11 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

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858s hello everyone and welcome to
861s Hearthstone and Masters Tour summer
863s Championship day two by the end of the
865s day we are going to Crown our champion
867s and see who is going to be joining levik
869s in the world championship later on I'm
872s Raven and joining me to kick off today
873s is Dragon Rider welcome to the uh the
876s opening of the show at least for day two
878s how did you find yesterday
880s uh well personally I found it very fast
883s and not mini game fives because every
886s every uh one that I got to cast didn't
889s go to game five so I'm hoping that I see
891s a little bit more game five action today
893s but overall it seemed pretty interesting
895s we had a lot of variations in the like
898s bands in the car choices of the decks
901s and what people were ending up uh like
904s Banning and then going for in terms of
907s strategy so very excited to see if that
910s ends up being the same today but let's
912s talk about what is coming for today here
915s and look at what we have coming up here
918s but as you mentioned World Championship
920s we will be crowning another player going
924s to that that's gonna be a prize pool of
926s 350 000 dollars
929s yeah of course and this is the summer
931s Championship we've only had one at
932s Masters Tour so far this year this is
934s number two and there will be one uh
936s coming up in Fall as well so make sure
938s to keep an eye out for those dates when
940s they are announced but the main story
941s for these Masters tours this year is
943s just how competitive it is to even
945s qualify for them uh this you know 16
948s players are completely stacked groups
950s that we had yesterday as all the players
952s sort of battled through those to make it
954s to day two and now we just have the top
956s eight to play through to get to that
958s champion of course as you will will know
960s if you've been watching any about
962s competitive Firestone over the last few
964s years Conquest is the go-to but as you
966s mentioned on the the variety of
969s archetypes combined with the sort of
972s completely like personal choice of bands
975s it seems like the players have it's
977s definitely keeping the matchups fresh
979s um so yeah we'll have to see whether if
982s that pays out through the rest of the
983s day and I think what's most important
985s here is just what lineups are actually
987s going to end up performing because
989s there's a a lot of differences between
991s classes and the archetypes within those
994s we've got players favoring Mac Rogue and
996s then some players favoring different
997s types of robes and you've got Arcane
999s Hunter versus the sort of Beast Hunter
1001s and that list kind of goes on with the
1004s only real uh deck at least from this
1006s tournament I can really see being a
1008s agreed upon outcome really is that
1011s Shaman right which is just the uh the
1013s sort of go-to nature shame and yes
1014s there's a few cards different but I
1016s think the overall plan for that deck
1018s seems to be at least agreed upon by most
1021s players
1022s yeah absolutely it's gonna be very very
1025s interesting we'll see uh I am excited to
1028s see how many of those nature shamans end
1031s up getting banned or not banned today we
1034s did see a mix of that yesterday so uh
1036s nature Shaman and Mage I think seem to
1039s kind of be the the big story lines this
1042s weekend in terms of maybe the most
1043s popular decks and choices so we'll see
1046s what ends up happening there I know we
1048s already have some bands coming through
1050s for our matches so definitely going to
1052s be exciting to get into those but uh
1055s let's talk about yesterday and kind of
1057s how we got to this point in the first
1059s place Raven
1061s yeah we had a lot of action yesterday as
1063s I said there were four groups being
1065s played out so all 16 players were
1067s competing yesterday they had to
1068s basically win two matches at least to
1071s get out of groups and he kicked off in
1074s explosive fashion and that kind of
1075s carried on throughout the whole day an
1078s ongoing theme of this expansion at least
1080s in this current meta is fight for the
1083s board early and then push the final
1085s burst damage in this slightly later game
1088s and by slightly later I mean slightly
1090s we're looking at from turn six onwards
1092s each player has to be worried about
1094s dying uh at least of how it's been so
1096s far but I do think those early game
1098s decisions the deck building what decks
1100s we even brought in the first place has
1102s been super super important as we see
1104s some of the winning moments for the
1106s players and again I was casting the
1108s hemlock versus requirm one and that was
1109s a tough one there was a few very tricky
1112s situations for request in in that one
1114s and it got a little bit close even
1116s though the score may have not reflected
1117s that
1119s absolutely it was it was really
1121s interesting just to see the way that a
1123s lot of those games played out we had as
1125s you mentioned a lot of board and even
1127s decks like the the Warlock that would
1130s end up getting kind of on board a bit
1132s later than we imagined compared to some
1135s of the other games that we saw but you
1137s know for some players it ended up paying
1139s off whether it was early game or later
1141s game that they got those and we can see
1143s here the top eight players that did get
1146s two wins through their group stage
1149s yesterday to move into today so we will
1152s be seeing our top eight throughout the
1155s day today
1156s yeah and look at some of those match-ups
1158s we are going to be kicking it off with
1160s meaty versus Casey which I can't wait
1162s I'm so glad I'm opening the show to cast
1164s this one and then there's pocket train
1166s versus Hemlock Q versus uh wiku and then
1169s the last match uh which is Gabby versus
1172s uh dredi right so um I think the big
1175s factor for me is that one of these two
1179s players is going to win this match
1180s because guess what that's how the game
1182s works but one of these two and then
1185s Gabby are on opposite sides of the
1187s bracket right so we could see a Casey
1190s versus Gabby final we could see a meaty
1192s versus Gabby final which you know as a
1194s uh EU region player and commentator
1197s myself I think that would be such a
1199s great finals and not only because of you
1201s know their sort of personal regions or
1203s anything but just because they are three
1206s players that I think have a lot of fans
1208s behind them as well right they've been
1210s you know players that have been in the
1211s game for a long time now been at the
1213s Forefront of it and then we could just
1215s see meaty doing the older swing around
1217s on the chair to get ready whilst they're
1219s maybe even preparing lunch or a snack as
1222s they're not too far to go from the
1224s kitchen that looks things for meaty so
1226s um it was a good day for me to I think
1228s yesterday he went two out two o out of
1230s his group and both the matches at least
1233s as far as I'm concerned seemed fairly
1234s straightforward
1236s yeah it seemed also as we saw in uh this
1240s game here that you can see the Replay
1241s for this macro just did absolute work
1244s right from the beginning for him and
1247s just going into every single game it
1249s seems like he really just had a plan he
1251s knew what the decks wanted to do and he
1253s was able to execute that in every single
1255s game which if he's able to repeat that
1257s today definitely seems like a good sign
1259s that he could go to the end uh but we
1262s did want to showcase a couple of decks
1266s here we we definitely don't because this
1269s just isn't meet his deck at all correct
1271s so ignore this this is completely wrong
1273s uh this one is not going to be on there
1276s so uh yeah I apologize for that we're
1278s just showing you warlock
1279s um which we've not seen much of over the
1281s course the weekend although there was a
1283s two players playing I think it was a ton
1286s soku and nagon I think yeah we're
1288s playing the wall lock but there we go
1290s yeah we're gonna see a meeting with that
1292s uh Mech Rogue and again this was the
1295s deck we just saw in that quick replay
1296s from yesterday where basically meaty
1299s managed to land member on and early and
1301s that was that because it couldn't be
1302s killed and then that's normally how MEC
1304s works right I think there for people
1307s playing against this deck the ultimate
1309s like number one priority goal is kill
1312s their stuff as soon as it hits the board
1314s because if you start leaving minions
1316s around for macrogue and macro macro can
1318s get hold of some card generation or card
1320s draw then you are going to be in big big
1323s trouble
1324s absolutely yeah we definitely saw that
1326s memorand kind of shining in multiple
1329s matches yesterday coming down early and
1331s not only that but being able to generate
1334s additional magnetic mechs that can give
1337s stealth or wind Fury or even life steel
1339s to kind of stabilize and make sure that
1341s they're not going to uh be dying in the
1344s game but I think that was less of a
1346s relevant one definitely think the
1348s stealth was kind of the key mechanic the
1351s key magnetic that we saw yesterday but
1353s you know as all of these matches go
1356s there is an opponent that he is going to
1359s have to face and there he is Casey as he
1362s prepares for this match here now it's
1365s very interesting looking at the Decks
1368s that these players brought both of them
1370s brought Rogue but they brought different
1373s styles of Rogue they both have nature
1375s Shaman they both have rainbow Mage but
1379s uh that kind of
1388s uh quite impressive getting to find that
1391s lethal specifically yesterday
1399s also having to go through that loses uh
1402s Casey originally lost versus a gamer rvg
1404s in the in the first Opening match and
1407s then actually actually had to beat
1408s Gamer's rvg in that as you saw from the
1410s clip in the loser decider so a little
1412s bit more of a rocky road to get to there
1414s and we are going to check out the hunter
1415s deck from Casey again this is an
1418s archetype I've really really been
1419s enjoying I think there's um there's a
1422s few different builds you know two or
1424s three different cards here and there
1426s based on what you're trying to build it
1427s for of course in here we see the speaker
1429s stomper which we've seen already have a
1432s huge impact not even just with Hunter
1433s but in some other decks as well and
1435s being able to just really lock out some
1437s of these more tricky combo decks I think
1440s mainly being the uh targets being Shaman
1443s and Mage being the big ones right that
1444s you can really just lock out a turn and
1447s really make them struggle but overall I
1449s think this is just a super consistent
1450s deck high card draw pretty high damage
1453s although again not quite to the level or
1455s bursty level of Shaman or Mage but still
1458s I think very very very consistent and
1461s can play the what seems to be the main
1463s game at the moment which is early board
1466s early pressure with minions and then
1468s damage afterwards to follow up with
1469s whether that's from weapons or spells in
1471s this deck yeah or even those Kraken
1474s veins I think we saw those cracking
1476s veins really do a lot of work yesterday
1477s as well for some players being able to
1480s just deal that damage over the top with
1482s that Battle Cry whether they had spells
1484s or Minions on board to kind of
1487s add to that crack and Bane damage kind
1490s of varied but the crack and beans
1492s definitely did a lot of work and I think
1494s some of these lists are very interesting
1495s that one for Casey specifically uh as
1498s you mentioned some of the cards
1499s differences but double star power might
1502s be something that can help removing some
1505s of those big mechs that we were just
1507s talking about for rogue but it does seem
1510s a little bit slow and at that point
1511s maybe it's too late if the road was able
1514s to get on board turn two or three it
1516s might be too late by that point Yeah
1518s It's Tricky I I love star power I think
1521s it's so good in Hunter
1523s um and I think that the the what one
1526s thing you can look out for is because
1527s Hunter can generally build a board early
1530s right there's a lot of options here as
1531s we're gonna get into the first game and
1533s because they built the Bold early
1535s star power comes at just the right time
1537s on curve obviously where if your
1539s opponent's then contested you just
1541s delete that board right it's just gone
1543s most of the time something would have
1544s had to have gone very wrong for star
1545s power to not clear because it's just so
1547s so powerful so I think it's a really
1549s good card here Casey does have it and
1551s this hand is okay does have the secrets
1554s of titanforge uh traps and Cat trick of
1556s course to be able to maybe build up that
1558s board but really we're looking at meet
1560s his hand because you've always just got
1562s to look at the pop-off potential because
1564s hunter in the early game doesn't really
1566s have crazy turns it just has good turns
1569s and consistent turns whereas as we saw
1571s from yesterday
1572s Rogue can get very silly very fast
1576s yes it can and I think uh having that
1579s oscillator in hand and coin is pretty
1583s interesting for looking at those pop-off
1585s turns as well that really could enable
1587s media to really get maybe this Voltron
1590s down early or just another pop-off turn
1593s and uh speaking of those little
1595s magnetics that one is a wind Fury so if
1597s that can't get answered that could
1599s really get out of control really really
1601s quickly yeah and I think this is really
1604s this is a good hand to Highlights right
1606s because I saw I was actually watching um
1609s some of the stream yesterday it was like
1611s oh you know just uh oh aggro games or
1613s everything going off easy games or
1615s anything to Pilot and it's like right
1617s meti has a good hand right there's
1619s options there's a lot of low Cosmetics
1622s there's a lot of different ways miti can
1625s play out the next two to three turns or
1627s the first two to three turns of the game
1629s and I think a lot of people think oh
1631s it's just easy whatever I think they'll
1633s probably lose even with good hands right
1635s because you can play a good hand badly
1637s and against this caliber of player like
1640s for example Casey you will lose even
1642s though the hand is good right if you
1644s don't pilot it well it will not pay off
1647s in case you were able to jump on that so
1649s it'll be important that even though
1650s metis gets to do powerful things right
1652s now keeping an eye on whether it was
1655s this ordering right was it worth playing
1656s the coin the coin's now protcatric was
1659s this everything they wanted to do could
1660s meet you've been greedy and held a
1662s little bit longer to get some kind of
1664s further advantage or was this the right
1666s timing to go in with what he had and I
1668s think all of those questions even though
1670s it feels condensed down into like well
1672s it's only turn two I think there's still
1674s difficult questions a lot of the time
1676s oh I absolutely and it's very
1679s interesting here as well the the
1680s decision that meaty did make to kind of
1683s split these bodies up I know that was
1685s definitely a point that was brought up a
1687s lot with the Mech Rogue is do you kind
1689s of magnetize everything onto one body
1692s just make like the biggest thing
1693s possible or do you spread it out a
1696s little bit more and kind of make
1697s multiple things and in this case midi
1700s decided to kind of put two potential
1703s Targets on the board that Casey probably
1706s would have wanted to clear up and now
1708s midi can start building up some of that
1710s extra stats with this additional you
1714s know magnetized effect here but is it a
1718s little bit too late now and as you
1719s mentioned using that coin procked that
1721s cat trick and that allowed Casey to
1724s remove extra mechs off the board which
1726s as the macro you do not want your mechs
1728s getting cleared because this is such a
1731s board-based deck that if your board gets
1734s cleared especially repeatedly
1736s you don't really have a way to come back
1737s and actually get back in the game and
1739s win
1740s yeah I mean look at this though this is
1742s what I was talking about a little bit
1743s earlier when we talk about star power
1744s does titanforce traps next turn to then
1747s generate a board because a lot of the
1749s time with that especially because it's
1750s already been forged you go well Casey
1752s now has three tabs if you want to uh to
1754s generate a board right because Hunter
1755s Secrets often create a board on your
1757s opponent's term which is strong
1759s then meaty has to keep going with the
1763s board building
1765s deal with whatever these traps may or
1767s may not be like zombies is a great
1769s option here as well
1770s bait and switch I like a lot too
1773s either for easy track like I said these
1774s Hunter traps are just good right
1775s especially forged but Casey builds a
1779s board on metis turn
1781s if meaty clears it fine if miti doesn't
1784s clear it case just goes star power and
1787s now Casey has a board and Meaty doesn't
1789s right because what metoo would have to
1791s go absolutely nuts this next turn to be
1793s able to build a board that even comes
1795s close to withstand withstanding that
1797s star power so I think here it's going to
1799s be pretty interesting to see if miti
1801s just gets pushed out now and if miti can
1803s even get to the point where he can claw
1804s himself back in
1807s and I would say maybe something like the
1809s krabatoa or maybe even the Titan there
1812s with the the v07 Tron the Voltron could
1815s help him kind of claw back in but that's
1819s still several turns out uh so he is
1821s going for this option of discovering and
1825s is going to instead pick up this
1827s oscillator to try to Discount maybe set
1829s up for that Voltron next turn to try to
1833s just keep playing things every single
1834s turn and using that little one one there
1837s to test for that freezing trap seems
1839s like a good idea
1841s yeah this is really tricky though
1843s because like hidden meanings is so
1846s strong because
1848s macrogue is built to just spend all of
1851s its manner right it's not often that you
1853s you are okay floating manner with
1855s macrogue so the problem here is meti can
1858s play the oscillator fine but it may
1861s generate a three drop for Casey right
1863s which suddenly is a bit of a problem
1867s when if you're always going to pump a
1868s lot of damage through though
1870s and what's the three drop okay it kills
1873s the oscillator
1874s yeah but as you mentioned that star
1876s power yeah it does I mean that's what
1879s I'm saying like it's so strong on curve
1882s because like yeah what average board
1884s lives versus star power on curve it just
1887s it would have to be ludicrous yeah but
1890s Casey is going to opt for more secrets
1893s instead of going for the star power here
1895s which does make a lot of sense uh some
1898s again interesting choices here the bait
1901s and switch seems pretty decent if
1903s there's going to be something on board
1904s uh the wandering monster I think is
1907s pretty interesting as well here I don't
1909s know how you feel about the wandering
1911s monster
1912s oh I love it I think I I just love all
1914s the hunter Secrets right now there's so
1916s anything that makes a bold on your
1918s opponent's turn because you're
1919s effectively giving your minions charge
1920s right is what a lot of these secrets do
1923s in a weird way right because it creates
1925s the the minion on their turn and then if
1928s it lives you get to go and like
1930s wandering and um and like bait and
1932s switch is really really strong
1935s yeah
1936s and this is the problem again like meaty
1939s once more has to think about okay what
1941s if it's hidden if it's hidden well I
1944s spend all my Mana which of course he
1946s generally speaking wants to do well then
1948s I'm just giving more minions the benefit
1950s for meeting now though is there is some
1952s level of burst damage with krabatoa and
1954s Casey is running low on health so even
1956s though Casey's got options with star
1959s power Casey has not got to the point
1961s where
1962s he can progress his game plan quite yet
1965s uh this hand is actually quite small for
1967s this point in the game I'd say I think
1969s generally as this Hunter you want to
1971s have more options in hand you know maybe
1973s more spot removal or some potential
1975s burst damage even
1977s yeah there really hasn't been much in
1979s the way of either draw or honestly the
1983s Arcane Buffs and Casey has kind of been
1985s missing all of that but instead did find
1988s kind of all of the secret stuff as we've
1990s seen so that I think has helped and kind
1994s of kept him in the game been able to as
1996s you were saying create those boards kind
1998s of along the way through those Secrets
2001s um but now at this point because Casey
2003s has actually been able to very
2005s effectively clear media's board every
2007s turn uh this this Voltron is just
2012s looking so sad it's just kind of sitting
2015s there without another Minion to buff or
2018s get its added effect there it still
2020s could come down and now also there's
2023s nothing on Casey's board for that
2024s kravito to kind of trade into and give
2028s media weapons so is this a point where
2032s midi wants to use the gear shift and
2034s draw and find something else
2036s It's Tricky I would
2038s is it depends where meti sees himself in
2041s dealing with these secrets but I would
2043s imagine it would probably look like if
2045s it was me I'd probably look at krabato
2046s with this turn
2048s then like gear shift next turn with
2050s mimron potentially and see what goes
2052s there but it looks like meaty's going to
2053s go for the memory on this turn with the
2056s hero power gets to float the Mana which
2058s means if it was hidden then it's not
2060s going to kick out a minion which again
2062s is something you always have to worry
2063s about when you're against Hunter
2065s yeah
2067s now interestingly enough is this going
2069s to be Arcane shot and trade to the
2071s mimron because even though it's only two
2073s attack like two attack on 13 health is
2076s not something you're generally happy
2077s with so yeah imagine it's going to hold
2079s the bow
2082s yeah I like this as well I think it also
2084s adds to having played the spells for
2086s crack and Bane so that additional draws
2088s if they are spells Casey's just kind of
2090s building up to his own game plan and
2093s again those Secrets still on board so if
2095s needy does do something like this
2097s krabatoa then those Secrets kind of have
2100s to be triggered first and Casey can at
2103s this point start shifting towards
2104s hopefully working on his own game plan
2106s instead of just answering everything
2107s that media has been doing
2109s yeah a bit of a low roll there for the
2111s wandering but still it's most
2113s importantly I think saved Casey for
2114s health which is a big deal and now
2117s funnily enough after meaty playing
2118s around hidden meanings for a while uh
2120s now Casey just gets to play hidden
2122s meaning and and go for that crack and
2124s Bane is gonna be able to clear up
2125s krabatoa without having to face tank so
2127s again Casey's like holding off uh this
2130s assault from miti but again there's just
2132s not that much card draw I think there's
2134s one seat oh no there's no secrets left
2136s apologies I thought there was one left
2137s for uh Casey to draw but clearly not in
2140s case it's just kind of all in on top
2141s deck mode which feels more like um old
2144s Hunter oh yeah that was a secret sorry I
2146s just didn't present it
2150s yeah
2152s without the draw though this is starting
2154s to look a little bit rough for Casey he
2157s really needs to find that draw he needs
2159s to find some of those pieces uh he has
2161s been able to put midi down to the 18 but
2164s if there's no follow-up if he doesn't
2166s really draw anything that actually helps
2167s continue that pressure it's just gonna
2170s start to fall apart and now that media
2172s has been able to start to get on board a
2174s little bit not necessarily worry as much
2177s about the secrets
2179s um and maybe even still continue to just
2180s play around him meaning if he wants to
2182s here with this one Mana left over and he
2184s can't play anything in hand anyways well
2186s that seems completely fine does he want
2189s to go for using the Voltron ability here
2193s and going for four damage
2195s I like it
2199s star power there okay
2203s and this is a push for five not looking
2205s too bad at all I was gonna say I was
2207s looking at what's left for Casey and
2210s there's not that many single drawers
2213s that are just gonna pull Casey super
2215s ahead obviously there's a aggrima which
2218s is probably the single best draw
2219s available uh there's another starstrong
2222s bow I believe but outside of that it's
2224s just like well okay you could draw a
2226s Ricochet shot cool you know like it's
2229s not gonna Propel Casey to the win next
2231s turn
2232s right trinket okay that's something
2237s yeah this Ricochet shot yeah not doing
2240s it in case you're just gonna go ahead
2241s and say that's it it's over so the first
2244s game goes to MIDI on that Rogue uh not
2248s quite as decidedly he was very excited
2251s about that
2252s uh but yeah didn't quite get the same
2254s like Snowball Effect uh and magnetizing
2259s and building up a big Mech like we saw
2262s yesterday so it played out a little bit
2264s differently than we previously saw
2267s it's one of those things where there are
2268s two different decks obviously Rogan
2270s Hunter but they do aim to achieve the
2273s same early game which is get on board
2275s and it was both players just saying well
2277s hang on a minute the both these decks
2279s are very snowbally I cannot let my
2281s opponent do this and that's why we've
2282s been talking about all weekend so far
2284s where the battle for the early board is
2287s huge you can see here where Casey did
2289s get brought down pretty low early but
2292s there's two secrets and a bow there so
2295s we're to an empty board for meaty so
2297s both players struggled neither of them
2299s actually got hold of it but this is what
2300s I was talking about earlier as well
2301s where
2302s because both players aren't just
2305s aimlessly going to try and hit face and
2307s hope for the best you are going to see
2309s these very very aggressive fights for
2311s the early game board and I I expect that
2314s to continue when you see decks like this
2315s available but most importantly meaty got
2317s the win with the Rogue and that one's
2319s out of the way now and we have seen
2321s maybe this is just my own recollection
2324s I've not actually got the numbers next
2325s to me but we've seen Arcane Hunter feels
2328s like the deck that's maybe struggled the
2331s most but maybe because we've seen it a
2333s lot as well that doesn't help its case
2335s but it feels like that has been one of
2337s the archetypes to me that even though I
2339s love the deck it feels like that has
2340s been visually struggling on stream of
2343s what we've seen so far yeah a little bit
2345s so and I know even uh Mick banterface
2348s was kind of talking about that a little
2349s bit leading up to this he was worried
2351s that that was going to be the weak point
2353s in his lineup and I know he even tweeted
2355s out after going zero two in in his group
2358s that he kind of felt like that was
2360s really the the weak link the weak deck
2362s that he brought he almost regretted
2363s bringing it uh even though more players
2366s did bring it but yeah it has seemed like
2368s it's gonna struggle and now we're seeing
2370s Casey just re-queuing that she's gonna
2373s try to get a win with it it is Conquest
2375s as you talked about earlier uncovered
2377s gonna have to get a win with it
2379s regardless at some point in the series
2380s if he wants to move on in this single
2382s elimination top eight but how do you
2385s feel about it going into midi's Mage
2387s here
2389s I think this is an okay matchup again I
2391s think the secrets early on air can get
2394s the job done the only frustration that
2395s can happen is no early game minions
2399s right like that's all cases after but
2401s this is a nice opening right got the
2402s singer to start drawing out thinning the
2404s deck with no secrets and then the build
2406s of using cat trick and also now having
2409s Titan forged is gonna be really nice I'm
2411s just always excited to see what people
2413s do on turn two in this scenario I think
2415s yeah Casey's just gonna play cat trick
2417s but I can never resist forging on turn
2421s two in this scenario because I'm like
2422s yeah it's one secret now but I could
2425s have two Secrets next to and how about
2427s that oh Tremors is nice though yes it is
2430s yeah why have one secret when you can
2432s have two yeah as that's even more
2434s exactly uh speaking of the interesting
2437s turn two though I was going to note that
2439s midi looked like he had a really great
2440s starting hand as well with this Cosmic
2442s keyboard into potentially like coin Cold
2445s Case or the inquisitive creation or the
2448s volume up like his ton of choices but he
2451s actually had to kind of end up using
2453s that coin even earlier and going for the
2455s coin into the hero power to stop that
2459s a progression of the secrets as you had
2462s mentioned to just get rid of that singer
2464s get it off of the board and now turn
2467s three another hero power this keyboard
2469s has not come down that that has to feel
2472s a little bit rough From midi's
2475s perspective because as the Mage you
2476s really want to be getting that keyboard
2478s down you want to be you know setting up
2480s those minions and kind of playing all of
2482s your spell schools on curve as much as
2484s you can but instead Casey has applied
2487s this pressure and now all of these
2489s secrets are coming out
2491s yeah I definitely agree I think meti is
2494s doing the correct thing though because
2496s basically in this matchup the minion
2498s plays and the sort of Value Place for
2501s the Mage will just get overrun if your
2503s opponent Hunter is just playing on curve
2506s right like you will get dealt a lot of
2508s damage whereas if miti can protect his
2510s health total early game like he has been
2512s doing quite aggressively with these
2513s pings then the Alibis do more like the
2517s defensive options do more later because
2519s like the starstrong bow hits for six
2521s well against Alibi it's gonna hit for
2522s one right it's not a deck that normally
2524s goes super small and super wide so I
2528s think just protecting a health toll
2529s early game is going to be valuable
2531s especially with two cold cases right I
2533s think meti just wanted to get to these
2535s in a safe manner
2536s oh absolutely it's just one of those
2538s scenarios that uh you know it feels a
2541s little bit awkward and unfortunate but
2543s that is the match-up and Casey has
2545s definitely had that early pressure that
2548s early damage and media has responded to
2550s that you know as best that he can uh is
2554s also again playing around those Secrets
2557s there was the potential to just drop a
2559s flame Elemental last turn but didn't
2561s want to set off any hidden meanings
2563s yeah okay sorry I love this for Casey
2566s because with this many Secrets when
2569s you're ahead on board is Hunter and
2570s you've got the secrets as backup Just
2573s Hits him in the face that's all you need
2574s to do I look at the hand it's telling
2576s you to deal damage so deal damage
2578s absolutely uh this is this is kind of
2581s the opposite of what we saw last game in
2582s terms of the follow-up and we saw all
2585s the secrets just like we have this game
2586s but this hand has really filled in with
2589s all of that damage all of those spells
2591s that now Casey can kind of follow up
2593s Behind These minions and ideally be
2596s closing out the game next turn or in the
2598s next two turns right but with all of
2600s this damage here just needs Maybe even
2603s more uh slightly more Arcane damage if
2606s possible but it also will depend here if
2608s midi were to play any Alibi which we
2612s don't see is is in hand
2614s yeah it's gonna be nice soldier in there
2616s procking the bees and then getting the
2617s creation to be able to clear the board
2619s off now that's a pickup now okay what
2623s kind of game is Casey I normally auto
2625s click on the card draw bonus for this
2628s weapon but at this point I can yeah 100
2630s understand going for damage because you
2633s were so close to the end game I mean
2635s it's just dead next to him without an
2637s alibi absolutely yeah I I love the
2639s damage there especially
2641s as this game has progressed he's been in
2644s the driver's seat of this game the whole
2646s time he's been applying that pressure
2647s why not keep that going especially as
2650s you mentioned with all of this damage
2651s sitting in hand and if there is not that
2654s alibi it's I think it pays off in in
2656s space
2658s yeah this is just good honest honorable
2661s hunt to play you know what you're gonna
2663s do make make stuff and get him end the
2666s game done finish none of this fancy
2668s schmancy stuff going on with generating
2670s 800 spells this is look I'll use the
2672s cards in my deck and I'm gonna kill them
2674s with it
2676s that's right
2679s on the other side yeah that's convincing
2682s right coming out from metis there is the
2685s Cold Case again uh he can lightly kill
2688s off the aggrama so which is a fine but
2691s without Alibi the Cold Case is actually
2693s sort of even overkilled by just the
2695s weapon swing alone without these you
2697s know mystery four cards that are
2699s available what meat is gonna do when he
2701s can
2703s I mean there was the potential I
2705s supposed to go for draw and try to find
2708s something like The Alibi but at this
2711s point if midi does that it feels like
2714s he's almost just in the same position
2715s the following turn right where he's
2717s still under all of this pressure there's
2719s multiple cards in hand that Casey has
2721s been holding and the previous turn Casey
2723s went for the top decked Titan instead of
2726s all those cards in hand but on the other
2729s side if these cards aren't damaged maybe
2731s meaty can potentially be threatening his
2734s own lethal
2736s okay well this is potential lethal right
2741s it just depends where the ricochets go
2744s yeah
2746s yeah midi definitely optimized the board
2748s to soak up as much Ricochet damage as
2751s possible which is also another reason
2752s why it looked like he kind of went for
2754s that wider board
2756s oh interesting
2758s huh is okay
2761s I would have actually done the card draw
2765s effect and hit face instead of that
2769s no because I think that's still I think
2771s that was there was that out maybe
2774s another Arcane shot I think might have
2776s done it
2777s yeah I think I I would have spent zero
2780s manner on drawing a card instead of two
2782s men on drawing two cards
2785s but still I think Casey's just at the
2787s point of like okay I feel like I'm
2789s unlikely to die so I'll clear up a lot
2791s of this damage and say okay if you kill
2793s me this turn fine you got me but if you
2795s don't you're extremely dead without an
2797s alibi oh what was I saying
2802s hit it real raven you made it real
2804s yeah there's four damage
2808s just available for Casey through an
2811s alibi right if there's the two ricochets
2813s that can hit phase there's the weapon
2815s swing and there's the hero power
2817s yeah and also at this point too the
2820s pickup of the star power if there are
2822s Minions on board the star power could
2823s just come out first clear up the minions
2825s and then the Ricochet shots guarantee go
2827s chase so if that is a necessary play
2831s there is going to be that available and
2834s there's the Mana to do it as well
2839s I can't remember what the secret is
2841s it's not explosive is it no okay
2845s yeah so
2848s oh it's a hidden meaning
2851s after formation so this is one off right
2867s well
2868s see where these ricochets hit
2874s one hit face
2877s yeah it's still always one off right
2879s because they can only do four this turn
2881s because there's no extra face damage
2884s I thought he was gonna try to go for uh
2887s yeah a hero power in there but the
2889s speaker stomper pickup I think was was
2891s much better oh yeah I think as soon as
2893s that was drawn that was game played
2895s because there just wasn't lethal I think
2897s uh Casey needed to draw an Arcane shot
2899s or something like one more source of
2901s direct damage uh that could be played
2904s but um but yeah as soon as the Stamper
2906s was drawn that was 100 the play because
2909s suddenly even if miti has Sif and that
2912s had a turn set up for lethal this got a
2915s lot harder right now because now there's
2917s nine Mana but uh everything is expensive
2920s in hand
2921s absolutely
2922s I'm just always kind of looking at the
2925s those hero Powers especially later in
2927s the game as even if there is a solid
2929s Alibi it's still one damage so if a hero
2932s power had been able to be pushed there
2933s if midi had another uh solid Alibi hero
2936s power just ends it regardless of the
2938s board state but yeah there is that that
2941s counter play and I think this came up a
2943s lot yesterday as well right this kind of
2944s difference of these decks have that
2947s initial forward State as you mentioned
2950s but a lot of these decks especially this
2951s Mage they have that over the top damage
2954s and since Casey didn't have the ability
2956s to win the game he also has to consider
2958s how does my opponent now in the game
2960s because I am sitting at a pretty low
2963s life total here
2965s yeah I don't think this cuts it right
2967s yeah Casey was worried for a second
2970s after seeing the silence there right it
2972s was a bit like oh wait a minute hang on
2973s if these two minions get to just free
2975s hit face there's a little bit of worry
2977s there so it was definitely a close one
2979s uh but the pickup of the stumper was
2981s huge without that uh meti would have
2984s been able to just power through there
2985s was plenty of damage available because
2987s the health total got down so low so a
2989s bit of a close one for Casey it looked
2990s like he was gonna run away with that
2992s game but in fact did not make it happen
2994s and as easily as we thought it was going
2996s to so it's still going to be 1-1 going
2999s into this now both players gonna win in
3001s that Arcane Hunter not going to be the
3004s uh the huge disaster that we've seen it
3006s be for some other players and they're
3007s not going to get swept so that's
3009s something and that's going to be at
3010s least some level of um recovery for
3013s Casey right you don't want to just get
3015s quickly too old you know as your first
3017s match uh to get through because as a
3018s reminder for everyone who's joined us
3020s today and we might not even mentioned
3021s this but top eight is single limp right
3023s you win you move on you lose you're done
3025s and that's it better luck next time so
3027s so along the line in these matches yeah
3030s absolutely and as you mentioned these
3032s players are ultimately wanting to get to
3035s that finals right they want to get all
3037s the way to the end of the bracket they
3039s want to win so they qualify for the
3041s World Championship and if you have a
3044s weak point in your lineup or you're
3046s getting you know that quick three out
3049s that has to feel extra bad on top of
3052s that so I'm sure it feels pretty good
3053s for Casey to get that win with that
3054s Arcane Hunter here but now we have both
3057s player shamans and both players Mages
3060s left how many mirror matches do you
3061s think we're about to see
3064s um
3065s I don't know
3067s either many or none that's my that's my
3070s guess
3070s um but what I will say is we're going to
3073s see a lot of burst damage available
3074s because both of these decks have similar
3077s plans I think this the shaman for me
3080s feels more consistent obviously there's
3082s slightly less
3084s um there's less variables of outcomes
3086s right like Mage generates more stuff and
3090s and sort of Wilder things uh but the
3092s shame and just feels super super
3094s consistent overall so we'll see if we
3096s get that match up but for now I'm
3097s already run we've got a mirror as we see
3099s a mage versus mage
3102s yeah and uh I love the coin the cosmic
3107s keyboard coin with the newly drawn Cold
3110s Case for Casey that is one of the
3113s absolute best feeling plays as a mage
3116s player on the other side there are some
3118s cold cases but a little bit lacking in
3121s the kind of in between here for meaty
3124s yeah but having some Minions on board at
3126s least in pings normally that can add up
3128s to stopping a true shenanigans that are
3130s going down uh oh Alibi okay
3133s is Alibi is such a weird card it's
3136s important to have access to them but
3138s early game you never really want them
3140s right because you are never going to
3142s Alibi on turn three or turn four
3144s generally speaking so
3146s so it goes both artifices coming down
3147s now
3152s it's always interesting too to look at
3154s the use of some of these damage spells
3157s on opponent minions rather than saving
3161s them for later in the game to go face
3162s because ideally these decks are built to
3164s kind of stall a little bit build up and
3167s then send all of those direct damage
3169s spells to face but I think in this case
3171s it definitely made a lot of sense for
3173s Casey to go ahead and just use that
3174s molten Rune clear off the artificer from
3177s midi side and kind of just keep going
3179s with his game plan it also ended up
3182s giving him another spell that's a
3184s different spell school
3185s yeah and I think it's just Hearthstone
3187s 101 right like did using this burn spell
3190s on a minion actually not only defend
3192s your board so your minions can do damage
3195s but also because it was the artificer
3197s which was going to gain armor if you
3199s left it then
3201s weirdly enough the spell that hit the
3203s minion ended up doing more damage to
3205s face than it would have if you aimed it
3206s at face right that's how you've got to
3208s look at using removal like that so uh
3210s definitely definitely makes sense here
3212s as Casey is still well was a head on
3215s board
3216s yeah absolutely did get played and
3218s killed which is a at least a small bonus
3220s there
3224s now Casey's got a choice here gonna go
3227s for the suffocating Shadows that he
3229s picked up but that means another spell
3231s school that's been played and gives them
3233s the option to go for this infinitize
3235s oh going for some extra Elemental is
3237s gonna kind of continue that on-board
3240s presence
3242s yeah I think it's that factor right of
3243s just pushing damage while you can
3245s because maybe not now because we've seen
3248s the volume but before that well meti was
3251s on like three cards you're not getting
3253s burst down with three cards anytime soon
3255s right from your opponent right so why
3257s not just play more stuff on board make
3259s them keep clearing that board already
3262s seen one creation from miti in case he's
3264s like okay I'll make another wave of
3266s minions and you need another AOE and if
3269s you don't have that I'm gonna start
3269s pushing five six seven damage per turn
3272s and then things can really Stack Up
3275s yeah I think it's also interesting too I
3277s know yesterday there was kind of a lot
3278s of talk about hand size for the Mage so
3281s opting to take the thing that puts even
3284s more cards in your hand when you're
3285s already looking at things like volume up
3287s can kind of be a questionable decision
3289s but I think the board presence here is
3292s absolutely fine and you know Casey's
3294s just going to continue to find Secrets
3296s it doesn't matter if it's hunter or not
3297s just more secrets all the classes with
3300s the secrets
3302s Here Comes inspiration though only three
3305s nice with the extra seven seven on board
3307s nothing Super Active right no rush
3310s available but double stealth is always
3312s spicy in this in in this matchup I feel
3315s because both decks you know it's more or
3317s less a mirror right both decks are
3318s trying to burst their opponent and the
3320s burst gets so much easier once you've
3322s dealt like 10 damage or so naturally and
3325s the double stealth is just like if those
3327s get to hit face
3329s Casey's suddenly just in death range
3332s yeah there is this inquisitive creation
3335s here for Casey but I don't think it's
3337s buffed up quite enough to actually
3338s answer those stealth minions yet so yeah
3341s I'm gonna go for that Arcane bolt first
3343s to play an additional spell and now can
3345s go for the creation to clear that so at
3348s least there was an answer in hand for
3350s Casey there so didn't have to worry as
3352s much about that and Rewind and the
3355s polymorph jellyfish are both actually
3357s pretty interesting choices
3360s foreign
3360s looks like Casey went for what I would
3363s say at least is just like generic good
3365s card go uh with the rewind
3368s and this is also just sitting on this
3371s safe we're going to see another
3371s Elemental inspiration here another two
3374s of stealth
3375s at taunt and two stealth on both of
3378s those that just seems incredibly
3380s unlikely to happen but we just saw it
3384s but there's not another inquisitive on
3387s the side for Casey so now again Casey is
3390s in that spot of how he's gonna have to
3391s answer this
3394s well depending on how this board ends up
3395s which is going to look pretty good I
3397s think Casey might may well end up just
3399s going Alibi this turn and push damage to
3401s face
3403s very well good
3405s because it's about as good an alibi as
3407s you're gonna get right because one of
3408s the weird problems you've got is like if
3411s you can't clear the board but you want
3413s to save Alibi for a combo turn but by
3416s saving it you get hit then that makes
3419s the combo turn easier to do for your
3421s opponent right so you're making yourself
3423s actually easier to kill by not doing an
3425s earlier Alibi so I think Casey will at
3427s least have considered playing it here
3429s ignoring the minions get through the
3431s taunt as best he can and then just push
3433s all this minion damage to face
3435s absolutely and I think that the uh
3438s decision there for picking that Arcane
3440s bolt over picking the objection kind of
3444s also speaks to that of it looks like
3446s Casey is again kind of in the driver's
3449s seat on this one a little bit he's the
3450s one that's been applying the pressure
3451s even though midi has now played double
3454s Elemental inspiration and has kind of
3457s created these boards it still does seem
3458s like Casey is kind of the one that is
3460s putting out all of this damage and to
3463s pick up an extra Arcane bolt there with
3467s Sif in hand seems absolutely huge yeah
3470s so Casey went the other way he didn't
3472s play The Alibi but the artificer came
3475s down got Casey like what roughly 10
3477s armor also yeah um I can't remember if
3479s we had armor before this turn but as you
3481s said got hold of that second ball the
3484s Sith oh I didn't catch that Split Second
3485s was that plus five or plus six plus five
3489s um is it plus five so the Sif is a
3491s little bit Juiced this explosive Rune
3493s protects against meaty playing different
3495s combo in them down so meaty just can't
3498s place if into that so that's going to
3500s cut down on some manner so Casey's
3502s saying I'm safe enough on this health
3505s even with these Elementals alive to push
3507s a lot of damage and then next turn I'm
3510s going to kill my opponent it's the plan
3513s yeah
3515s yeah but now this is where we get into
3516s those the the back and forth right well
3519s this turn does meet you play Alibi
3521s because meaty doesn't have an otk setup
3523s right he doesn't have Sif he doesn't
3525s have tons of burn spells available to
3527s him right now so because he doesn't have
3528s that otk he's not gonna get it and now
3530s two win Fury and a torn okay
3539s both of these players kind of saying I
3541s don't think that they have it they are
3543s they are holding those alibis
3545s as long as possible here it there's
3548s there's always that downside too I think
3550s this was talked about yesterday is if
3552s you hold those solid Alibis for too long
3554s it kind of negates some of that because
3556s if there are Minions on the board it
3559s just still get to push that damage
3561s through especially if you're kind of in
3562s those single digits
3564s we might see one this turn though
3566s because I think yeah Casey's not quite
3569s got lethal set up here it's got the what
3571s the two Arcane bolts in hand but that
3573s draw did not get him any extra burn
3576s no so I think this might be the the
3579s setup turn although how much will it be
3582s here three fast if no minions die from
3585s meaty that's still a nine push but
3587s obviously not not crazy coming through
3589s The Alibi yeah well I think as well the
3592s the pickup of the second Alibi for Casey
3594s uh probably feels a little good too just
3597s say yeah okay I can commit one now I've
3599s picked up the other one if I need it in
3601s another turn or two uh and I'm not going
3603s to put myself hopefully in the same
3605s situation if I just commit my only solid
3608s aloe by this turn and don't pick up
3610s another one
3611s and you can see how close Casey is right
3614s because instead of playing like menacing
3616s Elemental it was just a pink face like
3618s this one damage could make a difference
3621s and it's very interesting as well I I
3623s love this decision too there's no
3625s minions coming out on the board for
3627s Casey so media is now board locked
3629s something like stiff or an organon can't
3631s come down at all as well so it's kind of
3634s limiting the amount of damage that midi
3637s can even kind of push this old Alibi
3639s there's a world right Arcane ball his
3641s own Minion and then uh
3644s yeah and then Titan for the plus one
3647s okay just gonna go Alibi instead for
3648s sure
3651s I mean then there there is that case I
3654s suppose but that's a one of those
3656s decisions you have to look at is he
3658s getting more benefit out of using that
3660s damage spell on his own Minion to play
3662s the organ on is that a benefit or is it
3665s better to just kind of accept this at
3668s the moment and then save that damage
3671s yeah it's the trade-off right do you go
3672s for the plus one or do you go for the um
3674s do you go for using a solid Alibi oh
3678s just gonna throw the Arcane ball out
3679s anyway
3685s well the counter spell pickup is pretty
3689s interesting as well there we didn't get
3690s to uh quite see that discover option but
3697s not bad
3700s I have volume now to try and dig and
3702s look for that extra uh burn damage oh
3705s well that's just giggly thought next
3708s turn for Casey if there's no alibi right
3710s because it's just Reverb
3715s so many reverbs here
3718s yeah because it's just safe Weaver bolt
3720s right that's like a million yeah
3723s gotta be close to a million if it's not
3725s at a million yeah
3738s this work is tricky though because again
3740s they're still I think in this position
3742s because meaty has zero burst
3745s he's just seen a second Alibi I think in
3748s this position you should really consider
3750s just dropping the Titan
3760s I guess still like well no it's still
