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Below are the Arena leaderboards for January 1, 2021 - March 1, 2021. Arena rankings reflect players’ best 30 consecutive runs throughout a season. The players featured below have exhibited top-notch deckbuilding skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat!

For an Arena run to be included in this season, its end time must have been between January 1, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. and March 1, 2021 at 9:59:59 a.m.

Dynamic ladder rankings are now also available for the Standard and Wild ladders.


Rank Battletag Average Wins
1 DmtFe8 8.27
2 Kordyon 8.23
3 Isherwood 8.13
4 Veritas 8.03
5 RedDevil 7.83
6 enslen 7.8
7 Bazzy 7.8
8 鋼琴殺手 7.7
9 Mirikado 7.67
10 Amam15 7.67
11 Magno 7.57
12 Save 7.43
13 Alumn 7.43
14 JohnnyMagic 7.43
15 Calka 7.4
16 SirOsis 7.4
17 Colo1900 7.3
18 Shako 7.3
19 kolst 7.3
20 Tayze 7.27
21 Menance 7.27
22 ShadowDragon 7.27
23 t717 7.23
24 Bibby 7.23
25 마크 7.2
26 Judge 7.2
27 GB4GG 7.2
28 iEatGiraffes 7.2
29 RedBeard 7.17
30 Loverockets 7.17
31 rapier 7.17
32 ACRO 7.17
33 MrDubbya 7.1
34 Talriel 7.1
35 Lester 7.1
36 Eatmydog 7.07
37 Powerful 7.07
38 MidOrAFK 7.03
39 Cinnamon 7.03
40 dreads 7
41 TImeng 7
42 ArianaGrande 6.97
43 JacobSopher 6.97
44 iltiratore 6.97
45 Adamsst 6.97
46 Keludar 6.97
47 Kneeboy 6.97
48 DaNoid 6.93
49 Ryan223437 6.93
50 SlickChickcn 6.93
51 Allore 6.9
52 Gateway 6.9
53 Wizzle 6.9
54 ChunkMonkey 6.9
55 VideoBlobby 6.9
56 PunkNDrublic 6.9
57 huyfrog 6.87
58 KellenAbel 6.87
59 eiam 6.87
60 Chronopolian 6.87
61 mightybear 6.87
62 Doctorundy 6.87
63 DestinyStarZ 6.87
64 Nub 6.83
65 Shipapotamus 6.83
66 ColtM 6.83
67 Dustiny 6.83
68 Lucianow 6.83
69 Fosho 6.83
70 Graywolf 6.8
71 이동찬 6.8
72 OhNoes 6.8
73 Jummi 6.8
74 Nadalutti 6.8
75 DarrenQ 6.8
76 hugopsk8 6.77
77 TheShy 6.77
78 duane 6.77
79 CrisTalX 6.77
80 Baron219 6.77
81 Rusko123 6.77
82 funky 6.77
83 TduckT 6.73
84 dhollowed 6.73
85 cai 6.7
86 臭臭地精 6.67
87 Asurastrike 6.67
88 rombusghost 6.67
89 BillPilgrim 6.63
90 RInferno 6.63
91 hosu 6.63
92 GreenShell 6.63
93 JumpyWizard 6.63
94 Wolverine 6.6
95 Ruuzo 6.6
96 DanicaEng 6.6
97 Yosumi123 6.6
98 Austinmart 6.6
99 gr1mace 6.57
100 Se7enSinner 6.57
101 Bommy3 6.57
102 fakesmile 6.57
103 Makato 6.57
104 SouLL 6.57
105 StaticKitty 6.57
106 Void 6.53
107 BrianWong 6.53
108 TC02 6.53
109 MicDuanalds 6.53
110 Metabee 6.53
111 Aogh 6.53
112 Nam 6.5
