satellite still got this pig
12820s just been doing work all game oh yes
12822s he's had it since turn
12825s two he needs to find the golden mural
12829s that's what he's looking for he's
12830s looking for the golden murrow
12834s you're wondering
12835s but
12836s he might be going for the voidlord to
12839s help him
12842s yeah one health a little bit dicey well
12844s the problem is as well he does have that
12845s hero power right
12847s if he feels if that's ever going to be
12849s better no it's never going to be enough
12850s it's only a plus one plus one on your
12853s minions
12854s and we know that he's against shutter
12856s who has got huge he's got huge bores
12860s requested what an item
12864s i mean might as well press the button
12865s since it's there
12870s oh
12872s mx is still holding on to those errors
12874s that turned into a brand this turn
12878s still holding
12879s i feel like this is the world record in
12881s any battlegrounds tournament for the
12882s longest zerus holds one after the other
12885s all we see is players buy it and then
12887s just have it in hand to look at every
12888s turn you can win this thing
12892s the lucky zeros oh this is just not even
12894s close yeah saito did end up picking up
12897s that battle master and got the double
12899s buff right with the battlecry okay
12903s he did have the uh the prize right the
12905s double battle yeah yeah yeah yeah he had
12906s the right front flip
12908s on that which is which i like a lot
12910s actually 110 health it's just yeah have
12912s loads of stats and that does mean that
12914s satellite is going to be pushed out as
12916s well and
12918s like misses out
12920s unless yeah he needed two points and
12923s he's gonna get oh wait
12926s one point five
12927s oh it's a tie that was so close
12930s if anyone else died there that would
12931s have been huge sat alive and satellite
12934s it's missed out no
12937s he needed just two points
12940s and i think
12942s yes yeah you're right and missing half a
12945s point
12947s alucard will be loving this
12951s yes i've not made it that's a whole
12953s extra point alucard's fine checking the
12955s lobby uh be a babbitt still more than
12958s capable of oh he is definitely
12961s as long as he doesn't die fifth he will
12963s be checking the lobby
12965s no even if he dies fifth he's definitely
12966s checking the lobby because he gets three
12968s points four i thought he was 16-5 yeah
12970s yeah you're right yep yes
12974s right yeah
12975s bitter rabbit analogous both checking
12977s the lobby next game
12984s but
12985s uh and max if he wins
12989s can also do it i think
12992s max is at 13.5 so if he wins the lobby
12996s you get seven points
12998s which will also allow him to check the
13000s lobby
13001s yep so basically alucard and beer baby
13005s and probably everyone else will be
13006s really trying to kill mx at this point
13009s i think mx is the only player who can
13012s still make it happen but also can make
13014s it fail right so
13017s it's in the rest of the lobby's interest
13019s to have one less player have the lobby
13022s in check
13022s uh as part of you know as few players as
13025s possible it isn't them so yeah i think
13027s all the players will be going all in to
13029s try and kill mx asap
13034s i've got tear power
13036s don't tell the others
13038s the problem here is mx is on full scan
13040s potential right now and that either
13042s works wonders or fails miserably in my
13044s experience so oh
13046s like it's quite likely to die
13049s those were
13050s great mindsets they both got divine
13053s shields and one i think got taunt
13058s blast
13062s i think it all depends on what comes out
13064s of right just lost right
13066s oh you mean whether he kills him or not
13067s yeah i think he does he does kill him
13070s you could have also had like two scallop
13072s not this but um not this game but why
13075s are the smallest minions what the
13076s smallest difference this game he'll be
13078s the end right
13080s you get him yeah yeah
13082s oh yeah that would have been the outcome
13084s there but it does mean that ripper is
13086s gonna be knocked out in fifth place
13088s we're gonna see if anyone else is gonna
13090s join him but it looks like hello card
13091s it's actually going to be taken uh
13094s is that enough oh that's enough easier
13095s it is enough
13097s it goes down into fourth or fourth fifth
13100s i guess and now final three cytro mxjf
13103s and alucard reminder mxjf needs exactly
13108s first place to be able to join alucard
13111s and be a baby to put the lobby in check
13114s and he's in a good position because he's
13116s against the ghost so he's hoping that
13118s maybe alucard and cytro one of them will
13120s kill the other and he will face
13123s the last standing uh opponent and win
13127s the lobby then he'll pray to the god of
13129s gascoigne
13131s please give him a hundred leroys
13136s nycha has some huge minions
13139s but he doesn't know he doesn't know
13140s alucard has
13144s yeah huge minions one divine shield with
13146s a lot of help two two divine shields i
13148s guess actually because he has the uh the
13150s glow scale buff right
13157s trying to play around zap a little bit
13159s but
13160s tycho is not even thinking about picking
13163s up us up at this point he's got another
13165s azeroth in his hand oh no that was mx
13169s but uh
13172s how did that zerus end up in his hand
13174s did he pick it up this turn
13176s maybe i don't know
13178s i've seen too many zerus for my liking
13180s in the past day and a half so i'm old
13187s i wonder if you're going to be divine
13188s shielding the the leroy nope
13192s because he can divide hillary to play
13194s around tunnel blaster
13199s isn't it yeah when you don't know
13201s there's a tunnel blaster there's so so
13204s sort of big chances of like well do they
13206s even have one because if they don't have
13207s one the divine shield on literally any
13209s other minion is about 100 times better
13211s right
13214s the health fly left right and center
13216s that light bank still on the board and a
13218s little life and i could
13220s unfortunately now the house hit mounted
13223s which is what we want
13225s oh
13226s oh oh hey oh it's happening oh
13231s it just keeps going
13234s [Applause]
13239s oh we're getting more health is that
13241s going to be enough i think oh
13244s only 22 attack though right i mean
13246s there's 144 help okay the kill went
13249s through yet that's fine i don't think
13250s that's enough
13252s oh no that's not enough
13255s i think alucard might be out but doesn't
13259s matter he makes it yeah he gets to check
13261s the lobby
13263s he doesn't need to win this game
13266s yeah he just needed to not eighth place
13268s again and he managed it so great job
13270s there for alucard he's gonna go out now
13272s but mission accomplished and now it's
13274s all gonna come down to this and this is
13276s a huge fight uh because if mx beats
13279s saitro i believe he has the lobby in
13281s check himself which is absolutely huge
13287s yes i think he's going to pick up a
13289s voidlord here
13292s boiler is such a great taunt
13295s i see it played quite a lot because we
13297s have we don't have acolyte anymore so
13298s voidlord is like
13300s the only
13301s guaranteed like getting two tons in a
13304s row
13305s and also it's another minion type
13308s to help
13310s manches get the divine
13315s end shields
13320s i do love though that this has just come
13322s down to two mantids two gas coils and a
13325s dream
13327s because those are the kind of cards you
13328s need to just rely on sometimes sometimes
13330s you you're in these moments you're like
13332s i just need these minions to do what i
13335s want them to do once and then i'll be
13337s fine
13338s i think he can do it actually i think he
13340s might be able to do it
13342s because he has two months they both will
13344s probably get divine shields will take
13346s out the biggest two minions and then
13349s especially if the bandit on saitro's
13351s side attacks the tauntic one yeah there
13353s we go is it gonna get divine shield
13356s well it didn't go to waste completely
13358s and you see how good voidlord is in this
13361s situation he takes out the biggest
13362s minion but he still needs to get
13365s really really lucky with his uh leroy's
13367s all the way down right now come on
13372s a leroy we could see leapers
13374s oh yes yes i went together
13378s oh it takes out the biggest health
13380s minion and
13383s no leroys
13385s uh all is not lost there is another gas
13388s coiler
13389s i don't think that's enough no it's not
13391s enough
13393s even if it's two leroys is not enough i
13394s think saitro
13396s takes the win here gas coiler gas coiler
13409s yeah great game there from sideshow
13411s where he got himself in summer different
13413s positions there with shoulda woke but
13415s got off with all the cats he really
13417s needed and uh took advantage of it which
13419s is what you want to do as shadow what
13421s gets the first place and gets him some
13423s much needed points there a little bit
13426s unfortunate for mx honestly i think he
13428s played really well he took a comp that
13430s was just kind of like i hope this works
13432s style um and nearly did it right he
13435s nearly put the lobby in check but at
13436s least as a side benefit and a great
13439s consolation prize is the fact that he
13441s needs a point now right so he needs just
13444s one point and the lobby's gonna be in
13445s check for him next game as well but big
13448s big factor here nina we have two players
13451s finally putting the lobby in checking
13453s yes
13455s yes we have bitter babbitt and aloe card
13459s both
13460s checking the lobby starting from next
13462s games which means they just need to win
13465s one more game game to
13467s win the whole tournament
13470s this is about to get very interesting
13472s yeah and we've already had both of these
13475s players win games today be a babbitt won
13478s it game one alucard won games two and
13481s three so both yeah both of them more
13484s than capable none of them really going
13486s for that okay i'll just get four points
13488s every game you know what i mean like
13489s that kind of just slow and steady
13490s approach yeah both clearly showing
13492s they're more than capable of uh you know
13494s reaching that sort of top income
13496s as often as they do so it's going to be
13498s very very spicy
13500s based on how both of these players have
13502s been playing so far if i was anyone else
13505s in this lobby
13506s i would be scared of the tournament
13508s ending exactly in game six yes
13511s definitely i think both alucard and
13514s biederbabbit are making an a very very
13518s proud at the moment
13520s yeah i mean they need something right