3763s safe from safe and two Arcane bolts
3765s right
3766s I'm wondering if he wants to get the uh
3770s the counter spell out or he's just gonna
3772s go for the solid Alibi here still wait
3775s on it I guess this does mean both
3776s players have played both of their solid
3778s Alibis now so from this point on it is a
3781s little bit more of that
3783s calculated uh decision here instead of
3786s just throwing that alibi
3790s yeah decent damage again all this little
3792s trickle damage of just minus one minus
3794s one minus one uh it does make it a lot
3797s easier for each player to actually get
3800s the kill
3801s there's wisdom coming out there but
3803s again Casey a bit there's a bit of a
3805s tilt of the hand and that last turn
3806s where it's like well I don't really know
3808s what to do
3809s yeah and no AOE
3812s unless it can draw something
3814s I think he I think he has both
3816s inquisitive Creations in the deck yeah I
3818s think that's I think that's what Casey's
3820s sort of question is like well I have
3822s these cards yeah there's one okay you
3824s got one okay yeah because he's like
3826s still got two and I think metis played
3828s both of his
3829s yeah
3832s it has to has to okay you said the seven
3835s one
3836s yeah this is also been very interesting
3838s even though both players did have both
3840s of their solid Alibis I think there is
3843s that kind of disadvantage for Casey here
3846s as the player that did have to play one
3848s of those Alibis first
3852s yeah this is close it out yeah
3856s oh because of three yeah sorry I forgot
3858s about the three from the Arcane ball
3860s yeah lethal the full meaty with the
3862s northern which is I guess what he was
3864s saving it for because he didn't have Sif
3866s um he had the option then to obviously
3868s do that I think we did I think he won
3870s the Mage game I cast with him yesterday
3872s or or the Mage game he was uh I casted
3875s yesterday with the exact same combo
3877s because I was thinking more does the
3880s play in the Titan and doing the plus one
3881s to spell cost right set up well you've
3884s got loads of minions anyway he had all
3885s the Elementals also the Titans on board
3888s which can then do the burst if it lives
3890s next turn uh whereas meti clearly was
3892s happy to use up those Alibis and then
3894s get the Reverb combo
3896s um to go out there and get it done so
3898s super close game once again Casey
3900s getting a little bit unlucky we've just
3902s not being able to get hold of enough
3903s damage at the right times but again it's
3906s just how these matchups go especially
3908s when it's the mirror match in both
3909s players or uh basically trying to
3911s achieve the same goal but nice and
3912s creative win there for meeting
3915s yeah absolutely so that means that meaty
3918s just has to get a win on his Shaman now
3920s uh which is also going to be very
3922s interesting I think Mage we mentioned
3924s earlier about you know that kind of
3925s difference of using some of those damage
3928s spells on minions versus saving them for
3930s that over-the-top potential lethal
3932s damage and I think Mage might have a
3935s little bit more flexibility in doing
3937s that but on the other hand Shaman also
3939s has things like
3941s and even the crash of Thunder that's
3944s just gonna clear a board anyways so it
3946s kind of already has some border removal
3948s built in to the spells that they want to
3950s be flying so they don't necessarily have
3952s to direct a lot of their damage Spells
3955s at minions like major mite
3957s yeah and with the generation and also
3959s just with the minions themselves I think
3961s Shaman does a better job we won't talk
3964s about the elemental creation you know
3966s like the the late game Elemental spawn
3968s but outside of that in the first one to
3970s you know five six turns or so of the
3973s game I think on average the shaman
3974s actually puts out the minion pressure I
3976s think here unless the draw is terrible
3978s obviously I think here meaty will
3981s definitely be viewed as the aggressor so
3984s to speak because it'll be him piling on
3987s the minion pressure and it'll be down to
3988s Casey to respond and you know you could
3990s just see how easily this can Snowball
3992s right if needy gets some damage on
3994s um early on in case he doesn't get hold
3996s of those uh Creations just like a light
3998s last game this AOE clear potential will
4001s be quite low from the mage
4008s it is something like the flame geyser
4011s Arcane artifice are going to be enough
4014s to slow down some of that early pressure
4017s I was a little bit surprised that the
4019s Wolves went
4020s um for me too but it's Gonna Keep the
4022s Chisel turn the tides and turn Tides
4025s it's gonna be nice so I think I guess he
4027s was going to throw one three drop like
4029s it would be the Wolves because turn is
4031s so good for just saying oh well more or
4034s less two of your minions are dead if you
4035s play the song curve right so that's
4037s going to be pretty nice for me today I'm
4039s gonna just uh Shuffle that overdraft
4040s back though oh
4043s that's a good pickup that Casey might
4045s have just uh let out a bit of a sigh of
4047s relief there because that was one of the
4049s better chores that was going to happen
4050s at this point yes
4054s yeah look at this like look at the tempo
4055s again yeah it's gonna be overloaded but
4057s meaty gets to just chisel next turn and
4059s start stacking this board
4062s yeah and I think especially with the way
4063s that meaty's hand is shaping up I don't
4065s think he's that upset about being
4067s overloaded next turn either yep
4071s okay
4074s I'm just gonna go for the Chisel here
4076s get up to clear this little Cosmic
4078s Elemental and start building up the
4081s totems see if they actually stick around
4082s but if they do that's definitely going
4085s to be a plus for meaty uh but at this
4088s point maybe still missing some of those
4090s combo pieces
4092s yeah it's fine like I think Meats will
4094s be okay for now just pick up a feral
4096s spirit this turn and I think that's the
4098s thing right like
4099s without yes Cold Case was played which
4102s is the best play that Casey had
4103s available that turn right it's what Mage
4105s wants to do on four with a cosmic
4107s keyboard most of the time but whenever
4109s that turn isn't Cold Case
4111s is Mage really killing totems every turn
4114s probably not right it's not like it has
4116s access to easy damage like that so
4119s um those homes can really stack up from
4121s the Chisel and you might even end up
4122s seeing meti just hold maybe the last
4124s charge specifically just to be able to
4126s have an extra minion on board on demand
4128s for that bioluminescence later on
4132s yeah absolutely picking up that flash of
4134s lightning with the lightning reflexes in
4136s hand too uh this could be a big turn
4140s next turn for meaty
4143s that's the totem high five there always
4145s love to see
4152s yeah this is probably lining up some
4155s form of Crash play right
4158s feels like it has to
4160s maybe not has to but it potentially
4163s could
4165s it might also depend what media actually
4167s finds out of this lightning reflexes
4169s here another flash of lightning or a
4171s lightning bolt
4173s yeah also with the lightning storm
4175s picked up
4176s could easily hold the crash right and
4178s just because that's normally what you
4180s want to do with burst damage uh
4181s lightning storm is going to help out
4182s this boat quite a lot or dealing with
4184s this board do you like the ball or would
4186s you go card draw here
4188s I
4190s I think with not going in this turn I
4193s probably don't want to go for the bolts
4195s hmm
4198s I like crash a lot here crash just feels
4201s like just zero Mana three damage or more
4203s with spell damage of course you just
4205s assume crash is going to be zero right
4207s because that's what it feels like 99 of
4209s the time when you're playing this deck
4210s absolutely I guess there could be an
4213s argument here for the other
4214s bioluminescence but I'm not sure if it's
4216s going to be needed there's so much
4218s damage in hand I feel like just taking
4220s the crash as you said I mean
4223s it's probably going to be zero right so
4225s double crash double light uh lightning
4227s bolt in hand plus the potential damage
4230s as long as there is the Mana with the
4232s overdraft damage as well seems like it's
4235s lining up pretty well to just be able to
4236s oh is that a third one
4241s yeah that's what I mean right it's just
4243s it crashed just even though it's
4245s obviously not not but like zero deal X
4249s is what the card end up being to the
4251s whole board so meaty saying you know
4253s what
4254s the board you take your time
4256s oh resistance all right yeah it's a
4259s little bit annoying
4261s it is too and I I think it actually
4263s allows Casey to not have to commit The
4266s Alibi but he's really debating on it
4269s right after seeing all that kind of
4270s discover and the generation that midi
4272s had last turn
4275s yeah I think
4278s because basically the Spells will cost
4279s normal amounts I think for Casey's just
4281s working out which one cost spell he
4283s wants to play to then proc the air the
4286s infinitize
4292s I can't remember now meaty is not
4294s overloaded this turn right no
4298s no title on curve though
4301s hmm
4305s yeah Casey full beat down right now
4308s meaty on the back foot and uh maybe
4311s these clothes are gonna have to start
4312s maybe this is a
4314s not a pop-off turn but something has to
4317s be done right maybe even this is a swing
4319s of the totem see
4321s [Music]
4324s it's hard to want to commit the
4325s bioluminescence right
4327s yeah because I was thinking like is it
4329s that bad well I mean it kind of is that
4331s bad right where like swing
4333s bioluminescence lightning storm might
4336s have to be the play
4338s it it absolutely does feel bad but it
4340s might have to
4341s and I think this is the the interesting
4344s thing about this mage deck in particular
4347s as you mentioned there is that builds up
4350s right of wanting to play all these
4352s spells and have that damage but Cosmic
4354s keyboard and some of these little
4356s minions just create so much potential
4358s for the Mage that yeah I I don't think
4361s in most matchups you'd consider the Mage
4363s is kind of the beat down there but it
4364s absolutely has been because of that huge
4367s Cosmic uh Cosmic keyboard pickup earlier
4370s ah
4376s wow okay we're gonna throw out the
4377s lightning bolt just to clear the board
4379s say right I'm on seven but seven is not
4381s going to be enough Sif and the flame
4383s Geezer come down to play and meti very
4385s swiftly dispatched in game number four
4388s so you got your wish we go into a game
4390s five there we go don we made it that's
4393s right yeah
4399s that's uh pretty impressive I feel like
4402s a lot of the matches that we have lined
4403s up for our quarterfinal matches could
4406s potentially even be something like our
4409s grand finals right these just all of
4411s this oh yeah all of these games are just
4413s so stacked these players are at that
4416s high level so they're going to feel
4418s pretty impressive for the most part I
4420s hope that we see more matches like this
4421s a lot of this kind of back and forth
4423s instead of kind of those shutout games
4425s that it seemed to uh be happening a lot
4428s yesterday uh I don't know who do you
4431s think is gonna end up taking it in this
4433s final game
4434s it's really difficult because it's going
4436s to be a mirror match right it's going to
4437s be the shamer versus Shaman so and both
4439s these players are good I think what's
4440s most important is I mean we saw
4443s yesterday that these players are
4445s extremely high caliber but they are not
4447s immune to mistakes right the pressure
4449s the stress of having to play in this
4451s because like we said there's a lot on
4452s the line for these players also today
4454s specifically it's single limb at least
4457s yesterday and like you know your first
4458s match you can be like well okay I want
4461s to win but if I lose I'm not just out of
4463s the tournament whereas today that's not
4464s the case if they lose they're done so
4466s it's gonna be a really close one and I
4468s do think that Casey especially has so
4472s much experience in the situations right
4475s top eight top 16s of big tournaments
4477s playing on the world stage right you
4480s know just all of the experience will
4481s probably help him in these high pressure
4484s scenarios
4485s um so
4487s if I was going to pick anyone it would
4489s be Casey
4490s purely with like the smallest Edge right
4493s like that that's it it's not like oh
4495s yeah Casey's gonna destroy uh they're a
4498s poet on this one I do feel like Casey
4500s just maybe it's just because I've cast
4501s him so much over the last few years and
4504s you know across Grand Masters across
4506s Masters tours across everything
4508s basically and maybe that's why but if I
4510s had to pick someone yeah it would be
4512s Casey here
4513s you know I I think I'm gonna lean the
4515s other way I think I'm gonna go for meaty
4517s here and say that media's gonna take it
4519s down we have no idea these are just our
4521s absolute guesses of course you know with
4523s Hearthstone the draws and the kind of
4525s little bit of RNG could go either way
4526s absolutely but uh I'm gonna say it's the
4529s kitchen energy for me that's really
4531s getting it there uh the kitchen energy
4533s maybe some tea a little snack just uh
4536s set yourself up for that comfortable you
4539s know closing it out moving in and then
4541s just getting to rest until your your uh
4543s semi-final match I think as I'm gonna
4546s make an assumption but as most of us I
4549s would guess spend a lot of time at a PC
4551s playing games and there is definitely
4553s something to be said for snacks and
4554s drinks being at Arm's Reach right that
4556s is definitely some level of Advantage
4558s the amount of times I've considered
4560s putting a fridge in my office is uh at
4564s least double digits right now over the
4566s last few years like should I get a
4567s fridge I probably shouldn't because it
4569s means I'm gonna spend even more time in
4571s this room but it's still an attractive
4574s idea to consider but anyway we are going
4577s into game five gonna be the last game of
4578s this series but definitely not the last
4580s game of the day we've got tons of
4582s Hearthstone coming up so make sure you
4583s stay tuned throughout the day see who is
4585s going to be our summer Championship
4587s champion
4589s absolutely gonna be on the top on the
4591s shaman Casey also on the chain
4595s schooling pickup here though seems
4598s pretty good there's a carving chisel for
4600s meaty
4602s I do like the carving chisel and
4605s potential gulganeth from meaty though
4608s but there there is something to be said
4610s about the fish you gotta love the fish
4614s yeah I
4616s Casey nearly has the Forbidden play
4618s which is the coin inza which is just the
4620s play you never really want to see uh
4622s your opponent make at least yeah man
4624s because it just feels so scary for the
4626s rest of the game but just having these
4628s fish means that meaty does not even have
4630s realistic options of say for example
4633s just playing the zapper out just like
4634s Casey's done now right just play stuff
4637s because again everyone will think oh
4640s what what's this why is he playing
4641s zapper it's that's you combo piece right
4645s well not really and not in the matchup
4647s right you want stuff on board dealing
4649s damage to face now and although there
4652s could have been another fish there this
4654s is a 3-2 with the spell damage which
4657s means that this is threatening a ton of
4659s damage at the moment minty can't really
4661s do anything about
4664s as well that uh this is an act like
4667s legit 30 for 30 card complete mirror
4671s match as well so kind of interesting to
4674s see that I think there's a one storyline
4676s we've had throughout the weekend has
4677s been the kind of different card choices
4679s that some of the the decks have included
4681s but this one is a full 30 30 card mirror
4685s match and picking up some of those uh
4688s special cards and some of the important
4690s key cards like you were mentioning maybe
4692s ends on one side the Titan on the other
4694s double schooling for meeting now could
4697s be pretty pretty impactful here as well
4700s yeah this is going to be huge because
4701s the way meaty's been playing for pretty
4704s much the whole game so far indicates
4706s that he is planning on coining Titan on
4709s five which is such a common play uh with
4711s shame and when you have access to it
4713s early so this turn again as an example I
4716s would not expect to see any form of
4718s overload being the outcome and maybe
4720s things change with the three four on the
4722s other side and me to decide it's not
4724s worth it so you have to respect this
4726s which there you go is going to be the
4728s case but this is definitely going to be
4730s um I would say unfortunate for me too
4732s because now with the coin uh being able
4735s to unlock this and draw some more cards
4736s he actually doesn't get to get the Titan
4738s on board early
4740s yeah at least with the pickup of the
4742s thorum he does get to unlock all those
4744s crystals that he just overloaded so yeah
4746s you know you kind of unlock those
4748s crystals you get some additional draw so
4750s hope to find something that's going to
4751s fill in that turn five kind of help just
4754s you know continue be able to do
4757s something in the meantime while you're
4758s waiting to get to that golden F but on
4761s curve from Casey just that ends up
4763s coming down gonna start that uh
4765s discounted spells a little bit early
4767s ahead of time here but I like these
4770s swarmers coming down
4772s yeah this is good and also the big
4773s danger here that the huge difference
4776s between the hands Casey does not have
4779s card draw meaty has tons of card draw
4781s right there's the flash of lightning in
4782s hand and there's also just a Titan to
4784s draw three and so this is going to be a
4787s big problem there's crash but still no
4789s Contour available yeah this lightning
4791s storm having to come down just to clear
4793s these these minions off of the board I
4798s do not enjoy calling things early but
4800s this is desperate mode I would say for
4804s Casey right now and he knows it right
4806s his opponent's drawing cards his
4808s opponent's going to turn six without
4809s being overloaded
4811s uh which is always scary right because
4813s you know the best play nine times out of
4816s ten it's the Titan and Casey has no card
4818s draw cases in top deck mode against a
4820s deck that's now just shuffling through
4823s with with no real problems draw three
4825s into flash of lightning this is pretty
4827s much like a lethal setup in some
4829s instances in case he has nothing yeah
4832s and and look at this difference in the
4835s card Advantage now as well as you were
4837s mentioning about 14 cards left in the
4839s deck for me oh yeah 20 but yeah Casey's
4842s just gonna go ahead and give it up and
4843s say that's it that does mean that meaty
4846s takes it down in game number five and is
4848s going to move into the top four look at
4852s that reaction
4854s yeah and you can always tell um as a
4857s celebration there you can see uh talking
4859s to uh I guess the myth is off camera but
4862s um there you go this is the thing where
4865s meaty knows what he's doing right meat
4867s is a a as well as a doctor is a streamer
4870s and he knows what is on camera you pop
4872s off right like that's what people want
4874s to see so he delivers but yeah really
4877s tough one yeah unfortunate way to end
4879s the series unfortunately to see Casey
4880s knocked out of the tournament because
4882s that was just a rough one it's a as you
4884s mentioned pure card for card mirror
4886s match and one player got the card draw
4889s in a deck where you want to draw loads
4890s of cards the other player did not and
4892s that's why we saw what maybe to some
4895s eyes look like a very early concede from
4897s Casey but at that point there was no
4900s single draw that was going to suddenly
4901s Propel Casey back into the game because
4904s meteor basically ticked off all the
4905s boxes that you have to do except the
4908s last one which is kill your opponent uh
4910s so it was too far ahead so
4912s congratulations there to meeting excuse
4914s me uh really good series overall and I
4917s think just displaying what these decks
4919s are capable of but uh an unfortunate
4922s outcome for Casey at the end so miti
4924s will be moving on that was just our
4925s first match of the day we've got plenty
4927s more coming up so don't go anywhere and
4929s we'll be right back
4931s foreign
4975s [Applause]
4976s [Music]
4983s [Music]
4995s thank you
5006s foreign
5023s [Music]
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5048s foreign
5056s [Music]
5067s [Music]
5073s foreign
5085s [Music]
5090s [Music]
5101s [Music]
5124s [Music]
5134s thank you
5135s [Music]
5147s foreign
5164s [Music]
5187s [Music]
5204s [Music]
5217s thank you
5219s foreign
5221s [Music]
5246s [Music]
5269s [Music]
5279s welcome back we are getting into our
5282s next match shortly but I have a chained
5285s to co-caster for this one subtle welcome
5287s to the desk uh how's it going how did
5289s you enjoy the first match of the day
5292s it was it was a good watch obviously a
5294s little bit disappointed I think people
5295s have been following house on Esports for
5297s quite some time you know that a bit of a
5299s Casey fan I always like to see Casey
5301s doing well and I think the way that
5302s ended up was a was a bit of a
5304s heartbreaker but of course nice to see a
5306s UK representative marching through the
5308s bracket as well you know keep things uh
5311s keep things nice and close to home I
5313s guess but looking forward to uh seeing
5315s uh with that in mind pocket train jump
5316s back into the action as well
5318s yeah as we'll get to the match shortly
5320s but of course one of the highlights of
5322s this tournament for me and I think of
5324s for many plays overall is just the meta
5327s we have found ourselves in thanks to the
5328s Hearthstone Titans expansion of course
5330s uh like the Titans again we've seen
5333s mainly Shaman Mage Hunter I think across
5336s the board but hopefully I don't know
5338s something changed in the future where we
5340s can see a few more of them become more
5342s popular but overall I think uh Titans
5344s themselves have been uh have been super
5346s cool to play with as we talked about
5347s yesterday and but also just the Decks
5349s that are available in the variety of
5351s decks we've seen because all these
5353s players are bringing a quite a mixed bag
5355s as we're about to check out Salinas next
5357s match with pocket train in Hemlock and
5359s specifically of course talking about
5360s Hemlock and for example that in Rage
5363s Warrior yeah very nicely done of course
5365s because we have also seen a lot of Rogue
5366s but as we know the Rogue card is not a
5369s Titan and who would possibly believe
5370s that it is because there's just there's
5372s just no way uh but yeah I think Titans
5374s has been a very well received expansion
5376s overall I know we do have a lot of
5378s people that follow along with the
5379s Esports events aren't necessarily
5380s playing the game actively but I do think
5382s if you want to jump back into
5383s Hearthstone it's a great point to do it
5384s especially with the patch coming up soon
5386s which is looking like one of the biggest
5388s patches in Hearthstone history in terms
5390s of the amount of changes it's making to
5392s a bunch of different modes so very good
5394s time to jump back in but speaking of
5397s jumping back in Pocket train jumping
5399s back into proceedings now picking up uh
5401s trying to pick up another Victory this
5402s time over Hemlock uh two slightly left
5406s field lineups from these players uh
5408s pocket train and a couple of others have
5411s gone with the Naga Sith Mage coming into
5413s this tournament and uh performed very
5415s very well with it overall whereas as you
5418s mentioned Hemlock is is cooking with the
5420s enrage Warrior so far making it through
5422s to this point and we can see a little
5424s bit of pocket transaction yesterday with
5426s incredibly narrow victory over dreda in
5429s the end
5430s yeah that was definitely a close one and
5432s you see it the stress that pocket trains
5435s are going through over the course of the
5437s match yesterday uh which was fun but
5439s yeah the key one really is this uh uh
5442s this major obviously you know rainbow
5443s Midge Naga Mage mixture Mage whatever we
5446s want to call it uh but piloting these
5448s pop-off turns you know how hard it is I
5450s know how hard it is but it's certainly
5452s easier for the players that are the
5454s likes of pocket train Gabby wreck them
5457s right the players who have chosen to
5458s bring it to this tournament and those
5460s turns very difficult to manage but a joy
5463s to watch when good players do it right
5465s like because you think ah that is
5467s possible I'm just rubbish
5469s we get a closer look at pocket train
5471s right now what a distinguished looking
5473s gentleman we're dealing with here of
5475s course in um pocket train but yeah I
5477s think another Mage Aficionado as well
5480s spent basically a whole season last
5483s month I believe playing Naga major uh to
5486s get those High Legend finishes that are
5488s required for the players in this
5489s tournament uh it is a deck that kind of
5492s offers infinite return on investment
5494s right like the more time you put into it
5496s the better and better the better you get
5498s at it and I don't think there is really
5500s an attainable skill cap with the deck
5502s that it's possible to reach because the
5505s the cap on the deck is that high but
5507s certainly the harder you work at it the
5509s the more likely you are to get closer
5511s and closer towards it and pocket train
5512s is one of the few that has put in enough
5515s work with the the deck strategy to be
5517s anywhere near being able to bring that
5518s to a tournament of the standard
5520s yeah and then we have Hemlock gonna be
5522s his opponent that play really impressed
5524s me yesterday and this impressed me
5525s overall just with the lineup obviously
5527s made it to day two with this enrage
5529s Warrior uh one of only two players who
5532s have brought it but both those players
5534s are in day two and uh which is pretty
5537s impressive overall same could be said
5538s for you know the uh we talk about
5540s hunters a lot with the Arcane Hunter but
5542s uh the three players who have brought
5544s the beast hunter in the tournament have
5546s also made it today too so again maybe
5549s these lineups are starting to show uh
5551s you know what's overall stronger in this
5553s kind of format because it's one thing
5555s I'm always interested in the start of a
5557s tournament like this is like well what
5558s lineups are actually going to be you
5560s know get to late day two for example
5563s right yeah and are there going to be any
5564s themes going in like we said with all
5566s the Beast Hunters doing well the two
5568s Rune rage was doing okay even with the
5570s tree entruits right have actually also
5573s been performing pretty well and there's
5574s only a few of those as well so I think a
5577s huge question of this tournament yes
5579s everyone's bringing a mage in one form
5581s or another yes pretty much everyone has
5584s brought the nature Shaman of course but
5586s outside of that it feels less like a
5590s fourth deck and more like a what's your
5592s third and fourth deck even though a lot
5595s of that is gonna be Hunter and Rogue but
5597s I do feel like how they finish off after
5599s Shaman and Mage is going to be pretty
5601s important for the end of this tournament
5603s first off I believe it's called subtle
5605s Shaman thank you very much I won't have
5606s any of this dissension in the ranks over
5608s here um I told you I'm gonna call it
5610s something different every time I say it
5612s fine um yeah and I do think it's the
5614s target strategy that has really come
5616s into play here because I think some
5617s people have come into this tournament
5618s saying Target Shaman Mage right like
5621s super heavy speaker Stompers everywhere
5624s play Rogue get cold near right in there
5626s as well like that kind of strategy
5628s there's been some people who came into
5630s this expecting Druid and have said
5632s Target Druids just four decks that get
5634s on board super early and hit people
5636s harder then Druid can get three ants
5638s down even with the fastest drawers that
5640s kind of thing
5641s um so I think because
5643s there's been two predictable decks but
5646s it's two Decks that are very flexible I
5648s think Mage is an incredibly hard deck to
5650s Target which is why I think you see
5652s everyone feeling very safe with a deck
5655s sometimes when everyone brings a deck
5656s that doesn't mean that's a hundred
5659s percent the best deck in the format it
5661s just means when everyone was prepping
5663s this is the deck that each player could
5666s not possibly imagine someone else was
5668s going to successfully Target four times
5670s out of their lineup right right
5672s um and that's something that Mage has
5673s just because it is so flexible with all
5676s the discovers and generation the fact it
5678s can play for board it can play for combo
5679s it can play hard control and just remove
5681s everything your opponent plays for
5683s multiple turns super super flexible deck
5685s overall but I think you know as you talk
5687s about lineups that's really been the
5689s Crux of it's been somewhat difficult to
5692s kind of find a consistent Target
5694s strategy coming into this tournament I
5696s think
5697s and uh obviously you've been playing a
5699s lot beforehand before this tournament
5701s but now that we've seen some very high
5704s level play of a lot of these games what
5707s are your thoughts on the rainbow Mage
5709s versus Shaman matchup because like we
5712s said pretty much everyone has brought
5713s those two decks in combination so we are
5716s going to be continuing to see these sort
5717s of things throughout the day is there
5718s anything that really sticks out do you
5720s think one is overly favored do you think
5722s there's a you know key priorities like
5725s oh if pocket as we can see has Titan on
5728s six is he just massively favored that
5730s kind of scenario so I think one thing I
5733s have noticed about Shaman in this
5735s tournament is that when it goes up
5737s against very very good players the very
5739s very good players are punishing it quite
5741s effectively like I think overall Shaman
5744s has looked weaker in the tournament than
5746s it does generally on ladder because the
5749s high level players that are in this
5750s tournament kind of understand the gaps
5752s and the holes and the weaknesses of the
5753s deck
5754s um and that's just kind of the way
5756s things function right very early on I
5758s made a tweet thread sort of giving some
5759s tips as to how to beat Shaman largely
5761s because I'm selfish and I didn't want
5763s the win rate of the deck to go too high
5764s that it got nerfed because I wanted it
5765s to hang around forever
5767s zero engagement absolutely no traction
5769s right whereas oh my God I died on turn
5771s six this Dirk's broken Nerf 500 retweets
5774s immediately right like that's just
5775s that's just the way that Twitter I can
5777s help you with uh with that sort of stuff
5778s if you want something yeah yeah cover
5781s those kind of toys no one wants to
5782s actually figure out the problem they
5784s just want to complain about things so
5785s when you get to this level you can see
5788s that the the problems with the deck are
5790s there and that the gaps are exploitable
5791s and suddenly when you just run into a
5794s never-ending pile of speaker Stompers on
5796s the other side you're having a bad time
5797s a lot of the time however
5799s to answer the question directly I think
5802s this matchup was already favored for
5804s Shaman when solid Alibi was two and
5807s since solid Alibi went to three I think
5809s this matchup has got extremely more
5811s heavily favored four Shaman because the
5814s one punish the really number one scary
5817s thing that Mage can do to beat Shaman is
5821s play Elemental inspiration and a solid
5823s Alibi in the same turn now when it cost
5827s two that was possible right not easy
5830s because you still have to live all the
5831s way to turn nine which is not the
5832s easiest thing in the world now that has
5834s to you have to make it all the way to
5836s turn ten so you're probably gonna need
5837s multiple Alibis to get yourself there in
5839s the first place or immense amounts of
5841s pressure in the early game to put the
5843s shaman on the back foot the entire time
5845s Hemlock has had the former of that
5846s though with the start here going uh
5848s weapon into Cold Case which is kind of
5850s the dream start to get on board and
5851s start pressuring the shaman yeah so far
5854s Hemlock not being ran over by the shaman
5856s minions of course we are going to see
5858s the on curved Titan from pocket train
5860s and likely to go for that card draw but
5864s the card draw definitely needed
5866s because hemlock's looking okay right
5869s like plenty of generation safe's already
5872s there no gannon's already there there is
5874s a solid Alibi for you know a true
5876s emergency mode if you know this Titan
5879s and then there's some follow-up that
5880s would like signify a combo come in so
5883s there are options here for hemlock
5885s I believe that was a generated solid
5887s Alibi as well so I think there are two
5889s extras left in the deck still from this
5891s point so that could be a huge difference
5894s maker in this matchup
5896s and pushing damage right yes Shaymin
5898s does have the ability to uh to heal to
5901s an extent but still you want to be
5903s pressuring you want to be setting this
5905s up and maybe stealing a little win
5907s especially with the Lexus metamorphosis
5909s right like this can be played safely
5911s next turn and then even if you if
5913s hammock only gets to push one of those
5914s to face that's four damage for one
5917s manner that's pretty good
5929s I feel so strong doesn't it
5934s it is I really very very powerful yeah I
5936s feel like the shaman Titan could just
5938s not have that first spell text and still
5941s be very good you can still play it you'd
5943s still play it right in every deck
5945s it would certainly be in the
5947s conversation yeah I it'd definitely
5949s still be a very very strong card I think
5950s the fact that the the AOE damage goes
5953s face as well is so massive right like
5955s yeah some just in terms of setting up
5957s quick early kills sometimes if you just
5959s had like chisel on two and you've swung
5961s that face a couple of times and then you
5962s do the three damage from the Titan on
5964s six like sometimes that's just enough
5965s chip damage that you're then able to
5967s kill them on the following time with a
5968s with a cheeky bio set up so and there's
5970s plenty of times where you play this you
5972s don't want to play a spell as well that
5974s turn
5975s and then it dies and it's not like oh no
5978s I've lost the game now right it's not
5980s like that much worse or you you coin it
5982s out because you just need the AOE to
5984s survive and then the sale text doesn't
5986s work because you've never played coined
5988s that term
5990s ination
5992s Titan on Titan action
5999s [Music]
6002s no not the uh
6005s not the easiest kill here is it
6008s not at all no in fact so much so that
6012s it's just going to be ignored entirely
6013s no Reverb in hand though for hemlock
6015s which is the potential good news yet
6023s but yeah
6026s without crazy Shenanigans going on do
6029s you think this is likely to be Secrets
6031s uh from him well Hemlock here just to
6034s try and um mess things up
6037s I would expect so yes I mean the debate
6040s you have to have with yourself now right
6041s is
6043s um so no flash of lightning played
6044s however inza has come down the opponent
6046s does have eight Mana that is doable
6048s right if they have a lightning reflexes
6050s in their hand that's a very very
6051s possible lethal setup from that point
6053s you might feel like you can disrupt that
6056s with just Secrets if you get various
6058s combinations of explosive rooms ejection
6060s counter spell the really disruptive ones
6063s um but then you have to consider okay if
6065s I go for Secrets does that save me a
6068s solid Alibi right can I just press
6069s secrets and not press Alibi this turn
6072s that way that stretches out my solid
6073s Alibi for one more turn it looks like
6076s that might be what Hemlock is going to
6078s go for here
6082s okay fine
6084s really wants to protect the safe mm-hmm
6089s because this is Sif is pretty much a
6091s Titan that you never normally see it on
6093s the board for more than one turn one way
6096s or the other
6102s foreign
6105s definitely distracted me
6109s but I think for what normally when you
6111s see Applause like that it's sarcastic I
6113s actually think that's genuine yeah he's
6114s like wow good play he's just saying yeah
6117s well played like yeah because that is I
6119s am sat here thinking honestly that's
6121s just really well played from Havelock
6123s because this remember you will be able
6126s to tell your grandkids where you were
6128s when not only did Sif stick on board but
6132s no Gannon is able to go for the third
6134s ability whilst also sticking on board in
6138s the same game of hearthstone hey yeah
6141s and I have to just to rewind back to the
6142s previous turn as well I completely is
6145s like in my head when norgan has been on
6147s board for a turn it's used enemy cards
6149s cost more already
6151s but yeah because it was used for damage
6154s it was absolutely the right play like I
6155s just completely lost track of which
6157s abilities were being used I think this
6158s is absolutely the right line from uh
6161s Hemlock With the Enemy cards
6163s yeah with the Sith 100 I think if it
6166s wasn't going see if we could discuss
6168s right but I think with the safe yeah
6170s couldn't agree more explosive room for a
6172s casual nine
6176s laughs
6180s wow
6182s okay good news pocket that is all the
6184s disruption dealt with it's all good
6186s you're fine
6187s lightning bolt for the surf
6191s but that's
6196s absolutely obliterated but I still don't
6199s think it's looking great is it
6202s you see what I mean though like if we
6203s rewind past the dumb thing I was talking
6205s about where I forgot which norgan
6207s abilities we use and go all the way back
6208s to the really smart thing that I was
6210s staying and saying at the start of the
6211s game this is a good player picking apart
6214s holes in a deck right like that's that's
6216s what's Happening Here Hemlock is just
6218s doing making smart Hearthstone plays
6221s um that's really disrupting pocket turn
6223s after turn and not really allowing
6225s pocket to to play the game on the other
6227s side I think it's very very
6228s intelligently done so far from hemlock
6232s a solid amount of damage here as well
6234s with the metamorphosis and the icy Touch
6236s now to help out as well
6238s how much is it actually 4 8 11 12 16
6242s with this
6244s yeah because the two would have to go to
6246s the taunt right
6250s okay sure
6259s nice play there it looked like a uh
6263s interesting choices with overkilling the
6265s totem to do two to face but of course
6267s there's the freeze to stop the weapon
6268s swing coming down which stops a totem
6270s which then helps reduce that bowel
6272s luminescence
6274s and pocket the old shrug
6289s what a game
6291s really really well played there from
6293s hemlock I think um
6295s it's been I don't know if I've ever seen
6298s plays be so obviously impactful to a win
6302s I know that's that's not like a really
6304s weird sentence maybe it just is but yeah
6306s I feel like that one-two punch from
6308s hemlock was just just removed pocket
6312s from the game it was it seemed quite
6314s polite to just be like okay there's a no
6317s gun okay they're safe now step away sir
6319s you know because it's just like right
6321s pocket and you saw him clap shrug a lot
6324s as well because like what am I supposed
6326s to do I've just been pushed out I think
6328s very very well played there from hemlock
6330s are really impressive and I think you
6333s start to see part of the reason why uh
6336s norgan's come back into Mages as well
6338s because that ability to Tempo swing the
6342s bodies uh in that situation from from
6344s One Titan to the other and just take
6346s back the board like if you can land the
6348s Mage Titan on an empty board against
6350s Shaman They Don't Really interact with
6352s the 3-8 from hand but in a particularly
6354s favorable way right they would have to
6356s be having some kind of pop-off turn half
6358s pop-off turn or have like pre-loaded
6361s fish in hand already right like just
6363s having it and that they're not playing
6365s already and even if they soak a
6366s lightning bolt that's kind of a victory
6368s right
6370s but you really start using natural
6372s copies of lightning bolts or uh Crash
6375s from your hand you're then putting more
6378s of your eventual lethal in the fate of
6380s the Gods of having to then ReDiscover
6381s those specific cards from lightning
6383s reflexes when you when you play them on
6384s your pop-up turn so anytime you can suck
6387s one of those cards out of your
6388s opponent's hands that's an absolute win
6389s and I think for most decks more
6391s mid-rangey decks it's trying to get
6393s lightning bolts out of hand on five
6394s fives and Titans and those kind of
6396s things whereas decks like Hunter
6398s sometimes it's more like get the crashes
6399s out of hand because you have to demand
6401s that yeah AOE early on your whiteboard
6403s like your wild spirits and that kind of
6405s thing but that yet again it's just
6406s another thing that you can try and do to
6408s punish the shaman overall and even going
6410s on about nor Cannon again I think uh I
6412s think I'm interested in the previous
6414s match but I think the two times I've
6416s cast meti he actually won with the
6418s norgan Reverb combo right it wasn't the
6421s Sith combo it was just his loads of
6423s damage from norgan so again just having
6425s that
6426s um in the back pocket and having it be a
6428s flexible tool and again I I think that's
6430s the strength of Titans or at least you
6432s know the Titans that are being Mass
6434s played let's say uh is that they are
6436s fairly flexible and it's not just this
6438s Titan does this one thing right
6441s um this Titan uses many words so let's
6443s get into game two pocket train gonna
6446s still be on that shaman on the top and
6448s then Hemlock jumping onto the enrage
6450s Warrior uh super excited again to see
6453s how this performs because yeah we saw
6454s this do very well yesterday when uh it
6457s was us casting this right
6458s yeah I think so yeah yeah so I do very
6461s very well indeed
6466s extractors the speaker Stompers are the
6469s the clutch addition to this deck overall
6471s I think to make it big in this
6473s tournament because I had a little bit of
6475s experience playing Shaman in this
6476s matchup early on
6478s um and it just felt like the warrior
6480s just took a little bit too long to do
6482s anything truly threatening most of the
6486s time I understand they have some drawers
6488s that can go early minions into uh imbued
6491s ax and then start pumping up a board of
6493s injured minions to very high stat totals
6495s very quickly but those are quite Niche
6497s straws for the deck overall like more
6499s commonly it's like playing some chorus
6501s Rifts early right and juicing up the
6502s hands and then the the big threats don't
6505s really start coming down till turn five
6506s and turn six onwards by which time
6509s you've kind of given the the shaman too
6510s much time to to gather pieces and yeah
6513s stabilize
6515s but if you can use speaker stomper to
6518s bridge those gaps to to give you that
6520s extra turn or two that you need to
6521s survive with your you know if you
6522s finally built your first really big
6524s imposing board on turn five turn six
6526s turn seven and you can then drop the
6528s speaker stomper to back that up and
6529s block the lethal on the other side I
6531s think that might just be the missing
6532s piece of the puzzle uh to help it out in
6535s this matchup against shaman
6539s in our pocket trying to uh I think just
6541s working out what the next few plays look
6543s like especially with the extractor on
6545s board
6546s yep it's always a little yeah tricky a
6548s little bit scary
6550s lots of things to consider here right
6552s like whether a value bump is worth it
6554s while it's still sitting as a one-two uh
6557s whether you um if Buffs happen like how
6561s do your fish trade into various Buffs
6563s rights that could be being played here
6565s on certain points like so many things to
6566s think about as well as the and even like
6570s yeah is there a world where you actually
6572s just don't play Fish to do trades and
6574s leave the two one fours as one Falls
6576s right and like just starve them a little
6579s bit yeah yeah absolutely
6581s as we can see in fact did happen
6585s oh that's a card I don't know if you've
6587s noticed you're jamming
6590s it's a card
6591s certified Hearthstone card right there
6598s it's so good it essentially bricks your
6600s entire next time I mean it kind of
6601s doesn't actually because you still have
6602s imbued ax it's just you don't get to
6604s play the Riff on curve which usually
6606s feels so powerful but yeah I think this
6607s makes the most sense
6609s do you think there's a world where with
6611s potential levels of Buffs that this
6613s stumper just gets played as a very very
6615s large boy it may well because indeed you
6619s just see inter come down now and it's
6621s like well this stumper gained what um
6623s again only the one buff right
6626s yeah one buff sorry
6628s two it's one one in one minion got
6630s injured but there's two animes on board
6631s soon oh sorry sorry yes yes
6635s because there's a world where that just
6636s gets curved out and it's like let's go
6647s this is pretty threatening there are the
6649s fish of course there is bioluminescence
6650s there but there's not a lot of anything
6653s else the crash doesn't look like it's
6656s gonna be able to do enough soon enough
6658s with the lack of cheap spells
6662s right
6664s no way currently to
6667s reasonably overload to activate the Flow
6670s Rider either which is very annoying
6673s is not happening yeah the old uh
6677s overdraft into overdraft trade first
6679s just hurts and yeah pocket trades just
6682s like yeah I'm just gonna have to
6684s it just has to be done it's a lot
6687s it's other damage
6689s and look at this surely it's stomping
6691s time surely it's stumping time so big
6694s trade stomp go
6704s this would have been on the board 10
6706s minutes ago if this yeah
6709s exactly how big it is right is it so big
6712s that it just straight up represents
6714s lethal next turn in which case yes it's
6716s slammed on the board so I'm gonna assume
6717s it's not that big already in which case
6720s if pocket has one more turn to live what
6723s you don't want to do is play speaker
6724s stomper this turn
6726s don't then immediately have lethal and
6729s pocket trains turn is play flash of
6731s lightning pass
6733s right and then he can play that through
6736s speaker absolutely no problem yeah you
6738s don't kill them the next turn and then
6740s they vote EKG well when this yeah wears
6742s off on the other side yeah it's true I
6745s guess I just the the other options for
6748s this turn do not feel like fantastic
6750s Alternatives and then
6752s Bridge riff is in there right
6757s good restraint I guess though from
6759s hemlock going to your point Sol because
6762s again I don't think was it plus four
6764s plus five I know it's eight I think
6766s maybe I can't remember it's definitely
6769s big yeah
6774s oh
6777s gotta take the flash I imagine I don't
6779s text Prime audio okay sure just wants to
6781s remove the power yeah my issue with this
6784s is that you then lose your nature
6785s discount so your pop-off turn is kind of
6788s over at this point but it is he worried
6791s about
6792s is he what about Olga potentially
6796s yeah because you can see that seeing the
6798s minions come out he knows there's a
6800s minion in hand probably that's a
6802s gigabuffed and if that is all great then
6804s those two minions hitting face plus Olga
6806s are gonna uh create a bit of a bad time
6809s for pocket train very fair
6814s might look Hemlock I'll let you off last
6817s turn
6818s show me how big the meaning is yeah I do
6821s just want to know exactly how big it is
6823s and we'll be able to make much more
6824s informed and Flash has been played from
6827s pocket right so like there's also that
6830s element too
6833s wait was a flash played
6836s oh no sorry sorry it was the Discover
6838s wasn't it I'm an idiot yeah yeah yeah I
6840s always get those mixed up it was offered
6843s both times and both yeah discovered but
6845s and turned down both times I and I
6847s always just get it mixed up just because
6848s they're both blue
6850s yeah
6852s and this is great recognition from
6854s pocket great foresight taking sort of
6856s somewhat unconventional cards a
6858s primordial wave and the five four rushes
6861s not really kind of considered the
6862s premium options a lot of the time but
6864s the combination of doing those things
6866s now means the pocket train is just a
6868s head-on Tempo and if pocket trains are
6870s head on Tempo this speaker stomper is a
6872s lot less impressive than it would be
6878s there's no way this was a winnable game
6880s right pocket train can't win this game
6882s of hearthstone that doesn't make any
6884s sense in my head pocket train is one of
6887s the players that I would always struggle
6888s to say can't win
6891s um because I never truly believe a
6893s playlight pocket is out till they're out
6895s but I
6900s I just don't know and again if we keep
6902s going back to it depends exactly how big
6904s this is but there's the timing of the
6907s effect from stumper but I just can't get
6910s it past the fact that maybe it should
6912s just come down soon because it's a big
6914s thing I know it's really big who cares
6917s about It's ability it's a big boy
6919s um
6922s now this turn doesn't look
6925s oh 12 12 yeah
6931s so it definitely did not represent a
6934s lethal setup on the turn I was debating
6936s no not on the first time for sure now
6938s yeah
6941s definitely the question was more last
6943s turn right like was that better or not
6945s but still this is dangerous with the
6947s Phoenix's huh
6950s what
6951s are we gonna see the rare M20 the old
6955s twins that twins
6962s and now there's just a Titan on the
6964s board that needs to be dealt with and
6966s also a million burst opportunities in
6969s hand
6970s forever for pocket train and only 18
6973s Health on Hemlock
6977s that's Olga though
6981s how much does this stuff cost in reality
6983s so we've had there's an inza plate so
6985s the ferals will cost two each and the
6988s BIOS on three next turn yep so you can
6991s go feral feral for four minions bio on
6993s them for seven and then bolt bolt crash
6996s will be free
7000s and looks correct to me so that is
7004s exactly 18 damage as I counted there's
7006s also well there's even more right well
7009s okay well I'm presuming the Titan dies
7011s yes
7012s don't worry about it you're fine yeah I
7015s was gonna say there's a lot of damage
7016s yeah
7018s [Music]
7027s I'm sorry it's double ferals as well I
7029s said double barrel is an encountered
7031s single ferals it's a lot more than 18.
