13 days ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s here are some of the new minions and
2s spells in Battleground Duos that will
3s help you dominate in game get a minion
6s that Buffs when you pass a card through
7s the portal the new minion passenger gets
10s plus two plus two once per turn when
11s it's in
12s play there are new cards that help out
14s your teammate summoning doing track
16s theer Buffs your partner's board at the
18s end of each turn I am the
21s wi play The Friendly Saloon keeper which
24s gives your teammate a gold coin on
25s battlecry without having to pass it
27s through the portal
30s new Tavern spells can benefit your
32s partner too such as the recruitment
34s program which gives a random minion of
35s your teammate's most common type and
37s passes it for
38s free what if you have something on your
40s board that your partner needs more use
43s the spell portal in a bottle to pass it
45s on
49s over Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos is
51s out now so queue up and play with a
53s friend