13522s because in standard
13524s it's not going well so i'm glad for them
13527s that battlegrounds is something a little
13528s bit better for them over there but yeah
13530s i will just say playing absolutely great
13534s um
13535s and alucard and there's still chances
13537s though because again although we we
13540s maybe slide into the habit of saying oh
13542s well if they put the lobby in check
13543s they're going to win they could just not
13546s place first within the next three games
13548s and then that means everyone else
13550s catches up and suddenly it kind of
13552s becomes like a like first goal wins
13555s right like first person to uh get get
13558s first place just takes it when there's
13559s so many people in that game so uh really
13563s really crazy overall uh and uh again
13565s just another great job for sidereel
13567s there he sites had a rough day let's not
13569s be around the bush here you know he's
13570s had a very rough day overall i think
13573s that game he knew exactly what he needed
13575s to do he was offered sugar walk does
13577s beast in the lobby go and he made it
13579s happen but yeah that's where we go two
13582s players
13583s half a point off mxjf and satellite can
13587s probably sneeze and make it into
13589s checking the next game but for now we've
13592s got beta babbitt and alucard which is
13594s then as you can see why those uh next
13596s few lobbies are lit up in gold uh
13598s because they're if they win they get
13600s another first place the tournament ends
13603s and they become champion everyone else
13606s still has to reach that 20-point mark
13609s yes exactly and you said they're a
13611s sneeze away but alucardo was also
13614s sneezed away from checking the lobby and
13616s he hiccuped instead yeah
13620s so yeah i'm excited to see i think the
13623s pressure is on for alucard and peter
13626s they're going to be trying hard to win
13628s the next game and win the crown i'm
13631s super excited to watch what happens next
13634s yeah we've still got a lot more coming
13635s up potentially as well but just in case
13639s because there is a chance that the
13640s tournament ends in the next game make
13643s sure you stick around to watch it we are
13645s of course going to go to a very quick
13646s break while we set up the game and get
13648s the players ready but you will not want
13650s to miss this i'll be right back see you
13652s later
13659s [Music]
13671s so
13677s [Music]
13689s do
13692s [Music]
13710s so
13714s [Music]
13728s do
13730s [Music]
13783s so
13785s [Music]
13797s so
13802s [Music]
13852s welcome back to lobby legends fire
13854s festival we are going to the tipping
13856s point here in the day as we are getting
13859s very close to crowning our champion we
13861s have two players with the lobby in check
13864s which means if they win this next game
13866s they become the champion if not we
13868s continue to the next game until someone
13870s does win that has a minimum of 20 points
13873s those two players are alucard and beta
13875s barrett and nina two players you
13878s predicted as well which
13880s i never want to cast with you again
13883s i've never been this demolished in
13884s predictions so far but there's still a
13886s chance as i said it's not like
13888s one of those two has to win now it's
13891s just likely that they do
13893s yes but uh it's still it's still not
13897s over yet we saw what could happen right
13899s a la carte was half a point away from
13901s checking the lobby the game before and
13904s you called it t18 so i don't think it's
13907s over until someone actually wins the
13911s game after checking the lobby so
13913s everything is still i can still change
13916s and the pressure is really really on a
13918s card and bitter now
13920s uh so that will that can affect the way
13922s you play as well
13924s yeah and look at this build as well for
13926s the uh the minion types we've got beast
13928s demons dragons elementals and naga so no
13931s mechs no murlocs i'm loving this
13934s yeah this is going to be an interesting
13936s one alucard's going to be on the maybe
13939s and then be a baby on the lich king oh
13943s hey
13945s and we also see avocado and bitter
13947s have their health
13950s highlighted in gold because they have
13952s checked the lobby
13954s so
13955s they're the players to keep an eye out
13957s for
13963s so we see
13964s kid five on
13966s baroff amex on findlay
13970s not really sure what hero power he has
13973s um alucard on maya butterfly on silas
13977s oh it looks like
13979s lady vash
13981s oh ladybug don't tell the epidural's
13983s favorite hero this hero
13986s got the highest win rate this weekend in
13988s lobby legends we'll see if mx can get
13991s anything else done and we also do have
13994s uh
13995s let's have a look
13997s yeah it's kind of interesting because we
13999s have a satellite on rash as well right
14003s um i think so it's yeah bottom yes yeah
14006s if you look at the in-game it's what the
14008s one above me have at the bottom yeah
14009s yeah so it's kind of interesting we've
14010s got two vash
14012s basically two vash players right now yes
14015s fashion's very popular considering how
14017s badly she did yesterday yeah
14019s true
14022s i should keep five playing byrof again i
14024s think this is his second bar of game
14027s yeah and i think they all went pretty
14029s well as well
14032s uh
14034s i can't remember i think i think it did
14036s yes
14037s he got his bets right i think yeah most
14039s of the time
14041s really funny pick there for kid five as
14042s well because it was basically picking
14044s against the same hero oh yeah because
14046s it's finley versus vash so it's kind of
14048s amusing for kid five not only betting
14051s but also winning fights himself as he
14053s deals some damage to alucard and may
14055s have definitely a hero that has a habit
14057s of taking early game damage
14059s so we'll see if that's a hindrance sorry
14061s valor card can get over it
14063s on that one a little bit later on be to
14065s baby i think losing his fight as well
14070s yeah well it's pretty normal for maiev
14072s to lose fight early on but as soon as
14074s she starts getting uh her hero powered
14077s minions
14078s um she should do a little bit better
14084s you have a
14090s is always fun to watch and to play of
14093s course
14094s especially with oh pirates are out but
14097s the elementals are in
14102s yeah elemental's been a big one right
14103s one of the other cycling
14106s uh minion types yes is this the nomi
14109s game we've been waiting for
14111s maybe well you've been waiting for i
14113s don't really care for elementals that
14114s much at the moment
14115s they need a buff but no me
14119s yeah norma's okay
14121s i think it's because whenever i try it i
14123s do the know me thing and then realize i
14124s did it about five turns too late and i
14126s lose yeah so i've bought the pregnancy
14130s no i mean it seems like a user error to
14132s be honest
14134s i just 100 playing the game every time
14136s i'm just unlucky
14139s yes just blame the luck blame rng
14142s okay well that's a triple if alucard
14145s wants it
14146s i think we do want it because
14150s your power on six gold yet a six drop
14154s oh yeah the trick yes remember the
14156s secret tech
14158s and now you buy and level i think if you
14160s want to go for six
14163s it is thinking about it even the other
14166s two buy uh offers are actually just
14168s valuing themselves right token or kind
14171s of token so
14177s looks like uh ribber got a bar of hero
14180s power at some point
14181s or are they just all coins from shell
14183s collectors oh i think you're right about
14186s the bar of hero power there's only one
14188s shell collector on board yeah unless
14189s he's been cycling them for some reason
14193s oh
14196s serious
14204s and i think this is a max's third time
14206s picking out posers
14208s isn't it
14209s yeah i feel like yeah i think so yeah
14211s last game he picked one up and he held
14213s it for ages
14214s and then weird thing is it's likely it's
14217s his third time picking up zerus and only
14219s like
14220s first time playing on board and we've
14223s seen people hold on to them for so long
14224s this weekend
14226s oh i mean it's money
14230s not the worst thing in the world
14232s food
14237s oh oh speaking of bunny
14240s but unlike other bar of players we've
14243s had before he is not power leveling even
14246s though he has loads of gold to work with
14251s ah these shops do not spark joy oh
14256s yeah kid five needing a good amount of
14259s work here to get this into check he's
14260s currently sitting on 15 total points
14264s so wouldn't need a third place or more
14266s to join the czech fight
14268s it's possible
14273s uh saito with the triple in the shop uh
14276s is he going to go for it no
14278s i think he should just levels right he's
14280s just going to hold yeah level's next
14283s turn i mean
14284s i don't know if he wants to level this
14286s turn
14287s and then level again next turn or double
14289s level next turn
14291s yeah because next turn it'll be zero
14292s gold yeah anyway right so
14295s he probably wants to see uh yeah he
14297s probably wants to see another tier one
14299s shop as well in order to find another
14301s triple
14302s yep i like it and then he'll start to do
14304s very silly things because he's gallywix
14310s you're doing great out there
14314s all right it's going to go again
14316s sidetrow and a good job at recovering a
14319s little bit but needs 6.5 points so
14321s basically needs another first place yes
14324s i mean there's no joint first and second
14327s so yeah he needs to win
14332s that's why you pick gallowicz right if
14334s you wanna if you need to win
14336s pick one of these hyrule heroes
14338s scallywix
14340s shutter like last time a hero that lets
14341s you do about five turns worth of stuff
14343s in one turn yes exactly sounds quite
14345s strong oh and it paid off
14349s we got another triple in the shop
14351s yeah also as well let's just take a
14353s quick look when we've got time to be a
14355s baby and allu card bottom of our table
14359s right now
14360s both of them need to literally win
14363s to be able to take the uh the
14364s championship spot i see alucard tripled
14367s actually i want to see what he got but
14369s he's still on four so he must have
14371s tripled into a five drop
14374s not played it if he did and they're
14376s against each other as well so peter's
14378s actually now in a position to kill
14380s alucard who is his main competition at
14382s the moment
14384s this is a fight that both of them will
14386s desperately want to win
14388s uh does it look like alucard got a um he
14390s didn't get a triple
14393s yeah but uh peter is playing full-on
