9 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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866s hello everyone and welcome to day two of
868s Lobby Legends fall Championship I'm
870s Raven and joining me once again in sttle
873s we'll be taking you through all of the
874s action today and we are going to Crown
876s our final champion of Lobby Legends for
879s the year sutle H one are you ready for
881s today and two how was yesterday feed
884s yeah yesterday was uh was really fun I
885s didn't quite know what to expect coming
888s into the uh anomalies meta Lobby Legends
891s obviously the last Lobby Legends of the
892s year as well um which kind of gives it
894s that little bit of extra impact so I was
896s hoping for a a a couple of things High
900s skill cap games that's always my number
901s one want when I come into a tournament
903s like this but also high levels of
905s variation and you know kind of crazy
907s games going in different directions and
909s I think the first one I was sure we were
911s going to get the second one a little
913s less confident but actually we got an
915s extreme level of variation right I think
918s heavily limited by uh not having too
920s many murloc games hanging around so
921s people had to find other things to do
923s other than just jamming base skills
925s everywhere but we saw some really really
927s cool stuff as you are looking at now
929s that game in particular the Tav The
931s Tavern 7 lobby as much as it upset me
933s was uh was an awesome watch yeah we had
936s six different anomalies across the six
938s different games and as you mentioned a
940s lot of different minion type focuses
942s from the uh from the lobbies and also
945s just players going for different things
947s as we can see the results from group a
948s and Group B we had some games where all
951s the players run one minion type like we
952s started off with like a sort of Beast
954s game uh for everyone or at least a a
956s banana game H and then throughout the
958s day though we really split and saw a lot
960s of different strategies come in and a
961s lot of different late game scenarios
963s which I really really enjoyed and we had
966s some amazing performances I think most
969s notably H be babbit and Tom were
971s probably the two players one from each
973s group that really stood out in terms of
976s just really impressive results over the
978s course of their three
979s games yeah for sure and for for Tom in
982s particular this does feel like a next
984s step for him because obviously we know
986s Tom is great on ladder he's here that's
988s how you get here you are great on ladder
990s right um but from what we've seen so far
994s today has seemed like the the check
997s format would be an issue for Tomb in
998s general because he does seem like a
999s fairly solid safe mid mid-range grindy
1003s kind of player right lots of seconds and
1005s thirds not too many firsts but we saw
1007s yesterday not only that very solid
1010s consistent safe style but then when it
1012s hit late game he was able to navigate
1014s late game situations massive in with
1017s like massive app plot he was doing High
1020s APM stuff really nicely he was
1022s navigating the heads up situation the
1023s tech car battles really really expertly
1026s as well um so I think tomb is really
1028s really want to keep an eye on going into
1030s Sunday today yeah and as you said we are
1032s going into that Sunday since that's what
1034s day it is and this is the final day
1035s which means the format changes ever so
1038s slightly subtle H the players will still
1040s be playing out games you know eight
1042s player Lobby still getting those Point
1044s splits as we had yesterday but slightly
1046s different extended potentially day here
1048s you just whip us through what check
1050s format is yeah so two simple steps to
1053s check format uh you have to reach 20
1055s points uh first up um just by any means
1058s necessary you know three wins will get
1059s you there but you can do it over four or
1060s five games just picking up some seconds
1062s and fourths or whatever then once you
1064s hit that 20p point threshold uh you put
1067s the rest of the lobby in check which
1068s means they have to stop you from winning
1070s the lobby uh if you then win a Lobby
1073s when you have 20 points or more then you
1075s have won the tournament um it's it must
1078s happen consecutively like the game if
1080s you win a game and that puts you over
1082s the 20 point threshold that does not
1084s count you must get over the 20 point
1086s threshold and then win another Lobby
1088s afterwards uh of course there can be
1090s multiple players who have the lobby in
1092s check at the same time um and then any
1095s one of three four five different players
1097s who have more than 20 points in the
1098s tournament up to that point are eligible
1100s to win the tournament as a whole yeah
1103s and again if that sounds a little bit
1104s overwhelming if you you know this is
1106s your first time watching Lobby Legends
1107s don't worry it's all or uh as visually
1110s uh displayed on the screen as well and
1112s we'll talk you through it as TDR 20
1114s points and then win again and you're
1116s good that's that's B basically it yeah
1118s yeah we have nice little graphics and
1119s color changes for you so look forward to
1121s those but that is the priz r these
1122s players are competing for and of course
1124s H knth to 16th basically already decided
1127s as they're the eight players that are
1128s not playing today but everything else
1130s you know there is a large gap between
1132s you know eighth and first in terms of
1135s that prize pool so very very significant
1138s even if the player doesn't necessarily
1139s win getting second versus eighth like
1142s that is a very very big deal H we'll go
1145s check out the tavn Buddy results though
1146s and how everything played out uh overall
1149s and uh something I think the viewers
1151s really really get invested in from what
1153s I've seen in the chat of like what
1155s happened the outcome people love
1157s meaningless internet points and uh I I
1160s enjoy that they love it it's staggering
1163s like if you go to any large stream
1165s there's nothing that causes a riot in
1167s the chat more than like something going
1170s wrong with the channel points
1171s predictions or some sort of going wrong
1173s like they go absolutely rabid for it
1176s they're not real you can't pay your
1178s bills or buy bread with these fake
1180s Internet points they don't matter says
1181s the person who cares about beating Raven
1183s more than anything else on well here's
1185s the problem they matter for exactly one
1187s person today and that is me because we
1190s have a little wager between ourselves it
1191s was on stream yesterday that um uh the
1194s the the winner gains some kind of
1196s benefit loser has to do something unfun
1198s so this is what happened yesterday
1204s unfortunately it was not that close oh
1208s oh okay W the bandwagon bag you got
1213s destroyed okay there enough okay
1216s fair slightly emotional for me losing
1219s this actually because my pin tweet has
1221s been pinned since July
1223s 2016 so that has been pinned there for a
1226s very very long time it's relevant to
1228s this job I'm doing right now but yes
1230s all's going to write something and I
1232s have to have it tweeted and pinned so uh
1235s all I can say is make sure to tune in
1239s tomorrow yeah so this was uh my tweet
1242s that I've had pinned as you can see
1244s since 1 of July 2016 it is no longer
1246s pinned H it was how to pronounce shamon
1249s properly H in in English and uh a lot of
1252s people took it on board and learned a
1253s good lesson no longer harass me for the
1256s way I say that word but unfortunately it
1258s has now been replaced uh and I can tell
1260s you a little bit of a story as we look
1262s at this tweet uh because honestly when
1265s Saul posted it I actually couldn't
1268s believe or told me to post it I could
1269s not believe he was serious with the one
1272s he was post the one he wanted me to post
1274s because I read it and thought it was a
1276s joke and then unfortunately I did have
1278s to post it so that has already been
1279s tweeted you guys can check it out now
1281s and uh and see what that has uh now
1283s being pinned at the top of my Twitter
1285s but yeah this one says long gone 20 16
1289s at this point it was um it was nice to
1291s have it for so long Saul it was but you
1294s know it was time time for a change you
1296s know I thought I'd freshened things up
1297s and given the challenge of replacing
1300s such a such a legendary tweet from you I
1302s had uh I had big expectations to me and
1305s uh yes Raven did indeed respond to this
1308s saying wait are you serious is this
1310s actually what you want me to post yep
1313s yes it was it's incredibly cruel and
1314s mean-spirited but I felt like that's
1316s what everyone was expecting so there you
1317s go yeah and I'll just tell you now
1319s there's been an interesting mix of
1321s responses this has not been up too long
1324s uh but there's been an interesting mix
1325s of responses between someone lost a bet
1329s to about time basically so so yeah you
1333s you get to see who's watching Lobby
1335s Legends and who's not out of the people
1337s that follow me so yeah that has to be
1339s pinned and staying there and make me
1340s look like an idiot H until the next uh
1344s uh tournament which is in a couple of
1346s weeks so it's going to be a slow week
1349s engagement rate wise like seven years
1351s that last tweet's been up and my one's
1353s been up for 1 hour like I feel like my
1354s engagement ratio I think I'm doing your
1356s favor if anything I've been driving up
1358s that engagement rate my following has
1361s increased in the last seven years to be
1363s fair if you think about it so like you
1365s know there's a higher chance of getting
1367s a few more likes here and there but
1368s regardless H that was my forfeit but I
1371s have a small chance at Redemption we
1373s don't really have anything on the line
1374s for this except for Pride which is I
1377s mean I've not even got that at this
1378s point but I'll try and we do have a new
1380s new puzzle box for today for top eight
1382s so let's take a look and see what those
1384s questions are I'm not going to lie I
1385s feel
1387s confident oh I love the little extra
1389s source that's been put on this graphic
1391s on the first question uh before we start
1393s going through just check if you don't
1394s know what we're talking about with Tab
1395s and Buddy if you're watching on Twitch
1396s on desktop you can see a little
1398s extension that allows you to engage in a
1399s few little mini games and stuff to
1401s increase the interactivity uh you can
1403s fight for points you can try and beat us
1404s in total points by the end of the day
1406s all those kind of things um so these are
1407s simple yes or no questions uh if you
1409s watched yesterday you will know exactly
1411s what the deal is with why that first
1413s question has so much more emphasis uh
1415s but it looks like we're disagreeing a
1417s little bit more today than we did
1419s yesterday yeah I'll be honest I just
1422s went with a good feeling for these one I
1424s had to pick yes on the first one of
1426s course um but I yeah I I I just went for
1429s it today I thought I'm going to have to
1430s do something even more extreme because I
1433s will say I actually did well in puzzle
1435s box yesterday I beat you right so it was
1438s it was the bar off's blessing that I
1440s have to get better on I think it oh no
1442s it was the bandwagon that's why I got
1443s destroyed on wasn't it smack yeah so I
1446s have to stop picking bad players
1448s basically to win games H but yeah so you
1451s know answer these questions how you will
1453s and do your best but they are really
1456s honestly Chris who makes these they're
1458s really like deceptively complex a lot of
1461s them are anyway when you look at them
1463s because it's like at first you think Ah
1465s that's easy yes and then like wait a
1467s minute if you sit and actually think
1468s about it there's a lot of ways this
1470s could actually not happen so gets really
1472s difficult to to guess so that's why I
1473s don't overly think about it at all and
1475s just pick yes or
1476s no yeah I think they are very very tough
1479s um for those people filling it out one
1481s little tip on the the barrows blessing
1482s one you know you can look at that in
1483s terms of pure o but remember it is the
1485s job of Linda who's picking those fights
1487s to try and pick the closest fight
1490s possible like that's the goal of what's
1491s being shot for so if you want to let
1493s that influence your decision on yes or
1494s no on on a tie there you go and
1496s something actually did okay with is the
1498s fantasy pick so we can see what they
1500s look like today for and myself and where
1502s you get to pick three players and
1504s obviously like you know the best
1505s performance overall is going to win it I
1507s like the way we' both jumped over to
1508s tomb we like convered fans now um H so
1513s and again rightly so after the
1514s performance yesterday but I've stuck
1516s with two of my picks from yesterday H
1518s dappy because I think he was extremely
1520s consistent and just got the job done
1522s once again and then waterl for the
1524s clutch game three where he had to pull
1527s something amazing out the bag and did
1529s and in that as a result ended up getting
1532s here today yeah I think that's a good
1533s shout I mean I'll go through mine
1535s quickly Tom I kind of said that all in
1537s the intro um I think it's time to just
1538s get behind him and and say this might be
1540s one of the best players here uh be babit
1542s I kind of pulled out him and gief saying
1544s this is I think this is going to be
1545s their tournament so I wanted to include
1546s one of them as well and I mean satellite
1547s is satellite at this point yes I
1549s struggled not to pick satellite as well
1551s but I think it's a good shout on
1552s waterloop because that last game you
1554s were talking about that's a check
1556s situation tournament winner right like
1558s that's the exact same situation like
1560s okay I have to win this Lobby nothing
1562s else will really do it's a very
1564s different output of it was to qualify
1567s instead of to actually win the
1568s tournament oh no Raven I've just seen
1570s the anomaly that's T tier 7 isn't it
1572s that is T tier 7 yeah
1575s straight question me about this so I'm
1577s sick of it already oh
1582s no I'll message it I send an email over
1584s to team five thanking them for forcing
1586s this one through in in the B
1588s I'm joking that's just a joke but anyway
1591s we are getting into game one again just
1593s a reminder this stage of the day as we
1595s kick it off the players will be racing
1597s to that 20 total point mark or more and
1601s then beyond that we will then
1602s potentially be crowning a winner for the
1604s next Victory we'll have to see how that
1605s one goes but for now you are right
1607s tavent tier 7 exists players start with
1610s 10 armor or 10 extra armor should I say
1612s and most importantly I could win this
1614s prediction in game one
1619s uh yeah I am I'm actually game theing
1621s now CU I'm behind already I have locked
1623s in a bandwagon pick on turn one just to
1625s point out if you're if you're a fan of
1627s mid maxing there is no reason not to
1629s click a button to lock in a bandwagon on
1631s turn one because you can always change
1632s it there's no penalty for doing that but
1634s if you stick with your turn one choice
1636s that is maximum points cuz it's the
1638s earliest you pick your uh player the
1641s more points you
1644s get I also just quickly jumped him with
1647s one as well
1649s the the worst possible
1653s format here they're looking at just
1656s what's available minion type wise there
1658s demons dragons murlocs Naga and Undead
1661s so no beasts no Elementals no mechs no
1664s Pirates no quillo so what do you make of
1666s these minion types with this uh this
1670s anomaly like is there anything that's
1672s really jumping out to you uh run them
1674s past me one more time I didn't actually
1676s catch dragons merlocks Naga and Undead I
1681s believe ooh okay so naga in which is the
1684s huge one I think over talked about that
1685s yesterday which we didn't see in t s
1687s yeah with sewitch sewitch can do
1689s ridiculously broken things if you can uh
1692s start to get multiples of them and they
1694s become quite easy to get multiples of
1695s because um you have different ways uh
1698s with a lease for example to just keep
1700s using seawitch on Golden Monkey and just
1702s keep hitting triple after triple uh
1704s triple reward after triple reward after
1705s triple reward uh merlocks being as well
1708s I think is pretty huge because um the
1712s Oracle is probably one of the vanilla
1714s strongest minions you can possibly get
1716s poison was removed from the game largely
1719s for a reason putting that back in and
1721s having the ability to kill your
1722s opponent's 300300 and pump that straight
1725s back into your hand buff build is is
1727s disgustingly powerful as well so I would
1729s say overall this is a stronger Tavern 7
1733s than we saw in our Tavern s game
1735s yesterday in terms of how powerful the
1737s endgame payoff can
1739s be take a look at Tom now going very
1744s Tempo focused here is picking obviously
1746s on mler as well which helps but plenty
1748s of reborn plenty of aggressive ability
1750s to push and more importantly do you
1753s think this sort of opening is going to
1754s help actually transition tomb to the
1758s higher tenters do you think he'll build
1759s an early sort of aggressive board and
1761s then like maybe double level over the
1763s course of a couple of turns to try and
1764s just catch up to that uh difference yeah
1767s I think so there there's there's two
1768s basic styles of hero to play in these
1770s Tav seven lobbies right like one is the
1775s cheat to get Tav s minions right your
1777s your garrons your tokis that kind of
1779s thing that can just get Tav s minions
1781s without earning them essentially um and
1784s then in that category as well is um easy
1786s triple Heroes right so they can just go
1788s to six triple into seven very easily
1790s then the other type of hero you can play
1792s is just really powerful Tempo Heroes so
1795s you can be very strong by tavn four and
1798s then hopefully just continuously press
1800s level for a couple of turns without
1802s losing too much health when you get to
1804s that point and I imagine that's what
1805s tomb is going to be going for
1809s here y sorry I was just double checking
1811s my amend to the bandwagon just to remind
1813s you you can still choose if you want to
1815s make a last minute Choice uh to change
1817s up your bandwagon pick it's still
1819s possible and I have changed so I've gone
1821s I've jumped over to alimu here because I
1823s saw the early dragons um with Lich being
1826s able to sort of up a lot of extra
1829s minions and then leave you know more
1831s room for that gold to be used to sort of
1833s accelerate that tenter and I think
1835s that's a really really good opening
1836s there for
1841s [Music]
1843s alimu lock in a
1845s dream yeah just a little dependent on
1848s how uh how greedy little bird wants to
1850s be here obviously low flyer is a very
1852s nice um minion to at least get one or
1854s two Buffs on from a mercules right like
1857s the differ between a 32 and a 54 in
1859s terms of how long it's able to buff your
1862s board every turn uh is night and day so
1864s I would imagine little bird is going to
1866s hold on y does yeah makes sense no point
1869s wasting the Buffs this early in the
1872s game oh no there is there's one absolute
1875s disaster outcome here don't do it 25% of
1878s the
1880s time
1882s nothing oh and also just taking nine as
1887s well
1888s significant Peak Battleground gaming
1891s right there that's what that was yeah
1893s just Mouse over it yep still a 3-2 seems
1896s good nothing changed nothing changed W
1898s on the other hand is going to be playing
1900s that pure side just already building up
1902s those uh those extra minions or custom
1906s minions yeah and we saw this as well
1908s right I'm not sure who who the player
1910s was but putride won the last hav and
1912s seven Lobby we saw uh through this exact
1914s method cash out your Creations early so
1917s that you are disproportionately strong
1920s to the rest of the lobby by using up all
1922s of these powerful minions early on and
1923s then just press the button until you're
1925s at tab seven and then start buying stuff
1928s oh I think uh if we could take a look
1931s after you know these choices have been
1932s made here for watero if we can jump back
1934s to alimu for a second uh this board is
1936s looking quite impressive considering you
1938s were talking about L low flyer before I
1941s think we might as well just go cuz yeah
1943s I don't think the uh the Discover is not
1945s is working particularly well on the
1946s pracher side right now this not too bad
1949s at all for now buffing up on the dragon
1951s on the left and uh things are looking up
1953s for alimu yeah you will see I think a
1955s lot of people trying to pick up low
1957s flyer purely because uh tun picked mler
1960s right so mler is throwing bananas at
1962s everyone this game and that means you if
1964s you have a low flyer you can
1965s consistently keep it just churning out
1967s that uh those damage Buffs to the rest
1969s of your
1974s board pretty nice though L still got 11
1977s armor and still keeping the ability to
1980s generate more dragons across the next
1981s couple of turns he's going to take a
1983s loss on this fight but not one that's
1985s the end of the world with just the one
1986s taner minion living Chief rocking the uh
1990s stylish
1994s hat and getting a lot more buff value
1997s than we saw from little bird in the
1998s previous one little bird taken a
2000s pounding so far right 27 doesn't seem
2003s like you're bleeding but in this Lobby
2005s where you started with 10 extra armor
2007s you are bleeding at 27 on turn six like
2010s that is so much damage to have taken
2011s early and the problem is as well it's
2014s not like you might tell me I'm
2016s completely wrong in high level Lobby ST
2018s which is fine but I feel like the
2020s hero isn't exactly the the best either
2024s in this kind of situation it's not like
2025s oh just get just give them a turn or two
2027s and they'll be
2031s fine I it yeah it's hard to say I think
2035s sometimes if if you've taken this much
2037s damage it means you haven't got a
2038s powerful start to begin with right like
2040s sometimes Teran can just get the the
2042s minion on turn one where they're just
2044s stronger than you for like three
2045s straight turns because of the hero power
2047s immediately um but if they haven't had
2050s that start yes it's hard for them to
2051s stabilize quickly um they do have you
2054s know with merlocks in they have a nice
2055s Bas skill interaction right they can
2057s turn one base skill into two Bas skill
2058s just straight up which is great that's a
2060s huge power Spike immediately if you can
2062s get there but uh you do have to be on on
2064s the lookout for something to spike you
2065s immediately yeah speak merlock and be
2068s babit on Tess obviously already taken
2071s that creation on the right earlier on
2073s and everything seems to be looking
2075s pretty good here for be babit again just
2078s Tess always feels like a bit of a terror
2081s especially when you look at some of
2082s these different anomalies that you know
2084s your opponents will be going for hyper
2085s powerful like maybe even singular cards
2088s coming out of that t tier 7 yeah
2090s interesting because there was a Bree
2091s offed there and he does at least have a
2093s tiny bit of handu going on already with
2095s the mercules um Bree Beam with base
2098s skill one of the most powerful mid game
2100s things that you can do even if late game
2102s you're more often looking to have that
2104s base skill just pulling scam minions
2105s more than actual stats out of your hand
2107s so uh leaning into Undead is an
2110s interesting choice but always with Tess
2112s when you start making these decisions
2114s the thing you have to get into the habit
2115s of doing the most is just mousing up and
2117s down the info bar on the left right you
2119s want to work out what everyone else is
2121s playing what everyone else is leaning
2123s towards because you want to play the
2125s same thing as as many as possible in the
2128s lob so that you can continue to pick up
2130s more pieces for your
2134s composition going to choose to buy that
2137s board okay fair enough I mean there's
2139s some good value uh minions there as well
2141s so not a bad one to choose at
2152s all nothing in particular I imagine he
2155s wants to keep in hand for the scalin
2157s above or nothing no high priority
2160s targets let's say yeah still has enough
2163s economy left though to like you can
2165s still roll a couple of times and then
2167s sell stuff to buy something
2169s else keep in his
2181s hand could have one more roll here okay
2183s there's a
2185s bream well that is a little awkward yeah
2188s he's going to have to roll past I don't
2189s think it was bable because he needs to
2191s play the fael Drake this turn right so
2194s even if he used the feldrake as one of
2195s the minions he's selling he uh he would
2198s have likely eaten the bream at that
2199s point anyway so it looks like he's just
2201s going to settle on a little bit of a
2202s buff on that fael Drake
2205s itself that's fine right it's just
2208s obviously it was a bit of a shame to
2209s miss out on the bream but it's it's not
2211s like Chief's heavily committed to this
2213s Drake or anything it's just oh it'll get
2215s above prob play it next turn it can beat
2219s up a few minions and then you know move
2221s on after that so not a huge
2225s deal see beat a bit on the test
2229s though a nice little board to pick from
2232s I think as well for for be babit right
2234s with the scalping option there at
2240s least yeah again might be maligning the
2243s uh the lack of bream from the pick on
2244s the previous turn right having seen all
2246s that burlock synergy but again like I'm
2248s hyping up bream at this point but
2250s honestly you kind of at a high level you
2252s kind of want to go Bas skill first right
2254s you want to have that base skill
2256s security before you start picking up
2258s bream cuz I'm sure you've been in that
2260s situation before you buy a bream and
2262s then okay you start spending all your
2263s gold on merlocks and you have this huge
2265s like 4040 in your hand and no way to get
2268s it on the board and then as soon as you
2269s put it on the board it has no ability
2271s anymore right it's going to stop growing
2273s until you're perhaps able to you have to
2275s right at some point you
2277s as as you get push it Bally the to keep
2281s you alive the fact thatone of these
2283s players have seen skill yet I don't
2286s looking around at the other boards I
2289s don't think there's a single base skill
2291s in the lobby yet from what I can see
2293s which is kind of
2295s amazing yeah also a pretty nice and
2298s early level there from waterl a turn
2301s eight going up to tavent tier six I
2302s think we might see a t tier s something
2305s we then have to might too yeah cross
2307s fingers for the winner yeah it's uh one
2309s of the big reasons I went for uh for
2312s beer babbit here is that I'm trying to
2314s hedge my bets against you picking up the
2316s win on Tav s because Tess will not have
2318s to go to Tav s necessarily this yeah you
2321s get the double whammy right yeah Tess
2323s can stay tast can stay low and um just
2326s steal Tab and seven minions from other
2328s people potentially look at this turn
2330s from Malu though has the Amala on
2333s options has all these murlocs with the
2334s extra ble to Mery o has the
2340s duo this is gross you okay Sol that was
2343s just that one exclamation then dramatic
2347s pause I mean look at it oh I'm I'm with
2351s you I was just making sure you're okay
2353s it's s right what the hang on the merky
2357s activation on the Primal fin the first
2359s one got a second murky are you joking
2363s it's just salumu is it just good at
2366s heart so yeah just we know this this
2369s isn't a surprise
2371s yeah uh so yeah this is a pretty
2373s disgusting setup at this point um just
2375s tons of stats being thrown out for free
2377s like Auto scaling at the end of the turn
2379s with the young merury hitting murky uh
2382s alimu can now probably get fairly close
2384s to tripling a murky at some point in the
2386s near future if you can find bran or
2388s Moira which is obviously available in a
2390s t s lobby as well uh I think he's a
2393s pretty big favorite for this game right
2395s now I also feel like and you know better
2397s than me so tell me but I feel like alimu
2399s is in a spot far enough ahead or
2401s comfortable let's say to get even more
2404s value from this Duo I a lot of the time
2406s I feel like you do you Duo once and then
2409s say okay that's enough get rid of it and
2412s then progress whereas I feel like he's
2413s just so far ahead right now he can just
2415s be like yeah I won't die anytime soon
2417s I'll get another Duo proc yeah his
2419s biggest issue right now is not um not so
2422s much strength and fear of taking damage
2424s it's board space right like there's only
2427s many things he can afford to have on his
2428s board like I think the low flyer despite
2430s being individually arguably his biggest
2433s minion his biggest and best minion right
2435s now uh disappears pretty soon right
2437s because he needs to make space to
2439s actually make more powerful things
2443s happen going for the
2446s obsidian yeah not the options he really
2448s wanted to see you know when I was
2449s talking about this setup I didn't even
2451s mention the fact that he does have the
2452s Elise in there as well so if he can hit
2454s the sea witch he starts to get rolling
2457s with that infinite Golden Monkey
2458s printing Factory that I was talking
2460s about earlier so aluu this is a spot
2463s that I get stuck in sometimes as well he
2466s essentially has three or four different
