25 days ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos comes out
2s on April 16th here's everything you need
4s to know to start playing Duos is
6s hearthstone's first co-op mode pair up
8s with a friend or join the que with a
9s random partner to compete against three
11s other teams for Battlegrounds Crown
12s Victory access Duos by clicking the top
15s crown both players choose a hero your
18s hero power could come in handy for your
19s Duos partner and vice versa so Choose
22s Wisely your health and armor are shared
24s with your Duo partner but not your gold
26s buy your minions like you normally would
28s on Battlegrounds but wait what is that
30s there's a portal where you can check out
32s what your teammate is choosing what if
34s you want the C that is in their Tavern
36s simply emote on the card to communicate
39s pass a card through the portal for one
40s gold there is plenty to discuss with
42s your teammate on how you can synergize
44s your boards it's time for combat battle
46s with one board at a time when one of you
48s is knocked out it will swap for another
50s keep building boards with your teammates
52s until you reach Victory Hearthstone
54s Battlegrounds Duos is available on April
56s 16th so join with a friend and get
58s strategizing