14397s tempo against alucard you see he's
14399s playing his bird body is it burp sorry
14402s is it bird buddy
14403s bird buddy
14406s emperor
14407s and he taunted his sewer rat just trying
14411s to
14412s deal as much damage to alucard as
14414s possible
14416s yeah and there is actually a lot of like
14417s hidden damage here right
14419s from the the ra the reborn on the imp as
14423s well uh it's going to be pretty nice for
14425s buffing the demon too so
14427s even though this board doesn't really
14428s look strong at surface level it's not
14430s half bad actually
14432s i'm not too sure about
14434s haunting the sewer rat because
14437s that's your only beast is just going to
14440s die and then the bird body is not going
14441s to buff any oh never mind i dare you
14443s this cat's going to get the job
14448s i mean i'm not sure about taunting the
14450s the sewer right there i feel like maybe
14452s we should have taunted another minion
14454s that would have died and above the sewer
14456s rat as much as possible but it doesn't
14458s really matter
14459s yeah it is wow third person lives
14464s a lot of damage and now alucard is at
14467s three health
14468s and he really really needs a good tempo
14472s unit yeah he does triple this turn
14474s though right he can level up
14477s but he is on three health
14480s so
14482s what if he goes for five and go he's
14484s going i think he is going for five he's
14486s going for five and maybe trying to find
14488s either a mama bear or maybe a a baron
14491s for his tricksters
14493s oh
14496s well she's okay tempo if he wants to
14497s live okay oh he says to go for life
14500s again
14501s not foodies
14506s these are pretty sad
14516s where is it
14518s oh he says go for a scale van i guess
14520s that's another that's what i would have
14522s picked minion type on board for the
14524s lifeline to buff and
14526s i wonder if he's gonna go for that
14528s cyclone as well
14531s nope decides to skip this cyclone
14534s yeah butterfly does have a very middling
14536s board just a few uh sort of four health
14539s ish minions and some uh
14542s uh okay he's just sold it some of the
14544s avenged stuff he did have a doomsayer on
14546s board but it's got rid of it so
14547s butterfly not currently rocking the uh
14548s the biggest board in the world so it's
14551s likely with this that alucard can
14552s survive
14555s i hope so
14557s oh actually butterflies just made a
14559s pretty big win fury dragon i think oh
14562s yeah there we go
14563s a wind fury kind of wrecks this board a
14565s little bit oh oh oh
14568s juan my car is gone and this one
14573s i think that's enough honestly
14575s yeah butterfly is not that strong and
14579s alucard has that
14581s big anomaly to carry him
14584s i mean the big light fang look another
14586s one 2-8
14592s another bird body player
14596s it seems like he was not enough
14599s gonna be taking more damage and a big
14601s amount with the six drop on board as
14603s well that's exactly what he didn't want
14605s to see here and now be a baby and
14608s alucard in gigantic trouble as both oh
14611s and we saw
14613s kid five just lose his bet as well
14625s it's too late for know me
14629s go crush
14635s um
14636s oh this is looking oh was he really not
14639s considering hydro
14640s no he already has a beast he wants all
14642s the buffs i think to go on
14645s this crush
14648s it's baby crush
14650s oh yeah but i was just thinking about
14651s the event right
14653s like
14655s third person is just plus one right
14657s bird don't underestimate the bird body
14660s bird body is a very very good tempo mid
14663s game no no that's what i mean right and
14665s that's why i was thinking of just uh if
14666s you got the hydra as well oh as well but
14668s you don't want to spread your stats to
14670s my oh yeah are you right i'm thinking
14672s about crocolisk yeah i was really
14674s confused
14675s look with beast we're all friends
14677s everyone's allowed the stats with bird
14679s person so yeah yeah
14681s so yeah yeah i was just confused that he
14683s did yeah it's not that he didn't pick up
14685s the hydra it's the fact that he decided
14687s so quickly he didn't want it was just a
14690s bit of a surprise that's all i think he
14692s was the hydra wouldn't have been big
14694s enough maybe and he still wants the milk
14696s with his doomsayer
14697s he wants to triple that it gets
14705s have mx actually has
14707s the better version of
14710s of fur buddy aka crocolisk
14713s crock person
14715s gotta work out whether it's a crocodile
14717s person or a person who wears crocs it's
14720s just a croc it's crocodile
14726s it's not getting you to tell that
14728s crocodile that they're not a person
14730s that's true that's true
14732s my bad
14734s rat is pretty big and that there goes
14736s gallywix out of nowhere sideshow just
14738s cause i try it good job out
14741s kid five was that is that one health
14743s before we went in no it's one health
14745s after this fight for kid five right yeah
14747s i've been down to one beer baby survives
14749s on two
14751s i think all the cards still up this is
14753s pretty nice because their health exactly
14755s the the points they'll be getting if
14757s they die at this point so
14759s one point
14761s picking all the boxes
14762s yeah
14765s either way let's be honest
14767s it doesn't look like we're getting a
14768s champion out of this game unless avocado
14771s beer
14773s facing the ghost now so he has a little
14775s breather
14777s he just has two parrots and an imp
14780s like that that's his board right now
14782s that's what he had last game too
14783s remember
14785s did he win last game um
14787s there you go
14788s [Laughter]
14791s oh wow satellite satellite trying to
14793s play kaligos
14800s oh kid five of two orgasms on six
14804s yeah he got one really early right
14805s that's how he does so much damage and
14807s then he's managing hold of a second one
14808s pretty huge honestly but he is at one
14812s facing
14813s that's a satellite at 38 and lady vash
14816s this is very risky
14818s but he does have a baron actually
14822s i don't know if this is going to be
14823s enough
14828s homeless none of his minions have even
14830s attacked even if he gives them health
14833s a lot of them don't even have attack
14835s yeah
14836s really uh low power overall board there
14839s where satellite even though it's not
14841s looking the best it's by no means the
14843s worst with these divine shields high
14844s attack gonna be able to take down a few
14846s yeah and
14848s since he is lady vash then that divine
14850s shield i think those divine shields are
14852s permanent still a divine shield on the
14853s razor gore
14855s yeah i would assume so and he has so
14857s much health to work with
14858s he's in a position to just level to six
14860s and try to find more calibers color
14863s geese
14864s color gooses
14866s geese caligoth
14869s color
14874s that went a bit crazy actually wait a
14876s minute
14877s it's 43 health on this gaza yeah
14880s that might be enough no okay beer
14883s babbitt survives to fight another day
14885s river going to be nice it's out
14889s it is still better is still alive and
14892s alucard is still alive
14896s there's nowhere way
14901s great damage being pushed there from
14904s uh from kid five but
14907s i refuse to believe that alucard or beer
14909s babbitt can win this
14912s believe it you muggle one of these i
14914s refuse
14916s free health to health literally cannot
14918s lose a fight for the rest of the game
14920s yeah this is not looking great i have to
14921s be honest
14923s and a bit of a solid board right now
14925s yeah this is not looking great
14929s oh wait they're against each other peter
14931s and alucard are against each other
14934s unless they can tie one of them is going
14937s to knock the other one out
14939s oh okay it's going to be a bit bitter
14942s there is zero incentive for them to try
14945s and tie right because they don't want
14947s the other one to live no matter what
14949s at this point though um
14951s mx definitely got the check
14954s achieved uh satellite definitely got
14957s checked uh kid 5 can
14960s check the lobby still not quite yet but
14963s can um who else is still in butterfly
14966s would need a first place
14968s and saito is out yeah so everyone
14971s currently here can or is currently put
14974s the lobby in check
14978s oh kid5 is going for
14980s goldrinn
14985s oh he's keeping the glow scale on his
14987s board that is so greedy even though he
14989s has one at one health
14992s don't tell the others let's see what
14993s happens here
14995s this is the big fight between the two
14997s czech players
15000s oh this was a bad hit means
15005s the king baby crush doesn't get
15008s his summon
15009s [Music]
15011s that's so big oh it's just so much less
15015s damage uh i think you know what
15018s i think i'm gonna call my half this yeah
15021s i think he lied to his yeah i did lie i
15022s look hard it's doing it
15026s oh okay wow wait kid five just
15028s demolished butterfly
15031s yeah hey one health isn't zero so it's
15033s enough for kid five it seems
15040s [Music]
15045s oh no oh no oh
15048s no
15050s so close
15052s yeah alucard's going to be knocked out
15053s which means he cannot win the tournament
15055s in this game but beta babbitt still in
15058s and of course in being the only player
15060s alive now with the lobby in check means
15062s that he's the only player who can
15064s actually end the tournament right here
15066s right now if he takes this two health
15068s and a dream and finishes first place
15071s it's a big ask
15073s it's not strictly impossible but i'm
15076s staring at kid five he just absolutely
15078s demolished butterfly in the previous
15079s fight and he's got a lot of gold and he
15082s is just quickly jumping over into a comp
15085s that no one else is going for yeah
15087s again the access to those key cards is
15090s going to be that much higher
15092s but sometimes no one's playing the
15095s minion type you want and still you can't
15097s find those minions
15099s it's happened to me many times it's me
15101s every time
15102s of course we're so unlucky yep it's the
15104s only reason i lose
15108s but to be honest uh knowing what bitter
15110s babbitt's aboard is it's gonna be really
15112s really hard for him to win the game
15118s okay so we've got two beast players but
15120s slightly different approaches with the
15123s croc coming out early here are the
15124s dragons from satellites
15128s these are looking juicy
15132s so many divine shield minions
15135s satellite is really showcasing the power
15137s of lady vash
15139s yeah and i'll be honest i know i've been
15141s a little bit down on this hero for for
15144s this tournament but
15146s i do think this is definitely like the
