9 days ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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310s hey what's up everybody tasos here
311s bringing you the very first ever
314s Hearthstone Starcraft crossover of
316s course I'm joined with osis how you
318s doing buddy dude I couldn't really be
320s better two of my favorite games of all
322s time Hearthstone and Starcraft having a
324s collaboration here yeah it's it's pretty
327s crazy man and it's not just you and me
328s we are also joined with Trump and Day N
332s guys how's it going sweet oh my God I'm
335s so I'm so stoked to be here uh of course
339s Starcraft is in my name that's SC and
342s there it is you can see it right there
343s in the graphic that's right yeah and I
345s can't believe I'm going to be taking on
347s day nine in a one V one I know and
350s honestly the fact that I get to actually
352s like do the Zerg swarm again in like any
355s game magnifi I'm thrilled it's so cool
359s to see this collaboration to see these
360s two games come together starcraft's a
362s really unique game and how the units
364s operate the strategies that you can
365s emplore when you're playing and I think
366s they did a great job at introducing
368s these units into a card game like
370s Hearthstone yeah actually you and I were
372s playing together earlier and I was using
374s you know speaking of one-handed the
375s protos deck and it was it was a lot of
378s fun man uh to be able to power out some
380s of these really big strong units like
382s you were winning it looked great for you
384s and then I just brought online a carrier
387s and it felt exactly like carriers in
389s Starcraft I killed everything you had
391s and did a lot of damage to you you know
394s that's all right but the incredible
396s amount of value on the Teran side is
398s here uh we've got Starships introduced
400s in the last expansion here we got even
403s more of it you can launch so many
405s Starships here you will be overwhelmed
408s with value so we're going to be doing a
409s show match with you two duking it out
412s five games all these different decks
414s what are you guys thinking before we
415s start this match well I am going to
418s overwhelm Day N here with sheer amounts
421s of
422s value there's going to be so many
425s Starships set your way from the Teran
427s Warrior I've got I think I'm going to
429s build at least five starships and then
432s each time I click that launch uh
433s Starship button you know I might even
436s copy that Starship it's a Mech uh so
439s pretty sick value there we've got good
441s old Handlock being brought back there's
443s a lot of complimenting themes here and
445s then finally we've got a combo protos
448s where I'm going to summon the big a bad
450s Colossus and then zap zap the twin laser
454s of the
455s Colossus next to me right I will what do
459s you have for me okay so I got a protos a
461s zerg and a tan deck my protos deck is
464s just ramping so that way I can get out
466s like carriers and Immortals and that's
467s it I I probably don't even have enough
469s win conditions in the deck that's fine
471s it doesn't matter I ramp a lot for the
474s Teran list it's kind of like a mid-range
476s aggro Starship list which is one of the
478s sort of new features of this mini set
480s it's not just constantly building up to
482s one single big launch like in the
483s previous Great Dark Beyond set here
485s aggro tan all the way and the Zerg deck
488s is the one I'm most excited about
489s because it is all about slow steady
491s grinding down with lots of small swarmy
494s Zerg
496s units all right well I think we're ready
498s to get this going artosis should we send
500s these guys over to play this match oh I
502s can't wait to see it man I want to see
503s if the balance holds true from Starcraft
505s 2 into Hearthstone all right guys we're
507s going to be starting our show match
509s Trump versus day five games let's get
511s into it uh it's going to be five games
513s total keep in mind this is not like a
515s best of five so if somebody goes 3 we're
517s still going to be playing the next two
518s games oh believe in your brother more
521s than that tasteless beautiful stage that
524s they're in front of and we're going to
526s start off with some Shaman here for day
528s nine going up against Trump's Mage uh
531s I'm very excited to see this it's going
533s to be protos for Trump and it's going to
534s be Taran for day9 yes this is a matchup
538s that we've cast a lot of in our our
539s origin original Starcraft we're going to
540s be doing it now here in Hearthstone I
542s got to say right off the bat man Trump's
544s hand not looking very good no playable
546s cards for the foreseeable future no when
548s I was playing you that's what my hand
550s looked like just so you know that game
551s that you beat me that's what my hand
553s looked like a bunch of 347 that type of
555s thing uh so not looking good in fact
557s he's going to he's going to have the
558s very strong Mage ping perhaps there or
561s no he just skips it okay that's some
563s great value there from Trump yes uh now
566s Day N on the other hand I mean he's got
568s quite a lot of choices here so we're
570s going to be seeing the missile pod
571s throwing down here one damage dealt to
573s Trump yeah the the uh missile pod coming
576s out a structure in Starcraft known as a
579s missile turret but uh going to be able
581s to attack here and we're finally now at
584s turn three so there's going to be a lot
585s of playable options here I think we
587s could see him go with the void Ray right
590s now I wonder about that like he has a
593s few different options but none of them
594s seem to really match up I don't know
596s about UT tasus but when I play
597s Hearthstone if I have something that
598s deals five damage and the minion has
600s three health I really don't want to use
603s that I know exactly what you're talking
605s about you're like Ah that's too much
607s those are different
609s numbers so uh empty board for the time
612s being here um it does look like we're
614s going to have another draw uh coming in
616s here basically Trump just saying I want
618s to keep the board clean for the time
620s being um and so we're going to have the
622s second drop here he has a raven out now
625s very nice to see spellcaster in uh
627s Starcraft 2 but going to be dealing a
628s little bit of damage here here as well
631s Chrono boost coming out very important
633s ability of course we get a Charged
635s Zealot out here as well to take down
637s that missile pod yeah so it's going to
638s be a little bit of a board clear here uh
640s I think Trump definitely getting into a
641s better position the hands getting pretty
643s full by the way as it goes back over to
645s day n's
646s turn yeah I feel like uh neither of them
649s had the greatest opening Hands Day n's
651s definitely a little bit better there and
654s we'll continue the ghost is actually
656s really cool and really strong in this
659s yeah just goes ahead and drops that um
662s you can see some more damaged OT here
664s the zealots going to remain on the board
665s going back over to Trump's turn here I
667s was talking about that void Ray earlier
669s I don't know if we're going to have it
670s this time around definitely a lot of
672s different choices as far as what they
674s could go
675s with looks like he's going to play the
677s tide pools here so uh you know trying to
681s make something kind of happen for
682s himself getting into that deck a little
684s bit more I guess it's a good thing that
686s they both had slow starts so we can
688s really get to see
690s a lot of these different factional cards
693s yeah it's so fun that blizzards actually
695s combined uh these you know unique
697s Starcraft units into a game like
699s Hearthstone and I think they did it
700s really really well yeah I actually
703s really like uh what they've done as far
706s as a lot of the stats go I don't know if
707s this makes sense to you but like for
709s instance the zealots being like a three
711s four that that has charge I'm like oh
714s yeah no that's that's like exactly what
716s a zealot is from exactly or the stats on
718s the carrier are kind of perfect as well
720s yeah that's true uh so it wasn't just
722s the application but everything that they
724s did to put this in here I think was
725s really good uh so we're going to have a
727s second ghost come down here is this
728s going to no zaps the uh Lois cars card
731s there and so um I mean things are
733s starting to look a little bit better
735s here for day nine yeah he's building out
737s a pretty good board we'll see if he
738s attacks with that ghost this turn Trump
740s just kind of looking through his hand
742s trying to figure out what he's going to
743s do here not looking super strong on the
745s board yeah he does have some colosi that
748s he could drop here
750s um he's a ways away from having that
752s opportunity but that would clear the
753s board pretty easily yeah he was actually
754s talking about that earlier that his game
756s plan is going to be casting as many
758s protos spells as he can to get those
760s colossi deal a lot of damage oh God this
764s is this is absolutely crazy this is
767s going to help him out a lot The Puzzle
768s Master khadgar is like we were watching
771s them play before and this guy really
773s Alters the game going back over here to
776s day n's turn he's got to figure out how
777s he's going to deal with his next move
780s um and he's going to take his time we're
783s kind of in the middle of the game so far
786s here a lot of decisions as far as how he
787s wants to try to approach
789s this um what do you think Ry um I I want
793s to see him start just kind of going to
794s face a little bit more to be perfectly
796s honest it's been such a slow start from
798s Trump but knowing the type of player
800s that Trump is the type of deck he has
803s you might you might get like too far
806s behind if the game goes long you know
808s yeah we do have counter spells so he's
809s going to have to send something out to
811s eventually uh uh bait that out here uh
814s he does okay counter spell is used Day N
818s is not
820s happy Trump just laughing and
824s laughing okay he will at least uh trade
826s one of the two ghosts the other one
828s going to that face taking a lot of
830s damage onto
832s Trump yeah a lot on the board here for
834s day night so Trump's going to have to
835s figure out how to clear this he is at
836s only 20 hp uh he could drop our Tanis
840s and that's exactly what he's going to do
842s okay yeah I I love artanis this is
845s something I was able to use against you
847s earlier when we were playing the fact
848s that he brings out two of these zealots
850s and you know he he I I love the uh the
853s hero ability as well with the Divine
855s shield and the plus attack yeah the
857s Insidious is going to stay on the board
859s for the time being but yeah that's a
860s great way to take control of the game
862s again here uh and we're going to see
864s which of these spells he's going to be
866s picking here
870s and he's going to go and try to just get
871s a little bit more damage out of that I
873s was wondering if that was going to be
874s the move counter spell another counter
876s spell another counter spell day n's got
879s the coin he could just throw the coin
881s out here and burn through the counter
883s spell if he can predict
885s that
888s sasaw I love the vibe of hearthstone
891s yeah look at that in day nine building a
894s fearsome board right now but uh you know
897s it's kind of funny to watch these guys
899s play we've known them for so long and
902s like they are complete insistence to
904s just play the game how they want to play
906s it you know what I mean where I'm like
909s watching like Trump for instance attack
911s into these giant minions with his he's
913s like I must clear the board and like you
915s know there are other ways to play right
917s you know you know when uh we were kids
919s Sean tried to get me into ccgs yeah and
922s we ended up having a huge argument
923s because uh he had a wall and he wanted
925s to block my flying creature with the
927s wall and I'm like it's a wall yeah my
929s thing flies it's going to fly over and
931s he's like no no the rules of the game
932s you can block with the wallet I'm like I
934s don't want to play this game
936s anymore but then when Hearthstone came
938s out I actually ended up getting into it
939s because you know ccgs can be confusing
942s because you have to know so many rules
943s right when you're in the confines of a
945s game it's totally different yeah yeah I
948s I do like that aboutone it doesn't let
950s you go off the rails you can't make an
951s illegal move oh well well to be fair
954s tasteless I've been playing a lot of
956s hearthstone recently and there's been a
957s lot of moves that I'm pretty sure
961s yeah like oh you cleared my board and
963s got like seven minions out with a
965s combined attack of 40 that turn that
968s couldn't be right uh a little bit more
971s clearing going on here uh Trump's turn
973s yet again almost a 10 Mana now uh it's
977s been a bit of a back and forth we had
979s another possible counter spell here but
980s he did not end up going for that I was
982s going to say counter spells for days
985s yeah the frost Bol coming out going to
987s finally start clearing hey look at that
989s mostly cleared and suddenly you look at
991s these hands look at how many cards Trump
993s has right now and he has those double
995s colosi that's going to be something that
997s you really wants to use oh is that a
998s battle cruiser yeah he's going to go
1000s ahead and bring that down now and um
1003s trying to take control of this game for
1004s the time being Sean I definitely I think
1007s uh with a little bit of a weaker hand
1010s yeah I love it I love it calling in that
1012s Starship and the fact that it's a battle
1014s cruiser is just perfect you know that is
1016s the ultimate uh Teran ship in craft so
1020s great to see that out on the board I'm
1023s excited baits out that counter spell
1026s here and right now Trump with nothing on
1029s the table for the time being yeah um I
1032s don't think it would be uh well I guess
1035s he can't actually land the Colossus just
1037s yet are we going to go with the the six
1039s Mana C
1041s card uh I don't know like I'm trying to
1046s I'm trying to figure out for him can he
1048s look if you use a shield battery you can
1050s like go ahead and throw colos side down
1053s perhaps something like that but no not
1055s going to go that
1056s way so here we
1058s go going to drive right into that
1064s SCV and there goes your Starship
1067s there well that's kind of the nice thing
1069s is you can actually with the tanex get
1071s like a lot of Starships out oh my God
1074s brutal the whole Board gets cleared here
1077s Day N loving it oh please play G please
1081s play gy
1083s reer no no not he's going to pocket that
1086s for
1087s now oh Tonto very exciting uh but yeah
1091s look he's going to go ahead launch a
1093s Starship here again ooh he could
1095s actually use Rising waves
1097s here yeah that would set up pretty
1100s nicely and clear
1102s everything well right now like I feel
1104s like you want to do something with the
1106s Colossus I right like you could play the
1110s the uh Photon cannon into the Colossus I
1112s believe here or the shield battery
1114s rather cuz it would reduce that cost by
1117s two and then that's another spell so it
1118s deals more damage across the board he is
1121s going to go with discover okay so which
1124s one is he going to pick really high Mana
1126s cards
1127s [Music]
1131s actually so Trump needs to Choose Wisely
1134s here Trump is going through his deck a
1135s little bit faster than Day N is his
1138s health is kind of low oh I'm actually
1139s like a little bit nervous about him yeah
1142s you know he's like sitting here casting
1143s spells all day they aren't really protos
1145s spells to help out that Colossus that
1146s much but yeah gets a few water Els out
1150s and
1151s uh I mean I guess he he froze the shaman
1154s so
1156s yeah but I mean there's still plenty on
1158s the board you know you're getting close
1160s to to getting knocked out here if you
1161s could get to that zero so he's going to
1164s use Shield battery here he's going to
1166s get a little bit of armor that should
1167s give him a nice cushion at least to
1168s survive the next round
1170s yeah Photon Cannon as well does give
1172s some more Starship pieces here to Day
1175s N to go with the freeze takes out the
1179s taunt back over to Day N
1182s now still got that gem rer card already
1185s I know I'm waiting for it I'm waiting
1187s for it the gy rer card is really strong
1190s too relaunching all of your Starships it