7035s oh yeah cause I heard you say four I was
7037s like right yep that makes sense
7039s Titan of course down but Pockets nodding
7042s no no no no no no no no no no this is
7044s fake this wasn't a winnable game of
7046s hearthstone I don't believe it I
7047s actually don't believe it well I'm
7048s afraid to tell you salt and the rule
7050s state the first player to kill the other
7052s wins the game of hearthstone and it
7054s looks like pocket yeah I'm applying the
7056s uh the old Caster rule of if a good
7059s player starts locking in plays it's
7062s lethal not even gonna bother counting
7064s yeah don't care what the numbers are
7066s it's lethal pocket evens the series up
7069s and what a game if there were I think if
7072s there was a game all weekend so far that
7074s I didn't think was gonna go the other
7076s way it was this one because it looked so
7079s good for hemlock Double Anime extractors
7082s the um the stomper available sort of as
7085s and when required I suppose it looked so
7089s so good the pocket managed to turn it
7091s around and I think the big question will
7094s be let's rewind and not the first turn
7097s but look at the second turn that the
7100s stumper could have been played again I
7102s can't remember exact board States and
7104s everything but that's what I'm saying we
7105s look at the tape afterwards but then but
7107s I think that's probably the single
7109s biggest question from hemlock side about
7112s that game
7113s I think honestly Hemlock will be mulling
7115s over both of those turns very heavily in
7117s his mind so let's say on the first
7119s instance let's say it was a 10 10 right
7121s I can't entirely keep track of Health uh
7123s how many Buffs happened after that to
7126s then turn it into a 12 12 before it got
7128s played
7129s um so as discussed that wouldn't have
7130s represented lethal immediately so you
7132s would have then been kind of conceding
7134s the game to that flat back two turn
7135s flashlight that I was talking about but
7137s that's a very specific hand that your
7140s opponent has that you're writing them
7141s credit for right like it's also a 10-10
7144s yeah a flash of light in the hand plus a
7146s bioluminescence and some cards to kill
7148s you on the following turn right like
7149s that's a pretty specific combination of
7151s things
7152s um and your your trade deal that you're
7154s offering for that fear of them having
7156s that hand is not playing a 10 10 on the
7158s board which
7159s yeah it's it's it's certainly debatable
7162s for sure I thought it's kind of gave you
7163s the the merits of at least the thing of
7165s what I thought the thinking would be
7167s behind it because I'm sure a lot of
7169s people are looking at that going
7170s I mean I'm with Raven it's a 10 10. why
7173s isn't it on the board right and it's not
7174s it's not
7176s but I think there is a debate there to
7177s be had but certainly if Hemlock now goes
7180s on to lose this series if he comes back
7182s and reviews the games I think that might
7184s be a moment that's potentially keeping
7186s him up late at night yeah it could be
7188s stinging a little bit in the future but
7190s pocket train as I said does even the
7191s series up we've got Demon Hunter and
7193s Mage on one side and with that Warrior
7196s and the Beast Hunter on the other and
7198s again it just obviously these bands are
7199s a little bit different as well because
7200s Hemlock does have shame and it's just
7202s banned out but look at these like lineup
7205s fights right I kind of like it where it
7207s is just different archetypes we've seen
7208s a lot of mirrors of course with the
7210s shaman and Mage but like I said earlier
7212s outside of that I think the way the
7214s players have approached the the
7215s tournament and built out these lineups
7217s with a pretty different decks a lot of
7219s the time is pretty exciting so let's get
7221s into game number three Hemlock gonna
7224s stay on the warrior the bucket train
7226s jumping over to the outcast Demon Hunter
7230s foreign
7237s ER and a molecular in there but doesn't
7240s really end up with the fast start that
7242s he was looking for really which is gonna
7244s if anything give Hemlock the opportunity
7246s to get on board first and I think if
7248s Hemlock managed to get on board first in
7249s this matchup then that is going to spell
7251s incredibly bad news for pocket train and
7253s that is a crucial card in the matchup
7256s now picked up for hemlock as well yeah I
7259s was going to ask you about this so in
7260s this matchup again I'll be honest not a
7262s matchup I've ran too many times
7264s um but how important is it for the
7267s outcasts do you want to get on that
7269s board because they do have a lot of Rush
7272s minions to be able to fight back or are
7274s the rush minions just simply not big
7276s enough in general to deal with the
7277s warrior yeah that's the issue right is
7281s ideally if you're going to win this game
7283s for the Demon Hunter side you want to be
7284s the one going one two three four with
7286s minions and then your opponent has to
7289s have the swing turn with the jam session
7291s or whatever it is to clear the board
7292s right and you need to Panic them into
7295s doing that so they can't wait long
7297s enough to also get an animal extractor
7299s down right so they don't actually get
7300s paid off to go alongside that yeah what
7303s pocket train was almost faced with was
7305s the absolute nightmare scenario where
7307s Hemlock was just building a board of
7309s minions like essentially like playing a
7312s wild pyromancer and having it stick to
7313s the board right like how do you develop
7315s into that as an aggro deck it's almost
7317s impossible to do but pocket picking up
7320s the dream minion with the Chow off the
7321s top to be able to answer that on the
7323s other side
7324s yeah Hamlet doing what they can now does
7326s have this egg available to start beating
7328s some up and the ever important verse ref
7331s uh coming out here to be able to clear
7333s up the you know the biggest threat on
7334s the board by far
7337s Clive tar into Spectra though he's not
7339s looking too bad
7347s it doesn't achieve a great deal
7349s immediately though no sometimes you've
7352s got to plan for the future that's why
7353s people always ask about five year plans
7358s I've never done it personally but I've
7360s heard it's cool
7362s yeah I kind of respect this honestly
7367s the deck doesn't necessarily play wave
7370s after wave of minions right in Rage
7372s Warrior on the other side they have very
7373s few minions in total so Pockets just
7376s rely on the beef
7378s I'm investing a million Health here with
7381s the death row going off from the Chows
7383s and everything else
7384s double tanking potentially weapon hits
7386s into a minion but I might just be able
7389s to swing that investment into clearing
7391s the board and Landing some minions of my
7392s own which uh pocket's really gonna have
7394s to do because oh okay what was the
7397s alternative right like eight damage to
7399s face so the Warriors at 21 instead of 21
7401s and you don't have a board like who
7403s cares at that point no it's not getting
7405s you anywhere
7407s and at least if pocket train goes on the
7409s offensive like in the near future like
7411s next turn then that's something right
7413s like he can actually make a Hemlock try
7415s and focus on clearing and not uh
7418s Trucking power on board himself
7421s that ramonia though I think will give
7423s Hemlock pause here to start thinking
7426s about long-term game plans because as
7428s mentioned pocket train has just taken so
7430s much damage yeah this is like a two
7432s remoria swing win right exactly uh like
7435s pocket train kind of needs to generate
7438s some i-beams or something or just pray
7439s that both Olga and ramonia stay in the
7442s deck ideally because it just doesn't
7444s really have the health total to play
7445s with right now
7450s foreign
7463s ER extractor because they both
7466s do similar things in a weird way right
7471s yeah there's also some
7473s weird things about like the double one
7475s line do you even use the location this
7478s time because you can just save it
7481s attention
7482s yeah yeah no exactly because you've got
7484s it for the turn after right and then you
7486s skip on six and then you want you really
7488s want to have it on seven yeah yeah
7489s that's what I was thinking and you just
7491s use it because it just kills a two one
7493s one less thing to be scared of like hell
7494s very you're about right it's just like
7496s just yep get rid of the board and then
7498s survive one more turn is the plan here I
7501s think for hemlock yeah fine
7506s yes outside the face outside uh and
7508s wallabies
7512s clear this up as well
7515s so Amber's available here for hemlock
7517s this turn as well
7524s Pokemon says okay that's my board
7534s second some Fury so huge though he's
7536s gonna have to drop the Embers it doesn't
7538s actually achieve anything
7540s that is very very very bad news with
7543s those taunts oh those buses
7547s yeah
7550s Rush the stage can find the health area
7553s oh and it does okay I was guaranteed
7555s actually with the only one draw being
7557s left in the deck
7558s numbers
7559s lethal question mark
7562s how much is this actually yeah
7564s it's looking close oh it's late though
7567s right oh it's a million yeah there's two
7568s Rush minions here left remaining on the
7570s board it's infinite damage yeah
7571s absolutely
7574s it's so close and the thing for him like
7578s you can see the shake of the head I
7580s think Hemlock hemlocks like three-step
7582s plan there or three turn plan I suppose
7585s um was perfect right the setup was
7587s exactly what I think he should have done
7589s he killed off the tomb with the location
7590s there was the turn off but built up
7592s taunts and built up a bit of a board
7594s just to basically say if you just don't
7597s hell very me you just won't push
7599s anywhere near enough damage then remoria
7601s drops down Bank game over so that looked
7604s very good to me but then how varia comes
7608s out with a board that wide and you just
7610s that's what I said you're just dead
7611s right if you see how very in a full
7613s board it doesn't really matter what
7614s health you're on you're just dead
7616s yeah I failed to account for the fact
7618s that there was two Fierce Outsiders
7619s played on the previous turn like in my
7622s head I was visualizing it as Wayward
7623s sages that came down but yeah with the
7625s fierce Outsiders getting buffed as well
7626s with the attacks I want to flip that on
7628s its head though because I want to give
7629s massive credit to pocket train for
7631s winning that game essentially pocket
7633s trains distinct lack of self-respect has
7635s enabled him to win that game right
7637s because most people 99 of even seasoned
7642s Hearthstone players on that turn where
7644s glavtar was equipped would have said no
7647s I have way too much self-respect to sink
7650s all of this damage into an egg that's
7652s still gonna death rattle into another
7654s Minion that's been left on the board the
7656s next turn poggy goes no I I see the
7659s future of this game I have a five-year
7661s plan and my Five-Year Plan is to go down
7663s to like 10 HP clearing this board with
7666s my weapon and my Chows taking infinite
7668s damage and that once I've got that clear
7670s board once the Warriors run out of
7672s minions which is great match-up
7673s knowledge as well right against a pretty
7675s fringe deck to under understand that
7677s after wave one of minions Wave 2 doesn't
7679s automatically come from a warrior they
7681s don't necessarily play that many minions
7683s in the deck so if I can clear this first
7685s wave of minions and then I can stick up
7687s all myself this is my best chance use my
7689s health as a resource don't just go
7691s straight face because I'm the aggro deck
7693s supposedly like I think two games in a
7695s row now the shaman and the uh and that
7697s Demon Hunter game two really really
7699s incredibly well played games by by
7701s pocket train and then the remaining one
7704s tick on the scoreboard I think was an
7706s incredibly well played Mage game by
7707s Hemlock so we're watching a fantastic
7709s series of hearthstone right now it's
7712s absolutely great I enjoy I really
7713s enjoyed casting Hemlock yesterday and
7715s it's the same again now uh we obviously
7717s know pocket train we know what he's
7718s capable of and I'll tell you now if I
7720s was Hemlock and look at the scoreboard
7722s I'm like right what's that last deck oh
7725s God it's the Mage oh no you know I would
7728s be worried because if there's one deck
7730s you don't want to be the leftover one
7731s I'd sit there thinking I wish pocket
7734s wasn't playing this deck
7735s if I was Hemlock I'd be looking at this
7739s scoreboard going how am I losing it now
7742s like I played out of my mind game one
7744s and got one nil up and then I played a
7747s game against Shaman we should have been
7748s unusable because I just went Double
7749s Anime extractor into a 12-12 speaker
7752s stomper in my hand against Shaman how is
7754s that a losable game of hearthstone and
7756s then game three I drew double Sun Fury
7759s double Embers against the token deck how
7761s is that a losable game of Hearthstone
7764s I think the worst part is I don't think
7766s hemlocks played badly at all it's just
7768s one of those things right I think
7770s Pockets just it's a wit rare wriggled
7772s out of these situations very very well
7774s but let's get into it this could be the
7775s last game of the series we could be
7777s seeing pocket move on uh into the uh the
7780s the top four but Hemlock still got
7782s plenty of fight left pocket getting off
7784s to a decently aggressive opening but
7787s does have access to this siren and I
7790s guess here's my question soul
7792s what does hemlock have to do to deal
7795s with a spike lash turn like what's the
7798s way Warrior can can deal with this does
7800s he have to just be super ahead already
7802s or is there actually ways to fight back
7804s after a full Board of spite large it
7807s depends on the turn right so pocket when
7811s uh slitherspoon won so Hemlock might
7814s look at that and go okay they went slow
7816s the spear for Tempo which means maybe
7817s the Naga turn comes a little bit later
7819s if they have spite lash siren if you get
7821s to that point then Olga can be your
7823s solution to just about any problem right
7825s if you're able to get that to a big
7826s enough size however you can see with
7828s pocket's hand Slither spear on one
7830s wasn't even really a consideration
7832s because there's a school teacher and if
7833s School teaching can be played on four uh
7835s that generates the one Mana naga in your
7837s hand to be able to go off the following
7838s term with siren anyway so right honestly
7841s I think the bigger concern for hemlock
7843s is not how do I uh counter the the siren
7847s turn if it happens because that's really
7849s really difficult to do I think it's just
7851s more so can I put enough pressure on the
7853s board that I can potentially steal this
7856s game away from my opponent before
7857s they're able to get them
7860s well let's see first off there's an egg
7862s and a dream here from hemlock planning
7864s on a lot of pressure but as you said
7865s school teacher is going to come down and
7867s now Hemlock at least will be thinking
7870s about it right once you see the school
7872s teach you like okay what if they have
7875s spite lashing coin and uh and the Naga I
7880s don't even need it it's going into five
7881s this is the natural term yeah I I was
7883s meaning coin is just extra juice
7884s basically but he knows I've got the coin
7886s of course but it's mainly just yeah what
7887s if that's bite lash is there
7892s because the coin just helps smooth out
7894s the awkward Naga drawers a lot of the
7896s time as well right it does yeah
7900s oh okay another one
7903s options Galore
7905s and headlock looks like he is sick of
7908s this
7909s already it's barely even started because
7913s future he knows what's happening right
7915s he's seen siren played he knows he's got
7917s a good five minutes yet before he gets
7918s to do anything
7921s [Music]
7923s yeah real quick just trying to pick up
7925s on things that are important while this
7926s is happening which is hard to do Zola on
7929s the two Mana Naga there a lot of people
7930s I think instinctively will uh Zola their
7933s spite lash siren and if they're thinking
7935s about popping off they'll probably Zola
7937s the one man Onaga because that feels
7939s better in their mind right you cheat
7940s more Mana with a one Mana Naga
7943s um pocket trains specifically going for
7945s the two manonaga instead in a situation
7947s where that can actually find you more
7949s spells still to keep on going
7951s recognizing that the hand was running
7953s dry on playable spells that you actually
7954s wanted to commit this time yeah and it
7957s looks like that was a turn where pocket
7960s was like I guess because it was just
7962s played one million cards hex was played
7964s to remove the egg threat there's a
7966s counter spell and a something as the
7969s second secret I'll be honest I apologize
7971s I don't know what that second secret is
7974s um and there's just a lot of stuff and a
7976s second Spike lash to just go again next
7978s turn if bucket needs to him block is in
7981s trouble
7982s it's just the raising of the hands like
7984s uh leave concede yeah I guess that was
7989s my turn
7994s foreign
7998s yeah of course kill the siren over the
8000s 8-3 because the A3 is fake not actually
8002s a real minion in that position it's
8004s going to go back down to one on the
8005s previous on the following turn anyway I
8007s like this as well because again it would
8010s be very easy to auto part and say okay
8012s try and spite lash or something again
8013s right whereas it's like no just clear
8015s the board and as you mentioned it
8018s Hemlock isn't guaranteed to just refill
8020s or be able to clear the board themselves
8022s so yeah just clear the board push damage
8025s face there's still a spite lash and
8027s there's only going to be more options
8028s going forward uh as you wait an extra
8030s turn
8037s incredible drawer off the top for him I
8040s mean I'm not saying he's in a good
8042s position of course but um actually
8044s having learned my lesson from being
8046s burned yesterday was remembering that
8048s there was an invisible secret that's why
8049s I called it out straight away yeah
8053s but yeah this this is not great but not
8056s completely dead because this Olga is
8058s playable
8059s precisely yeah I think in an alternate
8063s reality Hemlock would be like okay you
8065s know what like opponent is 16 I'm alive
8068s I'm not gonna die immediately this turn
8069s probably
8071s um and I still have a potential charge
8073s minion in hand with double location that
8075s I can go face with now you can't I'm
8077s afraid because uh pocket train has
8079s generated a second objection already so
8082s that is not gonna happen anytime soon
8087s and this is just Hemlock slipping and
8089s slipping right like there's nothing
8090s Pockets just pushing him out of the game
8092s also must probably frustrating that the
8095s uh
8102s true yeah
8103s because that's just gonna push nice
8105s amounts of damage the blizzard picked up
8107s I really like from pocket because it's
8109s like well what's the worst case Hemlock
8111s just dumps a big board well great man
8114s just blizzard it away
8118s foreign
8119s using his time on his opponent's turn I
8122s believe counting spell schools now right
8123s now not necessarily counting you can see
8125s from the wisdom in hand how many you've
8126s played we're just making sure he has
8128s saved in his head which spell schools he
8131s has played so that if he's playing a
8133s lightning fast siren turn he can then
8135s assess any spell schools that get
8136s generated on the fly right oh cool
8138s that's that's nature I haven't played
8139s nature yet we'll play that one or
8141s whatever that kind of yeah I will say
8142s the spite lash turns from players such
8144s as pocket Gabby so on I would love if we
8147s had like a magical extra Vision where we
8150s could actually just view pocket doing
8152s the turn you know and you just see at
8154s his speed you know not spectator but
8157s he's the actual him piloting the turn
8159s because it's so fast the decision making
8161s is like point zero zero zero one seconds
8164s per decision it's crazy
8173s InstaPic from Discovery
8176s honestly our Engineers work so hard to
8179s get discovers working for day two and
8180s then pocket train picks too quickly
8183s selfish yeah how dare this
8188s anybody
8194s are we in poly jelly territory
8204s and every time every turn now for the
8207s last few Hemlock must just feel like
8210s right more secrets to deal with and my
8213s cards aren't that good for dealing with
8214s secrets so uh I guess here we go it's
8217s gonna pick up the stomper though that's
8219s something if it gets
8224s it's like damage on the I mean there is
8227s an eight damage on the other side of the
8228s board I guess and I guess if you do get
8230s to stick a stomper there may be enough
8232s spells can't be casted was the objection
8235s played or it wasn't naggling right
8239s it was played the the second yeah yeah
8241s the objection the second objection was
8243s from um a secret the first objection was
8246s from an arguing yes does not know this
8249s is objection right correct yeah yeah
8251s okay
8253s let me get Bridge riff we'll be able to
8256s do something here
8260s Okay so
8262s try and kill one of the minion threats
8264s it's gonna quickly be freezing trapped
8266s back to the hand but still it's
8268s something torn on the board something
8270s for Hamlet to try and hang on
8272s ships the ax to the face
8276s and this should be fairly
8278s straightforward from this position you
8280s would imagine you can pretty much just
8282s uh play your siren and keep casting
8284s spells until your Slither sphere is
8286s lethal right like you don't really have
8287s to overthink it much further I was gonna
8289s say just keep casting spells until your
8290s opponent just Falls over exactly just
8293s keep doing things until they die
8300s yeah the flame goes off their nagaling
8302s as well is going to help out thanks a
8304s bit of damage too
8308s yeah and there's the shake and that's
8310s why I mean Pockets already locked in the
8311s turn it's already happened it's already
8312s lethal and pocket train not only takes
8315s game four but takes the victory overall
8317s on this series gonna be happy with that
8320s one and I believe that means we've got a
8322s meaty versus pocket as a semi-final one
8325s if I'm not mistaken
8327s oh
8328s and if that is the case then oh my
8332s goodness the uh the national pride at
8334s stake of the all UK Showdown it's quite
8337s weird isn't it to be in this like era of
8339s hearthstone Esports where you know two
8341s have arguably the very best players in
8342s the world are from the UK it's uh not
8345s something that we've had in all I'll
8346s take time yeah I mean I'll absolutely
8348s take it they're so good they had to end
8350s up on the same side of the bracket I was
8351s talking about earlier I'm not sure if
8352s you caught it yeah it's like in the
8354s opening to to Dawn saying that it the
8357s fact that like meaty and the pocket
8359s train obviously where they are and then
8360s Gabby's at the very bottom is like now
8363s that's a final all these players are
8365s great obviously but any of those two of
8367s those three players in the final I think
8370s are just it would be fantastic but what
8373s a series I do just want to give another
8374s shout out to Hemlock I think Hemlock
8376s played super well I think the lineup was
8378s really cool I think that the decisions
8381s in build in the lineup showed because
8382s other players who brought similar decks
8384s also made it to the day two which was
8387s pretty impressive and I do first thing
8389s the combination of some games really not
8391s going down blocks away and pocket train
8394s being a fantastic player just pushed
8397s Hemlock out of this series it was
8399s definitely a lot closer than it looked
8402s if you just look at the score
8404s yeah I think the debate will rumble on
8406s about you know the Phantom 12 12 the 12
8408s 12 that never was right about how much
8410s that can represent on board and what
8412s that does for the series overall if it
8414s does come down
8415s um I think there'll be a moment that
8417s certainly people will be going back and
8418s evaluating but overall I think just a
8420s great series for me at least for my
8422s contribution to the broadcast to kick
8424s off the day sat down watched some great
8426s players making tough decisions and I
8428s think
8429s the outcomes of the games largely being
8432s distinguished by the players decisions
8434s which is where I would like to be at at
8436s this stage of a major Hearthstone
8437s tournament right and I think that is
8439s absolutely what happened in that
8440s instance so I had a blast it was a great
8442s Series yeah well that was just our
8444s second match of the day there's plenty
8446s more where that came from so don't go
8448s anywhere and be right back with some
8449s more Hearthstone summer championship
8456s oh
8469s [Music]
8475s [Music]
8477s foreign
8478s [Music]
8496s [Music]
8504s [Music]
8511s [Music]
8517s foreign
8544s [Music]
8550s [Music]
8554s foreign
8560s [Music]
8570s [Music]
8579s [Music]
8590s [Music]
8598s [Music]
8603s [Music]
8609s thank you
8611s [Music]
8618s [Music]
8635s foreign
8638s [Music]
8660s [Music]
8688s [Music]
8696s foreign
8699s [Music]
8707s foreign
8727s [Music]
8733s [Music]
8754s [Music]
8771s [Music]
8774s foreign
8777s foreign
8779s [Music]
8786s [Music]
8795s [Music]
8805s hello everyone welcome back to the
8808s Hearthstone master store summer
8809s championship and to kick off Match
8813s number three will be myself Dawn or
8816s Dragon Rider and I am joined by TJ how
8819s are you doing TJ you ready you look
8821s pumped
8822s I'm pumped I've been sitting on the
8824s sidelines all day long I'm ready to cast
8825s some uh some Hearthstone
8827s feels like uh
8829s I've been here for like five hours just
8831s watching games like
8834s okay it it's only been two it's only
8837s been two matches so far we still have a
8839s lot to watch let's take a look at the
8841s bracket and see where we've gone today
8844s already and what we still have left to
8846s check out as we are getting ready for
8849s our third match here uh we've had a
8853s couple of matches as I mentioned already
8855s so we did get to see a few matches there
8859s with meaty and Casey going to that game
8861s number five and then we just saw the
8864s pocket train Hemlock that ended in a 3-1
8867s in pocket trains favor and now TJ we're
8871s getting ready to jump into Geo versus
8873s Wii U
8874s yeah and this should be a good one I
8876s feel like you know if you look at the
8878s lineup of eight players uh q and Wii Q
8882s are probably two of the players with
8884s maybe the less amount of experience
8888s um combined over the other three
8890s quarterfinals
8891s um we could use obviously a name for
8893s himself uh so far this year
8896s um with the just sheer amount amount of
8898s points and and Ladder finishes uh that
8901s he's been able to earn also had some
8903s very impressive series that we got to
8905s see specifically that match against
8906s tonsoki which went all the way to game
8908s five I thought he navigated those
8911s matchups expertly a couple little tight
8914s spots that he found himself uh able to
8917s get out of which I thought was very cool
8919s and uh wanted to highlight the secret
8922s hunter from week uh just because
8925s the the one card in there the prison of
8928s yogg-saron which is not like an
8930s automatic inclusion in these decks but
8932s it does give you sort of this you know
8935s last ditch effort uh
8938s praise yogg kind of scenario in some
8941s matchups to maybe get you out of a
8943s situation uh from a 100 lost game into a
8947s chance to win uh kind of thing which I
8949s thought was pretty cool
8951s oh absolutely yeah sometimes you have to
8953s take those little chances you got to
8955s take those little outs and you know yag
8957s can giveth or yog can take it and uh
8960s we're gonna see if Jag is gonna give or
8962s take if that does come down in this but
8965s ideally with this this uh Arcane Hunter
8968s you kind of want to be closing out the
8970s game hopefully before that prison of
8972s yogs are on point where you want to be
8974s kind of getting those Secrets getting
8975s some of these smaller cheap minions out
8978s and be able to add to that Arcane spell
8982s damage buff up some of those spells and
8984s then send those to your opponent's face
8986s to close out the game in a fairly quick
8989s fashion as hunter likes to do
8993s oh yeah
8995s and we've seen quite a few of the stack
8997s over the course of the weekend
8999s um with some middling results I think
9001s you know most of the time we see it lose
9003s one one game win one game in a series
9006s um so curious to see how it was kind of
9008s fare when it's uh uh a win or you're out
9011s kind of situation now that we're in
9013s these quarterfinals now taking a look at
9015s you
9016s uh his lineup was very interesting
9018s because we see the Hound Hunter as
9020s opposed to the Arcane Hunter which I've
9022s seen from a lot of people and much like
9025s Hemlock the enrage Warrior which did not
9028s look so great in the previous series for
9030s hemlock and gets pocket trained but it's
9032s a deck that I've grown quite fond of Don
9035s over the course of this event
9037s yeah it's been really interesting to see
9040s this in Rage Warrior only a few players
9042s brought it and I think in Rage along
9045s with the outcast Demon Hunter uh very
9048s interesting to see kind of these Decks
9050s that we've seen from the past few metas
9052s kind of sticking around and kind of
9054s being an additional or like the fourth
9056s deck for some of these lineups in our
9059s tournament this weekend that these
9061s players probably already have a lot of
9063s repetition with a lot of games and
9065s practice on they're probably already
9067s very very comfortable with these decks
9070s so gonna be really interesting but this
9072s version does add in those couple of
9074s speaker Stompers for a couple of the
9077s match-ups like Mage and Shaman that
9079s we've been seeing so it's going to be
9081s interesting to see how that works out as
9083s well
9084s um but I think some of these like the
9086s weapons and ramonia have been very
9088s interesting to see as well in some of
9090s these Warrior games so glad that we'll
9093s get to see that uh that Hound hunter
9095s that you mentioned is actually banned so
9097s we won't get to see that but hopefully
9099s we do get to see that Warrior deck it's
9102s okay now obviously enough Hound Hunter
9103s I'm not playing online I don't really
9106s think I need to see any more of it so uh
9108s glad that it's that it's banned away
9111s um it is interesting inclusion in the
9112s lineup but
9113s uh we won't talk about it anymore uh but
9115s one thing I do want to point out is um
9119s Solomon Raven mentioned it the the rise
9122s of the UK and Hearthstone and Dawn we
9125s got an all-americas cast going on right
9127s now I don't know how much more of this
9129s European dominance I could take and now
9132s the fact that this European dominance is
9134s seeping
9136s uh into the underbelly of the United
9138s Kingdom it's just gonna make saddle and
9140s Raven and Lorinda that much more
9142s unbearable in the future so I feel like
9145s we got a root for uh the America's
9147s players on the bottom side of the
9148s bracket here to try and Challenge and
9151s you know what
9152s I believe that also includes Asia
9154s Pacific because I think we need sort of
9156s this united front against Europe so I
9159s have to say this is a win-win situation
9160s for us either week you wins and the
9162s America's dominance continues or goo
9164s wins in the the honorary
9168s uh America's slash Asia Pacific Alliance
9173s will win which is still a win in my book
9176s that's right I mean they both made it to
9179s day number two it's unfortunate that
9181s they had to kind of pair into each other
9183s in the top eight but yeah it's cool to
9186s see a variety I I think this tournament
9189s overall for this weekend the 16 players
9191s uh most of them I think what it was
9195s probably already like eighth at least
9197s that were from Europe I think all of the
9200s additional like four added players were
9203s also European uh based on the point
9205s standings so a lot of European players
9208s but yeah absolutely but you know it's
9211s absolutely not counting out these other
9212s players and as you said they're they're
9214s making names for themselves absolutely
9216s I've seen a week use specifically kind
9219s of uh poking in and out of a lot of
9221s high-level player streams you know kind
9223s of talking to them chatting appearing in
9225s the chat and a lot of players and
9228s streamers that I have looked at have had
9230s some pretty good words to say about him
9232s and it's pretty awesome to actually see
9234s him having these good results in the
9236s tournament while because he does have a
9238s lot of really high placements really
9240s good results on ladder so to see that
9243s reflected in the tournament where he
9245s does have to bring this whole lineup is
9246s fantastic
9249s yeah it's so unfair that Europe gets
9251s eight slots in these Smashers tours in
9253s Asia Pacific and Americans only get four
9254s each so unfair
9257s I think that's twice in a row that all
9258s four of the uh points qualification
9260s spots went to European players because
9262s this tournament it was
9264s um insane
9267s Casey
9268s rulian
9271s who's the fourth points player
9275s that's a good question one more European
9277s point oh Gabby and Gabby so all four of
9281s the uh players that earn by points and
9283s not by any individual region were from
9285s from Europe so
9287s um I mean just statistically they should
9290s have more players
9293s that's right well we're gonna focus on
9296s these players right now as they are
9297s getting into game number one it is going
9300s to be this Warrior for Q and week you on
9303s the Mage this rainbow Mage we have kind
9306s of seen a mix of Mages over the course
9308s of the weekend but this is this kind of
9310s rainbow Mage as we're calling it and
9312s some of the key cards that are pretty
9314s important here I mean that sanguine
9316s depths going to potentially add some
9318s additional damage that you can put uh in
9322s to some early pressure start beating
9325s down weak U but on the other side I did
9327s see that Cosmic keyboard into maybe some
9331s board removal if the minions are small
9333s enough with that inquisitive creation or
9335s even just the molten rune
9339s yeah this is pretty good opening hand
9341s for week U many different spell schools
9344s well with the pickup of the uh the worm
9347s here uh many different spell schools the
9350s cosmic keyboard for tempo
9351s from Q side it's got the rift start uh
9355s which is interesting
9357s um uh just to be able to start chaining
9360s together riffs this Warrior deck is is
9362s sort of bizarre to me because it has
9364s sort of two different styles that I
9366s could go for it can go for this kind of
9368s aggressive uh Tempo style where you're
9371s trying to just push a lot of damage
9372s early on in the game uh with like foul
9375s eggs uh in the enema extractors uh and
9378s the imbued axes right damage your
9381s minions early and keep the tempo going
9383s with the buff minions in hand but it
9385s also has these kind of insane swings
9387s uh where you can you can sort of clear
9390s the board later on in the game
9392s uh with the jam sessions and Sun Fury
9395s champions
9396s paired with an animus tractor and really
9398s buff up these uh beefy finisher cards in
9401s remoir and decimator okra the problem
9403s becomes when those two styles of play
9406s don't match up with each other uh with
9410s uh you know how your draws go right if
9413s you're you're playing like a mixture of
9415s like riffs and early game Tempo minions
9417s everything's getting removed your
9418s animals tractors aren't buffing enough
9420s and that's sort of the weaknesses that
9422s we've seen from Warrior sort of the
9423s disconnect between the few different
9425s strategies uh that the warrior can go go
9428s through
9429s um so uh when you're playing from behind
9431s like this it becomes increasingly
9432s difficult
9434s um so it needs to find some of those key
9436s pieces needs to find the ways to get
9437s back in the game which could be the
9439s decimator okra in this instance
9442s yeah what the what the way that these
9444s hands have shaped up it is kind of
9446s looking like it is gonna have to be that
9448s oh God to kind of get you a little bit
9450s stronger on the board at this point uh
9453s it hasn't been terrible for you I do
9455s want to look back a little bit the uh
9457s draw for rikyu of the
9460s um
9462s Cold Case and being able to coin into
9466s the cold case on turn three felt pretty
9469s fantastic there being able to get a lot
9471s of extra Tempo with the cosmic keyboard
9473s and it did kind of force you to bring
9476s out the Phoenix make the trade but so
9480s far it has felt like Wiki has kind of
9482s been in the lead Here and Now finding
9483s this wrath be able to draw I do like
9486s kind of trying to just continue keeping
9488s you off of the board make sure that that
9491s pressure isn't being applied but at the
9493s same time Wiki has actually been in
9497s control of this game so far in terms of
9499s applying that early Tempo and pushing
9501s the damage uh got really full use of
9504s that Cosmic keyboard has the second one
9505s in hand but even something like the
9508s reverberations waiting for weak u in
9510s hand if that all girl were to come down
9512s I kind of like just reverberations and
9515s being able to have a
9518s some sort of removal or just a large
9520s body that then you has to answer on the
9522s other side
9525s yeah it seems like weq has all the
9528s answers
9528s uh but you gonna try not uh probably try
9533s and save the decimator okra for
9534s potential finisher here just because
9536s with the anime extractor and the bridge
9538s riff being the uh the finale uh riff
9543s can start getting isolating that ogre in
9546s hand getting some additional bumps on it
9549s and maybe needs to start prioritizing
9550s that more as a finisher so we'll see how
9553s that gameplay is going to work out just
9555s because Wiki does have
9558s reverberation has cannibalized as well
9561s which is just an easy targeted removal
9563s that can also be a big swing in health
9566s so uh unless you is able to keep
9571s recurring pressure going this is gonna
9574s get pretty difficult for you to try and
9576s stick something on board or
9577s alternatively
9579s find enough damage from hand to actually
9581s end this game which doesn't seem likely
9585s yeah I think that that Glides is
9586s actually kind of looking really nice
9589s here just to answer that eight eight
9592s remove that off of the board it felt a
9595s little telegraphed in a way of getting
9597s that down and protecting it behind this
9599s taunt but maybe that was also just the
9603s best Mana play as well from weak use
9605s perspective but yeah that cannibal is
9607s definitely going to come down here
9609s there's no healing benefit off of it but
9611s just the fact of removing all of that
9614s potential swing is more important I
9617s think than even considering if there had
9619s been any heal
9623s [Music]
9625s how big is the old girl was it eight
9627s attack so it's gonna be what nine attack
9630s yeah the Battle Cry it's definitely
9633s still a threat here
9637s yeah it's big can get another Rift too
9639s which I believe would be the chorus Rift
9641s or no it was the first Rift which was
9643s the last one cast so it's gonna go live
9644s the Phoenix instead
9646s uh try and get more value from the rift
9649s from the Riff there's so many riffs
9651s Rifts and now there's riffs
9656s there is
9657s they have they did it just to confuse
9659s you TJ no they got they don't do that
9661s just just for you
9666s and now here I guess the reverberations
9669s yeah it has to be this removal just is
9672s not quite enough only seven Mana so
9674s double inquisitive creation not quite
9677s enough to answer this board uh and plus
9680s the ultra was at 11 health and these
9682s inquisitive Creations they're only
9683s dealing five after that shadow spell
9686s being played uh no solid Alibi for weak
9689s U which feels pretty significant when
9692s you are facing down potential uh big
9696s burst damage from The Warrior
9703s you doesn't have the burst damage for
9705s the time being and it's going to be a
9707s little more time before that gets done
9709s does have some card draw though so let
9712s us light of the Phoenix will awaken the
9713s uh the story but lore and then roaring
9717s Applause will draw additional cards so
9721s could also try and get in some
9725s um the center champion and start looking
9727s towards a little bit of removal as well
9730s okay so this will make the light of the
9732s Phoenix free
9735s and will also awaken the Third below
9737s once again
9740s oh and then can attack with the impudax
9742s and finish with the stomper this uh
9744s seems actually pretty good
9747s yeah I think does Gil want to go for
9750s that light of the Phoenix before yeah
9753s gonna go for all of this draw it looks
9755s like before making any attacks but gonna
9757s have to do things quickly as that rope
9759s is burning down here
9764s oh I think roped out the attack
9767s did he get it in
9768s him uh he wrote about the attack oh no
9772s you can see that oh no it didn't get
9774s either attack yeah he looked pretty
9777s upset about that too very visibly upset
9779s that is he took a little bit too long
9782s there to make the decision of how he
9784s wanted to order that turn and that could
9787s definitely be a huge punish here because
9789s he didn't get the buff on any of these
9791s minions that's gonna make it a lot
9792s easier for a Wiki to clear this board
9795s yep
9798s now to be fair the inquisitive creation
9801s would have cleared regardless of if the
9803s buff had come out or not but that's six
9805s damage missed yeah because that was a
9808s verse Rift played uh finale with another
9811s verse rip so just the attack alone was
9813s worth six and he also missed the three
9815s ballora attack on the three one so
9817s that's a three one that's now surviving
9819s yeah and the immolation ore was picked
9822s up so that's an easier clear than the
9823s inquisitive creation allows Wiki to hold
9825s on to it and now that's seven damage
9828s inquisitive Creation with fell holy and
9831s nature all being played uh alongside the
9834s three main spell tools for uh for May
9836s and turkey and Frost and fire so
9839s this is uh
9841s uh starting to be worrying for gew and
9844s there is a remoryan hand but it's not
9845s but uh is it buff I don't think that's
9847s coarse rebuffed I think that was just
9849s drawn naturally
9850s um but still quite small
9853s yeah I'm pretty sure that came off of
9855s the first roaring Applause
9858s oh okay so not bought from core strip so
9861s we got some uh
9863s now it's like too many weapons in hand
9865s now so
9867s he was gonna have some uh trouble here
9871s figuring out a way to start getting this
9874s damage in
9875s ramoya with the sanguine depths
9878s could it could start going
9880s for some swings because that'll also
9882s buff the weapon portion of it
9885s um
9889s just start swinging face
9893s yeah I'm curious here as well does you
9896s feel like he wants to play the speaker
9899s stomper there has been several cards
9901s that are now over in the left side of
9903s the hand that have been there for a
9904s while for week U and going into
9907s potential nine Mana I mean sitting at
9910s what uh 22 health for you that doesn't
9914s feel like a lot when you're facing down
9916s a mage that could potentially have a lot
9918s of spells to sling at your face
9920s yeah he has seen one molten Rune he has
9924s not seen the the second molten room
9926s since Wiki ones II forged uh has seen
9929s the arc one of the Arcane Bolts from the
9931s Arcane Wars
9934s um so
9936s could feel a little bit safe but it's
9938s gonna go with speaker snapper uh suppose
9941s probably just because of the fact that
9944s um it's the best play that he could make
9946s to fill up his Tempo yeah get use out of
9949s this uh last swing of the imbued ax
9951s before he goes into potential remoria
9954s um
9955s but it's still pretty easy clears for
9958s week you with the inquisitive creation
9961s uh at seven uh damage now because of all
9965s the spell schools played so
9967s needs to try and find something else I
9970s don't even know if we oh there's fire
9971s spell slept there's still the uh
9974s um the jam sessions left as fire spells
9978s from yeah uh gew to awaken this story
9981s blur
9982s uh once again
9984s yeah still another uh the second
9987s animaxtractor as well which could be
9989s something that you might hope to draw
9991s into to try to get some Buffs onto this
9994s ramonia as well uh interestingly one
9997s thing to note with these Warrior builds
9999s uh these top out at that ramonia like
10002s that romornia is the highest cost card
10004s there is no grommash or anything like
10007s that that could add potential damage so
10010s at this point is the ramonia just at
10013s five attacks solid enough plus also both
10016s of these locations are used up they were
10019s used last turn so can't really go for
10021s maybe dealing some damage to the Romania
10024s and and increasing that for added attack
10027s and and that six damage earlier as well
10031s uh kind of showing here with uh you
10034s potentially being able to pick up some
10037s damage next turn with that ramonia and
10039s the location
10040s that that six damage earlier being
10043s missed really hurts
10045s it really does
10048s there is still the crazed wretch in the
10050s deck the one I've copied that's some
10052s damage from hand but it's a little bit
10055s Limited
10057s um
10058s so he's gonna play the ramordian now get
10060s the Mana expended
10062s uh this one you can he can still buff it
10066s on the uh the following turn but it
10069s would be
10070s it wouldn't be that attack since it
10073s looks like he's gonna rush in now
10075s and then get the weapon back in hand so
10078s two turns from now he can have
10079s additional damage from the ramonia but
10081s could trying to could be trying to set
10083s up for a potential craze retch draw
10086s volume up is a huge pickup for Wiki
10089s right now
10093s and the wisdom which is free
10095s 10 cards left in deck
10098s getting close to the the Sip which Sif
10100s just plus Arcane bolt and Flame geyser
10103s would be enough
10105s uh to end the game
10109s yeah these straws have felt slightly off
10112s here for you but
10114s um see I'm shaking his head I think he's
10116s he might still be kind of beating
10118s himself up a little bit about that that
10121s Miss damage from earlier uh he really
10123s has kind of seemed a little bit off a
10125s little bit shaken kind of since that
10127s point and especially now seeing all of
10130s this draw coming into hand for week uh
10132s there hasn't been any solid Alibis
10134s played yet so you have to think you as
10137s considering that well am I either going
10140s to just get stopped from doing my damage
10142s at this point with Alibis that might
10144s have been picked up or was there enough
10147s damage picked up that I am just gonna be
10149s dead in the following turn or two at
10151s this point being at this 18 or kind of
10154s below that 20 range but sometimes even
10157s being above 20 isn't always safe against
10159s Mage either
10163s nothing is safe this late in the game
10165s now he sees the spell reduction so the
10168s speaker stomper becomes less valuable
10171s um still really the only play and uh
10177s -huh okay
10181s and then be re-equipped
10184s because
10186s it'll die
10187s so I I think this is a solid spot from
10190s Wiki maybe not the strongest play
10192s individually he could have made that
10193s turn
10194s because he could be afraid of in-hand
10196s damage from the crazed wretch but
10198s realizing that this ramonia weapon the
10200s recurring damage from it
10202s uh is very likely more of a threat
10206s um
10207s so it is was it chorus rift this last
10211s one played
10214s believe so
10216s it's it's that a verse just because the
10218s Turnberry missed the damage he played
10220s two verse but I I feel like he had
10222s played one additional one uh in between
10226s so it's just gonna make sure your armor
10228s is up make sure you place the speaker
10229s stomper make it as least likely as
10231s possible that weekend's gonna be able to
10232s kill him
10233s and then hold on to one of the charge of
10235s the sanguine depths and hold on to the
10237s jam session
10239s just in case the craze wretch
10242s comes off the top because that'd be
10245s oh geez
10247s uh
10251s foreign
10253s [Music]
10259s we keep going for more draw still
10265s has to try to just find this really
10268s wants to I think dig to the end of the
10270s deck there to find the clothes out just
10272s needs to find Sif at this point so gives
10274s himself the best shot to just draw into
10276s that stiff next turn to close close out
10278s the game throws up the solid Alibi uh
10282s there is the Finley as well which
10285s drawing additionally this turn could
10288s mean that if that Sif isn't drawn next
10290s turn then you just play the Finley you
10292s get the Sith plus some of those damage
10294s spells back and hopefully can close
10296s things out there is that crazy crazed
10299s wretch that you mentioned but is it's
10301s not enough at this point because of that
10303s solid alibi
10310s there was no solid Alibi played last
10312s turn but like the board was removed I
10315s think it still would have been one
10316s damage off
10318s because craze wretch with the uh
10320s location would have been five attack jam
10322s session eight attack plus the five from
10324s the weapon
10326s uh gets that unfinellied and there's
10329s just another solid alibi
10340s still just feel like this is
10346s Finley
10349s is there gonna be enough to burn spells
10351s because all the burn spells are in hand
10356s so you draw Sif but you wouldn't draw
10359s any of the additions the burn spells
10362s yeah what are the added uh cards in
10365s there we know sifs left
10367s just trying to think what those last
10369s couple of cards are as well
10373s doesn't play organic
10376s oh
10378s a fireball
10381s cool
10384s this is six seven eight nine ten eleven
10386s twelve thirteen that's still a little
10389s bit off
10401s yeah but he's uh the board is completely
10404s full
10405s so there's no one's there's you know and
10408s with powerblies picked up that is lethal
10410s presented for next turn that's 15 from
10412s hand well these locations can be used as
10415s well and it'll be the last charge so
10417s that does clean up some board space for
10419s you to be able to play other minions
10422s yes
10424s so we can play one more
10428s so if he locations into the speaker
10431s stomper that's six
10433s seven eight nine ten eleven twelve
10436s thirteen craze retch would be an
10439s additional five
10441s uh
10443s from the damage plus the activation
10449s 18 the jam session would then be
10453s 21 and then the imbued ax would be 22 23
10457s and then the Buffs would be
10462s 24.25 uh
10475s uh 26 27 28 is that exactly lethal exact
10480s I think it's exact
10484s yeah I I think oh it's way over the
10487s thing there was was it's figuring out
10489s far more
10490s I I think for kiwi was just trying to
10492s figure out the kind of order of
10494s operations there right just figuring out
10496s okay if I use one location I need to to
10499s think about this but also considering if
10502s he needed to go for the imbued ax damage
10506s or if he could just attack with the five
10509s attack weapon that he already had yeah
10512s that was it was like several turns in
10515s the making I think for adding up that
10517s damage
10518s yeah that was tough
10521s um because like the the jam session also
10525s factoring in
10526s like the additional damage minions
10529s um it was it ended up being even more
10530s because that was a uh an infused impudax
10536s so that was five damage over lethal uh
10540s so leaving those minions up ended up
10542s being a pretty big deal for week you he
10545s thought he'd be safe at 28 but in at
10548s that stage of the game you know the
10549s crazed wretch is still there you know
10551s there's a possibility in Butte ax
10554s um if that jam session was a
10558s it wouldn't have been enough if the jam
10560s session was a sun for your champion
10561s because
10562s it would have there was no fire spells
10564s and oh there was a fire spell in hand to
10565s be able to no no because it would have
10566s been the jam session
10568s so that was just a really good spot from
10570s goo order of operations
10572s um knowing like you said to not attack
10574s the with the morning weapon but instead
10576s it could be infused uh in Butte ax
10578s because that ended up being 12 damage as
10581s opposed to five because you get five
10583s plus two plus two Buffs immediately on
10586s the minions and then on top of that you
10588s get the two damage from the weapon so
10589s very nicely done and weak you died with
10592s a solid Alibi in hand
10593s can't I don't know if I can blame him
10595s because what's his game plan if Sif is
10598s his last card right that's that's kind
10600s of what the thought process is probably
10602s going through his mind if he saw it
10604s Alibi's this turn with no card draw in
10606s hand what if Sif is the last card yeah
10609s then he's in the exact same spot he was
10610s in the previous turn except
10613s now he hasn't set up lethal in any way
10616s so he set up lethal and said I challenge
10618s you to deal 28 well he dealt 28.
10621s yeah it it did almost seem like that
10624s last turn there for week you as well
10626s there there might have been a little bit
10627s of debate of just playing the solid
10629s Alibi
10631s um you know it still would have added a
10633s little bit of armor but again yeah he
10636s probably just thought hey I don't think
10639s that you can actually kill me from this
10640s point I think I'm gonna gain enough
10642s armor to put me a little bit out of
10644s range and then be able to ideally draw
10647s that Sif it kind of felt like at that
10649s point in the game that late in the game
10651s the only draw really was the Finley and
10654s I think there was a perfect example of
10656s why some players are saying that Finley
10659s is not a great inclusion that it
10662s actually diminishes your win rate uh
10665s that was maybe one of those outlier
10667s cases but if it becomes more common then
10670s certainly I could see people trying
10671s actually to take out Finley and find
10674s other things instead but we are going to
10676s be jumping into game number two it is
10678s the mirror match here these Mages uh
10682s week you staying with the Mage and now
10684s you with that one point after that win
10687s uh going into his Mage as well
10692s yeah there are some key differences
10695s uh with both of these decks the big one
10697s being the elemental Inspirations at the
10700s top end
10701s uh for gew
10703s um and also the inclusion of norganon uh
10707s in the deck uh Wiki's Mage tops out at
10711s six playing the uh ladies Nash jar
10713s version
10715s um and like you mentioned the sir Finley
10717s sea guide in there as well
10720s so Elemental inspiration is a card that
10723s does you no favors in the early game
10726s but it can blow games wide open if you
10728s can play it on curve with a good amount
10730s of spell schools already played
10732s and
10733s your opponent doesn't have a reasonable
10736s answer to it uh like the uh the
10738s inquisitive creation sometimes it can
10739s even swap through inclusive creation if
10741s you get a combination of like Divine
10743s Shields and Reborns so uh we'll see how
10746s how uh that's going to be so you doesn't
10749s get any uh spell schooled uh minion or
10753s spell School spells
10755s um which is unfortunate because he wants
10757s to be able to beef up the elemental
10759s inspiration but does find a way to get a
10761s little bit of additional Tempo with the
10763s evolve into the Connie but it's only two
10765s attacks so it's not really adding too
10767s much more power to the board
10770s yeah it might be able to actually live
10774s for a little bit here because of that
10776s kind of beefy six uh six Health might be
10780s able to push a little bit of damage
10781s maybe put we heal into that kind of
10785s 16 to 20 range of course this is a
10788s matchup we're going to let's see those
10790s solid Alibis at some point but this is
10793s forcing a reverberations which at this
10795s point again also just flying into the
10797s spell schools so sure go for it forced
10801s you to either trade in or ping and use
10803s Mana which would feel pretty great right
10806s if you just see your Mage opponent spend
10808s Mana to just ping that down and not play
10810s something to contribute to their own
10812s game plan seems pretty neat
10817s so just playing a Tempo artificer
10821s which is interesting on four you don't
10823s expect your opponent to really try and
10824s deal with your board they want to play
10826s one of their power cards like cold case
10828s or volume up
10830s um so he knows that he's going to be
10831s able to double up on the armor uh with
10833s the Cold Case next turn
10835s so pretty wise I like it normally I
10837s don't like the tempo artificer but it's
10839s getting into chip damage and additional
10841s four armor here in this instance not bad
10843s yeah
10845s yeah
10847s definitely seems pretty solid here and I
10849s love this setup that we you had of the
10853s volume up into this lady Najjar as you
10856s mentioned this is included in the in
10859s this list but
10861s I was gonna say is this really the spot
10863s that he actually wants to play it
10865s looking at there are multiple Minions on
10867s board and there is some pretty good
10870s amount of cheap stuff in hand here so
10872s going forward just finding additional
10874s spell schools trying to find additional
10876s things to answer that other side of the
10879s board seems like it might be a better
10881s option here than just dropping the tempo
10883s Nash jar
10884s yeah
10886s and get yeah like getting the Discover
10887s fix out of the way and then going for
10889s the discount seems pretty wise also
10891s picks up resistance Aura which is pretty
10893s nutty not only because it's just an
10895s additional spell school with holy
10897s but also because it just makes you it's
10900s it lost three turns uh and it just makes
10903s your it very awkward it's a cold
10905s neophyte Aura for three turns which is
10908s very good against a primarily
10910s spell-based deck
10914s all right
10917s foreign
10923s I don't think this is a point where he
10926s really wants to commit that solid Alibi
10928s but how about a second uh artificer with
10932s a little bit of spells here not bad and
10936s still being able to push the damage
10938s maybe at this point Geo can just ping
10940s down the elemental on the other side
10943s just push a little bit more chip damage
10945s and kind of continue this
10948s slow but steady pressure that he's been
10951s applying so far at the same time is
10953s getting himself more armor which is just
10955s putting weak you further and further
10958s away from being able to find enough
10959s damage to actually close out the game
10965s it also kind of baits AOE before the
10968s elemental inspiration uh comes in it's
10970s not the biggest Elemental inspiration
10973s like mentioned didn't find the
10975s additional spell school from the
10976s Discover on the Prismatic Elemental
10979s um but uh still will be what three I
10982s think he splitting Arcane spell thus far
10984s uh uh three of those four five so if you
10987s can get out like
10989s uh the creation Now
10991s or whatever form of AOE that week you
10993s would have discovered up until this
10994s point
10995s uh then that opens him up to have maybe
10998s a safer Elemental inspiration
11001s But Here Comes The Resistance Aura
11003s from even coming down oh this is just
11006s brutal for you no card draw
11009s the Spells cost more
11011s uh
11013s there's not even a good way to like
11016s finale this infinitize the maxitude
11021s would have to like use the coin
11023s yeah no no because that's even you spend
11026s a man at a gator Mana so there's
11027s actually not a single way
11030s exactly it doesn't matter this is brutal
11039s stiff there you go oh oh that would that
11043s would absolutely feel awful if Q has to
11046s do that yeah he's not doing that this is
11049s this seems like a ping pass kind of turn
11051s to me
11053s yeah I mean Mana wise it could be solid
11057s Alibi and hero power but you absolutely
11058s don't want to do that either right you
11060s don't want to just be using The Alibi to
11062s fill in your Mana so yeah yeah this is
11065s just a super awkward turn here for you
11067s and I think honestly this has felt like
11070s a very good multi-turn setup from week U
11073s by kind of taking that uh command the
11076s neptulon's command kind of setting up
11078s and also knowing that uh we cues
11082s deck list again does not run Elemental
11085s inspiration going into turn seven well
11088s if you were gonna want to play like an
11090s on curve seven Mana thing and you're
11093s overloaded it's fine because he's not
11095s running the seven Mana thing so I think
11097s honestly that that was just a very very
11099s good multi-turn setup from weak U and
11102s now at this point he has kind of seen a
11105s really awkward turn he saw you have to
11107s commit that infinitize uh without the
11111s finale effect so that's not in hand but
11114s on the other hand there again are
11116s multiple cards here that have been in
11118s Goose hand for a while maybe it's Sif
11120s maybe it's some damage that has to be a
11123s consideration but I think it can wait
11126s another turn or two before these solid
11128s Alibis feel necessary
11131s yeah
11134s he did see the sort of desperation from
11136s you within the Phantasy maxitude but he
11139s feels safe with a resistance or at least
11141s for a couple more turns
11142s because the coin doesn't do anything so
11145s um but weak you
11147s well and truly ahead right now by a long
11152s shot it has so much burn in hand already
11156s a lot of different spell schools played
11158s uh for beefing up the Sith
11162s um with even holy thrown in there from
11165s the resistance Aura so
11167s now we're just looking at a situation
11169s where
11171s you could be worried about dying already
11173s but at this stage I don't uh actually
11176s not from 40. you're not gonna die from
11177s 40.