2469s game-winning things that he's halfway to
2471s doing right now but he can't do them all
2474s he has to choose which direction he's
2476s going to end up going in does find the
2478s brand though which is absolutely huge
2480s he's just going to drop both of these
2482s murkies on the board and now the stats
2484s are going Bur
2487s yes this is very very nice I was just
2489s going to say Obviously it happened but I
2491s think altimo was looking for the Tipping
2493s Point to make that decision right and I
2495s think the brand really helped
2497s there these Divine sh Manos though are
2500s going to be a fairly significant amount
2502s of damage it looks like here
2505s though oh okay yep going to get damage
2511s capped which means aluu has to get
2514s impossibly strong right now cuz he
2517s becomes the first player within range of
2520s dying with the damage cap
2522s on oh when he's facing a beat a babbit
2525s on the
2526s test this is spicy both of M and SS
2530s picks for bandwagon facing off and mine
2532s can
2533s die I have faith Al
2535s team but now what goes right like the
2538s fact you're below cap makes this
2540s decision so much more difficult your
2542s Duos proing this turn your release is
2545s the key to an infinite Prin Factory if
2547s you can get it going like your bran is
2549s doubling the stats that you throw out at
2551s the end of each turn yeah he's just
2553s going to get rid of the Elise it's good
2555s to get some I think it makes sense I
2557s feel like this should be enough to get
2559s him to the next stage as long as he
2561s lives with the at least sold and with
2564s the very last monkey from the shop so
2566s there's no more monkeys left hits the
2568s sea witch and yeah I think when you're
2569s under damage cab too greedy to be going
2571s for the sea witch at that point oh
2573s decent amount of Power with these two
2574s Uther honestly Uther not really one you
2577s always want to see but being able to hit
2579s the brand being able to hit the duo not
2581s too terrible oh getting rid of the DU
2583s going for ravager with the Uther I guess
2585s just for more damage more
2591s spread for there's also the option of
2593s getting this Bas skill down
2597s right yeah I think the Bas skill
2599s absolutely hits the
2601s board you could base skill and keep the
2603s tide Oracle in your hand as the summon
2607s yeah which would then end up buffing
2609s itself weirdly for the foll ever end on
2613s buying the Divine shield from the
2615s shot I'm not sure what hang on I can
2618s just look cuz I have that information
2619s what I don't think so the last the last
2621s board space goes to the second amalon I
2624s think right and then you just oh sure
2626s yeah if you want the tit yeah yeah yeah
2628s yeah yeah I'm with you I'm with
2631s you looking especially since if you
2633s didn't get a perfect on you could just
2634s put it next to the Merk ey and have it
2636s fix just go again yeah yeah yeah so a
2639s lot of stats being kicked out here but a
2643s lot of lot of Bas skills what's going on
2646s here there's only three cards in hand
2649s though it looks like a little bit hidden
2650s behind the the logo at the top so not
2652s full full
2655s value and nothing massive either the
2658s Divine shield and reborn obviously helps
2660s don't get me wrong but nothing truly
2662s gigantic coming out here from uh be
2665s babit right but they are printing money
2668s it looks like
2671s yes so that's fine good fight for aloto
2674s in the end because be babbit is actually
2676s he's kind of still in milking stage
2678s right now right he's a little bit weak
2680s and still just trying to gather some
2682s resources this is a good time for ALU to
2684s hit this fight uh fighting for his life
2686s in the end yeah and he's got direction
2688s as well as power for now right so that's
2690s definitely something worthwhile still
2692s really close
2695s though
2697s don't down can I interest you in more
2700s battle cries
2703s so wow satellite actually actually going
2706s full ravager here
2710s okay I didn't get deleted by this minion
2712s today well this morning because I just
2715s didn't expect it and then Bang there
2717s goes half my board yeah it can
2723s happen oh and there's the hand or the
2725s progression of the hand
2727s gold the basee skill look at that look
2730s at that
2733s shop well that's that's Al who's board
2736s yeah that's I'm just saying just just
2737s look at what's on offer for I'm just
2740s saying like just stare at it and soak it
2742s in sole because
2744s wow and Cru been test hav tier four look
2747s at that yeah and crucially babit had
2749s like infinite gold this turn as well
2751s right saw his hand fill up previously
2754s so he's able to transition this very
2757s nicely dappy we not really uh been able
2760s to check in with him too much so far but
2762s doesn't look overly impressive when
2764s we're comparing it to everyone else a
2766s lot of divine Shields and the George of
2768s course but I feel like uh he might be
2770s slipping away
2773s soon yeah right this second still for
2776s maybe turn 11 turn 12 still looks fairly
2779s strong and competitive with most people
2780s in the lobby uh that board does not
2783s really seem to have the future that
2785s we've been looking at the last few
2787s rounds or so with the likes of satellite
2788s bebit and not a 5 plan is it absolute
2792s merlock nuts no not at
2799s [Laughter]
2803s all you'd be so annoyed wouldn't
2807s you especially as like if you Mouse over
2810s beat a babbit he he he reads like Undead
2812s six or something from last turn and then
2814s you see this like again that's uh kind
2817s of what you're talking about with the
2818s strength of test is that you can kind of
2820s just flip right when needed if you run
2823s into someone with a strong board you can
2824s go okay well my sort of Minion build is
2827s not great I'll jump over and better
2830s tomb's glad we still on damage cap at
2832s the moment because
2836s wow oh
2839s Battlegrounds silly
2842s goose sometimes that's all the analysis
2845s you need right ah oh
2849s Battlegrounds oh just saw as well
2850s Chief's out wow I didn't even see that
2852s happen's dead yeah first death
2864s Mega Walo definitely taking his time
2867s with this turn I've seen faster turns
2868s but there is a lot more to consider when
2870s you've got a hand that does
2872s this double sewitch triple SE witch
2878s so uh golden sea witch gives you the
2880s spellcraft that gives you two copies of
2882s any Minion from a shop which a free
2885s triple at any point you want it right
2886s you point the thing at a minion you get
2888s two copies of it you can then buy the
2890s third copy and it is a
2892s triple like a base skill for example
2895s well well well what are you doing
2904s here I would I loved it if I saw it
2907s frozen and it's like I'll leave that
2908s there and I'll just make a million B
2911s skills I love it like this makes my
2914s point from yesterday right when I was
2915s saying like Bas skill is just the Edwin
2917s it's the best minion in the game I don't
2919s understand how it never gets nerfed
2920s waterl is on Tav seven he still had
2923s plenty of gold left and he had a choice
2925s of getting three free minions of
2927s anything in his hand no hesitation base
2931s skills all of them there are seven drops
2934s available that he could have found he's
2935s like no base skill yes you're right I'm
2937s not questioning it it's just why is why
2940s is this minion still a t four I don't
2943s understand why is it not a t seven I I
2946s mean kind of
2949s yeah okay well it's going to be fighting
2951s be a babbit so again the power I feel
2954s like the power level of this game is a
2956s lot higher than the previous t s we CED
2959s yesterday it feels like every well
2961s nearly everyone's doing broken stuff
2964s look at this oh Battlegrounds you silly
2972s goose tell me I'm wrong tell me I'm
2974s wrong oh those Venom did not go as
2978s planned
2979s though all right out of Venom though and
2981s the uh the giant boy giant Bo is still
2983s hanging around did gief just kill little
2986s bird as it from Beyond the Grave I think
2988s that's what
2989s happened uh tomb's out as well yep
2992s tomb's gone down as well because little
2994s bird just died to the ghost which was
2996s only gief that round right yep correct
2998s so wow and you and this is what I'm it
3001s feels like the power level of everyone
3003s in this game is so much higher than we
3005s saw yesterday yeah there is this Lobby
3007s there is an incredible discrepancy
3009s between the Haves and the Have Nots
3011s right like it's so very very
3014s clear kind of like live commentary going
3017s on there but yeah I mean
3024s yes you know let's let's not necessarily
3026s turn this into a platform for sel's
3028s political beliefs but you know yes it's
3031s time we can turn it into a platform for
3033s Barrel's blessing though because this oh
3036s Divine Shields versus
3039s scam who wins oh there's like seven
3043s minions in water's hand what are you
3048s doing there's no way right dappy's just
3052s so small because Divine Shields is kind
3055s of double or twice as big as he looks
3057s right but I will say just in the
3059s interest of balance right like these two
3061s to the people who haven't caught on to
3062s this perhaps watching there's two tide
3064s oracles on water's hand so these minions
3067s in water's hand will not be vanilla
3069s stats right they will have been buffed
3071s somewhere along the lines um by these
3073s tide oracles so keep that in mind just
3077s think of the Divine Shields so
3081s S I think you should pick dappy yeah do
3085s you think
3087s yeah he didn't pick dappy guys I
3091s tried I did my best yeah I
3095s think I think it's closer than the hand
3099s size of water loon makes it look because
3102s the minions them the base skills just
3105s 100 100 oh my yeah he also picked up a
3109s blaster at the in the last shop as well
3111s which ohang colossal difference it's now
3114s now just a face skill at this point
3117s doing tons of
3119s damage yeah the blast is to the board
3122s there's another pile of stats to the
3124s hand is that minion
3128s dead Okay golden Moira did go down which
3131s means that this is now fighting for
3133s itself oh oh no way incredible missed
3138s the uh the
3140s bragger oh I did not I told you so
3144s should have listen yeah should have
3146s listened to
3148s yourself yeah that's what that's what
3151s casting with you for so long has done to
3152s be so I doubt myself at every angle here
3155s though it looks like bran is going to go
3156s down so that means satellite is going
3158s out on Fifth this game we do now have
3161s our top four dappy waterl aluu and be
3165s babbit slight Health difference at the
3168s very top there Linder has just commented
3170s in chat and I was about to make the same
3172s comment like I imagine that was a fairly
3175s significant ific scam like I I I I
3177s definitely believe waterl probably had
3179s the odds in that fight but you know
3182s sometimes yeah yeah yeah
3189s [Music]
3191s yeah oh beat a babit my tavent four Hero
3194s Let's go yeah the the problem was uh
3197s when he had the the battlecry in hand
3199s right he finish the turn with the
3201s battlecry AR brags in hand is just one
3203s ones and stuff like yeah well the other
3205s minion was not a braggot right there was
3208s a three health so it's going to pull
3209s from the base kill
3212s yeah he Al teu still looking
3217s good down with a fairly large B skill
3224s himself what's the finisher here is this
3227s going to be selfless do you
3229s think oh discovers a muron was the last
3233s fight another murloc player no okay
3235s that's
3236s unlucky there's so many other murloc
3238s players in the lobby that that could
3239s have been some incredible value honestly
3241s that looked like it was drawing
3243s from like a previous game or something
3245s or because those were not cards we're
3247s seeing on on screen right now who was
3250s that actually I'm looking at the track
3251s oh that was little bird little Bird's
3253s board is a vanilla zap a vanilla Elise a
3256s base skill a Bel they died a couple of
3258s turns ago right a Manor Roth one Eternal
3260s Knight that's a 50/50 and a a ghoul yeah
3263s yeah that's it's a go it's an old ghost
3265s fight
3266s must have F
3267s against team with the seconds burning
3270s down on that rope it's going to end with
3271s that double taunted Divine Shield so
3275s yeah I like this a lot the cleave there
3276s not really planning to kill anything for
3278s altimo but more just remove Divine
3280s Shields maybe you know take down a LeRoy
3282s or
3285s something we go against putrid withu
3288s versus waterl
3290s here and a lot of
3294s explosions
3297s good thing
3298s is I mean two actual poison Minions that
3301s can benefit from Divine shield and the
3303s Divine Shields miss both of them that's
3306s kind of scamming still doesn't look like
3308s ALU has anything like an up left over
3311s though uh I don't know how big the
3313s monoth
3316s is is there more oh there's more just
3319s some random garbage coming out now
3324s fine
3326s oh this has been a proper clown car game
3329s like it's just open the door endless
3331s clowns marching out on every board that
3333s you look
3335s at right can these do 85 not quite so
3340s unfortunately it looks like my choice
3342s for bandwagon is yet again not going to
3343s quite make it to the
3346s top but I am happy though Saul because
3349s dappy and waterl are both on my fantasy
3351s team so that's something be babbit is on
3354s my fantasy team team and is my bandwagon
3357s pick though so yeah but two people are
3360s better than
3361s one yeah I mean that is more that is
3364s definitely how more was and we know how
3366s Battlegrounds Works more is good
3371s yeah but the big win for you here is if
3375s watero wins right watero is on your
3377s fantasy team playing Putra side which
3380s begins with a p Professor putride which
3382s begins with a p uh which you said yes to
3384s and I said no to and is on Tav seven
3387s which you said yes to and I said no to
3389s so that would be Mega points for I feel
3392s like I should get like bonus like my
3395s point should get doubled if that happens
3397s because you hit three in one go maybe
3399s even tripled to keep on
3401s theme you agree sorry be's just still
3405s tripling into fives that's so funny at
3407s this point in the game
3411s yeah where's the Improvement right for
3414s Peter pabit it's like
3416s just fill your hand with scam minions
3418s you just buy infinite Le like these
3420s leroys are incredible right like just
3422s get them in your
3423s hand Yep this looks good to me
3427s [Music]
3429s CLE and then play a mle I imagine yeah I
3433s think so just cuz it can it's like the
3434s thing that benefits most from being on
3436s board right like early yeah makes sense
3439s to me looks like it's going to be pretty
3440s strong for be babbit but can waterl on
3443s the putri side my hero at the moment get
3446s this done we've already seen water's
3450s clown car is incredibly powerful right
3452s but now we're seeing be babbit also has
3454s a very good clown car of his own but
3456s these Divine Shields are pretty gross
3459s and that is a ton of stats that just got
3462s thrown onto the hand that's another ton
3464s of stats that just got thrown onto the
3470s hand
3473s oh what a game
3483s it's looking pretty good so yeah that's
3486s just death that is just
3489s death oh he won y Dy died to the ghost
3494s oh I am the ultimate predictor of the
3497s world
3499s ever from previous history to all the
3502s way to the Future no one will be able to
3504s pick better than me what a game we may
3508s as well end the tournament now it's not
3510s going to end now that's a joke before
3511s anyone takes me too seriously but
3514s well I may have a silly pin tweet but
3517s I'm feeling pretty good right now well
3519s there's a long way to go ladies and
3522s gentlemen at home let's let's be honest
3524s that was a disaster in terms of my Tav
3527s and budy picks um so yeah just in terms
3529s of puzzle box stuff uh Professor pet
3531s side begins with a B so we've already
3532s hit yes on that Tav 7 uh was hit in game
3535s one so we've already hit yes on that um
3538s and that was a member of ravens fantasy
3540s team as well winning the first Lobby so
3542s uh yeah disgusting stuff overall and I
3545s know for sure how annoyed SLE will be
3547s because my picks are ridiculous yet they
3550s keep happening which is H makes me very
3552s very happy overall but that was just
3554s game one we've got plenty more games
3556s coming up we are go to a quick break
3558s while we set up game number two don't go
3560s anywhere we'll be right back with some
3562s more Lobby
3564s Legends
3589s [Music]
3619s [Music]
3654s n
3660s [Music]
3669s [Music]
3683s f
3692s [Music]
3701s [Applause]
3702s [Music]
3750s welcome back everyone to Lobby Legends
3751s fall Championship we have got game two
3754s to get underway but before we do we're
3756s going to just take a look at what just
3757s happened in game one because it was
3759s magnificent for many many reasons uh but
3762s again taking my own little victories out
3764s of this all it was a pretty incredible
3767s game Sorry if that's loud for everyone
3770s else I apologize but okay there we go I
3772s was just deafened for a second so sorry
3774s about
3775s that what was I saying yes so it was a
3778s pretty incredible game overall in terms
3779s of just how many players actually kind
3782s of like got to an endgame stay I would
3784s say for T 7 yeah and so it it's the
3789s product of the 10 extra armor right in
3791s Tav s lobbies because normally high
3793s level
3794s Battlegrounds some people understand
3796s that they just they aren't the bully
3798s this game right like they have to just
3799s Turtle up and just go for for Tav and
3801s four strats or whatever and just try and
3803s Tempo out and try and get a top four and
3805s we saw one or two of those right but th
3809s those people that ended up dying to
3810s ghosts right that was the indication of
3812s how much weaker they were than the rest
3814s of the lobby but they were just hanging
3815s on in there for as long as they could
3817s but because of that 10 extra armor a
3819s greater proportion of players understand
3821s that they can just be super greedy and
3822s shoot for the moon and oh my god did the
3825s moon get shot for with so many tide
3828s oracles hanging around like everyone
3829s just had the most powerful clown cars
3831s I've ever seen with just like a full
3833s Board of not only venomous and poisonous
3836s minions coming out but they were all
3837s like hundred hundreds as well cuz they'd
3839s all been eating so many stats from
3841s everything else like absolutely gross
3843s game of Battlegrounds and if you ask me
3846s I think we should just strike it from
3847s the record and just play it again
3849s because it was clearly just an unfair
3851s game it looks fine to me waterl sitting
3854s at the top there with a victory and be
3855s babby and dappy actually sharing that
3857s kind of second third play Let's Take a
3859s look at the pick rates as well for the
3862s uh the player picks for the viewers cuz
3864s that's always one interesting to look at
3865s beater babbit again not too much of a
3867s surprise being a crowd favorite but a
3869s lot of respect going over to tomb I
3872s think after yesterday's performance
3874s people are impressed yeah yeah
3876s absolutely I think real real standout
3878s performer from yesterday for sure uh
3880s people who would perhaps uh just by
3882s nature of winning the group right I'm
3883s sure some people don't really follow
3885s things particularly closely and just
3886s like oh this person won the group we'll
3887s pick them um but little surprise for me
3890s is that alu's actually dropped off since
3892s yesterday right I think he was the third
3894s most popular pick in his group uh
3896s yesterday has fallen down to fifth it's
3898s generally seems to be a pretty popular
3899s player overall particularly uh within
3901s home region so a little bit surprised to
3903s see that drop off but overall no great
3906s surprise to see people watching you know
3907s the English-speaking cast favoring the
3909s likes of Peter babbit and gief and also
3912s I think it's like a natural progression
3914s as we get to this second day of the
3916s lobby Legends format because yeah
3918s there's two groups which means there's
3920s twice as many people which means you
3922s know maybe the the bigger names such as
3923s alimu such as dog for example are up
3926s there but when you filter that into one
3929s single Group Well suddenly like those
3930s names are clashing for popularity votes
3933s for example right so it's really
3935s difficult because suddenly not only are
3937s there some very big names in top eight
3939s but as you said more votes go to tun
3942s because tun played incredibly well
3943s yesterday so it's a completely logical
3945s vote even though he may not be like the
3948s most popular Battlegrounds player in the
3950s world so yeah really nice to see um you
3952s know viewers get behind not only only
3954s well-known players but good play in
3957s Battlegrounds as well as we jump over to
3959s game number two bit more of a teame
3962s anomaly this time
3964s subtle yeah and another repeated anomaly
3967s we did it we had our first repeated
3969s anomaly of the tournament which of
3971s course was nanon Tav s lobby but we did
3974s see this one uh yesterday as well no
3976s surprise though this is uh currently
3978s boosted I believe being one of the
3980s newest additions uh to the anomaly
3983s lineup um but yeah
3985s I talked about the test buff kind of
3988s that comes with this anomaly yesterday I
3989s ended up picking the test player for
3991s bandwagon and we'll likely be doing so
3993s again here uh because that ability to
3995s just get that little bit of a boost from
3997s stealing minions with the abff applied
3999s from the anomaly is just a nice little
4001s cheat code for Tess uh to be able to
4003s kind of skip out that one turn where
4005s usually they're a little bit weaker
4007s after immediately stealing their
4008s opponent and we've seen test across a
4011s lot of this weekend seem to be a very
4013s high pick rate hero is that just the
4016s case just in Battlegrounds right now is
4019s Tess just uh know if like viewers are
4021s watching and think oh okay if I get off
4023s a test should they just picker a lot of
4025s the time so it's you have to have a grip
4029s on the the minion type makeup a lot of
4031s the time right sometimes there's just
4034s there's five minion types where there's
4036s clearly one that is the that has the
4038s dominant matchup right like the game
4040s itself is quite balanced right now but
4041s minion types tend to have matchups right
4043s divine Shields are are good against
4045s certain things which makes mechs have
4046s some good matchups against other things
4048s some Minion types can't deal with raw
4050s stats so then suddenly that makes
4052s dragons hard for them to beat like that
4054s kind of thing these matchups go through
4055s and throughout all the individual minion
4057s types so when you have a minion type
4059s makeup where there is just okay everyone
4061s is playing murlocs this game everyone is
4064s playing Elementals this game just and
4065s you just know that instinctively from
4067s looking at the minions are in the game
4069s then you take tests right because that's
4071s what you want to rely on as many people
4073s as possible gravitating towards the same
4076s strategy because that's what makes test
4079s strong well now I'm just looking at who
4081s to pick here it's a kind of a difficult
4083s choice I normally try and merge like
4086s what I think of the player combined with
4088s the hero Choice similar like you said
4089s you picking Tess again but nothing's
4091s really jumping out at me here especially
4094s cuz the anomaly is fairly well-rounded
4098s right yeah yeah
4103s yeah
4107s Linda helpfully just uh trying to help
4109s Raven make his decision just going
4111s through play by appreciate it appreciate
4113s it Linda always looking out for
4115s me see yes a mirror match going on in
4118s this turn two here for alimu versus
4120s Satellite nothing too crazy going to go
4122s down there is the unique experience of
4125s being me that you're well aware that
4127s like I'm I'm at work today doing my job
4129s and every other single member is rooting
4131s against me in every way possible it's
4133s just a very unique experience of being
4136s SLE I'm sure you've got like one fan or
4140s something
4143s somewhere the cat or something I don't
4149s know here gief working out if this is
4152s going to be a freeze or even maybe even
4154s just a cell uh cell tavener upgrade
4156s option here although there is a a pretty
4158s decent board for actually just buy sell
4160s if he really wants to yeah we talked
4162s about this yesterday I think this came
4164s up in this exact situation on this turn
4167s which is patient Scout just kind of
4169s loses a lot of Effectiveness with this
4171s anomaly because normally this is the
4173s dream by cell uh board when you you
4176s missed on a token on one you missed on
4178s an economy unit on turn one and then
4180s patient Scout comes up on turn three to
4182s save your bacon uh but the way this
4184s works is just a little bit different
4185s because you don't really want to be
4187s buying a patient Scout and then selling
4189s that 44 for a minion that ends up being
4191s smaller it just doesn't really make any
4193s sense so yeah I do like what decided go
4196s to the three yep I like it still has
4198s pretty big minions to choose from here
4200s still can you put a lot out on board if
4202s he needs to to try and stabilize Health
4205s yeah going up against daus which is
4207s dappy right
4209s now and dappy is scking on one did you
4212s say
4213s dappy no which is dappy right now daus
4217s which is dappy right now I said have to
4219s check the tapes on that one okay fine I
4222s mean even if I did
4225s sounds cool whatever yeah Fair although
4228s I'll confess I know we were shown it so
4231s I apologize to Linda but I did not catch
4233s the quest that dappy was
4238s on uh no I'm not sure
4244s either he stayed on one and bought a lot
4246s of little
4249s dudes we need to do some detective
4253s work
4255s [Music]
4259s there we oh minions attack 12 times for
4263s tiny henchman yeah okay
4265s okay that makes sense with the board mhm
4269s which I'm presuming we'll be completing
4272s this turn just on how many attacks you'd
4274s get on average up until this point yeah
4277s especially with the reborn as well
4278s that's going to help push one extra
4279s through uh potentially okay with the
4282s death RS maybe I'm not sure if the
4283s minion on the other side are big enough
4285s no no they're not say I would expected
4287s it to be three or four and it was six I
4289s think he needed at the start so yeah he
4291s going take one more time to get that
4293s activated yeah I also had that quick
4295s weird disconnect to it's like oh yeah
4297s not everyone stayed on one and playing
4299s Seven minions right like
4305s no oh nice double level wow yeah I mean
4309s this is like a legitimate sighting in
4311s the wild of shiny curve which is not
4314s really something that anyone has done
4316s for quite some time at a high level this
4318s used to be very very popular um back in
4321s avenge meta days we were talking about
4323s that yesterday uh of staying on one
4325s until seven gold and then on seven gold
4327s you can double level and then hopefully
4329s by that point you have one or two
4331s triples locked up in the shop and then
4333s you can try and take those into fours or
4335s fives uh at your leisure not a very
4338s popular curve these days at all so uh uh
4341s that be kind of pushing the boat out a
4342s little bit Yeah and beat b doing the fun
4344s things as Tess as well H getting the pig
4347s death rattles along with the nooth
4350s fish it's going to start stacking a lot
4353s of damage or power second instance of
4355s the tournament of uh Tess turning into
4357s nooth right we saw it from dog yesterday
4359s as well with the one of his favorite
4361s builds the the the merlock nooth
4366s build the corruption gets
4372s everyone
4375s I mean you give a Tess a fish she'll
4377s fish for a day teach a Tess to fish I
4380s don't know there's something there I'll
4381s work it out later corrupt Tess as a
4384s servant of an old God she'll fish for a
4388s while got ring to it right
4393s yes Z putting out significant damage
4396s water loot 27 Health satellite also down
4399s there in the below
4402s 30s
4405s a hit there yeah took a hit but it's
4407s actually up this turn and I think this
4409s this is when it happens right I think a
4410s lot of times with the old shiny curve
4413s you would expect to win most fights up
4415s until you spend your entire turn double
4416s leveling and then you expect to lose
4418s that fight a lot of the
4420s time okay this feels like it almost has
4424s to be Duo doesn't it what are you dooing
4428s though there's nothing on your board
4429s that you're really interested in you
4430s don't need anything
4432s yet yeah I'm just thinking like do the
4436s other two really have that much of an
4438s impact right now because they they
4440s they're not going to have the stats
4442s right they don't have the bonus stats
4443s every
4446s turn yes but in a Lobby where everyone
4450s is going to have massive minions
4451s guaranteed because that's what the
4452s anomaly does the other two are extremely
4455s good at dealing with that
4457s situation do you not think the manor
4458s Roth just dies I mean it does surv a hit
4462s it it won for one something
4464s 300 300 you know it Canen I do think
4468s Bramble Witch is the best pick though
4469s cuz Bramble witch will actually would
4470s actually value trade um which is kind of
4474s the the business that you want to be in
4477s right I just think Duo is too ambitious
4480s right like dappy's weak he was weak last
4482s turn he took a hit he's weak this turn
4484s he's going to take another hit so you
4486s are betting your game on finding like
4489s the absolute nuts four drop next turn to
4492s be able to to that's PR with the duo and
4495s like what even is that I think the moral
4498s of the story is the three offers were