1192s really goes well with like what they've
1194s done basically with the the Teran cards
1196s the fact that you're launching like
1197s multiple Starships in a game for cheaper
1199s yeah you can suddenly it it like makes
1201s sense to cast quite a few of them and
1203s siege tank deployed going to deal a lot
1205s of damage out there one and N my go
1208s crazy so that carried right over that's
1209s going to put Trump at 12 hp now nine
1213s mhm and there's a lot he still needs to
1215s clear here the siege tank is protected
1217s by the
1219s taunt he does have two level 9 colosi
1222s still yeah he he's still not casting
1226s like I'm not he's he's really just
1228s trying to like make them into some sort
1230s of big combo for himself I think here
1232s but like if I know anything about
1235s Starcraft I know it's get the Colossus
1236s out is quickly as possible to control
1239s the field okay yeah I do like the way
1241s that they approach the Colossus for this
1242s that it's going to have that ability to
1244s kind of clear everything this weaker
1245s just like it is in Starcraft 2
1249s yeah so right now Trump on the ropes
1253s barely hanging
1254s on going to go ahead and freeze the tank
1257s armor up
1260s oh okay so finally going to use the twin
1262s blades I and again I really do like this
1264s the fact that it gives the Divine Shield
1266s is super super cool so good for clearing
1270s stuff and he's going to go ahead and
1272s send that out armor up a little bit
1276s more and we've got a zero cost void Ray
1279s you do get that plus two plus two for
1282s it and it does have that rush so yeah
1285s now you can kill the siege tank as well
1287s yeah and I think that that's what he's
1289s going to go for yeah it'd be pretty
1290s surprised for the spell
1293s power I was surprised he double freeze
1296s there I was like well you may as well
1297s freeze the totem
1300s right um and at this point in time day
1302s n's hand is looking pretty small I mean
1305s he's got more cards he can draw into but
1307s he's not going to have a lot of choices
1309s with each passing turn unless he can
1310s fill that hand up more dude he's still
1312s got Jimmy okay yeah this is the hero of
1315s the Starcraft Universe all right
1316s tasteless like let's here we go there it
1319s is relaunch every Starship that you've
1323s launched day nine just so happy with
1326s this oh my God look at that so many more
1328s now on the board so many battle
1330s Cruisers it's a whole Fleet tasteless
1334s it's like the beginning of brood War man
1335s the ued is here to help
1339s us okay uh Trump looking to maybe use
1345s that Colossus now we've been talking
1346s about it the whole game not one has been
1349s put on the board yet we've got a lot of
1352s um blockage here with Divine Shield I
1355s think he could get have to play The
1357s Colossus I think you got to go for it
1358s right so here we go look at this it's
1360s going to clear
1362s everything I love that every time uh
1365s when Trump either talks about or
1366s actually puts the gloss on the board he
1368s waves his arms around you see that face
1371s during all
1373s that oh my God Trump waves his arms
1376s around that's his Zoro move you know
1378s when Zoro puts on you that's what Trump
1380s does with the Trump zc am I
1384s right so now day n Frozen 11
1389s HP going to go and drop the
1391s starport okay well I mean the the
1393s starport does make some Starship pieces
1395s but it's not really that strong this
1397s late into the game it's like something's
1398s better than nothing I guess going have
1400s one card in hand two taunts on the board
1403s I tell you this is this is a good match
1405s so far this is a bit of like a slobber
1408s knocker here
1411s okay and what a card to draw yeah that's
1415s not so bad
1416s yeah and from here it feels like day9 is
1419s going to have to top deck yeah he's de
1421s even then I just don't I don't know if
1422s there's any is just does it clear it or
1425s just barely
1427s not oh no it does there you go and the
1429s second swipe will just get him down to
1431s one or whatever and he get some armor
1434s that drops him down 5 HP total that's
1437s right that's right so now he's at 2 Hp
1439s he's Frozen what is the card he's going
1441s to get things are looking Grim hey
1443s that's not a bad draw oh no I don't
1446s think yeah I guess he's got one taunt so
1448s he can block at least for a little bit
1450s yeah he can use the tank to to kill the
1455s right yeah I think so
1459s yeah all right going to make another
1461s Starship it's not the most impressive
1463s Starship that we've seen at 21 it's a
1465s little bit unfortunate but what can you
1467s do okay siege tank doing what Siege
1469s tanks do best clears that Colossus out
1472s hey man 9 HP now for Trump yeah this is
1475s getting close the problem is is that
1477s like Day N doesn't even have a
1479s hand yeah he's Twi THS right now he's
1482s got no cards all we have to do is see
1484s what the deck's going to give us but you
1485s got to basically clear him out right or
1488s otherwise he's going to use stim pack
1489s and maybe end up killing you yeah I
1492s think he might be
1494s right saw Trump debating maybe using
1497s warp gate
1499s he's hanging on to the the rising waves
1501s here well he's got he's got two of them
1502s so like he can definitely clear stuff
1504s yeah and I think like clearing if your
1506s opponent has nothing in hand just clear
1507s everything out and and you know maybe
1509s the next turn you'll be all
1512s right a conundrum indeed Trump taking
1515s his time right
1517s now trying to figure out the best way to
1521s get all this stuff off the board with as
1523s little as
1525s possible I tell you if Trump if Trump
1528s wins from here like Day N all this stuff
1530s out there oh
1535s okay H so this was the plan okay so yeah
1539s he'll draw a few more cards got the
1540s Zealot maybe use the uh hero ability
1545s here yeah I think
1548s so so yeah he's going to use the hero
1551s ability that's going to work out nicely
1553s the siege tank is gone he's going to do
1555s one damage to drop the armor to six and
1559s what is the card going to be it's all
1560s going to be about whatever day9 draws
1562s and if it can somehow mcgyver him out of
1564s this pretty impossible situation yeah
1566s it's a it's a rough spot but arcanite
1569s defense Crystal pretty
1570s good and okay so he has a couple taunts
1573s he has some armor gain that can occur
1576s you know what this is actually reminding
1577s me of like just a straightup tan vers
1579s protos game in Starcraft like I'm
1581s watching the protos with infinite
1583s resources overwhelming the brave tan
1585s player who's just scrapping together any
1588s defense that they can make you can tell
1589s day9 has played a stronger game with a
1591s harder deck and it's just it's not
1594s really working out for he didn't cheese
1595s at all he played an odest game and
1597s honorable play at the end there were
1599s just three different powerful Tech
1600s protos could go to to close it out yes
1602s so another board clear here 12 armor but
1605s no cards in the hand here for day
1609s nine and I feel like at this point in
1611s time this is like a Choose Your Own
1613s Adventure for Trump on how he wins the
1615s game yeah he's he's got very much going
1617s on right now yeah
1620s but don't worry we can get another
1623s Starship he's going to drop the missile
1626s pod and going to get rid of that Divine
1628s shield on the 3 three well that's
1630s something I guess yeah might as well
1632s just pull the uh Starship out hey yeah
1636s another round actually this is pretty
1637s good yeah yeah he's making it work and
1639s the stim packs I mean he's he's powering
1641s it up a little bit look at this he's got
1643s 12 armor okay
1645s okay I tell you this is quite back and
1648s forth yeah
1649s pretty dramatic first
1652s game we've got a zero Mana Photon Cannon
1656s here now remember that you know Trump is
1659s going to uh run out of cards coming up
1662s here he doesn't have that much left in
1663s the deck you know what's funny here by
1666s the way tasteless like I'm watching
1668s Trump reread his cards his hand this is
1670s exactly what I do too it's like I'm
1672s looking at I already know I can't really
1674s do anything and I just reread the cards
1676s maybe I missed something here hold on a
1678s and then the Rope pops
1681s up
1683s okay which one does he pick
1687s yeah Trump really thinking this over
1690s here there's a decent amount on the
1692s board right now for Day N if he can have
1694s like a stable you know maybe two or
1696s three turns here uh maybe he can do it
1698s both these guys are very low on HP
1700s they're armored up but I mean mhm you're
1702s basically one uh you know turn away
1705s where you don't have anything to sponge
1706s up damage and you can be knocked out
1708s right Trump I think Trump just has to
1710s kind of gamble here oh no I actually I
1713s thought he was going to take the the
1714s spell one okay
1717s well a random Elemental companion yeah
1723s here we
1724s go I don't know if that's going T
1730s yeah okay he's got to pick a spell
1736s now trly taking his time here
1739s yeah he doesn't have too much left over
1743s like I I you could you know use your
1746s twin blades pop that with the photon
1748s Cannon and
1749s [Music]
1750s everything maybe you know kill off some
1753s of his minions but his health is really
1754s small you has to be very careful about
1756s this o another Rising waves here is that
1761s the right
1763s play I mean it would seem like he would
1765s be able to yeah at least get a wipe on
1768s behind the taunt clear the Divine Shield
1771s yeah yeah if you could if you could uh
1774s like just get rid of the Divine shield
1776s and then utilize that then I guess you
1778s get another board clear huh uh I think
1781s so
1783s yeah I mean I'm not quite the expert
1786s that I used to be at Hearthstone quite
1788s the world champion I can add numbers
1790s together still reasonably well at
1793s least all right so he's going to get a
1795s little buff over there does not attack
1797s in ends the turn huh I'm surprised about
1801s that I thought for sure he'd like get
1803s rid of the shield and get in there and
1805s seems like he wants to hang onto that
1806s Rising waves a little bit longer here
1809s maybe get the next card that comes out
1811s yeah this is always the most painful
1813s thing in the world when you're just
1814s drawing every turn oh yeah okay so there
1818s there's going to be a clear there no
1819s more taunt that's going to be nine
1821s damage to the face Alex straza comes out
1826s ooh I love it when Alex stza comes out
1828s and it's a heal card yeah
1830s exactly that's not what I want use Alex
1833s yourself you heal yourself and then you
1834s lose the game later yeah I think if
1836s you're going to Target yourself with
1837s that it should cost eight so at least
1838s you can use your hero ability and not
1840s feel like an idiot you
1842s know just speaking from experience here
1845s guys
1846s sorry uh okay so you know day n's
1851s continued to accumulate a decent
1852s presence on the
1854s board I mean with this amount of damage
1857s here I think if Trump isn't able to
1859s stabilize and get something to kind of
1862s get in the way of all this damage it
1864s could actually be a day n Win well it's
1866s certainly looks like it right now yeah
1868s how many cards does he have there's four
1869s cards left in the deck for Trump yeah
1872s there ton for day9 day9 has 10 wow so I
1876s think as long as Day N can just kind of
1878s hang on which it seems like he's
1879s basically done oh that's a pretty big
1881s drop oh man Tyrion yeah the Tyrion card
1884s is oh profer valon profit valon these
1887s are cards I really remember yeah these
1889s are cards I used to play oh my gosh all
1892s right we got some real style
1896s now okay so he's going to run the 44 in
1898s there and then Rising
1900s waves not bad yeah not bad at all still
1905s a 43 here a lot of armor now for day
1911s nine draw two tan cards that's actually
1914s very nice yeah well that's like the card
1916s he probably needed for a while now just
1917s get something in his deck although to be
1920s fair the stuff he's putting out it's
1921s like okay we have a starport yeah you
1922s can still make some of these little Min
1924s I guess so that's decent at least you
1927s get your stim pack off
1930s and okay day9 looking really good yeah
1934s you can Trump clear the board again yeah
1936s that's going to be the
1940s question I don't feel like any of these
1942s cards are immediately helpful for the
1944s situation no there's so much damage on
1946s the board
1950s oh I feel like I would just I I would
1952s want at least a couple taunts out here
1954s to have any sort of chance the problem
1956s is the stim pack is just going to make
1958s him be able to trade anything you know
1960s right right so he's going to go for a
1962s freeze
1965s here and at least try to stall progress
1968s on the board
1970s mhm oh I don't think that this really
1973s does it
1975s huh two Mana left
1981s Day N is looking look at day n look he's
1983s like I'm going to win I'm going to win
1984s I'm going to win I'm going to win I'm
1985s going to win I just had to weather the
1987s storm yeah and let Trump burn through
1989s his deck I may be wearing a dad's
1991s sweater but I still have a young
1993s heart I still comp right now day night
1997s is wearing a great therapist sweater
1998s when I look at that I want to tell him
2000s about all my problems um okay so it's
2003s going to be his turn
2005s now and this is going to be a lot damage
2012s yeah I just love the idea of these the
2015s metac and the Viking just going and
2016s clearing everything because of all the
2018s stim packs they
2019s gotten oh
2022s man and yeah it just seems that's it
2025s isn't it or very close to very close
2028s there was like sorry I've always been
2030s bad at calculating
2031s lethal I'm like seven is the same as 14
2034s I remember when I first started playing
2036s heon that was one of the first things I
2037s had to realize is like I need to always
2039s calculate if I can get lethal or not
2041s yeah you know sometimes you just get so
2042s caught up with trading Minions on the
2043s board you're like wait a minute wait
2045s what is the objective of this game as I
2047s get older I find myself not wanting to
2049s count all the way like I'll add like
2050s three of the five numbers I like yeah
2052s that's probably that's probably it they
2053s got one HP left over I lose you can't
2055s add a five and a six to that you know
2058s because that's like oh man where do we
2059s end up okay so tyrion's on the
2063s board that's going to be a nice taunt a
2067s lot to kind of hack and saw your way
2068s through six more armor
2073s added and it's going to be day9 back to
2076s the small deck
2078s here does he have enough to break
2081s through because you got to you got to
2083s you know get rid of The Shield you got
2084s to get rid of the taunt and then you got
2086s to
2087s attack all right so sacks another
2090s Starship this is like the most Starships
2092s I've ever seen in game one this is
2093s insanely epic game for game one right
2095s now yeah
2098s okay so he's another Starship here we
2101s go look at the amount of taunts you get
2104s too the stim pack and everything yeah
2106s it's
2107s crazy so I I guess you just trade into
2110s Tyrion here yeah yeah summons another
2114s Marine Buffs everything that's the
2117s strongest SCV we've ever seen in
2119s Starcraft that's 73 SCV
2122s seriously so sorry unfair they can
2124s repair each other man now they you get
2125s that strong you saw call him linebackers
2129s he's even more than that
2132s now I mean such a full board here for
2135s day
2137s nine if Trump could just clear it one
2140s more time any way as if the amount of
2142s times he's cleared it hasn't been enough
2148s already there should be more than two
2150s Rising waves per
2152s deck yeah Trump really stuck right now I
2155s got to say I'm pretty impressed with Day
2157s N kind of hanging on on yeah and
2159s basically
2162s outlasting oh this makes sense okay gets
2165s a copy of that for some freezing
2166s abilities I like it it makes sense now
2170s um after this turn that's going to be
2172s one more card to draw here and then
2174s trumps out of card okay well he's still
2176s got enough cards in his hand that if he
2178s can
2179s just barely weather this storm like I
2182s think he's still kind of
2185s okay okay yeah freeze that definitely
2187s freeze that but that's still eight plus
2191s three I don't know it's probably
2194s lethal okay so he's going to freeze the
2197s 81
2198s Viking makes
