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Twas the month before Beyond, and through depths of space,

exiled Draenei were pursued in a chase.

Argus had fallen; their planet, corrupted.

The Legion had left their world’s fate quite disrupted.


They’d gathered aboard the ship Exodar

To flee from their kinsmen and travel afar.

The brave Prophet Velen and crew of exiles

took flight from their homeland and faced grievous trials.


Sargeras had deceived Archimonde and Kil’jaeden,

bringing them into his evil crusadin’.

Velen had stood firm and left the triumvirate.

He’d gathered his folk. A new world… they’d discover it.


They stood not alone, Naaru answered their pleas.

Their holiness aided the space refugees.

So off they went - into the cosmos to roam,

to flee from the Legion and seek a new home.


These Eredar expats, with magical glory,

stood strong as a brand new minion category!

Draenei, in tandem, would have buffs dispersed…

They’re like Elementals, except it’s reversed!


These Draenei would pilot their Starships titanic…

In fact, these ships served as a brand-new mechanic!

Assemble your ships through minions and arcana,

Then launch it from dormancy! T-minus five mana!


What’s that in the distance? Computer, enhance!

It’s Spellburst returning back from Scholomance!

Use bursted effects to defeat foes with glee!

…Just do not fling pens. Please, no more “wasn’t me!!!”


What’s that? You have questions? Just wait a sec, y’all,

and permit me, if you will, to break the fourth wall.

“Why’s this poem early?” “What did he prepare?”

Well, friends, I have something special to share!


Behold, everyone, the Ethereal Oracle!

Ethereal Oracle


And its signature version - how phantasmagorical!!!

Ethereal Oracle - Signature version


He’s seen many sights as he’s wandered the Nether,

transcribing his visions and thoughts altogether.

He shares his works as a historian bard,

and is in the Beyond as a new Hearthstone card!


First check out those artworks! Wow, what a minion!

The card seems good too, in my humble opinion!

His magic will add to your spells’ might by one,

then spellburst to draw two more spells, just for fun!


Whether it’s Bladestorms or Blizzards you need,

He’ll draw your two spells like his name’s Pot of Greed!

Maybe try him in Warlock! There’s potential improvements

from spellburst-and-tutoring your Symphonic movements!


He’s foreseen their travels, now it’s up to you!

Join in, help the exiled Eredar crew!

Kil’jaeden and Archimonde’s man’ari draw near,

So rally your decks in the final frontier!


The engines were readied, the screens were aglow.

Velen decreed: “Lift off! All systems go!”

And I heard him exclaim, amidst holy techniques,

“Happy Beyond to all, in a couple of weeks!”

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about 2 months ago - /u/MyntCondytion - Direct link

Love the reveal, dude :)