4500s not great yep
4504s agreed perfect fight for beat babbit as
4507s well wins the fight but just about gets
4510s the full value off the uh the blood gem
4512s Buffs with the fish
4519s D forever oh okay looks like tomb's
4522s going to uh pop off as gxes want to
4527s do yo sick turn as well two s's and a
4531s patient Scout in the same turn as a
4532s gwick that is absolutely what you want
4535s to be seeing did whiff on the patient
4537s Scout though had the option for the Naga
4539s or the cemental to be able to Triple
4541s didn't hit
4542s either oh yes please that's probably a
4545s huge buff on the uh emerg
4551s flame is this
4554s like what what are you looking at in
4556s this shop actually CU there's a couple
4558s of good offerings you've got the base
4560s skill for the scour there's also the
4561s elemental as well but it looks like
4563s Tom's going to roll
4564s [Music]
4566s past begin I a little bit surprised yeah
4569s there were some good choices in there
4572s hey what do you think tomb's like what
4574s what's the perfect choice right what's
4576s what's the role for then like what what
4577s is he trying to hit cuz I honestly don't
4582s know what this setup um obviously like
4585s good Naga Buffs are good because you
4587s casting spells is good for uh the lava
4590s lurker and also you get the buff so this
4592s is a decent minion to end on for sure
4594s but also he he just has the re the free
4597s rerolls right so I think he just really
4599s wanted to only be buying Elementals cuz
4602s they're so much more efficient than
4603s anything else and other token minions
4605s just for the sake of gwick um like he
4607s knows his goal right now is just to
4609s generate as much money as possible and
4610s try and ramp to six and and be broken
4612s right I'm just surprised there was a
4613s skip on the death rattle Elemental
4615s that's all yeah no I think that's fair
4618s it was a reasonable
4623s buy not quite as good a clown car as we
4626s were seeing in the previous game was it
4628s not quite unless this coin hits the
4629s board somehow not
4635s quite W yeah you know how I said uh
4638s dappy was weak for two turns not not
4641s weak anymore yeah that is quite good
4644s there a ton of damage going water loot
4646s also going down to that 11 Health
4648s looking
4649s the 19 gold okay let's go he's Off to
4653s the
4655s Races it's good to
4658s gets just look at all the the he's
4661s rolling into like the perfect value
4663s minions as well yep another
4666s Tad he just
4669s needs another base SK he just needs
4671s stuff in hand right
4674s well he need something to start buffing
4675s should I say if he wants to get or or
4677s tech cards to get something out of these
4678s base skills yeah the issue is there's
4680s nothing really paying this off right now
4682s right like there's not there's no elisee
4684s which could have been generating three
4686s four five golden monkeys by this point
4687s as well with the the the free rolls
4690s there's um not really like if you'd have
4693s hit a golden party Elemental like
4695s earlier in the game he could just be
4696s chucking a whole bunch of stats around
4697s as he's doing all this stuff anyway um
4700s no real murloc scaling or anything like
4701s that no triple into a gust or a Bran or
4704s anything like that just yet so he is
4707s just kind of generating money at the
4709s moment and he does have at least one
4710s more free fight to be able to do that
4712s but he needs to hit something and hit
4714s something soon because otherwise he's
4716s just going to get smacked
4719s twice also hang on can we go take a look
4721s at be babit he's still on three and
4723s winning every fight what's what's going
4725s on up
4726s there I see okay
4731s noted not a bad board I would
4734s say oh he's multi fished of course how
4737s foolish of
4738s me you unlock the uh the talent Point
4742s dual wield fish
4745s MH is he still strong though say his
4749s facing down not not an insignificant
4751s board I would say yeah wiim Fury not
4754s hitting any of the fish is probably a
4755s little bit frustrating at least in terms
4756s of the impct on the late game but that's
4758s huge that's the attack for sure
4762s y
4764s oh okay reduced it down a kind of a
4768s little bit also Mega first world
4771s problems he's actually too strong to get
4773s any kind of fish value right now right
4775s like that was that was four plus four on
4780s blood gems and six actual blood gems
4783s that he missed out on just by being way
4785s too
4787s strong oh water loot not looking too
4790s great although I think he's still alive
4792s just
4794s at least you won't have to worry about
4795s taking uh you know doing damage numbers
4797s anymore it's h lose and dead who are you
4801s oh you're dappy on your bandwagon okay
4805s all right getting a bit worried
4808s S I mean my turn one badwagon is is is
4812s multi fishing and killing the entire
4814s Lobby right now so I'm feeling good felt
4817s good there last game as well well no I
4819s didn't because it was a Tav seven
4822s LOB
4826s little bird here on the uh singular fish
4830s play with the being the TR nooth of
4835s course I'm not sure big the bream is but
4837s I don't think it's that big1 you know
4840s your board's great you know you're
4842s you're happy with this merlock nooth is
4843s one of the strongest things you can do
4845s in the game but you do always have that
4847s feeling as naar of like you you have
4850s some lobbies and like there's a Tess and
4851s a scabs and whatever else in there and
4853s then someone muron your fish as well and
4855s then like every other player in the
4857s lobby is just a better nooth and you s
4859s there with your single fish but I picked
4861s this hero how am I supposed to feed the
4864s masses with this solitary
4867s fish there are no tails of your that
4870s give me any instruction on how to do
4872s this this was supposed to turn into many
4877s fish the day little bird found out he
4880s was not the chosen one
4885s where's mama bird to just spit endless
4888s fish into little Bird's mouth that's
4890s what we
4892s need where's David at and B to tell us
4894s about
4901s it how big is your Clown
4905s H so just go right unlucky it never goes
4909s right still I would say eight is getting
4912s off lightly at this PO stage in the game
4914s right it's going to put him under 15
4916s though which is unfortunate dappy took a
4918s big hit down to 12 as well oh
4924s no be a babit it's time to do something
4927s I've gots for at least got uh full value
4930s that turn it looks
4931s like got the uh the full six gems
4936s mhm oh I didn't catch what the gem was
4939s actually on them satellite going to get
4941s Triple into a six here
4946s going go for the murky oh Jo is about to
4949s go off likely to go off on the murky as
4952s well
4956s mhm oh we are just informed uh by our
4959s tech support the game one the Barrel's
4961s blessing was
4962s 97% in favor of the uh the losing party
4966s in terms of how many people picked it I
4968s presume that is
4972s yeah so uh sorry we'll take the L for
4975s that one clearly you all only picked it
4977s because we were saying that the clearly
4979s stronger board was going to win yeah I
4982s am quite influential
4988s yes checking in now with gief oh gief
4993s got into a position of having to play a
4996s bream yeah it does this is kind of the
5000s medium position to have to play a bream
5002s in right like it sucks CU you don't have
5004s base skill that is just a fact but if
5006s you have two breams then playing one's
5008s okay because if you hit the triple you
5010s then do get it back into your hand right
5012s and you can actually keep looking for
5014s that that necessary base skill you got
5017s this you're way
5024s ahead okay the Reon to's going to help
5026s soak up some of this getting rid of one
5028s the uh venomous already really good
5032s sellup there honestly F dafy just be
5033s able to soap as many of those venomous
5035s as possible on insignificant
5038s minions yeah looks like gief is taking a
5040s tonking here though and it's going to be
5043s a damage cap I think yes it
5047s is how are you liking the uh the damage
5050s cap change so you enjoying in your own
5053s play I yes and no I think damage cap is
5057s a very complex uh dis topic which I
5061s don't really have time to go into with
5063s as much Nuance as I would like uh during
5066s this broadcast I think there are upsides
5068s of the new system I think there are
5069s downsides of the new system as well and
5071s that's that's not a diplomatic answer if
5073s I thought it sucked I would say it sucks
5075s I hope people have heard me cast for
5077s long enough to know that that's true um
5080s but I think the the the the damage cap
5082s in general I think is something that is
5084s going to be a long-term thing that needs
5087s to be iterated on by the team it
5091s fight
5094s here they TB popping off once again on
5096s gwick and for a second then as well has
5099s found a thing to do right which we were
5101s talking about several turns ago it is a
5103s solitary Nomi but if any hero in the
5105s game is going to be able to carry a
5107s solitary Nomi it is going to be uh the
5110s good old G
5111s wh yeah and tomb proof to was yesterday
5113s he can do these kind of turns as well
5115s right you know these high APM High Focus
5118s turns going all the way to the timer
5120s ticking down to zero and still getting a
5122s good job done I didn't like that one
5125s either here's a gold for the trouble oh
5127s and there goes the Nomi I am what
5130s happened he didn't buy a party Elemental
5133s that was bigger than all of the minions
5135s he has on his board right
5136s now oh not party Elemental a uh Gusty
5139s trumeter I mean yeah I guess does he
5141s just want to just get out of it now and
5143s just say that's enough it's looking that
5146s way uh because there's enough tech cards
5148s right to fill out as well
5151s mhm
5153s maybe this is a play for not last from
5157s tomb CU again no one can win the
5160s tournament in this game right so I think
5162s this might be just not tons of great
5166s Direction so just playing and and grab
5169s points while you can just don't come at
5171s that that last place it also depends
5174s heavily on how much information you have
5175s on your opponent which we don't have the
5177s information of how much information they
5179s have which if that makes any sense right
5181s like if you just know that your opponent
5183s was this strong uh then there's no point
5186s in buying more stats right you have to
5187s find scam minions well like oh leave the
5190s Nomi on the board right it's like not
5192s really going to help
5195s oh tavn five aluto is so you're alive at
5198s one oh so actually they're roaching up
5202s from tomb and leveraging as hard as
5204s possible into the golden base skill with
5205s the two scam minions uh May well have
5208s actually granted him a reprieve of one
5210s Health to to play again this turn so
5212s very and already arguably gained him a
5214s point right because that's waterl out
5217s which means Tom has survived one extra
5219s place so we can go to checking other
5221s players there is a okay now we're back
5223s to regular scheduled viewing now where
5225s the bottom three players are currently
5227s my whole uh old team yeah also if I can
5231s just continue to be salty for a second
5233s two games into this day and both of
5236s those games have gone longer than 10
5238s turns without an elimination which I
5240s said yes to yesterday and lost
5243s on I am actually the unluckiest person
5246s in the world I hope you all know that if
5248s you need help next time with your
5250s predictions you can just ask I'll give
5251s you a hand it's okay honestly I I will
5254s Christian you in a second okay like
5256s don't think I won't I won't repeat that
5258s clip I posted on Twitter live on air
5260s right in front of you cuz I will I was
5263s just getting confused I thought you said
5264s you'd Christian me I did oh yeah I was
5267s like what what is the offering to do
5269s it's Christian that says it to Edge
5271s that's right yeah that's who the other
5273s person is in that video I just thought
5275s you were talking about something else
5276s and I was getting very confused right I
5278s haven't looked at this at all because
5280s I've been too busy talking to you about
5281s being unlucky and and wrestling uh
5284s what's going on uh I don't know who to
5292s pick a good tactical
5299s Choice same
5301s actually
5303s Raven has picked Bey babia look I I
5307s rushed and got stressed my and I was
5310s looking at the other monitor while I was
5312s typing okay okay if everyone in chat can
5314s just check to see if a player called BT
5316s babia is going to win this fight or not
5318s cuz I don't think they are from what I
5322s can
5323s see you just got to squint a little bit
5329s so here though the uh the fish getting a
5332s good job done oh go right thank you oh
5336s wow yeah that was really really good te
5340s going to guess it's going to be in a
5341s little bit of trouble now there's
5342s something in the clown car yeah as long
5343s as there was something in the clown car
5345s that's going to be a win for beta uh so
5347s I correctly predicted be a babit and
5349s unfortunately for Raven BT babia did not
5352s did not win the uh the fight so unlucky
5355s see what s has to stoop to to uh try and
5358s hinder my you know professional
5360s prediction
5361s picks oh who was that just going down oh
5366s tomb does end up taking down yeah an
5369s extra 1 point five points then in the
5371s end for the the decision to Roach up on
5373s the previous turn and just try and
5375s survive it does sound like a lot but
5377s over the course of let's say you know
5379s four maybe five games like that could be
5381s the difference we've seen haven't we
5382s players on like 19 points which means
5385s they're a whole game behind where they
5387s would like to be hitting that 20 points
5389s earlier yeah out
5393s now we've got our top five here dappy
5395s and gief on their very low numbers but
5398s honestly little bird and Al teamu may as
5400s well be just as low G life has got
5402s significantly
5408s better he's found a base skill and
5410s tripled his bream so it went back in
5412s hand it looks like he is just going to
5413s look to play it though mhm try and
5415s triple into a mano or a LeRoy or
5418s something to hold in hand yeah doesn't
5419s really hit I don't think I beat Gio is
5421s what he was particularly looking for in
5422s that
5424s instance yeah and again I think the
5426s playing of this and just throwing down
5428s everything he can is very much
5429s indicative of being on five health and
5432s just grabbing as many points as possible
5435s yep uh way effect just well speaking of
5439s Ripple effects the ripple effect of be
5440s babit winning the previous fight right
5442s is that his opponent had two uh mles on
5447s the board with be babbit playing a Bas
5450s skill double fish setup so therefore as
5455s scsit is goinging Prett Ry for the next
5459s fews I would think see how this fight
5461s goes cuz there's some extra Divine
5463s Shields to sprinkle in
5465s here it always depends on what the base
5467s skills are going to
5470s achieve that's a full divide Shield
5472s board as well perfectly laid out with
5474s the uh the positioning and the attack
5475s sequence very very
5479s nice nice really good trades there for
5481s uh little thir yep and it looks like
5485s it's going to be a kill yeah especially
5487s with more Divine Shields going off as
5489s well there was a LeRoy in the fish as
5492s well I didn't even think of that yeah
5493s disgusting stuff yeah uh just enough
5496s damage there yeah to get that job done
5498s and that is going to be gief out at
5499s fourth place and dappy going down as
5502s well so now we've got our top three be
5505s babbit once again at least at this stage
5507s of the game just like last game looking
5510s comfortable on the highest health total
5511s by a large margin little bird and aluu
5514s may have something to say about that and
5516s I needed this raven this is a this is a
5518s big recovery game for for me and the
5520s points I think because this was a turn
5522s one BW bandwagon for beat babit for me
5525s and I think your bandwagon pick was
5526s dappy who just went out right is correct
5528s correct yeah and then be babit is in my
5530s fantasy team as well so this is this is
5532s a good recovery from where I'm sat yeah
5535s third's not bad for the fantasy team
5537s pick I
5538s guess altimo and little bird are going
5541s to do me a favor I mean those are some
5542s big
5546s Elementals
5549s yeah it would be a shame if you know
5551s your stats didn't really
5553s matter wow heard it here first
5556s Battleground tips from sutle stats don't
5561s matter when merlocks are in the lobby I
5564s off here Divine Shield stats can I
5567s interest you in those yeah the Divine
5569s Shields are obviously fantastic and
5570s there is another glow scale in hand as
5571s well on a serious note and a selfless
5573s hero so alu's board is very very very
5577s very strong here it just depends um how
5581s absurd beta babbit's um base skill fish
5584s setup is right now also look how big
5586s this Leroy is yeah you doesn't even need
5589s his death rattle it's going to kill
5590s stuff
5599s anyway I'm getting the distinct
5601s impression that which whatever server
5602s we're on it's not the apack one cuz aluu
5605s does not seem to be having a great time
5607s with this APM stuff right now yeah it
5610s it's a very weird circumstance where
5612s you're spamming buying and selling
5615s minions yet your gold is going up yeah
5618s yeah because he was on 18 a few seconds
5621s ago I think or 19 and it's now at 23 now
5624s 24 so yeah kind of interesting that um
5627s you're in this sort of uh loop so gold
5629s is infinite now for alimu as long as he
5631s just obviously keeps doing the thing but
5634s it's just how he finishes again there's
5635s another selfless available in that shot
5637s to go for too does have this sort of
5640s kind of cleave effect on the elemental
5643s on the far
5644s left forever could opt for just another
5647s Leroy but I think it's odd in this
5649s situation because of Bas Gill leroys on
5653s board actually don't feel as strong
5655s right because yeah it doesn't even want
5657s for one even though it arguably should
5659s cuz that's kind of the point of the card
5661s because it will then just pull another
5662s card from your opponent's hand that is
5664s going to be the um extra Divine Shield
5666s picked up as well which going to be
5667s really
5670s nice uh still on 24 gold now on 25 here
5673s we go looking
5675s good I'll I'll uh I'll give you a little
5677s peek behind the curtain I promise you
5680s and I don't know this for a fact if we
5681s were to switch to anyone else's POV
5683s right now it's NE it's next turn
5688s yeah okay well let's see how this turns
5690s fight goes
5695s a slight stat difference
5703s slightly okay big cleave one Leroy goes
5705s into the fish but yeah the base skill
5707s was not good enough not even close to
5709s good
5710s enough and even like the Divine Shield
5712s hit the venomous you know like not that
5714s it would would have overly mattered but
5716s these are the things that start to
5717s really add
5718s up and on oh the Divine Shield manner
5721s off okay okay it's still going to end up
5723s going into a LeRoy like the Divine
5725s Shield manner off was a chance at an out
5727s but then aluu still just had a surviving
5729s Leroy left on the board which was going
5731s to uh put pay to any of that nonsense so
5734s yeah this is now the next round fight
5737s after the one that we just watched so
5739s aliu is desyn so heavily with the the
5742s elemental APM that he's essentially
5744s caused us to skip an entire shot phase
5747s ALU is so powerful that he can just
5750s shift Through Time
5752s so each of these fish has a LeRoy in
5754s them now right so that means these are
5756s going at least one for one like that's
5758s now dead yeah I mean you can just see
5760s it's gross right this is this is
5761s disgusting this is borderline unbeatable
5764s it looks
5766s like yeah and this actually feels um and
5769s you can tell me if I'm wrong but this
5771s feels like the top of the Hearthstone
5774s Battlegrounds power level like doing
5776s this is the at least I think the most
5778s powerful just thing you can do in any
5781s game
5782s yours really P
5787s their completely agree particularly when
5790s you have access to uh to more than one
5792s fish right that's when it becomes
5793s ridiculously obnoxious because right now
5795s like forget about the rest of the board
5797s forget about all of the minions in hand
5800s he has three leroys in play so that's
5802s three Minions that are immediately
5804s deleted from his opponent's board right
5806s one Leroy attacks and then he has two
5808s fish that also then become leroys so
5811s they're straight up going to deal with
5812s half of your board and then the other
5815s what 9 10 11 Minions that he has
5817s remaining after that point after all the
5819s base skills have gone off your remaining
5821s three or four minions has to deal with
5823s that like no that's not going to
5829s happen also wait what ALU died oh yeah
5834s it's not updated on the overlay alimu
5836s died yes it's little just little bird
5837s versus be babit then I was confused why
5840s the three Health was above the 12
5842s but yeah apologies about that the
5843s overlay I think it's probably because
5844s alimu is like I don't know still
5847s catching up maybe for whatever the
5848s overlay is linked to um but yeah it is
5851s just look at the actual ingame overlay
5853s on the left and it is H just the two
5855s players that are left it's not
5857s necessarily the fact that uh cuz you
5859s know I understand like the animation
5860s delay causes things to happen I'm
5862s literally surprised aluu died um but I
5866s get I okay I guess the board that we
5867s were looking at had the product of
5869s several like glow scales and selfless
5871s Heroes and stuff thrown onto it so if
5873s you don't then find all that stuff the
5875s next turn afterwards you're
5876s significantly weaker than what we were
5878s looking at that turn but it really did
5880s feel like to me that The Showdown was
5881s going to be between uh between be babit
5883s and ALU and not be babit and Little Bird
5886s yeah and either way little bird here
5887s especially being on such low health and
5889s also being the weaker of the tuna off
5891s players in the lobby weirdly enough um
5894s so you take this as a victory right
5896s because even though be babbit looks like
5899s they're going to win I mean we'll wait
5900s till it's over till it's over
5902s but at this point in the tournament it
5906s is just a onepoint difference right
5908s there's there's nothing there's nothing
5909s else to it because it's not like this is
5911s going to make beer babbit that much more
5914s likely to actually finish first because
5916s that'll happen a little bit later on but
5917s yeah be babbit is going to take the
5920s victory there take out little bird and
5922s finish up this game with a win on turn
5926s 16 absolutely disgusting it looked like
5931s a close fight right up until the end
5932s when you realize that that fish had got
5934s the combined total of four base skills
5937s going into it and beat babbit had enough
5938s scam minions in hand to be able to
5940s fulfill that quota like yeah if you get
5943s up to that point like particularly
5945s weirdly enough like that's two test
5947s games in a row for beta and that was the
5949s game where he actually had to level
5951s because you need to be able to get
5953s enough um scam minions in your hand
5955s right and because it's a Bas skill Lobby
5958s yeah that doesn't necessarily mean
5960s everyone else is putting their scam
5961s Minions on the board cuz they've got
5963s their scam minions in their hand as well
5965s cuz they're summoning them from their
5966s base skills so you can't necessarily
5968s steal all those tools from your
5969s opponents you sometimes do just have to
5971s level up and and find them yourself um
5973s but yeah beta is is clearly showing he
5976s knows how to navigate his way through
5977s some Test games because he has done
5979s incredibly well with test both today and
5981s yesterday I believe yeah yeah we'll have
5983s to keep an eye on how that hero performs
5985s if we continue to see it throughout the
5987s day but we've got plenty more games
5989s coming up we'll give you an update on
5990s where the standings look look after this
5992s break don't go anywhere we'll be right
6000s [Music]
6020s back
6024s [Music]
6063s [Music]
6069s [Music]
6080s e
6085s [Music]
6090s [Music]
6107s [Music]
6111s you
6116s [Music]
6122s [Music]
6132s [Music]
6140s need
6143s [Music]
6157s [Music]
6175s [Applause]
6175s [Music]
6179s [Applause]
6182s welcome back everyone we're just coming
6183s off the back of game two where be babit
6185s did dominate with yet another test pick
6188s so uh definitely going to be a hero
6190s going to keep our eye out for or even a
6192s hero that maybe we going to keep our
6193s eyes for specifically if be babbit gets
6196s off of it but so what did you make of
6197s that last game anything really stand out
6199s for you uh even though we're in the ear
6201s early stages of the day yeah I mean you
6203s covered the big talking point right is
6205s that like beta just seems to be so
6208s comfortable and Adept on Tess and I
6209s think now in two of these lobbies we've
6212s seen the thing where like okay Tess gets
6213s to steal your board and it's massive
6215s because of the anomaly right and
6217s also a fairly vanilla game of
6220s Battlegrounds got played right I don't
6222s think we mentioned the anomaly past like
6224s turn six or so right it was just it was
6226s all about just the Minions on board the
6228s base skills the the size of the clown
6230s car and where you were going from there
6232s that's what ended up being the story
6234s overall but where we are at this point
6236s now is a huge performance so far from
6239s pet babbit uh 5.5 and a seven means a
6242s fairly comfortable lead for him the only
6245s rain cloud that you can see on the
6247s horizon if you want to be ultra
6249s pessimistic is that Peter babbit is
6251s annoyingly uh half a point away from
6253s being able to check the lobby in this
6256s next game right even if he hits seven
6257s again he's going to be at 19.5 so he's
6260s still two G minimum away from putting
6262s the lobby in check and therefore three
6263s away from the tournament and that's what
6265s I was saying earlier when we were talked
6266s about oh maybe you know the likes of
6268s like tomb going a little bit more
6269s aggressive to get that extra like one
6271s and a half Point end points it ended up
6273s being um because that's the sort of
6275s difference like again if be babit gained
6278s an extra half point in the in game one
6281s we could be just saying okay well maybe
6283s be babit gets this Lobby in check very
6286s quickly in like you know world record
6287s speed H with just that three game Target
6290s but yeah it is possible but it does mean
6293s that be babbit can just you know as long
6296s as he doesn't actually completely mess
6298s up the next you know two then he could
6301s almost just plan to have the lobbying
6303s check at a certain game right and just
6305s be be sort of play around that in fact
6308s yeah weirdly at this point in time for
6310s beta babbit like a fourth and a third
6312s are the same thing as a first and a
6313s second in the next two games right like
6315s functionally for what it achieves it
6317s gets you to 20 points in two games uh oh
6320s hello hello uh merlocks nager no
6324s Elementals is that good enough for a
6326s gwick I know there is some disagreement
6329s on murlocs in no Elementals yeah is this
6332s a repeat anomaly I I can't remember what
6335s that picture is yeah that is that's plus
6337s one plus a plus one plus one is it yeah
6339s okay okay I was like I'm pretty sure it
6341s is but when it's a small circle I'm like
6344s don't know how well I recognize it but
6346s like you saying about that we didn't
6347s talk about the anomaly too much but it's
6349s because if everything has plus one plus
6351s one kind of like nothing does right to
6354s an extent that's kind of the approach
6355s but yeah it is the overgrown Arena once
6357s again so back to back anomalies um let's
6361s see what we can do now are we going to
6362s see a repeat is the game going to cycle
6364s around those murlocs again um most
6369s likely although there are beasts in this
6371s one right so that could uh really mix
6373s things
6375s up yeah beasts change things up
6378s significantly you do have the Beast Naga
6380s combin which means if anyone can find a
6382s fast RAC they can get into massive
6384s economy but uh beasts also play with
6387s merlocks quite nicely a different build
6389s of murlocs right just like a super heavy
6391s hand buff Bas skill build but instead
6393s the murky mky slash build instead um
6397s where you you that can really play very
6398s very nicely with the the RAC overall so
6402s um you know it's me beer in I'm going to
6404s talk about riy RAC a lot that's what's
6406s going to happen but we shall wait and
6407s see it's the kind of Lobby that I don't
6409s think anything really gets defined uh
6411s until players start hitting Tav four and
6413s tavn five right
6416s yeah is uh is waterl good yes okay okay
6421s I just typed in the Discord is waterl
6424s okay it's like yeah okay boom we've
6425s we've caught up the overlay is okay
6427s we're fine he was tabish there they are
6430s okay good
6433s yeah still though I think uh yeah every
6436s player just doing the usual level again
6438s with this anomaly there's no over crazy
6441s Shenanigans going on right it is just a
6443s kind of a standard game and just try and
6445s get ahead as you
6447s do literally seven players hit a token
6451s and little bird didn't there are there's
6455s four quills and three sh
6458s collectors across the board right now
6460s yeah I was just looking yeah that's kind
6461s of
6465s incredible there you go little gets to
6467s win fights yeah the OD the odd one out
6470s it's like well screw you take three
6472s idiot
6475s yeah and then little bird just hits the