2202s sense I bet he was wishing right now
2204s that he had his Mage power man with all
2206s these one oh yeah right oh man it'd be
2209s perfect to just zap down a couple these
2210s one HP uh units so wait can't you just
2213s stim pack oh
2215s my look at D laughing about that
2219s oh look at the look on Trump's face yeah
2222s like I wonder if he'll remember a stim
2224s pack oh he did oh
2227s [Music]
2230s no okay and that is going to put him at
2233s 3 HP the last card is drawn it's a warp
2236s gate he dude these warp gates have not
2239s done this where Alex straza heal
2241s yourself and then lose the game the next
2242s turn oh my gosh yeah nothing really
2246s really left over for him he put up an
2249s epic fight here but it's not going to be
2252s enough it was a good move day9 basically
2254s waited long enough to get Jim rer wait
2256s to get Jim rer and then basically just
2258s last through the hero
2260s ability yeah no the stim packs really
2263s did a good job the fact that he kept on
2264s getting the the Marines out made it
2266s really difficult for Trump to get any
2267s more
2270s damage seeing what card we can get here
2273s okay hold on what do we have a polymorph
2276s okay and
2278s I don't think that's anything that's
2279s going to be enough oh sence all enemy
2281s minions well it take away their attacks
2287s right yeah it's all going to be about
2289s trying to get some kind of spell that
2290s gives you removal or something to freeze
2292s them and buy some time he doesn't have
2294s the Mana for it anymore you know yeah he
2297s just keep basically keeps trying to
2299s drawing cards
2303s yeah so he's got one Mana
2308s an error an error all right chose I
2312s believe that's lethal on both the minion
2315s and on Trump himself yes all right guys
2318s that does it for game one right now Day
2320s N barely surviving with a one to zero
2322s lead in this five game show match we'll
2325s be going to game two in just a sec how
2327s did you recover from that two Colossus
2330s dud zap zap zap zap you got to do the
2333s stuffff yes oh my God let me tell you
2337s Jim rer though
2338s that is an insanely good hero that was
2341s insane oh my God that is just so so much
2344s value that was so much value I used to
2347s be a paladin Main and then I'd click the
2348s I'd be so excited to upgrade my hero
2350s power and that that's an upgraded hero
2353s power yeah right oh my gosh and like the
2355s amount of like just Starship teing
2357s pieces and then the recursion from Jimmy
2360s and then like the continued threats I'm
2362s in complete shambles after that Rainer
2365s now I I will say I'm also reliev to have
2368s one win on the board because now I can
2370s just lose out and it's fine it's fine to
2371s lose I get three endlessly hey three o
2376s this isn't a best of five this is five
2378s games serious all right all right you
2379s could go 05 oh
2385s [Music]
2411s [Music]
2414s all right everybody we're back we're
2416s going into game two of the day n versus
2419s Trump five game show match yeah day9 was
2422s able to take down Trump in game one what
2425s a crazy back and forth game though
2427s really I was thinking it was over time
2429s and time again partially due to my own
2431s bad math skills but also just the looks
2434s on their faces I mean about halfway
2437s through that game day n looked totally
2440s deflated and defeated he was drawing one
2442s card at a time managed to get Jim rer
2445s out stemmed his way to Victory As Trump
2448s burned through his last card uh now we
2451s go into game two and this is going to be
2453s Trump this time around with warlock uh
2456s Zerg cards oh and it's going to be day
2459s nine here as the Druid with the protos
2461s cards yeah yeah and uh does get that
2464s spawning pool out right away so we might
2466s be seeing a zerg rush tasteless the most
2470s iconic thing possibly for people who
2471s don't watch Starcraft for people who do
2474s something that we hate to play against
2476s there are people that learn to love
2478s Starcraft and play it for the rest of
2479s their lives and then there are the ones
2481s that got Zerg rushed and went on to
2482s other games and that may be what happens
2485s here now yeah well said
2489s so um going into turn two right now
2492s Trump uh trying to decide what to do
2495s wouldn't be shocked if he threw the
2496s spine crawler down but there's probably
2498s a lot of ways to play this turn goes
2499s with a life tap instead
2502s yeah are you really surprised I mean
2504s it's Trump he's not going to play
2506s anything on curve he's just going to use
2508s hero powers and things like that now
2510s looking over at Day N side you know he
2512s was talking before that this is like a
2515s ramping Druid Deck right so got all
2518s these great things that reduce costs of
2520s these protos minions which are like the
2522s warp gate construct pylons Photon Cannon
2525s you look at his hand it's Immortal and
2526s carrier and both those are big and scary
2530s if you get them out yeah the carriers
2531s are pretty insane I really like the way
2533s that they implemented this uh into
2535s Hearthstone um you know what makes
2538s Starcraft great is is the little
2539s interactions that you have with the
2541s different units and the strategies that
2542s come from behind that I think they did
2544s such a good job kind of honoring
2546s Starcraft by bringing these unit into
2548s the game and then doing it
2550s justice I I definitely would agree with
2552s that now a couple zerglings going to
2554s come out always hatching in pairs of
2557s course and already kind of flooding that
2559s board a
2560s bit yeah uh day n's turn uh comes in
2564s here and he goes ahead and throws down
2565s the warp gate now uh he's going to be
2567s eating a decent amount of damage but I
2569s don't think he has too much to worry
2571s about yeah it's not it's not that much
2573s as of
2576s yet spine C yeah two spine crawlers in
2579s hand right now well it is early game
2581s right zings and spine crawlers are about
2583s all you get in the early game anyways so
2585s yeah this is is truly looking like an
2587s early game PvZ right now second spine
2588s crawler thrown down on the board day and
2591s I not looking happy about that already
2593s Trump with a lot of presence here um
2596s going back over into day n's turn he's
2598s going to have five Mana he does go for
2600s Magical dhouse again to put that down
2603s yeah you can get a lot of spell damage
2605s it's not going to maybe do that much
2607s well I guess it does charge up as Photon
2609s Canon I didn't even think of that see I
2611s don't think of photon cannons as a spell
2613s that's that's the real problem here
2616s chees yeah no Photon cannons like that's
2618s that's a structure my friend like that's
2620s a location I see Photon canons attack
2623s and I go okay so I guess you never
2624s learned how to play the game
2625s [Laughter]
2628s huh okay so um turn five now for Trump
2632s goes and throws down another taunt uh
2634s day9 is going to need to stabilize
2636s coming up here the damage is really
2637s starting to pile on I think he's going
2639s to be just fine he can use that warp
2642s gate again and maybe Throw Down The
2643s Immortal yeah I think so and the thing
2645s is if you pay extra for the immortal
2647s dude look at how big this is going to be
2649s an 816 if he pays that for or
2653s 106 I can't dude oh my god oh like I
2658s literally can't add two fives together
2659s this is actually I'm beginning to become
2661s a little bit embarrassed if my kids
2663s watch this you're going to be like Daddy
2665s you how do you not know that I know that
2667s I'm five well math is hard man I'm like
2670s but if there were two of you you'd only
2671s be
2671s [Laughter]
2675s eight so um I mean right now Trump just
2678s needs to figure out how what is the most
2680s effective way to get rid of this
2681s Immortal Divine shield on there super
2684s buffed with attack and HP he's
2686s continuing to just draw in here man that
2688s might be the most accurate card that is
2690s in this set of Starcraft the fact that
2692s it comes out with Divine shield and does
2694s 10 damage when it hits you that's like
2696s exactly the playing against Immortals
2698s gives you you're like oh so I can't hurt
2700s this thing okay that's nice he just
2701s needs a war prison where he can pick it
2703s back up and put it in his hand and then
2704s drop it again exactly exactly so he gets
2707s rid of the Divine Shield um and I think
2711s he's basically trying to figure out do I
2712s just wait and kind of play you can't
2714s deal 16 damage what are you going to do
2716s yeah with a Zergling come on the spine
2720s crawler is just going to run over which
2722s again is very lore accurate to
2725s Starcraft you don't make spines that and
2727s artan is coming out already imediately
2730s wow okay that's going to give him the
2732s two three four zealots oh my gosh is
2735s Daya just the greatest gamer he might be
2737s the greatest gamer of all time they
2739s might have to build statues about this
2744s gamer so already I think day9 in a very
2747s comfortable spot Trump I believe 10
2749s cards in hand right now man um looking
2754s to have a lot of different opportunities
2756s here that Immortal is going to be
2757s cleaned off the board I think yeah I
2760s think he's going to be able to clear
2761s things well okay he throws down carrian
2764s so he's going to get the brood Queen
2765s which is really big those things are
2767s awesome then three damage across so he
2768s clears the board there as well really
2771s really good and yeah those brood Queens
2773s are so sick man I was using those
2776s against you earlier when we were playing
2778s yeah they're really good he's going to
2779s have to empty his hand out a little bit
2780s if he's going to fully take advantage of
2781s that yeah so he goes ahead and just uses
2784s the
2786s coin basically make some room goes for
2789s consume here oh okay that's going to
2791s destroy some durability yeah but you
2793s know with the these brood crens you just
2795s want to make sure you're you're getting
2796s enough where you can draw from your deck
2798s and then draw from them as well and not
2800s burn cards yeah the The Brood Queens
2801s just like give you a larvae and every
2803s turn it just randomly turns into a
2804s different Zerg minion so it's just like
2807s you're gaining a ton having a couple of
2809s those guys out there and once you get
2810s laid to the game I mean it's a very
2812s swarmy Zerg style of play you're just
2815s dropping a lot on the board constantly
2817s causing headaches and a lot of times
2818s it's very difficult for the opposing
2820s player to really get control of the game
2821s again you know I'm finding as we sit
2823s here and Cass this T some a very
2825s emotional Hearth Zone Caster because
2827s like I was sure that day9 had this game
2830s already and now I was sure that Trump
2832s just had it when he got out carrian but
2834s now we have a carrier out there and I
2836s know just how strong that is yeah the
2838s carriers are crazy good oh my God swipe
2841s is going to do six damage and wipe out
2842s one of those um and look at this now the
2845s interceptors are out carriers are so
2849s crazy and look at that yeah the
2851s interceptors just attack random stuff so
2853s he's cleared the board he's the one out
2855s now with carriers and it's like what do
2858s you do against this you know it's funny
2860s this game is similar to the last game
2862s just as far as hand size go and kind of
2864s where we're at so I mean look day n's
2866s looking really strong right now um but
2869s he doesn't have a whole lot to play with
2870s here if he can't get something that's
2872s going to draw him a lot more cards I
2873s mean right now Trump has a lot uh in his
2876s hand and a lot of different ways to
2877s approach this goes for a lurker okay
2880s well lurker uh definitely one of the
2882s scarier units in Starcraft but we'll see
2885s how much that's able to actually affect
2886s this position for him going to get out
2888s another couple
2891s zerglings and this maybe the first time
2893s I get to see a Zergling kill an
2894s Interceptor that's
2896s exciting you don't even see carriers in
2898s a PvZ normally but now we got this and
2900s we got Zergling taking true that's true
2903s no no Scourge in this game T how are you
2905s GNA get rid of that thing man
2907s so uses carrigan's ability and that's a
2910s really really good board clear as we can
2911s see there but pretty much out of Mana
2913s here uh it looks like he will trade a
2916s little bit and get some extra damage
2918s from that lurker since it is the
2919s Zergling that's going down okay it's
2922s going to be a 9 HP carrier for the time
2925s being no more spells that could be cast
2928s right now here for Trump so the carrier
2930s is going to stay in the game a little
2931s bit
2933s longer dude if the carrier when it gets
2935s two turns is like pretty absurd yeah the
2938s thing is you shouldn't even play
2940s anything else this turn you should just
2941s chill just let the interceptors do their
2943s job yeah I mean with every passing turn
2946s those interceptors give you so much
2948s value so he's going to give that carry
2950s the plus one and the Divine
2952s shield and starting to body slam I've
2955s never seen a carer body slam but
2958s apparently it can attack too Here Come
2960s Those
2961s interceptors and I mean dude this is
2964s getting bad right now yeah Trump's uh
2967s carrian at 14
2970s HP and I just don't know if he's going
2972s to be able to get control of the board
2974s here I mean day I like you were saying
2975s he doesn't really need to even play too
2977s many more cards
2979s here for you the carrier you know I
2982s always like to liking it too it's like a
2984s flying base like it's got so much value
2986s in it and they really like especially
2989s these protos cards I'm like oh my gosh
2991s it just really gives you the feel that
2992s you have playing against these units in
2994s Starcraft where the carrier comes out
2997s just destroying everything and it's like
2998s you're getting rid of the interceptors
3000s but they just build them again tasteless
3002s it's not an
3004s issue I think he's going to throw the
3005s brood Queen down again there's a lot you
3008s know at this point in time he needs
3009s targets right when the interceptors pop
3012s out he needs to basically have somewhere
3014s to draw the interceptors away from him
3016s because otherwise this game is going to
3018s end he gets the two zerglings out and
3021s that's going to be a really nice
3022s distribution of damage that takes the
3024s interceptors out two7 carrier on the
3026s board
3027s uh looks like he has four damage that he
3029s could have had on that carrier I think
3031s it makes sense to not waste those
3032s zerglings again you those targets out
3033s there I'd
3035s agree he also does have life steal
3038s available so he could start to uh you
3041s know boost his health quite a bit well I
3044s you know when the interceptors come out
3046s you're probably going to gain a bunch of
3047s life from that so right Trump may be
3049s starting to come back into this game a
3051s little bit but uh-oh another Immortal
3053s going to be coming out here wow and I
3056s mean talk about the Perfect combo from
3059s day n's perspective a 1016 Immortal with
3063s Divine Shield protecting the carriers
3064s that's having interceptors come out dude
3066s it's honestly just like a lake game PBZ
3069s it's just like your ladder games man um
3072s well I could be Cass and this could be
3074s Day N versus Trump in Hearthstone or you
3076s know this could be like just two top
3079s Starcraft 2 Pros going at it in a the
3081s world
3082s championship so um ceaseless expanse is
3086s in the but he's not at the point where
3088s he's got the Mana to to get that low
3090s enough yeah um so the problem is
3093s basically going to be like how how does
3095s he remedy this dude they're so big
3100s they're so big these minions oh my gosh
3103s the 1016 Divine Shield is killing me
3106s when I'm looking at it like how do you
3108s deal with this so he's going to get some
3110s Zergling that'll come out
3114s here Trump really taking his time here
3118s how exactly does he want to play this I
3120s don't know nothing looks particularly
3124s good like the hydris deals a lot of
3125s damage when it comes out if you have a
3127s good amount of Zerg minions uh he
3129s doesn't have that many this particular
3131s time he you know he does have that
3133s carrian ability still oh he just has
3136s enough damage he gets rid of the carrier
3137s oh the carrier's gone okay so this is
3139s much better yeah it's much more doable