15148s best representation we've had from this
15150s era so far they're just really utilizing
15152s as you said those sort of permanent
15154s divine shields and they're seeing the
15155s kind of strength that the hero can
15158s achieve maybe it doesn't always but can
15160s okay uh i might have to take it back
15164s peter somehow ended up with a huge
15167s huge devourer on his board when did he
15169s get that
15171s but the dragons just chopped half of
15173s this oh
15174s yeah you're right never mind never mind
15176s it was a
15178s good effort
15179s and that means peter baba is gonna get
15181s knocked out
15183s just for this game of course but it does
15185s mean that we will not be crowning a
15187s champion in game six we're going to be
15190s going to game seven confirmed and i
15192s believe now
15193s uh mx uh kid five needs five he's got
15197s five
15198s uh yeah all those three players have
15201s just put lobby in check this is crazy
15203s we're gonna have a five player checked
15205s lobby next game this is getting
15208s interesting
15211s that is brutal on the three players that
15214s aren't in check after this right you
15216s just think oh my god i'm gonna lose
15219s let's see the triple on the hydra now
15221s still plenty of money here for kid five
15223s can i just try it in the pool damage is
15226s possible
15228s i was thinking he thought about that he
15229s thought about it didn't he he paused and
15232s thought about it never just pass
15234s overlappers you always at least think
15235s about it but i think it's important to
15237s note as you were touching on earlier
15240s even though you know we've just said
15241s okay these three players now have the
15243s lobby in check for next game you might
15245s wonder well why are they still really
15247s playing right but tie breakers and
15249s placements are a thing and points still
15252s exist and if you do better and say don't
15256s get first place well you might get
15258s second place or third instead of fourth
15260s or fifth or sixth and then suddenly the
15262s prize money is that little bit higher so
15264s still definitely worth playing to win
15266s even at points like this
15271s to me q5's board does not look that
15274s strong honestly
15277s yeah i think at this point he really
15278s needed the other baron
15282s or the third baron
15283s or
15285s rattler uh or maybe the golden
15288s golden
15289s satellite has too many shields
15292s and he has a medina as well
15298s i find out pretty quick there's a lot of
15301s buffs the golden going off actually on
15303s the imp him
15304s this one's going to add a lot of health
15305s to the board this is bad his health what
15308s he needed yeah i think
15310s this is bad because our golden is not
15311s dying now
15314s this is definitely not it ah
15316s oh i think hydra needed to get like all
15318s of those hits
15320s but for this to be a thing yeah
15326s [Applause]
15329s oh there we go
15331s does this mean that and mx is out which
15333s means he will not be able to will he be
15336s able to check the lobby uh kid five is
15338s up oh kid five is out yeah uh yeah all
15341s of them should have it in check because
15342s kid five uh let me just see 15. he's at
15345s five yeah he needed five and he got five
15347s yeah yes
15348s oh yeah all of those top three checked
15351s the lobby this game
15352s oh
15353s so we have
15354s three five five people now yep five shut
15357s the lobby in game seven
15361s and again we're seeing a lot of beast
15362s players here
15366s with max out beast rule
15370s mid game about the grounds and i guess i
15373s guess late game now
15376s this isn't late game i don't know what
15377s is
15379s turn 19 maybe
15382s again though i think it's just important
15383s that uh to remind everyone that
15385s regardless of who wins this game all
15387s three of those players are going to be
15389s very very happy with this outcome right
15391s they're all in the mix now they might
15393s not be happy that all three of them
15395s together got the same outcome but
15398s they're happy that they got it right so
15399s they're all in the mix from game seven
15402s onwards so
15404s suddenly we went from a player being
15406s having the opportunity to just put them
15408s only themselves in check for a lobby and
15410s missing
15411s it was blinking and us having five
15414s players in check for game number seven
15417s which just feels like it's so likely
15419s we're going to be crowding our champion
15420s game seven
15421s how are we getting another divine shield
15424s another perma divine shield
15427s isn't it yes it is
15431s and i know you like divine shield so but
15433s i love divine shields i'm enjoying
15435s watching this
15436s and i want to see dragons win we haven't
15438s seen the dragon win yet
15445s a lot of stats though with this double
15446s attack
15448s yeah
15450s oh
15451s oh
15454s wait
15456s oh
15457s those mama bears are huge that was a
15460s really really nice hit
15463s yeah they just got pretty much full uh
15465s gold gym puffs off right like absolute
15466s maximum now less so with the barong but
15469s there was plenty of stats there and the
15472s bears aren't going down there's one but
15475s that's still plenty of damage what's
15477s that 11 40 20 okay
15481s and now we're on pretty much next fight
15482s wins
15485s but we know that
15487s mx
15488s mx actually used the wave rider to give
15490s his
15491s maca
15493s wind fury but then he stole the wave
15494s rider so he doesn't have the wind fury
15496s minion anymore right
15498s he's not going to be as strong that next
15500s fight
15501s did he use wave rider he might have just
15503s hero powered right
15505s did he hero power
15507s how does he keep the uh
15510s oh wait he's i forgot his ladybug
15514s [Music]
15517s demolished in the first day we're now
15519s seeing two ladies in the top two yeah so
15523s yeah yeah he's flash as well so yeah he
15526s he probably just got that air wind fury
15528s after the hero power at some point
15531s i mean he might have had the minion i
15532s didn't watch every turn but still
15536s this is looking really really nice for
15538s mx
15541s how does this board turn into those
15544s 60 60 mamas
15546s uh what's that
15548s or hits or whatever like from from the
15551s uh the pirates like that's quite a lot
15553s with the baron so and i think the only
15556s thing really
15559s zap can still get him i think oh no it
15561s no
15564s zap will remove one mama from the board
15568s yeah it will go mama and then gold train
15571s yeah
15571s so like it doesn't actually like just
15573s now mx has done a great job of defending
15575s the baron
15576s versus most things
15579s let's see how it goes in what is almost
15581s certainly the last fight of this game
15584s that was really really good actually
15586s that was good for that was good for
15588s satellite because the reborn um
15592s macarthur didn't die so he doesn't get
15593s another hit
15594s from it
15596s but i think that's still not enough
15600s beasts are too big yeah beasts are the
15602s best
15603s beasts are too big
15606s alright it's got that
15611s i love that as well and i might have
15612s read this wrong so i apologize if i did
15614s but mx was like kind of popping off a
15617s little bit there for the win and like
15620s yeah we said earlier points are
15622s important because it's your placement
15623s but it just shows how important just
15625s winning games against good players is
15628s because
15629s he's qui he's got the lobby in check
15631s anyway right he could have lost there
15633s and he's still more or less in the same
15634s position that he would be whether he won
15636s our last but he's like no i won this one
15639s he takes some of that and i love to see
15640s that approach because people who
15642s who like they compete to compete right
15644s like they want to play the game and want
15646s to play the game against players who are
15648s very good so it's great to see the
15650s reaction there at the end from mx and i
15653s just want to say you were feeling
15655s confident earlier today i didn't say mx
15658s is one of my players and he is now in
15660s the same boat as that competition
15661s between the casters it's always the
15664s competition between the casters
15666s something you will learn quickly is the
15669s prediction competitions uh oh wait what
15671s is that more important than the game
15674s oh my god do it in standard every
15676s masters tour every uh uh playoffs oh i
15678s have to win i have to win there you go
15680s see
15681s we have a little crown that gets put on
15683s the graphic for a predictions champion
15685s as well oh
15686s oh yeah see there's a lot suddenly
15688s you're interested you're like you guys
15689s don't really do this do you no you're
15691s more invested than i was before
15693s exactly
15695s but yeah really really crazy game there
15697s again alucard and beat a babbitt just
15699s not getting the job done
15701s and actually even though they did a good
15703s job to survive as long as they did
15705s it never really felt like they were
15706s gonna win at least no no um
15709s and then suddenly we've gained three new
15711s players they're gonna be putting the
15713s lobby in check and again just a reminder
15715s i did see a few people in chat uh just
15717s asking about what does in check mean we
15719s do try and explain it as often as
15721s possible but i will do so again um where
15724s the players need to get to 20 points
15726s that you'll see on the leaderboard in
15728s just a second
15729s when you get to 20 points
15731s after the game you hit 20 points in you
15734s need to then win a game to be able to be
15737s crowned champion as soon as a player
15739s that has this sort of golden uh color
15741s background on the on the number you can
15743s see next to beat ababa and alucard in
15744s this replay as soon as a player that has
15747s that color next their name
15748s wins a game they win the tournament the
15751s tournament ends they are the the five
15753s festival champion uh just there's
15755s another reminders people be joining us
15757s throughout the day of course so uh very
15759s very exciting stuff as instead of in
15761s this game six where two players had the
15763s opportunity to do so we're gonna then go
15765s up to five in game seven so nina there's
15768s a
15769s lot of spiciness to come
15771s yes i'm very excited now there's
15773s actually five players that's more than
15775s half the lobby who have checked the
15777s lobby um so yeah maybe next game we'll
15781s be getting our winner
15783s yeah and there we go wait oh only four
15786s did we miscalculate again vaps is so
15788s hard wait i'm so confused
15792s hit five was on fifteen
15795s did he not get third
15797s no
15799s wait did he not live in lobby five