6478s patient Scout and we have the same
6479s discussion again about how patient Scout
6481s is a little bit weird in this anomaly
6484s yeah it's just going to sell level and I
6485s would imagine that's the plan for the
6487s majority looks like alimu has chosen to
6490s pick up a
6491s panther pick up a panther yeah uh it's
6495s got a little joke written on it have
6498s gone to T three already yeah we could
6501s maybe check in with uh be of babbit as
6503s well because that board is starting to
6504s stack up as an early um Hig offensive
6508s it's
6509s happened an early Pig offensive yeah um
6514s what is offensive though is floating
6515s gold on gwick it's not quite as illegal
6518s as floating gold on Milhouse but it is a
6521s weird bit of anti- synergy that beer
6523s babbit has going on right now right
6524s because to float one gold means you have
6526s been inefficient with your buy selling
6528s over the course of the turn uh which
6531s very significant trickle down impact on
6534s your your gold economy with
6543s G Tim's got the uh the nagas on offer
6548s here honestly not bad not a bad like
6551s pair of nagas actually to go with as
6552s well right like they kind of uh help
6554s each other out
6556s here yeah really good you can continue
6558s just to stack up options look for more
6561s zesties off the first zesty just by
6563s chaining the uh the summoning spellcraft
6566s off it missed
6568s the I'm getting too into the game I
6570s missed the uh oh I wait I can still do
6572s it right no you're still good still turn
6573s four
6575s yeah
6589s uh
6591s okay oh I'm changing my I'm
6594s changing it's all right Raven you can do
6596s it it's fine will he type the name of
6598s someone
6600s the I did not type it
6603s correctly you started typing War tal and
6606s then yeah I mean look it's a good one
6611s okay I changed at the last minute
6614s because beasts and I saw the feather the
6616s feather
6617s Mo I knew Chris was going to do that I
6619s didn't put the right amount of O's in
6621s waterl yeah it's six right check on yeah
6624s it's
6627s six vitally important of course you get
6630s the correct number of
6634s O's look at this though I was tempted to
6636s even look at alimu I think the hero
6640s Choice put me off picking alimu just a
6642s little bit but the amount of value he's
6644s going to start getting all the amount of
6645s ramp he going to get from these uh it's
6646s going to be really really
6649s good
6656s slightly awkward shop nothing must buy
6659s in terms of uh buy uh buy one and level
6662s here I I don't mind the Naga at this
6665s point honestly because then you can just
6666s aim for trying to Triple things or at
6668s least give you opportunities to to
6670s Target right I
6672s don't my go to anyway the thing you're
6675s trying to Triple is a dual type minion
6678s right so you're rolling from a large
6681s pole you're pointing at a pirate Undead
6683s to try and triple at that point kind of
6685s weird I guess there's just not much else
6688s for it right and to be yeah kind of
6694s difficult I was wondering whether it
6696s would have been taunt nager as well cuz
6698s you know your gry Bal I think having
6699s that first taunt is very powerful so
6701s that you can control the attack into
6703s something which spawns more taunts and
6705s so
6709s on
6713s I think a chief is looking quite strong
6715s you know maybe not quite strong
6718s enough based on where these attacks go I
6721s no should be okay yeah it's
6724s fine tie at least yeah gets the bad
6727s attack going to get the win y yeah
6730s definitely building a good base with
6731s those nagas and those spells so that's
6733s going to be definitely something we keep
6734s an eye on Tom again trying to do
6736s something similar with the Naga here and
6738s being able to cycle a ton
6741s on the shot actually found one I was
6743s going to say still no second zesty and
6745s no deep blue yet from when we visited
6747s last
6748s time yeah your shop is ever so slightly
6751s full my
6752s friend good sequencing though right um
6754s froze first so the last minion that
6757s appears if he didn't want it he just
6759s doesn't press freeze anymore and then he
6760s gets one more space in the shop um and
6764s if he did want it he could just freeze
6765s again not actually relevant in that
6767s instance cuz his shop was too big anyway
6769s so it's not actually going to refresh
6771s there's nothing coming into it but in
6772s terms of good habits for situations
6774s where that would matter you did
6776s technically do it in the right order
6777s yeah well the situations where you lose
6779s nothing for doing it and maybe gain
6781s something right so yeah yeah always good
6783s to train yourself to deal with those
6785s satellite here though just uh got a lot
6788s of uh economy
6790s going but nothing that's really
6792s screaming payoff I guess the Duos there
6794s of course but nothing too great to combo
6798s it with right now yeah tons of money
6800s though right like three three coins in
6802s hand and still has the hero power
6804s available so we might see a like go five
6807s go six kind of turn soon from satellite
6809s if he feels uh strong enough and healthy
6812s enough to be able to do something like
6813s that good battle
6820s friend tomb kind of big
6827s though okay yeah good trade wanted to go
6830s right with that first attack that you
6831s got through just be able to carve some
6832s damage off the board end too bad at all
6836s but could have been a lot worse and
6837s again I think uh you are right like once
6840s you you're on crack like all you're
6842s doing is counting down the turns until
6844s you press the button right and then you
6846s play in the
6851s game one of those weird upbeat Duo
6853s scenarios again right like what are you
6857s proing it on this turn is now the turn
6861s to just go and like maybe try and roll
6864s it onto something like go to Five press
6867s the hero power and look for something to
6869s to double up on
6871s five doesn't look like that's what
6873s satellite's going to do but it was just
6875s something you know because the Duo's
6876s proing right may as well try and get
6878s something big yeah I could see it the
6881s other option I could see there was buy
6882s the two shell collectors since they only
6884s cost one and then triple the shell
6887s collector using the duo this turn yeah
6890s and then like next turn you can just
6891s level take a six kind of thing
6893s but it looks like he is specifically
6896s looking for something to pay off with
6897s okay now he can take a triple uh Banner
6900s ball with the upbeat Duo if he wants to
6904s kind of
6907s interesting yeah look like he's going to
6909s go for
6917s it I wondered if wait could he
6922s don't it the other way where he froze
6923s the shot bought something else leveled
6925s first then
6929s bought or am I being stupid wait I I'm
6932s not even sure what you're asking so the
6934s duo will go off next turn right it's
6936s going off right
6939s now yeah sure yeah oh sure sure sure
6943s yeah I was thinking if you can just hit
6944s the banner ball that you already had
6946s with the
6947s duo and freeze the other one in the shop
6949s so then next he can level and triple off
6951s the level
6952s chart but you can still do that anyway
6954s it puts the triple into your hand so you
6956s just you just oh sure yeah he doesn't
6958s need to yeah doesn't need to think yeah
6960s for some reason I had in my in my mind
6961s that it been you know it a has played so
6963s it's already done you going gone off the
6965s shot that's me being silly it was one of
6967s those things where like the suggestion
6968s was so stupid that I couldn't even work
6970s out what the mistake was you know I was
6973s just listening blank I was just trying
6974s to see if there was an option to just
6975s freeze and buy something else for that
6977s turn but yeah got myself turned around
6979s okay
6980s I would love to know how much this is
6982s worth for Alo teamu right now because
6984s that has been on the board since like
6986s turn three or
6988s something uh those aren't really well I
6992s mean Relentless mle is always a card it
6994s is possibly the second best card in the
6997s game after base School uh is this a but
7000s money kind of scenario here it does look
7003s like a butt money scenario
7008s yeah
7016s the most amazing follow-ups
7018s though the problem is on 17 Health you
7021s have to get out of this money phase and
7024s actually start doing something yeah if
7026s he can find a end of turn effects happen
7029s twice he's kind of popping though right
7031s because his basically his whole board is
7033s end of turn effects right now which is
7034s kind of
7036s huge oh okay I mean is a good pickup
7041s yeah can afford that primal thing as
7045s well that's money and value right at the
7048s same time money and value and he can
7050s keep it next to the
7051s Mery and probably just sell out of the
7054s the other Pig yeah exactly this just get
7056s all the merlocks on board yeah that
7058s actually was starting to look a bit
7060s dicey but a good recovery there I think
7062s for satellite that turn yeah I think so
7064s too um still not quite looking in the
7067s neighborhood of this kind of board
7068s though no
7074s still a little bit lacking in terms of u
7076s a zesty kuna setup right no no Lava
7078s lurker making these things permanent uh
7081s still only one deep blue does have the
7085s the golden zesty though which is very
7086s nice I do feel like as well with this
7089s tombs kind of decided to go for the
7091s aggro play right like still on tavent
7093s tier 4 and just going to use what he's
7096s got to sort of bully other players out
7097s of the game for now yep
7101s yeah I mean this is certainly one of the
7102s the best hav four builds in the game you
7104s don't really have to leave for to to
7106s play this build in fact you probably you
7108s know nerfing yourself by leaving four
7110s because there's nothing else that you
7111s really want uh one glow scale at some
7114s point in the game is nice when you're uh
7116s buffing a lava lurker right just so you
7117s can give it that permanent Divine Shield
7119s but outside of that everything that you
7121s want is on three and four yep second
7124s deep
7125s blue a good T lovely stuff
7130s which means golden deep blue because
7133s he no reason not to press the button I
7135s think on that
7137s one yeah golden turning your regular
7139s deep blue into a golden deep blue is
7141s probably the biggest individual power
7143s Spike that that build
7145s gets seeing a message from Linda he sold
7148s the thing how is that helpful hang
7153s on what does he sold the thing no the uh
7156s the the undead pirate that sells for a
7158s million gold got it you know what I said
7161s how how much is he going to sell for so
7162s I'm guessing he's just had a large turn
7165s I'll say consider he's now T tier six
7168s and he's bought stuff
7171s yeah significant power Spike and also
7174s hit pretty good minions too considering
7177s what hero he
7180s is yeah absolutely no fail stomper or
7184s anything like that though which is a
7186s little bit of a detriment I think that's
7187s kind of that's end game for ALU right
7189s now
7190s is just to actually turn these tokens
7193s into something powerful with fell
7195s stomper octosari that kind of thing Croc
7198s is a good makeway though it is turn nine
7200s by the way this board is qu quite good
7203s for turn I was going to say I think this
7205s will stabilize him for the foreseeable
7210s future he's going to be going into Sky
7213s Captain crack which is satellite of
7215s course on 12 health so satellite
7217s definitely in the danger zone in terms
7219s of death and this board from alimu looks
7222s uh threatening is the word I'll
7225s say uh yeah satellite kind of
7231s died there's no way right no dead
7236s already I mean the Gast is the gas can
7238s solo and even after that it would still
7241s death rattle and look at the extra value
7243s alu's got he's going to be able to find
7245s exactly what he
7248s needs
7250s so sat going out in eighth unless water
7253s is going to bite the dust as well watero
7255s does bite the dust as well
7260s okay so two players going out for
7263s 7.5 six to
7266s go be babit looking a little bit uh
7269s dicey there SLE just going to throw that
7271s out
7272s there yeah again for turn 10 though
7275s pretty good board that'll do some damage
7277s it's okay it's okay they the the the
7280s worry is at this point is one slip one
7283s strong opponent right and it's done it's
7286s done cuz nine health is
7291s nothing yeah I would be amazed if you uh
7294s lost a fight from here and survived
7296s right it would literally like have to be
7298s a a one drop token some like coming from
7301s something that that you lose to right
7303s cuz people aren't really going to have
7305s uh Tav one t two Minions on their board
7307s at this point it' be like a situation we
7308s saw earlier where um like a base Gill
7311s would grab a minion that was left in
7313s Hand by accident or something right and
7315s it's like kicked out a one drop
7318s yeah that's a great play I can't wait to
7322s see this shake
7324s out little bird again just uh get some
7328s work done holding
7330s on currently H 7.5 points for little
7334s bird H going into this game so even a
7337s top four would put him in you know
7339s within throwing distance of getting the
7340s lobby in check next
7345s game and beer babbit has or at least
7348s getting close to doing a good enough job
7350s I would say I would say that top four is
7352s probably the main goal considering his
7354s point total yeah but even if he picks up
7356s two or three points this game right like
7358s we were talking about that puts him in
7359s Striking Distance of the 20 point
7361s threshold realistically for the next
7363s game right so yeah I was just mean like
7364s a top four would put him within a more
7367s comfortable position right because it's
7369s like oh I just sort of kind of go for a
7371s fifth or top four again and it's no
7374s problem so I think the worry when you're
7376s in this kind of position for beat babbit
7380s is you if you whiff and you add a whole
7384s extra game to the tournament basically
7386s you know for you to get it in check you
7388s start to feel really
7391s bad y tomb kind of big though yeah again
7396s bully style coming out here putting down
7398s the uh the pain on alimu pushed him all
7401s the way to 12 Health which again is's
7403s close enough to uh one loss equals Death
7407s we saw that board from ALU last turn or
7409s two turns ago now as it is on turn 11
7412s and it was no joke and that was quite
7414s comfortably handled by by tomb's board
7417s and that's what I was talking about
7418s before right like aluu Yay has a bunch
7420s of crazy six drops and a ton of death
7422s rattles and his gy b right and that's
7424s fantastic but without a fail stomper or
7426s something else to pay it off with he is
7428s going to lose to Raw stats like this
7430s like that is just going to
7433s happen yeah the the effects on the cards
7436s are good but being able to actually
7438s stack is really important and speaking
7439s of that we're going to get a fight tomb
7441s versus
7445s gief have not seen gief for quite some
7448s time and there are some things happening
7451s on this board gief is playing cards comp
7455s and uh making the best of it really
7458s weird Bas kill hand as well consider
7461s it's
7468s golden surely you have to sell through
7470s for one of these leroys do you not I
7473s guess at 37 you don't I forget like from
7476s our perspective both of these players
7478s are fighting as hard as possible to win
7479s this fight cuz to us this is extremely
7482s important yeah I I would actually say um
7485s the reason not to is
7487s to just take the damage and use the
7490s cards that are in hand right exactly
7492s yeah yeah but at 37 gief's just like
7494s well damage cap is still in play like
7496s whatever I'm not going to if he loses
7498s he'll get the Buffs right with the fa T
7500s so it's like yeah that's yeah sure I'll
7502s take a hit whatever yeah I think G
7504s efficient kind of straight up throwing
7506s this fight to be
7507s honest on purpose on purpose yes yeah
7511s but just to add that people be like wow
7512s salt just
7518s through
7524s yeah really really large amount of stats
7526s here coming out still a close one oh
7528s wait okay for a second then I couldn't
7532s quite see the health and I was like wait
7533s is that is that loss but no Tom is going
7536s to win but I think that was very very
7539s well done by Chief like almost the
7541s perfect outcome
7544s right d just straight back at
7548s it second lava lurker yeah
7552s sure has enough zestes to be able to
7555s support a second lava lurker that makes
7563s sense was that a draw
7568s there still no real payoff this is it
7571s right it's just fell stoer fell stoer F
7572s sto F
7575s St I think you can see the smile on the
7577s face like alot yeah this
7581s yeah it's just surviving right now like
7582s he power spiked very hard with the sail
7584s of the uh the golden pirate and now he's
7587s just whiffing on six really he's still
7589s very strong um probably this turn or
7592s next turn he's going to fall off a cliff
7594s in terms of power level yeah and this
7596s could be really important for alimu
7598s because alimu has actually gone into
7600s this game on nine points and I feel like
7603s there's such a big difference between
7604s let's say Fifth and Third right you know
7607s in terms of just achievable
7610s uh checking the lobby in the next game
7612s right so all team is probably just
7613s thinking oh let me just hold on for a
7616s couple more placements and that'll make
7618s the world of
7620s difference yeah pretty crucial actually
7623s uh Linda do we know who has the ghost
7625s fight this round can you just point that
7627s out to us if at all possible cuz that's
7629s very very crucial with how this is
7631s potentially GH
7632s check okay dappy okay dappy yeah pretty
7635s crucial because this board uh with the
7637s greatest will in the world
7640s sucks this is this is not doing anything
7643s in comparison to some of the other
7644s boards we're seeing so that is a pretty
7646s lucky role I would say for dappy to
7648s potentially survive while maybe even two
7651s of these players get eliminated well
7652s funly enough as well I just spoke about
7654s Ala being on nine points dappy also is
7657s on nine points so if alimu takes the
7659s loss here and dappy gets a win he gets
7661s one point up on alimu at least and you
7665s know gets to utilize the fact that he
7667s got the ghost at the right right
7670s time and sometimes you know that's what
7672s games come down to right you got you get
7674s the ghost you gain more MMR on ladder
7676s right like like that's just how the game
7678s works
7680s yep yeah ALU is just I'm missing
7684s something just not quite putting out the
7685s power there is a gas coiler that can get
7687s the work done it's a little close he
7690s does still have a like a 60 over on the
7692s left yeah but it's just not going to be
7693s enough maybe with a Leroy and a beler
7696s from the coiler no not quite a little
7699s bit too
7700s much yeah and with both of those being
7703s like a guaranteed kill right there was
7704s never even going to be a chance of the
7706s draw going on and that is going to be
7708s aluu going out is anyone going to join
7711s him I believe not so that's our top four
7713s with be babit on three Health
7716s tall you love to see
7720s it I don't think be babbit really has
7722s the kind of gallix game where he feels
7725s like he's going to be running away with
7726s this game at this point but I think
7727s quite happy just to grind out a top four
7729s from this point right said forit a
7732s fourth and a first are largely the same
7734s thing right it's going to take him two
7735s good games or two decent games uh to get
7739s to that 20o threshold and put the lobby
7741s in check which makes him eligible to win
7743s the tournament so accomplished yeah I
7745s would say and honestly H just if we just
7749s take stock at this exact moment in time
7751s of the lobby Legends over the course of
7752s the weekend beat babbit definitely up
7755s there as uh maybe even the star of the
7757s show
7764s G though going to have to make something
7766s work I see a lot of gold not a lot of
7769s stats and and still very much just on
7771s cards build right like there is not a
7774s wild amount of synergy going on here
7776s golden Bas skill is lovely of course
7778s pulling a golden Bramble witch and a
7779s LeRoy but outside of that he's just
7781s found stats wherever they are available
7784s right like golden isow great uh golden
7786s lava lurker with permanent Divine Shield
7788s great like just has got some decent
7789s cards just two for oneing opponent stuff
7792s and we are in a a top four of extremes
7795s here s I'm not even on about the the
7797s boards themselves but Tom and gief are
7800s on three and 3.5 Points each uh and then
7804s we have of course uh Peter babbit and uh
7807s dappy who are on you know first and
7808s second place at the moment on 12 and N
7810s so uh there kind of like two pairs of
7813s players fighting each other in a certain
7815s extent on the on the ladder here okay
7818s good out come for The Naz in terms of
7820s the the splash attacks for beta babit in
7823s particular oh that's not the attack for
7826s your Divine shielded manner off though
7827s straight into a LeRoy if there was any
7830s hope from here I think that has just
7831s disregarded it don't think that solitary
7834s 99 is going to get the job
7838s done what about that
7845s one and not enough right needed to get
7847s absolutely full out of the banana slam
7851s went down if he was going to have any
7852s hope yeah it's the golden as well didn't
7854s help but again I think mission
7856s accomplished for beat babit uh fourth
7858s place by the looks of things yes uh
7861s which means that yeah that's a solid
7863s amount of points which is going to make
7864s get in the lobby and check next game a
7867s little bit easier dappy can we get a
7869s dappy check please dappy lived through
7872s that like dappy was fighting 1 to tomb
7874s apparently dappy de 17 to what happened
7879s this is a
7881s board is
7885s it I can only imagine that that mgle
7888s absolutely carried yeah Giga
7897s farmed really solid result from dappy as
7900s well so far and uh again even with this
7904s both dappy and be babit have put in a
7907s shift right because even though
7909s on points if you both put the lobby in
7912s check in the same within the same game
7915s it doesn't matter if they have more
7916s points than you right you've both
7917s achieved the goal at the same time so
7920s the fact that dappy is still in is huge
7923s right I guess actually reflecting more
7926s on
7928s this the hero power does a lot of work
7931s here right like there there is a
7933s significant amount of uh buff going on
7936s from the the hero power in particular
7938s which looking at tombs board because he
7940s found the lava lurkers quite late um
7943s tombs board is actually a little smaller
7945s than you might think it would be at this
7947s stage with the the deep blue comp so
7949s yeah I can see it actually thaty a
7951s little bit stronger than perhaps I'm
7952s giving him
7957s credit okay the hits going on one advine
7959s Shield not too bad at
7961s all and even this this wind fu is
7964s significant right in terms of
7967s damage
7978s double Leroy as well going to get some
7980s work done REO re boy reborn on
7986s the just one Min in the end yep so close
7991s but again dappy another mission
7994s accomplished for him going into this on
7995s nine points going to bag plenty of
7997s points to give him a shot in the next
7999s game anyway and now we've got a bit of a
8001s weird finish subtle between uh two
8004s players coming into this game on the
8006s lowest points one of them's going to be
8008s contending again after this or well I
8010s guess both of them are but one of them a
8011s little bit more so and it's just been a
8013s super Scrappy game right like oh the
8016s only person who's actually hit a comp
8018s like a recognizable fits into a nice
8021s little box comp is T right like he's the
8023s only person playing something
8024s recognizable gief's just absolutely on
8026s cards build dappy very similar just kind
8029s of getting carried by the hero power of
8030s the heroes playing be babbit kind of had
8033s bananas but not really not like an
8035s optimal banana setup or anything like
8037s that alitu had a busted Token build
8040s which didn't like busted as in not
8042s hitting the thing you want not busted as
8044s in broken where he didn't find the
8046s actual payoff card didn't find fell
8047s stomp or anything like that so no one
8049s just really hit the nuts this game and
8051s it is just high quality cards with lots
8054s of stats crashing into each other at
8055s this
8057s point
8058s a m is out okay
8062s sure i'
8066s ra go ahead and hire one of these
8072s recruits you got this you okay well here
8075s we go let's look at the potential damage
8077s output cuz this could be over this round
8079s depending on how heavily one-sided they
8080s are tons of stats on one side on the top
8083s player and there more Tech options on
8085s the bottom oh it double hit the same
8088s minion that's so unlucky okay I mean at
8091s least the venomous Then followed the
8092s leader right like that's something but
8094s the fact that the uh The Naz did not
8096s deal with two separate Divine Shields I
8098s think is a kind of a Nerf for
8104s gief and I think loses the fight because
8107s of it right I think if I hit one more
8109s Divine Shield I think he would have
8110s ended up winning this fight yeah there's
8112s also the slight unfortunate that the um
8114s the reduced to three was hit straight
8116s away as well when it got it got and then
8118s got taken down instantly so didn't get a
8120s posit yeah it was the first minion to
8122s die as soon as the base skill went down
8125s so it didn't get to you know procket
8126s attack which again would have
8128s dramatically
8129s helped uh that's four fell Stompers that
8132s gief just hit in three rolls by the way
8134s which alot will be looking on longingly
8138s at thinking it should have been me it
8141s should have been
8147s me
8151s gief purely in the business of scamming
8154s now though he saw the stats on the
8156s previous turn they're going to be bigger
8158s than that significantly this turn uh
8161s with G with tomb probably sprinkling in
8163s a couple of scam cards of his own on top
8165s of that although actually I imagine Tom
8168s just sticks with hardcore scaling for
8169s another turn or so right because
8171s unlikely either of these players one
8174s shot the other from here yeah unlikely
8177s it would have to have some very inter
8178s outcomes because like tomb doesn't
8180s actually pump a lot of damage right even
8182s if he wins the fight comparatively
8184s anyway so yeah know I'd agree with that
8187s I think tomb has gone to five now though
8190s which um I think is a nod to just
8192s setting up for end game like he's going
8193s to want to replace one or two of these
8195s Minions that AR 200 200 Divine Shields
8198s with leroys or Manor roths or something
8200s similar like that so needs to go five to
8203s some point to make that
8204s happen oh I do like this though I think
8208s think you can win this thing get some
8210s tokens in the
8212s way yeah trying to just soak as many of
8215s these hits as possible without uh
8217s hitting the good
8219s stuff oh was a clean kill on the Leroy
8222s 19 to 19 that's kind of
8227s funny oo there's a lot of value here
8230s though yeah a lot of value being removed
8233s though from
8235s two not looking like he going to be
8237s enough though that was a huge Bramble
8239s witch we saying the Bramble witch last
8241s time perhaps cost G for the win that was
8243s a massive outcome that time
8245s around not looking too bad at all now
8247s for gief and this is
8251s a okay again not going to be one shot
8254s but a significant amount of damage
8255s putting tomb in range of another similar
8258s win
8260s yep so now tomb does have to scramble
8263s needs to find some uh some final pieces
8265s of the
8266s puzzle be a skill scam of his own if he
8269s can does have a primal fin in hand so if
8271s he can find a murlock to at least go
8273s along with that on the board look for
8276s some B skill try to look for some scam
8278s yeah one interesting scenario as well is
8279s some of the tech cards don't work as
8281s well you like Blaster doesn't work as
8283s well in this anomaly right because it's
8285s not like Blaster damage goes up it's
8287s only good now for like Divine Shields as
8288s opposed to say you know like sniping
8290s leroys for example sure yeah
8293s yeah went with the bran and the reef
8296s Explorer without a mloc on board was
8298s able to pick up a murlock so he can
8300s activate the Primal fin now I imagine
8302s wants to squeeze that in with the bran
8304s as well doesn't though in the
8306s end would have thought I I I think I
8309s would have gone for two shots there at
8311s the base skill but I suppose on top of
8313s that he doesn't actually have a payoff
8315s for that base skill yet so still needs
8317s to find some kind of scam minions from
8319s hand the payoff is just bodies to maybe
8323s take a venomous hit or something right
8325s like that's like yeah that's like which
8328s it's not bad but it's not good either
8330s it's just acceptable at
8334s best how is he going to leave the space
8342s here yeah okay two three yeah I think
8345s with Divine shield on the horse it's
8347s fine but it's just a thought right cuz
8349s like you can end up just having more
8350s tokens to spawn tokens potentially you
8352s can stay on to don't think it gets there
8355s though the idea of the Divine shielded
8356s horse is nice cuz it is going to soak
8359s multiple attacks yeah you can see je not
8362s really expecting that has put the
8363s Bramble witch up second so the Bramble
8365s Witch is now just going to go straight
8366s into this horse for very little value so
8369s that is a nice outcome for Tomb at the
8372s beginning even the the hit killing the
8376s murloc was actually huge cuz that just
8378s still made the space effectively right
8380s but saved the Divine