3142s now
3143s yeah so I just want to throw this out
3146s there by the way day n's going to draw a
3148s second carrier this turn you watch he
3151s just top X Carri number two Twist the
3153s knife
3155s yeah okay so he's going to end that
3158s turn oh there he is I told you I can't
3162s believe it tasteless I played enough
3164s Hearthstone to know that when I feel
3166s like I finally dealt with something
3168s there it is again this is even worse to
3170s happen in harstone normally you know you
3172s only have to deal with the carrier
3173s surprise once in a Starcraft game right
3176s the genie kind of out of the bottle at
3177s that point in
3180s time yeah this is uh this is going to
3183s break Trump's heart there it goes the
3185s carrier comes
3187s down now he's going to crash into that
3190s life steel why yeah oh he put the Divine
3193s shield on the carrier I was like why not
3194s just put it back on the immortal here
3196s but no I guess that makes sense look at
3198s this damage coming out this is wild okay
3201s he has to figure something out okay now
3203s he does he could does have ceaseless
3204s expans zero uh Mana
3207s yeah he's got to do that there's nothing
3208s else and that's that's I think literally
3210s the only thing he can
3211s do look at
3214s [Laughter]
3217s Dan well you win some you lose some
3221s tasteless yeah and in this case I think
3224s you lose if you're day nine I mean
3226s there's so many cards in
3228s hand um same dilemma as in the previous
3231s game how is he going to draw anything
3232s but I think the carriers kind of had to
3233s bring you to victory had S's expans in
3237s the hand maybe this game would be over
3238s already didn't he already use like two
3240s Immortals and two carriers that's like
3242s basically everything of value that's
3243s like all the the backbone of the deck
3245s you watch he's just going to draw cards
3246s that give him more Mana now like inates
3248s coming man and that's just that's not
3250s going to help here look at that he now
3253s he's got lethal on the board for next
3255s turn as well it's so funny ceas expanse
3258s is brutal oh he draws a trail mix okay
3262s well that's not going to help very much
3263s is
3265s it okay he's got two
3270s taunts man I don't see any way now going
3274s to just go ahead and get a few more
3275s taunts just get some more Targets on the
3277s board well maybe that'll slow him down a
3280s little
3282s bit he's got a decent amount of removal
3284s in his hand yeah three damage across
3288s there and then another three so that's
3290s going to wipe everything that's going to
3291s be
3292s lethal boop boop
3297s and look at that it gets tied up one to
3299s one I guess we have ourselves a nice
3300s little series here despite two Immortals
3303s and two carriers coming out for day9
3305s Trump just able to clear everything
3308s crazy to see that carrier get top decked
3310s but then sis expans wiping the board M
3313s day night without really any any cards
3315s that are useful there's no way to come
3317s back there uh we're tied up one to one
3319s guys and we're going to be going into
3321s game three there is a specific card that
3324s I was trying to look for the entire game
3326s well you know what a two cost card
3327s called bottomless toy chest this is what
3330s I want it says discover a card from your
3331s deck if you have spell damage copy it
3333s and I would copy the carrier but instead
3335s I just drew the carriers and I drew the
3337s emortal well you'll get another chance
3339s to show that one off I want to take it I
3341s really want to win with carriers
3374s welcome back everybody we're going to go
3376s into game three right now uh in the five
3379s game show match Day N versus Trump
3382s currently tied up one1 yeah and this is
3385s going to be day n's historically best
3388s matchup Zerg vers Taran I know I was on
3391s the losing end of this many many times
3393s in the old days so we're going to see if
3395s Trump is a better man than I yeah this
3398s is going to be fun um I think we're
3401s going to be actually hopping into this
3402s game in just a second here yeah we're
3404s going to see if but uh they're going to
3406s mull in any cards and uh this could be a
3409s long one you know um this is going to be
3412s probably a bit more of a control Warrior
3413s kind of a slow play armor building uh
3416s we've already had a lot of Epic Games by
3418s the way yeah these are really good games
3420s so far uh very very much enjoyed them so
3423s see how this plays out I actually did
3425s try out uh the deck that day N9 is using
3427s against you and it could do some crazy
3430s things that's for sure it like swarms
3432s just very suddenly you get so many
3434s minions out so looking forward to seeing
3436s if we're going to have a bit of
3438s that so we got a little bit of armor
3440s coming down here for Trump not going to
3442s put any cards on the board if he doesn't
3444s want to immediately we're going to have
3445s a dreadout handle thrown down here from
3447s day
3448s nine and Trump over here does draw into
3450s an SCV that would have been a little bit
3452s more useful early on yeah but uh yeah
3456s looks like he's going to go ahead use
3457s liftoff right so that makes sense gets a
3459s medac out with that and does get to draw
3461s a couple of star ports for early game
3463s that's really nice isn't it I think this
3465s is going to be a really smooth early
3467s game here for Trump with those two star
3469s ports there's going to be a lot of
3471s material he can put onto the board again
3473s it's not really about trying to rush
3475s down and Crush everything from the
3476s warrior with this kind of a deck it's
3478s really just about controlling and
3480s building and drawing the game out n SW
3483s that last turn one of the quickest KN of
3484s storms that I've ever seen personally
3487s this first Starship starts to get
3489s started and uh yeah like I feel like
3493s this is the game that we're going to see
3496s that goes really really long towards the
3499s end yeah I think so uh we could have
3502s some taunts that would be thrown down
3504s here um looks like he's going looking
3507s over at the concussive shells as well is
3508s something he could possibly use a lot of
3510s different ways to play this turn four
3512s hand here from
3513s Trump yeah looks like you will throw
3515s down that Crystal welder most likely
3517s which makes a lot of sense you see a
3519s little bit of Trash Talk going on
3520s between them out there ooh the double
3524s Crystal welder all right so two Crystal
3527s welders that's going to be a lot to try
3528s to remove here onto the board spawning
3531s pool thrown down here
3533s now and he is going to go ahead and get
3536s a
3537s Zergling obviously spawning in
3540s pairs and getting two main Lings
3543s okay all right um I mean all of his
3548s stuff looks pretty small and pretty weak
3550s comparatively but quite a few Zerg units
3552s out there so that that can actually set
3553s up like a really big hydris coming uh if
3556s he does end up drawing into something
3557s like that so looking down a ton of tan
3561s cards in Trump's hand right now I would
3563s like to see those starports come out to
3565s be honest they just they feel so good in
3567s the early game yeah you know knowing
3569s Trump he's super conservative with
3571s whatever he plays I mean we meme about
3573s the value Town thing but it is really a
3575s thing is you know don't overplay
3577s everything you've got in your hands so
3579s he might hold off even another turn or
3581s two but I think it would it wouldn't be
3582s the worst idea to see a little bit of
3583s starport play I'd like to see it all
3586s right does go ahead and blows up the
3587s baneling before that can get buffed up
3589s or anything like that so still has that
3591s other 4-3 taunt has the starport out
3593s going to go ahead grab a Medevac in
3594s there as well yeah right now I think
3597s Trump is really comfortable um I think
3600s day9 still has a lot of opportunities as
3602s far as what he wants to do both these
3603s guys have very full hands so far in the
3606s games that we've seen with these two
3607s players it does seem like Day N does
3609s burn through his hand a little bit more
3611s quickly but his managed to be pretty
3613s okay regardless well this is the kind of
3616s grindy Zerg that he wants to play
3617s anyways it's not like really much of a
3619s rush it's more like okay let's kind of
3621s trade a bit here which kind of does lead
3624s us to thinking this might be one of
3625s those long games and he will clear this
3628s taunt throwing away three of his 1 ons
3630s there also gets the ghoul as well but
3634s doesn't feel like the most impactful
3636s turn there for day nine right um I mean
3639s getting rid of one of the taunts is nice
3640s I guess turn six here for Trump uh Trump
3644s actually getting pretty crazy as far as
3646s what he's got here uh on the
3649s board um you know generally like you
3651s were saying osis you're kind of trying
3653s to trade things out and go for control
3655s play but D does get something on here
3657s cuz this is going to become a pretty
3659s substantial amount of damage right um
3662s and he could start to lose Health pretty
3664s quickly looks like some more trading
3666s going to go down sacrificing another
3669s Starship piece there I actually kind of
3670s like that getting rid of some of these
3672s to build up the strength of that
3673s Starship cuz you know what we've seen uh
3676s you know with the tan Starships is you
3677s want to launch them a lot of times you
3679s can make it really cheap you know you
3681s you can do things like Rainer and you
3683s know be able to to launch them multiple
3685s times and all that so so some very cool
3687s different ways to play it okay Trump's
3690s laying down a couple more um basic units
3694s on the board here we've got that 21
3695s Viking out now a very rich hand here
3698s from Day N all these cards very
3701s playable he's going to go with the 14
3704s that pool draws another Zergling and is
3706s then destroyed
3709s mhm oh oh I love to see the infester out
3712s just powering everything up that makes
3713s like for instance the Zergling so much
3715s stronger that and the fact that he's
3716s going to get the two investors out right
3718s away this is big this is going to give
3720s him a lot more momentum as we get deeper
3722s into this game I love it look at that
3726s just so so strong and he gets copies of
3729s him it's wild man but a big Starship
3732s getting prepared here for Trump as well
3734s that's right he does have that Ace up
3735s his sleeve here the Starship is going to
3737s be an
3740s inevitability yeah when those two
3742s infestors get wiped God the the Zerg is
3744s going to be so strong as far as what he
3747s wants that was really such an important
3750s play to get those out and get them
3751s duplicated like he did yeah the
3753s infestors are just powering everything
3755s up so so much right now which again you
3758s know flavorfully it's one of these
3760s support spellcasters that you have with
3762s Zerg so very cool to see so uh yeah he
3766s is going to be able to launch with the
3768s exodar obviously an awesome card for a
3771s Starship deck and here let's see how big
3773s this is a 97 taunt and then three to two
3778s taunts all right that's going to be hard
3780s to clear looking pretty fearsome over
3783s here whoa you can gain so much armor
3786s here UTI attack split up
3791s yeah get copies of all the starship's
3793s pieces set their cost to
3795s one wow this is kind of insane Trump
3798s really has I think I think the a crew
3800s transport you think so yeah what about
3804s you I'm looking at that armor t
3807s Tess but no maybe you're right that just
3810s getting a bunch more yeah and that's
3812s exactly what he does he just gets all
3813s those Starship pieces so that's going to
3816s allow him to build another one that's
3817s just ridiculously strong very very
3819s quickly as well so we've got the two
3821s infestors on the
3823s board he's going to throw down the Zurg
3825s you can see the buff and how strong this
3827s is now you're spawning two three three
3829s Zergling that's
3833s wild is he going to attack those
3835s infestors though I was about to ask that
3837s I feel like it would have made sense
3839s maybe even do that earlier right you
3841s know I don't want to be one of those
3842s commentators that thinks he's better
3843s than the gamers but
3847s uh okay ends up pulling the biking out
3850s onto the ground the buffing continues
3853s there you go 62 infestor now is he just
3856s going to trade that out yeah well dude
3858s look at that the buffing crazy five five
3861s zerglings two of them for one Mana this
3864s is better than having the star craft
3866s Brut War 33 upgraded Zergling with
3868s adrenal man serious crazy
3871s seriously okay back over to Trump now he
3874s does draw Jim rer oh man he's got a
3877s decent amount of armor to sit on already
3880s so I I think you hold Jimmy here though
3883s you pocket him for a little bit longer
3884s yeah yeah you get a few more Starships
3886s launched cuz you have all these pieces
3887s in your hand you have double star ports
3889s out to get more pieces yeah man you wait
3892s if he plays that now I'm going to walk
3894s into the other room and ask him what
3895s he's doing
3899s okay tough turn here for Trump what
3901s exactly does he want to play both sides
3904s are sitting on these huge armies we've
3906s got two star ports that could be used
3909s here yeah there's actually like a lot of
3911s options for him to be honest there so
3913s many ways you could play this really
3916s yeah he's still deliberating which cards
3918s to play not attacking anything just yet
3921s thank God we disabled the Rope here oh
3923s yeah
3928s so I mean he can pick and choose and hit
3929s whatever he wants right I mean there's
3931s no taunts on the board for day
3934s nine that is very true yeah he can trade
3937s exactly how it would be ideal for
3941s him well I definitely I I definitely
3945s think he's got to clear as much as he
3947s possibly can this turn I know that you
3949s have over 50 Health with that armor but
3951s right well like you can't just count on
3954s that forever okay grabs a c couple more
3956s here a medac as well as a raven coming
3958s out of those two star ports as they get
3960s used
3961s up destroy a random enemy minion that's
3964s that's that's totally decent I'd say
3966s yeah I think this is a good uh one it
3968s does take out the 55 probably the worst
3970s thing he possibly could have yeah hit
3972s right so I mean that's pretty nice it's
3974s reborn immediately so exactly what's the
3980s point so he's going to possibly play
3983s liftoff
3984s here oh y a Canon but he's pretty much
3987s out of Mana at this point yeah now he
3988s just has to figure out how he wants to
3990s trade damage on the board yeah might be
3992s time for those concussive shells as
3997s well okay so he's going to throw that
3999s down one more taunt and get a little bit
4001s more
4002s armor well at least he can't or excuse
4004s me he'll get that if it dies yeah yeah
4007s at least he can't take too too much
4008s damage this turn right like that is a
4010s fearsome Zerg
4012s Army I love the fact that this Viper is
4015s a nice five right now it's insane yeah a
4019s spellcaster from Starcraft just looking
4021s so beastly now he uses the Headless
4024s Horseman not one of my favorites to play
4026s against personally yeah it can be pretty
4029s frustrating
4031s um and so I mean he basically does have
4034s a better Army on the board right now
4035s he's going to be able to do three damage
4037s here so continuing to clear obviously
4039s the Starship is still available here for
4041s Trump when he wants to actually use it
4043s dude look at the amount of damage he
4044s just put down like 20 23 damage clear
4047s almost all the armor off yeah yeah a lot
4049s of that gone now Trump's going to have
4052s to have a big
4053s turn he's looking at that concussive
4056s shells everything's so beefy right now
4058s with the exception of the Zergling it's
4060s going to be so hard to get damage out to
4062s remove this just three two ones right
4065s now well I think you just start trading
4067s out as much as you can you know you do
4069s have those concussive shells possibly
4070s for a little bit more damage right don't
4072s forget you could go rain and use his
4075s ability here but looks like he's not
4076s going to do
4078s that so I think he's going to go for
4080s that Viper
4082s right okay still nin man in hand hasn't
4084s used any cards yet just going to clear
4086s the zling no he is going to
4090s have okay well maybe it's just cuz the