15804s hang on five
15807s oh the the number we were looking at was
15810s off i think it was 14.5 i don't know
15813s we'll get the numbers checked i am very
15815s confused but regardless i am sure the
15818s admins are correct and that means it's
15819s mxb ababa alucard and satellite that are
15823s in that top four position so apologies
15825s it's half of the lobby not five uh but
15828s as we now just finished with game six
15830s before we get into the all-important
15832s game seven and potentially end the day
15835s we are going to go to a slightly longer
15836s break here just to give the players a
15838s bit of a moment to just wind down grab a
15840s drink and do everything you need to do
15841s before we start the next game so don't
15843s go anywhere and we'll be right back
15845s be after the break
15848s [Music]
15851s maybe
15855s [Music]
15868s so
15871s [Music]
15872s [Applause]
15874s [Music]
15902s [Music]
15919s oh
15922s [Music]
15932s foreign
15935s [Music]
15967s do
15971s [Music]
15982s do
15986s [Music]
16023s so
16025s [Music]
16079s so
16080s [Music]
16113s [Music]
16120s [Music]
16126s [Music]
16148s so
16151s [Music]
16206s so
16208s [Music]
16246s so
16260s so
16264s [Music]
16357s [Music]
16362s [Music]
16370s [Music]
16374s so
16382s [Music]
16385s so
16397s [Music]
16410s [Music]
16425s [Music]
16437s [Music]
16456s so
16457s [Music]
16464s [Music]
16469s welcome back everyone to lobby legends
16471s fire festival we did have a slight
16474s hiccup with the machinery that kicks out
16476s the graphics so we decided to send it
16478s some grease spots and we have an
16480s upgraded leaderboard this shows the
16481s correct numbers and i've restored faith
16484s in my own ability to add five to a
16486s number so kid five is there i did gain
16490s his five points from 15 which puts him
16491s to 20 which means as we initially
16494s thought nina we are back to five players
16497s having the lobby in check right now
16499s which means if any one of those five
16501s players gets first place they win the
16504s tournament
16505s you're right and you're right about 15
16508s plus 5 equals 20 as well so we do have
16511s five players uh checking the lobby and
16514s which means they're very there's a very
16516s very high chance that this game we will
16519s see our winner
16521s yeah make sure you do not go anywhere
16523s right now we just had a long-ish break
16526s forever to give everyone time you know
16528s to just get ready for this but this
16530s could very likely be the final one and
16533s i'm already excited to see not only what
16535s heroes the players would get offered and
16537s choose because as we've mentioned before
16539s when you need first place there's a
16541s higher chance of going for those big
16543s heroes that kind of either get first or
16545s eighth uh in general but also what kind
16548s of lobby we even have our prize is going
16550s to make another appearance that we which
16552s we've seen a lot of so far this weekend
16555s and mech's going to be in where everyone
16556s is fighting for those grease spots and
16559s really really excited to see what's
16560s going to go on here but in this position
16563s what are some of the biggest sort of
16565s first place on nothing heroes that are
16567s even in the game right now what are the
16569s top picks if you want to go into a game
16571s and say i need to win this game
16574s uh of course you have a shutter walk of
16576s beast in we've seen it perform really
16579s really well already and i think the peak
16582s rate for shadow walk in beast lobby is
16583s probably 100
16585s then we have heroes that can really
16587s really high roll uh out of control like
16590s gallywigs and there's also mayav and
16594s also there's heroes like vulgin who can
16596s perform really really well really well
16597s with mac uh max in the game
16600s uh but yeah even but sometimes even the
16604s heroes that maybe don't fall into the
16607s category of hyrule or die can still win
16610s by playing fallen temple and finding
16613s those
16614s game defining cards
16617s oh
16618s let's see what the choices are so far
16620s satellite picking up scabs be a babbitt
16623s on the hook tusk as well and currently
16626s just staring at alucard he's gonna go
16628s for that mav once again we have no
16630s beasts and no mechs but we do have
16633s pirates naga murlocs elementals and
16637s demons in this game
16639s oh there's another another interesting
16641s game with no beasts and no max we've had
16643s quite a few of those today and as i
16646s mentioned alucard is on my yeah one of
16648s the heroes i said
16650s uh to pick if you want to high roll or
16652s die
16653s and i think he played maya last game too
16655s but it didn't go
16657s so well unfortunately for him but maybe
16660s this is the game
16661s i've got mixed feelings as well about
16663s kid five because he's gonna be on vash
16665s and uh we have seen that hero do
16668s absolutely terrible day one and then be
16671s both first and second place in the uh in
16674s the previous game as well so and
16676s definitely had a mixed bag of results so
16679s definitely a lot to play for here uh
16681s baroff does seem to be like a bit to to
16683s be like a bit of a favorite pick at
16685s least yeah
16686s plays we've had this weekend we've seen
16688s it a lot i think this is mx's third time
16690s playing baroff honestly
16695s and um
16697s i'm really really excited to see patches
16700s in the lobby i think this is the first
16702s time we've seen patches
16705s in this tournament and yeah
16708s now river
16710s you go it's kind of interesting as well
16712s right because i was gonna say oh well
16714s patches can be good to just guarantee a
16716s few points but rib is like the secret
16719s sixth player who needs a win here
16721s because he's on exactly 13 and now right
16725s so like he actually needs a win itself
16728s to put the lobby in check
16730s for him so that's kind of funny can
16732s happen patches can
16735s hydraul out of control if he hits ap and
16737s pirates
16744s so far looking across all of the boards
16746s there is a lot of sellamentals knocking
16748s around as well as a few bubblettes as
16750s well and so all players getting off to a
16752s decent start by the looks of things
16754s satellite currently sitting on a murloc
16756s pair
16757s um along with oh yeah that's the only
16760s pair on board right now which isn't too
16762s bad everyone having everyone having uh
16765s satellites everyone's having satellites
16767s everyone having sentimentals is really
16769s good news for satellite since he is
16772s scavs and can steal those elementals to
16775s guarantee himself a triple and we saw
16777s did you see patches rivers board shop he
16781s was offered i think two pirates yeah he
16783s got yoho one pirate
16785s oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
16789s this is a very very strong
16792s board for turn three
16794s pretty crazy though as well butterfly's
16796s picked up two imps as we can see right
16798s now pretty solid looking board for him
16801s too
16802s i didn't actually quite check what the
16804s finley hero power was actually uh and
16807s maybe lorinda can tell us if he was
16808s keeping an eye out but also uh mxjf has
16812s the triple on demand with the two
16813s settlemental tokens and sellamental
16815s itself on board as well
16818s i think is it ladybug again
16823s i mean it's just my guess it's just my
16825s guess but i'm not 100 sure
16828s i'm just trying to work out where the
16829s one like plus one plus one has come from
16832s on the imps but i can't quite work out
16836s have a look
16839s oh
16840s that's where it came from okay i was
16842s like how did those imps get plus one
16843s plus one but yeah okay going for
16845s yogg-saron
16847s nice
16848s butterfly one to be fair butterfly one
16850s of the players who needs three points to
16852s put the lobby in check and join in the
16855s fun with the other five players so again
16857s yogg-saron pretty solid consistent early
16860s game just because every minion you get
16862s with that hero power is overstated and
16865s able to just bully some players out a
16867s little bit as well so not too bad at all
16869s uh alucard this is not great for my
16872s earth because
16874s alucard doesn't have a triple lined up
16878s he only has
16880s one
16880s hair with maya which is really really
16883s not good
16884s yeah it's not looking too great is it
16887s and the problem is if you're not
16889s starting to set up now on mayev
16892s it already it's it's turned four but it
16894s already feels too late doesn't it that's
16897s a very negative view but it feels too
16899s late it's true it is six gold so so by
16902s this point
16903s you should have had
16905s your triple already hero powered
16907s right ready to discover a six drop
16910s the nina rule i didn't need a rule yeah
16914s fire off though although he did just
16915s take the damage there for mxjf he does
16917s have a ton of money available
16921s there is another um
16924s pair we can hero power
16926s not all is lost i still believe
16929s satellites shark has moved again back
16931s into focus
16932s focus mode yeah it's like anger a minute
16935s we need to win this
16937s now triple in the shop here for
16940s satellite
16943s probably going to sell level play the
16944s looter yeah makes sense
16946s and they're already as scabs he's
16948s looking to be putting himself in a
16949s strong position along with aruba with
16952s this uh pirate comp so far not looking
16955s too bad at all either at least going to
16957s be strong for the mid game
16959s and bit above it with the triple waiting
16961s for him in the shop
16963s and of course he is hook tusk so he can
16965s always hear a power or something on his
16967s board to try to hit that uh swabi triple
16970s as well
16977s i can definitely go dig in with that imp
16979s already though be about it going to be a
16982s pretty low-ish on 29 kid5 taking some
16985s damage along with mx
16987s again early game damage doesn't mean you
16989s just lose but it just means you've got
16992s to be that little bit more careful or
16994s you've got to pop off that much harder
16996s to just stop taking damage oh it looks
16999s like lady vash
17001s uh who's playing like the kid five is
17003s being quite mean here and
17005s looking to deal as much damage as he can
17008s that is a
17009s good chunk of damage games we
17017s the amount is relative of the stage of
17020s the game we're in and on what turn five
17022s dealing what's that 11 or 12 is like
17025s pretty insane
17026s so it's going for a five drop and just
17029s to discover a
17031s nothing
17034s bit harsh
17035s [Laughter]
17036s light fang though at least has a spread
17038s right uh
17040s you're bumping these