11179s even with all these reductions very
11180s difficult to do
11182s could just be a volume up and just take
11185s this five damage
11187s but nope going for the reverberations
11189s getting the shadow spell out of the way
11191s to beef up the elemental inspiration a
11193s little bit more
11195s yeah I think at this point that seems
11197s pretty solid for you he knows that that
11199s resistance Aura is going to be going
11200s away by the time that it comes back
11202s around to his turn right should be so
11204s then that means he should be able to
11207s play that no problem might as well add
11209s those in uh in I-beam here pretty nice
11213s get a little bit of healing for week you
11215s I can set up like the cold case for
11218s armor and doesn't even have to to go in
11220s on committing things like the solid
11222s Alibi yet with additional discover heel
11224s and some armor gain also picking up the
11227s cosmic keyboard that could start to
11228s generate a little bit of board presence
11230s for himself as well
11232s also a fell spell into the pool so yeah
11236s that's yeah it's like a win-win-win it's
11238s one Mana
11240s for all that
11242s and now the world is his oyster pretty
11245s clean infinite has the maxitude after
11247s this all ends too so yeah
11250s um very powerful turn
11252s absolutely that that lady NASCAR uh
11255s discount really going a long way here
11257s the Pyro blast kind of interesting
11260s that's an extra 10 damage I don't know
11263s if the death porn I mean it could do
11266s something but it's gonna depend on if
11268s these minions kind of stick around or
11269s not and maybe if there's enough trades
11273s happening for week U the trades can help
11276s and then the deathborn can kind of clear
11278s up some of those Elementals that are
11279s going to come off of that Elemental
11281s inspiration
11283s um but I think regardless it's a really
11284s good setup from wikiu if you doesn't go
11288s for ending the game here or just goes
11290s for this white board Wiki was kind of
11292s set up to answer that and if there is
11294s something like sift drawn then there's
11297s pressure on the board plus Sif and spell
11300s damage or even just the solid Alibi to
11303s continue stalling a little bit more
11307s yep
11320s does this have to be just draw again
11322s world of difference yeah
11325s and quality yeah he's
11330s I think you got to get the uh the
11332s additional discover from the volume up
11334s he just needs resource to work with here
11336s it's got a slight Health Advantage but
11338s that can dwindle quickly
11340s okay maybe an extra
11342s solid alibi
11344s very nice
11348s Yep this picking up the solid Alibi is
11351s kind of interesting it could be I think
11353s it's been talked about a lot over this
11355s weekend the player that ends up playing
11358s the solid Alibi first kind of at a
11360s slight disadvantage
11362s um so adding in a third solid Alibi if
11365s you end up being the player that has to
11367s play your sawdell by first getting to do
11369s that seems pretty great especially if
11371s you can play the other saw develop ice
11373s first and not show that one that was
11375s discovered I can keep that in mind too
11378s players might watch for that as well at
11380s this level right they're going to watch
11382s hey that was the discovered spell okay
11384s now I kind of know what to expect or not
11387s expect if they play something like the
11388s solid Alibi that was discovered they
11390s know it's not additional burst damage
11392s and they can kind of start to calculate
11394s for that
11404s I think Q just wants the Pain to End
11410s we use answered easily everything that
11413s he's done
11415s his his health lead is dwindling if he
11418s plays Elemental inspiration here
11420s and doesn't like coin out a solid alibi
11425s there's 15 damage being represented on
11427s board
11428s if he doesn't get a taunt up in the
11430s element of inspiration he knows that
11431s there's
11433s two discovered cards from the
11435s infinitized and maxitude that are
11436s discounted in hand plus the rest of the
11438s hand is discounted from the uh lady
11440s National from earlier so
11442s it's gonna just go for the elemental
11444s inspiration
11446s finds a rush as we can see the attack
11448s animation
11451s okay
11454s best he can do
11462s also picking up for rikyu picking up a
11466s copy or a discovered uh Elemental
11471s inspiration also pretty clutch I feel
11474s like if uh he actually needs to go for
11476s that again we've talked about how it's
11478s not already included in his list
11481s um
11482s vast wisdom or the wisdom of an organ on
11485s here going to be able to create some
11487s additional draw but just wants to go for
11489s the shooting star I think really kind of
11491s try to clean up this uh stealth minion
11493s as much as possible because at this
11495s point so far it really has seemed like
11498s you is just setting up for just finding
11501s that little bit of damage right and
11504s wikio has been sitting at this 26th
11507s health for a while
11508s it's starting to get to that point in
11511s the game where it might just be over in
11513s the next turn
11531s oh the Mortal eradication is actually
11532s sick it's five Health gain because of
11535s the artificer for and and the uh one
11537s minute kill for the heel so Wiki was
11539s actually looked like he was torn there
11541s um didn't want to commit the elemental
11543s inspiration because didn't want to have
11545s like basically all of his board pressure
11547s cleared with like one inquisitive
11550s creation also didn't want to commit the
11552s solid Alibi but wanted to put enough
11554s pressure on board to force you to have
11556s to react so even though weak use got
11559s kind of everything it's hard to sort of
11561s it feels like it's hard for him to sort
11563s of balance out
11564s yeah when to play these things because
11566s he's got a lot of burst well sort of
11568s with the molten runes uh so just played
11571s an unforged one just to get a random
11573s card and held on to the elemental
11575s inspiration
11576s so I like the balance that he found but
11579s it was kind of an awkward turn despite
11581s having access to so many different
11583s things radiance
11588s [Music]
11591s hmm
11592s the Jeff Weaver Aura could be
11595s interesting if you can
11597s get a little bit of board but these are
11599s really not the options that you wants
11602s here uh on the other hand being able to
11606s play a zero Mana dredge and if it's a
11608s spell it costs three less absolutely
11610s fantastic so there was a little bit of
11613s draw I I don't think he found what he
11615s was looking for if he were able to find
11616s like molten Rune or something additional
11619s direct damage from the bottom and have
11621s that discounted that's what it looked
11623s like he was really setting up for but
11625s just didn't manage to find it there and
11627s now this this created uh Elemental
11631s inspiration here coming down there is
11633s stealth there is divine Shield there is
11635s wind Fury there is Rush looks like we
11638s you kind of got a bit of everything
11640s there
11642s that's that's a fully Juiced uh yeah
11645s it's a pretty good one
11655s what did he even play that was nature
11659s ah command of neptulon okay
11663s I was like how did he get the seven
11665s actually
11666s I don't want to say very hard but it
11668s takes a lot of uh
11670s navigating to actually get the full
11672s seven that's tough but yeah commanded
11674s Neptune filled the nature spot so yeah
11677s all right well now what
11680s oh second creation is decent you can
11684s clear off
11688s uh nearly everything
11696s uh might just be thinking about
11698s Elemental inspiration of his own plus
11700s solid Alibi
11702s um
11709s this is rough though there's no card
11711s draw in hand there's no way to no no
11713s generation in hand either yeah to try
11718s and find some way to in the game with
11720s Sif
11722s yes if or even an organ on for
11725s additional 10
11727s being able to reverberations one of
11729s those and have a little bit extra spell
11731s damage or something but yeah at this
11734s point it just it's kind of bits and
11736s pieces of what Gea wants but not the
11738s whole picture and
11741s that definitely feels really awkward to
11744s have kind of tried to figure that out
11745s but at this point now week you saying
11749s okay I'm gonna just start shipping some
11751s damage face here see what I pick up with
11754s these generated spells uh we can not not
11758s picking up another Cold Case uh not
11761s picking up his Sif but again finding
11766s this armor being able to kind of hope to
11769s get out of range still both players
11771s being extremely patient and reserved
11774s with these solid alibis
11782s fight over me is such a funny car
11787s uh
11789s uh
11791s does it have a spell school I'm not sure
11797s I was getting mixed up with the powder
11798s one but fight over me is the card that
11802s you you choose two minions and they
11805s fight
11806s and if they if any die you get a copy of
11809s it
11812s um
11814s so I I don't see a situation where it
11818s could be useful but it'd be funny if it
11820s was
11826s yeah maybe maybe there's something off
11829s of the elemental inspiration that can be
11832s like
11833s chosen there
11836s um yeah I really like this Cosmic
11838s keyboard into the elemental inspiration
11840s I get a big minion with these Elementals
11843s and then The Whispers of the deep help
11845s just clean that up a couple of stealth
11848s and then a couple of poison I guess the
11850s fight over me could
11853s come out here and be like picked with
11855s the seven seven and one of the poisons
11857s but that feels like a lot of Mana I
11859s think they're expensive though
11861s yeah and the minions are expensive in
11863s themselves to actually play yeah so
11867s I'm looking at maybe like the organic
11870s comes down or something you might be
11871s able to get it but I'm pretty sure your
11873s opponent has to have two minions for
11874s that to happen so if you like norgonons
11879s and then copies it with reverberation
11882s and then you fight over me and choose
11884s them both you get both no organs into
11887s your hand I mean that could be fun it's
11890s probably not useful or relevant at all I
11893s I feel like if it gets to that point in
11895s the game where someone is getting to
11897s fight over me and copy Titans something
11901s has gone terribly terribly wrong
11905s yeah
11907s uh I would agree maybe if you absolutely
11910s need the spell School you do it on like
11912s two like skeletons or something from a
11915s cold case but uh looks like it's just
11918s gonna yeah goo has to disrespect any
11920s damage here you can't play solid out by
11922s here so he has to go for the uh
11925s level up and
11927s it's
11930s that's this is actually tough because
11932s flame geyser lets you play something
11934s like next turn but molten ruins
11936s obviously more important with SIP
11938s but do you need two molten runes
11939s probably not so yeah the flame guys are
11941s is just more flexible
11946s yeah absolutely and just using that
11949s Titan ability there to go for
11951s discounting but this is this should be
11955s enough here right this is just gonna be
11957s the lethal with coffee yeah yeah it's
11960s forged yep yeah if you get to copy your
11963s opponent's Titan and deal 10 extra
11966s damage something definitely did not go
11968s right for your opponent and as we saw
11970s here it's just five cards left in the
11973s deck for you just really wasn't able to
11975s piece together enough there either to
11978s continue putting on pressure or to
11980s actually deal damage and close out the
11982s game but I feel like weak you kind of
11985s from pretty early on had a really solid
11988s just kind of setup and I I think
11990s recognized a uh gew is not finding his
11993s pieces he's had to kind of play these
11995s Arcane artificers for Tempo and then not
11998s really do a whole lot behind them other
12000s than getting to an additional 10 armor
12002s which I think for having two Arcane
12003s artificers on the board and only getting
12005s 10 additional kind of felt like maybe
12008s that was a a little lower than what you
12010s would have liked to have seen with with
12012s double artifice are on the board so I
12014s think from from both sides they tried to
12017s find their outs they really took their
12019s time and thought through these plays but
12021s in the end week you seemed like he
12023s really just had all of the things
12025s throughout the whole game and was able
12027s to to make it all come together in the
12029s end
12031s yeah I I feel like the the uh lady in
12034s Astra are maybe not the MVP of that
12037s series that I think the resistance or
12038s was probably the MVP that series because
12040s it put uh you so far behind
12044s um but the lady National are coming down
12046s basically letting Wiki have insane power
12049s turns for so many turns in a row
12052s um and have like perfect man expenditure
12055s to always get the infinitas and maxitude
12056s out and keep discovering additional
12059s spell schools had the fully Juiced
12062s Elemental inspiration that was
12063s discovered by the way
12065s uh buy the Infinity
12067s uh it worked out super well and never
12072s found Sif weq has has been below 10
12076s cards in his deck twice now with with
12079s the deck
12080s haven't even seen Asif
12082s but honestly sometimes that can be good
12084s because that just means that you have
12086s more plays otherwise and I don't like I
12089s played a ton of this like mirror
12090s matchups of this deck and
12092s the the stiff win condition is maybe
12096s sometimes as a finisher later on but
12097s usually the games are pretty drawn out
12099s because you have a lot of armor at that
12101s point from cold cases Arcane artificers
12102s it's actually really difficult to deal
12104s like 30 plus with Sif outside of ideal
12107s conditions especially if you're having
12109s to fight for a Tempo most of the game so
12111s yeah
12112s um definitely liked how uh week you
12115s navigated that game and
12117s now we're all at a tide Series so we got
12120s Shaman left on both sides for each
12122s player
12123s he still has the Mage and then week you
12125s has that Arcane Hunter
12128s with a star appearance by prison of the
12130s ox around in the top end
12137s I've been Arcane Hunter with the uh
12140s yogg-saron prison ends it in Wiki's
12144s favor I think I'm just gonna lose my
12146s mind
12149s uh you you gotta find a way to put it in
12152s your deck like it is an expensive card
12154s and it is
12157s I mean this should go without saying
12160s incredibly random
12163s um there is a tiny bit of skill
12164s expression involved with prison of
12166s Yorkshire on the fact that you have to
12167s choose a Target
12169s and there are certain situations where
12172s you can use prison of yoxiron
12174s defensively
12175s to say try and fish for a heel and
12179s Target it at your own face
12180s uh but like there it's the I guess those
12184s situations are few and far between but
12186s it does lead to some interesting
12188s situations that could arise
12191s if that comes into play we'll see
12193s because we are getting the uh Hunter
12196s deck out for Wiki right now it is going
12198s to be going up against goo it's Mage
12200s who's going to cue uh once again for
12202s this matchup
12204s yeah I think
12206s not a terrible start here the
12209s inquisitive creation
12211s can sometimes help you keep your
12214s opponent off of the board but at the
12216s same time you really have to be able to
12218s play those spell schools to build that
12219s up and if you don't have the spell
12222s schools to play maybe that's not
12224s something that you're looking for or
12226s it's yeah it's not built up enough to
12228s even clear the board which can always
12230s feel pretty bad too but did look like uh
12233s you kept it there I like the flame
12236s geyser there I think at this point maybe
12238s a well let's see a second volume up I
12241s was going to say a cold case or a cosmic
12243s keyboard would really kind of start to
12245s fill out Goose hand here but on the
12247s other side weku uh kind of a clunky hand
12250s with both a bow and the Titan aggramar
12253s already in hand here so turn two just
12256s going ahead and forging that titanforged
12259s trap seems pretty solid and there's the
12261s cosmic keyboard pickup
12263s that is
12265s honestly massive yeah without that you
12269s would be essentially fighting from
12270s behind for most of this early game now
12273s as much as it feels like this Arcane
12276s Hunter does
12278s outside of like specifically awakened
12281s Tremors they don't usually get on the
12282s board early yes mastering are okay but
12284s it's a 2-1 and usually they're playing a
12285s secret on two so they're not like
12287s building up their board
12289s um so normally you do have a little bit
12290s of time to try and find a game plan but
12293s um you you if any early minions come out
12297s and stick some damage that just makes
12299s the Arcane Hunter's job that much easier
12301s like it is a dream world if you can like
12304s if massinger can like hit twice
12307s um or if you play an early game Minion
12308s and it gets to attack a few times like
12310s that extra damage is massive in the long
12311s run because they're usually supporting
12313s it behind behind the scenes in their
12315s hand by getting those Secrets out and
12318s beefing up their Arcane damage so
12320s um huge and Cold Case coming oh my gosh
12323s this is like Goose just playing off the
12325s top
12326s and uh it is working out uh it's an
12330s explosive trap so gotta keep that in
12332s mind week you expected this or had a
12336s plan to play around it
12339s um but now the question is what do you
12340s do
12341s because there's an explosive trap up you
12343s don't really want to give too much stuff
12344s for your opponent to trade into the
12346s Tremors don't really match up against
12348s well well versus the volatile uh
12351s skeletons yeah it's because you get
12353s traded off so easily so it's kind of
12354s awkward I wouldn't be surprised if we
12355s just see costume singer and then
12358s like a hero power
12361s oh nope gonna go all in okay
12363s yeah
12364s I guess this does kind of create that uh
12367s decision for geo of does he want to
12370s trade into these first and set off those
12373s skeletons or if he decides to do
12376s something like inquisitive creation and
12378s attack it's going to set off that
12380s explosive so there is kind of that give
12382s and take here I think the inquisitive
12384s creation at this point definitely going
12386s to be putting in work even without
12387s having played any spell schools which is
12389s fantastic and why we did see him end up
12392s keeping it in the Mulligan there but now
12395s it's a choice of do you want to go for
12397s the inquisitive creation to actually
12398s clear this or do you want to just make
12401s the trades and volume up but the secrets
12404s make it really awkward to try to make
12405s that decision right now because of the
12408s kind of mix of the different Hunter
12409s Secrets at this point
12413s yeah I kind of want to trade into a
12416s minion with a volatile oh nope okay
12422s I mean bait and switch would feel a
12425s little rough
12427s yeah I I was thinking try it would feel
12431s a little rough but it would help him
12433s make his decision because he's still
12434s with the Arcane artifice are on the
12435s board so volume up is just game four
12437s health and draw through your cards yeah
12440s um and it also gives you a lot of
12441s valuable information like if it hap if
12444s it's a minion secret then you could
12446s still have
12447s you know the ball decoration in your
12449s back pocket just in case
12451s uh if it's not then you can trade off
12453s most of the board before the explosive
12455s trap and then maybe end with a volume up
12457s to cash in on that four armor and worry
12460s about the ex like the explosive trap or
12461s wandering monster later on so
12465s um but opposite just say all right I'm
12467s attacking face if it's explosive trap
12469s and my board goes away it's likely that
12471s I'll or I'll be able to clear up the
12473s rest with the uh inquisitive creation
12475s and still have a board once everything's
12477s said and done
12478s yeah it was also really interesting to
12481s see him attack with that 4-4 as the
12483s largest minion as well uh in the case of
12486s freezing but it looked like maybe he
12488s kind of did Think through all of that
12490s maybe in the end he just decided I
12492s highly doubt that week you actually
12494s picked a freezing trap so I'm just gonna
12497s go in and if it was a freezing trap I'll
12499s have this big minion to maybe replay
12501s later if I really need to uh test for
12504s something or play that out
12506s but tough choice here deciding for a
12510s week you whether to clear off the kind
12513s of
12513s Better Health body or just clearing off
12516s the the one minion that had slightly
12518s higher damage on it which we did see
12521s even having gone face but I think
12523s sending that damage face maybe not gonna
12527s do a whole lot at the moment
12531s yeah he's gonna have to take control of
12533s the board first before anything's gonna
12536s matter essentially yeah later on the
12539s game when she started getting like
12540s Ricochet shots
12542s um and trying to stick your own minions
12544s for face damage you got to keep the
12545s board under control so never gonna win
12547s just by launching stuff at the face has
12548s to try and get things under control
12550s first and then
12553s in his back pocket
12555s he's got a prison the ox around
12557s somewhere tucked deep in this deck TJ's
12559s waiting for it
12561s oh that's all I'm saying
12563s it's in there
12566s all right well actually goes for the
12569s additional attack and the Immunity on
12571s the weapon knowing that this Titan won't
12573s won't live any longer just to try and
12576s make sure that he can keep control of
12577s the board
12578s um because this keyboard's putting in
12580s work this is like one of the ideal
12581s starts against uh Arcane Hunter because
12584s you're gaining armor you're building a
12585s board to fight
12587s um and you're not letting your opponent
12589s have a board at all uh so having the
12592s keyboard into double Cold Case has been
12594s massive for you and it might actually
12597s need to be
12599s specifically a prison of the oxaron that
12601s will have a chance to bail weaker out of
12603s this game
12606s now there's that bait and switch coming
12609s out so now you deciding where to send
12611s the second skeleton gonna trade it into
12613s the Titan hope that maybe it hits into
12615s that crack and Bane but there still is
12617s the flame geyser that can come out as
12618s well to kind of help uh clean that up if
12621s needed but wants to go for the higher
12624s value body gonna come off of that last
12627s use of the cosmic keyboard so opting to
12630s just draw some cards and get the better
12632s body on the board to contest as you were
12634s mentioning rather than actually going
12636s for uh something like waiting to play
12640s the uh volume up at the end for the
12644s finale effect and also ultimately
12646s playing around the hidden meaning as
12649s well in all of that so I think just
12652s drawing some cards getting a 4-4 body
12653s out definitely seems pretty reasonable
12655s there kind of get some resources
12657s gathered up for yourself I don't think
12659s at this point that Elemental inspiration
12661s is going to have a huge impact there's
12664s not going to be like five six seven
12666s bodies at the this point but it might be
12668s enough that Ricochet shot becomes a
12670s little bit more awkward and we're going
12673s to even see one of those sort of shots
12674s come out now but damage from the weapon
12678s pushing a little bit through and maybe a
12681s little bit of extra damage that you
12683s didn't end up taking I don't know I feel
12686s like maybe just committing that extra
12688s little bit of damage to clear up the six
12690s attack minion
12692s might have been better than triggering
12694s the the hidden meaning or just letting
12697s the hidden meaning trigger but
12700s it's kind of six one way twelve you know
12703s half dozen the other so I don't know
12708s yeah the hidden meaning can get a lot of
12710s Minions that will punish you very
12713s heavily make you take way more damage
12715s than you would have normally
12717s um
12718s I got a lady Steno the other day and
12720s just lived forever and was absolutely
12723s massive the the static I don't even know
12726s what's called Static something it's a
12727s five six that loses one health or one
12729s attack each turn
12731s that's also a huge amount of power
12733s on the board that hitting meaning hidden
12735s meaning can get so yeah it's a little
12737s bit risky unless you're absolutely sure
12739s that you need to spend all the Mana oh
12742s which is tough but use kind of in a
12744s little bit of rough spot right now does
12746s find the
12747s the SP the Druid spell that's gain
12750s armored draw cards that blossoms no idea
12753s what it's called
12754s yeah uh
12756s [Music]
12759s the Symphony of sins and schooling
12761s pickup are very oh my God but I mean who
12765s needs to worry about that when you just
12766s have all of his damages Hunter like you
12770s just saw your opponent
12771s go for some discovers kind of struggle
12775s and then not even be able to kind of
12777s clean everything up on your board they
12780s didn't create their own board like this
12782s is the point where I think Wiki is just
12785s getting ready to set up for a lethal
12787s setup next turn as long as there's no
12789s solid alibi right that that's kind of
12792s the caveat against playing against Mage
12794s and setting up for those turns is as
12796s long as they don't have solid Alibi I
12797s just win next turn
12800s yeah
12801s it is just damage from hand so even if
12803s his uh his meetings are killed I like
12806s sort of this hidden damage here it does
12807s have just 13 with crack and Bane that's
12810s active the the bow plus the hero power
12812s so yeah
12813s um you should fear this
12817s um
12818s 13 with how many Secrets have been
12820s triggered as reasonable those three
12821s things has
12823s n't had one Kraken Bean
12825s so that may make him hesitant to try and
12828s go overboard
12830s if uh he doesn't think that if he thinks
12833s that 13 is Out Of Reach
12836s um especially having not seen any Arcane
12839s Buffs played thus far
12841s uh none of the far stars and uh Morgan
12844s on not played so he might actually be
12847s feeling safe at 13 but he's running out
12849s of time ropes burn in he knows what the
12851s secret is so he doesn't have to think
12852s about that but needs to kind of keep
12854s going
12861s oh at this point I think he's just
12865s uh saying I don't I don't care about
12867s this hidden meaning now I have to try to
12869s just do something that's going to be the
12871s best for for me in terms of what my deck
12874s wants to do and that is try to get
12876s something on the board and set up this
12878s solid Alibi but the second solid Alibi
12881s not in hand so this could just he could
12884s just be in the same position next turn
12886s right where Wiki has kind of set up this
12889s board and look at this another traps
12891s coming down and yeah you kind of made
12894s that noise there that is a pretty dang
12897s good minion to have come out of that
12900s hidden meaning
12902s yeah no idea what it's called something
12905s zombie but if you if it's killed on your
12907s opponent's turn it actually deals three
12909s damage to your base so they just yeah
12911s and uh
12913s that's gonna be rough considering he's
12915s got to remove this board to block the
12916s damage but it's going to take any regard
12918s any uh gonna take some regardless
12920s so kind of in a rough spot now no
12923s artificer either to try and get this
12926s health back up
12928s um
12932s ah Stephanie what are you even looking
12934s for a symphony of sins
12939s no at this point I don't know if he'll
12943s maybe if you can heal yourself up a
12945s little bit put a taunt out I still don't
12948s think those are gonna be quite enough to
12950s save him at this point so I
12953s I don't know if those are going to be
12955s enough do you have to roll the elemental
12957s inspiration and hope it's enough
12960s time for the Hyrule you'd have to
12964s you'd have to get like
12966s I don't even think it's even that juice
12968s right now it's really not
12973s foreign
12976s okay clears the board with this stuff
12979s and then goes for maybe the lifesteal
12982s safety of sins or the taunt yeah
12986s oh drumming in and reduce its cost sure
12989s the norganon okay
12994s did he get other actions just waited way
12996s too long to start the turn yeah he's
12998s dead
13000s yeah and I think that's the
13002s probably what the second maybe third
13005s time we've seen that now and we
13007s definitely saw that I think at one point
13008s in the Warrior game uh and you know you
13012s just kind of really
13014s stuck on these decision points of how to
13017s handle all of the pressure and the
13019s damage and trying to calculate for
13020s everything and yeah that that rope just
13023s kind of got the better of him yet again
13025s so that does mean weq is going to go up
13028s two to one now just has one more deck to
13031s get a win with with that nature shaman
13034s yeah I
13036s kind of sad for you in that moment
13038s because it seems like there was a couple
13039s turns where yeah he was like you said
13042s sort of torn on what to do
13044s and I don't think he really made the
13047s best of the situation uh in a lot of
13050s these instances
13052s um especially that last
13055s gone faster could have gotten the norgan
13057s on out
13059s um and maybe gotten some Secrets if he
13062s had done the Symphony of sins like first
13065s to see what he was gonna uh get off off
13067s of the uh the pickup then that could
13070s have changed his play
13071s right it also would have summoned like a
13074s bigger anomaly from the keyboard anyway
13075s so it just is more efficient in that
13078s regard
13079s um and then if he gets like a life
13081s buffer then he can go for something a
13083s little bit more greedy like maybe nor
13084s can on for Secrets or something I don't
13086s know
13088s um but left himself nearly 100 dead
13091s there any damage from hand uh for Wiki
13094s would have been enough so just pretty
13096s difficult situation overall
13099s well in three secrets on the other side
13102s from the hunter certainly didn't make it
13104s like an easy path of decisions either
13106s having to kind of figure out right which
13109s kind of order you want to play things in
13110s which secrets you care about testing for
13113s or if they trigger do you you know it's
13115s not that bad I'll just let them trigger
13117s it's fine but there are some extra
13119s punishes with some of those Hunter
13121s Secrets uh motion denied specifically I
13124s think would have also been kind of a
13127s huge hurt so at that point in the turn
13129s was he wanting to commit even more
13130s things if he did see it or didn't see it
13133s and yeah every little like branching
13135s decision there I think just took up way
13137s too much time in the turn but here we
13139s are going to see this game number four
13142s uh you bringing in the shaman now we are
13146s going to see both players on Shaman but
13148s week you on this match points could be
13152s the end here if we you can get this
13154s Shaman through and get the win
13156s [Music]
13160s I believe we have uh uh complete mirrors
13164s in terms of uh in terms of lists
13167s for both these players with their
13168s shamans I'm just double checking
13173s trying to get it looks like looking that
13176s way yes double double turn the tides
13178s double overdraft single carving chisel
13181s they play all the Minions
13184s yeah so it's gonna be all about
13187s execution similar opening hands as well
13189s both buyers have schooling
13191s bioluminescence flash lightning
13194s yeah and Flow Rider like there's like a
13197s single card different uh between these
13200s two players so
13202s um
13202s very interesting
13204s yeah I am kind of looking at this hand
13206s for week you though if it gets to the
13208s point of getting enza down the enza and
13211s Flash Flash lightning discounts together
13215s could be pretty huge but
13218s I don't know I'm honestly just looking
13220s at the hand from you as well like that
13223s might be a little bit too slow
13238s okay
13240s just getting more and more similar you
13242s don't want to take too much ship damage
13243s in the early game
13245s um so you want to be make sure you're
13247s trying to keep the board clear just
13248s because that makes it that much easier
13250s for your opponent to combo you later on
13253s um so oftentimes we see a lot of tempo
13255s plays in the early game from the shaman
13257s decks just to make sure that they're
13259s coming out on top on the board uh with
13262s turn the tides and the like because then
13263s it makes it easier for them to try and
13266s combat their opponent so with the double
13267s schooling I like just getting it out
13269s there right now because you has to react
13271s he knows there's two more piranhas in
13273s hand if he leaves this board up
13275s it's gonna mean that he's going to take
13277s a lot of damage from the recurring buff
13278s so
13280s just trying to make it awkward for his
13281s opponent both players only play a single
13283s copy of lightning storm
13286s which means that they don't really have
13287s access to much in the form of uh AOE
13290s clears outside discovers so gee really
13293s has to think
13296s what's the the best line to play here do
13298s you just commit the fish and spend most
13299s of the turn just cleaning up his the
13301s opponent side of the board he could go
13303s double fish Flow Rider which is not
13304s terrible
13310s [Music]
13316s oh out quickly yeah going into that
13321s lightning reflexes I do Wonder here is
13323s this gonna be a coin flash of lightning
13325s and just set up for for something next
13328s turn or is it just weight and then use
13330s that uh the next turn and set up I I
13333s think this seems very reasonable there
13335s is kind of that debate too about how
13337s maybe he wanted to actually clear that
13340s as you mentioned taking chip damage
13342s early not the greatest so if you were to
13346s hit into some of those minions take
13347s extra chip damage not really great if
13350s you had just gone for something like
13351s turn the tides or one of those kind of
13354s slower plays and would have hit into
13357s maybe the three one but on the other
13359s side now a very similar situation for
13362s week you does Wiki want to just commit
13365s these piranhas clear up that board to
13367s prevent chip damage on his side or does
13369s he just want to drop the the tempo inza
13376s yeah it's about the only opportunity
13377s he's going to have to play inza so I
13379s like it
13380s oh okay
13382s here we go
13383s so
13385s you've got to make the decision
13387s the game of chicken has been uh
13392s has been started
13393s I think you see what you draw from this
13395s ancestral knowledge if you pick up burn
13399s I think you can flash a lightning here
13403s and try and set up for something next
13404s turn
13408s but no burn picked up you can't rely
13410s solely on the lightning reflexes right I
13414s maybe yeah you have two other draw
13417s potentials right either playing the Flow
13420s Rider or playing this flash of lightning
13422s see what else you pick up maybe there is
13424s that is still not burned uh but
13427s additional discounts next turn maybe the
13431s lightning reflexes coming out next turn
13434s could find something else as well
13440s he's got a full hand so is he flow
13442s Riders yeah and discovers a spell
13445s there's nothing left to be drawn next
13448s turn it's gonna have to do it anyway
13450s yeah make that quick decision
13453s oh double lightning reflexes
13456s I we might see him go in next turn I
13459s that's a huge payoff If he if he lands
13462s it uh he's I mean he's gonna have to
13466s because we see now week you going for
13468s for flash of lightning and he's got inza
13470s online as well which makes things even
13472s easier we're talking about one Mana
13474s feral spirits
13476s um which is huge and he's going to set
13478s up the board he's got chisel too so he
13480s was going to be worried about dying
13482s for sure
13484s but I don't think he's not getting a
13487s draw at the top I don't think with a
13489s single discount and six seven Mana to
13492s work with one of those Mana crystals
13493s being overloaded
13495s is enough
13498s with just double lightning reflux they
13499s would have to be perfect hits
13502s could start off with the radiance
13510s yeah I feel like he at least
13512s at least start with the first layer of
13514s those lightning reflexes just kind of
13517s see what the first discover options are
13519s and kind of go from go from there but
13521s there also still is coin in hand for you
13523s as well so he does have maybe an
13525s additional Mana use there with that coin
13529s yeah oh and it was lightning bolt oh
13535s yeah you start with lightning
13536s Reflections here we go if you don't hit
13537s burn you probably gotta bail out okay
13539s there's crash
13541s all right yeah you gotta start
13542s discounting it though I love how you has
13544s now just kind of gone in he knows he
13546s needs to go in here he's got to go
13548s through these discovers he is not
13550s letting that kind of indecision get to
13552s him this time he's going for it
13554s oh
13559s what's up It's gotta be burnt
13562s oh he hit lightning bolt so we also have
13565s an overdraft here that's happening
13568s yeah massive yeah go uh attack feral
13571s spirits
13573s can you fit in an Ava zapper
13575s yeah I mean he wants to get that bio
13578s luminescence out too right so what uh
13581s what gives him the best chance of that
13583s here
13586s oh no okay his decisions and his speed
13590s of play has definitely slowed down here
13591s he's got to just make a choice
13593s yeah because he's got to discover with
13595s the crash also yeah
13599s he's he's not he doesn't have time he's
13601s out of time yeah that is that enough
13605s though
13606s he got the bio out I think he actually
13609s finished the actions I think he got
13610s there
13612s you heard the Rope crash so he didn't no
13615s he cast a crash but then he didn't get
13617s the Discover he didn't no
13620s what was in the Discover
13622s we didn't get to see we didn't see was
13623s there bird foreign
13630s oh no he doesn't have to kill him he
13632s just he can oh no wait
13638s yeah he doesn't have to go okay
13643s uh if there was burn in that discover he
13645s needed to go faster the ordering was
13647s good he just didn't see it quick enough
13649s yeah
13652s um I mean there it's it's entirely
13654s possible
13656s there was no lightning bolt or crash
13658s lightning
13659s in the lightning reflexes entirely
13662s possible
13664s because if there wasn't he wouldn't have
13666s killed him anyway I think everything
13668s else was ordered well he just didn't get
13670s to choose from the Discover
13672s um yeah
13674s so
13681s and that was a lot of his burn already
13684s used
13685s now week you being able to heal up to
13689s Eights
13690s uh
13693s she just want to play the feral spirits
13695s to get extra bodies out on the board
13698s I do
13699s to block turn the tides as a possible
13704s not gonna go for it but yeah yeah turn
13706s the tides plus a little bit of extra
13708s damage could be enough to close it out
13710s it might still be slightly off but I
13713s guess the feral Spirits do end up dying
13716s to a potential loganath on the other
13718s side too so maybe that's something that
13721s we Q says well I'm just gonna play this
13723s and you know kind of force uh you to
13726s have everything and if he doesn't then I
13729s have the feral spirits on the other side
13730s that didn't get cleared to benefit my
13733s own bioluminescence and and end game
13735s here but
13738s EQ needs a little bit of draw to kind of
13740s make all of this come together here
13749s he plays everything this turns 14 damage
13751s I think six
13755s the radiance Nava zapper feral Spirits
13758s plus an attack
13760s so that's two three four five six seven
13763s spell power if he bios he has enough
13766s benefit in with all the discounts plus
13768s an additional four damage
13770s from the turn the tides
13775s he's gonna go for it
13778s yeah I mean why not
13780s go for it at this point
13782s set up indeed spell damage so it's a
13785s little bit more yeah
13787s Force gee to have an answer here
13793s I mean tighten off the top
13803s um okay crash off the top start with the
13808s thumb see what one card you draw don't
13811s really have anything else to do there
13812s that's the option
13816s okay
13818s any all right damage off the top is
13820s lethal for weakue
13822s lighting storms not it there's a chance
13824s for gear oh my gosh
13836s oh my God okay
13839s well they are both finding answers to
13841s the other person's uh Minions on the
13844s board
13845s this is really just gonna come down to
13847s who finds it first
13849s yeah well weq now is dead on board
13854s if he doesn't find it and it's
13856s bioluminescence it's q1 anyway oh my
13859s gosh all right well that means TJ we are
13863s going to a game number five gear
13866s sticking stick in the landing I think
13868s there with the shaman got got there uh
13871s even though you did maybe Miss bull
13872s lethal potential if there had been that
13875s uh that damage spell off that discover
13877s but got there in the end
13880s well he we don't know it may not have
13882s been damaged maybe and the altered chord
13885s actually came in super clutch because he
13888s would have died the next turn if you
13889s didn't have the altar chord so if there
13891s was no damage from the Discover specific
13893s he had Superman in life so it would be
13895s had to have been specifically crash
13897s lightning
13898s um
13899s then
13901s like you actually got the best choice
13902s and that's how the game was supposed to
13904s pan out the big question is is when
13906s you're supposed to go in on that turn
13913s what are you hoping to do if you don't
13916s you don't draw one more burn spell and
13918s you win the next turn
13920s yeah it's it's a again I think we talked
13924s about this in the previous turn or in
13925s the previous game of making that
13928s decision of do you just want to send in
13930s those things because I think from from
13932s Wiki's perspective looking at you kind
13935s of already had committed quite a bit
13936s there was only what like two cards in
13938s hand so the chances that he actually had
13941s something to clear the board after Wiki
13944s went in on that turn seemed a little
13946s unlikely so I don't think that it was a
13948s terrible decision to go in there and
13950s just force your opponent to have the
13953s answer to that white board at that point
13956s yeah
13957s that's a good point
13962s well forget about last game anyway so
13964s true so that's three it was fine to do
13967s it because he played cards got it got
13970s him all right well we are gonna see it
13973s come down to this final game here uh not
13976s gonna be that Arcane Hunter with the
13978s yogg prison that we talked about earlier
13980s but it's going to be geuse Mage versus
13983s Wiki's Shaman here
13985s and do you have any predictions TJ how
13987s do you think this is gonna go
13990s let me see the opening hands first
13992s okay
13998s still don't know
14001s it's not a bad opening for you he's he's
14003s gonna avoid taking trip damage but he
14005s doesn't have any of the power cards
14006s right now yeah like no uh
14009s no weapon no Cold Case
14012s not too many things to be able to build
14013s up a board early
14015s but still has ways to fight with
14016s creation plus the Prismatic Elemental so
14018s it doesn't really have to worry about
14019s getting
14021s um overrun on the board
14023s [Music]
14024s early on and taking that amount of Chip
14026s damage so
14029s um none of these are
14031s particularly good no they must spell
14034s schools I guess Mark shot is the best
14036s because it can come down on curve but I
14038s don't even know if yeah it's not really
14040s anything that you that Shaman curves
14043s into on two I guess there's fish but
14046s which the schooling was played on turn
14049s one so Q does know that there are those
14051s minions but I guess something like a
14054s coin into feral spirits
14057s that's maybe a little bit less likely
14059s but it could start to put on some
14061s pressure
14065s not sure if you actually wants to commit
14068s into the the feral Spirits here though
14073s foreign
14079s yeah it gets to preserve two fish on the
14081s board that can hopefully get some damage
14082s in next turn
14084s and then can roll right into feral
14085s Spirits if need be
14095s I feel like somewhere off camera subtle
14097s is just like yelling at the top of his
14099s lungs fish play the fish
14102s he wants to see
14110s oh uh these are all pretty good yeah
14114s lunar eclipse allows for an infinitized
14116s the maxitude this turn though so
14118s right I think I'd like that the best
14121s yeah I think there could have been Merit
14123s in the frost strike as well but this
14125s definitely seems like it creates a
14127s better better opportunities for this
14129s turn
14130s the counter spell is kind of interesting
14133s here as well
14135s yeah Reverb is kind of interesting too
14138s to counter the Titan but he has reverbs
14140s in his deck
14141s um right so if he ends up drawing into
14143s one soon
14144s then that's really the only minion
14146s you'll ever use it on in this matchup so
14150s I like that he just goes for this and
14152s that was it's only been arcane
14157s played so far right so it's a two damage
14161s inquisitive creation
14164s nature as well right
14167s lunar eclipses Arcane I made that
14170s mistake yesterday with Lorinda
14172s solar eclipses nature I thought he had
14175s squeezed in something else but
14177s uh maybe it just was that
14181s because he played Prismatic Elemental
14183s into got the mark shot
14186s Mark shot has no spell school then on
14189s replay to Discovery got
14191s lunar which is arcane
14193s now he's gonna have nature with
14195s lightning bolt so it's a little bit more
14197s Juiced up to be able to answer the board
14198s oh
14201s Elemental inspiration on curve yeah it's
14204s only two but
14206s minions are tough for some to deal with
14208s sometimes
14210s that size of minions actually I mean I
14213s guess like the star power yeah star
14217s power is definitely an answer but I'm
14219s kind of questioning it right now because
14220s he does already have the uh the
14224s inquisitive creation to help clean up
14226s the board plus I mean trying to just go
14229s for something like star power against
14230s Shaman it's great if they have the board
14232s but
14233s is there actually the chance to get to
14237s play it before being dead because
14239s generally the shaman wants to actually
14241s kind of spit out a bunch of minions play
14243s the bioluminescence and you know end the
14247s game on the same turn doesn't always
14249s work that way but I don't know if star
14251s power against just these couple of small
14253s things is
14255s the way he wants to be spending his Mana
14257s at this point
14260s maybe he was worried because currently
14261s he didn't have a way to deal with the
14262s Titan we came out on curve could be yeah
14268s but not in the reverbs pick up reverbs
14270s picks up then yeah yeah
14273s not as good
14275s I guess already has Arcane as well so
14277s spell School consideration it's not
14279s really relevant yeah I don't know
14283s yeah inza could be something even the
14287s thorum at four Health kind of awkward to
14289s have to answer
14291s if he hasn't played enough spell schools
14293s for the uh inquisitive creation plus
14296s maybe just having like a backup removal
14298s as well and if you use the inquisitive
14301s creation and then there is something
14303s played afterwards and then you can't
14306s clear it that's a pretty big punish so I
14309s think just going for maybe picking that
14310s star power earlier not letting it get to
14313s the point of oh I want to kind of lean
14315s into that Elemental inspiration and then
14317s it being a completely dead card until
14319s much later in the game there is a chance
14322s that you could just be dead before it
14324s even comes to inspiration turn but I
14327s don't know if Wiki was quite built up
14330s enough of those pieces without things
14332s like the flash of lightning to Discount
14334s these nature spells quite yet
14337s yeah we can get closer here can Flow
14340s Rider and then Thor him to uh roll into
14344s the Titan turn with a in a pretty good
14346s scenario
14349s where's the Flash
14352s now you throw him next turn you golden
14355s net for draw and Flash to end the turn
14357s and yeah that
14360s should be enough
14362s looking like a very good turn six coming
14365s up
14366s yeah so he won't have hand space for the
14369s draw even like if you go enough and then
14372s flash he'd still be at what eight cards
14375s so would just discard one but has both
14377s lightning bolts in hand which are the
14379s two burn overload spells the two most
14382s important burn overload spells so it
14383s could just thin the deck a little bit to
14384s try and get closer to stuff
14387s um if need be if he wants right all
14390s right Cold Case picked up some much
14392s needed proactive plays here from q but
14397s getting it forward to because
14399s it would just mean a ping over on the
14401s thorum like cold case trade ping
14404s going into Titan turn as well
14408s yeah nothing feels good I do not MV gear
14412s right now trying to figure out uh how he
14415s wants to maneuver this turn because as
14417s you mentioned I'm in Cold Case and maybe
14419s a ping to close it out doing something
14422s like the star power and infinitize the
14425s maxitude maybe is the play uh maybe just
14429s going for the dealing four to a minion
14433s that he picked up earlier kind of
14435s clearing that and then seeing what he
14436s discovers
14437s could be an option but
14440s again regardless of which way he goes
14442s he's going to have to make that decision
14443s and
14444s play the cards before that rope ends up
14447s burning and kind of punishing him yet
14449s again
14452s oh the counter spell he could try and
14456s disincentivize the uh the coconut here
14466s it's interesting the secret provide
14468s someone on an otherwise pretty clean-cut
14470s power turn check face first obviously
14473s yeah
14475s to narrow it down
14479s and he's gonna pivot a little bit and go
14481s storm sets you could actually
14483s slow down
14484s and it's counterspelled yeah now these
14487s minions stick
14492s foreign
14502s didn't get to play the flash of
14504s lightning either which which does feel a
14506s little bit bad now that there is so much
14509s um kind of burn burn in hand with some
14511s spell damage with both of these novice
14513s zappers but I think they're still gonna
14515s be another turn in between one week U is
14520s going to set up probably that golden F
14521s or just find something else before you
14525s know kind of going in but the flash of
14527s lightning certainly would have helped
14528s kind of the the go in turn
14532s is it gonna be just a solid Alibi at
14534s this point from you now to set up to
14537s stop that again kind of the counter
14539s spell into solid Alibi really continue
14541s to to slow week you down
14544s I don't think he's worried about dying
14547s yet because he didn't see the flash of
14549s lightning last turn so he's not in range
14551s of really anything at 26 for seven Mana
14554s it would have to be like ideal perfect
14556s situation with radiance
14558s um
14559s so I think he can hold off for a turn
14561s for solid Alibi as soon as he sees the
14564s first flash of lightning or if we get to
14565s like turn eight or nine Maybe
14568s but he needs to start like either
14569s getting through his deck or
14572s applying pressure
14576s I think Discovery I mean maybe maybe he
14579s is scared with solid element but he
14582s hasn't seen anything that would indicate
14583s they would uh uh
14587s something from weak U so I like just
14590s playing the secret because if uh we keep
14592s attacks face with the uh the Chisel
14595s means he just gains that extra armor so
14597s testing for objection yeah
14600s and I was going to be able to play the
14602s Gogan death
14604s yeah fantastic ordering there from weak
14607s uh I think the question now is does he
14609s want to use this Titan ability to draw
14612s or does it just have to be the dealing
14616s three and kind of trying to clear off
14618s some of this board
14624s it's going to die
14627s he has an ancestral knowledge and three
14630s burn spells in hand but no luminescence
14632s so the draw will get him closer to
14634s luminescence when drawing to it but I
14636s think you got to go for the draw at this
14637s point and he does
14639s uh yeah I like still not bioluminescence
14641s there's the flash though
14647s okay now Q will be scared yes
14652s but could go
14656s um because he used the draw you can
14658s Reverb and then go for the uh the damage
14660s and heal
14664s and it'll kill the golden ass on the
14667s other side
14669s it just depends on if he feels like he
14671s needs to go with the uh the solid Alibi
14673s which he probably he probably does
14676s so if he goes and as board also will
14679s probably be removed if he thinks he's
14680s going to go in well actually
14683s so my first instinct was Cosmic keyboard
14685s Reverb damage and heal solid Alibi so
14689s you have a big wide board
14691s everything's healed up
14693s you're putting pressure so we have to
14694s answer the board and he can't kill you
14699s but he might go in fintas and Max 2 just
14701s trying to find a dish a little bit of
14703s additional burst damage to try and end