113 Hyyperr 6.5
114 Sitty 6.5
115 Filympe 6.5
116 jack316 6.5
117 Kerri 6.5
118 IYNIX 6.5
119 Shaitan 6.5
120 Tim 6.47
121 KoheiTime 6.47
122 neoshane 6.47
123 Alexiscool 6.47
124 AXXICI 6.47
125 dLM81XoN 6.47
126 Gift 6.47
127 ziyun 6.43
128 Epsilon22 6.43
129 Dinhha 6.43
130 Yuioa 6.43
131 Baoser 6.43
132 Maelstrom 6.43
133 DwightSchrut 6.43
134 석원 6.4
135 Lyra 6.4
136 ahisit 6.4
137 sherkaner 6.4
138 Zelamin 6.4
139 Dzibriel 6.4
140 LunaRtiC 6.4
141 Dragon 6.4
142 Judocado 6.4
143 SUPA786 6.4
144 Largadon 6.37
145 Cloudstr 6.37
146 noldmax 6.37
147 Anesthtoey 6.37
148 DavidLee 6.37
149 Squill 6.37
150 S1lentShot 6.37
151 Ardrigh 6.37
152 tenpoundpom 6.37
153 HowDoYouPlay 6.37
154 KaeDance 6.37
155 extendgraf 6.37
156 Yinc 6.37
157 StrangeLeokk 6.37
158 Mendros 6.33
159 Satanslilboy 6.33
160 Swooshbagler 6.33
161 hotola 6.33
162 zimzum 6.33
163 初夏君子 6.33
164 CyborgSquirl 6.33
165 Lebowski 6.33
166 Heartomato 6.33
167 Wipper 6.33
168 Godlyumm 6.33
169 maybe 6.33
170 MeoDaTinh 6.3
171 Kan 6.3
172 BadCompany 6.3
173 dukeington 6.3
174 Sloan 6.3
175 MrBigShot 6.3
176 PandasMQ 6.3
177 Leong 6.27
178 Zefiris 6.27
179 Buff 6.27
180 Frohike 6.27
181 Sesshomaru 6.27
182 GhostDog 6.27
183 Shagz 6.27
184 Renge 6.27
185 mustaful 6.27
186 DarkSin 6.23
187 TrickyZerg 6.23
188 DougOfSpades 6.23
189 fadinglights 6.23
190 Evan703703 6.23
191 SoulCareFree 6.23
192 GEBETT 6.23
193 TheNitsguy 6.23
194 Ribs 6.23
195 Zamos 6.23
196 Daigats 6.23
197 iCeDream 6.2
198 Ebok 6.2
199 Fujita5 6.2
200 sundrew 6.2


Rank Battletag Average Wins
1 ШтанУдачи 8.97
2 Calka 8.43
3 Lusse 8.23
4 Sayonara 8.17
5 Bommy3 8.1
6 Sonix 8.07
7 Hailrake 8.07
8 ELMAGO10 8.03
9 GrUnT 8.03
10 Oke 8.03
11 lalecidede 7.97
12 Jummi 7.9
13 Elbo 7.87
14 Metalcore 7.83
15 Soanko 7.77
16 icecream 7.77
17 OJleHb 7.7
18 Puppypunch 7.67
19 pinata 7.67
20 waterproof 7.6
21 Enik 7.57
22 Xeno101 7.57
23 Astroyorg 7.53
24 Ievel 7.53
25 Херувим 7.53
26 Nano 7.53
27 hytttt 7.5
28 Ye11ow 7.5
29 ShadowDragon 7.5
30 solow 7.47
31 Jobnik 7.43
32 dafuqwasdat 7.43
33 Solrock 7.43
34 Jake 7.43
35 Safc 7.4
36 oKurwix 7.4
37 Americanboy 7.4
38 Trebzilla 7.37
39 Tandras 7.37
40 Veg4s 7.37
41 Klouk 7.37
42 Grim 7.33
43 SaShock 7.33
44 Bonjourcava 7.33
45 frostmurne 7.33
46 Infinitend 7.3
47 Sensho 7.27
48 Qotsa 7.27
49 Glynn 7.27
50 AdryKing 7.27
51 Hibadino 7.27
52 MunCh33Z 7.23
53 Isherwood 7.23
54 Zinibyar 7.23
55 GameofThrow 7.2
56 QuickSilver 7.2