17042s i don't have bad minions with light
17044s flank though
17048s i guess there's a lot of bugs we have we
17050s have bad for the minions if they're not
17052s agree spot you just think they're
17053s rubbish no
17056s but there were so many better options on
17058s five
17060s like captain hook
17062s true i think that's what peter was
17064s looking for
17071s but also missed on hogar but get to
17073s discover a brand which is not too bad
17076s yeah you can normally make something
17077s happen right even if it's just sort of
17079s neutral buffs and things like that
17081s you can make something happen this is a
17083s pretty good uh
17084s it's not a bad lobby to take brand
17086s because murlocs are in as well
17088s right
17090s alucard
17091s pears as far as the icons
17094s oh yeah
17097s just hope he doesn't take too much
17098s damage but we know
17100s ripper is actually quite strong with
17102s those pirates on board but then he did
17104s pick up a brand which is very little
17106s tempo
17107s so mx has got hold of a myth racks and a
17111s naga brute as well on his board so we
17113s can check in with mx uh after this but
17116s he's starting to get some scaling
17118s minions for sure right now
17121s uh we've seen quite a lot of chinese
17123s players
17125s not oh sorry we've seen quite a lot of
17127s players play
17129s uh mythrax this tournament haven't we
17132s yeah i think it's one of those things
17133s that when you're playing for points
17134s mythrax is just stats right
17138s so like it's just uh enough to just
17140s bully people out kid five goes for the
17142s tree
17142s goes for a six drop he really goes for
17145s that high roll doesn't he a swing and a
17149s miss
17154s is not too bad the worst part about this
17157s user doesn't even really do anything to
17158s this board either right because the two
17160s minions he has are already strong
17162s you can always try to ufo the cyclone
17165s maybe
17166s he decides to go for the high roll
17169s for the nosy
17170s mech's low on 15 health so he is within
17173s that danger zone exactly excuse me but
17176s he does have two pretty decent scaling
17178s minions and there's your there's your
17180s favorite oh oh
17182s wait i think satellite just stole a
17184s hogar from bitter babbitt which means
17186s peter has a hoga as well
17189s uh beta does not have a hogger
17192s oh sorry then he tripled his swarm
17194s striker into a whole car yeah yeah he
17196s must have i thought he hero powered but
17198s he tripled into uh yeah i think he
17199s tripled into it at least i'm looking at
17201s it and no one else has a hug
17205s which arguably is even better right
17207s because then he's the only one with a
17208s hugger in the game right now so he's the
17210s only one utilizing the uh the strength
17212s of that card
17216s hey alucard hasn't hold on to a good
17218s amount of health actually i thought he
17220s was going to be taking way more damage
17221s than this he managed to find a triple as
17223s well and he has a juggler and
17226s also he has the avenge unit
17228s light uh
17230s light spawn yeah he's going for maximum
17232s milk yes and if he triples into a bat
17236s that would be really really nice
17238s well that buzz yeah light spawn
17241s interaction
17243s yeah
17244s just need to not to get sniped this is
17246s looking really really good actually for
17248s a little card
17249s all these hits oh yeah these kids are
17251s amazing yeah
17253s killing the brute as well
17255s yeah oh this is maximum milk
17258s oh oh yeah perfect that's perfect
17260s is this death and max
17263s almost close yeah
17266s mx not like this
17269s that makes not like this did that rhyme
17271s it rhymed didn't it
17274s is it x or maybe not i don't know it
17277s sounded like it rhymed a little bit
17279s yeah it's probably my accent oh there it
17281s is they fell back okay
17285s but he waits right plays the scally or
17288s something right now he just
17290s fell back at this moment and use up a
17292s board space
17293s hmm
17294s but he wants to start scaling straight
17296s away so
17297s i guess yeah i guess so yeah because he
17299s has four demons on his board
17302s but maybe he wants to roll into some
17304s elementals to eat instead it's just the
17306s fact that the more he scales now the
17309s harder it is for the avenge to even go
17312s yeah but you have to balance like you
17313s can't you can't be too greedy with
17316s milking he needs that's how you die he
17318s needs to win he's gonna beat you greedy
17320s that is very true
17322s it's good to get some minions in play
17325s only greedy people get first place
17328s satellites managed to put quite a lot of
17330s add quite a lot of stats to his pirates
17332s but i don't know if that's gonna be
17333s enough
17335s alucard has a lot of pupils and he has
17338s scaling in the form of felbat
17340s where he doesn't have to do anything
17341s right the stats just go to him whereas
17344s satellite has to shuffle a billion cards
17346s in order to get the stats
17352s yeah one player is going to suffer from
17354s rsi the other player is not
17357s the one player is just chilling there
17358s with a cocktail another player
17360s probably has um
17362s carpal tunnel
17374s they're looking pretty good for alucard
17378s oh we see power out
17380s mx yeah goodbye mx out
17384s arrow did not pay off then and hang on a
17387s minute how much damage is this oh no
17389s okay
17391s alucard takes the win and i think again
17394s very important here for mayev and i
17396s think he's done a really good job of
17397s retaining this health 29 at this point
17400s and he's sort of he's starting to get
17402s cooking on the game plan seems great be
17404s a baby and satellite both on nine uh
17407s very quickly we could see uh they're
17409s only being two players alive that could
17412s win at this point in the form of kid
17414s five and alucard
17416s yes and mx was one of the people who
17418s actually uh put the lobby in check and
17420s he is
17422s out which means
17425s i mean there's still three uh four
17426s players who can win and
17428s we haven't seen beaters board in a
17431s little bit let's have a look oh
17434s oh peter's
17436s peter's transitioning to a poison
17438s murlocs already
17441s he knows what's up it's like i need to
17443s scam some people right now
17445s someone fire me as a poison
17453s i swear
17454s this weekend we've seen some of the
17456s worst triples into six off yeah that
17459s i've seen in a long time
17461s either just feel like just we'll offer
17463s them the three words go
17466s yeah
17467s it hasn't been amazing maybe it's just
17469s because we're watching them it's the
17470s cast the cast occurs you know
17472s maybe if we when we're not watching
17474s they're actually good at getting good
17476s discovers
17480s oh the the
17482s oh
17484s the last minute shuffle the last second
17485s shuffle to try to use your
17487s gold and
17489s oh no the wasted
17491s oh no oh no oh the knife to get it
17493s something
17494s something's better than nothing is
17496s butterfly gonna be able to take down uh
17498s be a baby
17501s oh god if it's a win
17504s that seven got sniped straight away
17508s build the shield off with the token
17509s that's really nice
17511s [Applause]
17513s oh no
17515s might be less nice
17517s yes
17518s please we're milking we got two milks
17520s that's pretty nice this is fine and also
17522s butterfly can take it it was more
17524s important to keep an eye on that in case
17526s peter babbitt lost and then he almost
17528s certainly died at that turn so he's
17530s gonna hold on for now no one's gonna die
17533s and also butterfly gets to play the
17535s ghost
17542s i just have the devourer of the extra
17544s gold now actually if you want to hear it
17546s yeah and he has a demon too
17552s but he's in a scary position at nine
17554s health oh
17557s coins this is looking nice there's so
17560s much money
17562s oh look at that
17567s oh again i mean ufo i guess is pretty
17569s good and orgo bran with a brand or maybe
17573s for the peggy but yeah maybe brown
17574s because i think we are keeping bran on
17576s board
17578s yeah especially with the second one in
17579s hand right it's asking for a triple
17589s we still have a lot of money
17595s again just as an additional reminder
17597s since we are sat on this view that river
17601s has the ability to if he does win this
17604s game
17605s and he will be on exactly 20 points
17608s which is enough to put the lobby in
17610s check and obviously means no one else
17611s wins the game either
17613s oh this is really brave
17616s satellite is going for at the golden
17618s hoga or golden eliza
17621s oh it looks like he's maybe going for
17622s the golden eliza
17628s this is very risky at nine health
17633s but since we've i've said before he has
17635s put the lobby in check so he needs to
17637s get the win
17645s okay at least the leroy is not going to
17646s be tripped up too much by these taunts
17649s yeah
17650s but uh cider also has a leroy there
17653s okay
17655s five takes the victory against reba
17657s pushing him down to 18 health satellite
17660s gonna end this in a draw oh
17664s peter bobbitt is out i've got some fresh
17666s recruits
17667s another one bites the dust
17675s it's gonna be the
17676s disgust but never really happened
17680s eight player
17681s uh
17682s in czech lobby i wouldn't mind that you
17684s know
17685s that would be so funny because it just
17687s comes down to the final game where it's
17689s yes yep best of all one can win at that
17691s point
17693s [Laughter]
17695s pretty soon oh another whole guard
17698s we also have a random golden light spawn
17700s for some reason
17702s oh it's gone now did you see that yeah
17705s it got it got chucked don't ask me to
17707s understand it but i saw it
17713s now satellite just looking for something
17714s a little bit spicier to finish on does
17717s the is the naga wind fury worthwhile at
17720s all here
17721s say that as i know you're down a minion
17725s sorry what was the question
17726s i was just looking at whether you wanted
17728s to end on the wind fury naga to be able
17730s to put it onto the 6870
17733s oh i don't know if that's a good idea
17735s what if they have
17736s uh amounted
17738s yeah
17739s i guess it is patches
17741s yeah it's tricky right because it was
17744s just
17745s it's always difficult to work out on a
17747s turn like this where you're not mega
17749s strong like what do you actually end on
17751s if you don't already have something
17754s then it's tough to look at shops and say
17756s oh this isn't good enough i'll roll and
17758s if you roll you're like well the next
17760s shop has to have something good enough
17761s right
17762s this game is actually looking really
17764s really good for kid 5.