14705s the game
14708s so it doesn't seem unreasonable if he
14711s wants to go for that but it looks like
14712s he's going for the forge yeah he goes
14714s for the forge instead just kind of plays
14716s out the solid Alibi forges and this is
14719s setting up for the turn nine lethal next
14722s turn with the Sif and
14724s uh the mom rune
14729s so there's been Frost
14732s shadow
14734s Arcane nature
14737s played for Sith and there will it will
14739s be fire for moment room because Sif
14742s updates live
14745s so it's a lethal setup right
14748s with justif plus molten Rune right
14763s all right well crash of Thunder does
14766s clear up this board but that's not going
14768s to matter week you doesn't know that yet
14771s but he'll get the news real quick as
14774s soon as that uh end turn goes in here I
14777s don't even think I'm trying to hit with
14779s the weapon at this point makes a
14780s difference either
14787s he's going to anyway but yeah there
14790s still was the secret consideration but
14795s yeah maybe it actually just would have
14797s been better Natsu and set up because he
14799s did play some spells and play Minion he
14802s knew that at least those
14804s Secrets weren't going to stop him from
14806s playing something last turn or the in
14808s the next turn
14809s so yeah that's just gonna end it though
14812s you takes the win with the mage
14815s oh yes
14816s that face he just made there kind of
14818s covering up his face it felt like a he
14821s battled he battled through that whole
14824s match to get to that game five win there
14827s but he did ultimately get there in the
14829s end
14831s yeah that was a tough series you a
14835s couple turns that
14838s was a little bit indecisive roped out uh
14841s notably the one in the Warrior game and
14843s then the one in the uh uh the shaman
14845s game that we saw
14847s um and the shama game ended up winning
14849s the game regardless and missing the turn
14851s may not have even been like a huge Miss
14854s opportunity we didn't get to see the
14855s discoverers so we don't really know what
14857s happened we don't know if there was even
14859s bird damage there if altered cord might
14861s have even been the correct choice right
14864s um and you could tell there was a little
14866s bit of indecision going on however
14868s I think you uh in the games that he won
14872s in the games that mattered played really
14874s well the secrets there
14876s provide so much disruption because every
14879s Mana that you spend as a shaman has to
14881s matter because they're these lethals are
14884s like
14885s you know like razor thin edges
14888s um one way or the other
14889s so even though it was just an ice
14891s barrier even though the first one was a
14894s counter spell uh we could have to
14896s respect it for being the thing that
14898s blows him out of the game he had to
14899s respect objection twice
14902s um and so we had two turns where it
14903s wasn't really do anything just because
14904s of these randomly generated secrets from
14906s Q which was basically his whole turn so
14908s I think uh he understood what to do and
14911s yeah um even though we had a couple of
14913s rough moments in that series overall I
14915s think it was really well played so very
14917s happy for you yeah definitely so that
14919s does mean that you is going to move into
14921s the top four but uh we still have one
14924s more match to go to decide our final top
14928s four player so don't go anywhere we have
14931s plenty more Hearthstone to go still
14933s today we will be right back
14944s thank you
14951s [Music]
14961s thank you
14965s [Music]
14993s thank you
15001s [Music]
15018s foreign
15025s [Music]
15033s [Music]
15034s [Applause]
15035s [Music]
15062s thank you
15065s [Music]
15084s thank you
15090s foreign
15090s [Music]
15151s stop
15163s [Music]
15168s foreign
15174s [Music]
15182s [Music]
15203s [Music]
15206s thank you
15210s [Music]
15243s [Music]
15244s foreign
15246s [Music]
15259s [Music]
15269s [Music]
15276s thank you hello everyone and welcome
15279s back to the summer Championship we've
15281s got plenty more action coming up for you
15283s guys but we do have to round out this
15285s top a I'm Raven joining me is subtle and
15287s uh we'll see if we have another marathon
15289s on our hands because that previous match
15291s felt like a uh definitely an outside
15294s Factor when we look at how the rest of
15296s the matches have gone so far this
15297s weekend uh what we've kind of been
15299s getting used to at least for me even the
15301s five game series being at least
15303s semi-fast and Furious I would say and
15305s that was definitely a bit of a slower
15307s burn but next up Soul we have Gabby
15310s versus dredy and uh this one I think um
15314s is going to be a pretty interesting one
15315s and for me personally dreadi has the
15319s opportunity to cause a bit of an upset
15321s because honestly just based on history
15324s and seeing both players play a lot and
15327s how they perform this weekend I would
15329s have to just naturally give it to Gabby
15331s here
15332s yeah absolutely I think Gabby Gabby goes
15335s in is the favorite for sure I think you
15337s know certainly Prime Gabby would go in
15340s as a big favorite you know Prime Gabby
15342s player probably being the best player in
15343s the world at that time and arguably the
15345s best player we've ever seen on form and
15347s dominance potentially there was someone
15349s who won two 400 player tournaments in a
15352s row I can't remember if anyone has ever
15353s brought that up but outside of that
15356s um but dread I I don't know dread is
15358s such a wild card man like I I I've seen
15361s him play horribly I've seen him play
15363s incredibly well I've seen everything in
15365s between I've seen him come with lineups
15368s that make no sense to me I've seen him
15369s come with lineups that just absolutely
15370s destroy the field on the other side like
15373s it honestly feels like like Dread eyes
15376s just rolling chaos in every single game
15379s right any any outcome is possible at any
15382s point so absolutely do not count him out
15385s because the the the ceiling for dread I
15388s can absolutely get past Gabby in this
15390s series and I'm sure there are some Amer
15392s viewers just uh on the edge of their
15395s seat hoping that dread I can pick up
15397s some representation for them in that top
15399s four yeah but there he is Gabby and you
15402s you referenced Prime Gabby I think some
15404s people who follow Gabby on Twitter would
15406s argue that Prime Gabby is current Gabby
15408s uh based on some of the images that he
15410s has posted recently so we'll have to uh
15413s see how that storyline progresses but
15415s yeah Gabby if you've been following
15418s the last few years you will know who
15420s this guy is one of the best players
15423s um I think at least so I don't know if
15425s you'll disagree but one of the best
15426s players who's played the game at a
15428s competitive level that my eyes have seen
15430s so um I look forward to seeing a good
15433s things but obviously with this new
15435s system
15436s um there are
15438s these players have had to still keep
15440s that consistent play high with having to
15442s have those ladder finishes so although
15444s there's less tournament and like you
15446s know broadcast matches that happen so
15449s we've not been seeing you know Gabby as
15450s often as we used to I still think you
15453s know he'll be a top performance level
15455s for him yeah absolutely I think Gabby
15458s certainly been uh been hitting the gym a
15460s bit more often these days as you
15462s mentioned uh things like that are surely
15464s just a distraction from the key business
15466s of playing Hearthstone though no happy
15468s to see people working on themselves the
15470s kids like half my age and twice my size
15472s it's embarrassing honestly to be fair
15474s though not that difficult for you sir is
15477s it you're not the best comparison there
15478s I think a twiglet would be here twice
15480s your size sometimes wow I mean this is
15483s just body shaming Now isn't it doesn't
15485s that qualify does it not count when it's
15486s skinny people is that how the world
15487s works I think it doesn't count whether
15489s it's you ah okay you've given me enough
15492s come on
15493s yeah that's true of course Raven
15495s famously is four foot nine so there we
15498s go see we're even as always but check
15500s out just quickly of course while we've
15502s been there throwing rubbish at each
15503s other dread eyes list and the outcast
15505s Demon Hunter uh for me subtle honestly a
15508s bit of a surprise factor for this
15509s tournament I didn't I wasn't shocked
15511s people brought it but I'm a little bit
15513s surprised at how well it seems to be
15515s performing uh we've been seeing it a few
15517s times over the course of today and if
15519s you've been seeing it today it means the
15520s players already got out of groups
15522s yesterday so the progressions already
15523s happen there so just a bit of a surprise
15526s Factor yeah it's been performing uh
15528s pretty well yeah I've always had the
15530s feeling that Outcast Demon Hunter and uh
15533s spell Demon Hunter when that was a thing
15535s like click phase Demon Hunter as people
15537s sometimes referred to it as kind of has
15539s this idea of like a concealed skill
15541s ceiling where they seem like very
15543s straightforward decks and like 99 of
15547s people kind of hit that ceiling and go
15549s okay I'm playing this deck to maximum
15551s potential and then there's like a small
15553s group of people who just managed to
15555s shatter through that ceiling go oh no no
15557s there's a whole nother level that you
15558s can play this deck out that you're not
15560s paying attention to
15561s um an aggro based demon Hunters I think
15563s because they always do fly so close to
15567s the edge right where it's it's that it's
15569s a game where it when a top player plays
15571s it it feels like they've had six or
15574s seven cards in their hand the entire
15575s game they've killed their opponent and
15577s they still have 30 health and it never
15578s looked close and then you just rewind
15580s time and give that exact same game to a
15583s mediocre player and they've run out of
15584s cards on turn four and haven't done any
15586s damage to their opponents right right
15588s like the differences and there's no game
15590s plan right yeah they're just like well I
15593s hope this top deck works yeah
15596s um so looking forward to seeing what we
15598s can get out of Jedi here but Gabby will
15600s certainly be delighted to be seeing a
15603s Slither spear on one here again
15605s sometimes there is a debate with Naga
15607s Mage about whether you're supposed to
15608s play slitherspoon on one because it is
15610s that cheap potential activator for your
15611s siren when you have school teacher in
15613s hand already no such concern because you
15616s know you're going to be getting that one
15617s trying to knock it back before that
15619s point infinitas coming out oh big pickup
15623s actually the star power wow I was
15626s singing this card's Praises just earlier
15628s today it just it just feels like a
15631s guaranteed board player no matter what
15632s on turn five so
15635s um yeah very very powerful removal and
15636s this is the matchup you want it in
15639s huge
15641s did you say turn five
15643s yeah well I'm talking generally of
15645s course this one is going to be formatted
15647s with the coin of course helping out uh
15649s but still that is it was such a night
15652s and day difference between hitting that
15654s and not hitting a clear right yep yeah a
15657s couple of things you could have picked
15659s up like fire sale for example would have
15661s done a very very similar job but yeah
15662s limited pool of cards that you could
15664s have found to have an answer there and
15665s that's such a great uh release of
15668s pressure for Gabby because now this is a
15670s slow turn from dredi and that plays
15672s perfectly into Gabby's hands because
15674s Gabby can now just go school teacher go
15676s and just be a head on board as the combo
15678s deck going into this yeah within with an
15682s often very high Tempo one drop next turn
15685s right because without there being a
15687s siren yes there's not the ultimate new
15690s play for now at least but what even
15692s worst case scenario you have another
15694s link that just it's so Tempo heavy
15697s almost regardless of what you get just
15699s because of the Mana it's going to save
15700s most times yep
15703s though still has plenty to do just
15705s picking up the glove tar now could
15707s choose to have a another air quotes slow
15710s turn by just equipping the weapon
15712s chucking and swinging and then trying to
15713s build on something next to him
15718s again we've seen a few times over the
15720s course of the weekend this deck the
15722s outcast Demon Hunter although can be
15724s very sort of turn one turn two turn
15726s three curve and play very aggressively
15729s it can also sort of do the token Druid
15731s thing right where it doesn't have to
15732s rush but it does have to just keep
15734s making waves of threats and and make
15737s them stick once at least to start really
15739s bursting down
15741s I've missed the gab Jam the gab Jam is
15743s back in full force
15751s Pierce outside the chain can get rolling
15753s here if dread I once can use the second
15755s Fierce Outsider to trade this a little
15758s bit more efficiently but might be more
15759s interested in holding on to that for uh
15762s Glade tar resources it's even a okay I
15765s was working out whether it was even a
15766s trade honestly oh sure yeah just because
15769s like that's that is a lot of minions to
15771s throw into a four four yeah
15775s just leave him there and say you don't
15778s know that I don't have halveria in my
15780s hand I mean isn't that the majority of
15783s the deck yeah pretty much it feels like
15785s the game plan yeah yeah remember that
15788s invisible skill ceiling that I was
15789s talking about yeah I think you just
15791s crashed head first
15793s yeah I'll take it I'll take it okay I
15796s accept my limitations no
15801s well these are nine cards that could be
15804s a spike life siren
15806s and yeah I'm just gonna say if you're
15807s telling me that trading tons of minions
15810s into one four four is correct then I
15813s don't want to be correctol okay
15817s yeah I can see defending come out now
15819s though for Gabby Gabby just saying nope
15820s I don't see the siren therefore this
15822s hand is not good and did manage to hit
15824s one although uh I guess that's the
15827s amalgam right it's a
15830s to pair with the siren maybe next turn
15832s but maybe there's just maybe it's just
15835s wait
15837s it's good enough right because you can
15839s go siren amalgam and then because you
15843s have a one Mana spell you then can get
15845s back up to three manners you can start
15847s playing the three Mana nagas in your
15848s hand right so theoretically it's okay
15851s the problem that's spelled too isn't it
15853s yeah the choke point weirdly is on the
15855s Spells more so than the Naga
15858s um but it could be saved by picking up
15861s something specific from discovery of
15862s magic I think it depends on how
15864s aggressive dread eyes turn is right oh
15866s yeah if you can get away with like
15868s school teacher and ping or something as
15871s a playable turn then I think that does
15872s set you up for a significantly better uh
15875s Naga spell turn the turn afterwards but
15877s uh I think Gabby's gonna look at this
15879s board State and think something needs to
15881s be done about it yeah wallet Wallop
15883s stump sounds like some kind of combo
15885s that you do not appreciate coming your
15887s way
15888s how much does inquisitive creation do
15892s here
15893s because it can't be the Naga spell
15895s reaction because of the speaker the
15897s speaker stomper coming down
15899s I wanted to say four but that's just a
15905s feeling that it's forward maybe it's
15908s just a feeling
15910s wow it's no way no
15913s it's just the star power right
15915s everything else yeah minions
15917s yeah I guess for some reason I I get
15920s anything where it's like it's turn six
15921s of course there's been spelling yeah
15924s this isn't rainbow Mage this is like you
15928s know we we tested this deck and between
15930s the two of us and I definitely ran into
15932s this problem where sometimes you are
15934s just sat with a with a creation in your
15936s hand going well this just does two AOE
15938s and I'm really struggling to get it
15939s above that
15941s oh
15944s what are you saying about that ceiling
15946s song
15949s this looks like the one and only thing
15950s the deck does
15953s so you can attack with three things and
15955s then everything else goes face so that
15957s one will do eight that one will do nine
15959s and that one
15961s more than that yes it is it is lethal
15964s yeah
15965s yeah because Health area attacks as well
15966s right which is next yeah how very
15968s attacks so then this first one does
15969s eight the next one does nine the last
15970s one also does nine so uh
15975s yes
15977s it could have done that with ordering
15979s but yeah you didn't need it sure yeah
15982s that is lethal yes do I take in the very
15986s quick and uh early win there with the
15988s outcast demon turn like I said it just
15990s it seems to just continue this deck I
15992s feel is a bit of a Dark Horse I mean
15995s maybe that's just because I didn't have
15996s as much faith in it as of course the
15998s players that submitted it did but I just
16000s didn't feel like it was gonna
16002s dominating in this matter that also just
16005s as I just realized was Max damage
16007s because you couldn't you couldn't attack
16009s with the health area first and have it
16010s survive to then get the Buffs on the
16013s um the additional oh because you
16015s wouldn't minus one to then gain one
16017s which wouldn't have actually changed it
16018s it would make sense yeah yeah really
16021s good win there for dreaday getting the
16022s Demon Hunter out of the way looking good
16024s Gabby as you uh touched on when we were
16027s practicing as well where sometimes the
16030s deck just gets a little bit clunky
16031s especially because you don't have as
16034s many answers right the deck can't
16036s generate tons of answers we saw the star
16039s power but there just isn't sort of the
16041s the same kind of response that you're
16044s able to do with rainbow and we just see
16046s there you know there's just a few too
16048s many clunky cards a few too many Naga
16050s and just not really hitting the siren
16052s early enough like having to spin the
16054s away the hand just to find a siren is
16057s never really what you want to do
16058s especially against a board Focus deck
16060s like the outcast Demon Hunter
16062s yeah particularly I think Gabby needed
16066s one of two things to happen right he
16068s needed that turn to be lower pressure
16070s than it was from dredi or he needed to
16074s be able to have to react to the
16077s aggressive push and just have a very
16079s very explosive turn right like right
16081s here hit a couple of clutch Generations
16083s off like discovery of Magic the draw off
16085s the top is really good like draw off the
16087s top his gifts of ashara or something
16088s like that right and then you can have an
16090s explosive turn on the counter Jedi not
16092s only had the powerful turn in response
16094s he also had speaker stomper to come down
16096s as well which just meant that Gabby was
16098s forced to leave massive amounts of
16100s damage up on the board on the other side
16102s well let's jump into game two Gabby's
16104s sticking with the Naga Mage on the top
16106s dreadlock jumping over to the Arcane
16108s Hunter here
16110s both players get enough to uh as good a
16112s start as they could want but I think the
16114s Slither speed at first go opening up a
16117s little bit more of a comfortable Ping On
16119s the air singer is a big deal
16121s yeah and this time you see this one is a
16123s pure Tempo play from Gabby uh no safety
16127s valve in Hand of that school teacher to
16129s ensure that you could go off on five if
16131s you did find it there it is now
16133s um but as in this match
16136s I love this outcome it's so good you
16140s feel like you you can do anything even
16142s this early in the game
16144s doesn't
16145s actually do anything good right now no
16148s but if I add two Arcane shots in hand
16150s they were going to face this turn I'll
16153s tell you that for free what's the uh
16155s what's the Manifest on conjured Arrow
16157s like which which turn is it that you
16159s need a six six okay yep
16163s yeah a little bit away if it was any
16164s less well especially if it was turned
16166s three wow that card
16169s manifest one
16172s okay yeah
16176s it's like OG unleash fell which is like
16177s yeah it just always heals don't worry
16179s about it
16187s shooting star doesn't feel terrible in
16190s this match yeah Gateway is Gateway
16192s though as well okay it does take the
16194s shooting star I just feel like it does
16196s the things you can't do most of the time
16198s right which is yep take that box
16208s yeah and you can tell what's happening
16209s here right and this is probably going to
16211s be the plan for the foreseeable future
16212s where dredi is going to be the aggressor
16215s until Gabby does the siren turn and then
16219s they'll switch roles a lot of the time
16221s right where suddenly then dread I will
16223s have to try and clear the board but it
16224s does have star power available so if
16227s it's expecting that kind of on curve
16228s siren potential Then star power is there
16231s and good to go
16234s also face Naga not a uh card that that
16237s many people are playing at least in the
16239s list I've seen knocking around
16244s [Music]
16245s great draw from Gabby picking up the
16247s flame Geezer which now does allow him to
16249s go full clear with the creation if he
16251s wanted to and it appears he does yeah
16254s you just don't want to take the hidden
16256s four
16257s right it's just so much damage
16263s oh here we go Time Force let's go
16269s quick drop everything and Forge this
16271s card yeah
16273s I told you every single time
16281s it's a motion denied yep
16286s makes sense right like yeah I don't
16288s think dread is super interested in
16290s taking secrets that are going to build
16291s him aboard again right like it does not
16293s look like he's gonna win board again
16294s this game like straight up damage seems
16297s like the order of business
16309s little bit of a shame one zombie didn't
16312s live I think a lot of the time you
16314s really like to have at least one token
16316s out of that trade
16317s in the early game at least
16323s purely because it interacts with some
16324s other Secrets pretty well
16333s Gabby's about to get the bad news
16341s slitherspoon can come down to play
16343s around hidden meanings but then it's
16344s just like oh okay don't need to play
16346s around anymore
16347s yeah at least it means he now gets to
16348s play this extra one two for free though
16350s right having taken the six he can just
16351s absolutely commit to the board and
16353s that's the thing like a lot of Hunter
16355s secrets
16357s are actually quite hard to play around
16359s it's not really the days of um you know
16362s the main thing you've got to think about
16364s is explosive trap or cat trick sort of
16366s things right it's about it's like well
16368s it's either usual Mana don't play a
16371s spell don't play a minion hmm
16374s there's not a lot I can do it
16377s don't play three cards yeah okay why
16380s don't you just write a memo and tell me
16382s what I can do and I'll just do that
16385s yeah and what you can do becomes the
16386s shorter list you know you're upset
16392s yeah I was talking about this yesterday
16394s I do like Hunter secrets in general over
16398s most of the other classes it does feel
16400s like the most secretive it has that best
16403s you've activated my trap card for you
16405s yes right like I feel with most other
16408s classes when a secret comes down both
16411s players know what's going on it's just
16414s you know Rogue has paid two Mana for a
16416s spell and everyone knows what that spell
16417s is right right we proceed with the game
16419s and and I think as well like this pool
16422s of um secrets in like that exists right
16425s now is so powerful as well because as
16429s we've just mentioned they kind of do
16431s everything so you can just cherry pick
16433s what you need to happen and they also
16435s work together really really well so the
16437s Link's coming down here for dreda gonna
16439s start creating some board pressure
16440s polymorph jellyfish okay
16444s gonna make it a little bit easier to
16445s clear up yep a little bit
16448s gonna be gone now
16452s you have it there you go it's there so
16456s urgent spines
16466s right after seeing the uh the AOE as
16469s well
16473s yeah last two turns what creation and a
16476s shooting star both been played yeah
16481s and again no siren turn nope
16489s very much like one of my games in
16491s testing to you this isn't it yeah it
16494s really is because I was playing the
16495s pretty much this Hunter deck
16498s um but oh okay not bad
16501s but this is one of the things I remember
16503s sort of in previous Naga Mage matters
16507s where if you just did with siren
16511s like it's so much like less power right
16515s and like deck power I mean overall like
16518s and obviously that's counteracted by
16520s well you get siren often and when you do
16522s get it it's it's busted but it just
16525s feels so weak when you're not actually
16527s just popping off making a full board
16529s every turn yeah it's just a thing that's
16531s not really supposed to happen right
16533s because
16534s you play two copies of the card it can
16536s just be in your top 10 cards right and
16538s then you're Fair yeah which is fine in
16539s your top 10 cards which is pretty likely
16541s then if it isn't in your top 10 cards
16542s you have cards that specifically tutor a
16545s Naga out of your deck so you can just
16547s hit it with one of those then you will
16549s have drawn most several of your other
16550s nagas by that point anyway so you're
16552s supposed to be able to find it if that
16554s fails you have things that discover
16555s nargus you can just Discover right from
16558s an amalgam or whatever
16559s um and then if all that has still failed
16561s and it's all the way down at the bottom
16563s of your deck you can just play thinly
16564s and then you have the bottom of your
16566s deck in your hands this isn't really
16568s supposed to happen particularly often
16570s but yes here we are something's
16573s happening now though
16575s but it's uh we're gonna see if it's
16577s better late than never or whether it's
16578s too late here for Gabby oh cheeky Reverb
16583s oh didn't see the option was that a vast
16585s wisdom where a Reverb was taken and
16588s remained at three Mana I wonder what the
16591s other options were alongside that Saul
16593s genuinely I blinked and missed it and I
16597s mean that literally not not the saying
16600s actually blinked and missed it
16603s okay hear me out what if dread is dead
16606s yeah hear me out he always gets that
16610s well this is in hand
16612s I think I think it's a board space issue
16615s more than anything else honestly
16617s yeah is it one of those it's not me it's
16619s you scenario so yeah yeah yeah
16627s oh
16629s not like that oh no
16632s yeah it looks like I was gonna have to
16634s do some Tide in here did get the ice
16636s barrier down I believe as one of the
16638s secrets it's the other one objection or
16640s am I making it up
16642s I did not catch what the other one is
16644s but the first one was definitely ice
16645s barrier
16653s still though
16656s star power with the urchin is gonna help
16659s on one respect you might think this
16661s isn't needed but at this point in the
16663s game I think it's more of a why not
16670s oh wait a minute yeah I was gonna say is
16671s this not a conjurer first
16679s interesting
16686s sequencing is a little bit weird like I
16689s think I'm not sure why the attack needed
16690s to happen yeah I think that's kind of a
16692s weird scenario where the remaining
16694s secret which I believe is still in play
16696s could be like vengeful Visage which
16698s wouldn't have propped in the full board
16700s situation sure yeah sure maybe uh but
16705s you know even then like you could
16707s theoretically clear the board go face
16709s and then shoot your conjured Arrow at
16711s the thing is afterwards so I guess then
16713s you if it wasn't that you just wouldn't
16715s get a conjured Arrow right sure so yeah
16719s either way Gabby simply saying okay I go
16722s again
16724s oh another Barry I didn't even realize
16727s Barry was in there
16729s yeah it was a very fresh savara going
16731s into that turn so basically is that just
16733s a cycle
16737s he silenced the plan
16741s before Gabby be careful
16746s I don't know
16747s let's just
16749s stuff everywhere
16752s okay another Iceberg going down he's
16754s gonna throw the silence out just for the
16756s uh
16759s I can't believe there's a druid yogg box
16761s in Gabby's hand right now like no not
16763s like this
16767s yeah just get back up to 10 mana and
16769s just play the old box you know you want
16771s that's the Ender yeah
16775s I mean legit the sift damage isn't
16777s really there anymore right like
16779s everything's had to be thrown at minions
16780s over the course of the game
16782s well I think the benefit here now is
16784s there's board and there's also um uh
16787s Rune right as one of the secrets and
16790s with these uh your Mungus and that's a
16792s lot of extra damage actually to face yep
16796s I think just be healthy and uh don't die
16800s is pretty much where we're at right now
16804s it did Silence the foray yeah I know it
16807s sounds so early yeah yeah yeah it's just
16809s simply fine oh it was objection this is
16813s the secret before okay
16818s super awkward though
16820s there's the explosive rooms
16825s [Music]
16829s subtly with the help of the ice barrier
16832s not looking too hot here for dreaday
16834s nope
16837s also I've just realized tradai's hit the
16840s awkward stage of seven cards left in the
16843s deck one is Agra bar and two are
16846s starstrong bows it hurts so much drawing
16850s zero weapons with this deck you want at
16852s least one
16856s so yeah I mean I think dread eyes
16859s reaction to this is correct he has to
16861s try and fatigue Gabby from this spot
16863s right like this yeah yeah this this
16865s makes sense honestly it's not gonna work
16867s nope and for example if there is a agama
16871s or a the bow drawn well then you can
16874s think about things right like try and do
16876s the you know sign bring it all the way
16877s down to the line to say well this extra
16879s six damage per turn is going to be
16880s enough
16882s yeah seven damage creation
16885s full board again and I don't think any
16887s specific top deck overly helps here
16892s nice Fireball nice little pickup just in
16896s case there is any miraculous card that
16898s appears off the timer but I think yep
16901s okay
16902s wow that was a tricky one there and I
16905s think Gabby uh fought his way out of
16907s that I honestly thought Jedi was going
16908s to just move up to a 2-0 because it very
16911s much looked like that was the case early
16913s on but Gabby yeah kept a cool head and
16915s uh got on with it basically and played
16917s to what he could uh what he could get
16919s with those outs yeah and it was a really
16921s crucial moment in there so because Gabby
16923s was so late hitting the siren like as I
16925s was talking about just how unlikely the
16927s siren is to be in that exact pocket of
16929s cards you card access like sort of 10
16932s cards from the bottom of your deck
16934s um he hit it but then because his
16937s execution of the turn that followed was
16938s so good he then gets out of it and like
16941s the one issue I was highlighting at the
16943s time
16944s um I didn't see the Discover pool but it
16946s looked like he took a vast wisdom into a
16948s Reverb and then left the Reverb at three
16950s Mana by picking another three Mana spell
16952s ice barrier as the other pick off the
16954s vast wisdom right which initially to me
16956s that looks weird because I would see
16957s Reverb and go make that Reverb as cheap
16959s as possible and then I can start popping
16960s off with double siren Gabby knew he
16963s didn't need that extra Mana he played
16965s that Reverb for three Mana during that
16967s siren turn and was still able to
16968s completely dominate that entire turn
16970s yeah but what did end up being entirely
16972s crucial was playing an ice barrier over
16975s the course of that turn because then he
16977s played one ice barrier that gave him the
16978s extra Health security that he needed and
16980s it put a second ice barrier in the
16982s savara by having it be such an early
16984s spell over the course of the term which
16985s was really really nicely done from Gavin
16988s yeah and just as much as uh you know we
16990s talked about the unfortunate uh point of
16993s missing the sirens in that deck I do
16995s think just going back to dread ice
16996s hunter that I you could say the same
16999s thing for the weapons right because one
17000s you have three of them if you include
17002s that Grandma
17003s um in the deck and they are so crucial
17005s because you saw
17006s um with the secret Choice from dread eye
17008s and the early game choices he was happy
17011s to just say I'm just gonna kill him
17012s that's my plan We're not gonna mess
17014s around with the board for long all
17016s damage all face let's go but you expect
17019s to draw one weapon over the course of
17021s that game with what seven cards left at
17023s the end and that's like 12 damage I
17025s missed obviously would have had Spencer
17027s manner but not much like 12 damage
17029s missed or more card draw created or you
17033s know taunts or whatever you want to
17034s choose from Aquaman first but still just
17036s a lot of air missed damage potential
17038s with just missing those weapons so a
17040s little bit unfortunate for treadite as
17041s well but the Sea series is evened up
17044s again just remind if you've joined us
17046s late uh this is a top eight match the
17048s winner moves on the loser is done and
17051s dusted
17053s and his final point before we've moved
17055s on just a quick question you've played
17057s more about Arcane Hunter than I have
17059s you ever done the thing where like you
17061s overwrite
17063s the the aggramar weapon with the star
17065s Strongbow and then start using the
17067s abilities on the starstrong bow instead
17069s of the weapon that's equipped from the
17071s Titan you ever done that no I thought
17074s you're gonna ask me a different question
17075s of just have I ever just overwritten the
17077s Titan weapon just for the bow I was like
17080s well yeah 100 because it's just a lot
17081s more damage yeah yeah but yeah I've
17084s never actually applied the the ability
17086s to the weapon okay it just interesting
17089s is to like what the situation would be
17091s that that would be correct right like I
17092s just want to kind of see the game state
17094s where that's the right play it sounds
17096s cool
17099s it's like plus damage if you add a clock
17102s yeah right right but like it kind of
17105s involves like having a zero Mana bow on
17107s like turn six when you play the Titan
17109s though right which is like such an
17111s unlikely scenario
17112s here that we are going to see the Druid
17114s from Gabby and uh doing Druid things
17116s trying to get some trans on the board uh
17119s treada gonna be on the mage
17121s but just has the scourge
17125s it's because
17126s yeah the part where it costs nine might
17130s be an issue though it does sound like an
17132s incredibly powerful card to have against
17133s Druid but Gabby has hit the discount
17136s unfortunately which with an innovate in
17139s hand as well means he is going to do
17141s gross things very very quickly
17145s in this scenario it's one of those cards
17147s that's great if you don't need it which
17150s sounds stupid but I mean like if the
17152s rest of your hand has you covered for
17154s the foreseeable future you think okay
17156s the scourge might be all right here but
17158s yeah if you need some emergency buttons
17160s that is not one of them
17163s and lifebinders gift is is a it's a card
17166s yeah it is a certified
17173s lightning bolts being kicked out there
17175s just to extend the tide a little bit
17178s I think you can tell the type of Power
17180s Stone player you are is to like what you
17181s read when lifebinders gift got revealed
17184s because you know some people are like
17185s wow like two extra spells oh that's so
17188s much value oh so cool and then the
17190s degenerates like me just literally
17192s didn't notice that was on the card and
17194s just read cheat a bunch of mana on the
17196s second option
17197s [Music]
17199s what was that Mana reduction
17203s Count Me In
17211s it's also the weird situation which
17213s we've seen and does come up often but
17216s the the whole like Alibis in the early
17219s game hand when you don't actually need
17221s them just feels like minus two slots
17223s even though obviously they are very good
17225s cards but they just feel like they're
17228s just taking up space and obviously I say
17230s two three at the moment for dreader
17233s yeah it's one of those weird hands that
17235s you run into sometimes with Mage
17237s um because dread eyes drawn double
17238s weapon it's rare that you draw a double
17241s weapon and also have enough premium
17243s spells to play alongside the double
17245s weapon so sometimes you get these hands
17246s where you're just playing like Alibis
17248s and reverbs just to summon three threes
17250s from your weapons over the course of the
17252s turn just to fill out Mana
17259s yeah it's very odd isn't it it's like oh
17261s yeah the main just got full hand it's
17263s like yeah full of rubbish but what does
17266s it do
17269s whereas Gabby has options after options
17271s after options in the very very near
17274s future
17277s the really good lady ninja though yeah
17281s that pulls the scourge into potentially
17284s playable territory now yeah only two
17287s turns right
17291s nothing else to do until then but still
17296s ah you can make some two drops from your
17298s weapon next turn if you want seems fine
17300s great yeah well uh keyboard Alibi alibi
17306s oh you can Reverb something it'll be
17308s fine
17314s so it's just a little clunky it's still
17316s good it's still good
17324s it's all right Gabby
17327s we understand it's fine
17331s I'll burn the solar a little bit rough
17336s Soul clearly cares not for solar eclipse
17344s so such an awkward spot for Jedi because
17346s like anything he makes is just dead like
17351s 100 of the time
17357s I'm kind of on board with this play
17358s actually more than playing like the
17360s artifices or anything
17364s just know if you're playing out of it so
17366s what gains you a couple of armor and it
17368s dies great
17382s convoke again
17384s we can do it this time
17390s so at this point here what's what's the
17393s the time limit here for Gabby is this
17396s like uh next turn he's gonna try and pop
17398s off and then start going you know wave
17400s after wave then
17403s I think so yeah I was a little surprised
17405s to see the first disciple used on
17409s essentially used to generate two nature
17411s spells right because you could have just
17413s used the discount without using the
17414s disciple
17416s um and then you don't get the second
17417s disciple down in the same turn but I
17419s think once you have the Topia in play
17422s right you don't necessarily have to full
17423s tunnel on the drum circle stuff right
17425s like you can just generate more nature
17427s spells and use that to just make more
17429s free threes on board which and then just
17431s wait till one sticks yep exactly and
17434s then just try and otk your opponent from
17435s there if it gets to that point not Gabby
17438s sometimes you have to just let go
17441s the night involves just pressing the
17443s convoke button
17447s I feel like there's not much that can go
17449s wrong honestly
17451s there's not that much that goes right
17453s either with conversions entertainment
17455s values
17458s the viewers will love it
17465s still Gabby gonna make big wave one did
17468s you see the um
17470s one clear come down and now suddenly
17473s it's a bit of a problem for Jedi isn't
17475s it
17477s yep
17478s so we can go all the way back in time to
17481s I believe it was turned four and we saw
17483s a finale uh volume up dread I chose to
17486s copy The Alibi even though you know you
17488s were talking about at the time the hand
17489s was pretty concrete clunky didn't have
17492s too many proactive things to do he chose
17495s to copy up another reactive card in his
17497s hand and now you're starting to see a
17500s little bit of the game plan of why that
17501s is because dread eye knows at some point
17503s this board will come down from the Druid
17505s so he now just needs to stall this out
17507s with Alibis for long enough to either to
17509s be able to piece together some magical
17511s clear or just to stall enough times to
17514s uh to find sift damage to get the job
17516s done
17517s and you know it could defend well here
17527s wants to probably get armor I imagine
17529s and Buffs and death rails and such
17532s oh I told you I told you why does no one
17535s trust me
17536s Insta insta Beetle for 12. it's convoke
17540s every single time and look at this more
17542s buffage
17544s for the what was that
17546s due process okay yeah yeah true process
17548s yeah
17552s oh
17553s oh okay I mean not bad not bad oh by the
17556s way Gabby
17558s get gave us some kind of physical action
17561s for each spell that happens yes like
17564s some kind of Power Ranger to do the
17566s different morphing pose every time
17569s form of beetleman City that's what it
17573s felt like
17577s a terrible era of Transformers when they
17579s all turned into bugs honestly not my
17581s favorite
17585s I think it was called Beetleborgs
17594s what have we got left in the discovery
17596s pool okay well that's a shot of the
17600s nauru
17609s because if you get a shot of the narrow
17612s like
17613s what's the impact of Alibi you know
17616s obviously there's extra Buffs from
17618s having to be played I know there's that
17620s but I'm just hold on it's good this this
17622s thing on the right is a miracle growth
17625s yes right so oh true true it's a natural
17628s 1010 or whatever it is right like it's
17631s huge uh eight I think eight okay because
17635s there was the um cultivation right and
17637s there was the power of the wild right
17639s okay
17642s so the the Minions on the two extremes
17645s are a four four and an eight eight
17646s naturally right so that's still a ton of
17648s damage you're leaving I guess I always
17650s assume Scourge like drops a taunt and a
17652s Russia or something you know like it
17654s gives you something yeah you just you
17656s just hit the gold Scourge every time
17667s see it goes the other way uses The Alibi
17670s but doesn't use the shards right just to
17672s keep that concealed as a surprise I like
17674s that idea
17676s oh
17683s feral what do you actually mean
17694s illegal
17698s I forgot what it was like watching Gabby
17700s play Hearthstone
17705s I forgot what it was like to watch a
17707s winner yeah
17710s hey though for dredy there is still the
17712s Shadow the narrow there is also
17714s reverberations for the the uh big one on
17717s the right isn't there so true there are
17720s options right to not delete the board
17722s but kind of delete the board
17725s [Music]
17726s and Gabby
17728s how much generation is actually left
17730s there's four cards in a dream right now
17732s if uh you know with our knowledge that
17734s Shard of an arrow exists yes
17750s and I imagine this soul is being kept
17751s for the drum circle
17759s yeah tough to navigate because uh G
17761s processors in play now this game as well
17763s which means whenever there's a due
17764s process in play in situations like this
17766s you end up kind of having to dump cards
17768s from your hand that you don't
17769s necessarily want to there's also the
17771s issue so I I know we talked about the
17773s card on the left the card on the right
17775s all right you're on the board but if
17777s it's Shard of the narrow Reverb ping
17780s whatever
17781s then it's just an empty board and then
17783s what if Gabby just rebuilds a board then
17786s what then it's just Scourge and hope I
17788s suppose yeah I'm just trying to work out
17791s whether it has to just be Shard Scourge
17794s hope Scourge gives something to deal
17797s with at least a chunk of the board
17799s immolation Aura hello
17803s card draw goodbye
17807s I mean I guess someone used to have 11
17810s cards left in your deck yeah I'm kind of
17812s because you win the fatigue yabby only
17815s has four left
17817s the thing is like how many of these
17819s cards are you now just gonna absolutely
17820s dump from your hand
17822s to make space for Sith like you're
17824s drawing for safe combo pieces and then
17826s having to burn those combo pieces so
17828s your hand stays empty enough that you
17830s can draw
17831s I'm actually a little bit surprised at
17833s this point being honest that the
17834s artifice at number two didn't just come
17836s down because
17838s I don't think there's any world where
17841s without an alibi dread eyes feeling safe
17844s anyway so like when is this armor going
17846s to stack unless it's literally
17848s artificial Scourge next turn or
17850s something right and like that's the plan
17853s that Shard artificial Scourge still like
17856s 50 50 of stats on the other side of the
17858s board you can't just do that no no with
17860s charred I mean I wish I did yeah it's
17863s like Shard artificial Scourge might just
17865s be
17866s right this has to work kind of scenario
17868s because this board's still not really
17869s going anywhere is it no
17873s oh that's okay there's the creation okay
17877s so now this is gonna be Shard Reverb
17880s creation something like that presumably
17884s dark feels Creation with the Spectrum
17888s the weird part about this to me is that
17890s you create the same effect by just
17892s taking immolation Aura and using that on
17895s the previous turn instead
17898s the worry here like I said is I it's
17901s because Gabby's got a full hand and
17903s pretty much has drawn the deck so
17905s dreadine knows there's almost certainly
17907s a second wave coming right and I guess
17909s it just has to be either Scourge hope or
17912s hope this draw just creates lethal outs
17916s sure
17918s I guess we're going to infinitize
17920s instead of the discovery now yeah makes
17922s sense
17924s Gabby does also have asked Lauren and
17926s now so that could be a term where it's
17928s just double Aster lore right
17931s just to get a little bit of arm
17942s what a silly game of Hearthstone
17947s now we go solo which is a nature spell
17949s so it's going to summon the final minion
17951s and then we can drop the generation yeah
17955s Gabby maximizing all the generations
17958s right yep
17960s any issues this last uh well appears
17963s last after the Buffs happen but uh
17966s that's fine yeah kill it's there to kill
17968s is the extra minion not too bad so Gabby
17970s now firmly in fatigue Dred I need
17973s something to happen there's Elemental
17975s inspiration but it just doesn't really
17976s matter this is what I'll say is this
17980s this always felt like it was gonna
17982s happen I guess the question was just
17984s when
17987s yeah this is kind of what confused me
17989s which is why I got excited about the
17990s immolation Aura right because in my head
17992s you take the immolation Aura you use
17995s your silence you use your Reverb and
17997s then you use immolation Aura and worst
17999s case scenario you leave up before too
18000s but you can shoot an Arcane bowl or a
18002s flame Geezer at that if you really want
18003s to right to clear the board completely
18005s then when this refill happens you still
18008s have a creation left in your deck
18010s um as it happens dread eye has pieced
18013s together the solution to do it anyway
18014s with uh volcano Mansi but
18016s uh the the immolation Aura just seemed
18019s really really nice to me at the time
18021s when our Gabby's gonna have to piece
18022s something together it still has
18026s options with a salon in
18041s this fatigue's gonna start stacking it
18044s is and Dread I can defend against this
18046s by just putting a bunch of stuff on the
18048s board if they don't have lethal
18050s immediately
18052s which they don't
18057s it's the last card surf isn't it
18060s unless it was burned while we weren't
18063s paying attention to due process or
18064s something but I don't think that's
18065s happened yeah I don't I feel like I
18066s would have noticed
18073s mm-hmm
18085s I would have ripped this Scourge so fast
18090s with this arcade Arcane ball and there's
18092s um
18093s there's enough removal right even if the
18095s scourge is bad
18097s [Music]
18112s okay
18114s apparently even spread of things here
18116s and there's the concert yeah those are
18118s too much Gabby had no more juice left
18122s that means treada going up to a 2-1 lead
18125s in the match and a game that was looking
18128s so good for Gabby just in terms of you
18131s know having access to the value and I do
18133s wonder do you think this was
18137s a potential problem of Gabby being
18140s almost like too value based and could
18143s have maybe tried to go in a little bit
18144s early a little bit faster and because I
18147s feel like Gabby had a a lot of options
18149s and then said actually I want more
18151s options whereas I think all of this
18154s could have made me happen to turn off so
18155s quick I can't remember exactly of course
18157s but still
18158s uh no I'm I think I'm pretty happy
18160s overall with the way Gabby played it I
18162s think
18163s um Gabby ran into trouble because of the
18166s third uh copy of solid Alibi right I
18168s think I think there was a small like
18170s information mistake from dredi where he
18172s played the you know when you get the
18174s discovered one finale volume up you play
18176s the extra copy instead of the one that
18177s you got so your opponent gets the
18179s knowledge if they're paying attention
18180s they can hand track that card anyway so
18182s as soon as you play this one they know
18183s what this one is but that requires them
18185s to actually be doing that as opposed to
18187s the actual text on screen saying created
18190s by volume up and I think Gabby reacted
18191s to that visually when it happened
18193s because he knew that extra stalling
18195s would be a problem
18196s um but generally if the Druid can get
18198s that enormous Board of like eight Health
18200s Plus down early enough maid struggles to
18203s deal with it
18204s that third Alibi just gave dread eye
18207s enough time where you know and to his
18209s credit you know I spent a lot of time in
18210s that game talking about something that I
18211s would have done differently to probably
18213s arrive at the same result that Dred I
18215s arrived at right but to his credit we
18217s were talking about it a lot he chose
18219s that extra Alibi very very early on
18221s instead of you know more pre-active
18222s proactive cards potentially to go
18224s alongside his his double weapon yeah he
18226s knew from the offset that like he didn't
18228s have a monstrously pressure heavy hand
18230s that was going to get over the line he
18232s probably was gonna have to play that
18233s reactive late game uh style of Mage so I
18237s do think overall he navigated through a
18239s very very tricky late game scenario with
18241s due process and all the extra armor and
18243s Sif being bottom card and all of those
18245s things being uh considered I think I
18247s think both players navigated through a
18249s pretty tricky Minefield quite well yeah
18252s option heavy I'd call it yeah that
18255s previous game and here unfortunately I
18258s don't think there's anyone in the world
18259s I could convince to uh Forge that
18261s titanforge traps here when there's
18263s hidden meaning and against Druid on
18266s curve no obviously not what do you mean
18270s stink
18272s mere price of one turn you could get
18276s two Secrets active
18280s you could just play one of those Secrets
18282s this turn and then another secret the
18284s next turn I am sick of this I've already
18286s told you stop coming at me with this
18288s Logic song
18294s because it's a problem though
18297s because even
18299s it's so tricky like hero power's fine
18301s but that gets you into trouble more
18303s often than not
18306s but you can't just let this leave that's
18308s why it's such a deadly opening because
18311s what is your opponent supposed to do
18313s other than just play into this
18321s Jedi is about to dance all over Gabby
18324s here with this disco murloc because that
18327s is one of the better ones let's say
18330s yeah it's a day too late but Gabby
18332s certainly just got Saturday Night Fever
18334s yeah
18342s oh it's a disaster it's an outright
18344s disaster I'm just watching like a large
18348s part of me is like yeah it's Hunter yes
18351s and then another part is like oh this is
18353s rough for Gabby as well it's always
18355s tough
18357s how do we feel about three four ones
18360s joining the party it honestly it could
18363s not be going worse for Gabby and Dread I
18366s could not be having more fun right now I
18368s imagine because the as a hunter this is
18371s exactly the kind of opening you want
18375s absolute Relentless damage and it's like
18378s yeah who cares if my minions have one
18380s Health and I think that's just it simply
18382s dead yeah wow just like that dread eye
18387s moves on and knocks Gabby out of the
18391s summer Championship what a game to end
18393s it on but honestly soul I feel like this
18395s is a Tale As Old As Time Hunter versus
18399s Druid when Hunter has the good curve it
18402s often and historically has not gone too