8384s Shield it's Leroy outcome is now pretty
8387s huge
8390s H sit down
8392s kid but managed to to absolutely steal
8396s the tie out of nowhere at the end
8399s definitely felt like tomb had him outp
8400s positioned in that individual fight
8402s right with the Divine Shi horse on the
8404s far right um but gief just managing to
8406s get that scammy Leroy attack on the
8408s last's the problem and something I find
8412s difficulty with in the heads up moments
8415s you do your Gambit right as we saw or
8418s you know like the blah blah blah well
8420s when it doesn't win you the game I find
8423s it very difficult to say okay what's the
8425s next trick up M sleeve because it just
8427s gets I feel like it gets progressively
8428s harder to try and like outplay or out
8431s position or you know Mind Games your
8433s opponent when like your first big trick
8435s didn't
8437s work and also Tuma sold the farm to make
8441s that happen as well right the deep blues
8443s are gone the zesties are gone there is
8445s basically nothing happening here in
8447s terms of uh pumping stats so he just has
8450s to find some way to continue to be
8452s disruptive to all of these uh these
8454s venomous leroys and stuff that that gief
8456s has on the other side and I think he's
8458s going to run out of steam to be able to
8459s do that for very much longer Gast coiler
8462s just been dropped down as well just for
8463s some extra
8465s Shenanigans this is a real obnoxious
8468s late game isn't
8472s it yeah this has become too technical
8475s I'd
8476s say if anything these players are too
8479s good can we dial it back a bit you know
8482s what let's go bring it down to 5K
8489s mm you got this you're way
8494s ahead okay let's see who's going to get
8496s the better end of the stick if any this
8499s time or two Divine Shield peels but only
8502s one on the a big minion let's say going
8505s to go
8506s again
8509s just refres re The Shield yeah very ni
8512s ended up going into a 33 anyway so kind
8514s of decent value for gief in the end I
8517s think with the way those attacks ended
8518s up this is uh not looking good though is
8522s it well he does still have two kind of
8524s guaranteed Snipes within the base skill
8526s right for the two big Minions on the
8528s right so it can still wind up okay as
8530s long as the stuff on the left gets taken
8532s care of yeah gief Tiding up these tokens
8534s is actually a nightmare for Tom isn't it
8537s yeah so now the big deal is whether the
8540s the Bramble witch actually gets to
8542s attack or not and it doesn't which means
8544s that is going to be a victory this round
8546s for two
8548s yeah yeah although in terms of damage
8551s again both players sort of just slapping
8552s each other with wet noodles right
8555s now so we are heading into what turn
8560s 19 was there a turn question can't
8564s remember uh there was yesterday right
8566s there was a turn 18 yesterday but I
8568s think we had the opposite today today we
8569s had will a game end before turn 15
8578s ah whereas yesterday we had a will it
8581s end after 18 but I think this is the
8583s longest game we've seen in the
8584s tournament so far I'm surprised the
8586s question hasn't ever been will the
8588s tournament end today in the
8590s [Laughter]
8591s UK because on time the king of all time
8595s zones will the tournament end today yeah
8599s I mean that is a I think that's actually
8601s a reasonable question maybe next year
8606s [Music]
8614s yeah to be clear I don't actually care
8617s about our times there's only one thing
8619s that I'm patriotic about and I think
8620s this applies to so many British people
8622s right as much as many of us despise our
8625s country plugs
8628s oh yeah we're strictly the winners in
8630s that aren't we we have the greatest
8632s plugs in the world you are all wrong and
8634s like any you can have this conversation
8636s with any British person it will be the
8637s same outcome our plugs are the nuts and
8639s you are just so dumb the first time I
8643s went over over the pond I was like what
8645s are these two flimsy little sticks doing
8647s here the aren't going to these aren't
8649s going to stick in the wall are
8654s they the difficulty we have over here is
8657s sometimes to get the plug out of the
8665s wall yeah sorry I have now started very
8668s uh intense emotional reactions in our
8670s production
8672s Discord this is not going to look good
8675s here for Tomb is a full golden gas
8678s coiler still just chilling uned and that
8682s looks like it's going to be enough
8683s damage as we get the winning strike here
8685s from gief and honestly
8688s fantastic play from gief he's not had I
8690s would say like the best start to the day
8692s of course H with only getting H zero
8695s points and then I think 3.5 in game two
8698s but I think considering we spent a
8700s portion of that game saying Chief just
8703s kind of has cards and he's converted
8705s that to a win and when you can do that
8708s that shows the quality of player gief is
8710s and the fact that yes there are those
8712s you sort of let's say scam builds or
8713s whatever but being able to get to that
8716s point in a game where everyone's trying
8718s to purposely push everyone else out for
8720s more points it's very very impressive
8722s overall yeah I mean he he was just kind
8724s of playing cards build but in the end
8726s like navigated really really well in the
8728s end in those final battles one little
8731s Stroke of Luck I would say again we
8732s don't see the odds um but it looked like
8735s maybe one fight there was was favored
8737s for Tomb and didn't end up going that
8738s way because of him getting the better of
8740s the heads up positioning battle uh but
8742s overall super well navigated for for
8744s gief and just kind of a weird Scrappy
8747s LOB which I think tick another box that
8749s we haven't yet had in this tournament
8751s right most of the lobbies although they
8753s have been varied and varied by builds
8755s and Minion types and anomalies they've
8756s all been people hitting and largely in
8759s that Lobby we saw what happens when no
8761s one really hits and they just all have
8763s to play Scrappy builds to make stuff
8765s happen yeah I do also think with that
8767s specific anomaly everything else you
8769s know it naturally looks more tame
8771s because the anomaly is just plus one
8773s plus one that we've had two in a row now
8774s so fingers crossed we get a new anomaly
8776s for the next game but we are three games
8779s in now we will give you an update on
8781s what the standings look like after this
8782s break don't go anywhere we'll be right
8796s [Music]
8806s back
8811s [Music]
8835s [Music]
8874s [Music]
8898s [Music]
8915s [Music]
8926s 3
8928s [Music]
8956s go
8957s [Music]
8980s [Music]
8986s 3
8990s [Music]
9001s [Music]
9095s welcome back everyone we are three games
9098s in now to Lobby Legends finals day we
9101s getting ever closer to the first player
9103s putting the lobby in check which means
9104s getting to 20 points and then from from
9107s that point onwards if they win a game
9109s they win the tournament so very very
9112s exciting times are to come but yeah what
9114s did you make of this so far Sol pretty
9116s um after game one I would say a slower
9119s buildup for the last two games mainly
9121s because of the anomaly yeah game one
9123s went absolutely wild it was the Tav s
9125s Lobby was a very powerful makeup of a
9128s tavn s lobby at that uh only really
9131s missing uh Pirates I guess for the
9133s captain Sanders full chaos uh to be able
9136s to make stuff happen but outside of that
9138s we have just had two uh overgrowth
9140s lobbies in a row right which are
9142s relatively vanilla as far as things go
9144s uh very few game warping synergies with
9148s that anomaly let's say like uh without
9150s demons which you know can benefit but
9152s from the shot being massive with the
9153s eating effects it's just you know the
9156s boards are a little bit bigger um the
9158s one thing I will say is um perhaps
9161s something that I could have pointed out
9162s before was the reason I think we saw
9164s that back and forth Tech Car battle be
9166s so so powerful is because in that
9168s anomaly you can just buy a ghast coiler
9171s on turn 18 and it's a 25 25 or whatever
9174s right like it immediately hits board
9177s hits your board and makes an impact um
9179s so it makes that Tech Car battle in the
9181s end game a little bit more difficult
9183s because you have a wider variation of
9185s things that you can just buy and commit
9186s to the board uh very easily but you can
9189s now see uh daido and beta babbit both
9194s putting things in touching of putting
9197s things in check um but then for our
9200s personal little competition uh looks
9202s like things are going fairly well for
9204s Raven in the puzzle box again yeah I
9206s mean you know if you're good you're good
9208s what can I say at the emphasis on that
9210s no
9211s subtle I'm so bad it was the first game
9217s now the best part is hitting once
9219s yesterday is unlikely hitting twice
9221s youve just got to be impressed at this
9222s point so yeah based on yesterday's
9225s analogy where said you know you went
9227s into a casino there was a rigged
9229s roulette wheel that was you know every
9231s every every Square was black apart from
9233s one red then you bet on red today you've
9236s now like gone to the bar afterwards got
9238s drunk and then gone back and put all of
9240s your winnings back on red again and then
9243s hit
9244s again I mean yeah if you're good you're
9246s good that's all I can say um I've told
9249s you I've told you off camera if you want
9250s some uh advice and help maybe next time
9252s I'll I'm willing to do that cuz you're
9253s you're a good friend even though you uh
9255s make me post silly tweets
9257s but yeah regardless we are getting ready
9258s to go into game number four and as you
9260s mentioned uh dappy and be babbit are
9263s within range of putting the lobby in
9265s check this game which means they could
9267s win if they win next game but much
9270s harder for dappy because dapp is on 14
9272s points so it requires him to get at
9274s least second place whereas beer is on 16
9278s and a half so not too difficult
9281s especially if he just been playing how
9282s he has been all weekend which has been
9284s very very impressive just bagging the
9286s those points every single game so I
9288s think beat babit is
9291s extremely no sh not like this not like
9294s this sh can we vote to restart can we
9297s vote to restart that's what I would say
9299s that's a thing okay well we have another
9301s one where it's just plus one plus one
9303s every single time we'll see if that
9305s mixes up before the tournament's over uh
9307s but yeah as I was saying beat babit um I
9311s think it's important to keep an eye on H
9313s not only hero choice but just overall
9315s approach to this specific game because
9318s he does only need three and a half
9320s points to to be able to guarantee put in
9323s the lobby and check yeah that is a
9326s that's still a top four though right or
9328s a tide for fourth that you need it's not
9330s uh it's not a straightforward
9331s proposition but yeah a little bit more
9333s in reach than we have seen uh from uh
9336s from
9339s dappy now the interesting thing for here
9342s is Will sttle guess um or predict uh
9347s be B it again knowing that he he knows
9349s he doesn't need a
9351s first I'm already
9354s in oh it's I'm disappointed in you saw
9358s I'm
9359s disappointed I picked the test in the
9361s overgrowth an normally it's been pretty
9363s solid so far I don't know why to deviate
9366s from a winning
9370s strategy because I say so I picked tomb
9373s so far for a turn turn one tomb okay
9377s what we got destroy 18 minions and
9379s something as the reward that I did not
9386s see
9389s conch uh what are the minion types for
9391s conch beasts murlocs Naga Pirates quill
9394s balls okay
9399s interesting
9403s okay Golden Hat going to be interesting
9406s as well dappy going on that George so
9408s going to have access to those Divine
9409s shields uh which again in a stat heavy
9412s Lobby let's say with just a nature of
9414s the anomaly uh could really help out in
9416s maybe just grabbing a couple of extra
9417s wins maybe knocking a few players
9422s Out ooh cheeky bran up to see it three
9427s battlecries lined up in shop
9433s already
9435s hat
9437s it's going to go for the level and then
9438s double by the merlocks next turn with
9440s the freeze yeah I'm okay with this we'll
9442s have six gold available with the with
9444s the
9448s buff so we're going to be on three
9450s battle
9454s cres yeah not looking too bad at
9460s all deliberating here I imagine just
9463s waiting to see what little bird's going
9464s to do although little bird stayed on one
9466s last turn if that is accurate uh which
9469s looking at the tracker yes it
9471s is so no threat of little bird going to
9474s three and ALU following him there for
9476s example I think that was always going to
9477s be a double Merlot by for ALU that turn
9480s yeah and alimu as well on 12 points
9483s going into this will really be looking
9485s for a top four just to make the next
9487s game as easy as possible to uh you know
9490s get that Lobby in check right obviously
9491s if Alo timu wins H this this game he
9494s would need one point next game to be
9496s able to get into check and get to that
9498s 20 point total uh Linda are dappy and
9502s Tom fighting each other this turn any
9504s way we can get that
9507s information have a good battle friend no
9511s they are yeah okay so they've both gone
9512s to tavn three so it looks like you know
9514s that was kind of little yeah mutually
9517s assured situations you're like okay cool
9519s you're going to three I'm going to three
9520s let's do
9522s it it's like mutually assured
9525s production very nice
9531s yeah ooh
9534s okay wait free cell
9540s level
9543s oh very early
9546s committal I mean I like the pickup I
9548s mean maybe I'm I'm a sucker for that
9549s card the feather Bane but like I just
9551s like it so much I always just go as soon
9553s as I see one but I mean it's not a bad
9555s plan I was just wondering if it was
9557s going to be a cell level this turn and I
9559s don't know try and do something next
9560s turn but it looks like dappy is just
9562s going to commit a little bit more to the
9563s actual board itself um and then wait to
9566s buy it next turn yeah so Divine Shield
9570s the uh the feather M and buy it you are
9573s kind of committing to finding banana
9576s Slammers at some point over the course
9577s of the game right you're locking
9578s yourself in very early because then you
9581s have this weird twist to uh you have a
9583s Divine Shield minion in your hand that
9585s can get Summon to board and be made
9587s massive over time with the banana
9589s Slammers right otherwise yeah sure it's
9591s a nice size Divine Shield minion but you
9594s end up just having it there in your hand
9595s summoning it's not going to be overly
9597s impactful so uh I agree hold out for
9600s another turn if if nothing else it is
9601s just going to get one one bigger next
9602s turn by holding out for one more
9612s time one big murlock got the skill as
9616s well for
9623s satellite i' actually really like to see
9626s a level
9630s here maybe I just want to level too
9634s aggressively I just think like once you
9637s get to four you've got a base skill you
9639s can start Really
9641s Cooking yeah no
9644s doubt and it say that is very much the
9647s consideration here satellite think weak
9650s as you're going to as lower hit you're
9652s going to get
9656s right he's going to go for the other
9659s merlock yeah mercules can be a real
9663s Batey card in this anomaly because you
9665s look at a mercules oh that mercules is
9667s so big that's definitely going to kill
9669s things right but then by extension it's
9672s only the same size as everything else is
9674s cuz everything else you're going to
9675s fight is uh is going to be comparatively
9678s sized the only small Advantage it does
9680s get is if you um face opponents who have
9683s like tripled into cards or who have sold
9686s a tad or sold a patient Scout right and
9688s then they have some normal sized Minions
9690s on their board and then maybe the uh the
9692s mercules can uh can start
9696s farming this is going to look a little
9699s bit difficult though significant amount
9701s of power coming out from
9703s two also being able to reborn that Scout
9706s is going to be really nice we can
9708s already see fruits of that on board
9710s right
9712s now oh tomb lost so much value from the
9716s the scalin not going down needs a slime
9719s to get that thing taunted yeah for
9723s sure already have a secret loaded for a
9726s little
9727s bit little flurry of merlocks as well
9731s but
9732s nothing nothing that's going to point us
9734s towards a late game as of yet in terms
9736s of plans no can go for a five now or
9741s next turn look for a bran something
9743s along those
9744s lines yeah level hero power freeze looks
9748s pretty good still has the Tad with in
9750s the shop as
9755s well that's a great play just going to
9758s shoot now to see this
9763s shake bream or could just commit to
9767s Slammers yeah it's that same situation
9769s again right do you take bream when
9771s there's no base Gill in sight that's
9772s always kind of a sketchy proposition
9775s three or four times now we've seen that
9777s turn down just today of players just
9779s being offered the bream setup before
9781s they have the way to pull it onto the
9782s board I I don't want to say it's baited
9785s cuz I don't think it's strictly wrong
9787s but I would pick the bream just cuz
9788s there's a tad in the shop like that that
9790s would have pushed me personally over the
9792s edge but I I'm completely with you of
9794s course without the base SK it's not
9796s quite the
9798s same oh was that only four
9801s away from Quest completion I did not
9804s catch it you're doing great out
9811s there
9816s AV
9824s yep
9828s so gets this Quest done this turn does
9830s he have enough juice to win the fight
9831s that was a really good attack for beta
9833s babbit with the Divine Shield going into
9834s his one attack minion just a little bit
9838s short total power but small loss small
9840s loss here is fine can actually St Quest
9844s also as Gambler right which is going to
9845s help being there more flexible going
9846s forward with that S three Bank gold so
9848s that's going to be really nice here
9850s battle pick your back up and turn it
9853s around yeah let's step up our
9859s game yeah shooting at the Naga no great
9861s surprise second lava L
9867s okay seems reasonable enough to me there
9869s is of course the
9871s um the coin available who wants to go
9874s that way
9877s around but you would imagine yeah lava
9879s lurker in the shop is so huge CU you can
9881s just spellcraft it in the shop it still
9884s gets those permanent stats and then you
9886s buy it right uh with the Conch uh Quest
9894s reward I think beta babit currently just
9896s deciding how much he wants to thin this
9898s board down in terms of reducing the
9899s targets for things to land on with
9902s [Music]
9906s me and also the deliberation of how much
9909s of this spellcraft do you want to pump
9911s into the shop how much do you want to
9913s put on your lava lurker right like you
9914s could have also use this other SI Rifts
9917s on the uh on the shop to cuz both
9919s effects essentially make it
9926s permanent not something I've ever done
9928s like this is really sort of
9929s crystallizing in front of me as how
9930s powerful a combination this is like the
9932s spellcraft plus conch thing like yeah
9934s absolutely I've I've absolutely I've
9936s done that but in combination with this
9938s anomaly as well that is a lot of stats
9941s that are just getting dumped onto your
9943s board every turn well it just simp puts
9946s you that one extra step forward right
9948s because again we were saying earlier
9949s where if everyone has plus one no one
9951s has plus one in a in a weird way but
9954s when you can actually use that twice as
9957s as much as anyone else to an extent it's
9959s definitely a lot stronger but not strong
9961s enough to take down the uh the two uh
9963s feather Ms yeah which have even though
9966s some value has been denied there has
9967s been a ton of stats dumped onto those
9969s feather Ms from the uh the reborn scal
9972s fin over time second scal fin now picked
9974s up as well if you can get that golden
9977s then that is going to be a seriously
9979s hard carrying
9983s minion I still need to I feel like some
9986s kind of taunt activator as well right
9989s Taun would be great no triple try
9994s again one more for good luck probably
9997s just leaves it in play for this one turn
9999s yeah yeah with the the base skill the
10002s scalin and the um and The Slammer it's
10005s like just give something
10009s taunt over to waterl sa's instantly
10013s going to become a fan yep oh oh I
10016s forgive the third overgrowth anomaly in
10019s a row if we're going to get a nice juicy
10021s RAC game look at this double golden
10024s economy minion next to a ryac with a
10026s bran already this is the good stuff hook
10030s it into my
10034s veins did pick w l right I did yeah yeah
10038s there you go it's all coming up
10041s sa oh Coral mgle Breen base skill as
10045s well unfortunately Sol all can't fit on
10048s the board can
10050s it uh yeah you just get rid of mercules
10053s and you play coral mle and
10055s basill it's fine we're chilling oh sure
10058s sure sure yeah for some reason I was
10059s kind of including the duo in there Mery
10062s oh mery's fine there yeah sure I
10065s sometimes takes me a second to process
10067s that Mery has been reinstated to both
10070s sides instead of just left oh right
10072s right right uh cuz it was nerfed for
10075s quite a long
10080s time and here comes the value and
10084s actually smart to use it on the buser
10086s instead of the shell collector for uh
10087s hand space reasons right like just
10089s getting the gold straight up without
10091s having to have the coins go into hands
10093s is very nice yeah cuz you're not you
10094s don't lose en in unless you really
10096s really enjoy playing coins from
10100s hand look at
10103s this oh
10105s and ryac setup with full economy and
10109s he's just bigger let's go I was just
10113s about to say the exact same sentence
10116s right you've got the cash and you've got
10118s the muscle that's when you know you're
10120s having a good
10121s time that's when you know you're a
10123s fitness influencer on Instagram
10134s a for sorry there's not a RAC on my
10137s screen anymore What's Happening
10139s Here can't just sit and watch one player
10142s yes we can I'm sorry be babbit s's been
10145s a fan of you all weekend until something
10148s shiny comes along waterl went from 4 to
10151s six this turn did we not want to watch
10153s that come on well I'm not arguing with
10155s you okay I'm just I'm just explaining
10158s I'm apologizing on on your he went from
10159s four to six and he still has a full
10162s turn Andy
10165s test and this is more
10167s money I feel like this is I feel like
10170s I've been I've heard wrong this feels
10172s like more money Less
10174s Problems yeah I mean you know respect of
10177s course to Biggie but you know you are
10179s talking some absolute nonsense at no
10182s point in human history did more money
10184s equal more more problems
10193s okay now is it time to cash out like a
10195s coward that's the big question here we
10197s stay with the economy next to the RAC or
10199s do we move the stats next to the
10202s RAC that's it yeah
10206s knows shame it started T tier s game it'
10209s be right
10212s there and uh in comparison lot of divine
10216s Shields going on a lot of parrots flying
10218s around but is it quite comparable to
10221s this
10224s board or at least what this board will
10226s become should I
10231s say oh these are actually really bad
10234s hits for
10235s waterl do you think this
10237s will like whichever way this fight goes
10240s this feels closer than it looked at a
10242s glance do you think this will be the
10244s turn now for waterlot that he'll switch
10247s off the economy
10250s no o okay okay you sure about
10254s that okay honestly it depends what he
10257s hits right like he has to find something
10259s to replace those cards with otherwise
10262s there's not necessarily any real point
10264s like I mean mean he could just move RAC
10267s right like golden bran now as well
10272s okay oh like he could move right like
10275s right and keep the the beefy minions he
10277s has true yeah that's that's definitely a
10280s a good middle ground I would suggest
10283s yeah cuz I think you want to protect you
10285s the 20 your your last remaining five
10287s Health right before you go into the
10288s damage cap that does make
10290s sense oh look more economy yeah I think
10294s this teis will just be in play for as
10296s long as he doesn't need a board space
10298s right just spend the gold that he has
10299s right now get a little bit of by Bye Bye
10302s Bye by but yeah I don't think I don't
10303s think anyone's going to be leaning into
10305s to ATT these anytime soon well now
10306s there's a second one so okay fine yeah
10309s and rik's
10312s gone yeah so actually even less greedy
10315s than we were suggesting just fly out of
10318s the RAC at this point and I think this
10320s is actually waterl it sounds weird cuz
10323s you'd imagine the economy approach is
10325s setting up for the late game but I think
10327s waterl is saying right I'm comfortable
10330s enough in terms of money to actually
10332s just build the late game board now you
10335s look at the pickups right go looking at
10336s those uh base Gill then all the tech
10339s cards with the venomus and the merlocks
10341s and so on I think this is a really good
10343s moment for waterl as you mentioned
10345s before he's above damage cap so this is
10347s very safe but also he's literally just
10350s building a first place finish
10353s game-winning board on turn 10 literally
10357s cannot hold all those
10359s taunts let's get that second base skill
10361s in
10362s play should be good enough money yeah
10365s yeah yeah for sure for sure again as I
10368s mentioned earlier I don't know which
10369s server is being played on but I don't
10371s necessarily think that some of these
10373s players are having the uh the smooth
10376s natural Speedy experience that they
10378s might like is trying to get some of
10379s these APM
10381s turns and
10384s honestly satellite staring at this
10386s opponent's board must think we've been
10389s in the same Lobby the same game playing
10391s the same
10393s game
10395s oh you're allowed to leave now Linda
10396s there's not a RAC on my screen anymore
10398s that's
10400s fine so though PL you stats available
10403s and this how much damage is this
10405s actually going to do this feels like a
10406s million well 15 yeah I'm just saying
10410s potential damage but yeah yeah it's a
10412s tough Yeah so basically water is just
10413s going to be fing people for the
10415s foreseeable future we're going to jump
10416s over to Slammers on either side of the
10419s board here between gief and little bird
10422s but little bird looks like he's going to
10423s gain the advantage here and needed to
10425s with only 9 Health versus 44 yeah for
10430s sure oh DA's gone that is has gone huge
10435s that is such a big deal nappy came into
10439s this game on 14 points and he's leaving
10442s this game on 14 points yeah oh that is a
10451s disaster wow still no golden scalin I
10454s feel like with been we've been in RAC
10455s world for two or three turns I would
10457s have expected Tom to have found the sca
10459s fin by this point but has not done
10463s so has found a mama bear and a banana
10466s though so getting some nice Buffs did
10468s you catch the stats on the mouse over as
10470s to how big the feathers were just then
10472s apologies no I was looking at what
10473s dappy's board was and what caused him to
10475s die fair enough and I think it was a
10477s mercules was still on
10481s board which I do think is an accurate
10484s description if you have a mercules still
10486s on board on turn 10 you probably not had
10487s a good game yeah yeah I think that's
10492s fair and
10494s actually uh well no there probably still
10497s was right I'm trying to work out if that
10498s Divine Shield feather M ever happened
10500s cuz I think it was dappy yeah cuz it was
10502s he was looking at shooting the shop with
10503s the the div and there was a bream on his
10505s board as an 1818 as well yeah actually
10508s on board so I imagine there is a Sly
10510s Raptor right so it could be that the sly
10512s raptor is summoning the the Divine
10513s Shield and the
10516s Amal yeah yeah just never found bananas
10519s or anything which is something I was
10520s commenting on before right like if you
10522s are going to commit so much gold to that
10524s you are going to need to hit banana
10526s Slammer to really pay it
10529s off yeah though water loot looking
10531s incredibly strong going up against one
10533s of these stronger players in the game uh
10536s so far I would say but is it going to be
10538s strong enough we're going to find out oh
10541s are those like 50s then yeah because the
10542s merlock 100 right yeah
10549s significant power being pushed out from
10551s tomb still has that venomous in the in
10554s the uh base skill as well
10558s uhhuh tell me
10560s more look I'm creating tension
10567s so not a bad effort not bad all right
10572s participation medal I guess sure
10575s W unfor unfortunately was at that
10578s magical 30 break point which is very
10581s irritating 31 of course the uh the best
10583s number in hstone
10585s Battlegrounds being one below that means
10587s that tomb is well in range now just
10589s getting double tonked one after the
10591s other yep there goes little burden and
10593s also uh one player to keep an eye out uh
10595s for all you gief fans gief has now I
10597s believe lost two pretty much full hit
10600s fights in a row I think he was like 44
10602s he's now on 16 so he's still safe for
10605s exactly this turn for now but still not
10608s looking good when you're going to take
10610s two big hits in a row like
10612s that uh aluu is uh playing the weab
