4 days ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s this is a big spell Mage deck there's a
3s lot of cheap minions and stuff to do in
5s the early turns and some workaround
7s cards from the new expansion that lets
9s my deck do big stuff faster I have
12s something that I think you're going to
14s like cuz it's a Agro deck and it runs a
18s lot of you know like the new spells oh
21s and let's not forget about the P Castle
24s Good Luck Good Luck you fun here we go
28s that's a very nice can thank you you no
31s it was mine okay sorry of course of
34s course just
36s mine
40s [Music]
42s okay I kind of want to keep this sure
46s you should keep every single expensive
48s card that way you have more value later
49s on yeah I kind of also want to keep this
52s though H is it a good
57s card okay we'll find out m
62s okay fine I'm going to keep this okay
65s great Fe strikes
71s again wow wow
74s okay okay okay okay how's it going it's
77s going great thanks for
89s asking are you you
91s cooking the Dance Floor okay I don't
95s know we'll
97s see have a
103s surprise so who's going to be dancing a
106s little bit who who's going to be
110s dancing bam gge
116s okay I don't have many things to do h
121s you just wait all your Mana just wait
124s till I have 10 Mana okay wow wow okay
128s okay ready
130s no okay getting muscular sure shh don't
137s don't tell what nothing
140s J
142s okay that's such a good card that was a
145s very cute card
147s card okay I'm listening
151s H okay this is
153s a this is that is big you have both of
159s them that was a little big isn't it
162s they're very big this out
166s stop okay it's fine it's fine it's fine
168s and they're dancing as
170s well was this a good turn I feel like it
173s seems like it was a good
175s turn but I'm going to play oh my god wow
179s I just drew this card
181s I play an octopus okay fine that's very
184s good what are you going to do about the
186s octopus it's just so cute it is it's
189s holding on to a surfboard it's not
191s riding it very well
193s but oh and the wave in the background
195s looks so
196s good okay you got some
202s sunscreen I don't know how great you
204s want to
206s be be be very greedy you could trade off
208s all your minions right now and that way
210s my octopus dies
219s no why would I care about that even if
222s you're going to clear my whole Bo why it
225s they
226s no
228s okay what if I don't spell all the Mana
232s you could spell less Mana I'm okay with
236s [Music]
237s that I'm trying
241s okay
242s fine you deal with it I don't want to
246s well someone has I will but I don't want
250s to can you deal with that we're going to
253s find
262s out okay and now the octopus makes my
265s next spell cast whenever I draw it
268s tsunami
271s what spoiler
272s M these look
275s different hey these look
278s different okay I did not sign out for
281s this look at the water Elemental inside
282s of it it's got fishal shark it's so cute
287s oh my God so
289s good
292s okay okay let's try
295s this this one maybe sure
301s and it already has
303s Rush yeah I
306s think
307s [Music]
309s yes okay it was pretty big yeah but like
313s I don't want to deal with your board
315s don't just leave it
319s up this one does nothing
326s mhm okay
330s you know what they say about title waves
331s I really like the sun tsunamis always
334s happen
335s twice that's
339s cheating okay that's actually legal it
342s is very
348s legals
350s no okay they somehow don't I keep
355s getting
356s back don't ask me how okay don't let me
360s read that card does it say go on top of
361s your deck I probably no it says Shuffle
365s okay um all right it's got some
367s sunscreen it's
374s protected I guess cuz what do I I'm
376s still dead dead dead dead dead dead
383s dead but it was fine while it
387s lasted okay had a start yeah the malgam
390s thing seems really
392s cool they grow up so
394s fast and they retain all the sunscreen
396s too so you don't have to spend uh money
398s buying it every time you go out
400s honorably killed look at you it was
402s honorably killed yeah I had no other way
404s to do it my deck does not run
407s damage that was very cool the tsunami
410s yeah both of
413s them so I'm going to be playing a
416s tourist Mage using the new tourist card
419s it's a pal tourist but it's going to be
421s mixed in with some rainbow Mage
423s including CF and some other spell
425s schools cuz now we can run holy spells
427s with a tourist Let's Do
431s It
438s O
445s okay I feel like I want to be greedy but
450s do it indulge the coin we're on vacation
453s we're in Paradise no I need the coin for
455s a ton I got one do you want it no yes
458s please
459s okay the table now I here coin here's
462s the coin here coin I
465s take oh yes exactly what I wanted
470s for
472s nope give some uh do you like
475s volleyball sure okay I'm asking for no
478s reason in particular okay
484s okay first before volleyball we have to
486s we have to get apply some sunscreen okay
489s okay oh did you see the animation that
491s was the tourist animation that was so
495s cool okay I totally missed
498s it I saw something pop up I'm like oh
500s what's that again
502s again okay Mam's adapting how many I get
507s three sunscreens okay for one Mana
508s that's pretty good okay good let's see
510s what's in
513s here um can I also see what's in there
517s yeah yeah you'll see later
520s okay okay that's pretty cool that's a
522s new card oh the Arts I should have my
525s turn sorry your Art's pretty cool on
528s too sorry I didn't want
530s [Laughter]
533s to only if you want to it's like
536s mandatory what if we don't make the the
538s amalgam big wait wait wait wait
540s no no
541s no check this out oh it has Divine
545s shield now
547s permanently it would be shame if it was
549s turned into a sheep or
550s something
552s bam
554s okay I forgot
558s like that is interesting do I want to do
560s that I kind of do no