4092s Zergling comes back anyway that he
4094s doesn't want to he doesn't want to
4096s bother now he's in the teran's Dilemma
4099s right he sees this Army across the board
4101s that's completely scary he's like well I
4104s do need more scvs so yeah all right he
4108s drops the
4109s SCV going to do two damage over there
4112s that's going to drop it to
4114s one
4116s okay ooh a copy
4119s there launch that Starship for one Mana
4125s please yeah he's going to go for it so
4127s he's got a 14 11 there we go it's going
4131s to be the rest of the damage distributed
4132s on the board that's going to leave us
4134s with just two units left
4138s 1411 life steal DC that's
4141s insane yeah not that he needs it but
4144s he's got
4145s it that is just absolute Insanity there
4149s and it is a Mech as well
4151s [Laughter]
4154s so so he still has six Mana looks like
4157s he's just going to clear this Zine once
4159s again day n's the hand is getting
4160s smaller and smaller the further along we
4162s go that's true uh although I guess Trump
4165s is playing a lot of cards this turn so
4167s he's just going to fill the board up
4168s yeah but he's just all these are
4170s Starship pieces yeah and then he's got
4172s Rainer as well you know what that's
4173s going to look like when Rainer comes out
4175s it's going to be totally crazy man it's
4178s going to be so strong he's going to draw
4179s two Zer cards what does he get they
4182s better be pretty good yeah Viper's good
4184s Viper's fine I guess he does draw caran
4187s okay okay well we all know that's that's
4190s Jim rainer's weakness
4192s tasteless and tykus is not in the set I
4195s Pete tykus is not in this set there is
4198s no easy counter to
4202s carrian okay we've got two7 s zerglings
4206s on the
4208s board just looking at that Jim
4211s rer well you don't play it with a full
4213s board that's for sure yeah
4216s yeah we' got a Thor in hand here as well
4219s for
4220s Trump and it seems like he's just going
4222s to basically trade get rid of some of
4225s these smaller unit but it's I love it
4227s getting ready for another yeah another
4232s Starship still one 77 Zergling he just
4235s goes ahead and triggers that that's
4237s going to give him a 75 with two two
4239s marines sorry three two two
4241s marines battle cruiser Marine SCV little
4245s bit of everything yeah his economy is
4248s decent he's got a good ground force here
4251s to cover that battle cruiser he's got an
4253s SCV to repair it if this is an actual
4254s Starcraft game
4257s absolutely okay going to go with carrian
4262s here but there's still a lot on the
4264s board I mean this is a lot of damage
4265s coming from tan blast that down with the
4268s three damage a lot on the board I I did
4271s not appreciate that removal there excuse
4274s me um oh my God and yeah the those brood
4277s Queens giving you the larvae that just
4279s keep on evolving in your hand so strong
4282s but no the gy rer is out it's a true
4285s class carrian versus gym Raider moment
4290s yeah wait he actually he making too much
4292s stuff and he actually doesn't get as
4294s many Starships as he should have gotten
4295s that's so funny that's too many marines
4297s here's the thing Rainer is too good yeah
4301s Buffs it oh my God it went from that is
4304s hilarious went from Trump having nothing
4306s to Trump having everything again look at
4308s the damage output that he's going to
4310s have day9 you better have a good turn
4312s coming up
4318s and I mean this is you know it's funny
4321s they both have high HP but the damage
4322s output from Trump here is so crazy I
4324s mean you got to address this immediately
4326s like this turn yeah or else well you
4328s just have to clear a lot right
4331s now I don't know how you're supposed to
4333s go about winning this game as Day N well
4336s he doesn't either you can see he's
4337s scratching his head yeah he's got the
4339s thinking man's pose but with a depressed
4342s look on his face unfortunately
4346s he seems to be thrown for a
4352s loop Deni come on show us how to be a
4355s better
4357s gamer I mean he might be in trouble man
4359s I don't know how he's going to get out
4361s of this might be in
4363s trouble that's is going to throw the
4365s lurker down here okay okay a12 lurker
4367s comes down onto the board
4370s okay now what still has six
4374s Mana he could get the Viper on the board
4377s I don't know I mean he can sack the The
4378s Brood Queen and and get that that extra
4381s damage but he's got to get some more
4382s Zerg minions out to make that makes
4384s sense he needs something to basically
4385s match what's on the board already here
4387s from Trump
4393s yeah look at Trump right now you think
4396s that Zerg creep back there behind him
4398s that's actually his brain we put a
4399s camera in there we're watching the
4400s neurons fire as he makes these
4403s decisions okay so he's going to go okay
4406s clears that I like
4409s it but how much damage is actually going
4411s to be coming across the board right so
4413s it's like 12 + 9 21 + 8 29 look at that
4419s exact lethal with the stim pack
4425s wow Trump just looking at all his
4427s possible plays what I would be doing
4430s right now is trying to trick Trump be
4432s like oh no you can kill my brood Queen
4435s oh I hope you don't kill my brood Queen
4437s it's my only chance to win my hand's
4439s really weak without The Brood Queen and
4441s then he clear The Brood Queen and smile
4443s at me and like I live to fight again
4445s another
4447s turn is he just going to throw the Thor
4450s down yeah here we go deal five
4453s damage takes that out only HP left no
4457s armor
4458s now oh my God oh my God now it's 19 here
4462s we go I think this is it 11 yep that's
4465s going to be game Trump now in the lead
4468s two to one mhm uh in this five game show
4472s match series um Trump really just
4475s getting that Jim rer out there powering
4477s up getting the BCS out as well so strong
4480s great round I think Day N had some
4482s opportunities there it looked like he
4484s was going to kind of build up momentum
4485s and maybe carry it through but
4488s eventually there's just so many taunts
4489s on the board you know when you have that
4490s many taunts and they don't have any
4491s taunts the the taunts can choose exactly
4493s how to trade it's so true well if
4495s there's enough taunts I should say not
4496s all taunts it's very you just then you
4498s just trade again however you want it it
4500s feels like tearing play too right like
4502s you're sitting there behind this wall of
4504s invincible taunts that just keep on
4506s coming and and you keep on making them
4508s stronger it scales right up so well done
4510s by Trump all right guys we're going to
4511s do a quick interview with the devs and
4513s after that we'll be back with game four
4521s [Music]
4547s hey what's up guys we're going to go
4549s back to the show match in a little bit
4551s first we wanted to take some time and
4552s talk to the devs I am joined with Leo
4555s and AO these two guys have been bringing
4557s Starcraft to Hearthstone how's it going
4559s guys it's going fantastic it's going
4561s great I'm so excited to be here well we
4563s just want to ask you guys a few
4565s questions about the set first off what
4568s really prompted you to make a Starcraft
4570s set in in Hearthstone and what was the
4573s vision behind creating it I think the
4576s biggest thing about why and like
4578s honestly how we did it was just there
4580s was so much excitement from the team to
4583s make Starcraft stuff happen in
4585s Hearthstone um I I I remember before we
4588s even started working on the minis set
4590s the game director pulled me aside and he
4592s said hey I've got kind of a wild idea to
4594s float by you we're in space in the main
4596s set in the Great Dark beyond for the
4598s mini set let's stay in space in
4601s Starcraft and at first I I I didn't like
4603s I didn't know how to think about that
4605s other than like yes I that sounds sick I
4607s like everyone's going to love that let's
4609s do that um and after a bit we we kept
4611s figuring out like the logistics of it
4613s and and the the specifics for the
4615s schedule but throughout the entire
4617s process more and more people kept
4619s getting more and more excited about
4620s doing it which is a really good sign
4623s yeah soon as the word Starcraft was
4624s floated for the first time my my ears
4626s perked up I've just been such a longtime
4628s Starcraft fan and my my attitude was
4630s just like what do we have to do to make
4631s this happen like what do I need to clear
4634s out of the way to to make this work so
4636s yeah I think there's a lot of other
4637s people in the team too who just love
4638s Starcraft so much and and uh really
4640s worked hard to to get the S together you
4642s know one of the things that makes
4643s Starcraft so great is that each of the
4645s unit operates in a really unique and
4647s special way uh when you were bringing
4649s Starcraft over into Hearthstone and
4651s putting each of those units uh into a
4653s card what was that experience and
4654s process like yeah the I'd say the
4657s process was very much flavor first with
4660s uh all these different iconic un there's
4662s just so many iconic units in Starcraft
4663s and they all behave in such unique and
4665s interesting ways and it's great as a
4667s designer because you there's so much to
4668s sink your teeth into right like all
4670s these different units you know uh doing
4672s different things so yeah definitely like
4674s Flavor first
4675s um I tried to just put the coolest most
4678s starc crafty version of each card in at
4680s the very start and then uh after we did
4683s that we had to make some decks and some
4685s archetypes out of them and gameplay that
4686s really flowed and came together so you
4689s know we massaged a few things around and
4691s uh tried to make the card synergize and
4693s work uh better so some things are that
4696s are still in the game right now are just
4697s the most flavorful thing that we could
4698s think of and other things we're moved a
4700s bit to try and work together with those
4702s cards and just make the most fun Decks
4704s that we can yeah even outside of the
4706s like the cards and the decks in general
4708s figuring out which class was going to be
4710s associated with which faction was a
4712s whole challenge in and of itself I think
4714s that was one of the first steps we did
4716s to kind of like lay the groundwork of
4718s the of the minis set because we knew
4720s from the very beginning you can't do a
4722s Starcraft anything without direct
4724s references to the three like main races
4726s the three factions um and with the 11
4729s classes that we have we had a really
4731s unique opportunity to put each one in
4733s one of those factions and you know of
4735s them make a ton of sense it's kind of
4736s like the immediate first thought right I
4738s think Warlock and Zerg is you know
4740s fantastic Mage and protos um and then
4743s others we kind of had to do some puzzle
4745s piecing together moving some things
4747s around to make the most sense for all
4748s the goals that we had we knew that we
4750s wanted this Min set to be a bunch of
4752s decks not just individual cards but your
4754s entire game plan is about Starcraft and
4757s because of the like different play
4759s styles of the three factions we knew
4761s that you know some classes might have
4763s just gotten a pretty control heavy thing
4764s let's give them something fresh um for
4766s Starships uh in the main set there's a
4769s bunch of classes that were given
4770s starships and a bunch that didn't get it
4772s so for Taran we knew we had to give
4773s classes that didn't get Starship before
4775s a chance at the keyword with a brand new
4777s you know Fresh coat of paint um so that
4779s was a ton of fun to figure out um and
4782s yeah you know the car designs are really
4785s fantastic here but also you know the
4787s animations The Sounds the graphics that
4789s you guys are using it feels like it
4791s really gels well with Starcraft how did
4793s you go about designing those aspects I
4795s mean that was like a team effort
4797s honestly like everyone on the team we
4799s alluded to this earlier but everyone was
4801s so excited to to get this done and do
4803s this the best way we can and that isn't
4806s just on design side engineering side but
4808s art side VFX uh production everybody
4811s really gave it their all here um and I
4813s think for for Starcraft there's a very
4815s unique like kind of gritty almost dark
4818s aesthetic to it Hearthstone is very
4820s bright uh like Whimsical happy go-lucky
4823s honestly um and trying to find the like
4826s Middle Ground between those or honestly
4827s create that middle ground where you look
4829s at it it's like oh yeah that's a Templar
4830s I know that oh that's the Thor but
4833s someone who might not know what those
4834s are from Starcraft it still looks like a
4836s Hearthstone card um it was definitely a
4838s challenge that I think the art team like
4839s smashed it they they did a fantastic job
4841s with it um yeah I don't know if there's
4843s anything you want to add just getting
4846s those first pieces of art back seeing
4848s those all for the first time cuz uh you
4850s know when we're playing with things at
4851s first and just play testing stuff
4853s there's not like art on the cards it's
4855s just a bunch of cards you know kind of
4856s bonking into each other but seeing those
4857s first pieces of art come back and it was
4860s Starcraft stuff but like with this sort
4862s of hearthstone like brightness and
4864s visual to it it was just such a dream
4866s come true for me so what has your
4869s experience been um playing each of these
4870s decks is there one that you prefer the
4872s most and is this uh also the same race
4875s that you play uh when you play Starcraft
4876s or is it different uh God that's such a
4879s tough question because there's there's
4880s honestly it feels like a cop out answer
4882s because I made them right but there's so
4884s many that I love
4885s um if I had to pick one it would
4887s probably be Warlock the Zerg Warlock
4890s deck um I think it it's I think to meat
4893s feels maybe the most unique of of all of
4895s them they're it's a location based deck
4897s I think the flavor of consume like
4899s taking away durability from the
4901s ultralisk cavern so you can get your
4902s ultralisks out just feels so on point
4905s and the gam play has just been really
4906s fun and uh my my main class though was
4909s protos in Starcraft like 98% of all the
4912s countless hours of Starcraft I played
4913s has been on protos so uh it's hard not
4916s to say a protos one I speaking of protos
4918s I I think generally their game plan is
4921s my favorite with all the decks and
4922s Hearthstone trying to get to those late
4923s game Minions that you can slam down as
4925s early as possible uh and between the
4928s four protos classes this is kind of a
4929s copout answer I can't really pick a
4931s favorite but that plays into it because
4934s priest with the mothership lets them
4936s generate a bunch of random protos so if
4938s you can't decide which one you want to
4939s play slam down a mother ship and play
4941s everything right you're never going to
4943s see like a priest slam down an archon
4946s unless you're getting the mother ship
4947s out first and I don't know I I'm also a
4949s fan of Randomness in Hearthstone so kind
4951s of getting a game's outcome not like
4955s hand delivered to me but figuring it out
4956s as you go along is is super fun so I'm
4959s stoked to play that on live I got see I
4961s think you guys knocked it out of the
4962s park thank you so much for bringing
4963s Starcraft in the Hearthstone the games
4965s so far have been amazing and uh we're
4967s going to be continuing on here with our
4968s show match of Day N versus Trump right
4971s now we're ready to continue the five
4974s game show match series of day nine
4977s versus Trump that's right day nine
4979s losing right now one to2 but he's
4982s warming up as you can see playing an
4984s invisible piano that's shaped in a very
4986s weird
4988s shape getting getting those fingers he's
4992s actually moving an invisible Abacus
4994s around and Counting out different
4996s possible Hearthstone scenarios and how
4998s he would trade on the board um Trump
5001s right now up in the lead here looking
5003s really good um
5005s but I gotta say we got really lucky with
5007s how good all the games were yeah yeah
5010s it's been really fun it's been very
5012s exciting between these to like I I
5015s actually couldn't believe how back and
5016s forth some of these games were to the
5018s point where when yeah this WWE sced this
