7 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s we are thrilled to soon be celebrating
4s hearthstone's 10th anniversary but we
8s have so much to enjoy before then so
12s let's talk about what's happening right
13s now in Hearthstone and in Battlegrounds
17s we're setting the stage for a standoff
20s in hearthstone's upcoming expansion
22s showdown in the Badlands which takes
25s place in azeroth's Wild West instead of
29s the typical five cards you'd find in a
32s regular Hearthstone card pack you can
34s get up to 50 cards from a single catchup
39s pack Battlegrounds Duos with a shared
42s Health pool team combat and sending
45s cards back and forth between teammates
48s now you can fight with your friends
51s instead of against them thank you all
54s for being a part of our bustling
58s Tavern