10616s murlocs at home version of what um is
10619s happening on the other side from waterl
10621s but might still be good enough to win
10623s another
10626s fight you're going this me babbit on the
10629s left here with the bow blessing with a
10631s non or not not significant am out of
10635s stats did that make sense I think so
10637s maybe but the problem
10640s is significant Look At That Base player
10644s right there just loving
10654s life yeah we're going to have to hang
10656s out just in case be babit chooses to
10659s spend this Gambler and find some leroys
10662s or something but as of right now this
10664s looks like pretty straight up stats
10666s versus stats and uh they're not
10668s particularly close right
10671s now yeah I am not the best at these but
10674s when one player has base and the other
10676s player does
10677s not tells me everything I need to know
10681s yeah one player also has a Divine Shield
10682s 300 300 which covers the entire
10685s remainder of the other
10687s board true slight
10692s problem and just give a little bit of an
10695s update going into this game waterl was
10698s not looking great s and a half points
10700s total so if water can keep going with
10703s this and actually grab a win that will
10705s Propel himself to within Striking
10707s Distance of putting the lobby in check
10708s in the next
10711s game this Baron is going to have to bite
10713s the dust immediately if there is any
10717s small percentage chance for be babit on
10720s the barel here oh on the daus sorry
10726s okay really good hits so far but I still
10729s just don't necessarily think this is
10732s there those three little slimy crabs
10734s though it's just
10736s not just wasn't there I think that may
10739s have just been
10740s 100% yeah there's just so much power
10743s it's I mean look at the stats still
10745s there just on that one card insane and
10747s that is 12 damage so again about as good
10750s as it's going to go I think if you're
10752s facing uh waterl in this game at the
10755s moment to just not have him kill you is
10757s probably a victory H but that does look
10760s like that's going to be satellite being
10762s remove from this game on the six and
10765s chief does take damage cap again but the
10769s 16 Health saved today yeah gief just got
10772s straight up 45 in three turns yeah and
10775s gets ghost
10778s though deal yeah this is one of the
10780s biggest scams I've ever seen in my life
10782s actually like you you're losing every
10784s fight by damage cap and then you hit
10786s ghost on one Health and just scam your
10788s way into top four like yeah okay when
10791s yeah when the three three out of the
10793s other four players could easily die this
10796s round well not all all three but you
10798s know all three of them yeah I mean yeah
10801s there are three players are very much in
10804s danger zone waterl hits aluu so hard
10808s that he kills two other players with
10809s Splash damage it this is what this
10811s should do right it becomes just a raid
10815s boss fight so it's actually two Malo
10817s timu and be babbit versus
10819s waterl
10821s uh all right yeah okay I think I think
10824s that's actually fairly fairly reasonable
10826s let's do
10839s [Music]
10842s that you can't see the difference right
10844s I was talking about it when we were
10845s doing the barrels blessing in the
10846s previous fight like kind of have to wait
10848s in case um be babbit decided to do
10850s something weird like Sell Out roll sell
10852s The Gambler find a LeRoy or something
10854s because one Leroy would have made a very
10856s big difference potentially in that fight
10858s that we want right like I think it would
10860s have gone from 0% to 8 to 10% or
10862s something with the addition of a single
10864s Leroy
10867s maybe okay we've got Mega stats on the
10869s top here for uh bet babbit on the
10873s daus again a l of
10877s stats imagine I was channeling
10881s Derek sorry that's uh dearly departed
10884s Derek
10885s Brown again just an announcement he's
10895s fine that is going to be beater babbit
10898s out of here along with aluu I
10901s believe so two players is gief is how G
10906s thir yeah slowly drove past and waved as
10909s these two players have slipped on a
10911s banana peel absolutely call the police
10915s yeah uh although saying that while we
10917s get distracted that's 3.5 points for be
10919s babbit right uh yes that's 16.5 to 20
10925s yeah it is yeah it is yeah so that
10927s should be a bit about it putting the
10929s lobby in check and I believe because
10931s dappy went out uh e getting zero points
10935s be bab's putting the lobby in check on
10937s his own
10943s nice how how is this border thir I'm so
10949s annoyed look this is why gief's a fan
10951s favorite okay yeah get the I was getting
10954s ready to complain about uh like little
10957s bird on scams rack of just like finding
10958s an ice block and just being in top four
10960s despite having the weakest board anyone
10962s has ever seen uh gief just remembered
10965s that there's actually an ice block in
10966s the game already and it's called the
10967s damage cap and so here we
10974s are and at this point honestly G's just
10977s sat there thinking yeah great I'll I'll
10981s die now like goal achieved top three and
10986s what scoreboard idiot I'm third yeah I
10990s mean I if I was Chief right now I would
10992s be very very happy about
10995s things he's he's just stealthing a
10999s tunnel Blaster and activating it with
11001s like 12 different
11003s parrots oh look at jee's face as well
11007s you could tell he's just in
11009s smir h gief is just uh delicately put
11014s he's he's Battlegrounds poo posting
11016s right now I can't say the actual version
11018s of what I'd like to say he's
11020s doing I think you can say feces feces
11023s post Bo
11026s in and yeah to no one's surprise even if
11030s you've not been playing Battlegrounds
11031s too much big numbers good as waterl
11034s takes out gief and again that is pretty
11036s much a victory for gief uh unbelievable
11040s third place finish and now it's going to
11042s be between waterl and
11047s Tom look at this
11050s board this is
11052s fine
11056s you know what I'm slightly upset about
11058s not that it overly matters I changed my
11062s uh bandwagon to alimu when I had it on
11065s T that's right you did I uh I picked
11069s waterl turn one and stayed with it so
11071s yeah I I actually think your bandwagon
11074s points which let's remind everyone was
11076s the only real thing you beat me on
11078s yesterday that's so wildly
11082s incorrect um should all be
11086s disallowed why on the basis of it's just
11089s o Tess I'm going to pick Tess there's no
11092s loyalty to players there's no yeah
11095s there's no respect to the game it's just
11097s I see Tess I pick Tess that's it that's
11100s your strategy what do you mean I
11101s literally am respecting the game all
11104s right game recognize game and when
11106s players pick test in this lobby with
11108s this anomaly then I just they're going
11111s to win it's 100% hit R so far there's no
11115s heart in it sot it's like asking a robot
11117s to have an opinion there's no heart in
11118s it it's like asking a robot to have an
11122s opinion
11124s yeah those are certainly some words I
11128s commend you yep words with heart soul I
11132s know you wouldn't understand win
11134s this here though tomb going to do his
11136s best but I imagine assuming his fate is
11139s sealed cuz that's three 8 million Health
11142s base kills just to start
11145s I'm pretty sure waterl Reserve team wins
11148s this
11150s Lobby like if you just deleted the board
11152s and he had to play with the cards in his
11154s hand instead I'm pretty sure he's still
11155s winning as long as the the merlock
11159s gained the stats of the hand I would
11160s probably agree with no like unironically
11163s the things that came out of his hand
11164s that this 135 bream the 122 stat uh gou
11169s and a 4040 Leroy has come out of his
11171s hand so far true unironically think that
11174s wins this
11175s fight but you never
11178s know it's a good Leroy here to be
11183s fair uh right you have anything else in
11186s the tank tomb what else is going to jump
11187s out oh nothing okay uh yeah that looks
11190s like that is going to be that water and
11193s also most notably even Tess is going to
11196s do well in yet another game of
11198s Battlegrounds today well and this
11201s weekend actually so uh what an amazing
11203s game game there we saw Tess dominate
11205s once more but most importantly uh we saw
11208s the uh the the points shift to one
11211s player in particular favor so uh looking
11214s forward to seeing the impact on that but
11216s yeah uh fingers crossed we just get what
11219s some of the uh more wild anomalies for
11221s the next one so I'm ready I I've had
11223s enough sort of relaxed games I want wild
11225s back in the game yeah uh I think that's
11228s fair um people praying for wild I think
11231s is a is very common in Hearthstone
11234s circles but not really in the context
11236s that we used to here
11237s but yeah I mean what can you say I
11239s really enjoyed beat of babbit Strat with
11241s the the overgrowth anomaly and then with
11243s naret in and then taking conch and just
11245s trying to complete that as quickly as
11247s possible and then in a reasonable
11249s scenario I think that would have worked
11251s out great like babab it might have been
11254s the stacking of the lobby at that point
11256s right and everyone else would be trying
11257s to scam against him at that point but it
11259s just so happened that aluu had a
11261s disgusting murloc board and and his
11264s disgusting murloc board looked like
11266s infant's finger painting in comparison
11269s to what waterl was doing on the other
11270s end with the test so um the the Naga
11273s stats just weren't really getting there
11275s overall but yeah I'm with you roll on a
11277s different anomaly at this point now
11279s please okay well we're going to go to a
11281s break but remember we'll have updated
11282s standings when we get back so don't go
11284s anywhere more Lobby Legends coming
11292s up
11295s [Music]
11322s on
11323s [Music]
11331s [Music]
11340s [Music]
11352s on
11356s [Music]
11373s [Applause]
11376s [Music]
11382s oh
11384s [Music]
11422s [Applause]
11427s [Music]
11473s welcome back everyone to Lobby Legends
11476s uh we've just come off the back of game
11477s four and be babbit does have now the
11480s lobby in check and if you've just been
11482s tuning recently and you missed the sort
11484s of intro where we went over what that
11486s means it means now if be babbit
11488s specifically wins a game so finishes
11491s first place takes the whole game uh he
11494s will then win the tournament the
11495s tournament just ends and that's where
11497s all the players now will be feeling the
11499s pressure because it's not like be babit
11501s loed his way into it right he's has been
11503s playing consistently not only today to
11504s put the lobby in check but also this
11506s weekend overall so very very dangerous
11508s opponent there and uh something all the
11510s players going have to keep an eye on
11512s whereas all the other players still have
11513s at least this game to try and get to
11515s that 20 point mark Raven I just had a
11519s minor heart attack I saw the start of
11521s this little repay package with the
11522s anomaly pop up again I was like no not
11525s again I refuse yeah if we get this one
11527s again we're just going to walk away and
11529s it'll just be a silent you know we could
11531s just have a break or I don't know
11535s but I guess if we're looking at as you
11537s mentioned babit now has a Lobby in check
11540s the uh the final chapter of the
11542s narrative that's clearly written for
11544s this tournament in advance is that we do
11546s just roll another overgrowth anomaly be
11548s babits gets Tess and then just wins the
11550s lobby with Tess that's what happens yeah
11553s yeah but as you can see here gief alimu
11557s tuum waterl dappy all within range of
11561s putting the lobby in check as well by
11563s the end of this game whereas little bird
11565s and satellite have a little bit more
11567s work to go so they'll definitely be
11568s feeling you know no doubt a little bit
11569s deflated and I hope that that the
11572s players sort of slow down a little bit
11574s but again just to reiterate because the
11576s rules might be a little bit funky if
11577s you've not seen it before this game the
11580s only way the tournament can end is if
11582s exactly be a babbit wins this next game
11586s if not we'll be going into the next game
11587s and then the one after that until
11589s someone who has the lobby in check
11592s wins
11593s and it's been a fabulous performance you
11595s know I'm I'm really pleased I called out
11597s beer babbit and gief and sort of was
11600s trying to explain the level of uh
11602s respect and Prestige that those two
11603s players have um within the the
11606s Battleground Community particularly the
11608s America's Battleground Community but
11609s certainly worldwide and how you know
11612s sometimes you come to to Lobby Legends
11614s and it is it's a small sample right like
11617s sometimes you can just not get the run
11619s of the green for three games in
11620s qualifying and you're you're send
11622s packing we've seen that that with
11623s several great players over and over
11625s again throughout these tournaments and I
11627s think gief and beer babbit were just
11630s waiting for this opportunity to just say
11632s no like if there is a competitive scene
11634s for Hearthstone Battlegrounds like I'm
11636s one of the main events you know that's
11638s that's how good those two players are
11640s and gief yes but particularly beer
11642s babbit in this tournament is is really
11645s putting a stamp on proceedings yeah and
11647s just proven it time and time again I
11649s think again I think he's been probably
11651s the most impressive player over overall
11653s in terms of just both days every game
11655s we've seen them play cuz in the group
11658s stage he did extremely well and has
11660s contined to do so here so I am excited I
11662s do want to see a different anomaly now I
11666s know we had the the good start and we
11667s had a great day yesterday where we had
11669s six games and six different anomalies I
11671s am here for that uh but we've just had
11672s the same one a few times in a row now so
11674s I am ready for a mixup um I do a I call
11678s for a reame if it's that anomaly once
11680s again even though I know that's just not
11682s how the rules work in any way shape or
11683s form but still we can dream we can dream
11686s but is there any anomaly you'd actually
11688s like to see Sol cuz we've talked about
11690s what we have seen and some of the big
11692s ones that we haven't but what do you
11693s what would you like like what would you
11695s want to be in this next game so we
11697s haven't seen double header or grapnel
11699s yet which I always really like playing
11701s so that's uh the first minion you buy
11703s each turn is free or the first minion
11705s you buy each turn you get a copy of both
11707s of those are kind of degenerate and they
11709s lead to most people playing very byale
11712s heavy things which oh my
11715s God can we
11718s just someone asked the players if they
11720s want to
11721s reame I'm not sure we have that power we
11724s we definitely don't have that power but
11726s I again I can wish uh you can't just say
11730s things that is literally my
11736s job okay well we're in but be babbit has
11740s gone for Thoren which is a really fun
11743s hero to play and pretty interesting and
11744s do you think uh this does feel like a
11748s first place Hero at least to me so and
11750s what do you
11752s think uh yes I think so I'm not
11754s necessarily sure what the distribution
11756s is but certainly just the nature of
11759s having this ultimate win condition that
11761s no one else in the lobby is allowed to
11763s have but it being a very difficult late
11765s game Target to work towards yeah that
11767s that all makes sense in in terms of
11770s feast or famine option and those are
11772s some fabulous
11774s choices rank them for me I can't okay
11779s Moira yeah okay so Moira is the nuts if
11784s beasts are in right because you know
11786s Center Square on your bingo card that
11788s means RAC exists and just the the idea
11790s of doubling battlecries and death
11791s rattles with RAC is just completely
11794s overpowered um I think Varian is the
11796s option you take when your other options
11798s suck and neither of those options sucked
11801s um but we've seen it right right we we
11803s saw it first game today in the actual
11806s Tavern 7 Lobby uh Oracle mgle just spit
11811s so many stats everywhere over the course
11814s of the game it's so obnoxious and so
11817s snowbally to to be able to deal with so
11820s no great surprise that ends up may
11822s especially in this anomaly when you know
11823s stats are probably going to be the name
11825s of the game right like there's no crazy
11827s rules going on um I would have honestly
11830s loved it and and obviously we wouldn't
11832s have seen this here pick but I I really
11834s really really want an everything's on
11836s Fire game cuz I think they're so funny
11839s sure cuz they're so tense in the early
11842s game and then naturally tense in the
11844s late game because there's only a couple
11845s of players left even though the health
11847s kind of goes up so H that's what I I
11849s personally really enjoy
11852s playing though you can see as well B
11854s babbit's uh health is in Gold I guess uh
11857s so that is signifying that he does have
11859s the lobby in check if he doesn't win and
11861s this continues we will will see more
11863s players Health turn gold H just to
11865s signify and so you guys at home can keep
11867s track of who has a chance of ending the
11872s tournament so far there a lot of
11874s Cals there Pig stocking
11878s around be a babit going going uh staying
11882s on one and just spreading the minions
11884s out is this a strategy for this hero for
11887s Thor it can be if there's a lot of
11889s economy on one right so there is Naga
11891s and Elemental in this Lobby which means
11894s you can get shell collector and
11896s cemental the most efficient thing you
11898s can do per three gold is buy a minion
11902s right because then that for every three
11903s gold you spend you get one back you're
11905s able to to sell that minion away for one
11907s gold later when there are economy
11909s minions in the game you're spend you're
11911s getting two gold back from the three
11912s gold you spend so it's a more efficient
11915s way to spend gold quickly than leveling
11918s um so it's not uncommon to see this kind
11920s of thing happen but I wouldn't say it's
11921s like a 100% agreed upon that this is
11924s what you're supposed to do either yeah
11927s definitely a strategy that can pay off
11928s cuz you do just want to spend more gold
11931s because at first glance you might think
11933s it's just a set amount of time till you
11934s get it but you can of course have things
11936s happen that increase gold spend so yep
11940s Chief now don't tell the others taking
11942s it slow but they're leveling up pretty
11944s quickly with half of well over half of
11946s the lobby actually going into that uh T
11948s tier
11951s 3
11953s welcome back how's it going out
11957s there yeah moc's in so little bird on
11960s the nooth looking like that they they
11962s just want to climb for the the scow Fin
11964s and base Gill as quickly as they
11965s possibly can get that stuff rolling no
11967s great
11968s surprise coin just happy to go along
11971s with
11973s it you want a four on four I think so
11978s just got the coin as well and I feel
11980s like just in this anomaly like you just
11982s want to get to four and start seeing
11984s what you hit there I think there are
11986s good cards beforehand to help out but
11989s for me I think just just because
11990s everyone seems to be leveling just take
11993s that one extra
11995s turn he going against
11998s uh should walk right so he's going to
12001s against
12005s waterl water does have a pretty
12007s significant board again I just think you
12009s just take the hit now and go maybe I'm
12012s just too too aggressive in terms of
12013s leveling
12018s up look like Chief is going to try and
12020s just secure a bit of a bit of power on
12021s board instead of going for the greedy
12025s play 8
12027s 1066 yeah I think just trying to wait
12029s each other out between uh waiting to see
12033s what waterl would do because it's a big
12036s issue right if you go to if you go four
12038s on four there and then your opponent
12039s just you double buys two three drops on
12041s the the other side and just value trades
12044s your one minion you've just taken nine
12046s at that point when you were only at what
12049s 36 to begin with that's a pretty big hit
12051s to be taking you'd be dropping yourself
12054s no he's on 38 so if he took nine he'd go
12056s down to 29 you're then two damage caps
12059s away from just being straight up
12060s eliminated at that point which is a
12062s scary
12066s proposition can be bit afford this
12071s tent that's the real
12080s question yeah I think perhaps the
12082s question is can he afford to Greed this
12085s out a little bit longer because he's
12088s going to want to get his hands on Bas
12089s Gill as soon as possible right when he
12091s has tide Oracle yeah uh to be going with
12094s cuz he's going to want to handbuff stuff
12096s very very soon so yeah looks like he is
12098s just going to take the you know the the
12100s shiny curve essentially just double
12101s level on this turn he will be a little
12103s bit
12105s weak no great surprise right I think
12107s that's the other Factor when you were
12109s talking to me before about like you know
12111s does is this
12113s common um for the hero to be staying on
12116s one and playing things no not
12117s necessarily but also on top of all the
12119s fact as I talked about then just
12121s spending all of your gold on buying
12123s minions instead of leveling does get
12124s improved when those minions are getting
12126s buffed every single turn right because
12127s you do end up buying a pretty big board
12129s very very quickly that can arguably
12131s defend you for a turn or two while you
12133s then level I think you can win this
12141s thing okay A little bit
12144s of INF Fury good attacks coming out
12146s there from ALU as well to be able to
12148s clean this up pretty nicely push a
12150s little bit of damage which must be nice
12152s because obviously playe Patchwork is
12154s going take a ton of damage early on yeah
12157s yeah really sick uh shop to go into
12160s going four on four and then finding
12162s double buffed up cindery on his Tav four
12168s shops and this is the the stage of the
12171s game where alu's kind of just fishing
12173s for some direction now just sort of
12175s going to roll and just say what what am
12177s I going to get offered pretty much yeah
12181s um has kind of found a couple of
12187s options be triple into the four no Bas
12190s skill though very very mediocre choice
12193s there was a long-term plan available of
12195s Carbonic copy and just start getting big
12197s Buffs from the the tide Oracle on it but
12200s that is way too ambitious I think in the
12202s spot beater in even in the spot beater
12204s in where it's win or win or nothing else
12206s really matters I still think that is a a
12209s net negative way to play the game from
12211s the position he's in what do you like
12212s here Undead package Naga package or
12215s Elemental on dream you yeah I think all
12218s three of those options have Merit cuz
12221s they're all Miss something as well right
12223s like the undead reborn yes okay you do
12225s buy an undead to put it on but it's not
12228s a particularly high value one that you
12229s end up putting it on zesty and a lava
12232s lurker yeah that's two pieces of one of
12234s the most powerful comps in the game but
12237s you literally don't have a spell yeah
12239s they are just minions at that moment in
12241s time right yeah and then yes like the
12243s elemental it's very very early to uh to
12246s be buffing Elementals at this point but
12247s also there's no massive payoff for it
12251s either like again we talked about this a
12252s lot we keep getting this anomaly we also
12254s keep getting this anomaly without demons
12256s where the size of the shop is actually
12258s very significant um and that's something
12260s that you can play into with The
12262s Barnstormer as well right you can just
12264s buff up the Elementals that are in your
12265s shop even higher and then try and get
12268s that eating the shop demon value with it
12270s later but that's just not an option
12271s that's available in this Lobby either
12273s have we seen demons all weekend well I
12275s think we saw like one demon game or
12277s something yeah we definitely saw it
12278s yesterday but I'm not sure we've had it
12281s today significant it no it was in the it
12284s was in the tavn S game right cuz I
12286s remember people had uh Saras on their
12288s boards for oh you're right you are right
12290s y just no one ended up doing it did they
12293s yeah dappy sitting at the top of the
12295s board now a lot of players around that
12297s 30 40 Health
12303s Mark uh let me just check for you gief
12306s hold
12308s on you should have waited yep cuz that's
12311s how it works
12317s double merlock in there going to skip
12318s over gief definitely has cards that's
12322s what I would have
12325s picked he's been a fan of the old cards
12327s comp today isn't he gief yeah just like
12331s his
12334s cards double check as well je does only
12338s need uh what four and a half points
12343s to make it into check as well so again
12347s probably just trying to just do anything
12348s to hang
12353s around yeah tied with almu in this
12356s regards I was going to bring this up
12357s there wasn't every really a natural
12358s point to do it at the start of the game
12360s but aluu looking for a top four to put
12362s the lobby in check on Patchwork yeah
12364s that story checks out right Patchwork is
12366s a very grind your way into top four kind
12369s of hero so Mak sense
12375s okay things are kind of coming together
12378s for Al team yeah they absolutely are
12381s yeah that's a very nice looking board
12384s for turn
12385s seven yeah it's turn seven isn't it well
12387s it it feels difficult you know when
12389s obviously we're casting like game after
12390s game after game after game it's like oh
12393s yeah we're in turn seven this feel you
12394s look we had like what an 18 turn game
12396s earlier so they all start to just merge
12400s together
12408s looks like gief could be taking uh some
12410s significant damage
12412s here start pushing towards that danger
12414s point of
12417s 15 Tom on bran looking pretty good Tom
12421s another player Tom needs five points to
12425s put the lobby in check as well so
12427s there's a outside of the obvious fact
12429s that be babbit could just win H there's
12431s a lot of players who are in the mix of
12433s of you know putting everyone else in
12435s trouble too yeah aloto and Je both tied
12438s on 15.5 so they need four and a half
12440s points or a tie for third at least uh to
12444s be able to get into check as well and
12446s then just behind that is Tomb on 15 who
12448s needs a straight
12457s third yeah babbit found himself in a bit
12460s of a mixed bag scenario
12463s here I wonder how far away he is his
12466s hero power cuz he must be getting
12473s there have a few more dead to choose
12476s from if he wants to lean into
12478s that the worthy
12484s opponent could drop a stealth on the
12486s Primus as
12489s well hey watch out
12496s I got it second yeah I think this turn
12498s makes a lot of
12503s sense he should have it uh next turn I
12507s believe in answer to your question is
12508s like the natural curve to get it um like
12511s if you spent no additional uh gold you
12514s have spent 52 Gold by turn eight um so
12518s as long as you've then spent a little
12520s bit extra with another 10 gold
12522s and we literally saw do it right like
12525s early on so that should help we'll see
12526s how that goes but for now just lean into
12528s the undead getting a lot of those uh
12530s crabs
12536s spawn stealth really coming in clutch
12538s actually with this Primus as
12550s well
12552s looks like this is going to do
12554s enough might not necessarily win but
12557s it's going to make him not take a
12558s million oh there's so many one HP
12561s attacks though being left
12563s over really unfortunate just the way the
12566s spread is
12567s going yeah none of those were the
12569s attacks were they let's be
12571s honest oh yeah okay well I'm sorry I
12574s might have jinxed that but that felt
12576s like it should have gone a lot better
12577s for bab now taking a full damage cap of
12579s 15 is still on 60 though so that's a big
12582s deal yeah and look at the difference I
12585s know I hop on about this all the time
12586s but we we were on gief and I was talking
12589s about gief's on 38 he doesn't want to
12590s take nine cuz that'll put him below 30
12593s and then he'll take 15 twice and he'll
12594s die we went away we came back he was on
12597s 30 he' taken literally eight damage and
12600s put him on 30 instead of 31 he then got
12603s damage capped which then put him to 15
12605s which means he's now eligible to die be
12607s babbit exact same situation but he had
12610s one HP extra so be babit can get damage
12613s capped twice and stay alive and gief
12616s cannot like so much of your long-term
12620s planning um is riant on this idea of
12623s okay how many turns am I guaranteed to
12626s live right how de generate can I be with
12629s my leveling curve with my greed with my
12632s keeping a RAC for longer with a keeping
12635s a brand for longer with all all of this
12637s kind of stuff right and so much of it is
12640s leveraged by a 16 health and 31 Health
12643s those two break points specifically and
12645s you have to fight tooth and nail to stay
12649s above those those two Health totals yeah
12651s we did briefly check in with dappy there
12653s who's currently sitting in first place
12654s with 40 Health looking quite good he
12657s needs exactly second place or higher uh
12661s to be able to jump sort of jump the