5022s is this is definitely scripted so uh
5025s yeah we're going to be playing a couple
5026s Decks that have lost against each other
5028s here uh so we're going to have that
5030s protos Mage deck coming out for Trump
5033s and we're going to have that uh death
5035s knight uh Zerg deck here for day
5038s nine yeah and so um immediately we're
5041s going to get the buccaneer on the board
5043s here going over to Trump by the way we
5046s were talking about this um actually when
5048s we weren't uh recording this we were
5050s talking about off camera but is it
5051s correct that Trump could have maybe won
5053s game one had he actually used the Mage
5055s spell he missed two pings yeah two pings
5057s from the Fireball and Sean was at two
5060s Health at the end so talk about a real
5061s Butterfly Effect moment like you made
5063s this one mistake early on then you're
5065s unable to finish with a win because uh
5068s you know it didn't actually stack up so
5070s already um dude he's already gotten
5072s infest with reborn yeah like while we're
5075s trying to set up the storyline Day N
5078s takes a big lead here early
5080s on yeah we're going to get Gorgon out
5082s here to get the cheese in the hand here
5084s for Trump but I got to say this already
5086s looks really strong for day nine yeah
5089s dude the infestor like making five5
5091s Lings and stuff like we saw in their
5093s previous game just it's crazy second
5096s Buccaneer in hand here too uh for Day
5102s N here's the funny thing too is like you
5104s know they're like laughing and having
5105s fun and having a good time but they both
5108s really want to win this they both want
5109s to win this so badly yeah there's not a
5112s question about that they actually hate
5114s each other guys
5116s they oh my gosh day night actually put
5119s the beat down on right now pretty nice
5121s pretty nice looking pretty good Trump is
5124s trying to figure out how to out value
5126s right now but I don't see I don't see
5128s how to do it man playing against
5130s infester it's just such a pain yeah it's
5133s rough the infestor is still here right
5134s now at 42 looks like he is going to go
5137s for the delicious
5138s cheese now we don't know what exactly
5140s he's going to draw here so let's go
5143s ahead and see okay couple three ones and
5145s a 3-2 I would say this is fine yeah um
5149s but nothing extraordinary right like no
5151s no no comes down yeah nothing that's
5153s going to come down here everything
5155s especially with the one Health here man
5157s his location's going to blow that all up
5159s yeah right does finally get rid of that
5161s that's actually very very important you
5163s don't want another infestor coming down
5165s again a reborn status once
5169s again and so now for day n's
5174s turn I got to say that thing Horizon's
5177s Edge is so strong yeah in situations
5179s like this just the amount of damage you
5181s can end up dishing
5182s out no I'm loving it and look at that
5184s that just going to open it back up again
5187s and oh there you go there you go sorry
5189s cleared your
5191s board so brood Queen comes out as well
5194s very very nice early lead here still
5196s from Day N already has Trump down to 18
5199s Health yeah you know we've had some
5201s really long uh games so far some real
5204s back and forth epic matches but I think
5206s if Trump doesn't stabilize here he will
5208s just get smothered by the uh units that
5210s are just being uh spat out here by day
5213s nine
5214s yeah I think he's thinking about look
5216s how content he is with this situation
5217s right now yeah he thinks he's so good he
5219s thinks he's so
5222s smart and look at this Trump's trying to
5224s think and he just won't stop
5226s talking all right so we're GNA get kagar
5229s out here he's gonna hope for something
5230s like a blizzard yeah so we got the two
5233s two taunts coming out not the worst I
5238s guess so that's going to give at least a
5241s little bit of sandbagging here uh for
5244s the prog from Day N who still has a
5247s pretty decent hand so far there's a lot
5248s of ways you could play this out whether
5250s it's a six Mana drop or just dropping
5251s these smaller
5253s minions I think he's just trying to
5255s calculate right now like do we clear the
5257s board do we go for that extra damage
5260s right of course you have to clear these
5262s taunts out you can open that back up if
5265s you sack this guy but is that really
5267s that helpful yeah so he trades that out
5270s so that if the infestors hit that unit
5272s will still be wiped
5275s not the best Horizon's Edge there
5278s yeah uh going to summon a ghoul now to
5281s rush
5282s in still a decent amount of Mana here
5284s where are these shots going to go
5286s unfortunately this is so funny three in
5288s a row really he gets him pretty low yeah
5290s I mean look the reality is maybe there's
5292s a world where you just end up going for
5293s face later and just crushing it out yeah
5296s but I think what Dan wanted to do was to
5298s try to have some kind of board clear and
5300s control here and then just kind of
5301s steadily navigate this to a win I think
5303s you're right about that
5306s couple banelings in the hand Zergling in
5309s the hand there as well oh all right all
5313s right baneling down here now with that
5315s reborn
5317s yeah I mean TR this just looks really
5320s bad he could
5322s freeze um some Minions on the board here
5324s you know I think the big problem here
5326s tesus is he's playing non Starcraft
5328s cards you know no that's the issue
5331s that's I think that might be the issue
5333s here he have Rising
5336s waves a two-handed fact yeah I was going
5338s to say maybe you should hit the brood
5340s Queen and use Rising waves something
5342s like that
5344s yeah going to freeze the infestor I
5347s guess actually I think this will let him
5349s stabilize here maybe I guess he can
5352s maybe look for good trades in the next
5354s turn or so yeah yeah if you don't freeze
5357s that that baneling it's going to kill
5358s like everything you have actually yeah
5360s yeah I I think the baning freeze is the
5362s way it looks like that's what he's going
5363s to do dude the splash damage that comes
5365s out of that thing very very accurate and
5367s then the two two tods okay I think a
5370s really good turn for Trump honestly yeah
5372s no he did very well
5373s there at least he's got a bit of armor
5375s too to make up some of that Health
5382s deficit so now we go back to day
5386s nine half of his arm is
5388s frozen obviously these taunts have to be
5391s eliminated before he can make any more
5392s progress here so he's just going to kind
5395s try to draw see what he can pull out he
5396s gets a couple of zerglings some zero
5398s cost zerglings okay you can see then on
5401s camera like okay I mean not bad well
5403s maybe not exactly what you wanted but
5405s not terrible either we're eventually
5406s going to see the rising Waters come out
5408s yeah
5410s oh wow with the hydis actually that
5412s makes it a perfect play doesn't it oh my
5414s God great
5416s craziness Trump now up against the ropes
5421s again don't worry he's going to get a
5422s couple mirror image taunts again you'll
5425s be fine tasteless you'll be fine but no
5427s I think it's time for that Rising Waters
5429s perhaps maybe even two I I think you
5432s have to like I think there's literally
5434s no other choice right it's seven Mana
5436s you have to get lucky with the Mage
5437s spell otherwise yeah you know you can't
5439s you can't count on that otherwise you're
5441s just going to
5443s die so Trump's going to go well if he
5445s goes with the Ping he can't use the two
5447s Rising Waters because that's going to
5448s put at five Mana so he's going to do two
5452s damage that's going to leave just what a
5455s 33 baneling and a 62 Hydra bringing the
5458s ray out yeah okay takes the takes the
5461s Hydra out all right there you go
5465s hey yeah that was a very diff that way
5467s he approached that with our smooth
5469s brands are like just Rising waves twice
5473s yeah he's a way more I can't rely on I
5476s can't rely on a random Mage spell are
5478s you kidding me it's like a counter spell
5480s oh sick okay yeah that's going to help
5482s me against all the Minions on the board
5484s all right INF Fest R now more one1 oh
5487s we're back on Horizon's Edge oh man
5489s right where the game started might be
5491s where it ends here too armor now gone
5493s for the Mage Trump going to have another
5497s difficult turn here once day9 wraps this
5499s up closing this out with a double three
5501s three ban or sorry Zergling for like no
5503s Mana as well Trump over here with an 11
5507s cost Colossus in his hand maybe the
5509s worst thing it could have drawn for this
5510s turn it's going to give him no
5511s opportunities yeah I think it's time for
5514s Rising Waters number two tast all right
5516s let's
5517s go all right gets another board
5524s clear yeah I think this is probably the
5527s play yeah I like it he gets another
5530s spell here o counter actually that's
5532s pretty good right here you can't you
5533s can't say too much about
5536s that but he's got like dude with the
5539s Horizon's Edge and and you know his
5541s little Rush Minion like he can probably
5544s end up doing something here oh wow okay
5547s I thought he might hang on to that for a
5548s little bit longer
5550s yeah I guess the truth is that his hand
5552s was already so small this sets up really
5554s nicely mhm and now he can just go ahead
5556s and use ravage look at this so low on
5558s health right
5560s now yeah three HP remaining
5564s here the Zerg swarm has been real can
5567s you live through this could yeah was
5569s there an Alex straza heal would that
5571s make sense it's always the worst I
5573s always feel like it's I'm going to lose
5576s the game if I've had to heal without
5578s you're so on the Edge at that point yeah
5579s it's like well this isn't how this whole
5580s game was supposed to go that I us this
5582s to save me
5585s like Trump looking pretty pretty miffed
5589s right
5590s now yeah I don't think he has anything
5593s else really to do it seems like this
5594s deck just had a slow start this game for
5597s sure doesn't try the Alex
5600s straza I can't really deny him on this
5602s honestly yeah well I feel like this is
5605s no matter how you play this out it's not
5606s going to look good mhm so he could
5609s freeze yeah that makes
5613s sense and he opts to just go for damage
5616s to face get rid of the armor so there oh
5620s the taunts again are you kidding me day9
5623s grabbing his head there mirror image for
5625s days
5628s yeah well he does have that carrian
5630s spell
5631s so like I think day n's still going to
5634s just take this down most likely I think
5636s so I got to tell you I really love what
5639s they did with artanis carrian and Jim
5641s rer here yeah I love that good flavor
5644s really strong well you know what you
5645s know what they did is is they did a
5647s great job taking actual units and
5649s putting them in the game but then they
5650s also took the the main characters from
5652s the story too yeah you know and and put
5654s them perfectly in this position where
5656s you know the only mistake in the set is
5658s that tykus isn't in there man the hard
5661s counter to carrian
5664s uh 44 baneling dropped here hydra's are
5666s going to come out oh jeez okay I think
5669s that's it then right well one ta oh my
5672s God it's one HP there's one HP on the
5676s image I can't believe it I I can't even
5680s but I don't know oh that doesn't matter
5683s oh okay never
5685s mind okay good job D9 that means we're
5688s tied up two to two yeah wow you know we
5691s would have gone to game five no matter
5693s what even if one of them was up to you
5695s know 40 but uh this is a great way to
5698s end this um all right guys we're going
5700s to have the deciding match here between
5702s the very much back and forth show match
5705s uh between Day N and Trump uh we'll be
5708s get into that in just a little bit
5709s that's so strong yes uh carrian actually
5711s counters uh my protos hero quite a bit
5714s too the Divine Shield does nothing
5716s against carrian one oh that's right cuz
5718s it pops it and then immediately gattles
5720s through but dude that armor gain I was
5722s so worried that there was just going to
5723s be Colossus coming down and slicing me
5726s up it was so close if I only had one
5730s more Mana than 10 for love and better I
5732s could have cast that Colossus but okay
5735s so that means we're two and two it's
5736s time for a final match it's time for the
5739s Epic PVP protos protos we're doing a PVP
5743s we're doing
5745s PVP and The Crowd Goes Wild
5749s [Music]
5765s [Music]
5773s [Music]
5779s and we are now going to go into the
5781s final game between these two with day9
5783s versus Trump uh again I'm very
5786s pleasantly surprised that this has been
5788s so back and forth it's been so even I
5790s think game four may be a little bit too
5792s short for my liking but everything else
5793s has been pretty epic and now we're going
5795s to go into a protos vers protos these
5797s are the only two Decks that haven't
5798s actually won here tonight so we're going
5800s to have a mirror matchup and they've
5803s both been kind of slow is the thing
5805s right like the protos cards they seem
5807s like they take a really long time to get
5808s out but have a pack a huge punch so
5810s going against each other I mean maybe we
5813s just see a osus first Colossus War I
5816s mean that'll that'll bring back old
5817s memories of Starcraft 2 for
5819s me yeah let's see what happens uh I'm
5822s glad we're going to close this out with
5823s a mere matchup um you know I think a lot
5826s of times when people think of Starcraft
5827s they think of the asymmetric matchups
5829s like Taran versus Ur or protos ver Taran
5831s but truth is that their matchups are
5833s great um and it's going to be fun to see
5835s how these two play it out and who is
5836s actually going to take it because I
5837s think at this point in time it's fair to
5839s say it could be either of these guys now
5841s even though it's mired protos uh first
5843s protos with car it is Druid versus
5846s Mage yeah and looking at this I got to
5848s say not a very impressive hand there for
5851s Trump definitely a little bit better
5852s there for Day N looks like he's maybe
5854s gearing up to get a very quick like
5856s Immortal out maybe something like that
5858s he does have that trail mix in there so
5860s uh we'll see but yeah definitely slow
5863s starts for both the decks yeah so we're
5866s going to have Tai pools uh put out here
5868s tide pools excuse me and what is he
5871s going to get
5874s yeah he's going to go with the
5876s glyph okay so uh day nine here he's got
5881s to play that trail mix I think right
5882s like he's got to be aiming to get maybe
5884s the immortal out maybe artanis out I
5887s think so right like it I it could be
5889s either one I wouldn't even mind like a
5891s very quick artanis here just to keep
5893s that consistent pressure on yeah maybe
5895s that's actually the way to do it uh a
5898s four Mana turn it looks like we're going
5899s to have Chrono boost here just drawing
5901s the um the two protos cards course
5904s getting that Zealot with charge out get
5906s a little bit of control here on the
5908s board um there is a swipe in hand here
5911s from Day
5913s N yeah I think I think though he's
5915s setting up for a big turn here CU with
5917s that coin he can cast something that
5919s cost seven so let's see is it going to
5920s be
5921s artanis it is you called it art there
5924s you go that is a really really quick
5927s artanis and this is going to require a
5930s pretty quick response here from day nine
5932s yeah
5935s so um in this
5937s turn Trump with five Mana
5940s here looks like he's really not sure
5942s what he wants to play he's counting over
5943s almost every card I mean there are a lot
5945s of different combinations you could make
5946s here well you don't want artanis to
5949s start giving everything like Divine
5950s Shield right so maybe maybe you just
5952s have to wipe everything as quickly as
5955s possible not that that's going to feel
5957s very
5960s good just reading and rereading all of
5962s his cards here loves to play Gorgon zoru
5965s earlier
5966s yeah uh so he is going to do a little
5968s bit of damage over there use the um hero
5971s power there just take down that one
5972s Zealot and kind of stabilize in this
5977s position now day9 like the carriers are
5981s down to 10 yeah look he's going to be
5984s able to reduce that a little bit as well
5985s with that Photon Cannon really really
5988s nice man that Divine Shield is really