18405s well for the druid yeah congratulations
18408s to to dredi we packed him as the
18410s underdog in the matchup coming into this
18411s not necessarily in the the lineup
18413s matchup but just in the the player
18415s matchup right like Gabby Gabby's a young
18418s Legend at this point right like he he
18419s hasn't had necessarily the longevity uh
18423s that the likes of bunny hopper for
18424s example I have throughout the the many
18427s many years and the different formats of
18428s competitive Hearthstone but certainly
18431s um at the peak burned brighter than just
18433s about anyone when uh you know he was
18435s fighting at the very top of that mantle
18437s for best player in the world and trying
18439s to take home world championships for
18441s himself but that means for uh for one
18443s more year at the very least or at least
18445s until well one more season I guess we
18447s still have four further Masters Tour to
18449s go through but for now that means Gabby
18452s will not be qualifying for the world
18453s championship at The immediacy Dread eye
18455s though uh keeps on marching and I have
18457s enjoyed by the way his uh his reactions
18460s because I think he's on like laptop
18461s webcam and he's playing with like the
18463s laptop literally moves yeah yeah yeah so
18466s every time Bobby reacts to something
18468s it's like he's grabbing the camera and
18469s just go oh my God like right like this
18472s it's going full Lorinda yeah yeah it's
18474s been a fantastic experience so yeah yeah
18476s so continue
18478s it's a really really good day for Jedi
18481s moving on and that is all of the initial
18483s matches done for the day right all of
18485s the initial top eight matches and now we
18487s just have the two semi-finals and the
18489s finals left over so we're gonna go to a
18491s break while we get those ready but don't
18493s go anywhere because it's only going to
18495s get better from here we'll be right back
18502s [Music]
18519s [Music]
18527s thank you
18535s [Music]
18549s [Music]
18552s [Applause]
18557s [Music]
18595s thank you
18600s thank you
18633s foreign
18639s [Music]
18646s [Music]
18684s thank you
18692s [Music]
18704s [Music]
18711s foreign
18719s [Music]
18730s [Music]
18748s [Music]
18770s thank you
18771s [Music]
18787s [Music]
18796s foreign
18798s [Music]
18827s [Music]
18850s [Music]
18864s thank you
18866s hello everybody and welcome back
18870s to the Hearthstone Master chore summer
18871s Championship my name is TJ I'm joined by
18872s Neil Lorinda Bond sorry there for a
18874s moment Neil
18875s I realize that I'm on I'm on the other
18877s side yeah I was looking at me and
18879s thinking how am I talking when I'm not
18881s talking and what's happening here yeah
18883s none of it made sense
18885s got a bit like disorientated but we're
18887s here now and we're ready for the
18888s semi-finals serious serious business
18890s even though it's meeting pocket train
18893s who spend the whole of their lives on
18895s Twitch just memeing each other
18898s so it's serious but it's gonna be hard
18900s to take it seriously because yeah they
18903s actually get on really well spoilers
18905s they spend the whole time saying there's
18907s an idiot but they get on really well
18910s um I don't think so you don't you think
18913s it's real
18914s I don't know but whatever a doctor
18917s yeah I do okay I mean he's meet his
18921s Doctorate says so on the player card
18922s there you go there's the top eight as it
18924s currently stands me and Neil are here to
18926s cast midi versus pocket train the battle
18928s for the United Kingdom that's right only
18932s one player from the UK can make it to
18933s the finals which one will it be
18936s meaty ah pocket train and there's the
18939s final four the top four bracket you and
18941s Dread I wait on the other side
18944s and I'm not gonna say anything about the
18945s rising can you repeat that just don't
18947s say anything about it specifically but
18949s what was it again who versus who
18951s the second one versus dread I was dread
18954s eye
18955s well then that's interesting isn't it TJ
18959s we'll have that for you next after this
18960s match
18961s yeah Jedi
18964s [Music]
18966s we didn't say anything I just said Jedi
18969s like five times
18970s the rise of the Americas
18972s of the Americas let's do it Americas
18975s yeah so it's meeting pocket train two of
18977s those most famous Americans both British
18980s both live in England and if the big
18983s rivalry on Twitch they both stream a lot
18985s of their action especially metis I think
18986s pocket train did and then sort of it's a
18988s bit grumpy occasionally with all the
18990s rotters beating him so he um he feels a
18993s bit quiet but
18995s if pocket train loses this he is going
18997s to be on full salt mode forever
19002s forever
19004s so there's some extra incentive
19006s uh going on here uh since they know each
19009s other so well also since they're from
19011s the same country
19012s uh could be a little bit of a rivalry
19015s match here even if they didn't know it
19016s beforehand our Highline means rainbow
19019s mage
19021s uh one of the players to include double
19022s Elemental inspiration in the deck I feel
19026s like this version
19028s I would consider this version pretty
19030s standard I feel like most of the the
19032s lineups that I run into run the double
19033s salt I'll buy a single Mountain Rune
19035s double Elemental inspiration
19038s um it is a simple fellow he he gets a
19040s deck he likes and he plays the heck out
19042s of it and then he gets really good at it
19044s and then he just doesn't mess around
19046s with tech cards and this one is provably
19047s better he just plays the deck as it
19049s comes out the box
19052s which honestly I have a lot of respect
19055s for as a way to play Hearthstone
19057s um this is coming from
19061s Camp of
19063s uh you know just kind of wait for the
19065s smarter players than than me to build
19068s good decks and then Master the Decks
19070s that are built not try and Tinker around
19072s and make things worse
19074s um pocket train on the other hand is
19077s known for doing incredibly well with
19080s Decks that have an incredibly High skill
19083s ceiling known for four priests in the
19085s past Naga Mage kind of fits that
19087s category in this current meta game a lot
19089s of actions required in a turn the
19091s decking help fall can fall flat on its
19093s face if you make one error uh on any
19097s individual turn so pocket train also
19100s playing The Rush Demon Hunter I didn't
19103s see the only player left with the brush
19104s Demon Hunter in the lineup regardless I
19107s think meti might have actually oh yeah
19109s meaty that's right didn't they play
19110s Early yeah
19112s identical lineups apart from the Mages
19114s which is why the Mage decks were
19115s highlighted to show that you know it's
19116s about yeah the Mages going against each
19118s other they're good at different Majors
19120s it was it was all really well thought
19121s out and then you just ignored my
19123s subtlety and just you know said things
19126s yep in part of the last three years it's
19128s funny because uh I like
19132s they're trolling you for me because this
19134s says rainbow mage
19137s well that's irony
19141s he's making the point
19144s this is the Naga Mage obviously they
19146s share many of the same cards
19148s um but the big difference is you just
19151s smack a bunch of uh nagas right in the
19154s middle there actually they only share
19155s about 10 car
19157s this deck is like somebody was walking
19160s to the Mage tournament convention with
19162s their two boxes of cards and they've got
19164s normal good old-fashioned rainbow Mage
19167s in one box of card the Naga maging of
19169s another box of cards and they've tripped
19171s over and all their cards have gone into
19173s a massive mess and they've asked
19175s somebody who doesn't play Hearthstone to
19177s just pick up their cards for them and
19178s they pick this is the deck they ended up
19179s with
19182s they just happen to end up with a deck
19188s yeah because there's not many minions in
19190s the normal version of of Sith rainbow
19192s Mage so it was likely to happen or maybe
19195s the person picking him up doesn't play
19196s Hearthstone
19197s but has a modicum of intelligence and
19199s saw all the cards that say Naga and went
19201s oh this looks like a game where if all
19203s the things are the same they help each
19205s other so I'll put those on the same deck
19206s but we've still got some of these cards
19208s for each other deck I don't really know
19209s what goes where but it doesn't matter
19211s nobody will notice
19213s and then you've got this deck see pocket
19215s train understands this explanation you
19216s can see the the smile on his face he
19218s gets it see
19219s yeah
19221s they are for sure yeah absolutely
19228s I like to get to see you
19230s [Music]
19231s more difficult
19238s still curve
19240s into the amalgam
19242s um
19243s so just getting that out of the way
19245s right off the bat there's some arguments
19247s for playing so their spear for the tempo
19249s or holding on if you have siren in hand
19251s you usually want to hold on to the
19253s slitherspoon because it's one of the few
19254s one man in August you have to start your
19256s your uh siren pop-off turn but no siren
19261s in hand
19262s his opening hand no reasonable way to
19264s find it might as well just play it out
19266s on the play get some of that chip damage
19269s in force media to play a little bit
19270s differently
19272s Amity forgot to draw the weapon which is
19274s obviously a massive deal what's the
19275s weapon called TJ do you know because
19276s I've never heard it called by its name
19278s it's just the web it's a cosmic keyboard
19279s is that what it's called
19281s keyboard that sounds right yeah New York
19283s could rely on you
19285s this is why I like casting you a TJ
19286s because you know the names of cards
19289s it's just actually called the weapon
19292s I feel like you could look at that card
19294s and decipher its name based off of what
19296s it is
19298s it's quite obviously a keyboard
19299s and then cosmic's just a a cosmic kind
19302s of word and it's very very Cosmic
19306s okay
19307s it's the crush call enforcer which is
19309s actually pretty important in this
19310s instance I feel uh just to kind of try
19313s and cycle through the deck a little bit
19318s Cold Case
19327s he's gonna have to oh he's he's just
19329s good
19334s uh Gabby would have killed him
19337s still some stuff left to find
19342s yeah it won't be nice or two more Mana
19344s one or the other yep
19348s oh
19353s there it is oh so what I've learned
19356s about the keyboard is when it looks like
19358s it's interfering your play and really
19360s really horrible turn you still play the
19362s keyboard
19363s you don't just play the Cold Case here
19364s because it feels better you find a way
19366s to play the keyboard always
19368s yeah
19370s it was a very reasonable turn you still
19372s get to clear the minions off the board
19374s you use all your Mana if you don't waste
19377s your keyboard on something small like a
19378s flame guys or any setup for the Cold
19380s Case so
19381s I think this is perfectly fine
19386s okay having a bit of a warm-up turn
19387s playing the cards as quickly as possible
19388s ready to get going in a moment
19391s yeah can start next turn with just siren
19394s plus amalgam and then discovery
19398s oh
19399s he can go teacher to get a one drop naga
19402s in his hand and just take it a little
19403s bit slower if he wants also true
19410s not sure which I prefer because I just
19411s like watching pocket train to teach me
19413s what to do well that's how that's why I
19414s watch him
19415s um a board against him here
19418s so let's do this
19420s yeah this is
19422s perfectly fine if media had a weak turn
19425s and Parker train fellow could capitalize
19427s he could have gone for a siren there
19428s especially if you'd picked up like
19430s another siren off the top but wants to
19432s be able to answer the board first so
19433s that midi doesn't have anything to
19435s follow it up with
19437s turn not too terrible though it still
19439s gets to uh play for a little bit of
19441s tempo here gets to start drawing through
19443s the deck with all these spell schools
19444s played wisdom already at one cost gets
19446s to roll into Elemental inspiration also
19449s which is uh which is a big deal oh the
19452s the break dance on the the Reverb
19455s creation is fantastic yep
19461s lets him trade immediately and puts one
19465s of the most valuable board clearing
19466s meetings in the game in his hand so
19469s pocket Train's gonna have a nice turn
19471s here
19471s but needs to also leave himself with
19474s stuff to do afterwards because he knows
19477s that these inquisitive creation is in
19478s hand and it's already enough to clear
19481s the entire board uh just by itself
19484s yep double Zola so you can get there to
19487s set up a next turn
19489s obviously the way is always the option
19491s of just filling everything away to
19493s continue which is always a tough
19494s decision he's going to put the brakes on
19495s the wait till next turn
19497s yeah which I think is perfectly fine I
19500s also wants the Frozen touch to be
19502s infused
19503s um
19505s which it I think is important just so
19507s you get another one to keep going
19510s oh a second inquisitive creation media's
19512s just got all the answers I mean he's
19514s playing to create you know two um
19516s Inspirations for a reason so
19519s you can have the seven drop like you say
19520s the double creation to clear up
19524s you can wait a turn Connie on that
19527s on creation yeah
19530s I don't really think maybe he can't yeah
19535s of course he plays the peace cards
19537s because it's yeah
19540s here we go
19541s it's also just gonna kill him
19545s here we go there's five six can't be
19546s targeted so
19548s anybody
19561s I think he gets rid of all the spells
19562s from his hand and then plays thinly but
19564s I'm not sure
19566s okay
19573s you called it
19579s oh
19583s my brother gets his own creation ready
19585s to try and clear this up
19597s okay Target that
19601s yeah that's him just with his grumpy
19603s face he's like I can't Target I'm going
19604s to tell you that I can't Target and I'm
19605s sad about it
19611s foreign
19613s okay well
19615s for a turn that didn't do anything yeah
19617s exactly didn't do anything sort of turn
19618s but there's stuff
19626s I think you just smack face again
19630s creation yeah
19632s guys look for gaming yeah
19636s yeah yeah yeah I'm with you on all of
19637s those things
19640s and I presumably meticulating like 0.1
19642s seconds because that's the
19643s straightforward please just checking his
19644s hand to make sure there's nothing more
19645s interesting going on
19646s so where I'd like to play the game just
19649s find the simple play and then spend the
19651s rest of your time working out if it's
19652s right
19657s it doesn't mean he's slow God he doesn't
19658s mean he's stalling it just means he's
19660s looking for better play sometimes
19661s sometimes you find one
19667s yeah
19668s but on this occasion no
19673s well there we go Fireball oh
19677s nearly lethal from hand next turn and
19680s this five six ain't going anywhere so
19682s yeah it's always leaves of hand because
19685s yeah plenty of plenty of ways to find it
19687s right
19688s yeah it's not always some spoilers but
19690s it is always oh artificer hello
19700s yeah put it all back why are the cards
19703s just a blur with speed and cards
19706s [Music]
19709s safe
19712s no chance right
19715s it's pass no it's not possible
19719s it's always possible resistance aura
19727s God
19729s it's too fast
19735s okay well
19738s God has whiz has wisdom too to keep
19741s going but
19744s he can't stop
19748s it's just pressing buttons
19751s gosh
19752s he's gained like eight million armor
19754s just what just watch his eyes during all
19756s this
19760s slowed down he was going to throw like
19762s the Frozen touches around to get more
19764s armor
19765s and I think he made the mistake of going
19766s for Discover at the end of the Rope I'm
19767s going to say mistake because of how he
19769s reacted which slowed down the animations
19770s I think that was his problem there but
19772s he should have just gone Frozen Touch
19773s version touch get on with it if I think
19775s that's his problem I might be wrong
19778s all right so
19781s how much is Sif at is it a plus six
19785s holy Frost fire arcane
19795s is that plus six Okay saw for a second
19803s 27 damage next turn
19813s just from here just from hand yeah that
19815s could be okay
19821s with the armor there meaty because he's
19823s hiding behind The Alibi
19827s wrath is nature
19829s yeah
19832s don't draw
19835s sure
19839s slow your opponent down hope they run
19841s out of Alibis kill them if they do
19844s simple
19848s right
19852s gets life steal
19854s resistance or are still active
19860s how has he got back into this he was
19863s getting murdered on the board
19865s nagas
19867s just kept playing things until they died
19868s I guess
19870s [Music]
19880s hmm
19886s [Music]
19888s there's nothing for pocket train to
19890s trade into
19892s art for meaty's face
19894s there's The Alibi now
19897s yeah so now he's in trouble empty space
19899s yeah he
19901s [Music]
19903s looking for Alibi basically
19908s eh
19913s yep gotta make sure that you use that to
19915s trade into the minion to net the most
19917s amount of health because if you go face
19918s it's the only life ceiling for one
19926s [Music]
19929s where else did he go you frozen touch
19931s face for one because they've got to
19932s clear your board so you've got to get it
19934s re-infused
19939s oh he's got a plan he's got a plan TJ
19951s yeah he just needs to make sure that he
19953s opens up a board space yep
19956s nothing to see here miti you know my
19959s exact hand apart from the generator card
19960s so you know
19965s all right resistance Aura is gone
19967s there's an organ on
19970s but no Sith
19972s no Sif indeed
19976s I don't think sip would have even have
19978s been enough uh by itself
19981s so with Fireball and Flame geyser I
19982s believe his Sif is at plus six
19987s oh no it would have been enough 12 plus
19991s 21 it would have been exact
19997s ly
19999s he's gotta find something extra here
20003s none of those
20006s paid and switch and just pretend it's
20010s super explosive trap
20012s really super
20016s meteors for sensible option
20026s counter spell
20028s sure
20033s just gonna be dead
20044s there's a secret there
20045s so Secret
20047s don't know where it is
20059s still enough right
20062s one of these three one of these Mountain
20063s runes goes into the counter spell and
20065s the other one's lethal that one's 18.
20067s yeah
20068s uh it's actually 20.
20073s you got there though that's the
20076s important part I don't know how he won
20078s that game but very impressive midi no
20082s Sith
20083s with six cards remaining I feel like
20085s we've seen that often it's been the
20088s bottom card in at least one match today
20089s that I've seen and it's been low down in
20092s another I think
20094s but pocket train with the return of the
20095s Sith gets it done and takes a 1-0 lead
20098s yeah very impressive very impressive uh
20102s top turns knowing to take this
20103s synthesize as well
20106s like that's not a card you'd often take
20107s because hand size can start to become an
20109s issue and that's three three Elementals
20111s to your hands but had the double benefit
20113s of one putting a bunch of garbage with
20116s his Finley
20117s uh to make sure that he could
20121s draw more cards when he finally yeah
20123s right
20124s and Shuffle some uses cards at the
20126s bottom of the deck and two you get
20128s Arcane artifice or that lets you get a
20129s health bump back up
20131s and he used that turn deliberately to
20134s gain a lot of armor I felt because there
20136s wasn't much else you could do he
20137s couldn't deal with a monster on the
20138s board because it had unmonsterable so he
20141s had to um
20142s find another plan when he used the plan
20144s of getting a lot of armor
20146s yeah very nicely done by pocket train
20148s showing the strength of the uh the Naga
20151s Mage MIDI
20153s gotta be a pretty frustrating one
20154s because it felt like he had commanded
20155s that game for a very long time
20158s um and just couldn't find couldn't get
20160s the sift uh to uh to find the the ending
20164s damage
20165s but
20166s doesn't matter
20168s doesn't matter how you feel about it
20170s it's still a loss pocket train 1-0 yeah
20173s otherwise I didn't want to hostage oh
20175s yeah I felt like I won that tournament
20176s give me the trophy it's like well I mean
20178s that's a subtle thing to do isn't it but
20180s yeah no no you didn't win you lost yeah
20182s but I feel like I won so send me to
20184s Worlds I feel like I played better
20187s oh that's the best one
20189s and then yeah then you go through your
20191s game with somebody who knows what
20192s they're doing and they show you 73
20194s reasons why you were wrong
20196s in three turns
20199s onto the Rogue
20202s now rogue's interesting if you look at
20204s um like stats for rogue uh Diamond
20207s through to Legend
20210s good in this matchup
20211s it's favored
20213s if you look at it in top thousand it's
20214s massive Underdog
20216s and top 100 probably just accentuates
20218s that even more
20220s oh yeah
20223s you gotta have a very good start
20227s and when you yeah when your opponent
20228s knows what they're doing with their
20229s reverberations and you you only have
20232s stealth if you have it obviously there's
20233s some skill cap there but
20235s playing the reverberation at the right
20237s time looking off your health as a mage
20238s is a high skill cap thing
20249s there are some crazy things you can do
20251s with this rogue deck
20253s even if you start to turn with very
20255s little Mana as far as a Tempo start goes
20259s this is pretty darn good
20262s foreign
20263s yeah
20266s it's the double and pentamatic
20268s but Viva coin flame geezer
20274s and it's gone
20277s and now you're top decking as well which
20279s which isn't always a disaster the road
20281s has some stuff in there to generate more
20283s stuff
20284s yep right off you start ripping just
20286s rubbish
20287s looking for door Shadows
20291s uh
20297s [Music]
20306s oh
20307s yeah keeping as much as you can alive
20309s I'm bored
20311s willing to take five damage to do so
20313s because if the Mage starts hitting you
20315s and you've got no minions you lose in
20316s time anyway so just have everything you
20319s own on the board and hope they don't
20321s have creation
20324s I like destruction and creation isn't it
20327s it doesn't really create much it just
20329s gets rid of everything that's not how
20330s you create things
20334s he's creating things for
20337s the person who's playing his cards
20341s rip of a rip a volume up
20344s in this matchup you're feeling pretty
20346s good
20348s oh yeah
20349s especially when you get the 53
20351s reverberations from it
20353s just in case you have trouble
20355s oh okay there's gear shift
20359s very good krabato into gear shift is
20361s probably the ideal situation because it
20363s gets to trade both these off
20365s and push a little bit of damage draws
20367s into oh speaker stomper gear shift okay
20370s it's not good now but could be good or
20373s you could just Shuffle it back with gear
20375s shift which is more more likely to
20376s happen but this is uh not too shabby
20381s yeah he's never gonna damage again and
20383s he keeps finding a bit more damage
20401s so
20404s foreign
20408s like maybe
20410s Keyboard Plus Cold Case but then you're
20412s taking you're gaining four but you're
20413s taking ten what do you think of altered
20415s chord here
20417s um kill the crap where they just get it
20419s over with
20424s gain six Health kill the crap seems
20426s reasonable to me but it doesn't generate
20427s any 10-pound board
20429s yeah but I think Reverb this turn
20433s really wants to happen yeah because it's
20435s closer so you get the claws
20438s Fair yeah of course yep that makes sense
20442s that's why pocket train was shaking his
20444s head because he knows how just pretty
20446s terrible this is now the speaker stopper
20447s is pretty useless
20451s um
20452s you can click Locker any
20456s uh I mean it's not that bad is it
20458s you you kill you can kill the krabatoa
20462s and then one of the claws and then sink
20463s your other claw into the other claw
20465s that Elemental looks like he's doing
20466s some sort of wave with the claw sorry
20469s joining in
20479s foreign
20494s tray with a claw hit face trade again
20497s then you can probably just worm Plus
20500s Cold Case
20505s oh taking damage
20508s yeah a boat can't damage you from a hand
20510s basically right so if you just keep it
20512s under control just yeah set up a lethal
20514s here oh yes three eight yeah an organon
20517s is actually much better in this
20518s situation I think because you're right
20519s rogue's never killing it
20522s he just disrupt
20524s the worst case is the Rogue does kill it
20526s and it uses all their cards or something
20528s and you just win yeah nicely played by
20530s meaty one game a piece in the battle of
20533s the Brits
20536s okay
20539s yeah it's playing the semi-finals of
20541s America store at the boat just like
20543s uh whatever
20545s just well they know they're going to
20546s check the VOD on each other they've got
20547s to pretend they don't care right because
20549s otherwise yeah
20551s I remember that term when meaty was was
20553s nervous I was no turn where I was
20556s nervous I'm not just gonna sit back here
20558s in the microwave reflection just
20560s chilling
20561s you like me and TJ we just sit here like
20563s we're not doing a job at all we just
20565s just talking hanging out
20569s they don't care who wins they just care
20571s that the other person doesn't have
20573s anything to make fun of them for yeah
20577s they're gonna be back here with theme at
20579s the time pocket Train's probably going
20580s to go to Worlds anyway
20584s um
20585s meaty has a very good chance of doing
20587s that too so on the points
20589s but I mean the thing we've talked about
20591s many times over these Masters tours is
20593s if you win one of these you can put your
20595s feet up for the rest of the year they'll
20596s still play top 20 top 30 Legend standard
20598s Hearthstone
20599s but getting that top one every month is
20601s so tiring
20603s and you need Relentless top ones and top
20605s fives to to make it to World points
20607s because there's there's so few slots
20610s yeah
20612s yeah yep fair point but now we got a
20614s tied series Mages are out of the way so
20616s we have Rogue for both players still
20618s left then the shaman on the side of the
20619s media and the uh
20621s uh Demon Hunter on the side of pocket
20625s train
20625s you're seeing the note that they did
20627s different bands despite their products
20629s being very similar it's only the mage
20632s um
20633s that's that's different nakamage versus
20636s the rainbow Mage so is maybe now the
20639s Mages are out but they've got different
20640s bands so that's going to make it
20641s unmirified
20645s unmirrorified
20648s uh-huh
20649s how do you say that with Mia yeah yeah
20651s there's no y's in it
20656s uh mirror is one syllable
20659s in uh American English mirror Mia gotta
20663s look at go take a look in the mirror
20666s in the Mia
20672s m-y-r the Mia
20675s yeah
20676s that's how it works all right look at
20677s this return
20680s speaking of universe already
20682s a squirrel
20684s squeal yeah
20687s 71 syllable words in American
20691s yeah
20693s squirrel being the longest of them all
20695s apparently according to
20697s Celestial on squirrel
20700s and TJ Sanders
20704s all right big in Bento Matic
20709s this has the makings of a very fast game
20715s even faster now TJ because meaty is just
20717s gonna rip the Flash and see what happens
20719s next turn
20721s pick your stomper
20723s just try and find that hex or the um
20726s the wave obviously if it's not stealth
20728s or the hex won't work
20730s yeah so that's why that happens a lot
20732s like yeah he's gonna he's gonna post
20735s stealth so he's gonna push less damage
20737s but he's gonna make sure this is
20739s protected from a discovered hex
20741s we schedule the heck so it leads you
20742s down to primordial wave most likely now
20744s is the thing I didn't hit it didn't hit
20747s it didn't hit anything he could really
20748s play tight is going to cost two
20752s play could
20754s point out a
20756s no I can't because yeah he can
20759s because he did play The Flash last turn
20762s so could coin command of neptulon just
20764s have a big board
20765s um maybe remove this next turn and then
20768s just try and discover the hex or the uh
20771s primordial wave from that
20776s altered chord okay
20780s which means he should be able to remove
20782s this next turn whatever it is
20784s he's always got stealth next turn
20786s teacher you don't know how this card
20787s Works yet
20790s I know
20791s I'm wrong I made a mistake I'm so sorry
20796s he's gonna do 22 points of hearthstone
20798s damage though
20800s that's a lot of hearthstone damage
20802s 24 actually
20804s uh-huh
20805s but with altered chord and the two
20808s attacks from the command command Neptune
20810s this will go down and midi is going to
20812s gain some uh
20814s much deserved Health points
20818s much deserved and well-earned health
20820s points for meteor
20822s he's gonna be on eight
20823s Hearthstone Health points
20830s he's still got the feral tube put in the
20833s way of things
20836s yeah win Fury
20838s bone Spike ends the game no I mean next
20840s turn after after he kills this he's got
20842s he's got
20845s a clear board then pocket train makes a
20848s board and then meaty has the fail to put
20850s in the way
20852s copy that yeah that is where I was
20855s actually going with that so that wasn't
20856s me just bailing I have been known to
20857s bail but not there
20859s I'll run out of Optimus Prime
20866s yeah that one hurts
20872s it's a lot of healing
20873s so just speaker stopper click Locker
20875s most likely is what it's going to be
20878s all the alliteration here
20880s yep
20882s so now that
20884s it's got to be what just feral spirits
20889s I think so
20893s or hope they have precisely no cards in
20896s their three card hand
20897s yeah well he knows that there's one more
20899s sparkbot so so there's six showing right
20902s seven showing with the download
20905s so if you play inza
20909s uh he might decide that playing the
20912s farewells doesn't do anything
20914s yeah it was pocket kills them and then
20916s you're the same spot
20918s could go chisel Radiance and hopefully
20921s hope that either you get a taunt totem
20923s or there's no damage on your opponent's
20925s side
20926s if pocket train doesn't have the one
20928s damage needed to end the game and just
20930s daggers up to set midi to one
20933s then you do have the feral spirits to
20934s back it up next turn and it would be
20936s cheaper because it's likely that pocket
20938s train will ignore the radiance that's on
20940s the board
20942s I think I like the engine and close your
20943s eyes and I won't you know it's easy for
20945s me to say that he will lose if he does
20947s it but I think that's the play I think
20948s all your other players are just too
20950s garbage
20953s because then you're in the same spot
20954s next turn anyway with your overloaded
20955s fell like yeah I like I like this this
20957s looks stupid but I think this is the
20958s right play
20960s and they don't have the damage you can
20962s actually win next turn with your
20963s ancestrals
20969s that's a hard play to make for me today
20970s and again it looks wrong when you see it
20972s not work but I think that's I think
20973s that's the play I think it's just hard
20975s to play Under Pressure
20976s yeah I probably would have done insa or
20978s like chisel Radiance like I said
20981s um yeah that was good too I think
20984s Intel probably gives you a better chance
20987s to win the game if if uh pocket train
20990s doesn't have anything
20991s but to be honest Titans probably come
20993s down next turn regardless
20995s right
20997s um and if you have
20999s uh like a totem and another Minion
21002s another attacking minion
21007s then maybe
21010s that becomes a searing totem can rip off
21011s a Divine Shield that lets your
21014s your Titan clear up another board right
21016s something along those lines
21019s but a lot a loss is a loss
21022s once again a lesson we've learned
21024s throughout the broadcast today wins or
21026s wins losses are losses
21027s pocket train just has the Demon Hunter
21029s left which once again I don't have much
21032s faith in
21033s none
21035s but why not
21037s I'm not as good of a player as these
21038s players
21039s Outcast statistics always the best deck
21041s it's been the best deck since it was
21043s before it existed always okay Stephen
21045s Hunter is one of the very few decks in
21048s the game that has a uh an inverse
21052s um
21053s what's that called win rate to played
21056s ratio
21063s the thing inverse normal distribution I
21066s don't know where are we going
21068s her apple is a word yeah upside down
21070s thing what for for skill
21073s what's your thoughts what's this problem
21074s yeah
21076s Parabola like an inverse Parabola for
21078s win rate we're at really low ranks our
21081s cast team Hunter is very good because
21082s you've got an aggressive deck that just
21084s spammy means hitting your opponent
21087s as you get to middling skill ranks uh
21090s Outcast Demon Hunter is a lower win rate
21093s because
21095s um Outcast Demon Hunter is usually
21096s harder to play than some of the other
21098s top decks in the metagame so when you're
21100s playing against other top decks if
21102s you're not playing it at the very
21103s highest level you're going to get beaten
21104s up by players that are playing like
21106s lower skill cap decks yes but then when
21108s you get to top Legend again okay Stephen
21111s harness win rate goes up because one
21113s it's not expected by as many people
21116s um and when players are playing it at a
21118s high level
21120s that the skill expression is there so
21123s that's my evaluation of alcohol and also
21126s as we established yesterday there's only
21127s actually three people at top Legend who
21129s play and no one knows who they are
21133s no one knows
21135s they just did this out there jamming
21137s Demon Hunter no one knows who against or
21139s when they do it but the stats just keep
21142s turning up
21147s whatever all the VP sites are just
21149s trolling us and no one's ever played
21150s this at top thousand Legend do they just
21152s keep putting the stats out there just
21153s for fun are we just just for fun
21157s Love the Way Parker trains played this
21159s early game got the two
21162s I mean
21163s the two best hits but most of the hits
21165s we're gonna do this regardless of the
21167s hot the Rancher plus uh uh the two
21170s rushers keeping them on board
21172s so
21174s yeah now it's in a good spot you fall
21176s behind on board with this deck can
21178s sometimes be pretty tough to win the
21179s game
21181s and we've heard Scotland probably you as
21183s well talk about like turn three is
21184s Shaman is the turn you want to play your
21186s fails or your you know some three drop
21188s of some sort whether it's a clear or not
21190s and pocket train was ready to deal with
21192s that exact thing on turn three precisely
21194s the way he set it up
21201s is that miracula two away
21205s my
21207s blue or one away
21211s um don't know
21213s why would I ever know anything
21215s he met me
21217s it was two away
21219s there we go
21223s now that Javier is there one Rush Minion
21225s still preserved on board won free Rush
21227s Minion still in hand
21229s I don't think pocket train especially
21231s with the flash of lightning expects much
21232s of this board to live
21234s Misha's going in
21236s is that double reflexes
21240s you think so
21245s it's a tough choice
21249s you could probably actually see the
21250s Discover options in metis toaster
21255s thank you only on the wide cam
21263s microwave
21269s what about the reflection in the uh the
21271s washing machine
21273s the washer you actually can see meaties
21274s reflects on the wide screen though I'm
21275s not even making this up you can see him
21277s very clearly in the microwave the
21279s washing machine not so much
21290s check how many different appliances
21292s though I see see if he moves one each
21293s time he plays gets rid of one
21295s double
21299s double crash
21301s wait what
21306s um
21311s yeah I don't know and midi's reaction
21313s gives me nothing
21318s they're not gonna admit to anything TJ
21321s pocket trainer asked about what happened
21322s there well I was concentrating on my
21325s drink
21326s played some Hearthstone
21335s talking playing some Hearthstone his
21337s pocket train playing a bit hard soon
21339s yep
21341s so he's just gonna go in here after
21343s seeing
21347s uh the Double crash last turn there's
21349s only one lightning storm in the deck we
21350s can see it in hand maybe actually has
21352s the answer with lightning storm plus the
21354s Chisel
21356s and that's a lot of uh pressure stopped
21360s from pocket train and because of those
21362s Chows he's uh sitting pretty
21365s uh
21367s at a higher life total yeah which is
21371s pretty brutal it's not a downside until
21373s it's a really big downside right
21381s all right later
21386s [Music]
21389s always amazing the lengths that the
21390s players would go to these days or the
21392s good players always have to to generate
21394s Tempo rather than
21396s cards like labor time like a really good
21398s pickup but no Pokemon just not
21399s supportive there's a wrong ones again
21401s because it's more stuff
21404s game's over one or two turns what do you
21405s want cards for
21412s but the Instinct says play the thing
21413s that draws you all the cards still does
21416s damage as well
21421s the image from hand is essentially
21423s non-existent
21430s gotta get it out there to do it
21433s it's gonna need to get like oh
21436s the outcast plus three attacks which I
21438s completely forgot the name
21442s foreign
21449s a card name huh look at you don't even
21453s need you anymore TJ no I know the card
21455s names huh
21462s again doesn't spectral just get stings
21464s on board
21465s it's opponent suddenly was threatening
21467s lethal and Meaty has a handful of
21470s bioluminescences
21473s can't even spell bioluminescence he is
21475s in trouble here
21484s by the way
21485s [Music]
21497s [Music]
21500s you can make a totem and then give it
21502s plus two spell damage
21504s so that's pretty cool try and generate
21507s totems that used to exist
21509s manually for five Mana
21513s laughs
21514s [Music]
21518s it's got a whopping nine damage this
21520s turn
21521s can he do anything by just taking like
21523s does he have to kill a minions with a
21525s boat does that do anything ever it
21527s doesn't there's no you just don't win
21528s the game I don't think so
21535s I think he's gotta hope that
21537s pocket Train's not able to find damage
21539s from the illidara studies in the deck
21543s yeah
21544s good luck with that
21546s or The Wretched Exile oh
21551s that's gotta be it surely
21555s surely
21556s nope
21562s security into
21564s damage
21569s he's gonna do the security then yeah
21571s yeah and he's counting for ganard so he
21573s can afford to get rid of one damage all
21575s right I-beam important
21581s oh my
21584s it's three rights
21590s no way
21593s no ways meet you got a shot at this no
21595s way
21597s he's got a shot hasn't he
21602s he's got a how much is this is plus
21603s three is that 12 13 plus six yeah
21610s I see
21614s uh
21618s 14 more is that right
21620s I mean not it doesn't really matter
21624s it's just going to clear the board and
21626s heal yeah
21630s oh yeah it is enough right yeah because
21632s of the extra three damage from the
21634s actual uh Titan and the Mana which
21637s allows him to play the exit bio yeah
21638s yeah yeah
21640s so nicely navigated by midi to bring
21643s this series to a tied score
21646s Stephanie's doing that bit faster now he
21648s thought he was dead
21652s yeah that was a really well played uh
21654s kind of a similar situation in this last
21656s game where he had to just Jam
21658s the inza and hope that his opponent
21660s didn't pick up one damage
21662s honestly with double illidari studies in
21664s the deck
21666s I may have stopped
21669s at a certain point playing the outcast
21671s cards from the uh from the Exile yeah
21676s I know because you wouldn't be able to
21678s pick up the guitar because you would
21679s hurt uh yeah okay and there's no there's
21682s no other direct damage uh so you need
21684s the Canuck
21686s yeah
21687s I could have given him more i-beams but
21689s I think he was happy with just the one
21691s I-beam I think he felt comfortable with
21693s just one I-beam especially with that
21695s much direct damage used
21697s yeah
21699s I don't think or something that kills
21701s you there yeah double bio double
21703s lightning bolt Titan you know like
21705s that's a very specific combination of
21708s cards
21709s especially without lightning reflexes
21710s because that's like kind of the core
21714s um so kind of not stealing a win but
21718s getting a win that probably wasn't
21719s expected there for meaty so now we're
21721s just down to our final match up here
21723s which is going to be the Demon Hunter
21724s from pocket train versus the uh the
21726s Rogue from MIDI
21729s um get two one man put 11-11 back in
21731s hand win game
21733s yeah
21736s that's the strategy or make a big white
21738s board and keep the Rogue off the board I
21740s think I think the demon Hunter's still
21741s favored here personally
21747s sure I mean nobody knows TJ Stephen
21751s Hunter is a complete anomaly I look at
21753s the stats right now I'll look at the
21755s stats right now it's not gonna tell me
21757s anything it's gonna say that the Rogue
21759s is 43 percent
21769s I'm getting there
21772s yeah
21775s got all the numbers
21778s nobody uses a computer for numbers TG I
21780s just write them on my piece of paper
21781s yeah I'll get a die to the start of the
21783s match and go 42 yeah that'll do that's
21785s the number I'm writing down
21787s yeah our cast team Hunter is uh 60
21789s favorite
21792s apparently
21793s yeah I mean played between players that
21795s aren't pocket train or meaty and anybody
21798s because nobody actually plays Demon
21799s Hunter has been established yesterday
21801s it's not actually a deck that anyone's
21803s ever played before
21806s except for every tournament when it just
21809s suddenly appears
21813s it's all about if you can either get
21815s Tempo or find a way to answer the first
21816s couple minions because if you find a way
21818s to answer for a couple minions you're
21819s probably not losing the board
21820s [Music]
21823s all right
21824s some cards
21829s and that's not
21836s okay one drop nice
21839s card
21841s it's a card
21853s nice answer from beanie
21857s the bone Spike after though
21860s do you want a bounce bucket oh you want
21862s to but do you
21864s do it
21867s could just there you go sparkbot yeah I
21870s think so
21872s it's not fun though is it
21875s suddenly they're not laughing anymore
21876s have you noticed by the way
21879s zero zero
21881s now they're both all fun and games so
21883s you get to five five
21884s yeah
21887s they just both hand over mouth
21891s no giggling now
21905s okay
21908s choose to hide
21917s wow
21924s all this um fiddling around at the
21925s soccer game is really interesting to me
21927s at the moment in this matter because
21929s it's so important to just get anything
21931s on board in a lot of matchups yeah
21933s they're far more than usually but you
21935s would think there's a one one just isn't
21936s important but
21938s yeah it's numbers are so tight
21939s everything's so close
21942s those break points aren't going to break
21944s themselves and all that
21947s if I think of new cliches rather than
21949s old ones where I'm failing miserably
21952s that's why they're cliches if they're
21954s new they're not cliches
21956s what are they they're not if they're new
21958s but they're not cliches what are they
21959s then there's something you said
21961s something I said that's just something I
21963s said then yeah
21968s time to go wide
21974s [Music]
21978s that's why here's the Canard
21981s come on
21983s where were you
21991s [Laughter]
21993s laughs
21997s it's double rush because the darker
21999s Orange
22001s the duck are the two oranges wait one
22004s orange is down one orange Rush okay yeah
22005s that's fresh dark or orange is Rush
22008s yeah some may even call it red
22012s it's definitely darker orange orange
22016s squirrel mere squirrel Orange
22021s well these one syllable words
22025s I think most of my words are one
22026s syllable to be fair
22028s sideways cards
22033s thematic and then any picked up as well
22051s it's really tense if you only want me
22053s and teacher gonna be quite soon trying
22054s to work this out
22056s which is going to fight with the board
22057s of this thing
22058s yeah this is wise too threatening
22066s yeah
22068s to be a nice clean clear because the uh
22071s Central Runner will be for attack after
22073s just get in now that help Fury has got a
22076s Target on his back it's got to be killed
22079s I knew I had a couple of lush minions I
22082s know
22083s they could just dagger it if anything
22084s but I think I think he might I think I
22086s think you might minion minion dagger
22088s because then next turn you've got any on
22090s your two one you just do that
22094s I mean you're too
22096s yikes
22099s I know but like just get this stuff out
22102s of there right
22107s I might be wrong you might play the two
22108s one just hope
22110s you might play it now I'll keep you back
22112s I think
22113s I mean it might be the only thing that
22115s lets him keep it in it just doesn't feel
22116s great you know but I I think you're
22119s right I don't think it's worth playing
22120s here because it just gets here powered
22121s down
22124s and it might kill a thing next turn so
22127s let's let's have it in hand
22128s oh fellerin
22131s yeah
22134s good pickup good pickup at the
22136s semi-final at 2-2 a chance to go to the
22139s World Championships TJ
22141s he's going wide for one last push
22144s it's not even one last push he's got
22145s another push in hand I think
22148s yeah hold him back on the horse rider
22150s Rancher Fierce Outsider vengeful
22152s walloper
22155s is enough
22158s enough for what
22160s to to win the Hearthstone game somehow
22164s no I don't think so
22168s this guy just put stuff in the way
22173s what's he looking for I mean other than
22175s you play it out because you're in the
22176s semi-final
22180s you'll know it when you see it right
22190s it's like pocket train is going to the
22191s final to me TJ
22193s and it's looking to be that way
22195s I'm calling it
22197s early
22199s pocket trains going to the final
22204s at this point midi's probably just gonna
22206s stick around to see the next draw
22208s I mean you do right just in case you've
22210s forgotten something but yeah he's waving
22212s he knows it's over
22214s getting closer and closer though meaty
22217s each time he shows up like a year or
22219s three or four years ago he was still new
22220s to tournaments very much a ladder player
22222s very much sort of middling as a
22225s tournament player and then this last
22226s year
22228s getting closer a lot more uh we
22231s definitely haven't seen the last meeting
22232s for this year he's very very very good
22235s at ladder and I think his tournament
22237s skills are improving as well as we've
22239s seen in this one so
22240s didn't quite get to the final and he's
22242s lost to
22244s friendly rivalry slash friend slash
22246s hockey train will never let him live it
22248s down
22249s but metoo will be back and pocket train
22251s goes to the final one more win for
22253s pocket train to get to the world
22254s championships and save himself this
22257s monster grind and there's a lot of
22259s people in this tour who work in this
22261s tournament will want pocket train to win
22262s this
22263s because if he makes it to the world
22265s that's a player who is above everybody
22268s in the standings
22269s who
22271s will drop down they will like move up a
22273s space towards world so yeah a lot of
22274s people want pocket to do well here
22277s yeah
22278s many people are rooting for him for that
22280s reason alone and because he's really
22282s good
22284s that's another kind of likable too I
22286s hate to admit it but he's kind of a
22287s likable
22289s I didn't think uh fellow UK countrymen
22291s were supposed to reveal that about each
22293s other well I'm an American
22295s oh yeah that's right Neil is an honorary
22296s American uh which is uh good because
22299s coming up next we have not an honor
22301s American
22303s Real American Hero in dread eye who's
22305s gonna be facing off against you to see
22308s who's gonna go up against pocket train
22309s in the finals and who's gonna get that
22312s coveted spot the world championship so
22315s um we only got two more matches left on
22316s the day we started off slow but we're
22318s cruising through now so before we jump
22320s into that semi-final number two we are
22322s gonna have to go to a quick break but
22323s don't go anywhere more action right here
22325s from the Hearthstone Master tour summer
22326s Championship right after this
22329s foreign
22344s [Music]
22364s [Music]
22379s foreign
22385s [Music]
22394s [Music]
22411s foreign
22418s [Music]
22426s [Music]
22426s [Applause]
22427s [Music]
22440s foreign
22444s [Music]
22477s [Applause]
22480s thank you
22481s [Music]
22483s foreign
22486s [Music]
22519s foreign
22521s [Music]
22556s [Music]
22561s [Music]
22565s thank you
22567s [Music]
22575s [Music]
22588s all right
22598s [Music]
22636s [Music]
22647s thank you
22652s [Music]
22662s [Music]
22668s thank you
22671s welcome back everybody to the
22673s Hearthstone Masters Tour summon
22674s Championship
22675s semi-finals pocket train has made it to
22677s the final and we're going to find out
22679s why subtle is laughing subtle why are
22681s you laughing
22682s no honestly good job like straight up
22685s Cafe breaker here uh with two seconds
22687s left on the countdown Lorinda went oh
22690s God I'm bringing it in aren't I and then
22691s I I was really looking forward to what
22694s was happening with like zero internal
22696s mental planning Lorinda uh intro link
22699s but it went went pretty well good job
22700s yeah I just read things off the screen
22702s and hoped it worked out it could have
22704s gone really badly wrong I might just say
22706s welcome to is a doctor but luckily
22709s that's not where we went with that we're
22711s gonna have gear vs Jedi in the second
22712s semi-final and the winner plays pocket
22714s train and we've got a warrior somehow in
22718s this house so much and I just want I'm
22720s here for it so I'm here for it
22722s yeah
22723s um not only the warrior but also a 40
22727s card Hunter as well and I think those
22729s have been in terms of the low population
22731s Decks that have performed above average
22734s right we do the how many expected in
22737s Rage Warriors would we have in top four
22739s based on the two that brought it to the
22740s 16 person tournament right like those
22743s seem to be the play the uh the Decks
22745s that have over over performed
22746s specifically uh Gabby with the 40 Hunter
22749s as well but uh you does seem to have
22751s found a bit of a bit of a lineup
22753s Advantage so far from the way things
22754s have been panning out but we will see if
22756s that continues against red eye who
22758s honestly I feel like every series Jedi
22760s has played so far in this tournament has
22762s been an absolute nail biter in one way
22764s or the other and in many tournaments it
22768s just seems like always go that way for
22770s him I think was it you earlier who was
22771s saying that his
22773s spread of ability on a given day is just
22776s from zero to like Infinity anything
22778s might happen
22779s yes yeah I was going to ask you about
22781s that obviously because you've seen more
22782s of Jedi up close and personal like I
22784s watch America's Grand Masters as a
22785s spectator there is probably a few people
22788s on the planet that have watched more
22789s minutes of hearthstone Grand Masters in
22791s total than I have but you actually got
22794s to sit there like casting dredi very
22796s regularly would you agree with that
22798s assessment you have no idea what's going
22801s to turn up on any given day with Jedi I
22803s would agree I would also say I think you
22804s did allude to this as well that over the
22806s last 12 months maybe even six um he's
22810s been a lot more active sort of in twitch
22812s watching streams playing while he's
22813s watching talking to the other top
22814s players and I think he's better across
22818s the board than he used to be I think he
22819s used to be suffering slightly from
22822s he knows four decks and he's good at
22823s them and he's good at Hearthstone so he
22825s kind of knows the other decks but now I
22826s think he's just good at a lot of debts
22828s compared to what he used to be I think
22829s he's just got this wider range of talent
22832s but he can still do anything on a given
22833s day he definitely has the ability to
22835s play great he definitely has the ability
22836s to not play great
22839s um let's see who turns up today
22842s uh shout out to ma one of my viewers by
22845s the way um for this because he's been
22847s calling in Rage Warrior every day in my
22849s chat for forever
22852s um keeps telling me just look at the
22853s stats and arrange Warriors stats in the
22854s top thousand Legend which you're going
22855s to point out is not representative of
22857s anything at all oh very very good
22859s so yeah I'm glad that it's working out
22862s I was talking about this on on day one