12663s queue and get into the lobby into to
12665s check sitting there on 14
12668s points looks to be doing a good job of
12670s it so far you are not out of this
12675s yet we're going to see how good a job as
12677s gief is about to queue into him for the
12684s fight all looking surprisingly uh the at
12689s glance it looks weak but you can see
12690s where the strength of of how dappy has
12692s been you know winning fights and keeping
12694s that Health total
12695s High yeah I it just tams in in a
12698s nutshell right like you just end up
12699s being so much stronger than you appear
12701s to be it's my experience of every fight
12703s I queue into tams in is like the reveal
12706s happens like the blur clears and you see
12708s the board and you're like oh okay and
12710s then the hero power fires you're like oh
12712s I just got smacked oh satellite is out
12715s definitely not satellite's day that's
12717s zero points which means he's going to
12719s still be on seven points total going
12723s into the next game yeah one of the great
12726s things about check format though is that
12728s it does not matter how bad your day is
12730s going the tournament is always in your
12732s own hands it is impossible for it not to
12735s be all you have to do is win every game
12738s of Battlegrounds you play from any point
12740s you are in in the tournament and you
12742s will win the
12743s tournament here babbit down to eight
12746s health though so didn't take some damage
12748s there waterl also dangerous everyone
12751s except for the top three now could die
12753s at any given turn and again just to
12755s remind you beat babit needs exactly a
12758s win nothing else matters
12767s and uh as predicted looks like the uh
12769s the tide Oracle did hit the board on the
12770s previous turn yeah you can quite clearly
12772s see that manov has already been through
12774s one combat with the uh the tide Oracle
12776s in
12778s Play No base skill yet though needs the
12782s base skill would sell his right arm for
12785s a Bas skill right now I'm sure looks
12788s like he might be trying to sell some
12789s stuff for a Bas skill at this point if
12790s he's going go for a
12792s roll yeah gets rid
12796s of there's no merlock on board right
12798s like that was that was a Oh no there is
12799s a yeah there is I was going to say yeah
12801s that this won't work no this won't work
12803s you're absolutely right I was very
12805s confused I was like s's not about to
12807s tell me that this minion is not a mlock
12809s cuz if so I want speaked to the art
12813s Department T seven minions are actually
12816s just their their minion type is Tav s
12818s minion they don't actually have minion
12819s types outside of
12824s here though be pit just needs to survive
12827s if he wants to close this tournament out
12831s quickly uhoh yeah golden a that's not it
12834s is it
12835s no not looking
12838s good there's some death rattles there's
12841s a little bit of a reborn Shenanigans
12843s going on maybe to prop some Divine
12844s Shields if the trades go well and it
12846s leaves just the uh the righteous up
12849s maybe yeah it's fine that's that's okay
12853s absolutely got
12856s there okay lives to fight another round
12860s have you ever seen a human more clenched
12862s in your life than beater babbit was
12864s right there no
12867s way here's something that we have not
12869s seen all tournament by the way the uh
12871s the Gusty rock rock one of probably the
12873s most dominant comps that you'll see on
12875s ladder a lot of the time also sounds
12877s like a very obscure music
12880s genre
12882s Gusty rock rock yeah yeah sure it's like
12887s Gusty rock you know what does that mean
12890s though that's why I said it sounds like
12891s an obscure music genre oh
12895s okay but even like even if you're going
12898s into weird sub genres of think like if
12899s you hear like Doom metal you kind of
12902s know what that sounds like right it's
12903s still like a fairly descriptive title I
12905s don't know what Gusty music sounds like
12908s it's cuz you've not heard the genre yet
12910s so I suppose to be fair like shoe gaze
12913s do you know what shoe gaze sounds like
12915s without knowing that already not not at
12918s all all right
12920s Fair it's uh you know like weird emoe
12924s goth kids who dance by staring down at
12926s the floor and just sort of shuffling
12927s back and forwards oh likees Sho Gaz the
12931s oh okay I get it yeah I get it
12934s yeah I thought it was more focused on
12936s some kind of Footwear genre as opposed
12938s to just literally doing what it says mm
12941s MH I have not paid attention to this
12944s whatsoever my bad
12946s uh that
12950s one oh we went against each other
12954s e yeah I did not have time to evaluate
12956s cuz I was too busy thinking about music
12958s genres I had time to evaluate don't know
12960s and
12961s didn't I had time to evaluate but I have
12964s the handicap a big stupid unfortunately
12966s yeah you don't know what it's like
12968s so that sign Can't Stop me cuz I can't
12976s read it
12978s looks close is though doesn't though
12982s does
12984s it oh actually I suppose that goes in
12987s yeah does it looks close close enough to
12989s say close yeah I didn't realize that
12991s value traded cuz with like you can see
12993s it resolves D was number of attacks
12995s right was because of that one Eternal
12997s summon a value trade that it ends up as
12999s a tie otherwise it a guant gued we the
13001s other way wait do we both get points or
13004s do none of us get points uh unclear but
13008s puzzle box question will a Barrel's
13010s blessing end in a
13012s tie yes it will did we both put wait did
13015s I put yes on that we both put yes for
13017s that yeah okay
13019s you you face the sea little bird over
13022s here get some work Shing Elementals jeez
13026s yeah and just to note as well aluu uh
13029s has died of course so didn't get hold of
13031s those points that were
13035s needed uh confirm from support when when
13037s a barrel was blessing ties everyone gets
13039s points for their pick
13042s yes
13044s everyone you get a point and you get a
13047s point and most importantly chat gets
13049s points cuz you know they'd be upset if
13050s they didn't yeah
13054s true gief now just again playing card
13059s Stone does have the uh golden blue gill
13062s which is always a good
13065s sight dealing four charge damage to the
13068s opponent's face instead of
13071s two did I just call it a blue kill he
13074s did look we're in game five or whatever
13076s look okay you know what I'm like so
13078s we're a few hours in yeah yeah actually
13080s this is about like constructed series 4
13084s Raven isn't it and you know everyone
13086s enjoys it it's a good
13088s time I'm exactly the same when I
13093s stream you're doing great there wait
13097s that would be great if they just put
13098s Blue Gill and it just dealt two
13101s damage just Bops you in the face start
13104s of the fight yeah it just goes goes face
13106s it'll be so sick that's a free
13109s idea yeah you'd have to literally like
13112s right on the card this cannot be buffed
13114s in anyway right or else like Let It bu
13117s let it get buffed it's just a merlock
13120s it's how easy the golden one can get
13122s buffed how about
13126s that it would be understand why uh Raven
13129s has never applied for a game design
13131s position I told you initial design where
13134s is where it's at I have the ideas but
13135s little bird and tomb are going to be out
13137s and that puts be babit in the top three
13139s on eight health and a dream that dream
13142s is still
13144s alive okay am I doing the thing again
13146s where I'm about to ask how did little
13147s bird die and it was in the fight that we
13148s literally watched cuz I wasn't paying
13150s attention cuz little little bird seemed
13152s kind of
13153s massive yeah let me have a look at the
13155s board actually Hey Little Bird was quite
13158s large yeah Elementals and
13161s zfish mhm I have no
13167s clue
13169s up oh I think I might be seeing the
13171s issue if again apologies if we did just
13174s watch the fight and I wasn't paying
13175s attention but if Little Bird fought
13176s dappy for example oh sure uh there is a
13179s ton of scam hanging around on dappy's
13181s board right now that would just clean up
13183s those
13186s Elementals now realistically can be a
13190s babbit convert this to a win because not
13193s a win does not matter to be a babbit
13195s right
13209s now Sou is a uh a nice little card to
13212s have in the back pocket as well you want
13214s to start really going in on those Divine
13217s Shields yeah this is kind of wild though
13220s that be babbit has managed to get to
13222s this point without the base skill to go
13224s with the tide Oracle like it does just
13226s speak to how powerful a card tide Oracle
13228s is to begin with but it just makes
13230s everything that one turn delayed right
13232s when you then do actually have to play
13234s the Minions from hand right um it's also
13237s it's more Awkward than that right
13239s because in one fight you might have tide
13241s Oracle attack um and then you you'll end
13243s up with like a 3030 in your hand or
13245s whatever that 3030 might not
13247s significantly improve your board that
13250s turn right but then you have to put it
13252s on the board to actually get any value
13254s out of it at all you know like so it
13256s gets a little awkward when you don't
13257s have that base skill value going on yeah
13259s we are going to see some Divine Shields
13261s sort of head by each other here but it
13263s looks like especially with the base
13264s skill still intact it's not going to go
13268s here babbit's way and that means we're
13269s going to have no winner for the
13272s tournament in this game it's going to be
13274s at least one more game and also pry
13278s confident that dappy and gief are going
13280s to be able to put this one in check too
13282s correct yeah there were you said there
13284s was no winner but actually there was two
13286s pretty big Winners tournament winner
13289s yeah dappy uh now has a guaranteed six
13292s points he was on 14 gief now has a
13294s guaranteed six points H he is on 15.5
13297s which means both of those now absolutely
13300s Ely hit the 20 point threshold and we
13303s are going to at the very least a triple
13305s check situation I don't know if anything
13308s further down the list but just from an
13310s eye test I think it will just be those
13312s three who now have the lobby in check
13314s yeah little bird was on 10.5 points so
13317s that's not going to be enough uh tomb
13319s was on
13321s 15 so that's not enough nope alimu
13326s missed yeah so yeah I believe it is just
13328s those three but honestly so
13331s three is enough to really increase the
13333s chances that this uh this tournament
13335s ends very very soon especially when the
13338s three are like you know be a babit we've
13340s seen even in this which was a bit of a
13341s dier game get to top three uh gief has
13345s been just pulling you know rabbits out
13346s of hats with some of the tricks he's
13348s been doing this this weekend and dappy
13351s pulling this out the b as well extremely
13353s strong
13357s performance and uh gief is once again
13360s just absolutely carding people like what
13363s is going on on this board it is just
13366s simply cards yeah but it's also simply
13369s working right it's done exactly what
13371s it's needed to do yes gief wasn't first
13373s to put the lobby in check but he was in
13375s the first your three right or I guess
13378s the the second set of people to put it
13380s in check so it's as fast as you you're
13381s really going to get at this point a
13384s really successful few games here from
13386s G and I know there'll be a lot of people
13388s in chat cheering for him as well so
13392s yeah absolutely look at this level of
13394s scam though on the other side like I
13397s know this isn't the full base skill
13399s clown car that we have seen in a couple
13401s of the games but in terms of just the
13403s the seven minions you actually have
13405s starting on your board it does not get a
13407s lot better than
13411s this yeah this is
13413s honestly just as if Battlegrounds just
13415s said actually we're doubling the width
13417s of the board yeah it's like there you go
13419s enjoy
13421s and that is going to be the win for
13423s dappy a very convincing win with pretty
13426s much no one challenging him throughout
13428s the whole game right like finishing it
13430s on 30 I think one Health um incredible
13434s performance and exactly what he needed
13436s to propel himself into uh into sight of
13439s actually ending and winning this Lobby
13442s Legends tournament so we're going to uh
13445s hopefully get a new uh a new anomaly for
13449s the next game sure how much longer can
13451s this go on hick ax but we'll have to
13454s just see how that one goes but really
13455s really big win there for dappy and uh
13458s that just shows how quickly the
13460s positions can change in this format
13462s suddenly it was just be babit had a
13463s chance of winning and then dappy who
13465s came in at sixth going into that game
13469s now he's on the same level as beat babby
13471s so it really is special how quickly this
13475s can change remind me again who is in
13477s your fantasy team it is uh uh Tom dappy
13484s and waterl okay so you did have D yeah
13486s okay so that's you somewhat bad news for
13488s me I mean I do have beat babbit on mine
13490s which is potentially good news as he's
13492s now well within a one in three shot
13495s straight up of winning the lobby right
13496s now with two other people but I honestly
13499s feel like when we talk about this you're
13500s not bothered or thinking about if you
13503s lose it's how much you're going to win
13505s by is I feel like what you're trying to
13507s think about it's like is this going to
13508s be very one-sided or you know is he
13510s going to be a bit close I didn't I
13512s didn't get to the end of that which is
13514s the bad news for me is that I do have
13515s satellite as my third player who is not
13518s doing particularly well in this
13520s tournament as it stands right now so the
13522s fact that you know we both have tomb and
13524s then like you have dappy I have
13526s satellite and you know your guy just won
13528s a a a Lobby and mine finished eighth
13530s it's a pretty big Point swing but yeah I
13532s think overall I would imagine I'm still
13535s in a fairly significant lead but I think
13537s you've just destroyed me again on
13539s bandwagon yeah yeah and again like to
13543s actually focus in on something a bit
13544s more relevant that is a pretty serious
13546s point about this meta is that if you are
13548s experienced with it which I am right not
13550s as I don't play as much as these people
13552s do but I play a good amount of
13553s Battlegrounds you start to understand
13556s that this is a very knowledge-based meta
13557s right this is the anomaly these are the
13559s heroes you get offered these are the
13560s minion types certain things just are
13563s much better to do than other things
13565s under those lists of variables right and
13567s I just have a decent understanding of
13569s what those things are so I'm able to
13571s just kind of pick on hero plus anomaly a
13574s lot of the time of what's going to be
13575s successful well that is another game in
13577s the box but now the next game is going
13579s to contain three players that could just
13581s end the tournament there and then so
13583s you've got to make sure you don't miss
13585s it we'll be right back after this
13593s [Music]
13594s [Applause]
13595s [Music]
13599s break
13603s [Music]
13610s [Applause]
13611s [Music]
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13615s [Music]
13629s hey
13632s [Music]
13659s he
13664s [Music]
13688s a
13712s [Applause]
13713s [Music]
13718s d
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13822s [Music]
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13862s [Music]
13898s he
13901s [Music]
13924s [Music]
13941s [Music]
13952s welcome back everyone to Lobby Legends
13954s we are getting our next game ready to go
13956s and now we have three players that could
13958s take the Victory and end the tournament
13961s right after this game so you've just had
13964s your break you make sure you don't go
13965s anywhere now because it could be over
13967s after this one no it's getting
13968s progressively more likely anyway uh
13970s sutle who do you think is going to grab
13972s it if one of the three
13975s does I mean that's it's such a tough
13977s call to make I think bebit has show yeah
13981s Tess I think be babbit has shown the
13983s best propensity for building winning
13986s boards so far right like gief has been a
13988s very consistent performer but it has
13991s just been cards board a lot of the time
13993s right like a midsize cleave a couple of
13995s scam units a Divine Shield torn blah
13998s blah blah blah blah um where just replay
14001s don't worry yeah yeah yeah okay it does
14003s seem like uh babit has more consistently
14005s put together those winning looking
14007s boards but you know a lot of the time
14009s that's not necessarily A a reflection on
14011s the player it's just a reflection on the
14012s cards those people have been dealt
14014s respectively right and they' they've
14015s both done equally well to to transition
14017s into the best things that they've been
14019s offered so it's really really hard to
14021s say you know once we get to turn one
14024s turn two I can maybe give you a better
14026s pict because my my bandwagon picks on
14028s turn one and turn two have been pretty
14029s good so far but um yes seeing it cold
14032s without even knowing what the anomaly is
14033s like it's it's a big call to make yeah
14036s well let's take a look and as you can
14037s see yeah we were correcting our quick
14038s napkin math uh editions going on so it
14041s is be babit gief and dappy their points
14044s now kind well not not don't matter
14046s because the second third fourth fifth
14048s and so on with the prize pool but for
14050s them in terms of winning the tournament
14052s all they have to do is win a game finish
14055s it first place all the players from tomb
14058s and Below still need to hit a total of
14060s 20 points or more before they can
14063s actually have a chance at winning this
14065s Lobby Legends tournament so all eyes
14068s naturally going to be drawn to beater
14070s babbit gief and dappy and if any one of
14072s them gets propelled ahead then you know
14075s we could be uh ending this tournament
14077s pretty soon take a look at gief and and
14079s kind of continuing what you were saying
14081s about gief like he's definitely been
14082s playing a more um sort of uh what's the
14085s best way to phrase it cuz I saw some
14087s don't want to say want to say in the
14088s chat about it but um definitely been
14091s playing a a sort of I will definitely
14093s get points it may not be the most points
14096s but some will happen do you think we're
14099s going to well how much do you think that
14101s was done on purpose to just try and just
14104s go sort of slow and steady wins the race
14106s approach to 20 points and now do you
14108s think we're going to see an extremely
14110s different approach from gief because
14112s those sort of just cardboards won't cut
14114s it oh we did
14117s it it's something else it's literally
14121s any other
14122s anomaly um just to go back like the fact
14125s we did play so many overgrowths in a row
14128s right like I think that kind of Scrappy
14130s cards board that gief was doing very
14132s well with for most of those games does
14134s go Fairly hand inand with that anomaly
14137s because you can continue to just go oh
14141s that's a good card and buy it very late
14143s into the game right we talked about that
14144s a little bit in the tech card battles as
14146s well whereas you know if you get to turn
14150s nine turn 10 or whatever you can't just
14153s buy like a cleave from the shop right
14156s and put it on your board because it's
14158s pathetically small at that point and
14159s it's way too late to try and scale it
14161s whereas as we saw from gief gief was
14163s continuing to just buy a Divine Shield
14166s minion late on um or a uh a cleave
14170s lateer on right and just continuing to
14172s add to his board with big powerful
14174s minions over time and not only did we
14176s get a different anomaly cell we got one
14177s you wanted double header first time you
14179s buy a minion each turn get an extra copy
14181s of it this might be a Fast and Furious
14191s game oh one second to go got it in on
14194s turn one all
14196s right yeah what are the hero that are
14199s sticking out to you here because I can
14201s spot a milh housee and even the Noz do
14203s move from
14205s Jeep uh just sorry just real quick um I
14208s always get these two mixed up to make
14209s sure I've got the right one is it two
14210s copies or first one two copies two
14212s copies it's double two copies okay so um
14216s anything that can get the ability to see
14219s high Tavern minions in the shop first
14221s and foremost right like Toki is huge in
14223s this Lobby if you can get a toy we don't
14225s see one um also the ability like
14229s Milhouse generally with both of the with
14232s double header and grapnel is is pretty
14234s effective just that extra economy being
14236s thrown into a uh a Milhouse pit is
14238s pretty good which is why I've gone with
14240s uh water loot initially as my pick but
14244s honestly it's just about heroes that can
14248s safely ramp omu is another big one right
14250s because actually getting to Tav five and
14253s buying Tavern five minions is
14256s significantly better than tripling into
14258s fives when you get a second copy of them
14261s for free you know like that is
14262s absolutely massive yeah it's one of the
14264s reasons that I've actually gone for
14265s bandwagon for G because I just think the
14268s uh the the roles are going to be really
14270s nice you know to find exactly what you
14272s want oh yeah yeah yeah for sure it's a
14274s decent
14274s CH look at this already overrunning I do
14277s think though at least you can tell me
14280s about it SLE at higher mmrs but around
14283s my MMR these games are ruthless because
14286s the game just escalates so fast because
14289s you are doubling up everything you've
14291s got so triples are are
14293s abound and listen it just looking at the
14296s makeup of the lobby as well um so you've
14299s got uh dragons Pirates naga in is the
14304s big three I would say um but all of
14307s those kind of lead towards you actually
14309s wanting to get to six and so you can buy
14312s multiple teis multiple calakos for
14315s example from the shop and get double
14316s copies of them for massive scaling so uh
14319s there's no Elementals in this Lobby
14320s which I think is the first thing to
14321s point out because Elementals tend to be
14324s king in this instance first off
14326s Elementals exist in the in the early
14328s game and then those are massive but then
14331s your win condition is gusy on five you
14334s only have to get to five and then roll
14336s Austy in your shop and you're in
14337s business whereas in this instance you
14339s kind of have to go all the way to six
14341s are there opportunities for Undead to
14343s actually have an at least an early to
14345s mid game impact just because of the
14347s amount of power you end end up putting
14349s on board with that attack oh more so
14351s than that I think Undead are more than
14353s capable of winning this Lobby like
14355s absolutely um you can see just the
14357s amount of early game Power that you can
14359s output with the with the doubling up and
14361s then yeah again like if your fight
14363s seeing one Primus and you get two of
14365s them that's fantastic if you see one
14367s Eternal Summoner and you're getting two
14368s of them that's fantastic like they they
14370s can absolutely hang with the big boys in
14373s this kind of
14375s Lobby Little B already I mean look at
14377s the damage just flying around all
14378s already it feels so much faster than
14382s what we've been used to with just a plus
14383s one plus one right like already players
14385s losing armor getting below
14391s 30 in a really really tense game because
14395s not only is it tense for the three
14397s players that can actually just win and
14399s end the tournament and be become the
14401s champion but also all the other players
14403s are not only trying to get their own
14405s points but are probably trying a little
14407s bit extra harder to to like attack the
14410s players that can win the
14412s lobby all these discovers being broken
14414s is kind of irritating okay finds the
14417s Wrath Weaver triple so we'll be able to
14420s presumably take the level and buy here
14423s as well
14424s okay makes
14426s sense I'm guessing it's a a freeze after
14430s yeah Nest matron with the double uh crab
14434s as well double crab
14437s mount also forgive me if I'm wrong and
14440s I'm misremembering my mechanics but I
14442s seem to remember he's already bought
14444s this turn I guess they were being sold
14446s anyway so it doesn't work yeah but
14447s ideally I I I'm not sure if we've seen
14449s anyone do this yet but I think you if
14451s you crab Mount the shop and then buy the
14453s minion you get the copy of the crab
14455s mounts on the minion as well so you're
14458s doubling the amount of crabs that you
14459s summon in combat but that never that
14461s wasn't going to work out for water loot
14463s in that shop phase cuz the things he
14465s bought were patient Scouts which he was
14466s then immediately selling so he can't put
14469s the crab mount on
14471s them we'll keep an eye out yeah I think
14473s you see it here right G from the the the
14476s faceless you can see they've both got
14477s the death rattle suggesting that they've
14479s been
14485s copied we'll see how many crabs these
14487s spit out M that's the tricky part isn't
14490s it I feel like the more Battlegrounds
14492s evolves the harder it is to cast cuz
14494s there's so much hidden information that
14497s with all the crazy things that can be
14498s done done at the moment yeah you saw it
14501s there right two on each which means they
14502s were put on it first and then copied by
14504s the
14505s buy no great surprise that gief is
14507s getting the mechanics right
14511s mhm I've some recruits oh there's a
14515s golden locked up as well huge wow yeah
14519s and this it it just changes the game
14522s this is for me one of the most impactful
14525s uh anomalies uh I've played you know
14528s enough to to just think like the whole
14530s game changes because even some of the
14533s minions power level changes when you can
14534s just do it twice right you look at your
14536s battlecry minions as well like you could
14538s just do everything twice it's
14542s incredible I mean none of those yeah
14546s they they've not got any
14549s better yeah one of the things I didn't
14551s point out when you're talking about me
14552s like ways to ways to abuse this anomaly
14554s right I was talking about ways to just
14556s cheat expensive minions into the shop
14558s right I was talking about Toki was
14560s talking about fast leveling with omu
14562s yeah faceless absolutely gets there
14564s right especially if you hit a triple of
14566s it so we've already seen gief use those
14569s two faceless to put a five drop in shop
14571s with the the record Smuggler and then um
14574s boom just takes the golden puts another
14576s five drop in the shop as well absolutely
14577s huge stuff and it's just showing off
14579s what you were talking about not too long
14580s ago right where it you need to have that
14583s knowledge which minions are better with
14585s which anomalies and how to use them how
14587s to execute these turns and get the most
14589s value because it's such a competitive
14592s tournament I mean just look at that
14593s player list that you need anything to
14596s give you any kind of edge you got this
14598s way ahead letting this go yeah I think
14600s satellite letting that triple go which
14602s um is not something that you largely
14605s ever see a low ranked or mid-ranked
14608s player do right see Triple take triple
14610s that is basically the Mantra of
14611s basically every AAL okay I want to I
14615s just want to trip on my cards but I
14617s think satellite recog izing here that
14619s this Lobby isn't necessarily about
14620s tripling it's about finding powerful
14623s things in shop and buying them and that
14624s is a triple from satellite that would
14626s make him significantly weaker on board
14628s if you took it there
14632s right look how close everything is
14636s everyone suddenly around the the late
14643s [Music]
14647s 20s
14652s okay what is going on here a lot of I
14653s was going to say a lot of moving Parts
14655s here on dappy's
14659s B get it looks like dappy went a little
14662s bit of uh Tab and one farming this game
14665s um not get to go into a
14669s five okay end of turn with the dragon
14672s going off I do sure yeah go and the
14676s coins as well from The Dread beard oh
14678s yeah true of
14681s course can we get a Milhouse update
14684s please Linda yeah waterl currently down
14687s on 25
14689s Health has ended up on the Naga to an
14696s extent again it's that it's that strange
14698s thing where it just the the anomaly
14700s Alters the game right because every Naga
14702s with a spell you buy you get two spells
14705s right so Naga again is another very
14707s attractive minion typ for this
14714s anomaly loic B is being held for next
14717s turn it looks like gief playing with an
14720s enormous amount of gold each turn
14721s because of the double
14725s record will he have an enormous amount
14727s of Health after this
14730s turn it looks like a huge amount of his
14732s board is going to just March merrily
14734s into these two dragons before really
14736s achieving anything the Jakari I think is
14739s going to live isn't
14742s it be amount of damage he'll have a shot
14746s with the crab
14752s oh really big round there for
14758s for and and uh the Gold's was that
14762s 17 yeah yeah and the gamblers are just
14766s like hey how's it going three EXT
14773s options options options now as gief goes
14775s into a tavent tier
14780s six not looking so good to beat a babbit
14782s on 13 Health but