17766s he is still at 31 health he has some
17770s pirates going he has a hogars and
17772s eliza's with shields on them
17775s and he has time he has time to scale
17777s them as well
17781s so funny to me that every time we've
17782s seen ash too well it's not in a naga
17786s build
17787s it's just like you know what's cool
17789s putting divine shields on stuff that's
17791s what i'm gonna use this hero for
17793s and you know what they're not wrong
17800s no
17801s exact lethal the perfect lethal
17805s when the light is out wait a minute
17808s no another
17812s only one checked player left in the game
17815s and it's kid five most importantly your
17818s two picks are gone i still automatically
17820s have a pick in the game oh god why'd you
17823s have to make it into a competition like
17825s that
17827s oh
17828s i want to root for kid 5 but now that
17830s you've said it
17831s [Music]
17833s now that you said it lose
17837s this is looking really good though as
17839s you said the double hogger the divine
17841s shields like make so much difference
17844s because it's the it's the weakness of
17846s pirates right outside of we talk not
17848s including exodia but just like pirates
17852s the problem is they're just stats right
17854s yeah but if you just throw divine
17856s shields onto nearly unlimited stat
17858s potential well suddenly we can talk
17861s right oh it's so sick yes but um
17866s oh he found another divine shield
17868s usually when you get a pirate
17871s pirate apm uh game going
17874s you are looking to triple a selfless and
17877s a baron so you have
17880s shield on everything
17883s and now you can just do that and have an
17885s extra couple of minions yeah exactly
17888s but then again you probably still need
17890s to play around the tunnel blaster
17892s oh
17893s yeah so you can have the selfless not
17895s the baron
17896s you go
17897s best of both worlds
17902s oh this is not looking good
17905s it feels almost there but there's just a
17907s few slots that just aren't really being
17909s filled too well here right with the the
17910s wave rider uh
17912s it's fine to give wind fury which means
17914s it's more likely to get divine shield
17917s but
17918s there's just so many devices oh these
17920s are perfect
17928s it is quite uh sad that our biggest
17930s minion is taunted he probably wants to
17932s devour that ozil at some point so he
17935s loses tone oh second goal oh
17937s it's the golden alliance and not golden
17939s hoga
17941s oh okay took an l
17943s thinly holds on
17945s oh and then those mounted adapts were
17948s perfect there
17950s yeah and perfect hits as well right they
17952s actually not only gain the right sort of
17954s abilities but also hit really well but
17957s now there's a second golden eliza
17960s available and kid five is gonna do the
17963s thing
17965s golden hogger he goes golden eliza yeah
17969s we need to find another hoga
17974s i don't know if he's going to triple it
17976s is he going to triple it
17978s i guess he's going for i think he's
17979s decided that he has enough stuff and
17981s enough money
17982s to just not skip on the extra minute go
17984s grabber look at this board there's so
17986s many golden minions
17990s uther onto a uh okay just wants the
17992s pirate fine looking uther on just one of
17995s the idealizers or something yeah i feel
17997s like ufo would have been much better
17999s because you just sold the nosy for one
18001s gold and you'd be selling oofa for one
18003s gold too you could have at least buffed
18004s your tony maybe a little bit right it
18006s did buff the looter though right because
18009s it was a pirate yeah but the looter is
18011s what plus two plus two yeah plus two
18014s plus two whereas who first plus fifteen
18016s plus fifteen well no plus fifteen plus
18018s fifteen but
18020s minus whatever stats they already had
18027s interesting i guess well because now
18030s really speaking kid5 doesn't have to
18033s press the hero power oh he's going all
18035s in he's going all in
18038s but he did not find the divine shield
18040s okay oh scale for next time no okay
18045s no not looking too bad still very strong
18052s he's going up against pirates without
18054s divine shields
18057s yes and you see uh
18060s the
18061s reba actually playing tunnel blaster
18062s against big pirates because he
18066s expecting lady vaj to have a lot of
18069s divine shield minions yeah and with both
18071s players getting the poison it's gonna be
18074s a win in this fight for kid five but oh
18076s no sorry no it's not never mind so you
18078s talking the other way yeah apologies uh
18081s the win was there for river i thought
18083s the attacks went the opposite direction
18085s there but they did not river is
18086s punishing kid5 for taking all of his
18088s pirates
18094s butterfly just holding on i think
18095s butterfly actually drew against the
18097s ghost there
18098s oh yes you're right he was already at 12
18100s pounds
18102s and now it's between him and ripper will
18104s be able if one of them manages to knock
18107s the other one out and kit 5 beats the
18109s ghost
18110s then kid 5 is in a very good position to
18114s win the game
18116s i think kid 5 needs to spend this time
18118s now that he's seen the tunnel blaster
18119s just getting those uh
18122s selfless right i think that's the only
18124s thing that's gonna help him save the day
18126s because the divine shields will make all
18128s of the difference
18130s yep
18133s river i imagine at this point just
18135s staring and thinking well outside of a
18137s triple even if he wants a triple there's
18139s not really much way to improve his board
18142s looking at this for kid five again he
18144s does
18145s i'll say still has a turn off well he
18147s has a turn off right yeah so i think if
18149s he's offered a selfless he'll probably
18151s pick it up uh but
18153s i think he should have no worries about
18155s being this ghost because he was strong
18157s yeah right oh there's another
18160s you scallywags need some gear
18167s yeah this is gonna be a big boat i
18169s wanted to try to hear power as well to
18171s maybe get another divine shield oh no
18174s unfortunately not yeah he's just pushed
18176s that hogger up to like 50 or 50 or
18178s something then in like just two quick
18180s buffs like wow hawker started going to
18182s the gym real quick
18185s a butterfly's uh build is literally just
18188s a bunch of small poisons and bandits and
18191s one big orzel yeah say it how it is it's
18195s a mess
18197s oh wait work enough to tie
18200s it's enough to tie is
18202s so brutal because
18204s like kid five just needs someone to get
18208s out he needs to go for first
18211s yeah wins beats the ghost with no
18213s problem his reaction inspected
18217s okay divine shield
18220s oh yeah he got to end on a bad card
18222s right because he knew he's against ghost
18224s that was really strong
18226s oh there we go
18230s we have almost infinite gold yeah full
18234s pop-off turn here
18235s and it's gonna be difficult because when
18237s you get into this flow kid five will not
18239s do this because he's a slightly better
18241s hearthstone player than me or
18242s battlegrounds player than me um
18245s it's easy to
18246s overroll sometimes like you glance and
18249s then you roll and then you go wait a
18251s minute there was a card there i wanted
18252s i've missed it another one not a hogar
18256s but i don't know if you can selfless
18257s though okay he bought that oh no oh
18260s we're out of
18262s oh he's so oh he decides not to go for
18265s the triple
18267s yeah he couldn't he was about to have
18268s sold something else right and he can't
18270s sell anything else yeah yeah yeah
18273s madness
18275s but he does now have baron selfless and
18277s another divine shield divine shields
18279s again if he's against the finley uh
18283s which is the other pirate divine shield
18285s right yes oh what no finley the
18288s butterfly is just got a lot of always
18290s poisons and one big overall and two
18293s mindsets as well
18294s yeah oh but he's changed now yeah one
18296s man here one mounted a two selfless and
18299s a tunnel blaster
18301s so we only really have four minions
18305s out of a possible seven yes
18312s there is a big salty looter
18316s ah
18318s a little bit annoying
18320s oh
18324s okay oh that was a really good shield
18326s yeah yeah those shields were really good
18328s oh the baron doing its job of bumping
18331s the shield
18334s oh
18335s not enough
18337s it's not enough
18340s hard to beat infinite gold yeah kid five
18342s dispatches in the top two
18345s he has the chance to win it all
18348s oh it'll be so huge
18350s that we could see kid five board here he
18352s does have the golden hogger to go off
18354s against i will keep an eye on their
18356s rivers board as well to see if anything
18359s crazy changes but at the moment uh it's
18361s just going to be the tunnel blaster
18363s leroy mented double looters like yeah
18366s there's i mean there's a lot still to
18368s happen as we can see with all the cards
18370s in hand but
18371s [Music]
18373s i think with the selfless especially if
18376s you can make it gold kid 5 is just too
18379s far ahead
18381s um
18383s yes just because the two salty looters
18385s do like nothing right yeah definitely
18387s the same is absolutely useless here
18390s because they're way too small
18401s hit five is not thinking uh is he going
18403s to
18406s hero power oh yeah and he gets another
18411s another divine shield for free
18417s what did he sell there did you see
18419s uh i can tell you in about three seconds
18422s uh
18424s oh he's just
18425s yeah kid fight has just gone
18427s double mantid
18429s double murloc there's only the salty
18431s looter divine shield now taunt baron
18434s selfless double murloc with divine