5990s handy it is I love I love just these
5994s these hero abilities from the Starcraft
5996s Heroes they really do fit you know
5998s protos with SH protos yeah giving Divine
6001s Shield to everything like look at how
6003s tough that Zealot is right now
6005s seriously so at this point in time we're
6007s going to have to see some something here
6009s from trump it seems like he's got a lot
6011s of good cards but doesn't quite know
6013s which way he wants to take this game he
6015s is down to 19 HP he's getting pretty low
6017s yeah it's funny cuz he has all the like
6019s uh cost reduction stuff but all the
6021s expensive protos minions are actually in
6023s day n's hands like they they have what
6025s each other needs basically
6028s exactly the annoying thing is that if
6030s you keep getting a Divine shield on
6032s everything it's just so hard to get
6033s things to remove yeah unless you have
6035s something that like removes everything
6036s no matter what
6040s right so Trump kind of stuck here yeah
6043s he's really trying to figure out the
6044s best way to do
6047s this and it looks like he's going to go
6049s for shield battery okay just dra a
6051s little bit more yeah
6056s so what exactly is he going to go for
6060s here he could he could go with the
6062s freeze that might be one way to play
6063s this out in fact he does decide to go
6065s ahead and go for that now there's two
6067s zero cost cards here in his hand as well
6069s everything you put out it feels like
6071s they're going to get wrecked by the
6073s Zealot you know yeah the the Divine
6075s Shields and
6077s everything all right puts out a warp
6080s gate so if he draws into something like
6082s a carrier that's going to be really
6084s really nice yeah that would be huge Day
6085s N over here oh he does get the construct
6087s additional pylon so he can bring down
6089s with just barely not enough to cast the
6092s carrier but he could get that Immortal
6094s out this turn with the
6096s buff is it going to skip that though
6099s he's going to go with the CH Drake here
6101s instead maybe pocket that Immortal for
6103s just a little bit
6108s later and here we go this is where the
6110s Divine Shields start to stack right and
6112s this is where I feel like a game can
6114s really get out of hand if you get like
6115s maybe one or two more units on the board
6117s with Divine Shield it's so hard to
6118s stabilize you're basically just dropping
6120s Minions on the board and they're trading
6122s them out and over time you're getting no
6123s value
6126s yeah what is the decision
6130s here like it oh man he puts on his own
6133s artanis but it's so
6135s late
6137s yeah and this can be cleared right in
6140s the next turn so yeah you could play the
6141s void Ray as well yeah actually I think
6143s the Vo R is a really smart move yeah I
6145s think you play that void Ray let's
6148s go okay void Ray out all right I think
6151s save the day here kind of yeah still can
6155s take a little bit of damage but I mean
6156s he's gained a lot of armor at least
6159s right so he's going to come through
6161s there and just pop that Divine Shield at
6163s least you know even though you can
6164s always put it back on there at least
6165s you're forcing them to spend mana on
6166s doing that right
6169s yeah and he's actually still got a
6171s pretty reasonable hand but here's what's
6172s going to happen Tess is those carriers
6174s are going to come out and that like the
6177s carriers are just so strong the carriers
6180s are so good yeah I mean they're getting
6182s into cost range here so we've got the
6184s first carrier
6186s dropped Oh's very happy about this look
6190s at that damage and they all go to face
6193s are you serious that's crazy I can't
6197s believe
6198s that dude it's is so unhappy with what's
6201s just happened right now it has to be
6203s Rising Waters time throw your minions
6205s into the carrier I don't know just you
6207s got to you got to start clearing
6211s things yeah I think you're probably
6213s right about that Rising waves just wipe
6216s out all the interceptors start to try to
6218s chip away at the carrier there is a
6220s second carrier in hand right now which
6223s is going to be really handy to just kind
6224s of once the first carrier's wipe just
6226s throw down the next one well that's what
6228s we thought last time and then he lost
6230s because he did it true
6233s so he's gonna freeze a minion and then
6235s summon a copy of it I wow
6238s okay oh that's sick actually yeah I
6241s don't know why I hadn't thought of that
6242s earlier yeah that's actually that's
6244s absolutely the play
6247s yeah oh dude that's so ring waves now
6250s will clear all Rising waves into your
6252s carrier just cleaning everything this is
6254s crazy this is a huge play here okay so
6258s that's going to be almost a per a
6259s complete wipe I think it's going to be a
6261s complete wipe when he finishes the turn
6263s yeah I think so should he have Divine
6266s Shield of that thing first or no I guess
6267s it's better afterwards all right so
6269s Divine Shield's going to
6271s come you just want the carrier to stay
6273s on the board for as long as possible mhm
6276s eventually it will sort everything out
6277s for you that's the True Value right
6279s there I do love the fact that the
6280s interceptors kind of have a mind of
6281s their own you just like in Starcraft
6283s yeah yeah you you can't actually click
6285s on an Interceptor and tell it what to do
6287s in Starcraft it does its own thing you
6290s can kind of Target them but not exactly
6292s I always like this about Starcraft as
6294s well is that the bunker it was the same
6295s thing yeah the bunker just will Target
6297s whatever it wants to Target I thought
6298s that was a nice touch yeah they did fix
6300s that in Starcraft too yeah but
6304s uh man the the carrier really does feel
6307s exactly like that now he puts out the
6309s the Zealot here and okay a couple taunts
6314s okay like those those will take a couple
6316s Interceptor hits if nothing else happens
6318s yeah kind of the ideal Health to have
6320s for something like this with a five it
6322s could absolutely a great damage
6325s sponge look at that Carri though so
6328s beefy at 12 I know it's crazy
6332s man so the void Ray is going to come
6334s down that's going to get the buff and
6337s this is just about trying to chip away
6339s at that carrier get rid of
6343s it and I think Day N probably won't
6345s throw down his own carrier until he's
6347s eliminated this one I think you're
6349s probably right about that well he still
6352s has you know is the Divine Shield and
6353s he's got like a lot going on I love by
6356s the way like look at this interceptors
6357s actually made it through we haven't seen
6358s this yet but now he can actually control
6360s those interceptors yeah
6364s yeah what do you want to do
6367s here summon a copy of a minion man I put
6370s down counter spell yeah counter spell
6372s feels pretty good but he doesn't go with
6374s that
6375s no he just doesn't get this game like
6377s you and
6379s I it's all that casting weed that made
6381s us so much better than
6387s all right so we've got another decision
6389s making moment here uh from Trump what's
6392s he going to go
6394s for yeah I think he's just kind of
6396s calculating he wants to clear as much as
6397s he possibly can at this
6399s point he still hasn't drawn the big
6402s protos minions when he gets those yeah
6404s we're kind of waiting stuff's going to
6405s start exploding like his he's cast a lot
6407s of protos spells hasn't he so like the
6409s cross are going to be quite strong as
6411s well
6414s still seven Mana to spend going to go
6417s with the zero Mana phon Cannon here and
6420s another protos
6426s spell he's going to go and try to just
6428s go into that
6430s taunt going to go with the Divine Shield
6433s just keep this carrier alive as long as
6435s possible face goes right into the taunt
6438s to wipe that
6440s out oh oh nice
6444s that was so smart look at day he's like
6446s oh
6449s okay that is so sick I love that yeah
6453s that was really smart it's like infinite
6455s interceptors forever now yeah it it
6458s could just snowball from here yeah keep
6460s in mind there's counter spell or was it
6461s that's counter spell that's counter
6462s spell counter spell is active right no
6464s no no no it's not counter spell hold
6466s let's take a he didn't cuz we wanted him
6467s to take the
6469s didn't okay yeah
6473s so he's going to have three
6476s carriers you know we always say in
6478s Starcraft it's four carriers where it
6480s gets scary but in honestly in hearstone
6483s one yeah in fact the second one can
6485s barely get interceptors out so I'm not
6488s I'm not sold on even more than one
6489s carrier on the board at a time even
6491s though this looks
6493s cool so we're waiting to see how exactly
6497s Den is going to try to handle this next
6499s move he does have a very affordable
6501s Immortal he's got a seven an a cost
6504s carrier inter available as well true
6508s he's got a lot of spell flexibility on
6510s how he could handle this from
6511s [Music]
6514s here yeah I guess one way to think about
6516s it is even though you know with two
6518s carriers on the board you can never have
6520s all the interceptors they want um to get
6523s you're never going to be stopped from
6524s having interceptors right yeah
6526s yeah I love how they just keep Divine
6529s shielding their carriers too it makes
6532s everything so hard to kill
6534s no okay one time one time
6539s where oh well he got rid of one but then
6542s summon wward comes out wait a minute oh
6544s no he got rid of both so he gets an
6545s intercept off of that oh that's crazy
6549s that is crazy okay so no wonder he was
6551s fist bumping like what are you excited
6554s about so um now it's going to be Day N
6557s in the position where he's got the
6559s carriers he can uh kind of try to Ride
6562s This Out as long as he possibly can
6565s again swipe available
6567s um you could clear this out very easily
6570s with one cost uh
6574s interceptors okay dream plan are going
6576s to come out
6577s and well I'm I'm looking at this right
6579s you still have to be pretty darn careful
6582s here like both of them are not at super
6584s high Health at the moment wow twisty
6586s nether here that's crazy yeah especially
6590s if he plays Immortal next turn cuz day9
6592s is basically played almost all of his
6594s big cards yeah he's he's going to be out
6596s of big minion cards pretty soon here and
6598s there's pretty much nothing you can do
6599s after that the thing is this is how he
6601s plays Hearthstone so like there's
6603s not you know like that that's just kind
6606s some 36 cost minions oh he waited on
6608s that cheese a long time very good but um
6611s you know that's like if he plays that
6613s Immortal and then twisting nether comes
6615s out I don't know that there's any way
6617s from to really win he just has to go
6618s back into making a you know Divine
6620s shields on whatever he can
6623s yeah I think you're probably right about
6625s that and I think basically Trump's going
6627s to hang on to that twisty nether as long
6629s as possible that was like the ideal card
6631s to try to draw specifically against the
6634s deck that he's fighting
6637s yeah probably a Divine Shield coming
6639s down as well I would guess goes for the
6645s glyph TR probably going to use this GFF
6647s try to see what he can figure out
6650s Blizzard's
6651s pretty uh nice summing could be a good
6654s one as well but he goes with the
6655s blizzard I guess that makes sense
6658s between the lightning and the blizzard I
6660s mean you just got a lot of ways to
6661s completely wipe the board out I feel
6663s likeing the blizzard the twisting nether
6665s like he's got so much clear here it's
6667s crazy yeah I the more I look at this I'm
6669s like man the removal that the Trump has
6671s is kind of
6673s crazy we have a lot of spell damage over
6676s here uh so that would help the swipe a
6678s lot right yeah look at that going to go
6680s ahead and swipe swipe to face for six
6684s and that's going to clear a bit and with
6687s his interceptors coming out uhoh
6689s tasteless oh man I think oh my God and
6691s Trump's only 6 hp day n's going to be
6694s the
6695s winner oh my God he's going to be
6697s insufferable at dinner tonight he is
6699s going to be insufferable me and Trump
6701s are going back to the
6703s hotel that was a great series uh you
6707s know that twisty NE we never got to use
6708s it we were saying like a minute ago like
6710s oh wow Trump's got this but no great
6712s play there from A9 he wins it he is your
6717s Hearthstone starcast what world champion
6721s world
6722s champion of these two players that we
6725s brought here today yeah this was fun
6727s shout outs to Blizzard for putting uh
6729s Starcraft and Hearthstone I think they
6730s really killed it with how they
6732s implemented the units in the game as
6734s someone who lives eats and breeds
6736s Starcraft I can really see the work they
6739s put in in how each uh unit plays out the
6742s the flavor is Immaculate truly and I
6744s think you got to see that in these games
6746s as well yeah woo protos wins I was
6749s supposed
6751s to we are concluding the five game show
6755s match series between Trump and Day N uh
6759s Day N is our Victor it was a real back
6761s and forth congratulations Sean how was
6764s your experience uh playing in this show
6765s match well
6767s honestly I didn't even realize I was
6769s down one two because it was just so fun
6773s all the interactions like honestly
6775s especially the Zerg style decks where
6777s all the Zerg cards really depend on what
6779s the other Zerg creatures are doing on
6781s the battlefield and every time I thought
6783s that I was about to lose then I'd play
6784s krian and krian is so good like that is
6788s the very first thing I'm doing when it
6790s goes live Trump how about you how was
6792s your experience playing well at least
6794s I'm glad that Taran is still number one
6797s Teran was amazing I love building all
6799s those spaceships starships and then uh
6801s constructing one and then uh another and
6803s then using Rainer to summon another
6804s three would have summoned three if there
6806s was space that was incredible I don't
6808s understand how I lost given that I
6809s summoned two Colossus and summon two
6812s carriers I don't know how that's
6815s possible uh but I guess this is what it
6817s takes to be a champ I mean as it turns
6819s out like in Starcraft 1 and in Starcraft
6822s 2 and now in the Hearthstone Starcraft
6825s expansion Taran is by far the strongest
6827s and that's really great news how dare
6829s you really fing over here oh my gosh I
6832s know I really know how to dig deep I I
6834s do want to give you uh an idea here
6837s Trump about your future now as someone
6839s who's joined the I've lost to Day N and
6841s I don't know how it happened club uh if
6844s you do want revenge get it right away
6846s because he'll move on and that'll be it
6849s the window will
6850s close very good all right you and me
6854s again yeah I guess we'll go we'll start
6856s punching each other at dinner
6858s later um now we got to watch you guys
6861s sit through there and play all those
6863s games and uh it looked kind of fun it
6866s looked like uh something I would enjoy
6868s and I thought our toses would enjoy too
6870s are you perhaps setting up the next
6873s thing that's going to happen I I am so
6876s setting up the next thing that's going
6877s to Happ day right now this is the actual
6880s match here that was the appetizer this
6882s is the main course osis and me and we
6885s don't need five games we need best one
6887s tan vers protos if I beat osis I will
6891s now be renamed as the 2013 BlizzCon
6894s Champion that's on the line right here
6896s right now best of one uh and it will be
6898s casted by day n and Trump enjoy
6907s [Music]
6933s oh the pressure is off and it's time for
6936s us to stop being players and become
6939s commentators I'm Day N I'm joined by
6940s Trump SC hello hello good to join you we
6945s get to watch the former casters be
6948s casted man look at that look at that set
6951s is that we we look we must look look
6954s great in our games that's awesome I
6956s probably looked a bit agonized at
6959s sometimes agonized at losing with these
6962s awesome protos cards somehow uh we've
6965s got artosis showing his awesome tan Mo
6968s again uh you can play Paladin with Taran
6971s and that looks like a really good
6973s starting hand yeah no for for those of
6974s you that don't know uh tasteless and
6976s artosis AKA Nick and Dan uh stream all
6980s the time on Twitch and our star craft
6983s one primarily streamers and artosis