57 President 7.2
58 Pursuer 7.2
59 Sarkai 7.2
60 S1mple 7.17
61 BuseR 7.17
62 Sharpick 7.13
63 Ordophobus 7.13
64 SilverName 7.13
65 Kwake 7.13
66 Jocker 7.13
67 Ahmetz666 7.1
68 JackLee 7.1
69 SilentStorm 7.1
70 solitary 7.1
71 BlueJeans 7.1
72 Infernal 7.1
73 HiTnRuN 7.1
74 Daigats 7.1
75 Olezhka18 7.07
76 Nítram 7.07
77 GIGAFONE 7.07
78 JoeyWheeler 7.07
79 LazyTitan 7.07
80 kolst 7.07
81 YongyanChen 7.03
82 Iaeriach 7.03
83 Hyyperr 7.03
84 MonkaS 7.03
85 Straight 7.03
86 Ghostshadow 7
87 Dominion 7
88 Reap3r 7
89 The1 7
90 Boomie 7
91 TheHoiman 7
92 Hiddegy 7
93 Bazoo 6.97
94 NeSegodnya 6.97
95 Джоулс 6.97
96 FNKYMNK 6.97
97 RuthlesSaya 6.97
98 Gnottino90 6.97
99 sabonis 6.97
100 Hosoki 6.93
101 Zarik 6.93
102 OxiB 6.93
103 NeosFTW 6.93
104 Morsbøl 6.93
105 crazym0ng0 6.93
106 ArT1F1cE 6.93
107 timaxnn 6.93
108 iq64 6.9
109 GrassEater 6.9
110 pino94 6.9
111 ran 6.9
112 PrayAndSpray 6.9
113 Pahanter 6.9
114 Trickster79 6.9
115 KoheiTime 6.9
116 PDE 6.87
117 Giantsbane 6.87
118 Vargar 6.87
119 Okugin 6.83
120 sampeckinpah 6.83
121 Cratos 6.83
122 Caesar441 6.83
123 SleepyShaman 6.83
124 DiskoEugen 6.83
125 Rokasa369 6.83
126 Ilma 6.8
127 pen15 6.8
128 HW4 6.8
129 Biscotti 6.8
130 Hopkins 6.8
131 SwagKing 6.8
132 LastViking 6.8
133 JazzHands 6.8
134 felix 6.8
135 Verg 6.77
136 Pointedteeth 6.77
137 Almeidukas 6.77
138 Topcrunch 6.77
139 Intoxicated 6.77
140 Сергиос 6.77
141 MasterBenObi 6.77
142 zaarius 6.73
143 W00pdecker 6.73
144 TURK 6.73
145 Konstantin 6.73
146 Dominat 6.73
147 Traviel 6.73
148 Cinn 6.73
149 BouncyBear 6.73
150 supern0rmal 6.73
151 СтрингиУдачи 6.73
152 AlexDix 6.7
153 hda 6.7
154 DedBDSM 6.7
155 Enderdoood 6.7
156 RaSz 6.7
157 너희집굵은벌레 6.7
158 Nogily 6.7
159 Eddness 6.7
160 BLindberg 6.7
161 BrayonFire 6.7
162 teppo 6.7
163 Sayagin 6.67
164 Laiklol 6.67
165 Kullerok 6.67
166 sleepyOrc 6.67
167 Kivisaba 6.67
168 Melolz 6.67
169 Blitz 6.67
170 JohnnyKILL 6.67
171 LazyTitan 6.67
172 est123 6.67
173 ZwwZMode 6.67
174 Logan 6.67
175 ArenaPlr 6.63
176 Ilauna 6.63
177 ManBearPig 6.63
178 gagamimi 6.63
179 VideoBlobby 6.63
180 Diousse 6.63
181 Mehtanen 6.63
182 uRopeMeRope2 6.63
183 HPDK 6.63
184 PánTemnot 6.63
185 Danbanan 6.63
186 Moonsie 6.63
187 reav 6.63
188 Cyberdragon 6.63
189 ВласКатана 6.63
190 Feno 6.6
191 Radu 6.6
192 reno 6.6
193 Gutemuh 6.6
194 wintermild 6.6
195 Conradoado 6.6
196 Xeon 6.6
197 MMDOOH7700 6.6
198 Umnik 6.57
199 Devil4eto 6.57
200 Freezard 6.57