22864s with Raven actually that um there are a
22867s couple of decks that do there are
22869s reporting as sleepers on uh on data
22872s trackers at the moment and yeah rage
22873s Warrior is certainly one of those and we
22876s can take a look at how dread I got
22877s through to this point this was an
22879s absolute nail biter of a game against
22881s Gabby uh I've played a few of these
22883s games on the Mage honestly where you uh
22885s end up fatiguing a druid it's not really
22887s ex how you expect to play against Druid
22889s going into it but it does happen uh
22891s weirdly often uh by which I mean a
22894s non-zero amount of the time and then
22895s following that game up with this one
22897s which was probably the most non-game of
22900s hearthstone we've seen all tournament
22902s just two one on one four two Divine
22905s shield with charge on turn two but tell
22908s me more about how that Secret's bad
22910s Lorinda
22911s um yeah if you if you trigger the secret
22913s you know then sure it could be good but
22915s just just don't give your opponent the
22916s minion just just ask just be sensible oh
22919s okay
22920s um we can look at Jedi's build of the
22922s rainbow Mage as well so minus one
22925s elemental inspiration uh finds the room
22928s for the lady nasjar
22930s um and then well I guess so lady nasdara
22932s instead of the Titan and then minus one
22933s elemental inspiration plus one star
22935s power I'd say is kind of the best way to
22937s look at it over what the most common
22939s list in the tournament has been so far I
22942s don't like one elemental inspiration I
22944s think you know this Lorinda I am a huge
22946s fan of Elemental inspiration I think it
22948s wins games single-handedly that it has
22950s no right for doing where even you just
22952s jam it on curve for three four fives
22954s there are a lot of decks that aren't
22955s really equipped to deal with that at all
22957s when you just win on Tempo a lot of the
22959s time I'm a big fan of that card overall
22961s so I don't really like the lists that go
22963s down to one but certainly if you want to
22966s refine it into a better combo deck lady
22969s nasjar is like the first card to to put
22971s in the deck right because those
22972s discounts on spells when you get it in
22974s Arcane form is huge for the the damage
22977s output you get at the end of the game
22978s you see it when you get an extra molten
22980s Rune off infinitize right it's not the
22982s fact you have an extra molten Rune it's
22984s the fact you have a molten room that
22985s costs two instead of three and then that
22987s means you can fit in a whole extra spell
22989s alongside that as well so you can
22991s imagine if you're discounting your whole
22992s hand of spells right exactly how how
22995s huge that damage can get yeah one
22997s inspection just feels wrong to me as
22998s well you know I have struggled with a
23000s card a little bit in learning that deck
23002s I've finally sort of got the hang of it
23003s eventually but
23004s it's a good card or it's not like you
23006s either want to get the board and kill
23008s people or you don't if you're gonna say
23010s you don't don't play it at all if you
23012s really want to go into this combo why
23014s have this weird safety net oh I'm gonna
23016s play one of them though because I know
23018s it's right in my heart but don't want to
23019s play to it like just play them please
23023s yeah you know that's a philosophy that I
23025s fully agree with but there's even for a
23027s seven drop to shout over you just for a
23029s second there even for a second shot
23031s yeah um but there is this weird
23033s mentality that pervades in deck building
23035s which I am not going to ever agree with
23037s whereas it's good sometimes so I'll play
23039s it as a one drop it's like no you're
23041s pretending you have control about
23043s whether it's gonna be in your hand in
23044s the good instance or not like it's
23046s either good enough to play two of or
23048s it's not that's that's the rules the
23050s only time I'll disagree with you on that
23051s is if it becomes a three of you've got
23053s two cards that do kind of the same thing
23056s and you don't want to play four but
23058s three is quite a lot because you want it
23060s often but you don't want it a handful of
23062s them sometimes I will argue against you
23063s that you play one of those two similar
23066s cards but there isn't a similar card to
23067s inspiration in your deck so it can't be
23069s right
23069s yeah and that's fine and often that ends
23072s up as like the 30th card in the deck to
23075s go alongside your three legendaries
23076s right so then you have one open spot
23078s that you have to play and then that's
23079s when like a quote third copy of a of a
23082s similar second card that you have goes
23084s in there but anyway this has been deck
23086s building with subtle and mirinda uh
23087s shambling Chow on one we've got uh Demon
23089s Hunter going up against Warrior Demon
23091s Hunter the star of the show in the last
23093s series really
23095s um pocket train kind of shambling over
23097s the line in the end I would say with the
23099s Demon Hunter after having one up and one
23101s unsuccessful outing against the the
23103s shaman but still a big talking point of
23105s this tournament Demon Hunter
23107s I think the talking point of this
23109s tournament in a lot of ways is there
23110s isn't a talking point the decks nothing
23113s stood there and gone I am the deck this
23115s tournament every tournament we're in the
23116s semi-finals and I have no idea what the
23119s lineup is
23120s I haven't got oh well in that case I I
23122s guess we just sit here in silence then
23124s if there's no talking points and that's
23125s what I'm here for I I can talk when
23127s there is no talking point because I've
23129s spent years with TJ and I can just talk
23131s sort of yeah
23134s see I would personally Express that as
23137s Myriad talking points right there's no
23139s one narrative that's dominating the
23141s tournament there are just lots of
23142s individual things that are popping up on
23145s a series to series basis like this
23147s incredibly clutch uh discover to bounce
23151s the massive anime extractor back to hand
23154s such a good card did you know this is a
23157s rogue card by the way no one knew that I
23159s only realized that today wait what's the
23161s road card this 2-1 Bounty man
23166s wait what
23167s but it's a Demon Hunter God if you say
23170s you knew that you're like I didn't know
23172s I don't know I don't know what it's
23174s called let alone it is a road card as
23176s well but no this is a Demon Hunter card
23177s and I'm not accepting it
23179s yeah
23180s if anyone plays this in Rogue you're
23182s disqualified from lavender tournaments
23185s it is called tough crowd and it is a
23187s Demon Hunter Rogue dual class card
23189s okay so it's basically twitch chat
23192s into heat yes
23195s got it
23199s okay this is kind of why the warrior is
23202s is decent in this matchup and in a lot
23204s of other matchups the the board control
23206s it can get is is pretty powerful from
23209s very limited investment
23213s where do you swing yeah I think it's
23215s it's the long-term resiliency that's
23217s become a problem though and I think we
23220s saw that exploited by pocket train
23222s actually in the his uh round of eight
23225s matchup I think where he basically took
23228s himself down to like 10 Health to gain
23230s control of the board once and just said
23232s usually in this position Warrior can't
23234s just reload on this board and was
23236s correct in that estimation yes
23239s and one of the problems with the warrior
23241s deck I mean this is basically the old
23242s list they've added in the
23245s um the speakers yeah The Stompers and
23247s that's it they've added that in but
23250s it's three decks trying to pretend to be
23252s a deck it's three decks in a trench coat
23255s it is the fire package it's the buff
23257s package it's the Riff package and that
23261s was strong enough but decks are fast and
23263s dangerous now so you kind of have to
23265s luck out a little bit
23267s but
23268s with so much going on you're gonna get
23270s something that combines with something
23271s you just have to be very versatile at
23272s the start of the game
23274s I do enjoy this interaction by the way
23276s when you play fella in and then you get
23278s an I-beam in Outcast position and then
23280s you can just ignore the I-beam is in
23281s Outcast position because it just costs
23283s one yeah no matter where it is when you
23285s get it off from fellerin that's very
23286s satisfying in fact you actually want to
23288s get it out of the outcast position
23289s because if you managed to reduce it it
23290s still costs one
23292s true yeah it's actually even more
23295s satisfying to move it along and then you
23297s forget and it costs three again or
23298s something yeah
23306s dread I is gonna have to try and get a
23308s grip on this board today very soon
23309s though he can't allow this to continue
23311s for much longer especially
23313s uh when it's a weapon draw from the
23315s Warrior on the other side
23317s yeah we haven't concerned on enough
23319s about how even though that um extractor
23321s got bounced this is kind of the nut for
23323s goo he had the weapon ways to generate
23325s um unhealthy minions and an extractor
23328s that's kind of amazing that Jedi's still
23330s here even now but he might not be here
23331s for long because this hell total is
23333s going to get crazy on these cards
23335s yes it is
23338s and gear has seemed to do this most
23341s games honestly it has to be said where
23343s there's been some combination of sun
23346s Fury weapon and Embers in the opening
23348s hand in quite a lot of the games that
23350s I've been watching him play with this
23351s this deck which you know I'm sure is is
23353s fairly core to the success that it's
23355s been happening
23356s I would say that it's the number one
23358s thing that the deck does like if you
23360s really want to pick your hand that's
23361s what you pick against almost everything
23362s in this tournament
23364s it might be a little bit different to
23365s get blood DK or something but watch one
23367s of those oh yeah all those horrible
23370s blood dks that are terrorizing this
23371s tournament yeah exactly right
23377s oh actually I've just realized how based
23380s this tournament is like there's zero
23381s blood DK zero control priest in this
23383s entire tournament yeah I've only just
23385s realized that yeah it's fantastic
23387s isn't it what a wonderful experience no
23390s I'm with you I am with you people who've
23393s watched my stream will know that I
23394s wouldn't have been with you at some
23395s point but yeah I'm I'm here for the no
23398s blood no please matter I will
23400s stick with that I'm not twisting I'm
23402s just taking it we take the deal
23405s don't know if anything don't touch
23406s anything
23409s nerves and Buffs coming in two days
23415s [Music]
23421s yeah red eye on the previous turn took
23425s some deliberate trades and an I-beam to
23428s try and create favorable breakpoints for
23430s the following turn
23432s um obviously he was looking at the
23433s weapon on the other side as well so it
23434s would have planned around the weapon
23435s buff coming down at the same time but
23437s through then combinations of wallopers
23439s and face Outsider you can see now how
23441s there's nice trades for a couple of
23442s things on board but there is the slight
23445s problem of the three four that has to be
23447s dealt with first does find second
23448s vengeful walloper though that's
23450s absolutely huge so now you can start to
23453s see about the previous turn I kind of
23454s left it till this point to talk about it
23456s because it's a lot easier to talk about
23457s it now there was an I-beam shot at this
23459s anime extractor on the left hand side of
23461s the board on the previous term which now
23463s has a five five Rush smashing straight
23465s into it for precisely five damage so
23468s this was really really nicely set up
23472s you know talking about the the skill
23474s level of Jedi being incredibly variable
23475s I wouldn't have clocked out I've got our
23477s mix activity waffling nonsense so thanks
23479s for spotting that one
23480s um yeah absolutely beautiful setup
23487s but still you can see just how effective
23489s the opening curve from gu has been
23491s because the board's still not clear and
23493s there's still a sun Fury hanging around
23494s which is not a thing that you want to be
23496s leaving around but the other minions
23498s were just too high high priority to get
23500s through one had taunt the other one was
23501s an ammo extractor like that absolutely
23503s has to go down in this spot yeah look at
23505s his hand like you could play seven
23508s manners worth of cards or less however
23510s you like here and it won't be bad
23512s now so
23515s everything just puts him back in front
23517s on board
23518s obviously dreadi does have quite a lot
23520s going on in his hand but yeah
23523s I think what gear wants to do here would
23525s be to set up the Phoenix and the
23526s extractor and just build up the auger
23528s but he might not need to it's probably
23529s what he's wondering can you just get
23531s away with not doing that
23544s yeah he's gonna go for the greedy line
23546s just go thori velori and just pump the
23548s ogre as big as possible try and get that
23550s lethal swing through in a couple of
23551s turns with that Olga
23555s yeah exactly I mean with the five attack
23558s Minions on the other side of the board
23559s right it was just it would have been an
23560s ogre to clear at best and the ogre dies
23563s in the process whereas I think if if you
23565s use gonna play Oprah it'd much rather
23567s either it be a lethal setup or a
23569s situation where it clears board and
23571s lives afterwards right yeah clear board
23573s do nine live and then they've got to
23576s kill it so they put the rest of their
23577s hand into the ogre and then they've got
23578s no hand and you you find a way with your
23580s stuff yeah
23582s pick up a bridge or something you'll be
23585s fine
23595s extensive counting probably goes on
23597s about now doesn't it
23599s weapon swing and stuff how much damage
23601s can I do what do I have to do to stay
23603s alive do I have to actually get the
23604s board
23607s it's a weird deck right because you kind
23609s of view it as this like thirsty aggro
23612s deck but it kind of isn't like you and
23614s TJ were encountering this in the
23616s previous game right yeah
23617s meaty had lethal damage in hand so he
23620s just passed essentially against pocket
23622s train who needed one damage to win the
23625s game but actually that's incredibly hard
23627s to find yeah with this deck is this
23630s lethal
23634s no I'll just get double verse with for a
23636s second I think that's six that's a lot
23637s of points but no
23638s I don't think you get set up
23640s sure what could you set it up
23643s so wait has Lorinda played so much in
23645s Rage Warrior that he's unlocked the
23647s Hidden Wind Fury ogre attack that I
23650s didn't know about no double verse though
23652s it's a lot
23654s um
23656s and you've got a weapon equipped double
23657s versus six more
23661s am I going
23663s Matt
23664s eight Mana first versus two second
23667s versus four weapon Olga
23669s right verse riff is plus two each
23671s they're not plus three each let's just
23673s make sure we're yeah plus two but the
23674s second one gives you the first one again
23676s because it's a riff yes yeah yeah as
23678s long as you can finale yeah yeah which
23680s it could because Olga cost six and the
23681s first Rift cost one each
23683s so what else was played on that term
23686s um the little two four men
23690s awesome I might be wrong because I'm not
23692s very
23693s Vegas compared to the best players in
23694s the world but that looked like a lethal
23697s it could have been no maybe you're right
23704s it's possibly as one-off because of the
23706s damage throw it below it that came back
23708s because of that that's the thing was no
23709s torn I don't know anyway it won anyway
23711s the Play Always won so it didn't matter
23712s much
23715s oh true yeah story blurry woke up and
23718s then traded became injured and that made
23720s the office which did one extra damage to
23722s face yeah maybe maybe not maybe I played
23724s too much of that deck
23726s yeah maybe I think regardless I think
23729s it's one of those situations where as we
23731s were talking about at the time right
23733s like Demon Hunter just doesn't really
23735s find damage from that point
23737s um and double walloper was already
23739s played on a previous turn so it very
23741s much could be that mentality where views
23743s like oh well I put two taunts in play I
23746s play like a seven eight or whatever it
23748s was like the game's over I don't have to
23750s think any more than this anyway at this
23752s point so who knows and I'm gonna find
23755s out if we're lucky enough information
23756s yeah if we could get there on the replay
23758s go replay you got this
23762s uh but either way very very clean
23764s victory for the warrior as it has been
23766s for uh for you throughout the tournament
23768s so far
23769s they were already there they were
23772s already there we're never gonna know
23776s I saw a lethal it was there it might be
23778s a chat lethal it might not I'm taking it
23779s oh yeah well thank you Warrior once
23782s again getting out of it
23784s yeah um and again this has kind of been
23786s the story with Outcast DH throughout the
23789s tournament I don't know the stats off
23790s the top of my head but this is kind of
23792s how we've seen it perform anecdotally
23794s just from memory is it tends to go 1-1
23797s in most series that I've I've watched it
23799s in so far like it hasn't blown been
23801s blowing decks away but it does
23803s eventually find a way to to get over the
23805s line and I think you can do a lot worse
23807s than that right we've certainly seen a
23809s lot of players or at least a couple of
23811s players go out of the tournament and
23813s then immediately start bemoaning one of
23815s the Decks that they brought to the
23816s tournaments uh I was never going to make
23818s it I had an unplayable deck in my lineup
23819s it turns out
23821s um I don't think anyone's really feeling
23822s that way about Outcast Demon Hunter
23824s right now I I could be wrong but um
23826s dread eye does in this instance at the
23828s very least choose to move away from it
23829s and it looks like we're gonna get a
23832s little bit of hound Hunter sprinkled in
23833s which is a rare I'm not going to say
23836s treat is a rare occasion because there
23840s isn't a great deal of hound hunter in
23841s the tournament and it's actually been
23842s picking up a ban or two in some of the
23844s series where it's been involved as well
23847s I mean it's just a solid deck isn't it
23849s it's been terrorizing the the middle
23852s levels of ladder uh I believe
23856s having listened to Raven talk about it
23858s of course
23859s um
23860s but it's a solid deck it sometimes does
23863s what it's doing right now and doesn't
23864s have a playable card on turn three but
23866s other than that it quite often just gets
23868s a board and starts murdering you and if
23870s it does do that then it starts
23871s steamrolling because then the expensive
23873s cards come down on curve and
23874s everything's a bit of a problem
23876s also uh calm down mate Raven's at least
23878s a 30 win streak away from the middle
23880s zone of ladder the good news is a part
23883s of the ladder where he can get a third
23885s he wins streaks so it's not true yeah
23891s was about as good as it was gonna get
23893s there for you uh this hand sucks make no
23896s bones about it uh this is a day one
23899s Lorinda playing Hunter kind of hand from
23902s what I've heard where uh this is just
23903s what you have in your opening hand
23904s despite a good like 80 of the deck being
23907s playable cards between turns one and
23909s four but this is where day one breaking
23911s tracker trinket tracker at least was the
23914s the guarantee of finding something to do
23916s whether it was uh uh bananas or worms
23919s although actually is you playing the
23921s worms because not all of them let's have
23923s a look
23924s not all of the three decks
23928s yeah double Awakening Tremors double
23930s bunch of bananas yeah
23931s tremors are so good I mean the next
23933s drawer now should be good nearly always
23935s to be fair like stuff like I know wild
23938s Spirits would be a fine form and I know
23941s it costs three but fine four Mana play
23943s here like it's
23944s it's not great but that's the sort of
23946s average draw I would say now
23948s there's some obviously some stinkers in
23950s there like the other trinket tracker
23952s wouldn't be too great right now still be
23954s playable yeah yeah if you can bridge
23957s this Gap you're kind of doing fine right
23959s like aside from the fact that you drew
23960s King Crush in your opening hand which is
23962s a disaster in basically every scenario
23964s um if you can find yeah wild spirits and
23966s he still has a banana to play with the
23968s floating one Mana as well and then he
23970s wants to go uh Avalon into into the
23972s Titan on five and six from that point
23974s then yeah this hand has kind of fixed
23975s itself yeah I mean other cars you can
23978s pick up like posic it's fine obviously
23980s akani it will do yeah Bridging the game
23983s I like the wording like the worst sort
23985s of cards you can pick up now are like
23987s hidden meaning
23988s Spirit poacher those sort of things
23993s Neil's brain's just like bad card uh
23995s hidden meaning that's the one yeah
23998s straight in there
24000s not missing a chance to diss that card
24004s and set you up to you know say when I'm
24006s wrong of course
24009s oh what about hidden meaning and a
24011s different secret that's different yeah
24014s because now they probably have to play
24016s some Mana to trigger one of the secrets
24018s which means they probably play some more
24019s mana and let you have a hidden meaning I
24020s think that's fine
24022s zombies
24023s probably zombies right
24028s well freezing trap does basically
24030s nothing against all the little Tiddly
24032s things that Mage has
24033s now Maneuvers gets you back a 1-1 yes
24037s yeah
24041s Maneuvers always feels good and it
24042s always gets back a 1-1 no matter what
24044s you do
24048s if you haven't got one it generates one
24050s from somewhere and gives you it for sure
24053s monster
24056s wandering monster seems pretty good here
24058s right because I don't think your
24060s opponent wants to go one three into one
24062s one in case of bait and switch so the
24064s one three probably is going to go face
24066s and then a 1-3 into a Wandering monster
24068s is just not very good to the point where
24071s I honestly think the correct play here
24072s might be don't attack
24074s looks like he's not gonna because he
24075s would have not wanted these to get
24077s explosive yeah nice yeah I like this
24083s but now five six seven
24086s ly
24094s now you can start trying to pick apart
24095s these secrets with a bit more
24097s information on your side like if you go
24098s into the one one and it's bait and
24100s switch you actually have the power to
24102s challenge it let's fix CA
24106s is kinda cool we know it's good
24111s Jedi's seen his opponent
24114s not really do anything powerful maybe
24117s he'll get the Reed that you think it's
24120s going to be good
24121s I mean it's good right now
24123s sure okay yeah
24126s two Mana killer four or five sure yep
24129s cast a shadow spell but I guess you have
24131s a Reverb in hand as well yeah this does
24133s make sense honestly because you can
24135s Reverb and test bait and switch right
24137s explain switch now is irrelevant so if
24139s it's bait and switch you just got a free
24140s secret got it
24145s this makes sense
24148s this apart and now that's happened we're
24150s probably back on the don't attack
24153s training to attack with given that the
24155s freezing trap exists it's very tough to
24157s criticize but
24159s you wouldn't mind having another
24160s Prismatic is that a bit too niche
24170s you lead with the Prismatic into the the
24174s reason yeah yeah I think that might have
24177s been marginally better yeah
24180s but now can you make the most of the the
24183s opportunities got to play big things on
24185s curve which is
24186s still or again I don't think still I
24189s think we had a period where it wasn't
24190s it's now again one of the best things
24191s you can do in Hearthstone is just spend
24192s all your mana on one big thing
24197s yeah not too many decks are built to a
24200s deal with it there's a lot of tokening
24203s and there's a lot of small AOE right
24204s like
24206s um I say small AOE like inquisitive
24208s creation is very mid-sized AOE but if
24210s you're playing you know an early three
24213s six three seven four eight size minion
24216s then inquisitive creation is probably
24217s not interacting with it then you look at
24219s Shaman with like lightning storm and
24221s turn the tides and crash of thunder and
24223s all that kind of stuff like none of that
24224s deals with one individual chunky minion
24227s so it's weird that an expansion has been
24229s released with individual powerful High
24233s Health Minions that you can get played
24235s in a very powerful and all of the decks
24238s aren't super well equipped to deal with
24240s that it's kind of interesting that's
24242s very good I like that a lot but it's
24243s because I think people are the early
24246s board I've seen this earlier you may
24247s disagree them I'll be happy if you do in
24249s some ways um the early body is so
24251s massively important now even just
24253s fiddling around with one threes and one
24255s twos
24255s that you've got to deal with that
24257s nonsense before you can drop your big
24259s seven seven yeah thing yeah
24264s which is kind of an interesting Dynamic
24266s I like it
24269s and it's what this long pause is about
24271s right do I play my stupid rubbish or do
24274s I actually just draw some cards and pass
24290s okay the attack has now been sent face
24292s finally
24294s I believe uh dread eyes suspected
24296s wandering monster is still in play yeah
24298s there it is which is actually now as he
24300s knew motion denied but just chose to get
24302s on with it and deal with the motion
24303s tonight which I think he now had full
24305s information off at this point I think he
24306s tested out right should be everything
24307s else at that point
24311s so now the game begins
24314s you plays the seven seven starts doing
24316s damage and we're into the where's my
24318s alibi can I kill you stage for the mage
24321s yes
24323s however selective breeder into Hound is
24326s possible selected breeder into King
24327s crush is not of course but it does mean
24330s that setting up any kind of Rapid lethal
24332s is going to be very very difficult for
24334s dreadi here
24336s I buy ice I play too much
24338s bioluminescence I'm like it's that
24339s lethal
24341s can I do two discovers of lethal cards
24344s here yeah
24346s as we all know if you end up with a hand
24347s that's just three bioluminescences and
24349s two lightning bolts against an aggro
24351s deck that somehow still wins the game
24353s what was that just drop the title of the
24356s extra damage and Mano and off you go
24359s yep only meaty
24363s only meaty he's a doctor you know
24366s I have heard rumors yeah
24370s unconfirmed reports
24382s okay that's a good hex I like that hex
24384s let's take that that is a very nice hex
24387s indeed I do like oh that's a very nice
24389s light it burns actually let's do that
24391s instead yep
24393s no okay yeah
24396s nothing to spend too man on in hand
24398s right now I guess is the argument which
24400s yep sure I'm down with that
24403s next thing you can do like every card in
24405s your hand pretty much you didn't get to
24407s forge because of doing that that's all
24409s you missed out on
24415s you just mousing over the uh Crush in
24418s his handgun if you could get back in the
24420s deck this would be lethal this turn yep
24422s no Finley in here it's not usually
24424s played anymore I believe but I always
24426s check just cause it's a card that does
24428s happen
24428s yeah not too common these days even they
24431s need to do it before the uh the Lord
24433s came down right
24436s yes yeah
24440s I mean yes but also no because it's
24442s still massive but it's still it's still
24444s King Crush but yeah I know what you mean
24445s yeah yeah
24447s still big you get to play it like a turn
24448s early sure you know what else is Big Mr
24450s mookler
24454s just player 2020. yeah just just kill
24458s this or have an alibi just just kill it
24464s you're not enjoyed a card you got a
24466s banana I don't care just kill this game
24471s however for one month it's gone
24477s you saw the heck last turn you can't
24478s believe they've got another way of
24480s dealing with a 7-7 let alone a 2019.
24482s that's weird the rate of emotions
24486s just to touch on it as well
24488s um dread I chose to open the other
24490s Discovery before using the hex as the
24492s nature spell right to give him another
24494s shot at finding nature spells from
24497s um from the discovery which I do like uh
24499s because I think nature spells have some
24500s pretty high quality options overall it's
24502s then weird that after having done that
24504s he then took the holy option of the two
24507s that was given to him out of the uh the
24508s rewarding spells and that ends up being
24510s incredibly effective in the game State
24512s absolutely
24516s something I like about new matches like
24517s you learn little things like oh the
24519s nature spells are good like that's not
24520s something you learn on day one that's
24521s something you learn having played it and
24523s watched it and lost to it and slowly
24525s iterated it
24526s I think holy wise like you open you open
24529s a box early and you get love everlasting
24531s it's the best possible card I can
24533s discover if it's early in the game but
24535s then past that point the the holy cards
24537s tend to be fairly underwhelming and it's
24539s kind of just pick a cheap one and get it
24541s played a lot of the time honestly light
24543s it burns is usually one of the highest
24544s quality options right that makes sense
24546s we need a card called underwhelming
24547s that'd be great get on that design team
24550s underwhelming he just plays
24552s underwhelming it'll be like a one Mana
24554s four four with no downside
24558s we've got mistake
24560s you know what underwhelming to go with
24562s it
24564s so just
24565s crush them
24570s you saw the second Reverb get burned
24571s right which is yeah huge it's got It's
24573s Kind of a Funny interaction because it's
24575s the natural predator of the giant king
24576s mutler but ended up being burned because
24578s of the bananas
24581s amuse me amuse you who was amused right
24583s up to the point two seconds later where
24585s like it burns came into play and took
24587s down the middle anyway
24591s just just hit him okay
24595s trying to be Raven but
24600s if you I guess the argument here is if
24602s you don't wild Spirits here you never do
24604s it
24605s so you do it here
24607s yeah
24609s it also does prevent a sizable amount of
24612s Chip damage as long as you hit at least
24613s one Rush Minion right because you'd like
24616s to stay above 30 if at all possible
24618s because it does give you quite a lot of
24619s security against random scamiotks out of
24622s nowhere from the mage
24626s or like the one they've put in their
24627s deck the random scammy otk they put in
24630s their deck yeah
24631s it's a fair point yeah I just mean at
24633s this point you're not necessarily
24635s playing around things because you know
24636s you like right you need to be deep in
24639s their deck generally they need 10 mana
24641s and a forged molten Rune as well like
24642s there's a lot of signs that you're
24644s waiting for before you necessarily
24645s expect to die
24647s um not even like discounted cards from
24649s infinitize right like sometimes that's
24651s something that can catch you by surprise
24652s but there's none of those currently
24653s either
24656s so as long as you stay at High Health
24658s totals then you're probably not
24660s expecting to get otk to return soon I
24663s love how we've just had like three turns
24665s of seven sevens and twenty twenties and
24667s violence and now everyone's just playing
24668s two twos and two fours and putting a
24670s banana on things like yeah
24673s more Mana equals we've used a lot of
24675s good stuff play all our rubbish
24677s oh there's some cards
24680s oh second copy of inspiration that
24682s sounds really good actually I'd quite
24684s like that that's why you don't put two
24686s in your deck right because you just get
24687s two
24688s yeah yeah yeah no that makes sense
24690s actually I solved it got there now we
24693s understand
24699s oh no
24707s do you like the moot clue in this deck
24710s um with it being the fourth beast and
24712s make some of the things a bit
24713s complicated sometimes
24715s I do yeah I I do like it it interacts
24717s too well with uh with Titans not to play
24720s it I think right because they all come
24721s down around that stage of the game and
24724s then you can you can Muckle it into it
24725s and it's generally value trades it
24727s massively because Titans are generally
24729s uh low attack High Health
24732s that makes sense yep
24735s um but yeah it does have a downside of
24737s you know occasionally you miss lethal
24739s because you've hit the wrong pool of
24741s beasts or like you miss your Hound when
24743s you absolutely need it to recovery yeah
24745s like that downside absolutely does
24748s well there's two of them
24751s and they're going to do a damage each
24752s next turn
24756s they're going to be trading into some
24757s four or fives
24759s never torn
24763s I mean they're going to be trading into
24764s some four fives whether there's taught
24766s or not
24768s I mean maybe he doesn't know what solid
24770s Alibi does no I've never seen the card
24772s before
24776s is it a good point though maybe it's not
24778s we'll see
24781s the jury is out
24783s over to VAR decision review in progress
24787s yeah it's a good point it was still a
24790s good point oh sorry yeah yeah okay it's
24792s bars on Church yeah absolutely that's
24794s exactly what I mean yeah yeah
24799s it is we have decided it wasn't indeed
24803s not a pile of rubbish all right gets the
24805s Hound
24808s ah
24825s sure yeah why not
24828s why not induce as much health as
24830s possible on your minions means that
24832s actually I'm a liar and nothing needs to
24834s trade whatsoever
24836s uh-huh just leave them there
24842s okay yep looks good to me actually goes
24845s the other way in the end deliberately
24846s goes uh minus one minion just to have
24849s extra board spaces in play if required
24854s so that makes sense anyway yeah yeah
24861s so here we are
24863s yeah where are we exactly like
24865s infinitize
24867s into rewind into light it burns
24870s AOE the rest of it no still leaves a
24872s 2019 in play
24878s yeah my little brain always goes
24879s Infinitis into Alibi fine done draw Siff
24884s infinitize into Reverb
24888s yeah it has Rush
24892s that kills the other 2019. you've spent
24895s five mana and then you just play
24898s inquisitive creation which deals eight
24905s wait no uh what about
24910s what about 15 damage spell does that
24911s ever clear
24915s along with creation
24919s you know 11 11 no it doesn't clear I
24921s can't count good nope
24924s safe at the bottom of the deck Again by
24927s the way it's been just the story of the
24929s tournament
24932s yeah Jedi has had literal last card safe
24934s already this tournament
24937s uh he's also tank Harding now uh-huh
24941s that's safe I've only got five cards in
24942s deck and need one emergently
24950s go foreign
24953s this has been a Hearthstone game subtle
24960s fine
24961s relatively inconsequential
24968s it's creation and Alibi maybe two more
24971s damage sure
24976s the question does fast become how are
24978s you winning this game from this position
24981s though because the Rune did get dumped
24983s kind of looking for scammy answers on
24984s the previous turn Wiseman said stick
24987s four fives will be what he's thinking I
24989s assume
24990s I hope my opponent's hand is three
24992s garbage cards because it can be right at
24994s this stage of the game Hunter's hand can
24995s be absolute trash sometimes well the
24998s problem is is I think you know this last
25000s card is King Crush because if this card
25002s wasn't king crush the southern beast
25005s from your deck would have killed you
25006s already got it yeah okay
25009s so that sounds like an issue I guess
25013s Elementals that have taunts sometimes
25014s though if you'd have got yourself into a
25016s good enough position where you could
25017s have survived for one turn like AOE down
25020s this board and then not been under
25022s immediate Crush lethal and then played
25024s the Elementals the next turn that could
25026s have got you there
25029s yep
25030s I feel like the start of the term with
25032s infinitize and find Reverb was the
25033s better out though honestly
25036s yeah you're winning me over the more I
25038s see of how it's gone since
25040s it's gone pretty badly since
25045s um yeah the ice barrier that will save
25046s them
25058s no
25066s this is where my brain just gives up it
25068s hits concede and hopes that it was right
25070s yeah that's it that's the play well done
25072s Judo
25073s figured it out found the line yeah you
25076s can't see it and let chat tell you what
25077s you did wrong what you could have won
25079s two zero one game away from playing
25082s pocket train in the finals
25085s um there's a lot going on in that game
25086s with that terrible draw but making the
25088s point I guess at a terrible draw can
25090s still get there without deck because it
25092s only has to survive two or three turns
25094s and the terrible cards did just fill the
25097s Mana up as well
25099s yeah yeah I mean so different story if
25102s came up against like keyboard coin Cold
25105s Case right the game was so long that
25107s someone might tell me that was keyboard
25109s coin Cold Case now as far as I know but
25112s um if it's against some rapid start you
25113s draw a hand like that you might be in
25114s trouble right if you're playing against
25115s Outcast Demon Hunter or some un uh
25119s Unholy DK right or some super board
25123s heavy early game deck that's not gonna
25125s be good enough right just pass pass and
25128s get piece together a turn four into play
25130s stuff on five but if you are against
25132s another deck that's a little bit slow to
25133s get started absolutely fine like most of
25136s the time this deck is quite happy to
25138s pass turns into the mid to late game
25140s right because if this 40 hunter gets to
25143s that point it starts dropping bombs like
25144s this every turn there's very few things
25147s in the metagame that can compete with it
25148s particularly well I mean it went through
25150s a hex
25152s um one Mana spell my brain is just not
25155s processing right now it went through a
25157s Reverb it burned a Reverb but yeah it
25159s went through three yeah like it burns
25161s you went through three really good
25163s removal spells and ends up with two 20
25164s attack Minions on the board
25166s yep
25167s so sure
25169s yeah and the Creations got Juiced all
25171s the way to eight as well and they were
25173s relatively inconsequential in the game
25174s like it's rare that you get all seven
25176s spell schools cast and you haven't
25177s played a creation yet and then you can't
25179s clear the boards that your opponents are
25181s making and that's still what managed to
25182s happen in that situation so with the two
25185s unusual for the sake of the tournament I
25188s know people haven't been following the
25189s tournament throughout two days the fact
25190s that I just called Hound Hunter an
25192s unusual deck will be wince at their
25194s monitors
25195s um but it's not a common deck in this
25197s tournament Arcane Hunter has been much
25199s more common overall
25201s um so you brought uh in Rage Warrior and
25203s Hound Hunter and those two decks have
25205s done very well for him up until this
25207s point those two decks have done very
25208s well for him in this series uh and now
25211s yes we've got left all he's got left
25215s is the subtle Shaman and I believe you
25217s is one of the subtle shamans yes this is
25221s my list that is being played it's not
25223s only your list but you like to talk
25225s about this matchup don't you because
25226s this matchup is quite interesting
25227s compared to most Shaman matchups
25230s very interesting yeah
25232s um this is you actually saw meaty do
25235s this against
25237s um Outcast Demon Hunter which is a very
25239s similar matchup we I alluded to it
25242s earlier right where he was kind of left
25243s with a whole bunch of unspent combo
25245s pieces because he went flash of
25247s lightning early he went double lightning
25249s reflexes early he tried to make this
25251s incredible Tempo turn by using flash of
25253s light and lightning reflexes to maybe
25255s just clear a board play a feral Spirits
25257s swing the ball at that kind of thing it
25259s didn't work out particularly well for
25261s him but he recognized that that was kind
25262s of a necessity with the way that the
25264s game was going it ended up just being a
25266s board clear and not really that much
25268s Tempo being generated coming back the
25270s other way and just kind of had to fall
25272s over the line in the end but that's very
25275s often what these kind of match-ups are
25276s about is trying to grab Tempo early and
25279s honestly uh Goose hands starting out
25282s with the schooling on one uh did play
25284s ancestral knowledge on two which is not
25286s something I'm in love with a lot of the
25287s time but there was no natural three Mana
25290s play in hand like no feral Spirits no
25292s turn the tides in hand already so it's
25294s fine he does have Flow Rider as well
25296s which supports doing that and now he's
25298s also drawn into early flash of lightning
25300s and early inza as well which are two of
25302s the best possible Tempo swing cards that
25304s he has available to him like a pretty
25307s good hand let's say he draws nothing off
25309s the top here is this just play a couple
25311s of one drops and then flash immediately
25312s or you're trying to use your fish before
25314s you flash of course you might as well
25315s because they're there so the flash can
25317s be delayed a turn
25319s are you do I get to use your fish before
25320s you flash are you trying to flash before
25322s you fish these are the questions that
25325s are crucial commentary
25327s God damn it subtle I feel that with this
25330s hand I end up flashing on six that's
25332s what I feel like here
25333s uh so this turn yeah this was kind of
25338s mandated right you fish the costume
25339s singer that was pretty much always going
25340s to happen so this this always felt like
25342s a Flo Rida fish turned to me
25345s um I'm not sure if there's currently
25347s anything going on that's going to fill
25348s out the next turn so the next turn might
25351s end up being the flash turn instead but
25353s honestly
25354s I don't think there's enough pressure
25356s being represented here on dredy's side
25358s to cause you to have to panic and do
25361s that
25363s I think you can kind of just get on with
25365s his business at this point yeah which is
25367s I mean the initial business being do
25369s your combo win the game that way but
25371s you'd expect not to be able to do that
25373s because this Hunter deck can exert a lot
25376s of pressure with four ones and stuff
25377s very early
25378s [Music]
25380s that's what he's gone with
25382s obviously last year was a bit awkward
25384s because of overload so he has to waste
25386s Mana
25389s foreign
25394s yeah I mean that's the awkward part
25396s right is there is a costume singer in
25398s play he is at 18 there is three damage
25400s showing and if inza gets played the
25403s opponent gets a three drop with charge
25404s right so it is a little bit scary
25408s um to to go with this but I do think
25410s it's by far the best play
25414s sort of made his bed on turn for when he
25417s like you you're gonna say like he didn't
25419s overload to play the five five which
25421s meant he had a fairly inefficient turn
25422s which allowed red eye to just get this
25424s irritating pressure I say every time I'm
25427s gonna say it again where's this damage
25428s come from this day he's just done 20
25431s damage for no reason nothing's happened
25436s I see what the draw is before we have to
25438s start thinking about lethal outs no
25440s that's not particularly helpful you can
25442s still choose to softly go fishing for it
25445s here though like play feral Spirits play
25447s Flo Rida see what happens in terms of
25449s discover off the Flow Rider since those
25451s are uh efficient minions to play anyway
25456s and just expect to finish with I mean
25458s when you say go fishing for it what are
25460s you looking for the Discover Card well
25462s you could there are there are worlds
25464s where things work out incredibly
25465s perfectly where you go like Radiance
25467s feral Spirit Flow Rider this turn and
25469s they just kind of die
25473s um but that is I think extremely
25475s ambitious in the in the circumstances so
25477s I imagine this is just a flash setup
25479s turn and you look at what you get here
25482s but now you're in a little bit of a
25484s sticky situation because you have to
25486s clear up some of this and you would
25487s ideally want to float a manner this turn
25489s as well well looks like it's going to be
25492s able to do Flow Rider and then stop
25494s there
25497s and then take a bolt for the lethal
25499s setup on the following turn yeah this
25500s looks good
25507s you expect to die here sometimes right
25509s yep
25514s if there was a already Juiced ancient
25517s Kraken Bane in hand you're pretty dead
25520s um it's only the fact that red eye has
25522s to spend all his mana on other spells to
25524s get that crack and Bane active that's
25526s holding him back right now I think
25533s what what is your plan here is Jedi
25536s you've got to make sure you win next
25536s turn but is there anything you do to not
25538s lose before then like killing a 5-2
25541s killing some of these minions does seem
25542s incredibly important trust your deck
25543s next turn to just win the game next turn
25547s make the challenge spend as much money
25549s as possible
25551s uh so yeah not having lethal as long as
25554s you don't have lethal in that situation
25556s does he play actually no he doesn't
25558s dreaday doesn't play speaker stomper in
25560s this deck right
25561s no let me find
25563s no he doesn't
25565s that's Plan B was
25568s um yeah so he did end up going for
25569s conjured arrows I was looking over at
25571s the decklist but that was kind of my
25572s other thought right is check for lethal
25574s if you don't have lethal play conjured
25575s arrow and draw speaker stop put but
25577s that's not even an out that he has
25578s available in the deck
25581s so I think
25582s it's just kind of in trouble
25586s looks that way
25593s what is the draw now for you oh oh crash
25596s of Thunder that'll do it that will do it
25599s third damage Spell straight up
25603s any discover would have made life
25605s incredibly likely if not he would have
25607s had to have dumped the bolts and then
25608s potentially gone fishing
25612s this looks so easy like just play the
25614s card in your hand why do I have to
25616s discover things and mess around and then
25618s dig through a card in my deck and then
25619s try to play a second flash why why is
25621s that just the way you win
25623s 18
25626s 27. it could not be more perfect exact
25629s Mana exact damage exact lethal exact 3-0
25635s all the way through to the finals to
25636s face pocket train beautifully done in
25639s the end from q that was a super clutch
25640s drawer at the end to pick up the crash
25642s of Thunder otherwise he was gonna need a
25644s little bit of assistance from uh from
25646s the Discover Gods it would seem if uh if
25648s he found his way to the lightning
25649s reflexes because I'm not sure if there's
25652s any line he could have taken where he
25654s would have enough Mana to make a board
25658s play the bioluminescence dump the
25659s lightning bolts and then steal like
25661s Thorin right to then draw more cards
25665s after the fact and keep going I don't
25666s think he had enough juice to be doing
25668s that kind of thing so picking up the
25670s crash of Thunder straight off the top
25672s was incredibly clutch in the end yeah he
25675s was slightly embarrassed by it but that
25676s deck honestly there's got a million out
25678s to just win the game on the spot anyway
25680s that's why you do what you do with that
25681s deck he's got a lot of card draw it's
25683s got a lot of damage and not much else
25685s you gotta pick up it quite often feels
25687s like you were lucky when you win with
25688s that deck on that turn in that situation
25689s but actually when you go through the
25690s Alps you've got so many yeah yeah
25693s especially when you've done it without
25694s opening a lightning reflexes I think you
25697s have to say fair enough right like
25698s sometimes you do open Lightning reflexes
25701s and get bolt into crash right and those
25703s are fortunate outcomes and you have to
25705s part of playing the deck is
25706s understanding when that's the right
25708s thing to go for and when it isn't and
25709s what your odds are in those situations
25712s um but you recognize the assignment
25714s right play flash of lightning float one
25716s Mana so you you don't get um you don't
25718s get the surprise three drop and then he
25720s played the Flowrider and he specifically
25722s picked the lightning bolt right no
25723s second thoughts in his mind that's not a
25725s difficult choice to make but he didn't
25727s have anything else in his mind he saw a
25728s lightning bolt in the Discover he said
25730s this is why I need any damage spells I
25731s think the only thing that would have
25732s gone up against that in his mind is if
25734s he saw lightning reflexes as the Flowood
25736s or a Flow Rider Discoverer and he might
25737s have taken that instead
25739s um and then DEC was kind to him with the
25742s crash of Thunder discover for exactly 27
25744s and he counted it perfectly
25746s yep 999 call the ambulance for Jedi he's
25750s out of here it's three it's zero degree
25752s who goes to play Pocket train in the
25754s final and we've talked enough I think
25756s about what's going to happen what has
25758s happened what is going to happen is
25759s going to have that final for you in just
25761s a few minutes we'll give you a little
25762s rest I believe that's usually how it
25764s goes down we'll be back shortly for the
25766s final the Hearthstone Masters Tour
25768s summer championship
25771s foreign
25781s [Music]
25812s [Music]
25852s [Music]
25853s foreign
25875s [Music]
25892s [Music]
25921s thank you
25934s [Music]
25957s [Music]
25967s [Music]
25974s foreign
25978s [Music]
25994s foreign
25996s [Music]
26026s foreign
26028s [Music]
26066s foreign
26067s [Music]
26082s [Music]
26123s foreign
26125s [Music]
26141s foreign
26144s [Music]
26190s [Music]
26196s [Music]
26208s foreign
26212s foreign
26217s [Music]
26233s welcome back to the Hearthstone Masters
26236s Tour summer Championship we are getting
26239s pumped up here we are getting ready to
26241s go into our grand finals for this
26244s tournament and to kick that off here is
26247s myself Dawn or Dragon Rider and joined
26250s Again by TJ are you ready for this TJ
26254s I am I am I think uh pocket train most
26259s people probably expected pocket train
26261s when you look at this lineup to be a
26262s player that was in the finals there's a
26264s little bit less pressure on him
26265s throughout the tournament because he's
26266s already kind of a shoe-in for the world
26268s championship based on points
26270s and he's a fantastic player and
26272s everybody knows it so that's a recipe
26274s for all right this guy's gonna win or
26278s has a good shot at it goo on the other
26280s hand maybe not a player that everybody
26283s was looking at coming into this
26285s um as much as some of the other big
26287s names but he's really proven himself and
26289s one thing that I've noticed over the
26291s course of the tournament is that gew has
26294s kind of
26295s look like he's become more comfortable
26297s with his plays
26299s um whereas early on in the tournament
26301s there was a little bit of shaking some
26302s missed turns uh some things that he
26305s didn't complete hit like his full turn
26307s uh before the row pit but now he's
26309s firing in all cylinders takes his time
26311s very methodical approach and he's got
26314s some cool decks to boot so
26316s um I think this is a a very worthy final
26320s oh yeah it's 100 agreed and there you
26323s see uh some highlights from pocket train
26326s throughout today kind of just taking
26328s these games down to get up to this point
26331s and as you mentioned you maybe did seem
26334s to struggle a little bit in the match
26336s that we did cast earlier that we get to
26338s see him in but yeah very decisive 3-0 in
26343s the previous series to get him into this
26345s Grand finals but to get into some of
26347s these deck lists I am really interested
26349s to see how these two lineups go into
26352s each other and here this Outcast Demon
26354s Hunter has kind of been one of those
26357s either love or hate decks it seems like
26359s this weekend people either are loving it
26362s like me and saying yeah this is a cool
26364s deck I think it's it's pretty well
26366s situated here and then some people
26368s saying I kind of hate this I don't know
26370s if we can uh if we can actually really
26372s say that Outcast Demon Hunter gets there
26374s in the end so we will be seeing that
26378s from pocket train as well and as you