6986s plays Taran on stream tasteless plays
6988s protos on stream so we have the matchup
6992s that embodies who they are as people in
6994s particular artosis hates protos players
6997s more more than anything under the sun
7000s that's great it looks like he's got the
7001s advantage to take out tasteless here
7003s because he's got um I think the general
7006s idea of this Paladin deck is it
7008s someone's a bunch of guys a bunch of
7010s tokens you can see the muster the
7012s liftoff the uh the left Starship piece
7015s those are going to form starships and be
7018s awesome and tastless uh has a deck
7022s similar to a freet toplay mage a lot of
7026s AOE which is good um but both of these
7029s decks can be built using just the mini
7032s set purchase as well as some other free
7034s cards yeah I'm really interested in the
7036s way that uh Teran is playing out in all
7038s the varying classes obviously having
7041s swarmy token based Paladin decks has
7043s always been a staple of Paladin gameplay
7046s and the Starship in the Great Dark
7047s Beyond almost every list is running the
7050s Starship as a single big late game Power
7053s move maybe stacking arcanite defense
7055s crystals to get 150 armor and eventually
7058s win with anything yeah but I love that
7061s the new tan mechanics discount the cost
7064s of launching Starships so you want to
7065s launch them more and more and more and
7067s more and there's tons of go wide
7070s benefits and Buffs and I'm really sort
7071s of curious cuz you you got the chance to
7073s look at this tan Paladin list are there
7076s any like big key cards or big key plays
7079s that you're looking for it's probably
7080s about to come up uh artosis has that
7083s Ultra capacitor on the left and that is
7086s uniquely a Starship piece which has
7089s really good stats by itself um that is
7092s already a two Mana 3 three just based on
7095s what's on the board but he can do even
7096s better uh he's got the chance to play
7098s that um card that rewards you for
7101s building a Starship good Yeti uhry
7104s welder yeah did you enjoy that turn four
7107s double Yeti I played against you I mean
7109s there there's one of those things where
7110s as a player I appreciated it but as
7112s someone who was like on camera I was
7114s like oh no I'm going to look so dumb and
7116s bad if I lose fortunately our games
7118s turned out to be pretty sweet artosis
7120s going for the long game someone's a guy
7122s instead of a yeti cool uh and that
7125s Starship piece two Mana 55 incredible oh
7128s and look eating five damage to the face
7130s look Dan is working with me
7133s to bring Dan's life lower fortunately
7135s though tasteless has a card that will
7136s perfectly deal with that yeah that's so
7139s many of these cards which get a random
7141s protos or get a random tan or get a
7143s random Zerg they really reward uh you
7146s playing with a good amount of these
7147s cards so I think this mini set is going
7149s to have a lot of synergy with each other
7152s as I noticed when you were playing Zer
7155s oh it feels so good so so I I actually I
7159s selfishly only looked at my own decks
7161s because I'm maniac and I care only about
7164s my chances of Victory so I have not
7166s looked at the tasteless protos list I
7167s mean obviously we see a bunch of AOE in
7169s the hand we saw a flame strike in the
7171s Mulligan and I got the chance to get
7173s slapped by your Colossus multiple times
7175s in our games both on and off camera
7178s what's the sort of overall Arc of the
7179s tasteless list Tess's list has just the
7184s general um it's a general list deck the
7187s protos are Mage protos every flavor of
7190s protos is a bit different uh but but
7192s protos in general uh like to Discount
7195s their protos cards uh both spells and
7197s minions with Mage protos being a little
7199s bit more emphasis on discounting the
7202s Mage spells so he's got a bunch of
7204s spells he's got some minions and they're
7206s just generally efficient cards it
7208s reminds me a lot of a generalist good
7211s freeo play Mage way stronger than my old
7214s freeo play Mage yeah I mean like I
7218s remember when babbling book was a mere
7219s one one for one now it's a one two
7222s things really spiraled out of control
7224s yes that three Mana card uh three Mana
7227s protos card have deal five damage back
7229s in my that used to be three Mana deal
7231s four in Shadow bolt but now you get to
7232s deal five and you get a protos card
7235s that's
7236s incredible now I I actually don't know
7238s the interaction here of the Crusader
7239s Aura cuz it says the leftmost minion uh
7242s gets you know plus two plus one but I
7245s friendly minion attacks oh it's a
7247s friendly oh my gosh I was confusing with
7249s the other Aura oh my God amazing yes so
7253s strong in this deck it's going to be um
7255s General goal of the Paladin deck just
7257s just land anything and then have the
7259s aura go um and with the with that
7263s Starship piece which gets plus one plus
7265s one for each minion on the play gross uh
7268s yeah it gets gets real big when you
7270s build that Starship also like you might
7272s just build it now because you're already
7274s getting plus five plus five on it uh
7277s since that effects effect triggers again
7281s when the Starship is summoned yeah know
7283s I mean even looking at tesa's hand he
7285s does have the double blizzard there
7287s there's always the question of okay how
7289s do I want to be yeah know this is
7290s terrific being able to get the bonus
7292s armor that one three creature says
7294s whenever you cast a spell y gain armor
7296s equal to the Mana cost so just a good
7298s defensive play but you know to hearken
7301s back to the early days when we played
7303s Hearthstone you know having like two to
7306s four sweepers you're set you're never
7309s going to need to worry about someone
7310s going wide but yeah tasteless has those
7312s two sweers the blizzard he's got another
7313s blizzard followup oh my gosh but is it
7316s enough this like in general in modern
7320s harstone it's way easier to refill the
7322s board but playing against you earlier
7325s the Teran lists are insane I mean you
7327s launch a Starship it's summoning the
7329s Marines you have all these cards that
7331s wind up letting you I mean obviously the
7333s xodar being able to crew transport and
7335s refill your entire hand with inexpensive
7337s pieces but then also the other
7340s reflood effects Rainer popping down
7343s look at that value that's so gross that
7346s value what he can play another Ultra
7348s kacor right now that that seems pretty
7351s good and this this is literally what I
7353s was just talking about look next turn
7354s Nick can just go blizzard yeah and
7357s that'll be cute and okay the entire
7360s board good news for Nick he he runs he
7362s runs flame strike in that deck good old
7364s blizzard and Flame
7366s strike he's going to go with the calicos
7369s yeah yep maybe he gets the flame strike
7372s o oh infinitize the maxit toe that is
7375s some value yeah I mean I I he's going to
7378s need that much value yeah infinitize
7380s feels like the pick because I mean
7384s honestly when I was playing against you
7386s it was the Teran deck that I found the
7388s most difficult to play against and when
7390s I was playing as tan that was the most
7392s consistently terrifying I mean I think
7394s you have to go blizzard here because of
7395s course it's good it's going to prevent
7397s any damage from kicking in and you can
7399s also that warp gate location you can
7401s just keep stacking in Plus or stacking
7403s the minus three cost minus three minus
7405s three and eventually get like you know
7406s free carrier from just a single warp
7408s gate yeah um should Pat into Starcraft
7411s too in this case for mage he could um
7414s and that's what I was trying to do too I
7416s just keep using it when you draw the
7418s Colossus it'll eventually cost zero
7421s ideally uh I'm not sure if that deck is
7423s running Colossus
7425s unfortunately what Colossus is a really
7428s good win condition I mean not only is it
7430s a useful sweeper but you nearly
7433s annihilated me if it were not for some
7435s late game armor gain
7438s mhm tasteless is out of area of effect
7442s um he can still discover a few can draw
7444s a few but Osa just keeps on
7447s coming yeah I mean this it's so funny
7451s look at Dan's expression look at osa's
7453s expression he's just he has too many
7454s options he's trying to figure out any of
7457s the right lines when frankly I feel like
7459s there's like 10 different completely
7461s acceptable completely reasonable lines
7464s this was such a nasty play wow that was
7466s a huge Starship payoff um that just made
7469s all those small minions God
7472s yeah and he he was able to take out
7475s calos with just a few one Mana cards and
7477s he's going to play another
7479s SCV I love that the SCV sounds
7482s overpowered right now he's what he's
7484s going to run out an
7487s SCV oh man and if Tess clears this board
7491s that next Starship is going to be so
7494s strong artosis is so happy with himself
7496s he's having a great
7497s time or tasteless do any of these cards
7501s even deal with half of these minions I
7504s mean it's tough when protos is the most
7507s skill intensive race of all the three in
7510s Starcraft digging through oh that
7514s doesn't look like much help I mean the
7517s the charge lot will be able to pick off
7519s the 103 Starship good start um minia
7522s frostbolt to pick off the 73 but you
7524s know maybe we should save a freeze
7526s effect to lock down the
7527s exodar yep that's the classic
7530s combination you got the discounted void
7532s Ray you get a 53 for uh effectively zero
7535s very nice so this is going to be able to
7537s clear off 17 plus damage from the board
7541s yeah yeah you can void Ray straight into
7543s the exodar and then ping it to pick it
7545s off and then the charge lot and the
7546s frost bolt can eliminate the other two
7548s larger minions but he's got a four4 25
7550s damage off the table nice
7553s you still have seven damage it's going
7555s to be going straight to the Dome and
7557s immediately you can launch the Starship
7558s and let's not forget Crusader Aura is
7561s right there I mean Salvage the bunker
7563s it's going to let you go wide and refill
7565s again oh my gosh I mean the these these
7568s Teran Starship lists are
7571s insane they're real good um at least
7574s tesis was able to play those strong
7577s protos cards where he some for four you
7580s got a three four and the protos card
7583s that's that's show strong back in
7585s Witchwood you got a three Mana 33 Rush
7589s uh so in gvg back before I needed to
7592s take Centrum Silver before my
7594s Hearthstone games yeah I mean
7598s the it's so it's so amazing to me
7601s honestly that frostbolt is just still a
7605s solid scary card oh this is an
7607s interesting line that tesus takes where
7611s I was just Keen to yep I might lose my
7614s entire board but I really want to
7615s eliminate those large threats so now
7617s yeah there's 12 damage on the board
7618s instead of seven damage on the board
7620s yeah he gets a bit more Mana in return
7623s he's trying to figure out how to cast
7626s infinitize the infinitize for an odd
7630s number that's unfortunately not possible
7632s yeah he's got to discover as many cards
7635s as he can another liftoff okay okay
7638s video game yeah Medevac coming down is
7642s launch it summons two two two marines
7644s with taunt yeah how strong is this
7646s Starship right now a 53 when launch
7649s deals two damage till wow I mean it it's
7653s gets buffed equal to the number of
7656s Minions on the
7657s board you know I'm glad you weren't
7660s running this Paladin deck oh my gosh
7662s this is this is brutal this is ow oh my
7667s I mean this is
7670s gross I mean at this point I think you
7672s just have to YOLO infinitize out hey
7675s well there's a flame strike there we go
7677s it's it's almost enough to kill these
7679s Starships I mean how how do you pull
7681s this one off I
7683s mean I mean what even is the line I'm no
7686s longer even looking at artosis cards
7688s like this is all about trying to solve
7690s it listen that's my brother there for
7691s those of you that didn't know I'm
7692s rooting for tasteless absolute nepotism
7695s kicking into high gear here well surely
7697s you're going to have to play Both Of The
7698s Shield uh charges first shield batteries
7702s rather so sh battery two Mana you can
7706s gain 12 armor and make the next protos
7709s spell cast less um unfortunately no real
7713s protos spells here that are going to be
7715s useful oh yeah this is like you know we
7718s were joking about no wrong lines for
7721s artosis there's almost no right lines
7723s for tesas here yeah so many big cards so
7726s fast look
7729s at let me let me try to figure out what
7731s tast this is saying here that's not fair
7734s artosis is like yep outskilled yeah no
7738s Dan is absolutely giving himself full
7740s credit for this upcoming
7743s win man I mean I guess pick off and is
7747s that yeah I mean you can cast that and
7749s then you can go Shield battery and
7750s shield battery is that right oh he
7752s missed it that would have been good oh
7754s he would have been able to stay alive
7755s that would have been good well I mean he
7757s would have been able to stay alive for
7758s one turn and then just be trying to
7760s discover his way out of the pickle you
7762s know he almost ran Dan out of cards
7764s though this this is this is a real this
7767s is a real adult move to just play out
7768s your entire hand give Nick another turn
7771s come on just end the Turn end the turn
7774s let's let's come on just end the turn
7776s artosis all right let's can we can we
7778s cheat at least a little bit oh man I
7781s mean God the
7784s refills on the Teran Starship list are
7788s incredible yep but almost ran them out
7791s Nick expression is the exact same as my
7793s internal expression I mean we we we have
7795s five games that were recorded and a few
7797s more that were off stream this set begs
7800s a lot of ideas especially with you being
7802s able to have the tan cards among
7804s multiple classes and the protos cards
7806s among multiple classes yeah a ton of
7807s internal Synergy and each class is going
7809s to play it a bit differently I like how
7810s we got to see this Paladin version of
7812s tan which rewards uh not just building a
7815s lot of Starships but rewards having a
7817s bunch of tokens so that your Starship
7818s pieces go off of your uh many board
7821s pieces you are goated
7824s osis I never got any minions nothing
7827s ever came to my
7828s hand this is wrong it is a weak man who
7831s blames the
7832s [Laughter]
7833s deck you have to take responsibility for
7836s your losses St this is fun though I like
7838s doing this this is better than casting
7840s oh yeah casting is for the let's trick
7842s those guys into casting next time we
7843s just do this the whole time good game
7845s tasteless I hope this loss doesn't feed
7848s too much into your impostor syndrome I
7850s hope that we can continue to ass
7852s together I hate you we're actually
7855s fighting right now like this might be
7856s the last time we ever worked together I
7858s keep I had no good uh cards should have
7862s in I did mull in not correctly
7865s apparently tasteless I hate this GG
7868s osis uh Honestly though this was a lot
7871s of fun um excellent commentary guys uh
7874s any closing thoughts before we wrap this
7876s all up I I think you had no winning
7879s lines like that deck was out of control
7882s oh my God yeah it's only as good as the
7885s pilot my
7886s friend you know it's it's going to be a
7889s great set I'm glad you played Taran to
7891s finish it off Taran is overpowered let's
7895s go still have my main Zerg right here
7897s just nearby we got the Proto symbol I'm
7899s holding this but now that I'm holding it
7901s I'm like I don't know which way is up or
7903s not you know I maybe like a guy that's
7905s like pretending to read a book but it's
7907s upside out so I think this is how you
7908s hold the protos symbol ight um guys go
7913s check out the new Starcraft cards in
7915s Hearthstone it's awesome we really
7917s appreciate them showing love to our game
7920s uh I love the uniqueness that each of
7922s the cards has and how it really does
7924s play into the way that the races play in
7926s Starcraft 1 and two and um I guess I
7929s guess that's it thank you for joining us
7931s guys we'll see you in another cast in
7933s some other game I don't know bye-bye
7938s [Music]
7954s [Applause]
7992s [Music]
8006s [Music]
8023s [Music]
8044s [Music]
8092s [Music]
8114s [Music]
8132s Yay good job