566s okay I'm going to save it though
571s okay why am I why am I at 22
575s Health
576s um I can give your amalgam some
579s sunscreen oh okay that amalgam is
583s getting kind of
586s scary
588s stop so tiny they so fast
593s [Music]
596s okay let's discover spell I like that
598s one
601s stop attacking no come
604s on let's discover
607s spell oo I like
609s that no let's discover a spell no stop
613s it I want
617s spells okay I like that
619s one and you know what the sun's pretty
622s strong today lots apply some sunscreen
624s no can you do it on mine it says give a
627s minion no yours yours already has oh
629s yours actually doesn't have sunscreen
630s okay okay we'll apply sunscreen
634s later it has some fur Okay the sun's not
636s going through it just yet maybe the
638s wings could use some
642s sunscreen your amalgam seems a little
645s chilly in
646s Paradise
648s oh did you see okay I did see the sand
650s castle yes I didn't blink this
658s time and Crusader Aura oh my
662s God
665s yra
667s okay it's a what you know be really cool
671s I should have not done this cuz now you
673s can destroy but it's fine it's so Co
675s destroy it I don't can you kill it don't
679s kill it I'm thinking it did nothing
682s wrong okay it's I'm at 14 Health don't
685s blow on it it's a same castle get it I
689s do
690s no I'm sure that sounds great on the
697s mic 1 two
700s 3 okay well sometimes I die here but
703s let's hope I
704s don't why can't go wrong
712s really no no no oh
716s okay I said no you know what have
718s another chalice have a drink by the pool
720s that was very rude it was very rude but
724s I'm scared of bears and dragons and that
726s was both why didn't I just enroy it like
730s in the previous one this
735s sure
739s okay that's a lot of mining you know
741s we're at the beach
742s right there's not a lot of stuff to mine
745s here yeah you do have sunscreen yes
750s okay I was just saving it for later sure
753s yeah the sun wasn't very strong in the
754s morning I get
760s that my this so
763s good
766s fine sure
772s okay well let's pretend something will
775s stay alive
782s okay
786s okay H okay I want to be a
793s tourist okay uh have another
798s drink stop drinking I got spell damage
802s hey that goes po Pew that's illegal no
805s stop with the Pew PE Pew I'm trying to
807s have a to build a board here okay okay
811s let's get some sunscreen
816s going hey could I have a wild pyromancer
819s instead have have some more
822s [Music]
823s sunscreen this was my first every
828s legendary and no actually second the
831s first one was
832s malas
836s mhm do I need that to one
845s I
848s man why do you have to do things so
851s complicated
856s why
864s okay D this one
867s sure oo that's some fancy ping sure
872s sure
873s um
876s okay I can have to do something you
880s don't have to don't die don't
886s die this one
896s here we have to do this
901s I don't like
902s it I really don't like it did you
905s already make some
906s attacks have you already attacked
912s come
913s okay my screen I think was just
919s lagging
922s okay okay so there's a couple tigers on
925s the
927s board yeah I have a very chilly
936s Mech
938s let's seven
942s damage you know what you were dying can
945s we go back to that that would be awesome
947s back to that y that that would be
951s awesome since we really love volleyball
953s let's let's Brew it up I see him hey hey
959s hey hey hey hey hey what's up no what um
962s freeze that real quick oh I have another
964s one
974s um let's do that
977s one oh that's only this turn no I knew
981s that of course
984s H probably still good Tempo good
990s a lot of
991s muscle
993s well have to have something what does
997s this
1009s do do you have more like gaining attack
1012s stuff more Buffs fresh out a m juice you
1015s you wouldn't like me no I wouldn't
1020s I will like you're lying to me I would
1021s never lie you on camera I can't do
1023s anything about it anyway so
1026s okay
1030s okay now my issue here is that you have
1032s a lot of minions and I don't have a lot
1033s of things to do about that they're tiny
1036s they are tiny can I like leave them
1039s be I was thinking I'm buffing them but
1042s if you still have spells you're just
1044s going to PE and kill them
1054s go for some
1057s value 7 8 9
1059s 10 yeah I never die
1063s here oh
1071s okay
1072s [Music]
1073s h a good wait the ball is spinning which
1078s ball for the C
1081s services oh feeling see
1088s yeah you you lied Look Away you lied it
1092s didn't get an
1093s attack it didn't get attack okay it gain
1096s spell damage yeah
1099s okay uh look away for a sec no you're
1102s going to want to look away
1108s no how convenient I can't control the
1111s weather did you forget to remove the
1113s shield no but I managed to hit my mic
1115s really
1117s hard
1118s um let's do this
1122s one okay nice
1125s yeah value well luck it so
1130s oh yes perfect timing perfect do some
1135s painting uh okay there okay
1141s okay so here can I have some of your
1144s cards cuz like
1147s mine they're not good do you want some
1149s drinks no I need some different oh I
1153s have some drinks
1158s um oh my God it does one for every
1160s single one
1163s wow
1164s wow okay I did not do math wow hello
1169s oh hey hey hey
1172s hey no no no no no no
1175s no I thought it was
1178s Lethal I didn't do math okay I see
1183s you yeah I have
1185s nothing I have
1190s not hit me in the head yeah I have
1195s nothing I can do
1197s this and then this this
1200s okay and
1203s then this and then that's kind of that's
1206s a lot of sunscreen on the BG yeah but
1209s then that's
1210s it Okie
1216s doie it's about to get very
1223s cold see I see you okay fine the
1227s volleyballs did a lot there I didn't
1228s think about how much you could discount
1230s s that was a very good one I feel like
1232s someone is going to be sleeping on the
1234s couch but it ain't going to be me