18436s shield and poison and double mounted
18439s this is
18440s gonna be for basically all the marbles
18442s depending on how many minutes survive
18444s let's see if byron is going to be
18446s selfish
18448s no
18450s no
18450s okay
18452s i'd love to hit on this out and they're
18453s starting looter they're distributed on
18455s value trade
18457s oh oh looks like it's enough right no i
18460s think it's a win for kid five but he
18462s needs to beat a river one more time
18466s so close kid five wins this he's gonna
18470s win the tournament it will be over but
18473s he has to do that again the big question
18476s here is what can reba do what's the
18479s perfect scenario here nina did those
18481s salty looters go but what what are they
18483s replaced by
18484s um i think he needs selfless of his own
18487s right he's earned a byron in the shop
18490s he if he can get a selfless triple which
18492s he can he still has a lot of gold left
18497s it can happen he says i wanted the
18499s saudis to roll and try to find that
18501s selfless triple you need to keep rolling
18504s just keep rolling for that selfless
18509s he was briefly considering the zap i
18511s think
18515s he'll
18516s we can take the gambler and get a free
18519s pirate
18520s you're down a minion
18522s keep rolling
18523s go ahead and hire one of these recruits
18529s keep rolling
18532s oh where is that selfless
18536s better hire a recruit while you care oh
18539s no selfless
18541s i wonder what he's actually going to
18543s play here
18545s he might play tunnel blaster plus baron
18549s and maybe sell something for another man
18551s mandate
18553s two tunnel blasters two tunnel buses to
18556s try to deal with those tiny minions
18558s this is so huge this final two coming
18561s down to the player that can win the
18563s whole tournament or the one of the few
18566s other players that can actually get the
18568s tournament in checkpoints
18571s two tunnel busters getting rid of
18573s getting rid of all the shields
18582s i don't think
18584s oh it's another
18586s it's not the tie oh my god it's high
18589s i can't
18591s deal with this
18592s i can't rea i have i don't think i've
18594s reached what is this shot
18595s oh my god i can't deal with this shop
18598s don't this is pointless it doesn't mean
18599s anything but don't show me a shop like
18601s that when i'm in this state of mind
18603s my brain is just frying right now
18608s leroy
18609s does nothing if they play if he's
18611s playing tunnel blasters right
18613s on its own can also triple it yeah maybe
18616s he's hoping to triple but uh yeah the
18618s pickup of zero was very questionable but
18620s i guess he's just adjusting to the next
18623s turn because kit 5 knows he has two tons
18626s of blasters so he's trying to he's
18628s probably going to try and adjust his
18629s board
18630s right
18635s oh triple leroy but i don't think we can
18638s get it we have no money
18640s yeah and that's the problem right this
18642s is the end this is the last turn um
18643s unless they tie again
18646s outside of selfless oh
18648s he's getting rid of a tunnel blaster
18651s i thought
18653s wasn't the double tunnel blaster quite
18656s good for reba
18657s or did i miss yeah that was on the
18659s preview yes it was good but now the kit
18661s 5 knows so he's going to adjust his
18663s board to play around double blaster
18666s so he's probably buffed his stuff a
18668s little bit more except the mice
18672s let's have a quick look
18675s hey man it's going in there more divine
18679s shield more poison one tunnel blaster
18681s this time
18682s double selfless on either side this is
18685s just a mess yeah he is has toned it you
18688s can see he's taunted
18690s he is a seven in order to oh
18695s i don't think this is enough i think
18699s reba is going to
18702s i i can't tell
18705s wait no a drawer another tide no no
18709s it's a win for kid five
18711s he's done it he did it oh
18715s he's screaming
18718s the pop off he
18719s [Music]
18721s he is having the best time of his life
18725s incredible there for kid five what a way
18729s to end the hard work was put in we had
18732s multiple top two fights there and it
18735s came down to a single minion and a lot
18739s of mind games and setups between the two
18741s players and i think the pop off just
18743s showed how tense that was that was not a
18746s fight
18747s that was
18749s he was going into thinking he was going
18750s to win right because you wouldn't pop
18752s off that hard
18754s that was incredible there from kid five
18756s what a victory and also uh how perfect
18760s because kid five's name
18762s was based off the previous player kid
18764s another chinese player who um basically
18767s named himself kid five to kind of rip on
18770s kid because he didn't do so well in the
18773s previous lobby legends and if you're
18775s ever gonna throw shade at someone this
18778s is the way whilst winning the tournament
18780s the first time so this is the first time
18782s kid fight kid five qualified and he
18785s just won it all
18787s he literally is like like what like his
18789s heart or something
18791s sorry
18792s you know
18793s sorry it was i was quoting legally
18795s blonde never mind oh okay well
18797s apologies on my end but yeah uh first
18800s time qualified and it was just a one
18802s shot one kill so really really
18805s impressive there for kid five and uh you
18808s called it didn't you
18810s look you just need to practice a
18811s prediction it's fine
18813s but uh what a crazy final game one one
18817s minute in the previous lobby we have two
18819s players that just get pushed out
18821s instantly then we have five and it still
18824s looked like that wouldn't be enough as
18826s you can see here alucard satellite
18828s beater babbitt and mx going out leaving
18830s three of the players not having the
18832s lobbying check alive but kid five
18835s managed it but i will say i think river
18838s did very very well towards the end
18841s because if he would have won
18843s he puts himself in check and prolongs
18845s the tournament by at least one more game
18849s uh
18850s what a way to end the day
18852s definitely i think uh ripa should be
18854s very proud of himself getting a top two
18857s with patches there
18858s playing not really pirates
18861s but um
18862s playing whatever needed to be played to
18864s win
18865s yeah and get to second place
18867s i said this after i cast like lobby
18869s legends 2 was my first like real
18871s battlegrounds casting experience and
18873s then i said this after that and i'll say
18875s after this as well i think it's so sick
18877s to watch some of the best players in the
18879s world and how they adapt to situations
18881s because that was that is what makes them
18883s the best and uh we do see their alucard
18886s swooping in at second place the highest
18891s yeah
18891s got the most points but he didn't win
18893s the lobby so that's the rule uh but
18895s getting 29.5 and then satellite very
18898s close behind him i think satellite as
18900s you can see from the scores never really
18902s went off but never really failed either
18905s with four point four point five point
18907s five point got one point five but then
18909s six and a bit so doing very well but
18911s that is your final eight standings a
18914s great job to everyone of course and even
18917s though river had a rough run of it i
18919s think he redeemed himself in that last
18922s game definitely
18924s it's really funny to see because we see
18926s kid five the winner of lobby legends but
18931s both um alucard and satellite have more
18934s points than him
18936s yeah it's great but that's what makes us
18938s of course the the czech format interests
18941s that's what makes it fun it's a race to
18943s a certain extent but it's never over
18945s till it's over as we saw if river wins
18948s that game
18949s we go again you know so that's what's
18951s like pretty tense about it so really
18953s really crazy overall but just like that
18956s that means fire festival is over we have
18959s our lobby legends champion but before we
18962s wrap up for the day javier final words
18964s nina on the tournament
18966s i just wanted to say a huge thank you um
18970s to the hearthstone esports team for
18972s inviting me to cast i had a blast and
18975s i'm really really happy that i got to
18977s cast my first uh tournament with you
18980s raven because you did a really good job
18982s of babysitting me i think
18985s and made everything so smooth and
18987s comfortable
18988s it took no effort don't worry about that
18990s but again uh yeah thank you i appreciate
18992s that very nice view uh but that does
18994s mean that lobby legends four is over the
18996s next lobby legends is just around the
18998s corner so stay you know keep your eyes
19000s peeled for everything confirming all the
19002s dates times and everything for that and
19004s coming up soon but as always thanks a
19006s lot to production uh for ruin everything
19008s for us thanks to you viewers for
19010s watching we hope you had a fantastic
19012s time and we'll see you next time in the
19014s tavern
19018s [Music]
19037s [Music]
19046s so
19049s [Music]
19057s [Music]
19068s [Music]
19077s [Music]
19087s [Music]
19095s [Music]
19106s [Music]
19115s [Music]
19125s [Music]
19142s [Music]
19145s so
19147s [Music]
19153s [Music]
19163s [Music]
19171s [Music]
19183s [Music]
19196s [Music]
19202s lobby i told you by the way good job
19204s kids for picking the know me i love it
19209s [Music]
19217s there is no mercy from waterloo here it
19221s is a complete massacre flawless victory
19224s he is your lobby legends eternal night
19227s champion
19229s [Music]
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19248s [Applause]
19250s [Music]
19252s foreign
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