14785s H okay that's actually huge cuz now you
14789s can just take that triple into a six now
14791s and maybe jup the six with the duo
14794s instead of using the duo to get the
14796s triple oh sure
14800s a Mel of love right we did yeah I mean I
14804s followed what you said I don't know if
14805s just going to do it but I followed
14807s it
14815s oh yeah there's zero gold left and there
14818s is 27 seconds left this turn is far from
14821s finished gief still has several choices
14823s to be made here I think yeah especially
14825s when there's just a simple one for one
14827s with the Gam right like that's there
14829s there you
14833s go teis no teis okay not the best so
14840s delicious yeah boogy monster doesn't
14842s tend to be a Lobby winning six drop but
14844s maybe if you have two of about two yeah
14846s I was going to say that's the thing to
14847s think about right what if you offered
14849s two and is this 1442 enough to stabilize
14853s G for another turn
14857s anyway
14861s definitely going to need a little bit of
14862s help with some good hits with this
14863s Divine
14865s Shield yeah because the the Wrath Weaver
14868s and the the abomb are both going to be
14870s above 14 by the time the attacks get
14872s through right so I think there's just
14874s too many value traits to happen
14876s okay but still yeah yeah and managed to
14879s kill a couple of high damage although is
14881s this this is going to be 13 yeah okay
14884s okay still above damage
14887s cap
14888s but saying that everyone's kind of all
14890s over the place if you look at the health
14892s look how different the turn eight health
14895s is in this game versus pretty much every
14897s other game we've cast all weekend yeah
14899s yeah yeah it's
14905s absurd dappy just buying cards like the
14908s the average value of a card goes up
14910s significantly when you have two peggies
14912s right you're buying things you wouldn't
14913s normally consider buying because buying
14916s a card just becomes signicant ly better
14919s y
14920s [Music]
14922s yep so you know ston Hill scavenger
14924s Buffs two taunts and activates two
14926s peggies yeah good card all of a sudden
14928s right not something you would
14929s necessarily be buying in that situation
14930s if you just had the two TS yeah shell
14933s collector a nice pickup as
14936s well is that the second time we've seen
14941s it offer triple demon this
14945s game kind of
14947s weird
14948s was the first time
14950s triple yeah it was um it was was it gief
14953s look at like tripling into a four drop
14955s and was offered the three four drop
14957s demons was like floating Watcher and Oh
14960s I thought the the Chompy Dragon was one
14961s of the ones he got offered but I think
14963s I'm wrong yeah that's also a demon
14965s though oh wait it is oh yeah yeah y
14968s you're right you're right take it back I
14971s wasn't wrong is a
14972s dragon uh meanwhile be babbit has four
14975s tees hang on he's also on 13 though wait
14979s wait wait wait wait wait never mind our
14981s petty squabbles about what is or isn't a
14983s demon this is some vital business going
14986s on right now yeah this is huge and we
14989s have the only jef out of the three
14992s players who could potentially actually
14993s win is above the damage cap here so
14996s dappy and be ofit no matter how good
14998s their turns are they pretty much just
15000s cannot take a take a loss in a fight if
15002s they want to be victorious here B habbit
15005s still going off here with plenty of time
15006s left
15008s I mean M makers wait for it why don't
15010s you
15016s gez okay underhanded has been found as
15018s well I mean if if he survives that's
15021s excellent additional scaling for next
15022s turn if you can find a board space for
15024s it yeah and there is enough sustain I
15026s would say as well even just with the two
15028s Divine Shields that is irrelevant
15030s because the the problem you can run into
15032s at this kind of stage with pirates is
15033s that stuff can get wiped too
15036s easily more
15041s pagans I don't think Beta had any time
15043s to really consider positioning though
15045s was just turboing through his turn and
15047s because of that has kind of eaten it on
15049s these first two
15051s attacks that Manor off being bumped is
15053s huge though this is massive where this
15056s goes okay that is going to be a win I
15058s believe now Y and that is yeah oh dappy
15062s is sang oh so dappy he's actually
15064s knocked a contender out with this attack
15068s as well so dappy now is going to have to
15070s sit back watch the rest of the game
15072s cross his fingers and hope none of the
15073s other two players
15076s win brutal what a turn for be babbit
15080s probably wasn't the the cleanest turn
15083s ever but it was a good enough turn to
15085s stay in the
15088s game it just keeps on
15096s going and the speed of of play and the
15099s play the speed will actually be even
15100s faster on his screen right because he'll
15103s be actually putting these actions in
15104s quicker than we're seeing them I think
15106s um but regardless shows how experienced
15110s and comfortable he is with this kind of
15118s scenario oh my it's just infinite isn't
15122s it this is truly infinite yeah
15125s absolutely
15126s absolutely
15129s myv you can see even like he sacrificed
15131s one of his his teis to just fit the the
15134s underhanded dealer on board right for
15135s some additional scaling and he's still
15137s very comfortably infinite at this
15139s point but again still good amount of
15142s time for this turn which is fine but
15144s it's all about how the turn finishes all
15146s of this can go very well but if you
15148s whiff at the end then you you're dead o
15151s glow scale good pick up
15156s there oh interesting as well I think
15159s went for the BFF instead of the death
15173s rattle oh my God so many things are
15177s happening okay 60 seconds to decide who
15180s is going to be the Victor between little
15182s bird on the left and alimu on the right
15184s looks like we've got high stats across
15186s the board but a couple of Leroy versus
15188s some potential venomous
15190s scan a lot of golden
15195s monkeys oh now this is an
15199s anomaly and these are all getting pumped
15202s as well because they all put a uh a
15205s triple reward spell card into the hand
15207s right which has Synergy with Peggy as
15209s well and bumping up the
15213s minions what are we on is this game six
15216s so is this what we're up to
15218s I think it
15221s is yes yes it
15224s is taunted Leroy found from little bird
15227s as
15233s well little bit of Uther action to
15235s finish it
15236s off worth noting these six drops that
15238s are getting played are picking up the
15240s Buffs off the uh boogie monster as
15244s well it looks like we agree on this one
15246s S as I think little bird is just too far
15248s ahead with the Leroy pickup the double
15250s venomous as well and now even just the
15253s pretty relevant zap actually I think
15255s this is uh going to be too good yeah zap
15258s doesn't connect with a LeRoy though
15260s which is a nice little outcome at the
15262s very least for alen also only one
15265s venomous re Bond proc there but one
15267s looks to be
15269s enough could live though the good attack
15272s that is the good attack for sure that
15274s means ALU is hanging in for another
15276s fight or so
15278s oh tomb's gone water L's
15280s gone top four and two of the players in
15283s that top four the two with the most
15285s health one of which is gief on
15290s 16 could win the game and end this
15294s tournament right here right now never
15295s mind J's caught up it's on
15299s five I mean damage Cap's not relevant
15301s anyway but
15304s still so can be a bad do
15309s this oh absolutely I think p babbit is
15312s in by far the best position yeah with
15314s his performance all weekend cuz I do
15316s feel like he's been the star of the
15319s show just be incredible just so quick so
15322s quick get the job
15327s done other team are going to have to
15329s pull something out the bag here or fall
15331s victim to beat a babbit's board down and
15334s up a better hire a recruit while is I
15338s believe there is a mgou on Bea babbit's
15342s board at this moment in time as well as
15344s a lot of
15350s stats yeah a lot of stats four minions
15353s above 100 hundreds so stats is just
15356s absolutely not a contest with what turn
15359s isn't over till it's over either
15366s so
15368s ALU has that weird puzzle where it's
15370s like well you know this Peggy is
15373s pointless right in this next fight
15374s surely alimu is just on a fight by fight
15376s basis cuz he will want to kill beab
15379s babby so he can't win right even if
15381s alimu alimu does not win himself that's
15384s kind of
15385s irrelevant yeah need to stop beer and G
15389s basically this is a tag team titles
15391s match right now right like ALU and
15392s little bird are a tag team and they have
15394s to respectively kill beat babit and alut
15397s and and gief sorry that is the job that
15399s they have unfortunately ALU is not
15402s capable of doing that right now it's so
15406s many stats and especially if this uh
15409s okay yeah the Leroy takes one down but
15411s look even just the fact that Divine
15413s Shields as well there's so many layers
15415s of protection here be babit is going to
15418s dispatch alimu but what about little
15420s bird I'm excited how this other fight is
15422s going to go cuz if little Bird's out as
15423s well this will be the last last game and
15427s it is it is going to be the last game
15429s we've got beater babbit versus gief as
15432s the only players left they both have the
15434s lobby in check so we have a simple One V
15438s one for all of the marbles okay now the
15442s good news gief is already doing what
15444s gief is supposed to be doing pivoting to
15447s Mega scam as hard as possible right
15449s because there is nowhere close when it
15451s comes to Stats the additional good news
15454s every scam minion you find you have two
15456s of them that is excellent news however
15459s the bad news uh there's no murlocs in
15462s this game which makes scamming your
15464s opponents significantly more difficult
15467s than it is under normal circumstances
15469s when murlocs are out stats tend to rule
15471s a little bit harder yeah murl's
15474s notorious scammers of the warcraft
15477s Universe nearly scammed me out of my
15479s hardcore World of Warcraft character the
15481s other
15483s day are you playing hardcore well I've
15485s started it with my brother yeah it is
15488s very tense yeah imagine I've been at
15491s actually one
15493s Health I'm not even exaggerated
15495s literally one
15498s Health here though gief doing what he
15500s can what do we got here one scam we one
15504s two let's assume these both get reborn
15507s once that's 2 four six poisons manoro is
15510s seven let's say the manaro kills
15511s something big enough that it then is
15513s able to Value trade again it can be done
15517s if it is just raw Dum stats on the other
15520s side from beta babit this can be done
15522s but something tells me we're about to
15523s look at a board that is not just raw
15526s dumb stats yeah wow yeah gief has been
15531s the player showing a lot of resilience
15533s so far this weekend but I think just
15536s judging from this response we may be
15539s looking at a winner I mean we've seen
15541s crazy things happen in Battlegrounds
15543s we've seen unexpected victories in
15546s fights
15547s but this just looks
15550s overwhelming
15552s hold hold there's still the the stats
15556s and the death death rles there's no
15559s Venom left oh that's true there's no
15562s Venom left on be's board and gief still
15565s has
15566s tons wait could gief's resilience
15569s actually just pay off is this just going
15570s to work getting the yes I will tell you
15573s now yes it is the rebor going to be
15578s enough and that looks like it's good
15580s enough to me so if I can do basic maths
15583s that means gief is not only going to win
15585s this one fight but when the whole thing
15589s beat babit done gief is your champion
15592s and what a player across this weekend
15596s SLE gief just kept his head under the
15599s radar to an extent just crawled through
15601s getting the points needed and then
15603s popped off when it
15606s counted
15610s I mean what a performance right I like
15612s crucially the big issue there right is
15616s he figured out what the assignment was
15618s two turns ago right he didn't just then
15621s try and hard pivot to a bunch of mles
15624s and leroys and everything else he
15626s recognized how the game was going to
15627s resolve he knew that beat babbit was the
15630s absolute stats God of that Lobby and
15632s that no one else was getting close so he
15634s spent two turns going over trying to
15636s make make that pivot to poison and in
15638s the end he absolutely got there um and
15642s actually that double Eternal Knight
15644s ended up being a lot Eternal Summoner
15646s sorry ended up being so much more clutch
15648s than he even thought that was his first
15650s Buy on the turn that was his double
15651s header buy he bought aernal Summoner to
15653s double it up and I was like that's kind
15655s of weird like that's not a LeRoy that's
15657s not a m Roth like what are you doing
15659s here and it ended up being so crucial
15661s cuz it ate so much venom from the other
15663s side well that's it I was going to say I
15665s think the biggest thing that threw me
15666s off in that last game was I feel like I
15669s got myself so comfortable cuz we saw so
15671s many murlock games leading up to this
15674s one I was like oh well yeah beat babbit
15676s will be way ahead we'll have all the the
15678s scam there'll be 18,000 more minions
15680s coming out in the bo I like wait yeah it
15682s isn't merlocks and as as you quite
15684s rightly pointed out as soon as that
15685s venomous went away well there's nice
15687s stats on the board but with the really
15689s big ones down and Venom is still alive
15692s because of the ghouls then that changes
15695s everything and I think again sh to beat
15697s a babit though I think played
15698s exceptionally well this weekend and you
15700s show see how close it was when it came
15702s down to one single fight between two of
15705s the top players and I am so happy we got
15709s this anomaly to end off this tournament
15711s so because if it was plus one plus one
15713s again I would have lost it oh that is a
15715s great attack to show as well I
15717s completely forgot about that that clutch
15719s crab attack going right instead of left
15722s uh to save G from taking damage keeping
15724s him keeping him above 31 you can see you
15727s know he ended that game on five uh
15729s health so I don't know whether the
15731s damage cap actually saved him at any
15732s point during the game or not whether he
15734s took 15 in a place where maybe he
15736s wouldn't have otherwise um but great
15738s performance um really really solid
15740s overall right like satellite we both
15743s came into this day saying oh like I pick
15745s satellite because satellite's one of the
15747s best players we've ever had in lobby
15748s Legends like very consistently putting
15750s up numbers right so but discounting
15752s satellite he had a bad day sure outside
15754s of that the performances have been
15756s excellent from everyone else like water
15759s is our next worst competitor he won two
15762s games today like he's doing absolutely
15765s fine and also as well just look at be
15767s babit actually had more points overall
15770s but this is the the sort of Danger Style
15773s of this format is once you get to 20 yes
15776s B bab's got second place which again for
15778s the prize pool is very nice but yeah it
15781s it's it shows that once you hit that
15783s it's about finishing strong which is
15785s what Chief did but I I'm just so happy
15787s we got that ending two players that both
15790s could win all the way down to that last
15792s single fight Incredibly Close and
15795s different styles of play as gief sort of
15797s sort of turtled his way to Victory I
15799s would say as opposed to um beer babbit
15802s sort of very clear and decisive game
15804s plans from very early on in any given
15806s game so really incredible tournament I'm
15808s a little bit sad it's over I was okay
15810s for all we're throwing some more
15811s anomalies in h but let's check out the
15813s puzzle box and how that one's panned out
15815s as now we know the day is over uh it's
15819s interesting I this all uh yeah I mean 43
15822s in the end I got I pulled one back at
15824s the last with the with the turn 15 and
15827s it could have been a lot more one-sided
15828s but yeah I think both days you've uh pck
15831s me on the puzzle box so yeah good and I
15833s think if there was anything that I was
15835s going to beat you on in life it would be
15837s a puzzle box outcome right so series of
15841s flipping coins with yes no answers all
15844s right something there finally goes in my
15846s favor can we flip I will uh I will
15848s mention while we're wrapping up these uh
15850s these Tab and Buddy things uh Chris from
15853s support class just wanted us to say like
15855s thanks to everyone who's played along
15857s with this all year he's the the Mad
15859s genius behind all this technology that's
15861s making this possible so I just wanted to
15862s say thank you for everyone who's had fun
15864s with Tab and body this year yeah it's
15866s awesome I think it's something that's
15867s really uh H added to the tournament I
15870s think I mean again I've seen chat right
15872s people love it people love their points
15874s I've seen even people in um my own
15876s Discord are like posting their scores
15878s each day and you know like what they've
15879s done I think it's really cool to see
15881s everyone you know not only just watch
15882s and enjoy the tournament but be able to
15884s get involved as well so something I
15885s really really enjoy uh to see but yeah
15888s um we're going to I think we're going to
15889s see if we can get G on an interview
15891s we're going to just check if his
15892s internet is good enough as we saw the uh
15894s a slight camera quality discussions
15897s which we'll get to but uh for you satle
15899s now that we're at the end we the
15900s tournament has concluded uh what have
15902s been the highlights for you cuz yet
15903s again it's Lobby Legends but in a
15906s complete different
15907s matter yeah I think as much as they were
15911s depressing to see come up because of the
15913s puzzle box questions the two Tav s
15916s lobbies were excellent and I think that
15918s is an anomaly that's kind of Gone full
15920s circle um during the first week of
15922s anomalies it was very heavily boosted in
15924s appearance rate and there were all these
15926s other like wild and wacky effects that
15927s people wanted to play with and a lot of
15929s people kind of got tired of the Tav s
15931s lobbies over and over again cuz they
15932s they felt kind of vanilla with some
15934s stronger minions right and there's all
15935s this other like what what you can get a
15937s whole second copy of a minion that you
15939s buy and everyone wanted to play those
15940s kind of things instead but now that they
15942s become rarer they become more of a
15945s breath of fresh air and they are really
15946s exciting and explosive when you see them
15948s and you start to see some of those
15950s things happen with sea witch and am
15951s algodon and um so those were both
15955s incredibly degenerate when we got to see
15957s them and then honestly I'm happy a with
15959s the way the game ended um narratively
15961s like I said I don't think we've ever
15962s seen two checked players going
15965s head-to-head in top two for the
15967s tournament before that was sick but also
15969s that it ended on a double header anomaly
15971s which is just power spiking every right
15975s like you look at a board you're like oh
15976s this is huge and then you look at the
15978s next person you're like no that person
15979s was Tiny this person's huge and you look
15981s at the next person you're like I what an
15983s idiotic boob I was 10 or 11 seconds ago
15986s these people are pathetic this person's
15988s going to win the lobby and that's just
15989s kind of what double header is like over
15991s and over again so I'm happy that we
15993s ended the tournament on the highest
15994s possible note overall I think yeah it's
15997s a it was really cool outcome to see and
15999s I just think again I I think I say this
16001s every time I cast Lobby Legends cuz it's
16003s true I really think the format is great
16005s because it just leads us through um
16008s these players sort of Journeys towards
16009s it obviously there's the group stage
16011s which is ruthless but I think forie it
16013s in a good way H and then this final day
16016s the ups and downs from the players you
16018s know just missing out again we saw that
16020s um uh that be babit could have actually
16023s had the lobby and check a touch earlier
16025s if a couple of different scores went a
16027s bit more cuz we've seen some very fast
16029s uh check moments in previous Lobby
16030s Legends yeah but yeah there's definitely
16032s um a lot uh to be happy about for this
16035s one at least for me um we are going to
16037s get up the Caster scores for the end of
16040s the day but before we do so do you have
16042s a predictions you beat me a lot yes or
16045s buy a lot yesterday I would say I think
16046s mainly down to the um the bandwagon but
16050s I'm just going to ask you how much do
16051s you think you're going to beat me for by
16052s now I think slightly less than yesterday
16056s today because my fantasy team will let
16058s me down um and I don't think the
16059s bandwagon was as big a beating as it was
16062s yesterday but I think I think I won
16063s bandwagon I think I won Barrow's
16065s blessing um and I think I narrowly lost
16068s fantasy team and puzzle box so slight
16071s win overall I think is my head Cannon
16073s but I'm not I'm not entirely convinced
16075s we will we will await official verdict
16077s yeah I think we are going to get those
16078s scores up in just a second um oh never
16082s mind no who cares about us I think we've
16083s got G ready for an interview so let's
16085s definitely go to that that is way more
16087s interesting right now so let's check out
16088s the interview and see if gief is ready
16090s gief can you hear
16091s me
16093s hello this isly hello highly F first off
16100s congratulations on winning do you just
16102s want to tell me how you're feeling and
16104s how you were feeling with that last one
16106s V one
16107s fight dude I was like dude I was
16110s actually like giving up bro I was like
16112s laughing my ass off like verer and I won
16114s cuz cuz before the game verer and and I
16116s were like I'm down one and two it
16119s and then like dude it actually happened
16120s so I was already like like honestly beer
16124s and I like as long as one of us wins
16126s like like the na streamer group it's
16129s it's so exciting but um dude that last
16132s match was like something else like so
16135s much adrenaline just like poured through
16137s me when when my manro just connected I
16140s was like holy I
16143s won that man Roth H bro oh my
16148s okay firstly I we could moderate the
16150s language if we could moderate the
16152s language a little bit gief that would be
16154s okay I'm so sorry I just I
16159s noter no it's all good um so honestly
16163s speaking of range of emotions how did
16165s you feel about playing endless
16167s overgrowth anomalies like three in a row
16169s was it game because you you actually did
16172s pretty well in all of those lobbies
16174s right yeah like um in Discord we were
16177s like joking as like everg grown Arena
16180s grounds but um yeah I I I didn't
16184s actually think I'd do that well in them
16186s I think it's just because um like I
16189s liked staying on tier four so in that
16193s anomaly like tripling is kind of or like
16195s not tripling but the discovers are kind
16197s of fake because they're just going to be
16199s worse minions than minions you can just
16200s buy so I was like okay with just playing
16203s t for strategies the whole time just
16206s getting like just just playing strongest
16208s board as possible but but only in lobby
16211s Legends I can lose with my board States
16212s man like I lost with some pretty strong
16216s boards but also sometimes my board was
16218s just completely
16220s trash yeah it seemed like every time we
16222s went to your board it was like you had a
16225s cleave a Divine Shield torn a LeRoy
16228s right like that that was like your whole
16229s team in like a lot of those over actual
16232s MVP of yeah the actual MVP of ever grown
16236s arena is golden selfless I had a golden
16238s selfless every single time it's actually
16240s amazing because it's buff so it like
16242s Trad so many
16245s times Al my
16248s hand no no no you're good I appreciate I
16251s appreciate the effort you've made to get
16252s this interview happening at all um but
16254s just going back to that final game as
16255s well how early did you start pivoting to
16259s scam because obviously beater was
16260s massive right he had like five teis at
16262s one point in that game like how how
16265s early were you like okay I have to scam
16267s if I'm going to win this game so
16269s basically you know I was actually like
16272s 60% to Die the first time I faced beater
16274s but basically like you can pretty much
16276s see if someone's H rolling or not and
16279s cuz I have the lobby and check I think
16281s from that point in the game I think it's
16284s obvious that beer and I are going to one
16285s and two like our boards are just so much
16287s better than everyone else's so yeah the
16290s first time I faced beater actually I
16292s just needed to all in like I sold my
16294s double teis setup um I just had to play
16297s strongest board as possible because if I
16298s won that fight if I killed him that
16300s fight I've won the game um but then he I
16304s think he also had the same thought
16306s because like obviously he's like the
16307s best player also so he also went all in
16310s so like I was actually more likely to
16312s die and just get forth
16317s uh uh but yeah like that was super
16322s crazy yeah and uh just finally before we
16325s let you go celebrate are there any just
16327s final shout outs anything you just want
16328s to tell all the viewers that have been
16330s cheering from you for you because you
16332s there were a lot of viewers cheering for
16333s you gief so anything you want to say to
16335s R just shout out shout out to like
16338s everyone from na like we got this one
16341s finally like we we are not frauds we are
16344s not
16347s frauds okay well thanks gief again huge
16350s congratulations you played great it was
16352s a joy to watch H and yeah enjoy
16354s celebrating
16356s yeah thank you so much
16360s congs okay uh and there's the final
16364s standings as we start to wrap up the day
16366s subtle but uh ah Chief what a great
16369s interview I just had a great time I was
16372s s just listening letting you ask the
16373s questions yeah you you know you're going
16375s to have a good interview when you have
16377s to get the the sensor beep out like
16379s three times the first 10 seconds right
16381s that's always the sign that are good
16382s interviews incoming yeah really really
16384s good tournament overall but
16386s unfortunately it is the last Lobby
16388s Legends of the year but what a way to
16392s round it out again huge congratulations
16394s to gief and all the players that made it
16397s of course so H it was really really good
16399s scores overall from all the players I
16401s think we can still have time to squeeze
16403s in the Caster scores I need to see if I
16405s even have any glimmer of hope of beating
16407s sutle once before the year is out nope
16410s oh not bad though come on not bad pretty
16413s good I actually did actually did did win
16416s on fantasy team okay oh we actually tied
16418s on barov okay I thought I beat you on
16419s barov and lost on fantasy team is
16421s actually the other way I feel like
16422s puzzle box needs to be waited way more
16426s uh for me to have any given chance here
16428s cuz that 10 extra points come on should
16430s be like a 100 points for getting T tier
16432s 7 both times that's better yeah let's
16434s stick on this screen this looks much
16436s more satisfying oh it's an improvement
16438s maybe in 2028 I'll have worked my way up
16442s enough but I'll take the uh symmetrical
16444s score thank you of the uh the old 555 so
16447s I'll take that as some kind of Victory
16449s but but yeah what a weekend uh and what
16451s a tournament
16453s are yeah I mean last Lobby Legends of
16455s the year I think this was a very fitting
16457s way to go out for the year right the way
16459s the way it ended with um head-to-head of
16462s the two players that had it in check I
16463s think gief explained it you know much
16465s better than we ever could as the player
16466s that was actually involved in it of how
16468s that was boiling down but then just from
16470s the hype moment of seeing them Clash and
16471s then also yeah sure we can end the year
16474s with Battlegrounds on a high note for
16476s for Americas I think that's fine for na
16478s in particular with the two American
16479s players going Head to Head tohe it's a
16481s great way to finish out the year for
16482s Battleground because in two weeks time
16484s we're going back to constructed and
16486s there's no happy endings for Americas in
16488s constructed I can promise you that much
16491s yeah again just remember Masters Tour in
16493s two weekends time it's not next weekend
16495s I think it's the weekend after H so yeah
16497s make sure to tune in we'll be there
16498s bringing you all the standard
16500s constructed action but yeah finally
16502s thank you to production thank you to
16503s everyone involved in making this show
16506s happen and making Lobby Legends happen
16507s overall fantastic event and I hope we
16510s see more in the future and thank you for
16512s watching at home we hope you had a
16513s fantastic time and we'll see you next
16526s [Music]
16534s time
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16564s he
16592s [Music]
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