26381s mentioned kind of on the other side that
26382s Warrior the enraged Warrior has kind of
26385s been the other out of left field kind of
26388s deck for this weekend as well that has
26390s really had some good results
26393s yeah it's had good results in the fact
26395s that gues in the finals but when we
26398s watch it it feels like it's not having
26400s good results uh where it's it feels like
26403s in the series it's the one deck that you
26405s has where it's kind of getting beat up
26408s um we saw a massive highlight earlier uh
26411s when you face off against weq uh where
26413s he kind of snuck a lethal out of nowhere
26416s in a long drawn out game uh with that
26420s enraged war and has the ability to do
26422s that
26423s um so I'm excited to see more from that
26427s deck because it is a deck that I've been
26430s jamming it I'm trying to learn more
26432s about it very difficult to play and then
26434s you also got to see sort of the
26436s longevity that the Hound Hunter has in
26439s in many different matchups constant
26441s pressure once you get to that late game
26443s with continually summoning giant beasts
26446s the ability to finish games uh uh very
26449s quickly later on the game with the
26451s buffed double King Crush if you're deck
26453s of lines in the stranglethorne hard so
26455s love Goose lineup and I always love to
26458s see players that kind of go against the
26460s grain and bring Decks that not everybody
26462s else is bringing and have success with
26464s it and I think that you has showcased
26466s that very well as we take a look at the
26469s uh the enrage Wars such a cool deck now
26471s the Roaring Applause
26473s um mostly rage Warriors that like I play
26475s against which is not very many by the
26476s way uh play the I can't remember the
26479s name of the card it's the three cost
26481s um steam something uh draw a spell and
26484s then reduce the cost of a fire spell in
26486s your hand by one yeah
26490s uh steam Garden yeah yeah um roaring
26492s Applause has a higher
26494s I really don't play that many tribes in
26496s the deck you play storybalore you play
26497s foul egg
26499s um that's really it like enema extractor
26500s nothing from the bridge riffs ogre like
26503s none of those have like a minion type
26506s so roaring Applause
26509s is just like a cheap cycle which is kind
26511s of what you need in the deck
26513s um but it isn't an interesting inclusion
26516s when you note that you know the
26519s alternative is just a three Mana three
26521s three that draw spell maybe gives you
26523s additional Tempo but I like the choice
26525s it's worked out well we've seen them
26526s draw multiple cards plenty of times
26528s uh with that card
26529s yeah I think oftentimes that does end up
26532s being probably too car draw I think
26534s that's what we've seen a lot but that
26536s sometimes is just enough to Mana draw to
26539s seems pretty decent uh but again I want
26541s to mention these different lineups
26543s because I I think some of the matchups
26546s we've had throughout this tournament
26547s have had very similar lineups and we
26550s even saw that in that second top four
26552s that we just showcased where it was
26554s three basically of the same deck and
26556s then one deck different but on the other
26558s side here they uh they both do have
26562s before the bands they both had the
26564s nature Shaman uh but other than that the
26567s three decks outside of the nature Shaman
26569s are all different for both of these
26570s players so pretty interesting showcase
26572s here of these kind of different
26573s strategies these different lineups that
26576s these players have and we are going to
26578s get into this first game with pocket
26580s train looking like on that Shaman and
26583s gew on the Mage
26586s yeah it is really cool
26588s [Music]
26595s [Music]
26597s yeah because the Mages are different
26600s right one is the rainbow Mage one is
26602s more of the Naga style so different
26604s Mages as well
26607s uh but here we see the flame geyser kind
26610s of being an early potential removal here
26613s for you lines up pretty nicely into the
26617s zapper that just came down for pocket
26619s train and also to follow up with that
26621s Cosmic keyboard and potentially a four
26624s drop either the cold case or the volume
26626s up both very good options
26629s seems like Goose hand is pretty solid so
26633s far here on the other side a little bit
26635s more clunky of a hand for pocket train
26637s though unfortunately uh not really the
26640s pieces that pocket Train's looking for
26642s but I think pocket train has some time
26644s before he really needs to get all of
26646s those pieces
26649s yeah plenty of time uh the problem is
26653s like
26655s one the armor that's going to be gained
26657s and then two just the tempo having to
26660s actually acknowledge the board from the
26662s side of the main just usually the
26664s roughest part in this matchup if they
26665s don't find any of their minions or the
26667s game they're just collecting spells and
26669s drawing
26671s then it feels like you have infinite
26673s time in this matchup but as soon as that
26676s Cold Case comes out that keyboard comes
26678s out becomes very difficult
26684s yeah
26686s I love this uh
26688s wisdom of norganon already being
26690s discounted several times turn five gonna
26693s be able to potentially draw with that if
26695s you didn't want to go for the kind of
26697s off curve play of volume up I could go
26700s for something like the Prismatic and
26702s then uh wisdom or could just start with
26704s the wisdom to draw but maybe maybe he
26707s just wants to Discount that a little bit
26708s more I don't imagine he wants to go for
26710s something like the reverberations quite
26712s yet not on something like a totem
26718s what are you talking about you don't
26719s want to stealth totem or a strength
26721s totem I mean
26724s uh no give your personality
26729s sure I guess you could
26733s uh the eradication is a shadow spell now
26736s we're gonna see that get picked up here
26738s could be used in place of that
26740s reverberations if there's not really
26742s anything that's going to come down later
26744s but the reverberations I think has also
26746s been one of those really interesting
26748s cards that we've seen across both the
26751s Mages and the couple of warlocks over
26753s this weekend that we have seen but uh
26756s reverberations being able to either copy
26759s in opponent's Minion or one of your own
26762s in terms of something like copying your
26765s own stiff or copying a Titan has been
26767s extremely
26769s utilized I would say in a lot of these
26771s games
26773s it really has
26783s uh
26784s yeah just having that additional term of
26788s effective immunity
26790s is certainly worthwhile now pocket fade
26792s got to tighten down got it for draw it's
26795s not in real like too much relative
26798s Danger
26799s um if the Titan sticks which it likely
26801s won't and actually there's a pretty easy
26803s removal here since you did use the
26807s um
26807s draw goo could easily just
26810s reverberations and then use the damage
26813s plus yield which will kill it off and
26814s deal three damage to pocket train as
26816s well so
26816s yeah that's probably what's going to be
26818s slated but it feels bad to have to spend
26820s three mana on that when you're not
26822s really progressing anything considering
26823s like you mentioned already played the
26825s Shadow from the Mortal Mortal
26826s eradication so it doesn't really add
26828s uh anything except for the three damage
26830s which could be relevant with uh sip in
26833s hand so we'll see
26835s picking up the light it burns there as a
26837s holy spell pretty interesting here
26840s these additional cards I I don't know
26844s about this discover here those don't
26845s seem very helpful but looks like you
26849s does want to go for this reverberations
26850s I think just the value of being able to
26853s remove that golden F from pocket train
26857s seems
26858s very very good you don't want to give
26862s pocket additional uses of that Titan
26871s Hellfire for additional damage even
26873s still
26876s yeah oh there's the Flash
26885s it's a lot of damage next turn yeah
26901s does hold on to the flash though
26904s um only had the bioluminescence in one
26907s burnt spell did have lightning reflexes
26908s now has both lightning reflexes
26911s so it's possible that pocket train if Q
26914s doesn't play
26915s um
26917s a solid Alibi next turn might try to
26919s kill
26920s without a flash of lightning discount
26924s uh does have the ends of discount so
26926s things like zapper lighting bolts are
26928s already free and if you can hit like
26930s crash Lightnings or additional lightning
26932s bolts from the uh mining reflexes you
26934s don't even need the uh flash of
26936s lightning to kill
26938s so it's just gonna put some stuff on the
26940s board play for tempo
26942s and put you in a situation where he has
26945s to
26946s uh solid Alibi even before seeing the
26948s flash Supply thing we're starting to get
26949s to Mana totals where it really doesn't
26950s matter anymore so it looks like you just
26952s gonna try and gain some armor here
26955s yeah it doesn't seem like a terrible
26956s option we've seen players do that a lot
26958s throughout the tournament just going for
26960s additional armor kind of holding off on
26963s playing saw the Alibis as long as
26964s possible of course you know with the
26966s vision that we have we see there's not a
26968s salad Alibi in hand anyways so getting
26971s some additional armor seems really good
26973s the altered chord could be some removal
26976s but uh there's no overload so it's gonna
26980s cost five and that's pretty expensive
26983s yeah
26985s and doesn't benefit from the healing and
26987s expensive doesn't really matter because
26989s what he's just trying to do here is gain
26990s as much armor as possible because yeah
26993s he actually does have a lethal setup
26994s next turn and he's juicing up every
26996s single spell school here
26999s um
27000s just to make sure that that lethal is
27002s preserved with Sif flame geyser and
27004s hellfire which I believe Sif is at plus
27006s six spell damage uh yep
27009s so that'd be a plus nine be 17. so
27012s pocket Train's got to go for the kill
27014s here 37 with no uh uh flash lightning
27018s discount is tough
27028s picking up an extra cheap nature spells
27030s to be able to use and just remove from
27032s the opponent seems like a pretty good
27034s fill in here with the zap
27038s It's gotta find bird from this
27043s oh wait a second if if he does enough
27046s damage uh it could be a tie
27053s okay he doesn't do enough
27055s no
27057s all right here is on the other side
27060s though yeah you're just gonna drop the
27063s Sif that he's been buffing up by playing
27066s all of those spell schools the previous
27067s turn and stays alive with two Health to
27072s get that first point on the board in
27074s this Grand Final so you getting a win
27076s with that Mage and now going to have to
27079s get a win with the other two Decks that
27082s aren't banned but I I just want to point
27085s out I think what you said earlier really
27087s showed here it does look like you is
27090s extremely comfortable now maybe you
27093s shook out all the nerves from the start
27094s of the day and just kind of said okay
27096s like I I know what I'm doing I've made
27098s it to this point I know how to play I I
27100s can manage this now after uh getting
27103s through that that first round
27105s yeah it was a very comfortable there
27108s little even a little smirk there at the
27110s end too so uh nicely done I'm a little I
27113s am a little disappointed that we didn't
27114s get the opportunity for a tie just
27117s because it doesn't come up very often if
27119s pocket chain was able to do two
27120s additional damage
27122s then you maybe would have had to force a
27125s tie um we'd see in that situation for
27127s those unaware I believe are unless the
27129s rules have changed between last time and
27131s now if there's a tie
27134s uh both players are awarded wins in
27136s Conquest
27138s um unless it's the final game uh like if
27142s it's tied 2-2 in a series uh then it's a
27145s regame but uh in a normal match of
27148s Conquest if it's a if you have a tie
27150s then both players are awarded win with
27151s the Decks that they're playing on so
27153s probably won't come up again
27156s uh it's probably not I think I've seen
27158s one tie
27160s uh or at least in modern Hearthstone
27163s since the since we solidified those
27165s rules I think I've seen one tie in
27166s America's Grand Masters
27169s um but uh
27171s it's they're few and far between the
27173s opportunities for a tie so I like to
27174s take them when I can get them
27176s definitely well I I'm kind of on the
27179s opposite side I'm glad that we didn't
27180s see the tie you know
27183s I want to see these plays they have
27185s qualified over months and months of
27187s competing on ladder they qualified to
27189s this tournament and now they are getting
27190s to Showcase their skills and play these
27192s games so I want to see it out I want to
27194s see them play these games and see how it
27196s how it stands out but uh with you
27199s getting the win on the Mage now again
27201s there is the Mage on pocket train side
27203s but that is the Naga version of Mage and
27206s not necessarily the same as that rainbow
27208s Mage that we've been seeing but we have
27211s to keep bringing up this Hound Hunter
27213s and this enraged Warrior uh because
27216s these are really interesting how do you
27218s feel about these couple of decks into
27220s pocket trains lineup
27222s I I feel like the rage Warriors got to
27225s be uh the weak spot here
27228s um Hound Hunter's been banned for most
27229s of the weekend thank you and many of the
27231s matchups Helen Hunter's been banned very
27233s powerful deck the highest win rate deck
27235s on ladder uh by a good amount obviously
27238s a lot of players chose to go with the
27239s Arcane Hunter
27241s um which both variations hound and
27244s Arcane are very very good very very
27246s strong
27247s uh but the warrior I feel like has the
27248s most weak spots so I feel like no matter
27250s how this this game goes in particular
27253s even if you Google goes up too well I'm
27255s not going to count pocket train out
27256s because we've seen the warrior falter
27259s um so uh if parkerton is able to get a
27262s win here just makes it that much more
27263s easier to turn around and and Corner the
27266s warrior but especially with a decent
27268s start from Q
27270s this could be kind of difficult one of
27272s the weaknesses though of this deck is
27274s that it can have some awkward weak draws
27278s but it can also block a lot of damage
27280s early game and force a lot of
27281s awkwardness with the secrets
27284s um and that doesn't bode well for
27285s Outcast Demon Hunter
27288s yeah
27290s I do think uh pocket train has a decent
27294s start as well the spectral site over in
27296s that Outcast position not bad at all
27299s here going to be able to get a little
27300s bit of draw but oh this pickup with The
27303s Wretched Exile also pretty good gonna be
27305s able to help pocket train generate some
27308s additional cards and hopefully get some
27310s more value find some additional damage
27312s that the Demon Hunter is looking for but
27315s sometimes the some of these decks can
27317s kind of go a little bit faster and put
27319s on more pressure than the Hound Hunter
27322s can so it has been interesting to
27325s definitely see the Hound Hunter versus
27327s the Arcane Hunter kind of uh dispute or
27330s you know differences over the weekend
27332s but talk about pressure this is a wide
27336s board here already with uh no really
27338s clear answer here yet from you
27342s bush
27348s we'll pick up the hollow Hound I'm sure
27350s here yeah
27352s but
27354s it's still a couple turns away from
27357s being able to make that swing and pocket
27358s train could go wide enough to where it's
27359s not relevant
27362s um it is just a little bit of Chip
27363s damage and this hidden meaning is quite
27365s annoying to be honest just because he's
27368s working with basically one less managed
27370s turn I don't think he wants to give that
27371s activation over
27373s um
27374s yeah but it's just gonna be ship and
27377s face
27379s I like it
27381s yeah I'm setting up this glaive tar here
27383s just really allows for additional draws
27386s by applying the outcast cards in these
27388s coming turns and one thing that's really
27391s great about it as well is that pocket
27392s train can set that up over multiple
27395s turns if he wants to right he can like
27397s play some Outcast cards and then hold
27399s back the swing of the weapon play
27400s Outkast cards the following turn to kind
27402s of capitalize on the draw but if you are
27406s trying to go a little bit slower like
27408s that and just build up your draw it also
27411s means missing out on that additional
27412s damage from the weapon swing
27414s unfortunately here we see the taunt that
27417s was triggered from uh the secret there
27420s but
27422s does he does he care about a potential
27426s detriment for the secret here does
27428s blockchain just want to play out the
27430s hawk Strider Rancher
27433s I think so and then you can trade in two
27435s additional cards and that would be would
27437s that be more local activation you might
27439s be missing one
27441s all right it looks like he's gonna go
27442s for it anyway
27444s uh but just setting up a wide Board of
27446s rushers that way help area for the next
27448s turn as it has a chance to uh threaten
27450s lethal
27452s um
27453s but we're almost certainly looking at a
27455s Hound here just because of the fact that
27458s Alvarez
27459s feels like infinite damage
27462s yeah
27463s I agree I
27465s I don't think with the stakes and
27468s everything uh that could potentially go
27471s wrong here I don't know if you want to
27474s leave as much on the board but actually
27476s going for the hope of 12 loss gonna try
27479s to
27480s uh I guess buff up the Hound Hunter so
27483s that he gains even more healing off of
27485s it next turn and just assumes that the B
27488s is here clear up and prevent a lethal
27491s but yeah you can see the fist pump there
27493s from pocket train that hell varia is
27495s just gonna just gonna do the work here
27498s those are gonna get buffed regardless if
27501s they're attacking into a minion or face
27502s I thought I kind of 21.
27509s I think it's 21. I think he's one off
27514s even with hero power even with hero
27516s power I think he's one off
27521s yeah
27524s looks like you are correct but either
27525s way I think he was very excited to see
27528s that he played around that bees that
27530s because that was kind of when the fist
27532s pump came out and yeah no answer there
27535s even playing the Hound
27538s buffed up at that point wasn't enough
27540s healing to answer all of those minions
27543s from pocket train side and that means
27546s that we are tied a one-on-one
27548s yeah it's that Hound would have been
27551s double bombs it would have been 15
27553s healing still would have left 28 power
27556s on board right uh which is insane
27559s um so good recognition by pocket train
27562s even if it's not lethal to just commit
27564s it anyway because there was no way to
27566s get around it the only out actually
27569s there was no out because he only had six
27571s Mana so prison of yogsaron wasn't even
27573s uh
27574s uh you prison of the Actron and Target
27576s your own face
27578s so one one card clears the board and
27580s then the card hears it heals your face
27582s but we'll still Amana off so that was
27584s just turn six straight up presenting
27587s lethal Well Done by pocket train and
27589s starting to see more and more why
27591s Outcast Demon Hunter is a powerful deck
27593s against Decks that
27595s outside of their own minions they don't
27597s have like specifically removal to
27601s interact with their opponent's board
27602s usually Hound Hunter just tries to be
27604s super annoying in the early game and
27606s that's how they get through the early
27608s game and then they stabilize with Hound
27610s and then they kill you that's like the
27612s progression uh it doesn't do well
27614s against deck stack just continuously
27616s build up big boards and have just as
27618s much Tempo in the other game as you do
27620s yeah you know and on the other side too
27622s as the outcast Demon Hunter it
27624s definitely helps when you're able to
27625s build up a board that doesn't get
27627s removed of rushers and draw that
27629s halveria pretty early because there's
27631s definitely some games where as we've
27632s seen with the Mage things like that Sif
27635s just kind of sitting in the bottom of
27636s the deck sometimes that happens with
27638s halveria too but it works out really
27640s really well there for pocket train
27641s getting all of those pieces together
27643s early enough to apply that pressure and
27647s close it out and then still threaten
27648s enough as you said even if the Hound was
27651s double buffed then came out it just it
27654s still was not enough healing uh
27657s would it have been enough to actually
27660s get additional healing and then kind of
27661s stabilize if we had seen the coin Hound
27664s instead of the coin weapon
27666s maybe it's possible yeah because it
27669s would have paired down the board but
27671s then alvaria would have like stuck
27673s anyway right and you wouldn't have a
27676s follow-up after that so it was kind of
27678s damned if you did if you don't but um
27681s uh it is what it is now we're moving
27683s into game three Mage versus Hunter
27684s getting the Hound Hunter again
27687s um for again
27689s uh the Naga Mage and siren in opening
27691s hand so we also have school teacher to
27695s generate uh the one-man inoggling to
27697s start the uh to get the sound rolling
27700s and a flame geyser to get the uh Spell
27702s rolling uh on that combination so
27707s uh pretty good opening here from pocket
27709s train and you just gonna try and get
27712s through this early game enough and try
27714s and set up enough damage star power is
27715s going to be good for that first siren
27717s board but it's possible that the siren
27719s board
27721s with how it works usually the minions
27723s are more Health than attack so and you
27725s go you can go pretty wide even on the
27728s first one
27729s sometimes star power isn't even enough
27730s on its own to clear it
27739s there's there's definitely some
27740s different options here for geo could
27743s just go for the wild spirits but I'm not
27745s sure if you really necessarily need to
27747s but trying to set some of those minions
27749s up or even having gone for just forging
27753s that titanforged traps could have been
27755s something there as well just to kind of
27758s get that out and get that set up I think
27761s ahead of time
27762s this is a little bit of a faster hand
27764s than what we saw in the previous game
27766s from you this time maybe there's gonna
27770s be a coin Hound but it's not quite the
27772s same as it was before but the posic
27775s being picked up is pretty pretty good
27780s very good
27782s it's gonna limit the pocket in terms of
27784s hand space and also just make it kind of
27786s awkward because you don't really want to
27787s clear it and you definitely don't want
27789s to spend uh mana on those mechs
27793s yeah Scott's second siren so he could go
27795s in but it looks like he's he wants to go
27798s for
27800s uh empty out these Bots from his hand
27802s and go for a bigger pop off
27806s yeah
27809s really go for a draw necessarily either
27811s there with that wisdom of an organ on
27813s just as you mentioned just not enough
27815s hand space there so really has to kind
27816s of pick a direction decide if he does
27819s just want to drop one of those mechs and
27821s and I think that this is fine I kind of
27823s like the just trying to answer this
27825s board
27826s you know do something and then have
27828s potentially a even better pop-off turn
27834s it's something he's trying to summon
27837s something to his hands I don't know what
27839s it is but he's trying all right time to
27841s go he's just getting ready yeah
27851s from the depths generated there sure
27854s dredge effects
27862s it's interesting I wonder what he picked
27863s from the depths
27866s Zola wow okay yeah
27871s going for the noggling as well just to
27873s keep this chain going as long as
27875s possible I love watching these high
27877s level players when you see them pop off
27879s with these Naga turns because as you can
27881s see right as soon as that draw came into
27884s hand pocket train dropped that Naga and
27887s just started going he has the experience
27889s with this deck he's very familiar with
27891s it he knows what he's looking for and I
27893s think we've talked a bit about that uh
27895s pattern recognition throughout this
27897s weekend as well right he knows what he's
27898s looking for and he just went for it no
27901s indecisiveness about it just going in
27908s this is very weird it picks up dark
27910s transformation too to actually make use
27912s of this amalgam
27914s so that's a full board clear
27916s fills up his hand
27918s still has a siren now the next level
27920s play here would have been if he had
27922s given any thought to Hound positioning
27926s um I don't know if he has
27929s but it's very hard to do that while
27931s you're also trying to pop off on a on a
27934s siren turn so
27937s um I don't even know if Hound is
27941s like anywhere close to enough here to do
27947s much of anything is gonna not much pop a
27951s banana on it but just to clear off the
27953s dark transformation too yeah but pocket
27955s train just gets to go again
27957s uh right
27963s and he's going again
27968s I love it
27970s and the benefit of the Hound is he gets
27972s to clear off these small meetings from
27973s his board to make more room from
27975s additional nagas no idea within this
27977s Commander savara
27980s we'll see
27982s okay Discovery magic transformation
27984s flame guys here since our transformation
27986s may not have much of a use anymore uh
27989s yes and Malcolm has already been used
27990s but hey
27995s surely something else is uh created that
27998s uh can make use of that or how about
28000s just use it as an additional card for
28002s this Finley oh definitely I forgot about
28005s the from the depths everything's free at
28007s the bottom so cool oh my gosh
28014s finds nature too
28017s I don't even know what you're killed for
28018s here the five fives or the eight eighths
28020s because luckily in two turns your
28021s board's gonna be too full for the five
28023s fives all right this is nuts
28025s yes very well done
28029s uh also pretty significant here with
28031s this full board both Frozen touches in
28034s hand now as well so that if this board
28036s gets cleared off those are immediately
28038s going to just be fully infused and be
28041s additional damage if Sif is drawn that I
28045s think could just basically be spelling
28047s the end there for you in this match up
28050s here but from the other side now I mean
28052s how does you address this I mean it's
28055s turned seven he has Lauren his hand but
28057s of course if he just plays lortheimer
28059s doesn't answer any of the board that's
28062s that's really not a good look here he's
28064s he's wants to answer the sports somehow
28066s is star power quite enough there
28070s I don't know
28071s it doesn't seem like it is gonna go for
28075s the wild Spirits instead no didn't hit a
28078s single Rush on any of these
28080s not a single Fox
28083s oh my goodness
28089s uh I mean
28093s get rid of the spell damage sure yeah
28096s wow Forge the traps I guess
28103s okay bait and switch
28104s I mean that just gives pocket train more
28106s room to just get rid of stuff on the
28108s board
28109s yeah six seven eight nine ten eleven
28111s twelve thirteen
28113s damn it's showing this clears up
28114s everything so the bean so it doesn't
28115s matter
28118s the Frozen touches in hand would be an
28119s additional six so it's not lethal yet
28121s but you didn't really do much last turn
28123s like didn't North didn't uh
28127s like we make Headway towards uh the win
28130s condition or threatened pocket chain
28132s anyway
28132s so he's fine to just clear this off with
28134s the creation push all the damage and say
28137s okay you have to do the exact same thing
28141s except now you have much much less
28143s health and only one more Mana
28146s yeah right back in the same situation
28148s and less cards in hand to do something
28150s uh to answer as well so yeah less
28154s resources uh less Health it's looking
28157s pretty rough here for you
28160s does start with that star power but yeah
28163s it didn't answer very much at all and
28166s didn't even hit the Skyrim at all
28169s anything
28170s all it all that did was Infuse pocket
28173s trains Frozen touches
28176s yes I mean still there there's the
28177s argument it did do something then it
28180s just didn't do anything for you except
28182s maybe end up killing him faster
28185s yeah that's lethal from hand
28187s with with quadruple Frozen touch and a
28191s ping so uh nicely done by pocket train
28195s showing off the power once again
28199s of the Naga Mage and just make sound
28202s Hunter look like such a fair deck
28205s yes yeah uh maybe people on ladder might
28209s disagree with that as well but that's
28211s the difference in these players their
28214s skill level and also I think the
28216s experience with the deck I don't think
28218s just anybody could take Naga Mage and do
28221s super well with it like this I mean of
28223s course at this level we're probably just
28225s saying that any of these players could
28227s take any deck and do extremely well with
28229s it in general right but uh for a couple
28233s of these decks the outcast Demon Hunter
28235s the enrage Warrior this Naga Mage
28237s honestly pretty similar still all of
28239s these decks are very very similar if not
28242s the same card lists that they were from
28244s previous metas so these players probably
28247s already have a lot of experience with
28249s these and I think we really saw that in
28251s this matchup here with pocket train he
28252s knew exactly what he was looking for he
28254s knew exactly just okay this is my
28257s pop-off turn I have to get the siren
28259s down and just go and just started
28262s picking cards just looking for potential
28265s damage I I think that added a dredge
28270s effect right the from the depths
28271s definitely helped him out in the long
28273s run but I think he still probably would
28275s have gone there looking at the way that
28277s this the hand for gear was shaping up
28279s and just the state of the the board as
28281s well
28283s yeah then Naga Mage the the pattern has
28286s stayed the same but it's gotten 10 times
28289s more complicated just because of the
28290s fact that you have discovery of magic
28292s you have molten Rune right uh that you
28295s can discover which at all these random
28298s effects
28299s uh into your game plan so not only do
28301s you have to have the knowledge and
28303s recognition down for for just playing
28305s the Naga mage
28306s as is you also have to have this wide
28309s breadth of game knowledge
28311s in order to be able to think on your
28313s feet and use cards that you may have not
28316s used in these types of situations before
28318s so
28319s very cool deck to watch and one that I
28321s know I will never
28322s be good at at least not as good as these
28324s top players
28326s um and pocket train only Shaman left uh
28330s to find a win with
28331s yeah that's it we started with that when
28334s in the first game for Q and now it is
28337s quickly turned to a 2-1 in pocket trains
28340s favor so definitely kind of things
28343s flipped around here but I could try and
28345s look in pretty good in this uh match so
28348s far going into game Number Four pocket
28352s train as I just said up two to one and
28355s just has to win with the shaman do you
28357s think that this Hound Hunter is going to
28359s be able to get it to a game five here
28362s I don't know
28365s yeah just judging by the last couple
28368s games like the Hound Hunter has just
28370s been floundering uh to be quite honest
28375s um but you've got some decent early game
28378s stuff going on here uh with the Tremors
28381s got some bananas to protect it the posic
28384s is fantastic
28385s uh just a nice on curve play that puts a
28388s ton of pressure on the shaman because
28392s they want to get it off the board but
28394s they never want to spend mana on the
28396s mechs because it just delays their game
28397s plan too too much
28399s yeah
28401s yeah and uh it's very interesting as
28404s well I think we've kind of talked about
28405s this that the shaman can actually clear
28409s up some of the sports so even though you
28412s is applying some of this pressure early
28414s the rest of the hand might be a little
28416s slow at this point maybe the posix
28419s sticks around and applies some pressure
28421s but also things like the lightning storm
28424s that has now been picked up a crash of
28426s Thunder being discovered all of those
28428s are kind of already in the game plan
28431s already that's set up for Shaman and
28434s being able to kind of do things that's
28436s already in your game plan and clear the
28438s board at the same time is always
28439s something that's very very nice but this
28442s is an interesting choice here as well uh
28444s we've talked in a lot of the other games
28445s about not wanting to take chip damage
28448s especially in like the mirror but in
28451s this situation pocket train just says I
28452s actually want to keep bored so makes the
28455s value trade with the Rush Minion and
28457s takes extra damage to his face and I
28460s think that's pretty significant yeah
28462s it could be obviously we're not talking
28464s about Arcane Hunter here which has all
28466s the burst damage in the world so it's
28467s going to be some time before you can
28469s stick together enough damage but
28471s that could be the difference between
28473s just the faithful companion pulling a
28475s king Crush for lethal
28477s or not right like yeah that that extra
28480s damage that he took now it's going to
28482s get to connect base again could even be
28485s like Lord thermar on seven into faithful
28487s companion on eight like that's a world
28490s that that we're in right now and also
28493s has the Hound so goo is setting up for a
28496s situation here where he could just so
28497s Connie ignore the board
28499s and go face Maybe throw a banana in
28502s there
28503s um that five damage alone would put him
28505s put uh pocket train down to 16 which
28508s would set up
28509s for the single King Crush lethal with
28511s King northamar
28514s yeah
28517s uh this this has to feel like it's just
28521s a really tough situation here for you he
28525s does not seem thrilled about this hand
28527s right now and maybe the game can't go
28529s that long maybe you can get to that war
28530s through Mar and pull off the faithful
28532s companions but I think there still is
28535s that that slight uh worry that always
28539s kind of has to be in the back of your
28540s mind with the shaman but as you
28542s mentioned the akani can come down and
28544s try to just stall things up a little bit
28547s and that is exactly why we see pocket
28549s Train play that coin out first uh but
28552s yeah crash of Thunder just for the full
28554s Mana here just to get this board out of
28557s here uh
28559s now things are looking a little bit
28561s better to get towards that later game
28564s but Crush comes in the hand
28568s it's always crushing hand when you when
28570s he wants Laura thermar
28585s that's brutal
28588s okay though I I guess the alternative is
28591s still maybe lore from our next turn
28594s follow up with the faithful Companions
28596s and
28597s go for a big monkey or another hound and
28602s get some healing but
28605s the healing the farther you go in the
28608s game against Shaman it seems still very
28610s likely that they're just gonna have the
28612s damage to get there anyway so the the
28614s healing doesn't seem quite as relevant
28616s as maybe the huge uh like a moocula body
28620s or something like that uh is
28623s is that going to be the game plan from
28625s here on out for you
28629s I honestly don't know from this
28632s standpoint it's gonna be a pretty easy
28637s uh Titan here for pocket train does have
28639s to think about what he wants to go for
28641s he could go for draw and lightning storm
28644s 14 after like is
28649s how healthy enough question mark like
28653s has to make the decision whether or not
28655s to go for the heel is going to go for
28656s the draw and then it's likely just going
28658s to follow this up with a lightning storm
28660s to clear things off so I like that just
28662s to get deeper in the deck but now the
28663s pressure's on goo
28666s um will most likely just have to go for
28668s a faithful companion here just to get
28670s the uh the mooc loud
28672s to kill this Titan like it's
28676s okay I drawed on no I drawed I wasn't
28679s even clear on its own so it's got to be
28681s the uh the mukla
28683s and uh
28685s see if that's gonna stick pocket train
28686s has to acknowledge it there's a speaker
28688s stomper picked up as well
28690s so it could be speaker stomper next turn
28692s to block the potential of lethal and
28694s then King Crush for
28696s maybe lethal if there's some damage that
28698s sticks in the meantime
28700s but it's just a vanilla old 88 King
28703s Crush nothing special
28710s if pocket train also knows that there is
28713s that additional last banana sitting in
28716s hand as well I would be very curious
28718s just to hear his thoughts like on this
28720s turn and kind of how he's recognizing
28722s what cards might be in hand at this
28725s point just based on how Q has been
28727s flying uh We're not gonna get that but
28729s man this has been one of those very
28732s interesting games where
28734s they're also kind of hasn't been some of
28737s the the pieces that you want as Shaman
28739s come into hand yet either like where
28741s where the flash of lightnings crash of
28744s Thunder earlier had to be played for
28745s full Mana like this does not feel like a
28748s normal nature Shaman game but
28752s it's so interesting how pocket train has
28756s just kind of been able to keep stalling
28758s things a little bit and now it almost
28761s feels as if the tables have turned yet
28763s again you was looking maybe a little
28767s stressed out and now has kind of gotten
28769s to that later point in the game that
28771s even though that Crush came into hand
28773s still found a way to push this uh
28776s threatening lethal damage
28778s yeah the pickup of the hydraulic almost
28781s actually huge because otherwise you
28783s would have had no way to threaten this
28785s turn to try and solidify the speaker
28787s pocket train just picked up nothing
28790s like absolutely nothing
28795s yeah his face right now what overload
28799s tradable into overload
28802s the overdraft why why repeated overdraft
28806s into overdraft that's absolutely a
28809s terrible feeling and the odds of that
28811s happening with that many cards still in
28814s deck uh seem very very slim
28818s yeah it's
28820s pretty brutal just nothing to interact
28823s with the board whatsoever or cycle
28826s through the deck had to go for the feral
28827s spirits but yeah yeah even with the ton
28830s tournaments enough to push through with
28831s the crush that means we're going to game
28832s five I haven't I
28836s don't think I've cast a single match so
28838s far this weekend that hasn't gone to a
28840s game five I think every single match
28842s I've cast all six matches I've cast I've
28844s gone to a game five
28846s I cannot say the same uh yesterday was
28852s was definitely the quite opposite of
28854s that for my casting experience but I I'm
28857s always glad to see a game number five in
28860s the grand finals but man I don't know I
28863s just I think the draws for that Shaman
28865s for pocket train just
28867s were pretty atrocious for most of that
28871s game he was really like it was smooth
28873s yeah the early game was incredibly
28875s smooth like early game into Titan was
28878s just like a perfect answers to just
28882s about everything Deku is doing obviously
28884s pocket train was taken more damage
28887s which you know we could look at that
28888s game and say if you hadn't taken that
28890s extra damage you know you had two over
28892s at the end right
28894s if he had played a little bit more
28895s conservatively good things have changed
28897s probably not because you would have
28899s likely been a little bit further ahead
28900s on the board
28902s um or pocket trade or yeah Q would have
28905s been a little bit further ahead on board
28906s may have stuck that extra damage down
28908s the line anyway
28909s but it's little things like that that
28910s you look at
28911s and I I think there were so many draws
28915s in the deck that could have bailed him
28916s out of this situation uh lightning
28918s reflexes being one of them even crash of
28920s Thunder would have blocked a lot like
28923s second crash of Thunder you just maybe
28925s throw a lightning bolt into the
28926s hydraulidon crash of thunder
28929s um and then try and set up for the big
28932s lightning reflexes later on with flash
28934s of lightning so also flash lightning
28937s picked up at any point he had double
28938s bioluminescence Radiance double feral
28940s Spirits Nava zapper like
28943s it could have found a way to lethal
28945s regardless if he had just had a little
28946s bit more Mana to work with well I mean
28949s at that
28951s find something but uh it was overdraft
28954s into overdraft into overdraft so I don't
28956s know what happened there but the uh the
28958s deck said no you you really want
28960s overdrafts I promise
28962s yeah which he didn't but uh now it is
28965s going to be that game number five and
28968s that's uh interesting in Rage Warrior uh
28971s coming in for geo now and this Shaman
28974s again for pocket train this looks like a
28977s much better hand or at least if he can
28980s continue through and keep the momentum
28983s going this is looking like a really good
28985s starting hand for pocket train
28987s oh no
28991s you on the other hand uh uh not the
28994s perfect hands what's not
28997s yeah I think Nava zapper into Flow Rider
28999s here is a fantastic way to kick things
29001s off
29004s um
29005s you expect Flow Rider on the other side
29007s but you really hope that there's not
29009s just a clean lightning bolt to deal with
29010s this enema extractor
29016s oh I could make a case for all three of
29018s these yeah in this situation
29024s this might come down to
29026s just looking at what exactly he wants to
29028s do next turn to actually answer this
29029s extractor here is schooling the answer
29032s to that maybe it's maybe it's tides
29036s I think just the on curve play of Tides
29039s is worth a little bit more
29041s yeah
29043s okay sanguine depths picked up
29046s so he was gonna be able to fight back a
29050s little bit more in terms of tempo but
29053s I don't even know what you do in this
29055s situation if you just play fully for
29058s curve like for Tempo and just uh dump
29061s out this end for your Champion as well
29063s but looks like he is just going to get
29065s rid of the novice zapper
29073s I mean the sun Fury Champion can be
29076s pretty good here in the future as long
29079s as there's some additional pickups but
29081s a couple of Buffs from the enema
29084s extractor maybe that's enough for
29086s additional uh on curve fly here but
29088s right now the thori velor are going to
29090s come out make a you know quick trade and
29093s just call it good for this turn four
29095s there does need to be a little bit more
29098s here for the sun Fury Champion I think
29100s even not only just a fire spell but also
29103s things like the imbued X could certainly
29106s help with some of those Sun Fury
29108s Champion boards and we just saw that
29111s discover for pocket train uh gonna go
29113s for the schooling not opting for a
29115s second bioluminescence which I think
29117s makes sense but uh
29121s that second flash of lightning in hands
29124s all right
29127s ah
29129s so solid flash of lightning
29132s [Music]
29134s but it's not going to be a kill but he
29136s could just speaker stomper here to block
29137s a turn and just create some tempo
29141s um other option would be to send Fury
29143s champion in like jam session session
29146s which would Resurrect The Story belowor
29149s but it would also overload but I don't
29152s know if Olga would really be the play
29154s next turn unless it's like specifically
29155s feral spirits that comes down
29158s that's tough speaker Stompers are such
29161s high value in this matchup uh just
29164s usually want to use it to protect a
29167s board you build up a big board and then
29169s you speaker Stomper would the board be
29171s big enough if you're just like playing
29172s down some for your champion and speaker
29174s stopping right now
29176s hard to say
29178s it's also very
29181s lightning is in hand for pocket train
29184s too and okay if the speaker stomper
29186s comes down this turn I would imagine
29188s pocket probably just wants to go for
29190s that second flash of lightning now we
29192s are going to see that come down here so
29194s I'd imagine it kind of just is a repeat
29197s right okay well I'll play the second
29199s flash of lightning and you have to
29201s answer the next turn then when I'm gonna
29204s have cheap spells and even more Mana uh
29208s and I definitely don't think that there
29210s is enough damage or threatening uh
29213s minions here from you that pocket train
29215s is going to be worried about you closing
29217s out the game next turn
29220s yeah definitely not
29230s okay older it is yeah
29234s Captain Hamilton while you can it's not
29237s the best it's
29238s only games that plus one attack but
29241s still pushes a little bit of damage and
29243s still puts things in the way of pocket
29245s train
29246s yeah we didn't see that flash of
29249s lightning come down in that uh previous
29251s turn there from pocket train saving that
29254s flash of lightning here but this
29256s schooling being picked up here gonna be
29258s able to clear some of this up pretty
29260s nicely with a couple of the piranhas and
29263s lightning storm I think pretty decent
29266s again pocket train kind of in that
29268s responsive role but nothing to trade
29272s into for the ramornia so it's not going
29274s to turn into a weapon but okay Dodge the
29278s lightning reflexes I was really worried
29280s about the lightning reflexes for the
29281s potential of a hex but he's confident
29284s enough just to throw it down I mean this
29285s represents so much extra damage
29288s um in fact
29289s it represents lethal damage yeah these
29293s verse riffs being picked up on top of
29295s that additional Jam sessions already
29297s been in hand and the location waiting to
29300s be used as well just so much damage
29304s does need one additional damage like a
29307s sanguine depths to get past double gym
29309s how about that
29311s that's it right oh no it's not quite
29315s oh yeah it is because the rush yeah they
29318s can use the sanguine depths to kill off
29320s the additional feral spirit
29321s so that's both and that's enough damage
29323s to push the attack and the weapon
29325s through to the face
29327s oh the pocket train you could just see
29331s his demeanor completely change she is
29333s just disappearing off camera oh my gosh
29337s yeah there it is even though it was
29339s looking a little roughness not
29341s necessarily completely rough but uh not
29344s the cards you necessarily want as the
29346s warrior
29347s um but he made it work and he got there
29350s in game number five you is the Masters
29354s Tour summer Champion final grand
29357s champion
29359s well done Q within rage Warrior of all
29362s things coming in clutch in the last game
29365s of the day
29366s just playing on curve like yeah you you
29369s can hold on to these tools forever the
29371s ogre and the uh ramonia to try and go
29374s for those big swings but he recognized
29376s an opportunity pocket train was
29378s overloaded ramoni is in hand it's buffed
29381s he has so much extra damage to Beef It
29383s Up uh the next turn with the jam the uh
29386s jam session
29388s uh with the uh the activation of the
29391s sink with depth so he knew that it was
29394s pretty much a guaranteed lethal setup
29396s outside a very specific uh Tom
29399s maintenance being played which would
29400s have been the second feral spirits but
29401s uh found out the puzzle at the very end
29404s of the day to push through it and was
29406s able to get the win so I I honestly was
29409s scared as soon as I saw the opening him
29410s from Geo I'm like
29412s does this compete like does this hand
29414s compete with nature one of the strong
29415s sex in the game and it did
29417s and the opening hand from pocket train
29419s on the other side looked very good right
29422s it was almost a repeat of the previous
29424s game where the opening hand for pocket
29426s train on that nature Shaman looked very
29428s good it looked very very solid and then
29431s kind of as the game progressed the hand
29433s just became very clunky and kind of
29436s didn't do a whole lot and that meant
29438s that the Hound Hunter and that enraged
29440s Warrior kind just got
29442s we're gonna do and also the draws
29445s started going pretty decently for you as
29448s well uh here we can see that replay of
29452s this ramonia just absolutely demolishing
29456s pocket train and just the devastational
29458s pocket train space this was the final
29461s game so no more chances after this
29464s and and the difference between making it
29467s or not to the uh 2023 World Championship
29471s which now that does mean q has qualified
29474s for along with Levick from the spring
29477s championship
29478s yeah it's uh I I love the stories of
29481s both Lubbock and goo who have both made
29483s like sort of this big push in their
29485s competitive Hearthstone careers
29487s basically just in the past year or two
29488s uh being the players to qualify for the
29490s World Championship and to be honest
29492s pocket train
29495s this meant a lot to him in the sense
29497s that he would get to avoid the grind for
29499s the rest of the year to try and qualify
29501s to the World Championship on points he
29503s is in a very good position to do so but
29507s it would have been nice just to get that
29508s world's qualification out of the way
29510s right now in uh by winning this finals
29513s but pocket train I think had a heck of a
29516s tournament uh got we got to see him
29518s showcase the Naga Mage time and time
29521s again which is always a pleasure to
29522s watch high-level players uh play that
29524s deck well
29526s um and quite obviously will not be the
29530s last time uh we see pocket train in a
29533s high level tournament this year so
29534s looking forward to seeing more but
29536s um you coming in with the lineup I'm
29539s pretty sure nobody uh well
29542s um we did have
29544s Hemlock with
29548s the the same lineup as well but both of
29551s them had very interesting lineups
29552s Hemlock did did go pretty far made out
29554s of groups
29556s um so that lineup was working
29559s um but very cool to see in Rage War come
29562s out of nowhere and win a tournament
29563s don't think anybody expected that I
29565s think if you ask players like two decks
29567s like what two decks they probably least
29570s expect in lineups this weekend in Rage
29573s Warrior and Outcast Demon Hunter would
29575s probably be up there and they were both
29576s representing the finals yeah yeah
29578s absolutely it was great to see that
29580s varying representation in the classes
29582s and in the uh kind of region that these
29585s players are from right uh pocket train
29587s being from EU and Geo representing
29591s America's so pretty cool to kind of see
29594s that that was what we had for our grand
29598s finals and it going all the way to game
29600s five but definitely we hope to see
29602s pocket train back in the next Masters
29604s Tour I'm sure he's gonna continue
29606s grinding those ladder games and trying
29608s to qualify via points if he doesn't land
29611s that uh fall Championship
29613s Masters win right yeah I I
29619s I uh
29621s I don't know if you're going super in on
29623s the bit because Q I called him an
29626s honorary American
29628s but he's from Korea
29631s who's actually Pacific but it's bullet
29634s on the bit everybody who's not from
29636s Europe isn't is an honorary American
29639s because we're going in both Asia Pacific
29641s and Americas both have to
29644s fight against Europe who's been dominant
29646s in Hearthstone so long just forget about
29648s the world champion like the previous
29649s world champions they're from Asia
29651s Pacific overall win rate uh Europe just
29654s dominates these tournaments but you will
29656s still is will still be an on-american
29657s honorary American in my heart just like
29661s uh Lorinda is
29663s um even though he might have been
29664s rooting for pocket train because they're
29666s both from the UK
29668s um but right at least dread I made it
29670s far right us America's fans have to say
29673s that at least dread I made it pretty far
29674s so did we Cube so we can't complain too
29677s much but great job Q great job Q yeah
29680s absolutely so that does mean that Levick
29683s from the spring championship and you
29685s from this summer Championship have
29687s qualified for our world championship but
29690s we still have to see that fall
29692s Championship coming later this year so
29695s that is going to wrap it up from myself
29698s from TJ and the rest of our casting crew
29701s from this weekend thank you so much for
29703s joining us and we will see you later
29706s this year for the Hearthstone Masters
29709s Tour fall championship
29735s [Music]
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29819s [Music]
29842s thank you
29845s thank you
29848s [Music]
29875s thank you
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29902s thank you
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